In Which I Watch: Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

Bleh, I was either asleep or reading to boldly go today. I've got the images done, writing up the next post will begin pretty soon.
Episode 3 Part 3

The noise is joined by the sound of loud music, and something that might be drilling. It finally becomes too much and she goes out to confront the most likely culprit.

Surprisingly it isn't Tohru, but the neighbors.

Loud noises suck enough to wake up to when you don't have a headache. This must be miserable.
Tohru notes the locations where the noise is coming from then asks if she should go complain. Kobayashi agrees, and then gives her some advice.

Tohru says she'll do her best.

Kobayashi thinks this is overboard.

Tohru heads out to meet one of the neighbors, who is a young woman named Ms. Sasakibe.

It turns out she had been cooking (!?!?!), and Tohru's reaction is about what mine was.

How the fuck you make that noise while cooking with anything less than putting an electric whisk in a big wok is beyond me.

She gives Tohru what google informs me are also known as canola, and that is a really unfortunate translation. I guess they have different names for blossom and the specific cultivars more commonly known by a term that isn't a homonym for a word most commonly associated with horrible human beings.

Tohru goes over to the next person, who is called Mr. Yana. He invites Tohru inside to listen to his music.

This picture tells you everything you need to know about this character. He likes really shitty black metal, and as a person who listens to black metal occasionally I am correct in saying it's really, really bad. They call it a death metal voice later, but it's most likely black metal as death metal has a more growly sound than what he was listening to. The Corpse Paint is another thing that points to it being black metal, which does sometimes use it, but generally it is more subdued than that. Also he has a really long tongue.

The next guy is Mr. Soune, who does woodwork.

My mother's uncle is a woodworker, and I can confirm that he's pretty good. It's fairly difficult to get different colors, and there's a good selection of detail.

After Soune, Tohru returns to the apartment, only to find them all arguing over who was the biggest nuisance. Sasakibe's claim that it was cooking confuses the other two. Tohru says they're being loud, then after a couple seconds, she decides her course of action.

Luckily for them Kobayashi intervenes.

She encourages them all to work out a schedule, then brings up earplugs.

You can't actually tell from the screenshot, but I'd bet my ass that what they did with her hand is the equivalent to having a guy with a paw on a stick just underneath the screen to give the impression that a dog is using its forepaw for something. It literally just rises onto screen. Nothing to suggest it's attached to her body at all.
Tohru then continues being speciest, to which Kobayashi responds that this isn't really that unusual and if she hadn't been hungover it wouldn't have bothered her.

She then decides to join Kanna in slumber, and Tohru lies against her a little later.

Tohru asks if Kobayashi thinks she's loud because of how she responded earlier, to which she responds with an unhelpful "sometimes," and then Kobayashi gives more or less a non-answer to the follow up of if it bothers her, but that she overall doesn't mind. They both go to sleep

It also turns out Tohru grinds her teeth really loudly, waking Kobayashi up.
Canola actually isn't an alternative name for rapeseed; that's a sort of unofficial "brand name" appended by the Rapeseed Association of Canada (which is, in fact, a real thing --they go by the "Canola Council" nowadays) in an attempt to make their product look more appealing on store shelves. The name of the cultivar from which the oil is made is still generally referred to as rapeseed by English speakers.

As you might expect, the etymology of the word is fairly tame: it's derived from rapum, the Latin term for turnip, a closely related vegetable.
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Episode 3 Part 4
After a short cut, we find our dear rock in this strange, at times really stupid anime, and that is Kanna being a cute

She lies down in a couple different places throughout the apartment, not finding a comfortable place in any of them. I'd just find a nice spot on the floor by that point, but that's a difference between me and the most adorable dragon I guess.

Eventually this happens, and it is adorable. I also just noticed the Iron bookends, which is a clever detail for the house of a maid otaku.

We cut to Kobayashi's work, where she has received an email about a party on her totally not windows everyone desktop. It's always weird to see fictional OSs in anime and movies. Like who would actually use something other than either iOS, Windows, or some Linux variant? People in anime, I guess. Unless there's a totally different OS everyone in Japan uses that just happens to look like a cheap knockoff of Windows XP.

I don't get the cultural context barring a quick skim of the Wikipedia page of flower viewing, but I'm guessing this is a big deal.

She and Takiaya decided they didn't want to go for alcohol related reasons, so they're going to have a housewarming party or something.

Tohru isn't thrilled that the guy who's probably trying to steal her Waifu is going to come (dragons are very protective of their various princesses or damsels), but can put up with it if she can invite some of her friends.

Kanna continues to be my favorite thing about the anime, as Tohru justifies her friends. These will probably be the other three dragons we see in the opening (I assumed that my first watch through, I am aware it's just two).

Kobayashi gets back, and is greeted by the dragons. Takiya has also come to the apartment.

A bit later and the doorbell rings, revealing this piece of DOOM concept art.

Someone needs a combination orthodontist and priest.

He scares the shit out of the humans.

So this is the dragon who instantly became Best Girl from two phone conversations.

His human form evokes both Vampire and complete fucking nerd quite well, I think.

Kobayashi gives him a card of some kind that's also probably a japanese thing that I have no context for. I looked up "jigokumeguri" and it refers to both a set of hot springs known for their unusual properties, and a yaoi manga about some guy who Satan really wants in his pants. Which is exactly being referenced is up to your imagination. Systems engineering refers to managing complex systems, so she still could probably work in the Vocaloid industry.

We get a bit of backstory on Fafnir, then another knock for our final guest.

Kobayashi has a very Pi filled reaction to this individual.

This is Luoca, who we get our first view of by a close up of her cleavage, and then a pan up of her body. Kobayashi once again comments on her dragon breast envy.

Now that we have a full body shot, allow me to post a video that (minus the panting) neatly sums up my initial response.

And here we have the character I'm willing to bet 70% of the Dragon Maid content over yonder on Rule 34 is about.

The next scene is probably my favorite thing in any anime, and it's this incredibly jarring shot of someone playing a goddamn dark souls rip off.

Takiya is playing it, and then offers to let Fafnir play it since he's acting like a cat and blocking the view of the screen.

He sucks.

Kobayashi and Luoca (I'm not sure how that's a contraction of the name but whatever, unless it's an unrelated nickname) are talking about how happy Tohru seems, which surprises Kobayashi, who apparently doesn't think she's doing anything special

I find heterochromia incredibly off putting, so this just makes me shudder a little.
Kobayashi offers her a drink.

We find out why she asks this when Tohru decides to do the equivalent of telling a friend who has just met another friend that they don't drink because the last time they got wasted they took off all their clothes on top of a table then went and puked all over an attractive person and finally wound up crying in the bathroom for an hour.

I'm not actually sure which would be worse, my scenario, or this.
She apparently did something with her little sister, which I assume involves murder or cannibalism.

We finish the party in the next post, which I will begin screencapping in the next few minutes.
Episode 3 Part 5

We get more Drunk Kobayashi and Takiya arguing about butlers and slapping Fafnir, who is way too busy getting gud to deal with their nonsense.

Luoca notices how weird Kobayashi is while drunk, which prompts Kobayashi to tell both her and Tohru to become maids.

She once again tells them to strip and comments on how ridiculously large dragon boobs are.

Fafnir proves he is a scrub because he can't play Dismal Spirits while unable to see (while coming up with that clever wordplay, I thought up Dark Holes, which sounds like a porn parody).

Here he is, sucking at the game.
We get a little transition (I haven't explained those, have I? They're basically just a yellow background with some black dots on them. The dots turn into characters, and they likely exist to pad runtime), then Kanna and Tohru sitting on the couch.

They're playing knockoff mario kart.
Then we get the end credits, and yet more proof I need to figure out a way not to have these stupid less than ten image ending posts without talking about the next time stuff. I'm going to do my preliminary watch of the next episode, which will have some first reactions shotgunned at the page for my next post, before the more detailed ones with images and jokes and things.
After a short cut, we find our dear rock in this strange, at times really stupid anime, and that is Kanna being a cute

She lies down in a couple different places throughout the apartment, not finding a comfortable place in any of them. I'd just find a nice spot on the floor by that point, but that's a difference between me and the most adorable dragon I guess.

Eventually this happens, and it is adorable. I also just noticed the Iron bookends, which is a clever detail for the house of a maid otaku.

We cut to Kobayashi's work, where she has received an email about a party on her totally not windows everyone desktop. It's always weird to see fictional OSs in anime and movies. Like who would actually use something other than either iOS, Windows, or some Linux variant? People in anime, I guess. Unless there's a totally different OS everyone in Japan uses that just happens to look like a cheap knockoff of Windows XP.

I don't get the cultural context barring a quick skim of the Wikipedia page of flower viewing, but I'm guessing this is a big deal.

She and Takiaya decided they didn't want to go for alcohol related reasons, so they're going to have a housewarming party or something.

Tohru isn't thrilled that the guy who's probably trying to steal her Waifu is going to come (dragons are very protective of their various princesses or damsels), but can put up with it if she can invite some of her friends.

Kanna continues to be my favorite thing about the anime, as Tohru justifies her friends. These will probably be the other three dragons we see in the opening (I assumed that my first watch through, I am aware it's just two).

Kobayashi gets back, and is greeted by the dragons. Takiya has also come to the apartment.

A bit later and the doorbell rings, revealing this piece of DOOM concept art.

Someone needs a combination orthodontist and priest.

He scares the shit out of the humans.

So this is the dragon who instantly became Best Girl from two phone conversations.

His human form evokes both Vampire and complete fucking nerd quite well, I think.

Kobayashi gives him a card of some kind that's also probably a japanese thing that I have no context for. I looked up "jigokumeguri" and it refers to both a set of hot springs known for their unusual properties, and a yaoi manga about some guy who Satan really wants in his pants. Which is exactly being referenced is up to your imagination. Systems engineering refers to managing complex systems, so she still could probably work in the Vocaloid industry.

We get a bit of backstory on Fafnir, then another knock for our final guest.

Kobayashi has a very Pi filled reaction to this individual.

This is Luoca, who we get our first view of by a close up of her cleavage, and then a pan up of her body. Kobayashi once again comments on her dragon breast envy.

Now that we have a full body shot, allow me to post a video that (minus the panting) neatly sums up my initial response.

And here we have the character I'm willing to bet 70% of the Dragon Maid content over yonder on Rule 34 is about.

The next scene is probably my favorite thing in any anime, and it's this incredibly jarring shot of someone playing a goddamn dark souls rip off.

Takiya is playing it, and then offers to let Fafnir play it since he's acting like a cat and blocking the view of the screen.

He sucks.

Kobayashi and Luoca (I'm not sure how that's a contraction of the name but whatever, unless it's an unrelated nickname) are talking about how happy Tohru seems, which surprises Kobayashi, who apparently doesn't think she's doing anything special

I find heterochromia incredibly off putting, so this just makes me shudder a little.
Kobayashi offers her a drink.

We find out why she asks this when Tohru decides to do the equivalent of telling a friend who has just met another friend that they don't drink because the last time they got wasted they took off all their clothes on top of a table then went and puked all over an attractive person and finally wound up crying in the bathroom for an hour.

I'm not actually sure which would be worse, my scenario, or this.
She apparently did something with her little sister, which I assume involves murder or cannibalism.

We finish the party in the next post, which I will begin screencapping in the next few minutes.

Ah, Lucoa. Aka the biggest disappointment of the series. Used solely for boob and shotacon jokes. While this is bad enough on its own it gets even worse when you look into her mythology. While I'm not entirely sure of what incident she is referring to,
Quetzalcoatl is a Mesopotamian god and the incident I believe she's referring to is a somewhat infamous story where she (or rather he because Quetzalcoatl is actually a male in mythology) got drunk and slept with his sister. I'm no expert in Mesopotamian mythology so I don't know what happened after that but it seems that in this anime it resulted in her losing her status as goddess and being demoted to dragon. They could have done so much with that. Does she resent losing her status? IIRC she is a goddess of agriculture who is said to have taught civilization to mankind so does she's still do any of that these days? What about the fallout from sleeping with her sister? We get none of this in the series. She is a one-note fanservice character.

Oh yeah, minor spoilers
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Ah, Lucoa. Aka the biggest disappointment of the series. Used solely for boob and shotacon jokes. While this is bad enough on its own it gets even worse when you look into her mythology. While I'm not entirely sure of what incident she is referring to,
Quetzalcoatl is a Mesopotamian god and the incident I believe she's referring to is a somewhat infamous story where she (or rather he because Quetzalcoatl is actually a male in mythology) got drunk and slept with his sister. I'm no expert in Mesopotamian mythology so I don't know what happened after that but it seems that in this anime it resulted in her losing her status as goddess and being demoted to dragon. They could have done so much with that. Does she resent losing her status? IIRC she is a goddess of agriculture who is said to have taught civilization to mankind so does she's still do any of that these days? What about the fallout from sleeping with her sister? We get none of this in the series. She is a one-note fanservice character.

Oh yeah, minor spoilers
Quetzalcoatl is mesoamerican-I think either Mayan or Aztec in particular, though wikipedia says there are numerous gods in the form of a feathered serpent throughout the region.

I was really, really into dragons as a kid :p
Quetzalcoatl is a Mesopotamian god and the incident I believe she's referring to is a somewhat infamous story where she (or rather he because Quetzalcoatl is actually a male in mythology) got drunk and slept with his sister. I'm no expert in Mesopotamian mythology so I don't know what happened after that but it seems that in this anime it resulted in her losing her status as goddess and being demoted to dragon.
Wikipedia says RL myth has Quetzalcoatl commit suicide by burning alive the next morning after realizing he fucked his sister.
It's always weird to see fictional OSs in anime and movies. Like who would actually use something other than either iOS, Windows, or some Linux variant? People in anime, I guess.
I figure those are the actual versions in their world, so instead of having Windows or Apple they have Porthole and Pear. What in our world would be some off brand ripoff is their legit product.
Kobayashi has a very Pi filled reaction to this individual.
Pi is often related to "round figures".
Like who would actually use something other than either iOS, Windows, or some Linux variant?
Let me point something out here: nobody in real life uses iOS on a desktop machine. Macs by default use the Mac OS; Classic for anything older than a G3, with OS X being for "newer" machines.

iOS used to be called the iPhone Operating System, and got the name changed when the iPads and iPod Touches came out with it.
Tohru justifies her friends. These will probably be the other three dragons we see in the opening (I assumed that my first watch through, I am aware it's just two).
Actually, there's one more dragon that wasn't at the party...
I looked up "jigokumeguri" and it refers to both a set of hot springs known for their unusual properties, and a yaoi manga about some guy who Satan really wants in his pants. Which is exactly being referenced is up to your imagination. Systems engineering refers to managing complex systems, so she still could probably work in the Vocaloid industry.
Okay... yeah. You're overcomplicating this.

Jigokumeguri Systems Engeneering is implied to be part of the Jigokumeguri zaibatsu. Said zaibatsu is owned by the father of Haru Jigokumeguri, the female lead and title character of Ojojojo, a manga by Cool-Kyou Shinsha. Cool has also made a few other manga; three of them with anime versions are I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying, Komori-san Can't Decline, and a little thing called Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid.

Yeah, most of, if not all, of Cool's works are implied to be a part of the same universe, sorta like how Negima takes place in the same universe as Love Hina and A.I. Love You. However, Seven Sea didn't pick up on this little reference, and renamed the company Hell Tours Ltd. for their North American release of the Dragon Maid manga.
She once again tells them to strip and comments on how ridiculously large dragon boobs are.
Joke in the fandom: if Tohru has D-cups, then Lucoa has G-cups. G, for Goddess.
Lucoa comes from how Quetzalcoatl is said in japanese, ケツァルコアール, which is something like ketsuarukoaru.
Add R/L confusion and you get Lucoa.

The Pi thing is because "pai" is shorthand for oppai. aka boobs.

The thing with Kobayashi's greeting is that it's the standard "present yourself, your job and offer business card" greeting people will do in a formal context. Basically she's has no idea how to deal with this and is defaulting to business mode. Because no social skills.

There's costs involved in showing brand names and such, and potential litigation risks depending on the context they're presented (basically the flipside of product placement) so anime avoids all that by using knockoffs instead. You can see it in cartoons too, although they usually make it a less blatant.
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I have to say, that Dark Souls parody looks pretty good. The UI is fairly unique looking as well(apart from the Health and Stamina bars, but HP and Stamina bars tend to look the same anyway), though the red circle beneath the Stamina bar confuses me, what is its purpose?
I have to say, that Dark Souls parody looks pretty good. The UI is fairly unique looking as well(apart from the Health and Stamina bars, but HP and Stamina bars tend to look the same anyway), though the red circle beneath the Stamina bar confuses me, what is its purpose?
They seem to be special charges?
Or maybe effects of rings, with more than one object with the same effect meaning the symbol shows up twice?
Actually, there's one more dragon that wasn't at the party...
that sounds like a spoiler pretending not to be a spoiler. All the dragons I am aware of were the ones in the opening, which is Fafnir, fish dragon, Tohru, Kanna, and Lucoa. Any other dragons referenced even vaguely are things I do not know about and thus spoilers.
that sounds like a spoiler pretending not to be a spoiler. All the dragons I am aware of were the ones in the opening, which is Fafnir, fish dragon, Tohru, Kanna, and Lucoa. Any other dragons referenced even vaguely are things I do not know about and thus spoilers.
Assuming I'm interpreting this correctly... I was indeed referring to "fish dragon", the one dragon from the OP/ED not at the party.

There is another major dragon in the manga... but there are issues with her (that I don't intend to go into), not to mention a major story arc that KyoAni would have needed to shoehorn into an episode or two that they quite frankly didn't have.
Assuming I'm interpreting this correctly... I was indeed referring to "fish dragon", the one dragon from the OP/ED not at the party.

There is another major dragon in the manga... but there are issues with her (that I don't intend to go into), not to mention a major story arc that KyoAni would have needed to shoehorn into an episode or two that they quite frankly didn't have.
Ah. I assumed there was another, since I think I at least referenced the fish dragon in my post.
Yeah, from what I can tell, there are three major recurring characters that appear in the anime we have yet to meet; the episode titles spoil one of them, and the episode descriptions will spoil the existence of the other two.
Episode 4 initial reaction
So every episode (that I remember this for, at least) will have a post like this where I just post more or less everything that pops into my mind and is notable. It won't make much sense, but it will more properly capture my reactions than rewatching a week later.

First we have kids with pith helmets. What jungles do they intend to explore?
Kanna a cute is watching explorer babbies.
Tohru is still murderous.
Kanna really wants to go.
Theme is still super catchy.
School shopping is probably my least favorite summer thing.
Oh god Tohru found conspiracy blogs everything is fucked.
Kanna wants school supplies a cute.
Oh god Tohru wants to do the school shopping everything is fucked.
I stand by my previous statement.
Kanna has a cute deficiency.
Kanna wants a multiple color pen.
Tohru is a speed writer, as long as it's "I <3 Miss Kobayashi."
Kanna continues to be a cute.
What the FUCK Tohru.
AGAIN, what the FUCK Tohru. You don't do that in public.
Kanna a cute. (I think most of my reactions will be along those lines)
Tohru doesn't like the Department Store.
Kanna a sad. :(
This music is really jarring. Doesn't fit the tone at all.
Kanna a cute x2
The polls are in: everyone agrees Kanna a cute, even small children.
Tree Tohru is watching.
All fear Kanna, master of dodgeball
A challenger approaches, and she isn't Cooking Lady's kid like her appearance in the OP suggested.
Kanna a sad.
Tohru is direct and thus gives bad advice for dealing with people due to being able to destroy the world and stuff.
Kanna a smile. Cuteness overload
Tohru what are you doing.
"Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how this all happened. Well, it all started yesterday..."
Best Girl has failed to Get Gud, rage quits in response.
Riko a sad
Tohru a murderous
Is that Kirito?
Riko. Stop this. Everything will go poorly if you continue this course of action.
Does this look like the face of mercy.
Buzzcut guy, there are entirely worse ways to go than death by Lucoa.
Dragon Dodgeball is a great band name, but a terrible idea.
They have scared the teacher. That's wicked.

And that's the end, screengrabbing will commence in a little while.
Ah, you've been introduced to Riko Saikawa, best human girl in the series (that isn't in the series title).

Well, Kobayashi and Takiya would argue that Nae is best human girl, but...