The Dark Area is brutal and sinister place ruled over by unholy of all kinds alongside a scant few others... the most notable of these dark nobilities are the Seven Great Demon Lords, seven digimon whole hold domain over each of the seven sins and whom collectively serve as the closest thing the Dark Area has to a governing body, if they could be called even that with the sheer amount of infighting between them. Of these the Confederation of Gluttony is perhaps the best place to live, as its local ruler is rarely around and tends to be plenty lenient when they are. Still this does lead to a major problem, other powers weather they be the remaining Great Demon Lords or oppertunists of a different nature eye this domain as an easy mark, you are one of the many community leaders that act as the closest things their are to enforcers of your lords will, it will be a difficult matter but you can gather your peers together and defeat these would be invaders you may just have a chance making sure the Confederation remains a haven in this blasted zone.
[] The Griller: You are an Ogremon. Thats right your a champ with say in the place mostly dominated by Ultimates! Why? Well quite frankly your just that freaking strong and you'll happily reduce any ultimate that wants to argue the point to data if you have to. Either way you and your Goblimon have set up in this little section of the Dark Area and have taken to hunting and grilling up some of the local digital lifeforms, no meal is more satisfying than one ya have to nab yourself!
[] The Winemaker: Being a Vamdemon not loyal to GranDracumon is a difficult thing, espeically in the Dark Area were his influence is the strongest, but you've managed.... it helps that you were already a resident of the Confederation of Gluttony prior to your evolution of course. You've always had a love for making fine drinks of all different sorts apparently that level of 'class' was enough to catapult you from Devimon to Vamdemon. Still it is a difficult job, least of all because the section of the boarder you gaurd has least in terms of natural defenses... oh the pain of finding the best place to grow the finesh ingredients.
[] The Feudal Cook: You are a Shogangeckomon and with your trusted subordinates Scorpiomon and Megaseadramon you look after one of the few connection between the Dark Area and the Net Ocean. Thankfully for all it's dangerous your close connection to it has given your local estate access to unparalleled access to edible sea life and shocking fertile growing space for the Dark Area. Still such bounty comes with it's own risks and you will need to fight hard if you wish to become an asset to the confederation and not a burden.
[] The Carrier: You are a Valvmon, a moving fortress of a digimon that controls a section of the land of gluttony. Unlike many of your peers who hunger for food or power you desire raw resources to improve both yourself and your followers. While the Confederation of Gluttony is comparatively safe it is still located within the Dark Area and as such is surrounded by threats. You won't pretend that your motivations are entirly altruistic but you are still greatful for your Lord allowing you refuge in his domain, you could never hope to repay him for all he's done for you.