Holdouts - (Flying Circus, Post-Apoc Town Quest)

Survey failure (9), sucess on salvage (13) ,barely suceeding on the rationing (11), failure on using the water(9) Science sucess with a 10 and burecracy fails with a 9, sadly the 18 with the crit us unused unless we have to roll for the not used action of authority?
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Turn 3.1 - Restricted Diet
Um, 3rd Grasmonat, 1600.

So, Brigit came in with the numbers and, well, she's absolutely right, we need to start rationing. Probably pretty steeply, but I don't want to panic people, and hopefully we can get growing stuff for the summer and fix this. It'll probably pretty much just be potatoes at first, but after three months of eating survival rations... I am looking forward to potatos.

So, yeah, I broke the news this morning to the assembled... town? Crew? Community? Whatever, point is, we're going to start restricting food a bit more heavily, about down to 3/4ths what we issued before. Brigit thought we should be a bit steeper, but I don't want to panic people.

I did my best to cushion the blow as best I could, and honestly it seemed to go fairly well. The adults understood well enough, and the kids didn't complain too much. They all hate the ration bars anyway, they probably think its a mercy. I got a few glares here and there, but it should be fine.

Maybe I'll finally lose that weight my manager insisted I was putting on. Goddesses, I know you probably didn't have the power to save everyone, but please tell me you at least made sure that motherfucker didn't get out.


5th Grasmonat, 1600.

So things aren't completely fine. The firefighters are not happy about the rationing, and they're...

No, you're right.

Okay, so about half of them are insisting that because they do work for the community, they should stay on a full ration, unlike the layabouts. When I pointed out that we're doing this to stretch out the food for everyone, the firefighters'... leader, I guess? Dude named Georg Stauffer, he said that we should take the difference from the unemployed. I'll tell you I'm really glad we have the militia, because Georg was a for-real firefighter before things went to shit and some of his underlings looked, like, murderously angry.

I get where they're coming from, I really do, they want their work to be valued. They put themselves in real danger for the community, and they were the first ones to volunteer so they've earned it. But Brigit is fucking furious at them, and says if we just let them eat then maybe the salvagers or militia will get pissy too, and then its all for nothing. It's not like the folks that don't have jobs are doing nothing, they clean up and mind the kids and stuff, but it's true they aren't putting themselves at risk or working as long...

[ ] Let the firefighters have full meals.​
[ ] Give the firefighters what they want, and constrain the other rations to match.​
[ ] The firefighters stay on rations like everyone else.​
[ ] Write In (Note: Imposing larger scale changes like an internal economy will require an action next turn instead)​
Updates will break at decision points, but resume quickly.
As time goes on we'll have more and more jobs for people to funnel into. So to sum up the logic of "This one job gets speshul stuff" when each job plays a unique and equally useful role? Stupidity in the long term. If they want full rations so much then they can farm our future potatoes on their days off.

One can say that our vip long term people are the ones who can make sure our children grow up at least mildly educated. That only the kids should get full rations, due to the potentially severe harm childhood malnutrition can do not only to the body but to brain development.

So no. We're not going to play the food to ego game.

Of they don't like it then their choices are to die, by not doing their jobs, or to take over. And I honestly don't see shit going well for them if they do that.

[X] The firefighters stay on rations like everyone else.

Turn 3.2 - Creepy Crawlies
8th Grasmonat, 1600.

Okay, I just got out of a meeting with Herr Stauffer, he was... well, he wasn't happy, but we found a nice compromise. His firefighters will be on the same rations as everyone, but we're going to give them special mention during Flight Week and stuff. Apparently that's a big important deal here.

I dunno. I'm a country girl at heart, Flight Week doesn't mean much to me. When I was a girl, it was just an excuse to fly kites. A lot of people here up north don't even really celebrate Winter Solstice. Why would they? The day's just about the same length year round in these parts.

Brigit, do you think you can handle this Flight Week shit? I don't really know the local-

Sorry, my people don't... exactly celebrate it at all, you know. We have a different thing.

Oh. Huh, I didn't think you were...

On my mother's side, yeah. I don't exactly advertise it.

Well, fair enough. Welp, looks like somebody else'll have to do it. I've gotta manage the survey teams, that's going to be my next few weeks, more or less. We want to see if the Sky-Line is still up, or if there are any planes we can use to maybe get the fuck out of here.


Fuckin... what are we now? 3rd Wonnemonat, 1600.

So a member of the survey team is dead, and he took his suit with him. I'm... I didn't do this last time, and now I can't remember their names, so I'm going to start making this a habit for the record. Rolf Pruefer used to be a pioneer for the Macchi Guard, fought in defensive of their capital and everything, everyone here loved him. He was out trying to make his way to Industrieflugplatz Nord with Rosa, and they came across... she was it was some kind of fuckoff huge bug. Like a big centipede or something, size of a large dog.

Long story short, Rolf is dead and Rosa barely got out of there with her life.

So... we know the Sky-Line platform is still there and seems mostly intact and uncovered, I imagine the fungus doesn't grow too well on steel. No idea about Industrieflugplatz Nord, Hellebucht Flughafen, or any of the smaller fields.

Rosa still wants to go out there, so I've ordered her to stay in sight of the windows as much as possible and see what can be salvaged from the street and nearby buildings.

Wish us luck.


12th Wonnemonat, 1600.

Okay, updates. So, temperatures are starting to get real serious around here, so we're trying our best to figure out how to stay cool. Thus far, we haven't come up with much except to make sure everyone drinks more water. If we had undergound water storage we might be able to keep it cool, but right now we're just using an old holding tank for a steam engine as our main reservoir so the water is warm and gross. We have to run it back through the purifiers before drinking it because its a breeding ground for bacteria, which hasn't been optimal.

Good news is that we're about ready to grow stuff, though. The professors have mixed up something kind of soil-like from the firefighting sands and... other substances, so we're readying people to build up some farm plots under the skylights. We're so damn lucky we are where we are: if this building was sealed, this wouldn't be an option.

Salvage is actually going pretty well, despite the restrictions. There was a ground truck outside this whole time with another shipment of survival gear that never made it inside, just around the corner of the street. It included some of these fancy new chemical suits, and we've already put them to good use moving the rest of the stuff, mostly more ration bars. Unfortunately we couldn't save everything, the spores got into the boxes faster than we could move them. But it's something.

Plus there were some medical kits, which is nice. The doc appreciates it. Might help a little more. Another kid got exposed to spores, but we managed to save him. He's having a lot of trouble breathing now, poor little guy, but he's alive, and that's something.


14th Brachmonat, 1600.

We're almost ready to start planting. We've got potatoes, lettuce, radishes, turnips, and spinach to start. The lettuce is iffy in the heat but we're hoping to grow it closer to the shade. The firefighters have been working overtime keeping the place spotless so there's no chance that the spores settle in the soil, and to keep them away from the kids, and they're doing an incredible job. There's nowhere in the facility we consider unsafe anymore.

We're laying out as much soil as we have, but right now we'll just be slowing the bleed instead of stopping it. The unfortunate fact is, we need more stuff to grow in, and all we have left is concrete.

Also, I hadn't noted it at the time, but halfway through the year. I'm really proud of us. We're doing it. It's something I have to keep in mind, because we're... we're starting to see things moving out there. I'm keeping Rosa and the other salvagers inside until we figure out what.

Unless something comes up, next record will be Brigit and her numbers.


Population Report
Total Population - 247 (1)
Labour - 100 (1)
Skilled - 10
Kids - 116 (4)
Dependents - 22 (1)
Current Mood: Scared for what little they have.

Population Change Report
Total Births: 2 (1)
Total Maturation: 5 (3)
Total Deaths: 5 (2)
Natural Causes: 2 (1)
Infestation: 2
Horrible Insect: 1 (1)
Note: Due to spore threat, every death will consume 3 Fuel.

Demographic Controls
Birth Rate: Natural
Maturation Rate: Natural
Rations: Standard (4 Food per Turn)
Water: Standard (1 Water per Turn)

Projected Demographic
Per Quarter Population Growth: 0.5%
Per Quarter Maturity: 2%
Labour/Skilled: 92/8
Quarterly Natural Casualties: 0.25% (0.25% Base, 0.0% Infestation)
Casualties are removed randomly. Kids and Dependents are more likely to die than Labourers and Skilled.

Job Report
15 Water Purifiers (Input 1 Purifier, 5 Labourers. Output 150 Water.)
25 Farmers (Input 1 Labourer, 1 Farmland, 5 Water. Output 25 Food)
4 Teachers (Input 1 Teacher, Output +2% Skilled Labour growth)
1 Doctor (Input 1 Doctor, Output: Can treat 5 Causalities per Turn. 25% chance they'll be saved, 25% chance they'll become Dependents)
20 Spore Fighters (Input 1 Labourer, 5 Petrol or 10 Fuel. Output: Reduces Infestation by 1% per Turn)(Currently set to prioritize FUEL)
2 Researchers (Input 1 Scientist, Output +1 to Research Rolls)
1 Bureaucrat (Input 1 Bureaucrat. Output: Specialized)
5 Salvagers (Input 1 Labourer, 1 Suit. Can launch exploration or Salvage missions for 3 Filters each.)
1 Leader
12 Militia (Input 1 Labourer, 1 Weapon. Output: As long as you have 1 Militia per 25 people, you get 1 Authority. If you have twice that, 2 Authority. They can also fight.)
Unemployed Labour: 20 (31)
Unemployed Skilled: 1

0% (8%)
Every percent of Infestation increases the quarterly casualties by 1/10th.
Naturally, Infestation grows 2d10% per Turn. Expanding to new areas will increase Infestation as well, as people are exposed.

Resource Stores
Food: 1506 (494)
(Produced: 625, Needed: 741)
Water: 602 (202)
(Produced: 450, Needed 372)
Fuel: 405 (206)
(Produced: 0, Needed 200)
Weapons: 12
(Produced: 0, Needed 0)
Munitions: 100
(Produced: 0, Needed 0)
Raw Resources: 100
(Produced 0, Needed 0)
Petrol: 25
(Produced 0, Needed 0)
Filters: 84 (9)
(Produced 0)
Thaler: 12

Current Territory: 100
Used: 24 for Housing, 25 for Farming
Free: 51 (25)

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5 Salvagers (Input 1 Labourer, 1 Suit. Can launch exploration or Salvage missions for 3 Filters each.)

Why do the missions consume filters?

We've giving it a little test and it went fairly well, with a few hiccups. We weren't using the filters right at first, we were throwing them away because we were worried the spores would grow in it. Turns out that the spores don't survive contact with the zeolite in the filters, which is just about the only thing we know about them that's good news. Went through a lot of filters before we found out, though.
Sooo mixed bag here but ultimately a win. Shall we send an armed expedition to the sky-line? Also maybe task the egg heads with trying to fix filters?
Uh... First death to Horrible Insect? I'm starting to regret the whole Valley of the Wind reference thing...
Huh, I guess Brigit is Rishona (a sort of in-universe equivalent of Jewish people)... or maybe Verloren (a catch-all term for other cultures that differ from the imperial norm).

On the whole, I'd count this turn as a win. We've got the fungus out of the building (for now), and we're now producing enough food to get us through at least 10 turns before we run out. Seems like the next highest priority problems are fuel and bugs.

Those bugs have me worried. Where did they come from? I guess the bombs could have seeded some bug eggs alongside the spores, and maybe the bugs just take longer to grow. That's probably the best possibility, because the alternative is that critters from the wild are creeping into the city.

On the other hand, maybe the bugs are edible? Or maybe they eat the fungus? If nothing else, they appear to at least be resistant to infection. Maybe we could make something useful out of their corpses.

I make plan, focusing on the outside world. (Not sure what else we can do inside the building, for the moment). I'm not using the AUTHORITY action right now (couldn't think of a good use), if someone wants to make an alternative plan.

[X] Plan Brave New World
-[X] Flight Week: Try to raise moral with this holiday (and make alternatives available to those who don't observe Flight Week)
-[X] Survey: Look for bugs. Where are they coming from? Is their territory expanding?
-[X] Salvage: Look for fuel and vehicles
-[X] Give the scavengers some weapons and training how to use it.
-[X] [SCIENCE] Study the bugs. Is there more than one kind? Are they aggressive? Territorial? Edible?
Unfortunately flight week has come and gone, we're doing the July-August-September pass. Our unreliable narrator took a nap in her office while the city folk regaled each other with tales of Sigvird stealing flight or whatever they do.

Basically, Flight Week (which needs a fancy name) is alt-Easter and is the Big Cityfolk Holiday, while the Winter Solstice is the Big Rural Holiday and alt-Christmas. As the religious dynamics of Himmilgard are supposed to be early medieval, the Christian-analogs don't really care about whatever their Christmas is except as a way of appealing to the pagan-analogs.

Elsbeth Weber is from Lohner, a heavily forested area which is the same region Wulf is from. The area wasn't really owned by any nations during the war, and her outsider status among Macchi survivors and their Gotha occupiers might be part of the reason they trust her to lead. She isn't really aware of that, she just thinks she's a name people know and that's why. I don't really have a solid idea what any of the characters look like, but Weber might be a little fae-touched, possibly in a fairly subtle way.
[X]Plan: We need dirt.
-[X] Give the scavengers weapons and the training to use them.
-[X] Survey: Look for sealed/seal-able buildings
-[X] Salvage: Try to find working vehicles and dirt
-[X] Have the doctor train an apprentice.
-[X] [SCIENCE] Filter recycling.
-[jk] [AUTHORITY] Throw a party to try and raise morale

We need dirt, and another doctor, and more room, and more dirt.