In the Domain of the Glutton (Digimon)

The Carrier
[X] The Carrier

Now listen up Rookie let me tell you the tail of one of the most powerful individuals to ever serve under Lord Beelzebumon. It all began in the earlier days of the Confederation, back than our home was closer to a glorified refugee camp than the home of one of the Seven Great Demon Lords, and the other Demon Lords all took notice of that fact, among them Barbamon a greedy punk eyes bigger than the rest of his body let alone his stomach... Now he and the other Demon Lords that were interested couldn't actually attack themselves on account of sparking a potential apocalyptic mega digimon pileup in the Dark Area so he counted on his dirty thugs to take the lands he wanted. It would have been an outright easy win on paper.... but well paper thin is a turn of phrase for a reason. Now you see it all began in a place called the gold desert...... and yes the place is actually a desert made up of gold dust.

"Boss!" Your attention is drawn to a Red Eyed Metal Tyranomon appropriately named 'Red Eyes' as he steps a squad of Troopmon deleting them instantly, you had a task to attend to and had left your three subordinates to hold position as you did so, it seems the enemy was advancing faster than you'd thought if Troopmon of all things are already this far in. "I just got a message from Blue Eyes! They've got an Ultimate paste our lines! They're trying to head-cap the defense army!"

"Heat Chain!" Red Eye's warning proves to be to late as a flaming chain wraps around... him?

"That's right bucket brains!" The would be assassin, a Death Meramon gloats far to early as he pulls on the chain slamming Red Eyes to the ground. "Our commander knows you machine and cybernetic types all to well.... if ya take out the command and control the rest of you turn into a bunch of drugged up Numemon!"

He must have assumed that you were a simple transport... most Valvemon such as yourself are just piloted vehicles, much slower to reach than any normal digimon of a similar level on account of the additional time needed for the pilot to receive and respond to new information. In many regards icing the 'leader' over the non-sentient transport would be the wise choice.

"Mud Pump!" You're deep metallic voice booms as you unload massive quantities of water onto the fire digimon.... ordinairly such an attack would be ineffective against Death Meramon due to the sheer head the flaming mon gives off, but unfortunately the sheer quantity of water in this case is more than enough to smash into him faster than he can evaperate it. Still he manages to survive the first attack only being heavily wounded and knocked away from Red Eyes at the end of it..... Good thing you have two arms. "Mud Pump!"

This time Death Meramon takes the full force of the attack his burning flames already weakened from your first assault and soon he finds himself deleted before he can so much as react, freeing Red Eyes from his chains as they evaporate into raw data.

"Commander" You do not have time celebrate as a your remaining follower, an Assaultmon nicknamed ''Lead' by arrives over a nearby dune, mowing down the remaining Troopmon as he does makes his way over to you. "Blue Eyes has managed to hold the front but we've detected a flanking force approaching fast, I don't think we'll be able to defeat them and hold the front at the same time."

"Do not worry." You begin long winded conversations have never been your forte. "I have acquired the reinforcements we need to drive back the enemy."

With that said you open up your hatches and release.
[] Around 40 Guardromon.
[] A Group of 20 Tankmon.
[] A full 60 Commandramon backed up by 8 Sealsdramon.
[] Around 40 Golemon.
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[X] Around 40 Guardromon.

Hell yeah! Armored brigade!
Laser and missile spam here we go!

... now I'm wondering if it would be possible to mount some proper artillery on our Valvemon MC... also the blue eyes, and red eyes nicknames for the cyborgs? Very nice.

[] Around 40 Guardromon.
[] A Group of 20 Tankmon.
[] A full 60 Commandramon backed up by 8 Sealsdramon.
[] Around 40 Golemon.
Let's take a little look at the different forces and their capabilities, shall we?

Guardromon: Mechanized infantry with high armor, missiles and three different types of lasers. They also can trigger a powerful self destruct sequence. Problem is, they're really not very fast and don't have very good melee. They're our best bet for high quantities of precisely aimed dakka.

Tankmon: Literal digi-tanks, with a half-humanoid build. They've got a heavy machine gun on each arm, and their nose is an artillery cannon/missile launcher. Powerful dakka combined with good speed, and surprising maneuverability... plus they're literal tanks who can whack people. Good all around.

Commandramon + Sealsdramon: Here we've got a battalion of guerilla ranged infantry and a group of incredibly fast, stealthy, CQC specialists. None of the rookies are very strong, but 60 assault rifles is still a lot of dakka. Plus they've also got throwable bombs... but they're laughably squishy being rookies and individually kind of suck damage wise. Sealsdramon meanwhile are pretty good all around, especially if they're kitted out with more than knives... though they lack the sheer firepower of the other champions.

Golemon: Heavy-framed combatants that are arguably the toughest troop choice here because of their combined size and hardiness. They're our best option for a powerful melee force and could crush every other listed force in CQC handily. Problem is... they're lumbering short ranged/melee troops. Superheated gas might make for a good flamethrower equivalent, but it's not going to go very far.
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Let's take a little look at the different forces and their capabilities, shall we?

Guardromon: Mechanized infantry with high armor, missiles and three different types of lasers. They also can trigger a powerful self destruct sequence. Problem is, they're really not very fast and don't have very good melee. They're our best bet for high quantities of precisely aimed dakka.

Tankmon: Literal digi-tanks, with a half-humanoid build. They've got a heavy machine gun on each arm, and their nose is an artillery cannon/missile launcher. Powerful dakka combined with good speed, and surprising maneuverability... plus they're literal tanks who can whack people. Good all around.

Commandramon + Sealsdramon: Here we've got a battalion of guerilla ranged infantry and a group of incredibly fast, stealthy, CQC specialists. None of the rookies are very strong, but 60 assault rifles is still a lot of dakka. Plus they've also got throwable bombs... but they're laughably squishy being rookies and individually kind of suck damage wise. Sealsdramon meanwhile are pretty good all around, especially if they're kitted out with more than knives... though they lack the sheer firepower of the other champions.

Golemon: Heavy-framed combatants that are arguably the toughest troop choice here because of their combined size and hardiness. They're our best option for a powerful melee force and could crush every other listed force in CQC handily. Problem is... they're lumbering short ranged/melee troops. Superheated gas might make for a good flamethrower equivalent, but it's not going to go very far.
Commandramon make for good covering fire especially if using combined fire tactics (or just projecting a wall of bullets), when combined with the Sealsdramon should be more than enough to keep the attackers from flanking the rest.
[X] A Group of 20 Tankmon.

Hell yeah! Armored brigade!

... now I'm wondering if it would be possible to mount some proper artillery on our Valvemon MC... also the blue eyes, and red eyes nicknames for the cyborgs? Very nice.
It's possible to mount all sorts of things really, Valvemon is big and your PC is a powerhouse even among em, it's why he was able to put out enough water to kill a Deathmeramon despite not being a specalist in that area.

Guardromon: Mechanized infantry with high armor, missiles and three different types of lasers. They also can trigger a powerful self destruct sequence. Problem is, they're really not very fast and don't have very good melee. They're our best bet for high quantities of precisely aimed dakka.
Correct, additionally they alongside the Golemon are both natural natives to the area and are invested in it's defense, so they are most likley to stay even if they themselves hit Ult.

Tankmon: Literal digi-tanks, with a half-humanoid build. They've got a heavy machine gun on each arm, and their nose is an artillery cannon/missile launcher. Powerful dakka combined with good speed, and surprising maneuverability... plus they're literal tanks who can whack people. Good all around.
Pretty much, though they are mercinaries Tankmon are trusted enough that both Virus and Vaccine mon will use them, they might leave after hitting Ult due to better opportunities but it won't be spontaneous and so long as you pay them chances are another will catch wind of the offer.

Commandramon + Sealsdramon: Here we've got a battalion of guerilla ranged infantry and a group of incredibly fast, stealthy, CQC specialists. None of the rookies are very strong, but 60 assault rifles is still a lot of dakka. Plus they've also got throwable bombs... but they're laughably squishy being rookies and individually kind of suck damage wise. Sealsdramon meanwhile are pretty good all around, especially if they're kitted out with more than knives... though they lack the sheer firepower of the other champions.
Yep, Valvemons biggest concern with them is that members of the D-Brigade they not only answer to an outside chain of command but one that could pull them out at any time.

Golemon: Heavy-framed combatants that are arguably the toughest troop choice here because of their combined size and hardiness. They're our best option for a powerful melee force and could crush every other listed force in CQC handily. Problem is... they're lumbering short ranged/melee troops. Superheated gas might make for a good flamethrower equivalent, but it's not going to go very far.
Got it in one.
Pretty much, though they are mercinaries Tankmon are trusted enough that both Virus and Vaccine mon will use them, they might leave after hitting Ult due to better opportunities but it won't be spontaneous and so long as you pay them chances are another will catch wind of the offer.
Oh shoot! I hadn't considered loyalty as a factor here... that kind of makes me want to change my vote honestly.

Guardromon's low natural mobility doesn't matter as much when we're carrying them around.
[X] Around 40 Golemon.

Go beatstick army! Clobber the enemy! Also a shame i didn't find this gem earlier, I would have voted for Ogremon....sure it wouldn't have won but eh.
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[x] A full 60 Commandramon backed up by 8 Sealsdramon.

The Mercenaries you'd hired for this operation are more than capible of handling the two flanking forces, the majority of enemy forces are Troopmon among the few species even that rookie level Commandramon could defeat with ease.

.... sadly you are not fast enough to personally observe the rest of the battle but your calculations prove to be accurate, the D-Brigade manages to mop up the flanking force loosing only 2 of the Sealsdramon in the process... apparently one of the forces had a powerful champion in it that needed to be dealt with and it managed to take 2 of the Sealsdramon down with it.

With the mercenary casualties accounted for you switch your attention to far more concerning matter of your own deletions.... of the nearly 80 Dark Tyrannomon you had brought on in for this battle a full 20 have been deleted, and while this enemy force consisted of around 500,000 Troopmon, a handful of Devimon, and a quartet of Death Meramon that had been the commanding general you still find the casualties a bitter fact.

.... you have further work to do.

The battle in the Gold Desert was a savage one that lead to the complete destruction of Barbamons 4th army and the deaths of nearly a quarter of Valvemons forces, sans the mercinaries he had brought in last minute. Still their was no denying that the battle was a victory for the forces of gluttony and the 4th army was the single largest concentration of hostiles in that area... sadly it was the only victory and much of the surrounding area was already being attacked by elements of Barbamons 2nd and 3rd armies.... worse than that around half Valvemons forces were composed of mercenaries in it for the coin and resources. He had won a difficult victory to be sure but the most intense fighting was still ahead.

Your three subordinates gather around a holographic map inside you interior.

"Well this is wonderful situation." Red Eyes comments dryly. "Nearly the entire surrounding area is occupied, is soon to be occupied, or is reporting some sort of enemy presence. How are we going to drive all this back."

The other commanders are silent, Red Eyes has a good point, the job ahead of you seems nearly insurmountable with a mere 60 Tyrannomon and an assortment of mercenaries..... but you will not yield.... not if it means letting down the mon that saved you back when you were to be demolished by Machinedramon for being defective, you will overcome this trial and you will be stronger for it.

You have 20 units of Raw Resources.

Current Forces
Heroic Commanders: You (Valvemon) Red Eyes (Metal Tyrannomon), Blue Eyes (Metal Tyrannomon0, Lead (Assaultmon)
Untrustworthy Fodder Mercenaries: 60 Commandramon, 6 Sealsdramon
Regular Forces: 60 Tyrannomon

Actions are divided into 2 types Free actions that can be done without need of a leader if you so choose to do so and normal actions which rquire you to assign a commander. Valvemon themselves must be assigned to at least one normal action a turn and will be the character you follow though you can leave the others unassigned or put them on the same assignment as another command. It is recommended that you also send forces with a given commander but well if the enemy force is estamated to weak enough or you are confident enough an Ult like your commanders can do significantly damage too, or even destroy small armies on their own.

Under each normal action I will place a category labeled EEF, this is Expected Enemy Forces and is a rough outline of what you can expect from known hostiles, though hidden enemy forces or neutral groups attacking you are not accounted for in this... here are the categories for them.
None: You control the territory and the only reason a commander is needed is because it someone of rank is required or it involves the command specifically, things like training and upgrading your commanders qualify under this.
Negligible: A handful of champions at most, a lone commander can destroy these with no question.
Low: A moderate amount of champions, your commanders could take this on solo but runs the risk of injury or death.
Moderate: You'd be lucky for a commander to take this on their own, usually a very large amount of normal champions, a moderate amount of very power powerful champions, or an ultimate.
Moderate High: You pretty much have to include some sort of force to back up your commander, almost always include at least one average ultimate with backup of some kind, either in the form of champions a low number of ultimates.
High: An enemy force that includes multiple ultimate level combatants, the army you destroyed was one of these.
Very High: An army with a large number of ultimates in its ranks.
Extreme: An army with either an extremely large amounts of ultimate... lone Mythic ultimates (Near Mega) and megas also fall under this class.
Earth Shattering: An army that has a mega and significant backup, or 2 megas.
DANGER!: Multiple megas or one extremely powerful mega is in the combat zone.

Action List

Free Actions​

[] Payoff
Description: The D-Brigade are a well known and very potent mercinary force, and one that demands a hefty fee for it's services, while have payed them enough for at least one more battle, you may want to pay for another two or three in advance.... a part of you suspects their superiors had intended to sell out to Barbamon first... it would explain the rather high price even for their standards but the longer your contract longer it will take for them to potentially turn on you.
Costs: 5 Raw Resources

Normal Actions​
[] Tyranno Caverns
Description: A large city hidden with caverns that run throughout a mountain composed entirely of fossile data Tryanno Caverns are were most of your initial army was drawn from and remains a good recruiting pool for Dark Tyrannomon. Current it is under attack and could use some assistance.
Allied Forces: Low
EEF: Moderate

[] Gaurdromon Yards
Description: A derelict factory once used to produce Gaurdrmon, you may be able to get working once again, hopefully the enemy lacks such means.
EEF: Low

[] D Brigade Base
Description: The base you hired your current forces from, you could hire more if you so wish.... though the cost would be annoying to say the least.
"Allied Forces": Very High
EEF: None

[] Tankmon Camp: Tankmon as well as many of the mon that associate with them are cheap for their power and don't answer to outside masters, these are traits you highly desire.
Neutral Forces: Very High
EEF: None

[] 777 Machine Shop
Description: A large workshop run by an Andromon named 'Rigg' it includes both facilities for upgrading full mechanical digimon, even large ones like yourself, and cybernetics labs for those mon that want to add mechanical... or organic parts onto their body.
Allied Forces: Moderate
EEF: Moderate High

[] Golemon Quarry:
Description: Located fairly far from the front lines this Quarry is used by the local Golemon to increase their population, as well as a way of getting resources to sell. Still despite its relativly out of the way position it seems have fallen under attack by an enemy advanced force.
Allied Forces: Low
EEF: Moderate

[] Chrome Valley
Description: Named oh so creatively for the many, many, many Chome Digiziod mines that dot the place Chrome Vally is controlled by many different 'clans' of mon that mine it's contents both for Chrome Digizoid and for other valuble materials. Though sworn to your master as a whole they are quit frankly of questionable loyalty and Barbamon is known to covet this region most of all of those this far into the Confederation, he's almost certainly been trying to bring these clans under his sway.
Neutral Forces: Very High Total, lower seperate.
EEF: Moderate

[] Junk Zone 575
Description: A place that a large amount scrap data lands within the confederation. The Dark Area has many such locations so they aren't all that valuble, but they do provide some income.
EEF: Low
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