Hermione learns a thing

Just past 5am here, insomnia causing story posts is certainly a thing. : )

Speaking of said story post, this was an interesting continuation - looking forward to seeing Hawking using psionics, and more than a little curious which magical site Hermione's found. A small village like Ottery St Catchpole, perhaps?

Pretty sure Ottery St. Catchpole is in Devon, which is rather distantly south-west of Oxford.
She turned to look at Professor Hawking who was staring at the computer with an odd look in his eyes. Studying his wheelchair, she mused out loud, "It did strike me that we might be able to improve your own system, Professor, using similar techniques. I'd need to research it some more though."

After a moment, his hand moved. "I believe that would be of interest to me," the computer finally said.
It will be a sad day when Professor Hawking passes, but it will be comforting to many that his spirit will linger in the halls of science.

...granted, I imagine that will be a bit more literal than most could have conceived of.
Praise be Insomina, causation of WORDZ.
On a slightly more sirius note, yay for this new chapter.
Very interessting and Hermiones reaction to her first broom sighting that actually includes visuals will be delightfull.
It will be a sad day when Professor Hawking passes, but it will be comforting to many that his spirit will linger in the halls of science.

...granted, I imagine that will be a bit more literal than most could have conceived of.
Stephen William Hawking CH CBE FRS FRSA (8 January 1942 – 14 March 2018)
-It was. I did not cry on the eleventh of September, for I was too young to truly understand, but on the fourteenth of March, I did. The world is poorer for his loss.-
I'm glad to see this is back. Just a heads up about Stephen Hawkings voice, He would not replace his text to speech program with another voice. His voice was recorded by a good friend of his that passed away. Thats why he never changed it even though there are much better voices available now. He would probably be fine with a better interface for commanding it though. Like some sort of direct mental connection maybe?
Not just that, think Xavier style hoverchair, here, for one.
One thing is sure, lots of people will be quite angry when they find out which science department managed to get him to cancel everything for the day.

So what happens if they managed to use the H-field in a medical way, like say a Force-Heal or so?
Just the reaction of Hawking getting better, after the finding of a whole new field of study...
Would mean Hermione getting wounded, like say a broken limb and the next day complaing about it itching hororable and the doctors humor-checking her, just in-case...

Good chapter, too bad about the wait till the next one, mp3.1415player.

Would the Britisch Goverment, this time around, actually buy F-14's?
I can see them using them as part of the H-field development program.
Just think, H-field shields could allow hangglider ability to a plane or fighter, something the F-14 is perfect for and production went on till 1992 for the F-14D, if I get things right.
Then there is the potential Harrier upgrades, as well.
Theoretically, it could allow some Nuclear Propulsion ideas that the US-Airforce was playing with, just without the reactor, meaning no actual jet-engine needed.
Even full active stealth, to really annoy the USA it's new stealth planes.
Potentially, using a glass plate to display the hologram in, that is thus also acting as a pressure plate as well, intoducing the tablet & glass cockpit, waaay before it's time, maybe even the smartphone as well.
The above could even result in a new (super)carrier design for the Royal Navy, using H-field technology as needed.
So yeah, quite a lot of shockwaves, that Hermoine might thus be unleasing on the whole world, mp3.1415player, especially since the modern tablet was first shown in the movie "Bladerunner".

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zedvtW41lOo&ab_channel=PilotPhotog

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6bO2PFI1TI&ab_channel=PilotPhotog
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Whoa, more chapter of 'a thing'! Very glad to see that, despite it coming at the expense of your sleep...

Presumably Stephen's gonna end up with a floating chair, similar to Prof X?

The issue is, of course, that the ideas aren't very spread out. One overzelous obliviator could probably go through the whole lot of them and wipe their memories...
The issue is, of course, that the ideas aren't very spread out. One overzelous obliviator could probably go through the whole lot of them and wipe their memories....
True, but there are enough copies of Hermione's text out now that I doubt said individual would eliminate them all, assuming that they even know to look for such a text. And short of implanting a command to ignore references, that would pretty much guarantee that Hermione could reproduce everything from first principles again, unless she gets a Lockhart special.
I rather imagine Stephen Hawking + telekinesis = walking around by way of telekinetically puppeting himself.

There's also the possibility of a prosthetic CNS, depending on exactly where the damage is. Perhaps something like a walking assistance frame that works by driving your muscles directly, and it gets driven by a mental joystick.

Edit: I would expect that something of that nature may well be the first practical result of the research that isn't a direct analog of something that can be done without knowledge of the H-field.
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I rather imagine Stephen Hawking + telekinesis = walking around by way of telekinetically puppeting himself.

There's also the possibility of a prosthetic CNS, depending on exactly where the damage is. Perhaps something like a walking assistance frame that works by driving your muscles directly, and it gets driven by a mental joystick.

I think the endgame might be healing his body. We know the wizards can do it, so Hermione should work it out over the next few years, too. Until then he can use telekinetics and psionic electronics.
Think they were still in cartons at this point.
You can still get milk and fruit juice delivered by a Milkman, in glass bottles returned to the deliverer, in the UK, in 2022...

I believe, originally, fruit juice (the real stuff, not squash), was sold in small frozen cardboard tubes, of concentrate, to mix with tap water. So, a deep freeze and a glass jug of 'fresh' orange juice was available any time of the year, from the 1960s, in the UK... Yes, at one point, you only got oranges when they were 'in season'.

I wonder if a HOP-based fridge-freezer is easily do-able... A food preserver, which prevents dehydration, and operates at room temperature, would also be interesting...

I think the endgame might be healing his body. We know the wizards can do it, so Hermione should work it out over the next few years, too. Until then he can use telekinetics and psionic electronics.
I suspect that Hermione will be able to figure-out why magical damage from curses is very difficult to heal with magic. And, a way to fix the issue.

Likely to do with some curses damaging the (magical?) 'body image', which magical healing relies on to effectively heal. So, repairing that using a HOP-based system which read DNA, and models what body would develop from that, followed by a 'patch'. Then, conventional magical healing is usable.

Healing Prof. Hawking might need something similar, as his problem is (I understand) genetic, so, read his DNA, tweak to fix issue, generate health 'body image', impose modified body image, heal so body matches imposed body image.

Hermione may come up with a way magicals don't die of old age, as a side-effect of this...
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You can still get milk and fruit juice delivered by a Milkman, in glass bottles returned to the deliverer, in the UK, in 2022...
You can also purchase milk in plastic bottles/jugs in sizes from 1/2 pint up to 6 pints (technically now sold in ml now but also labelled in the older units) from supermarkets so that's also a possibility.
I would actually expect healing to be on the "more difficult" end of things fir Hermione, if she can even do it at all. So far everything she's done has been through very direct application of forces, in very specific ways that she specifically understands.

Healing is very much… not that. The human body is messy, and complicated, and something that works on one person won't work the same way on another. It strikes me as something that really benefits from use of a "higher" interface level to translate the command "heal" into practical tailored effects.

That said, there are adjacent things that I do expect Hermione to be able to do fairly quickly. Off the top of my head:
  • A lot of what gets grouped under "physical therapy" involves delivering very specific sets of stimuli to very specific nerve and muscle groups, repeatedly. HOPs seem exceptionally well suited for this.
  • Use of the H-field and HOPs would I expect allow creation of medical sensing and imaging techniques far beyond what's available otherwise, complimenting or replacing things like ultrasound, MRI, and X-rays.
  • Hermione will likely be able to very cleanly perform certain types of procedures like clearing blockages, breaking up kidney stones, etc.—really anything requiring the controller and precise application of cutting or grinding force. All without requiring an incision.
  • If she can figure out teleportation as well, then transplants are on the table, and you get some interesting possibilities involving application of drugs directly to a targeted area without needing needles or additional imaging equipment.
  • With teleportation, it gets much safer to use catheters, IVs, feeding tubes, oxygen tubes, etc.—you can do away with the tubes entirely, greatly increasing comfort, and eliminating the risk of secondary infection. Same for anything else that currently needs a valve or port.
  • As stated above in the thread, mind-machine interfaces are pretty low-hanging fruit, as would be direct neural connections for prostheses.
  • I expect there to be significant potential for use in studying the brain, and diagnosing brain injuries. (Treating them is more complicated)
  • I expect H-field and HOP techniques will be very, very, very helpful in managing difficult pregnancies and complicated births. Particularly if they are able to work out fine-control teleportation. A lot of difficulty with these is in simply getting in there to manipulate things. Hence awkward probes, and long tools, and inadvertent tool induced birth defects. H-field likely allows for greater freedom of movement, with more fine control. You can even do things like nudge a fetus to get it to reposition itself if it is not oriented optimally for birth.
  • You may well be able to use HOP constructs to augment or replace restricting bandages, splints, and casts.

I'm sure there's more. But tldr, there are lots of medical applications, even if "point a stick and think healing thoughts" may lack the rigor of Hermione's other applications
New chapter, Yeeeaaaahhhh!

Could I have some help figuring out when in the timeline we are, because it's been so long since the last chapter that I can't tell if we're in 1990 or 1991.
Hermione's still ten, so before September 1990. I think. The philosophers stone was '91? And she turned 12 just after term started that year.
Medical procedures are sort of out of Hermione's wheelhouse right now, since she's concentrating on mostly inorganic engineering as opposed to the messy biological system work. This does not say that she might not turn her eye in that direction in the future, but right now I think if she decides to design something for Professor Hawking it's more likely to be a HOP-implemented mobility support exoframe to replace his current chair. Of course, that will start with her teaching him how to access his own psionic talent, which should be a jaw-dropper for the researchers if she hasn't already mentioned her ability to train others to use the ability.

Frankly, I really hope that the ability is something that can be universally learned rather than being somehow gene-locked to just a portion of humanity. It's pretty obvious that the better an individual's understanding of how the physical world works, the easier their ability to handle complex operations seems to be. Dr, Hawking should be able to do some truly amazing things with psionics if he gets the hang of the manipulation down.
As far as I can remember the joint European Taurus experimental Reactor. Was set up in Oxfordshire around this time. It may be that what is affecting the H field.

By the way, I live in high Wycombe during this period so imagine me waving as she drove bye.
Since she has the H-field - electrical integration replacing heavy batteries and providing a higher power budget for computation would be helpful. She could also replace other heavy physical components or add new capabilities which would all be pretty quick improvements for Hawking. Getting him a psionic interface for speech would also be a massive improvement that might not require a huge amount of control or training. Training to flip a robust psionic switch when he wants to speak his thoughts feels like it might be easier than trying to train fine mental control for a keyboard or physical manipulation of body parts.
The issue is, of course, that the ideas aren't very spread out. One overzelous obliviator could probably go through the whole lot of them and wipe their memories...
Assuming said Obliviator survives what a panicked Hermione does with her mastery of the H-field when she realises that the adult psion is messing with her friends' and families' heads...

... Considering what she did with that boulder in the backyard, I would give him better odds against a dragon. A nesting mother dragon. One whose eggs have just been stolen.
So far everything she's done has been through very direct application of forces, in very specific ways that she specifically understands.

I'm not sure the SEP fields qualify as a "very direct application of forces" in a way that healing wouldn't. I definitely agree that healing is on the esoteric end of what magic can do, as compared to picking things up and putting them down, but causing people to ignore something seems similarly.. weird.

At any rate, Hermione doesn't need to heal Hawking for him to be healed. I'm sure as H-field manipulation spreads through academia, medical doctors will eventually be read in. They can handle getting humanity's healing abilities up to snuff while Hermione researches sentient HOP AI or whatever. This fic does seem to be leaning into the collaborative aspects of science, after all.