Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

A fucking helicopter?


Where the fuck are the govt heroes?

[X] You don't have time to do that now. Keep going.
[X] You aren't letting another bad guy get away. Bring down that chopper.
- [X] Fireball

Also, god damn people in this city need a lot of saving. Almost literally every mission.
[X] Use Heal to at least stabilize the manager. He'll need to go to the hospital, but at least he won't bleed out.
[X] You're bleeding, and you feel like shit. Go home while you're still alive.

We're bleeding badly, taking down the chopper is going to kill a lot of people and jumping INTO the chopper is a two on one fight while wounded.
Save lives, then save our own.
We're here to protect.
[X] Use Heal to at least stabilize the manager. He'll need to go to the hospital, but at least he won't bleed out.
[X] You're bleeding, and you feel like shit. Go home while you're still alive.

Live to see another day.
[X] Use Heal to at least stabilize the manager. He'll need to go to the hospital, but at least he won't bleed out.
-[X] Use Heal to heal your wound as well. It'll take a second, but it'll keep you from bleeding everywhere.
[X] You're bleeding, and you feel like shit. Go home while you're still alive.
[X] Use Heal to at least stabilize the manager. He'll need to go to the hospital, but at least he won't bleed out.
-[X] Use Heal to heal your wound as well. It'll take a second, but it'll keep you from bleeding everywhere.
[X] You're bleeding, and you feel like shit. Go home while you're still alive.

... So, after yet another spree of shit rolls, the bad guys get away without a hitch.
A fucking helicopter?


Where the fuck are the govt heroes?
Three are in the hospital, one is out of town setting up a plot point for later in the quest, two are fighting a guy north of town. It's one of the reasons that Profligate choose to rob the bank right now.

And Jasmine missed it because she blew her Perception check, but [SPOILERS] is on the way and will get here in a couple of turns.

We're bleeding badly, taking down the chopper is going to kill a lot of people and jumping INTO the chopper is a two on one fight while wounded.
Granted, one guy is pretty much a non issue since he's a. non powered and b. has to focus on piloting the chopper.
[X] Use Heal to at least stabilize the manager. He'll need to go to the hospital, but at least he won't bleed out.
-[X] Use Heal to heal your wound as well. It'll take a second, but it'll keep you from bleeding everywhere.
[X] You're bleeding, and you feel like shit. Go home while you're still alive.

We got a kid. Whatever they stole isn't important enough to risk that once we limit the damage
I'll take a try at rolling.
Oshha threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Mystic Arts Total: 18
18 18
Alright, now, I just need someone to roll Perception at a +10, and a Perception flat.

I.. may have not been entirely honest when I said we were done here.​
Let me try my luck again.

Edit: 64 (54+10) & 19.
Oshha threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Perception Total: 73
54 54 19 19
Gun MEtal Gray Part 8
You look up as the helicopter turns and flies away. You want to do something to stop it. To bring the helicopter down, something to make sure that these guys don't get away.

But you're bleeding badly, and you've already almost lost your arm. If you keep fighting, you could end up dying. And even if you brought down the helicopter right now with magic, you could hurt innocent people. Anyone in the strip mall could be killed if that chopper goes down and crashes through one of the stores. And there's a neighborhood nearby, and if the chopper crashed down there, even more people could get hurt. And that's assuming that Profligate doesn't intentionally put someone in danger.

You sigh and turn away from the hole in the ceiling.

The bank manager, a man you've seen once or twice but never really had to talk to, is lying in a pool in his own blood. Two of his fingers have been cut off, and his breathing is ragged.

His wounds start to close. His breathing becomes more steady as his internal injuries start to heal themselves. You also take the time to heal your own injury, the gash closing itself, and soon, there's only a dull tingle to show that there was anything wrong with your shoulder.

"Tha… thanks" The manager says. "If I live through this... I'm not going to forget-" He tries to get back to his feet, but a pain shoots up his leg that forces him back down to the ground.

"VIgil, bad news." Jasmine says. "The chopper's gone. Capes are sending Jetstream after 'em, and she's, well, you don't wanna be here if a Cape is on the way."

You take her advice and start to leave.


Profligate jumped into the helicopter, pulled the door shut. As the chopper started to ascend, he collapsed into his seat in the back of it. His suit battery was running on empty, and his right arm was starting to get numb.

"Well boss, looks like another one of your plans succeeded without a hitch. No one's gonna know we were here." The pilot, another one of Reservist's bodies said.

"Shut the-" Profligate said before he caught himself. This wasn't the time. "Well, at least we got what we came for. Once we land, your cut will be transferred to your account."

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Reservist said. The helicopter started to speed off to the west. They'd have to ditch the chopper, but it's not like it belonged to either of them. "And I told you not to make those blades so long" Even without a face, he could tell that Reservist was glaring at him through his helmet.

"You know, the Post Mordom for this operation would be better served at a later date" He grumbled.


"...Did y-"

Reservist's question was interrupted when a steel tipped arrow pierced the cockpit of the chopper and impaled him through the face. The copy slumped in his chair before vaporizing. Profligate was on his feet, even as the chopper tipped at an angle. He opened the door and jumped out before the chopper's blade clipped a lamp pole, and come crashing to the ground.


Before you could leave, you hear another explosion. You leap through the hole and see a massive fire as the chopper is nothing more than a crumpled heap of metal on the parking lot. The cars around it have caught fire, some of them exploding when the fire catches their gas tanks. You look around to see what happened, but you don't see anyone around who could have brought down a chopper. None of the Capes are here, and you don't see anyone else who has powers. You hear screaming around you as people are either running, or taking cover in another building. You see a car speeding from the parting lot, a piece of helicopter blade stuck through the back window, but behind him, you see Profligate, brightly colored armor and all, run inside of a Kroger's carrying the loot.

[] Rush inside to chase him.
[] You're still leaving.
[] Write in
[X] Rush inside to chase him.
We're healed, he's reliant on tech and he just ran out of gas. Might as well finish this/meet the arrow-dude if we get a follow-up from that person.
[X] Rush inside to chase him.

Now THATS different, this is fine to chase.
We're healed and they aren't in a flying deathtrap
[X] Rush inside to chase him.

Are we finally going to catch a real villain? Because it's about damn time.

Also, that was some pretty serious collateral destruction. At least it didn't go down in the mall, but a lot of people have just lost their cars. Hope no civilians got hurt.
Names: Unknown
Aliases: Zihger and Majra
Powers: Enhanced Strength (Zihger) Enhanced Agility (Majra)
Skills: Armed, and unarmed combat.
Appearance: A male and female team of possible Middle Eastern decent, both seen wearing green, bodysuits with green hoods and black masks. They both wear gray chest armor and gray armguards. The left ring fingers on both suits have a gold band around them.
What you know: They're never seen without the other. Despite the names, they both use archery to fight criminals, regularly firing multiple arrows in one shot to neutralize enemies. Zihger uses larger and heavier arrows that would be impractical for people without enhanced strength to wield. Majra uses her agility to fire even more arrows at their opponents.
Area of Operations: They seem to operate in the Eastern parts of the city. Roanoke Junction, Magnolia, and Casa Esparanza

So my guess as to who shot the arrow.

Reservist's question was interrupted when a steel tipped arrow pierced the cockpit of the chopper and impaled him through the face.

And I'm also for going after the guy because he just ran into another possible hostage situation and I don't trust whoever shot the arrow to be concerned with the civilians

[X] Rush inside to chase him.
Just so you know, one of the Perception rolls both you and Jasmine failed earlier was the arrow guy/gal getting into position. The plan was to snipe the getaway driver, then pick off whoever was left when they walked out the front door, but that didn't quite work out.

Also, that was some pretty serious collateral destruction. At least it didn't go down in the mall, but a lot of people have just lost their cars.
Keep in mind, the fire is spreading, do that could change.
Hope no civilians got hurt.
You'll be reading about in the next news article if there were.
[X] Rush inside to chase him.

He goes bye bye.

I wonder what rap sheet this guy has? Like past crime at least.

At the moment I think he's screwed because robbing a bank is at least 20 years plus what he did to that bank manager.
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@Agent 99

Just wondering, is there some type of power cancelling substance the police have access to? I was thinking about how they manage to hold super-powered villians in jail.