Should i create new mutant creatures to go along with the traditional fallout stuff?

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I am kind of curious We have the ghoulfiied trait and hes a glowing one. Do we get buffs from him when fighting him? I know that ghouls would get buffs if fighting near one in fallout.

Ghoulish means you dont have to worry about radiation damage when fighting him, except if he does a massive pulse of it, while you do heal faster, it's steal a lot slower than a full on ghoul.
You know, considering the focus of fallout games/stories to be long after the apocalypse, I never thought of how dangerous ghouls would be in the first set of years.

I'm more aware of later setting stuff people don't think about, like Supermutants being twice the height of the average wastelander.
oh god-dammit...were going to have to kill that son of a bitch aren't we?
Even worse is that it is likely going to have to be us directly, only we have the Ghoulish perk that lets us take the rads a Glowing One puts out constantly. On the flip side is that we have laser guns and military training while he is a half-mad mutant. I would put good odds on us being able to blow his head off if we can locate where he is hiding out.
This wont be as simple as luring him into a trap and blowing his head off. He is clearly smart (also, why is he after us again? Does he blame us for not getting him out of the radioactive rain in time?)
The current crop of ghouls is actually really dangerous, unlike the ghouls you end up fighting in later fallout games, who have been rotting and likely near starving for decades if not centuries. these ghouls are still relatively fresh, their bodies healthier and stronger, and the radiation levels being so high means they heal pretty damn fast.
I guess we can also expect some of the Fallout 76 monster variants that died off by the time of the later games. Like Wendigos, Vault Tech Experiments and mutants that wouldn't survive for long with lower radiation levels.

Even worse is that it is likely going to have to be us directly, only we have the Ghoulish perk that lets us take the rads a Glowing One puts out constantly.
We do have a pile of robots that we could repair and that would be immune against radiation. We have options that don't involve CQC.

But i've left some clues.
I guess it's about his sister? I think we also speculated that the Ghoul pack from the golf course could be following him. They could remember some of their old friends.
Day 9, November 1st 2077.
Author's note: Alright here are the day 9 options.

You got a lot.

I'll put up an Informational on Cultural Traits sometime soon, but a quick and dirty explanation is that their flavor options, but some of them can give bonuses to things down the line, and they sort of follow a tree of growth. You've unlocked options for two of them, one from someone dying that's part of your group, and another from the holiday.

As i said I'll put out something a bit more detailed sometime soon, but Right now I'm tired, and kinda of sick.

Anyways, You guys know the drill Read, Comment, Discuss, VOTE, and of course Enjoy!



Well that was not a great way to start the day, but a start to the day it was. Party time is over for now.

It's time to get to work.


Group Actions (pick 5)

[] DIY Looting Part 1: Alessandra had found a hardware store, a big one, bound to have to lots of useful tools and supplies inside. There's just one problem, the entrance caved in. Luckily, there happens to a be hole in the roof but you cant just jump through, anyone who tried would have to much of a fall for it to be safe, even if the landing sight didn't have a chance of being full of power tools or glass (and it very much did have a chance.) Luckily for you, one of your other Scav teams found an old wrecker, miraculously still functional, and with a working wench, these thing could safely haul several tons of vehicle… but you think with a bit of luck, and some elbow grease, you could make it into an improvised lift to lower people down into the store, and pull cargo out of it. First things first… you gotta make solid platform! (Time: 1 day. Reward: Able to start looting the Hardware Mart Alessandra had found.)

[] Burning Rubber: One car is not enough for your scavenging. There's gotta a be a few scattered around that are still in working condition… right? (Count's As two Actions: Success Chance 30% Reward: find another car, maybe multiple cars.)

[] Scavenging for Salvation: There is a lot of rubble lying around out here, a lot of stuff has undoubtedly been destroyed, but there might still be some useful stuff, buried in the dust. (Success Chance ???, Reward: Random objects of varying use and value. Repeatable)

[] I Can't Hear You!: Once again, you need people armed and ready to fight. Yesterday. Hazards aplenty are lurking out there. Try and find some people willing to fight, then unleash your inner drill sergeant! (50% chance to find recruit's, 40% chance of successful training, ? days of successful training required to finish.)

[] Seriously There Has To Be Someone Else Out There: Detroit and the surrounding area was home to almost three million people before the bombs dropped…. A couple of protestors some golf course attendees and an army burnout cannot possibly be the only people still alive in this part of the suburbs. Try and find'em. (???? Odds of success. Reward: potential encounter with humans? Allies, maybe more manpower?)

[] Time for Beds?: for the past few days you and your guests have been sleeping on the floor, You atleast have a bed, but you don't sleep on it as a sign of solidarity…. Sleeping on the ground is not ideal though… there has to be some sleeping bags or some mattresses or something… somewhere out there. (Chance of success 50% Reward: Find a bed/beds/sleeping bags. Morale raised, People sleep better.)

[] I want to rock and roll all night… So that ghouls don't eat my face while I sleep: Yeah, you need to form a night watch to look out for things, The thing that used to be Charlie has proven he can get way to close to your little sanctuary without anyone noticing. You need to fix that ASAP. (Chance of success 70%: Reward: several volunteers form a night watch.)

[] Putting on your Game-Face: A significant portion of the people here had used face and body paint in lieu of costumes last night, now after all the partying, its been smeared, smudged, and generally looks the mess. The problem? No running water, and what water you do have you can't spare for something like bathing. Luckily your people came up with a good idea, don't remove it, Just touch up to have it look nice again and keep on with it. They claim that keeping the party atmosphere alive might keep peoples spirit up, and one of them even says they should use it as warpaint… While you aren't sure about that last bit, At least some of these paints provide the same benefits as sunscreen, and your hope is that they will provide some (likely minimal) protection from the increased background radiation. On the other hand, you could always just put your foot down on this tribalistic nonsense and have them scrub themselves down with rags… but you might need those rags for bandages at some point. (If chosen you actively approve of the use of face and body paint, (Meaning you don't remove the skull pattern on your face.) Begins the growth of Culture Trait: War-paint. Begins formation of tribal identity and eases tensions between old and new comers , ???, Only available for 3 more turns.)

[] Where in the world is Charlie the Ghoul?: Okay No. He killed one of your guys, Davis wheeler was just a kid, not even out of high school! (Let's just ignore that Charlie wasn't either.) Your gonna hunt this thing down, and put it out of it's misery! (??% chance of success, Reward: Find Charlie.)

[] The Tools of Medicine Part 1, The Basic's: William, the most notable of the people you had managed to rescue from the golf course, was a doctor, like professionally trained and everything. You really are glad you had bothered to look for survivors there now. But a doctor still needs some sort of tools to do his work. He has, of course, asked for your aid in obtaining some. (Time: Until you find some. Reward: William can begin diagnosis and treatment of minor Maladies.)

Special Action's: (pick one option each.)

It took you a while, but you've finished up the repairs on the Eye-bot, Now You need to program it… but for what exactly? (Time until completion: 2-4 turns (depending on rolls) does not take up other action slots.)

[] Watch-Bot: Program it to patrol the edges of the Super Duper Mart, and sound an alarm if it encounters anyone not in it's memory. (Reward: 50% chance of detecting intruders into the super mart, Will attempt to incapacitate said intruders with its Taser Prongs.)

[] Messenger-Bot: You don't really have a need to pass messages along, well maybe to Sizzler… But you can using the map data in your pip-boy create a program that allows the robot to record a message take it to the intended destination, and the broadcast said message… you could do more if you had a proper radio setup but you don't, so a glorified mailman is the best you can do at the moment. (Reward: Robot is capable of transporting messages over distances of several miles, then returning to sender. Will avoid hostiles if able, Will attempt to incapacitate with Taser if unable. Risk of permanent loss of robot.)

[] Kill-Bot: Remove the Taser, Add a Laser, create some crude combat programs, and an IFF registry. Boom you got yourself a robotic ally to watch your back in combat. (Robot follows Alex around and assists him in Combat.)

Charlie was… kind enough to give you back Davis's corpse. What are you going to do with it?

[] Bury it: You bury the body, this will require you to find some loose ground. (Cultural trait: Bury dead.)

[] Burn it: Plenty of dead wood around, Ash is good fertilizer as well. Also less likely to get people sick or attract scavengers. (Cultural trait: Cremation.)

Personal Actions (Choose 1)

[] Alessandra: Spend some Time with your… Girlfriend, huh you never thought you would actually have to do something like that… It feels nice. (Spend time with Alessandra, Good for Alex's state of mind.)

[] Continuing Robot Repair: You've fixed up the eyebot, but theres a whole lot of pile left, lets see what else you can pull from it! (Total day's taken depends on rolls and resource availability. Results upon complete vary depending on rolls.)

[] Finding Tranquility: Bill's definitely got some prior military experience, but you've never even heard of "Operation: Tranquility" before, and if his eyes are anything to go by, the man has seen some shit, More than you even. Trying to pry directly into that sort of thing Is a bad idea, but maybe you can work towards it, share a few war stories, have a couple of beers, that sort of thing? (Success Chance 15%, Reward: Bill Trusts you a little more, ????.)


AN: I Ain't got shit for this.

So yeah VOTE! and have fun!


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[X] Plan: Beginnings of Something New

-[X] DIY Looting Part 1: Alessandra had found a hardware store, a big one, bound to have to lots of useful tools and supplies inside. There's just one problem, the entrance caved in. Luckily, there happens to a be hole in the roof but you cant just jump through, anyone who tried would have to much of a fall for it to be safe, even if the landing sight didn't have a chance of being full of power tools or glass (and it very much did have a chance.) Luckily for you, one of your other Scav teams found an old wrecker, miraculously still functional, and with a working wench, these thing could safely haul several tons of vehicle… but you think with a bit of luck, and some elbow grease, you could make it into an improvised lift to lower people down into the store, and pull cargo out of it. First things first… you gotta make solid platform! (Time: 1 day. Reward: Able to start looting the Hardware Mart Alessandra had found.)
-[X] I Can't Hear You!: Once again, you need people armed and ready to fight. Yesterday. Hazards aplenty are lurking out there. Try and find some people willing to fight, then unleash your inner drill sergeant! (50% chance to find recruit's, 40% chance of successful training, ? days of successful training required to finish.)
-[X] Time for Beds?: for the past few days you and your guests have been sleeping on the floor, You atleast have a bed, but you don't sleep on it as a sign of solidarity…. Sleeping on the ground is not ideal though… there has to be some sleeping bags or some mattresses or something… somewhere out there. (Chance of success 50% Reward: Find a bed/beds/sleeping bags. Morale raised, People sleep better.)
-[X] I want to rock and roll all night… So that ghouls don't eat my face while I sleep: Yeah, you need to form a night watch to look out for things, The thing that used to be Charlie has proven he can get way to close to your little sanctuary without anyone noticing. You need to fix that ASAP. (Chance of success 70%: Reward: several volunteers form a night watch.)
-[X] Putting on your Game-Face: A significant portion of the people here had used face and body paint in lieu of costumes last night, now after all the partying, its been smeared, smudged, and generally looks the mess. The problem? No running water, and what water you do have you can't spare for something like bathing. Luckily your people came up with a good idea, don't remove it, Just touch up to have it look nice again and keep on with it. They claim that keeping the party atmosphere alive might keep peoples spirit up, and one of them even says they should use it as warpaint… While you aren't sure about that last bit, At least some of these paints provide the same benefits as sunscreen, and your hope is that they will provide some (likely minimal) protection from the increased background radiation. On the other hand, you could always just put your foot down on this tribalistic nonsense and have them scrub themselves down with rags… but you might need those rags for bandages at some point. (If chosen you actively approve of the use of face and body paint, (Meaning you don't remove the skull pattern on your face.) Begins the growth of Culture Trait: War-paint. Begins formation of tribal identity and eases tensions between old and new comers , ???, Only available for 3 more turns.)
-[X] Watch-Bot: Program it to patrol the edges of the Super Duper Mart, and sound an alarm if it encounters anyone not in it's memory. (Reward: 50% chance of detecting intruders into the super mart, Will attempt to incapacitate said intruders with its Taser Prongs.)
-[X] Burn it: Plenty of dead wood around, Ash is good fertilizer as well. Also less likely to get people sick or attract scavengers. (Cultural trait: Cremation.)
-[X] Alessandra: Spend some Time with your… Girlfriend, huh you never thought you would actually have to do something like that… It feels nice. (Spend time with Alessandra, Good for Alex's state of mind.)

We need beds for everyone, a night watch that is trained to fight, and access to the Hardware Mart.

When it comes to the cultural stuff, I like the idea of the face/body paint becoming a lasting thing, and between burial and cremation, I prefer cremation.

Finally, the eyebot will serve us best right now as an alarm system, and spending time with Alessandra should help both of our mental states.
[X] Plan Settling down and doctoring up.
-[X] Time for Beds?: for the past few days you and your guests have been sleeping on the floor, You atleast have a bed, but you don't sleep on it as a sign of solidarity…. Sleeping on the ground is not ideal though… there has to be some sleeping bags or some mattresses or something… somewhere out there. (Chance of success 50% Reward: Find a bed/beds/sleeping bags. Morale raised, People sleep better.)
-[X] I want to rock and roll all night… So that ghouls don't eat my face while I sleep: Yeah, you need to form a night watch to look out for things, The thing that used to be Charlie has proven he can get way to close to your little sanctuary without anyone noticing. You need to fix that ASAP. (Chance of success 70%: Reward: several volunteers form a night watch.)
-[X] Putting on your Game-Face: A significant portion of the people here had used face and body paint in lieu of costumes last night, now after all the partying, its been smeared, smudged, and generally looks the mess. The problem? No running water, and what water you do have you can't spare for something like bathing. Luckily your people came up with a good idea, don't remove it, Just touch up to have it look nice again and keep on with it. They claim that keeping the party atmosphere alive might keep peoples spirit up, and one of them even says they should use it as warpaint… While you aren't sure about that last bit, At least some of these paints provide the same benefits as sunscreen, and your hope is that they will provide some (likely minimal) protection from the increased background radiation. On the other hand, you could always just put your foot down on this tribalistic nonsense and have them scrub themselves down with rags… but you might need those rags for bandages at some point. (If chosen you actively approve of the use of face and body paint, (Meaning you don't remove the skull pattern on your face.) Begins the growth of Culture Trait: War-paint. Begins formation of tribal identity and eases tensions between old and new comers , ???, Only available for 3 more turns.)
-[X] Where in the world is Charlie the Ghoul?: Okay No. He killed one of your guys, Davis wheeler was just a kid, not even out of high school! (Let's just ignore that Charlie wasn't either.) Your gonna hunt this thing down, and put it out of it's misery! (??% chance of success, Reward: Find Charlie.)
-[X] The Tools of Medicine Part 1, The Basic's: William, the most notable of the people you had managed to rescue from the golf course, was a doctor, like professionally trained and everything. You really are glad you had bothered to look for survivors there now. But a doctor still needs some sort of tools to do his work. He has, of course, asked for your aid in obtaining some. (Time: Until you find some. Reward: William can begin diagnosis and treatment of minor Maladies.)
-[X] Watch-Bot: Program it to patrol the edges of the Super Duper Mart, and sound an alarm if it encounters anyone not in it's memory. (Reward: 50% chance of detecting intruders into the super mart, Will attempt to incapacitate said intruders with its Taser Prongs.)
these five seem to be a really good Idea to have or get going.
-[X] Burn it: Plenty of dead wood around, Ash is good fertilizer as well. Also less likely to get people sick or attract scavengers. (Cultural trait: Cremation.)
-[X] Alessandra: Spend some Time with your… Girlfriend, huh you never thought you would actually have to do something like that… It feels nice. (Spend time with Alessandra, Good for Alex's state of mind.)

Starting the doctor now is much better then later when we have a diseased person wandering around.
@ninjafish I am curious did you mean to leave off the additional action we get for personal actions due to the pip boy?
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[X] Plan Settling down and doctoring up.
-[X] Time for Beds?: for the past few days you and your guests have been sleeping on the floor, You atleast have a bed, but you don't sleep on it as a sign of solidarity…. Sleeping on the ground is not ideal though… there has to be some sleeping bags or some mattresses or something… somewhere out there. (Chance of success 50% Reward: Find a bed/beds/sleeping bags. Morale raised, People sleep better.)
-[X] I want to rock and roll all night… So that ghouls don't eat my face while I sleep: Yeah, you need to form a night watch to look out for things, The thing that used to be Charlie has proven he can get way to close to your little sanctuary without anyone noticing. You need to fix that ASAP. (Chance of success 70%: Reward: several volunteers form a night watch.)
-[X] Putting on your Game-Face: A significant portion of the people here had used face and body paint in lieu of costumes last night, now after all the partying, its been smeared, smudged, and generally looks the mess. The problem? No running water, and what water you do have you can't spare for something like bathing. Luckily your people came up with a good idea, don't remove it, Just touch up to have it look nice again and keep on with it. They claim that keeping the party atmosphere alive might keep peoples spirit up, and one of them even says they should use it as warpaint… While you aren't sure about that last bit, At least some of these paints provide the same benefits as sunscreen, and your hope is that they will provide some (likely minimal) protection from the increased background radiation. On the other hand, you could always just put your foot down on this tribalistic nonsense and have them scrub themselves down with rags… but you might need those rags for bandages at some point. (If chosen you actively approve of the use of face and body paint, (Meaning you don't remove the skull pattern on your face.) Begins the growth of Culture Trait: War-paint. Begins formation of tribal identity and eases tensions between old and new comers , ???, Only available for 3 more turns.)
-[X] Where in the world is Charlie the Ghoul?: Okay No. He killed one of your guys, Davis wheeler was just a kid, not even out of high school! (Let's just ignore that Charlie wasn't either.) Your gonna hunt this thing down, and put it out of it's misery! (??% chance of success, Reward: Find Charlie.)
-[X] The Tools of Medicine Part 1, The Basic's: William, the most notable of the people you had managed to rescue from the golf course, was a doctor, like professionally trained and everything. You really are glad you had bothered to look for survivors there now. But a doctor still needs some sort of tools to do his work. He has, of course, asked for your aid in obtaining some. (Time: Until you find some. Reward: William can begin diagnosis and treatment of minor Maladies.)
-[X] Watch-Bot: Program it to patrol the edges of the Super Duper Mart, and sound an alarm if it encounters anyone not in it's memory. (Reward: 50% chance of detecting intruders into the super mart, Will attempt to incapacitate said intruders with its Taser Prongs.)
these five seem to be a really good Idea to have or get going.
-[X] Burn it: Plenty of dead wood around, Ash is good fertilizer as well. Also less likely to get people sick or attract scavengers. (Cultural trait: Cremation.)
-[X] Alessandra: Spend some Time with your… Girlfriend, huh you never thought you would actually have to do something like that… It feels nice. (Spend time with Alessandra, Good for Alex's state of mind.)
-[X] Continuing Robot Repair: You've fixed up the eyebot, but theres a whole lot of pile left, lets see what else you can pull from it! (Total day's taken depends on rolls and resource availability. Results upon complete vary depending on rolls.)

Starting the doctor now is much better then later when we have a diseased person wandering around.
@ninjafish I am curious did you mean to leave off the additional action we get for personal actions due to the pip boy?

You didn't have personal actions before you got the pip-boy.
[X] Plan: the KISS principle
-[X] DIY Looting Part 1
-[X] I Can't Hear You!
-[X] Time for Beds?
-[X] The Tools of Medicine Part 1, The Basic's
-[X] Watch-Bot
-[X] Burn it
-[X] Alessandra
[X] Plan: Beginnings of Something New

I think we really need to train people before we put them on guard duty or search for a feral Glowing One.
[X] Plan: Beginnings of Something New

I like the idea of us slowly diverging culturally from the old world. Adds a nice bit of world building to the game.
So, I've got a bit of time and I want to speculate about what we could get out of the different options or what we could unlock from them.

[] DIY Looting Part 1:
Probably the most important option this update. I thought it might combine with another fortify action but we are going to use the materials and tools for other actions besides that, so it makes sense. I'm a bit worried about the "bound to have" part because if we have to roll the dice it could get ugly.

Anyway, after we finished this action, and hopefully got the materials we need, we can do another fortify action on our base. That's going to be replacing the wood to block the windows with something more permanent. Not sure if we should just seal every window on the ground floor with bricks and mortar or make them too small for anything to get in but big enough to shoot through them.
We could just post guards on the roof and some of the Fallout wildlife has stuff like sonic attacks or spits acid.

Another thing we could do is rebuild the inside of our base. Build a few walls to get people or at least families their own rooms. Maybe add in a ceiling if it's a Mart like from Fallout 3, with one big room and a very high ceiling.

I don't think we need more cars right now. Once we try to get more people out of the city or if we start trading, sure. But not right now.

[] Scavenging for Salvation:
Again, not a high priority. We already have enough to do and sending out groups to scavenge with Charlie around sounds like a Bad Idea. Maybe after they learned how to use a gun.

[] I Can't Hear You!:
High priority. We need this to get competent guards. Without it sending people to scavenge or hunting Charlie is just too risky. We have enough guns for everyone and they are going to need them, so let's teach them how to use them.

[] Seriously There Has To Be Someone Else Out There:
I'm a bit torn on this action.
One one hand, finding people close by gets less and less likely over time with Charlie and other dangers around. On the other hand, doing this now means sending our dudes out untrained and then they have to deal with those dangers.
We should probably wait until they know what they are doing.

Well, moral is important and if we want enough beds for everyone we need to loot a store or something similar. So one big group instead of several small teams. We probably can do this without too much risk.

[] I want to rock and roll all night… So that ghouls don't eat my face while I sleep:
Yeah, with Charlie around we need this. Not to mention what else could be running around.

[] Putting on your Game-Face:
This is interesting because it mentions the development of a "tribal identity". Could cause problems later with rebuilding civilization but right now it's useful for integrating new people and helps us survive in a world full of Ghouls, Vault tech experiments, and Raiders.
There is also the practical part. We could push the war paint into the direction of camouflage and it wouldn't surprise me if we could develop paints with different effects. Tribals in the Honest Hearts DLC have stuff that gives damage reduction or their own version of Psycho.
We could get some weird stuff.

[] Where in the world is Charlie the Ghoul?:
Let's wait until we have more trained people than just Bill and Alex. Charlie alone would be a hard fight if some feral Ghouls started following him...

[] The Tools of Medicine Part 1, The Basic's:
We probably want this before we get into any big fights. Probably have to loot a clinic or something so just a few specific locations to scout instead of spreading people out. Or maybe we can loot a few first aid kits from cars?

Special Action's: (pick one option each.)
Not a hard choice. Kill-Bot is less effective than just training our dudes and Messenger-Bot has the problem that we lack people to contact. We could find out about what happened in the city from Sizzler with it but it's not like we can do anything about it. So Watch-Bot is probably our best bet.
Maybe we can reprogram it later if things change?

Charlie was… kind enough to give you back Davis's corpse. What are you going to do with it?
Another important choice. We see several graves in-game, from New Vegas to Fallout 4. With Fallout 4 having even a funeral you can get as a random encounter. I think we can assume that burials are the standard for most of the post-War USA. Not surprising given that all that's needed is a shovel and some dirt. And a dead body of course.:V

Cremations, on the other hand, need fuel and can attract attention. Not from animals but from other humans. But I like the importance it could give to fire in the culture that will develop and I think it makes it more likely for us to focus on fire weapons if we deal with fire regularly.
And fire could be really useful if we have to deal with regenerating enemies like Ghouls and other monsters that get healed by radiation.
I agree with most of this, which is why my plan is the way it is, but I disagree on the funerals just a bit.
Not surprising given that all that's needed is a shovel and some dirt....Cremations, on the other hand, need fuel and can attract attention.
Normally I would agree that burial are easier than cremations, but due to the fact that we're in a deeply urban area, I think that it will be much harder to find "some dirt" than fuel. Not to mention, that we would have to create graveyards over time, which would be difficult considering the lack of available space. And if we ever needed to move, some people might be uncomfortable with "leaving the dead behind".
Alright, i feel that's its been just about long enough.

Can i get a tally please?

Also I want to Gauge interest in a quest idea.

Its a 40k quest, initially set on a homebrew hive planet.

And it's not a CK2 or civ quest (at the moment who knows where we may end up!)

You'd start out a young child who'd grown up alone in the Hellish Underhive, surrounded by filth, toxic and radioactive waste, Mad mutants and rogue servitors... and of course the dregs and criminal scum of society.

I think I'll title this quest "Scum Rises To The Top." if it gets any interest.

And no it doesn't mean I'll stop updating the others or anything, you know me, I Don't abandon quests that easily, i may take breaks or go on hiatus, but i don't quit. (Except for that one Dark Souls quest but that was very badly thought out and we shouldn't talk about it.)

Anyway's get me that Tally, and tell me what you think of the new quest idea.

I'll be posting a similar message over in my other RE quest BTW.