Should i create new mutant creatures to go along with the traditional fallout stuff?

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Adhoc vote count started by Twiggierjet on Aug 9, 2019 at 8:54 AM, finished with 20 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Beginnings of Something New
    -[X] DIY Looting Part 1: Alessandra had found a hardware store, a big one, bound to have to lots of useful tools and supplies inside. There's just one problem, the entrance caved in. Luckily, there happens to a be hole in the roof but you cant just jump through, anyone who tried would have to much of a fall for it to be safe, even if the landing sight didn't have a chance of being full of power tools or glass (and it very much did have a chance.) Luckily for you, one of your other Scav teams found an old wrecker, miraculously still functional, and with a working wench, these thing could safely haul several tons of vehicle… but you think with a bit of luck, and some elbow grease, you could make it into an improvised lift to lower people down into the store, and pull cargo out of it. First things first… you gotta make solid platform! (Time: 1 day. Reward: Able to start looting the Hardware Mart Alessandra had found.)
    -[X] I Can't Hear You!: Once again, you need people armed and ready to fight. Yesterday. Hazards aplenty are lurking out there. Try and find some people willing to fight, then unleash your inner drill sergeant! (50% chance to find recruit's, 40% chance of successful training, ? days of successful training required to finish.)
    -[X] Time for Beds?: for the past few days you and your guests have been sleeping on the floor, You atleast have a bed, but you don't sleep on it as a sign of solidarity…. Sleeping on the ground is not ideal though… there has to be some sleeping bags or some mattresses or something… somewhere out there. (Chance of success 50% Reward: Find a bed/beds/sleeping bags. Morale raised, People sleep better.)
    -[X] I want to rock and roll all night… So that ghouls don't eat my face while I sleep: Yeah, you need to form a night watch to look out for things, The thing that used to be Charlie has proven he can get way to close to your little sanctuary without anyone noticing. You need to fix that ASAP. (Chance of success 70%: Reward: several volunteers form a night watch.)
    -[X] Putting on your Game-Face: A significant portion of the people here had used face and body paint in lieu of costumes last night, now after all the partying, its been smeared, smudged, and generally looks the mess. The problem? No running water, and what water you do have you can't spare for something like bathing. Luckily your people came up with a good idea, don't remove it, Just touch up to have it look nice again and keep on with it. They claim that keeping the party atmosphere alive might keep peoples spirit up, and one of them even says they should use it as warpaint… While you aren't sure about that last bit, At least some of these paints provide the same benefits as sunscreen, and your hope is that they will provide some (likely minimal) protection from the increased background radiation. On the other hand, you could always just put your foot down on this tribalistic nonsense and have them scrub themselves down with rags… but you might need those rags for bandages at some point. (If chosen you actively approve of the use of face and body paint, (Meaning you don't remove the skull pattern on your face.) Begins the growth of Culture Trait: War-paint. Begins formation of tribal identity and eases tensions between old and new comers , ???, Only available for 3 more turns.)
    -[X] Watch-Bot: Program it to patrol the edges of the Super Duper Mart, and sound an alarm if it encounters anyone not in it's memory. (Reward: 50% chance of detecting intruders into the super mart, Will attempt to incapacitate said intruders with its Taser Prongs.)
    -[X] Burn it: Plenty of dead wood around, Ash is good fertilizer as well. Also less likely to get people sick or attract scavengers. (Cultural trait: Cremation.)
    -[X] Alessandra: Spend some Time with your… Girlfriend, huh you never thought you would actually have to do something like that… It feels nice. (Spend time with Alessandra, Good for Alex's state of mind.)
    [X] Plan Settling down and doctoring up.
    -[X] Time for Beds?: for the past few days you and your guests have been sleeping on the floor, You atleast have a bed, but you don't sleep on it as a sign of solidarity…. Sleeping on the ground is not ideal though… there has to be some sleeping bags or some mattresses or something… somewhere out there. (Chance of success 50% Reward: Find a bed/beds/sleeping bags. Morale raised, People sleep better.)
    -[X] I want to rock and roll all night… So that ghouls don't eat my face while I sleep: Yeah, you need to form a night watch to look out for things, The thing that used to be Charlie has proven he can get way to close to your little sanctuary without anyone noticing. You need to fix that ASAP. (Chance of success 70%: Reward: several volunteers form a night watch.)
    -[X] Putting on your Game-Face: A significant portion of the people here had used face and body paint in lieu of costumes last night, now after all the partying, its been smeared, smudged, and generally looks the mess. The problem? No running water, and what water you do have you can't spare for something like bathing. Luckily your people came up with a good idea, don't remove it, Just touch up to have it look nice again and keep on with it. They claim that keeping the party atmosphere alive might keep peoples spirit up, and one of them even says they should use it as warpaint… While you aren't sure about that last bit, At least some of these paints provide the same benefits as sunscreen, and your hope is that they will provide some (likely minimal) protection from the increased background radiation. On the other hand, you could always just put your foot down on this tribalistic nonsense and have them scrub themselves down with rags… but you might need those rags for bandages at some point. (If chosen you actively approve of the use of face and body paint, (Meaning you don't remove the skull pattern on your face.) Begins the growth of Culture Trait: War-paint. Begins formation of tribal identity and eases tensions between old and new comers , ???, Only available for 3 more turns.)
    -[X] Where in the world is Charlie the Ghoul?: Okay No. He killed one of your guys, Davis wheeler was just a kid, not even out of high school! (Let's just ignore that Charlie wasn't either.) Your gonna hunt this thing down, and put it out of it's misery! (??% chance of success, Reward: Find Charlie.)
    -[X] The Tools of Medicine Part 1, The Basic's: William, the most notable of the people you had managed to rescue from the golf course, was a doctor, like professionally trained and everything. You really are glad you had bothered to look for survivors there now. But a doctor still needs some sort of tools to do his work. He has, of course, asked for your aid in obtaining some. (Time: Until you find some. Reward: William can begin diagnosis and treatment of minor Maladies.)
    -[X] Watch-Bot: Program it to patrol the edges of the Super Duper Mart, and sound an alarm if it encounters anyone not in it's memory. (Reward: 50% chance of detecting intruders into the super mart, Will attempt to incapacitate said intruders with its Taser Prongs.)
    -[X] Burn it: Plenty of dead wood around, Ash is good fertilizer as well. Also less likely to get people sick or attract scavengers. (Cultural trait: Cremation.)
    -[X] Alessandra: Spend some Time with your… Girlfriend, huh you never thought you would actually have to do something like that… It feels nice. (Spend time with Alessandra, Good for Alex's state of mind.)
    [X] Plan: the KISS principle
    -[X] DIY Looting Part 1
    -[X] I Can't Hear You!
    -[X] Time for Beds?
    -[X] The Tools of Medicine Part 1, The Basic's
    -[X] Watch-Bot
    -[X] Burn it
    -[X] Alessandra
Alrighty then, thanks!

Update will be awhile, gotta finish the RE quest update... then I'll start the next quest's character creation.
Just wanted to let you guys know that i have a new Quest!

Scum Rises to The Top: A warhammer 40k quest.

It's kind of an experiment for me, so check it out if your interested

Well, I'm beat, G'night.

I'll start on this update either tommorow or the next day Btw.
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Turn 9 Result's.
Author's Note: Update time!

This turn was pretty simple all things considered. nothing really spectacular happened.

Don't know when the turn will come out, Next up is the Post Saturation Update, and then i figure I'll get my new quest through character generation before I continue the loop.

Anyways, I don't really have anything else to say.

So read it, Discuss it, or ask me questions, seriously, it helps keep me motivated.

And of course, Enjoy!


[X] DIY Looting Part 1: Alessandra had found a hardware store, a big one, bound to have to lots of useful tools and supplies inside. There's just one problem, the entrance caved in. Luckily, there happens to a be hole in the roof but you can't just jump through, anyone who tried would have to much of a fall for it to be safe, even if the landing sight didn't have a chance of being full of power tools or glass (and it very much did have a chance.) Luckily for you, one of your other Scav teams found an old wrecker, miraculously still functional, and with a working wench, these thing could safely haul several tons of vehicle… but you think with a bit of luck, and some elbow grease, you could make it into an improvised lift to lower people down into the store, and pull cargo out of it. First things first… you gotta make a solid platform! (Time: 1 day. Reward: Able to start looting the Hardware Mart Alessandra had found.)

It doesn't take too long to get something you think will work, you basically just pillaged a few hard wood doors, sandwiched some sheet metal between them, then sandwiched the doors and sheet metal between more sheet metal.

Then you nailed, riveted, and welded it all together into a nice sturdy platform that should be able to hold a few hundred pounds easily enough. Then you just get a crude pulley system to hook the wench up too tomorrow and your good to go!

It wasn't too hard but it was nice little bit of mental stretch work at least. All that was left to do was head out and pillage that store for everything it was worth.

[X] I Can't Hear You!: Once again, you need people armed and ready to fight. Yesterday. Hazards aplenty are lurking out there. Try and find some people willing to fight, then unleash your inner drill sergeant! (50% chance to find recruit's, 40% chance of successful training, ? days of successful training required to finish.) Recruit Finding Roll: 93. Recruits found. Day 1 training roll 64, All recruits pass by the skin of their teeth.

After the whole "Find a mutilated corpse outside your home" thing, it's no real surprise that you have some people eager to learn how to defend themselves… and others.

A Full half of your little group volunteered when you told them you wanted to teach people how to fight, Alessandra among their number.

But you aren't gonna have these people fight if they aren't physically capable of it, you got enough blood on your hands as is. No, you gotta make sure they actually have the will for it.

Which is why you give them a gauntlet of exercises to perform. 20 laps around the edge of the parking lot and the mart itself, which according to your eyeball, is about 2 miles, Then jumping jacks, sit-up's, all basic stuff.

Your surprised to say they actually managed to do it all, but they did somehow. One of them passed out afterwards, and the rest looked like they desperately wanted too. But all the same, they made it through your little exercise.

Guess fear for one's life and loved ones is a powerful motivator… Oh well, tomorrow you suppose you'll teach them to shoot.

[X] Time for Beds?: for the past few days you and your guests have been sleeping on the floor, You atleast have a bed, but you don't sleep on it as a sign of solidarity…. Sleeping on the ground is not ideal though… there has to be some sleeping bags or some mattresses or something… somewhere out there. (Chance of success 50% Reward: Find a bed/beds/sleeping bags. Morale raised, People sleep better.) Roll: 78, Beds found.

Your people had made it clear that people needed something to sleep on other than hard ground, and several of them were up to task of finding something better!

Four members of your little group headed out… now in pairs. To find something for you all to get a decent night's sleep on.

A few hours later the first group reports in, hauling an shopping carts full of sleeping bags, apparently the old sport's supply store Alessandra had looted for guns, had more than just guns in it. It had a whole section dedicated to camping.

Thus Sleeping bags, a bunch of them. On top of that this pair… Carlos and Melina were their names, had taken some initiative and gotten more than just the bags, they brought with them bags of charcoal, fire starter's, even a couple of tents and tarp's.

They had done some good work all in all.

The next group reported in even later… covered in thick off color blood. They had apparently found an old furniture store… and apparently atleast one member of the staff was still there… as a ghoul.

Thankfully they had kept their cool, and one of their members (Colette) had baited it, so that the other (Frank) could ambush it, and beat it over the head with a baseball bat. The thing had gotten some good hits in, but Your people had won, and that's all that matters.

Well them winning, and them finding a couple of intact mattresses. Which was why they had comeback empty handed, they needed a car to transport the thing long distance.

Suffice to say, you had given them the keys to the Chryslus immediately. They came back, having precariously stacked 3 mattresses on top of the car. Combined with your own mattress that you had brought with you from your home, this made four mattress's total, combined with the sleeping bags, everyone now had a place to sleep that was better than the ground.

Finally you could sleep on your mattress again!

[X] I want to rock and roll all night… So that ghouls don't eat my face while I sleep: Yeah, you need to form a night watch to look out for things, The thing that used to be Charlie has proven he can get way to close to your little sanctuary without anyone noticing. You need to fix that ASAP. (Chance of success 70%: Reward: several volunteers form a night watch.) Roll Required: 30. Roll: 67. Night watch established.

It did not take any effort whatsoever for you to convince people that you needed to do night watch.

In the end, it was decided that every morning everyone in your camp older than 15, which was most of the people here, would draw from cup of popsicle sticks. 3 of those sticks would have the bottom half painted black, the three people who drew the black straws would each serve 4 hours of night shift. 6 PM to 10 PM, 10 PM to 2 AM, and 2 AM to 6 AM.

Night watchmen (or watchwomen) receive a flash light, a fold out chair, there choice of either a baseball bat, or a gun, And speaker that could access the store intercom system to wake the rest of the group up if something was amiss.

They also got to go to sleep earlier so they could be awake for their shift.

Yeah, you think this will prevent anymore night time visits from Charlie… hopefully.

[X] Putting on your Game-Face: A significant portion of the people here had used face and body paint in lieu of costumes last night, now after all the partying, its been smeared, smudged, and generally looks the mess. The problem? No running water, and what water you do have you can't spare for something like bathing. Luckily your people came up with a good idea, don't remove it, Just touch up to have it look nice again and keep on with it. They claim that keeping the party atmosphere alive might keep peoples spirit up, and one of them even says they should use it as warpaint… (Meaning you don't remove the skull pattern on your face.) Begins the growth of Culture Trait: War-paint. Begins formation of tribal identity and eases tensions between old and new comers , ???, Only available for 3 more turns.)

You decide that wasting water on removing the face paint you had put on yesterday night was pointless. If it starts looking bad, you could just touch it up with more paint. Not like you need paint for anything else afterall.

Heck, it might even act like sunscreen a little bit of rads!

Most of the other members of the group seem to have agreed with you, one even going so far as to call it war paint.

Well if it keeps their spirit up you aren't gonna complain.

Special Action's: (pick one option each.)

It took you a while, but you've finished up the repairs on the Eye-bot, Now You need to program it… but for what exactly? (Time until completion: 2-4 turns (depending on rolls) does not take up other action slots.)

[X] Watch-Bot: Program it to patrol the edges of the Super Duper Mart, and sound an alarm if it encounters anyone not in it's memory. (Reward: 50% chance of detecting intruders into the super mart, Will attempt to incapacitate said intruders with its Taser Prongs.)

Most of your time on the bot had been spent getting its facial recognition system set up, so that it would go off anytime one of the scavengers came back. Which meant first off setting up the necessary programs for that… and then actually getting everyone to stand in front of the bot at different angles so it could register their faces.

Overall nothing to difficult, some of your people were annoyed having to be called off whatever they were doing to stare at as robot though.

You also managed to set up the patrol route it would take around the mart. All that was left to do now, was get it hooked up to the intercom system, and the protectron and combined with your night watch you would have a decent security system.

Programming 63% completed.

Charlie was… kind enough to give you back Davis's corpse. What are you going to do with it?

[X] Burn it: Plenty of dead wood around, Ash is good fertilizer as well. Also less likely to get people sick or attract scavengers. (Cultural trait: Cremation.)

You still had something you needed to do.

Of those who had joined the protest group that you had found in the park, some had come in groups, but many had come alone.

Davis Wheeler was one of the latter, only bound to the group first by shared caused with the protestors, then by the need for survival.

But even though no one knew him enough to speak for him, you still felt you needed to do something to give him a burial.

There wasn't much ground to bury him in out in the suburbs, and what you did have you would probably need to use for farming at some point… but you had plenty of dry wood, and some fire starter. Hopefully Davis didn't have any problems with cremation.

It took a bit to get a nice little pyre of wood set up, but with some help from Alessandra… and William of all people, you managed.

Even though no one said anything, everyone showed up for the little funeral. The atmosphere appropriately solemn… which you admit clashed a bit with colorful array of face paint that people were wearing… Huh might want to think about things like that. Funeral paints maybe.

There was one problem though… You weren't able to get the fire hot enough to destroy the bones, and you still needed to do something with the ashes from everything else.

Something to consider later.

Personal Actions

[X] Alessandra: Spend some Time with your… Girlfriend, huh you never thought you would actually have to do something like that… It feels nice. (Spend time with Alessandra, Good for Alex's state of mind.)

It was… new to share a bed. But Alessandra had wanted too, and you honestly had too, Thank you. Colette and Frank, for the gift of being able to sleep on your own mattress again!

Nothing happened tonight, it was a bit too somber a mood after the funeral, you just laid there and held each other until you both fell asleep.

The mattress was even better when you shared it with someone else.


AN: Welp that's it for day 9.

You rolled pretty good this turn, no fails.

Anyways once again not quite sure when day 10 will go up.

So, yeah.

Read it, Enjoy it, Comment on it, or ask me questions if you got em.

Hope you all like it!

C'ya Later!
@Cyrus2 i see your going through the quest and liking a bunch of chapters.

You just find this one buddy?

If so welcome to the thread!
Yeah, I've spotted it before but just havent had the time to read through it till now. It's really good though so I thought I would catch up on everything that's happened so far.
Yeah, I've spotted it before but just havent had the time to read through it till now. It's really good though so I thought I would catch up on everything that's happened so far.

Thanks man!

Good to know people can enjoy this when they read it in large chunks instead of per release, means my writing isn't too dense or dry or boring!
I wonder how many more survivors we can realistically take in (or find for that matter). In the long term, high numbers will likely give us an advantage.
[X] DIY Looting Part 1:
That worked. Not sure if we still have to roll for loot or not though.
Anyway, I 'm curious what options this opens up. Obviously more fortification actions but I also hope for actions to rebuild the interior of our base, maybe something on the roof of our base too.

[X] I Can't Hear You!:
The exercises are good even if we don't get all of them as fighters. Fallout is the sort of world where you need to be able to run away if something wants to eat you.
Let's hope we get a few people talented with guns next turn.

The sleeping bags are going to be useful if we go on any long-range expeditions. Of course, the mattresses are better. Maybe we should send another group to that store tomorrow?
I doubt they looted everything and we could use any other furniture in that store too.

Mentioning loot, the front page doesn't mention the water purifier we found at the Zoo so we still have to loot that.

[X] I want to rock and roll all night… So that ghouls don't eat my face while I sleep:
Well, one person should be enough with our two robots. We probably should spend an action on upgrading any bots we have, do the Kill-Bot upgrade for the eye bot, maybe some other stuff like what the Rust Devils did with their bots in Fallout 4. Depending on how accurate the Protectron is with his laser, we might want to replace it with a flamer or something and give that laser to one of our fighters.

[X] Putting on your Game-Face:
Nothing coming from that action yet. I'm curious when people are going to start experimenting with stuff to make new paint.

Well, getting high enough temperatures to burn everything is difficult. We either need to build something to get an air draft and higher temperatures through that or learn how to make fuel that burns hotter.
The first option works for now but given that we could use fuel like that for weapons like flamers and firebombs, and we could run out of other things to burn at some point, we probably should work on that. Probably more something for Alessandra to work on than Alex.
Or the Laser Light Show Trait kicks in and Alex tries to work something out with lasers.:V

You rolled pretty good this turn, no fails.
Does that include background rolls? It would be nice if Charlie fell down some stairs.;)
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That worked. Not sure if we still have to roll for loot or not though.
Anyway, I 'm curious what options this opens up. Obviously more fortification actions but I also hope for actions to rebuild the interior of our base, maybe something on the roof of our base too.

The exercises are good even if we don't get all of them as fighters. Fallout is the sort of world where you need to be able to run away if something wants to eat you.
Let's hope we get a few people talented with guns next turn.

The sleeping bags are going to be useful if we go on any long-range expeditions. Of course, the mattresses are better. Maybe we should send another group to that store tomorrow?
I doubt they looted everything and we could need any other furniture in that store too.

Mentioning loot, the front page doesn't mention the water purifier we found at the Zoo so we still have to loot that.

Well, one person should be enough with our two robots. We probably should spend an action on upgrading any bots we have, do the Kill-Bot upgrade for the eye bot, maybe some other stuff like what the Rust Devils did with their bots in Fallout 4. Depending on how accurate the Protectron is with his laser, we might want to replace it with a flamer or something and give that laser to one of our fighters.

Nothing coming from that action yet. I'm curious when people are going to start experimenting with stuff to make new paint.

Well, getting high enough temperatures to burn everything is difficult. We either need to build something to get an air draft and higher temperatures through that or learn how to make fuel that burns hotter.
The first option works for now but given that we could use fuel like that for weapons like flamers and firebombs, and we could run out of other things to burn at some point, we probably should work on that. Probably more something for Alessandra to work on than Alex.
Or the Laser Light Show Trait kicks in and Alex tries to work something out with lasers.:V

Does that include background rolls? It would be nice if Charlie fell down some stairs.;)

No fails for anyone!
No fails for anyone!
I just found this gif that perfectly shows how I feel hearing this.

Also, this
Or the Laser Light Show Trait kicks in and Alex tries to work something out with lasers.:V
was meant as a joke but lasers can turn people into piles of ash with a crit. That might be a game abstraction and not be a thing in this story, because it would be silly, but we also have the Wild Wasteland Trait.
Alternatively, we do have the Gatling Plasma Design Document's still laying around. We can't build the weapon but maybe we can build something to turn corpses into piles of goo.
So, I'm just gonna post this on each of my threads.

I have a Patreon now, you can see the link for it down in my signature.

If you like the things I write perhaps consider donating.

No pressure though, I mostly write for fun, and I honestly don't expect much to come of it.

But even a little bit of extra income would make things easier for me, so I figured why not give it a shot?

I have no intentions of quitting if i don't make some arbitrary amount of cash or anything, I just wanted to see if maybe I can turn something I enjoy into something that can help me out in my personal life.

Anyway's donations or no, you are all awesome thanks for sticking with my slow writing and sub-par skills!
Alright, I think The Warhammer quest is in a good place for me to go back to my other quest's for a bit now.

Expect options for day 10 to go up in the next few days.
Day 10: November 2nd, 2077
Author's Note: Here's those options I promised you guys.

Didn't really have a lot of inspiration for narrative stuff on this update, not really much happening yet.

But you know the drill, Read, Vote, and of course, Enjoy!


You wake up at the crack of dawn, like always. Unlike always, you can feel someone next to you in bed.

You look down at the still sleeping Alessandra… Something warm wells up in your chest.

You smile, a small fragile thing… but it's there.

You think you'll give her a bit more time to sleep.

As for you… You've got work to do.


Group Actions (pick 5)

[] DIY Looting Part 2: Well, you've got the rig set up, might as well use it. It'll take a while, you can only really fit one person on this thing at a time… and they'll have to put the supplies on in small chunks until the place is empty, might take a few days. ((Counts as 2 actions) Time: 5 days, Reward: Looted Hardware, tools, lumber, sheet metal, that sort of thing.)

[] Burning Rubber: One car is not enough for your scavenging. There's gotta a be a few scattered around that are still in working condition… right? (Count's As two Actions: Success Chance 30% Reward: find another car, maybe multiple cars.)

[] Scavenging for Salvation: There is a lot of rubble lying around out here, a lot of stuff has undoubtedly been destroyed, but there might still be some useful stuff, buried in the dust. (Success Chance ???, Reward: Random objects of varying use and value. Repeatable)

[] I Can't Hear You 2!: You have your recruits, but they sure as hit aren't ready yet! Whip them into shape! ( 50% chance of successful training, ? days of successful training required to finish.)

[] Seriously There Has To Be Someone Else Out There: Detroit and the surrounding area was home to almost three million people before the bombs dropped…. A couple of protestors some golf course attendees and an army burnout cannot possibly be the only people still alive in this part of the suburbs. Try and find'em. (???? Odds of success. Reward: potential encounter with humans? Allies, maybe more manpower?)

[] Where in the world is Charlie the Ghoul?: Okay No. He killed one of your guys, Davis wheeler was just a kid, not even out of high school! (Let's just ignore that Charlie wasn't either.) Your gonna hunt this thing down, and put it out of it's misery! (??% chance of success, Reward: Find Charlie.)

[] The Tools of Medicine Part 1, The Basic's: William, the most notable of the people you had managed to rescue from the golf course, was a doctor, like professionally trained and everything. You really are glad you had bothered to look for survivors there now. But a doctor still needs some sort of tools to do his work. He has, of course, asked for your aid in obtaining some. (Time: Until you find some. Reward: William can begin diagnosis and treatment of minor Maladies.)

[] Fixing Things: The truck got pretty banged up on your little trek down to Detroit, the windows blown out, lots of dent's, probably should try to remove that "Slick" stuff from it…. Honestly car's are kinda important, might want to look into getting more specialized tools for repair, maybe start building a proper garage sometime instead of letting them rust in the acid rain… (Reward, Truck is fixed to the best of your ability, start thinking about better way's to keep your cars maintained.

Special Action's: (pick one option each.)

It took you a while, but you've finished up the repairs on the Eye-bot, Now You need to program it… but for what exactly? (Time until completion: 2-4 turns (depending on rolls) does not take up other action slots.)

[X] Watch-Bot: Program it to patrol the edges of the Super Duper Mart, and sound an alarm if it encounters anyone not in it's memory. IN PROGRESS! (Reward: 50% chance of detecting intruders into the super mart, Will attempt to incapacitate said intruders with its Taser Prongs.)

Personal Actions (Choose 1)

[] Continuing Robot Repair: You've fixed up the Eye-bot, but theres a whole lot of pile left, lets see what else you can pull from it! (Total day's taken depends on rolls and resource availability. Results upon complete vary depending on rolls.)

[] Finding Tranquility: Bill's definitely got some prior military experience, but you've never even heard of "Operation: Tranquility" before, and if his eyes are anything to go by, the man has seen some shit, More than you even. Trying to pry directly into that sort of thing Is a bad idea, but maybe you can work towards it, share a few war stories, have a couple of beers, that sort of thing? (Success Chance 20%, Reward: Bill Trusts you a little more, ????.)


AN: Well that's it.

Don't got much else to say right now.

Next up is... Post-Saturation I believe. Pretty sure i left that one on a bit of a cliff hanger.

Read, Vote, Enjoy it.

[X] Unicorn killers.
-[X] DIY Looting Part 2: Well, you've got the rig set up, might as well use it. It'll take a while, you can only really fit one person on this thing at a time… and they'll have to put the supplies on in small chunks until the place is empty, might take a few days. ((Counts as 2 actions) Time: 5 days, Reward: Looted Hardware, tools, lumber, sheet metal, that sort of thing.)
-[X] I Can't Hear You 2!: You have your recruits, but they sure as hit aren't ready yet! Whip them into shape! ( 50% chance of successful training, ? days of successful training required to finish.)
-[X] Where in the world is Charlie the Ghoul?: Okay No. He killed one of your guys, Davis wheeler was just a kid, not even out of high school! (Let's just ignore that Charlie wasn't either.) Your gonna hunt this thing down, and put it out of it's misery! (??% chance of success, Reward: Find Charlie.)
-[X] The Tools of Medicine Part 1, The Basic's: William, the most notable of the people you had managed to rescue from the golf course, was a doctor, like professionally trained and everything. You really are glad you had bothered to look for survivors there now. But a doctor still needs some sort of tools to do his work. He has, of course, asked for your aid in obtaining some. (Time: Until you find some. Reward: William can begin diagnosis and treatment of minor Maladies.)
-[X] Continuing Robot Repair: You've fixed up the Eye-bot, but theres a whole lot of pile left, lets see what else you can pull from it! (Total day's taken depends on rolls and resource availability. Results upon complete vary depending on rolls.)

I don't think we have good enough diplo for bill yet so wait on that. ALSO HUNT DOWN AND KILL CHARLIE THE UNICORN. Only thing i see swapping out for would be the Truck repair.
edit: better idea for a plan name.
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[X] Plan: Preparing to Explore Safely
-[X] DIY Looting Part 2: Well, you've got the rig set up, might as well use it. It'll take a while, you can only really fit one person on this thing at a time… and they'll have to put the supplies on in small chunks until the place is empty, might take a few days. ((Counts as 2 actions) Time: 5 days, Reward: Looted Hardware, tools, lumber, sheet metal, that sort of thing.)
-[X] I Can't Hear You 2!: You have your recruits, but they sure as hit aren't ready yet! Whip them into shape! ( 50% chance of successful training, ? days of successful training required to finish.)
-[X] The Tools of Medicine Part 1, The Basic's: William, the most notable of the people you had managed to rescue from the golf course, was a doctor, like professionally trained and everything. You really are glad you had bothered to look for survivors there now. But a doctor still needs some sort of tools to do his work. He has, of course, asked for your aid in obtaining some. (Time: Until you find some. Reward: William can begin diagnosis and treatment of minor Maladies.)
-[X] Fixing Things: The truck got pretty banged up on your little trek down to Detroit, the windows blown out, lots of dent's, probably should try to remove that "Slick" stuff from it…. Honestly car's are kinda important, might want to look into getting more specialized tools for repair, maybe start building a proper garage sometime instead of letting them rust in the acid rain… (Reward, Truck is fixed to the best of your ability, start thinking about better way's to keep your cars maintained.
-[X] Watch-Bot: Program it to patrol the edges of the Super Duper Mart, and sound an alarm if it encounters anyone not in it's memory. IN PROGRESS! (Reward: 50% chance of detecting intruders into the super mart, Will attempt to incapacitate said intruders with its Taser Prongs.)
-[X] Finding Tranquility: Bill's definitely got some prior military experience, but you've never even heard of "Operation: Tranquility" before, and if his eyes are anything to go by, the man has seen some shit, More than you even. Trying to pry directly into that sort of thing Is a bad idea, but maybe you can work towards it, share a few war stories, have a couple of beers, that sort of thing? (Success Chance 20%, Reward: Bill Trusts you a little more, ????.)

Now that we have the lift set up, we should begin looting the hardware store. It also shouldn't be too hard to keep an eye out for medical supplies.

We need to continue training our people before we start searching for Charlie or other groups in the area. While I doubt our chances on stumbling upon a hostile group, it's a good idea to be prepared. (Not to mention that we may stumble upon Charlie.)

It's important that we finish up the repair work on the Eye-bot and our truck, and having a designated place to park our vehicles is a good idea as well.

Finally, I think that bonding with Bill, as well as potentially learning about Operation: Tranquility, while we have the chance is more important than potentially starting another robot repair project. It's not that I think Bill is gonna betray us or keel over from old age, but the fact that he is one of our best fighters means he will be on the front-lines if anything violent were to happen. Even if we fail the action, trying to bond with Bill should hopefully improve our chances next time.
Shouldn't we wait until our recruits are trained until we go after the super charged ghoul? Would probably lead ti better survival rate and help actually kill him.