Which of these thing you want? - You can only vote once, can't change. Make it count.

  • Marble Phantasm

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • True Ancestor

    Votes: 4 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Vote Tally : Fantasy - HomuHomu's Bizarre Adventure: From the Void | Page 11 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] Germania
No. of Votes: 4

[x] Empire of America
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Kingdom of Canadia
No. of Votes: 1

[X] New Japan
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Sultanate of Vatican City
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Ville de Voyageur
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 11
Vote Tally : Fantasy - HomuHomu's Bizarre Adventure: From the Void | Page 11 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] Germania
No. of Votes: 4

[x] Empire of America
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Kingdom of Canadia
No. of Votes: 1

[X] New Japan
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Sultanate of Vatican City
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Ville de Voyageur
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 11

Well, looks like we're going to Germany.
Well, definitely going to drink some booze here, lol. ...If I had any in my house. I need more soda though. Soda is just amazing. :V
Out of the tree - 2
[X] Germania

You walked through the thick fog as your feet echoed in the endless fog void. Tap, tap, tap. The fog seems endless but you continue anyway. Though you're quite unsure how, you somehow manage to find yourself at a bonfire in the middle of the fog. There was a small child with white hair in a white robe tending to the bonfire with another woman who looks suspiciously like Gaia, but with her nestled with nests, leaves, and flowers. Beside her is a cart attached to two resting cows. She was in a bad mood and was complaining to the little girl.

"I hate this, I hate it so much," she said as she kicked some rocks into the fire. "Back in the old days I was celebrated! Revered! Everywhere I went there was a party and everybody loved me! Now no one knows who I even am!"

"Eh it's not so bad Nerthus, look at me. I gave up my throne in the Greek pantheon but I'm not complaining. In fact, I think I'm doing far more well than the others," the young girl said.

"Yeah, but that's because you're the goddess of hearth, agriculture, and domesticity, which basically makes you the goddess of doormats for all I care," she said blatantly.

The young girl pouted. "That's mean, even for you."

The other women realized what she had done and quickly apologized. "Sorry Hestia it's just... frustrating is all... I miss the glory days..."

"Well it's kind of hard to do that ever since the humans got their own population down to 10% of its original size because of the 10 year war."

"Don't remind me," she said and sighed. "I have scars all over my true body because of that..." She was simply gazing around when she noticed you and for once gave a small smile. "Oh, why hello there my champion. Sorry for you to see me in this state... or rather one of the many me..."

You were confused for a moment before coming closer and asking, "Are you Gaia? Because that girl called you Nerthus."

"I guess it's another lesson that the other me wants to teach you," she said, petting her cows as she gazes into the bonfire. "We have a... confusing nature... we are concepts projected into physical forms. But as a result of being a concept, we have perspectives, iterations, different points of view of us. For me I am the German concept of mother nature, Nerthus." She pointed at her young companion. "This young girl is Hestia, Greek goddess of hearths, agriculture, and domesticity. She is a great listener."

"Eh, I like to think it's all part of being a pit stop for adventurers," Hestia responded.

"She also has a habit of being a bit of a doormat," Nerthus added.

"That, I... have no counter argument..." she said, looking down with a gloomy aura.

"And you're supposed to be the eldest of the Olympians..." Nerthus said.

You were confused, again. "But if you're the eldest, why do you look like a child?"

"Because I feel like it."

Nerthus nodded, "Another thing about us... Gods command a good portion of reality to their will, more so for the creation gods."

"Creation gods?" you asked.

"Gods like Atum, Izanagi, Rod, and... well... God... Seriously, that guy has the blandest name ever," she explained.

Hestia spoke up, "That's because saying his actual name will literally blow the minds of lesser men."

"Oh yeah... I keep forgetting that..." Nerthus said to herself as she shakes her head. "Anyway, Homura, I hope this teaches you a few more things about the world."

"I hope? so," you said shrugging a bit, still trying to process the information.

The goddess stared at you for a bit before shrugging. "Eh, close enough."

Hestia spoke up again, "Hey, if you're gonna give advice then I'll do too!" She cleared her throat. "If you ever need a place to stay for warm food, heat, and sleep, than you can always find my hearth."

You were confused, again. "Yes but uhh... How exactly do I find them?"

"I guess I was a bit misleading... It's not that YOU find them... it's just that that THEY find you," she explained.

You cocked your head. "What?"

"You'll see." She simply smiled and went back to tending the fire.

"Okay?" This god business is confusing.

"Anyway, Germany—or Germania, as they call it now—is just up ahead. More specifically, you'll find the Black Forest," she explained, pausing to pet her cows again. "It's a rather large forest and it's quite easy to get lost. Do take care and try not to in trouble with the Raptors."

"Raptors?" you said in a confused tone.

Hestia spoke up again. "Sales-Raptors, to be exact. They'll try to swindle as much money as possible from your purse with their great sales and razor-sharp oily tongue."

"Razor sharp what."

"They're dinosaurs."

"What's that?"

Hestia stopped for a moment. "You'll know when you see them."

"Well, I guess I'll just go then..." you said, saying your goodbyes as you left.

The long walk finally showed its end when you took a step and fell through a tree that wasn't there before. You tumble through the branches and leaves before falling on something.

Said something shouted in pain. "Hey, loskommen von meinem Rücken!" a female voice shouted.

You quickly got off and saw that it was a girl about your size (you didn't say age since you were literally just born an hour ago).

She had a black bob cut with a simple blue dress and matching shoes. Her picnic basket was a few meters away and still intact. Her left arm is made of metal and she's shaking it at you. "Fick dich! Ich werde dich zu Tode mit einer Fledermaus zu schlagen beim Schleppen Sie über den Boden gebunden an einen Lastwagen und warum bist du in einem Baum? Das ist dumm, du bist dumm! Sollten Sie wissen, dass Bäume nicht gute Betten machen. Warum ich sollte-" she kept on shouting in a mysterious language.

[] "Uhhh... do you speak English?"

[] Ask the try for help

[] Try to speak her language

[] Write in
[X] Try to speak her language.

Well, that's one acid trip we're getting into...