Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

This might kill them, but there's already multiple fatalities. No reason to risk getting shot for a phycopath.

On the other hand they are already aiming at us and our magic does need some time to charge. By the time we've shot her down, she will have have fired.

They take aim right at you and is about to fire.

They're moments from pulling the trigger.

You raise your hand, and a sphere of electricity appears above the armored thug. One of the assault rifle wielding thugs is too focused on reloading to notice, but the other assault rifle wielding thug, as well as the armored thug, look up just in time to see your sphere fully form.

Meanwhile it took enough time for distracted combatants to look up for the lightning ball to form. And a fireball will not beat bullets.

@Agent 99

1.How large is our shield?
2. Can we use Reinforce in battle?
3. Does either Reinforce or Barrier have a visually element?
4. Is there any cover in our immediate vincinity?

Enchantment: Reinforce- Increases the durability of your weapons and armor, allowing it, and you in the case of your armor, to survive more hits than normal.
Barrier: Summons a spherical barrier around yourself to absorb damage. Any significantly strong attack can break it

[X] Plan Steel Wall
-[x] take a knee behind your shield, get as much as your body behind it as possible, twist torso sideways for a more narrow profile, but get that shield between your head/torso and the bullets about to be incoming
-[x] cast reinforce on your armor, particularly the shield
[X] Run to dodge the gunfire. You don't need to outrun the bullet. Which is good, because you can't. You just need to outrun the aim of the person holding the gun.
1.How large is our shield?
Large enough that, if Sonya held it up and crouched behind it, she'd be able to protect most of her body, though she'd leave the bottom of her legs/feet vulnerable.

2. Can we use Reinforce in battle?
Reinforce was what you used to enchant your armor before you started as a Vigilante. The answer is no, but it's already activated.

3. Does either Reinforce or Barrier have a visually element?

Reinforce, no.

Barrier, yes. It manifests as a spherical, visible shield around you.

4. Is there any cover in our immediate vincinity?
The closest thing to cover would be either the concrete base of one of the lights in the parking lot. They're about as tall as Sonya's waist. They aren't quite wide enough to use for cover on their own, but with the shield, and your barrier, it'd be the best cover you could get.

That said, you'd need to pass a Speed check to get to one of them in time.
[X] Use magic on them again. Maybe this time it'll take them down.

Just keep blasting till they go down, it's not like we're without armor after all.
[X] Use magic on them again. Maybe this time it'll take them down.

They're wounded. Shouldn't take much more before they go down and sitting there and tanking it isn't likely to have them just faint.
[X] Plan Steel Wall
-[x] take a knee behind your shield, get as much as your body behind it as possible, twist torso sideways for a more narrow profile, but get that shield between your head/torso and the bullets about to be incoming

I say we draw as much attention and fire as possible, I don't think our magic travels faster than bullets and running is a significant risk since we don't really know how quick their aim is. Plus if the enemy is distracted hopefully the police can get a couple more shots in while they're focused on the giant shield.
Alright. I need a roll for mystic arts
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Jun 16, 2018 at 8:48 PM, finished with 412 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan Steel Wall
    -[x] take a knee behind your shield, get as much as your body behind it as possible, twist torso sideways for a more narrow profile, but get that shield between your head/torso and the bullets about to be incoming
    -[x] cast reinforce on your armor, particularly the shield
    [X] Run to dodge the gunfire. You don't need to outrun the bullet. Which is good, because you can't. You just need to outrun the aim of the person holding the gun.
    [X] Use magic on them again. Maybe this time it'll take them down.
    [X] Use magic on them again. Maybe this time it'll take them down.
    [X] Plan Steel Wall
    -[x] take a knee behind your shield, get as much as your body behind it as possible, twist torso sideways for a more narrow profile, but get that shield between your head/torso and the bullets about to be incoming

Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Jun 16, 2018 at 8:48 PM, finished with 412 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan Steel Wall
    -[x] take a knee behind your shield, get as much as your body behind it as possible, twist torso sideways for a more narrow profile, but get that shield between your head/torso and the bullets about to be incoming
    -[x] cast reinforce on your armor, particularly the shield
    [X] Run to dodge the gunfire. You don't need to outrun the bullet. Which is good, because you can't. You just need to outrun the aim of the person holding the gun.
    [X] Use magic on them again. Maybe this time it'll take them down.
    [X] Use magic on them again. Maybe this time it'll take them down.
    [X] Plan Steel Wall
    -[x] take a knee behind your shield, get as much as your body behind it as possible, twist torso sideways for a more narrow profile, but get that shield between your head/torso and the bullets about to be incoming
So apparently, using one of the old vote tally programs was a mistake. It showed that Stone Wall won, but it looks like there's a tie between Stone Wall and using magic to take down the criminal. There are two votes for Defense, two for offense. So, there's going to be a tiebreaker.

Unfortunately, since both rolls use magic, the roll still stands. The difference will be how the failure will manifest.
[X] Plan Steel Wall
-[x] take a knee behind your shield, get as much as your body behind it as possible, twist torso sideways for a more narrow profile, but get that shield between your head/torso and the bullets about to be incoming
[X] Plan Steel Wall
-[x] take a knee behind your shield, get as much as your body behind it as possible, twist torso sideways for a more narrow profile, but get that shield between your head/torso and the bullets about to be incoming
Rolling for Constitution

In any other quest that's be a fantastic roll.
Storyteller threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Mage in armor or not Total: 97
97 97
Last edited:
Sonya's just having a bad night, it looks like.

The armor is going to be stress tested for certain.

But yeah in a lot of ways we're looking to be a mage that happens to wear armor - for very good reason admittedly.

admittedly I'm aiming for our end game to be like Signum from Nanoha or our gear being a terror in itself before factoring in the sorceress/arch mage inside it. With all the power and experience necessary to craft the armor from our foes nightmares.
The armor is going to be stress tested for certain.

But yeah in a lot of ways we're looking to be a mage that happens to wear armor - for very good reason admittedly.

admittedly I'm aiming for our end game to be like Signum from Nanoha or our gear being a terror in itself before factoring in the sorceress/arch mage inside it. With all the power and experience necessary to craft the armor from our foes nightmares.

A sort of magitech Iron Man shtick? I could totally see that.
You know, I think I found out what happened. Sonya's rolling terrible because the cops are rolling so well. They took all of her luck. Or they stole our sacrifices to the RNG.
Shootout Part 3
You raise your shield and create your barrier. Once again, a sphere of magical energy appears around you. You can't outrun a bullet, and you're hoping that your armor can take the punishment.

You hope.

You take a knee and try to get as much of your body behind it as possible. Still on the ground, the armored thug fires their LMG. The first hits spiderweb your barrier. In the split second after your barrier shatters,only one word goes through your mind.


Your barrier shatters under the onslaught. Your shield takes several hits but you do your best to keep on your feet. One bullet goes right through your shield, and sticks in your shoulder armor. It didn't penetrate, but the impact is enough to knock you off balance. For a brief second, your shield is no longer protecting you.

You don't feel the bullets that hit you in the chest.

You don't even remember hitting the ground.

As you lie on the ground, you hear gunfire and shouting. You don't know whose shooting or what's happening. The only thing you can do on the ground is try to breath. Your breaths are rough and ragged for a while. You don't know if it's for a few seconds or a few minutes. But eventually, you're breathing slows down, becomes more regular. As that happens, you begin to regain your sense of your surroundings. You're on your back, you can tell that. But your head is killing you. Your limbs are refusing to cooperate when you try to move. Still, you're alive! Your chest is still killing you, but you're still alive! Even through the pain, you manage a smile with pride that your work, your skill in both magic and metallurgy managed to keep you alive.

As you reflect on this, the gunfire suddenly stops, almost immediately to be replaced by shouts. "On your face! Get in your face!" You hear yelling from the distance. It's a female voice, one of the cops, you think.

All you can do is let out a pained moan. You didn't think you'd end your Vigilante career like this. Arrested in an abandoned parking lot. Maybe you could run for it. If you can find your legs, maybe you can use your speed to get away. You'd have to be a real bastard to shoot someone in the back right after they saved your life. Right?

"On your face now! Down right now!" The same voice yells. But this time, the voice is further away. They're heading away from you.

Carefully, you turn your head.

The thug wielding an assault rifle is clearly dead. They're white armor stained with blood and their body is slumped against the van. The assault rifle wielding thug that ran for the case is on her knees, with the female officer putting handcuffs on her. Right next to her, you see the briefcase on the ground. The man that hid is being roughly pulled out of the van by the male officer. He's thrown on the ground before the male officer cuffs him. You don't see the criminal with the submachinegun. You see the remaining female officer frantically talking on her radio, glancing at her injured counterpart.

So, it looks like the not focused on you. If you wanted to get out of here, you could run right now.

[] Try to get up. (Constitution + 10)
[] Try to run for it immediately. This is clearly a bad day (Roll for Constitution +15)
[] Try to look down and see how badly you're hurt.
[] Stay on the ground and rethink your life.
Alright we need to get our armor repaired but damn, we've got good armor.

[X] Try to get up. (Constitution + 10)

We got a little girl expecting her mother to come home so let's not spook the cops but also it's time to go while they are distracted.