Inner Sphere Outcast

Monitors have the fundamental issue of tactical FTL use.

Yes, exactly. The choice here is strategic. Build more ships with comparable firepower, or fewer, but strategically and tactically mobile.

If they go to meet an incoming fleet at say, Mars, but then the enemy jumps to Luna, then they are left completely out of position. And that's the best case. Any attempt to defend Jupiter or Saturn or whatever is pointless because the entire area can be jumped around.

But you can keep monitor fleet in each of these locations (because you can build more with the same budget)... In general they are more suitable for garrison service in cases where it is necessary to defend only one gravity well. It's better than keeping a WarShip there. Especially if early warning system will work as intended. WarShips can be used more effectively as part of IQRF.
Or, alternatively, we can use a mixed force of monitors and WarShips. A sort of compromise between flexibility and number of garrisons.

Custom designs are encouraged, yes. And you very much can copy peer designs. Though in such a close copy I'd probably give them some unique quirks or whatever, or maybe make a small tweak to adjust for specific limitations or specialities.

Rejoice Striker, we making you Awesome! Or does he look more like a Thug to you guys?
In any case, in terms of 'Mech components (post-Helm), there are a couple that can be considered low-hanging fruit (MML, light engine, armored components, etc). Will we have a chance to get any of them before the first succession war starts?
And as I understand it, we will receive C3(i?) and drone 'Mechs simply as a result of our сybernetics programs?
And how are you going to evaluate mechs anyway? Players tend to optimize them for single encounters. But, let say, ammunition should be loaded in larger quantities for prolonged combat operations. We are a kind of high-tech faction. But if we use a lot of high-tech components, then it will be difficult to handle their attrition during wartime. And so on and so on...
It would be nice to have some clarity on all this before we get to design.
Yes, exactly. The choice here is strategic. Build more ships with comparable firepower, or fewer, but strategically and tactically mobile.

But you can keep monitor fleet in each of these locations (because you can build more with the same budget)... In general they are more suitable for garrison service in cases where it is necessary to defend only one gravity well. It's better than keeping a WarShip there. Especially if early warning system will work as intended. WarShips can be used more effectively as part of IQRF.
Or, alternatively, we can use a mixed force of monitors and WarShips. A sort of compromise between flexibility and number of garrisons.

The problem is that Monitors are literally competing with planetary ASF. Monitors are cheaper than Warships, yes, but not enough to make up for their lack of mobility that puts them up against much cheaper options.

The most useful angle for Monitors is the smaller sizes and carrying ASF themselves to extend planetary defense ranges, but those are both done much better by your current Pocket Warship and Primitive Warship programs.

Rejoice Striker, we making you Awesome! Or does he look more like a Thug to you guys?
In any case, in terms of 'Mech components (post-Helm), there are a couple that can be considered low-hanging fruit (MML, light engine, armored components, etc). Will we have a chance to get any of them before the first succession war starts?
And as I understand it, we will receive C3(i?) and drone 'Mechs simply as a result of our сybernetics programs?
And how are you going to evaluate mechs anyway? Players tend to optimize them for single encounters. But, let say, ammunition should be loaded in larger quantities for prolonged combat operations. We are a kind of high-tech faction. But if we use a lot of high-tech components, then it will be difficult to handle their attrition during wartime. And so on and so on...
It would be nice to have some clarity on all this before we get to design.

Drone Mechs yes. C3 type will also be decided in a future ground development turn, yes. Tech advancements can also be made.

Units will be evaluated based on the conditions they find themselves in. Building units that overheat a lot will go poorly if you fight on a volcanic planet. Building cool units will go poorly if you fight on an ice world. High ammo units will be pointless in skirmishes and good in protracted industrial warfare, ect...

Which means, yes, there is not necessarily any single design that is 'perfect'.
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The problem is that Monitors are literally competing with planetary ASF. Monitors are cheaper than Warships, yes, but not enough to make up for their lack of mobility that puts them up against much cheaper options.

Ok, I assumed there would be some value in having capital grade weapon in engagement.

Drone Mechs yes. C3 type will also be decided in a future ground development turn, yes. Tech advancements can also be made.

Hm... It will be quite funny to combine RetroTech and SRCS.

Which means, yes, there is not necessarily any single design that is 'perfect'.

It goes without saying, but I was looking at the problem from angel of economics, production capacity and strategy. I'm more concerned that we might miss something and that mechs we develop will lead to problems at this level.
Zone of Control
[X] Plan: Riders on the Storm
-[X] SubPlan: Is it shortest path problem?
-[X] SubPlan: Tempest in a teapot
-[X] SubPlan: Kearny's Bell
-[X] SubPlan: Turmoil

[] SubPlan: Is it shortest path problem?
-[] Dispatch several task forces built around M-11.
--[] They must plot their route according to a priority list, but may act opportunistic if deemed necessary.
-[] Dispatch several smaller mobile task forces or individual ships.
--[] They will be used to optimize the M-11 route
---[] They will leave assets they have collected along the route of the larger task force.
---[] Or they will rush to a remote locations and will operate there.
----[] Depending on situation, they must either establish a forward operating base (and transport assets there) or swing between points of interest, waiting for the M-11.
-[] Use Black Boxes and relay ships (JumpShip + black box) for coordination.
-[] Use suitable JumpShips to reduce number of WarShips sent on the expedition or to increase load capacity of task force.

[] SubPlan: Kearny's Bell
-[] Prioritize station and drone deployment in systems of strategic importance, with particular attention to ship, AI and electronics production capacity.
-[] Gather a significant portion of your forces into Internal Quick-Reaction Fleets (IQRF).
--[] Prioritize fleets facing FWL, FedSuns and Draconis.
-[] Distribute remaining ships wisely between joint border systems and strategic locations.
-[] Early Warning System
--[] Deploy a network of early warning stealth satellites equipped with Black Boxes, neutrino detectors and other passive sensors.
--[] Use boxes to coordinate and alert ships while they are off HPG network.
--[] Use boxes sparingly and only in emergency situations to prevent "contamination" of hyperspace.

Staging Areas
Zebebelgenubi: 16xM-5 Caspar, 2xRiga II Destroyer, M-5i Caspar, M-5C Caspar, M-9 Battlestation
Mizar: 16xM-5 Caspar, Lola I Destroyer, M-5i Caspar, M-5C Caspar, M-9 Battlestation
Dieudonne: 32xM-5 Caspar, 3xEssex I Destroyer, M-5i Caspar, M-5C Caspar, M-9 Battlestation
Tyrfing: 16xM-5 Caspar, M-5i Caspar, M-5C Caspar, M-9 Battlestation
Hsien: 16xM-5 Caspar, 2xRiga I Frigate, M-5i Caspar, M-5C Caspar, M-9 Battlestation
Slocum: 16xM-5 Caspar, 2xRiga I Frigate, M-5i Caspar, M-5C Caspar, M-9 Battlestation
Elbar: 32xM-5 Caspar, 2xRiga I Frigate, M-5i Caspar, M-5C Caspar, M-9 Battlestation
Ozawa: 32xM-5 Caspar, M-5i Caspar, M-5C Caspar, M-9 Battlestation
Northwind: 16xM-5 Caspar, M-5i Caspar, M-5C Caspar, M-9 Battlestation
Lone Star: 32xM-5 Caspar, M-5i Caspar, M-5C Caspar, 2xM-9 Battlestation

Sol - SLDF Naval Garrison, 16xM-5 Caspar, Stefan Amaris Battleship, 4xCarrack Military Transport, 3xRoyalty Q-Ship, 2xPinto Corvette, Tracker Surveillance Vessel, M-5i Caspar, M-5C Caspar, M-11 Yardship, 33xM-9 Battlestation (Titan Yards Drone Refit Line)

Nirasaki: 32xM-5 Caspar, 2xMonsoon Battleship, Sovetskii Soyuz Heavy Cruiser, Aegis Heavy Cruiser, Dart Light Cruiser, Carson Destroyer, M-11 Yardship, M-5i Caspar, 2xM-5C Caspar, 2xM-9 Battlestation

Strategic Systems
(Shipyard, Founder) Dieron: 2xM-5 Caspar, M-5C Caspar, 2xM-9 Battlestation
(Shipyard, Founder) Yorii: 2xM-5 Caspar, M-5C Caspar, 2xM-9 Battlestation
(Shipyard, Founder) Altair: 2xM-5 Caspar, M-5C Caspar, 2xM-9 Battlestation
(Shipyard, Founder) Inglesmond: 2xM-5 Caspar, M-5C Caspar, 2xM-9 Battlestation
(Founder) Zollikofen: 2xM-5 Caspar, M-5C Caspar, 2xM-9 Battlestation
(Founder, University) Lambrecht: 2xM-5 Caspar, M-5C Caspar, 2xM-9 Battlestation
(Habitat Swarm, Founder) Al Na'ir: 2xKigamure Pursuit Cruiser, 10xM-5 Caspar, M-5C Caspar, 5xM-7 SDS Control Station
(Founder, Research, Refugee Destination) Murchison: 2xM-5 Caspar, M-5C Caspar, M-4 Drone, M-8 SDS Control Station
(Founder) Nusakan: 2xM-5 Caspar, M-5C Caspar, M-9 Battlestation
(Founder, University) Caph: 2xM-5 Caspar, M-5C Caspar, M-9 Battlestation
(Founder) Fomalhaut: 2xM-5 Caspar, M-5C Caspar, M-9 Battlestation
Interference Expedition:
-M-11 Yardship

Relief Expedition:
-M-11 Yardship
-Sovetskii Soyuz Heavy Cruiser
-Potemkin Troop Cruiser
-8xCarrack Military Transport

Reunion Expedition:
-M-11 Yardship
-M-6 Drone

Here's a map of the current situation. All systems except one can be reached from 12 fleet base systems, with the single-jump routes in green. Only Zion isn't available to reach quickly so it has a red line. The systems crossed out with a red X are depopulated enough to be undergoing evacuation rather than rebuilding. Cartago is mistakenly labeled as Fed Suns but in the canon map and in this game currently shouldn't be, so I marked it with blue since you control it.

I like how Nirisaki just randomly ended up a good location for a capital, despite being on the list of options for completely unrelated reasons. A list of the new garrison distribution and upcoming expedition fleets is attached.

I'll keep working on the next turn proper, this is just the first step.
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Here's a map of the current situation. All systems except one can be reached from 12 fleet base systems, with the single-jump routes in green.

Looks good. This is a well-thought-out arrangement of fleets. It will be interesting to see how our defense will perform in action.

I like how Nirisaki just randomly ended up a good location for a capital, despite being on the list of options for completely unrelated reasons. A list of the new garrison distribution and upcoming expedition fleets is attached.

Why one expedition is called Reunion is obvious... But the designations of others are shrouded in mystery. I guess we'll find out.
And how many ASFs do we plan to have in the garrisons?
It's the ground bases that are short on ASF.

Mars - Shipyard/Vehicles - Destroyed Yards, only planetside parts production
-Wangker Aerospace HQ: Tomahawk Light Aerospace Fighter

It's strange that these guys haven't switched to VoidSeeker production. Or do strategic assets show the state of affairs at the time of TEC inception? And all those changes that we bring will kind of, for lack of a better word, retroactively affect assets?
It's strange that these guys haven't switched to VoidSeeker production. Or do strategic assets show the state of affairs at the time of TEC inception? And all those changes that we bring will kind of, for lack of a better word, retroactively affect assets?

I haven't changed those lists yet. They'd be producing their maximum amount until switching production to the new designs, which means Voidseekers would start trickling in from new sources right about... now.
Expeditionary Forces
[X] Plan: Riders on the Storm
-[X] SubPlan: Is it shortest path problem?
-[X] SubPlan: Tempest in a teapot
-[X] SubPlan: Kearny's Bell
-[X] SubPlan: Turmoil

[] SubPlan: Is it shortest path problem?
-[] Dispatch several task forces built around M-11.
--[] They must plot their route according to a priority list, but may act opportunistic if deemed necessary.
-[] Dispatch several smaller mobile task forces or individual ships.
--[] They will be used to optimize the M-11 route
---[] They will leave assets they have collected along the route of the larger task force.
---[] Or they will rush to a remote locations and will operate there.
----[] Depending on situation, they must either establish a forward operating base (and transport assets there) or swing between points of interest, waiting for the M-11.
-[] Use Black Boxes and relay ships (JumpShip + black box) for coordination.
-[] Use suitable JumpShips to reduce number of WarShips sent on the expedition or to increase load capacity of task force.

[] SubPlan: Tempest in a teapot
-[] Sell or leak information about the WMD storage facility to all parties interested.
-[] If possible, secretly visit facility in advance.
--[] Try to access storage.
---[] If successful, rearm the defense systems using stored weapons and take as many samples and nuclear weapons as the small expedition can carry.
---[] If this fails, try to lock the AI into "non-cooperative mode".
-[] Enjoy.

[] SubPlan: Turmoil
-[] Dispatch part of Draconis IQRF to Halstead Station to scare of DC fleet.
--[] Temporarily strengthen this direction by drawing forces away from other IQRFs.
-[] Reveal location of undercover chemical weapons production facility to CC in order to strengthen ties and goodwill that already exists between two states.
--[] Extract flora samples and data in advance. And get rid of any traces that could shed light on the production technology of this chemical.
-[] Use SLIC assets and special operations forces to infiltrate Hesperus research facility and copy/destroy data.
--[] Leak information to FWL and use them as cover for this operation if necessary.
-[] Send a JumpShip with several DropShips for a covert operation on Robinson.
--[] At the very least, all data should be purged. Copying of intelligence data and seizure of materials is permitted only if there is no threat of compromising facility.

Mission Maps
-[] A hidden SLDF research outpost in Draconis Combine space (Thestria)
-[] The small Rim Worlds Republic world of Rosetta has been spared by DeChavilier from bombardment. Not out of mercy, but because there is an old Star League cache of top-secret Headhunter missiles buried under local volcanic activity. The Headhunter missile project has long since faded into obscurity, and DeChavilier doesn't care to waste time digging them up, but if the TEC is interested, the option is open.

-[] An automated ground vehicle project in the Taurian Concordat, from files found at Interstellar Business Computers (Artru)
-[] A terraforming and construction mission on a sparsely-inhabited frozen Taurian Concordat world (Axylus/Alloway)
-[] A large research outpost in an otherwise uninhabited Magistracy of Canopus system (Project Libra Umbrella/Skyfog)
-[] Drone Germanium mining ships and space habitats operating them from a distance behind thick solar shades in the Magistracy of Canopus (Eagle Rest)
-[] A waste dump and Chemical Weapons facility in the Deep Periphery that scouts failed to report back from (Midden)
-[] Two terraforming and research projects marked as destroyed by unknown pirate attacks in the Deep Periphery (Mcevedy's Folly, Frobisher)
-[] A weather-control project damaged at the start of the Periphery Uprising a few years ago and with little population in the Magistracy of Canopus (Schmitt)
-[] A small mining research outpost in the unclaimed Periphery (Helios)

-[] An automated and unmanned terraforming experiment in the Deep Periphery (Mauna Loa)
-[] A long-term observation and research colony in the Deep Periphery (Shady Palms)
-[] A pair of incomplete moon Terraforming efforts in a single Federated Suns system (Altoona)
-[] The hub of terraforming efforts for the newly colonized and poorly developed outer half of the Outworlds Alliance (Baliggora)
-[] A space station running agricultural experiments in barely-inhabited Outworlds Alliance space (Thazi)
-[] An array of automated satellites around an uninhabited but habitable planet to study nautral evolution (Rover)
-[] A ship maintenance yard and supply depot in an empty Outworlds Alliance system (Linden)
-[] An LBRIA observatory and recharge station on the edge of inhabited space in the Deep Periphery (Rest Stop)
-[] Elysium (Uncharted)
-[] WMD Stockpile (Uncharted)
-[] A combined long-distance outpost and atmospheric regeneration terraforming experiment in the Deep Periphery (St. Jean)

The extreme distance of St. Jean from the TEC, almost double the entire length of the Inner Sphere away, means sending a full fleet is a waste of effort. Instead a number of jumpships are making the trip to determine the colony's status and population.

-[] SLIC base and supply cache (Robinson)

Special forces have been prepared and are awaiting departure to Robinson. In addition to the small assault force ready to travel by jumpship, assets on the ground have smuggled in light combat vehicles and a number of crews are scheduled to infiltrate disguised as TEC refugees.

-[] A secret Hegemony research facility (Hesperus II)

Preliminary efforts on Hesperus II have gone poorly. The minuscule population on the world left few covert options available, so a more open operation disguised as official corporate business was attempted instead. Trouble is, prospective 'buyers' of the relevant properties have gone missing without a trace.

Worse, the Lyran Intelligence Corps has taken an interest in the disappearances. Yet oddly enough, SLIC infiltration suggests LIC is just as confused as they are, which would suggest either a different Lyran department is responsible for the disappearances, or it wasn't the Lyrans at all.

Expedition planning is in its final stages, and while the Relief and Reunion forces have jumpships and dropships geared to recover cargo and support refugees, the Interference expedition is loaded for war.

Exactly how much war is the question.

Interference Fleet's targets of Thestria and Rosetta are nowhere near each other, but both locations require significant military force for safety. In Rosetta's case, as part of the Rim Worlds Republic the planet is in an active warzone, while Thestria is a Draconis Combine border world and will no doubt shoot first and ask questions never. The question is which to target first, and whether to hit any other locations on the way. Both Robinson and Hesperus II are relatively in between the targets, so if the political risk of solving intelligence problems with Warships is deemed acceptable, a detour could be made to either.

Interference Fleet is given the primary target of:
[] Rosetta, to deal with the Rim Worlds Republic world before anything else happens in the unstable area and to support DeChavilier's war
[] Thestria, to coincide with the breaking of Halstead Station's blockade and distract the Draconis Combine Navy

Then it will make itself available for:
[] Only its final target, to avoid getting involved with special operations affairs
[] Both Robinson and Hesperus II as needed, in case things go wrong on the ground
[] Only Hesperus II, since operations there seem to be having trouble and the Lyrans are less of a threat than the Federated Suns
[] Only Robinson, to avoid breaking anything important to DeChavilier's logistics on Hesperus II
[] Other

As the planned mission paths are finalized, the assembling fleets find themselves in need of leadership so they can act independently far from home. As a political decision, its decided they should be lead by:
[] Enthusiastic TEC loyalists, who are hopeful for the future and dissatisfied with the Star League
[] Veteran SLDF Officers, who have offered their experience to the TEC
[] Civilian researchers, who may be the only ones who can truly appreciate any remarkable finds
[] Different types of leaders for each of the fleets (specify)
[] Sean Kearny will lead one of the fleets himself, to provide his own expertise (specify)
[] Other
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[] Sean Kearny will lead one of the fleets himself, to provide his own expertise (specify)

Considering what happened the last time he took command over fleet.... I am very tempted by this option.

Yet oddly enough, SLIC infiltration suggests LIC is just as confused as they are, which would suggest either a different Lyran department is responsible for the disappearances, or it wasn't the Lyrans at all.

We didn't notify FWL in any way that there was anything interesting on this world, right? Did we accidentally sabotage ourselves?
[X] Plan: Reunion
-[X] Interference Fleet
--[X] Thestria, to coincide with the breaking of Halstead Station's blockade and distract the Draconis Combine Navy
--[X] Both Robinson and Hesperus II as needed, in case things go wrong on the ground
-[X] Different types of leaders for each of the fleets (specify)
-[X] Interference Fleet
--[X] Veteran SLDF Officers, who have offered their experience to the TEC
-[X] Relief Fleet
--[X] Civilian researchers, who may be the only ones who can truly appreciate any remarkable finds
-[X]Reunion Fleet
--[X] Sean Kearny. Until
-[X] St. Jean Jumpship
--[X] Enthusiastic TEC loyalists
-[X] Robinson Jumpship
--[X] Veteran SLDF Officers
-[X] Hesperus II Jumpship
--[X] Mercenaries

Logic: The headhunter project is both figuratively and literally buried so we don't need to rush it, Given how the fleet is likely flying into multiple warzones they should probably have some Veteran officers. Relief Fleet is going to be investigating a lot of scientific sites so we get the science team aboard and while I'm unsure about having Kearny leave the TEC for this long I do want him to return to Elysium briefly.
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I was thinking along similar lines. But it would be preferable to use mercenaries in Hesperus II operation. It'll give us some plausible deniability. They should be able to handle it. As long as there are no hostile warships nearby.
Another interesting choice would be to assign Kearny to interference fleet... Perhaps this will give us "political options" when carrying out these missions?
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I was thinking along similar lines. But it would be preferable to use mercenaries in Hesperus II operation. It'll give us some plausible deniability. They should be able to handle it. As long as there are no hostile warships nearby.
Another interesting choice would be to assign Kearny to interference fleet... Perhaps this will give us "political options" when carrying out these missions?
I like the idea of sending Mercs to Hesperus. I'll edit that in. Anyways I'm mostly sending Kearny to Elysium because I would enjoy reading about that rather then it making any strategic sense.
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[X] Plan: There is nothing to worry about, it's just a naval exercise!
-[X] Interference Fleet
--[X] Thestria, to coincide with the breaking of Halstead Station's blockade and distract the Draconis Combine Navy
--[X] Both Robinson and Hesperus II as needed, in case things go wrong on the ground
--[X] Position TEC fleet to draw ships away from worlds where operations are taking place and hamper their movement. But keep ability to send forces to help.
-[X] Different types of leaders for each of the fleets (specify)
-[X] Interference Fleet
--[X] Sean Kearny
--[X] Kearny here under the pretext of a political visit and to observe joint exercises with the fleets of the Great Houses. If they agree, of course. Otherwise, the accompanying forces are an "honor guard".
-[X] Relief Fleet
--[X] Civilian researchers
-[X]Reunion Fleet
--[X] Enthusiastic TEC loyalists
-[X] St. Jean Jumpship
--[X] Enthusiastic TEC loyalists
-[X] Robinson Jumpship
--[X] Veteran SLDF Officers
---[X] Communications officer - Enthusiastic TEC loyalist. Use black box to communicate with the interference fleet and exfiltration ships.
-[X] Hesperus II Jumpship
--[X] Veteran SLDF Officers (supervision, coordination)
---[X] Communications officer - Enthusiastic TEC loyalist. Use a black box to communicate with the interference fleet and exfiltration ships.
--[X] Use mercenaries to carry out operation.
Anyways I'm mostly sending Kearny to Elysium because I would enjoy reading about that rather then it making any strategic sense.

I wouldn't mind reading something like that myself... But it seems obligatory to send Kearny to the RWR front. There is a truly ugly war going on there and a lot of things are intertwined. From a narrative perspective, sending an idealistic character there seems interesting. Maybe we'll even meet Amaris somehow...
Besides, Kearney might actually achieve something useful with his "political visits". He can lay up groundwork for acquiring as many Banshees and Chargers as possible (Wells Technologies must have a production line and a huge stock of the latest). Given their reputation, this shouldn't take up many resources. And we will have the opportunity to introduce Sphere to our derivative of BNC-3S.
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Besides, Kearney might actually achieve something useful with his "political visits". He can lay up groundwork for acquiring as many Banshees and Chargers as possible (Wells Technologies must have a production line and a huge stock of the latest). Given their reputation, this shouldn't take up many resources. And we will have the opportunity to introduce Sphere to our derivative of BNC-3S.

Ah yes, the Charger. Truly one of the mech designs of all time.