Help! I’m probably going to murder my friends in this Isekai!

Episode 6: Brand of the Beast
The one known as She-Joker stood before Donovan, a wide smile on her face. The young man stared at her, waiting. The woman's expression turned to one of curiosity. She turned, studying the chamber they were in. "Ohhh, look, they've got a door with bars!" She half-walked, half-skipped towards it, bending down to inspect the metal barrior. Straightening up, she glanced over her shoulder at Donovan and winked. "I love barred doors, people always act so surprised when I go through them!"

Exhaling slowly, the young man sagged in his restraints. "So, are you going to rescue me, or what,"

She-Joker furrowed her brow. "Rescue? Rescue from what?"

"You're joking right? I've been captured by crazy elves, and I need to get back to Mark and the others,"

"I love jokes!" The woman said, clapping. The sound echoed around the chamber. "Would you like to hear one?" Her face lit up. "Or maybe you're going to tell me one!"

"Oh for fucks sake Melissa," Donovan said, scowling. "Stop acting like a loon and get me down from here,"

She-Joker took careful steps towards him, one foot in front of the other. She teetered, as if she might fall, then cartwheeled forward. She came up in front of Donovan, throwing her hands up. "Ta-da!"

"Yeah very nice, now like I was saying," Donovan motioned with his eyes at the metal clasps around his wrists. "Use your magic or whatever to get me down,"

"Hmmmm," She-Joker said, putting her hand to her chin. "Let's see," She held up three fingers. "Get into the land of Eo, I did that," She put down a finger. "Find you, I definitely did that," She put down the second finger. "But what was the third thing I was supposed to do…?"

"Fucking hell Melissa!" Donovan yelled, his face growing red. "We're friends, remember! We'd go to bars with the others, and you and me would make fun of people! We both like whiskey sours! We used to make our friends watch shitty UFC qualifier fights because we thought they were funny! Bri hated it!"

She-Joker's eyes went wide. "Ohhhh," She said, nodding wisely. She paused. "Who's Melissa?"

Donovan stared at her a beat, then his head slowly sank down. "I see…you're fucking crazy now…great,"

"Crazy fun!" She-Joker said, beaming. She bent over backwards, then brought her legs up and did a handstand. After a moment she let gravity carry her back down.

"so," Donovan said, his voice low. He didn't bother raising his head to look at her. "This is it, huh? You come all this way to find me, and you're just going to leave me hanging?"

She-Joker tilted her head and frowned. "Well, I could always sing for you!"

Donovan snorted. "Sure. Do that. Fucking sing for me," She-Joker folded her legs underneath herself, dropping down to the floor. She bobbed her head back and forth and started to hum. Donovan closed his eyes.

Though she never sang any lyrics, She-Joker continued humming, changing tunes from happy, to sad, back to happy again. The young man kept his eyes closed, doing his best to try and think. He couldn't concentrate however, not with all that had happened.

After what seemed ages, the humming suddenly stopped. Donovan slowly raised his head. She-Joker was nowhere to be seen, the spot she had occupied empty. Two figures stood by the door. The sound of the bars unlocking echoed around the chamber, then the door swung open.

The two figures entered, revealing themselves to be Shades. Two more stood by the entrance, waiting. The pair that had entered crossed the chamber, stopping in front of Donovan. One of them held a strange metal band with a ring on it. Donovan scowled.

"Pluck your fucking eyes out,"

The one who held the band dropped it, reaching for their eyes and ripping them out. The other Shade seemed unfazed, bending down to take the band from the floor. Straightening up, the assassin shoved the ring into Donovan's mouth. He struggled, but the Shade ignored him, slipping a leather strap around his head.

Once the band was secured, and Donovan's mouth was covered by the metal and occupied by the ring, the other two Shades entered. They undid the young man's restraints as their companion bled out on the floor. The last restraint fell away, then Donovan was pulled from the wall. His arms were forced behind his back, where they were clasped in a new set or irons. He was roughly dragged to his feet and carried towards the door.

The Shades pulled him down a stone hallway lined with torches. Donovan kept his head down, doing his best not to choke on the ring. "Psssttttt," A voice said. The young man glanced over, spying a tiny She-Joker on his shoulder. She held a finger to her lips, then climbed into his hair. He could feel her moving around, finally settling on his ear. Donovan lowered his head and wallowed in the miserable feeling gripping him.

After several more dimly-lit hallways, the Shades dragged him up a staircase towards a door. The door was solid metal, and on either side were Guardians dressed in half-plate, half mail. The mail looked like glass. On their heads they wore strange stetchhelm helmets, and in their hands were small halberd. One of the warriors turned and knocked on the metal door. A moment later it opened, and the Shades carried Donovan through.

They entered into a large hall made of stone and covered by intricately woven carpets. Circular stain-glass windows lined the walls, and chandeliers with hundreds of candles hung from the ceiling. There was no one present save Donovan and the Shades who dragged him. At the end waited a massive pair of wooden doors. They opened by themselves as the group approached.

Donovan and the Shades emerged into an arched hall lined with columns. Uneven stone seating curved around the columns, filled with hundreds of richly-dressed Guardians. They stared down at Donovan as the Shades dragged him down the center of the hall. In the middle of the chamber was a circular stone platform, with free-hanging brass spheres above it. It almost appeared to be a giant celestial model, though Donovan only stared a beat before his gaze moved to the stone platform.

Standing atop it were three Guardians in dazzling red, black and gold robes. All three of them, as well as the Guardians watching, had light-red skin, white hair, and small horns protruding from their heads. One of the Guardians on the stone platform was the girl Donovan had seen when he'd first appeared.

The three Guardians watched him with raised chins, the girl giving him a contemptuous smile. The other two were a male and female, the male with a short white beard and a crown, and the female with her hair done up in an intricate pattern held together by black and gold clips.

The Shades shoved Donovan to the floor before the platform, then fell to one knee and bowed. The young man tried to get up onto his knees, but paused as two warriors with the strange stetchhelms came around from either side of the platform. They both pointed their short halberds at Donovan, keeping him on the floor. He managed to lift his head, staring up at the trio on the platform.

The male Guardian opened his arms, turning to those watching in the curved stands. "Blessed ones of Baelkadra," He said, his voice stately and his words measured. "Before you is the king of the defilers, taken from his people to stand before us and endure the beginnings of the punishment that he and all his kind will soon endure," Whispers drifted through the stands as Donovan glanced at them, his head kept down by one of the warriors halberds. The Guardians leaned in, trying to get a good look at him. "Though his crimes are against all our kind, it is the line of Ulum who will ultimately decide the manner of his death," The girl standing on the platform brushed a hand through her hair, continuing to regard Donovan with a smile. The male lowered his arms. "But first, we will have him speak to us, and confess his transgressions,"

"ooohhhh," She-Joker said, popping her head out of Donovan's hair. "What a party!" No one seemed to notice her, prompting the young man to narrow his eyes.

One of the warriors dragged him to his feet, roughly centering him in front of the platform. The other undid the leather around his head, tearing the ring from his mouth. Donovan coughed, spitting up flem. He raised his head and stared intensely at the warrior in front of him. "Kill yourself,"

The warrior obeyed, driving the halberd into his helmet. He staggered back, blood seeping from his thin visor. The guardians in the stands yelled out in surprise, others gasping. The girl on the stand's smile grew. The male and female narrowed their eyes.

Donovan was viciously struck in the back by the other warrior. More of the armored Guardians appeared from the columns, rushing over to join in on the beating. Pain shot through Donovan as they drove the blunt ends of their halberds into his body.

"That is enough," The male said, clasping his hands together in his robe sleeves. Gauntlets reached down and pulled Donovan from the floor. A new female Guardian appeared from the side of the platform, wearing a black and gray robe, as well as a hood. She gripped a staff in one hand, the end curled around a crystal. The robed Guardian snapped. Donovan felt an invisible power grip him, forcing his body out spread-eagle. He slowly raised into the air, his chin held up by an unseen hand. The movements caused pain from the beating to arc through his body. Donovan winced, gritting his teeth.

When he was level with those standing on the platform, the male Guardian adjusted his position to face him. "Defiler," He said, his tone stern. "The Arch-Mage will read you the list of your transgressions, and you will express remorse for them,"

The robed female standing beside the platform drew back her hood, revealing an older Guardian with black markings on her skin. She held up her staff, golden lettering forming in the air before Donovan. "The first of your crimes was destroying the Gate of Tetrigalemeshi like a rampaging beast,"

The young man waited, but everyone simply stared at him. "What," He said, feeling the throbbing of his bruises. "You want me to apologize?" He tried to lower his head, but couldn't against the grip of the invisible force suspending him. "Go fuck yourself,"

Those in the crowd whispered and murmured, their tones pitying. The male Guardian with the crown narrowed his eyes, but said nothing. The robed female standing next to the platform pointed her staff.

"You will express remorse," The girl Guardian said, her tone bemused. She inspected her hand, then glanced up at Donovan. "Even if we have to drag the words from your little beastly mouth,"

The robed Guardian's staff glowed, and the young man's eyes went wide. He felt words bubbling up inside him and closed his mouth as tightly as he could. Despite this, his lips parted, the words coming against his will. "I, Donovan Ebert, prostrate my soul before you in humility and sorrow," He fought with all his might, but the words continued. "I have transgressed, committing an unforgivable act by destroying the Gate of Tetrigalemeshi,"

"See?" The girl said, smiling. "That wasn't so hard, was it?"

The robed Guardian shifted her staff towards the glowing golden words hovering in the air. "Your second crime was to dishonor the contest of Champions, proving yourself a being incapable of honor or respect, knowing only the violence of animals,"

She-Joker's tiny form lounged on Donovan's shoulder, still apparently unnoticed by the Guardians. "Goodness," She said, running her fingers along the stitching in his shirt. "Whoever this Donovan fellow is has been busy!"

The young man rolled his eyes, looking back down at the trio of Guardians on the platform. He tried to tell them to fuck off again, but different words rolled forth from his mouth. "I prostrate my soul before you in humility and sorrow again, for I have transgressed in dishonoring the contest of Champions. I am worthy of only scorn and punishment, for I am no greater than a-" He struggled, crying out in anger. "ffffffUCKyou!"

The crowd lightly gasped, many of them shaking their heads. The robed Guardian lightly moved her staff in the air. Burns appeared around Donovan's neck, causing him to cry out in pain. "Your third crime was rampaging your armies within the city of Theemoth, desecrating its sacred streets and buildings with your foul followers,"

Donovan bit his tongue with all his might, drawing blood. Despite this, his jaw opened itself, more words spilling out as blood dripped from his lips. "I prostrate my s-soul before you in h-humility and sorrow, for I have…transgressed in…for I have transgressed in…" He glared down at the woman, trembling against his invisible restrains. "s-shove that s-staff up your-"

"That is enough," The male guardian said, raising his chin and regarding Donovan with disappointment. "You are clearly just a foul-mouthed beast, a taunting insect that has buzzed far too long around these halls. It is time we took you to the line of Ulum, and witnessed their punishment for your deeds," He held up a hand. "But first, you will tell us the true name of your companion,"

"What companion," Donovan said, narrowing his eyes.

The girl stepped forward, tilting her head as she stared up at Donovan with a coy smile. "They call you hero in the lesser lands, do they not? Beings of supposed great power from another world?"

Donovan sighed, looking bored. "yeah, sure, whatever you say,"

"That's right," The girl said, nodding smugly. "But there is another, is there not? One far more powerful than you, who destroyed many of the Ulum's warriors?"

"Oh," Donovan said, glancing away. "I don't know, maybe,"

The male Guardian nodded. "Tell us his true name, so that we may perform the Dalteen Blood Curse upon him and stricken him,"

Donovan laughed. "You must be joking, as if I would-" The robed Guardian pointed her staff, the young man's words choking in his throat. He tried to resist, but air built up in his lungs, forcing itself out. "M-Marrrrr," He coughed, struggling against his invisible restraints. "Maarrrrk, Mark! Mark Langley!"

The male Guardian clasped his hands back together, then turned to the Arch-Mage. "Begin the ritual," She nodded, lowering her staff and disappearing around the platform. His gaze returned to Donovan. "Your companion will not be able to resist the Dalteen Blood Curse. It will lay them low, sinking them into a deeper and deeper sleep they will not wake from. Death will come after their power has been drained, no matter how much they might possess,"

"kill you," Donovan said, gasping. "killlll you,"

Sighing, the male Guardian turned to those in the stands. "Prepare yourselves Blessed Ones, for we travel to the city of Theemoth to deliver this one to judgement!"

"Awww," She-Joker said, sitting cross-legged and rocking on Donovan's shoulder. "Is it over? But they never said what Donovan did next!"

The Guardians in the stands slowly filed out as they talked among themselves. The male and female on the platform turned, walking towards the back and descending an unseen staircase. Donovan was left suspended in the air. The only one left in the massive chamber was the girl Guardian, who stared up at him with the same contemptuous smile she had worn through most of the proceedings.

"sooo," Donovan said, sniffing. "Was that like, the king and queen of this place? And you're some sort of princess?"

The girl tilted her head, still smiling. "I'm not in the habit of talking to animals,"

"And I'm not in the habit of talking to entitled bitches, but see how I'm making compromises right now?"

The girl raised an eyebrow, her smile growing. She hummed to herself, then snapped. Donovan felt his hair smoke, then a burning sensation in his scalp. He realized she'd lit it on fire. "My name is Princess Ilizabessa," The girl said, watching the fire spread. "And I'm going to break you like I would a plow-beast," She furrowed her brow, as if confused. "Do they still have those? Plow-beasts?"

Donovan screamed as the fire spread. She-Joker hoped from foot to foot on his shoulder, waving her tiny arms. "Danger! Danger!" She summoned an equally tiny bucket of water and threw it on his scalp, extinguishing the flames.

Princess Ilizabessa's eyes narrowed. "Hmm, seems you have some abilities I didn't know about,"

Gasping in pain, Donovan stared hatefully at her. "you…little"

"ah ah," Ilizabessa said, wagging a finger. "I thought you'd understand cause and effect, but maybe I haven't made it clear enough what happens when you disrespect me," She spun neatly on her heel, walking away from Donovan. "No matter, you'll learn on the journey to Theemoth,"

She descended the steps, her footfalls echoing around the hall. They faded as a distant door closed, then the chamber fell into silence. Donovan lowered his head, hanging suspended in the air.

"Wowza," She-Joker said, combing through the young man's hair with her hands. "That was some show!"

Donovan took a deep breath, raising his head to look up at the ceiling. "Why Melissa, why are you doing this. Is Grace putting you up to this?"

"Oh!" She-Joker said, leaping off Donovan's shoulder to float in front of his face. She sprouted tiny wings from her back flapped them like a humming bird. "I know Gracey! Do you know Gracey?"

"Fucking useless," Donovan said, his tone sullen. "Why'd you even come here at all," She-Joker held up three fingers, prompting the young man to narrow his eyes. "Don't, not unless you remembered the third reason,"

She-Joker slowly lowered her hand, then shrugged. "Sorry, not yet!"

The hall shook, the air growing heavy. Donovan's eyes went wide as red shapes appeared, wiggling and shifting around him. She-Joker's skin rapidly changed color as her wings faltered. Her eyes bulged, then she did a loop in the air and shot into Donovan's shirt. She poked her head out near his collar, gripping the fabric.

"what…" Donovan said, trying to breath.

"Bad magic bad magic," She-Joker said, lowering so that just her nose poked over his collar. The red shapes disappeared, and the pressure in the air released. Donovan gasped.

"That…that must have been…the blood curse…they were talking about,"

"oooohhhhhh," She-Joker said, sinking lower so that just her eyes peered out. "Hate to be on the end of something like that!"

Donovan slowly lowered his head. "Mark," He whispered. "What have I done,"

He hung in the air for what seemed ages. She-Joker passed the time by hanging over his collar, counting specks on the floor with her finger. Donovan did his best to ignore her. His mind turned to what would happen to him. Death probably, something gruesome like in ancient times. Mark had already likely been on the receiving end of terrible magic. It was any wonder what they could do to Donovan with that power.

Heavy footsteps announced the arrival of Guardian warriors. He saw one of them stand under him, then wave his hand through the air. Donovan dropped down, She-Joker letting out a yelp. He landed in a pile on the floor. The warriors dragged him to his feet, holding out his arms and roughly shoving the ring and band back into his mouth. He protested, but his words were muffled as they secured the leather strap around his head. Next they put a wooden yoke over his shoulders, tying his wrists to it. The final step was to attach an iron collar to his neck with a chain that led from it.

One of the warriors held the other end of the chain and yanked Donovan forward. The yoke was heavy, digging into his shoulders. He stumbled, then tried to balance the wooden beam. The warrior pulled on the chain, forcing Donovan to follow. She-Joker crawled up from inside his shirt and pulled herself onto the yoke. She lay across it and fanned herself, humming a tune. The warriors didn't seem to notice the tiny figure.

Donovan was led through halls lined with tapestries and circular glass-stained windows. They were empty of Guardians, save the ones who marched in front of him. They approached a large set of double doors guarded by another group of warriors. The second group pushed them open as Donovan was led by the chain through the opening.

Sunlight blinded him. He was dragged roughly down stone stairs. They led to an open field that spread out as far as the eye could see. In the air floated giant, locust-like creatures. They had crystalline weapons strapped to them with golden rope, as well as towers.

At the bottom of the steps, waiting in the field, was a herd of the largest animals Donovan had ever seen. They were feathered, with long bodies and fanged beaks. They stood on muscular haunches, and on their backs were giant palanquins. Flags gently waved from almost every surface, adorned with strange symbols.

A single staircase led up to the largest creature. The bottom was lined with Guardian warriors. Donovan was led by the chain towards it, then pulled up the steps. At the top waited more warriors, and wooden walkways built on top of the creature.

Donovan was pulled through a maze of palanquins and walkways, up the arched back of the giant creature. Guardians dressed in their fine clothing stood in the openings of the luxurious tents, watching the young man and the warriors. Their destination was a wooden platform lined with flags. Behind it rested the largest palanquin of all.

A wooden staircase led up to the platform. At the top were two thrones, occupied by the king and queen of the red-skinned Guardians. Standing next to them was Princess Ilizabessa, watching with her usual smile as Donovan was dragged before the two thrones. Musicians strummed delicately on stringed instruments on one side, while a line of important-looking Guardians stood on the other.

One of the warriors knocked the back of Donovan's leg, sending him to his knees. The one who held the end of his chain presented him with a gesture. The King raised his chin, staring down at the young man.

"We have not been able to reach Theemoth," He said, his voice measured. "What foul magic are you using to hide them from us,"

One of the warriors bent down to undo the strap around Donovan's head. He then pulled the ring from his mouth. The young man gasped for air. "I…don't know,"

"You lie," Princess Ilizabessa said. "Tell us, or we can have the Arch-Mage extract the truth from you,"

"I don't know!" Donovan said, scowling. "You took me from the battle, I never saw what happened in the city!"

Princess Ilizabessa glanced at the King. He nodded, and the warrior shoved the ring back in Donovan's mouth. "We will see for ourselves which of your followers remain," The King said, turning his gaze forward. "And slaughter them on the way to Theemoth,"

Donovan narrowed his eyes. Horns blew out among the herd, then the palanquin city shifted. The massive creature started forward, jogging across the ground and gaining speed. The locust fleet buzzed, following overhead.

Faster and faster the creature ran, the rest of the herd keeping pace. She-Joker swung down from Donovan's yoke, dangling in front of his face. "Wow!" She said, pointing out the palanquins on the other creatures. "Will you look at that!" Donovan simply rolled his eyes, unable to answer with the ring in his mouth.

The world around them blurred. The herd was moving faster than any animal should be, but the wind that tore past them seemed to avoid the tents and the Guardians upon them. The musicians continued to strum on the stage, the King and Queen staring straight ahead in their thrones. Princess Ilizabessa occupied herself on a pile of cushions, sometimes glancing at Donovan with a sly smile. She-Joker slipped back down into his shirt. She hung over the side, watching the scenery pass by.

After an hour passed, the princess grew visibly bored. She rose from the cushions, strolling towards Donovan. She stared down at him with a tilt of her head. "Your punishment is reserved for the line of Ulum, but who's to say we can't have a little fun first? What do you say to that, king of the defilers?"

One of the warriors took the ring from Donovan's mouth. Spit dribbled from his chin as he licked his lips. "You know, this bondage shit is getting old. A girl your age shouldn't be into this kind of kink. It'll warp your idea of a healthy relationship,"

"You are defiant," Ilizabessa said, nodding. "And there are many things I could do to break you of that," She gave a light shrug. "But alas, it is the line of Ulum who gets to have their way with you," A slow smile spread across her face. "Still, I can think of one thing I could do that would leave the rest of you intact for their punishment,"

"Oh yeah?" Donovan said, doing his best to look up at her against the yoke. "It's not more bdsm is it? Because I'm telling you, you're way too young to be into that shit,"

Princess Ilizabessa let out a single laugh, covering her mouth with a hand. "Oh yes, this will be fun. Ataka! Come here please!" A tall guardian emerged from the entrance to the giant palanquin behind the King and Queen's throne. He chest was bare, his muscles bulging. He wore a black metal mask with a strange symbol on it. Ilizabessa nodded at him. "Go fetch the brand, will you?" The Guardian nodded, disappearing back into the palanquin. The princess turned back to Donovan with a smile. "I'm sure you noticed the markings on his mask. It means executioner, and I assure you you'll see it again when the line of Ulum has you. It's the last symbol many see before they die in these lands,"

"Did uh," Donovan said, swallowing. "Did you say brand?"

A cruel smile grew on the princess's face. Her father and mother seemed to ignore what was happening, as did the other important-looking Guardians. "Why yes. Yes I did,"

The muscled Guardian reappeared. In his hand was a long metal rod with a circle on the end. Behind him was another, shorter Guardian wearing a similar mask. He dragged a metal brazier filled with coals.

Donovan let out a nervous laugh. "Ahh, come on now princess, you're taking things a little far, wouldn't you say?"

Ilizabessa knelt down in front of him, a look of pity on her face. "Ohhh, you poor, poor beast. I would do so much more if I was allowed to,"

The large Guardian stomped over, stopping behind her. The shorter one set down the brazier beside him. Gripping the iron brand, the large Guardian plunged it into the coals, leaving it there as smoke rose from the iron brackets. Beads of sweat rolled down Donovan's face. The giant took the brand back out, the circle at the end burning bright red.

Princess Ilizabessa stood, stepping to the side. She put a finger to her check and smiled warmly at the young man. "It's magic, by the way. No healing spell will ever remove it from you. Not that you will ever have an opportunity to cast such a thing,"

The large Guardian approached Donovan, holding the brand out. "w-wait!" Donovan yelled, trying to back up on his knees. Two warriors stepped forward and held his yoke in place. "We didn't establish a safe word yet! Safe words are important!"

"oooohhhh," She-Joker said, kicking her legs idly as she hung from Donovan's collar. "That looks spicy,"

With a grunt, the large Guardian drove the end of the brand into Donovan's cheek. The young man screamed. There was only paaaAAAAIIIINNNNNNNASDGADSGNDAFGASDGDFGDFGDFSGDFS.

After an eternity, or maybe only a couple seconds, the Guardian took the brand away, bits of Donovan's cheek breaking away on the end. He gasped, crying out in pain, then fell forward. Princess Ilizabessa stood over him, watching as tears streamed down his face. "Hmm, yes, that is the brand of the beast. You will wear it well, I think, as you face the Ulum's far worse tortures,"

Donovan's world grew black, then he heard words murmured by his neck. Something small pressed on the wound. The pain lessened slightly. He glanced down, seeing She-Joker holding a tiny hand to his cheek. Lines of worry creased her face. "I'm beginning to think they don't like you," She said, her hand glowing as the pain lessened further. "I hope I remember that third thing soon, because I don't like waiting around like this!"

"oh yeah?" Donovan said, gritting his teeth as he lay on the platform. "well you've been fuckall help so far Melissa, so anytime you want to jump in is fine by me!"

"I'm sorry!" She-Joker said, knocking a fist against her head. "But I can't do anything until I remember what I'm supposed to do! What if I do the wrong thing! The last time I did that, lots of people died!"

"I'm about to die if you don't do something!"

Princess Ilizabessa knelt down by him, gripping his chin and turning his cheek up. "What's that defiler? Are you going mad? Ahhh, but look at that, the brand has set into your skin nicely! Now all who see it will know of your transgressions!" She straightened back up, turning towards her pile of pillows. "At least, until you're executed, that is,"

Donovan lay on the ground, breathing heavily. For how long, he couldn't say. She-Joker curled up next to his face, humming a soothing tune and running her tiny hand gently along the deep marking made by the brand. "There there," She said every-so-often. "Everything will be alright," Donovan closed his eyes, wishing the nightmare to end.

After a time, he felt the giant beast slowing. He opened his eyes. The musicians had stopped their playing, and now stared out over the palanquins at something. The King and Queen slowly rose from their thrones, serious expressions on their faces. They too stared out at something. Even Princess Ilizabessa looked startled as she got up from her pile of pillows.

The King turned his head slowly to a nearby warrior. "Release the steps," He turned, his piercing gaze focused on Donovan. "And bring that one,"

The young man was dragged to his feet. She-Joker struggled to hang onto his hair, letting go to land on his shoulder. The iron ring was thrust into Donovan's mouth again, the leather band tightened around the back of his head and secured into place. One of the warriors grabbed the chain, dragging him forward as the King and Queen led a procession down the stairs.

As they made their way through the palanquin city and the maze of wooden walkways, Donovan heard whispers drifting from the Guardians standing in the tent entrances. Something had obviously happened. There was a tension in the air, an uncertainty.

The King and Queen reached a group of warriors standing by the edge of the giant creature's back. A staircase led down to the ground, the same one they had used to bring Donovan aboard. The warrior pulling his chain dragged him down the steps, following the King and Queen.

Once on the ground, Donovan saw what had caused the stir. They were still among rolling fields, though now the mountains that encircled the lands of Eo were visible on the horizon. Much closer however, and clearly visible, was a large forest of wooden crosses. Tens of thousands of crosses, all driven into the ground. And on them were tens of thousands of bodies.

The bodies were those of the blue-skinned Guardians. They hung from wood, birds perched on the tops. The animals picked at the corpses, while above, thousands more birds circled and cried out to one another. The red-skinned Guardians simply stood there, staring at the scene. A deathly silence fell over them, only broken by the cawing of the animals.

The King slowly turned, staring at Donovan with fury on his face. "What. Have. You. DONE!"

Donovan was in a daze, barely noticing how much his cheek-brand itched. The wind picked up, carrying with it the stench of death. The red-skin Guardians shielded their noses with their silken sleeves.

The king gestured fiercely at a nearby warrior. The armored Guardian walked over and tore the ring from Donovan's mouth, almost taking a tooth with it. The young man gagged at the smell, then coughed.

"ANSWER ME!" The King bellowed. "What have you DONE DEFILER!"

Donovan simply shook his head, his expression still dazed. There were more crosses then he had ever seen. "King Aylumara!" A distant voice yelled. The King turned. Several warriors had started walking among the crosses, stopping by a group of them that was placed in a circle. In the middle was a single cross, larger than the others. Several bodies dangled from it with ropes.

The procession slowly made their way towards it. One of the warriors gestured, a gust swirling up and driving away the carrion birds, as well as the overwhelming smell. The King and Queen, as well as Princess Ilizabessa, passed through the circle of crosses. The warriors and important Guardians followed. One of the warriors dragged Donovan by the chain. She-Joker remained silent atop his shoulder, her expression awed.

The group came to a stop before the large cross. The bodies of several blue-skinned Ulum hung from it, swaying gently in the wind. A scream built up. A moment later, Donovan realized it was from the Queen. She fell to her knees, tearing at her dress with her hands and continuing to scream. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" She broke into tears, beating at the ground. The other Guardians stepped back, looks of horror on their faces.

"impossible," The King said, his voice quiet. He stared up at the cross. "The line of Ulum…ended,"

"no," Princess Ilizabessa said, her face frozen in shock. "Prince Galeon, Prince Nadlam…"

Horns blew from palanquin cities atop the beasts. They blew again, and again. The procession turned, breaking free of their trance. Above in the sky, the Guardian locust-ships flew in tight circles, their horns joining in with the herd.

In the distance, a large shape approached. Donovan stared, furrowing his brow. It had to be large, to be so visible from such a distance. It was one of the important Guardians who recognized it first. She pointed a silken sleeve. "The city of Theemoth! It approaches!"

"How!" The King said, his expression shocked. "The line of Ulum and all its inhabitants are here before us!"

The ground trembled. A black line spread across the horizon, new horns blowing. Donovan slowly recognized the sound, his eye widening with shock. In the air above the black smudge, shapes trailed across the sky. Distant booms heralded cannon fire.

The black smudge grew closer and closer, expanding outward. Cannonballs whistled through the air, exploding among the crosses and eliciting cries of surprise from the group. The smudge became visible; thousands upon thousands of beast riders, their weapons glinting in the sun. The flags of Vashn waved in the air as their war cries grew.

Donovan reared back and laughed, the sound drawing all eyes to him. He continued laughing, the yoke on his back threatening to teeter over. The King and Queen stared at him, as did Princess Ilizabessa. His laughter faded, a grin growing on his face.

"Oh shit," Donovan said, another laugh escaping him. "Oh man," He straightened up as much as the yoke would allow, the ground starting to tremble around them. "You guys," He wagged a finger bound to the wood. "You guys are fucked,"

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Episode 7: The Return of the King
Thin red lines emitted from giant locusts, sweeping across the distant horizon as they sought out Vashn warships. The lasers had originated from the crystal weapons adorning them. Guardian warriors manned the towers strapped to the insects, calling out to one another and blowing their battle horns.

The King of the line of Baelkadra and his court stood among the forest of crosses and corpses. They watched an approaching army of riders as the Vashn beasts shook the ground. Cannons fired in the distance, and moments later, the Vashn warships unleashed their spells. The sky was filled with fire and explosions.

Donovan stared in awe as a large locust ship slammed into the ground among a distant clutch of crosses. Splintered wood and green goo were thrown into the air. The King turned to the young man, an explosion lighting up his furious features. He pointed at Donovan, his voice low. "Kill him,"

Warriors circled him, raising their halberds. The robed Arch-Mage aimed her staff at his chest. The crystal on the end glowed, then shards of razer-sharp ice poured towards Donovan. He stumbled backwards, the weight of the yoke he wore carrying him to the ground.

Donovan waited to die as ice imbedded in the wooden beam on his shoulder. Before a shard found his chest, a figure exploded forth from his shirt. Colorful movement knocked away the ice with quick flourishes. Donovan blinked as he was bathed in cold shavings and harmless flecks. She-Joker stood in front of him at her normal height. The Guardian warriors paused, their halberds hovering in the air. A moment later they rushed the pair.

She-Joker threw out both hands, a trio of knives sliding from her sleeves into both palms. She flung four of them in quick succession, gripping the last two. The four knives imbedded in the small spaces of the warriors' statchhelms, sending them to the ground. The rest lunged at She-Joker with their halberds.

Using her knives, she drove two of the halberds into the dirt. She ran up the shaft of one, using the hilt of her weapon to bash the warrior sideways. She backflipped off, landing on the shoulders of another and plunging her knife into the spaces between his shoulder plates. She-Joker rode the warrior to the ground, summersaulting forward.

One of the warriors flinched back, then brought his halberd over his head as She-Joker sprung up from the ground before him. She plunged both knives into his exposed armpits faster than the eye could follow, ripping out the weapons as well as streams of blood. The warrior stumbled, She-Joker taking the opportunity to round-house kick him into the ground. The colorfully-dressed woman threw both knives, catching two charging warriors in the necks and rocking them backwards.

The air around She-Joker sparkled, then a moment later shards of ice formed. They angled and shot towards her. The woman twirled as she tore her hat from her head, catching all the ice inside it. The bells jingled as she closed her hat full of ice, holding it like a bag. The Arch-Mage scowled, aiming her staff again. Before the older Guardian could unleash a spell, She-Joker exploded across the ground, throwing up dirt behind her. She fell on top of the Arch-Mage, bashing at the Guardian with her hat full of ice.

Again and again She-Joker beat on the Arch-Mage with her bulky hat, driving her foe into the ground. Donovan watched with wide eyes, the sickening sound mingling with the echoes of cannon fire, lasers and spells. The royal court watched as well, their expressions aghast as blood flew up around She-Joker.

"My king!" A Guardian courtier said, tugging on the royal's sleeve. "We must retreat to the safety of the howdahs!" The court didn't need to be told twice. They bunched up their elegant clothing and hurried towards the largest creature and the waiting staircase.

She-Joker sprinted, whipping out a small club and ducking under the halberd of a warrior. She knocked him aside, then spun and used the momentum to bash a second warrior backwards. The last dozen charged her. Twirling, dodging and leaping, She-Joker moved from warrior to warrior, beating them down with vicious swings. The last one had his halberd torn from his hands. The colorful woman brought up the club under the warrior's chin, then knelt and drove the halberd into the space under his chest-plate. She plunged the other end into the ground, keeping the Guardian suspended on his feet as he gurgled.

She-Joker slowly straightened up. Donovan stared at her from his knees, the ice in his yoke dripping down around him. She slowly turned to him, a beaming smile on her face. "I remembered the last thing Gracey told me to do!"

Donovan blinked. "w-what?"

She-Joker threw out her arms. "Keep you from dying!"

"Keep me…from dying?" Donovan repeated, dazed. "Grace…told you that?"

"Mhm-hm!" She-Joker said, nodding.

Donovan gazed at the ground around him, completely bewildered. "She cares? Grace…doesn't want me to die?...but…"

"Of course she cares! She wouldn't have sent me if she didn't!"

A surprised laugh escaped Donovan, the yoke on his shoulders teetering. "I don't…I don't believe it," He slowly narrowed his eyes, his shock being replaced with anger. "You mean to tell me you watched as I got the shit beaten out of me for the last…fucking day, and you're just now remembering to keep me alive!"

"Welllll," She-Joker said, frowning. "There's a slight difference between keeping you alive and keeping you from getting hurt, and I just now remembered the first part!"

"For fuck's sake Melissa!" Donovan yelled. "Get this wooden beam off me or I'll die for sure!"

She-Joker's eyes widened, the she glanced around. "Huh," She said, scratching her head. "I don't see anyone else, who's this-"

Donovan let out a sound of frustration. "FINE, She-Joker, get me the fuck out of this thing before it kills me!"

"You got it!" The colorful woman said, saluting. She gestured, producing two knives, then flung them. They separated in the air, embedding in the ropes tying Donovan's wrist to the yoke. The heavy wood slid off, falling to the ground.

The young man slowly got to his feet, massaging his wrist and rotating his shoulder. "Thank you," He raised his head, becoming suddenly aware of a sound that had been building. The grounds shook around him, and in the distance, the war cries of the Vashn riders were building to a crescendo. Donovan watched as the army of beasts thundered towards the herd of palanquin creatures.

Guardian warriors were forming on the ground in front of the herd, leveling their halberds. Waves of arrows launched out from the top of the creatures, as well as spells. Above, the locust ships continued to fire their crystalline lasers. Donovan realized he was in the way as hundreds of Guardian warriors fanned out towards him.

"Shit!" Donovan yelled. "Melis-, She-Joker, run!" He sprinted into the forest of crosses and corpses. He heard the colorful woman skipping behind him, humming as she sailed through the air. She overtook him with leaps and bounds, turning around to wave him along. Donovan grit his teeth and did his best to keep up.

They pair reached a small rise. The crosses around it had been smashed with a spell, littering the ground with body parts and chunks of wood. Donovan reached the crest, putting his hands on top of his head to catch his breath. He slowly turned, keeping his hands up as he watched the two sides meet.

The beast riders fired their guns as they impacted against the lines of halberds, sending up clouds of smoke and bodies. Cries rang out as warriors fell and beasts stumbled. The riders' momentum kept them going, sweeping through the Guardian lines. Shadows fell over Donovan, and he looked up to see thousands of creatures beating their wings over the carnage. Half of them angled up towards the locust ships, while the rest plunged down among the giant herd.

The battle unfolded as Donovan and She-Joker watched from the hill. The beast riders became bogged down as they reached the middle of the warriors' formation. Their blades rose and fell as they hacked down at the halberds stabbing up at them. Donovan spotted Belok, the massive Gargoyle diving down among the palanquins. Other gargoyles and armored owls followed him. Belok exploded back out from the tents, carrying with him bodies that he bashed together.

The beast-riders outnumbered the Guardians on the ground. The flanks of the mounted troops swept around, encircling the Guardian ranks. Many of the riders threw out ropes, lassoing warriors and dragging them along the ground. Others rode among the legs of the giant creatures, stabbing at them and trying to ensnare them with more ropes. Some of the giant creatures reared up, roaring. Guardians and palanquins tumbled off their backs, crying out.

The carnage lasted for only a brief time. Belok and his winged warriors continued to plunge down among the giant creatures, ripping through the palanquins and throwing people from the backs of the creatures. The beast-riders rode in a slow circle around the warriors on the ground, dragging Guardians from the ranks with ropes. Above, the Vashn warships neared. Their cannon fire and spells destroyed the locust ships, sending the creatures crashing down to the ground.

With the sun beating down, Donovan watched the last of the giant creatures brought down, their palanquins and wooden walkways flying through the air as they impacted against the ground. Only the largest creature remained. It roared as beast-riders circled it. The mounted warriors fired up with their flintlocks and stabbed at its legs. Several ropes were thrown around its neck, and then it was slowly pulled to the ground. A cloud of dust was thrown up, mingling with the smoke of the firearms.

Donovan exhaled slowly, then started down the hill. She-Joker followed, jogging with an awed-expression. "Whoa!" She said, cartwheeling forward and pointing out the scene. "That was crazy!"

"Yeah," Donovan murmured, his eyes narrowed. "Let's go see who's left,"

Several beast-riders noticed the pair approaching. Their turned their mounts, charging towards Donovan and She-Joker with their weapons raised. The young man came to a stop, waiting. As they barreled down on them, Donovan held out a hand. "Stop! In the name of your king!"

They pulled on their harnesses, the beasts rearing up. When the creatures fell back down, the riders stared at Donovan with startled expressions. "My King!" One of them yelled, dismounting. He turned to his companions. "It is King Donovahn! He lives!" The other riders slowly took off their helms, shocked expressions on their faces. Donovan started forward again, passing among them. She-Joker waved as she followed. The dismounted rider turned. "My king! We must take you to Theemoth at once! The masters will-"

"I'm going to see which of those red elves is still alive," Donovan said. "Go find me Belok,"

He heard the riders take off, spurring their beasts towards the fallen bodies of the giant creatures. They whipped past him, giving the young man plenty of room. Donovan continued onward, stepping over the bodies of fallen warriors. More beast-riders saw him approach. Their victory cries slowly died, an awed silence falling over them. Donovan ignored them, heading straight for the largest creature.

It was still alive, though just barely. The ropes that bound its neck kept it on the ground, and the palanquins and walkways atop it were hanging from its sides. More beast-riders surrounded it. They stared up at the top, where Belok and his winged warriors perched. The giant gargoyle idly munched on a body, spitting out a piece of fabric. He paused as he saw Donovan approaching, then dropped his meal.

Flapping his massive wings, Belok leapt from the creature, sailing down to the ground and shaking it. "Master," He said, bowing his head.

"Belok," Donovan said, coming to a stop before him.

"We thought…" The Gargoyle began, then shook his head. "We thought you had been killed, but now I see that to be foolish, for none can kill-"

"Yes yes," Donovan said, dismissing the notion with a wave. "Tell me what happened, why is the city of Theemoth here,"

Belok straightened up proudly, baring his chest and opening his wings. "My warriors and I fought fiercely my king. Though the weak ones within the city met us in battle, they could not resist our attacks from the air. We filled the streets with bodies, and opened the way for the rest of your warriors. I myself entered the palace, slaying the royals who tried to hide within!"

Donovan nodded. "Very good Belok," He gestured at the massive creature before them. "Are there any survivors?"

"Would you like there to be, my king?"

Snorting, Donovan gazed up the walkways and palanquins hanging from the side. "If there are any, bring them to me,"

Belok bowed his head, then turned up at the giant owls and other winged creatures perching on the back. "Bring me prisoners!" He turned and nodded at the beast-riders. "You as well! Find me those still alive!" Donovan closed his eyes, then slowly opened them. Belok was staring at him. The gargoyle lifted a massive claw, pointing at him "My king…you have been wounded,"

Donovan raised his hand to his cheek, feeling the brand. "Yes, yes I have,"

The gargoyle slowly nodded. "Would you like me to get a healer,"

"I don't think that will work on this,"

"And that one?" Belok said, his gaze shifting to She-Joker.

"Hii!" The colorful woman said, beaming. "Nice to meet you! What's your name?"

Belok didn't respond, looking back at Donovan and waiting. "She's with me," The young man said. "Ignore her for now,"

"Hey!" She-Joker said, frowning. "Don't ignore me! I can put on a good show!"

They were interrupted as riders emerged from the ranks of the mounted warriors. They led Guardians with ropes, dragging them along towards Donovan. Gargoyles and giant owls brought more from the backs of the giant creatures, dropping them on the ground.

There were at least a hundred warriors, their armor dented and smeared with blood. Hundreds more Guardians were brought from the smashed palanquins. Some of them servants, others courtiers. Donovan enslaved them all with a wave of his hand, no longer needing to speak the words to the spell. "Take them back to the city," He said, nodding. "They belong to me now,"

The beast riders nodded, gesturing for the Guardians to follow. The red-skinned figures dutifully obeyed, shuffling towards Theemoth. Donovan furrowed his brow, noticing two Guardians remaining.

One of them was the giant who had branded him. The Guardian still wore the mask with the symbol of "executioner" on it. The other was Princess Ilazebessa. The girl looked dazed, her face smeared with dirt and the hem of her dress torn. Donovan slowly tilted his head, his expression hardening. He approached.

Two riders spurred their mounts over, one of them leveling his sword at the two Guardians. "Get moving," The Orga growled.

Donovan reached them, holding out his hand to the rider. "Give me your sword," The warrior passed it hilt-first. Donovan took it and plunged it into the chest of the executioner. Ilazebessa watched the Guardian stagger, then fall to his knees. She was still in a daze. As the larger Guardian threatened to fall over, Donovan slowly slipped his mask from his face. The young man took it and slid it over his own head, obscuring the brand. He then ripped the sword from the large Guardian and kicked him over.

Turning to Princess Ilazebessa, Donovan slowly brought up the sword. "What's the matter," He said, his voice taunting. "Having trouble focusing?" She slowly looked up at him, her eyes unseeing. It was as if she were already gone. Donovan smiled under his mask. "There's a lot of things I could do to you. I think you know that. Consider it a mercy I'm just going to remove your head,"

He hesitated. He had never killed a woman before. Or a girl, for that matter. He remembered the pain of the brand melting his flesh. Narrowing his eyes, Donovan brought the sword down, but metal flashed. He felt the blade shake, then the weapon fall from his hand. She-Joker held out a knife, having deflected the blow. She grinned at him. "Nope!"

"Dammit Melis-" Donovan sighed. "She-Joker, stop fucking playing around," He bent down and picked up the sword, then brought it back to strike. When he swung, She-Joker twirled, using the butt of her knife to knock the weapon from his hand again.

"Nu-uh," She said, tilting her head with a smile.

"For fuck's sake!" Donovan yelled. "This girl is a monster! A completely irredeemable piece of shit!"

She-Joker shrugged. "Sorry, I can't say why, but I just can't let you do that! It wouldn't be right!"

Donovan's eyes bulged. "Right? RIGHT??" He gestured. "Look around you Melissa! Seriously look around you! When's the last time you saw ANYTHING right in this world! The FUCK does that word even MEAN!"

"Welllll," She-Joker said, tapping her chin with a finger. "It means lots of stuff, depending on the situation!" The colorful woman did a slow twirl, posing with one leg in the air. "For instance, right now, the right thing to do would be not to kill her!"

"Says who, huh!" Donovan yelled, ripping away his mask. "Grace??"

She-Joker smiled, slowly lowering her leg back to the ground. "Sure!" Her expression suddenly grew serious. It was a look Donovan had never seen before, and unnerved him. "But also me. I say it wouldn't be right,"

The two stared at each other, tension hanging in the air between them. Belok and the other warriors watched, waiting. "So let me get this straight," Donovan said, gritting his teeth. "If this girl killed a hundred people, you wouldn't end her life?"

"Has she?" She-Joker said, furrowing her brow.

"She branded me! Tortured me! HUMILATED me!"

She-Joker pursed her lips. "Hmm, aren't you a hero? And a king?"

"King yes," Donovan said. "Hero, no. You think Genghis Khan or Alexander the Great spared anyone! I am a very angry man with little time left on this earth, and a growing wish to burn everything around me to the ground!" As the words fell from his mouth, he suddenly felt foolish. Donovan slowly brought his hand to his face, closing his eyes tightly. "fuck…" He gripped his face. "I've got…serious issues…don't I…"

She-Joker laughed, throwing out her arms. "We all do! Hurray!" She leaned in towards Donovan, wagging a finger. "But we don't have to hurt the wrong people over it!"

His hand slowly slipped from his face as he glared at her. "And who exactly are the "right" people?"

"That's a good question!" She-Joker said, putting her hands to her hips. "I usually rely on Gracey for that. But I know it's not that girl right there! Or anyone else who can't protect themselves!"

Donovan brought the executioner mask up to his face, securing it around his head. "I'm done having a morality discussion with a crazy person. The princess lives," He turned, walking towards the beast riders. "Consider it thanks for finally saving me,"

Two of the riders dismounted, presenting their beasts. They helped Donovan up onto the first. He watched as She-Joker approached the other. She gently shepherded Princess Ilizabessa, then helped her up onto the second beast. She-Joker then flipped onto its back, landing neatly and settling behind the girl.

"I will go ahead to the city," Belok said. "And announce your coming,"

"No," Donovan said, turning the beast. "You may return, but I wish to see for myself what has happened in my absence,"

Belok bowed. "Yes my king," He raised his head and roared, then flapped his wings and took off. His warriors alighted from their perches, flying to join him. Donovan watched them flap towards the distant city, then spurred his own mount forward.

The riders parted for him and She-Joker, then followed behind. The mounted army thundered across the field, the sun shining down around them. Theemoth neared, the giant beast and the city rising high above the plains. Donovan watched it through the slits in his mask, resisting the urge to look behind him at She-Joker and Princess Ilizabessa. The warships in the sky turned, slowly making their way back.

As the army rode, he could make out a large wooden ramp leading up to the back of the giant turtle-crab. He angled his beast towards it, kicking it faster. He was eager to return. They reached the ramp, thousands of hoofs and claws echoing off the structure and shaking it. Once on the back of the shell, another ramp appeared, leading up to the circular gate.

The giant brass wheel was opened, hanging to the side. Flags waved from the ramparts, Donovan spotting thousands of figures upon the walls. He could see the destruction in the city. The tree was no longer standing, its trunk felled. It had torn through several walls, and now ropes kept it secured where it lay. Donovan led the army up the ramp and through the gate.

On the other side was a wide stone avenue lined with stone houses. They were tall, and curved, styled in a way Donovan had never seen before. Thousands of figures were on either side of the street, cheering and waving. Some of them were soldiers, but most were the pilgrims. Donovan guessed they had caught up to his forces at some point, and were now residing in the Guardian city.

They didn't recognize him in his mask. He didn't bother slowing, leading the beast riders up the avenue. The street curved, passing more houses and leading up to the next level of the walled city. There were pilgrims everywhere, on each level. They crowded the street as they cheered, and leaned out from windows and doors. It was clear they had already made themselves at home among Theemoth.

Each layer revealed larger houses and buildings as Donovan led his warriors. He slowed as he neared the top most level, the riders doing the same behind him. The fallen tree cast the street in shadow, so large was its trunk. Though the palace atop it had clearly been destroyed, there was another palace wrapped around its roots. There weren't many pilgrims, the streets instead filled with warriors. They cheered just like the others, waving their weapons as Donovan and the others passed.

He pulled up the reigns, forcing his mount to stop. Before him was the entrance to the palace. Hundreds of Montre guards stood before it. Donovan dismounted, turning to one of the riders. "Go, get some rest," The warrior nodded, signaling to the others. They turned their beasts and thundered back the way they came. Donovan approached the entrance, hearing She-Joker and Princess Ilizabessa following.

"Halt!" One of the Montre guards said, lowering his trident. "Identify yourself!"

"Get the fuck out of my way," Donovan said, storming towards him. The Montre hesitated, then stepped to the side. The young man watched through his mask as the other lizard guards did the same. He walked up the steps, entering the palace.

A long hall stretched out before him. Large columns held it up, the torches circling them lighting the interior. A torn, deep red carpet led through the center. Vashn knights and Montre gathered, forming a line and blocking Donovan's path.

"Out of my way," He said. The warriors obeyed, the power of his echoing voice compelling them.

At the end of the hall was a large set of double doors. They rose up, easily as tall as a house. Two golems guarded it, towering over Donovan as he approached. He wasn't sure if his words would work on them, but noticed two more Montre guarding it. Donovan commanded them to open it, and the lizard guards turned to the golems and signaled. The massive creatures shifted, then pressed against the doors. The wood slowly parted, groaning.

Beyond the doors was a throne room. It too was held up by columns. Large bowls of fire kept the interior warm, as well as lit. Hundreds of Vashn advisers and courtiers gathered among the columns. Another red carpet led through the throne room to a wide set of stairs. At the top was a throne, and several figures.

Sitting in the throne was Reqart, perched on cushions. On one side of him stood Lyra, dressed in fine clothing and wearing a bright medallion around her neck. On the other stood Babi and Princess Esymia, also dressed in fine clothing. The boy, as well as three three women, watched as Donovan, She-Joker and Princess Ilizabess approached. The hall was silent, save for the crackle of the bowls of fire.

"Stop," Lyra called, her voice echoing around the throne room. "You approach Prince Reqart, lord of Vashn. Kneel before him,"

Donovan came to a stop, tilting his mask up to stare at her. "I kneel for no one,"

Lyra's eyes went wide, a curled hand raising to her heart. "My…king?"

The young man said nothing, walking up the steps. Reqart jumped up from the throne, astonished. "Uncle??"

"Yes Reqart," Donovan said, reaching the top. "It's me,"

"Impossible!" Lyra said, rushing forward. "My king, we thought you dead!" Donovan stood still as she grabbed his hand, her expression full of emotion. He said nothing, regarding the Erie master through his mask. She slowly let go of his hand, then knelt down. "We are all gladdened by your return,"

"Well," Babi said, brushing a strand of hair back. "Not all of us,"

Reqart came up and hugged Donovan, squeezing tightly. "I missed you Uncle. I didn't like being in charge," The young man slowly brought up his hand, patting the boy on the back. "It's alright Reqart, I'm here now," He looked down at the boy. "Where's your father?"

The boy's expression fell. He let go of Donovan, taking a step back and staring at the floor. "Something's…wrong with him," He looked back up at the young man, staring intently with anguish. "He's sick Uncle! You have to help him!"

"Oh no!" She-Joker said, putting a hand to her mouth. "Who's sick??"

"She-Joker!" Reqart exclaimed, his eyes going wide. He ran to her, jumping up into her arms. She caught him with a laugh and twirled the boy around. "You look so different!"

The colorful woman nodded, setting Reqart down and striking a pose. "Do you like it? I had the costume made in the east!"

Reqart clapped, a smile on his face. "Everything will be so fun now!" He expression faltered. "If only…father could see it…"

"Marcus?" She-Joker said, tilting her head. "Is he hurt?"

"yes," Reqart said, his voice barely above a murmur. "He won't wake up,"

Babi slowly approached, standing in front of She-Joker. The two women regarded each other, then Babi's face broke into a smile. They embraced. "It's been too long," Babi said, her eyes closed tightly.

"Ooooohhhhhh," She-Joker said, bending back and lifting Babi from the floor. "Look how you've grown! Look at you! I could gobble you up you little cutey!"

Babi laughed, breaking away from She-Joker and grinning. "You should see what I can do with a spear now, you might not think me so cute anymore,"

"Your talent was always part of your charm!" The colorful woman said, striking a pose. "It's the same for me of course!"

"King of Vashn," Princess Esymia said, her voice clear and confident. He slowly turned away from the exchange, peering at the Guardian woman through the slits in his mask. She regarded him, her expression unreadable. "You bring with you Princess Ilizabessa of the line of Baelkadra. You also wear the mask of the executioner. Am I to understand you have ended them, as your servants ended the line of Ulum?"

Donovan glanced behind him at the Guardian girl. Her dazed expression had faded, replaced by a blankness that indicated she would show no emotion to anyone watching. Her hands were curled into fists, resting against the front of her dress. Donovan turned back to Princess Esymia.

"There are a couple hundred of these particular elves left, which I enslaved. Perhaps there are more somewhere, who knows. But the girl lives because She-Joker requested it,"

"I see," Princess Esymia said, stepping forward. She came to a stop in front of Ilizabessa. "I have been told the Guardian lines serve Liloth now. There are none left of the Ulum to ask, so I will ask you. Is this true?"

Princess Ilizabessa raised her head, her eyes empty. Her voice came out quiet. "It is true what you say,"

"Fools," Princess Esymia said. "Speak now, do you know where they keep my sister Gwelenain?" Ilizabessa shook her head. Princess Esymia turned to Donovan. "Baelkadra and the line of Sarius were once allies. I would ask that those you captured remain honored guests,"

Dononvan raised his hand, removing his mask. Lyra gasped, staring at the brand on his cheek. "They are lucky to be alive," Donovan said, then slipped the mask back over his face.

"The brand of the beast," Princess Esymia said, holding his gaze.

"They call me a beast," Donovan said, holding out his hand to Reqart. "So they will get one. Now, I would like to see Mark,"

Reqart nodded, taking his hand and walking him towards the steps. Donovan turned, seeing several figures at the bottom. Belok was among them, having entered the throne room at some point. The others were Master Hayume of the Vashn Knights, as well as Tokaroaka the sorcerer. Shipmaster Greis and Commander Fangson were also present. A few other masters and important advisers flanked them.

"My king," Tokaroaka said, bowing. The others did the same.

Donovan couldn't make out the sorcerer's missing eye behind the grotesque mask Tokaroaka wore, but his sleeve hung limp at his side, indicating the missing arm. "I will speak with you all in time," Donovan said, his voice echoing out from his own mask. "But that will be later. For now, I'm going to see my friend,"

Reqart led him down the stairs. She-Joker fell into step behind them. "My king!" Lyra said, starting after him. Donovan paused, glancing over his shoulder.

"Stay here," His gaze shifted to Babi and the princesses. "Keep these troublesome women in line. Princess Esymia," He turned slightly to face her. "You are in charge of keeping watch over the red elf-girl. She is yours now, perhaps you can teach her some respect,"

Babi raised an eyebrow. "One would think you hate women, the way you speak to them,"

Donovan snorted. "I didn't hate anyone before I came to this world. That's quickly changing," He nodded to Reqart, and the boy walked him down the stairs.

"Be careful," Babi called after him. "That brand might not be the last hard lesson you learn oh king,"

"You still talk like an old lady," Donovan said, not bothering to pause. He was surprised Babi didn't want to accompany Reqart. Perhaps she desired to stay with Lyra and the princesses, or just trusted She-Joker completely. It raised his suspicion, either way.

The masters parted for them as they reached the bottom. "Master," Tokaroaka said. "Allow me to accompany you, the one known as Marcus is in the care of my sorcerers,"

"Very well," Donovan said.

She-Joker sided up to them, taking Reqart's other hand. "Swing me!" Reqart said, grinning. The colorful woman smiled back, catching Donovan off-guard by lifting the boy from the ground. She-Joker swung Reqart back, then forward, forcing the young man to do the same.

"Dammit Meliss- gah, She-Joker!" Donovan said, letting go of Reqart's hand. "No foolishness in front of my servants!"

She-Joker scooped up Reqart, holding him by the hands and twirling him around. "No fun, no fun!" Reqart laughed, the pair spinning ahead.

"For fuck's sake," Donovan mumbled, following with Tokaroaka.

Once outside the throne room, the sorcerer took the lead. The group headed for a doorway in the side of the hall. Beyond it was a series of passages, leading down into the depths of the palace. They descended a spiraling stone staircase, entering a dimly lit passage. Montre stood guard, watching the group pass. They were clearly unaware of who Donovan was under his mask, nodding instead to Reqart and Tokaroaka. The young man didn't mind. They would realize it soon enough.

The passage ended at a metal door guarded by two sorcerers wearing grotesque masks. They hastened to open it, letting the group pass. On the other side was a chamber, filled with more sorcerers. Donovan was surprised to see they were not all his. Some were of the Ulum, their blue skin poking out from beneath their robes.

In the center of the chamber hung two crystals. In one was the Uhnut champion, Tokaroaka's adopted daughter. The other, larger crystal held Mark. He lay suspended inside, his eyes closed. Several sorcerers were gathered around him, consulting scrolls and gazing up at the crystal. The chambers inhabitants turned as Donovan and the others approached, bowing their heads.

"I see you captured some of the Ulum," Donovan said, his voice surprising the Vashn sorcerers.

Tokaroaka bowed. "Forgive me master, it was necessary. This city requires many hands to run, none more so than the magi's,"

"As long as they understand who they serve," Donovan said, regarding the Guardians through his mask. They stared back at the executioner symbol upon it, their expressions confused and fearful. Donovan turned to look up at the crystal. "Are you able to save him?"

Tokaroaka slowly shook his head. "We do not even understand what ails him,"

"Something called the Dalteen Blood Curse," Donovan said, studying Mark's sleeping form. Several of the Ulum mages gasped.

"I see," Tokaroaka said, his voice troubled. "We know little of this, though perhaps those we captured do,"

Donovan exhaled slowly, resting a hand to the crystal. "Tell me, what were your plans when you thought me dead,"

"We learned much after we occupied Theemoth. The largest of Guardian's cities rests in the center of these lands. A place nearly impenetrable, I'm told,"

"I'm sure the blue elves thought this city impenetrable," Donovan said, still gazing up at the crystal. "Belok proved them wrong," His hand fell away from the crystal as he turned to the sorcerer. "Is that where you are headed?"

Tokaroaka nodded. "Princess Esymia surmised Gwelenain might be held there, and Prince Reqart wished us to go and see,"

"Tell me," Donovan said, glancing at Reqart. The boy stared up at his father within the crystal. She-Joker stood behind him, doing the same as her hand rested on Reqart's shoulder. "Who made my nephew a prince, and in charge of all my forces?"

"Master Lyra, my king. She claimed it would keep us from fighting among ourselves, though I must confess I had my doubts. He is but a child, after all,"

Donovan sniffed. "I'm sure he did well enough, and I have returned, so the matter is done," He turned to the Guardian sorcerers. "What do you know of the Blood Curse? Speak,"

One of the Ulum mages stepped forward, bowing his head. His bright halo poked out from his head, the tiny blue fire in the gap apparently not a danger to the fabric. "It is…a terrible thing, masked one,"

"You speak to your true master," Tokaroaka said. "And your king,"

The Ulum sorcerer nodded, his head still bowed. "Tell me what you know," Donovan said.

"It takes great magic to perform, it is not an easy ritual. But once invoked, the one who is afflicted will waste away until death. Whether mortal, spirit or other,"

"Hm," Donovan said, using a hand to adjust his mask. He'd have to remember to get it refitted, as it was still sized to the larger Guardian he'd taken it from. "And what can remove it? How do we heal him, is what I am asking,"

The Ulum mage slowly raised his head. "Only one with great power could do it, and," The mage paused, clearing his throat. "There are few among the Guardian lines with such abilities,"

Donovan glimpsed Reqart and She-Joker turning to watch. The boy's expression was worried. "Well," The young man said. "Think carefully, where could I find one with that power?"

The mage shared a look with the other Guardians. "Perhaps the city of Agasul…master,"

"That is the great city of which I spoke of," Tokaroaka said.

"And we are headed there now?" Donovan said. The sorcerer nodded. "Very well," Donovan said, glancing up at Mark. "Then gather my masters. We have much work to do,"

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Episode 8: Justin's Fun, Lyra's Choice
Seven Years Ago

Justin Cotes opened his eyes. A red canopy stretched above him, connected to four posters on each corner of the bed. The man yawned, stretching, then rolled over. A woman slept next to him, golden pins still in her hair. Not that the style she had worn the previous evening was still held up by them. Both of them had been quite active in the bed, and now her brown curls fell down around her head.

Justin slowly sat up, wincing. He raised the covers, finding a new bruise on his leg. The man tried to remember where he'd gotten it. Possibly last night's party, or maybe the fun that had come after. Justin slid his feet from the covers to the floor, taking in the room.

It was the typical finery one would expect to find in a noblewoman's bedroom. Pink and white walls with gilded trim. A few marble statues, a raised gilded bathing tub, as well as a lilac folding screen. The crest of the Kingdom of Lerone adorned the far wall, and on the opposite side, a fireplace.

Justin slowly stood, bending down to pick up his lace shirt. He found his pants next to the noblewoman's discarded dress and undergarments. Movement from the bed caused him to straighten up as he held his clothes. "Leaving already?" A sleepy voice said.

He turned, finding the noblewoman perching her head on her hand as she watched him. He gave her a charming smile. "Why yes," He said, setting the shirt to the side. He found what passed for underwear in Lysseria, sliding it on. Next came his pants. "After all, I can't read that water clock you're so fond of, I might already be late,"

The woman raised an eyebrow, slowly sitting up. "You mean the water clock you wouldn't stop poking fun at?"

"Just saying," Justin said, shrugging. "You nobles make your clocks far too complicated. A sun dial would do," He worked his shirt over his head, securing it into place. He glanced around the room. "Have you seen my sword? Or my jacket for that matter. Ah! There's my boots,"

"Our clocks are easy if you're not a peasant," The noblewoman said. She leaned over a basin near the bed, splashing herself with water.

"Peasant?" Justin said, giving her skeptical look. "Why, last time I checked, I was a hero," He found his sword and began buckling it around his waist.

The noblewoman took a cloth and dried her face. "Here," She slid from the bed, standing completely naked. Justin gave her a toying smile as she approached. "Let me buckle that for you," She said, leaning in and kissing him as she worked her fingers around the scabbard. Justin felt it tighten as he kissed gently down her neck. He leaned back as she finished the last clasp and inspected her work. "Better? Now let me show you how to read our clocks," She turned him, moving behind and resting her chin on his shoulder. They both faced the tall, gilded stand that held the time-keeper. She gasped. "Oh no,"

"Hm?" Justin said, turning to give her another kiss. "Weren't you about to tell me the time?"

"It's nine! My husband will be home any minute from his mistress!"

Justin smirked. "Doesn't sound so bad," He put his hands around her waist, pulling her closer. The sound of a door closing echoed through the house.

"He will kill you," She said, her eyes wide.

"Who, me?" Justin said, raising an eyebrow. "I think I can take him,"

The noblewoman pushed him away, running to where her dress lay. She picked up the undergarments and began sliding her arms through the sleeves. "Of course you can take him, anyone could," She began lacing up the back. "But can you fend off all his household guards? He's a Duke, and the house is full of them. Or did you forget who I am?"

"You want me to call the servants?" Justin said, tilting his head as he watched her struggle with the laces. "Or I could do it," He approached, but she turned on him.

"Just go!" She said, pointing. "Out the window, before someone sees you!"

Justin shrugged, walking leisurely towards the large glass pane. He put his boot on the ledge, gazing at her as she walked to the lilac folding screen. "You know, you're awfully worried he'll find me, considering he has a mistress,"

She leaned out from behind the screen, throwing a garment at him. "You don't understand how things work in this kingdom! Now go before you give him cause to take us both to court!"

Unlatching the window, Justin pushed it open, then got up on the edge. He turned to the room as the noblewoman emerged, fixing her hair up with silver pins. "Until next time, Duchess Charsae," She raised an eyebrow, smirking. Justin bowed, then straightened up and fell backwards.

He heard a muffled scream as he fell, landing neatly on his feet in the courtyard below. He looked up. The noblewoman leaned out the window, her expression shocked. He waved up at her with a smile. "My darling?" A voice said, drifting through the window. "Is everything alright?"

The noblewoman shook her head at Justin, struggling not to smile. She quickly disappeared. "Coming my love!"

Justin sighed, then turned on his heels and stuck his hands in his coat pockets. He walked through the courtyard lined with plants, stopping before the stone wall. Bending his knees, Justin flipped onto the top with ease, balancing for a moment before he stepped into the air. Gravity brought him back down into a side-alley. It led to a larger avenue bustling with activity.

He emerged into the larger street, taking in the smells of the capital of Lerone. Animal-drawn carriages and carts passed, as well as all manner of people in all manner of dress. And not just people. Justin spotted several races of creatures, some tall, others squat. A few fairies zipped along above their heads, giggling to each other as they spied Justin. He gave them a wave, then started down the street.

Justin hummed to himself as he stuck his hands in his pockets. A group of noblewomen passed by, the man taking the time to bow. "Ladies," They raised their fans, hiding their smiles behind them. Justin watched them for a moment as they walked away, then sighed and continued down the street.

Street musicians played, their music a sign that the spring festival of Oduun was about to begin. Justin flipped them a coin, the violinist catching it and resuming his playing. The other musicians nodded in thanks as Justin passed.

The street opened up into a wide plaza filled with people. Street vendors had set up their tents, the morning market well underway. Justin paused in front of a stand, inspecting fruit he didn't recognize. He pointed at one. "Is this a plumb or something?"

"Ahhh," The vendor said, clasping his hands together. "A man of taste, and well-educated I see! They're called pipori and they will-" The vendor made a kissing motion with his hand. "Delight the mouth with its sweet juices,"

"I like sweet juices," Justin said, fishing out another coin. He pressed it into the vendor's palm, then plucked one of the fruits. "Keep the change,"

"Most gracious!" The vendor called, waving as Justin walked away.

Taking a bite, the man savored the taste, gazing at the activity around the plaza. Men were raising flags in preparation for the festival, and children chased each other as they laughed. Justin moved deftly out the way as a gang of them ran by, one of the boys pausing to wave. "Sorry sir!" Justin smirked, then took another bite as he continued on.

Beyond the plaza was a street rising up to a palace on a hill. Justin headed for it, taking care to avoid the carts and carriages taking up most of the road. They rumbled past, some bearing materials, others nobles. He took another bite of the fruit, then rolled it into a sewer drain.

Justin reached the top of the hill, coming to a stop in front of golden gate. Men in puffy uniforms and frilled collars stood in front of it, gripping spears. One of them turned, raising his weapon and tapping it three times on the gate. The golden bars swung open. Justin casually saluted the guard as he passed.

A stone common opened up before him leading to the palace. Statues were interspaced throughout it, and in the center lay an opulent fountain. Justin eyed it as he made his way to the steps leading up to the palace doors.

Guards hastened to open them for him as the man strolled inside. Justin glanced at the gilded marble walls as he boots echoed off the gilded marble floor. Large paintings depicting natural scenes hung between glass lamps fueled by soft gold magic. A wide staircase led up to a hallway lined with wooden doors. Guards stood at attention, their eyes following Justin as he passed.

The last door was opened for him, and the man entered into a large study. Windows took up one wall, while lounging couches waited in the center. "You're late," A voice said.

Justin spotted Grace sitting on one of the couches, and across from her sat Seth. Grace had her arms crossed, her eyes narrowed. Seth relaxed on his, bobbing his head to some unheard beat. "And a good morning to you too," Justin said, giving her a teasing smile. "You'll have to forgive me, I lost track of the time," He passed Seth, pausing to give him a fist bump. "Seth my man, looking good,"

"Right on right on," Seth said, grinning. "You're looking pretty fresh yourself, where'd you disappear to after that party?"

Justin gave a small shrug, plopping down in an empty couch and putting his feet up. "Oh you know, Duchess Charsae invited me back for a glass of wine, and we talked well into the evening," He leaned towards Grace, raising an eyebrow. "It was quite stimulating conversation,"

Grace rolled her eyes. "You are literally the worst,"

"Heyyyy," Justin said, frowning. "You used to love my stories,"

"Yes," Grace said, giving him a polite smile. It quickly turned to annoyance. "Back when we were young adults in the city, far, far away from here. Everything's changed now, except you apparently,"

Justin held up his palms. "Alright, alright, no need to get testy, I'm here now," He looked around. "Where's Mark?"

A dark look passed over Grace's face. She tried to hide it, her voice disinterested. "He couldn't be bothered to come apparently,"

"He's probably spending time with his wife," Seth said, nodding wisely. "They've got that lil' baby now,"

"Ahh yes," Justin said, resting his arm on the back of the couch and leaning his head towards Grace. "Spending time with the wife. How do we feel about that exactly?"

Raising her chin, Grace glanced away. "Fine. Why wouldn't we be? Besides the fact that he seems to have forgotten he's a hero,"

"Oh yes," Justin said, nodding with a fake expression of agreement. "He does seem to be busy lately. No time for us, huh Grace?" She gave him an expression that warned him to drop it. Justin smiled. "Ahh, you used to be so much better at hiding your feelings, what happened?"

"You're the only one who thinks he knows my feelings," Grace said, crossing her arms. "Because you're the only one who doesn't seem to want to grow up,"

Justin laughed. "I do know you Grace, you haven't changed that much. Just a little less of a bitch, and a strange new habit of wearing your heart on your sleeve,"

"And you're a fucking asshole," Grace said, narrowing her eyes.

"There she is," Justin said, grinning. "There's the old Grace," He paused, glancing around. "Though, where's Babi? You guys are normally attached at the hip,"

Grace tilted her head, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "She doesn't need to be here, she'd be too young to be much help anyways until we leave,"

"Hey, as long as she goes with us," Justin said, turning to Seth. "I've never seen a twelve-year-old wield a spear like her,"

Seth nodded in agreement. "Oh yeah, that girl is hella talented, she'd get a pro-skating sponsor damn quick back home,"

"And she's just a little girl," Grace said, her warning tone returning. "So she's not going to be fighting. We'll do all the heavy lifting in the dungeon,"

"Big sister Grace," Justin said, shooting finger guns at her. "Never thought you had it in you," He straightened up in the couch. "Hey, here's a question, why are there so many dungeons in this world? We clear one, and then there's another. What the hell's with that, amirite? Who's building them?"

Grace was about to retort, but was interrupted by the opening of doors. "Because," Mark said, entering. "Two thousand years ago the great empires used them to hide from the plagues of the ancient ones,"

"Hey hey!" Seth said, grinning. "Mark, my man!"

"There he is," Justin said, resting his head back on the couch. "We thought you weren't going to come,"

"Sorry I'm late," Mark said, exhaling as he came to sit on the couch next to Seth. "Babies are a handful, you should have seen the look on Gwelenain's face when I told her I had to leave for a meeting," He nodded at Grace with a smile. "Hey Grace, good morning,"

"Mark," Grace said, her reply curt.

Mark didn't seem to pick up on it, turning his smile to Seth and Justin. "So, did we keep the king waiting?"

"Seems he's keeping us waiting," Justin said, glancing at a water clock against the wall. He gave up trying to read it, turning back to his friends.

A new set of doors opened on the far side. A servant entered, wearing red pants and a jacket, as well as a powdered wig. "Ah, good, you're all finally here," He bowed, presenting the door he had just walked through. "This way please,"

The friends stood, following the servant through the door. An elegant passage led them to a new study, much larger then the one they were just in. Portraits lined the walls that weren't taken up by windows, and on the far side was a large, dark wooden desk. A man in a fine ruffled coat and multi-layered powered wig sat behind it. He was flanked by servants, as well as officials and advisers. It was the King of Lerone, Nobold Veralax II.

"Heroes," He said, sticking out his bottom lip. "Good, good, we are pleased to see you,"

"And us you," Mark said, stopping to bow. The others did the same.

One of the advisers gestured at servants standing against the wall and holding chairs. Four of them marched before the desk, delicately placing the chairs down. They marched back to the wall. "Please," The adviser said, presenting the chairs with a sweep of his arm. "Take a seat,"

The friends all approached, getting comfortable in the cushioned chairs. Grace sat up straight, completely focused. "We understand a dungeon has been giving problems to the surrounding villages. If you wouldn't mind telling us the location and what to expect, we can get started on it,"

The king chortled with a hand in front of his mouth, a servant keeping him cool with a fan. "Yes yes, how brusque of you Saint Grace, to forgo the formalities of a meeting with one such as us,"

Justin saw Grace narrow her eyes, then nudged her with an elbow. "Ahh, my liege," Justin said, flourishing his hand as he bowed in his seat. "You must forgive her, as eager as an Ipilo badger to honey," Grace slowly turned her head to Justin, a look of murder on her face. He ignored her. "Please tell us, how does this morning find you, my liege?"

The king smiled, putting a delicate hand to his cheek. "Oh Sir Justin, We awoke to the sounds of the southern malacaws in our garden, twittering as they do. We were most displeased, as we had been having the most pleasant dreams of last evening's party," The king leaned forward in his seat. "So we had the servants catch them and serve them in a pie," He chortled again, covering his mouth.

Justin laughed as well, shaking his head. "My king is most certainly incorrigible when he desires, I'm sure the malacaws will think twice before waking you again,"

"Indeed they will!" The king said, waving his hands in delight. One of the advisers cleared his throat, prompting a sigh from Nobold Veralax II. "Ahhh, but yes, the dungeon, the dungeon. Go on Benafrum," The king idly waved. "Tell them all about it,"

The adviser clasped his hands behind his back, holding his head high. "In the region of Trawlo, near the southern river lands, lies a lair of the ancient kings known as Wols. We have had little trouble with it in the past, and have rarely granted the license to any guild to explore it. However, as of late, the local villages have been struck by a foul miasma that is afflicting the populous,"

"Dreadful," The king said, fanning himself with his hand.

The adviser nodded. "And so, we would have you and the others investigate, to find the source of this sickness and rid us of it,"

"Us and the others," Grace repeated, turning her head and eyeing the adviser. "What do you mean by that,"

"Oh you shan't go alone," The King said, leaning to the side as a servant tipped a wine goblet towards him.

"Correct," The adviser said. "We've also enlisted the help of the Dol Rahn Adventurers Guild,"

Grace stood, nearly knocking her chair back. "You called in the Adventurers Guild? We don't work with those people!"

"Oh my!" The king said, putting a delicate hand to his forehead. "How jarring!"

Mark stood as well, holding out his palms. "What Grace meant to say is, we've had trouble trying to cooperate with them in the past,"

"Forgive us King Veralax II," Justin said, sighing dramatically. "Their ways are not our ways, and their methods, well…" Justin shrugged. "Can hurt more than they help,"

"Be that as it may," The king said, then gestured for the adviser to continue.

"Be that as it may," The adviser repeated. "We have requested the help from Dol Rahn, for the lair Wols is not something to be taken lightly. Even ones such as yourselves will require help,"

A servant entered, bowing. "Presenting! Representatives from the Dol Rahn Guild!"

Four figures strolled in; two men and a woman, and a far shorter figure obscured by a heavy cloak and hood. The leader was dressed in a Parag gladiator's tunic, as well as the helm. An axe hung at his side, and the triangular badge that marked his top-tier diamond ranking hung from his neck. Next to him walked the other man, dressed in a simple robe and wearing the same diamond badge. His head was bald, and his face was patterned with small black dot in a neat circle. The woman wore frilly clothing, a puffy skirt, and a tilted hat with jewels that must have cost a fortune. She too wore the badge of a diamond ranked adventurer. The fourth figure had no markings, simply the black robe and hood.

"Well well well," The gladiator said, removing his helmet and shaking his long hair free. He grinned at Grace. "If it isn't the heroes of Delfanas,"

Grace raised her chin as Mark and Seth stepped behind her in a show of support. "Hevak," She said, her tone low. "I thought I smelled shit,"

The king chortled, hiding his mouth behind his hand. "How vulgar, but we do enjoy a good show of bravado now and then,"

Hevak tilted his head back and laughed, his grin growing wider as he regarded her. "What's the matter Saint Grace, still chaffed in the thighs that we got the armor of Catamano while you were trapped in the antechamber?"

Mark took a step forward, standing next to Grace. "You didn't even bother excising the place before you left,"

"Or even closing the damn entrance," Grace said, narrowing her eyes. "Do you know how many mummies ended up escaping into the surrounding lands,"

The woman adventurer smiled sweetly. "Ohh dear, forgive us! We knew if we closed the entrance, you'd be trapped inside! Honestly, we thought you were skilled enough to escape quickly, how could we know you'd take so much time that the relived would escape?"

"You could have helped us out of there," Grace said, gritting her teeth. "And then we could have gotten the armor together! And subdued all the relived!"

"Not cool dudes," Seth said, shaking his head.

Justin patted Grace's shoulder, stepping in front of his other friends. He smiled, opening his arms wide and nodding at the gladiator. "Hevak," He tilted his head towards the woman and winked. "Daisamay," His eyes moved to the bald man with face tattoos. "And how could I forget you, Xerus." He glanced at the hooded figure, a chill running up his spine. He hid it well however, continuing to smile. "And whoever you are. We're all friends here! In service to his liege Nobold Veralax II. Surely we can put the past behind us and work together?" The king nodded, a pleased expression on his face. A grin tugged at the corner of Justin's mouth. "Oh, Hevak, by the way, heard about Elrey," He adopted a mock mournful expression. "Such a tragedy you didn't possess the skills to save him,"

A dark expression passed over the face of the woman Daisamay. Hevak's face contorted with rage as he took a step forward. "Don't think I didn't notice you talking to him beforehand Sir Justin. I think I know who to blame for his death,"

Justin adopted an innocent expression. "Not yourself? You are an absolute useless twat after all, when it really comes down to it,"

Hevak grabbed the axe by his side, but the guards in the room took a unified step forward, lowering their spears at the same time. Everyone froze, waiting. Justin wore his grin, daring the gladiator to try something.

"Well," Grace said, clearing her throat. It was clear she was trying to hide her satisfaction. She patted Justin on the shoulder. "We'll be going now, I'm sure you'll need to have your little meeting with the king, just make sure to hurry and catch up," She turned and bowed to Veralax II. "My liege, until next time," The king held a hand in front of his face, his expression both shocked and delighted by the exchange. Straightening up, Grace headed for the door, the rest of the friends bowing and following. As Justin passed Hevak, the gladiator held out a hand, stopping him.

"Watch your back, friend,"

Justin winked at him. "We'll be watching each other's, it sounds like. See you there," He brushed past him, heading after his friends. The robed figure turned slightly, regarding him within the darkness of their hood. Justin swallowed, the shiver returning. He managed a grin however, winked, and continued on.

He felt the eyes of the adventurers as the door swung shut behind him.

Donovan sat at the head of a long table, wearing his executioner's mask and a new set of what he considered very fancy clothing; a frilled shirt, a long coat, and a new cape. Next to him sat Lyra, wearing a new evening dress, as well as jewelry that glinted in the torchlight. Her hair was done up in a style Donovan had never seen before, but he had to admit it suited her.

On one side of the table sat Princess Esymia and Princess Ilizabessa. On the other, Reqart and Babi. The two princesses were also in new dresses, with ruff collars that splayed around the backs of the necks like jeweled peacock feathers. Reqart wore what Donovan could only assume passed for princely fashion in Theemoth, which was a finally stitched coat detailing what appeared to be a hunting scene. Babi wore a simple black dress with long sleeves that trailed down from her wrists.

Vashn servants approached, setting down plates before everyone. Others filled glasses. Donovan stared through his mask at his seated guests. There seemed to be a tension in the air. Princess Esymia wore a neutral expression, sitting with poise as she surveyed the dishes before her. Ilizaessa however could hardly contain her looks of hatred. As for Babi, Donovan was used to her expressions that shifted from mocking, to slightly pensive, back to mocking again. She and Reqart were his most frequent dinner guests after all, and if Donovan wasn't used to her manner by now, he might as well concede she had permanently gotten under his skin. Which he was sure she would love.

Princess Esymia cleared her throat, her posture straight as she picked up a wine glass. "King Donovahn of Vashn, I believe it would suit you to remove that mask while we eat. It is…"

"Vile," Princess Ilizabessa finished for her. "Horrid, disgusting,"

Lyra made to stand, her expression dark. Donovan sighed, placing a hand to her arm and prompting the Erie master to slowly lower back into her seat. He removed the mask, setting it to the side. "Princess Esymia, Ilizabessa, explain to me why I have four beautiful women eating with me, and I hate almost all of them. Does that make sense to you? This would make the most pathetic harem anime anyone ever saw,"

"Harem?" Princess Ilizabessa said, her anger growing.

Babi snorted as she tried to sip from a wine glass, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. "Oh wow," She said, setting the glass down. "I can't believe you'd think any of us would ever be courtesans to you,"

"Oh please," Donovan said, rolling his eyes. "You all would drive me fucking nuts if I had to spend more than two minutes with you. But at the very least you could show some fucking respect to a man who's wiped out two Guardian lines and God knows how many kingdoms outside of Eo,"

Princess Esymia didn't meet his gaze, instead concentrating on cutting the meat before her with delicate motions. "I find it interesting you think slaughtering and burning kingdoms would make you worthy of respect,"

"Well it does in my world," Donovan said, taking a deep drink of his wine. "Because if you don't show respect, you get killed. Which makes far more sense than fucking dueling like you elves,"

"You could start by swearing less," Babi said, motioning with a fork towards Reqart. The boy grinned at her, watching as she scooped up a chunk of meat and expertly spun the fork, somehow managing to keep the food on the end. She stopped the utensil on a dime and placed it in her mouth, winking at the boy. Reqart laughed.

The doors swung open. "Sorry I'm late!" She-Joker announced, throwing out her arms as she entered. "The entertainment has arrived!"

"Oh fuck no not another guest," Donovan said, sinking his face into his hand.

Lyra took his other hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "Say the word my king, and I will have the guards escort them all out save your nephew,"

"Nope nope nope!" She-Joker said, leaning behind Lyra and surprising the Erie. She placed her gloved hands to the Estate master's dimples, turning them up in a smile. "Turn that frown upside down! I'm about to put on a show!" Lyra pushed her away, fury on her face.

Babi clapped. "Ha! Yes! You hear that Reqart? She-Joker's about to put on one of her famous shows!"

"Yayyyyy!" Reqart said, clapping.

Donovan raised his head from his hand. "I think not, I'm tired, and would like to eat in peace,"

Reqart's face fell. Babi nodded at him. "Just like I showed you Reqart, remember?"

The boy turned to Donovan, sticking out his lower lip and giving the young man puppy eyes. "Pleeeasssseee Uncle?"

Donovan scowled, turning to Babi and pointing to Reqart. "Why would you teach him that? Why on earth do you think I'd be that easy to manipulate?" He glanced at the boy out of the corner of his eye. Reqart continued to plead as his eyes watered. Donovan exhaled, massaging the bridge of his nose. He gestured. "Yes, fine, whatever,"

"Presentttting!" She-Joker said, hopping up on the table and surprising the two Guardian princesses. "The amazing, the incomparable, the absolutely astoundingggggg," The colorful woman paused, pointing to Reqart. The boy leapt up from his seat.


The woman spun, expertly avoiding all the dishes on the table. She stopped, three rings appearing in her hand from seemingly nowhere. She moved one in front of her face, then smacked them together. They connected, then exploded in flames. Everyone in the table leaned back, wide-eyed. She-Joker smacked the rings again, disconnecting them, then began to juggle the flaming rings.

"oooohhhhh," Reqart said, mesmerized.

She-Joker continued, adding more rings that burst into flames. Even the Montre guards and servants lining the walls leaned in, watching intently. The colorful woman tossed the rings in the air. They formed a perfect circle before falling back down in a line. She-Joker held out her sleeve, the rings sliding in despite the tightness of the garment. After they had all disappeared, the woman opened her other sleeve, colored smoke pouring out. Reqart and Babi clapped.

"And now," She-Joker said, placing a boot delicately on a gravy bowl. "For my next act-"

The doors to the chamber slammed open, interrupting her. Princess Ninja lumbered in, followed by two Montre. She came up to Donovan, kneeling as best her hulking form was able. "Master,"

Donovan raised an eyebrow. "Yes? What is it?"

The giant Rook nodded to one of the lizard guards. The Montre walked forward, gripping a young blue-skinned Guardian in his hand. Princess Ilizabessa gasped, standing as she clutched a fist to her breast. Princess Esymia looked alarmed as well.

"We caught one of the Guardians hiding this one as a kitchen boy," Princess Ninja said, her voice rumbling. "Upon further interrogation, I learned he is in fact Prince Galeon of the line of Ulum,"

Donovan dabbed at his chin with a napkin, then set it down on the table. He glanced at Ilizabessa before turning to Princess Ninja. "I thought he was one of the ones Belok killed. Didn't I see him hanging from a cross?"

"A ruse apparently," Princess Ninja said. She took the boy from the Montre's grasp, dangling the young Guardian in the air. The Prince held Donovan's gaze, clearly trying to act brave.

"Well well well," Donovan said, scooting back his chair and standing. "Isn't this an interesting development. Drop him," Princess Ninja obeyed, the boy landing in a heap on the floor.

"NO!" Princess Ilizabessa said, rushing around the table. The Montre against the wall moved to intercept her, but she ducked under their tridents. Running past Donovan's chair, she fell down next to the prince, shielding him with her body. "Don't TOUCH HIM!"

Donovan laughed. He picked up the executioner's mask from the table, sliding it over his face. "Tell me," He said, kneeling down so he was eye-level with Ilizabessa. "Why shouldn't I have him killed? In front of you, for that matter,"

She-Joker cleared her throat. Donovan turned his mask slightly, staring at her. She smiled, giving him a small wave with her fingers. Princess Esymia stood as well, her expression serious. "King Donovahn of Vashn,"

"You don't have to add the last part," The young man said, irritated.

"I know you are not in the habit of listening to the wisdom of those around you, but I ask that you do it at least this once. Sparing the prince would be in your best interest,"

Prince Galeon raised himself from the floor with his hands, though he didn't rise further. Ilizabessa hugged him tightly, staring at Donovan with a fierce expression. Lyra glared between the two Guardian princesses. "My king does not need to listen to conquered royalty,"

"He has not conquered the line of Sarius," Princess Esymia said. "Not yet. And it is not us he needs to listen to, but reason. Prince Galeon would prove valued leverage among the other lines, especially when we reach Agasul,"

A tense silence descended on the room, everyone's eyes on Donovan. He tapped his mask, thinking. "Very well," He said standing. He towered over Prince Galeon and Ilizabessa. "But listen well princess. You walk a fine line with me," He pointed at She-Joker. "She is the only thing keeping you alive, and just barely. One wrong step, one word of disrespect, and I'll kill that prince while you watch, and then it's your turn,"

"Hmmm," She-Joker said, frowning. "Don't think I like that,"

"And I don't care," Donovan said. "I've said my piece, remember it," Princess Ilizabessa continued to hug the prince, staring at Donovan with a guarded expression. Finally she nodded. Donovan sighed. "Well, I think that's quite enough activity for me, enjoy the rest of your dinner everyone, I'll hold court in the morning," He turned, walking towards the door.

"Wait uncle!" Reqart said, running over to him. The boy squeezed him tightly. "Goodnight,"

Donovan hesitated, then slowly lifted his mask and returned the hug. "Goodnight Reqart, sleep well, and don't let these women fill your head with nonsense,"

"He'll be in good company," Babi said, tilting her head as she watched Donovan.

The young man glanced at the princesses, to She-Joker, to finally Babi. "Fucking hell, there's too many of you, Mark can't wake up fast enough," With that he turned and left, his cape billowing behind him.

Montre escorted him to his new chamber in the Theemoth palace. He heard footsteps, glancing behind him to see Lyra. He chose to ignore her, walking through the doors the lizard guards held open for him. Lyra followed.

The room was spacious, with a fine balcony that looked out towards the evening sky. A four-poster canopied bed lay against one wall, and a hearth on the other. There was also a table, and a wardrobe. One of the walls was made of glass. Donovan could see water within, as well as plants and rocks. He approached, furrowing his brow. A shape blurred past, pausing to reveal a mermaid.

"The fuck," Donovan said, turning away. "These elves are messed up," He sighed as he approached the bed, taking his mask off and tossing it on the sheets. He felt Lyra watching him as she stood in the middle of the room, her hands clasped in front of her. Donovan began unlacing his shirt. "Can I help you with something," Lyra slowly approached, her dress shuffling across the floor with a soft sound. She stopped before him, regarding Donovan as he unclasped his cape and folded it. He turned to her, tilting his head. "Well?"

Lyra took a deep breath. "You have always been cold and distant with me, which is your right. I just wish," She paused, biting her lower lip. The Erie master closed her eyes, then opened them again as she stared at Donovan. "I just wish you would understand my service to you, as well as my loyalty,"

"I get it," Donovan said, working his shirt off. He walked towards a free-standing mirror, leaning in and inspecting the brand. It was deep, and raw. "You do a good job around here, I'm not arguing that. And you've been a great help, considering what I've done to your people,"

Lyra followed, standing behind him and gazing at his reflection in the mirror. "I have given everything for you, stood by your side without question,"

"You made my nephew a prince in my absence," Donovan said, studying himself in the mirror and pressing on a bruise. "I'm not sure how I feel about that,"

"It was foolish of me to think you dead," Lyra said, her tone insistent. "But please my king…Donovan," He raised an eyebrow, turning fully to face her. "I did it for you, and for him. As I do everything. I only wish you would accept me by your side. I have only showed you devotion, and a willingness to carry out your will," She raised a hand, gently placing it on the brand in his cheek. "I would kill the one who did this to you, if you would let me,"

Donovan stared at her for a moment, then turned away. "You don't know me Lyra,"

"I do know you!" Lyra said, pressing her fists to herself. "You are Donovan, king of Vashn, the conqueror whose wish is to destroy those who wronged him! Only your mercy has spared so many, but your power cannot be contained when your anger is raised!"

"Stop," Donovan said, giving her a warning glance. "Please. What you call destruction and mercy are anger issues, nothing more, nothing less. You do not know me,"

"I do!"

Donovan turned fully to face her. "Then tell my Lyra! Would you still like me if I did not have my powers! My abilities! If I did not have an army behind me, and masters to carry out my will!"

"That could never happen!" Lyra said, her expression aghast.

"These powers are a gift!" Donovan said, his voice raising in volume. "I was given them, they aren't inherent! Without them I'm just a fucking loser!"

"No!" Lyra said, her eyes brimming with tears. "Do not say such things!" Donovan stared intently at her as she wiped her eyes. She hurried forward, taking his hands in hers. "I do not know how the other heroes gained their powers, but yours! Yours you chose! I have heard the legends of your conquest of Vashn! It was within you to be a conqueror, you chose what you wanted to do, and did it!"

"I delegated," Donovan said, his voice low.

Lyra let go of his hands, raising them to hold his face. "And they had no choice but to obey. They could not say no if they wanted to," She slowly brought her forehead to his. They stood there, the room falling into silence. Donovan slowly closed his eyes as Lyra brushed her hand lightly through his hair. She continued, her voice a whisper. "I know you are alone, that you have no one to share your burdens with. So share them with me. I will be your foundation, your walls and your keep," Donovan opened his eyes. Lyra stared into them, a kind smile on her face. "Your Queen, if you will have me,"

"You have terrible taste in men," Donovan said, his voice trembling.

"It is my choice to make," Lyra said, letting go of his face. She slowly took his hand. "And I choose you,"

"To be my Queen would make you an accomplice to slavery and genocide. To slaughter and terrible conquest,"

"I have seen it first hand. I was born into it, lived it, I know these things you speak of as well as I know you. And now I ask you to make me Queen over it all. To rule alongside you, to protect me from the others who would kill me, as they tried to in your absence,"

Donovan's expression hardened. "Did they now…"

Lyra nodded. "Princess Ninja saved me, for she too understood my devotion. Now I ask again to share your burdens. You do not have to be alone any longer. And neither do I,"

The Erie master led him to the bed. When they reached it, she turned and kissed him passionately. Donovan tried to resist, but couldn't. His tenseness melted, his shoulders sagging. She was right. He was alone. So very, very alone.

Lyra put a finger to his lips, separating their kiss and gazing up at him longingly. "You would be my Queen?" Donovan said, the quiver returning to his voice. "You truly don' don't know what you're saying,"

"I do," She said softly. Lyra took his hand, leading him to the bed. "Let me show you my devotion,"

Donovan paused. "We're not...fucking in front of the mermaid,"

"Let it watch," Lyra said, then grabbed Donovan and pulled him onto the covers.

As they moved around, the mermaid swam within the tank. It appeared at the glass, pressing its hands to the pane, then disappeared in a cloud of bubbles.

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Episode 9: Reunion
The city of Theemoth rose up from the back of the giant turtle-crab, the sky pink with the first hints of sunrise. There would be no sign of the sun for several hours, as the lands of Eo were ringed by a massive wall of mountains. There was still light however. It illuminated a hazy moon that hung over Theemoth as the turtle-crab carried the city forward.

Donovan could see hints of the moon and the pink sky through his mask as he sat in his throne. Beside him sat Lyra, wearing a richly-colored and layered dress. On the other side sat Reqart in princely attire, with a finely stitched coat and a ring on his finger. Both the Erie's and the boy's thrones had been set up that morning by Ulum servants, and now Lyra and Reqart gazed with Donovan out across the chamber.

There were hundreds of figures present. Masters, commanders, advisers, and Donovan's guests. Princess Esymia and Ilizabessa stood to the side of the masters wearing dresses with muted colors and accented with gold and silver trim. Prince Galeon stood next to the red-skinned princess, wearing garments similar to Reqart's. She-Joker and Babi were next to them, speaking in low murmurs to each other, occasionally laughing.

Donovan ignored their laughter and murmurs. They were the only two talking, the rest of the throne room silent as they waited on the young man. Donovan leaned forward in his throne and nodded at a Montre. The lizard guard banged his trident three times, the sound echoing around the hall.

"This morning's court will now begin," The Montre declared. He turned, waiting on the young man.

"Belok," Donovan called. The giant gargoyle lumbered forward, bowing his head. Donovan made a lazy gesture. "How many of your warriors did you lose taking this city,"

"Four-thousand master," Belok said, his voice rumbling through the hall.

Donovan nodded, doing mental math in his head. "Fangson? Your losses?"

The blind leper broke away from the other masters, joining Belok at the bottom of the stairs. "Belok's forces took the brunt of the Ulum's attacks, we only lost a couple thousand, with another thousand wounded,"

"Alright then," Donovan said. He didn't bother asking about the beast riders, as he had seen their losses himself. Instead, he took a deep breath. The next question would have a painful answer. "Shipmaster Greis,"

The robed Uhnut approached the stairs, wringing his hands. "Yes my king,"

"How many warships do we have left?"

"A little over a hundred and thirty," The shipmaster said, ducking his head.

Donovan exhaled slowly. "We've lost too many of those, they're our greatest weapons,"

Master Greis winced. "Yes, this city's spell-wall and their ships destroyed many. We did manage to capture at least a dozen of the Ulum's own warships, though it is taking us time to learn how to use them,"

"The city's spell-wall," Donovan repeated, rubbing his chin under his mask. "Is that the column of magic that took down my floating castle?" Master Greis nodded. "It was powerful, can we use it for ourselves?"

Tokaroaka stepped forward, bowing his grotesque mask. "We have lost many sorcerers in our time here, though the Ulum mages have been forthcoming now that we have settled in the city. As for now, it is a matter of numbers. A great many sorcerers are needed to activate the spell-wall, which we do not possess,"

"Hm," Donovan said, nodding. "We'll get them one way or another. Tell me what you know of Aga-," He paused, gesturing. "Whatever the fuck the name of that city is,"

"Agasul," Tokaroaka said, his limp sleeve hanging at his side. "My spies report great defenses, layers of walls, large towers, fortresses and many gates. They are doing their best to draw up maps, though it is nearly impossible to get inside, and the surrounding country is patrolled by powerful monsters. There is also evidence of a network of magical nodes surrounding the city, though what they are capable of it we do not know,"

Closing his eyes, Donovan tapped the armrest of his throne. "Damn," He murmured, his voice only loud enough for Lyra and Reqart to hear. They both glanced at him.

"Uncle?" Reqart said, leaning forward in his seat. "Is everything alright?"

Donovan opened his eyes. He lifted the executioner's mask slightly, giving the boy a tired smile. "It's fine Reqart, just boring adult stuff,"

"I'm not a child Uncle," Reqart said, his expression insistent. "I can help! I want to save my mother!" He wiped at his eyes. "And…my father,"

A heavy feeling weighed on Donovan. He could see the pain in Reqart's expression. The boy had now lost both parents. "We'll save Mark," Donovan said, forcing a confident tone. "And I will certainly need your help to do it,"

Lyra leaned forward in her throne to give an encouraging smile across Donovan at Reqart. "Take heart little prince, we'll destroy those who hurt your family,"

"And save my father and rescue my mother?"

The Erie woman nodded. "We will do all these things, have faith in your uncle, the king,"

Reqart looked back at Donovan, waiting to see if the young man would agree. Donovan simply nodded, sliding his mask back over his face. He turned back to Tokaroaka and raised his voice. "Taking Agasul will require all our forces, and who knows how many more battles we have in these lands. I want this city's spell wall operational, we'll hammer Agasul with it if we have to, until they're wiped from the face of this world," He cleared his throat. "Or surrender,"

Donovan noticed Princess Esymia prodding Ilizabessa forward. The red-skinned princess seemed reluctant. She glanced at Prince Galeon, who gave her a slight nod. Princess Ilizabessa took a deep breath and walked with Esymia towards the base of the steps. "King Donovahn," Esymia called. "There may be no need to war with the city of Agasul,"

"Oh?" Donovan said, raising an eyebrow. "You think they will surrender?"

Princess Ilizabessa gazed up at the young man, forcing a neutral expression. "They will have no desire to fight," She said, her voice monotone. "The great spirit Liloth has driven the line of Sarius from it, and given the city to the line of Tahzam," She fell silent, glancing away from Donovan.

"The Tahzam Guardians have no desire to fight," Princess Esymia said, taking over. "They will likely do everything in their power to negotiate a peace, for they are schemers and lovers of power,"

"Is that so," Donovan said, tilting his head. "And what would they give for peace and power?"

"Nothing," Princess Ilizabessa said, a hard edge entering her voice. "They will simply offer the former, and trust you are wise enough to avoid bloodshed,"

Donovan thought on this for a moment, silence gripping the throne room. "Well then," He said. "We will give them peace, in exchange for surrender and information. Anything less and they will receive the same fate as the Ulum and whatever your people called themselves,"

A dark expression passed over Ilizabessa's face. She turned away, walking to where Prince Galeon stood as her dress trailed behind her. Princess Esymia nodded. "Very well, I only ask you consider your options carefully. As your sorcerer said, it will be no small task to enter Agasul by force. It may well be the death of you,"

"Thank you Princess Esymia," Donovan said, waving her away. "Your words are depressing as always," She bowed her head slightly, then returned to Ilizabessa and Prince Galeon. Donovan cleared his throat and stood. "I'm sure there's other things we need to talk about, but first, I have an announcement," The young man held out his hand. Lyra rose from her throne, walking up beside him and taking it. "I have decided to take Lyra as my queen,"

The occupants of the throne room reacted strongly; gasps, whispers and noises of discontent. The latter came from the masters. Both Tokaroaka and Belok stepped forward, talking at the same time.

"My king-"


Donovan held up his hand. "Don't, I've already made my decision. Let me make something very clear to all of you. She is now my equal in terms of authority, because her wishes are the same as mine. That means you will do what she says without question, and with respect," Donovan paused, staring down at Belok and Tokaroaka. "And if you don't, I will have Princess Ninja rip you limb from fucking limb," The large Rook appeared from the shadows, taking heavy steps until she stood behind Esymia and Ilizabessa. She glared at the masters. Lyra's expression was defiant. She held her chin high as she surveyed the throne room. Donovan raised his hand and hers into air. "From this day forth, she is Queen Lyra of Vashn,"

The throne room was silent for a moment, then shipmaster Greis took a step forward and raised a fist. "Hail King Donovahn! Hail Queen Lyra!"

The rest of those gathered did the same, their voices shaking the chamber. "Hail King Donovahn, hail Queen Lyra!"

Donovan nodded, satisfied. "Uncle!" Reqart said, excitedly jumping up from his throne. "You're going to have a wedding!"

"We'll hold a ceremony or whatever later," The young man said, letting go of Lyra's hand. "I'm not concerned about it at the moment,"

"Woooooo!" She-Joker said, cartwheeling to the base of the stairs. She threw out both arms, confetti flying from her sleeves. "I love weddings!"

Donovan held up a palm as he settled back in his throne. "As I said, we'll worry about that later. For now, I want us focusing on the city of Agasul," He turned his gaze back to Belok and Tokaroaka. "Am I clear?" Both masters lowered their heads, nodding.

A commotion drifted in from outside the throne room. The doors blew open, Montre guards and Vashn knights flying through the air. They landed on the smooth floor, sliding to a stop. Everyone gasped, Donovan standing abruptly from his throne with a scowl.

"Make way!" A voice yelled. A moment later a figure strolled in, a cape billowing behind them.

Squinting through the slits in his mask, Donovan watched as the figure approached. A moment later he made a noise of surprise. "Justin??"

Justin stopped, sweeping his arm out and bowing low. As he remained bent, Grace and Seth entered behind him. Justin straightened up, a grin on his face. "Donovan Donovan Donovan, is that you underneath that thing? You don't know how GOOD it is to see you!"

"You gotta be fucking kidding me," Donovan said, staring at him in shock.

Reqart jumped up from his throne. "Uncle Justin! Uncle Seth! Aunt Grace!" He ran down the steps, forcing his way through the surprised masters at the bottom. Babi and She-Joker also rushed over, smiles on their faces. The three were stopped as Montre and Vashn knights surrounded Justin, Seth and Grace, leveling their weapons at the new arrivals.

"Try it," Justin said, winking at a lizard guard. "See what happens,"

"Stand down," Donovan said, descending the steps. The Montre and knights obeyed, parting to let Reqart, She-Joker and Babi through.

"Yes yes yes!" She-Joker yelled, leaping each time. She twirled around Seth and Justin, hugging each of them. "My friends!"

Babi ran up to Grace, embracing her tightly. Reqart gave hugs first to Justin, then to Seth, and then squeezed between Grace and Babi to wrap his arms around Grace. "You're all here!" He said, looking up at her with a grin. "You guys came!" She-Joker popped up next to them, embracing the two women and Reqart in a group hug.

"Indeed they did," Donovan said, his voice low as he strolled towards them. He stopped, facing his friends. They slowly turned and regarded him. The young man gestured. "Well? What brings you crashing into my throne room, those doors aren't easy to fix you know,"

Justin laughed, the sound echoing around the chamber. He walked up to Donovan, clasping him on the shoulder. "I hear you're quite the angry man these days! Destroying kingdoms and crashing weddings! And that mask! What a fashion statement!"

Donovan inspected his nails, trying to act disinterested. "This isn't exactly an easy world to live in,"

"And your answer is to destroy it," Grace said, her tone low. She stared at Donovan, a hardened expression on her face.

"Ahhh Grace," Justin said, giving her a gentle push. "Lighten up! It's our boy Donovan, he's just doing his best! Besides," He raised an eyebrow at the young man, giving him a grin. "I'm sure he's not actually planning to destroy it,"

Grace adjusted her grip on her complex spear. "Don't act like we didn't talk about this Justin,"

"I'm here to heal Mark," Donovan said, glancing at Reqart. "And rescue his wife," He decided not to be forthcoming with his true intentions. In fact, Donovan still wasn't sure what they were. He wanted more answers about the world and how to leave it, but they weren't easily found.

"Heal Mark?" Seth said, furrowing his brow in confusion. "What's wrong with him?" Grace looked surprised as well.

Reqart's face fell, as did Babi's. The boy took Grace's hand, his gaze downcast. "Father's…sick. He won't wake up,"

Grace's expression grew very serious. "Take us to him,"

The friends soon found themselves below the palace, in the chamber where Mark was held. Reqart walked past Vashn and Ulum sorcerers towards the suspended crystals, stopping in front of the one that held his father. He slowly turned to face the others, his expression pensive.

Grace slowly approached, followed by Seth and Justin. Babi and She-Joker hung back. Babi hugged herself, unable to look at the crystal. She-Joker simply frowned. Grace stopped in front of the glass, slowly raising a hand and pressing it to the surface. Justin came up beside her, letting out a low whistle. "Huh," He said, glancing over his shoulder at Donovan. "This doesn't look good,"

"What happened," Grace said, staring up at Mark's sleeping form. It was a demand, not a question.

"Something called the Dalteen Blood Curse," Donovan said. "The Guardian's cast it when they learned he wiped out an entire army with his magic. There's no cure, unless we find someone with extreme power,"

Grace slowly turned from the crystal, holding Donovan's gaze. "And where can we find someone like that?"

"Agasul," Donovan said, simply. "We're headed there now," He glanced at Justin and Seth. "I suppose this is a good time to ask why you're here. Are you going to stop me? You certainly got here quicker than I expected. She-Joker especially,"

Justin raised his eyebrows, sucking in air through he teeth. "Donovan, friend, I convinced the others to get here as quickly as possible, using every means at our disposal. Dragons, teleporting, we hardly rested! We care about you obviously, and I know you say you're just helping Mark, but as far as we can tell since entering these lands, you're making quite a mess doing it," He shrugged. "You certainly made a mess of things in Delfanas, and I'm worried you're going a little too hard at this,"

"Eo's a volatile place," Grace said. "And you're still just skimming the surface of it. Keep pressing, and you're going to start throwing things out of balance,"

"So I've been told," Donovan said. "But everywhere I turn the attacks have been unrelenting. Everything I've done has been self-defense,"

"It's not self-defense if you're the one who invaded,"

Donovan gave a small shrug. "Yeah, well, too late to turn back now. I've got over a million refugees in this city, and they're counting on me to not get them slaughtered. Plus," He gestured at Mark within the crystal. "If we don't find someone to heal him soon..." Donovan left the rest unsaid, conscious of Reqart.

Everyone was silent, including the sorcerers and mages. Seth glanced around, then cleared his throat. "Well, my vote is we go to this Agasul place and heal Mark," He shrugged. "I mean, right?"

"Sure," Justin said. "If they'll let us in. But if they don't, then what?"

"They'll let us in," Donovan said, his voice muffled behind his mask. "I've been told the elves in that city don't want to fight. So I'll give them a choice. Open the gates, or I'll open them myself,"

"Oooohhh," Justin said. "Dark, I like it," He glanced over his shoulder. "Grace? What are we thinking?"

Grace stared down at her feet, clearly conflicted. Finally she looked up, her expression resolute. "Fine. But after Mark is healed, we have a meeting. All of us. We're going to settle things, once and for all,"

Donovan sighed. "Alright, fine, heal Mark, have a friend meeting," He turned away from the others. "But first we have to get inside Agasul," Donovan walked towards the door. "And that may mean a fight," No one answered. He paused in the entrance, turning his mask slightly. "I've already eaten, but if you'd like, I'll have the servants make you breakfast,"

Seth's stomach gurgled in response. "Hey man," He said, scratching the back of his head. "That'd be great, teleporting and riding really take it out of you,"

"Very well, take your time in here if you wish, I'll have someone show you to the dining hall when you're ready,"

Donovan walked alone through the corridors and stairwells of the palace. His thoughts were many. His friends were here, but things were tense. It would take a lot of work to get them all on the same page, and Donovan wasn't even sure what that page would be.

These thoughts continued as he passed through the large doors to the throne room. The young man saw it had mostly emptied. Lyra still stood at the top of the stairs, talking down towards the masters. They listened in silence.

"Fangson," Donovan called. The blind Montre, as well as the other masters, turned. "Go among the refugees and find men who can fight. We'll use them to supplement our losses, like last time,"

"Yes my king," Fangson said, bowing his head.

Donovan passed through the gathering, climbing the steps. Lyra smiled at him as he came up beside her. "Is there anything else we need to discuss?" He said, glancing at her. "That's all I can think of at the moment,"

"If you trust me my king, then rest easy. We spoke of what needs to be done in preparation for another battle, and Tokaroaka says we will arrive at Agasul in another couple hours,"

"Very well," Donovan said, making a small gesture as he approached his throne. "Dismiss them," He sank heavily into the chair, removing his mask and setting it to the side. A servant appeared beside him, offering a goblet of wine. Donovan took it, sipping, then placed it back on the tray. The servant remained, keeping the goblet within reach.

"You are dismissed," Lyra said, her voice echoing around the throne room. "Go about your tasks,"

The masters filed out in silence. Donovan watched, trying to gauge their postures. When the doors had shut behind them, he and Lyra were alone in the chamber, save a few servants, and Princess Ninja, who waited by the bottom of the stairs. "Are they giving you trouble," Donovan said, his tone tired. He closed his eyes and massaged his head, feeling drained from the short exchange between Grace and the others.

"It will take time for them to accept to me," Lyra said, sitting on the armrest of Donovan's chair. She began to run her fingers through his hair. He leaned his head back against the throne, letting her. "But they will respect me, or I will send Princess Ninja after them,"

"You two are getting close," Donovan said, his eyes still closed.

He could hear the smile in Lyra's voice. "Yes my king, she has been most helpful to me,"

"Hm," Donovan said, letting himself relax as Lyra gently curled a lock of his hair in her finger.

"Though, as I carry out your will as Queen, we will need to find a suitable replacement for the Master of Estates,"

Donovan opened his eyes, staring into the distance. "I'll leave that to you, I don't know anyone in my court besides the masters and champions,"

"I have someone in mind," Lyra said. "Another Erie, one who served me well. She will make a fine master,"

"If you say so,"

Lyra remained on his armrest, gently stroking his hair. Donovan closed his eyes again, silence descending in the throne room. After some time had passed, he opened them again, leaning forward and prompting Lyra to take her hand away. Donovan took the goblet from the tray and drained it. "I'm going to go find my friends," He said, standing. Lyra stood as well, a pensive look on her face. Donovan glanced at her as he slipped his mask back on. "What,"

"The other heroes," She said, unwilling to meet his gaze. "Are they…forgive me my king, but are they truly your friends?"

Donovan frowned. "Well, it's complicated. They've changed a lot, with the exception of Seth, and apparently Justin. I've changed in a different way," He paused. "I guess that's how life works, sometimes,"

"Again, forgive me my king," Lyra finally met his gaze. "I do not think they respect you as they should. You are a king, after all,"

"No, I'm a hero, which is a term that means I have powers. They're heroes too, with the same capabilities. If Grace or Mark or any of the others desired, they could be kings as well,"

Lyra slowly nodded. "But…they didn't desire it, did they? Only you had the ambition,"

Donovan snorted. "It wasn't ambition, just a playstyle," He began walking down the stairs. "Remember what I said Lyra, you may think you know me, but assumptions will make an ass out of both of us,"

"I do know you," Lyra said, hurrying after him. "And I also know that their feelings towards you may not be what you think,"

Pausing, Donovan turned his mask towards her. "What are you saying, that they're not my friends? I told you, it's complicated. We'll hash it out eventually,"

Lyra looked worried. "If you say so my king-"

"I do," Donovan said. "Please drop the matter," He turn and continued down the stairs. Lyra followed, Princess Ninja falling into step behind her.

The trio made their way through the palace in silence. As they neared an arched entry, Donovan could make out conversation and the clinking of utensils. He passed the two Montre guarding it, nodding as they saluted.

His friends were all seated at a table piled with dishes and glasses. "So then," Justin said, gesturing as he reclined in his seat. "The asshole looks at me, terrified, and goes 'This is madness!' So I say 'Madness? No, this, is, Sparta!' and kicked him off the bridge into the river!"

Everyone laughed, save Grace, who seemed annoyed. Reqart sat next to her and furrowed his brow. "I don't get it, what's a Sparta?"

"Oh yeah," Justin said, leaning forward in his chair and sipping from a goblet. "It's from this show back in our world, ah, what's it called, I forget," He glanced up as Donovan came to the table. "Donovan! You would know this, what's that movie called where-"

"300," Donovan said, gazing around the table. "How was the food?"

Seth motioned with a fork as he chewed. "Oh man, Donovan," He swallowed. "Did you seriously teach them how to make pancakes? I haven't had this stuff in years!"

"A tribe I enslaved had something similar," Donovan said. He sat in an empty seat, Lyra standing behind him. "All I had to do was introduce them to syrup,"

Justin nodded at him. "So I have to ask, what's with the mask?"

"Trust me, I look better with it on,"

"Ha, okay," Justin said. He winked at Lyra standing behind Donovan. "And you got yourself a woman?"

"A Queen," Lyra said, her tone icy.

"Whoa ho HO!" Justin said, laughing. "Donovan, tasting the fruits this world has to offer! I like it! You guys get married and everything?"

"We'll see," Donovan said. "I'm haven't really looked into how it works here, in fact, I still don't really know anything about this world,"

Justin dismissed the notion with a wave. "Ahh trust me, you'll pick it up soon enough. Took me a couple years. Now, personally, as far as women go in this world? I think Mark had the right idea. Get yourself a princess, an especially attractive one at that. I mean hell Donovan, you got two Guardian ones hanging around, and this one," He tilted his head towards Lyra. "I don't know where you found her, but I'd like to meet her sisters!"

"They're dead," Lyra said, her grip tightening as she held Donovan's shoulder. "I am the only one of my family left,"

"Justin," Grace said, glaring at him. "I think you've talked enough," She turned to Donovan. "How long until we reach the city?"

"We should be in sight of it any minute," He said.

Seth scooped up the last of his pancakes, patting his stomach. "Man, I still can't believe you figured out how to make these! I gotta get the ingredients!"

"Uncle makes sure we eat food from home!" Reqart said, beaming.

"Huh?" Seth said, confused. "Weren't you born in Delfanas, or maybe Lerone?"

Reqart shook his head. "No, I mean our real home, where you guys come from!"

"Oh," Seth said, settling back in his chair. "I guess that is kinda your home, in a way,"

"Seth," Babi said. He looked at her, and she shook her head. "Reqart's confused enough already, please don't make it worse,"

"I'm not confused!" Reqart said, furrowing his brow. "Your guys' home is real! And has lots of war!"

Everyone at the table turned and stared at Donovan. His face burned red as he cleared his throat. "Well, the second part's definitely true,"

"It's true here," Grace said, her tone grave. "And we spend every waking minute trying to bring about peace,"

Donovan held up a palm. "No, right. I was referring to the military-industrial complex," He glanced around, seeing everyone still staring at him. "C'mon guys, you remember the Iraq war and shit,"

"Oh yeah," Justin said, laughing. "Wonder if that's still going on?"

"It doesn't matter," Grace said. "We're here, so we deal with the problems in front of us,"

"Sure," Donovan said. "But we're going to have to return one day, so it's at least a little relevant,"

Everyone was silent. Seth raised both eyebrows as he stared down at his plate. "Wouldn't that be something, going home,"

"Home?" She-Joker said, kicking up her legs on the table. "Where's my home again?"

"By the gods we need to get you some help if we ever do return," Justin said, shaking his head at the colorful woman. "And that's to say nothing about Bri, and of course we've got to find-"

Grace slammed her fist on the table, surprising everyone. "That's enough! You're going to confuse Reqart, and there's no guarantee we'll ever leave!" She crossed her arms, glancing away. "So we don't talk about it unless it becomes a real option, and everyone who came here is safe,"

Donovan studied Grace, guarding his expression. Before anyone could respond, a Montre entered the hall. "My king!" He said, tapping the butt of his trident on the ground. "We have spotted Agasul, and they have spotted us!"

"What do you mean," Donovan said, narrowing his eyes.

"Ships approach my king, at least three,"


The Montre shook his head. "Forgive me, we cannot tell,"

"Three," Grace repeated, slowly standing. "Surely it can't be an attack,"

Justin stood as well, stretching. "Sounds like an envoy to me, where should we wait for them?"

"We'll do this with style," Donovan said, allowing Lyra to move back his chair as he rose. "In the throne room. You guys can stand up on the stage with me, and we'll put on a show,"

"Hurray!" She-Joker said, clapping. "I've got a new act I want to try!"

"Not that kind of show," Donovan said, rolling his eyes. "Just a little pomp and ceremony,"

Everyone else got up from their seats, following the young man as he left. She-Joker chatted with Babi and Seth, and Justin hummed to himself as he strolled along. Lyra walked beside Donovan, her expression unreadable, as was her mood.

Once back in the throne room, everyone took their places and waited. Donovan and Lyra sat in the thrones, Reqart taking his seat as well. Grace, Babi, She-Joker, Justin and Seth stood around them, idly waiting. Advisers, commanders and the masters slowly filed in, a low murmur echoing around the chamber. Donovan watched them, doing his best not to dwell on how strange the current situation was, or the conversation that had occurred over breakfast.

As everyone gathered, a Montre rushed in, crossing the hall with heavy footsteps. The lizard guard knelt before the steps to the throne. "My king, the ships are mooring as we speak. It is an envoy from the city Agasul, and they wish to speak with you,"

"Very well," Donovan said. "Bring them here,"

Everyone waited, a tension in the air. "Think they're really not interested in fighting?" Justin said, leaning an arm on the back of Reqart's chair.

"We'll see," Grace said. "Donovan has an entire city of soldiers, and that's not exactly a gesture of peace,"

Donovan intertwined his fingers, resting his chin on them. He didn't bother responding, instead staring at the doors to the throne room. The minutes passed. One of his eyes twitched as he stared through the mask. Footsteps echoed through the doors, then they shuddered as the golems opened them.

At least thirty figures entered the throne room. They wore long flowing white robes, with long sleeves that trailed behind them. Wide-brimmed headdresses rested on their bald heads, and their skin was almost paler then their clothes. Their footsteps were light, their garments making it appear as if they glided across the floor. It was their faces that prompted Donovan to raise his chin from his hands. If they had not had pointed ears, he wasn't even sure he could call them elves. They had no eyes to speak of, or if they did, they were so small and beady they blended into their skin. Their mouths were wide, a few of them smiling and revealing sharp, pointed teeth.

"What the fuck," Donovan murmured.

The Guardians came to a stop before the steps. One of them emerged, his headdress wider and taller than the others. Donovan could only guess him to be a male, as his voice came out reedy, his words long and enunciated. "Great King from beyond the lands of Eo," He said, sweeping his arm out in a practiced gesture. "I, Volnok Oberus, speaker of the delegation of the line of Tazham, bring both greetings and blessings to your halls," He brought his arm back in, clasping his hands together with his long sleeves.

Tokaroaka moved in front of the steps, facing the Guardians. "You stand before King Donovahn of Vashn," The sorcerer paused. "And…Queen Lyra. Speak,"

"A great honor to meet one who has conquered so much," The speaker said, bowing his head. "In so little time, as well," He looked up, turning his head. Donovan followed his gaze, seeing Princess Esymia, Princess Ilizabessa, and Prince Galeon. The trio stood apart from the Vashn commanders and advisers, regarding the exchange. The speaker turned his eyeless head back to Donovan. "The council has ordered me to offer the surrender of the city of Agasul, and that of all its inhabitants. We only ask that you spare us, and turn back your armies,"

"You surrender," Donovan repeated. "Just like that?"

The speaker nodded. "We of the line of Tazham have no interest in war or battles, our desires lie elsewhere,"

"And what of Liloth?" Esymia said, her voice ringing out as she strolled towards the delegation. "You would betray the great spirit? He who drove my own kind from Agasul after my brother conquered it, and gave it in its entirety to your rulers? You think he would spare you for such a thing?"

"Hm yes," Donovan said, resting his head in his hand. "That does seem like a fucking stupid move on your part, switching sides so quickly,"

"Ahhh yes," The speaker said, smiling and revealing his rows of sharp teeth. "Liloth. He is surely powerful. But even a great spirit such as himself can not stand against both your armies,"

"Then perhaps you can tell me where he keeps my sister," Princess Esymia said, narrowing her eyes. "If you are so eager to turn your back on him,"

"Wait," Grace said, stepping forward. "What do you mean both his armies,"

The speaker tilted his head. "You conquered Theemoth, which we give you all due respect for. You caught the line of Baelkadra unguarded outside of their fortresses, killing all their royalty. And then of course, the city of Mayu and its destruction. Again, we give you respect for all of this. We of the line of Tazham are the most pragmatic of the Guardians, and do not wish to be the fourth conquest, for how could we resist your forces here, or the millions you march to join you?"

Donovan narrowed his eyes behind his mask, lifting his head from his hand. "What do you mean the millions I march to join me. I have no second army, and I don't know what the fuck a Mayu is,"

The speaker leaned back in surprise, the other pale Guardians whispering among themselves. "Oh dear," The speaker said, putting a long sleeve to his mouth. "Why, that would mean then there is a second invader inside Eo. Their armies will appear on the horizon any moment, our scouts tell me,"

"Tokaroaka!" Donovan said, standing abruptly from his chair. "Where were your spies! How do I not know about this!"

The sorcerer turned to Donovan, bowing low. "Forgive me my king! I sent them ahead of us, not thinking to send them behind us as well!"

"Not thinking is exactly what you did," Donovan said, his voice dangerously low. He turned to Grace. "And you guys? You just happened to miss another army marching around?"

Grace was clearly shocked. It quickly passed, her expression growing serious. "We hardly stopped on our way here, and teleported for half the journey. We thought you were going to destroy the world by burning down Eo. It was a race against time, as far as we were concerned,"

Donovan's mind churned. His thoughts were interrupted as the speaker made a gesture with his sleeve. "If you will excuse me King Donovahn, perhaps I could convince you to destroy this rival army? As I mentioned, they have already plundered the city of Mayu, killing all within. You however have spared royalty from each of the lines you've warred against, meaning you are reasonable, to be sure," The speaker gazed up at him. "Though, the mask you wear…perhaps we should meet with the new army,"

Horns sounded throughout Theemoth, echoing into the throne room. A Rook assassin rushed through the doors, its feathered cloak fluttering behind it. It came up to Tokaroaka, whispering in his ear. The sorcerer nodded and turned to Donovan. "My king," He said, his voice muffled through his grotesque mask. "The army has been sighted," Donovan rushed down the steps to his throne, Lyra and the other heroes following. The Agasul delegation parted, letting them pass. The Guardians then fell into step behind them, as did the rest of the occupants of the throne room.

The massive group rushed through the halls, their hurried footsteps echoing around them. Donovan led them up a wide staircase to a columned walkway. The walkway ended at a balcony that ran around the palace, hanging out over the city. Donovan emerged into the open air, the sun hidden behind fast-moving clouds. He slowly approached the railing. Behind him, his friends, guests and servants fanned out as they came up to the ledge.

The city of Theemoth moved across a large plain interspaced with rounded stone markers. The markers rose into the air, some of them glowing. Agasul was just barely visible on one side. It was certainly wider then Theemoth, as well as taller. But it was not Agasul that held everyone's attention.

Beyond the plain, the entire horizon was filled with a black mass. It stretched in either direction, and above it, warships and winged creatures flew through the air. Horns sounded from the mass, then colors launched up like fireworks. They exploded in brilliant patterns, forming shapes Donovan couldn't make sense of.

"What the hell is this," He said, gripping the railing. Movement drew his attention. Grace approached, standing beside him. She gazed out at the army, a serious expression on her face.

"It's them," Grace said, her tone grave. Justin, She-Joker, Seth and Babi joined her, all staring out at the army. Reqart pushed between them, struggling to see over the ledge.

"Who," Donovan demanded, watching Grace. Her expression hardened.

"The adventurer's guilds,"

Episode 10: Battle of Agasul
Horns and war drums carried on the wind. Donovan gazed out at the approaching army as they continued to launch colors towards the sky. The invaders were announcing their arrival, and their intentions. The young man's grip tightened on the railing, then he let go. Donovan turned to Grace and the others.

"What do you mean Adventurer's guilds," He said, his irritation evident. "How the hell is this not a game when you have something like that? That's textbook isekai!"

Grace looked confused, but Justin laughed. "I forget," He said, shaking his head. "You're still using your HUD. Keep in mind we don't have them, and took the time to learn the languages here," Justin paused, tilting his head. "Well, with a little magical help, but still. It's a bad translation really, blame Ozadias and his penchant for trying to make things easy for heroes,"

"Bad translation," Donovan repeated. "So they're not really called that? What are they?"

"Well, I suppose if you wanted a short-hand descriptor for them, adventurer would work. But, think of them more like professional mercenaries with strict internal regulation,"

"And they're corrupt," Grace said, turning her gaze back towards the horizon. "Rotten to the core, greedy. They only care about money. Delfanas and the kingdom alliance relied on them for their defense, but the guilds denied them help when the Eastern Empire attacked," Her eyes narrowed. "For no other reason than the Empire had more gold,"

Donovan snorted. "A rather stupid system, if you ask me,"

"They have existed for centuries," Babi said, watching the approaching army alongside Grace. "They weren't always this way. They helped heroes against the Demon King, and hunted evil even if they weren't compensated,"

Grace's angry expression deepened. "But not anymore,"

"There's millions of them," Donovan said, gesturing across the railing. "I have maybe a hundred and fifty-thousand warriors, including my flyers and beast-riders,"

Justin shifted. "Oh it's worse then that. You have soldiers sure, but maybe one in a hundred can cast magic, right? Almost every adventurer in that army knows a spell or two, and they will use them,"

"Dammit!" Donovan said, slamming his fist on the railing. He stared down at the stone, his mind racing. "We'll have to fight a defensive battle here in the city, under no circumstances can we meet them in the field," He turned on the delegation from Agasul. The speaker met his gaze with his eyeless face, raising his head slightly. Donovan curled his lip back. "Well? Are you going to fight as well? Because I'll tell you right now, if you try to make peace with that army, the last thing I'm going to do is use the weapons in Theemoth to raze your city to the ground. Don't test me, I'm petty as fuck when I want to be,"

The Guardian speaker held up his palms. "We will of course defend our city, as you defend Theemoth. Though we will not leave its walls. You must understand this, of course. To do anything else would be foolish,"

"And air ships?" Donovan said. "Do you have them?" He pointed across the railing at the horizon. The guild ships and flying creatures steadily approached. "Because they have plenty,"

The speaker nodded, clasping his hands in his sleeves. "We do, but again I must stress, they will remain over Agasul,"

"Fine," Donovan said, turning back.

The speaker turned to one of his fellow Guardians. "Give word to our masters that the defilers who approach are not in league with King Donovahn of Vashn. They will wish to know this," The Guardian nodded, waving his fingers through the air. Smoke drifted off the tips, forming tiny, shifting symbols. The Guardian made a fist, the smoke disappearing.

Donovan stared as hard as he could, trying to determine how quickly the guild flyers would reach them. "Fangson!" He yelled, not bothering to turn his head. "Belok! Hayume! Man the walls with all our soldiers! Only send the beast-riders out, we'll use them to harass the enemy, but do not engage directly!"

"Yes my king!" Fangson called, standing farther down the balcony.

Belok's giant form turned, his wings forcing commanders and advisers out of the way. "I will give the word at once,"

"Tokaroaka!" Donovan said. "Where are you!"

The sorcerer and several of his kin pushed their way towards Donovan, emerging in front of a group of knights. "Here my king!"

Donovan turned from the railing, sizing the robed Feyman up. "Send your sorcerers out among the soldiers, have them aid them on the walls,"

Tokaroaka bowed. "It will be done," He raised his grotesque mask, looking up at Donovan. "We managed to salvage the crystal weapon from the castle as well, and have set it up on top of the trunk of the city's great tree,"

"Excellent," Donovan said. "You did well, charge it and fire as soon as it's ready. Send all your Rook assassins out with the soldiers as well, they can defend the walls with everyone else,"

"Yes my king," Tokaroaka said, backing away with his sorcerers.

"Hayume! That goes for your knights and the Montre as well! Everyone will man the defenses of this city, no exceptions! Master Greis!"

The Uhnut ship master approached, doing his best to squeeze past the Vashn knights. "Here my king! Right here!"

"Line up your ships around the city, do not let them get too far out. I want them close, so these guild assholes have to cover as much distance as possible," Donovan turned, gauging the guild's flyers as they streaked across the sky. As he calculated in his head, the stone markers set in the surrounding fields crackled with energy. A strange heaviness settled in the air. Donovan furrowed his brow as he watched the markers. He remembered Tokaroaka's words from the reports of the scouts. "What is that? A defense of some kind?"

A moment later, the entire field exploded with electricity. Bolts of lighting surged from one stone to the other. Some of them shot into the air, striking a handful of flying creatures that had broken away from the main formation. They plummeted through the air, then were incinerated as more lighting found them.

"Damn!" Seth said, leaning over the balcony. "They got rocked! Right on!"

The speaker nodded, watching the lightning field crackle between the stone markers. "It will not last long, and we will not be able to do it again. It seems my masters wished to buy themselves time, for the decision to activate the Shield of Agasul is not made lightly,"

Donovan took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. "Alright, buying time is good," He nodded to himself. "We can do this, we just need to turtle up and let them waste men trying to take our walls,"

Justin turned to Grace. "Well? What are we thinking?"

Grace gripped her spear, turning away from the balcony. "I'm going down to the field when the lightning ends. I want to talk with whoever's leading that army,"

"What?" Donovan said, surprised. "Are you serious? No, stay in the walls, I'm not sending anyone out there,"

"They'll send an envoy of some kind," Grace said, strolling across the balcony. The advisers and commanders hastened to get out of her way. Babi followed, as did She-Joker.

Seth glanced between Donovan and the departing women, then grinned at him. "Ahh, sorry man, she's got a plan I'm sure," He hastened after the trio.

Justin shrugged. "You know Grace, we might as well go out with her, I'm sure there will be some sort of meeting before the battle commences,"

Donovan watched as Seth and Justin hurried to catch up. He shook his head, bewildered, then put a hand to his forehead. "Idiots, absolute idiots,"

"Uncle?" Reqart said, coming up to him and placing a hand to his arm. "Are you going down there too?"

Sighing, Donovan nodded. "Yes, I suppose I will," He looked around those gathered on the balcony, finding who he was searching for. "Lyra!"

She was quite close, watching him. Lyra approached, bowing her head. "Yes my king,"

"I'm putting Reqart in your care, have Princess Ninja protect him with her life, as well as the other champions, please. Find the most secure part of this city and hide there,"

Lyra seemed worried. "I would not hide while you go to battle,"

"I'm not going to force you to, but I'm asking, please. I couldn't live with myself if he got hurt while Mark's asleep,"

Lyra held his gaze, then closed her eyes and nodded. "I will do as you say," She opened them again, approaching and putting a hand to his chest. "Just please come back to me safely," She lifted his mask, leaning in to give him a kiss. They stood there for a moment that seemed to stretch.

"I'll try my best," Donovan said, breaking away and brushing past her.

"Be careful Uncle!" Reqart called. Donovan waved at him as he lowered his mask, then followed his friends back into the palace.

Servants waited at the bottom of the steps with his armor. Next to them was Fangson. "I have given the orders my king," The blind Montre said, bowing. He presented the armor the servants held. "And brought this for you. I will go to the walls now, if it pleases you,"

Donovan nodded in thanks, pausing to let the servants approach. They began affixing the metal pieces, tightening the straps around his limbs. He didn't see Grace or the others, but knew where they were headed. After his breastplate was secured, Donovan held out his hand. A servant passed him his sword, which he buckled himself. After inspecting the armor, he turned to Fangson. "Go, see to the defenses," The Montre commander nodded and hurried away, his tail sweeping behind him.

The doors to the palace were hastily opened by Vashn knights. Donovan strolled past, emerging into the highest level of the city of Theemoth. One of the knights approached him, bowing low. "My king-"

"Did you see the other heroes pass this way?" Donovan said, surveying the street.

The knight nodded. "Yes my king, for a moment, then they disappeared in a cloud of smoke,"

"Teleporting, I've got to learn it at some point,"

"Please my king," The knight said, rising. The other ten came up behind him. "Allow us to escort you down, the city is in panic as word of the approaching army has quickly spread,"

Donovan considered it with a tilt of his head. "Fine, I don't need it, but I don't want to waste mana ordering everyone to back off. Follow me to the gate and then go to the walls,"

"Yes my king, at once," The knight nodded to his companions, who fanned out around the young man. Donovan started down the street, the knights ringing him and giving him space.

There weren't many refugees on the top level. Donovan saw a few faces in the windows, and a few watching from doorways. Other than that, the street was taken up by rushing soldiers and the occasional towering golem. They gave Donovan plenty of room as they headed for the walls.

The next level was a different story. As the group passed through the gate, cries reached Donovan's ears. He saw the street filled with people clamoring around each other as they rushed to their homes.

"The king!" A refugee yelled. "The king approaches!"

The crowd turned, running towards the knights and mobbing them. The warriors pushed through as Donovan continued walking. "Out of the way!" A knight yelled, shoving aside a merchant. "Make way! Make way for the king!"

"Save us!" The crowd called.

"There's too many!"

"Save us my king!"

Donovan simply nodded, the knights forcing a path through the crowd. The next level was even more crowded. This slowed their progress. As the mob threatened to overwhelm them, Donovan paused and took a deep breath. "OUT OF THE WAY!" He bellowed. "NOW!"

The power of his voice compelled the city's inhabitants to obey. They parted, opening up a narrow path down the street. Donovan motioned for the knights to continue. They passed people of every race and trade lining the street. Many hung from windows, or crowded doorways. Their voices rose as they shouted at Donovan, begging him to drive back the army and protect them. The young man gave them idle waves of acknowledgement as he walked.

Each level was the same, with more soldiers joining the knights to keep back the mobs. By the time they reached the bottom level, there were no more refugees to be seen, only warriors. They ran past Donovan and the knights towards the walls, calling out to one another. Above, Vashn warships positioned themselves in the air, and Belok's warriors flew about in groups.

Donovan passed through the large circular gate, descending the ramp towards the giant turtle-crab's back. Waiting on the shell was Grace, Babi, She-Joker, Seth and Justin. They turned as Donovan approached. The young man paused, waving away the knights, then continued towards them.

When he reached them he stopped, glancing out towards the horizon. The stone markers were no longer emitting electricity. Instead, faint smoke trailed off them, rising up in thin lines towards the sky. The guild warships and flyers made their way overhead, headed straight for Theemoth and the city of Agasul behind it.

"You decided to join us," Grace said, her tone hard and her expression focused.

"I did," Donovan said, staring at the guild army crossing the field. "Though I still think it's idiotic to do this,"

Grace turned without a word, heading for the ramp leading off the turtle-crab. Justin came up to Donovan and clapped his shoulder. "Good to have you with us,"

Seth nodded. "Yeah man, just like old times,"

"Yeah, almost," Donovan said, his face darkening. "Let's just hope we don't get killed out there,"

The heroes and Babi descended the ramp, reaching the field. They fanned out as they walked across it. Grace took the middle, leading them. Donovan walked on one side of her, while Babi walked on the other. Justin and Seth kept pace to the left of Donovan, and She-Joker walked next to Babi. The line of heroes crossed the field, wind buffeting their hair.

Figures broke away from the guild army, riding ahead. As they neared, Donovan saw they rode strange mounts. Some were lizard-like, while others appeared to be lions and other predators. Grace came to a stop and waited, prompting the others to do the same. The friends all watched the approaching riders, another gust blowing past them.

When the figures neared, they slowed their mounts, the creatures rearing up. The riders dismounted, walking across the field to the line of heroes. They stopped a stone's throw away. Donovan studied them.

The lead figure was a man wearing armor that vaguely resembled a gladiator's. He wore a helm, a battle-axe hanging from his side. Next to him stood a woman in a frilly shirt and puffy skirt, as well as a tilted hat with jewels set into it. On the other side of the gladiator was a bald man in a robe. His face was marked with black dots in a neat circle. There was also a shorter robed figure present, their features masked under a hood. On either end appeared to be twins, a man and a woman. Both were dressed in opulent plate armor, with runes and carvings set into the metal. They both held swords and shields. The shields had crests Donovan didn't recognize.

"Hevak," Grace called, her hair billowing in the wind. "Daisamay, Xerus," She turned her head slightly, regarding the others. "And those who follow you. Your army is not welcome in these lands, turn back now!"

The gladiator, Hevak, took of his helm, shaking his hair free. He laughed, then smiled at Grace as he opened his arms wide. "Well if it isn't the heroes of the Kingdom Alliance! Fancy finding you here!" His eyes found Donovan, his smile widening. "Ah, and you must be the anti-hero we've heard so much about!" He turned back to Grace. "So you stand with him?"

"We stand with the defenseless," Grace said, her grip tightening around her spear. "And those who need our help. It should be the same for you, but you and the guilds are long past that,"

Hevak covered his mouth with a gauntlet, bending over as he laughed. Straightening up, he pointed at Donovan. "He's defenseless? The anti-hero? The conqueror of Vashn? He destroyed the capital of Delfanas, and brought down the gates of Eo! Not to mention what he's done since being here. We found his little field of bodies, by the way. Thousands upon thousands of corpses. Tell me Saint Grace, how is standing with him helping those in need? Do you even hear yourself?"

"He's our friend," Justin called, tilting his head as he watched Hevak with a bemused expression. "A little rough around the edges, but we're going to try and help him with that," Donovan narrowed his eyes, but remained silent.

"Do not speak to me of destruction," Grace called, her tone steely. "We heard of the city your army plundered, and how you left no survivors. We will not let you continue in these lands, for destroying Eo will bring down this entire world,"

"Ha!" The woman, Daisamay said, putting her hands to her hips. "Don't tell you believe those legends! It's fooltalk idiots, stories told to keep adventurer's from trying to get inside here!"

"It is truth," Babi said, taking a step forward. "Don't try and discount the wisdom of generations of scholars! You're just greedy, wanting what lies here for yourself!"

"Oh and you don't?" Hevak said, hefting his axe onto his shoulder. "Am I supposed to believe you heroes are traveling with the anti-hero to, what was it? Stand with the defenseless?" Hevak tilted his head and spat, then scowled at Grace. "Get off your fucking pulpit, we see right through you,"

"Turn back now," Grace said, narrowing her eyes. "I won't say it again,"

Hevak frowned, as if thinking. He turned first to Daisamay, then the bald man Xerus. "Hmm, I don't think we will actually," Hevak raised his chin and grinned at the heroes. "I think we'll stay right here and destroy you, then both those cities. We'll claim this entire land for the guilds,"

Justin laughed. "Really Hevak? What makes you think we'll even let you return to your army? I could wipe the floor with you, hell, I could use you to wipe my ass and you couldn't do a thing about it,"

The gladiator scowled again, letting his axe fall from his shoulders and slam into the ground. "We're not diamond-tier rank anymore asshole. The guilds are changing, and are more powerful than they've ever been. We've trained every day for years, and now claim the rank of platinum adventurers. We're just as powerful as you,"

"I doubt that," Grace said. "Go back to your army and leave Eo, or I will kill you," She rammed her spear butt into the ground, leaving it there. "You will not destroy this world. You will not taint these lands,"

"How about this," Hevak said. He tilted his head towards Xerus. "Tell our forces to attack," Hevak's gaze found Grace again as he grinned. "We'll kill you here, and then do whatever we want,"

Grace roared, ripping her spear from the ground and charging Hevak. "Shit!" Justin yelled, drawing his sword. "Back her up!" He ran forward, Babi, Seth and She-Joker following. Donovan drew his weapon and hurried after them.

Throwing out her hand, Grace summoned dozens of geometric shapes. They appeared around her, rotating, then glowed. Before the spells activated, the robed figure blew past the other adventures, raising palms with strange black lines wrapped around them. Grace's spells fizzled, the geometric shapes disappearing. She screamed in anger, thrusting her spear at the robed figure. They ducked out of the way with ease, gliding backwards across the ground. Grace twirled her spear and charged after.

Justin ran up to Hevak, striking at him with his sword. The gladiator deflected the blows with his axe, then swung the weapon around in a wide sweep. Justin ducked, bringing up his sword and knocking Hevak back. "Give it up," Justin said, smirking. "I'm the greatest swordsman in the lands,"

"Keep talking," Hevak said, grinning. "That makes what comes next all the more sweeter,"

She-Joker skipped towards Xerus, stopping in front of him to wave. "Hello! I've seen you before!" The bald man threw out his sleeves, thin silver hooks erupting from his wrists. They were attached to silver lines, which twisted and zig-zagged through the air as they zeroed in on She-Joker. The colorful woman laughed, black flipping and unleashing a swarm of knives as the hooks chased after her.

Seth blurred across the ground, throwing up dirt behind him. He disappeared, reappearing over Daisamay and throwing down a fist. The woman let out a cry of joy, a glowing staff appearing in her hand. Thousands of tiny explosions appeared above her, throwing Seth up into the air. Daisamay cupped a hand to her mouth, watching as Seth began to fall back down. "You're not as fast as I remember! Perhaps you've lost your touch!"

Seth shrugged as he plummeted. "I was using a pretty nice ring before, and decided to branch out when I used my passive-" He never finished, throwing another punch as he neared Daisamay. She ducked out of the way, the ground she had occupied exploding from the force of Seth's punch. He landed, finding her aiming her staff again. Seth ran low to the ground as he chased after her, ducking and weaving the explosions she summoned.

Babi flicked both wrists as she charged the woman in opulent plate armor. Spears made of light appeared in her hands, which Babi used to swing at the head of her opponent. The armored woman brought up her shield, shoving it forward and forcing Babi to spin out of the way. The Saint stopped, digging her foot into the ground for leverage. Exploding across the ground, Babi brought in her light-spears and began a flurry of attacks on her opponent's shield.

Donovan neared the armored man, who watched him with narrowed eyes. The young man stopped, pointing at him. "Kill yourself," The man froze, his eyes going wide. His sword trembled as he brought it up towards his neck. A flash of black smoked spread out above his head. The robed figure dropped down from the cloud onto the man's shoulder, balancing as they straightened up. The figure pointed at Donovan. The young man felt something tug at his chest, then a force ripping through his pores, as if draining him. His HUD flashed yellow, indicating he had no more mana.

"What the-!" Donovan yelled, stumbling backwards. The robed figure patted the armored man's head, then disappeared in another cloud of black smoke. A second later, Grace barreled him over as she charged after the robed figure with a scream.

Donovan steadied himself, holding a hand to his head. The armored man slowly got back up, readjusting his grip on his sword. He nodded at Donovan. "No more of that, so let's see how long you last with just your sword,"

"Oh…fuck," Donovan said. He held his sword with both hands, planting his feet in the ground. The armored man brought his shield up and charged. He moved with unnatural speed, blurring as he approached. Donovan's martial ability activated, time slowing down around him. He had a moment to move his eyes and take in the battlefield.

The guild army was in the process of encircling them, giving the adventurers and heroes plenty of room as they charged past in slow motion. The warriors were headed straight for Theemoth and Agasul. Above them, guild warships and flyers swarmed towards the cities, the sky filled with explosions that slowly expanded.

Donovan turned his attention back to the armored man just as he came in reach. The young man brought up his sword and swung it with all his might. At the same time, his opponent thrust his shield forward, knocking Donovan with incredible power and sending him into a slow-motion fall. The armored man brought down his sword with his other hand. Donovan hit the ground, rolling away as the sword embedded in the earth mere inches from where his head had been.

Elsewhere, Grace played a game of chase with the robed figure. She continued trying to cast spells, which her opponent canceled with waves of their hand. Grace grit her teeth, lunging forward with her spear. She blurred as she threw herself into the attack, the spear point jabbing a hundred times in the blink of an eye. The robed figure was just as fast, ducking, dodging and weaving to avoid the weapon. Grace's spear caught the hem of their robe. She jerked it back, tearing the fabric. The robed figure jumped backwards, skidding across the ground.

Grace straightened up, pointing her spear at them. "I've seen you before," The robe figure didn't move, simply staring at her from within their hood. Grace twirled her spear as she continued closing the distance. "Yes, now I remember, back in Lerone, in a dungeon," She stopped, pointing the weapon at them. "I didn't like you then, didn't like the feeling I got from you," She waited for a response. The robe figure simply stood there, lowered in a stance. "Well?" Grace said, resuming walking towards them. "Nothing to say? No matter, you'll be screaming by the time we're through,"

The robed figure clapped their hands together. A wall of air blew forward, tearing up dirt in its path. Grace bent her knees and flipped over it. She straightened out, the sun glinting off her armor, then fell back down with a battle cry. The robe figure leapt back as Grace landed, rippling the ground around her.

A ways away, Justin locked weapons with Hevak. The two men circled each other, raining down blows and sending the echo of metal on metal through the air. Faster and faster they attacked, their blades blurring. They both reared back, swinging with all their might. The sword and axe impacted against each other, sending Hevak and Justin flying in opposite directions. Justin hit the ground, forming ruts with his boots as he slid to a stop. Hevak did the same, bringing up his axe.

"Not bad Hevak!" Justin called, wiping sweat from his brow. He raised an eyebrow. "If you'd been this good a while back, you might have been able to save…oh, what was his name again?"

Hevak grit his teeth. "Elrey you fucking asshole. And I know you had something to do with his death!" He took a step forward, bringing up his axe. "Tell me what you said to him that night! Tell me damn you!"

Justin pursed his lips, putting a hand to his chin. "You know, I don't remember. Whatever it was, it must have shaken him up! He died screaming after all…"

The gladiator yelled with anger and charged. Justin's expression turned serious, grass flying as he sprinted to meet him.

Their blows echoed towards She-Joker as she danced around Xerus. The colorful woman paused, putting a hand to her ear. "Oh wow, they're really going at it!" She ducked as dozens of silver hooks shot by, their strings growing taunt. Xerus threw his arms to the side, bringing the hooks around in a wide circle. She-Joker spun low to the ground, continuing her momentum and twirling towards the bald man like a top. She held out her arms, knives flying from her sleeves. They raced towards Xerus. He brought up his leg, then stomped the silver strings, holding them in front of him like a harp. The knives clattered off them, falling to the ground.

She-Joker straightened up and cartwheeled forward. Xerus drove both his fists down, the hooks retracting in the blink of an eye. She-Joker paused, tilting to the side as the silver blades flew past her. She put both hands to the ground and flipped through the air. The bald man threw out one arm, then the other, the hooks launching forth from his sleeves. She-Joker whipped out a club, spinning in the air and knocking them aside. She landed in a pose, then charged Xerus.

Seth continued his own fight, punching the air and ground as Daisamay weaved out of the way. She brought up her staff, explosions trailing outward in a line. Seth blurred out of the way, reappearing next to her and bringing his hands together. He caught her staff between his palms, splintering it into pieces. Daisamay's eyes went wide, then she grinned and stomped the ground. The grass bubbled underneath Seth, forcing him to jump out of the way as fire erupted upward. He landed and tumbled across the grass, coming to a kneeling stop.

"Aww," Daisamay said, inspecting the end of her staff. "This was a gift!" She tossed it over her shoulder, bringing her hands together and working her fingers. "But I'm platinum rank now, and don't really need it," She pointed at Seth and bent her thumb. Balls of fire bloomed forth from her hand, raining down around the man. He shielded himself with his arms, then rolled to the side as the barrage continued. He threw his foot into the ground, stopping, then sprinted towards her with his hands held out. Seth swung one arm, then another, forcing Daisamay back. She frowned, then pointed again, starting a new round of explosions.

Further down the field, Babi rained light-spears on her opponent. She waved her hand, the geometric shapes appearing in a wave. The light-spears continued to pour forth. The armored woman held up her shield as Babi's attacks struck. The spears imbedded, filling the shield like a pin cushion. The armored woman grunted, then dug her heels into the ground and charged. She held out her sword, spell shapes surrounding Babi. The Saint had only a moment to throw herself out of the way as jagged iron spikes rapidly expanded from the geometric shapes.

Babi straightened up, then flicked her wrists. A light-spear appeared in each palm. Gripping them, she charged, ducking to the side as the armored woman swung. Babi came back up, lashing out with her weapons. Her opponent swung her shield around, knocking the light-spears out of the Saint's hands. Babi narrowed her eyes and flicked her wrists, summoning two more.

Donovan could hear the sounds of his friends fighting as he struggled against his foe. The sword shook in his hands, his arms aching from each blow the armored man delivered. Donovan gave up on blocking, changing his strategy to evasion. His martial ability was still active, allowing him to dodge side-to-side as the armored man thrust with his sword. Donovan lunged forward, driving in his saber with all his might. The armored man twisted away, bringing his shield around. The metal object caught Donovan in the side, sending him sprawling.

He hit the ground, his mask tearing from his face. Donovan spat, then pushed himself up. He found his sword, bringing up it as the armored man barreled down on him. The young man had just enough time to lash out with all his might, forcing his opponent to bring in his sword. Donovan's weapon shook in his hand from the blow, forcing him backwards. The armored man stumbled back as well, then found his footing.

"Not bad for someone who clearly has no training," The man said, knocking his sword against his shield. He aimed the point at Donovan and approached. "Let's see how long you can keep it up,"

Grace's roar echoed through the air. She brought down her spear again and again as she lunged after the robed figure. Her opponent's movements were like a river, their sleeves flowing side to side as they danced around her. The robed figure stopped, clapping their hands and sending three successive walls of air. Grace blurred as she drove her weapon forward, blowing through the walls and scattering them. The robed figure disappeared in a cloud of smoke as she neared, reappearing behind her. Grace spun, whipping her spear out and catching the tip of her opponent's hood. She continued the motion, ripping the fabric. The hood fell back to reveal a polished glass skull. The figure jumped back, then slowly brought up their hands, sliding the hood back over its head.

Grace narrowed her eyes. "What are you,"

The figure brought up a finger to its hood, signaling for silence. Grace responded by driving her feet into the earth and charging.

Justin continued his duel, his sword hammering down on Hevak's axe. Beads of sweat trickled down the gladiator's face, his expression totally concentrated. Justin made to swing, stopping at the last moment and ducking down. He brought up the hilt of his sword, catching Hevak in the chin. The gladiator stumbled back. Justin took a step forward, bringing down in sword. Hevak caught his footing at the last moment, shifting to the side. He cried out, blood sailing through the air. Hevak's ear landed on the ground.

Justin raised his sword and pointed it at him. Hevak breathed heavily, taking a moment to glance around. Justin did the same. She-Joker laughed as she spun on the tips of her toes. The two men watched as Xerus threw out his hooks. The colorful woman swept her hat off her head, holding it out and launching backwards as the blades entered the fabric. She bunched up the hat, trapping the hooks inside, then used her free hand to grab the attached lines. She-Joker stomped on the string, pinning it to the ground, then gripped the lines she held in her hand. The colorful woman brought it up with all her strength, sending Xerus into the air on the other end. With the same motion she brought it back down, slamming the bald man into the earth.

"No!" Hevak yelled. His gaze shifted, watching as Babi flipped over the shield of the armored woman and drove spears into both the adventurer's shoulders. The saint straightened up, putting her palms to the ends and driving the spears further in. The armored woman collapsed. "Dammit!" Hevak yelled, stomping the ground.

Seth continued chasing after Daisamay, who had a panicked expression on her face. Her explosions were hurried as she tried to remain ahead of him.

Donovan had taken to simply evading the armored man, finding his martial ability just fast enough to allow him to duck away from each blow. He bided his time, waiting for an opening, though his breathing was ragged.

Hevak snarled, looking back at Justin as he gripped his headwound. Blood seeped through his fingers. "Fall back!" The gladiator yelled, raising his axe in the air. "Fall back!"

Daisamay stumbled backwards, falling to the ground with a scream. As Seth brought a punch down on top of her, the woman disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. Another black cloud appeared next to Hevak. The robed figure emerged from it, gripping Daisamay in one arm. They put the other arm around the gladiator. Hevak allowed it, scowling at Justin. "You're fucking dead," The trio disappeared in a dark puff.

Donovan skidded backwards as the armored man finally caught up. He brought up his sword, deflecting his opponent's weapon. The armored man threw out his shield, but staggered instead. He coughed up blood, falling to one knee. Donovan watched in confusion as the armored man collapsed forward.

Grace stood behind him, her spear sticking out of his back. She walked over the body, ripping out the weapon and holding out her hand to Donovan. "Come on, we need to move,"

Donovan blinked, then took her hand. She hefted him up, then brushed dirt from his shoulder pauldrons. "Thanks," Donovan began, but wasn't able to finish. The ground around them trembled, a noise building in the air. He and Grace looked around them.

Thousands upon thousands of adventurers were closing in. The heroes were surrounded, spells shapes appearing above them in the air. "No," Grace whispered, her eyes widening.

Fire, water, rocks and ice rained down around them. Donovan watched as adventurers swarmed over She-Joker, piling on top of her with their bodies and hacking with weapons. Justin was also mobbed, his sword flashing as he tried to keep the adventurers back. Babi summoned light-spear after light-spear, but was forced to the ground as ice spells pummeled down on top of her.

"No!" Grace screamed, gripping her spear. "Seth! Get Donovan to safety!" She roared, exploding forward and carving a trench through the ground. Her spear lashed out, sending up a wave of screaming bodies. Grace leapt into the air, her spearpoint flashing. The thrown bodies seized up, blood exploding from them as they tumbled back down. Grace landed, driving herself into a horde of adventures and cutting them down.

Donovan watched in horror as warriors closed in on him. He was frozen to the ground, watching as more and more adventurers piled on his friends. Grace continued to send up waves of bodies as she fought her way to the others. Donovan turned, watching a sword near his face in slow motion.

Seth erupted through the adventurers, his face smeared in blood. He slammed into Donovan, wrapping his arms around him. The young man felt his world shift, then everything blurred.

The blur continued, until it abruptly stopped. Donovan blinked his eyes, his head spinning. He collapsed, dry-heaving as he tried to find his balance. When he could finally focus, the young man looked around.

He was back on the balcony at the top of Theemoth. Seth stood next to him, his hands on his knees as he caught his breath. The man straightened up, blood dripping from his face. He gave Donovan a weak smile. "Hey man, it was nice knowing you," Seth disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"NO!" Donovan yelled, stumbling towards the cloud. His hands grasped nothing but air. Donovan slammed his fists on the ground. "NO! NO NO NO!" He reared back and peered up into the sky, dazed.

Above him, Vashn warships and Belok's warriors clashed with the guild ships and flying creatures. Explosions lit up the sky as the ships exchanged spell fire and cannonballs. Donovan's winged warriors and the guild creatures tangled, wings flapping wildly as they struggled against each other.

The young man slowly got to his feet. He approached the railing of the balcony, putting his hands to it and gazing out over the city.

The lower level was in flames. Donovan could see the adventurers had breached the outer wall, and now fought their way up towards the next level. They filled the streets completely, a never-ending river of warriors. The second-level gate was destroyed, Donovan's own forces struggling to defend the breach. Adventures scaled the second wall, driving Vashn soldiers back and tumbling over the other side.

Donovan's gaze shifted towards the field. It was one giant black mass, he couldn't even see the grass. Hopelessness gripped him as he searched for his friends. He could make out tiny explosions in the guild army. Grace, or maybe one of the others, fighting with all their might.

"no," Donovan whispered, sinking to his knees. He shook his head. "no…"

"Uncle!" A voice cried.


"My king!"

Donovan turned his head. Reqart ran with all his might across the balcony, Tokroaka, Lyra and Princess Ninja following after. The boy fell down next to him, shaking Donovan. "Uncle! Where's Aunt Grace! Where's Babi! Where are they!"

Donovan didn't answer, staring at Reqart with a hollowed expression. "My king!" Lyra said, falling down on the other side of him. "We must leave this city!"

"It's true," Tokaroaka said, his voice muffled behind his mask. "We cannot hold it, they will reach the palace before long,"

"no," Donovan whispered. "my friends…"

"Forget them!" Lyra yelled, gripping his shoulders. "We will be slaughtered if we stay!"

His mind went back to the battle, memories flooding it. She-Joker saving him from the Guardians. Justin saying he was their friend, and that they cared about him. Grace killing the armored man. Seth teleporting him away.

"No!" Donovan yelled, struggling to his feet.

"Uncle…" Reqart said, remaining on his knees. He slowly clasped Donovan's cape, his eyes brimming with tears. "Please…save them…"

Donovan glanced around wildly. What could he do? He didn't have any mana left. The young man turned on Tokaroaka, pointing. "Is there a way to transfer mana!"

The sorcerer took a step back, clearly surprised. "Well…yes, there is a spell, but it requires two willing-"

Dropping down next to Reqart, Donovan placed both hands to the boy's shoulders. "You said you wanted to help, right?"

Reqart nodded, tears falling from his face. "Anything…I'll do anything,"

Donovan stared intently at the boy. "Then give me all your mana,"

Reqart stared a beat, then wiped away his tears with the back of his hand. He nodded. "Okay, I'll do it! You can have it!"

"Tokaroaka!" Donovan yelled.

The sorcerer stepped forward, placing a hand on Reqart's shoulder. He put the other on Donovan's. "This is…dangerous, my king,"

"Just do it! Reqart has a HUD, it will stop the spell before it kills him!"

Tokaroaka took a deep breath, then murmured the words to the spell. The air around Donovan and Reqart shifted. The end of Tokaroaka's hands glowed red, then white and blue energy flowed around Reqart. It launched forth from his chest, surging into Donovan. The young man was knocked back against the railing.

The energy continued to flow into him. Donovan struggled against it, feeling every cell in his body exploding with power. Finally the white and blue light died. Reqart collapsed backwards, unconscious.

Donovan struggled to his feet, Lyra and Tokaroaka rushing to help him. "Go!" Donovan yelled, pushing them away. "Get Reqart to safety!" Both the Erie woman and the sorcerer stared at him a beat, then turned and bent down to pick up Reqart. "Tokaroaka," Donovan said, putting a hand to his head as he felt the mana flow through him. The sorcerer paused, turning his mask. Donovan pointed at him. "Amplify my voice,"

The sorcerer nodded. He waved his hand through the air, mumbling words to a spell. A glowing triangle appeared in the air over the railing. Donovan turned to it and took a deep breath, collecting his thoughts.


Donovan stopped, breathing heavily. His body glowed, his HUD appearing and flashing yellow. He watched his mana meter drain. The sounds of battle dimmed below him, then a new sound started up.

The young man gripped the railing and looked out over the city. Doors slammed open and windows shattered as shapes leapt out of them. Carts were overturned and shingles slid from rooftops. The streets slowly filled, the entire city shaking. Donovan could make out tens of thousands of figures rushing like a river, jumping over each other and falling back down. The city continued to shake.

Donovan stared at the glowing triangle. "BELOK!" He shouted. "TO ME!" The young man took a step back and waited. After a few moments, a shadow fell over him. The giant gargoyle landed on the railing in front of Donovan, the stone cracking under his claws. One of Belok's wings was torn, and arrows stuck out all over his body. Dark blood seeped down, dripping on the railing.

"Yes master," He said, gazing down at him.

Donovan stared back up at the gargoyle. "Take me down over my city," He pointed at the plains where the guild army gathered. "Find my friends!"

The gargoyle nodded. He flapped his wings, lifting up in the air, then picked up Donovan in his claws. Dangling in the air, the young man looked down, swallowing as realized how high he was. Belok flapped twice, then soared down.

They flew over the streets, the wind tearing through Donovan's hair. Refugees surged along, men, women and children. Many of them dropped to all fours as they sprinted.

Belok carried Donovan over the walls, past the different levels of the city. As they neared the bottom layer, the young man watched as the refugees impacted against the adventurers. The warriors cried out in alarm as their limbs were torn from their bodies. The refugees were unrelenting, climbing over them and ripping off their armor. Mobs of children weighed down adventurers, biting into them with their teeth. Elderly men and women jumped down from roofs, landing on the backs of the warriors and bashing them with their fists. Men held warriors as women disemboweled them with their bare hands. Screams rose up from the streets as the adventurers were overcome.

The wave didn't end. The refugees continued to sprint at full speed, groups of them stopping to tear apart any foe they found. They burst forth from the main gate of Theemoth, the force of their movements pushing the adventurers from the shell of the turtle-crab. The warriors cried out as they plummeted to the ground.

Belok flew through the air, carrying Donovan over the carnage. The young man watched as the horde of refugees tore down the ramp into the army waiting in the plains.

"There!" Donovan yelled, pointing down among the guild army. He caught glimpses of spells and the flash of metal. He could see Grace at the top of a pile of adventurers, her spear driving down as they clamored up towards her. The thundering horde of refugees leapt like animals onto the army, ripping into them with an unnatural frenzy.

The adventure's battle lines seemed to waver. Horns began blowing. Confused yells rang out, followed by screams. The rear of the guild army broke into a retreat, the rest following.

The refugees didn't stop.

They continued, tackling the retreating warriors and driving them to the ground in waves. Limbs flew into the air as the refugees savagely attacked. Belok brought Donovan down towards the ground. The young man watched as the pile of adventurers fighting towards Grace was pushed over. They screamed as the refugees washed over them.

Donovan's feet touched the ground, Belok letting go. He surveyed the battlefield as the gargoyle landed beside him. Cries rose up as horns continued to blow. Donovan saw Grace freeze as men, women and children tore past her, lighting into the adventurers and pulling their limbs from their bodies. She-Joker slowly rose from another pile of corpses, her clothes torn and her skin covered in blood. Seth rose up as well, followed by Justin and Babi. All of them could barely stand, their clothes and armor drenched in red. Their turned around in slow circles, watching the refugees surge around them.

Grace's gaze fell on Donovan. The others did as well, regarding him with bewildered and shocked expressions.

Donovan stared back at them, his face dark. He slowly turned, watching as the horde of refugees swept over the retreating guild army.

The cries continued, drifting up into the air.

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Episode 11: Journey to Madness
Wind buffeted Donovan's hair as he walked across the field, a second gust tugging at his cloak. He was surrounded by corpses. Adventurers, tradesmen, farmers, elderly, and…Donovan closed his eyes. His boots sunk into the earth as he made his way towards Theemoth. He wouldn't look. Couldn't look. It was too much to think about.

"Donovan!" A voice yelled. He ignored it, his eyes still closed as he walked. "DONOVAN!"

The young man paused, opening his eyes. He could sense Belok behind him, but it wasn't the giant gargoyle who had called his name. Donovan slowly turned. Grace was storming towards him, her hair matted with blood. She gripped her spear tightly. Behind her, Justin and Babi supported Seth and She-Joker as they stepped over bodies.

Grace came to a stop in front of Donovan. A small corpse lay between them, heaped over the body of a dismembered adventurer. Grace's expression was furious. "What. Have. You. Done."

"I did what needed to be done to save you," Donovan said, his voice monotone, his expression empty.

"What you did…" Grace said, her shoulders shaking. "Goes against EVERYTHING we've dedicated our lives too! You sacrificed innocents for us!" She gripped her blood-stained hair. "It's supposed to be the OTHER way AROUND!"

Donovan's gaze fell to the child's corpse between them. "I'm not like you," he said, turning away.

Grace's hand shot out, grabbing his shoulder and pushing him back to face her. "DON'T turn your back on me! We are NOT done talking!" Seth and Justin reached them, stopping a respectable distance from the pair as Justin held up Seth. Babi helped She-Joker until they stood directly behind Grace. The saint's expression was clearly shell-shocked, and all four of them were covered in blood, their clothing and armor torn. Grace's expression was still etched with fury. "What you did was unforgivable, using your power to control people and…send them to their deaths…"

Donovan nodded, still feeling empty. "Very well," He said, making to turn.

"No!" Grace yelled, her hand reaching out again. She found her way blocked by Belok's arm. The giant gargoyle peered down at her, exhaling through his nostrils.

"Master," Belok said, shifting his gaze towards Donovan. "Would you like me to carry you back now…"

Donovan didn't respond at first. He and Grace stared at each other, she in anger, he with a blank expression. "No," He said, his voice low. "I think I'll walk," Donovan turned and resumed making his way towards Theemoth. He continued stepping over corpses, both adventurer and refugee. The full weight of what he had done began to press down on him, and his response was to block out the tsunami of feelings.

"DONOVAN!" Grace yelled.

He didn't turn, Justin's voice drifting over his shoulder. "Grace, She-Joker needs help, Seth too. Let's get them back to the city, the-,"

"No! Look around you Justin! Are you blind! Do you not see I see! He sent innocent people to be slaughtered!"

Donovan closed his eyes tightly, nearly tripping over another corpse. Belok's large hand closed around his shoulder, keeping him upright. Donovan continued on, Justin's voice growing distant. "Grace…I…we just need to help our friends, then we'll talk. She-Joker can hardly stand, and look at Babi,"

A Vashn warship impacted into the ground in the distance, clearly unable to stay airborne. The ground trembled, giving Donovan pause. He waited, his attention drawn by movement. An adventurer dragged himself across the ground, crying out for help in a weak voice. Donovan watched as a woman in torn clothing broke away from a group of refugees. She sprinted over, scooping up a stone from the earth. The young man froze, watching wide-eyed as she lifted the rock over her head, then brought it down with all her might on the adventurer. Her expression was strained, her eyes hollowed. The adventurer jerked, then stopped moving.

Donovan stood still as blood trickled around his feet. Belok scratched himself. "Master…" Nodding slowly, the young man placed one foot in front of the other, willing himself forward. He continued towards Theemoth.

The ramp leading up towards the shell of the turtle-crab was littered with bodies. Belok moved ahead of Donovan, sweeping away the corpses with his good wing, as well as his claws. A helmet fell loose, rolling down past the young man. He watched it hit the bottom, the metal sound echoing up towards him. Donovan stared for a beat, then raised his gaze to survey the field.

A large black mass moved around the grass. It was disorganized, groups of figures breaking away and stumbling. Donovan guessed his orders had been completed, and now the command was wearing off. It would only be a matter of time before the refugees returned to the city. Or at least, what was left of them.

Donovan resumed his slow trek up the ramp. Belok waited for him at the top. The giant gargoyle had also taken a moment to survey the field. As the young man reached him, Belok pointed outward with a wing. "Our enemies are defeated my king, and you have lived to see it. That is all that matters,"

"I'm afraid that's not true Belok," Donovan murmured, passing the gargoyle. "But only time will give clarity to that,"

Once through the ruined gate, the young man passed heaps of bodies. Vashn soldiers were busy piling them, both refugee and adventurer. Anything of value was stripped. The soldiers paused as Donovan passed, nodding to him.

"My king," One of them called. He raised his spear. "We have victory!"

"Hm," Donovan said, barely acknowledging him.

"Get back to work," Belok said, his voice rumbling. "Have these bodies burning in the field by sundown,"

The soldiers shared glances. "Commander Fangson said we are to make-"

"I do not care what Fangson said, just get these bodies out of sight,"

The soldiers nodded, one of them pointing towards the gate. The others called to nearby warriors for help. They lifted corpses and began hauling them towards the smashed entrance. Birds of prey circled overhead, filling the air with their caws.

Donovan passed the dead as he climbed. The other levels were empty, save the occasional group of Rook assassins or Vashn knights. They all paused in their work to bow towards the young man as he passed. He didn't acknowledge them, continuing towards the palace.

When he reached the opulent stone structure wrapped around the base of the tree, Donovan paused. He gazed up at it. It was still, seemingly empty. Flags flapped lazily in the wind. Donovan climbed the stairs to the entrance. There were no Montre guarding it, so he waited as Belok pulled the doors open for him.

Donovan heard a voice as he entered. It echoed through the hall, as did the sound of hurried footsteps. "Uncle!" Reqart, as well as Lyra, Princess Ninja and Tokaroaka rushed towards him. His nephew stopped in front of him, hugging him tightly. The boy looked up at Donovan, clearly worried. "What happened! Are Aunt Grace and the others alright?"

Nodding, Donovan patted his shoulder, though his expression was still empty. "Yes," He said, his voice barely above a whisper. "They're wounded, but…I imagine they'll be healed soon enough,"

"My king!" Lyra said, coming up behind Reqart. She seemed elated. "We saw everything! None can doubt your power now!"

"No," Donovan said, not meeting her gaze. "I don't imagine they can," He patted Reqart's shoulder again, then brushed past them.

Tokaroaka cleared his throat, the sound muffled behind his grotesque mask. "Master, we received word from Agasul moments ago. They wish to meet,"

"Very well," Donovan said, walking slowly across the hall as his footsteps echoed. "I'll meet with them. But first, I need a bath. Have a servant lead me to one, if you would,"

Belok followed. Donovan could feel the eyes of the others as exhaustion weighed him down. "Uncle!" Reqart called, rushing to catch up with him. "You used your magic to control the puppets! Lyra told me it was amazing!"

"Puppets," Donovan repeated. "I thought your father didn't want you using that word,"

"Well," Reqart said, walking next to him. His expression was conflicted. "I…know, I just forgot,"

Donovan nodded, more to himself than anyone. "You seemed to have recovered, I was worried when you collapsed after you gave me your mana,"

Reqart straightened up, puffing out his chest. "I'm fine uncle, I told you I could help,"

"That you did, and I couldn't have done it without you. Grace and the others are saved because of you,"

"I want to have magic like you! I want to defeat enemies and be powerful!"

Donovan's shoulders sagged slightly as he reached the far doors. An Orga servant slipped from a side entrance, bowing her head as she approached. Tokaroaka's voice carried from behind Donovan. "The king wishes to bathe, lead him to the chamber and gather more servants,"

The young man turned to Reqart, a sad expression on his face. "You don't want these powers Reqart. I don't think Grace considers me a friend anymore,"

"Why?" Reqart said, confused.

"It's…complicated. Now, if you wouldn't mind, go with Lyra. She'll watch over you until the others arrive. You'll want to be here when they do,"

The boy still looked confused, but slowly nodded. "Alright…I will,"

Donovan turned and gestured weakly at the servant. "Take me to the baths," The Orga bowed and turned. The young man followed her through the side entrance. Past a curved hall, they entered into a long promenade lined with columns. Small gardens grew on either side. A group of servants was gathered in one, huddled together as they whispered. Their whispers died as Donovan and the Orga passed.

"The king wishes to bathe," The servant called, motioning them over. "Come at once and help him," The servants rushed over, falling into step behind Donovan and the Orga. They left the promenade and entered a wide chamber with a low ceiling. Mosaic tiles adorned the floors, walls, and ceilings. In the center was a large pool with statues around the edge. Donovan stopped before it, peering into the water. The Orga turned to face the other servants. "You four go down and heat the furnace. The rest of you stay here and help the king undress,"

Donovan continued to stare down at the water as he thoughts whirled around in his head. Steam began to rise off the surface. Two of the servants approached, one reaching out and unbuckling his armor plating.

"Stand back," A voice said. "I will assist the king,"

The young man turned, watching Lyra approach. The servants bowed and backed away. "I thought I asked you to stay with Reqart," Donovan said, turning back to the water.

"The other heroes have arrived, and he is with them now," Lyra said, her voice soft. The words echoed across the pool. She came up behind Donovan, her hands reaching out and gently unclasping the latches to his breastplate. It sagged, then Lyra slid it off. Donovan remained motionless as she moved around him and undid the rest of the armor.

Servants approached with rags as Lyra set the last of the metal pieces on the floor. She took a step back, allowing them to wash the blood from Donovan's face and hands. Once they were done, the young man walked down the steps into the heated water, ripples trailing out across the surface. He kept walking until he reached the other side, slowly turning and leaning back against the ledge. Donovan closed his eyes.

He heard Lyra's footsteps as she walked around the edge of the pool. The Erie queen knelt down behind him, laying out across the tiles and propping herself up with an elbow. Servants hastened to bring her cushions. Lyra rubbed his shoulder with her free hand as Donovan kept his eyes closed. "You did well my king," Donovan didn't respond. She continued caressing his shoulder, moving her fingers to his arm. After a while, footsteps caused him to open his eyes.

Grace entered the pool, flanked by Justin, Seth, Babi, She-Joker and Reqart. The heroes still wore their armor, and were splattered with blood. Seth and She-Joker seemed able to stand. A part of Donovan guessed someone had healed them, or perhaps they'd cast the spells on each other. Servants approached, silently undoing their armor and undressing them. Justin smiled in thanks, as did Seth. Grace didn't move as she allowed the servants to slip her breastplate from her shoulders. She gazed at Donovan with a stony expression.

The servants washed the blood from their faces as Reqart leapt into the pool. He laughed as he surfaced, seemingly unaware of the tension in the room. When the servants had finished, Grace walked purposely into the water, the others following. Lyra slowly got up, standing behind Donovan. The heroes waded across the pool until Grace stopped a distance in front of the young man. She didn't bother covering herself, instead lifting her chin as she regarded Donovan.

"She-Joker," Donovan said, nodding slightly. "Seth. You seem to have recovered from your wounds,"

"Yeah," Seth said, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. "We uh…we took care of it,"

"We need to talk," Grace said, her tone low.

Lyra shifted behind Donovan. "The king is resting, you will have time to speak with him later,"

Grace's eyes shifted up to the queen, her expression still hardened. "I was not addressing you," She turned back to Donovan. "What you did during that battle was unforgivable,"

"He saved you," Lyra said, a hard edge in her voice. "The city would have been lost had he not done what he did,"

"I was not addressing you!" Grace yelled.

The volume caused Reqart to flinch. He swam up to her, concerned. "Aunt Grace? Uncle says you might not be his friend anymore, but please don't be angry with him,"

"Grace," Justin said, clearly pained. "Maybe we shouldn't do this in front of Reqart,"

"No," Grace said, narrowing her eyes. "He needs to know exactly what kind of person Donovan is. Someone who uses his power to hurt others, and force innocents to do his will,"

Reqart's concern grew as he continued looking at her. "But, he saved you…"

"No," Grace said, briefly glancing down at Reqart. "He didn't. He traded thousands of lives for a few. A terrible price that should not have been paid,"

"Well…" Reqart said, tilting his head. "They're just…puppets Aunty Grace, it's okay. They'll come back,"

Grace grew red with fury. She gestured at Reqart as her eyes bore holes into Donovan's. "Look what you've done to him! Look what you've taught a child! You've corrupted him, on top of everything else you've done! Do not you not feel shame! Are you so far gone that this is okay to you!"

"I…" Donovan began. Seth turned away, and Justin frowned. She-Joker looked worried, but Babi stared at him with the same angered expression Grace wore.

"No! You look ashamed, but are you really! Do I have to explain to you why what you did was wrong!"

Donovan shook his head, meeting her gaze. "No, you don't. But it's over Grace. I can't bring back the dead…"

"No," Grace said, taking a step forward in the water. "You can't, and I do not know whether to kill you, or hand you over to the survivors for them to do it themselves,"

"Enough," Lyra said. Donovan could feel her towering over him. "The Guardians of Agasul wish to meet, and my king has agreed. You are free to leave at any time,"

Grace tilted her head as she eyed Lyra. "One more word out of you, one more word from a lost soul defending a monster, and I will take your tongue. We are not leaving. There will be justice for what has happened,"

"Grace…" Justin began.

She turned on him, pointing a finger in his face. "Do. Not. Defend him. I will not be made the enemy here. You know as well as I do his sins. We have allowed them go on long enough,"

Donovan moved away from the ledge, straightening up in the water. Grace slowly turned to face him, as did the others. "I would ask that you allow them to continue a bit longer," He said, his voice a murmur. "I'm going to heal Mark, and get Reqart's mother back. Then you can do with me whatever you want,"

Grace scowled at him, her hand curling into a fist above the water. "We don't need you for that,"

"You're wrong," Lyra said, defiant. "You could not command King Donovan's armies, and only they will get you further into Eo,"

Grace made to respond, but Donovan cleared his throat. "Grace, I'm not arguing with you. You want justice, you can have it. Just let me heal Mark first,"

Silence descended on the pool. Everyone stared at Donovan as he gazed down into the water. Finally Grace inhaled slowly, then exhaled. "You think you're buying yourself time-"

"I'm not,"

"No, you're not. You will give us your armies, and you will accompany us as far as we need until we find a way to help Reqart's parents. Then I myself will decide your fate. There will be no mercy when I do,"

Everyone waited. Donovan slowly nodded, meeting her gaze. "Alright. That's fine,"

Grace turned, brushing past the other heroes as she left the pool. Babi glared at him, then did the same. She-Joker frowned and flipped out of the water, landing neatly on the side. She walked around the edge. Seth glanced at Donovan, then shook his head and followed Grace. Justin was the last to go. His expression was saddened. Sighing, and without looking at Donovan, he too turned and left.

Reqart looked between the two groups, conflicted. Donovan gestured. "Go with them Reqart if you want, I'll be out shortly," The boy looked like he hated what had transpired, quickly turning and swimming away. Donovan watched everyone leave, until he was alone with Lyra.

"They are not your friends," she said, her tone icy. Donovan didn't respond. He turned, lifting himself out of the waters. He straightened up in front of Lyra. She smiled, moving in to kiss him. Donovan moved his head, then walked past her.

After the servants dried him, Donovan dressed himself in dark gray clothing with a ruffled collar. As he stood in front of the mirror, the young man briefly touched his cheek, the brand still raw. He glanced around for another mask. There were none in the room, prompting Donovan to leave.

Lyra and the other masters waited for him as he emerged from his chambers, following the young man as he walked through the palace. "Master," Tokaroaka said, hastening to keep up with Donovan's pace. "The refugees are returning to the city, and many are angered,"

"There may be a riot," Fangson said, his voice gruff.

Donovan listened, his mind clearing as his thoughts drifted to Mark. "Under no circumstances are you to allow them to enter the palace. Use whatever soldiers we have left to keep the peace,"

"Do you wish to hear our losses?" Fangson said. The blind lizard's tail swept behind him as his claws clacked on the floor.

The group emerged into the main hall of the palace. The heroes were all gathered, both Justin and Babi speaking with Grace. They were all dressed in new clothing, likely provided by the servants. Princess Esymia was also present, as was Ilizabessa and Prince Galeon. "No," Donovan said. "It doesn't matter. I just need to meet with the elves from Agasul and get moving again,"

Princess Esymia took a step forward, her hands clasped in front of her. "King Donovahn," The heroes paused their talking, all turning to watch her. The Guardian seemed undaunted. "You have survived the battle I see,"

"I have," Donovan said. He continued walking towards the entrance to the palace.

"You have suffered many losses. Did you notice that the line of Tazham did nothing to assist you?"

Donovan paused. He glanced over his shoulder at the princess, who cast her gaze down to the floor. She acted as if she were simply commenting on the weather. "Get to the point," He said, his voice low.

"The reason you suffered so in the battle was because those in Agasul decided to await the outcome. They are not your allies, they would have turned on you in a moment if you had lost,"

"Yes," Donovan said, slowly. "That is…certainly the impression they gave off,"

Princess Esymia slowly lifted her eyes to meet his. "And how will you reward their scheming?"

Donovan turned fully to face her, his eyes narrowed. "Do you not like them? Why are you telling me this?"

"Because they will likely fill your ears with praise for defeating the other invaders. They will promise you all manner of titles and treasure. Do not trust them. They will kill you in an instant if they think you are weak,"

Silence gripped the hall. Finally Donovan nodded. "Very well. Would you like to accompany us to the city?"

Princess Ilizabessa and Prince Galeon started forward, coming to either side of Esymia. The Guardian shared a look with both of them, then turned back to Donovan and nodded. "We will come,"

Donovan glanced over to Grace and the other heroes. "And you guys? Are you coming as well?"

"Yeah," Justin said. "We're coming,"

Reqart peered out from behind Babi, smiling and waving at Donovan. The young man nodded. "Hayume, bring with us a small detachment of knights and Montre. Fangson, stay here with our remaining forces and protect the city. Princess Ninja, you can come as well,"

The blind Montre bowed. "It will be as you say my king,"

"Master," Tokaroaka began.

"Wait here," Donovan said. "You and the other masters are in charge with Fangson while we meet with the elves," Without another word, Donovan made for the entrance to the palace. The heroes, as well as the Guardian royalty, silently followed.

The group left the city in a transport, which landed in front of Agasul's walls. Donovan and the others disembarked in silence and walked across the field towards one of the entrances. The city rose up before them. There were at least three raised sections, each one as wide and tall as Theemth. The upper levels were wrapped in walls, with towers and buildings rising up out of them like sky-scrapers. The rest of the city poked up from behind the main walls encircling the massive metropolitan.

Airships hovered above the city. One of them caught Donovan's attention. It was the largest one he had ever seen, and appeared to be made of white stone. It was oblong, the middle thick with circular rings and the ends tapering out into rounded points.

Once they reached a gate as tall as Donovan's old floating castle, they stopped. The doors were metal and etched with symbols. The entrance towered over them, tiny black figures visible at the top. The group waited until a great groaning sound echoed from the gate. One of the doors opened slightly, the groan echoing across the plain.

Several of the pale Guardians emerged. They were dressed in the same flowing robes the delegation had worn, as well as the wide-brimmed headdresses. Most of them stopped immediately, save one, who approached and bowed his head.

"Greetings King Donovahn," The speaker said, opening his arms wide. "Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on your victory,"

"Take me to your rulers," Donovan said, his voice quiet.

The speaker smiled, his pointed teeth gleaming. "I'm afraid we cannot allow that at the moment, for we are recovering from the battle. But rest assured as soon as we are ready, you and all your court will receive the grandest feast within our walls, as well as a meeting with the king and queen of the line of Tahzam. They will wish to thank you for driving back the army of defilers. In the meantime, they have given me full authority to assist you in whatever you may need to replenish yourselves in Theemoth,"

Donovan sensed Princess Esymia shifting behind him. He narrowed his eyes at the speaker. "I don't have time for that. We need someone in your city to heal one of our friends. Now."

"Yes…" The speaker said, tilting his head, as if grieved. "I have been told that one of yours is afflicted with the Dalteen Blood Curse. That is…most unfortunate. I wish that we could help in such a matter, but unfortunately, there are none in Agasul who could even begin to understand the curse,"

"Then where is someone who can," Donovan said, his tone growing louder, as well as hard.

The speaker turned to those behind him, as if consulting them. No words were spoken however, and the Guardian faced Donovan again. "Where indeed great King…certainly none of the Guardians. Though…perhaps…"

Donovan waited, though the speaker simply put a sleeve to his mouth, covering it. "Don't test me elf. Speak before I get angry,"

The speaker lowered his sleeve, a wide grin on his face. "There is only one I can think of, and that would be the great spirit Liloth. Only he has such power,"

Nobody spoke. The wind drifted past them, tugging on everyone's clothes. Grace moved, and Donovan sensed Princess Esymia about to step forward as well. Before either of them could however, Donovan spoke. "Where is he,"

The speaker's grin shrank slightly. "Ahhh, the great spirit resides in the pit known as Ortahem, a place of mystery and power. There is no doubt you will be unable to bring your army, as the lands are treacherous and difficult to navigate. Few even of the Guardians have entered and returned to tell the tale,"

Donovan heard Princess Esymia inhale sharply. His eyes drifted up to the sky, where the Tazham airships waited. "We'll go there then," He pointed at the largest. "And we'll be taking that,"

The speaker recoiled, frowning while showing his teeth. "Ah…I'm afraid we cannot give you the great warship Tangriel, as it is needed for-"

"You will give it," Donovan said. "And maybe I won't destroy your pathetic city as I did the adventurer guilds. That is my price, for offending me by not inviting me inside. If you don't like it, I'll start my slaughter with you,"

The speaker froze, then his frown slowly turned to a smile. "Surely you would not attack ones such as-"

"Princess Ninja," Donovan said. The lumbering form of the Rook shot forward, scooping the speaker up by the neck. She dangled him in the air, his feet kicking. Donovan turned his gaze to the other Guardians standing by the gate. "Bring me that ship. Now."

They talked among themselves in hushed whispers as the speaker chocked in Princess Ninja's grasp. "Donovan," Grace said, taking a step forward.

"This is for Mark," He said, not bothering to turn. "You know how little time he has, and I'm tired of these assholes,"

One of the guardians turned and bowed his head towards Donovan. "You may have the ship,"

Princess Ninja released the speaker, who fell in a heap on the ground. He gasped for air as the others helped him up. "I'm leaving Theemoth here," Donovan said, turning away. "Do not mess with my city, and they will not mess with you. I expect that ship to be at my palace by the time I return, with a skeleton crew. If you're late, the next battle begins here,"

Donovan passed by his friends, not bothering to meet their gazes. Princess Ninja followed, then the Guardian royalty fell into step behind her. Finally he heard the heroes leaving as well.

As the transport returned towards Theemoth, Donovan thought carefully. He would be unable to bring most of his forces, which was probably for the best. He would need his armies to keep the peace in his city, and the speaker had made it clear the next stage of the journey would not be easy. Donovan communicated he thoughts to the others.

"Well," Justin said, putting a hand to his chin. "Seems easy enough then. We take the ship further into Eo and try and find this Liloth spirit,"

"I'm taking command from here," Grace said, her tone making it clear she wasn't asking. "There will be no more cruelty from you as we travel,"

Donovan tilted his head, then nodded. "Very well," The others seemed quiet. Not even She-Joker commented. In fact, she hadn't spoke much at all since the battle. Donovan sensed a heaviness in the air that would be hard to dispel.

Once back above the palace, they all disembarked down a lowered ramp. Donovan paused, sounds drifting up towards him. They were angry cries, emanating from the lower levels. He guessed the refugees had all returned, and were now free of his magic. Donovan continued down the ramp, where his masters and Lyra waited.

"Tokaroaka," He said. "You and Hayume will accompany us on a new ship we're getting soon. Bring your best sorcerers and knights,"

"I told you I was in charge," Grace said, her tone curt.

"You are, but allow me to choose which of my soldiers accompany us," He waited for Grace to respond, but she simply narrowed her eyes and walked away. The other heroes followed. Donovan turned back to his masters. "Fangson, you and Belok will stay here and protect the city," He approached Tokaroaka, lowering his voice. "Bring Mark, but I want the crystal weapon loaded as well. We may need it,"

Tokaroaka nodded his mask. "It will be done master,"

A shadow fell over the palace. Donovan and the others looked up to see the massive Guardian ship slowly hovering over Theemoth. It lowered, then a circular platform descended on rails. It touched down on the street, revealing three Tazham Guardians in what looked like coral-shell armor.

"Go," Donovan said, nodding to his masters. "You have your orders,"

Twenty minutes later, the Order Master Hayume, as well as Tokaroaka, loaded groups of knights and sorcerers onto the ship. The platform raised and lowered as the warriors boarded. Donovan watched with Lyra and Reqart to the side. A ways away from them, Grace and the other heroes did the same.

Tokaroaka was among the last to approach the platform. He guided sorcerers as they carried Mark and the crystal he rested in. Behind them, three large carts pulled the floating castle's detached weapon. Reqart slowly approached, standing next to the procession of sorcerers and watching as they lifted his father onto the platform.

"What is that," Grace said, coming over to Donovan. She nodded at the crystal weapon.

Donovan didn't bother turning to her, instead gazing at the platform as it bore the sorcerers and Mark up towards the ship. "Tell me," He said, his voice quiet. "Do you think you can fight Liloth, if it comes to it?"

"If it comes to fighting, then I will fight," Grace said. "And win,"

Donovan slowly nodded. "Good, because if you don't, that weapon may be our only backup,"

He felt Grace stiffen next to him, raising to her full height. "Watch yourself Donovan, because I certainly will be. One slip up, and you won't live to see whether I can defeat Liloth," Lyra began to say something, but Grace turned on her. "Don't think you won't share the same fate as your king," With that, the hero gestured for her companions to follow her. They approached the platform as it lowered back down to the street. Grace turned to Reqart. "Come on, ride with us,"


"Reqart," Grace said, fixing him with a stern gaze. The boy seemed torn, then bowed his head and followed her up onto the platform.

"She dares…" Lyra said, wearing a hateful expression.

"Don't pay any attention to her," Donovan said, feeling tired. He could still hear angry shouts drifting up from the lower levels of the city. Princess Ninja approached behind them, as did Tokaroaka and Master Hayume. They all watched as the platform raised up again into the Guardian ship. When it lowered, they approached.

They shared it with the large crystal weapon. Donovan gazed out at his other Masters, who waited in the street. "I'll be back," He said, then the platform started up.

Theemoth stretched out before Donovan as the platform rose into the sky. He could make out the surviving refugees in the lower levels of the city, as well as his own soldiers. There were certainly less of both groups. He turned away as the platform was enveloped by the ship.

The interior they entered was dark and long, covering almost the entire lower half of the ship. Donovan got off, following Grace and the others as they walked with Tazham crew members towards a curved entry. A winding staircase led up to a circular chamber with massive windows. In the center was an array of controls that twisted down from the ceiling. Tokaroaka's sorcerers stood with the Guardians among them. One of the crew members, wearing an elaborate headdress and long, flowing robes, turned and faced Donovan as he neared.

"We are ready to depart," He said, bowing his head low.

"Then do so," Grace said, walking forward. "I will be leading this expedition, so you will direct all questions to me,"

The Guardian nodded. "Very well," He signaled at the crew members, who began working the controls. The ship echoed with locking sounds and a distant whine. The sky outside the windows shifted, then the vessel moved forward.

Chairs bloomed up from the floor, solidifying with high backs. Without a word everyone made their way towards them, settling down on their hard surfaces. An awkward silence descended as the crew continued to work the controls.

"So," Justin said, clearing his throat. He shifted in his chair to look at Princess Esymia. "Any idea what we might find in this pit place?"

Princess Esymia stared straight ahead at the wide view port. Ilizebessa and Prince Galeon sat to the side of her. "No," Esymia said. "As the Tazham envoy said, few travel into Ortahem, and even fewer return. It is a place of madness, where true magic runs wild, and the Ancient Ones slumber," She paused, taking a deep breath. "If Liloth holds my sister there, it will be difficult to retrieve her,"

"Do you think Gwelenain is there?" Babi said, leaning forward in her chair.

"There is no way to know," Princess Esymia said. She glanced at the crystal holding Mark. It rested near the wall, surrounded by sorcerers. "I would not trust the Tazham in the slightest, but they speak truly when they say Liloth could heal Marcus. It is only a matter of if the spirit can be convinced to do so, as well as telling us where my sister is held,"

"He'll tell us," Grace said, leaning back in her chair and resting her arms on the sides. "If he doesn't, we'll drag the answers from him by force,"

The ship continued through the air, fading sunlight casting its rays through the windows. Reqart grew restless in his chair, finally standing. He walked towards the front viewport. Donovan rose as well. He couldn't say why, but he felt a need to follow the boy. He heard Lyra do the same behind him.

"Babi," Grace said, her tone low. "Stay close to Reqart,"

Donovan reached the window with his nephew. They both stood and watched as a massive forest passed underneath the ship. Strange structures rose out of it. They appeared to be stone, with moss growing on the sides. They curved around into spirals, and on their tips, thousands of vines trailed down. Flowers bloomed throughout them, forming a cascade of color.

Lyra came up beside Donovan, gazing out with him. "It is beautiful, my king,"


She shifted closer to him, putting a hand to his arm as she rested her chin on his shoulder. She lowered her voice to a whisper as Babi came up behind Reqart. "We will destroy it all, you and I,"

Donovan didn't respond. Reqart looked up at him, his face filled with emotion. "Uncle…? Do you really think we can save my father and mother?"

Babi stared over Reqart's head at Donovan, her expression guarded. He met her gaze, holding it for a moment before looking back down at the boy. He took Reqart's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"When we first met, I told you I would save them," Donovan glanced out towards the viewport, a cold emotion overtaking him. The lands of Eo stretched out before the ship, passing quickly underneath. "And one way or another Reqart, I promise I will. Whatever it takes, whatever I have to do…I will save them. I'll save all of us,"

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Episode 12: All Good Things Come to an End
The Guardian warship Tangriel trailed across the nighttime sky. The moons reflected of its smooth surface, illuminating the land below. Curved rises rose up towards it as it passed. The ship brushed the tips, sending out clouds of sparkling dust. Ahead of the Tangriel rose a circular mountain, bent to the side like a giant spigot. Its opening grew larger as the ship approached, the yawning darkness within beckoning.

Donovan stood at the viewport of the Tangriel, watching the mountain entrance stretch until it encompassed the entire window. Beside him stood Lyra, and on the other side was Reqart. The others had gathered as well; Princess Esymia, Ilizabessa, Prince Galeon. Babi had her hands on Reqart's shoulder as she stood behind the boy. Fanning out around her were Grace, Seth, Justin and She-Joker. Everyone watched the ship enter the darkness.

"Ortahem," Princess Esymia said, her voice soft. Nobody answered. Their eyes could barely make out the sides of the interior. Distant rocks glowed with blues and purples, revealing hanging moss and jutting ledges. The darkness ahead seemed to swallow all light. The warship slowed in the air.

The sound of the Tazham captain's footsteps echoed towards the group. Everyone turned, watching as he approached. The Guardian paused, bowing his elaborate headdress. He straightened back up, gesturing with a long sleeve towards the viewport. "From here we go down into the earth, but beyond that, little is known,"

Grace nodded. "Very well, take us down,"

The warship shuddered as the Guardian crew worked the elaborate controls, then began to lower. Colorful flocks of what appeared to be pointed jellyfish swam past the windows. One of them paused, bobbing in the air in front of the viewport, then hurried on.

"Wow…" Reqart said, pressing his palms to the glass. Donovan couldn't help but agree. He too pressed a palm to the glass, attempting to stare down into the darkness. The angle of the ship made it impossible, so instead he turned his gaze upwards. There was no hint of light, or even the glowing rocks.

Something brushed against the warship, causing it to shudder. Everyone stumbled, reaching for each other for support. Donovan furrowed his brow, straightening up as he and Lyra held on to one another. "What…was that,"

Princess Esymia accepted a hand from Prince Galeon, getting to her feet and brushing at her dress. "A creature of Ortahem no doubt. I would wager it hardly noticed us,"

The Tazham captain turned and signaled to his crew. "Lights! Give us lights!"

Bright beams erupted from the sides of the warship, converging together ahead of them. A massive eyeball stared back, dilating and then blinking. The creature moved on, revealing an unending surface of rocky skin. Finally a tail trailed out behind it. With a quick flick it disappeared back into the darkness.

"Grace…" Babi said, putting a hand to the woman's arm. "There are monsters here, we should be careful,"

Fully concentrating, Grace peered out the viewport. The lights revealed nothing but floating dust, not even the edges of the mountain's interior. The ship lowered into what appeared to be clouds, so thick not even the beams of light could penetrate them.

"Do the legends speak of how far this goes down?" Grace said, turning to Princess Esymia.

The Guardian woman shook her head. "Such things as distance will begin to make little sense in Ortahem. We could travel for minutes, or hours,"

"Hm," Grace said, putting a hand to her chin. "We'll…need to be careful then. We've dealt with things similar to this, in the fey-realms,"

Seth furrowed his brow. "Oh yeahhhh, we almost lost a week once, and it only seemed like a day!"

"I don't want to go through that again," Justin said, burying his face in his hands. "That place really messed with my mind,"

"Then prepare yourselves," Princess Esymia said. "For Ortahem is beyond even the lands of the fey-folk, and far more powerful. It is the center of creation, after all,"

She-Joker stuck a hand in the air, then let herself topple to the side. She caught herself at the last moment, doing a handstand and shielding her eyes with her free hand. The colorful woman peered through the viewport, squinting. "Oh! I see something!"

The others looked as well. The clouds were thinning out, and then, completely disappeared. Light shown down all around them, as powerful as the sun. It seemed to be a circular bright column, rising up and down for miles in either direction. At the bottom were grassy slopes and forests awash in a rainbow of colors. Where the column of light ended, distant, dim spheres glowed, almost as big as moons.

Babi gasped, and several others in the group murmured in astonishment. Donovan himself was awed, taking a step back. The warship continued to lower, nearing the colorful forest and slopes. It shuddered, coming to a stop above the canopy.

"This is as far as we can go," The Guardian captain said, though it was clear he had to force his words. The crew members stood in shock as well, somehow taking in the view with their eyeless heads. The captain raised an arm slightly, looking at the instruments behind him. "We will lower down those who…wish to venture further,"

Grace turned, taking a deep breath. "Alright," She said, breaking away from the group. "But don't think you can leave us,"

"I'll have Princess Ninja and some of the knights stay behind," Donovan said, slowly following after her. "The rest of the warriors will come with us,"

"We…" Princess Esymia said. "We will stay as well. There are laws for our kind, and even now we break them by entering here. I would not risk the line of Baelkadra and Ulum by further trespassing, though I wish more than anything to accompany you,"

Grace nodded, continuing to cross the chamber. "Very well, stay here. Everyone else, let's go,"

"Ho boy," Justin said, still gazing out of the viewport. "This…is going to be intense, isn't it,"

"Hey man," Seth said, patting him on the arm. "We got this," He quickly followed after Donovan and Grace, the others doing the same.

Tokaroaka approached Donovan, bowing his head. "Are we bringing the one known as Marcus?"

The young man glanced behind him at Reqart. The boy stared back, waiting. "Yes," Donovan said, gesturing at some of the sorcerers. "Carry him as best you're able," He lowered his voice. "And bring the crystal weapon as well,"

"It will be as you say," Tokroaka said. He gestured at the sorcerers, issuing commands.

The group made their way down the winding stairs, led by Tazham crew members. Once they reached the platform, they gathered in the middle. Donovan turned to Tokaroaka, who directed the other sorcerers as they carried the crystal holding Mark. "We'll go down first, follow us afterwards," With that, the platform shuddered, then lowered.

Everyone shielded their eyes as bright light streamed all around them. The platform continued to descend, passing through the rainbow canopy and past sparkling trunks. Strange creatures peered at them from the branches, singing in soft coos and lilting melodies.

"How pretty!" She-Joker said, clasping her hands together. "I want one! I need one!"

"Careful," Grace said, staring as they lowered by a particularly large, two-headed jungle cat. It let out a low growl, though it too was like music. "These lands will not be friendly to us,"

The platform shook as it pressed into the ground, then stopped. Grace led everyone off it, gripping her spear. Donovan peered around at the rainbow foliage, noting sets of blinking eyes staring back at them. The platform rose back up for the next group.

As the companions waited, Reqart ventured towards a low-hanging branch with gleaming fruit. He gazed up at it, then reached for one of them. "Reqart!" Babi said, rushing over to him. "Careful!"

The branch jerked back, jingling like bells, then a low hiss emitted. Reqart hugged Babi, wide-eyed. "oh, I just wanted to…"

"It's okay," Babi said, stroking his hair. "We just have to be careful down here,"

Donovan watched the platform lower again. It was filled with Vashn knights, as well as the crystal holding Mark. The detached weapon was also present, loaded into its three separate carts. Once the warriors had disembarked, Grace pointed her spear. "Does everyone see that?"

They all turned. In the distance rose a tower, one that Donovan hadn't seen when he was on the platform. It fanned out towards the top, almost like a bird fountain. Its surface was covered in trees, with a single, black stone pyramid dominating the center.

"Ah," Justin said. "Well, if that isn't a sign, I don't know what is,"

Grace started forward, motioning everyone else with her spear. "Come then, let's investigate,"

The group followed her, the Vashn knights fanning out and forming a protective circle. They drew their swords, gripping them tightly as they glanced around at the forest. Donovan followed closely behind Grace as she led. Lyra walked next to him, though she seemed quiet, almost overwhelmed by their surroundings.

The trees swayed ahead of them, the jingling sound echoing through the forest. Small voices sang out from the brush, growing louder and then fading as the group passed. Donovan began to feel on edge, conscious of the eyes continuing to stare at him. He wasn't sure what they were, and he wasn't about to go and find out.

The forest gave way to a white field. Tall pale stalks rose out of it, covered in puffy white caterpillars. Grace continued to lead, the caterpillars exploding in brilliant colors as they group waded through. Rainbow butterflies fluttered up from the stalks, then faded into dust.

Everyone was silent. In the distance, the massive tower rose up before them. The group sent off waves of butterflies as they passed, finally reaching the stone surface. Grace gazed up at it, as did Donovan and the others. She looked around the base, furrowing her brow. "I don't see a way in, we'll have to walk around,"

"Maybe we should go back for the ship," Justin said, craning his neck upward.

Reqart slowly approached, reaching out a palm to the stone surface to feel it. He made a noise of surprise as he lurched forward. Everyone stared, watching as the boy clung to the side. Reqart got to his feet, standing horizontally from the tower.

"Ah," Donovan said, walking forward. "We're playing fast and loose with gravity then," He picked up his foot and pressed it against the surface, then felt the world tilt. He stood horizontal like Reqart, although to him, everyone else was standing at an angle. Donovan held out his hand to Lyra, who hitched up the hem of her dress and took it, following him onto the wall. Reqart started walking up the side of the tower, prompting everyone else to follow. Soon the entire group was traveling horizontally along the stone.

It took a while to reach the top of the tower, or possibly no time at all. A tiny dark entrance lay where it fanned out like a bird fountain, and Grace gently put a hand to Reqart's shoulder as they neared. "Let me take the lead," She murmured, then moved past him. Babi and Justin hastened to keep up, followed by Seth and She-Joker. Donovan glanced at his knights and the wagons carrying the crystal weapon.

"A few of you stay here with that," He said, gesturing at the weapon. "See if you can't find another way up," The knights nodded, then Donovan headed for the entrance.

One by one they entered the door, disappearing into the darkness. When it was Donovan's turn, he stepped through like the others, then found his world spinning. It felt like he was underwater, traveling at a great speed. Up, down, side to side, all he could see was murky blackness. A bright light appeared ahead, Donovan shooting straight for it. He broke free of the water and gasped for breath.

The young man found himself standing on a glass surface, surrounded by trees. Grace, Reqart and the others stood nearby, clearly recovering from the sudden surprise swim. Donovan heard a noise, turning to see Lyra emerge up through the glass and stumble. She coughed as he helped her to her feet.

"wha…" Lyra said, her eyes wide. "What was that!"

"what was that what was that what was that," voices said, drifting around them. Donovan's head shot up, his eyes narrowed. He searched the trees, looking for the speaker. After a moment he recoiled in shock.

Growing out of the trees were wooden torsos and heads. They were vaguely shaped like people, with open mouths and deep, empty eye sockets. Donovan took Lyra's arm and moved her across the glass lake towards the shore. The others did the same.

Once Justin walked onto earthy ground, he gripped his head. "This is madness,"


Grace slowly rose a finger to her lips, signaling for him to remain quiet. She pointed with her spear through the woods, towards the black stone pyramid in the center. She-Joker had a strange look on her face, staring intently at everyone present.

"g-guys?" The colorful woman said, furrowing her brow.

The trees shifted, as if a strong breeze had blown through. "guysguysgusygusy"

She-Joker's head swiveled around, a look of horror crossing her face. "W-what's going on, where are we…"

Her words were repeated by the forest, prompting She-Joker to cling onto Grace's arm. "Where's Bri, why are we dressed like this…"

Donovan, Grace, Seth and Justin stared at her, dumbfounded. Donovan tilted his head as he studied her. "Melissa?"

"What!" She-Joker said, gripping Grace's arm. "Why's everyone staring at me!"

"Oh…we're fucked," Justin said, his voice low.

The forest shifted. "fuckedfuckedfuckedfucked,"

Grace took a deep breath, then patted She-Joker on the shoulder. She nodded her head towards the black pyramid, then started forward. Donovan looked behind him, finding his knights and sorcerers struggling towards the shore. Tokaroaka led those carrying Mark in the crystal. Once they had caught up, Donovan pointed out their destination, then motioned for silence. Together, he and his warriors followed after Grace and the others.

The forest gave way to rows upon rows of upright black obelisks. Their tops were cracked spheres, the zig-zagging lines pulsing with a strong turquoise light. The air hummed with power, causing the end of Donovan's arm-hair to stick up. Grace continued onward, holding She-Joker's hand and gripping her spear with the other. Justin had his sword drawn, and Babi had summoned a light-spear. Whatever they were sensing had them on edge.

Ahead loomed the black pyramid. There were small pyramids jutting out from its sides, though there was no rhyme or reason to their placement. At the base was a doorway covered in crystal cobwebs. Grace came to a stop before it, turning to the others.

"Alright," She said, surveying everyone. "Hopefully…Liloth should be inside," She glanced at She-Joker, who still clung to her arm. "Me…Seth, Justin and Babi will go in. Donovan, you and your warriors will stay out here with Reqart and She-Joker,"

"What about me…" She-Joker said, looking confused.

Grace cleared her throat. "Melissa…you'll stay out here as well,"

"I'd rather go with you guys," She-Joker said, swallowing.

"What do you remember? Can you fight?"

"Fight?" She-Joker said, her face contorting. "Remember? I don't…everything's a blur…"

Grace put her arm to She-Joker's shoulder and forced a smile. "Then just wait out here for now, we'll be back,"

She-Joker closed her eyes and nodded. "Alright…just, hurry please,"

Grace turned her gaze to Donovan. "Can you protect everyone…"

"I'll try," Donovan said, his voice low.

Justin approached the crystal spider webs. He lifted his sword, moving them with the point. They sagged, then faded with a soft harmonic noise. "Whelp," Justin said. "Let's enter the clearly-cursed pyramid and see if we can't negotiate with a powerful spirit,"

Seth cracked his knuckles. "Maybe he knows where Kaylee is…"

"It's worth a shot," Justin said, smiling warmly at Seth.

Grace adjusted her grip on the spear. "If we can convince Liloth to heal Mark, we'll come out for you guys," She paused, biting her lip. "But if we don't come out in six hours…" Grace took a deep breath. "Get out of here,"

"No!" Reqart said, running over and hugging her. "We're not leaving you!"

Grace got down on one knee so she was eye-level with Reqart. "It's okay," She said, moving strands of hair away from his face. "We'll be fine, Donovan and…She-Joker will keep you safe until we return,"

"Make sure you come back," Reqart said, trying his best to look brave.

Straightening up, Grace turned to the door. "Let's go," She said, walking towards it. Seth and Justin, followed by Babi, fell into step behind her. They disappeared one by one into the darkness.

Donovan exhaled slowly, turning to his warriors. The knights stared back at him, gripping their swords. "Form a perimeter," Donovan said, motioning. "Keep your guard up," The knights obeyed, forming a loose circle and facing outward. Donovan slowly sat on the ground, resting his legs. Reqart and She-Joker settled down next to him. Lyra got on her knees in front of Donovan, placing her hands in her lap.

"My king," She said, her voice soft. Her expression however, was serious. "We must find a way to bring down this place. To destroy it from within,"

"What?" Reqart and She-Joker said, both clearly confused. Donovan gave Lyra a warning look.

"We'll talk about that later," He said, patting Reqart on the back. "For now, we wait. I want to heal Mark," He shifted his attention to the crystal holding the man in question. Mark floated within, seemingly asleep. Tokaroaka and his sorcerers stood around it.

"So…" She-Joker said, slipping her hat from her head. "Why exactly…am I dressed like this? Don't get me wrong, I'm kind of digging it…but still,"

Donovan buried his face in his hands. "It's a long story Melissa, I'll tell you when we leave here,"

Time drifted on, everyone waiting. There was a silence surrounding the pyramid, one only broken by the occasional movement of the knights. After awhile Donovan motioned Tokaroaka over. The sorcerer approached, bowing.

"Well?" Donovan said. "What do you think of this place?"

Tokaroaka didn't respond at first. "It is…unlike anything I have ever seen. I would not attempt a spell here, as the air is thick with mana. I could not even guess what would happen,"

Donovan was about to wave him away, but movement caught his eye. Knights and sorcerers emerged from the distant forest, doing their best to haul the three wagons with the crystal weapon.

"Whoa," She-Joker said, getting to her feet. "Hey, aren't those your friends Donovan? What do they got there?"

Narrowing his eyes, Donovan got to his feet as well. "Good, they made it. Bring them over here Tokaroaka, and get the weapon charged,"

The sorcerer called to them, gesturing to the base of the pyramid. The knights hastened to pull and push the wagons forward. Tokaroaka signaled several other sorcerers to follow him and jogged to meet them.

"Sooo," She-Joker said, running her hands through her hair. "Is that like…I can't even begin to guess,"

"A weapon," Donovan said. "We're in a bad place Melissa, and this might be our fallback plan,"

She-Joker's hands paused in her hair. "Cool…cool…I guess,"

"Uncle?" Reqart said, staring up at Donovan. "Do you think Grace and Babi are alright? And Uncle Seth and Justin?"

"I'm sure they are," Donovan said, nodding. He turned to watch the crystal weapon approach.

She-Joker stretchted. "Alright, I gotta ask, who's the kid? And I know that's Mark in that diamond thing over there, what's up with that?"

Donovan didn't turn, still staring at the approaching wagon. "Don't worry Melissa, it'll all be explained later. Think of it like a bad dream,"

The wagons reached the waiting knights. Tokaroaka began setting up the charging crystals, directing the other sorcerers to do the same. The weapon began to pulse as it warmed up. Donovan put his hands on his hips, overseeing the process.

"ooooohhhhhh," A tiny voice said.

Donovan, She-Joker, Reqart and Lyra all turned. Perched above the entrance to the black pyramid was a small bird with three heads. It was rounded, and puffy. One of its heads had at least sixteen eyes. The middle head had tufts of feathers covering all but its beak. The last head looked normal, though when it moved, its beak swung around like it was barely attached.

"What the hell…" Donovan said, taking a step back.

The bird bobbed its three heads, the one in the middle chuckling. "What's that?" The many-eyed head said. The swinging-beak head tilted to the side. "Oh yes, oh yes, what is that?" The middle head chuckled again.

"A weapon," Lyra said, raising and gripping her hand in a fist. "So stand back creature,"

"Weapon!" The two heads on the end said, bobbing in sync. The middle head chuckled again, its feathers continuing to cover its face. The beak-swinger straightened up. "Better not use it!" The many eyed one shook its head. "It'll ruin everything!"

Donovan eyed them. "What do you mean…"

The bird opened a wing, pointing in the distance. "Why" The many-eyed head said. "What if it hurt one of the slumbering ones?" The other head swung its beak around. "Or struck a pillar of life!" The middle head chuckled. "No more world! No more world!"

Donovan noted an excited expression passing over Lyra's face. "That's it…" She said, her voice barely above a whisper. "That's all we have to do…fire the weapon…"

"Nooooooo!" The three heads said. The many-eyed one taped fiercely at the pyramid's stone. "Weren't you listening?? Bad energy grows!" The other headed nodded. "Grows and grows and grows!"

She-Joker picked up a stone and threw it. "Get out of here you creepy-ass bird!"

The creature cawed, then took off, flying in loops up into the air. Donovan stood there, watching it. Lyra turned to him and placed a hand to his shoulder. "My king, we know what we need to do,"

"Do we…" He murmured, his mind racing.

"Everything you've worked for, everything you've desired! That thing just told us how we can burn this world to ash! We just need to fire the castle's weapon until we hit something important!"

Reqart and She-Joker both looked confused. The boy approached Donovan, tugging at his coat. "Uncle? What do you mean burn the world? I thought you were going to save my father and mother?"

Donovan glanced at the entrance to the pyramid. How long had it been since Grace and the others entered? He couldn't tell. "I'm not sure," Donovan said, refusing to meet Lyra's gaze. "I want to…know more about this world, before I risk anything,"

Lyra gripped him, her expression intense. "You have to risk everything to gain what you desire! It is the only way!"

But, what did Donovan desire? To leave? Would destroying this world do that? Or would it kill everyone and everything? He turned to Tokaroaka, making a small gesture. The sorcerer left the weapon, approaching and bowing.

"Yes my king,"

"I'm going inside the pyramid," Donovan said. "If I don't come out…" He took a deep breath. "Fire the weapon, and don't stop,"

Tokaroaka tilted his mask. "Fire it at what, master?"

Donovan turned towards the entrance and started walking. "Whatever you want,"

Reqart ran up to him. "I'm going too!"

"No," Donovan said.

"Yes!" Reqart yelled, his expression serious. "I want to help save my parents!"

Donovan gazed down at him. Did it really matter at this point? He rustled the boy's hair, giving him a small, encouraging smile. "Alright, you can come with,"

"I'm coming as well," Lyra said, taking a step forward.

"Oh shit," She-Joker said. "You're not leaving me out here with the medieval guys and the creepy mask guys, I'm going where you're going,"

Donovan looked at the two women, finally nodding. "Very well, let's go,"

The four of them headed for the entrance, Donovan leading. He entered into the pyramid, the darkness enveloping him like a mist. The temperature dropped, Donovan's breath coming out in a cloud. He could barely see.

"Okay, someone take my hand," She-Joker said. "I can't see shit,"

"That's a good idea," Donovan said. "Everyone hold hands," He felt around until he grasped Reqart's, waiting for the others. When it was clear everyone was holding someone, he started forward again.

Donovan walked slowly, feeling ahead with his foot. A thin ray of blue light appeared in the distance, which the young man headed for. After awhile he could make out black stone rising up around him, forming strange, twisted shapes. As he neared the light, he spotted a figure perched on a squat column.

The figure was huge. It was hunched over, dressed in rags that trailed down around the column. Massive wings hung on either side of it, the feathers cracked and splintered. Its head was obscured by long gray hair that hung down around it. Donovan entered the blue light, which seemed to come from somewhere above. He checked over his shoulder, noting Reqart, Lyra and She-Joker behind him. They let go of each other's hands, coming to stand shoulder to shoulder. Donovan turned back to the figure.

"Are you Liloth," He said, his voice oddly muted.

The figure shifted on the column, turning to face them. Its head was still covered by hair, though two eyes glowed within. One of the wings lifted slightly, then settled back against its body. "More visitors," it said, its voice low. Donovan could feel its words in his chest like a hammer.

He swallowed, then tried again. "Are you Liloth,"

The figure nodded. "I am,"

"Where's my mother!" Reqart said, taking a step forward.

The figure tilted its head slightly, then leaned forward. Its head extended on a long neck, coming to a stop in front of Reqart. The boy trembled, but did his best to appear brave. The creature receded its neck, straightening up to its full height on the column. It towered over them. "Ahhh, how interesting,"

"Others came in before us," Donovan said. "Where are they,"

Liloth didn't respond at first. One of its wings opened up, pointing to the side. More blue light shone down, revealing Grace, Seth, Justin and Babi. The four hung suspended in the air, their eyes closed. "They asked me questions I did not like," Liloth said, bringing his wing back. "And moved in ways that displeased me. I put them to sleep,"

Donovan swallowed. "Well…you might not like us then…"

The spirit lifted two large claws, pointing one at the young man. "Then I shall do the same to you,"

"I wouldn't. I have a weapon outside. It's going to bring down all of Ortahem. It'll destroy this place if I don't return,"

Liloth's glowing eyes blinked behind his hair. He nodded slowly. "So much death. For what purpose would you do such a thing?"

"I want…" Donovan said, trying to still his beating heart. "I want to know something. If this is a game. Tell me, now. Tell me if this is all a game,"

"Game," Liloth repeated. "What do you mean by that?"

Donovan narrowed his eyes. "Is it real! Tell me if all of this is real! Are the people real! Are the places real! The sun, the moons, the elves, fucking everything!"

"A dream, perhaps?" Liloth said, his voice rumbling around them. "One you can not wake from?"


The spirit didn't respond, settling down onto the column. He tapped on the edge with a claw, the sound echoing. "It matters not to me if this is a dream. I do what I desire, and enjoy the feelings that come with it. I am true to myself, and that is real enough for me…"

Donovan took a step forward. "Well it's not real enough for me! I have to know! I have to know if I'm a fucking monster! Tell me!"

Liloth laughed, the sound gripping Donovan's chest. The spirit looked to the side, then back at the young man. "You do not need me to tell you if you are a monster. Only you know your heart. Now, is that all you came to ask? Begone, and take whatever weapon you speak of with you,"

"No!" Reqart yelled. "My father's sick! You have to heal him! You have to tell me where my mother is!"

Liloth curled his wings around himself. "I grow weary of all these voices, weary of those who enter my home uninvited. I tried to move about in the lands above, and have little to show for it. So now I wish to remain here, unbothered. But I cannot even have that. Such I assume is the price for my hubris," He pointed a wing at Donovan. "You seem to lead the others, so I will offer you a deal,"

"A deal," Donovan said, lifting his chin. "What deal,"

"You want your companion healed? I will do it, it is easy for one such as me. I can see him now, wasting away under the curse outside. I need only utter a word, and he will recover. I will do this, and give you these sleeping ones" Liloth motioned with his wing at Grace, Seth, Justin and Babi.

"And what do you want in return?"

Liloth leaned forward, fixing his glowing eyes on Donovan. "Leave, you and all your companions. Do not ever return. Do not use your weapon, in fact, destroy it. I wish to be left alone in peace,"

Donovan stared at the spirit, his mind churning with thoughts. He felt Reqart's hand. The young man glanced down at the boy, then back at Liloth. "And what about his mother? You captured Gwelenain. Where is she?"

A low growl escaped Liloth, his eyes glowing fiercely. "The one who was promised to me escaped. I told you I had nothing for my efforts outside this place, and I spoke the truth. I do not know where she is, and I no longer care. Now choose,"

Donovan stood there, bathed in the blue light. Mark and his other friends, in exchange for leaving. Or he could risk everything by firing the weapon outside. Put an end to this world, and possibly awake in a lab somewhere. To escape the nightmare he'd been experiencing, and save his friends.

Was it worth it?

"Uncle," Reqart said, staring up at him. The boy's face was grieved, tears brimming around the edges.

"My king," Lyra said. Her expression was resolute. "Do not listen to the lying spirit. It is afraid of your power. You can end everything, here and now,"

"Holy shit this is confusing," She-Joker said. "The hell is going on,"

Donovan felt tired. So very, very tired. Tired of trying to make sense of everything. Tired of feeling like his friends were disappointed in him. And it was his fault, wasn't it? Donovan wasn't an idiot, he knew what his actions had led to. If it was real, he was a monster. And if it wasn't…?

"I don't know what to do anymore," He whispered. "I want to die, but more than anything, I just want this all to end. But…" He raised his head, staring at Lyra. "Not like this. Not if it means gambling with everyone's life…I don't…I don't think I can do that,"

Lyra looked shocked. "No…no! My king!"

Donovan exhaled slowly, turning towards Liloth. Now that he had come to a decision, he felt confident. He knew now that path he wanted to take. He knew at least one way to make things right. "Heal Mark, release my friends. We're leaving,"

"No!" Lyra shouted, gripping him. "What are you doing!"

Reqart smiled up at him. Donovan returned the smile, then looked at Lyra. "I'm sorry, but I can't take the risk you want me to. Not if it means possibly killing my friends. That's the one line I know I can't cross,"

"They're…they're not your friends!" Lyra shouted. "I'm your queen! Everything you've strived for, everything you've done in Vashn, it has all led up to this! And you would turn your back on it all! Render it all meaningless!"

Donovan nodded. "I would. It's my choice, after all," He looked past her at Liloth. "You heard what I said, now do it,"

The spirit opened his wings wide, the cracked feathers shaking. Grace, Justin, Babi and Seth lowered to the floor. "It is done," Liloth said, closing his wings again. "Now leave, and never return,"

The pyramid shook, black rock tumbling down around them. Donovan looked up in alarm, noting a widening hole in the ceiling. Grace slowly got to her feet, holding her head. "What? What's going on?"

Donovan glanced at Liloth, finding the spirit gone. "We need to go!" He shouted, grabbing Reqart's hand. "Come on! Before this whole place comes down on top of our heads!"

Justin helped Babi to her feet, Seth slowly rising behind them. Justin looked confused. "What…I was just having the strangest dream…"

"Come on!" Reqart shouted, running ahead and dragging Donovan. "Hurry!"

The others didn't need to be told twice. A large chunk of black stone slammed down, prompting the group to run. The blue ray of light expanded, lighting their way. Another prick of light opened ahead. Donovan overtook Reqart, leading the others towards it.

They emerged from the black pyramid, the structure tumbling down behind them. Black dust poured out, enveloping the group and causing them to cough. Donovan could make out faint figures, but was forced to cover his eyes as the dust continued to billow around them. He lowered his hand as the sound of destruction faded.

The dust cleared, and Donovan's heart sank. He knights were dead, as were most of the sorcerers. Standing on the crystal weapon was Havek the platinum-ranked adventurer. He wrapped his arm around Mark's neck, who struggled weakly in his grasp. Havek's axe was held close to the hero's eye. Daisamay stood next to the wagons, her foot on top of Tokaroaka's head as she kept him pinned to the ground. The sorcerer struggled against her boot, his mask missing.

"Forgive me master," Tokaroaka said, coughing up blood. There was at least a score of adventurers spread out around the wagons. They all gripped weapons, their eyes narrowed.

"What is this!" Grace yelled, leveling her spear. "Let go of Mark, now!"

"Father!" Reqart yelled, running towards him. Babi stopped him, holding the boy tightly as he fought against her. "Let me see him! Let me see him!"

Havek tilted his head back and laughed. He grinned at the companions, making a sweeping gesture with his axe. "You really thought you'd won back there, didn't you," His expression changed to one of hatred. "Well you didn't. We followed you here, and discovered the great power within this land. Maolin says this tower is filled with incredible artifacts, and we're taking all of them for the guilds," The robed figure stepped out from behind the carts, drawing back its hood to reveal the glass skull underneath. Havek pointed his weapon at Grace. "But first, we'll deal with you. Drop your weapons, or ol' Marcus here dies,"

Grace grit her teeth. "You have no idea what you're doing,"

"She's right," Donovan said. "We need to leave, I've made a deal with the spirit Liloth. Everyone lives if we go,"

Grace peered at Donovan from the corner of her eyes, a strange expression passing over her face. He would almost say it was one of surprise. Havek sighed. "It seems you're not taking me serious enough. Maolin, if you would,"

The robed figure reached down to the ground, picking up a device attached to coils of copper. They flipped a switch, activating the crystal weapon.

"oh fuck," Donovan said, his eyes widening.

"We can just obliterate you," Havek said, shrugging. "It's not that hard, since you're standing right in this fine device's path,"

The ground around them trembled, causing everyone to pause. The ruined pyramid shifted, then the black stone began to cave in. It disappeared, a hole widening underneath. It continued to expand, swallowing the entire structure.

"Run!" Justin yelled. "The ground is collapsing!" He sprinted forward. After a beat, Seth and Babi followed. Donovan ran, holding Reqart's hand. Grace and She-Joker hurried after him.

Havek lost his balance on top of the cart, falling forward with Mark. Daisamay screamed, then lifted her foot from Tokaoraka's and ran. The sorcerer scrambled up and stumbled after her.

The ground opened, corpses sliding towards the black chasm. Havek, Mark and the glowing crystal weapon plunged down into it. "No!" Grace screamed, coming to a stop. The tower continued to shake, but the hole stopped widening. Everyone turned as Grace ran towards the edge.

"Grace!" Babi yelled. "Get back!"

A figure rose up on the other side of the chasm, spreading its wings. It was Liloth. "We made a deal," He said, his voice rumbling. "And still you would destroy this world. Your weapon will bring ruin down around us,"

"It was those fucking adventures!" Donovan yelled. "They activated it!"

"It does not matter," Liloth said, flapping twice. He took off into the air, climbing upward. "You will suffer the same fate as I now. Enjoy the last moments of your life…"

"Fuck!" Donovan yelled, falling to his knees and beating on the ground. "Fuck!"

The tower shook violently. Donovan heard a sound and looked up. Grace still stood at the edge of the hole. Taking a deep breath, the hero closed her eyes. She opened them, turning to her companions.

"I love you all," Her gaze lingered on Donovan, then moved to Babi. "All of you. Stay strong, and…be the heroes I know you are," She faced the hole and stepped out over the edge, plummeting down. Babi screamed. Donovan yelled as well, as did the others.

Air whipped past her as Grace shot down. Dim light shone around her from above, illuminating a ledge. The crystal weapon and the carts were smashed upon it. Hevak and Mark were splayed out nearby. The adventure's neck was clearly broken, his body lifeless. Mark struggled to pick himself up. Grace spun in the air and landed on her feet, shaking the ledge. She reached down and helped Mark to his feet.

"You…" Mark whispered, his face smeared with blood. "You came for me,"

Tears brimmed in the corner of Grace's eyes. "Not…not just for you," She looked up at the glowing crystal weapon. "I…wanted to save this world, but nothing I did ever seemed to bring it any closer to salvation," Grace gripped her spear. "But I'm going to do one thing, one thing I know will give everyone else a chance to finish what I started,"

Mark closed his eyes. "I seem to have lost my bells…it looks like we might die down here…"

"It's okay," Grace said, smiling warmly. "You and I always fought the hardest. I would make this choice a thousand times over. I'm sorry we couldn't save you though…"

Mark opened his eyes, staring at her. "No, it's fine. I don't want to leave Reqart, but I would give my life for him in a heartbeat if it meant he survived,"

The crystal flickered, a loud hum growing. Mark slowly gripped the spear alongside Grace. The two turned, facing the weapon. With resolute expressions, they both plunged the spear into the crystal with all their might.

Donovan and the others stared down into the darkness of the chasm. A bright flash appeared from the depths, then fire bubbled up. It burst forth from the hole, shooting up in a column.

"GRACEEEEEEE!" Babi yelled, falling to her knees.

"FATHER!" Reqart yelled, tears falling from his face.

Donovan shielded himself from the flames. The fire flickered out, then a new tremor began. "This…" Justin began shaking his head. He finally came to his senses. "This whole tower is going to collapse! We need to go! Now!"

"No!" Babi yelled, scrambling towards the ledge. She tripped over something, spotting Mark's sash of bells. She scooped it up, holding it close as she continued towards the chasm. "Grace is down there! Marcus is down there!"

"They're gone!" Justin yelled, pulling her to her feet. "Let's go!"

Donovan turned and grabbed Reqart's hand, pulling him along. "No!" The boy screamed, grasping towards the hole. "Father! Father!"

The survivors ran away from the shaking chasm. Justin and Seth pulled Babi, while Donovan continued to tug Reqart along. She-Joker ran behind them, with Tokaroaka and Lyra bringing up the rear. They struggled past the black columns, then entered the forest of bodies.

The glass lake stretched out before them. Donovan took the lead, pulling Reqart along. A massive shape rose up along the edge, revealing itself to be the Guardian warship. It continued rising, the platform descending from its bottom. It came to a stop at the rim. Princess Ninja gripped one of the rails and gestured for everyone to hurry.

They stumbled onto the platform, Babi collapsing as she sobbed. Reqart squeezed his eyes tightly as he curled into a ball. Everyone else turned back to the tower, the platform raising back up towards the ship. Donovan watched as the structure collapsed in on itself. The tower tumbled down, raining stone and dust. His view was finally obscured as the platform was enveloped by the ship.

The group was gripped in silence, only broken by Babi and Reqart's crying. Justin slowly shook his head, sinking down to the floor. "No…it…no…."

Seth gripped his hair, turning in a slow circle. "Fuck…fuck shit fuck…"

She-Joker lay down as well, closing her eyes. "wake up, just wake up, just wake up now…"

Everyone remained there as the warship shifted. Donovan felt it gaining speed, hurrying to leave Ortahem. He glanced around. Lyra stood nearby, staring at him with an unreadable expression. Tokaroaka was next to her, his whole body sagging with weariness.

Donovan moved over to Reqart, wrapping his arms around the boy. He held him tightly, closing his eyes. His whole sacrifice had been in vain. Two of his friends, dead.

After some time had passed, footsteps drifted towards them. Donovan opened his eyes to see Princess Esymia, as well as Ilizabessa and Galeon approaching. The trio came to a stop near the platform.

"What happened," Esymia said, her voice quiet.

Everyone looked up towards her. She surveyed their expressions, then cast her gaze down at her feet. "I do not see my sister. Or Marcus, or Grace,"

"Gone," Justin said, shaking his head. Both he and Seth sat next to Babi, their hands on her shoulder as she continued to cry.

"I see," Princess Esymia said, turning away. Her voice trembled. "We will be reaching Agasul and Theemoth soon. We can decide what to do from there,"

She left. Ilizabessa stared at Donovan for a lingering moment, then turned and followed alongside Galeon. Their footsteps echoed until they faded.

For how long everyone remained on the platform, Donovan couldn't say. Babi and Reqart stopped crying, silence once again descending. He felt the ship slow, then the sound of someone else approaching. Donovan looked up to see the Tazham captain, flanked by two of his crew.

"We have arrived over Theemoth," He said. "And are lowering towards the palace. Would you like to remain here? We will lower you down,"

Nobody responded. Donovan finally shifted, letting go of Reqart. "That's fine,"

The captain turned to his crew members, motioning. The platform shuddered, then began to lower. Sunlight blinded everyone. Donovan closed his eyes, finally opening them as wind billowed past. He looked around, seeing Theemoth rise up towards them.

As they neared the ground, several objects streaked through the sky, striking the side of the warship. Explosions rocked it as chunks broke away and plummeted past the platform.

"What!" Donovan yelled, the platform shifting. Everyone tumbled off as more explosions tore into the warship. He fell through the air, slamming into the cobblestone below. The impact drove the wind from his chest. The others landed next to him, crying out in pain.

Donovan was dazed, his vision blurred. He could make out cries, angry yells and voices. He held his head, struggling to his feet. Looking around, he saw the street filling with figures. It was the refugees, charging towards him.

"Shit!" Justin yelled, scrambling to his feet and drawing his sword. "We've been ambushed!"

Babi got up as well, flicking her wrists and summoning two light-spears. The others slowly stood as well. The street shook as thousands of footsteps ran across it. The refugees gripped weapons, clearly taken from Donovan's warriors. They yelled and screamed as they neared.

"Run!" Justin yelled.

Donovan looked around, finding Reqart. Seth helped the boy to his feet, then scooped him up in his arms and took off. Donovan found Lyra next. She held up her dress as she ran after Justin and Seth. She-Joker skipped ahead, cartwheeling and laughing. It was clear she was back to her former self.

The young man sprinted, trying to keep up. The cries of the refugees grew closer, their anger shaking the windows of the buildings surrounding the street. Donovan stumbled, righting himself and continuing onward.

More refugees appeared from side alleys, waving their weapons as they closed in. Ahead of them, near the palace, a Vashn warship lowered. Soldiers stood in the opening in the side, beckoning Donovan and the others towards it. Explosions rocked the palace behind the ship, sending up a plume of fire. Justin and Babi reached it first, leaping up into the opening. Seth followed, carrying Reqart up into the ship. Lyra made it as well, holding up her hands as the soldiers helped her up. Tokaroaka however continued on, running towards the palace.

Donovan ran with all his might. The warship began to lift up, the soldiers shouting for him to hurry. A rock hit the back of his head, causing Donovan to falter. His vision spun as he tried to remain upright. He neared the warship, watching as Lyra turned and stared down at him.

Donovan jumped, sailing through the air and catching the ledge. He slipped as the warship rose, one of his hands losing its grip. He held it up towards Lyra as he struggled. "Help me!"

Lyra stood there, gazing down at Donovan. She slowly knelt down. "You were right," Lyra whispered. "I didn't know who you were. I thought there was a reason for all the suffering, a purpose. But now all I know…is that you are not my king," With that, she shoved his face, sending Donovan falling down towards the street.


The following format has been changed for ease of reading while the song plays

Donovan falls.

He continues falling.

Still falling.

Time seems to slow around him.

He grasps at the air.

The Vashn warship lifts into the sky.

Lyra stares down at him, her expression hardened.

The soldiers near her are yelling.

Lyra turns away.

Reqart's head appears over the edge.

He's screaming.

He almost falls through the opening.

Seth and Justin reach out and grab Reqart, pulling him back.

Donovan continues to fall.

The air rushes past him.

He sees Babi and She-Joker appear in the opening.

They're both shocked.

The Vashn warship continues to climb in the air.

Fire streaks through the air.

Donovan spins as he falls.

He's now facing the street.

The refugees wait, screaming up at him.

The ground rushes up towards him.

Donovan hits the street, his forehead slamming into the stone.

The refugees mob around him.

They kick him.

Some bend down to hit him.

Tyrant! Murderer!

My father's dead because of you!

I watched my children die and couldn't do anything!

The refugees lift him up over their heads, many continuing to hit him.

Someone stabs Donovan with a sword in the side.

He cries out in pain.

Someone else stabs his arm.

He cries out again.

Another refugee shatters his leg with a stone.



Donovan is held aloft, the refugees surging around him.

Rocks rain down from the roofs.

One of the stones hits Donovan's face, breaking his jaw.

My husband is dead! You sent him to his death!

Kill him!

Death! Death!

Execute him!

Someone plunges a spear into his broken leg.

Donovan gasps for air as another rock hits his chest.

My son is dead!

My mother! You killed my mother!

A refugee slams a club down on his ribs, breaking them.

To the palace! Take him to the palace!

To the palace!

To the palace!

Execute him on the balcony!

The mob heaves him up.

Rocks continue to be thrown from the rooftops.

They carry him through the street.

A refugee stabs him through the cheek.

Donovan coughs up blood.

Death! Death to the king!

Death to the king!

Execute him for all to see!

Donovan's vision is blurry.

The voices raise in anger around him.

Another rock hits his arm.

Several of the rocks accidently hit refugees.

They threaten to drop him.

More rush to hold him aloft.

They carry Donovan as bodies surge around him.

Another club hits his stomach.

Donovan coughs up blood.




Justice for the dead!

Yes! Justice for the dead!

Donovan murmurs, blood seeping from the wound in his cheek.

The crowd continues forward.

They carry him, all yelling.

A refugee lunges over the head of another.

They manage to stab Donovan in the side.

Pain. So much pain.

His vision fades.

Blackness grows.

The voices grow distant.

Don't kill him yet!

Wait for the balcony!

A healing spell! Someone give him a healing spell!

Cold liquid splashes Donovan's face.

Some of his wounds close up.

Rocks continue to fall down on him.

One hits his eye, breaking the socket.

Not yet!

Not yet! Don't kill him yet!

More liquid splashes his face.

Donovan gasps, his vision clearing.



So much pain.

Someone grabs his hands.

They break his fingers.

Thumb broken.

Pointer finger broken.

Middle finger broken.

The person is shoved away by another refugee.

Not yet!

Don't kill him yet!

The mob carries Donovan up the street.

His head lulls to the side.

Donovan can make out the palace ahead.

Someone smacks his head with a blunt object, blurring his vision.

Death to the tyrant!

Death to the murderer!

You brought us here!

You brought us to our deaths!

An arrow sails through the air, imbedding in Donovan's waist.

He cries out in pain.

They pass a series of stakes.

Vash soldiers are impaled on them.

Kill him!



Donovan's lifted higher into the air.

He sees children on the roofs.

They throw bricks.

One of them hits his chest.

His bones break.

Donovan cries out in pain.

Anger all around him.

Voice yelling.

Someone else stabs him.

A hammer falls on his leg.

More pain.



So much pain.

To the palace!

To the balcony!

Execute him!

Kill the king!

More stakes pass.

Soldiers impaled on them.

Donovan is heaved.

He sails in the air.

Donovan falls back down.

The mob catches him.

Rocks and bricks rain down.

Another arrow sails past him.

Someone stabs him in the arm.

Not yet!

Not yet!

Cold liquid splashes his face.

His wounds start to heal.

Another blade pierces his leg.

Donovan coughs up blood.

A brick slams into his groin.

Donovan's vision fades.

To the palace!

The balcony!

You killed my daughter!

I watched my son die!

My father! He was too old to fight!

The mob surges forth.

They heave him up.

Donovan turns slowly as he flies.

More stakes.

More soldiers.

Donovan can barely think.

What happened.

What happened.

Hands reach up.

He's caught.

A spear butt slams into his stomach.

You sent us to our deaths!

You killed us!



Death to the king!

Death to the king!

They carry him up the steps.

A rock hits his head.

The mob pauses.

Someone climbs up on an overturned cart.

They cup their hands.

Gather! Everyone gather!

The refugee points up at the balcony.

Everyone Gather! We're executing him now!



Death to the king!

Death to tyrants!

The mob heaves on the palace doors.

They push again.

Donovan is still held aloft.

He can barely see.

Blood trickles down his face.

The mob pushes on the doors.

A battering ram! We need a battering ram!

Get a ram!

Break down the doors!

Kill all inside!

Donovan sees people rushing around him.

A piece of timber is dragged forth.

Refugees pick it up.

Someone stabs him again.

Pain wracks his body.

Not yet!

Not yet!

Break down the doors!

Break them down!



The mob surges.

They slam into the door with the timber.

The doors groan.

The mob heaves.

Donovan stares up at the sky.

Sunlight drifts down.

He closes his eyes.

The mob heaves.

The doors groan.



We've almost got it!

The mob heaves.

The doors buckle.



A refugee climbs over the others.

It's a boy.

He scrambles onto Donovan.

The boy is enraged.

He beats on Donovan with his fists.

One hit.

Another hit.

Donovan coughs up blood.

Hands reach up.

They pull the boy off.

Not yet!


Again, hit the doors again!

Execute him!

Off with his head!

The doors splits open.

The mob cheers.

Rocks fly through the air.

Donovan is carried through into the palace.

The mob cries out in anger.



Death to the king!

A bright flash of light washed over Donovan and the mob. The refugees cried out in pain. They were thrown back. Another shockwave carried past them, knocking over those behind them. Dark figures dropped down, drawing swords. Donovan could barely make out the mob's screams as his vision faded. His whole body ached with pain, searing along his spine.

The screams and cries slowly died. Donovan felt his body glow, his wounds healing.

"Justice?" A voice said. A low chuckle echoed around the palace. "No, not in this world. Never in this world,"

Donovan tried to raise his head. He saw the bodies of refugees heaped around him. Their expression were shocked, and lifeless. Donovan shifted his gaze, struggling to look up. An old man stared down at him. He had grayed eyes, and a wide-brimmed straw hat.

"Hmm," The old man said. "He's quite wounded. Are you sure he's the one, Demon Lord Kaylee?"

Another figure appeared in Donovan's vision. He squinted, fighting against the pain. "wha…ka…Kaylee?"

His friend stared down at him, wearing a cloak and a hood. Her expression was hardened. "Yes, you've been watching him, same as I have. You know he's the only one who can stop Alyssa,"

The old man chuckled. "The Light-Bringer is a hundred times more powerful than this miserable wreck. And you want to make him a Demon Lord?"

"Not just me," Kaylee said, her voice low. "Or have you forgotten who we serve Lord Henrus…"

"No," The old man said, bending down. "Never," His hands wrapped around Donovan, pulling him up. "Come anti-hero, you will not die this day. Not yet. Although…" The old man glanced at Kaylee. "He will need servants, as we have. Powerful beings to carry out his will. Who shall we give him? Who will serve our newest Demon Lord?"

"I will serve the king," A voice said.

"As will I,"

"You saved him, so we will follow wherever you take him,"

Donovan's head lulled to the side. He could just barely make out Tokaroaka, Princess Ninja and Belok standing in the shadows. All three of them were heavily wounded. Tokaroaka had a crystal tied to his back. Within it slumbered his adopted daughter.

"Oh hooo!" Henrus said, the old man chuckling. "Look at that! Servants loyal to the last! Very well, come and follow us. We go now to meet the Demon King,"

Donovan's vision faded. The last thing he saw was Kaylee staring down at him.

Yes. He will be the one to finally bring about the Events….

Episode 1: The Offer
10 Years Ago

Kaylee opened her eyes. A glossy black ceiling greeted her. It was arched, like a cathedral, its edges seemingly razer-sharp. Kaylee blinked, confused. She was aware that she was in a chamber of some sort, as she could make out the flicker of torchlight in the edge of her vision. She couldn't see the walls however, just the arched ceiling. She was also lying on something soft. She was also naked.

Kaylee sat straight up, her eyes wide. "Seth?" She hurriedly looked around, then found a long, red blanket lying across the spacious bed. The young woman clutched it to herself. "Seth?" Her voice seemed muffled. There were no sounds in the chamber, as if it were underwater, or soundproofed. Kaylee's breathing grew panicked. She took another glance around the chamber. The walls were like the ceiling. Glossy black, with pronounced edges that looked like they could slice through skin. Kaylee swallowed and willed herself to calm down. She didn't know why she was here, she had to think. Where was Seth? What happened? Kaylee closed her eyes and concentrated.

They were supposed to be time-passing. Kaylee and her fiancé Seth, and Justin and Mark. They were all staying in a church protected by knights. The time-pass would have been ten years, and then she would wake back up in the church next to Seth. They were doing this because they were adventurers, in a classic Isekai situation, and wanted to go home.

Kaylee slid to the side of the bed, still clutching the cloth. Seth was nowhere to be seen. Neither was the church, or anyone else. And she certainly wasn't home. There was just glossy black stone, dancing in the torchlight.

Had she been kidnapped? It was a possibility. They were completely defenseless during time-passes, they're bodies at the mercy of the knights protecting them. Anything could have happened. Kaylee started trembling.

She could be dead and in hell.

Whatever was muting the chamber seemed to dissipate. A creaking sound echoed around the walls and ceiling, and then a section of the wall swung out like double-doors. Bright light spilled into the chamber. Kaylee shielded her eyes with her arm, the other clutching the red sheet to herself. She slowly lowered her arm as the room filled with applause.

The clapping grew louder. Kaylee watched, stunned, as the walls lifted like curtains. The sharp, glossy edges receded effortlessly, revealing a massive amphitheater made of the same black stone as the room she was just in. She and the bed were in the center, illuminated by a bright column of light as if on display. The stands were filled with shadowy figures she couldn't make out. The applause grew thunderous. All eyes were on her. She clutched the red cloth to herself and curled up into a ball on the bed. She was in a nightmare. She wanted to wake up. She wanted the applause to stop.

It suddenly did.

Kaylee dared to look up and around. The sound of footsteps drew her gaze. A young man was crossing the amphitheater towards her. He was neither tall nor short, scrawny nor buff. But he was quite beautiful. He came to a stop near the bed. His beauty became irrelevant. It was his eyes that the young woman was drawn to. They pierced through Kaylee, causing her heart to pound fearfully. She felt as if every inch of her had been cracked open like a book and digested. Like he could see through her very soul.

He was naked, save for a red strip of cloth running diagonally across his chest and around his waist. He smiled at Kaylee, though it did not comfort her in the least.

"w-who…" Kaylee began, glancing around at the amphitheater in fear.

"Hello Kaylee," the man said. His voice caused the hairs on her skin to rise. Every part of her brain was warning her to get away, but her body wouldn't obey. Those in the stands stared down at the pair in silence, their features still hidden in shadow.

Kaylee swallowed. "W-where am I…"

The man held out his hand. "Come, let me show you."

Kaylee blinked at him, utterly overwhelmed. "W-what? Who are you! W-where am I!" She suddenly felt angry. "Where the fuck are my clothes! And where are yours sir!" The man's smile grew ever-so-slightly. Amused laughter rippled through the stands. He beckoned with two fingers, causing Kaylee to let out a cry of surprise as the ground shifted beneath her. A second passed, and then her hand lay in the man's. She glanced around in confusion. Somehow she'd teleported next to him. "the f-fuck!"

He smiled down at her. Somehow Kaylee got the impression he'd grown taller. His voice came out with a tinge of amusement. "Allow me to introduce myself. You may call me the demon king," he turned and led her towards one of the curved walls. "Now come, there is much to discuss." The double doors that had opened in her old chambers were now open in the wall. Light spilled out, as if beckoning them. Kaylee wanted to resist, but her feet seemed to move all on their own. She was led out by the hand under the gaze of everyone in the amphitheater. She clung the red cloth to herself, willing herself to disappear.

They left behind the amphitheater and entered into another tall hall. A red carpet ran down the center. On either side of it were men and women who were naked save for strange, colorful masks. Beyond them, in the darkness, shapes churned endlessly and glowing eyes opened and closed, as if the walls were alive. The naked, masked people got on all fours and bowed low as the demon king led Kaylee past them. The young woman tried to calm her breathing again, but felt herself rapidly losing control of her emotions.

Light beckoned again at the end of the hall. The demon king walked her through a doorway, and Kaylee's eyes grew wide with shock.

They were in space. More accurately, they were on a balcony overlooking a massive planet. Sparkling blues, vibrant greens, and swirling cloud formations spread out before Kaylee. She stared in wonder, her fear momentarily forgotten. She felt a touch on her shoulder and looked up at the demon king. He gestured above her. Kaylee's eyes followed. A million dazzling stars greeted her. Kaylee couldn't believe her eyes. She looked back at the planet. It was a view only astronauts and God could enjoy. And her, apparently.

She glanced behind her from the door she'd just left. Towering up like a mountain was a castle. It was impossibly large, made of the same glossy black stone that she had seen everywhere else. Endless spires and towers reached for the stars, and the walls stretched out in either direction. Kaylee heard an amused laugh and looked over. The demon king stared at her with a smile. "Amazing, isn't it?"

"I…" Kaylee began. She glanced out at the planet, then up at the stars. "I don't understand…you're…" she glanced at the back of his head. "you're really the demon king?"

The man nodded and walked to the balcony railing. He rested his hands on it as he surveyed the planet. "I am, but that's just one of my titles. I've gone through a lot of names through the ages."

"Through the ages…" Kaylee repeated, staring skeptically at him. She adjusted the red cloth she was holding against her. "What are you like, immortal?"

The demon king gave a slight shrug, as if unconcerned. "I wouldn't say immortal, but I'm about as close as you can get here."

"And so this is your space castle? Why am I here? Did you kidnap me because I'm a hero? Did you kidnap everyone else to?" she felt herself growing angry again. "Where's Seth! Where did you take him!"

The man let out a single laugh, then shook his head with a bemused smile. He turned away from the railing and stared down at the young woman. "No, I just took you."

Kaylee felt a cold chill run through her body. Something bad was coming. She felt powerless, and overwhelmed, and confused. "Why," she murmured, backing away. "W-why did you kidnap me. To kill me?"

"To kill you!" the demon king repeated, looking surprised. "Why no! Of course not! What a waste that would be!"

"Then what!" Kaylee said, masking her fear by gritting her teeth angrily. "What did you kidnap me here for!"

The demon king seemed to think for a moment. He took a step, and then suddenly was right in front of her. Kaylee let out a surprised yell. He scooped her up as two wings sprouted from his back. The demon king flapped once, twice, then was off. He carried Kaylee and raced up the glossy black walls towards the distant spires. "Well, we've been watching all of you, and I allowed a vote as to who we would bring in." He glanced down at her and winked. "You were quite popular because of your looks and the fact that you like anime, so you won! And now, here you are!"

The bad feeling in Kaylee grew. "W-wait," she said. She gripped one of the demon king's arms as he continued to fly up with her. The other gripped the red cloth to herself. "Took a vote? Anime? Are…you're from our world?"

They reached the ramparts and soared over them. The interior of the castle was now visible. It was a city filled with gleaming towers, palaces, and buildings of every size. Flying creatures congregated in the air, and the distant walkways and streets seemed to swarm with movement. Kaylee couldn't mask her surprise as the demon king carried her over the city. She hardly registered his reply. "Oh yes. I was the first hero summoned here you know." He frowned and put a hand to his chin. "That was about two-thousand years ago, now that I think about it."

"Two thousand…" Kaylee said, growing even more confused. She tore her gaze away from the city and looked up at him. "How…" The demon king folded in his wings and plummeted through the air. The wind whipped by them as Kaylee screamed. She dared to open her eyes. A palace expanded below them, bulging and growing to meet them. Suddenly they were on a balcony. The demon king flapped as he gently set Kaylee down, then touched down himself. She stumbled away. "Wait!" she said, squeezing her eyes close and holding out a finger. "How…how is this possible…" her eyes shot open. "Wait, is this a video game! Are we in a video game!"

The demon king grinned. "Do you want it to be?"


He beckoned beyond the balcony at the city. It was like being in a bowl, with the castle walls and spires forming the rim. The city stretched all around them and curved up the sides. It gleamed with lights and echoed with sound. A giant moon hung overhead, casting everything in a soft, white hue. The palace shuddered, then started to grow. Kaylee walked up to the balcony and stared. She watched as she rose higher and higher above the other buildings, then the castle walls, then the castle spires. The palace came to a stop. It had inverted the city, so that it was now all on a slope leading up to her and the palace. The planet was beneath the castle, the moon above, and stars everywhere else. "You're already in heaven," the demon king said. "And on the path to becoming a god." He took her chin, turning her attention away from the view and into his piercing gaze. "Stop asking what is and isn't, and start thinking about what you want it to be."

Kaylee swallowed. The demon king let go of her chin and turned back to look down at the city. "To answer one of your questions, time works differently in this universe then it does in the one we came from. I've been here two-thousand years, but in the other one?" he glanced at her with a coy glint in his eyes. "Well, let's say not very much time has passed at all."

Kaylee's legs felt as they might give out at any moment. A flock of strange birds flew past, crying out to one another with eerie voices. "So…you went the hero-to-villain route? Why?" she shook her head. "Wait, no! More important question, can we leave!"

"Hmm," the demon king said. He held out his hand and two chalices materialized. He took one and handed the other to Kaylee. "It's…more difficult to leave than it is to arrive I'm afraid. And why would you want to leave? Do you know what people in our old world would do to get the chance I'm giving you?" He took a sip from the chalice. "Being a demon lord is an honor. It's a grave responsibility, but also unimaginable power. You can't have one without the other unfortunately. But the power is everything. Being a god is everything"

Kaylee studied the demon king with suspicious eyes as she adjusted the cloth covering herself. "Okay…that's cool I guess. So you're saying we can't leave, and you want me to be a demon lord because I like anime? What the fuck? Why? Why are you doing all this? Why did you become…what you are? Why kill people? What's the point of the "Events"?" She clenched her eyes tightly. "I just…I just don't understand! Is this just a video game or not!"

The demon king rested against the railing and sipped from his chalice again. Kaylee dared to crack open one eye and look at him. He stared back at her from over the rim, seemingly amused, then set the chalice down on the railing. "Allow me to lay all my cards out on the table then. I was a hero, once, long ago. I suffered endlessly trying to defeat omnipotent beings and save Lysseria, a world, I might add, I had no connection to before coming here. And then, against all odds, I did defeat them. And after that I became the most powerful being in this universe." He turned away from Kaylee and leaned on the balcony, as if soaking up the view of the city-castle below. "And what did I see then? I hadn't fixed a damn thing. I just changed how it broke down. Our old world is the same as well. Nothing ever lasts, its one long dance towards entropy. We've debated endlessly on the reason for it. For all the suffering and the struggle. And the world keeps on turning while everything rots and burns and grows and rots again. Nobody has managed to break the cycle." He turned back and approached Kaylee, resting his hands on her shoulders. "But I will. I lost everything, and in exchange I became a god. So I'm going to remake Lysseria into a utopia, because who else could?" He let go of her shoulders, his expression seemingly sad. "Only me…it seems…"

"I…" Kaylee began. She sighed and poured out the contents of the chalice. "Yeah, okay I get it now."

The demon king tilted his head slightly with a smile. "You do?"

"Yeah, this is so cliché it hurts. How I woke up, the audience, the applause, this tour, everything you've shown me, you're a fucking insane megalomaniac who got some power and ran with it. You're not building a utopia, a thousand bucks says everyone here is forced to worship you and are still suffering. Not to mention any goal you might achieve is meaningless because of what you did to get it." Kaylee closed her eyes and hugged herself. "I was only in Lysseria for a while, but I saw enough to know the legacy you've left so far. You're not a god…you're…disappointedly human…"

The demon king laughed. "Ah, yes, I'll be the first to admit I have a taste for showmanship. But put yourself in my shoes. Everyone always talks about how they would act in certain situations, but that's all bullshit, isn't it? We never truly know until we're in them, and by then something integral's usually changed. We don't make the choices we thought we would make. How could we? The rules become different and the possibilities shift. We have to adjust our way of thinking. And this is just for the performative ways we organize ourselves back in the old world. Nobody there's ever had real power. The kind that's unconditional and unlimited. The kind that shapes reality, including life and death itself. Nobody could possibly know how they would act if they suddenly became so much greater than everything around them by orders of magnitude. If they were given godhood. Whatever they say they would do would be a lie. We never know until we have it, and then by the very nature of having it we become different."

"So you got it and…decided to kill people? Is that what I'm supposed to get from all this?"

"I became a god and decided to act like one. You're right, the killing is a means to an end, but what you're mistaken about is that the end is actually worth whatever I do to get there. Because I'm a god, I can bring back everyone who died. I can erase all suffering, and make everyone happy. I can fix everything that's broken, and that's exactly what I've chosen to do." He winked at her. "You have to admit, a god could act a whole lot worse than that."

"Evidently not much of a god, if you have to kill people before you can save them."

The demon king gave her a slight shrug, then took her hand. Kaylee wanted to resist, but her limbs moved all on their own again. The man led her away from the balcony and towards the wide entrance to the palace. "I can't deny that I'm still a ways away from perfect divinity, but it's only a matter of time and willpower. And I have plenty of both."

"And…" Kaylee said, still struggling to resist. "That's why I'm here? To help you kill everyone and remake the world?"

The demon king grinned again as they passed through into the palace. "Like I said, you're here because you're attractive and like anime, and that appealed to both myself and the other demon lords, as well as my guests. But you will serve me and indeed destroy the world, and in return, you'll be given anything you want. I can bring anyone you desire over from the old world to here, and make them immortal. You'll all be happy, and powerful, and everlasting. If someone angers you, you can destroy them, and if you feel bad about hurting them you can bring them back. Anything you can imagine you can create. Truly, serving as my demon lord will grant you nothing short of godhood." He arched an eyebrow and swept out an arm. "There, how's that for a fucking sales pitch hm?"

"I…Kaylee said. She buried her face in the red cloth, her emotions a mix of fear and confusion. "So…can I bring Seth here? And all my friends?"

They were in an expansive chamber with arched opening that looked out at the stars twinkling beyond. Naked people in masks lounged on luxurious furniture as monstrous creatures served food and drink. The demon king led Kaylee's through the party. Everyone they passed bowed and called out greetings. "After you've proven yourself as a demon lord? Sure, Why not? Bring anyone you wish."

"And…" Kaylee said, raising her face from the cloth. "How do I prove myself?"

They reached a massive red door built into a wall. Two giant creatures stood guard on either side of it. They were like winged angels, with beautiful features and flaming spears. The demon king turned and gazed down at her. There was a strange glint in his eyes. Something that hinted at an emotion that was deeper than amusement. "Well," he said. "It starts with a feast and a rite of initiation, and then a ceremony. And then?" the doors started creaking open behind him. Bright light spilled out, blinding Kaylee. Laughter and music and the sounds of glass tumbled out as well. The demon king's cut through it all and wormed its way into her ears. "Then you get to have your way with the world until I'm satisfied."

"I…" Kaylee began, blinking against the bright light. "I r-refuse. wrong. You're wrong. There has to be a better way to fix things than what you're doing…"

The demon king didn't respond for a few moments. Kaylee felt a tug, and then she was dragged into the light. "Well then…" his voice said, still filling her ears like a rushing river. "I suppose I'll just have to be a bit more persuasive, won't I?"

Kaylee shook with dread. The light swallowed her as the sounds of celebration swelled.

And then, she entered hell.

Donovan Ebert stood in a wide, black chamber. It was like a dungeon, except the walls were a glossy-black and a single circular window looked out into space. It was a magnificent view, with a thousand stars and the light of the moon. There was only a bed for furniture within the room. Chains snaked across the floor, though they weren't attached to anything except their berth in the wall.

The young man was naked. Donovan stared with a blank expression out of the window. His hand slowly raised, unconsciously, and pressed his side. There had been a wound there, some time ago. Now it was gone. His hand moved up and touched his shoulder, then his neck, then his face. All his wounds were gone. The things the mob had done to him back in the city of Theemoth had all disappeared. Except in his memories. Donovan still remembered the pain, and the hatred, and everything that came before. He closed his eyes and slowly sank to his knees, then gripped his face in his hands.

The sound of a door opening echoed through the chamber. It was followed by footsteps. Donovan didn't bother looking up, even when whoever had entered came to a stop behind him. "Hey." A familiar voice said.

Donovan slowly lowered his hands away from his face. He trembled as he looked over his shoulder. Kaylee stood there. Kaylee, who had apparently disappeared ten years ago. Kaylee, the programmer, the graphic designer, the nerd culture enthusiast, Seth's fiancée and everyone's friend including Donovan's. She was dressed in a flowing black dress with gold accents, and her hair was done up with gold pins in an elaborate style. Her expression was unreadable, though her eyes hinted at some emotion deep within her.

"K-Kaylee?" Donovan said. "Is that…really you?"

"It is," Kaylee said, her expression still masked. Her voice had been soft however. "Get up, Donovan."

The young man struggled to his feet. He still trembled as he reached out for her. She stood motionless as he touched her shoulders, then her cheek. Donovan closed his eyes and fiercely hugged her. "Holy shit, holy fuck…it's…it's really you…" Kaylee waited until Donovan let go. He looked her up and down. "Fuck, look at you! You look the same besides the clothes! What…what happened!" he glanced around the chamber. "Where am I?"

"The demon realm," Kaylee said, her voice monotone. "Don't let the dazzling view fool you, we're not actually in space."

"The demon realm…" Donovan repeated. He swallowed. "Am I…dead?"

"No," Kaylee said, her voice taking on a strange quality. "You've been chosen."

The young man furrowed his brow in confusion. "Chosen?"

Kaylee nodded, then turned and started walking away. The hem of her garment trailed along behind her. "That's right, to be a demon lord."

"To be…" Donovan began. He slowly put a hand to his face as memories slipped back into his mind. His tone lowered, weighed down by emotion. "Kaylee, there's something you need to know…Mark…and Grace…they're dead."

"I know," Kaylee said. She had stopped in front of a black fountain growing up from the floor. Donovan stared at her back in shock. The young woman turned away and approached him holding a glass decanter filled with glowing liquid.


She nodded. "I do. I've been watching you all, but especially you. I know everything that's happened to you since you woke up from the last time-pass. You destroyed the kingdom of Delfanas, threw the eastern empire into turmoil, broke through the gates of Eo and laid the Guardian lines to waste. Then you were torn apart by a mob. A rather interesting end as far as conquests go." She held out the glass decanter. "Here, drink this. It eases the pain."

Donovan stared at her, unable to overcome his shock. She gestured with the decanter. "I don't…I don't feel any pain," his hands went unconsciously to his body. "My wounds are healed."

Kaylee pressed the decanter gently into his hands. "I don't mean your physical wounds. I mean the ones in your mind. You look like you're cracked, and we have no use for a hollow man."

Donovan swallowed, a single tear leaving his eye. "Kaylee…what's happening to me? To us? All of us…we're…"

"Changing," Kaylee finished for him. "Some of us will die, others will become something greater. It's just the way power works. Now drink, Donovan." The young man stared at her for a moment longer, trying to gauge her true feelings. Kaylee's expression was as always, unreadable. Donovan glanced down at the decanter, then brought it to his lips. A sweet liquid poured down his throat and warmed his insides. The anguish, fear, and hatred all seemed to dull. Kaylee nodded. "Better?"

"I…yeah," Donovan said, furrowing his brow. He inspected the decanter as he wiped his mouth. "I do actually."

"Good," she said, taking his hand. "Come, there's a feast waiting for you."

The young man was incredulous. "A feast? W-wait, hold on! I'm fucking naked here!"

"Yup," Kaylee said, leading him to the door. "Trust me, you'll just have to bear with it. It's part of the initiation. Consider yourself lucky you didn't wake up in the same way I did."

"The fuck? Is this a sex cult or something? Let me at least grab one of those sheets on the bed!" Kaylee didn't respond. Instead she led him out of the chamber and into a long hall. Donovan's eyes grew wide as he gazed around. The ceiling was high, like a cathedral's, and the walls churned with black shapes and blinking eyes. He felt a shiver down his spine. "F-fuck, this is creepy," he suddenly resisted Kaylee's surprisingly forceful grip. "Hey wait! Hold on!"

She paused and glanced back at him. "What."

Donovan tried to form thoughts as he gestured with his other hand. "You…you probably know the truth, don't you? Are we in a game? Is this a game!" his voice rose to a panicked shout, despite his best efforts. "Tell me!"

Kaylee's expression was devoid of emotion, and her eyes seemed to pierce right through him. "Do you want it to be?" she said, her voice low.


She didn't respond, simply turning and leading him onward. Donovan couldn't understand what was happening. At the end of the hall was a large door. Muffled noise echoed out from it, and both sides were guarded by massive creatures that reminded the young man of angels. They stood upright and motionless as the doors shuddered open. The noise became a roar, and light spilled out. Donovan allowed himself to be pulled within by Kaylee.

A massive chamber opened up before him. Tables full of food and drink formed a square in the center, and hundreds of bodies danced and cried out in the space within. The tables themselves were full of naked people wearing elaborate masks, and indulging themselves in every way. Performers swung from banners trailing down from the arched ceiling, and dazzling displays of magic bloomed like fireworks. Creatures of all shapes and sizes congregated behind the tables. They drank and fought and joined their bodies together in a shifting mass of teeth and claws and wings. Giant pyres of colorful fire burned against the glossy-black walls, and musicians played loudly from floating platforms. Light, noise, and movement filled Donovan's vision and threatened to overcome his senses. He wanted to back away and flee.

"Come," Kaylee said, pulling him along. Donovan had no choice to but follow her. The monstrous creatures parted for them and bowed. The music swelled and the dancers in the center of the tables heaved together. Donovan glanced all around at a loss for words. Kaylee picked up the hem of her dress and delicately climbed a chair onto a table. The young man almost stumbled as he tried to keep up. He felt ashamed at his nakedness, or he would have if everybody else wasn't the same. There were only a select few wearing clothing. Kaylee was one. The rest sat at a grand table on the far side. Donovan could feel their eyes on him as he was led off the table and into the air.

He furrowed his brow in amazement as Kaylee walked him through the air, as if on an invisible bridge. They passed over the heads of those dancing in the center. Donovan's nose flinched at the smell of sweat and passion and sweet perfume. He chanced a look up and saw they were approaching the grand table. He could make out the occupants in better detail as they neared. A giant throne took up the center, where a naked man sat. Donovan was surprised to find him quite attractive, but his eyes…the man's eyes bored through Donovan and made him feel more naked than any lack of clothing ever could. One either side of him sat men and women in elaborate garb and complicated party masks. Kaylee came to a stop, hovering before the table with Donovan. The man on the throne rose.

"Welcome! Welcome Donovan! Welcome to the realm of demons!"

Everybody at the table began to applaud. So did those at the other tables, as well as the dancers within and beyond. Even the monstrous creatures lining the edge made noises. Donovan swallowed, doing his best not to shake. "W-who…" he began.

The man held up a finger. "Allow me to settle your confusion." He opened his arms wide. "I am the demon king! Ruler of the demon realm! And you!" he picked up a chalice and held out it towards Donovan. "You are our newest demon lord!"

The applause renewed, growing to a thunderous level. Musicians played loudly as people whistled and cried out. Petals were unleashed from somewhere unseen and fluttered down all around the chamber. Donovan simply blinked. "the…fuck…."

The demon king gestured to two empty, high-backed chairs on his right. "Come, sit, sit! Let us feast and initiate you into our fold!" Donovan was led in a daze over to where the seats were. Kaylee set him down closest to the demon king, then she sat down on his right. Strange sprite-like creatures danced across the table and offered up food and drink to the young man. The demon king threw an arm around Donovan and grinned at him. "I imagine you have lots of questions?"

"Yeah," Donovan said, shifting away from the man's arm. "First, why the fuck am I here?"

The demon king blinked in surprise. The others at the table chuckled, as if amused. "Why," the demon king said, standing abruptly in his chair. "Why else? You are King Donovahn! He who destroyed the great kingdom of Delfanas and murdered the royal line of the eastern empire! He who broke into Eo and almost brought about it's downfall! He who has opened the way for me and my lords to lay waste to the world and bring about a new paradise!" He raised his chalice, the liquid sloshing over the sides. "Give thanks to him everyone! For he was one of us long before we brought him here!"

The chamber thundered with noise and celebration. Donovan closed his eyes and rested his head in his hands. "fuck…"

"Come now!" the demon king said, giving him a gentle shove. "Why the long face? Has not Kaylee explained to you yet what an honor this is?"

Kaylee gave the demon king a polite smile. "Forgive me master, we were in a rush."

The man laughed. "No matter! No matter at all!"

Donovan grit his teeth and brought his face up from his hands to look at the demon king. "I don't care about what an honor this is. Take me back. There's some people I need to talk to." He suddenly straightened up. "Wait…can you…leave this world? What are you?"

The demon king gave Kaylee an amused expression, as if Donovan were a babbling child. He then passed a chalice to the young man. "I'll give you the short version, eh? I'm like you, in that this is not the world I was born in. But unlike you, I have been here for over two-thousand years, and I am very, very powerful. The people who created this world wanted to use it for small-minded things like accelerated research or an escape. But I have a greater vision that than. I'm going to turn Lysseria into a paradise. I'm going to change the very nature of existence."

"What?" Donovan said, incredulous. "How?"

"How else? I'm a god after all. I just need to wipe away the old to begin anew. Like a forest fire making room for new growth."

"But you're not a god. You're just a normal human in the real world, and you're fucking balls-deep in a power fantasy in this one. It's fucking cringey."

"And maybe our gods are powerless in their world, but what does it matter to us? They're still gods. It's the same here. Here I control life and death, I can shape matter however I want, and all the forces of nature are mine to command." He frowned at Donovan. "If that doesn't make me a god, then what does?"

The young man lowered his head back into his hands. "fuck. This is too much."

The demon king nodded sagely. "I understand. Here, let us leave the feast for now." He snapped. Donovan raised his head, then suddenly found himself, Kaylee, and the demon king in a new room. It spread out endlessly, with a glossy black ceiling and floor. The walls were seemingly gone, and a floating planet, a moon, and endless stars were visible beyond. The demon king began walking. Kaylee took Donovan's hand and led him after the figure. The demon king glanced over his shoulder. "Tell me, what is it you want?"

"What do I want?"

"Sure. Do you want happiness? Peace? Power?"

"I…" Donovan said, still trying to process everything. "I don't know…"

The demon king nodded. "Then perhaps I can help. What if I told you I could take all the horrible, awful things you've done since arriving here and make it so that they never happened?"

Donovan resisted Kaylee's grasp and came to a halt. His heart beat in his chest. He felt a strange sensation travel through is body. "w-what?"

The demon king stopped as well and turned as well. "All the innocents you've enslaved, all the people you've killed. I can fix it. I can bring them back to life, make it so they're more happy than they could ever hope to be otherwise. I can give them paradise." His gaze once again pierced through Donovan. "And I can release you from your sins."

The young man's mind went blank. He felt so small before the demon king. "C-can…" he began, trying to organize his thoughts. "Can you bring back Mark and Grace?"

The demon king smiled. "Of course I can. All you have to do is become a demon lord and prove yourself to me."

"And…how do I do that?"

The demon king's smile grew. "There's a feast, which you've already seen, an initiation, which you will undergo if you agree, and then a ceremony. And then? You simply have to kill your friend Alyssa."

Donovan balked. "Alyssa?" He glanced at Kaylee. The young woman's expression was once again unreadable. He turned back to the demon king. "My friend Alyssa? You want me to kill her?"

The demon king nodded, then exhaled. "Yes, unfortunately so. She's become a rather pronounced thorn in my side, and needs to be removed. And since nobody knows you've become a demon lord, you're the perfect candidate to approach her and catch her off-guard!" He winked. "You can bring her back to life after we've rebuilt the world, as well as the rest of your friends. And anyone else who's died as well! Not a bad deal, eh?"

Donovan stood there, speechless. "But…how the hell…to kill my friend…." He looked up at Kaylee, searching for any sign or hint. She simply stared back at him.

"It's your choice Donovan," she said. "Join with a god and redeem yourself, or be cast out to face what you've done."

The chamber grew silent. Donovan gripped his head as thoughts tumbled through it. "I…I couldn't even fight Alyssa if I wanted to…how could I? She's so much stronger than me, and she's my friend!"

The demon king chuckled. "And you could make her a god after it's all said and done. As for the how…well. You'll be a demon lord won't you? That comes with powers, and demons. You'll have your own army again, and won't that be nice? You led the last one very well." He extended his hand and took Donovan's chin. The young man felt the piercing gaze open up everything within him. "Well? What will it be? Can you fix everything by yourself? Can you do with your own power what I'm offering?"

Donovan met the demon king's gaze. He felt his eyes water, and his voice shake. "N-no…no, I can't fix anything…no matter how hard I t-tried…"

The demon king's smile grew. "Then your answer?" he held out his hand, presenting a ring.

Donovan closed his eyes as tears streaked down his face. "My friend…my friend Mark once said…that it doesn't matter if we hurt things that aren't real, or that don't matter…because…because our actions are still a reflection of ourselves…I want to bring everyone back, and fix it all…but…I want to fix the cause of it all too…I want to fix myself…and this...this doesn't feel like that..."

He opened his eyes as the demon king took his chin. "Donovan…" he said, his voice warm and his expression kind. "It doesn't matter what your friend said, you know? Because he's fucking dead. And if you ever want to hear his useless platitudes again, then kiss the ring and actually do something about it. Because I lost my patience for weak and whiney people a long, long time ago. You need to pick a side and stick to it before you ever have any chance of fixing anything. And that starts here, with an opportunity nobody else in the history of our world gets." Donovan swallowed and wiped his eyes. A hardened expression passed over his face. A thousand thoughts passed through is mind. His skin felt like it was on fire. He took the demon king's hand, lowered his lips, and kissed the ring. The demon king smiled. "That's the spirit. Let's continue with your welcome then, shall we?"

Donovan raised his head again, feeling sick to his stomach. Kaylee was staring at him. He dared to meet her gaze.

As always, her expression was utterly unreadable.

Episode 2: Submission
Donovan stood on a balcony. All around him were gothic spires and sweeping citadels. Below, a vast city stretched out before him. Winged creatures flew over the tops of the buildings, and giant monsters moved among the maze of streets. There were other inhabitants as well, though they were too small to make out. The sky above was a tumultuous red, and the air had a strange taste to it. The young man stared silently. The massive fortress behind him, and the city below, it was greater than his recreation of Mordor in Vashn could have ever been. It was everything he thought of when he envisioned a dark lord. It was power and majesty and…


"Not bad right?" the demon king said. He stood next to Donovan on the balcony, with Kaylee standing on the other. The young man and the demon king were still naked, though Donovan hardly thought of it anymore. He was past embarrassment. Now, he was just awed. The demon king gestured. "When I showed it to Lord Kaylee it was different. I had packed everything into a giant castle, but I grew bored of that a couple years ago. So I rearranged into a proper layout, with a walled city and a fortress looking over it." He pointed below. "Look there, it's embarrassing but I'm still in the process of moving." Donovan followed his finger. A giant tower slowly floated through the air below, escorted by scores of flying creatures. "I'd hoped to have it all done by the time you arrived, but you're only as good as the people you command, right?" The demon king laughed and nudged Donovan. "Right! You get it, you were a king once upon a time!"

"It was only a few days ago," Donovan murmured. He was still taken in by the sight before him.

"Try a few months!" the demon king said, letting out another laugh.

Donovan turned to him with a furrowed brow. "What?"

The demon king grinned and arched an eyebrow. "Oh yes, you were a mess when you first arrived. Murmuring all these people's names, what were they?" he put a hand to his chin. "Mark Mark! Grace! Lyraaaaaaa!"

A cold feeling gripped Donovan, followed by a cauldron of emotion bubbling up inside him. He had to work hard to keep it down. Kaylee apparently noticed and moved closer to him. She held up a decanter full of glowing liquid. "Drink this, it'll help with your fear of heights."

Donovan's fear of heights wasn't really an issue, but he had a feeling Kaylee was trying to help him. He slowly reached out for it, but the demon king swiped it and tossed it over the balcony. "Don't drink that in front of me, ever." His expression was cheery, as was his voice. But Donovan picked up something deeper hidden under it all. The demon king clapped the young man on the back. "I need you clear headed after all, because we have a lot of important things to discuss!"

A magic carpet slowly rose up to the railing of the balcony. The demon king did a neat skip up onto it, then held out his hand for Donovan. "Come! The party continues on my royal barge, so let me show you my world as we head there!" Donovan was unsure, but felt his hand moving before he realized it. The demon king grasped it and pulled him effortlessly up and over the railing. The young man landed with a surprised grunt on the carpet. Kaylee hiked her dress and carefully stepped up onto the railing, preparing to join. The demon king stopped her with a finger and a wink. "Why don't you fly behind us for now, don't want to get too crowded on here."

Kaylee bowed her head low, then sprouted two leathery wings from her back. The magic carpet took off. Donovan's eyes grew wide as the wind whipped past his face and hair. He gripped the fabric. The demon king laughed joyously behind him. Donovan chanced a look back and saw Kaylee keeping up with powerful wing flaps.

The carpet did a twirl as it dropped, then straightened out right before it reached the tallest of the spires. It sailed over the city, giving Donovan an even closer view. The winged creatures that they passed were like zombie-vultures with long necks, doll-like faces, and strange markings. The giants that towered over the street reminded the young man of eastern ogres, though different enough to be unsettling. The people that he could make out wore a wide variety of elaborate shawls and robes and masks and jewelry. They filled the streets and the elevated walkways that crisscrossed in all directions.

Despite the activity, the city was oddly silent. Donovan could only hear the occasional bell, though it was unlike any tone he had ever heard. Every other sound was drowned out by the wind. He leaned forward and peered down, trying to gauge why there was so little noise.

"Looks like you want the guided tour!" the demon king said, slapping him on the back. "But there's not really much to it. I've been collecting people and things since I first came here, and now you can see them all below! This city is my menagerie, and I nurture and protect it! Over there are my libraries," Donovan followed his finger again. Several cathedral-like structures rose up encircling a hill with what looked like a temple occupying the top. "I have all the greatest scholars there, researching magic and science and whatever else I might desire! And over there are my workshops!" the buildings he singled out did indeed look like workshops. Or more accurately, massive iron hangers with smokestacks. "Your war engines were interesting, but just wait until you see mine."

Donovan simply nodded. It was all very impressive, but it was also a lot to take in. The magic carpet swerved, then reared and headed straight up. The young man spied a majestic red and gold barge flying high over the city. Oars moved steadily from its sides, and the edges were curved in opulent designs. The carpet shot past the barge and came around, treating Donovan to a view of the deck. There was a large tent set up in the rear, and the rest of it was filled with figures. They quickly parted as the carpet neared the deck. The demon king stood up to the sound of applause as everyone bowed. He hopped off, then held out his hand for Donovan. Once again the young man felt his body moving seemingly without him meaning to. He took the demon king's hand and stepped off. Kaylee descended next to them. She touched down on the deck, her wings receding back into her body. "Rise, everyone!" the demon king said, gesturing. "Continue the party!" Those gathered on the deck obeyed. There were all manner of figures, some dressed in refined clothing, others naked save for their masks. There was every manner of species and creature as well. Several servants approached Donovan and the demon king and offered them food and drink. The young man waved them away, but had a chalice forcibly pressed into his hands by his host. "So, without further ado," the demon king said, gesturing. "Let's meet some old faces, as well as some new ones, shall we?"

"Old faces?" Donovan said. His question was answered as four figures emerged from the partygoers. The young man let out a noise of surprise. Tokaroaka, his chief sorcerer from when he was king, stood next to his adopted daughter. Donovan was surprised to find the girl out of the protective crystal that she was usually in. She must have been healed at some point. His gaze was drawn to the two bigger figures next to the sorcerers. One was Princess Ninja. Previously a member of the fairy-like species known as the Rook, she was now a hulking creature with powerful limbs. The other was Belok, the leader of Donovan's gargoyles.

"They chose to follow you," the demon king said. His tone was warm, as was his expression. "Isn't it nice to experience true loyalty?"

Donovan slowly approached the four figures. They all bowed. "Guys…" the young man said. A strange emotion churned within him. The demon king was wrong. The four in front of him had been enslaved by Donovan. They had no choice but to follow. It was both a relief to see them, and a shameful reminder of his past.

The demon king seemed to sense what Donovan was thinking. He leaned by the young man's ear and lowered his voice. "Do not regret what you did to them or anyone else. You had power and you used it, and whether in this world or the old world, that is the nature of the game." The demon king straightened back up and smiled down at Donovan. "And it is a game. You don't have to play, but you can't complain when others crush you underfoot."

Donovan stared at the demon king with a conflicted expression. A voice drew his attention. "My king," Tokaroaka said. "We have waited for you to recover, and here you stand before us. We will follow you as always, even unto death."

"There it is!" the demon king said, gesturing at them. "They have purpose! Not everyone gets that you know." He strode forward. Donovan's old masters hastened to part for the demon king. Kaylee followed, pausing to look back. She motioned with a slight tilt of her head that Donovan should follow. He did, glancing at his bowed servants as he passed.

The trio moved through the party on the flying barge towards the prow. Musicians played wildly as dancers leapt and twirled. Donovan watched debauchery of all kinds happening around him. He even witnessed a group of revelers tip a servant over the side. They laughed as the figure plummeted with a scream. Kaylee shifted next to Donovan and took his arm in hers. With a nudge she drew his attention back to the front. A path had formed through the party towards the prow, and a small group of figures gathered on it. They wore a variety of robes, dresses, and other official-looking garments. Some were shockingly similar to clothing worn in Donovan's old world. Others were unmistakably fantasy inspired. They all bowed low as the demon king led Donovan and Kaylee towards them.

"And here we have your fellow demon lords. Rise, all of you." They obeyed. The demon king gestured at an older man in simple garments and a straw hat. "Lord Henrus is easily one of my most loyal servants, and has served me well over the centuries. Next to him is Lord Ravalon," the figure in question was a portly man wearing a robe, and with horns, a tail, and several gremlin-like creatures perched on his shoulders. "He's my eyes and ears in Lysseria, and I can't help but brag that my spy-network is levels beyond what you attempted!" The demon king gestured at a woman with six arms, a strange peacock-like decoration on her back, and a golden mask on her face. "Lord Amelia, a rather delightful connoisseur of death," he presented a muscular man with few garments and a face encaged in an iron mask. "Lord Vance, the token brute," next was a figure in a robe and hood, their features hidden. "Lord Lynn, one of the greatest sorcerers of all time, and of course, you've already met Lord Kaylee."

Donovan met all the demon lords' gazes. They stared back him, their expressions difficult to gauge. The young man noticed there were more figures present than the demon king had introduced. Most of them stood to the sides of the other lords, wearing opulent garments and eager expressions, but one stood next to Lord Lynn. She was a young girl, with a gothic dress and bonnet. Her face was so pale as to almost be doll-like. She met his Donovan's gaze, then glanced away.

"Ah yes," the demon king said. "There's some lords who aren't present right now, and others here who aren't lords at all." He nodded at the girl. "That one there is Claire, one of my closet companions. Very powerful, but I have other uses for her. The others are various magi and advisors and champions, but their names are irrelevant for now. But!" the demon king clapped once. "Now that we've made the proper introductions, let us enjoy the party!"

"Well…" Donovan began.

The demon king took his arm, separating him from Kaylee. "Please," he said with a grin. "I insist,"

What followed was a whirlwind of activity. Donovan was handed drinks and dragged around the deck. Everyone who saw him reached out for him, as if desiring to touch him and gain something. He shoved them away and did his best not to spill his chalice on himself. The young man also tried to abstain from drinking, but the demon king continued to instruct him to drain the liquid within. Whatever reason the king had needed Donovan to be clear-headed for was evidently done with.

The barge did a slow circle around the city. Flying creatures kept pace with it, as if guarding the large ship. Spires passed by, only interrupted by the occasional massive stone building. Eventually Donovan separated from the demon king and stumbled towards the railing. He gripped it and puked, watching the contents of his stomach fall down towards the streets below. He sniffed and wiped his mouth, then retched at a new smell. Donovan glanced around. A large wall separated a portion of the city. Massive columns of smoke rose up behind it, and whatever smell made him recoil originated there, carried over by the wind. The barge was headed straight for it. Donovan watched as they passed over the wall, then entered the closed-off section of the city.

A series of massive stone reservoirs waited on the other side. They were bigger than colosseums, and the thick columns of smoke rose up from whatever liquid was held within. Aqueducts connected everything and snaked off in different directions. There were enough of them to form a tall, confusing labyrinth of ducts and canals. But the smell was what was most noticeable. It was everywhere, and so pungent Donovan dreaded to think of what it came from. He shielded his face with both hands and tried to keep his eyes from watering.

He sensed a figure side up next to him, and looked over to see Kaylee. "It takes a while to get used to this smell, but once you do, you'll appreciate it for what it signifies." She passed him a goblet. "Here, drink this. You'll need it for later."

Donovan accepted the cup, but didn't drink from it. Instead he covered his nose with his free hand. "What is it? That smell?"

Kaylee didn't seem the slightest disturbed by the odor. Her face was blank as always. "It's the smell of transformation!" the demon king said, emerging from the party and coming up behind them. He clapped Donovan on the back, then put a hand around his shoulder. "And Lord Kaylee is right, you'll soon grow to appreciate it!"

The barge was now directly over one of the reservoirs. Donovan stared down as the flying ship parted the smoke. A dark, bubbling liquid filled the interior. He heard splashes and looked towards the edges. Tall, slender figures with robes, masks, and man-catchers were prodding a line of chained figures into the liquid. Each body that hit the surface immediately sank.

"the fuck…" Donovan said, squinting at the sight.

"It's how we make the rank and file," the demon king said. He took a long sip from his chalice and let out a sound of satisfaction. "Now, I know what you're thinking, inefficient right? Turning my spoils of war into demons deprives me of the benefits of the spoils. But it's not actually a 1:1 ratio! For every spoil I send in, I get anywhere from one to five demons! Changes the equations a little, doesn't it?"

"I see," Donovan said. He watched as the tall figures forced more chained prisoners off the reservoir ledge with their man-catchers.

"This is actually what I really wanted to show you on this little tour. You see that reservoir there?" Donovan saw a small structure swarming with winged creatures. "That's a special one. Only carefully selected sacrifices go in it, because that reservoir is what I use to create the demons for my demon lords." He patted the young man on the shoulder. "It's what I'll use to give you your demons. And I have been very selective about what I use as base material. It's how you know I value you, because the quality of your demons will be very high Donovan."

The young man couldn't help but frown, but he kept his face forward so the demon king couldn't see. "Thanks…"

The demon king clapped him on the back again. "I knew you'd appreciate it! The four loyal servants you brought will go in there as well during your ceremony, though they won't be turned into mere demons. They'll be demon commanders, and very, very powerful. You should feel honored, by the way! Very few demon lords arrive with servants like yours! Normally I just pick a few strong creatures for them!" He took a finger and tipped Donovan's chalice to the young man's lips, forcing him to drink it. "So now that you've met all the important people and seen the grounds, let me explain how it works here. This realm is connected to Lysseria, but certain celestial objects have to align for us to move large groups through. When they do align, which by the way is quite unpredictable, bam! You get the so-called Events, which is when I get to bring my armies out to stretch their legs. The other demon lords act as my agents in Lysseria until that happens, preparing this and that, but you're different. Your only job is to kill the light-bringer."


"Alyssa," the demon king said. "So we'll have our little initiation to welcome you into the fold, then the ceremony where you get your demons, then off you go back to Lysseria!"

Donovan dwelled on the demon king's words. "alright…so…how do we win?" he gestured vaguely. "How do we…bring everyone back? And make a paradise?"

The demon king sighed. "Ahh yes, well, a lot of people have to die first, which is very disheartening, but again, it'll all be irrelevant when the time comes for my true ascension."

"True ascension…" Donovan repeated.

"Don't worry over that part, that has to do with me and me alone. What you do need to worry about is the task I have assigned you." The demon king turned away. "Now, I'm going to go prepare for your initiation, you stay here and enjoy yourself until you're summoned!"

With that, the demon king moved and disappeared among the party. Donovan watched him go. Kaylee shifted beside him, intending to leave as well. She paused, then glanced back and nodded at the chalice in his hand. "Keep drinking."

Donovan frowned. "Something I should know?"

Kaylee didn't respond, instead fixing him with another unreadable expression. She turned and waded into the party. Donovan slowly exhaled and turned back to the railing. He took a sip of his chalice, then made a face and poured the rest over the side. Balancing the cup on the rail, he gazed out over the city. Various figures approached him and tried to introduce themselves, but Donovan waved them away. He wasn't in the mood to make conversation. He had a lot on his mind, and had had little time to process it. The barge left the reservoir district and rowed over the city proper. It was busy, with its giants and flying creatures and the people below in the streets. Still, there was little sound besides the party in full swing on the boat.

"You don't seem to be enjoying yourself," a small voice said.

Donovan turned to see the young girl in the dress and bonnet standing next to him. She too held a chalice in her hands, and a small smile on her lips. She reminded him ever-so-slightly of Reqart, Mark's son that Donovan had watched over for a time. "You're a little young to be drinking that, aren't you?"

"In case you forgot, my name is Claire," the girl said, coming up beside him. "And not everything here is at it appears."

"Sure," Donovan said, his tone sullen. "So you're what, the demon king's little sister?"

Claire's smile seemed to falter, or perhaps Donovan was just seeing things. "A companion actually, from another lifetime ago."

"You must be pretty important to be standing around with demon lords."

"Hmm," Claire said, sipping from her chalice. "I suppose I am. Let's talk about you though. The other demon lords will take their time personally introducing themselves, likely after your initiation, but I don't care to wait. I'm very interested, after all."

"Sure," Donovan said. "What do you want to know."

"Are you really going to kill the light-bringer?"

Donovan eyed her for a moment, then turned back to the city. "Maybe. We'll see I suppose."

"Can you?"

"I'll have powers, won't I? I guess it comes down to who's the higher level."

"No…" Claire said with a slight tilt of her head. "I mean can you go through with it?"

Donovan didn't respond for a moment. He narrowed his eyes, though he didn't turn back to the girl. "What does it matter if we can just undo everything afterwards."

Claire giggled. "Well said! Though I wonder…" she pursed her lips, as if thinking. "You can wipe away what you've done, but the stain is still on your soul, no?"

Donovan's dark expression deepened. "I was promised that too, could be fixed,"

The barge had reached the demon king's castle, and now slowly lowered towards a protruding stone walkway that hung out over the city. A gong sounded in front of the large tent near the back deck. The party grew quiet, and everyone turned towards Donovan and Claire. The young man grew confused. Claire patted his arm. "We'll continue this conversation later I suppose. The demon king summons you now."

"Right," Donovan muttered. He slowly walked towards the path the gathering had made for him leading towards the tent.

"Let me know if you wish for a tour of the city!" Claire called after him. "I'm always available, and would quite enjoy it!"

Donovan didn't respond. His heart was beating in his chest for a reason he didn't understand. All eyes were on him as they watched him make his way towards the rear deck. A staircase let up to it. It was guarded by the strange, angel-like beings that normally stood about the castle. Donovan reached the stairs and put his foot on the first step. He forced himself to look back over his shoulder.

Everyone continued to stare at him in silence.

"fuck…" Donovan muttered, then slowly walked up the steps.

The rear deck was dominated by the tent. Donovan couldn't see inside it, as it was bathed in darkness. But standing on either side of the wide-open flaps were the other demon lords. Lord Henrus and Lord Ravalon gave him small smiles, though the others had their expressions hidden under their hoods and masks. Kaylee wasn't among them. Donovan paused and stared at the gathering. Lord Amelia pointed three of her six arms towards the tent. The young man narrowed his eyes and continued on.

Inside he was met with the smell of sweet perfume. The lighting was low, with only a few bowls of fire present. They cast the elaborate tapestries that lined the walls in shifting shadows. The floor was adorned with the fur of monstrous creatures, forming a carpet. It all led up to the center of the tent, were a massive, circular bed under a silk canopy waited. Donovan furrowed his brow in confusion. The silk parted.

On the bed were a dozen naked bodies. They were all women, though with strange features that the young man couldn't understand. In the center of the bed was the demon king. He reclined on a mountain of pillows and sipped from a goblet. "Ahhh, Donovan…" he said, his voice echoing gently through the room. One of the bowls of fire crackled, sending up embers. "I'm glad to see you here, truly."

"What's going on," Donovan said, his voice cautious.

"What else?" the demon king said with a smile. "Your initiation."

Donovan took a step back. "Oh yeah…? Got to say, I'm not really digging the vibes here."

The demon king laughed. It was a genuine laugh that for some reason made the hairs on Donovan's arm stand up on end. The women on the bed rose and slowly slid off. They moved in a seductive manner towards the young man and quickly encircled him. "These fine creatures," the demon king said. "Are for all intents and purposes succubi. They can see into your innermost desires, and give them to you through their bodies."

"Right," Donovan said, taking another step back. "That's cool and all, but I'm not really in the moo-"

One of the women twirled in front of him and grasped his chin. She kissed him passionately, though Donovan tried to resist. When she let go and backed away, he saw that she looked exactly like Babi. The saint that Grace had raised as her sister. Donovan blinked in surprise, then saw that the rest of the women had adopted Babi's form as well.

"Huh," the demon king said, sipping from his chalice. "So that's your tastes…"

"N-no," Donovan said, looking around with wide eyes. "No this isn't…this…"

The demon king laughed. "No need to be ashamed here, or anywhere else in my realm! Your desires are not wrong! They are only expressions of your soul, which should be celebrated! Now come, over here…"

The Babis ran their hands over Donovan and gently guided him towards the bed. The young man tried to resist, but it was if someone else was in control of his body. The first of the women climbed onto the sheets, then turned back and pulled Donovan up with them. He tumbled onto the bed, breathing heavily. The women bent over him and caressed his arms and chest, some pausing to kiss him.

"S-stop," Donovan said, struggling. "This…"

"Donovan," a voice said.

The young man slowly looked over, having recognized the voice. It was Kaylee. She stood before the bed, wearing a silken robe with nothing underneath. She slowly shed it, revealing herself. "w-what?" he said, struggling with the feelings inside him.

"The initiation," the demon king said. "Is one of submission. Following me, and receiving all my rewards, requires it. All the lords have gone through it, and so too, will you. Lord Kaylee is here to participate as well," he winked. "I thought you might appreciate getting a taste."

"No!" Donovan yelled. He shoved away the women and forcibly sat up. "I won't! She's Seth's fiancée!"

The demon king blinked, the laughed uproariously. Donovan looked from him, back to Kaylee. She wore a small, amused smile. The demon king wiped a tear away and let out another laugh. "No no Donovan, she belongs to everyone now!" He suddenly leaned forward and gripped the young man's neck, then dragged him over. "And you, you belong to me. So let's begin the rite of submission. And once I have my way with you, you can have your way with all of Lysseria."

The blood drained from Donovan's face. Kaylee climbed delicately up onto the bed. The Babis closed in behind him.

Several hours later, Donovan stumbled across the stone bridge that connected the barge to the demon king's castle. He was supported by Kaylee, who walked under his shoulder and held him up. The pair were bruised, and battered. The party continued behind them, laughter and chaos echoing through the air.

"fuck…fuck…" Donovan said, wincing. He stumbled again, his bruised body aching. "Fuck! That…ability of his…to change sizes…I almost died…"

Kaylee glanced at him, then turned her attention back to the castle as she continued to support him. "You're taking it better than I did the first time. Maybe I was wrong about you…maybe you'll actually survive this place."

"I'm not taking it well at all actually, it just hasn't hit me yet," they continued supporting each other as they entered the castle. "I'm sorry…about what I did to you back there…my body was moving on its own and-"

"I think it will be better for both of us if we don't talk about what happened." Kaylee said.

They rounded a corner and continued on down a familiar hall. "Does everyone go through what we just did?" Donovan said, taking a moment to catch his breath. "Even the old guy?"

"Even Lord Henrus," Kaylee said, her expression carefully guarded. "Hierarchy is important here. He makes us submit, and then we do the same to those underneath us. Though we normally only have to submit once. I guess since we knew each other, he wanted me present."

She paused and opened the doors to Donovan's chambers, then carefully helped him towards the bed. "Sorry…" Donovan said. "That's…"

"Like I said, let's just stop talking about it. What happened is only a small part of the whole." She took his arm and set him down on the bed. "If you serve him well, you'll become a god. What's a bodily act compared to that?"

Donovan massaged his wrists as he studied Kaylee. She still seemed composed, though he thought he sensed something else. "Is that what he promised you?"


"I asked if that was what he promised you. Godhood. Is that why you left Seth and became his whore?"

Donovan hadn't meant to say it, but for some reason a strange sensation was taking hold. He was growing angry. Kaylee's perfect mask faded, revealing a true expression for the first time. It was fury. "You don't know what the fuck you're talking about Donovan, so I would suggest you stop talking altogether. Besides," she shoved the young man back onto the bed. "You're his whore now too. Cry if you need to, get angry, whatever. But just remember, you chose this." She turned away, hiding her expression. "Not all of us were as easily broken as you."

"Oh I am angry," Donovan said, rising up from the bed. Everything that had happened to him, even before arriving in the demon realm, seemed to be suddenly surfacing. Waking up without his friends, finding them changed, all the decisions he'd made, being betrayed by Lyra, it all filled his head and caused his breathing to quicken and his blood to pound. Donovan gestured, coming around to where Kaylee faced. "This is our god? HIM? THAT'S who we're supposed to follow? That smile, and his laugh, and his fucking attitude! THAT'S who you want to serve for eternity??" He couldn't control his anger anymore. It spilled out of him in a white-hot rage. "What did he offer you, HUH??" He grabbed Kaylee by throat. "Huh?? What did he offer you! He's fucking delusional! He's crazy and dangerous! And you're not even making an effort to stop him!"

Kaylee turned to stone in Donovan's hands. The young man blinked in surprise. He slowly let go of the statue's neck and glanced around. Kaylee stood right beside him, having appeared out of thin air. She reared back and punched Donovan into the ground with one swing. He impacted against the stone. The young man cried out in pain. Kaylee towered over him. "Don't you ever put your fucking hands on me outside the demon king's bedroom. And don't give me shit about him being delusional, or evil. He had his way with you, and now you're pissed. You didn't even consider growing a spine before then." Donovan let out of cry of pain as he lifted his broken face from the cracked stone. Kaylee turned away from him. "Give it up and submit. The demon king is as close to a god as we're going to see here, and there's no going against him." She started heading for the doorway. "The sooner you realize that and stop acting like a child, the better."

Donovan murmured a healing spell, then staggered to his feet. "Fine," he said, his voice low. He teetered as straightened up. "So I was considering serving him." He gestured. "Because I'm lost, okay? I'm FUCKING LOST! I don't know which way's up, or what I should do, or what I should have done, I've already dammed myself so where the fuck do I go from here! I had no fucking idea!" Donovan's face grew dark as he panted from shouting. "Or at least I didn't until tonight. Call me whatever you want," he pointed a finger at Kaylee. "But I'm going to fucking kill him. THAT is how I'm going to redeem myself. By killing that wannabe god piece of SHIT!"

Kaylee stared at him with hateful eyes, though it slowly changed to pity. "I see." She turned and headed for the door. "Then you're going to die, and I don't need to bother making an effort to interact with you anymore."

The door slammed shut behind her. Donovan sank back down onto the bed. He rested his face in his hands as his body trembled.

The young man cried. When he couldn't anymore, he stood up and paced. Then he sat back down. Then he began to think.

Donovan thought for a long time. He thought about what he'd seen since arriving in the demon realm, and what he'd learned. Slowly, ever-so-slowly, he came up with a plan.

A knock sounded on the door. Donovan didn't reply, but it opened anyway. Kaylee entered wearing a new dress and carrying folded clothing with a decanter on top. Donovan slowly raised his face from his hands and stared at her. "You're…back."

Kaylee's expression was blank, though her voice held the slightest hint of something. "I remember my first night here. I didn't take my anger out on others, because there were no others. It was just me. So, here," she set the clothes and decanter down on the bed. "You don't have to walk around without clothes anymore. That parts over. And drink that. It will help…"

Donovan stared at her, his expression astonished. "You…you really haven't changed. You're still…a good person…"

Kaylee avoided his gaze. "I'm not, Donovan, but I'm not a monster either. We used to be friends too. I guess I still want that to mean something." She turned back to face him with a fierce gaze. "Which is why you need to get your shit together. Don't talk about killing the demon king, don't even fucking think about it. Have you not been paying attention to anything since coming here? Everything you see was created by his willpower alone. He can't be killed, he can't be plotted against, nothing can stop him. So give up and kill Alyssa, then collect your eternal reward like the rest of us."

Donovan slowly stood. He took the decanter, popped the top, and drained it with greedy gulps. He wiped his mouth and stared Kaylee in the eyes. "Yeah…you're still a really nice person. And maybe you're right about all that. But me? If I've learned anything since coming this fantasy hell, it's that I've got some monstrous tendencies. And I'm going to use them to kill that son of a bitch. So are you going to turn tail and snitch on me?" Donovan leaned in close to her face. "Or are you going to let me play the game?"

Kaylee stared at him, then rolled her eyes and pushed his face away. "For fuck's sake you're really going to die. But fine." She put up her palms and turned away. "Do what you want, I'm not going to concern myself with it anymore."

She headed for the door. "Kaylee," Donovan said, stopping her. She glanced back at him. "When is the ceremony. When I get my demons."

"Tomorrow," Kaylee said, then turned and left.

The next morning, Donovan dressed himself and explored the castle. He was accompanied by his four former-masters, Tokaroaka, his daughter, Princess Ninja, and Belok. He found a hall, which was empty save for a table and chairs, and was immediately surrounded by servants trying to serve him breakfast. The young man took a few items and chewed on them as he continued onward.

Donovan's thoughts, worries, fears, and regrets were slowly shifting into something else. Something dark, and hateful. But it was more than that. It was hatred with a purpose. He had a plan now, and he was going to see it through. He didn't care about failure.

He asked the various servants around him and finally found what he was looking for. The young man navigated the maze of hallways towards his destination. The demon king was nowhere to be found, nor were the demon lords or Kaylee. Donovan arrived at a stone archway leading out to a garden. In the center was a pavilion, where a table and chairs were set up. Claire sat under it wearing a new gothic dress and bonnet. She sipped from a teacup as servants waited on her.

"Ah!" she said, noticing him approaching. She waved one of her gloved hands. "Hello! I was hoping we would see each other again soon!"

Donovan gave her a small smile as he came to a stop. "And I was hoping I could take you up on that tour." His four commanders fanned out behind him.

Claire's face lit up. "Oh how delightful! Yes! Let's go!" She quickly scooted off her chair and skipped over to the young man. Taking his arm in hers, she led him off out of the garden. "You have no idea how much I enjoy such outings! Do you have anywhere in particular you wish to go?"

"As a matter of fact I do. Can we explore the demon reservoirs? I wanted a closer look."

Claire glanced at him with a curious expression as she led him along. "Why…yes, yes we can."

"Excellent," Donovan said, smiling warmly at her. He faced forward again as they entered the castle proper.

Unseen by her, his expression then turned very, very dark.

Episode 3: Punishment
1811 years ago

A girl smeared in dirt and wearing rags walked across a field. Her feet were bruised and bloody, and her expression was devoid of life. The field was empty. The few crops remaining were smashed and scattered. The girl walked past a destroyed stalk and paused. She bent down and inspected the ground, then used her fingers to try and dig up seeds. She unearthed some, then quickly stuffed them in her mouth and chewed. It wasn't much, but it was enough. The girl straightened back up and continued walking.

The sun was barely visible through an overcast sky. It tried to shine through the clouds, but only its faint, circular light was visible. It cast the surrounding lands in an unmistakable gloom. The girl hardly noticed. She zig-zagged across the field, stopping by any stalks she found. There were hardly any seeds each time, but still she dug for them.

The girl was used to being hungry, but true hunger was still a terrible thing. It dominated her thoughts and caused a pain that never left her body. She could hardly sleep sometimes, while other times she feared if she did she might not wake up. The girl had few memories that she could recall with clarity. There might have been a time when she wasn't hungry, and there might have been a time when she wasn't alone, but both those times were long past.

The end of the field appeared. Beyond it was a series of rocky outcrops. The girl stumbled towards it. There was a chance she might find something else to eat there, however little. She kept walking, entering among the tall, pronounced stones. It was even darker and gloomier in the rocky maze. She weaved around them as she went, though the girl sometimes had to stop and wait for the pain in her stomach to pass.

A low murmur reached her ears. Someone was talking somewhere in the stone maze. The girl furrowed her brow in confusion and tried to follow its echo. Sometimes when she encountered others they gave her food. Other times…not. But it was worth the risk.

She rounded a stone and came upon a man. He was neither short nor tall, scrawny nor buff. His face was quite clean however, and his eyes were closed. He wore an elaborate set of armor, and sat against a stone. A single massive spear impaled him through the stomach and pinned him to the stone. The girl could tell he was pinned because of the cracks in its surface from where the spearpoint broke through the rock. She slowly approached. The man was talking to himself, though the girl didn't understand the words. She bent down and reached for his knapsack. Perhaps she could rummage around for something.

As she neared the drawstring, the man's hand moved and grasped hers. The girl's eyes went wide, fear surging through her body. She slowly brought her gaze up and looked at the man. His eyes were open now, and he stared at her with an arched eyebrow.

"What are you doing?" he said in a faint but friendly voice.

"food." The girl said.

The man took a deep breath, then rested his head against the stone. "Ah, of course. Everyone's hungry these days, aren't they." The girl took her hand away from the man's grasp. When she saw he was still resting his head, she dragged the knapsack away and backed up. Once she was out of reach, she sat down and opened it. The girl quickly began rummaging around inside. The man looked over at her. "So that's it huh? Just going to take what you want?"

The girl nodded as she took out a small knife, inspected it, then tossed it to the side. Next was a folded cloth, then a case she didn't recognize, and finally, wrapped bread. She tore off the wrapping and began devouring it. The man sighed. He gripped the spear impaling him and tore it out with one clean motion. The girl looked up in shock. The man grunted as he put his hand to the ground and stood. He teetered for a moment, then steadied himself.

"Wha…" the girl said, wide-eyed. A bit of bread fell out of her open mouth. The man's wound ran straight through him. She could see the stone on the other side.

"What's your name?" the man said, brushing at his armor. The girl simply shook her head. The man frowned. "Well, they call me 'the hero', but I don't really feel like one anymore, so you can call me something else." He tapped his chin. "But what…" The girl didn't respond, simply stuffing the rest of the bread in her mouth. A small smile appeared on his face. "I've got it, why don't we pick names for each other?"

The girl got to her feet and backed away. "Food…"

"Right," the man said, a pained expression on his face. "You…probably can't come up with any names right now, can you. But I can." He tilted his head and studied the girl. "How about…Claire."

The girl blinked. "Claire…"

The man smiled. "That's right. It's a good name, don't you think?" he held out his hand. "Why don't we get out of these terrible rocks and go find some other people, shall we? I was only here to do some thinking after all, it's not really a place for a child."

The girl cautiously approached. She glanced as his outstretched hand, then narrowed her eyes. "Food?"

The man simply let out a laugh. "Right, let's go find some."

1809 Years Ago

"Claire what are you doing!"

The girl laughed as she ran along a high stone wall. The wind tore past her hair, sending the strands dancing around her head. She skipped once, twice, then paused to regain her balance. She glanced down at the man keeping pace with her at the bottom.

"I'm taller than you now!"

The man closed his eyes and shook his head. "You're going to fall, and then what huh?"

Claire beamed. "You'll catch me!"

"Oh will I now?"

"Yes!" Claire said. The wind blew past her again, carrying with it the smells of the earth and trees. She gazed around at the countryside from atop the wall. There were rolling hills, and small clumps of forest. She closed her eyes and savored the feeling.

"Come on, get down from there. We need to cut across if we want to find the road to Fospier."

Claire opened her eyes. "Alright!" She tilted to the right and fell from the wall. The man let out a surprise yell and scrambled to catch her. She landed in her arms, laughing. "See! I knew you would catch me!"

The man sighed. "Yes…but let's stop testing it," He gently set her down and brushed at her garments. "You need to be more careful, I might not always be around to save you."

Claire frowned. "Are you leaving me?"

"Well…no, but life can be unpredictable. Nothing lasts forever you know."

She took his hand and stared at him with determination. "You can't ever leave me! We have to be together forever!"

The man took a deep breath, then exhaled and shook his head with a smile. "Well, let's just drop the matter for now. The point is, stop running along tall walls. Can you do that for me?"

"Fine," Claire said, tugging his hand. "Let's go already!"

The pair left the wall and walked towards a distant hill. Insects whisked and circled around them, eliciting irritated cries from Claire whenever they landed on her. She swatted them, sometimes chasing the tiny creatures, other times running away from them. This continued until she and the man crested the hill.

A road snaked along in either direction before them. Beyond it was the town of Fospier. Claire and the man made their way down and reached the road. They walked along until it curved around another hill, then they came across the first corpse.

It was a man, sprawled out in the dirt. Further up was another corpse, and another. The man took Claire's hand. "stay close," he murmured.

More and more bodies appeared along the path. They reached the gates of the town, finding them smashed. Inside was no better. The streets were filled with the dead, and every window and door was broken. The smell was overwhelming. Carrion birds cried out to one another as they feasted. Claire pressed herself against the man and closed her eyes.

"what happened…"

"The same thing that always happens," the man said. "Someone got greedy, or wanted revenge, or convinced themselves that it was necessary."

Claire didn't respond. The man patted her back, then shifted away. She opened her eyes and stared pleadingly at him. "w-wait!"

"It's okay," the man said, walking a distance away from her. "I'm just going to clean up a bit." He raised his hands. Geometric shapes appeared in the air. The corpses trembled. One by one they slowly rose and rotated into the air. The entire town gave up its dead, the corpses filling the sky. The man started walking. Claire hastened to follow. The floating corpses traveled as well.

Outside the town, thousands of holes had appeared in the earth. The man gestured, and the bodies began to lower into them. He watched as each corpse found a hole. Claire clung herself to the man with a confused expression. "are you…"

"Giving them some dignity," the man murmured. "However little it may be…"

"dignity?" Claire said, glancing up at him.

The man nodded. "That's right. Dignity is very important to all living creatures. The world will try and take it away, but we must always strive to deny the world its pleasures. And we do that by respecting each other, and acknowledging each other's worth."

"And…" Claire said, struggling to understand. "We put people in the ground?"

The man couldn't help but give her a sad smile. "In this case…yes. Better than rotting above it as the world intended. It's a small act, but it has meaning. Dignity through defiance of nature." The last body slowly lowered into the hole. The man turned to her. "Now, let's go look for some markers, shall we?"

An hour later, Claire walked out of the town dragging a sack full of various objects. Pots, utensils, combs, tapestries, tools. The man was finishing lowering the last mound of dirt over the holes with magic. The girl brought the bag over and presented it. "Here! Look what I found! Can we use these?"

The man finished his spell and turned to her. "Why yes, yes we can."

Claire picked up a mallet and ran over to the nearest grave. She carefully placed it on top of the dirt, then ran back and picked up another object. The man joined her. Together they gave each grave a marker, whether it was a tool, garment, or treasure. When they had finished, the pair stood at the edge of the field and surveyed their work.

"Not bad," the man said, patting her shoulder.

"Do you think…" Claire said, biting her lip. "Do you think they'll like it? Do they have dignity now?"

The man surveyed the field, a strange expression briefly passing over his features. It quickly turned back to a warm smile. "I think they do Claire…I think they do."

1807 Years Ago

The man stood at a window. It looked down into a city plaza, which was filled to the brim with people. It was late at night, but the darkness was kept at bay by thousands of torches. In the center of the plaza was a man on a wooden stage. He wore strange garments, and clutched a book in his hand. He gestured with it as his voice rang out. The crowd responded with anger, shouting agreements and curses.

The man at the window closed his eyes and turned away from the scene. He heard a creak, then looked up to see the door to the room opening. Claire peeked inside. The man tilted his head slightly. "Oh? You're still up?"

Claire nodded. She slowly entered and shut the door behind her. "I think…I think I've finally come up with your name."

The man blinked in surprise. "Really?"

Claire slowly walked inside. "It's been four years hasn't it? It took a long time, but I had to think really, really hard."

The man couldn't help but let out a laugh. "You've called me lots of things over the years."

Claire shook her head fiercely. "No, this will be the real one. Your true name. It means He Who Gives Dignity. Would you like to hear it?"

The man's expression grew sad, but only for a moment. He smiled warmly at Claire and nodded. "Yes. Yes I would…"

"Are you coming Lord Donovan?"

Donovan tore his gaze away from the sky and turned to his companion with a smile. Claire stood in front of a carriage wearing her dress and bonnet, as well as a parasol tucked under her arms. A servant stood nearby with his hand out to help her up.

"Yes of course," Donovan said, approaching. Claire returned his smile with one of her own, then took the servants hand and climbed inside. The young man followed after.

They pair settled across from each other in the cushioned interior. Soon enough they were traveling out of the castle gates. Donovan's commanders rode behind them, on beasts big enough for their various sizes. Claire seemed eager, sometimes leaning towards the window and pointing buildings out. Donovan got a good look at the city now that he wasn't high in the air.

There were many species present, but they all wore similar styles of garments. Colorful, layered shawls, heavy jewelry, and other ornaments. They kept their heads low as they went about their business. As Donovan had noted before on the barge, everything was eerily quiet. He said as much to Claire.

"Yes," she said, beaming. "There is not much noise in the city, for the people here are very polite, and considerate of the demon king's preferences!"

"A preference for silence I assume."

"That's right! Though not always. For now though, it is a season of silence."

Donovan dwelled on this, then turned his attention to the girl sitting across from him. "Can I ask you something?" Claire responded with a nod and a smile. "You didn't give me a proper answer last time, but what are you to the demon king?"

Claire's expression grew thoughtful. She glanced out the window for a bit, then finally turned back to Donovan. "I was his companion and friend a long time ago. And I remained so through the years. When he became the demon king, I joined him."

"So you're immortal."

"I wasn't always," Claire said, tugging at a piece of lace on her dress. "But I am now."

"And…you're powerful?"

Claire glanced at him with a coy expression. "Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering."

The girl looked back out through the window. "I am powerful, or at least that's what people tell me." Donovan was silent. Claire continued staring out the window. "Are you excited for your ceremony?"

The young man narrowed his eyes, though this went unnoticed. "You could say that. Hopefully it goes better than the initiation."

Claire didn't respond. Nothing else was said during the carriage ride, not until it came to a stop in the cobblestone street. A servant opened the door and held out his hand. Claire took it and stepped down. "Here we are!" she said, taking in the view.

Donovan frowned as he got out. They were not in the reservoir quarter, though he could see the wall rising up a few streets over like a mountain range. "Where are we? Why are we here?"

"Business before pleasure!" Claire said, gesturing at a stone archway. Beyond it was a market bustling with activity.

"I had hoped-"

"I know," Claire said, taking his hand. "But humor me for a bit, won't you?" With her other she opened her parasol and placed it delicately against her shoulder. She walked him towards the archway, humming a tune. Donovan's commanders dismounted and followed at a respectable distance.

They entered into the market and passed crowds of people and stalls. Everyone gave them room, not even daring to look their way. Claire continued humming as she inspected various stalls and wares. The merchants bowed low wherever she went, and handfuls of goods were offered free of charge. The girl smiled politely and declined, continuing her browsing.

"I like things like this," she said, twirling her parasol. "People living life, going about their day. It reminds me of a simpler time."

"If you say so," Donovan said. He had many thoughts in his mind. He took a glowing decanter from his cloak and sipped from it. Claire noticed, giving him a side-glance.

"You like it?"

"It numbs the pain." Donovan said. "And helps me think."

"That must be why everyone drinks it," Claire said, bending over to inspect a stall of jewelry. "There is a lot of pain in this city, after all, though I am surprised that you have anything to think about. Is not the way of this place obvious? What is there to consider but the demon king's will?"

"What indeed," Donovan said, his tone low.

Claire exhaled, then straightened up from the stall. "I have grown weary of this, come."

She led him down the street, then turned down an alley. Donovan grew confused as they walked. The buildings rose up on either side of them like a canyon, and everything was bathed in shadow. There were many in the alley, though they all sat against the wall curled up in worn blankets. They shied away as Claire and Donovan passed, clearly trying to hide themselves. The girl turned down another alley, then another. She descended stone stairs into what looked like the mouth of a sewer.

"Can I ask where we're going?" Donovan said.

Claire had resumed humming as she walked into the darkness. Her voice echoed out from within. "We're visiting the reservoirs of course! Come along now!"

There was little light inside the tunnel, so the young man simply followed the sound of the girl's singing. It echoed around him, and almost reminded him of a lullaby. Sometimes he reached an intersection and paused, and other times he came to a fork in the path. But as always, the singing led him onward.

A light appeared in the distance. The air grew heated, and Donovan began to sweat. He could hear his commanders behind him, and the song ahead, but still he was uneasy. The light grew brighter, and the air hotter. Then, he emerged from the tunnel.

The reservoir stretched out before him. He was not at the top along the rim, but had come out halfway down. A ledge protruded outward, high over the bubbling liquid. Bodies tumbled down from above, splashing and sinking instantly below. Donovan slowly walked towards the end of the ledge where Claire waited with her parasol. The bodies continued to fall, some with cries, others silent.

"Is this…" Donovan began.

"This is the reservoir that will give you your demons," Claire said, not bothering to turn around. He came up behind her, and together they watched the rain of bodies. "Tell me Lord Donovan, do you like me?"

Donovan frowned. "Do I like you?"

Claire twirled her parasol and nodded underneath it. "Yes, do you find me entertaining? Do you like the dresses I wear?"

"The fuck are you talking about."

"I was surprised when you wanted to take a tour with me. Most everyone keeps their distance, but you didn't! I thought perhaps it was because you liked me. Do you find me attractive?"

Donovan frowned. "You're like…twelve years old. You're a child. No, I don't find you attractive, but that's not to say you aren't. Just don't ask those questions to older men."

Claire turned around and faced him. She wore a smile, but her eyes stared hard into his. "Then, are you going to kill me?"

A cold feeling worked its way up through Donovan. His expression grew stony, and his voice came out low. "Whatever gave you that idea."

Claire gave him a sad smile. "I've lived a long time, you see. I've learned to listen. You're interested in me, but not in my dresses, or my stories, or my beauty. Just my power," she turned back towards the reservoir. "And you wanted to see this place. It wasn't hard to put it all together. You're going to kill me, and throw me in there, and try and gain stronger demons." She glanced over her shoulder. "Yes?"

Donovan closed his eyes, then opened them. "That's right."

"You would kill a child?"

"I've done worse. And you're not a child, are you."

"No," Claire said, her voice sad. She turned back to the reservoir. "I'm not. But It won't work you know."

"What do you mean."

"You can't kill me. Not like you are. I'm too powerful, and even the fact that you're a hero from another world won't help you. You may have noticed that you can't control people here. A testament to how strong everyone is. So you picked me, because I assume you thought me weak. That's not the case though."

"I picked you because the demon king liked you. Not because you were weak."

"Ah…yes…that makes sense. But still, this wasn't very well thought out. Lord Ravalon sees everything, and would know. So would the demon king in his own way. And then there's the matter of why you're joining us in the first place." She turned fully to face him. "Weren't you going to resurrect your friends, and undo all the wrongs you've caused?"

Donovan didn't respond for a moment. The sound of bodies dropping into the liquid continued. "Better to remain dead forever, then spend eternity in that man's heaven."

Claire pursed her lips in a thoughtful expression. "I see."

"As for my sins, I'll deal with them later. I have to kill a monster first."

"You were going to join that monster."

Donovan gave a slight shrug. "I've never been able to hold onto any principals since coming here, and I've changed sides more times than I can count. But it's different this time. This time, I'm sticking to a path until I see it to the end."

Claire slowly lowering her parasol. "But you can't even kill me, so what will you do?"

"I don't know. I figure I have some time while I look for Alyssa. Or maybe I'll just be killed trying and the matter will be moot."

"There are fates worse than death Lord Donovan." Claire said. Her voice had taken a strange tone, and her eyes grew distant. "You're acting in anger, but it won't be worth it in the end." The young man didn't respond. Claire's eyes cleared, and she turned her attention to him. "I'll let you."

Donovan frowned. "What?"

"I'll let you kill me."

The liquid below hissed as more bodies hit its surface. Donovan took a step back, studying the girl with a skeptical gaze. "Why…would you let me kill you?"

"Take out your knife Lord Donovan. The one you were going to use on me." The young man hesitated, then obeyed. He slowly produced the knife Tokaroaka had given him earlier. It was a Vashn blade, used by sorcerers. Claire nodded approvingly. She beckoned Donovan closer, and he took reluctant steps until he was in front of her. She reached into her dress and produced a key on the end of a chain. The girl unfastened it, then held it out to Donovan. "Your plan will likely fail, and you will suffer greatly for it. The demon king cannot be stopped. He has two thousand years worth of powers and abilities. But if, by chance, you manage to take this key and unlock what it goes to, you may buy yourself enough time to escape."

Donovan stared at her, confused, then took the key. "What does it go to?" Claire shook her head, then took his hand with the knife and slowly brought it up to her chest. She rested the point against her heart and looked the young man in the eyes. Donovan stared back at her in disbelief. "Why…are you letting me do this?"

She smiled, though her eyes held an unfathomable sadness. "Better to remain dead forever, than spend an eternity in that man's heaven."

"You…hate him to?"

"I loved him once upon a time. But he is no longer the man I knew. And as strong as I am, I do not have the strength to take my own life. So please, do me this kindness and end my-" Donovan plunged the knife into her chest. Claire gasped, coughing up blood. He walked with her as she stumbled back towards the edge of the ledge. She reached for his hand and grabbed it. "Promise me…"

"I'm listening."

"Don't…" Claire said, closing her eyes as she slid off the knife. "let him…resurrect me…"

She tumbled over the ledge. Donovan slowly walked up to it and watched as her body hit the liquid. There was an immediate reaction. The surface seethed, then bubbled, then exploded in a massive geyser. The liquid rained back down, churned, then settled. Donovan turned away and walked back to where his commanders waited. He took the key and pressed into Tokaroaka's hand. "If anything should happen to me, find what this goes to and unlock it. Trust no one."

The sorcerer bowed. "Yes master."

Donovan walked back through the tunnel and emerged from the alley. He and his commanders returned to the demon king's castle on foot. The young man took in the city as he did. Its people, buildings, the atmosphere. His heart had hardened, and his thoughts were dark. Claire's final words rang in his head.

"Donovan!" the demon king said, opening his arms wide. The young man stood in a large chamber filled with servants rushing around. The demon king crossed and embraced him. Donovan resisted the urge to recoil. "I was surprised to find you not here when I went looking for you! Wherever could you have gone!"

"I decided to stretch my legs," Donovan said. "I hope I didn't cause any problems."

The demon king winked at him. "Nonsense! But come, come, it is time for your ceremony! It is time to make you a proper demon lord!"

Servants surrounded Donovan and led him from the hall. "Ah, now?"

"No better time than the present!" the demon king called after him.

The young man was taken to a side chamber and stripped, washed, then adorned with markings. He allowed it all, though his heart beat in his chest. Any moment someone could discover what had happened. The other shoe was waiting to drop.

After the servants finished, they dressed him in a red robe and led him back out. The other demon lords were waiting in the hall, including Kaylee. The demon king entered in a thin garment decorated with jewels and clapped his hands. "We are all ready, let us welcome our brother into the fold!"

The group moved as one through the castle. Servants lined the walls with lanterns, and fell into step behind them as they passed. By the time they had reached a circular chasm lined with a spiral staircase, a giant procession had formed. The demon king took Donovan's hand and led the way down. The young man was beginning to hate people taking his hand. But he endured, biding his time.

At the bottom was a pool. It was circular, and lined with a stone rim. A canal fed the pool with the dark liquid Donovan had seen in the reservoir. The demon lords and servants filed out along the rim. The demon king kept the young man at the top step of a staircase leading down into the liquid. When everyone had taken their place, the chamber was awash with the light and shadows of a thousand lanterns. The servants began chanting and swaying. The demon lords simply stood still and gazed at Donovan.

"Now," the demon king said, taking Donovan's robe off. "We are about to witness the birth of your demons. There will be thousands, and they will serve as your army, and you will serve as my agent. Together, we will fix this world and all who dwell in it."

"Of course," Donovan said. The demon king turned him towards the stairs and gave him a gentle prod. The young man took the first step.

The chanting grew louder. Donovan took another step, then another. His feet entered the pool. He felt his skin burn, but ignored it. There was another sensation as well. He could not describe it, but something tugged at him. Something powerful.

The liquid only came up to his waist. Donovan waded out into the center as the chanting echoed around him. The pool bubbled, then shifted. It heaved up around Donovan and baptized him in a shower of dark water. He closed his eyes and raised his head towards the cavernous ceiling.

Suddenly, the chanting stopped. Donovan opened his eyes and gazed down. The pool had grown still, save for a patch directly in front of him. The young man watched as a figure rose up from it. It had no shape or form. It was simply a lumpy, shifting blob.

Nobody spoke. Donovan studied the blob, then glanced around him at the ledge. All eyes were on him. The demon king's voice rang out. "One demon?"

A murmur spread through the onlookers. It quickly built into words of confusion. "Where are the others master?" Lord Vance bellowed.

"Why does he only have one?" Lord Amelia mused. Kaylee stood next to her, and though she said nothing, her expression was extremely worried.

The demon king held up a hand. Everyone grew quiet. "It seems…" he began. "That for all my efforts, the ritual has only birthed one demon for Lord Donovan. It is…a shame." Again the murmurs traveled through the chamber. Donovan turned his attention back to the blob as he appraised it. He was not disappointed. He knew better. The demon king gestured. "No matter, send in his commanders."

Tokaroaka, his daughter, Princess Ninja, and Belok all appeared. They stepped into the pool one by one and stood in it. A moment passed, and then they were pulled under by some unseen force. Donovan blinked in surprise. The blob shuddered, then disappeared in a cloud of smoke. "What happened to them?"

"Their transformation requires submersion," the demon king said with a smile. "And it's your turn now."

Donovan didn't have time to respond. He was pulled under into the liquid. An eternity passed. He thought he was drowning. In fact he did, several times over. Finally whatever force held him released his body, and the young man floated to the surface. He gasped upon reaching it, then thrashed around. Strong hands reached in and pulled him out. Donovan stumbled up the stairs, then fell on his hands and knees. He panted, his body feeling different now. It was strange.

"Rise, Lord Donovan," the demon king said. The young man slowly got to his feet. Behind him, his four commanders emerged from the pool. "It is a shame you only have one demon, but perhaps it is a very strong one indeed."

"That would be nice," Donovan said, accepting a towel from a nearby servant.

"Well," the demon king said. "Let us leave the matter for latter, come, everyone! It is time to celebrate!"

The procession traveled back up the stairs and made their way to a massive hall lined with trees. It was like an indoor courtyard, with a large hole in the ceiling many stories up to let in faint light. A hundred torches burned throughout, and servants waited with food and drink. The musicians struck up a tone as soon as everyone entered. Donovan mingled in his ceremonial robe. He refused drinks, but he did sneak sips from the glowing elixir he'd gotten from a servant. Lord Amelia was the first to introduce herself.

"Greetings, Lord Donovan," she said, holding out one of her six hands.

The young man took it and kissed it. "Greetings, Lord Amelia."

"Your disappointing ceremony aside, I am most pleased to have you among our ranks. Finally, the light bringer will be broken. And you seem a decent enough sort to spend eternity with."

Donovan fixed her with a polite smile. "You might prove interesting to know as well, Lady Amelia."

The demon lord shifted, her posture indicating she was mildly amused. The young man certainly couldn't tell her expression under her mask. The next demon lord was Vance. "THERE HE IS!" the large man said, grabbing Donovan by the shoulders and shaking him. "You embarrassed us back there with your paltry display of demonhood, but you will have many chances to redeem yourself!"

"That's good to hear," Donovan said, his polite smile remaining.

Lord Ravalon was next. "Ah, Lord Donovan," he said, bowing his head in greeting. "It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, however brief it may be."


The portly man gave him a small, knowing smile. "You are leaving us to seek out the light-bringer, aren't you?"

"Ah, yeah, suppose I am. And you're the spymaster I've heard so much about?"

Lord Ravalon chuckled. "Oh I certainly hope not, for then I wouldn't be doing a very good job at it now would I?"

"Of course," Donovan said. "Consider it forgotten."

Lord Henrus approached him from the side and handed him a drink. "Enjoying yourself?" he said, his tone amused. Donovan studied him for a beat, then accepted the chalice.

"Of course, I'm a demon lord now, aren't I?"

"Are you?" Lord Henrus said, then shifted away and disappeared among the crowd.

The last demon lord, Lynn, did not present herself. Instead Donovan found Kaylee speaking in low murmurs with a servant. She glanced up as the young man held out his hand. "May I have this dance?"

Kaylee studied him with an uncertain gaze. She slowly took his hand, then allowed him to lead her out among the other dancers. Only a few were actually dancing. The others were descending into debauchery. Donovan ignored the writhing bodies on the floor and twirled Kaylee around to the beat of the music. "What is this…" Kaylee said, her tone as cautious as her expression.

Donovan gave a slight shrug. "I haven't seen you in ten years, is it so unusual to want to dance?"

"I think we've gotten to know each other enough over the last couple days. It's best not to be seen together, not with our history."

Donovan turned her, then dipped her low. "Not quite the trusting family I suppose."

"Not really," Kaylee said, her hair dangling above the floor. Donovan pulled her back up and resumed the dance. "Something's wrong,"

Donovan frowned. "What?"

"I don't know," Kaylee said, taking fugitive glances around them. "The atmosphere…has changed…"

"I don't sense it."

"You haven't had to learn how yet. It's a survival tactic here, and why I'm still a demon lord. Unlike some others I could name."

Loud clapping interrupted the music. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to the source. The demon king had seemingly grown taller, and now towered several feet above everyone else's heads. "Attention, attention!" he held up a chalice. "Our newest demon lord, having just finished the rites that make him one of us, will be departing soon to bring down our foe, the light-bringer. Let us give him a toast, one of good fortune in his hunt!"

"Yes!" voices shouted out.

"Good fortune on your hunt!"

"Donovan," the demon king said, smiling warmly at him over everyone's heads. "I just have one thing to say before you leave." The young man nodded and held up his chalice. The demon king's smile slowly disappeared. "Where is Claire."

The room grew deathly quiet. Many wore confused expressions, while others simply backed away. Something in the demon king's tone had set a chill through the air. Donovan swallowed, then smiled. "Why are you asking me?"

"Hmmm," the demon king said, exhaling. His eyes bore into the young man, making him feel small and exposed. "You were seen leaving the castle with her, but you did not return. And she has never missed a party I have hosted."

Everyone slowly turned towards Donovan. Those around him backed away, including Kaylee. Her expression was pale, but carefully devoid of any sign of emotion. "Perhaps she got lost," Donovan said, sipping from his glass.

"Perhaps…" the demon lord repeated. "she got lost…" The floor heaved up and impaled Donovan through his leg. He gasped in pain and dropped his chalice. The demon king slowly moved towards him. Everyone parted. "I will ask you one more time, Lord Donovan. Where. Is. Claire."

Donovan grit his teeth in pain, though his grimace slowly turned into an amused smile. "Ahhh, you got me." He shrugged, doing his best not to wince from the pain. "I killed the fuck out of her."

The demon king stopped. Everyone unconsciously took a step back. "You…killed her…you."

"Yeah," Donovan said, inspecting his leg as it throbbed. "She actually begged me to do it. Told me to promise not to let her be resurrected." He looked up from his leg and raised an eyebrow. "Pretty fucked up if you ask me. You must be one pathetic sack of shit for your best friend to hate you. I mean I committed genocide and Mark was still cool with me."

There was a tension in the air that seemed to press down on everyone. The party guests all got on their hands and knees and bowed their heads towards the demon king. They murmured and mumbled, though what they were saying Donovan couldn't hear. The demon king stood like a statue, his unbearably piercing gaze fixed on the young man.

"I offered you godhood and redemption. And you have spat in my face like none ever have in the history of my time here."

"I'm not going to trade barbs with you. You took my dignity. Fuck you and fuck your perfect paradise."

The demon king slowly blinked. "I took…your dignity…" he slowly raised a hand to his face, as if feeling it for the first time. "Well then…allow me to take your mind as well." The floor trembled, then erupted with debris. Everyone cried out and scrambled to back away. An iron maiden rose up through the floor, shedding mortar and loose stone. Its flaps opened, revealing its spiky interior. "Your friends are all ten years older than you, with a lifetime of experiences under their belt. It's time for you to catch up. Within this device time travels faster. You will gain the ten years that you did not get to experience in Lysseria. But you will be alone. And in darkness and pain. Then when your mind is broken, I will bring you out and little time will have passed, and you will kill the light-bringer. After which you will then suffer for the rest of your miserable existence."

Donovan body was pulled by an unseen force towards the iron maiden. He came to a stop and hovered right in front of the opening. The young man looked over his shoulder, finding Kaylee. Her expression was horrified, and fearful. He gave her a small smile, then turned to the demon king. "We'll see who breaks who, you ken doll-looking piece of-"

Donovan plunged into the iron maiden. The doors slammed shut. The device shuddered, then sank into the floor.

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