perhaps Gallade are an artificial evolution?
Given that they're already available in Hisui...
Well, there's probably a way to define 'artificial evolution' that would work despite the time gap and the locals being religiously careful in their interactions with Pokemon, such as tying it to the Celestic like Spiritombs are, but you're really pushing the definition at that point.
If one is willing to count something created by Pokemon hands as "artificial" one could I suppose count Gallade as artificial. Since there's probably not a secret society of humans dedicated to creating wild Gallade. The most reasonable explanation is that it's triggered by some form of energy in Dawn Stones and the lack of such in Hoenn means the form was never discovered. Though that same lack means they're not likely to come up in this fic unless Astra googles herself at some point. (Not impossible if she wants to find out how much humans may or may not know about her species. They seem to know what Ralts are for example based on the Ralts plush they found in the claw machine)
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I just realize that we have May day reactions.
We should give this story some, because May may bite our heads of if we don't acknowledge her.
What if Gallade evolution requires the pokemon in question to be seriously into workouts? And somewhat Don Quixote-y mentally? And thus, is only possible in artificial circumstances?
I believe theres a story floating around with a Ralts that wants to use a sword, at least.
that's a step in the right direction but but that's not quite it it's more akin to a character who would grab a random stick and declare the sword wanting to use a sword does not inherently make you have Don Quixote-y mentally

You also kind of need to have an unhealthy idolization of some kind of job or class especially if it includes a lot of fighting

I saw a Ranma 1/2 cross fic where Ranma becomes a Ralts and just punches people but it's been dead for ages.

Yeah that sounds about right now the real question did he keep his curse
I believe theres a story floating around with a Ralts that wants to use a sword, at least.

When is a Spoon a Sword is the one the protag is a si in oras who is the older brother of the Hoenn Psychic gym leaders whose team consists of chunnis with a female Ralts who wants to be a knight and physical fighter as his starter which isn't as bad as it sounds since he actually knows how to fight with a sword from his past life.
Personally, I'd love to see a story where a protagonist from Pokemon mystery dungeon gets attached to a trainer. Because the idea of a starter pokemon managing to absolutely body any trainers pokemon is hilarious.

Bonus points would be the trainer not knowing that his cute pokemon isn't meant to be able to suplex every single pokemon he encounters.

Also, I finally managed to read the entire fic on a road trip. This is definitely one of the best fanfiction I've ever read, and I can't wait for the next chapter.

I like our silly little Kirlia human
'When is a spoon a sword?' is what I was thinking of. I don't think I've read more than the summary but 'want's to be a knight' seems synonymous with 'getting a sword' at least.
Ugh, I couldn't get into that one. Female Ralts who idolizes her dad, a Gallade, and wants to become just like him? Awesome set-up. But then the follow-through is, "Meh, I'll train you to be the best physical fighter you can be even without becoming a Gallade," instead of, "Hi Professor Birch. I know it's generally believed that only males can become Gallades, but this girl has her heart set on it. Any ideas?" That's giving up before you even begin!
I did fanart for this fic!
Just so you guys know, I was pressured by authors on both sides of the Crossover to post this in-thread ;w;
Of course the images would be broken on these

*monkey's paw curls a finger*

But I would still be subjected to this... o_O

I am quite enjoying the story so far, despite my lack of Pokemon knowledge. I will save any further comments until I have caught up completely.

EDIT: Another broken image here:
I'll take you up on that offer.
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Of course the images would be broken on these

But I would still be subjected to this... o_O

I am quite enjoying the story so far, despite my lack of Pokemon knowledge. I will save any further comments until I have caught up completely.

EDIT: Another broken image here:

While I do not control those specific posts, I will note that you can copy/paste broken discord image links back into discord to view them.

Edit: While I'm here, I'm up to like 12 or 13k or something stupid like that and still going. Turns out I am not going to get to everything in a reasonable amount of time, and I am in fact already over a month 'late', and I can't even cut this incredibly long sequence down at all because every concievable point is incredibly awkward. Oh well.
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While I do not control those specific posts, I will note that you can copy/paste broken discord image links back into discord to view them.

Edit: While I'm here, I'm up to like 12 or 13k or something stupid like that and still going. Turns out I am not going to get to everything in a reasonable amount of time, and I am in fact already over a month 'late', and I can't even cut this incredibly long sequence down at all because every concievable point is incredibly awkward. Oh well.
*vibrates intensely*

Long chapters are good, I like long chapters.
I have finally caught up with this.

As I said, I knew very very little about Pokemon beforehand, so this has been a fascinating sample. Even with frequent trips to... Bulbapedia(?), I still feel like there is a lot that flew over my head, but that did not diminish my enjoyment in a meaningful way, because it is all still grounded in a very human (heh) story. This is very well-written, and I like how it has gradually escalated in complexity and nuance as the scope has widened from the village to Petalburg to beyond. The distinct tonal shift between Rustboro and Dewford was probably inevitable, though; I can only hope that this pain in the short term allows for greater catharsis in the long term. It also makes the realization that there are still six other gyms and the finale after this all the more imposing, I must say. This will be a rather grand endeavor when all is said and done, won't it?

In short, thank you for the excellent work thus far. I am now very much invested in Astra's journey, and I will be following this closely.

I may or may not also write a crossover Omake... sometime in the future, based on the discussions in my own quest thread that led me here in the first place. Though it being based on a hypothetical scenario of a hypothetical scenario (A Pokemon AU at all, and from there the idea of Kikuko being a Froslass equivalent to Astra) means requiring some setup first, and my own writing on a good day is not any faster than Dermonster's and of lower quality besides. Given how Astra feels about ghost-types, though, it could be an opportunity to attempt to exercise my rather underdeveloped comedic muscles, even if I cannot guarantee the results would be any good.
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I have finally caught up with this.

As I said, I knew very very little about Pokemon beforehand, so this has been a fascinating sample. Even with frequent trips to... Bulbapedia(?), I still feel like there is a lot that flew over my head, but that did not diminish my enjoyment in a meaningful way, because it is all still grounded in a very human (heh) story. This is very well-written, and I like how it has gradually escalated in complexity and nuance as the scope has widened from the village to Petalburg to beyond. The distinct tonal shift between Rustboro and Dewford was probably inevitable, though; I can only hope that this pain in the short term allows for greater catharsis in the long term. It also makes the realization that there are still six other gyms and the finale after this all the more imposing, I must say. This will be a rather grand endeavor when all is said and done, won't it?

In short, thank you for the excellent work thus far. I am now very much invested in Astra's journey, and I will be following this closely.

I may or may not also write a crossover Omake... sometime in the future, based on the discussions in my own quest thread that led me here in the first place. Though it being based on a hypothetical scenario of a hypothetical scenario (A Pokemon AU at all, and from there the idea of Kikuko being a Froslass equivalent to Astra) means requiring some setup first, and my own writing on a good day is not any faster than Dermonster's and of lower quality besides. Given how Astra feels about ghost-types, though, it could be an opportunity to attempt to exercise my rather underdeveloped comedic muscles, even if I cannot guarantee the results would be any good.

Hell yeah, thank you for checking me out! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you enjoy the next update which should happen...this month, maybe!

As for pain I literally just made myself cry with this last bit I just wrote so hoo boy

As for omakes I am all down for anything anyone is willing to give! Inspiring others is the greatest of joys, and seeing how others interperet my creations is fascinating in its own right.
Side note: chapters done. I just pumped out 4k words in one day. Why can't i do this all the time augh.

Wordcount: 16658. deer god help me it's cacophony all over again

Should be up hopefully before the end of the week depending on editing. See you soon!
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It could hardly be called a battle song. It hung in the air, resignation and grim melancholy swirling in a dreary curtain that blanketed the arena. Wavering, shivering in the cold, seeing only bleakness ahead.

It was...tired.

Even still, within the heart of those ominous strings, a core of stubborn determination refused to yield. Standing in spite and defiance, it continued on, one note at a time, muttering quiet intent for all that could hear.

"Beset on all sides, there is only one way forward. And so I must go."

So she went.


My mind instantly went to this track here, really suits the vibe of grimly marching forward out of mainly sunk-cost fallacy that Astra's doing here. And it uses violin! Just, probably played more shoddily than in the video, lol, given her general flagging at this point.
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