5th Heumonat, fuck me, I wanna die.
It's so goddamn hot. There was a reason I wanted to do my tour here in the early winter, I can't handle this! Lohner gets hot in the summer but there's a nice coastal breeze and shade from the trees, it's pleasant warmth. This is... it's just a sticky, awful gross. Supposedly it'd be better if we could go outside, but we can't.
Because water's the one thing we have in excess, we're not in too much danger of heat stroke, and we're pretty much running the group shower thingy twice a day now because otherwise it would just be completely unmanageable. And we've pretty much given up on civilized modesty at the moment because, well, ya just can't. The locals would have spent days like this under electric fans or out catching a sea breeze, but instead we're stuck in a stuffy, overcrowded factory building, so...
She's trying to justify recording in her underwear.
I am, and I'm not ashamed!
Anyway, the militia isn't terribly happy about it, but we're taking their guns and handing them over to the scavenging teams to defend themselves, and the new goal is to try and branch out a bit. If there's anywhere nearby we can get to reliably, maybe we can move folks out of here and into there, and reduce the crowding a bit. So, um, for those curious, we've basically turned the three big open office floors into sleeping areas, and it's sorta roughly broken down into men, ladies, and couples. People try to get what privacy they can, but it's... it's not great. I consider the CEO's office my payment for having to manage these knuckleheads, so at least I don't have to go down there too often.
I sleep in a supply closet.
Brigit sleeps in a supply closet. Which we still use for supplies. I've offered to switch every other night or something like that, but she refuses.
The other big get would be some kind of vehicle, a ground truck or something. Or, Goddesses willing, an airplane we could use to get help, or fly some folks out of this place. Speaking of, other than me and Brigit the only other person who has their own room is Pratyusha, that pilot who ended up in here, owing to the fact that she keeps getting harassed. We got her posted up in the old records room now, and that's great except... well, now people are on my case for preferential treatment. Fucking... it's the end of the world, you'd think people could stuff their fucking bigotry.
Why'd you think that? My mum always told me, 'if things get bad, we get out.' People will want a scapegoat.
Yeah. Fuck. At least folks have been relatively good other than that, no other real problems on that front. Admittedly, it's probably because our group of survivors was pretty homogeneous, which Brigit says is a pretty good indicator of how segregated the city was before all this. She lived in another quarter altogether, she was just here for business when it all went down. I guess I never thought about that, save for when my manager wanted to play up the fae shit for exoticism. It's like six generations back, it's so awful.
... I hate to say it, but maybe the world needed something like this. A reckoning. Something to make us fix our shit or die trying. Just... sucks this was it.
24th Heumonat, 1600, I come with good news.
So across the street from the loading dock is a big ol' warehouse, and we figured it'd be totally fucked, but turns out it's incredibly overbuilt and it has a concrete floor, so there's not much in the way of growth in there. Spores, sure, but if we seal the vents we can clear it out, the spores die eventually if they can't grow anywhere, and if we light a few fires in there it'll speed it up. It's very close and has wide open spaces, plus there's some boxes in there.
But that's not all, because there's also a factory a lot like this one next door. The loading doors were opened, so it's completely fucking infested, but it still has some of its original machinery. We think it was a tool and die company that got pressed into making bullets? Most of the line is gone, but the generators are still there, so if we could somehow get in there and fuel it we could rig up lines and power the whole place, maybe get the lightbulbs back on in here.
So all we gotta do is figure out some way to link our building with those ones, clear them out, and not kill every person in here in the process. If anyone has any ideas, let me know.
You're doing the thing again.
Talking to the record like somebody's going to answer.
Bleh. It's the heat, it's melting my brain, lay off.
Anyway, downside, ground transportation is a no-go. Everything we've found so far was being driven by somebody when the spores came down, so... urgh. Basically, their cockpits... do cars have cockpits? They must. Yeah, the cockpits are super overgrown, the wood in the instrument panels are wrecked, and in a lot of cases it's literally pushed them apart, it's super freaky.
Oh, and on the monster front, we've see a few of the bugs, but some warning shots saw them off. They killed one and put it up against the window to show me, and my official response is fuck that. Anyway, the salvage teams are doing a decent job, but there's chewing through ammo at a rapid pace. We're going to need more if we want to keep pushing out.
3rd Erntemonat, 1600.
Well, the search for dirt we can grow shit is has run face-first into the fact that anything that stuff can grow in is currently doing its best to grow fuckloads of weird-ass poisonous fungus, so if we wanna expand the farms we're going to have to do better than that.
Speaking of... I speak to you while eating a meal made entirely of locally-grown produce. After eating dried, canned survival rations for eight months, I can confirm that it is delicious. Now if only we could get some beer going, then we might be in business.
So, I do have some good news. The professors figured out how to reconstitute new filters out of the remains of old ones after we break them apart. Turned out to be dead simple, they just had to make a sort of glue... I dunno, it's weird. Point is, we can make new filters from the stuff in the old ones, with a bit of heat. It's not entirely efficient, some of the filter gets lost during cleaning, but it works out. It'll eat into our limited fuel supply, though.
Speaking of, all our salvaging and stuff has meant a lot of work for the firefighters. No incidents, but they've burned away more spores from around the decontamination booth than I thought was possible. It's a good thing Brigit is riding them on fuel use.
How do we start these again?
The date.
Right. 9th Herbstmonat, 1600.
Been a while, sorry. There hasn't been much to report. The community is doing well, food is growing, we're still a bit short but it's not too dire. It's... it's working. We're survivors, sure, but we're a community now. I didn't think that was possible, to be honest, but it's working out.
Heh, actually um, this is kind of funny, but there was a kid born today, and Brigit crunched the math and it turns out that she had to have been conceived in the factory, after everything went down. I question her parent's priorities, but honestly... cool. That's cool. Life goes on, for us, at least. The doc's new apprentice was on hand for the delivery helping out, that was cool too.
I'm starting to think I might actually get to have that New Year's drink. Hell, maybe I'll get through the cabinet.
Population Report
Total Population - 250 (▲2)
Labour - 102 (▲2)
Skilled - 10
Kids - 116
Dependents - 22
Current Mood: Hopeful. A bit peckish.
Population Change Report
Total Births: 4 (▲2)
Total Maturation: 7 (▲2)
Total Deaths: 5
Natural Causes: 2
Infestation: 2
Horrible Insect: 1
Note: Due to spore threat, every death will consume 3 Fuel.
Demographic Controls
Birth Rate: Natural
Maturation Rate: Natural
Rations: Restricted (3 Food per Turn)
Water: Standard (1 Water per Turn)
Child Labour Laws: Prohibited
Projected Demographic
Per Quarter Population Growth: 0.5%
Per Quarter Maturity: 2%
Labour/Skilled: 92/8
Quarterly Natural Casualties: 0.25% (0.25% Base, 0.0% Infestation)
Casualties are removed randomly. Kids and Dependents are more likely to die than Labourers and Skilled.
Job Report
15 Water Purifiers (Input 1 Purifier, 5 Labourers. Output 150 Water.)
25 Farmers (Input 1 Labourer, 1 Farmland, 5 Water. Output 25 Food)
4 Teachers (Input 1 Teacher, Output +2% Skilled Labour growth)
1 Doctor (Input 1 Doctor, Output: Can treat 5 Causalities per Turn. 25% chance they'll be saved, 25% chance they'll become Dependents)
1 Doctor's Apprentice (Input 1 Child, 1 Doctor. Output: Gives 1 reroll to a doctor's casualty roll. Will result in a Doctor in 0/8 Turns.)
20 Spore Fighters (Input 1 Labourer, 5 Petrol or 10 Fuel. Output: Reduces Infestation by 1% per Turn)(Currently set to prioritize FUEL)
0 Filter Recyclers (Input 1 Labourer, 10 Fuel, 10 Zeolite, Output: 5 Filters)
2 Researchers (Input 1 Scientist, Output +1 to Research Rolls)
1 Bureaucrat (Input 1 Bureaucrat. Output: Specialized)
5 Armed Salvagers (Input 1 Labourer, 1 Suit, 1 Weapon. Can launch exploration or Salvage missions for 3 Filters each.)
1 Leader
7 Militia (Input 1 Labourer, 1 Weapon. Output: As long as you have 1 Militia per 25 people, you get 1 Authority. If you have twice that, 2 Authority. They can also fight.)(WARNING: INSUFFICIENT MILITIA)
Unemployed Labour: 22 (▲2)
Unemployed Skilled: 1
0% (▼0)
(19 rolled)
Every percent of Infestation increases the quarterly casualties by 1/10th.
Naturally, Infestation grows 2d10% per Turn. Expanding to new areas will increase Infestation as well, as people are exposed.
Resource Stores
Food: 1390 (▼116)
(Produced: 625, Needed: 750)
Water: 633 (▼47)
Fuel: 234 (▼171)
(Produced: 0, Needed 200)
Weapons: 12
(Produced: 0, Needed 0)
Munitions: 90 (▼10)
(Produced: 0, Needed 0)
Raw Resources: 100
(Produced 0, Needed 0)
Petrol: 25
(Produced 0, Needed 0)
Filters: 84 (▼9)
(Produced 0)
Thaler: 12
Zeolite: 45 (▲45)
Filters produce 1 Zeolite when used up.
Current Territory: 100
Used: 24 for Housing, 25 for Farming
Free: 51
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