Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

Holy shit, that went horribly. I'm tempted to say our armor is shit, but there's only so much you can actually do when the dice fuck you.
Holy shit, that went horribly. I'm tempted to say our armor is shit, but there's only so much you can actually do when the dice fuck you.
Keep in mind, the armor took a blast from a Light Machine Gun and not only is Sonya not dead, most of her blood is still inside of her.

Granted, there is a lot of room for improvement in terms of armor, but things could've been worse.
[X] Try to get up. (Constitution + 10)

Welp I say we get the hell out of there and try to forget that happened. Although I do have half a mind saying that we should hail the cops, sadly I don't think we actually have any healing abilities of equipment on us, plus the whole vigilante thing. I think carrying some basic first aid stuff on us, or learning a healing ability (or both) might be a pretty good idea in the future.

So here's hoping that we scarper sharpish!
Looks like we have a winner, but voting's open for another 4 hours. Anyone else want to vote, or change their vote, feel free
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Jun 17, 2018 at 8:38 PM, finished with 433 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Try to get up. (Constitution + 10)
    [X] Run to dodge the gunfire. You don't need to outrun the bullet. Which is good, because you can't. You just need to outrun the aim of the person holding the gun.
    [X] Plan Steel Wall
    -[x] take a knee behind your shield, get as much as your body behind it as possible, twist torso sideways for a more narrow profile, but get that shield between your head/torso and the bullets about to be incoming
    [X] Try to run for it immediately. This is clearly a bad day (Roll for Constitution +15)

Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Jun 17, 2018 at 8:46 PM, finished with 433 posts and 7 votes.
Perception's mine, I suppose.
Barondoctor threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Perception Total: 65
65 65
You slowly make your way back to your feet. Your arm and chest feel like shit. And you aren't looking forward to fixing your armor. When you start moving, the pain shoots up through your entire body. All you can do is grit your teeth and try to fight through the pain. But you manage to do it, and you're back on your feet.

But in the meantime, the surviving criminals have been detained. The criminals aren't saying anything. The woman who went for the case is looking up defiantly while the man looks much more sullen, refusing to meet anyone's eye. Closer to the squad cars, you see the female officer that's still up is trying to perform first aid on her fallen comrade, but she's looking worse by the second. Before you can decide whether or not you're going to leave, a light shines on you, this one coming from the male officer's flashlight. You're almost blinded by the light, you can barely see anything.

"Hey, you alright?" The male officer says. He sounds... concerned with for you, but you can't see his face anything past the bright light coming from his flashlight. "You look like hell"

[] "Yeah, I'll be fine. I just need to walk it off"
- [] Do your best to sound like a man.
[] "Damn right things would've gone worse"
[] "It's ow... nothing"
- [] Do your best to sound like a man.
[] "I've been through worse. The only thing that I injured was my pride. And my ribs."
- [] Do your best to sound like a man.
[] "Uh... no habla ingles. Ek het geen idee wat aangaan nie. Ik wil een dutje doen."
- [] Do your best to sound like a man.
[] "Uh... yeah. I'm one of the new Heroes. Just started yesterday" Roll Charisma
- [] Do your best to sound like a man.
[] Don't say anything.
[] Write in..
I'm thinking giving him a thumbs up and then pointing him to the police officer attempting to aid her partner.
Pretty much what I was thinking.
[X] Give a thumbs-up indicating that you're okay, but then gesture towards the injured officers that might not be.
- [X] Given officer-involved shooting typically get ambulances called (for perps or cops), one should already be on its way. We don't do healing (yet), so we should probably see about making good our exit.
[X] Give a thumbs-up indicating that you're okay, but then gesture towards the injured officers that might not be.
- [X] Given officer-involved shooting typically get ambulances called (for perps or cops), one should already be on its way. We don't do healing (yet), so we should probably see about making good our exit.
[X] Give a thumbs-up indicating that you're okay, but then gesture towards the injured officers that might not be.
- [X] Given officer-involved shooting typically get ambulances called (for perps or cops), one should already be on its way. We don't do healing (yet), so we should probably see about making good our exit.
I'm thinking giving him a thumbs up and then pointing him to the police officer attempting to aid her partner.
That was part of a conversation between the two officers that Sonya missed because she was focused on trying to breath and get up.

The female officer is better at first aid. So she's trying to stabilize her partner while the ambulance gets there while the male officer is talking to you.
I'm thinking we stick our 'silent protagonist' shtick for now. Trying to sound like a man is ... not going to work, so we should just make ourselves obviously friendly and exit stage left.
The Chemist Part 1
You give a thumbs up to the officer. You're relatively fine. You're probably going to spend the next week in bed or on painkillers, but you're fine.

"Look, thanks for the assist" The officer says. "But we gotta ask you some questions. Just come down to the station and we can get things sorted out."

That's not happening.. You start to think about how you'll get away. You don't want to run directly back to your car and drive away. You doubt that they'll chase you when they have a wounded woman and two criminals to look after but you don't want to give them anything to go on if they come for you.

Maybe if you head to the highway, then double back around the on ramp. But there's a Jack in the Box right across from there. Anyone looking out of a window could see you. Maybe if...

"Hey! Freeze! Stop right there!" You hear the female officer shout. Your eyes snap to attention, first to the officer, then to the person she's yelling, and aiming her weapon at.

Her, and you're sure it's a her, most obvious feature is her gas mask. It's jet black, with two large canasters on either side of the lower half and two large, purple tinted lenses that take up most of the upper half. With the light shinning in them, they almost seem to glow. She's wearing a black jumpsuit that covers her head and with a purple stripe on either side of the front of the suit, going down to the legs right to her black boots. Over her chest is a harness with several unusual looking grenades securely attached.

"Hey, you already got your collar tonight!" The woman says. Her voice is distorted by her mask, almost sounding like it's coming from a bad radio. "Just let me take the case, and no one else gets hurt!"

"Drop the case and put your hands in the air or I will shoot you!" The female officer says.

The gas masked woman simply shakes her head. "Hard way it is" She mutters before throwing something at the officer. You can't quite see what it is in the darkness, but the female officer's eyes widen in a panic. "Oh shit!" She shouts before the grenade explodes in a cloud of white gas. The female officer starts coughing violently, but she still tries to sight the fleeing woman with her rifle, but before she can fire, she goes limp. She falls backwards, against the squad car.

The male officer turns away from you and starts firing at the woman, but the woman's already taking off, briefcase in hand, the bullets sailing by harmlessly.

[] Try to run the figure down and attack in melee. (Roll for Melee or Brawl. Tier 2 Speed is automatic success)
[] Use your magic to attack the woman before she can get away. (Roll for Mystic Arts)
[] Hold your breath and run into the gas and get the officers out. Hopefully, the gas is only dangerous if inhaled.
[] Leave. You've been having bad luck tonight and you don't want to end up dead because you decided to push it.
[] Write in.
[X] Try to run the figure down and attack in melee. (Roll for Melee or Brawl. Tier 2 Speed is automatic success)
-[X] Focus on trying to either get the briefcase or breaking the figure's gas mask.
-[X] If you manage to get the briefcase run away and try and take the cops with you.

Trying to capture/kill the villain will probably cause them to escalate, which is really bad considering they use chemicals weapons that will lead to collateral damage, so its probably better to just get the briefcase and run.
Edited some stuff on the vote to instead focus on trying to either prevent the villain from getting the briefcase or denying them their weapon of choice
Adhoc vote count started by Sirapthy on Jun 19, 2018 at 4:12 PM
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"Hey, you already got your collar tonight!"

I'm sorry what? Your collar?

[X] Hold your breath and run into the gas and get the officers out. Hopefully, the gas is only dangerous if inhaled.

Let's make friends with members of the community. Enough for them to accept and not ask too many questions when we come helping. Cops are noctoriusly as a close knit group of people and will usually not be as tough on people they know in real life. Especially then those people helped save there buddies when they were supposed to die.
The collar I think is referring to the white/red armored criminal the cops whooped while we were down and out.
[X] Hold your breath and run into the gas and get the officers out. Hopefully, the gas is only dangerous if inhaled.
Only if after we do this we leave, because there's a good reason we decided to be a hero on our own instead of enlisting....
[X] Hold your breath and run into the gas and get the officers out. Hopefully, the gas is only dangerous if inhaled.
I'm sorry what? Your collar?

[X] Hold your breath and run into the gas and get the officers out. Hopefully, the gas is only dangerous if inhaled.
I believe that the 'collar' refers to bringing down a criminal in the police force. Also, hoping the gas only works if you breathe it in is a horrible idea. We should focus on bringing down the runner.