CW: Alcohol
I'd never been much of a drinker; I was sort of a wuss in that regard. I could handle a beer or two, but I never liked the taste, and the stronger stuff that came to town on the backs of traders and merchants was really only any good when mixed with something else, in my opinion. I think the last time I'd had a drink had been at the AA meeting with Nicole, honestly, and that had only been a few mouthfuls of wine.
Some of that was down to the fact that I ate dirt and stuff these days, as embarrassing as it was to acknowledge, and that I didn't really have a pressing need to drink anything at all. Despite being a slime, I didn't seem to like… dry out, or anything, which had been something I'd worried about as I laid in bed shortly after my change. One of the many silly little worries that had peeped in around the deep, life-shattering ones. I'd been a mess there for a minute, and I appreciated the support everyone had offered to get me through it.
I didn't like thinking about those days too much, though.
Anyway, I think between my lack of need, and my time spent with Amy getting all the milk my heart desired, I was all good on the drink front, in general. I could actually even drink myself if I ever got the urge, which was a really weird sensation, but filled the tummy I instinctively seemed to keep hollowed out, so the bizarre sensation of being both liquid and container was worth keeping the cravings at bay a bit.
All that said, I wasn't immune to temptation, and Mamono goods had a startling tendency to outpace human wares by an order of magnitude. It might be down to the city I was in, practically everything produced in Morningwood was made by an artisan devoted to their craft and explicitly pursuing their passions, but…
Well, actually, that probably amounted to a huge part of the difference all by itself. Dark Energy certainly played a role, but like with all things, it wasn't clear where the line was. Even back when I'd first had sex with Beeps, my first real experience with the stuff, I wasn't sure how much was corruptive magics seeping into me, and how much was that I'd been pinned down by a hyper-competent sex-machine personally devoted to making sure I enjoyed myself as much as possible. That it had been my first everything, from my first kiss to my first time probably played a role, so did our very personal connection. I'd always loved her, and that love crossing into new boundaries could only have enhanced things.
The smell of her steam was admittedly entrancing, but I'd smelled fresh-cooked food when I was starving that had been just as distracting, if not moreso, and there'd been no magic involved there at all.
That's not to say that the Dark Energy hadn't had an effect, I'd spent many multiple hours in her embrace, which was an impossible feat of endurance, but… it wasn't clear what was and wasn't its influence. Five percent? Ninety-five? Neither seemed truthful, if I was being honest.
Where was I?
Oh right, the alcohol. Akubra's staff were a dizzying wave of bodies that brought out and took back alcoholic drinks seemingly at random, and a great many of them were extremely fruity, but much harder drinks. Colors, shapes of the glass, ingredients, the variety was staggering, I at least sampled them all, in an attempt to be polite, but the only ones that stayed on the table were the ones I specifically fought for, and only as long as I was paying attention to the cup. After a certain point, each drink they brought was markedly better than the last, and cups I thought were worth protecting at the start were abandoned for new favorites I had to be feisty about prioritizing, lest they disappear. A current favorite was salt-rimmed and sour caramel flavored whiskey. It had a fish swimming inside, and the glass refracted rainbows through the liquid such that it was impossible to tell the actual color.
A waitress went for it, and I had to growl at her to get her to back off. Another disappeared while I did so.
They were relentless, and it was the same with the snacks. Prisoner fruit didn't even feature, at least not on its own, though it was a prominent ingredient in several of the tastier confections and assortments. I had to grow extra eyes and arms just to keep up, and if anything, that only renewed their vigor, the speed increasing as pairs of my arms protected candied nuts and jellied breads, and I watched in dismay as a particularly spicy dip with some crisp wafers was whisked away before I could so much as whimper.
Akubra's end of the table was much more slowly and deliberately curated, and when I stopped to consider that it was likely because they'd been slaking her thirsts and cravings for much longer and could provide for her more efficiently, I shook myself out of the thought to discover an entirely new spread with my current favorites nowhere to be seen.
I was starting to feel really loose, though. I think it had taken longer to do me in because of how much more of me there was elsewhere, but we were starting to reach a pleasant haze.
I let out a giggle as they set down a drink that matched the shade of my body exactly.
"Look, 'Kubra, s' me!" I grinned at her, pointing to the cup. She smiled her beautiful, light little smile, and took the cup from the table before I could, licking her lips suggestively. She brought it to her mouth, tongue circling the rim, lapping up the drink slowly, and sipping at it.
"I wanna taaaaaste," I said, jealously. "I'm prolly really yummy!"
I skootched around the corner booth, trying to get closer to her, steadying myself on the table as I did. She finished the drink before I could get there, and I pouted at her.
"Heeeeeeey." I crossed some of my arms, as others helped me sample the tables new wares.
Her cheeks bulged, and I could hear her tongue swishing around, tasting the drink. I got a really devilish idea, and threw myself at her. She smelled strongly of alcohol, just like me, and I kissed her desperately. It was an incredibly strong boysenberry drink, sweeter than candy, and it played nicely with Akubra's own more umami flavor. Like she'd frosted herself with an expensive jam.
I drank what I could as she did the same.
"Love you, you know?" I said, nuzzling her cheek. "You're like… really great."
She giggled, and I started giggling too.
"Hmmmmmmm…" she said "I think…"
I stared at her, enraptured. What would she say?
"You're great too!" She said happily.
I had really gotten lucky, huh?
Speaking of which…
"Heeeeeyyyy~" I said. I kissed her nose.
She pressed herself into me, immediately, and I cuddled up to her. She pushed me down into the plush booth seating, running her fingers across my body, dreamily.
"Love you, Lyle," she said.
"No, you," I said.
We laughed, and I felt her body shaking mine. I shook my hips in response, and she met me with the same. I took her hat, and put it on my head. She let out a little gasp, a tiny growl, and kissed me on the mouth with a fire I couldn't believe. I licked at the inside of her hat on my head with mouths and tongues made just for that purpose, and she moaned in response, each little touch of my tongues sending shivers through her body.
I wrapped as many of my arms around her as would fit, stroking her every way I could think of through the haze.
It felt clumsy.
It felt good.
Suddenly, she was taking bites out of me, pulling me deeper and deeper inside her, drinking and breathing and consuming me in a way that felt so very very right. Of course she wanted more. Hadn't I shown her this before?
But it meant more for her to do it herself, to feel her raw need for the sensation.
A flit of memory brushed against my mind, when I first donned my clothes, it felt so long ago now, and I pulsed inside her, and she screamed, rapturously, clawed at me ferally, tried to fill herself with my body, but I just pulled more and more from the away-place.
Then I pressed in from the bottom, between her lower cheeks, and lower lips both.
And I pressed hard.
She came immediately, writhing and shaking under my vicious thrusts, that only continued and intensified as I drove deeper and deeper.
I pulsed again.
She came again, and this time I did too.
All it did was drive my fluids deeper into her.
I realized my cum wasn't made of me.
I was made of cum.
The delirious thought wrapped itself around my mind and refused to let go, and suddenly I was orgasming from everywhere at once. It was orders of magnitude more intense. Every inch of me simultaneously both cum and cumming; pulling more and more of myself from the away place to make it all possible.
I filled the room before I could come down from it, and I consumed every treat and beverage at once, and filed them away, learning everything I'd need to know about them to make them myself.
Make myself them.
I pressed at the walls of the tiny room, still cumming, still cumming everywhere, and suddenly there was nowhere for the pressure to go but further into Akubra. I pulsed and she came once more.
She desperately fought to hold me close and fuck me, but where was I when I was everywhere?
The mouths I'd made to kiss and tease her were so numerous that in a way they were contiguous. Hundreds of tongues, or tentacles, the difference semantic, wrote confessions of love and joy across her skin and still she clawed for me, searching, not able to think clearly through the pleasure and the pressure to understand that her arms could not contain what already contained her.
I felt the alcohol leaving me as I came, felt me come back to myself, and slowly, tortuously, I receded back to the away-place, leaving the least of me to hold her close the way she needed.
Tiny gasps and moans escaped her as I left her body and cuddled close, and put her hat back on her head, with loving, tender care.
But my tongues were still in there.
I did not want to leave her entirely ever again.
I would not.
We slowly caught our breath, my separate self gently cleaning and brushing her hair from its place inside her hat, restoring her composure in looks, if not in deed.
"Wow." I said.
She looked at me, adoringly.
That tiny smile graced her lips.
"And yet," she said, "feeding is even better."
I clung to her closely.
That couldn't be possible.