In Which I Watch: Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

The funny hats are part of the standard kindergarten uniform, FYI. Probably to protect them from the sun (they're expected to walk their way to school on their own) and makes for a handy "it's fine this kid is not lost/neglected/etc, just going to school" signal.
Episode 4: Kanna Goes to School! (Not that she needs to.)

To start our episode, we see an army of hatted gremlins. What nefarious purposes are they up to?

Learning how to add, most likely, though I don't particularly trust children so it could be them planning to invade my house and steal my shinies. You never know with human larvae.

Kanna watches over them, looking like she's about to fall asleep, but the eye wobble show she's enamored.

Tohru and Kobayashi discuss how Kanna's been watching the gremlins for a couple of days by this point. Tohru remarks that it's a common occurrence for young dragons.

It turns out they were talking about two completely different things, as Kobayashi was talking about school, not genocide.

Kobayashi asks if Kanna would like to go, and then makes just about the happiest look her little expressionless face can express.

A little later, they go out shopping, where Kanna is impatient.

Having gone school shopping, whatever's on that list is probably something you use every day, or use exactly once then promptly forget about.

Oh god Tohru's been reading conspiracy websites everything is fucked.

I don't know if I've mentioned it but Tohru has all the best faces. Kanna's are cute but generally require context to understand, Kobayashi has some great ones but most of hers are fairly subdued, and we haven't seen enough of the other dragons to get a good feel for them, though I imagine Fafnir's is a resting bitch face with a "pissed" slider. I don't see him really smiling unless it's a big character moment or as a gag, in which case it's going to be related to him getting Gud, a small animal, or a picture, and in the last it's going to look very forced. Lucoa seems like she'll have some okay ones, but probably not as many as Tohru or Kobayashi.

They eventually find a store for stationary.

Not gonna lie, this beats the fuck out of the school isle at Walmart, though I don't see a place where I could have bought the Pinkulator, but that was at office depot so it doesn't really count.
After looking around, Kanna is disappointed because it's all fairly utilitarian, and doesn't have Lisa Frank dolphins all over it. I had a shark spiral in seventh grade and it was hella rad, so I can see why she thinks this.

This smells like an awful idea.
Tohru leads them to a bird store, which is apparently a thing.

This makes sense but I'd probably stab myself if I had to use a quill. They're quite labor intensive from what I've heard.
Kobayashi leads the crew to a new store, which just opened up.

It has cute school supplies. Kanna has found heaven.

Those pens are pretty cool. I'd use them more but one of the people I could loosely call a friend uses one and giving her any ammo whatsoever is a horrible idea.

Tohru watches what they're doing and starts writing.

She continues to be...something, though I have no idea what. Kanna next picks out a stapler, comparing it to a dragon's head (though she should see staple removers). Kobayashi demonstrates by stapling Tohru's note shut.

It very quickly makes Tohru lose all of her HP, because play rough is a fairy type move.

That's a cute stamp, though Tohru has different ideas. The next two screen grabs were the "What the FUCK Tohru?" posts from the initial reactions post.

Tohru continues having no idea what to do in public. We'll see the reactions in the next post.
Episode 4 Part 2
After rightfully responding in the way a reasonable adult is wont to do, Kanna and Tohru notice a stand filled with Japanese Lisa Frank merch, which reminds them of a unicorn they met.

Kobayashi again proves her wisdom.

After that, there's a bit of a montage showing them going through the store, which finally has them down to backpack shopping

It's at the department store which Tohru hates, but she doesn't want to be left alone so she goes in with them.

Kanna a curious and a cute, Tohru a nervous.

Kanna finds a pack she likes, which Tohru thinks is made with blood, which is dumb, because blood on white fabric dries to a pretty mundane brown. It'd have to be fresh to be that color and if it was fresh it would be all sticky and sticky backpacks suck.

As they're walking to checkout, Kanna sees little backpack charms placed in the optimal location to attract bored children.

She picks out a bored sailor bunny, which while not the worst is far from the best, though I guess it is in her color scheme.

At the counter, Kobayashi finds that the backpack will cost her what google's currency converter tells me as about 340 dollars. According to a guy in the crunchyroll comments, the backpacks are designed to last through elementary school and are kind of a status symbol. Kanna sees this and puts her charm back, but Kobayashi notices.

They head to a uniform store, which sounds miserable, though it appears for elementary they have some color variation.

They then have a weird MGR-esque (looking at you, Monsoon) somewhat out of place philosophical discussion (in this case, about conformity in a uniform shop, including how it may be a bad thing and how lucky dragons are that they don't have to put up with it) that comes from almost nowhere and has jarring happy music. It saddens Kanna

She got headpats, so everything is right in the world. They buy the clothes, and then head home.

Kanna and Kobayashi hold hands, and Tohru wants to get in on that. I also noticed Tohru's tail and Kanna's tail and horns have been missing. We already knew they had pretty fine control over the shapeshifting, but this is a good way to point it out. We then get a brief transition.

Kanna shows off her backpack, which causes Kobayashi to compliment her. Tohru gets an idea, and asks to borrow it.

Kobayashi tells her she has "too many styles," which makes sense for a maid otaku, as she's got the french maid, the dragon, the school girl, and Vocaloid (in the hair) all going on at once. Another cut shows Kobayashi and Tohru checking in on Kanna as she sleeps, with the backpack that she wore all day.

She then throws it on the floor because sleeping with backpacks is a bad idea. Another transition and we see Kanna writing.

Turns out she's copying tabloids, which Kobayashi puts a stop to.

We cut again (because the last few scenes were all filler. It's nice they didn't try to make these their own episode, as that would cause bloat pretty quickly) to the school, where class is beginning. After some establishing shots, we see Kanna on her first day of school.

Weird she isn't wearing a uniform, but I guess that's not a huge deal.

How will tiny dragon adapt to school? Will she make friends? How will everything go wrong? Find out at some point tomorrow, I need to go to bed right now because I have to drive my sister to cooking class a solid two hours before I would otherwise get up.
@Glitchrr36 oh God you're about to experience the creepiest running gag in the show, including the parts with Lucoa and another character that shall be introduced shortly. Or does the running gag get introduced in the next episode? I don't remember.
@Glitchrr36 oh God you're about to experience the creepiest running gag in the show, including the parts with Lucoa and another character that shall be introduced shortly. Or does the running gag get introduced in the next episode? I don't remember.
I would have said the second creepiest/obnoxious/annoying one (behind Lucoa's antics), but, yeah. I could very well have done without these two.
Eh they aren't that bad.

FYI those aren't tabloids, those are all kinds of 'get money!' offer thingies.
You know, since kanna noticed the backpack's price and stuff.

Basically kanna is a good girl.
Also, all of you who haven't seen the rest of the series make some pretty entertaining predictions.
Actually... for me, it's less predictions and more reading the TV Tropes and Wikipedia pages.
She picks out a bored sailor bunny, which while not the worst is far from the best, though I guess it is in her color scheme.
That's actually Frau Bunny, the main character of a one-shot manga by the author.

Yeah, you can't really get away from the references in this series.
They then have a weird MGR-esque (looking at you, Monsoon) somewhat out of place philosophical discussion (in this case, about conformity in a uniform shop, including how it may be a bad thing and how lucky dragons are that they don't have to put up with it) that comes from almost nowhere and has jarring happy music. It saddens Kanna
Yeah, that was far more serious than I was expecting from the series.
She got headpats, so everything is right in the world.
"And perhaps, that is enough." (Go watch Dear Kitten Regarding the Dog if you don't get the joke.)
After some establishing shots, we see Kanna on her first day of school.
Notice how she calls herself Kanna Kobayashi, instead of Kanna Kamui. This will be important for later.

Also note how we don't know Kobayashi's first name. No, it hasn't been revealed in the manga either, and I suspect it won't be until the end, if at all.
The next scene is probably my favorite thing in any anime, and it's this incredibly jarring shot of someone playing a goddamn dark souls rip off.

Takiya is playing it, and then offers to let Fafnir play it since he's acting like a cat and blocking the view of the screen.

He sucks.

It was TREASURE. He needs to get the Treasure. Add it to his Horde. Kill anyone who comes for it.

Treasure that tries to kill you is FUCKING BULLSHIT
I wonder if this show will get a second season? From what I understand it was a massive success and cut out a few problematic bits from the manga. Not as many as I would have hoped but it's a start.
I wonder if this show will get a second season? From what I understand it was a massive success and cut out a few problematic bits from the manga. Not as many as I would have hoped but it's a start.
Well, besides the fact that a second season would have to bring in Ilulu, which... Well. I mentioned earlier that one reason KyoAni avoided putting her in was time, since her introduction would need an episode or two to tell the entire story. What I didn't mention was that there's controversy over her appearance. Also, KyoAni actually did a few stories where she appeared, just with her being surgically excised from the adaption.

However, the bigger issue is that apparently there just isn't enough unadapted manga to make a second season with at the moment. Maybe in 2019...
Episode 4 Part 3
So when we last left off, Kanna was introduced to the class. The last time I remember that happening to me, it was in first grade and the person was the asshole who caused me to accidentally drop kick a girl in the face.

Tohru watches from the trees and continues to be the second best part of the anime, after Kanna being adorable.

She was told to look after Kanna by Kobayashi, and has another great face in response to this. Someone should total all of the great Tohru faces there have been so far, there has to have been at least a dozen or so by now.

We continue to see Kanna going about her day at school, with Tohru watching like a creepy stalker or that one other kid in first grade's mom. That's pretty advanced math for a kindergartner, at least for my school district, we didn't start doing addition with more than a digit for either number until first grade, though by third we were doing five or six digit addition problems and two to three digit multiplication, which still remains a time consuming bitch to do by hand even into senior year, hence why the Pinkulator is my favorite school supply and the only thing I haven't worn out or lost in more than a year.

Since this frame is fairly self explanatory, it's Tohru wondering why everyone's together, does this approach actually work? There's an accelerated high school in my district, but I haven't heard anything about it and it seems like you don't do much other than cores classes in it, which seems like just about the worst way to do high school, as the electives are where you make the most threads, because you get Bubba Redneck, Johnny Footballstar, Cheech Stoner, Becky Populargirl, and all sorts of other riffraff in math, but the people in band or art or sports are ones you'll likely be able to make the best friends with, and the only ones you'll actually have memories that are strong enough to remember down the line during college or after education life. I don't have to deal with most of the general school population bullshit since I'm in an academy at my high school with a STEM focus, so most of the other people care about engineering and science (which I'm good at, even though I'm not especially great with math), so that helps.

Tohru makes solid observations about dodge ball during gym/recess.

People are enamored with the new girl, except the girl on the left, who seems upset.

We head back inside, and as everyone is packing up to go home, we see this shiny headed youngster.

We find her name, and though it isn't apparent right now, she has been called the World's Tiniest Lesbian on this thread, which is a title too cute to pass up on. From my earlier watching of the episode, I think she's rapidly going to become a character I enjoy watching, because she has a lot of the things I find funny about the Tsundere archetype with none of the domestic violence implications.

Cat mouth lad over there gave some exposition on her being bossy, which she quickly reprimands him for. She continues to talk at Kanna, and we get the best line of the episode, likely everything I've watched to this point, and possibly the entire episode.

This is purest Platinum. There is little hope for a better line to be written.

We get some more exposition and she challenges Kanna to an arm wrestle, stating she had won Karate tournaments, which would be impressive if I hadn't been in Karate for about three years, attended several tournaments (including one that I got second in, though that was probably more so because there were like four people in the bracket of green belt and twelve, and I wasn't in the blue belt and twelve category, which had like twenty people in it. I would have, and likely placed pretty solidly around the 8-12 range, but my instructor held band and family obligations against me and postponed my tests till the next group testing thing, which is why I quit), and the smaller children always being really bad. Not their faults, they hadn't had much time to learn by then, but the point still stands. She would have gotten her ass handed to her on a silver platter by Kanna due to one of them being a human kid and the other being a dragon who's probably twenty or thirty feet tall in her fluffiest form.

Ravioli, Ravioli, no bully the Dragon Loli.

Riko agrees, being a bully is not a good thing. They're going to be great friends. Riko also gives Kanna a piece of candy, which exposition cat mouth lad tells us is against the rules.

She was faking it, but on the walk home she says she enjoyed it a lot, and kind of explains why to Tohru.

Kobayashi participates in the ageless mom tradition of asking how they're kid's day at school went. Tohru wants praise for watching Kanna from the trees, and gets it. Next, Kobayashi pulls something from her...somewhere, and gives Kanna a little bag with the logo of the kids store we saw earlier on it.

It's the little bunny and I think this is the closest to smiling Kanna we've seen so far, and that is going to be a thing that makes my day when it happens. Tohru gets a bit whiny for a present of her own, and she get's Kobaysahi's half drank beer. She get's called a Simple-gon for about the fourth time this series, which is an honorific that I haven't otherwise heard. Anyone got an explanation?

After a short transition, we find Kanna labeling her stuff, which is another thing I wish I had in first grade, instead of that stupid fucking physical therapy stuff (which wasn't even for an injury, my handwriting just sucked so my parents put me in physical therapy that long term was a waste of money because I still have handwriting that shows I was destined for a technical field), because Johnny always stole my damn pencil sharpeners, so if they'd been labeled I could have proved it to the teacher and my various discipline issues in the first few years of elementary lead to him being believed over me. Tohru inquires as to what she's doing, and gets the response that she's doing exactly what I said above. Tohru has another good face.

Tohru does what you'd expect, and that's why we love her.

Next we get black screens with big characters asking why, and a bunch of black and white shots showing scenes of devastation in a playground, and the WTL's great face that kind of looks like she's rolling her eyes so hard her pupils flattened.

What could have caused this? Find out tomorrow at some point after I finish packing for the week long seabase trip I'm going on on Monday, and buy some sunglasses somewhere.
Buy some cheaper ones that are comfortable. If you spend more than $10 on them you're getting taken on a ride. The only reason I spent $15 on mine was because they were clip-ons that matched and went over my normal classes.
Kanna finds a pack she likes, which Tohru thinks is made with blood, which is dumb, because blood on white fabric dries to a pretty mundane brown. It'd have to be fresh to be that color and if it was fresh it would be all sticky and sticky backpacks suck.
Well I suppose Tohru rarely sticks around long enough for the blood to dry?
At the counter, Kobayashi finds that the backpack will cost her what google's currency converter tells me as about 340 dollars. According to a guy in the crunchyroll comments, the backpacks are designed to last through elementary school and are kind of a status symbol. Kanna sees this and puts her charm back, but Kobayashi notices.
They're also supposedly Nintendium level indestructible, as appropriate for bags used by elementary schoolers being rather rough on their belongings
Tohru gets a bit whiny for a present of her own, and she get's Kobaysahi's half drank beer. She get's called a Simple-gon for about the fourth time this series, which is an honorific that I haven't otherwise heard. Anyone got an explanation?

Calling Tohru a simpleminded idiot.