The war ended on that day, but it took weeks to hash out further details on how to answer to the logistic troubles of the clones and of the droids. In order to ensure the mistakes of the past weren't repeated, new laws were passed, fiscal pressure was eased, and at the end of the day, the army of the Republic was formed half and half of people coming from both sides of the previous conflict. Having been all toyed by the Sith, there was no love lost for them. Having been saved by the Jedi, there were no shortage of praise.
With the Senate building destroyed and turned into a Force Nexus of pulsing and twirling strength, a new location had to be decided for the Senate, while the old grounds would be turned into a temple of meditation for the Jedi.
"Peace talks have been finalized, Master," Ahsoka said, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "The reports are coming in, but-I have to ask if this is really required," as she spoke, she gestured at the Datapad containing information on this 'Death Star'.
"Unfortunately, there is a greater enemy incoming," her Master acquiesced with a nod, looking out of the window of his office in the Jedi Temple.
"How do you keep track of all these things," Ahsoka remarked, "I'll never know."
It had been months since the defeat of the Sith Master Darth Sidious, and Count Dooku's surrendering of the Separatist faction and subsequent disappearance, yet her Master had been surprisingly tight-lipped on a lot of things. His office was a mess however, there was little to it. He might have been a great Jedi Master, knowledgeable in the Force and everything else, but he was utterly incapable of putting everything back in its proper place once used.
The Cheshire Cat neatly snoozed on his desk, moving its tail around with a lazy motion. She wanted to pull it, but Mister Fluffles beat her to it and, jumping like the tabby orange cat he was, he bit down on it, making the purple-cat yelp and jump away with a loud hiss. As the two cats pursued one another, her Master hummed and wrote down another scribbled note.
"There is a Force technique to remember things," her Master pointed out. "First thing I learned. It's how I keep track of everything, and how I could rewrite from memory the books of my youth."
Ahsoka nodded, and then stopped right next to her Master. He looked down at her and then averted his gaze. Ahsoka kept staying there, and grinned mischievously. Her Master sighed, and brought a hand down, patting Ahsoka's head as the Padawan brought up the coffee cup for him to drink.
"It's surprising how much laxer you can make a Jedi Order when you're in the High Council," her Master pointed out after taking a sip of coffee. Ahsoka hummed with a grin stuck on her face, plastered there from the feeling of happiness her Master was going through by drinking the coffee. She shook her head to clear her mind, and walked towards the window.
"What happens next, Master?" she asked, looking at him.
"Well, as a wise man once said," her Master replied. "People can live without knowing what's about to happen five minutes from now."
"Maybe," Ahsoka acquiesced. "But if such a man was actually wise, he'd have asked for help."
"I knew you'd do the right thing," her Master pointed out, shrugging it off.
He looked back at her, and she couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if she hadn't. And then she realized that if she hadn't, her Master would have been struck down once the Force had gone away, and then Palpatine would have died next all the same...and there simply wouldn't have been her Master there in the room with her.
Her Master had been willing to bet his life on her doing the right thing.
He didn't need to ask for help, because he trusted her to do the right thing. He still hadn't answered her most important questions -most important of them all 'Just how much had he foreseen?', which remained willfully ignored, or sidestepped,
Ahsoka left her Master in his office, and stepped out to meet with Knight Skywalker and the other Knights. She didn't need to know everything about her Master in the end, and even if the war had ended, she knew he was still keeping secrets. Still, she'd trust him. She was going to prove to him she had conquered curiosity, and once she did, he'd probably tell her it was her final test and promote her to the rank of Knight.
Yes, that was probably what would happen.
Her Master disappeared the next day.
He disappeared, and he never returned.
A single note remained pinned to his great map of the galaxy, showcasing events, dates and things to do and avoid.
Unfortunately for him, a certain Padawan knew her Master's mind by then to the point where, when he was already inserting the coordinates for the Hyperjump away from Deep Core worlds and all the way towards the far depths of space, she calmly took the cockpit by his side.
"Using Taozin nodules to appear invisible to my senses," her Master remarked with a dry chuckle. "That's a no-no, Ahsoka."
"Disappearing in the night gets old after the first time, Master," Ahsoka acquiesced.
"So," Anakin Skywalker said, propping himself down from a hidden compartment over their head, "Where are we going?"
"Uh!" Knight Darra said as she stepped out of the closest closet, Taozin amulet around her neck just like Skywalker. "So I wasn't the only one who smelled fish out of the sea!"
"I cannot believe all of you," Ferus Olin said, his voice cross as he rolled out from beneath a panel. "I was going to stop him after finding out where he was going."
"Right," Anakin said. "Kuudere."
"All right, all right," Knight Darra said, "Come on boys, be nice or Master Shade won't give pats to neither of your hotheads."
"Darra," her Master said with a dreadful sigh, gesturing her closer. He then flicked her forehead.
"Ouch," the Knight winced. "Come on, Night," the girl pouted, "I know I can't make the doe-eyes anymore, but maybe your padawan can-"
"Pretty please," Ahsoka caught on, her eyes widening as she looked at her Master who simply stared back with a deadpan glare.
"Fine," her Master acquiesced. He turned to look at all of them, and raised his right hand to obtain silence. "Go sit down and strap your seat's belts on."
"Maybe I should drive-" Anakin began, only for everyone else -Ahsoka excluded- to scream a denial at the top of their lungs.
"I drove podracers when I was less than ten years old!" Anakin blurted out.
"I am the only one allowed to drive this spaceship," her Master retorted. "I found it on Dromund Kaas, it's mine, and if anyone of you dares to touch a single command from-"
"I'm driving," Ahsoka said, and with the coordinates inserted, all that it remained was to simply push a button.
Thus the Ebon Hawk sailed out in the galaxy.
To infinity and...beyond!
Author's Notes:
-Concerning Dooku-
He was one of the last disciples of Yoda, so Palpatine 'pitted' him against Shade repeatedly. Some form of 'Let's have fun sending the old apprentice versus the new one, hoping to corrupt the new one and make the old crone feel sick'.
On Felucia, Palpatine knew who would lead the assault, and having already known of Shade's prowess in the Force, deemed him a threat that had to be eliminated. Yet, his turning to the Dark Side gave him the idea to try to 'bring him to his side'. Due to his age, he could have been the Chosen One after all, rather than Skywalker.
On Florrum, Palpatine again pitted Dooku versus Shade, but this time to capture him -and turn him later.
Realizing how hard it would be due to the bond with his apprentice, Palpatine finally decided to deal with him by allowing the usage of the Cortosis enhanced droids -only a few survived past Shade's destruction of their forge, and in order to recover the Holocrons needed that Cad Bane had failed to achieve, more 'firepower' was required.
Count Dooku decided to bring General Grievous after Asaji's death. The reason was duplicitous. Around this time, a certain 'Plagueis' had contacted him, and told him of Sidious' real plans about Skywalker. There was no love lost between Master and Apprentice of the SIth, and since 'Plagueis' delivered information that the Count could use -stuff like who really was responsible for a couple of tragedies around the galaxy, who was manipulating what, and just what his 'expiration date' would be-, they both came off happy of the deal planned. Grievous would die and weaken the separatist, at the same time leaving Dooku the sole 'General in Command' of the army of droids, and thus the only one capable of discussing a ceasefire.
Since Plagueis needed -in Dooku's opinion- peace to advance his agenda, he was preferable to Palpatine who needed war.
Palpatine couldn't deal with Dooku's pigheaded rashness yet, because due to the 'peace talks' having started, he had to be always in his Chancellor Persona, which meant that when Padme and Ahsoka left, a certain Master Shade spoke with Senator Organa and showed him some very compromising footage of the chancellor. However, since removing the chancellor there and then would make the point of peace moot, Organa kept the footage hidden until the time came to reveal it and execute order 65 -remove the chancellor.
Then, in order to act while in secret, Master Shade 'severed' himself from the force, and in fact merely acquired a hefty dose of Taozin nodules to appear invisible, and with that invisibility -and away from Palpatine's senses- proceeded to make 'accidents' happen to the scum-senators.
This got Palpatine unnerved.
The peace proposal is passed on the Separatist world, and Dooku's thinking that Plagueis has disappeared off the radar. Until he appears on his shuttle and makes sure Dooku has the sole command of the droids, rather than the Separatist ambassadors.
Dooku plays the 'I'm not Dumb' card, and Shade knows he's playing that card with the Trap-Card Effect 'But When you Weaken we'll discuss plans'.
Since all Sith play that card for free.
Like, all Sith.
So then he goes back to Coruscant and hides in wait as the Jedi Council is alerted to get ready to rumble -they were already warned during the last report given by Shade, so they've had time to make peace and be prepared for the final countdown to peace.
It's tricky, and at any moment, anything can fail.
Count Dooku believes he's working for a honest to god Darth Plagueis capable of a lot of things and immortal.
Palpatine starts to feel nervousness. He hired Mother Talzin to try to stir shit up, but the Nightsisters that were supposed to attack aren't appearing. Maybe killed off in a dark alley -the Jedi killed them in the slums? Master Shade cut their heads off after following the bread crumps to keep an eye on his apprentice out of worry?-
Still, Palpatine's alone.
He tries to start a speech and make things go long, but the music plays.
A music he's never heard before.
He stumbles.
He expects Dooku to rebuke him for his words, to put up proposals that the Republic won't concede.
The unconditional surrender is absolutely the last thing he expects.
He can't do it.
He can't keep the war going with that.
He can start a new one, spark another, but he's forced to concede...and WHY. IS. THE. MUSIC. PLAYING?
And then come the words.
The words that he has heard day after day.
The words pronounced by a Master that tortured him while training him, a Master he never loved, nor liked. A teacher, yes, but never a Master.
And suddenly fear arrives.
Because guess what?
Canon Palpatine had an utter terror of Plagueis actually being still alive. He feared his old master, the master he had killed, and he feared the Chosen One, nothing less than Plagueis' experiment with the Force.
And when Dooku felt his fear, he knew that he had chosen a better master.
Meanwhile, order Sixty-Five happened.
And Palpatine watched the video that only someone like his Master could have known when to take.
And he realized, or so he thought, that his Master had died on purpose to show him the futility of such an action. That he had recorded it so that at the moment of his triumph, he could bring him crashing down. The utter despair. A finger away from victory, and then the plummeting in the Abyss of Despair.
Fear gripped at his heart, and he reacted on the Force. He could have denied it. He could have said anything from CGI to Photoshop Coruscant Edition, but Count Dooku was smiling at him, and fear, rage, anger, they all bubbled in the man until he exploded.
Thus, when he revealed himself, he wanted to escape. He wanted to run.
But the Jedi blocked all exits save for one.
One where there was no living being in wait.
And so, Palpatine stepped into the final trap that anyone who wasn't being gripped by fear would have maybe -with his experience- avoided.
Afraid, traumatized, terrorized, he didn't attack the other Jedi working on the Shield of Light technique, but concentrated on 'His Master' who faced him off.
He could have killed a Jedi Master and escaped, but he did not.
He was too afraid to think.
Meanwhile, Dooku realized that he was free to do as he pleased now. There wasn't a Separatist cause, and there wasn't a war any longer. After having betrayed everything and everyone, the only thing that remained to him was the mere thought of having revenge, or of dying by his master's hand.
Instead he found the Togruta.
Seriously, Count Dooku was starting to hate Togruta.
A Togruta and her floating lightsabers.
Just like Plagueis fighting Palpatine.
And Count Dooku realizes he was played.
He chuckles and he laughs, and then decides he'll kill Master Yoda or die.
When the Dark Side of the Force brings Wonderland into play, it's the Wonderland inside of Shade's head, which is going on a rampage of passion and excitement as the final battle is there, and all can still happen.
Master Obi-Wan is with Anakin, so he's pacified, Knight Darra and Ferus are together, so they'll survive. And he trusts the Disney Princess magic on Ahsoka to guide her through.
But he is getting angrier and fiercer, because, in the end, Sidious needs to die.
As he roars and screams and uses the
Darkshear -he went to the Valley of Souls, not just out of sightseeing reasons- he falls to the Dark side, and just as suspected, Ahsoka's the good Disney character, and 'springs him back up' like an anchor of light.
Because when Ahsoka steps to fight Wonderland, Shade's head goes 'THE FUCK YOU DOING STOP' and Wonderland stops.
Count Dooku is now defeated.
He committed crimes, he did much wrong, he believed in a wrong cause, he thought the Sith were the answer, but they weren't. And then Ahsoka tells him what a Count of Serenno his. What he is supposed to be.
And then he tells him he's wrong.
He's been so stupidly fixed on individualism -'A lone man should make the difference'- that he never understood that he didn't need to be alone to do it. He's been so centered on acquiring personal, private power to 'be the Good God that makes things Good' that he never thought about being the 'Good People's Persons that makes people good'.
And he leaves.
He leaves, and heads into exile, and he never comes back.
He's not worthy of being a Count, or of being a Jedi, or even a Sith.
He'll be Dooku for a while. Maybe he'll find a hut on Tattooine and become known as 'Old Man Dooku' or something like that, and he'll live in peace what remains of his life.
Or maybe he'll try to make amends, and help save lives.
Certainly, when the Vong will arrive, he'll help and maybe he'll die in battle, a smile on his lips for having helped, or be pardoned and find himself sharing a table with Master Yoda, old and cranky but still alive because 'it cannot die what can forever be green' as the Vong are defeated.
Anything else still not clear?