Which of these thing you want? - You can only vote once, can't change. Make it count.

  • Marble Phantasm

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • True Ancestor

    Votes: 4 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
[q] Modern Day Japan
[q] Homu the Eternal Poster
[q] Knowing when voting has ended
I know the vote is close but....

[JK]Tengen Toppa Gurren Meguca
[JK]Homu the Digger
[JK]Spiral Energy with time-stopping power.

I couldn't get rid of that joke.
So I've been away from the thread for the past 7 hours, and I'll just say that I voted considering True Ancestor and Marble Phantasm to be synonymous votes, since there isn't really much else that gets Marble Phantasm, and it definitely requires being something other than human.

Most True Ancestors have to spend the majority of their power constantly suppressing their bloodlust, but if they ever give in to their bloodlust, they no longer need to do that and can abuse their full power. Arcueid was specifically designed to be powerful enough that even while spending most of her power suppressing her bloodlust, she's still powerful enough to fight and defeat True Ancestors who have succumbed to their bloodlust.
Tea time with Gaia - 1
[X] Fantasy Kitchen Sink

You began walking toward a particular world that had taken your interest. Somehow it felt nice, full of life, and variety. You're not quite sure how you knew, you simply felt like it was a fact.

[X] Homura the Wanderer

You felt your body define itself as you enter a light fog. You felt strands of hair grow as it turns to clumps to a full waist length that was raven black. You felt your hips, waist and chest curve into a feminine shape, giving you a nice B cup. You felt your body shorten to a teenager's average size. Pigment came to your skin as it turned a nice healthy shade of whitish pink. You momentarily stop as your eyes started to blur for a moment, only for a pair of black rimmed glasses to appear and place themselves on your face, allowing you to see that the fog is getting thicker. Clothes started to appear, giving you black and white sneakers with loose fitting thick white socks, normal undergarments, and for some reason a school uniform with a black and white color-scheme with the former being more dominant. There's no logo in sight. Finally, a simple jet-black hooded cloak appeared on your back and wrapped around your neck. While intrigued, you felt the need to move. Also, the need to hit on other women for some reason. A fanny pack and a messenger bag appeared in front of you and you reflexively took them and put them on.

[X] Marble Phantasm

You continued to walk through the thick fog, your steps echoing in the endless landscape. There was a figure in the distance. You walked towards it.

There was a woman; she was wearing a long flowing green dress, her skin was fair and flawless with flowing auburn-colored hair to match. She was sitting on chair in front of a table with a tea kettle, a bowl of sugar, a spoon, and an empty chair. She motions for you. You took a seat. "Hello Void-Formed, I see you stumbled onto my favorite resting place. Here, want some Red Marble Tea?" she said, point at the kettle.

"Ummm," you weren't sure what to say. "Sure, I guess." You took a seat.

She grabbed a kettle and poured some for you. You nodded in appreciation as you took a cup and started to sip from it... The taste was very strong, the bitterness is burning your throat as you sipped it. Your body began to spet, and a sharp, intense pain blossomed in the back of your brain. You dropped the teacup onto the table. Somehow, it landed right on its bottom. Clutching your head, you began to spasm out of control in cold sweat. The woman noticed the pain you were in, but simply shrugged as she continued to drink her tea, saying, "Don't worry about the pain, young Void-Formed. It's always intense in the beginning but it'll subside in a mere moment and you'll be able to drink Red Marble Tea as if it's any other tea. It's the price to pay for forming a connection to me."

Just as she said, the pain subsided and disappeared as quickly as it appeared. You rested for a bit, eyeing the tea a bit before sipping it again. It remained bitter, but also smooth, and now had a strange calming effect. "See? Only a few moments and now it a pleasing substance. Oh! I almost forgot to introduce myself, my name is Gaia," she said, placing a hand on her chest as she introduced herself.

"Homura," you simply said.

"Homura? That's it? Surely you have a last name?" she said before a thought came to her and she frowned a bit. "Oh, stupid of me to think of that. You were born just moments ago. Of course you have no last name. Of course my many children and I don't have any either, so I suppose that's fair."

"By the way," you started. "What do you mean by making a connection to you?"

"Oh, well. You could say that I'm adopting you," she explained. "Void-Forms always interested me. Your people always come once in a 100 years and you all always shake the world whether you like it or not. I tried claiming the last 82 but the other deities got to them before I did. The only that didn't was the Christian God for some reason, but I suppose he's too nice for that, always polite and sweet too." She started rambling on and on until she caught herself mid sentence. "Sorry, I was rambling again. An old lady does that when she doesn't have anyone to talk to." She took out a few envelopes and slid them to you. "A personal request, if you'll humor me for a moment. If you can, deliver these letters to my sons, grand sons, great grand sons, and my loving husband will you?"

"I don't mind, if I have time I guess can deliver them," you said, giving a small smile.

"Thank you, my young champion," she said as she pointed to her left, revealing another set of crossroads. "Hecate always likes her crossroads. From there, you will continue your journey to the world. Oh, and always remember two things: if you want to talk to me, simply ask the earth, for it is my true body and that whatever nature can do, you can too."

You nodded as you take her words into consideration and placed the envelopes into your messenger bag, reading them one by one as you go. Uranus, Typhon, Kronos (a side note was added warning not confuse Kronos with Chronus), Zeus, and Steve. You placed on your hood and moved your long hair past your left shoulder as to not inhibit the hood as you gave a goodbye to Gaia and left to the crossroads. There you saw a few signs pointing in different directions...

[] Kingdom of Canadia

[] New Japan

[] Empire of America

[] Sweden City

[] Germania

[] Ville de Voyageur