Should i create new mutant creatures to go along with the traditional fallout stuff?

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alrighty whats our current tally?

im gonna give this another day before i call it. GET YOUR VOTES IN PEOPLE!!!
Adhoc vote count started by ninjafish on Jun 15, 2020 at 5:37 PM, finished with 31 posts and 10 votes.
  • 11

    [X] Team 3: Claudia Franklin, Flynn Albricci, Agatha Baxter. (Heading East, Towards Lake St Clair)
    [X] Team 2: Alessandra Gravano, Nellie Matson, Maximillian Nazario. (Heading North, Towards Alex's old home)
    [X] Team 1: Alexander Tesla, Plinio Banks, Dale Sherburn (Heading South, Towards Detroit proper)
    [X] Team 4: Bill, Sibylla Frost, Mason Arthurson. (Heading West, Towards Southfield.)
[X] Team 3: Claudia Franklin, Flynn Albricci, Agatha Baxter. (Heading East, Towards Lake St Clair)

I'm really glad to find this Fallout quest. I love Fallout fanfics and quests but haven't been able to find many quests. I know about Fallout: Kansas City and Profit Never Changes but that's about it. Any recs?
Hmmm still a bit burnt out on my quests... but I think I can try and get you guys something... around this weekend?

Maybe early next week?

I had already written part of the update after all...

Yeah, update for this sometime this weekend or early next week!

See you all then!

[X] Team 3: Claudia Franklin, Flynn Albricci, Agatha Baxter. (Heading East, Towards Lake St Clair)

I'm really glad to find this Fallout quest. I love Fallout fanfics and quests but haven't been able to find many quests. I know about Fallout: Kansas City and Profit Never Changes but that's about it. Any recs?

Thank you!

Unfortunately I don't really know of many other fallout quests other than the one's you mentioned.
The hunt for Charlie, Team 3, Part 1.
Hey All, update!

Just a short one though!

Because I am still sort burnt out on my quests, i think for this arc I'm gonna do it like this, each team gets their own mini adventure, that will be in 2-4 parts each (maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less) After each part you switch over to a different team to get a look at how they're doing.

One every thing is said and done, Charlie is found... or not found, and the adventure thing is over, I'll compile all the separate parts into proper full length chapter's.

This also means you guys get more influence over how each teams adventure go! Because i'll have you vote on the teams actions at each step. (along with voting for which team you switch too next!

This takes some of the burden off me, by making each individual writeup shorter, and easier to handle.

So uh! Without further ado, lets get into it!

Please remember to VOTE!

Have fun!


Team 3: Claudia Franklin, Flynn Albricci, Agatha Baxter.

You are Claudia Franklin, and you are wondering how you've ended up in your current situation.

You're gonna say showing up for that "Rally" was probably the big mistake, if you had never done that you wouldn't have been in the middle of a public park when the bombs had started dropping.

Nothing in your two months of schooling At Wayne State University had prepared you for that. Honestly no one in the rag tag group of "Protestors" had been prepared for it. If Alex hadn't shown up when he did, and brought with him the gift of radaway, you all would've been dead by now.

With medical issues out of the way, and some clear leadership showing up in the form of the "two Ales" as Alex and Alessandra were called, your little group had stopped just wandering around listlessly… you all actually had a goal.

Now admittedly that goal was just "Survival" but still…

But anyways, looking for some way to keep contributing to the group, you had decided to join up with Alex's little militia thing, and he put you through the ringer for it, Six whole days of torture, you kinda regretted the decision, but you couldn't really take it back now could you?

So, you had ended up in the backseat of a beat up V-8, cradling a hunting rifle and anxiously scanning the world outside through the windows.

Looking for that glowing freak who had attacked your group a couple of times now.

Fortunately… or was that unfortunately you don't see hide nor hair of him… you don't see any ghouls, as the bosses had started calling the freaky zombie things, at all really.

You're all just… rolling down the road, taking in the ruined buildings and the glowing green sky.

Then Flynn Decides to break the silence.

"Whoa! Whoa! Hey, there are people over there! Actual fucking people! Groups of them even! Pointing Guns at each other… Should we… should we do something?"

He asks hesitantly, while pointing out his window.

He's dead on, out of the car you see building, looked like some sort of ritzy hotel or something, Above the front door you see the words "Hotel Royal Oak" written in a big flowing font.

And yes, there are two groups of people out in front of the building… pointing guns at each other.

One appeared to be an eclectic mix of hotel staff and guests, you even see a mister handy or two amongst them, they bear a hodge podge assortment of makeshift weapons, including broken table legs and smashed wine bottles, with the security staff holding actual pistols.

Across from them, you see a group that you can only guess is from the surrounding neighborhood, angry people in tattered dirty clothes, holding assortments of baseball bats and crow-bars, several hunting rifles or shotguns mixed in amongst the lot of them.

That looked like it could turn ugly pretty quickly.

Agatha decides to voice her opinion.

"So? They aren't our problem, and getting involved might just get us shot! Leave them to their own business, and let's get back to ours!"

Agatha has a point, you don't really know what the deal is there, and getting involved might just get you or the rest of the team hurt. On top of that, your group back home already had enough people to worry about, you didn't really need to add more things to keep track of...

On the other hand, they are still people. They deserve help just as much as anyone else don't they?


What does team three do? (Choose 1)

[] Get involved, ask these people what's going on.
[] Leave, this isn't any of your business.
[] Leave, but tell the others about this place when you get back.

POV change! Who do you follow next? (Choose 1)

[] Team 1: Alexander Tesla, Plinio Banks, Dale Sherburn (Heading South.)

[] Team 2: Alessandra Gravano, Nellie Matson, Maximillian Nazario. (Heading North)

[] Team 4: Bill, Sibylla Frost, Mason Arthurson. (Heading West.)


That's it for Team 3 Part 1, please choose one option from each list!

I'll lock voting in a couple of days.
[X] Leave, but tell the others about this place when you get back.
Best not to get involved. but lets keep the location in mind for further investigation.
[X] Team 2: Alessandra Gravano, Nellie Matson, Maximillian Nazario. (Heading North)
Its a direction. That and i flipped a coin.
[X] Leave, but tell the others about this place when you get back.

[X] Team 2: Alessandra Gravano, Nellie Matson, Maximillian Nazario. (Heading North)
[X] Leave, but tell the others about this place when you get back.

[X] Team 2: Alessandra Gravano, Nellie Matson, Maximillian Nazario. (Heading North)
This also means you guys get more influence over how each teams adventure go! Because i'll have you vote on the teams actions at each step. (along with voting for which team you switch too next!
Joy, more chances to fuck it up.

You're gonna say showing up for that "Rally" was probably the big mistake, if you had never done that you wouldn't have been in the middle of a public park when the bombs had started dropping.
I wouldn't call it a mistake if its the main reason she isn't dead. If she wasn't at the rally, she probably would have been in the city and we all know what happened there.

With medical issues out of the way, and some clear leadership showing up in the form of the "two Ales" as Alex and Alessandra were called, your little group had stopped just wandering around listlessly… you all actually had a goal.
My god. There is a in-universe shipname for Alex and Alessandra!

He's dead on, out of the car you see building, looked like some sort of ritzy hotel or something, Above the front door you see the words "Hotel Royal Oak" written in a big flowing font.

And yes, there are two groups of people out in front of the building… pointing guns at each other.
Huh, a random encounter. ...At least none of them will be Synths?

What does team three do? (Choose 1)
I guess the hotel group has some supplies stored inside the storage rooms of the hotel. The other group, probably people living in the neighborhood of the hotel, know that the hotel group has supplies and they want that stuff.
If I'm right then we could recruit the neighborhood group with the promise of food, water, and medicine. Solving this peacefully also means we could get the hotel group later.

If we let them fight... Well, it's going to harden the dislike of both groups against each other, so recruiting them both will be harder. It also means they're going to use up ammunition and medicine fighting each other.

Of course, this assumes there isn't more going on.

[X] Get involved, ask these people what's going on.
[X] Team 2: Alessandra Gravano, Nellie Matson, Maximillian Nazario. (Heading North)

This way, we find out if we can prevent any fighting before they use up supplies we could get if we recruit them. It's also going to be easier to convince the hotel group about joining if we have the neighborhood group and our own staring them down.
[X] Get involved, ask these people what's going on.
[X] Team 2: Alessandra Gravano, Nellie Matson, Maximillian Nazario. (Heading North)
[X] Leave, but tell the others about this place when you get back.

[X] Team 2: Alessandra Gravano, Nellie Matson, Maximillian Nazario. (Heading North)
[X] Get involved, ask these people what's going on.
[X] Team 2: Alessandra Gravano, Nellie Matson, Maximillian Nazario. (Heading North)

Admittedly i want to kill the neighborhood group to take weapons and force a favor from the other group so maybe a trade route can be established but meh. Start slow first.

Also first hints at another piece of possible tribal identity in the 'The Ales' leadership thing. Coupd fade could become more.
[X] Leave, but tell the others about this place when you get back.
[X] Team 2: Alessandra Gravano, Nellie Matson, Maximillian Nazario. (Heading North)
[X] Leave, but tell the others about this place when you get back.
[X] Bill, Sybilla Frost, Mason Artherson. (Heading West.)
Hopefully we get something from Bill, mainly because I'm really curious about him.
Vote locked.

Don't know when update is gonna be, kinda burnt out on writing at the moment.

Maybe i should go look at some of my other quests...

Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by ninjafish on Aug 2, 2020 at 12:25 AM, finished with 12 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Leave, but tell the others about this place when you get back.
    [X] Team 2: Alessandra Gravano, Nellie Matson, Maximillian Nazario. (Heading North)
    [X] Get involved, ask these people what's going on.
    [X] Team 2: Alessandra Gravano, Nellie Matson, Maximillian Nazario. (Heading North)
    [X] Leave, but tell the others about this place when you get back.
    [X] Leave, but tell the others about this place when you get back.
    [X] Bill, Sybilla Frost, Mason Artherson. (Heading West.)
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