The fact that you are making more headway on Mawile!me's story than I am both frustrates and cheers me in equal measure, Derm. ^_^; Let's see...

[A catastrophic error has occurred: Arc.lang.NullPointerException.]

[Fairy.Type is missing or corrupt. Please contact your system administrator.]

The fact that the universe apparently runs on Java does not inspire a terrible amount of confidence in me in its day-to-day functionality. Also, does this technically confirm the truth of the Simulation Hypothesis within the context of the Backslash-verse? (#°Д°)

"It seems to be a rogue Mawile," J said. They tilted so that their tip was pointing at a particular forest. "See that one? It popped up right after Master Palkia finished patching us up. It appears to be from the ABG-1 group."

"After Master Palkia finished?" Z questioned. They squinted at the offending Mawile, humming disquietly. "Well, if she's still there, then I suppose Master Palkia wants her to be there."

These guys are putting way too much faith in their not-boss. Sadly, I get the feeling this is how Palkia has operated for millennia, and intends to continue operating for millennia more...

"No go," Z said, squinting at a new message. "She's locked."


"No, by... F and D?"

I do appreciate that WE seem to have admin rights for the universe, however. We should really have a go at fixing this mess some time, since clearly the gods aren't going to do it themselves. ;)

"Oh!" Q piped up, "Maybe we can install the Fairy module, but just for her!"

"I told you, we're not—" Z paused, thinking. "Hm. Just for her, you said? That would simplify things. Modify the legendary ruleset...yeah, that's workable. Good idea, Q!"

Yay, Mawile!me gets to be special! In a way which will, should it be found out by anyone else, likely have way too many people interested in me, and in potentially replicating said unique typing through... erm, probably the most obvious method, but yay! Special! 😅

(I better hope Astra doesn't bring up "Fairy" as a type she knows about to anyone else later on...)

"Oh, that one was pretty!" Astra exclaimed as Marill turned away in a huff. "Why don't you have more moves like that?"

Mawile!me, flatly: "Because, sadly, we don't get to pick the species we end up as."

"Surely you can use Draining Kiss?" I asked. Ralts were supposed to learn that pretty early on, weren't…they…?

My thought process stalled as I realized Astra was staring at me, cheeks slowly reddening. I stared back, eyes widening as my words caught up with my brain.

Dead silence.

"Did you," Astra asked, slowly, "just ask me to ki—"

"OKAY!" I yelped, spinning back to the log to hide my beet red face. I could swear even my horn was blushing. "What's next!? Should I beat up the log more? Maybe practice my techniques a bit?"

I managed to stop myself from completely starting to ramble, but... god, could I possibly have phrased that ANY worse!?

I'm very tempted to share the scribbly MS Paint graphic you showed me for this scene. :lol: An amusing misspeak which I can indeed imagine myself potentially saying, though I personally think the joke worked a little better before it got re-betaed by Slain/Irony.

(Also, given the shape of the mouths involved, I imagine that attempting such would be rather uncomfortable for both Astra and Mawile!me anyways.)

Her eyes seemed to be darting to my horn a lot, I noticed.

Oh shoot, forgot to edit the instances of this into horns (plural) while beta-ing. Ah well.

I blinked, and stared at the transparent purple force-fields that stretched across the entire clearing, forming a giant rectangular box. Astra was standing outside at the center line, glowing a brilliant purple as she focused on the array of barriers

I didn't think of it while beta-ing, but I imagine my first thought upon seeing this would actually be something like "Wait, Astra knows Trick Room/Wonder Room?", and wander over to find out how that feels from the inside. How does it feel to suddenly have one's speed/defense inverted anyways? :?

(Honestly, I bet with some effort, Astra could turn this little trick into one of those moves proper. Maybe Mawile!me will ask at some point.)

He wanted me to play the game with him?

I looked back at the high intensity action happening in the arena and frowned. It looked fairly basic—I was pretty sure the only real rule I'd observed so far was 'get the ball back over the line'—but I wasn't sure I was cut out for something like that yet.

Frankly, I think I'd be a little too shy for this sort of thing normally, but I suppose if I was explicitly invited... yeah, I guess I might give it a try. What would Slakoth and I's team name be? Team Claw and Maw? Tooth and Claw? Yawn and Maw-ron? ^^;

My eyes widened as Marill began to wire her tail around Slakoths neck.

"Alright, no," I growled.

Drawing upon my ghost energy, I clamped down as hard as I could, activated Intimidate, and glared at Marill, letting loose a full force Astonish.

Marill froze. She turned her head toward me jerkily, beady eyes shrinking to pinpricks at my ghastly visage. A shadow fell upon them as my horn rose up, jaws agape.

When talking has translation issues and force might just make things worse, literal scare tactics are a great way to get one's point across. :drevil:

"Certainly didn't feel like it," I complained, leaning against a tree. "Treecko I can usually figure out after a few seconds, but Marill is like a synonym nightmare. I feel like I'm being attacked by a thesaurus whenever she speaks.

Not at all an exaggeration. Frankly, Mawile!me is having WAY more success at understanding Marill than RL!me is — I can still guess the basic idea of a sentence from a word or two, but Marill really does seem to be like speaking to someone whose words are being run through about a dozen different instances of google translate before I actually hear them. I need the Unown to install some additional language assets for my character file. :rolleyes:

Slakoth is actually the easiest to understand, since he usually only says one or two words at a time.

Now imagine what a nightmare he'll be to talk to if he ever evolves. *shudders*

It was an orb. A sphere the size of a cantaloup, dark as midnight and sporting a number of cracks along one side. In the core, a collection of purple veins slithered around each other to form a tapering purple helix. It reminded me of a cartoonish DNA strand—or at least it would have, if it didn't feel so incredibly ominous.

I squinted. What the hell was this thing...? It kind of looked an oversized mega stone, but none of those were this dark or...veiny. The only other comparison that came to mind were the Red and Blue Orbs—this was Hoenn, after all—which rang some serious mental alarm bells. I vaguely recalled Ash's Pikachu turning some flavor of crazy when he absorbed the Blue Orb in the anime; was this something similar? And why did it look like it had partially shattered?

Sounds about right. As tempting as it might be to experiment with the DOOM orb, playing around with anything that looks like this in the Pokemon World is just asking for trouble. Not to mention the cracks imply it might be broken, and attempting to activate a short-circuiting artifact of power, evil or not, mostly just sounds like a good way to get ourselves blown up. Now, how to convince Astra of this...

We walked back in silence, leaving me to my thoughts. Which mostly centered around a single question.

How in the world am I supposed to stop a freaking apocalypse!?

Not that it's my responsibility or anything, but Hoenn's apocalypse really is the worst one when you think about it. Unlike all the other regional threats, which got stopped before they could fully come to fruition (Sinnoh and Kalos), or were relatively localized to their specific region (Unova and Alola), Hoenn's apocalypse had a lead-in of what were essentially extreme natural disasters on a potentially worldwide scale. Who knows how many people died in the wake of the tsunamis+flooding and/or heat waves+droughts caused by Kyogre and Groudon's legendary pissing contest... good thing Astra is traveling with one of the MCs likely to get involved in that whole debacle, huh? ;)

Does Astra even know what a thesaurus is? Did she just assume it was a type of Pokemon?

I sure hope so; that's a much more amusing line than what I had in mind when I added it during beta-ing. :lol:
I've heard that they are ancient scavengers, originally from the unown dimension.
Ok, that is actually hilarious. I can imagine an entire ecosystem of Language based creatures. based on things like how English follows other languages down dark allies and mugs them for vocabulary, there are doubtless many more puns.
What do Thesaurus look like anyway? Maybe some kind of dinosaur-based thing that is a composite of a bunch of Unown, an evolved form, similar to Dugtrio or Magnetron.
At some time, I've found a crossover between XCOM (the recent-ish one) and My Little Pony. And it wasn't bad.
Stardust I assume? I can't think of any others that are worth anything, aside from one Omake String from The MLP Inortal Loops.

Woops, almost forgot. Ahem.

Oh, absolutely. There is something fundementally wrong with the fact that I only got into... A large number of fandoms, including Xcom, Warhammer, Mass Effect, Pokemon, and of course, worm, purely because of My Little Pony crossovers. I think that might be extra heretical.
I mean, Warhammer, I read a book in school because it was there, and I liked pokemon as a kid, but never would have tried to learn more if not for My Little Pony.
Plenty of other fandoms, but those are the four that I can easily point at the first stories.


Twilight's read stories about an ancient library deep in the Everfree Forest and sets out to find it

A Foul Light Shines

Rogue Trader vessel visits Equestria

The Dark Ones

Traveling to a dead xenos system, an Imperial Interrogator discovers a survivor with a story to tell.


Can Twilight earn the trust and friendship of people who are by nature suspicious and hostile to anything that isn't 'human'?
Mass Effect

Mass Effect 2 - DLC: The Equestrian Equation

In this exclusive DLC, what begins as a simple search-and-rescue mission unveils a mystery millions of years in the making. Your choices are Commander Shepard's choices, and all of Equestria is at stake.

A Legion Of One

During its two year search for Shepard, the lone Geth discovered a world unlike anywhere else in the galaxy.


An Absol's life is full of pain and the tragedy of others but for one, Cres, that pain is much closer to heart. After a year and a day spent praying atop Mt. Coronet Cres is finally given the chance to obtain his long sought after Absolution.

Celestia's Rocket Adventures

Celestia winds up in the Pokemon universe. And captured by Team Rocket. Oh dear.

Little Lost Raichu

Devoid of memories and found in the Everfree Forest, little Raichu is nursed back to health by Twilight and her friends. Little do they know about the importance of her past and how far she’ll go to repay their kindness.

A Friend In Need

Something has happened and Twilight finds herself in a strange and dark new world. The Bipeds here have strange magic, advanced technology, and a lot of problems. She needs a few friends, and they just might need her. WORM crossover.
(Also, given the shape of the mouths involved, I imagine that attempting such would be rather uncomfortable for both Astra and Mawile!me anyways.)
I have no mouth and I must kiss.

Stardust I assume? I can't think of any others that are worth anything, aside from one Omake String from The MLP Inortal Loops.
The description blurb makes me think that's probably it. Towards the end (of what I remember), it was full of "Humanity, boo-yah!" and Latin in the style of "Semper Fi".
Dermonster: Shy Guy SCP Astra isn't real, she can't hurt you...
This was not the chillingly minimalistic and creepily professional SCP wiki I regret knowing about. Articles on this wiki make me wish to forget their subjects. That link makes me wish to forget it's grammar.

There's also Ranger which is fairly popular, though I won't unqualifiedly recommend it
Since there was a courteously provided link, I clicked it. I have questions. Mainly, what is a Sunset Shimmer (other than gorgeous), and how much must I know about it to enjoy that fic? If you can't recommend it, what did you not like about it? ... But that probably should go into PMs.

Steering back on-topic, I wonder if there are any shows about "magical animals" in the Pokemon universe, seeing as it's full of magical animals to the point of ordinary. Baseless speculation: "My Little Machoke: Friendship is Fighting-type".