[] Finish them
You waste no time in destroying the remaining enemy bases, while the muck of the local terrain does slow you down slightly you are more than capable of powering through it and utterly annihilate the enemy forces as most consisted of Vilemon they were in every sense of the word utterly incapable of causing you even the most mild of inconvenience… the remaining of the enemies three bases does not last long afterwards as though they were the most well equipped to damage you, destruction of the other two in short order seems to have damaged morale and caused most of the garrison to flee the fight.
In the end Barbamons attempts to halt Valvemons advance were in vain and da boss smashed iz way through the punk blockage like a Skullgreymon crossing a small pack of numemon… with all three of da blockages defeated Valvemon found himself at da-entrance to da next stage of his conquest, and notion was going ta stand in iz way.
The results of enhancing some of the Dark Tyrannomon with their Ultimate forms data have arrived.
Proto Tyrannomon
A Dark Tyrannomon that has undergone a partial transformation into Metal Tyrannomon Proto Tyrannomon is equipped with a variant of the complete versions right arm allowing it to fire an admittedly much weaker missile from it at nearby enemies.
Interesting… but is it worth allowing such an operation in the future.
[] Yes
[] No
You analyze the Fossil Fuel Swamp, compared to the gold desert it is a truly difficult challenge to overtake, as most of the digimom you employ are heavy enough to get bogged down it it's terrain… yet at the same time most mon that are lighter in scale are at heavy risk of being destroyed all together by an errant explosion or lit on fire by said terrain.
Thankfully you have multiple avenues of attack… the difficult terrain would have made having a set pattern of attack a losing proposition as the enemy would only need to concentrate their forces and focus on harassing any sorte you made… still this leaves you with, many, many, many targets to take and only so many forces to seize them.
Passive Held Territories
Tyranno Caverns: +5 Dark Tyrannomon per turn.
Junk Zone 575: +1 Raw Resources Per Turn.
Golemon Quarry: +5 Raw Resources, +2 Golemon per turn.
Fort Fierce: The enemy cannot send force of Low or higher into the golden desert area.
Chrome Valley: +5 Raw Resources, +20 Chrome Digitized.
Current Resources:
33 Raw Resources
20 Chrome Digizoid
Data Captured/Available (Currently unusable until a splicing/modification facility is usage, data can be copied from willing but must be extracted/leaded from everything else)
Metal Greymon (Virus): Minor
Valvemon: Extreme
Assaultmon: Major
Datamon: Major
SkullSatamon: Major
Metal Fantomon: Moderate
Fantomon: Major
Troopmon: Extreme
Dark Tyrannomon: Major
Metal Tyrannomon: Major
Gaurdromon: Extreme
Golemon: Major
Andromon: Extreme
Rappidmon: Minor
Megadramon/Gigadramon: Major
Current Forces
Heroic Commanders: You ( Mythic Valvemon) Red Eyes (Metal Tyrannomon), Blue Eyes (Metal Tyrannomon, Lead (Assaultmon)
Regular Forces: 100 Dark Tyrannomon, 55 Guardromon, 18 Golemon.
120 Tankmon, 8 Megadramon, 4 Gigadramon.
Free Actions
[] Construction: Have the Gaurdromon yards build additional gaurdromon to supplement your armed forces.
Costs: 1 Raw Resource Per Gaurdromon.
[] Hire Megadramon: You should acquire extra muscle from Iron Sights mercenary camp for the next battle, some Megadramon should be of help.
Cost: 2 Raw Resources to hire 4 Megadramon for this turn, you may hire up to 12 at a time.
[] Hire Gigadramon: You should acquire extra muscle from Iron Sights mercenary camp for the next battle, some Gigadramon should be of help.
Cost: 2 Raw Resources to hire 4 Gigadramon for this turn, you may hire up to 12 at a time.
[] Hire Tankmon: You can get a great deal of Tankmon for relativly little cost due to your alliance with Ironsights... you should bulk up you numbers for immediate battles.
Cost: 2 Raw Resources to hire 40 Tankmon for this turn, you may hire up to 120 at a time.
Normal Actions
[] D Brigade Base: It seems the D-Brigade had more than one base in this area… you've managed to hack into their comms and pinpoint the location of their regional base… you will crush their presence in the area if you destroy it but the chances of this being the last you see of them is unlikely.
EEF: Very High
[] Net Portal: To the north of your position is a rare portal into the net… you are not foolish enough to get major forces involved in that madness but it is a useful place to send scouts for data harvesting.
EEF: High
[] Vilemon Hive: A massive shantytown has recently been constructed in the area, as predicted it hosts twisted trees of life that hatch truly massive amounts of Vilemon with each day… you should destroy it before it becomes a greater problem.
EEF: Very High
[] Railway Hub You have been meaning to construct a railway with a link into you core territories to better reinforce this area before the war started, with Fort Fierce back online to keep it from being used against you now would be an opportune time to begin construction.
EEF: Unknown
Note: 20 Resources are needed to do this action.
[] Supply Base: Moving around the swamp is a difficult task in of itself, a staging area further in could be of great use to your troops.
EEF: Unknown
Note: 15 Resources are needed for this action.
[] Seadramon Lake East: Seadramon lake is one of the few bodies of 'normal' water in the area controlling a large part of the swamps center, getting a foot hold on its coast would be wise.
EEF: Medium
[] South Army HQ: Barbamons forces in the region are divided into three separate armies, the North, Center, and South armies, while the headquarters of the other two are out of reach the headquarters of the southern army is well within destroying distance.
EEF: Extreme
The Devouring Sea Cost: The Devouring see is the second body of 'normal' water in the area is by far the largest connecting to the territory of one of your fellow regents… naturally the enemy has taken notice of it and has constructed a large string of fortifications on the coast to prevent Shogungeckomon from lending you aid… weak as his army is for its size… you should remove the problem.
EEF: Extreme