I have a very strange Master (Star Wars/SI) EPI-EPII

The memes are strong with this one. Those quotes are really poignant cause it's reaching levels of maximum memetic contamination and that series is all about that.
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Bwahaha, look upon your fictional nature and despair!

But of course, Yoda calmly accepts that knowledge. Best master, 10/10.

No, look upon your fictional nature and go "so that means that, somewhere else, a load of people are reading about you on an internet forum?".

Or look upon your fictional nature and go "holy shit all my favourite characters are real somewhere in the multiverse!"
Of course it was Yoda, how could I not see it coming! The ultimate troll appears! I have no idea what the heck is going on and I'm loving every second of it.
Darth Bob's Bar and Grill

Where jedi knights and masters can go after a long day and have a drink and grab a bite to eat that doesn't make them just a little bit sad inside.

Specials: Comes with a side and choice of drink

Monday: darth bob's bantha steak with fish
Wednesday: nerf flank steak, medium rare with onions and sausage
Friday: mystery curry and sausage
Darth Bob's Bar and Grill

Where jedi knights and masters can go after a long day and have a drink and grab a bite to eat that doesn't make them just a little bit sad inside.

Specials: Comes with a side and choice of drink

Monday: darth bob's bantha steak with fish
Wednesday: nerf flank steak, medium rare with onions and sausage
Friday: mystery curry and sausage
Sunday: The Blob challenge. 2 Force users enter. Only one leaves. A never ending supply of the blob. The first to hurl or give up loses. The winner, if you can call them the winner, gets their picture taken and hung on the Blob Hall of Survivors, and a week's supply of Bob's Blob.

Even when you win, you lose.
Being stuck in the SW universe, all that knowledge in one's head. Canon, clone wars, The Ones, the Fate of the Jedi books. Being suddenly force sensitive? Sahde must have been a wreck. Any other Jedi Master would have probably given up on him. Yoda was the ultimate option. Years as padawan, then knight and finally Master? Shade will probably need a vacation after this. Of course, that's if he can leave Mortis.
ooh, I can't wait for the next one.

Anyway I confirm that, assuming that Ahsoka's biochemistry is similar to that of a terrestrial animal, she should definitively be able to directly assimilate glucose and digest starch (from the flour) into more glucose. After all, muscles and livers contain glycogen, which is digested by the very same amylase that breaks up starch chains, so she has that enzyme. She might not be able to taste sugar, like a cat, and she might not produce enough amylase to sustain herself with a polycarbohydrates-rich diet without feeling unwell at the very least, but she should be able to handle the occasional small cookie.
ooh, I can't wait for the next one.

Anyway I confirm that, assuming that Ahsoka's biochemistry is similar to that of a terrestrial animal, she should definitively be able to directly assimilate glucose and digest starch (from the flour) into more glucose. After all, muscles and livers contain glycogen, which is digested by the very same amylase that breaks up starch chains, so she has that enzyme. She might not be able to taste sugar, like a cat, and she might not produce enough amylase to sustain herself with a polycarbohydrates-rich diet without feeling unwell at the very least, but she should be able to handle the occasional small cookie.
ooh, I can't wait for the next one.

Anyway I confirm that, assuming that Ahsoka's biochemistry is similar to that of a terrestrial animal, she should definitively be able to directly assimilate glucose and digest starch (from the flour) into more glucose. After all, muscles and livers contain glycogen, which is digested by the very same amylase that breaks up starch chains, so she has that enzyme. She might not be able to taste sugar, like a cat, and she might not produce enough amylase to sustain herself with a polycarbohydrates-rich diet without feeling unwell at the very least, but she should be able to handle the occasional small cookie.

Why would an alien organism from an alien world have liver function similar to a terrestrial animal?
EP II - Chapter Ten
Chapter Ten

Master Yoda took a deep breath, and looked firmly at Ahsoka. "When first to the temple, your Master came, in the Force strong he was not. Power, he had not. Knowledge, however, of knowledge alone, a Master he was. To me he spoke alone, to me, he told the truth. Lie to me, he knew he could not. Misdirect me, he knew he could not. He did not try. Knew me well, he did. Knew me better than I knew myself, he did." Master Yoda chuckled. "A gambit of Xanatos, he said it was. A gambit where victory always was, no matter the odds, the results, the end. Sith, his words were. There and then, a smack on the head I would have given him," Master Yoda lifted his stick, and then dropped it back down again. "As a Jedi, a failure was he. Too much passion. Too much emotion. Too much knowledge. Too late to teach him, yet not late enough to change him. Refuse him, I could have. Refuse him, I should have," Master Yoda said in a whisper. "Refuse him, I would not."
He shook his head. "That which makes a Jedi, he knew all. All tests. All trials. All knowledge. Me he told, and I realized that he was no Initiate, and he was no apprentice," Master Yoda inclined his head to the side. "All trials a Knight could do, he understood by heart. 'Tropes' he called them, and he saw them. The galaxy, understood he did better than any, no doubt did he suffer, no uncertainty, no failure. Your Master, never did he fail."
"But he said he couldn't push you off the tower," Ahsoka said. "He said he nearly choked himself trying-he told me that."
Master Yoda nodded. "Purpose of exercise, purpose of training, he knew already, try not he needed. Amused me, he did. Test someone who already knew answers, how could I? Someone who knew, and chose wrongly, chose thinking better, how could I change?"
Master Yoda exhaled, and looked up at Anakin.
"When first you came to the temple, Skywalker, I expected much worse. Regretfully, fear I felt over your destiny. A gamble, a Jedi should not take. A gamble I took, less of a Jedi, more of a person," Master Yoda's left hand drummed against his walking stick. "Truth, Knight Skywalker, truth hurts. Fate, destiny, prophecies, play they do an important part. To the just, to the rightful, they are accepted as a premonition, and they are not battled. The death of loved ones happens. The death of cherished friends is a part of life, of the Force's will. But," Master Yoda brought his stick up, "With my student, all changed. Outside the Force, outside destiny, outside fate, outside balance he was," Master Yoda shook his head. "Not a Jedi, I should have made him. Away however, I could not send him. Hurt it would, pain there would be, suffering, and death, and yet," Master Yoda looked downcast, as if guilty of a terrible sin, "No choice there was. Horrible, my student's mind can be. Terrifying things, horrifying, dreadful depths of unfathomable abyss there are to my student's thoughts. Knowledge, uplifting too," Master Yoda nodded. "But much more horrible, when seen all together."

Anakin crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. "I know the Council had it in for me since the beginning, because I started late and was an exception, but I understood. Night told me what I was doing and I understood it was wrong to push my boundaries just to see if people cared-"
"Never, wonder did you?" Master Yoda remarked, a sly grin on his face. "How you he knew of?"
"He was a Jedi Padawan. I thought he had read it, or overheard it from you since you were his Master," Anakin whispered.
"What else, told you did he?"
"That I was free to leave," Anakin continued, swallowing noisily. "That I wasn't enslaved to the temple, or the Jedi. I thought-at first I thought he wanted me to leave, but he shook his head like he knew my thoughts, and answered me that he would have loved to have me stay, but...but that I should know I was not a slave any longer. That if I wanted to stay, it had to be by my decision, and my decision alone."
Master Yoda nodded. "Your fears, knew of them he did, and answered them he did too, did he not?"
Anakin nodded back, and closed his eyes. "I thought it was normal."
"To know of one's inner fears? To acknowledge, and manipulate them away?"
"He didn't manipulate them," Anakin replied hotly. "He just...told me."
"Not his battle, that was," Master Yoda said. "Yours. Took away your choice, answering that way he did. To face, or not to face one's fears. That makes the Knight, or the Padawan. To acknowledge, or not to, our limits, that makes the Master, or the Apprentice." The small green Jedi Master gazed at Knight Darra next, and grumbled something before sighing.
"Tricky, next part is. Fate, he disproved with you."
"Well, he did save my life a few times," Darra said offhandedly, "But I got better at dodging blaster bolts."

Master Yoda shook his head. "Not that, I meant, Knight Thel-Tanis. Death, your future was. Away from the Jedi order, his was," Master Yoda pointed at Ferus. "Connected, all events were. Detach, he did. Deny them, he did. Fate, he refused. Fate, he altered. The Force, in balance it must be," Master Yoda acquiesced. "Against an invisible foe, fight it could not. The Will of the Force, taught we are to follow, taught we are to understand. Yet," Master Yoda whispered, "needlessly cruel, it needs not be." Here he grimaced. "Differently, I was taught. Harmony, balance, it all had to be. My Master," Ahsoka blinked. Master Yoda had a Master? She had thought-well, more like, everyone in the Jedi Temple thought- that he had simply popped out from somewhere already a Jedi Master. "That way, he explained the Force."
Master Yoda sighed. "Confrontations, he made you face," he looked at Ahsoka straight in the eyes, and the Togruta found herself gazing back, straight in Master Yoda's eyes. "Terrible, cruel, hard. I disapproved, but he did not relent. In you, beyond all others, his trust he put. Surprised I was. Nobody, he trusted I thought," Master Yoda lifted his right hand to silence Darra's upcoming words, and the Knight quieted down. "Lies upon lies, misdirection, manipulation, deceit, much he used. Much I allowed, my fault that was. Terrible the outcome, had he done nothing. Terrible the result, yet acceptable in the end." Master Yoda sighed. "Eight hundred seventy-six years old I am. Old dogs, new tricks can learn."
"What is there of acceptable," Ahsoka whispered, "In all of this?" she asked. "The war, the pain, the hurt for the betrayal...why? What could be worst than this?"
Master Yoda sadly looked not at her, but at Anakin. "Your destiny, a sad one it would have been. Spare you from it, my student did. Jealousy, anger, fear to the Dark Side they would have led you. To Palpatine, to Sidious, they would have turned you."
"I wouldn't-" Anakin began, but quieted down as Master Yoda's eyes narrowed in a 'silly child, let me finish, kindly'.
"Your anger, my student doused. Your fear, my student assuaged. Your jealousy, he excised. Took it all away, and Sidious, he challenged in your stead. In your place, killed him he did. In your place, he turned to the Dark Side. Only the final blow, he will allow you."
"I'm not going to kill him," Anakin blurted out, shaking his head firmly. "I decided I would not, and I'm not going to, Master Yoda."
Master Yoda looked at him with a sad smile. "Then, pray you must, that my student's thoughts ring true once more. For if he fails, then you will have to, for nothing of him shall remain if Abeloth devours him."

Master Yoda clenched his fingers around his wooden, walking stick. "The balance of the Force, restored it must. Jedi, Sith, nothing but names, to hide the truth," closing his eyes, Master Yoda grimaced. "Change, a part of life is. To accept it, to acknowledge it, to let it be, that is the way to serenity. There is no Chaos, there is Harmony."
"Master Yoda," Ferus spoke softly, his voice barely heard, "You haven't explained yet...why is Night not a seer? He is strong in the Force, so naturally he has Force Visions, doesn't he?"
"Ah! Never a vision he had," Master Yoda said. "Always, a lie it was. Needed, but sad, the misdirection had to be. Everything, knew he did because read it, he had. Watched it, on tape."
"I don't follow," Ferus said, a puzzled expression on his face.
Ahsoka, on the other hand, did. "Wonderland," Ahsoka whispered. "He-He lied to me!" she blurted out, catching everyone's attention as she hotly clenched her fists. "He didn't pick Alice out of some sort of 'Everyone is mad here'. He picked it because of the 'Falling in Wonderland' part! He's Alice, fallen in 'Wonderland'...that is to say..."
Master Yoda nodded. "What if Alice read Alice, and knew what awaited her? Would she change, or would she not, the events?"
"I'm not following-" Darra said, only for Ferus' eyes to light up.
"Darra, do you remember the Campaign 'The Pagemaster' which we played with Night before the battle of Geonosis?"
Darra shot him a puzzled glance, and then nervously looked away at Master Yoda's inquisitive expression. Her eyes widened suddenly, as if struck by realization. "You mean-when our characters read a book, knew the end, and then entered inside the book?"
"Yes," Ferus nodded. "Anakin tried to change the ending-"
"Because it involved the protagonist turning evil and slaughtering children!" Anakin snapped, "Of course I'd change the ending and make it-make it...as a paladin...I'd make it..." his voice grew soft, and he looked down at his hands with wide eyes. "The protagonist lost so much...his friends, his love, his master, everyone...and when the evil vizier spoke to him he accepted his deal...and then..."

Master Yoda simply nodded once, firmly. "Night always had a soft spot for children," Darra whispered, "But I can't believe Anakin would have done something like that!"
"No," Anakin spoke calmly, eerily calm. "I would have. Even after meeting Night, I would have. He changed me, Master Yoda is right on that. If he hadn't...I would have." The Jedi Knight shook his head in disbelief, "I was never one for following the Jedi Code, and I had a crush, and a love, and my feelings weren't really what you could consider 'pure Jedi'...but if things had gone exactly like that...wait," Anakin looked up at Master Yoda. "If Night saw all, then he should have seen Qui-Gonn's death at the hands of Darth Maul. He should have seen the Trade Federation and the war, and-"
"He did see the war," Ahsoka whispered hoarsely, her throat constricting as her voice cracked with each word. "He saw the war, and he saw everything before it. But-But he said he lied to you about it, that you didn't know!"
Master Yoda nodded, a shadow cast in his eyes as he looked sadly at Ahsoka. "Tried, he did. But there is no try," Master Yoda acquiesced. "Alone in his burden, allow him that I would not. Responsibility of the Master to teach the student there is. If he failed, sole fault on him he wished for. Expendable, he declared himself."
"That's dumb," Ahsoka shot back. "That's really, really dumb."
"A Jedi does not consider himself above others," Master Yoda replied. "Teach you this, he did not?"
"If he did, I wasn't listening," Ahsoka replied calmly. "I understand a Jedi must plan for everything, even failure, but truly-I..."
"Attachment to your Master you feel," Master Yoda acquiesced. "A trial, hefty this will be. Let go, you must."
"I was wondering why we were here too," Ferus said. "It didn't make sense for us to provide support, but if this is a trial, as I suspect this is, then there must be a reason."
"The Jedi ways, change they must," Master Yoda acquiesced, "So that in time, this sacrifice shall not be lessened. Such things again, they should not happen. If the problem, too much strictness is, laxity is needed. If too old to change, then step down we must."
"We?" Knight Darra frowned. "Who is 'We'?"

Ferus understood. Ahsoka knew that Ferus understood because he looked away for a moment, and then bristled. He shook his head the next. "Not interested."
"Not interested in what?" Knight Darra asked.
"In becoming a Jedi Master on the High Council," Ferus spoke out plainly, "Not if the price of admission is killing a friend. No, if that is the price, then I refuse to ever pay it, Master Yoda."
"What? Nah, Master Yoda would never have asked us-he did, didn't he?" Knight Darra said, first in disbelief and then in a tiny, whispered voice. "What is wrong with you?!" she turned on Master Yoda, incensed way more than Ahsoka had ever seen her. "I'm not going to kill Night! None of us is! We're not making him a martyr and we're not killing him!"
"I agree," Anakin said. "Shouldn't killing someone be the very last resort of a Jedi? Once every other solution has been tried? Even surrender is a preferred option to killing depending on the circumstance."
Master Yoda smiled softly, his eyes twinkling. Ahsoka's eyes narrowed. "It was another test, wasn't it?" Ahsoka hazarded. "My Master's idea once more, is that right?"
Master Yoda chuckled. "Not once," Master Yoda whispered. "Not once did he doubt your answers. Trust you all, he does. Forgiveness, he will not ask. His penance, he will pay. 'Balance is found in one who faces his guilt'. Yet, surprised I am not that your characters, knew them well he did."
"What's with all this testing?" Anakin asked, "If I didn't know better-oh no, you can't be serious..."
"To prove one's worth as a Jedi, what way is better than a dangerous mission?" Master Yoda remarked with a light chuckle.
The Ebon Hawk suddenly began to tremble, and as it did, Anakin rushed to the commands. "We're being-what?!" Anakin snapped. Ahsoka rushed to the side, and checked the nearby sensors.
"Everything's going down!" she said.
Master Yoda remained calm, his eyes snapping close. "Begin, the end has," he whispered.
He stood up from his seat and calmly walked towards the Ebon Hawk's hangar. "Once over, this is," Master Yoda spoke as the Ebon Hawk began to be pulled through what felt like a tractor beam towards a strangely shaped space station of crimson and black colors, but Ahsoka lost track of what the small Master was saying, since she was busier getting a hold of something in order to avoid tumbling down the ship.
The last words of Master Yoda were lost to her ears, but the sadness with which he spoke them was something she saw.

Then, there was just a blinding light of pure white.

When next Ahsoka opened her eyes, she was on her back, the ceiling of the Ebon Hawk above her, and there was quite the variety of groaning all around the ship. However, while clutching her head and standing back up, she realized Master Yoda was missing from the ship.
"So that's who taught my Master to disappear," Ahsoka mumbled, half-dazed. "Should have known."
"By the way," Knight Darra said suddenly, after she caught her bearings. "Does this mean we're actually characters of a Dungeons and Dragons quest?"
"I don't think that's what Master Yoda meant," Ferus pointed out, even as he massaged the bridge of his nose, closed and opened his eyes a few times.
"Night will explain it better, once we save him," Anakin said as he briskly walked towards the exit of the ship. He turned to look at the rest of them, and nodded once. "We are not leaving without him."
"All for one," Ferus said.
"And one for all," Darra finished.
"Does anyone know where we are supposed to be going?" Ahsoka asked as silence settled on the trio of Jedi Knight who had strode with purpose until the end of the ramp, and were now looking 'purposefully' in front of them, as if ready to go on an adventure.
The planet of Mortis was apparently a lush jungle with a bright, shining sun and floating islands of rock everywhere. It also seemed to be desolate and without any form of life at all.
"Can't you track him?" Anakin asked.
Ahsoka looked around, and grimaced. There was no Mister Fluffles around. "No, Mister Fluffles hasn't returned yet. I-I think Night did something to him."
"Guys," Knight Darra said.
"What do you mean? Can't you use the Bond to track him?" Anakin asked, and Ahsoka rolled her eyes.
"He has Taozin Nodules on his person. I can't sense him."
"Guys," Knight Darra said.
"Then how are we supposed to find him? I mean, it's not like there's a big, giant sign saying 'Master Dumb Idiot here' pointing at him," Anakin snapped.
"Excuse me?! I'm the Padawan here, and you're the knight-"
"Amusing," Ferus said, briskly cutting in the middle of Ahsoka's field of view, making her stop talking. "Listen to Darra for a second, would you?"

Ahsoka huffed, and turned to look at the red-haired woman, who pointed at the sun. "There he is!"
The Togruta squinted her eyes, frowning as the sun was indeed a bit too low for her tastes. She gasped the next moment, and then nervously chuckled. "Well..."
Her Master had a sphere of energy -plasma, judging by the heat- lifted with both of his hands. And he appeared to be locked in a deadly confrontation -or why else would he have a sphere of plasma lifted over his head- and yet, Ahsoka couldn't help but feel in a tiny corner of her mind a part of her knowledge imparted by her Master scream at something as silly as 'Copyright infringement'.
She didn't know why, but...until that moment, her tension, her fear, her dread that had quietly crept their way back to her...they all disappeared, like snow melting under the sun.
It wasn't just her Master's sight.
There was...
Somehow, she felt this sense of peace.

This still wasn't going to stop her from punching her Master's face, but that was a secondary point.
The most important thing, at the present, was to hurry the hell up and reach him.
"Thankfully we have portable speeders," Anakin said as he rushed back outside carrying two speeders with him, one by hand. "Let's move it!"
"I'm driving," Ahsoka said bluntly, taking the helm as Knight Darra whimpered and clutched her midriff tightly. Rolling her eyes, Ahsoka gave gas and accelerated.

She had a Master to save.

She had a nose to cave in.
Why would an alien organism from an alien world have liver function similar to a terrestrial animal?

Well assuming it has an organ that works at least a bit like a liver storing a handy energy source like glycogen inside the organ would be a good idea metabolically speaking. but that's beside the point.

The point is that the Star Wars galaxy has an incredible collection of very different-looking sophonts... which tend to hang out in the very same cantinas and bars. You never see a Rodian-only restaurant, or an Ithorian bakery selling goods which are poisonous for all the other species. Yoda can eat Luke's rations and Luke can eat what Yoda cooks (from stuff he found on a planet that is alien for both of them). The Jedi canteen at the Temple has only 4 kind of Slob: meat, fish, vegetables and "suitable for omnivores". Togruta and humans can share the same military rations as long as they are mostly meat-based.

What does this mean? it means that most aliens are made of roughly the same amino acids, carbos, fatty acids and steroids*.
Which means they have similar biochemistry.
Which means that the Togrutas eat creatures whose muscles aren't all that different from a cow's, from a molecular point of view.
Which means that a Togruta's digestive tract is used to bit of glycogen every day.
Which means it can probably do something of a bit of flour and sugar.

*hell, with a little genetic engineering humans and pureblood siths can interbreed, which means those two species have the same nucleic acids and genetic code, nevermind obvious stuff like phospholipids-based membranes.
Another great update, and I'm looking forward to Ahsoka breaking Shade's nose. :D
Her Master had a sphere of energy -plasma, judging by the heat- lifted with both of his hands. And he appeared to be locked in a deadly confrontation -or why else would he have a sphere of plasma lifted over his head- and yet, Ahsoka couldn't help but feel in a tiny corner of her mind a part of her knowledge imparted by her Master scream at something as silly as 'Copyright infringement'.
In the next episode of Dragon Ball Z...
In the next episode of Dragon Ball Z...

On the next episode of 'My master can't possibly be this strange'!
Will Ahsoka and her friends save her master from himself?
Will Shade get another punch in the nose?
And will he finally reveal the truth out of his own mouth!?
Find out next time!
On the next episode of 'My master can't possibly be this strange'!
Will Ahsoka and her friends save her master from himself?
Will Shade get another punch in the nose?
And will he finally reveal the truth out of his own mouth!?
Find out next time!
Will anakin find out that the back of his shirt has a constantly changing message?
Will Yoda challenge shade to a dance off?
find out next time on Strange Wars Z!
In the next episode of Dragon Ball Z...

"Why are they yelling?"

"How should I know? Master said something about living up to it but..."

"They've been doing this for what seems like days!"
