In Which I Watch: Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

Well I suppose Tohru rarely sticks around long enough for the blood to dry?

Notice that Tohru doesn't just say "an item stained with blood". She says "a cursed item that has absorbed the blood of dead humans". Objects (and/or hands) becoming red and dripping with blood from excess murder is a pretty common fiction trope!
Episode 4 part 4

[Insert "That's me. You're probably wondering how I got here" meme]

Lucoa (and Fafnir, but we won't see him for another image) have come over, and Kobayashi asks Lucoa if she's just checking on Tohru.

Best Girl has failed to Get Gud and rage quit.

Kanna returns home, and has brought the Riko with her. The Riko is upset, and Kobayashi responds in a manner befitting a grown adult by asking what happened.

This really needs no explanation.

Tohru and Fafnir take this deadly serious, which prompts Kobayashi to call them delinquents, which is yet another Japan thing because the only time I've heard people called that outside of Anime is when old people are talking about young people with their hot topic t-shirts and their stupid pocket phones.

We get another little flashback to how this all started, which involves the Riko being adorable with Kanna tagging along, and then Kanna gives her a compliment.

You can see where the World's Tiniest Lesbian moniker comes from in this frame.

They decide to go to a place to play, and enter a little out of the way park. After making a reference to an earlier episode with the Seesaws, Almost immediately, a dodgeball comes out and nearly hits Riko in the face. Kanna catches it, obviously, but Riko is rightfully kind of pissed, and the attitude of one of the guys doesn't help. He's a bit of a dick, then the guy with Black hair, who I refereed to in my first watch post as Kirito for his resemblance to the Generic Anime Guy look, tells him to calm down, which seems like it's working until he calls them both Squirts, which is yet another Japan thing that makes little sense, squirt doesn't seem like that much of an insult. Anyway, that sets Riko off and challenges them to a game of dodgeball. They laugh, because two small girls challenging five dudes who are each individualist around their combined size is hilarious, but then she decides to shit on the guy who apologized as well by repeatedly insulting them. They leave, and tell them to get ready to lose.

Riko realizes her mistake, and they go back to Kobayashi's house, which leads to where we are now. Nobody really likes Riko because she's kind of a bitch (I smell a character arc!), so they have nobody, Kobayashi suggests negotiation, but the rest of the Dragons volunteer even though Kanna could handily wipe the floor with them all in their preferred competition.

Fafnir's familiarity comes from the fact that he's played video games, it seems. Lucoa says it'll be fine, but given the shot when we survey the teams I'm less than convinced.

Not going to lie, Lucoa is the scariest one in the picture. Fafnir already looks like an edgy jerk, Tohru is dressed like a maid, one of the least threatening lines of work, but Lucoa looks so serene while the other two look pissed, and that's the kind of face the people I know that I least want to piss off make before people would start getting hurt.

If you look closely, you can see the top of Kanna's head between Lucoa and Tohru. Kanna a smol.

Tohru catches the first ball thrown with no effort on her part, and Kobayashi reminded her not to murder them all. They proceed to demolish them, which proceeds for the next ten or so seconds, with the following image showing a boy on the cusp of manhood developing a thing for women with smaller breasts. The trauma is etched into his face, and he will likely not recover for years.

I didn't take a shot in them middle of the truly unnecessary amount of bounce that was in that scene, though I'd like to point out that Lucoa was giggling like a psycho the entire time.

The guys got demolished. Riko is super happy, then Kanna insults her dragon pals for some reason. Anyone able to explain? The dragons then say they're all up for more, which leads to us finding out that Tohru hasn't beaten Fafnir or Lucoa. Kanna wants to play as well.

Lucoa continues to be the most terrifying of the dragons.

It's really intense, I'd link the whole thing but I'm tired so if you want to see it just search up "miss kobayashi's dragon maid dodgeball" and it'll be the first or second result. Kobayashi contemplates just what the hell is up with her life, as it zooms out.

After demolishing each other and the playground, Lucoa puts everything back together and they start playing to Kobayashi's level. This joke continues to be a decent one. We have a transition, and then shots of Kanna at school, responding to everything as "wicked." This infects everyone, more or less, until they're all moaning that's wicked like zombies that happened to be elementary schooners in the early to mid 2000s. I'll post the teacher's reaction in the next post because I ran out of space and wanted this image a bit more. There won't be anything else, just the image.

And that's the end of this episode folks, I'll be doing my initial reaction to episode five tomorrow. There will likely only be a couple day time updates tomorrow, if any at all, as I'm leaving on an extended no internet trip in the Florida Keys that will last a week or so, after which updates will resume.
Almost immediately, a dodgeball comes out and nearly hits Riko in the face. Kanna catches it, obviously, but Riko is rightfully kind of pissed, and the attitude of one of the guys doesn't help.
Description doesn't do Kanna intercept justice. There should be a video clip going around of that.
He's a bit of a dick, then the guy with Black hair, who I refereed to in my first watch post as Kirito for his resemblance to the Generic Anime Guy look, tells him to calm down, which seems like it's working until he calls them both Squirts, which is yet another Japan thing that makes little sense, squirt doesn't seem like that much of an insult.
Is a bit when you're saying it to a kid trying to act mature.

The guys got demolished. Riko is super happy, then Kanna insults her dragon pals for some reason. Anyone able to explain?
Her friends are all (technically) evil dragons aside from Lucoa.
It's probably praise?
Lucoa (and Fafnir, but we won't see him for another image) have come over, and Kobayashi asks Lucoa if she's just checking on Tohru.
What isn't obvious unless you've read the manga is that this segment is misplaced in the timeline; instead, the checkup should take place after the events of episode 13 (the season finale).

The whole dodgeball bit, on the other hand, is likely more or less where it should be.
...well I guess I shouldn't be surprised that there exist people that like these jokes...
I don't find it to be too objectionable yet (that could very quickly change if lines are crossed), and my sister had a "boyfriend" who was the "love of her life" at about the same age, and it reminds me of that. I find it more endearing (in the "aw, the toddler is trying to wear his dad's clothes" sort of way) but if it goes too much further it will rapidly cease to be anything other than really creepy.
I don't find it to be too objectionable yet (that could very quickly change if lines are crossed), and my sister had a "boyfriend" who was the "love of her life" at about the same age, and it reminds me of that. I find it more endearing (in the "aw, the toddler is trying to wear his dad's clothes" sort of way) but if it goes too much further it will rapidly cease to be anything other than really creepy.
Eh... It doesn't get too much worse, at least on the Kanna/Saikawa front. The thing most likely to offend you doesn't show up until episode 6, assuming you have typical western moral values.
Episode 5 Initial reactions
Tohru's making breakfast. Cute :3
Tohru is home alone this is a bad idea
Birbs. Tohru explodes them.
Coding pickles into Hatsune Miku seems like a bad idea but who am I to judge.
Time frame!
Tohru still wants Kobayashi to eat her tail
Tohru imagines romantic back alley sequence where she isn't half a head taller than Kobayashi.
She smashed the table.
Ah yes. Obviously a SEPF is a good maid tool.
Tohru has had two more good faces.
More speciesm.
Tohru is about to fucking shank a bitch with explosive lasers. He sounds like every asshole extra in jojo.
Tohru trips him repeatedly.
I'd be bored watching people code for hours, but I guess Tohru's...whatever you call it is strong enough to resist the temptation to go watch TV.
That's literally the exact same shot from the previous episode.
Tohru's better at cooking.
Oh hey best girl what are you doing.
Fafnir vs. Police isn't a good idea.
Is this going to be partially focused on best girl antics? I'm totally down for that.
more philosophical stuff, but at least this time there isn't happy music.
Fafnir is going to live Takiya. Now he has a dragon butler who would likely kick his ass for saying that.
Fafnir is a neeeeerrd.
okay the Riko thing is going to get annoying if they do it that often. It's a one time an episode gag.
Oh god Kobayashi will have no spoons after that.
Kobayashi is apparently god.
This stupid fucking myth. They already made a terrible movie.
Oh they pet it. That's good.
Tohru seems surprised how easy bending spoons is.
There's a cute moment.
Kanna a spark plug
How did Tohru do it.
Kanna a cute.

Since I'm going out of town tomorrow, I'm not going to leave a half finished episode 5 behind, so I'll do the episode six initial reactions (and maybe seven if I feel like it), so expect that soon and I'll redo threadmarks when I get around to actually doing them.
It's a better joke in japanese since it's Choragon and Doragon, making it punny.
Not pun, typical Japanese portmanteau. They love that stuff.

Choroi = simple, easy to trick (it shows up a few times on Konosuba too)
Dragon = Doragon
Mix the two and you get chorogon.

Or, as translated, simplegon. Which is a pretty good translation given how close it sounds to simpleton.


Re the back alley wall thing: search 'kabedon'. (hint: it's a meme)
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Episode 6 Initial Reactions
This is the one with the objectionable Lucoa stuff, right?
Riko invited Kanna over.
Maid meeting.
As the OP goes through, I just realized we still haven't met fish dragon, who's shown in an office a couple of times without horns (at least I think it's her), which is weird that a character important enough to be in the OP isn't shown until over halfway through the series. Iggy was introduced at the very beginning of part 3.5 and Polnareff took a bit of time, but that was still maybe the first eight episodes or so.
A real maid. Kobayashi is thrilled.
Georgie is a precious person. protect her, Tohru.
Tohru is being pulled up stairs, and very happy.
Riko is going to play twister with Kanna. Noway this can go wrong.
It does. Kanna a soft, it seems.
Tohru stop. You're just going to make a fool of yourself.
Tohru feels threatened and sad.
Kanna isn't helping. Riko is trying not to die.
More Mario kart.
okay we aren't getting tiny dragon sex which is a good thing but Tohru is getting pulled back out of the room by demons so I'm not sure if anything is real any more.
Kobayashi has the equivalent of one of those stupid t-shirts with random Japanese words on it.
Oh here's Lucoa.
Oh so this is where the shotacon stuff starts coming into play. I'm mentally prepared for this.
This isn't so bad right yet. Maybe everyone was over exaggerating?
Humans have magic apparently.
And his name is literally shouta. wow. thats like the serial killers name being Mr. Merdor.
and he thinks Lucoa is a demon. I'd assume similar if a lady with breasts that are at the very least head sized popped out of my summoning ritual.
That's literally a goddamn Quetzalcoatlus behind her. That's like the least intimidating dragon related thing.
And the child has a desire to be seen as a real mage. That's going to lead to tears if it hasn't already.
Kid, take the infinite wealth offer. I don't know what's coming up after it but I'm probably going to capslock it.
Okay agriculture is fine. Nothing bad has happened yet.
And the kid's dad is Kobayashi's boss. Weird, though not horrible yet.
And more rain.
Kobayashi made rain dolls that look like them. Is Kanna going to continue to channel her inner kitty?
She didn't.
Oh my god Fafnir has become an otaku.
And he's helping Takiya with a game. This whole part is sweet.
And he's getting pissed off at all of the people on the chat.
What is it with Takiya and all of those posters?
Kanna a cute.
Holy shit Fafnir is extra lovecraft.
Oh hey it's some Tailow or whatever that pokemon is called.
The mangaka has a thing for big breasted women and "shotas", unfortunately.

It's even in his goddamn name, Shouta-kun, shotacon.

Like I said the Lucoa/Shouta bits are some of the worst parts of Maidragon. Big waste.
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I'm about to watch the next episode.
And it's the beach episode.
Oh boy.
The mangaka has a thing for big breasted women and "shotas", unfortunately.

It's even in his goddamn name, Shouta-kun, shotacon.

Like I said the Lucoa/Shouta bits are some of the worst parts of Maidragon. Big waste.
Completely agree. If it was, somehow, tasteful (the only way I can think of how to do that is less "lemme shove my tits in your face small child," and more...something that's not that and a bit more comedic?) it would be tolerable, if a bit skeevy. This is closing in on territory that I don't want to contemplate.

Saves me a bunch of images though, since I won't be capping much with both of them on screen at once.
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As the OP goes through, I just realized we still haven't met fish dragon, who's shown in an office a couple of times without horns (at least I think it's her), which is weird that a character important enough to be in the OP isn't shown until over halfway through the series. Iggy was introduced at the very beginning of part 3.5 and Polnareff took a bit of time, but that was still maybe the first eight episodes or so.
Hmm, maybe I'll spoil one of the episode titles:
Episode 8: New Dragon, Elma! (She's Finally Appearing, Huh?)
Yeah, they went there.

I've also got some things to say about episodes 5 and 6, but I think I'll wait for the relevant detailed posts to say it.
Hmm, maybe I'll spoil one of the episode titles:
Episode 8: New Dragon, Elma! (She's Finally Appearing, Huh?)
Yeah, they went there.

I've also got some things to say about episodes 5 and 6, but I think I'll wait for the relevant detailed posts to say it.
It won't be for another week or so, so feel free to say them. It'll help me more when I actually do the posts to have more perspective on them
Oh yeah, for the bit where Kanna's looking at the glass and saying "I wanted to...", someone did a lipreading and said she was most likely saying "lick her", which as a dragon she sees as something friends do (like what Tohru mentioned a while back).
Oh yeah, for the bit where Kanna's looking at the glass and saying "I wanted to...", someone did a lipreading and said she was most likely saying "lick her", which as a dragon she sees as something friends do (like what Tohru mentioned a while back).
That's a relief, because that's cute in a weird way, not attempting to be sexy with small children.
It won't be for another week or so, so feel free to say them. It'll help me more when I actually do the posts to have more perspective on them
Well in that case... Right off hand:

Episode 5 stuff: The scene where we see how Fafnir fakes his documentation doesn't appear in the manga, but is based off of a similar scene where Tohru did basically the same thing to get Kanna into school that didn't get animated.

Episode 6: Both Crunchyroll's description and Funimation's dubbed preview for this episode call Georgie "Josie".

Speaking of Georgie, her actual name is Nae; this wasn't revealed in the manga, but instead on the anime's official site.

The talk between Kobayashi and Georgie about being a maid was hinted at but never actually shown in the manga.
Episode 7 Initial reactions
We have a beach. Seems nice. This is the first time Kobayashi has been less than a t shirt, which I guess makes sense.
Tohru a murderous.
Kanna asks about saltiness.
Lucoa's swimsuit is less a swimsuit and more a couple pieces of fabric desperately trying to keep her nipples covered. I would think that there was supposed to be at least some form of support, but not for dragons I guess.
Shouta hides behind Kobayashi, who doesn't seem to appreciate his comment.
Heh. Good job, beach lady.
That's...better, I guess? We don't get total cleavage at least.
The internet does not have that info.
Kobayashi has breast envy.
Why is there so much boob focus in this episode?
Shouta and Kobayashi are kindred spirits.
Lucoa continues to be creepy.
Kanna a cute. She ate a crab.
Lucoa scared him off.
Is breaking watermelons a common thing?
Dragons have gills, it seems. Another thing for me to be jealous of.
The mark 1 Tohrupedo is capable of achieving 30 knots with a 18000 yard range.
What the fuck?
Tohru is good at swimming!
This was kind of a cute scene, though a bit heavy.
Dragon fireworks are unlikely to impress real dragons.
Lots of people.
Kanna a cute.
Is that Bayonetta?
Best Girl makes anime.
Tohru say's she's not a cosplayer, even though she basically is, according to Kobayashi.
Even dragons get hot.
Tohru actually is happy to see Takiya for once.
Kanna a studious.
Kanna, that's not how you do this you silly dragon!
Fafnir seems to think that cursing people is a good idea.
How can she tell.
She scares them off because she is a dragon, and this getsher upset.
Lucoa, put some damn clothes on.
It's like the fairly odd parents Halloween, they don't have to pretend to be other things because everyone's already in costume, and they look like they're in costume but aren't.
Tohru a happy.
Happy philosophy!
From what my friends have said, cons are a special place.
Tohru a tired.
Kanna a curious.