Heroic Desires (My Hero Academia Quest)

Oh my god, those power plays by Aizawa were awesome! And... interesting that Izuku got zero combat points, I had thought that he had gotten at least a couple in canon. ... Little Big Sis is a teacher. Daiki gunna die... And what's this? Nezu has a plan of some sort that he put onto the back burner for years... until Daiki changed the paradigm of the game. Innnnnteresting...
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You know seems like Izuku and Daiki would get along pretty well. Though it's understandable from a mechanical and story perspective that we couldn't bond with him since One For All blows all the other perks out of the water and people would be too motivated to get heavily involved with Izuke because of that.

IC since Daiki's quirk needs a bond to work both ways I think that if he tries to befriend Izuku that as soon as he realizes that his bond with him isn't going up he may just assume that Izuku just doesn't like him specifically and is too polite to say so. You don't have to hate someone just because you just don't like them so don't see it as much of an issue and I can see Daiki not making a big deal out of it considering that his empath powers wouldn't get hostile intent against him from Izuku.
I didn't know we couldn't make a bond wirh him, must have missed that. Still, One For All ahould not be a broken quirk for us: It's a power accumulation quirk, not a super-strenght quirk. We wouldn't get the accumulated abilities of One For All from it, just the ability tp stockpile power, or whatever permutation the QM thought up.
I didn't know we couldn't make a bond wirh him, must have missed that. Still, One For All ahould not be a broken quirk for us: It's a power accumulation quirk, not a super-strenght quirk. We wouldn't get the accumulated abilities of One For All from it, just the ability tp stockpile power, or whatever permutation the QM thought up.
Yeah, you see, that's the weird thing. It's not that we get the power transfering Quirk. Nope. Mechanically speaking we can't form a Bond with All Might and Izuku at all. We can befriend them. But not make a Bond with our Quirk.
It's theorized it's because they were originally Quirkless
It might also be a lingering side effect of One For All's hoarder nature. I mean, the thing not only saves the profiles of the quirks of the users, but it keeps a personality profile of each user as well. As a quirk it's implied to be sentient and thus might be able to shut down the connection that Daiki's quirk attempts to make.
Maybe his smile and attitude were too much like Emi's.


Later that night, a bear walked through the empty hallways of the school. Soon they would be full of kids running around and learning about the world. That always made him happy. Some were suspicious about his intentions at first. He was, after all, something scientists considered impossible. They even wondered where his impulse to educate others came from. The mouse laughed, maybe it was part of his nature.

He arrived to his office. The light of the hallway was the only ones turned on in the whole building. He liked to be there alone at night. Just him and his thoughts… It also gave him time to smoke. He wasn't going to smoke in front of the students. He had to set an example but at the same time quitting was too bothersome. Maybe it was more addictive to a dog like him than to humans? Who knows.

You used several different animals here. Wasn't he just one animal?
d... interesting that Izuku got zero combat points, I had thought that he had gotten at least a couple in canon.
No, it went the same as in canon. The bone shattering strikes don't work so well when you have multiple threats. From a narrative standpoint, Bakugou got only combat points where as Izuku got only rescue points to compare and contrast them.
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Aren't we scrawny enough that we'd never test OfA because our body will literally explode?

Well, maybe. It's sort of implied throughout the series that people with quirks have a few secondary mutations that make them a fair bit more durable.
We'd probably be worse than Midoriya, but not blow our arms off level.
Well, maybe. It's sort of implied throughout the series that people with quirks have a few secondary mutations that make them a fair bit more durable.
We'd probably be worse than Midoriya, but not blow our arms off level.
Yeah, by all rights Bakugo should have ripped his arms out of his sockets due to some of his hijinks.
Yeah, by all rights Bakugo should have ripped his arms out of his sockets due to some of his hijinks.
Frankly by all rights even if Bakugo has adaptations for it he should have killed Midoriya and most of his classmates by the end of the first week at UA, because explosions are vastly deadlier than you'd think, but you know, anime physics.
I frankly didn't like how you wrote Aizawa. He's a bit of an ass, but not to the extent you wrote him as.
I frankly didn't like how you wrote Aizawa. He's a bit of an ass, but not to the extent you wrote him as.

For a second I thought it was because of timeline changes. Like instead of having taught multiple years it was only Aizawa's first or second. But it said somewhere that he'd failed a class, or "had to try this year" so that theory got shot out of the water.

Edit: He's more grumpy than outright passive aggressive. The coffee scene was more than a little catty. But it's an AU and OP can characterize anyone and everyone how he wants.
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The morning after the exam / Start of chapter 1

Chapter 1


The worst part of forcing your body and quirks is not the pain when you are doing it. It's the pain the next morning.

You felt your body starting to ache even before your consciousness returned fully. Little bruises you didn't realize you had started to make themselves known to you in the worst way. Your muscles unwilling to move without forcing them to. Your head throbbing with pain, you don't drink, but this is probably how a hangover feels… It always happens after using your telekinesis too much, and you used it a lot in the exam.

Yeah, today was going to be one of those days. You almost want to lay in bed and just skip it, wake up in 24 hours with all the pain gone… But you know it will get better as the day passes, and you have stuff to do. Probably.

For now the thing you have to do is to get out of bed. That's a good first step… And have some breakfast, some actual food. That's step too. Better start doing things before you reach step forty or something.

You start moving with a groan and start getting ready, thinking about what to do after you painfully drag yourself to the shower.

The entrance exam is done. That means you don't have anything to do on that front but wait for… two weeks? Yeah, two weeks until the results arrive and then two more until classes start. You can't do anything about the exam now so you will take these two weeks to train… Or maybe hang out with your new friends? That's kind of training for you. Spending time with Shirohime isn't making you stronger anymore, but doing it with new friends always gave results pretty quickly. You can feel you could be closer to Shirohime, there is more potential there, but it's not easy. How can you be more than best friends with her?

An idea comes to your mind, but you blush and dismiss it. You don't actually need THAT to be more than best friends. You are not rejecting that chance forever, but it's not the only way… Maybe you could read a book on psychology? About relationships and stuff. Or one about how to make friends. Sounds really dumb but who knows, it might actually give you insight on your quirk.

More options… Well, you already thought about training, but you could train with someone. Training with a new friend is one of the best ways of getting closer to someone quickly. A bit less effective than spending time with them normally, but it could work for new friends… And more importantly, you can train better if you train with someone. You are not the strongest guy around, so training your body with Shirohime or a new friend will work. Maybe not Haruka, something tells you she is even weaker than you… But she is probably smarter, and your body is not the only thing that needs training. Maybe you could—

Knocks on the door. A slight feeling of annoyance coming from behind the door to the bathroom. It feels like your little sister.

"Daiki-nii, are you done? You are taking forever!" She says from the other side of the door. Oh, yeah, she is annoyed. You got lost in thought and the warm water makes the pain go away… It's probably been almost half an hour.

"Almost done!" You shout back and start to dry yourself once you step out of the shower. It's weird, it's only 9am. What is she doing awake? It's too late for her to go to school but also too early to be awake.

Once you leave the bathroom, she goes inside quickly. You can ask her later. For now… breakfast!

"Oh, I expected you to sleep until noon." Tatsuko, your big sister, said, getting breakfast ready. She was wearing pajamas, so she probably was free today. That's good, she is always doing hero stuff lately.

"Everything hurts, but I can't just stay in bed forever if I want to be a hero." You say with confidence, almost not groaning as you sit down at the table trying to look strong. You are not too convincing.

"You don't even know if you passed yet." She says, seems dismissive but you can see her smile as she finishes breakfast. Once that's done, Tatsuko serves breakfast. You both wait for your little sister while talking about your exam the day before. She seems impressed when you tell her what you did, but somehow you can feel constant amusement talking about that topic. She is hiding something.

Once your little sister arrives, you all start to eat breakfast. As you do, you plan your week.

You can plan what to do this week. It will be done without another vote unless something happens or there is a decision to make. You have 4 action points to spend and each action cost 1 point. You can pick an action more than once.

[] Training alone (What? You can train a stat, your quirk or a something else.)
[] Training with someone (What? Who?)

[] Spend time with someone (Who?)
[] Walk around the city, explore (Random encounter.)

[] Work (Find a temporary job for a week. Gives +1 funds. Currently: 1 funds)
[] Shop for stuff (You can go shop for stuff to use. You might buy anything that can be bought legally. Most stuff costs 1 funds to buy. You can buy stuff to increase your training, combat or even gifts to increase Relationship score more easily.)

[] Other? (Write in. Might take more than one action.​
[X] Training with someone (What? Who?)
-[X] Train Body with Dragon Girl
I will write out more when im not on a tablet, but the above is the most important to me
[X] Training with someone (What? Who?)
-[X] Train Body with Dragon Girl
I will write out more when im not on a tablet, but the above is the most important to me

Train Body with Kirishima and Dragon Girl (Shirohime) Do that twice a week? And then spending time just talking with a new friend. Maybe get a job or double up on spending time with a new friend?
[X] Training with someone (What? Who?)
-[X] Body
-[X] Eijiro
[X] Spend time with someone (Who?)
[X] Work (Find a temporary job for a week. Gives +1 funds. Currently: 1 funds)
[X] Shop for stuff (You can go shop for stuff to use. You might buy anything that can be bought legally. Most stuff costs 1 funds to buy. You can buy stuff to increase your training, combat or even gifts to increase Relationship score more easily.)
Can we have Eijiro meet Shirohime?
[X] Training with someone (What? Who?)
-[X] Body
-[X] Eijiro and Shirohime
[X] Spend time with someone (Who?)
[X] Work (Find a temporary job for a week. Gives +1 funds. Currently: 1 funds)
[X] Shop for stuff (You can go shop for stuff to use. You might buy anything that can be bought legally. Most stuff costs 1 funds to buy. You can buy stuff to increase your training, combat or even gifts to increase Relationship score more easily.)