Hugs wanted
(Lurker of threads) (wannabe writer)
[X] Vintya (ven-ta)
Vintage (ven-tage)
Vine yard (vint-ya)
Vintage (ven-tage)
Vine yard (vint-ya)
Let's take a little look at the different forces and their capabilities, shall we?[] Around 40 Guardromon.
[] A Group of 20 Tankmon.
[] A full 60 Commandramon backed up by 8 Sealsdramon.
[] Around 40 Golemon.
Commandramon make for good covering fire especially if using combined fire tactics (or just projecting a wall of bullets), when combined with the Sealsdramon should be more than enough to keep the attackers from flanking the rest.Let's take a little look at the different forces and their capabilities, shall we?
Guardromon: Mechanized infantry with high armor, missiles and three different types of lasers. They also can trigger a powerful self destruct sequence. Problem is, they're really not very fast and don't have very good melee. They're our best bet for high quantities of precisely aimed dakka.
Tankmon: Literal digi-tanks, with a half-humanoid build. They've got a heavy machine gun on each arm, and their nose is an artillery cannon/missile launcher. Powerful dakka combined with good speed, and surprising maneuverability... plus they're literal tanks who can whack people. Good all around.
Commandramon + Sealsdramon: Here we've got a battalion of guerilla ranged infantry and a group of incredibly fast, stealthy, CQC specialists. None of the rookies are very strong, but 60 assault rifles is still a lot of dakka. Plus they've also got throwable bombs... but they're laughably squishy being rookies and individually kind of suck damage wise. Sealsdramon meanwhile are pretty good all around, especially if they're kitted out with more than knives... though they lack the sheer firepower of the other champions.
Golemon: Heavy-framed combatants that are arguably the toughest troop choice here because of their combined size and hardiness. They're our best option for a powerful melee force and could crush every other listed force in CQC handily. Problem is... they're lumbering short ranged/melee troops. Superheated gas might make for a good flamethrower equivalent, but it's not going to go very far.
It's possible to mount all sorts of things really, Valvemon is big and your PC is a powerhouse even among em, it's why he was able to put out enough water to kill a Deathmeramon despite not being a specalist in that area.[X] A Group of 20 Tankmon.
Hell yeah! Armored brigade!
... now I'm wondering if it would be possible to mount some proper artillery on our Valvemon MC... also the blue eyes, and red eyes nicknames for the cyborgs? Very nice.
Correct, additionally they alongside the Golemon are both natural natives to the area and are invested in it's defense, so they are most likley to stay even if they themselves hit Ult.Guardromon: Mechanized infantry with high armor, missiles and three different types of lasers. They also can trigger a powerful self destruct sequence. Problem is, they're really not very fast and don't have very good melee. They're our best bet for high quantities of precisely aimed dakka.
Pretty much, though they are mercinaries Tankmon are trusted enough that both Virus and Vaccine mon will use them, they might leave after hitting Ult due to better opportunities but it won't be spontaneous and so long as you pay them chances are another will catch wind of the offer.Tankmon: Literal digi-tanks, with a half-humanoid build. They've got a heavy machine gun on each arm, and their nose is an artillery cannon/missile launcher. Powerful dakka combined with good speed, and surprising maneuverability... plus they're literal tanks who can whack people. Good all around.
Yep, Valvemons biggest concern with them is that members of the D-Brigade they not only answer to an outside chain of command but one that could pull them out at any time.Commandramon + Sealsdramon: Here we've got a battalion of guerilla ranged infantry and a group of incredibly fast, stealthy, CQC specialists. None of the rookies are very strong, but 60 assault rifles is still a lot of dakka. Plus they've also got throwable bombs... but they're laughably squishy being rookies and individually kind of suck damage wise. Sealsdramon meanwhile are pretty good all around, especially if they're kitted out with more than knives... though they lack the sheer firepower of the other champions.
Got it in one.Golemon: Heavy-framed combatants that are arguably the toughest troop choice here because of their combined size and hardiness. They're our best option for a powerful melee force and could crush every other listed force in CQC handily. Problem is... they're lumbering short ranged/melee troops. Superheated gas might make for a good flamethrower equivalent, but it's not going to go very far.
Oh shoot! I hadn't considered loyalty as a factor here... that kind of makes me want to change my vote honestly.Pretty much, though they are mercinaries Tankmon are trusted enough that both Virus and Vaccine mon will use them, they might leave after hitting Ult due to better opportunities but it won't be spontaneous and so long as you pay them chances are another will catch wind of the offer.
Pretty much... its one of those annoying things that comes from being a faction without a proper military in digimon.... heck!Oh shoot! I hadn't considered loyalty as a factor here... that kind of makes me want to change my vote honestly.
I was actually surprised that Ogremon wasn't a more popular option myself, but well life likes to throw all kinds of curveballs.Go beatstick army! Clobber the enemy! Also a shame i didn't find this gem earlier, I would have voted for Ogremon....sure it wouldn't have won but eh.