[x] Red Eyes
Now ya see though da Aiv was busted good dat big boom of an attack left Boss Valvemon burnt out an tired, well as tireed as a relentless machien can get anyweh.So he was forced ta sit out da next battles… feel real sorry for him in dis part I do. Still iz bois did their all dey could give da enemy some real nasty de feets.
You are Red Eyes!
And right now? You are angry as all heck!
…. Mon you are really glade no one can read this and realize that you still use the rookeir friendly swear words in your head.
But still doesn't make you any less angry! Why those mooks tried to ambush you on route to your mission? Ha! You dumpstered them good for that mistake!
Either way setting up that supply base was a great success! Now ya have a place ta get some nice shut an recuperate in between giving all these intruders the laser treatment. In fact the command squad is recovering in it right now!
Rest that is needed…. Blue Eyes was pushed back from the Seadramon shore before he could make real progress and he is
not happy about it in the least. If your older bro does not take one thing well it's failure. Sure the enemy had a lot of surprise reinforcements but well big bro does not take excuses not even for himself.
Lead on the other hand has a much easier time of things, it seems that the enemy was willing ta contest the army he took ta secure the portal.
Ya look at Boss V…. whatever he did to take down that Vilemon hive it took its toll on him. Heck they had to built an entire frame around him like its said they do in the human world when they make all this those big sky rectangles. Several Golemon with construction hats are tending to varius parts of his body with appropriately sized wielding torchers and other such tools.
Being extremely hard headed the Golemon don't actually
need the hats but apparently they really like them so Boss V lets them use em to raise moral. Boss always was the considerate sort, not like those other jabronies that hold power in this blasted wasteland ya call home… or worse the advanced jabronies.
Anyway with all of ya gathered together Boss V goes over the current strategimarithic situation.
The enemy is thankfully still running around like a bunch of Numemon trapped in the perfume department and the quick creation of the supply base means that currently we have have the ability to take advantage of that fact. Boss V is very keen on doing so after all the enemy does have a lot of numbers in the region, including multiple armies so evening that disadvantage as soon as possible is going to be important.
Passive Held Territories
Tyranno Caverns: +5 Dark Tyrannomon per turn.
Junk Zone 575: +1 Raw Resources Per Turn.
Golemon Quarry: +5 Raw Resources, +2 Golemon per turn.
Fort Fierce: The enemy cannot send force of Low or higher into the golden desert area.
Chrome Valley: +5 Raw Resources, +20 Chrome Digitized.
Supply Nase: +2 Raw Resources, allows you to station forces within to support any front, ???, extends operations range.
Current Resources:
20 Raw Resources
40 Chrome Digizoid
Total Income per Turn: 17 Raw Resources, 20 Chrome digizoid.
Data Captured/Available (Currently unusable until a splicing/modification facility is usage, data can be copied from willing but must be extracted/leaded from everything else)
Metal Greymon (Virus): Minor
Valvemon: Extreme
Assaultmon: Major
Datamon: Major
SkullSatamon: Major
Metal Fantomon: Moderate
Fantomon: Major
Troopmon: Extreme
Dark Tyrannomon: Major
Metal Tyrannomon: Major
Gaurdromon: Extreme
Golemon: Major
Andromon: Extreme
Rappidmon: Minor
Megadramon/Gigadramon: Major
Non Digimon Data: Accessible through the portal only
Supply Truck Data
69.... what?!
Pop Culture Velociraptor Data
General Slug Data
Current Forces
Heroic Commanders: You ( Mythic Valvemon) Red Eyes (Metal Tyrannomon), Blue Eyes (Metal Tyrannomon, Lead (Assaultmon)
Regular Forces: 85 Dark Tyrannomon, 40 Guardromon, 18 Golemon.
120 Tankmon, 8 Megadramon, 4 Gigadramon.
Free Actions
[] Construction: Have the Gaurdromon yards build additional gaurdromon to supplement your armed forces.
Costs: 1 Raw Resource Per Gaurdromon.
[] Hire Megadramon: You should acquire extra muscle from Iron Sights mercenary camp for the next battle, some Megadramon should be of help.
Cost: 2 Raw Resources to hire 4 Megadramon for this turn, you may hire up to 12 at a time.
[] Hire Gigadramon: You should acquire extra muscle from Iron Sights mercenary camp for the next battle, some Gigadramon should be of help.
Cost: 2 Raw Resources to hire 4 Gigadramon for this turn, you may hire up to 12 at a time.
[] Hire Tankmon: You can get a great deal of Tankmon for relativly little cost due to your alliance with Ironsights... you should bulk up you numbers for immediate battles.
Cost: 2 Raw Resources to hire 40 Tankmon for this turn, you may hire up to 120 at a time.
[] Cybernetic Enhancment: Enhance a Dark Tyrannomon into a Proto Tyrannomon.
Cost: 1 Raw resources for 1 enhancement.
[] Data Extraction : Send a small expedition into the net portal in order to acquire additional data.
Cost: Commanders attention, results very heavily, specific data can be requested.
Normal Actions
[] D Brigade Base: It seems the D-Brigade had more than one base in this area… you've managed to hack into their comms and pinpoint the location of their regional base… you will crush their presence in the area if you destroy it but the chances of this being the last you see of them is unlikely.
EEF: Very High
[] Black Digitron Quarry: A quarry of Black Digitron is now within your reach due to the creation of the supply base.
EEF: High
[] North Army HQ: The Headquarters of the Northern Army is now within reach! You should crush it and remove one of your major enemies from the equation while the iron is still hot.
EEF: Extreme
[] Coal Mountains: A mountain range to the south of Seadramon Lake separates the southern the land of the central territories closer to your charge from the parts of it closer to the regions of the contested territories that Barbamons had the strongest presence in, taking the Coal Mountains should cut off supplies and reinforcements to the enemies southern army… or if you destroy the southern army first making securing that flank far easier.
EEF: Very High
[] Railway Hub You have been meaning to construct a railway with a link into you core territories to better reinforce this area before the war started, with Fort Fierce back online to keep it from being used against you now would be an opportune time to begin construction.
EEF: Unknown
Note: 20 Resources are needed to do this action.
[] Seadramon Lake East: Seadramon lake is one of the few bodies of 'normal' water in the area controlling a large part of the swamps center, getting a foot hold on its coast would be wise.
EEF: High
[] South Army HQ: Barbamons forces in the region are divided into three separate armies, the North, Center, and South armies, while the headquarters of the other two are out of reach the headquarters of the southern army is well within destroying distance.
EEF: Extreme
[] The Devouring Sea Cost: The Devouring see is the second body of 'normal' water in the area is by far the largest connecting to the territory of one of your fellow regents… naturally the enemy has taken notice of it and has constructed a large string of fortifications on the coast to prevent Shogungeckomon from lending you aid… weak as his army is for its size… you should remove the problem.
EEF: Extreme