Help! I’m probably going to murder my friends in this Isekai!

I think Grace is just hopped up on righteous anger and wants to take control of the situation to run it as she sees fit. Not an unreasonable goal considering Donny just mind-controlled thousands of innocent civilians to their deaths. But she's looking at Donovan from the perspective of an avenging angel staring down a demon; there's not going to be any sort of negotiation except total submission. Donovan is completely broken, so he gives that, and his submission only further enforces Grace's feeling of righteousness. I think we're going to see Grace becoming more and more demanding until Donny finally balks, leading to a fight, or until Grace bites off more than she can chew and ends up beaten or dead.

Thing is, we're way past the moral event horizon here. And unless Grace can singlehandedly carry this thing, then they're going to need their army of brainwashed slave-soldiers. Donovan needs to get his sadsack head out of his butt and back into the game. Yeah, you're a horrible monster, but you're also about to get everyone you have left killed. Time to focus up, self-pity can come later.
Episode 12: All Good Things Come to an End
The Guardian warship Tangriel trailed across the nighttime sky. The moons reflected of its smooth surface, illuminating the land below. Curved rises rose up towards it as it passed. The ship brushed the tips, sending out clouds of sparkling dust. Ahead of the Tangriel rose a circular mountain, bent to the side like a giant spigot. Its opening grew larger as the ship approached, the yawning darkness within beckoning.

Donovan stood at the viewport of the Tangriel, watching the mountain entrance stretch until it encompassed the entire window. Beside him stood Lyra, and on the other side was Reqart. The others had gathered as well; Princess Esymia, Ilizabessa, Prince Galeon. Babi had her hands on Reqart's shoulder as she stood behind the boy. Fanning out around her were Grace, Seth, Justin and She-Joker. Everyone watched the ship enter the darkness.

"Ortahem," Princess Esymia said, her voice soft. Nobody answered. Their eyes could barely make out the sides of the interior. Distant rocks glowed with blues and purples, revealing hanging moss and jutting ledges. The darkness ahead seemed to swallow all light. The warship slowed in the air.

The sound of the Tazham captain's footsteps echoed towards the group. Everyone turned, watching as he approached. The Guardian paused, bowing his elaborate headdress. He straightened back up, gesturing with a long sleeve towards the viewport. "From here we go down into the earth, but beyond that, little is known,"

Grace nodded. "Very well, take us down,"

The warship shuddered as the Guardian crew worked the elaborate controls, then began to lower. Colorful flocks of what appeared to be pointed jellyfish swam past the windows. One of them paused, bobbing in the air in front of the viewport, then hurried on.

"Wow…" Reqart said, pressing his palms to the glass. Donovan couldn't help but agree. He too pressed a palm to the glass, attempting to stare down into the darkness. The angle of the ship made it impossible, so instead he turned his gaze upwards. There was no hint of light, or even the glowing rocks.

Something brushed against the warship, causing it to shudder. Everyone stumbled, reaching for each other for support. Donovan furrowed his brow, straightening up as he and Lyra held on to one another. "What…was that,"

Princess Esymia accepted a hand from Prince Galeon, getting to her feet and brushing at her dress. "A creature of Ortahem no doubt. I would wager it hardly noticed us,"

The Tazham captain turned and signaled to his crew. "Lights! Give us lights!"

Bright beams erupted from the sides of the warship, converging together ahead of them. A massive eyeball stared back, dilating and then blinking. The creature moved on, revealing an unending surface of rocky skin. Finally a tail trailed out behind it. With a quick flick it disappeared back into the darkness.

"Grace…" Babi said, putting a hand to the woman's arm. "There are monsters here, we should be careful,"

Fully concentrating, Grace peered out the viewport. The lights revealed nothing but floating dust, not even the edges of the mountain's interior. The ship lowered into what appeared to be clouds, so thick not even the beams of light could penetrate them.

"Do the legends speak of how far this goes down?" Grace said, turning to Princess Esymia.

The Guardian woman shook her head. "Such things as distance will begin to make little sense in Ortahem. We could travel for minutes, or hours,"

"Hm," Grace said, putting a hand to her chin. "We'll…need to be careful then. We've dealt with things similar to this, in the fey-realms,"

Seth furrowed his brow. "Oh yeahhhh, we almost lost a week once, and it only seemed like a day!"

"I don't want to go through that again," Justin said, burying his face in his hands. "That place really messed with my mind,"

"Then prepare yourselves," Princess Esymia said. "For Ortahem is beyond even the lands of the fey-folk, and far more powerful. It is the center of creation, after all,"

She-Joker stuck a hand in the air, then let herself topple to the side. She caught herself at the last moment, doing a handstand and shielding her eyes with her free hand. The colorful woman peered through the viewport, squinting. "Oh! I see something!"

The others looked as well. The clouds were thinning out, and then, completely disappeared. Light shown down all around them, as powerful as the sun. It seemed to be a circular bright column, rising up and down for miles in either direction. At the bottom were grassy slopes and forests awash in a rainbow of colors. Where the column of light ended, distant, dim spheres glowed, almost as big as moons.

Babi gasped, and several others in the group murmured in astonishment. Donovan himself was awed, taking a step back. The warship continued to lower, nearing the colorful forest and slopes. It shuddered, coming to a stop above the canopy.

"This is as far as we can go," The Guardian captain said, though it was clear he had to force his words. The crew members stood in shock as well, somehow taking in the view with their eyeless heads. The captain raised an arm slightly, looking at the instruments behind him. "We will lower down those who…wish to venture further,"

Grace turned, taking a deep breath. "Alright," She said, breaking away from the group. "But don't think you can leave us,"

"I'll have Princess Ninja and some of the knights stay behind," Donovan said, slowly following after her. "The rest of the warriors will come with us,"

"We…" Princess Esymia said. "We will stay as well. There are laws for our kind, and even now we break them by entering here. I would not risk the line of Baelkadra and Ulum by further trespassing, though I wish more than anything to accompany you,"

Grace nodded, continuing to cross the chamber. "Very well, stay here. Everyone else, let's go,"

"Ho boy," Justin said, still gazing out of the viewport. "This…is going to be intense, isn't it,"

"Hey man," Seth said, patting him on the arm. "We got this," He quickly followed after Donovan and Grace, the others doing the same.

Tokaroaka approached Donovan, bowing his head. "Are we bringing the one known as Marcus?"

The young man glanced behind him at Reqart. The boy stared back, waiting. "Yes," Donovan said, gesturing at some of the sorcerers. "Carry him as best you're able," He lowered his voice. "And bring the crystal weapon as well,"

"It will be as you say," Tokroaka said. He gestured at the sorcerers, issuing commands.

The group made their way down the winding stairs, led by Tazham crew members. Once they reached the platform, they gathered in the middle. Donovan turned to Tokaroaka, who directed the other sorcerers as they carried the crystal holding Mark. "We'll go down first, follow us afterwards," With that, the platform shuddered, then lowered.

Everyone shielded their eyes as bright light streamed all around them. The platform continued to descend, passing through the rainbow canopy and past sparkling trunks. Strange creatures peered at them from the branches, singing in soft coos and lilting melodies.

"How pretty!" She-Joker said, clasping her hands together. "I want one! I need one!"

"Careful," Grace said, staring as they lowered by a particularly large, two-headed jungle cat. It let out a low growl, though it too was like music. "These lands will not be friendly to us,"

The platform shook as it pressed into the ground, then stopped. Grace led everyone off it, gripping her spear. Donovan peered around at the rainbow foliage, noting sets of blinking eyes staring back at them. The platform rose back up for the next group.

As the companions waited, Reqart ventured towards a low-hanging branch with gleaming fruit. He gazed up at it, then reached for one of them. "Reqart!" Babi said, rushing over to him. "Careful!"

The branch jerked back, jingling like bells, then a low hiss emitted. Reqart hugged Babi, wide-eyed. "oh, I just wanted to…"

"It's okay," Babi said, stroking his hair. "We just have to be careful down here,"

Donovan watched the platform lower again. It was filled with Vashn knights, as well as the crystal holding Mark. The detached weapon was also present, loaded into its three separate carts. Once the warriors had disembarked, Grace pointed her spear. "Does everyone see that?"

They all turned. In the distance rose a tower, one that Donovan hadn't seen when he was on the platform. It fanned out towards the top, almost like a bird fountain. Its surface was covered in trees, with a single, black stone pyramid dominating the center.

"Ah," Justin said. "Well, if that isn't a sign, I don't know what is,"

Grace started forward, motioning everyone else with her spear. "Come then, let's investigate,"

The group followed her, the Vashn knights fanning out and forming a protective circle. They drew their swords, gripping them tightly as they glanced around at the forest. Donovan followed closely behind Grace as she led. Lyra walked next to him, though she seemed quiet, almost overwhelmed by their surroundings.

The trees swayed ahead of them, the jingling sound echoing through the forest. Small voices sang out from the brush, growing louder and then fading as the group passed. Donovan began to feel on edge, conscious of the eyes continuing to stare at him. He wasn't sure what they were, and he wasn't about to go and find out.

The forest gave way to a white field. Tall pale stalks rose out of it, covered in puffy white caterpillars. Grace continued to lead, the caterpillars exploding in brilliant colors as they group waded through. Rainbow butterflies fluttered up from the stalks, then faded into dust.

Everyone was silent. In the distance, the massive tower rose up before them. The group sent off waves of butterflies as they passed, finally reaching the stone surface. Grace gazed up at it, as did Donovan and the others. She looked around the base, furrowing her brow. "I don't see a way in, we'll have to walk around,"

"Maybe we should go back for the ship," Justin said, craning his neck upward.

Reqart slowly approached, reaching out a palm to the stone surface to feel it. He made a noise of surprise as he lurched forward. Everyone stared, watching as the boy clung to the side. Reqart got to his feet, standing horizontally from the tower.

"Ah," Donovan said, walking forward. "We're playing fast and loose with gravity then," He picked up his foot and pressed it against the surface, then felt the world tilt. He stood horizontal like Reqart, although to him, everyone else was standing at an angle. Donovan held out his hand to Lyra, who hitched up the hem of her dress and took it, following him onto the wall. Reqart started walking up the side of the tower, prompting everyone else to follow. Soon the entire group was traveling horizontally along the stone.

It took a while to reach the top of the tower, or possibly no time at all. A tiny dark entrance lay where it fanned out like a bird fountain, and Grace gently put a hand to Reqart's shoulder as they neared. "Let me take the lead," She murmured, then moved past him. Babi and Justin hastened to keep up, followed by Seth and She-Joker. Donovan glanced at his knights and the wagons carrying the crystal weapon.

"A few of you stay here with that," He said, gesturing at the weapon. "See if you can't find another way up," The knights nodded, then Donovan headed for the entrance.

One by one they entered the door, disappearing into the darkness. When it was Donovan's turn, he stepped through like the others, then found his world spinning. It felt like he was underwater, traveling at a great speed. Up, down, side to side, all he could see was murky blackness. A bright light appeared ahead, Donovan shooting straight for it. He broke free of the water and gasped for breath.

The young man found himself standing on a glass surface, surrounded by trees. Grace, Reqart and the others stood nearby, clearly recovering from the sudden surprise swim. Donovan heard a noise, turning to see Lyra emerge up through the glass and stumble. She coughed as he helped her to her feet.

"wha…" Lyra said, her eyes wide. "What was that!"

"what was that what was that what was that," voices said, drifting around them. Donovan's head shot up, his eyes narrowed. He searched the trees, looking for the speaker. After a moment he recoiled in shock.

Growing out of the trees were wooden torsos and heads. They were vaguely shaped like people, with open mouths and deep, empty eye sockets. Donovan took Lyra's arm and moved her across the glass lake towards the shore. The others did the same.

Once Justin walked onto earthy ground, he gripped his head. "This is madness,"


Grace slowly rose a finger to her lips, signaling for him to remain quiet. She pointed with her spear through the woods, towards the black stone pyramid in the center. She-Joker had a strange look on her face, staring intently at everyone present.

"g-guys?" The colorful woman said, furrowing her brow.

The trees shifted, as if a strong breeze had blown through. "guysguysgusygusy"

She-Joker's head swiveled around, a look of horror crossing her face. "W-what's going on, where are we…"

Her words were repeated by the forest, prompting She-Joker to cling onto Grace's arm. "Where's Bri, why are we dressed like this…"

Donovan, Grace, Seth and Justin stared at her, dumbfounded. Donovan tilted his head as he studied her. "Melissa?"

"What!" She-Joker said, gripping Grace's arm. "Why's everyone staring at me!"

"Oh…we're fucked," Justin said, his voice low.

The forest shifted. "fuckedfuckedfuckedfucked,"

Grace took a deep breath, then patted She-Joker on the shoulder. She nodded her head towards the black pyramid, then started forward. Donovan looked behind him, finding his knights and sorcerers struggling towards the shore. Tokaroaka led those carrying Mark in the crystal. Once they had caught up, Donovan pointed out their destination, then motioned for silence. Together, he and his warriors followed after Grace and the others.

The forest gave way to rows upon rows of upright black obelisks. Their tops were cracked spheres, the zig-zagging lines pulsing with a strong turquoise light. The air hummed with power, causing the end of Donovan's arm-hair to stick up. Grace continued onward, holding She-Joker's hand and gripping her spear with the other. Justin had his sword drawn, and Babi had summoned a light-spear. Whatever they were sensing had them on edge.

Ahead loomed the black pyramid. There were small pyramids jutting out from its sides, though there was no rhyme or reason to their placement. At the base was a doorway covered in crystal cobwebs. Grace came to a stop before it, turning to the others.

"Alright," She said, surveying everyone. "Hopefully…Liloth should be inside," She glanced at She-Joker, who still clung to her arm. "Me…Seth, Justin and Babi will go in. Donovan, you and your warriors will stay out here with Reqart and She-Joker,"

"What about me…" She-Joker said, looking confused.

Grace cleared her throat. "Melissa…you'll stay out here as well,"

"I'd rather go with you guys," She-Joker said, swallowing.

"What do you remember? Can you fight?"

"Fight?" She-Joker said, her face contorting. "Remember? I don't…everything's a blur…"

Grace put her arm to She-Joker's shoulder and forced a smile. "Then just wait out here for now, we'll be back,"

She-Joker closed her eyes and nodded. "Alright…just, hurry please,"

Grace turned her gaze to Donovan. "Can you protect everyone…"

"I'll try," Donovan said, his voice low.

Justin approached the crystal spider webs. He lifted his sword, moving them with the point. They sagged, then faded with a soft harmonic noise. "Whelp," Justin said. "Let's enter the clearly-cursed pyramid and see if we can't negotiate with a powerful spirit,"

Seth cracked his knuckles. "Maybe he knows where Kaylee is…"

"It's worth a shot," Justin said, smiling warmly at Seth.

Grace adjusted her grip on the spear. "If we can convince Liloth to heal Mark, we'll come out for you guys," She paused, biting her lip. "But if we don't come out in six hours…" Grace took a deep breath. "Get out of here,"

"No!" Reqart said, running over and hugging her. "We're not leaving you!"

Grace got down on one knee so she was eye-level with Reqart. "It's okay," She said, moving strands of hair away from his face. "We'll be fine, Donovan and…She-Joker will keep you safe until we return,"

"Make sure you come back," Reqart said, trying his best to look brave.

Straightening up, Grace turned to the door. "Let's go," She said, walking towards it. Seth and Justin, followed by Babi, fell into step behind her. They disappeared one by one into the darkness.

Donovan exhaled slowly, turning to his warriors. The knights stared back at him, gripping their swords. "Form a perimeter," Donovan said, motioning. "Keep your guard up," The knights obeyed, forming a loose circle and facing outward. Donovan slowly sat on the ground, resting his legs. Reqart and She-Joker settled down next to him. Lyra got on her knees in front of Donovan, placing her hands in her lap.

"My king," She said, her voice soft. Her expression however, was serious. "We must find a way to bring down this place. To destroy it from within,"

"What?" Reqart and She-Joker said, both clearly confused. Donovan gave Lyra a warning look.

"We'll talk about that later," He said, patting Reqart on the back. "For now, we wait. I want to heal Mark," He shifted his attention to the crystal holding the man in question. Mark floated within, seemingly asleep. Tokaroaka and his sorcerers stood around it.

"So…" She-Joker said, slipping her hat from her head. "Why exactly…am I dressed like this? Don't get me wrong, I'm kind of digging it…but still,"

Donovan buried his face in his hands. "It's a long story Melissa, I'll tell you when we leave here,"

Time drifted on, everyone waiting. There was a silence surrounding the pyramid, one only broken by the occasional movement of the knights. After awhile Donovan motioned Tokaroaka over. The sorcerer approached, bowing.

"Well?" Donovan said. "What do you think of this place?"

Tokaroaka didn't respond at first. "It is…unlike anything I have ever seen. I would not attempt a spell here, as the air is thick with mana. I could not even guess what would happen,"

Donovan was about to wave him away, but movement caught his eye. Knights and sorcerers emerged from the distant forest, doing their best to haul the three wagons with the crystal weapon.

"Whoa," She-Joker said, getting to her feet. "Hey, aren't those your friends Donovan? What do they got there?"

Narrowing his eyes, Donovan got to his feet as well. "Good, they made it. Bring them over here Tokaroaka, and get the weapon charged,"

The sorcerer called to them, gesturing to the base of the pyramid. The knights hastened to pull and push the wagons forward. Tokaroaka signaled several other sorcerers to follow him and jogged to meet them.

"Sooo," She-Joker said, running her hands through her hair. "Is that like…I can't even begin to guess,"

"A weapon," Donovan said. "We're in a bad place Melissa, and this might be our fallback plan,"

She-Joker's hands paused in her hair. "Cool…cool…I guess,"

"Uncle?" Reqart said, staring up at Donovan. "Do you think Grace and Babi are alright? And Uncle Seth and Justin?"

"I'm sure they are," Donovan said, nodding. He turned to watch the crystal weapon approach.

She-Joker stretchted. "Alright, I gotta ask, who's the kid? And I know that's Mark in that diamond thing over there, what's up with that?"

Donovan didn't turn, still staring at the approaching wagon. "Don't worry Melissa, it'll all be explained later. Think of it like a bad dream,"

The wagons reached the waiting knights. Tokaroaka began setting up the charging crystals, directing the other sorcerers to do the same. The weapon began to pulse as it warmed up. Donovan put his hands on his hips, overseeing the process.

"ooooohhhhhh," A tiny voice said.

Donovan, She-Joker, Reqart and Lyra all turned. Perched above the entrance to the black pyramid was a small bird with three heads. It was rounded, and puffy. One of its heads had at least sixteen eyes. The middle head had tufts of feathers covering all but its beak. The last head looked normal, though when it moved, its beak swung around like it was barely attached.

"What the hell…" Donovan said, taking a step back.

The bird bobbed its three heads, the one in the middle chuckling. "What's that?" The many-eyed head said. The swinging-beak head tilted to the side. "Oh yes, oh yes, what is that?" The middle head chuckled again.

"A weapon," Lyra said, raising and gripping her hand in a fist. "So stand back creature,"

"Weapon!" The two heads on the end said, bobbing in sync. The middle head chuckled again, its feathers continuing to cover its face. The beak-swinger straightened up. "Better not use it!" The many eyed one shook its head. "It'll ruin everything!"

Donovan eyed them. "What do you mean…"

The bird opened a wing, pointing in the distance. "Why" The many-eyed head said. "What if it hurt one of the slumbering ones?" The other head swung its beak around. "Or struck a pillar of life!" The middle head chuckled. "No more world! No more world!"

Donovan noted an excited expression passing over Lyra's face. "That's it…" She said, her voice barely above a whisper. "That's all we have to do…fire the weapon…"

"Nooooooo!" The three heads said. The many-eyed one taped fiercely at the pyramid's stone. "Weren't you listening?? Bad energy grows!" The other headed nodded. "Grows and grows and grows!"

She-Joker picked up a stone and threw it. "Get out of here you creepy-ass bird!"

The creature cawed, then took off, flying in loops up into the air. Donovan stood there, watching it. Lyra turned to him and placed a hand to his shoulder. "My king, we know what we need to do,"

"Do we…" He murmured, his mind racing.

"Everything you've worked for, everything you've desired! That thing just told us how we can burn this world to ash! We just need to fire the castle's weapon until we hit something important!"

Reqart and She-Joker both looked confused. The boy approached Donovan, tugging at his coat. "Uncle? What do you mean burn the world? I thought you were going to save my father and mother?"

Donovan glanced at the entrance to the pyramid. How long had it been since Grace and the others entered? He couldn't tell. "I'm not sure," Donovan said, refusing to meet Lyra's gaze. "I want to…know more about this world, before I risk anything,"

Lyra gripped him, her expression intense. "You have to risk everything to gain what you desire! It is the only way!"

But, what did Donovan desire? To leave? Would destroying this world do that? Or would it kill everyone and everything? He turned to Tokaroaka, making a small gesture. The sorcerer left the weapon, approaching and bowing.

"Yes my king,"

"I'm going inside the pyramid," Donovan said. "If I don't come out…" He took a deep breath. "Fire the weapon, and don't stop,"

Tokaroaka tilted his mask. "Fire it at what, master?"

Donovan turned towards the entrance and started walking. "Whatever you want,"

Reqart ran up to him. "I'm going too!"

"No," Donovan said.

"Yes!" Reqart yelled, his expression serious. "I want to help save my parents!"

Donovan gazed down at him. Did it really matter at this point? He rustled the boy's hair, giving him a small, encouraging smile. "Alright, you can come with,"

"I'm coming as well," Lyra said, taking a step forward.

"Oh shit," She-Joker said. "You're not leaving me out here with the medieval guys and the creepy mask guys, I'm going where you're going,"

Donovan looked at the two women, finally nodding. "Very well, let's go,"

The four of them headed for the entrance, Donovan leading. He entered into the pyramid, the darkness enveloping him like a mist. The temperature dropped, Donovan's breath coming out in a cloud. He could barely see.

"Okay, someone take my hand," She-Joker said. "I can't see shit,"

"That's a good idea," Donovan said. "Everyone hold hands," He felt around until he grasped Reqart's, waiting for the others. When it was clear everyone was holding someone, he started forward again.

Donovan walked slowly, feeling ahead with his foot. A thin ray of blue light appeared in the distance, which the young man headed for. After awhile he could make out black stone rising up around him, forming strange, twisted shapes. As he neared the light, he spotted a figure perched on a squat column.

The figure was huge. It was hunched over, dressed in rags that trailed down around the column. Massive wings hung on either side of it, the feathers cracked and splintered. Its head was obscured by long gray hair that hung down around it. Donovan entered the blue light, which seemed to come from somewhere above. He checked over his shoulder, noting Reqart, Lyra and She-Joker behind him. They let go of each other's hands, coming to stand shoulder to shoulder. Donovan turned back to the figure.

"Are you Liloth," He said, his voice oddly muted.

The figure shifted on the column, turning to face them. Its head was still covered by hair, though two eyes glowed within. One of the wings lifted slightly, then settled back against its body. "More visitors," it said, its voice low. Donovan could feel its words in his chest like a hammer.

He swallowed, then tried again. "Are you Liloth,"

The figure nodded. "I am,"

"Where's my mother!" Reqart said, taking a step forward.

The figure tilted its head slightly, then leaned forward. Its head extended on a long neck, coming to a stop in front of Reqart. The boy trembled, but did his best to appear brave. The creature receded its neck, straightening up to its full height on the column. It towered over them. "Ahhh, how interesting,"

"Others came in before us," Donovan said. "Where are they,"

Liloth didn't respond at first. One of its wings opened up, pointing to the side. More blue light shone down, revealing Grace, Seth, Justin and Babi. The four hung suspended in the air, their eyes closed. "They asked me questions I did not like," Liloth said, bringing his wing back. "And moved in ways that displeased me. I put them to sleep,"

Donovan swallowed. "Well…you might not like us then…"

The spirit lifted two large claws, pointing one at the young man. "Then I shall do the same to you,"

"I wouldn't. I have a weapon outside. It's going to bring down all of Ortahem. It'll destroy this place if I don't return,"

Liloth's glowing eyes blinked behind his hair. He nodded slowly. "So much death. For what purpose would you do such a thing?"

"I want…" Donovan said, trying to still his beating heart. "I want to know something. If this is a game. Tell me, now. Tell me if this is all a game,"

"Game," Liloth repeated. "What do you mean by that?"

Donovan narrowed his eyes. "Is it real! Tell me if all of this is real! Are the people real! Are the places real! The sun, the moons, the elves, fucking everything!"

"A dream, perhaps?" Liloth said, his voice rumbling around them. "One you can not wake from?"


The spirit didn't respond, settling down onto the column. He tapped on the edge with a claw, the sound echoing. "It matters not to me if this is a dream. I do what I desire, and enjoy the feelings that come with it. I am true to myself, and that is real enough for me…"

Donovan took a step forward. "Well it's not real enough for me! I have to know! I have to know if I'm a fucking monster! Tell me!"

Liloth laughed, the sound gripping Donovan's chest. The spirit looked to the side, then back at the young man. "You do not need me to tell you if you are a monster. Only you know your heart. Now, is that all you came to ask? Begone, and take whatever weapon you speak of with you,"

"No!" Reqart yelled. "My father's sick! You have to heal him! You have to tell me where my mother is!"

Liloth curled his wings around himself. "I grow weary of all these voices, weary of those who enter my home uninvited. I tried to move about in the lands above, and have little to show for it. So now I wish to remain here, unbothered. But I cannot even have that. Such I assume is the price for my hubris," He pointed a wing at Donovan. "You seem to lead the others, so I will offer you a deal,"

"A deal," Donovan said, lifting his chin. "What deal,"

"You want your companion healed? I will do it, it is easy for one such as me. I can see him now, wasting away under the curse outside. I need only utter a word, and he will recover. I will do this, and give you these sleeping ones" Liloth motioned with his wing at Grace, Seth, Justin and Babi.

"And what do you want in return?"

Liloth leaned forward, fixing his glowing eyes on Donovan. "Leave, you and all your companions. Do not ever return. Do not use your weapon, in fact, destroy it. I wish to be left alone in peace,"

Donovan stared at the spirit, his mind churning with thoughts. He felt Reqart's hand. The young man glanced down at the boy, then back at Liloth. "And what about his mother? You captured Gwelenain. Where is she?"

A low growl escaped Liloth, his eyes glowing fiercely. "The one who was promised to me escaped. I told you I had nothing for my efforts outside this place, and I spoke the truth. I do not know where she is, and I no longer care. Now choose,"

Donovan stood there, bathed in the blue light. Mark and his other friends, in exchange for leaving. Or he could risk everything by firing the weapon outside. Put an end to this world, and possibly awake in a lab somewhere. To escape the nightmare he'd been experiencing, and save his friends.

Was it worth it?

"Uncle," Reqart said, staring up at him. The boy's face was grieved, tears brimming around the edges.

"My king," Lyra said. Her expression was resolute. "Do not listen to the lying spirit. It is afraid of your power. You can end everything, here and now,"

"Holy shit this is confusing," She-Joker said. "The hell is going on,"

Donovan felt tired. So very, very tired. Tired of trying to make sense of everything. Tired of feeling like his friends were disappointed in him. And it was his fault, wasn't it? Donovan wasn't an idiot, he knew what his actions had led to. If it was real, he was a monster. And if it wasn't…?

"I don't know what to do anymore," He whispered. "I want to die, but more than anything, I just want this all to end. But…" He raised his head, staring at Lyra. "Not like this. Not if it means gambling with everyone's life…I don't…I don't think I can do that,"

Lyra looked shocked. "No…no! My king!"

Donovan exhaled slowly, turning towards Liloth. Now that he had come to a decision, he felt confident. He knew now that path he wanted to take. He knew at least one way to make things right. "Heal Mark, release my friends. We're leaving,"

"No!" Lyra shouted, gripping him. "What are you doing!"

Reqart smiled up at him. Donovan returned the smile, then looked at Lyra. "I'm sorry, but I can't take the risk you want me to. Not if it means possibly killing my friends. That's the one line I know I can't cross,"

"They're…they're not your friends!" Lyra shouted. "I'm your queen! Everything you've strived for, everything you've done in Vashn, it has all led up to this! And you would turn your back on it all! Render it all meaningless!"

Donovan nodded. "I would. It's my choice, after all," He looked past her at Liloth. "You heard what I said, now do it,"

The spirit opened his wings wide, the cracked feathers shaking. Grace, Justin, Babi and Seth lowered to the floor. "It is done," Liloth said, closing his wings again. "Now leave, and never return,"

The pyramid shook, black rock tumbling down around them. Donovan looked up in alarm, noting a widening hole in the ceiling. Grace slowly got to her feet, holding her head. "What? What's going on?"

Donovan glanced at Liloth, finding the spirit gone. "We need to go!" He shouted, grabbing Reqart's hand. "Come on! Before this whole place comes down on top of our heads!"

Justin helped Babi to her feet, Seth slowly rising behind them. Justin looked confused. "What…I was just having the strangest dream…"

"Come on!" Reqart shouted, running ahead and dragging Donovan. "Hurry!"

The others didn't need to be told twice. A large chunk of black stone slammed down, prompting the group to run. The blue ray of light expanded, lighting their way. Another prick of light opened ahead. Donovan overtook Reqart, leading the others towards it.

They emerged from the black pyramid, the structure tumbling down behind them. Black dust poured out, enveloping the group and causing them to cough. Donovan could make out faint figures, but was forced to cover his eyes as the dust continued to billow around them. He lowered his hand as the sound of destruction faded.

The dust cleared, and Donovan's heart sank. He knights were dead, as were most of the sorcerers. Standing on the crystal weapon was Havek the platinum-ranked adventurer. He wrapped his arm around Mark's neck, who struggled weakly in his grasp. Havek's axe was held close to the hero's eye. Daisamay stood next to the wagons, her foot on top of Tokaroaka's head as she kept him pinned to the ground. The sorcerer struggled against her boot, his mask missing.

"Forgive me master," Tokaroaka said, coughing up blood. There was at least a score of adventurers spread out around the wagons. They all gripped weapons, their eyes narrowed.

"What is this!" Grace yelled, leveling her spear. "Let go of Mark, now!"

"Father!" Reqart yelled, running towards him. Babi stopped him, holding the boy tightly as he fought against her. "Let me see him! Let me see him!"

Havek tilted his head back and laughed. He grinned at the companions, making a sweeping gesture with his axe. "You really thought you'd won back there, didn't you," His expression changed to one of hatred. "Well you didn't. We followed you here, and discovered the great power within this land. Maolin says this tower is filled with incredible artifacts, and we're taking all of them for the guilds," The robed figure stepped out from behind the carts, drawing back its hood to reveal the glass skull underneath. Havek pointed his weapon at Grace. "But first, we'll deal with you. Drop your weapons, or ol' Marcus here dies,"

Grace grit her teeth. "You have no idea what you're doing,"

"She's right," Donovan said. "We need to leave, I've made a deal with the spirit Liloth. Everyone lives if we go,"

Grace peered at Donovan from the corner of her eyes, a strange expression passing over her face. He would almost say it was one of surprise. Havek sighed. "It seems you're not taking me serious enough. Maolin, if you would,"

The robed figure reached down to the ground, picking up a device attached to coils of copper. They flipped a switch, activating the crystal weapon.

"oh fuck," Donovan said, his eyes widening.

"We can just obliterate you," Havek said, shrugging. "It's not that hard, since you're standing right in this fine device's path,"

The ground around them trembled, causing everyone to pause. The ruined pyramid shifted, then the black stone began to cave in. It disappeared, a hole widening underneath. It continued to expand, swallowing the entire structure.

"Run!" Justin yelled. "The ground is collapsing!" He sprinted forward. After a beat, Seth and Babi followed. Donovan ran, holding Reqart's hand. Grace and She-Joker hurried after him.

Havek lost his balance on top of the cart, falling forward with Mark. Daisamay screamed, then lifted her foot from Tokaoraka's and ran. The sorcerer scrambled up and stumbled after her.

The ground opened, corpses sliding towards the black chasm. Havek, Mark and the glowing crystal weapon plunged down into it. "No!" Grace screamed, coming to a stop. The tower continued to shake, but the hole stopped widening. Everyone turned as Grace ran towards the edge.

"Grace!" Babi yelled. "Get back!"

A figure rose up on the other side of the chasm, spreading its wings. It was Liloth. "We made a deal," He said, his voice rumbling. "And still you would destroy this world. Your weapon will bring ruin down around us,"

"It was those fucking adventures!" Donovan yelled. "They activated it!"

"It does not matter," Liloth said, flapping twice. He took off into the air, climbing upward. "You will suffer the same fate as I now. Enjoy the last moments of your life…"

"Fuck!" Donovan yelled, falling to his knees and beating on the ground. "Fuck!"

The tower shook violently. Donovan heard a sound and looked up. Grace still stood at the edge of the hole. Taking a deep breath, the hero closed her eyes. She opened them, turning to her companions.

"I love you all," Her gaze lingered on Donovan, then moved to Babi. "All of you. Stay strong, and…be the heroes I know you are," She faced the hole and stepped out over the edge, plummeting down. Babi screamed. Donovan yelled as well, as did the others.

Air whipped past her as Grace shot down. Dim light shone around her from above, illuminating a ledge. The crystal weapon and the carts were smashed upon it. Hevak and Mark were splayed out nearby. The adventure's neck was clearly broken, his body lifeless. Mark struggled to pick himself up. Grace spun in the air and landed on her feet, shaking the ledge. She reached down and helped Mark to his feet.

"You…" Mark whispered, his face smeared with blood. "You came for me,"

Tears brimmed in the corner of Grace's eyes. "Not…not just for you," She looked up at the glowing crystal weapon. "I…wanted to save this world, but nothing I did ever seemed to bring it any closer to salvation," Grace gripped her spear. "But I'm going to do one thing, one thing I know will give everyone else a chance to finish what I started,"

Mark closed his eyes. "I seem to have lost my bells…it looks like we might die down here…"

"It's okay," Grace said, smiling warmly. "You and I always fought the hardest. I would make this choice a thousand times over. I'm sorry we couldn't save you though…"

Mark opened his eyes, staring at her. "No, it's fine. I don't want to leave Reqart, but I would give my life for him in a heartbeat if it meant he survived,"

The crystal flickered, a loud hum growing. Mark slowly gripped the spear alongside Grace. The two turned, facing the weapon. With resolute expressions, they both plunged the spear into the crystal with all their might.

Donovan and the others stared down into the darkness of the chasm. A bright flash appeared from the depths, then fire bubbled up. It burst forth from the hole, shooting up in a column.

"GRACEEEEEEE!" Babi yelled, falling to her knees.

"FATHER!" Reqart yelled, tears falling from his face.

Donovan shielded himself from the flames. The fire flickered out, then a new tremor began. "This…" Justin began shaking his head. He finally came to his senses. "This whole tower is going to collapse! We need to go! Now!"

"No!" Babi yelled, scrambling towards the ledge. She tripped over something, spotting Mark's sash of bells. She scooped it up, holding it close as she continued towards the chasm. "Grace is down there! Marcus is down there!"

"They're gone!" Justin yelled, pulling her to her feet. "Let's go!"

Donovan turned and grabbed Reqart's hand, pulling him along. "No!" The boy screamed, grasping towards the hole. "Father! Father!"

The survivors ran away from the shaking chasm. Justin and Seth pulled Babi, while Donovan continued to tug Reqart along. She-Joker ran behind them, with Tokaroaka and Lyra bringing up the rear. They struggled past the black columns, then entered the forest of bodies.

The glass lake stretched out before them. Donovan took the lead, pulling Reqart along. A massive shape rose up along the edge, revealing itself to be the Guardian warship. It continued rising, the platform descending from its bottom. It came to a stop at the rim. Princess Ninja gripped one of the rails and gestured for everyone to hurry.

They stumbled onto the platform, Babi collapsing as she sobbed. Reqart squeezed his eyes tightly as he curled into a ball. Everyone else turned back to the tower, the platform raising back up towards the ship. Donovan watched as the structure collapsed in on itself. The tower tumbled down, raining stone and dust. His view was finally obscured as the platform was enveloped by the ship.

The group was gripped in silence, only broken by Babi and Reqart's crying. Justin slowly shook his head, sinking down to the floor. "No…it…no…."

Seth gripped his hair, turning in a slow circle. "Fuck…fuck shit fuck…"

She-Joker lay down as well, closing her eyes. "wake up, just wake up, just wake up now…"

Everyone remained there as the warship shifted. Donovan felt it gaining speed, hurrying to leave Ortahem. He glanced around. Lyra stood nearby, staring at him with an unreadable expression. Tokaroaka was next to her, his whole body sagging with weariness.

Donovan moved over to Reqart, wrapping his arms around the boy. He held him tightly, closing his eyes. His whole sacrifice had been in vain. Two of his friends, dead.

After some time had passed, footsteps drifted towards them. Donovan opened his eyes to see Princess Esymia, as well as Ilizabessa and Galeon approaching. The trio came to a stop near the platform.

"What happened," Esymia said, her voice quiet.

Everyone looked up towards her. She surveyed their expressions, then cast her gaze down at her feet. "I do not see my sister. Or Marcus, or Grace,"

"Gone," Justin said, shaking his head. Both he and Seth sat next to Babi, their hands on her shoulder as she continued to cry.

"I see," Princess Esymia said, turning away. Her voice trembled. "We will be reaching Agasul and Theemoth soon. We can decide what to do from there,"

She left. Ilizabessa stared at Donovan for a lingering moment, then turned and followed alongside Galeon. Their footsteps echoed until they faded.

For how long everyone remained on the platform, Donovan couldn't say. Babi and Reqart stopped crying, silence once again descending. He felt the ship slow, then the sound of someone else approaching. Donovan looked up to see the Tazham captain, flanked by two of his crew.

"We have arrived over Theemoth," He said. "And are lowering towards the palace. Would you like to remain here? We will lower you down,"

Nobody responded. Donovan finally shifted, letting go of Reqart. "That's fine,"

The captain turned to his crew members, motioning. The platform shuddered, then began to lower. Sunlight blinded everyone. Donovan closed his eyes, finally opening them as wind billowed past. He looked around, seeing Theemoth rise up towards them.

As they neared the ground, several objects streaked through the sky, striking the side of the warship. Explosions rocked it as chunks broke away and plummeted past the platform.

"What!" Donovan yelled, the platform shifting. Everyone tumbled off as more explosions tore into the warship. He fell through the air, slamming into the cobblestone below. The impact drove the wind from his chest. The others landed next to him, crying out in pain.

Donovan was dazed, his vision blurred. He could make out cries, angry yells and voices. He held his head, struggling to his feet. Looking around, he saw the street filling with figures. It was the refugees, charging towards him.

"Shit!" Justin yelled, scrambling to his feet and drawing his sword. "We've been ambushed!"

Babi got up as well, flicking her wrists and summoning two light-spears. The others slowly stood as well. The street shook as thousands of footsteps ran across it. The refugees gripped weapons, clearly taken from Donovan's warriors. They yelled and screamed as they neared.

"Run!" Justin yelled.

Donovan looked around, finding Reqart. Seth helped the boy to his feet, then scooped him up in his arms and took off. Donovan found Lyra next. She held up her dress as she ran after Justin and Seth. She-Joker skipped ahead, cartwheeling and laughing. It was clear she was back to her former self.

The young man sprinted, trying to keep up. The cries of the refugees grew closer, their anger shaking the windows of the buildings surrounding the street. Donovan stumbled, righting himself and continuing onward.

More refugees appeared from side alleys, waving their weapons as they closed in. Ahead of them, near the palace, a Vashn warship lowered. Soldiers stood in the opening in the side, beckoning Donovan and the others towards it. Explosions rocked the palace behind the ship, sending up a plume of fire. Justin and Babi reached it first, leaping up into the opening. Seth followed, carrying Reqart up into the ship. Lyra made it as well, holding up her hands as the soldiers helped her up. Tokaroaka however continued on, running towards the palace.

Donovan ran with all his might. The warship began to lift up, the soldiers shouting for him to hurry. A rock hit the back of his head, causing Donovan to falter. His vision spun as he tried to remain upright. He neared the warship, watching as Lyra turned and stared down at him.

Donovan jumped, sailing through the air and catching the ledge. He slipped as the warship rose, one of his hands losing its grip. He held it up towards Lyra as he struggled. "Help me!"

Lyra stood there, gazing down at Donovan. She slowly knelt down. "You were right," Lyra whispered. "I didn't know who you were. I thought there was a reason for all the suffering, a purpose. But now all I know…is that you are not my king," With that, she shoved his face, sending Donovan falling down towards the street.


The following format has been changed for ease of reading while the song plays

Donovan falls.

He continues falling.

Still falling.

Time seems to slow around him.

He grasps at the air.

The Vashn warship lifts into the sky.

Lyra stares down at him, her expression hardened.

The soldiers near her are yelling.

Lyra turns away.

Reqart's head appears over the edge.

He's screaming.

He almost falls through the opening.

Seth and Justin reach out and grab Reqart, pulling him back.

Donovan continues to fall.

The air rushes past him.

He sees Babi and She-Joker appear in the opening.

They're both shocked.

The Vashn warship continues to climb in the air.

Fire streaks through the air.

Donovan spins as he falls.

He's now facing the street.

The refugees wait, screaming up at him.

The ground rushes up towards him.

Donovan hits the street, his forehead slamming into the stone.

The refugees mob around him.

They kick him.

Some bend down to hit him.

Tyrant! Murderer!

My father's dead because of you!

I watched my children die and couldn't do anything!

The refugees lift him up over their heads, many continuing to hit him.

Someone stabs Donovan with a sword in the side.

He cries out in pain.

Someone else stabs his arm.

He cries out again.

Another refugee shatters his leg with a stone.



Donovan is held aloft, the refugees surging around him.

Rocks rain down from the roofs.

One of the stones hits Donovan's face, breaking his jaw.

My husband is dead! You sent him to his death!

Kill him!

Death! Death!

Execute him!

Someone plunges a spear into his broken leg.

Donovan gasps for air as another rock hits his chest.

My son is dead!

My mother! You killed my mother!

A refugee slams a club down on his ribs, breaking them.

To the palace! Take him to the palace!

To the palace!

To the palace!

Execute him on the balcony!

The mob heaves him up.

Rocks continue to be thrown from the rooftops.

They carry him through the street.

A refugee stabs him through the cheek.

Donovan coughs up blood.

Death! Death to the king!

Death to the king!

Execute him for all to see!

Donovan's vision is blurry.

The voices raise in anger around him.

Another rock hits his arm.

Several of the rocks accidently hit refugees.

They threaten to drop him.

More rush to hold him aloft.

They carry Donovan as bodies surge around him.

Another club hits his stomach.

Donovan coughs up blood.




Justice for the dead!

Yes! Justice for the dead!

Donovan murmurs, blood seeping from the wound in his cheek.

The crowd continues forward.

They carry him, all yelling.

A refugee lunges over the head of another.

They manage to stab Donovan in the side.

Pain. So much pain.

His vision fades.

Blackness grows.

The voices grow distant.

Don't kill him yet!

Wait for the balcony!

A healing spell! Someone give him a healing spell!

Cold liquid splashes Donovan's face.

Some of his wounds close up.

Rocks continue to fall down on him.

One hits his eye, breaking the socket.

Not yet!

Not yet! Don't kill him yet!

More liquid splashes his face.

Donovan gasps, his vision clearing.



So much pain.

Someone grabs his hands.

They break his fingers.

Thumb broken.

Pointer finger broken.

Middle finger broken.

The person is shoved away by another refugee.

Not yet!

Don't kill him yet!

The mob carries Donovan up the street.

His head lulls to the side.

Donovan can make out the palace ahead.

Someone smacks his head with a blunt object, blurring his vision.

Death to the tyrant!

Death to the murderer!

You brought us here!

You brought us to our deaths!

An arrow sails through the air, imbedding in Donovan's waist.

He cries out in pain.

They pass a series of stakes.

Vash soldiers are impaled on them.

Kill him!



Donovan's lifted higher into the air.

He sees children on the roofs.

They throw bricks.

One of them hits his chest.

His bones break.

Donovan cries out in pain.

Anger all around him.

Voice yelling.

Someone else stabs him.

A hammer falls on his leg.

More pain.



So much pain.

To the palace!

To the balcony!

Execute him!

Kill the king!

More stakes pass.

Soldiers impaled on them.

Donovan is heaved.

He sails in the air.

Donovan falls back down.

The mob catches him.

Rocks and bricks rain down.

Another arrow sails past him.

Someone stabs him in the arm.

Not yet!

Not yet!

Cold liquid splashes his face.

His wounds start to heal.

Another blade pierces his leg.

Donovan coughs up blood.

A brick slams into his groin.

Donovan's vision fades.

To the palace!

The balcony!

You killed my daughter!

I watched my son die!

My father! He was too old to fight!

The mob surges forth.

They heave him up.

Donovan turns slowly as he flies.

More stakes.

More soldiers.

Donovan can barely think.

What happened.

What happened.

Hands reach up.

He's caught.

A spear butt slams into his stomach.

You sent us to our deaths!

You killed us!



Death to the king!

Death to the king!

They carry him up the steps.

A rock hits his head.

The mob pauses.

Someone climbs up on an overturned cart.

They cup their hands.

Gather! Everyone gather!

The refugee points up at the balcony.

Everyone Gather! We're executing him now!



Death to the king!

Death to tyrants!

The mob heaves on the palace doors.

They push again.

Donovan is still held aloft.

He can barely see.

Blood trickles down his face.

The mob pushes on the doors.

A battering ram! We need a battering ram!

Get a ram!

Break down the doors!

Kill all inside!

Donovan sees people rushing around him.

A piece of timber is dragged forth.

Refugees pick it up.

Someone stabs him again.

Pain wracks his body.

Not yet!

Not yet!

Break down the doors!

Break them down!



The mob surges.

They slam into the door with the timber.

The doors groan.

The mob heaves.

Donovan stares up at the sky.

Sunlight drifts down.

He closes his eyes.

The mob heaves.

The doors groan.



We've almost got it!

The mob heaves.

The doors buckle.



A refugee climbs over the others.

It's a boy.

He scrambles onto Donovan.

The boy is enraged.

He beats on Donovan with his fists.

One hit.

Another hit.

Donovan coughs up blood.

Hands reach up.

They pull the boy off.

Not yet!


Again, hit the doors again!

Execute him!

Off with his head!

The doors splits open.

The mob cheers.

Rocks fly through the air.

Donovan is carried through into the palace.

The mob cries out in anger.



Death to the king!

A bright flash of light washed over Donovan and the mob. The refugees cried out in pain. They were thrown back. Another shockwave carried past them, knocking over those behind them. Dark figures dropped down, drawing swords. Donovan could barely make out the mob's screams as his vision faded. His whole body ached with pain, searing along his spine.

The screams and cries slowly died. Donovan felt his body glow, his wounds healing.

"Justice?" A voice said. A low chuckle echoed around the palace. "No, not in this world. Never in this world,"

Donovan tried to raise his head. He saw the bodies of refugees heaped around him. Their expression were shocked, and lifeless. Donovan shifted his gaze, struggling to look up. An old man stared down at him. He had grayed eyes, and a wide-brimmed straw hat.

"Hmm," The old man said. "He's quite wounded. Are you sure he's the one, Demon Lord Kaylee?"

Another figure appeared in Donovan's vision. He squinted, fighting against the pain. "wha…ka…Kaylee?"

His friend stared down at him, wearing a cloak and a hood. Her expression was hardened. "Yes, you've been watching him, same as I have. You know he's the only one who can stop Alyssa,"

The old man chuckled. "The Light-Bringer is a hundred times more powerful than this miserable wreck. And you want to make him a Demon Lord?"

"Not just me," Kaylee said, her voice low. "Or have you forgotten who we serve Lord Henrus…"

"No," The old man said, bending down. "Never," His hands wrapped around Donovan, pulling him up. "Come anti-hero, you will not die this day. Not yet. Although…" The old man glanced at Kaylee. "He will need servants, as we have. Powerful beings to carry out his will. Who shall we give him? Who will serve our newest Demon Lord?"

"I will serve the king," A voice said.

"As will I,"

"You saved him, so we will follow wherever you take him,"

Donovan's head lulled to the side. He could just barely make out Tokaroaka, Princess Ninja and Belok standing in the shadows. All three of them were heavily wounded. Tokaroaka had a crystal tied to his back. Within it slumbered his adopted daughter.

"Oh hooo!" Henrus said, the old man chuckling. "Look at that! Servants loyal to the last! Very well, come and follow us. We go now to meet the Demon King,"

Donovan's vision faded. The last thing he saw was Kaylee staring down at him.

Yes. He will be the one to finally bring about the Events….

And that's a wrap on Season 2! Thanks everyone for sticking with it, I know it was a difficult read during some parts, but hopefully you all got something out of it. I sure as hell needed to write it for various reasons.
As for season 3, it will probably be a month or two before I can get to it, but I'll post another trailer when the time comes. As always, I appreciate your thoughts, because eventually I'll go back and edit bits and pieces for readability and enjoyment.
Kaylee? She's the friend who disappeared, right? Alyssa...who's she, again?

If we don't the bodies, it ain't dead...yet. So yeah, I'm gonna keep a small spark of hope that Marcus & Grace are alive. Somehow it was so easy to dislike Grace that I've grown attached to her.

Yeck, this Isekai is so hard to the heroes. It's awesome. I'm imagining that Lyra might groom Reqart into her 'perfect' king and make him hate/Loath Donavan for having his Father and Aunty killed.
Kaylee? She's the friend who disappeared, right? Alyssa...who's she, again?

If we don't the bodies, it ain't dead...yet. So yeah, I'm gonna keep a small spark of hope that Marcus & Grace are alive. Somehow it was so easy to dislike Grace that I've grown attached to her.

Yeck, this Isekai is so hard to the heroes. It's awesome. I'm imagining that Lyra might groom Reqart into her 'perfect' king and make him hate/Loath Donavan for having his Father and Aunty killed.
Alyssa is who Mark used to date before marrying Gwelenain. You see a bit of her beginning in the Rise of She-Joker episode. She's basically leveled one ability this whole time and has been single-handedly fucking up demons and foiling the demon king's plans in her quest to find Kaylee, though we don't know the details of that yet
Hot damn, that's the way to end the season! Somehow I always knew Lyra couldn't be trusted, but this tears it.

Will this give him the push to finally tear down this world? Who knows~

Edit: I feel that a rendition of this could fit quite well. I found a jazzy version because I like jazz.
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Yeah it was interesting at the start now it just somewhat drags on. Donovan accepts that the world is real way too fast, for all he knows his "friends" that are in front of him are NPCs. The proof of the world is way too weak to be believable. His friends are asswipes and they dare criticize him for being skeptical. The pacing is also quite bad things are happening way too fast and we don't really have a sense of scale to anything, so any battle seems contrived and without weight to it.

Donovan either wins for some contrived reason and loses for the same. For example, his army or champions, we don't really understand why or how they win or lose they just do. We don't know the scope of battles and any of the fights are glossed over so things seems to be happening without ryhme nor reason. Yeah I'm just not enjoying the story much.
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Party's cancelled? That's disappointing, this is one of my favourite isekai stories and it hasn't been updated in a year.
Hope the story isn't cancelled, would be a shame if it was.
Party's cancelled? That's disappointing, this is one of my favourite isekai stories and it hasn't been updated in a year.
Hope the story isn't cancelled, would be a shame if it was.
I really appreciate this being remembered. I still have plans for this, but I've wanted to go back and edit some of the second season first for a while now. Maybe this is my sign to get back on this project
Episode 1: The Offer
10 Years Ago

Kaylee opened her eyes. A glossy black ceiling greeted her. It was arched, like a cathedral, its edges seemingly razer-sharp. Kaylee blinked, confused. She was aware that she was in a chamber of some sort, as she could make out the flicker of torchlight in the edge of her vision. She couldn't see the walls however, just the arched ceiling. She was also lying on something soft. She was also naked.

Kaylee sat straight up, her eyes wide. "Seth?" She hurriedly looked around, then found a long, red blanket lying across the spacious bed. The young woman clutched it to herself. "Seth?" Her voice seemed muffled. There were no sounds in the chamber, as if it were underwater, or soundproofed. Kaylee's breathing grew panicked. She took another glance around the chamber. The walls were like the ceiling. Glossy black, with pronounced edges that looked like they could slice through skin. Kaylee swallowed and willed herself to calm down. She didn't know why she was here, she had to think. Where was Seth? What happened? Kaylee closed her eyes and concentrated.

They were supposed to be time-passing. Kaylee and her fiancé Seth, and Justin and Mark. They were all staying in a church protected by knights. The time-pass would have been ten years, and then she would wake back up in the church next to Seth. They were doing this because they were adventurers, in a classic Isekai situation, and wanted to go home.

Kaylee slid to the side of the bed, still clutching the cloth. Seth was nowhere to be seen. Neither was the church, or anyone else. And she certainly wasn't home. There was just glossy black stone, dancing in the torchlight.

Had she been kidnapped? It was a possibility. They were completely defenseless during time-passes, they're bodies at the mercy of the knights protecting them. Anything could have happened. Kaylee started trembling.

She could be dead and in hell.

Whatever was muting the chamber seemed to dissipate. A creaking sound echoed around the walls and ceiling, and then a section of the wall swung out like double-doors. Bright light spilled into the chamber. Kaylee shielded her eyes with her arm, the other clutching the red sheet to herself. She slowly lowered her arm as the room filled with applause.

The clapping grew louder. Kaylee watched, stunned, as the walls lifted like curtains. The sharp, glossy edges receded effortlessly, revealing a massive amphitheater made of the same black stone as the room she was just in. She and the bed were in the center, illuminated by a bright column of light as if on display. The stands were filled with shadowy figures she couldn't make out. The applause grew thunderous. All eyes were on her. She clutched the red cloth to herself and curled up into a ball on the bed. She was in a nightmare. She wanted to wake up. She wanted the applause to stop.

It suddenly did.

Kaylee dared to look up and around. The sound of footsteps drew her gaze. A young man was crossing the amphitheater towards her. He was neither tall nor short, scrawny nor buff. But he was quite beautiful. He came to a stop near the bed. His beauty became irrelevant. It was his eyes that the young woman was drawn to. They pierced through Kaylee, causing her heart to pound fearfully. She felt as if every inch of her had been cracked open like a book and digested. Like he could see through her very soul.

He was naked, save for a red strip of cloth running diagonally across his chest and around his waist. He smiled at Kaylee, though it did not comfort her in the least.

"w-who…" Kaylee began, glancing around at the amphitheater in fear.

"Hello Kaylee," the man said. His voice caused the hairs on her skin to rise. Every part of her brain was warning her to get away, but her body wouldn't obey. Those in the stands stared down at the pair in silence, their features still hidden in shadow.

Kaylee swallowed. "W-where am I…"

The man held out his hand. "Come, let me show you."

Kaylee blinked at him, utterly overwhelmed. "W-what? Who are you! W-where am I!" She suddenly felt angry. "Where the fuck are my clothes! And where are yours sir!" The man's smile grew ever-so-slightly. Amused laughter rippled through the stands. He beckoned with two fingers, causing Kaylee to let out a cry of surprise as the ground shifted beneath her. A second passed, and then her hand lay in the man's. She glanced around in confusion. Somehow she'd teleported next to him. "the f-fuck!"

He smiled down at her. Somehow Kaylee got the impression he'd grown taller. His voice came out with a tinge of amusement. "Allow me to introduce myself. You may call me the demon king," he turned and led her towards one of the curved walls. "Now come, there is much to discuss." The double doors that had opened in her old chambers were now open in the wall. Light spilled out, as if beckoning them. Kaylee wanted to resist, but her feet seemed to move all on their own. She was led out by the hand under the gaze of everyone in the amphitheater. She clung the red cloth to herself, willing herself to disappear.

They left behind the amphitheater and entered into another tall hall. A red carpet ran down the center. On either side of it were men and women who were naked save for strange, colorful masks. Beyond them, in the darkness, shapes churned endlessly and glowing eyes opened and closed, as if the walls were alive. The naked, masked people got on all fours and bowed low as the demon king led Kaylee past them. The young woman tried to calm her breathing again, but felt herself rapidly losing control of her emotions.

Light beckoned again at the end of the hall. The demon king walked her through a doorway, and Kaylee's eyes grew wide with shock.

They were in space. More accurately, they were on a balcony overlooking a massive planet. Sparkling blues, vibrant greens, and swirling cloud formations spread out before Kaylee. She stared in wonder, her fear momentarily forgotten. She felt a touch on her shoulder and looked up at the demon king. He gestured above her. Kaylee's eyes followed. A million dazzling stars greeted her. Kaylee couldn't believe her eyes. She looked back at the planet. It was a view only astronauts and God could enjoy. And her, apparently.

She glanced behind her from the door she'd just left. Towering up like a mountain was a castle. It was impossibly large, made of the same glossy black stone that she had seen everywhere else. Endless spires and towers reached for the stars, and the walls stretched out in either direction. Kaylee heard an amused laugh and looked over. The demon king stared at her with a smile. "Amazing, isn't it?"

"I…" Kaylee began. She glanced out at the planet, then up at the stars. "I don't understand…you're…" she glanced at the back of his head. "you're really the demon king?"

The man nodded and walked to the balcony railing. He rested his hands on it as he surveyed the planet. "I am, but that's just one of my titles. I've gone through a lot of names through the ages."

"Through the ages…" Kaylee repeated, staring skeptically at him. She adjusted the red cloth she was holding against her. "What are you like, immortal?"

The demon king gave a slight shrug, as if unconcerned. "I wouldn't say immortal, but I'm about as close as you can get here."

"And so this is your space castle? Why am I here? Did you kidnap me because I'm a hero? Did you kidnap everyone else to?" she felt herself growing angry again. "Where's Seth! Where did you take him!"

The man let out a single laugh, then shook his head with a bemused smile. He turned away from the railing and stared down at the young woman. "No, I just took you."

Kaylee felt a cold chill run through her body. Something bad was coming. She felt powerless, and overwhelmed, and confused. "Why," she murmured, backing away. "W-why did you kidnap me. To kill me?"

"To kill you!" the demon king repeated, looking surprised. "Why no! Of course not! What a waste that would be!"

"Then what!" Kaylee said, masking her fear by gritting her teeth angrily. "What did you kidnap me here for!"

The demon king seemed to think for a moment. He took a step, and then suddenly was right in front of her. Kaylee let out a surprised yell. He scooped her up as two wings sprouted from his back. The demon king flapped once, twice, then was off. He carried Kaylee and raced up the glossy black walls towards the distant spires. "Well, we've been watching all of you, and I allowed a vote as to who we would bring in." He glanced down at her and winked. "You were quite popular because of your looks and the fact that you like anime, so you won! And now, here you are!"

The bad feeling in Kaylee grew. "W-wait," she said. She gripped one of the demon king's arms as he continued to fly up with her. The other gripped the red cloth to herself. "Took a vote? Anime? Are…you're from our world?"

They reached the ramparts and soared over them. The interior of the castle was now visible. It was a city filled with gleaming towers, palaces, and buildings of every size. Flying creatures congregated in the air, and the distant walkways and streets seemed to swarm with movement. Kaylee couldn't mask her surprise as the demon king carried her over the city. She hardly registered his reply. "Oh yes. I was the first hero summoned here you know." He frowned and put a hand to his chin. "That was about two-thousand years ago, now that I think about it."

"Two thousand…" Kaylee said, growing even more confused. She tore her gaze away from the city and looked up at him. "How…" The demon king folded in his wings and plummeted through the air. The wind whipped by them as Kaylee screamed. She dared to open her eyes. A palace expanded below them, bulging and growing to meet them. Suddenly they were on a balcony. The demon king flapped as he gently set Kaylee down, then touched down himself. She stumbled away. "Wait!" she said, squeezing her eyes close and holding out a finger. "How…how is this possible…" her eyes shot open. "Wait, is this a video game! Are we in a video game!"

The demon king grinned. "Do you want it to be?"


He beckoned beyond the balcony at the city. It was like being in a bowl, with the castle walls and spires forming the rim. The city stretched all around them and curved up the sides. It gleamed with lights and echoed with sound. A giant moon hung overhead, casting everything in a soft, white hue. The palace shuddered, then started to grow. Kaylee walked up to the balcony and stared. She watched as she rose higher and higher above the other buildings, then the castle walls, then the castle spires. The palace came to a stop. It had inverted the city, so that it was now all on a slope leading up to her and the palace. The planet was beneath the castle, the moon above, and stars everywhere else. "You're already in heaven," the demon king said. "And on the path to becoming a god." He took her chin, turning her attention away from the view and into his piercing gaze. "Stop asking what is and isn't, and start thinking about what you want it to be."

Kaylee swallowed. The demon king let go of her chin and turned back to look down at the city. "To answer one of your questions, time works differently in this universe then it does in the one we came from. I've been here two-thousand years, but in the other one?" he glanced at her with a coy glint in his eyes. "Well, let's say not very much time has passed at all."

Kaylee's legs felt as they might give out at any moment. A flock of strange birds flew past, crying out to one another with eerie voices. "So…you went the hero-to-villain route? Why?" she shook her head. "Wait, no! More important question, can we leave!"

"Hmm," the demon king said. He held out his hand and two chalices materialized. He took one and handed the other to Kaylee. "It's…more difficult to leave than it is to arrive I'm afraid. And why would you want to leave? Do you know what people in our old world would do to get the chance I'm giving you?" He took a sip from the chalice. "Being a demon lord is an honor. It's a grave responsibility, but also unimaginable power. You can't have one without the other unfortunately. But the power is everything. Being a god is everything"

Kaylee studied the demon king with suspicious eyes as she adjusted the cloth covering herself. "Okay…that's cool I guess. So you're saying we can't leave, and you want me to be a demon lord because I like anime? What the fuck? Why? Why are you doing all this? Why did you become…what you are? Why kill people? What's the point of the "Events"?" She clenched her eyes tightly. "I just…I just don't understand! Is this just a video game or not!"

The demon king rested against the railing and sipped from his chalice again. Kaylee dared to crack open one eye and look at him. He stared back at her from over the rim, seemingly amused, then set the chalice down on the railing. "Allow me to lay all my cards out on the table then. I was a hero, once, long ago. I suffered endlessly trying to defeat omnipotent beings and save Lysseria, a world, I might add, I had no connection to before coming here. And then, against all odds, I did defeat them. And after that I became the most powerful being in this universe." He turned away from Kaylee and leaned on the balcony, as if soaking up the view of the city-castle below. "And what did I see then? I hadn't fixed a damn thing. I just changed how it broke down. Our old world is the same as well. Nothing ever lasts, its one long dance towards entropy. We've debated endlessly on the reason for it. For all the suffering and the struggle. And the world keeps on turning while everything rots and burns and grows and rots again. Nobody has managed to break the cycle." He turned back and approached Kaylee, resting his hands on her shoulders. "But I will. I lost everything, and in exchange I became a god. So I'm going to remake Lysseria into a utopia, because who else could?" He let go of her shoulders, his expression seemingly sad. "Only me…it seems…"

"I…" Kaylee began. She sighed and poured out the contents of the chalice. "Yeah, okay I get it now."

The demon king tilted his head slightly with a smile. "You do?"

"Yeah, this is so cliché it hurts. How I woke up, the audience, the applause, this tour, everything you've shown me, you're a fucking insane megalomaniac who got some power and ran with it. You're not building a utopia, a thousand bucks says everyone here is forced to worship you and are still suffering. Not to mention any goal you might achieve is meaningless because of what you did to get it." Kaylee closed her eyes and hugged herself. "I was only in Lysseria for a while, but I saw enough to know the legacy you've left so far. You're not a god…you're…disappointedly human…"

The demon king laughed. "Ah, yes, I'll be the first to admit I have a taste for showmanship. But put yourself in my shoes. Everyone always talks about how they would act in certain situations, but that's all bullshit, isn't it? We never truly know until we're in them, and by then something integral's usually changed. We don't make the choices we thought we would make. How could we? The rules become different and the possibilities shift. We have to adjust our way of thinking. And this is just for the performative ways we organize ourselves back in the old world. Nobody there's ever had real power. The kind that's unconditional and unlimited. The kind that shapes reality, including life and death itself. Nobody could possibly know how they would act if they suddenly became so much greater than everything around them by orders of magnitude. If they were given godhood. Whatever they say they would do would be a lie. We never know until we have it, and then by the very nature of having it we become different."

"So you got it and…decided to kill people? Is that what I'm supposed to get from all this?"

"I became a god and decided to act like one. You're right, the killing is a means to an end, but what you're mistaken about is that the end is actually worth whatever I do to get there. Because I'm a god, I can bring back everyone who died. I can erase all suffering, and make everyone happy. I can fix everything that's broken, and that's exactly what I've chosen to do." He winked at her. "You have to admit, a god could act a whole lot worse than that."

"Evidently not much of a god, if you have to kill people before you can save them."

The demon king gave her a slight shrug, then took her hand. Kaylee wanted to resist, but her limbs moved all on their own again. The man led her away from the balcony and towards the wide entrance to the palace. "I can't deny that I'm still a ways away from perfect divinity, but it's only a matter of time and willpower. And I have plenty of both."

"And…" Kaylee said, still struggling to resist. "That's why I'm here? To help you kill everyone and remake the world?"

The demon king grinned again as they passed through into the palace. "Like I said, you're here because you're attractive and like anime, and that appealed to both myself and the other demon lords, as well as my guests. But you will serve me and indeed destroy the world, and in return, you'll be given anything you want. I can bring anyone you desire over from the old world to here, and make them immortal. You'll all be happy, and powerful, and everlasting. If someone angers you, you can destroy them, and if you feel bad about hurting them you can bring them back. Anything you can imagine you can create. Truly, serving as my demon lord will grant you nothing short of godhood." He arched an eyebrow and swept out an arm. "There, how's that for a fucking sales pitch hm?"

"I…Kaylee said. She buried her face in the red cloth, her emotions a mix of fear and confusion. "So…can I bring Seth here? And all my friends?"

They were in an expansive chamber with arched opening that looked out at the stars twinkling beyond. Naked people in masks lounged on luxurious furniture as monstrous creatures served food and drink. The demon king led Kaylee's through the party. Everyone they passed bowed and called out greetings. "After you've proven yourself as a demon lord? Sure, Why not? Bring anyone you wish."

"And…" Kaylee said, raising her face from the cloth. "How do I prove myself?"

They reached a massive red door built into a wall. Two giant creatures stood guard on either side of it. They were like winged angels, with beautiful features and flaming spears. The demon king turned and gazed down at her. There was a strange glint in his eyes. Something that hinted at an emotion that was deeper than amusement. "Well," he said. "It starts with a feast and a rite of initiation, and then a ceremony. And then?" the doors started creaking open behind him. Bright light spilled out, blinding Kaylee. Laughter and music and the sounds of glass tumbled out as well. The demon king's cut through it all and wormed its way into her ears. "Then you get to have your way with the world until I'm satisfied."

"I…" Kaylee began, blinking against the bright light. "I r-refuse. wrong. You're wrong. There has to be a better way to fix things than what you're doing…"

The demon king didn't respond for a few moments. Kaylee felt a tug, and then she was dragged into the light. "Well then…" his voice said, still filling her ears like a rushing river. "I suppose I'll just have to be a bit more persuasive, won't I?"

Kaylee shook with dread. The light swallowed her as the sounds of celebration swelled.

And then, she entered hell.

Donovan Ebert stood in a wide, black chamber. It was like a dungeon, except the walls were a glossy-black and a single circular window looked out into space. It was a magnificent view, with a thousand stars and the light of the moon. There was only a bed for furniture within the room. Chains snaked across the floor, though they weren't attached to anything except their berth in the wall.

The young man was naked. Donovan stared with a blank expression out of the window. His hand slowly raised, unconsciously, and pressed his side. There had been a wound there, some time ago. Now it was gone. His hand moved up and touched his shoulder, then his neck, then his face. All his wounds were gone. The things the mob had done to him back in the city of Theemoth had all disappeared. Except in his memories. Donovan still remembered the pain, and the hatred, and everything that came before. He closed his eyes and slowly sank to his knees, then gripped his face in his hands.

The sound of a door opening echoed through the chamber. It was followed by footsteps. Donovan didn't bother looking up, even when whoever had entered came to a stop behind him. "Hey." A familiar voice said.

Donovan slowly lowered his hands away from his face. He trembled as he looked over his shoulder. Kaylee stood there. Kaylee, who had apparently disappeared ten years ago. Kaylee, the programmer, the graphic designer, the nerd culture enthusiast, Seth's fiancée and everyone's friend including Donovan's. She was dressed in a flowing black dress with gold accents, and her hair was done up with gold pins in an elaborate style. Her expression was unreadable, though her eyes hinted at some emotion deep within her.

"K-Kaylee?" Donovan said. "Is that…really you?"

"It is," Kaylee said, her expression still masked. Her voice had been soft however. "Get up, Donovan."

The young man struggled to his feet. He still trembled as he reached out for her. She stood motionless as he touched her shoulders, then her cheek. Donovan closed his eyes and fiercely hugged her. "Holy shit, holy fuck…it's…it's really you…" Kaylee waited until Donovan let go. He looked her up and down. "Fuck, look at you! You look the same besides the clothes! What…what happened!" he glanced around the chamber. "Where am I?"

"The demon realm," Kaylee said, her voice monotone. "Don't let the dazzling view fool you, we're not actually in space."

"The demon realm…" Donovan repeated. He swallowed. "Am I…dead?"

"No," Kaylee said, her voice taking on a strange quality. "You've been chosen."

The young man furrowed his brow in confusion. "Chosen?"

Kaylee nodded, then turned and started walking away. The hem of her garment trailed along behind her. "That's right, to be a demon lord."

"To be…" Donovan began. He slowly put a hand to his face as memories slipped back into his mind. His tone lowered, weighed down by emotion. "Kaylee, there's something you need to know…Mark…and Grace…they're dead."

"I know," Kaylee said. She had stopped in front of a black fountain growing up from the floor. Donovan stared at her back in shock. The young woman turned away and approached him holding a glass decanter filled with glowing liquid.


She nodded. "I do. I've been watching you all, but especially you. I know everything that's happened to you since you woke up from the last time-pass. You destroyed the kingdom of Delfanas, threw the eastern empire into turmoil, broke through the gates of Eo and laid the Guardian lines to waste. Then you were torn apart by a mob. A rather interesting end as far as conquests go." She held out the glass decanter. "Here, drink this. It eases the pain."

Donovan stared at her, unable to overcome his shock. She gestured with the decanter. "I don't…I don't feel any pain," his hands went unconsciously to his body. "My wounds are healed."

Kaylee pressed the decanter gently into his hands. "I don't mean your physical wounds. I mean the ones in your mind. You look like you're cracked, and we have no use for a hollow man."

Donovan swallowed, a single tear leaving his eye. "Kaylee…what's happening to me? To us? All of us…we're…"

"Changing," Kaylee finished for him. "Some of us will die, others will become something greater. It's just the way power works. Now drink, Donovan." The young man stared at her for a moment longer, trying to gauge her true feelings. Kaylee's expression was as always, unreadable. Donovan glanced down at the decanter, then brought it to his lips. A sweet liquid poured down his throat and warmed his insides. The anguish, fear, and hatred all seemed to dull. Kaylee nodded. "Better?"

"I…yeah," Donovan said, furrowing his brow. He inspected the decanter as he wiped his mouth. "I do actually."

"Good," she said, taking his hand. "Come, there's a feast waiting for you."

The young man was incredulous. "A feast? W-wait, hold on! I'm fucking naked here!"

"Yup," Kaylee said, leading him to the door. "Trust me, you'll just have to bear with it. It's part of the initiation. Consider yourself lucky you didn't wake up in the same way I did."

"The fuck? Is this a sex cult or something? Let me at least grab one of those sheets on the bed!" Kaylee didn't respond. Instead she led him out of the chamber and into a long hall. Donovan's eyes grew wide as he gazed around. The ceiling was high, like a cathedral's, and the walls churned with black shapes and blinking eyes. He felt a shiver down his spine. "F-fuck, this is creepy," he suddenly resisted Kaylee's surprisingly forceful grip. "Hey wait! Hold on!"

She paused and glanced back at him. "What."

Donovan tried to form thoughts as he gestured with his other hand. "You…you probably know the truth, don't you? Are we in a game? Is this a game!" his voice rose to a panicked shout, despite his best efforts. "Tell me!"

Kaylee's expression was devoid of emotion, and her eyes seemed to pierce right through him. "Do you want it to be?" she said, her voice low.


She didn't respond, simply turning and leading him onward. Donovan couldn't understand what was happening. At the end of the hall was a large door. Muffled noise echoed out from it, and both sides were guarded by massive creatures that reminded the young man of angels. They stood upright and motionless as the doors shuddered open. The noise became a roar, and light spilled out. Donovan allowed himself to be pulled within by Kaylee.

A massive chamber opened up before him. Tables full of food and drink formed a square in the center, and hundreds of bodies danced and cried out in the space within. The tables themselves were full of naked people wearing elaborate masks, and indulging themselves in every way. Performers swung from banners trailing down from the arched ceiling, and dazzling displays of magic bloomed like fireworks. Creatures of all shapes and sizes congregated behind the tables. They drank and fought and joined their bodies together in a shifting mass of teeth and claws and wings. Giant pyres of colorful fire burned against the glossy-black walls, and musicians played loudly from floating platforms. Light, noise, and movement filled Donovan's vision and threatened to overcome his senses. He wanted to back away and flee.

"Come," Kaylee said, pulling him along. Donovan had no choice to but follow her. The monstrous creatures parted for them and bowed. The music swelled and the dancers in the center of the tables heaved together. Donovan glanced all around at a loss for words. Kaylee picked up the hem of her dress and delicately climbed a chair onto a table. The young man almost stumbled as he tried to keep up. He felt ashamed at his nakedness, or he would have if everybody else wasn't the same. There were only a select few wearing clothing. Kaylee was one. The rest sat at a grand table on the far side. Donovan could feel their eyes on him as he was led off the table and into the air.

He furrowed his brow in amazement as Kaylee walked him through the air, as if on an invisible bridge. They passed over the heads of those dancing in the center. Donovan's nose flinched at the smell of sweat and passion and sweet perfume. He chanced a look up and saw they were approaching the grand table. He could make out the occupants in better detail as they neared. A giant throne took up the center, where a naked man sat. Donovan was surprised to find him quite attractive, but his eyes…the man's eyes bored through Donovan and made him feel more naked than any lack of clothing ever could. One either side of him sat men and women in elaborate garb and complicated party masks. Kaylee came to a stop, hovering before the table with Donovan. The man on the throne rose.

"Welcome! Welcome Donovan! Welcome to the realm of demons!"

Everybody at the table began to applaud. So did those at the other tables, as well as the dancers within and beyond. Even the monstrous creatures lining the edge made noises. Donovan swallowed, doing his best not to shake. "W-who…" he began.

The man held up a finger. "Allow me to settle your confusion." He opened his arms wide. "I am the demon king! Ruler of the demon realm! And you!" he picked up a chalice and held out it towards Donovan. "You are our newest demon lord!"

The applause renewed, growing to a thunderous level. Musicians played loudly as people whistled and cried out. Petals were unleashed from somewhere unseen and fluttered down all around the chamber. Donovan simply blinked. "the…fuck…."

The demon king gestured to two empty, high-backed chairs on his right. "Come, sit, sit! Let us feast and initiate you into our fold!" Donovan was led in a daze over to where the seats were. Kaylee set him down closest to the demon king, then she sat down on his right. Strange sprite-like creatures danced across the table and offered up food and drink to the young man. The demon king threw an arm around Donovan and grinned at him. "I imagine you have lots of questions?"

"Yeah," Donovan said, shifting away from the man's arm. "First, why the fuck am I here?"

The demon king blinked in surprise. The others at the table chuckled, as if amused. "Why," the demon king said, standing abruptly in his chair. "Why else? You are King Donovahn! He who destroyed the great kingdom of Delfanas and murdered the royal line of the eastern empire! He who broke into Eo and almost brought about it's downfall! He who has opened the way for me and my lords to lay waste to the world and bring about a new paradise!" He raised his chalice, the liquid sloshing over the sides. "Give thanks to him everyone! For he was one of us long before we brought him here!"

The chamber thundered with noise and celebration. Donovan closed his eyes and rested his head in his hands. "fuck…"

"Come now!" the demon king said, giving him a gentle shove. "Why the long face? Has not Kaylee explained to you yet what an honor this is?"

Kaylee gave the demon king a polite smile. "Forgive me master, we were in a rush."

The man laughed. "No matter! No matter at all!"

Donovan grit his teeth and brought his face up from his hands to look at the demon king. "I don't care about what an honor this is. Take me back. There's some people I need to talk to." He suddenly straightened up. "Wait…can you…leave this world? What are you?"

The demon king gave Kaylee an amused expression, as if Donovan were a babbling child. He then passed a chalice to the young man. "I'll give you the short version, eh? I'm like you, in that this is not the world I was born in. But unlike you, I have been here for over two-thousand years, and I am very, very powerful. The people who created this world wanted to use it for small-minded things like accelerated research or an escape. But I have a greater vision that than. I'm going to turn Lysseria into a paradise. I'm going to change the very nature of existence."

"What?" Donovan said, incredulous. "How?"

"How else? I'm a god after all. I just need to wipe away the old to begin anew. Like a forest fire making room for new growth."

"But you're not a god. You're just a normal human in the real world, and you're fucking balls-deep in a power fantasy in this one. It's fucking cringey."

"And maybe our gods are powerless in their world, but what does it matter to us? They're still gods. It's the same here. Here I control life and death, I can shape matter however I want, and all the forces of nature are mine to command." He frowned at Donovan. "If that doesn't make me a god, then what does?"

The young man lowered his head back into his hands. "fuck. This is too much."

The demon king nodded sagely. "I understand. Here, let us leave the feast for now." He snapped. Donovan raised his head, then suddenly found himself, Kaylee, and the demon king in a new room. It spread out endlessly, with a glossy black ceiling and floor. The walls were seemingly gone, and a floating planet, a moon, and endless stars were visible beyond. The demon king began walking. Kaylee took Donovan's hand and led him after the figure. The demon king glanced over his shoulder. "Tell me, what is it you want?"

"What do I want?"

"Sure. Do you want happiness? Peace? Power?"

"I…" Donovan said, still trying to process everything. "I don't know…"

The demon king nodded. "Then perhaps I can help. What if I told you I could take all the horrible, awful things you've done since arriving here and make it so that they never happened?"

Donovan resisted Kaylee's grasp and came to a halt. His heart beat in his chest. He felt a strange sensation travel through is body. "w-what?"

The demon king stopped as well and turned as well. "All the innocents you've enslaved, all the people you've killed. I can fix it. I can bring them back to life, make it so they're more happy than they could ever hope to be otherwise. I can give them paradise." His gaze once again pierced through Donovan. "And I can release you from your sins."

The young man's mind went blank. He felt so small before the demon king. "C-can…" he began, trying to organize his thoughts. "Can you bring back Mark and Grace?"

The demon king smiled. "Of course I can. All you have to do is become a demon lord and prove yourself to me."

"And…how do I do that?"

The demon king's smile grew. "There's a feast, which you've already seen, an initiation, which you will undergo if you agree, and then a ceremony. And then? You simply have to kill your friend Alyssa."

Donovan balked. "Alyssa?" He glanced at Kaylee. The young woman's expression was once again unreadable. He turned back to the demon king. "My friend Alyssa? You want me to kill her?"

The demon king nodded, then exhaled. "Yes, unfortunately so. She's become a rather pronounced thorn in my side, and needs to be removed. And since nobody knows you've become a demon lord, you're the perfect candidate to approach her and catch her off-guard!" He winked. "You can bring her back to life after we've rebuilt the world, as well as the rest of your friends. And anyone else who's died as well! Not a bad deal, eh?"

Donovan stood there, speechless. "But…how the hell…to kill my friend…." He looked up at Kaylee, searching for any sign or hint. She simply stared back at him.

"It's your choice Donovan," she said. "Join with a god and redeem yourself, or be cast out to face what you've done."

The chamber grew silent. Donovan gripped his head as thoughts tumbled through it. "I…I couldn't even fight Alyssa if I wanted to…how could I? She's so much stronger than me, and she's my friend!"

The demon king chuckled. "And you could make her a god after it's all said and done. As for the how…well. You'll be a demon lord won't you? That comes with powers, and demons. You'll have your own army again, and won't that be nice? You led the last one very well." He extended his hand and took Donovan's chin. The young man felt the piercing gaze open up everything within him. "Well? What will it be? Can you fix everything by yourself? Can you do with your own power what I'm offering?"

Donovan met the demon king's gaze. He felt his eyes water, and his voice shake. "N-no…no, I can't fix anything…no matter how hard I t-tried…"

The demon king's smile grew. "Then your answer?" he held out his hand, presenting a ring.

Donovan closed his eyes as tears streaked down his face. "My friend…my friend Mark once said…that it doesn't matter if we hurt things that aren't real, or that don't matter…because…because our actions are still a reflection of ourselves…I want to bring everyone back, and fix it all…but…I want to fix the cause of it all too…I want to fix myself…and this...this doesn't feel like that..."

He opened his eyes as the demon king took his chin. "Donovan…" he said, his voice warm and his expression kind. "It doesn't matter what your friend said, you know? Because he's fucking dead. And if you ever want to hear his useless platitudes again, then kiss the ring and actually do something about it. Because I lost my patience for weak and whiney people a long, long time ago. You need to pick a side and stick to it before you ever have any chance of fixing anything. And that starts here, with an opportunity nobody else in the history of our world gets." Donovan swallowed and wiped his eyes. A hardened expression passed over his face. A thousand thoughts passed through is mind. His skin felt like it was on fire. He took the demon king's hand, lowered his lips, and kissed the ring. The demon king smiled. "That's the spirit. Let's continue with your welcome then, shall we?"

Donovan raised his head again, feeling sick to his stomach. Kaylee was staring at him. He dared to meet her gaze.

As always, her expression was utterly unreadable.

Episode 2: Submission
Donovan stood on a balcony. All around him were gothic spires and sweeping citadels. Below, a vast city stretched out before him. Winged creatures flew over the tops of the buildings, and giant monsters moved among the maze of streets. There were other inhabitants as well, though they were too small to make out. The sky above was a tumultuous red, and the air had a strange taste to it. The young man stared silently. The massive fortress behind him, and the city below, it was greater than his recreation of Mordor in Vashn could have ever been. It was everything he thought of when he envisioned a dark lord. It was power and majesty and…


"Not bad right?" the demon king said. He stood next to Donovan on the balcony, with Kaylee standing on the other. The young man and the demon king were still naked, though Donovan hardly thought of it anymore. He was past embarrassment. Now, he was just awed. The demon king gestured. "When I showed it to Lord Kaylee it was different. I had packed everything into a giant castle, but I grew bored of that a couple years ago. So I rearranged into a proper layout, with a walled city and a fortress looking over it." He pointed below. "Look there, it's embarrassing but I'm still in the process of moving." Donovan followed his finger. A giant tower slowly floated through the air below, escorted by scores of flying creatures. "I'd hoped to have it all done by the time you arrived, but you're only as good as the people you command, right?" The demon king laughed and nudged Donovan. "Right! You get it, you were a king once upon a time!"

"It was only a few days ago," Donovan murmured. He was still taken in by the sight before him.

"Try a few months!" the demon king said, letting out another laugh.

Donovan turned to him with a furrowed brow. "What?"

The demon king grinned and arched an eyebrow. "Oh yes, you were a mess when you first arrived. Murmuring all these people's names, what were they?" he put a hand to his chin. "Mark Mark! Grace! Lyraaaaaaa!"

A cold feeling gripped Donovan, followed by a cauldron of emotion bubbling up inside him. He had to work hard to keep it down. Kaylee apparently noticed and moved closer to him. She held up a decanter full of glowing liquid. "Drink this, it'll help with your fear of heights."

Donovan's fear of heights wasn't really an issue, but he had a feeling Kaylee was trying to help him. He slowly reached out for it, but the demon king swiped it and tossed it over the balcony. "Don't drink that in front of me, ever." His expression was cheery, as was his voice. But Donovan picked up something deeper hidden under it all. The demon king clapped the young man on the back. "I need you clear headed after all, because we have a lot of important things to discuss!"

A magic carpet slowly rose up to the railing of the balcony. The demon king did a neat skip up onto it, then held out his hand for Donovan. "Come! The party continues on my royal barge, so let me show you my world as we head there!" Donovan was unsure, but felt his hand moving before he realized it. The demon king grasped it and pulled him effortlessly up and over the railing. The young man landed with a surprised grunt on the carpet. Kaylee hiked her dress and carefully stepped up onto the railing, preparing to join. The demon king stopped her with a finger and a wink. "Why don't you fly behind us for now, don't want to get too crowded on here."

Kaylee bowed her head low, then sprouted two leathery wings from her back. The magic carpet took off. Donovan's eyes grew wide as the wind whipped past his face and hair. He gripped the fabric. The demon king laughed joyously behind him. Donovan chanced a look back and saw Kaylee keeping up with powerful wing flaps.

The carpet did a twirl as it dropped, then straightened out right before it reached the tallest of the spires. It sailed over the city, giving Donovan an even closer view. The winged creatures that they passed were like zombie-vultures with long necks, doll-like faces, and strange markings. The giants that towered over the street reminded the young man of eastern ogres, though different enough to be unsettling. The people that he could make out wore a wide variety of elaborate shawls and robes and masks and jewelry. They filled the streets and the elevated walkways that crisscrossed in all directions.

Despite the activity, the city was oddly silent. Donovan could only hear the occasional bell, though it was unlike any tone he had ever heard. Every other sound was drowned out by the wind. He leaned forward and peered down, trying to gauge why there was so little noise.

"Looks like you want the guided tour!" the demon king said, slapping him on the back. "But there's not really much to it. I've been collecting people and things since I first came here, and now you can see them all below! This city is my menagerie, and I nurture and protect it! Over there are my libraries," Donovan followed his finger again. Several cathedral-like structures rose up encircling a hill with what looked like a temple occupying the top. "I have all the greatest scholars there, researching magic and science and whatever else I might desire! And over there are my workshops!" the buildings he singled out did indeed look like workshops. Or more accurately, massive iron hangers with smokestacks. "Your war engines were interesting, but just wait until you see mine."

Donovan simply nodded. It was all very impressive, but it was also a lot to take in. The magic carpet swerved, then reared and headed straight up. The young man spied a majestic red and gold barge flying high over the city. Oars moved steadily from its sides, and the edges were curved in opulent designs. The carpet shot past the barge and came around, treating Donovan to a view of the deck. There was a large tent set up in the rear, and the rest of it was filled with figures. They quickly parted as the carpet neared the deck. The demon king stood up to the sound of applause as everyone bowed. He hopped off, then held out his hand for Donovan. Once again the young man felt his body moving seemingly without him meaning to. He took the demon king's hand and stepped off. Kaylee descended next to them. She touched down on the deck, her wings receding back into her body. "Rise, everyone!" the demon king said, gesturing. "Continue the party!" Those gathered on the deck obeyed. There were all manner of figures, some dressed in refined clothing, others naked save for their masks. There was every manner of species and creature as well. Several servants approached Donovan and the demon king and offered them food and drink. The young man waved them away, but had a chalice forcibly pressed into his hands by his host. "So, without further ado," the demon king said, gesturing. "Let's meet some old faces, as well as some new ones, shall we?"

"Old faces?" Donovan said. His question was answered as four figures emerged from the partygoers. The young man let out a noise of surprise. Tokaroaka, his chief sorcerer from when he was king, stood next to his adopted daughter. Donovan was surprised to find the girl out of the protective crystal that she was usually in. She must have been healed at some point. His gaze was drawn to the two bigger figures next to the sorcerers. One was Princess Ninja. Previously a member of the fairy-like species known as the Rook, she was now a hulking creature with powerful limbs. The other was Belok, the leader of Donovan's gargoyles.

"They chose to follow you," the demon king said. His tone was warm, as was his expression. "Isn't it nice to experience true loyalty?"

Donovan slowly approached the four figures. They all bowed. "Guys…" the young man said. A strange emotion churned within him. The demon king was wrong. The four in front of him had been enslaved by Donovan. They had no choice but to follow. It was both a relief to see them, and a shameful reminder of his past.

The demon king seemed to sense what Donovan was thinking. He leaned by the young man's ear and lowered his voice. "Do not regret what you did to them or anyone else. You had power and you used it, and whether in this world or the old world, that is the nature of the game." The demon king straightened back up and smiled down at Donovan. "And it is a game. You don't have to play, but you can't complain when others crush you underfoot."

Donovan stared at the demon king with a conflicted expression. A voice drew his attention. "My king," Tokaroaka said. "We have waited for you to recover, and here you stand before us. We will follow you as always, even unto death."

"There it is!" the demon king said, gesturing at them. "They have purpose! Not everyone gets that you know." He strode forward. Donovan's old masters hastened to part for the demon king. Kaylee followed, pausing to look back. She motioned with a slight tilt of her head that Donovan should follow. He did, glancing at his bowed servants as he passed.

The trio moved through the party on the flying barge towards the prow. Musicians played wildly as dancers leapt and twirled. Donovan watched debauchery of all kinds happening around him. He even witnessed a group of revelers tip a servant over the side. They laughed as the figure plummeted with a scream. Kaylee shifted next to Donovan and took his arm in hers. With a nudge she drew his attention back to the front. A path had formed through the party towards the prow, and a small group of figures gathered on it. They wore a variety of robes, dresses, and other official-looking garments. Some were shockingly similar to clothing worn in Donovan's old world. Others were unmistakably fantasy inspired. They all bowed low as the demon king led Donovan and Kaylee towards them.

"And here we have your fellow demon lords. Rise, all of you." They obeyed. The demon king gestured at an older man in simple garments and a straw hat. "Lord Henrus is easily one of my most loyal servants, and has served me well over the centuries. Next to him is Lord Ravalon," the figure in question was a portly man wearing a robe, and with horns, a tail, and several gremlin-like creatures perched on his shoulders. "He's my eyes and ears in Lysseria, and I can't help but brag that my spy-network is levels beyond what you attempted!" The demon king gestured at a woman with six arms, a strange peacock-like decoration on her back, and a golden mask on her face. "Lord Amelia, a rather delightful connoisseur of death," he presented a muscular man with few garments and a face encaged in an iron mask. "Lord Vance, the token brute," next was a figure in a robe and hood, their features hidden. "Lord Lynn, one of the greatest sorcerers of all time, and of course, you've already met Lord Kaylee."

Donovan met all the demon lords' gazes. They stared back him, their expressions difficult to gauge. The young man noticed there were more figures present than the demon king had introduced. Most of them stood to the sides of the other lords, wearing opulent garments and eager expressions, but one stood next to Lord Lynn. She was a young girl, with a gothic dress and bonnet. Her face was so pale as to almost be doll-like. She met his Donovan's gaze, then glanced away.

"Ah yes," the demon king said. "There's some lords who aren't present right now, and others here who aren't lords at all." He nodded at the girl. "That one there is Claire, one of my closet companions. Very powerful, but I have other uses for her. The others are various magi and advisors and champions, but their names are irrelevant for now. But!" the demon king clapped once. "Now that we've made the proper introductions, let us enjoy the party!"

"Well…" Donovan began.

The demon king took his arm, separating him from Kaylee. "Please," he said with a grin. "I insist,"

What followed was a whirlwind of activity. Donovan was handed drinks and dragged around the deck. Everyone who saw him reached out for him, as if desiring to touch him and gain something. He shoved them away and did his best not to spill his chalice on himself. The young man also tried to abstain from drinking, but the demon king continued to instruct him to drain the liquid within. Whatever reason the king had needed Donovan to be clear-headed for was evidently done with.

The barge did a slow circle around the city. Flying creatures kept pace with it, as if guarding the large ship. Spires passed by, only interrupted by the occasional massive stone building. Eventually Donovan separated from the demon king and stumbled towards the railing. He gripped it and puked, watching the contents of his stomach fall down towards the streets below. He sniffed and wiped his mouth, then retched at a new smell. Donovan glanced around. A large wall separated a portion of the city. Massive columns of smoke rose up behind it, and whatever smell made him recoil originated there, carried over by the wind. The barge was headed straight for it. Donovan watched as they passed over the wall, then entered the closed-off section of the city.

A series of massive stone reservoirs waited on the other side. They were bigger than colosseums, and the thick columns of smoke rose up from whatever liquid was held within. Aqueducts connected everything and snaked off in different directions. There were enough of them to form a tall, confusing labyrinth of ducts and canals. But the smell was what was most noticeable. It was everywhere, and so pungent Donovan dreaded to think of what it came from. He shielded his face with both hands and tried to keep his eyes from watering.

He sensed a figure side up next to him, and looked over to see Kaylee. "It takes a while to get used to this smell, but once you do, you'll appreciate it for what it signifies." She passed him a goblet. "Here, drink this. You'll need it for later."

Donovan accepted the cup, but didn't drink from it. Instead he covered his nose with his free hand. "What is it? That smell?"

Kaylee didn't seem the slightest disturbed by the odor. Her face was blank as always. "It's the smell of transformation!" the demon king said, emerging from the party and coming up behind them. He clapped Donovan on the back, then put a hand around his shoulder. "And Lord Kaylee is right, you'll soon grow to appreciate it!"

The barge was now directly over one of the reservoirs. Donovan stared down as the flying ship parted the smoke. A dark, bubbling liquid filled the interior. He heard splashes and looked towards the edges. Tall, slender figures with robes, masks, and man-catchers were prodding a line of chained figures into the liquid. Each body that hit the surface immediately sank.

"the fuck…" Donovan said, squinting at the sight.

"It's how we make the rank and file," the demon king said. He took a long sip from his chalice and let out a sound of satisfaction. "Now, I know what you're thinking, inefficient right? Turning my spoils of war into demons deprives me of the benefits of the spoils. But it's not actually a 1:1 ratio! For every spoil I send in, I get anywhere from one to five demons! Changes the equations a little, doesn't it?"

"I see," Donovan said. He watched as the tall figures forced more chained prisoners off the reservoir ledge with their man-catchers.

"This is actually what I really wanted to show you on this little tour. You see that reservoir there?" Donovan saw a small structure swarming with winged creatures. "That's a special one. Only carefully selected sacrifices go in it, because that reservoir is what I use to create the demons for my demon lords." He patted the young man on the shoulder. "It's what I'll use to give you your demons. And I have been very selective about what I use as base material. It's how you know I value you, because the quality of your demons will be very high Donovan."

The young man couldn't help but frown, but he kept his face forward so the demon king couldn't see. "Thanks…"

The demon king clapped him on the back again. "I knew you'd appreciate it! The four loyal servants you brought will go in there as well during your ceremony, though they won't be turned into mere demons. They'll be demon commanders, and very, very powerful. You should feel honored, by the way! Very few demon lords arrive with servants like yours! Normally I just pick a few strong creatures for them!" He took a finger and tipped Donovan's chalice to the young man's lips, forcing him to drink it. "So now that you've met all the important people and seen the grounds, let me explain how it works here. This realm is connected to Lysseria, but certain celestial objects have to align for us to move large groups through. When they do align, which by the way is quite unpredictable, bam! You get the so-called Events, which is when I get to bring my armies out to stretch their legs. The other demon lords act as my agents in Lysseria until that happens, preparing this and that, but you're different. Your only job is to kill the light-bringer."


"Alyssa," the demon king said. "So we'll have our little initiation to welcome you into the fold, then the ceremony where you get your demons, then off you go back to Lysseria!"

Donovan dwelled on the demon king's words. "alright…so…how do we win?" he gestured vaguely. "How do we…bring everyone back? And make a paradise?"

The demon king sighed. "Ahh yes, well, a lot of people have to die first, which is very disheartening, but again, it'll all be irrelevant when the time comes for my true ascension."

"True ascension…" Donovan repeated.

"Don't worry over that part, that has to do with me and me alone. What you do need to worry about is the task I have assigned you." The demon king turned away. "Now, I'm going to go prepare for your initiation, you stay here and enjoy yourself until you're summoned!"

With that, the demon king moved and disappeared among the party. Donovan watched him go. Kaylee shifted beside him, intending to leave as well. She paused, then glanced back and nodded at the chalice in his hand. "Keep drinking."

Donovan frowned. "Something I should know?"

Kaylee didn't respond, instead fixing him with another unreadable expression. She turned and waded into the party. Donovan slowly exhaled and turned back to the railing. He took a sip of his chalice, then made a face and poured the rest over the side. Balancing the cup on the rail, he gazed out over the city. Various figures approached him and tried to introduce themselves, but Donovan waved them away. He wasn't in the mood to make conversation. He had a lot on his mind, and had had little time to process it. The barge left the reservoir district and rowed over the city proper. It was busy, with its giants and flying creatures and the people below in the streets. Still, there was little sound besides the party in full swing on the boat.

"You don't seem to be enjoying yourself," a small voice said.

Donovan turned to see the young girl in the dress and bonnet standing next to him. She too held a chalice in her hands, and a small smile on her lips. She reminded him ever-so-slightly of Reqart, Mark's son that Donovan had watched over for a time. "You're a little young to be drinking that, aren't you?"

"In case you forgot, my name is Claire," the girl said, coming up beside him. "And not everything here is at it appears."

"Sure," Donovan said, his tone sullen. "So you're what, the demon king's little sister?"

Claire's smile seemed to falter, or perhaps Donovan was just seeing things. "A companion actually, from another lifetime ago."

"You must be pretty important to be standing around with demon lords."

"Hmm," Claire said, sipping from her chalice. "I suppose I am. Let's talk about you though. The other demon lords will take their time personally introducing themselves, likely after your initiation, but I don't care to wait. I'm very interested, after all."

"Sure," Donovan said. "What do you want to know."

"Are you really going to kill the light-bringer?"

Donovan eyed her for a moment, then turned back to the city. "Maybe. We'll see I suppose."

"Can you?"

"I'll have powers, won't I? I guess it comes down to who's the higher level."

"No…" Claire said with a slight tilt of her head. "I mean can you go through with it?"

Donovan didn't respond for a moment. He narrowed his eyes, though he didn't turn back to the girl. "What does it matter if we can just undo everything afterwards."

Claire giggled. "Well said! Though I wonder…" she pursed her lips, as if thinking. "You can wipe away what you've done, but the stain is still on your soul, no?"

Donovan's dark expression deepened. "I was promised that too, could be fixed,"

The barge had reached the demon king's castle, and now slowly lowered towards a protruding stone walkway that hung out over the city. A gong sounded in front of the large tent near the back deck. The party grew quiet, and everyone turned towards Donovan and Claire. The young man grew confused. Claire patted his arm. "We'll continue this conversation later I suppose. The demon king summons you now."

"Right," Donovan muttered. He slowly walked towards the path the gathering had made for him leading towards the tent.

"Let me know if you wish for a tour of the city!" Claire called after him. "I'm always available, and would quite enjoy it!"

Donovan didn't respond. His heart was beating in his chest for a reason he didn't understand. All eyes were on him as they watched him make his way towards the rear deck. A staircase let up to it. It was guarded by the strange, angel-like beings that normally stood about the castle. Donovan reached the stairs and put his foot on the first step. He forced himself to look back over his shoulder.

Everyone continued to stare at him in silence.

"fuck…" Donovan muttered, then slowly walked up the steps.

The rear deck was dominated by the tent. Donovan couldn't see inside it, as it was bathed in darkness. But standing on either side of the wide-open flaps were the other demon lords. Lord Henrus and Lord Ravalon gave him small smiles, though the others had their expressions hidden under their hoods and masks. Kaylee wasn't among them. Donovan paused and stared at the gathering. Lord Amelia pointed three of her six arms towards the tent. The young man narrowed his eyes and continued on.

Inside he was met with the smell of sweet perfume. The lighting was low, with only a few bowls of fire present. They cast the elaborate tapestries that lined the walls in shifting shadows. The floor was adorned with the fur of monstrous creatures, forming a carpet. It all led up to the center of the tent, were a massive, circular bed under a silk canopy waited. Donovan furrowed his brow in confusion. The silk parted.

On the bed were a dozen naked bodies. They were all women, though with strange features that the young man couldn't understand. In the center of the bed was the demon king. He reclined on a mountain of pillows and sipped from a goblet. "Ahhh, Donovan…" he said, his voice echoing gently through the room. One of the bowls of fire crackled, sending up embers. "I'm glad to see you here, truly."

"What's going on," Donovan said, his voice cautious.

"What else?" the demon king said with a smile. "Your initiation."

Donovan took a step back. "Oh yeah…? Got to say, I'm not really digging the vibes here."

The demon king laughed. It was a genuine laugh that for some reason made the hairs on Donovan's arm stand up on end. The women on the bed rose and slowly slid off. They moved in a seductive manner towards the young man and quickly encircled him. "These fine creatures," the demon king said. "Are for all intents and purposes succubi. They can see into your innermost desires, and give them to you through their bodies."

"Right," Donovan said, taking another step back. "That's cool and all, but I'm not really in the moo-"

One of the women twirled in front of him and grasped his chin. She kissed him passionately, though Donovan tried to resist. When she let go and backed away, he saw that she looked exactly like Babi. The saint that Grace had raised as her sister. Donovan blinked in surprise, then saw that the rest of the women had adopted Babi's form as well.

"Huh," the demon king said, sipping from his chalice. "So that's your tastes…"

"N-no," Donovan said, looking around with wide eyes. "No this isn't…this…"

The demon king laughed. "No need to be ashamed here, or anywhere else in my realm! Your desires are not wrong! They are only expressions of your soul, which should be celebrated! Now come, over here…"

The Babis ran their hands over Donovan and gently guided him towards the bed. The young man tried to resist, but it was if someone else was in control of his body. The first of the women climbed onto the sheets, then turned back and pulled Donovan up with them. He tumbled onto the bed, breathing heavily. The women bent over him and caressed his arms and chest, some pausing to kiss him.

"S-stop," Donovan said, struggling. "This…"

"Donovan," a voice said.

The young man slowly looked over, having recognized the voice. It was Kaylee. She stood before the bed, wearing a silken robe with nothing underneath. She slowly shed it, revealing herself. "w-what?" he said, struggling with the feelings inside him.

"The initiation," the demon king said. "Is one of submission. Following me, and receiving all my rewards, requires it. All the lords have gone through it, and so too, will you. Lord Kaylee is here to participate as well," he winked. "I thought you might appreciate getting a taste."

"No!" Donovan yelled. He shoved away the women and forcibly sat up. "I won't! She's Seth's fiancée!"

The demon king blinked, the laughed uproariously. Donovan looked from him, back to Kaylee. She wore a small, amused smile. The demon king wiped a tear away and let out another laugh. "No no Donovan, she belongs to everyone now!" He suddenly leaned forward and gripped the young man's neck, then dragged him over. "And you, you belong to me. So let's begin the rite of submission. And once I have my way with you, you can have your way with all of Lysseria."

The blood drained from Donovan's face. Kaylee climbed delicately up onto the bed. The Babis closed in behind him.

Several hours later, Donovan stumbled across the stone bridge that connected the barge to the demon king's castle. He was supported by Kaylee, who walked under his shoulder and held him up. The pair were bruised, and battered. The party continued behind them, laughter and chaos echoing through the air.

"fuck…fuck…" Donovan said, wincing. He stumbled again, his bruised body aching. "Fuck! That…ability of his…to change sizes…I almost died…"

Kaylee glanced at him, then turned her attention back to the castle as she continued to support him. "You're taking it better than I did the first time. Maybe I was wrong about you…maybe you'll actually survive this place."

"I'm not taking it well at all actually, it just hasn't hit me yet," they continued supporting each other as they entered the castle. "I'm sorry…about what I did to you back there…my body was moving on its own and-"

"I think it will be better for both of us if we don't talk about what happened." Kaylee said.

They rounded a corner and continued on down a familiar hall. "Does everyone go through what we just did?" Donovan said, taking a moment to catch his breath. "Even the old guy?"

"Even Lord Henrus," Kaylee said, her expression carefully guarded. "Hierarchy is important here. He makes us submit, and then we do the same to those underneath us. Though we normally only have to submit once. I guess since we knew each other, he wanted me present."

She paused and opened the doors to Donovan's chambers, then carefully helped him towards the bed. "Sorry…" Donovan said. "That's…"

"Like I said, let's just stop talking about it. What happened is only a small part of the whole." She took his arm and set him down on the bed. "If you serve him well, you'll become a god. What's a bodily act compared to that?"

Donovan massaged his wrists as he studied Kaylee. She still seemed composed, though he thought he sensed something else. "Is that what he promised you?"


"I asked if that was what he promised you. Godhood. Is that why you left Seth and became his whore?"

Donovan hadn't meant to say it, but for some reason a strange sensation was taking hold. He was growing angry. Kaylee's perfect mask faded, revealing a true expression for the first time. It was fury. "You don't know what the fuck you're talking about Donovan, so I would suggest you stop talking altogether. Besides," she shoved the young man back onto the bed. "You're his whore now too. Cry if you need to, get angry, whatever. But just remember, you chose this." She turned away, hiding her expression. "Not all of us were as easily broken as you."

"Oh I am angry," Donovan said, rising up from the bed. Everything that had happened to him, even before arriving in the demon realm, seemed to be suddenly surfacing. Waking up without his friends, finding them changed, all the decisions he'd made, being betrayed by Lyra, it all filled his head and caused his breathing to quicken and his blood to pound. Donovan gestured, coming around to where Kaylee faced. "This is our god? HIM? THAT'S who we're supposed to follow? That smile, and his laugh, and his fucking attitude! THAT'S who you want to serve for eternity??" He couldn't control his anger anymore. It spilled out of him in a white-hot rage. "What did he offer you, HUH??" He grabbed Kaylee by throat. "Huh?? What did he offer you! He's fucking delusional! He's crazy and dangerous! And you're not even making an effort to stop him!"

Kaylee turned to stone in Donovan's hands. The young man blinked in surprise. He slowly let go of the statue's neck and glanced around. Kaylee stood right beside him, having appeared out of thin air. She reared back and punched Donovan into the ground with one swing. He impacted against the stone. The young man cried out in pain. Kaylee towered over him. "Don't you ever put your fucking hands on me outside the demon king's bedroom. And don't give me shit about him being delusional, or evil. He had his way with you, and now you're pissed. You didn't even consider growing a spine before then." Donovan let out of cry of pain as he lifted his broken face from the cracked stone. Kaylee turned away from him. "Give it up and submit. The demon king is as close to a god as we're going to see here, and there's no going against him." She started heading for the doorway. "The sooner you realize that and stop acting like a child, the better."

Donovan murmured a healing spell, then staggered to his feet. "Fine," he said, his voice low. He teetered as straightened up. "So I was considering serving him." He gestured. "Because I'm lost, okay? I'm FUCKING LOST! I don't know which way's up, or what I should do, or what I should have done, I've already dammed myself so where the fuck do I go from here! I had no fucking idea!" Donovan's face grew dark as he panted from shouting. "Or at least I didn't until tonight. Call me whatever you want," he pointed a finger at Kaylee. "But I'm going to fucking kill him. THAT is how I'm going to redeem myself. By killing that wannabe god piece of SHIT!"

Kaylee stared at him with hateful eyes, though it slowly changed to pity. "I see." She turned and headed for the door. "Then you're going to die, and I don't need to bother making an effort to interact with you anymore."

The door slammed shut behind her. Donovan sank back down onto the bed. He rested his face in his hands as his body trembled.

The young man cried. When he couldn't anymore, he stood up and paced. Then he sat back down. Then he began to think.

Donovan thought for a long time. He thought about what he'd seen since arriving in the demon realm, and what he'd learned. Slowly, ever-so-slowly, he came up with a plan.

A knock sounded on the door. Donovan didn't reply, but it opened anyway. Kaylee entered wearing a new dress and carrying folded clothing with a decanter on top. Donovan slowly raised his face from his hands and stared at her. "You're…back."

Kaylee's expression was blank, though her voice held the slightest hint of something. "I remember my first night here. I didn't take my anger out on others, because there were no others. It was just me. So, here," she set the clothes and decanter down on the bed. "You don't have to walk around without clothes anymore. That parts over. And drink that. It will help…"

Donovan stared at her, his expression astonished. "You…you really haven't changed. You're still…a good person…"

Kaylee avoided his gaze. "I'm not, Donovan, but I'm not a monster either. We used to be friends too. I guess I still want that to mean something." She turned back to face him with a fierce gaze. "Which is why you need to get your shit together. Don't talk about killing the demon king, don't even fucking think about it. Have you not been paying attention to anything since coming here? Everything you see was created by his willpower alone. He can't be killed, he can't be plotted against, nothing can stop him. So give up and kill Alyssa, then collect your eternal reward like the rest of us."

Donovan slowly stood. He took the decanter, popped the top, and drained it with greedy gulps. He wiped his mouth and stared Kaylee in the eyes. "Yeah…you're still a really nice person. And maybe you're right about all that. But me? If I've learned anything since coming this fantasy hell, it's that I've got some monstrous tendencies. And I'm going to use them to kill that son of a bitch. So are you going to turn tail and snitch on me?" Donovan leaned in close to her face. "Or are you going to let me play the game?"

Kaylee stared at him, then rolled her eyes and pushed his face away. "For fuck's sake you're really going to die. But fine." She put up her palms and turned away. "Do what you want, I'm not going to concern myself with it anymore."

She headed for the door. "Kaylee," Donovan said, stopping her. She glanced back at him. "When is the ceremony. When I get my demons."

"Tomorrow," Kaylee said, then turned and left.

The next morning, Donovan dressed himself and explored the castle. He was accompanied by his four former-masters, Tokaroaka, his daughter, Princess Ninja, and Belok. He found a hall, which was empty save for a table and chairs, and was immediately surrounded by servants trying to serve him breakfast. The young man took a few items and chewed on them as he continued onward.

Donovan's thoughts, worries, fears, and regrets were slowly shifting into something else. Something dark, and hateful. But it was more than that. It was hatred with a purpose. He had a plan now, and he was going to see it through. He didn't care about failure.

He asked the various servants around him and finally found what he was looking for. The young man navigated the maze of hallways towards his destination. The demon king was nowhere to be found, nor were the demon lords or Kaylee. Donovan arrived at a stone archway leading out to a garden. In the center was a pavilion, where a table and chairs were set up. Claire sat under it wearing a new gothic dress and bonnet. She sipped from a teacup as servants waited on her.

"Ah!" she said, noticing him approaching. She waved one of her gloved hands. "Hello! I was hoping we would see each other again soon!"

Donovan gave her a small smile as he came to a stop. "And I was hoping I could take you up on that tour." His four commanders fanned out behind him.

Claire's face lit up. "Oh how delightful! Yes! Let's go!" She quickly scooted off her chair and skipped over to the young man. Taking his arm in hers, she led him off out of the garden. "You have no idea how much I enjoy such outings! Do you have anywhere in particular you wish to go?"

"As a matter of fact I do. Can we explore the demon reservoirs? I wanted a closer look."

Claire glanced at him with a curious expression as she led him along. "Why…yes, yes we can."

"Excellent," Donovan said, smiling warmly at her. He faced forward again as they entered the castle proper.

Unseen by her, his expression then turned very, very dark.

Episode 3: Punishment
1811 years ago

A girl smeared in dirt and wearing rags walked across a field. Her feet were bruised and bloody, and her expression was devoid of life. The field was empty. The few crops remaining were smashed and scattered. The girl walked past a destroyed stalk and paused. She bent down and inspected the ground, then used her fingers to try and dig up seeds. She unearthed some, then quickly stuffed them in her mouth and chewed. It wasn't much, but it was enough. The girl straightened back up and continued walking.

The sun was barely visible through an overcast sky. It tried to shine through the clouds, but only its faint, circular light was visible. It cast the surrounding lands in an unmistakable gloom. The girl hardly noticed. She zig-zagged across the field, stopping by any stalks she found. There were hardly any seeds each time, but still she dug for them.

The girl was used to being hungry, but true hunger was still a terrible thing. It dominated her thoughts and caused a pain that never left her body. She could hardly sleep sometimes, while other times she feared if she did she might not wake up. The girl had few memories that she could recall with clarity. There might have been a time when she wasn't hungry, and there might have been a time when she wasn't alone, but both those times were long past.

The end of the field appeared. Beyond it was a series of rocky outcrops. The girl stumbled towards it. There was a chance she might find something else to eat there, however little. She kept walking, entering among the tall, pronounced stones. It was even darker and gloomier in the rocky maze. She weaved around them as she went, though the girl sometimes had to stop and wait for the pain in her stomach to pass.

A low murmur reached her ears. Someone was talking somewhere in the stone maze. The girl furrowed her brow in confusion and tried to follow its echo. Sometimes when she encountered others they gave her food. Other times…not. But it was worth the risk.

She rounded a stone and came upon a man. He was neither short nor tall, scrawny nor buff. His face was quite clean however, and his eyes were closed. He wore an elaborate set of armor, and sat against a stone. A single massive spear impaled him through the stomach and pinned him to the stone. The girl could tell he was pinned because of the cracks in its surface from where the spearpoint broke through the rock. She slowly approached. The man was talking to himself, though the girl didn't understand the words. She bent down and reached for his knapsack. Perhaps she could rummage around for something.

As she neared the drawstring, the man's hand moved and grasped hers. The girl's eyes went wide, fear surging through her body. She slowly brought her gaze up and looked at the man. His eyes were open now, and he stared at her with an arched eyebrow.

"What are you doing?" he said in a faint but friendly voice.

"food." The girl said.

The man took a deep breath, then rested his head against the stone. "Ah, of course. Everyone's hungry these days, aren't they." The girl took her hand away from the man's grasp. When she saw he was still resting his head, she dragged the knapsack away and backed up. Once she was out of reach, she sat down and opened it. The girl quickly began rummaging around inside. The man looked over at her. "So that's it huh? Just going to take what you want?"

The girl nodded as she took out a small knife, inspected it, then tossed it to the side. Next was a folded cloth, then a case she didn't recognize, and finally, wrapped bread. She tore off the wrapping and began devouring it. The man sighed. He gripped the spear impaling him and tore it out with one clean motion. The girl looked up in shock. The man grunted as he put his hand to the ground and stood. He teetered for a moment, then steadied himself.

"Wha…" the girl said, wide-eyed. A bit of bread fell out of her open mouth. The man's wound ran straight through him. She could see the stone on the other side.

"What's your name?" the man said, brushing at his armor. The girl simply shook her head. The man frowned. "Well, they call me 'the hero', but I don't really feel like one anymore, so you can call me something else." He tapped his chin. "But what…" The girl didn't respond, simply stuffing the rest of the bread in her mouth. A small smile appeared on his face. "I've got it, why don't we pick names for each other?"

The girl got to her feet and backed away. "Food…"

"Right," the man said, a pained expression on his face. "You…probably can't come up with any names right now, can you. But I can." He tilted his head and studied the girl. "How about…Claire."

The girl blinked. "Claire…"

The man smiled. "That's right. It's a good name, don't you think?" he held out his hand. "Why don't we get out of these terrible rocks and go find some other people, shall we? I was only here to do some thinking after all, it's not really a place for a child."

The girl cautiously approached. She glanced as his outstretched hand, then narrowed her eyes. "Food?"

The man simply let out a laugh. "Right, let's go find some."

1809 Years Ago

"Claire what are you doing!"

The girl laughed as she ran along a high stone wall. The wind tore past her hair, sending the strands dancing around her head. She skipped once, twice, then paused to regain her balance. She glanced down at the man keeping pace with her at the bottom.

"I'm taller than you now!"

The man closed his eyes and shook his head. "You're going to fall, and then what huh?"

Claire beamed. "You'll catch me!"

"Oh will I now?"

"Yes!" Claire said. The wind blew past her again, carrying with it the smells of the earth and trees. She gazed around at the countryside from atop the wall. There were rolling hills, and small clumps of forest. She closed her eyes and savored the feeling.

"Come on, get down from there. We need to cut across if we want to find the road to Fospier."

Claire opened her eyes. "Alright!" She tilted to the right and fell from the wall. The man let out a surprise yell and scrambled to catch her. She landed in her arms, laughing. "See! I knew you would catch me!"

The man sighed. "Yes…but let's stop testing it," He gently set her down and brushed at her garments. "You need to be more careful, I might not always be around to save you."

Claire frowned. "Are you leaving me?"

"Well…no, but life can be unpredictable. Nothing lasts forever you know."

She took his hand and stared at him with determination. "You can't ever leave me! We have to be together forever!"

The man took a deep breath, then exhaled and shook his head with a smile. "Well, let's just drop the matter for now. The point is, stop running along tall walls. Can you do that for me?"

"Fine," Claire said, tugging his hand. "Let's go already!"

The pair left the wall and walked towards a distant hill. Insects whisked and circled around them, eliciting irritated cries from Claire whenever they landed on her. She swatted them, sometimes chasing the tiny creatures, other times running away from them. This continued until she and the man crested the hill.

A road snaked along in either direction before them. Beyond it was the town of Fospier. Claire and the man made their way down and reached the road. They walked along until it curved around another hill, then they came across the first corpse.

It was a man, sprawled out in the dirt. Further up was another corpse, and another. The man took Claire's hand. "stay close," he murmured.

More and more bodies appeared along the path. They reached the gates of the town, finding them smashed. Inside was no better. The streets were filled with the dead, and every window and door was broken. The smell was overwhelming. Carrion birds cried out to one another as they feasted. Claire pressed herself against the man and closed her eyes.

"what happened…"

"The same thing that always happens," the man said. "Someone got greedy, or wanted revenge, or convinced themselves that it was necessary."

Claire didn't respond. The man patted her back, then shifted away. She opened her eyes and stared pleadingly at him. "w-wait!"

"It's okay," the man said, walking a distance away from her. "I'm just going to clean up a bit." He raised his hands. Geometric shapes appeared in the air. The corpses trembled. One by one they slowly rose and rotated into the air. The entire town gave up its dead, the corpses filling the sky. The man started walking. Claire hastened to follow. The floating corpses traveled as well.

Outside the town, thousands of holes had appeared in the earth. The man gestured, and the bodies began to lower into them. He watched as each corpse found a hole. Claire clung herself to the man with a confused expression. "are you…"

"Giving them some dignity," the man murmured. "However little it may be…"

"dignity?" Claire said, glancing up at him.

The man nodded. "That's right. Dignity is very important to all living creatures. The world will try and take it away, but we must always strive to deny the world its pleasures. And we do that by respecting each other, and acknowledging each other's worth."

"And…" Claire said, struggling to understand. "We put people in the ground?"

The man couldn't help but give her a sad smile. "In this case…yes. Better than rotting above it as the world intended. It's a small act, but it has meaning. Dignity through defiance of nature." The last body slowly lowered into the hole. The man turned to her. "Now, let's go look for some markers, shall we?"

An hour later, Claire walked out of the town dragging a sack full of various objects. Pots, utensils, combs, tapestries, tools. The man was finishing lowering the last mound of dirt over the holes with magic. The girl brought the bag over and presented it. "Here! Look what I found! Can we use these?"

The man finished his spell and turned to her. "Why yes, yes we can."

Claire picked up a mallet and ran over to the nearest grave. She carefully placed it on top of the dirt, then ran back and picked up another object. The man joined her. Together they gave each grave a marker, whether it was a tool, garment, or treasure. When they had finished, the pair stood at the edge of the field and surveyed their work.

"Not bad," the man said, patting her shoulder.

"Do you think…" Claire said, biting her lip. "Do you think they'll like it? Do they have dignity now?"

The man surveyed the field, a strange expression briefly passing over his features. It quickly turned back to a warm smile. "I think they do Claire…I think they do."

1807 Years Ago

The man stood at a window. It looked down into a city plaza, which was filled to the brim with people. It was late at night, but the darkness was kept at bay by thousands of torches. In the center of the plaza was a man on a wooden stage. He wore strange garments, and clutched a book in his hand. He gestured with it as his voice rang out. The crowd responded with anger, shouting agreements and curses.

The man at the window closed his eyes and turned away from the scene. He heard a creak, then looked up to see the door to the room opening. Claire peeked inside. The man tilted his head slightly. "Oh? You're still up?"

Claire nodded. She slowly entered and shut the door behind her. "I think…I think I've finally come up with your name."

The man blinked in surprise. "Really?"

Claire slowly walked inside. "It's been four years hasn't it? It took a long time, but I had to think really, really hard."

The man couldn't help but let out a laugh. "You've called me lots of things over the years."

Claire shook her head fiercely. "No, this will be the real one. Your true name. It means He Who Gives Dignity. Would you like to hear it?"

The man's expression grew sad, but only for a moment. He smiled warmly at Claire and nodded. "Yes. Yes I would…"

"Are you coming Lord Donovan?"

Donovan tore his gaze away from the sky and turned to his companion with a smile. Claire stood in front of a carriage wearing her dress and bonnet, as well as a parasol tucked under her arms. A servant stood nearby with his hand out to help her up.

"Yes of course," Donovan said, approaching. Claire returned his smile with one of her own, then took the servants hand and climbed inside. The young man followed after.

They pair settled across from each other in the cushioned interior. Soon enough they were traveling out of the castle gates. Donovan's commanders rode behind them, on beasts big enough for their various sizes. Claire seemed eager, sometimes leaning towards the window and pointing buildings out. Donovan got a good look at the city now that he wasn't high in the air.

There were many species present, but they all wore similar styles of garments. Colorful, layered shawls, heavy jewelry, and other ornaments. They kept their heads low as they went about their business. As Donovan had noted before on the barge, everything was eerily quiet. He said as much to Claire.

"Yes," she said, beaming. "There is not much noise in the city, for the people here are very polite, and considerate of the demon king's preferences!"

"A preference for silence I assume."

"That's right! Though not always. For now though, it is a season of silence."

Donovan dwelled on this, then turned his attention to the girl sitting across from him. "Can I ask you something?" Claire responded with a nod and a smile. "You didn't give me a proper answer last time, but what are you to the demon king?"

Claire's expression grew thoughtful. She glanced out the window for a bit, then finally turned back to Donovan. "I was his companion and friend a long time ago. And I remained so through the years. When he became the demon king, I joined him."

"So you're immortal."

"I wasn't always," Claire said, tugging at a piece of lace on her dress. "But I am now."

"And…you're powerful?"

Claire glanced at him with a coy expression. "Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering."

The girl looked back out through the window. "I am powerful, or at least that's what people tell me." Donovan was silent. Claire continued staring out the window. "Are you excited for your ceremony?"

The young man narrowed his eyes, though this went unnoticed. "You could say that. Hopefully it goes better than the initiation."

Claire didn't respond. Nothing else was said during the carriage ride, not until it came to a stop in the cobblestone street. A servant opened the door and held out his hand. Claire took it and stepped down. "Here we are!" she said, taking in the view.

Donovan frowned as he got out. They were not in the reservoir quarter, though he could see the wall rising up a few streets over like a mountain range. "Where are we? Why are we here?"

"Business before pleasure!" Claire said, gesturing at a stone archway. Beyond it was a market bustling with activity.

"I had hoped-"

"I know," Claire said, taking his hand. "But humor me for a bit, won't you?" With her other she opened her parasol and placed it delicately against her shoulder. She walked him towards the archway, humming a tune. Donovan's commanders dismounted and followed at a respectable distance.

They entered into the market and passed crowds of people and stalls. Everyone gave them room, not even daring to look their way. Claire continued humming as she inspected various stalls and wares. The merchants bowed low wherever she went, and handfuls of goods were offered free of charge. The girl smiled politely and declined, continuing her browsing.

"I like things like this," she said, twirling her parasol. "People living life, going about their day. It reminds me of a simpler time."

"If you say so," Donovan said. He had many thoughts in his mind. He took a glowing decanter from his cloak and sipped from it. Claire noticed, giving him a side-glance.

"You like it?"

"It numbs the pain." Donovan said. "And helps me think."

"That must be why everyone drinks it," Claire said, bending over to inspect a stall of jewelry. "There is a lot of pain in this city, after all, though I am surprised that you have anything to think about. Is not the way of this place obvious? What is there to consider but the demon king's will?"

"What indeed," Donovan said, his tone low.

Claire exhaled, then straightened up from the stall. "I have grown weary of this, come."

She led him down the street, then turned down an alley. Donovan grew confused as they walked. The buildings rose up on either side of them like a canyon, and everything was bathed in shadow. There were many in the alley, though they all sat against the wall curled up in worn blankets. They shied away as Claire and Donovan passed, clearly trying to hide themselves. The girl turned down another alley, then another. She descended stone stairs into what looked like the mouth of a sewer.

"Can I ask where we're going?" Donovan said.

Claire had resumed humming as she walked into the darkness. Her voice echoed out from within. "We're visiting the reservoirs of course! Come along now!"

There was little light inside the tunnel, so the young man simply followed the sound of the girl's singing. It echoed around him, and almost reminded him of a lullaby. Sometimes he reached an intersection and paused, and other times he came to a fork in the path. But as always, the singing led him onward.

A light appeared in the distance. The air grew heated, and Donovan began to sweat. He could hear his commanders behind him, and the song ahead, but still he was uneasy. The light grew brighter, and the air hotter. Then, he emerged from the tunnel.

The reservoir stretched out before him. He was not at the top along the rim, but had come out halfway down. A ledge protruded outward, high over the bubbling liquid. Bodies tumbled down from above, splashing and sinking instantly below. Donovan slowly walked towards the end of the ledge where Claire waited with her parasol. The bodies continued to fall, some with cries, others silent.

"Is this…" Donovan began.

"This is the reservoir that will give you your demons," Claire said, not bothering to turn around. He came up behind her, and together they watched the rain of bodies. "Tell me Lord Donovan, do you like me?"

Donovan frowned. "Do I like you?"

Claire twirled her parasol and nodded underneath it. "Yes, do you find me entertaining? Do you like the dresses I wear?"

"The fuck are you talking about."

"I was surprised when you wanted to take a tour with me. Most everyone keeps their distance, but you didn't! I thought perhaps it was because you liked me. Do you find me attractive?"

Donovan frowned. "You're like…twelve years old. You're a child. No, I don't find you attractive, but that's not to say you aren't. Just don't ask those questions to older men."

Claire turned around and faced him. She wore a smile, but her eyes stared hard into his. "Then, are you going to kill me?"

A cold feeling worked its way up through Donovan. His expression grew stony, and his voice came out low. "Whatever gave you that idea."

Claire gave him a sad smile. "I've lived a long time, you see. I've learned to listen. You're interested in me, but not in my dresses, or my stories, or my beauty. Just my power," she turned back towards the reservoir. "And you wanted to see this place. It wasn't hard to put it all together. You're going to kill me, and throw me in there, and try and gain stronger demons." She glanced over her shoulder. "Yes?"

Donovan closed his eyes, then opened them. "That's right."

"You would kill a child?"

"I've done worse. And you're not a child, are you."

"No," Claire said, her voice sad. She turned back to the reservoir. "I'm not. But It won't work you know."

"What do you mean."

"You can't kill me. Not like you are. I'm too powerful, and even the fact that you're a hero from another world won't help you. You may have noticed that you can't control people here. A testament to how strong everyone is. So you picked me, because I assume you thought me weak. That's not the case though."

"I picked you because the demon king liked you. Not because you were weak."

"Ah…yes…that makes sense. But still, this wasn't very well thought out. Lord Ravalon sees everything, and would know. So would the demon king in his own way. And then there's the matter of why you're joining us in the first place." She turned fully to face him. "Weren't you going to resurrect your friends, and undo all the wrongs you've caused?"

Donovan didn't respond for a moment. The sound of bodies dropping into the liquid continued. "Better to remain dead forever, then spend eternity in that man's heaven."

Claire pursed her lips in a thoughtful expression. "I see."

"As for my sins, I'll deal with them later. I have to kill a monster first."

"You were going to join that monster."

Donovan gave a slight shrug. "I've never been able to hold onto any principals since coming here, and I've changed sides more times than I can count. But it's different this time. This time, I'm sticking to a path until I see it to the end."

Claire slowly lowering her parasol. "But you can't even kill me, so what will you do?"

"I don't know. I figure I have some time while I look for Alyssa. Or maybe I'll just be killed trying and the matter will be moot."

"There are fates worse than death Lord Donovan." Claire said. Her voice had taken a strange tone, and her eyes grew distant. "You're acting in anger, but it won't be worth it in the end." The young man didn't respond. Claire's eyes cleared, and she turned her attention to him. "I'll let you."

Donovan frowned. "What?"

"I'll let you kill me."

The liquid below hissed as more bodies hit its surface. Donovan took a step back, studying the girl with a skeptical gaze. "Why…would you let me kill you?"

"Take out your knife Lord Donovan. The one you were going to use on me." The young man hesitated, then obeyed. He slowly produced the knife Tokaroaka had given him earlier. It was a Vashn blade, used by sorcerers. Claire nodded approvingly. She beckoned Donovan closer, and he took reluctant steps until he was in front of her. She reached into her dress and produced a key on the end of a chain. The girl unfastened it, then held it out to Donovan. "Your plan will likely fail, and you will suffer greatly for it. The demon king cannot be stopped. He has two thousand years worth of powers and abilities. But if, by chance, you manage to take this key and unlock what it goes to, you may buy yourself enough time to escape."

Donovan stared at her, confused, then took the key. "What does it go to?" Claire shook her head, then took his hand with the knife and slowly brought it up to her chest. She rested the point against her heart and looked the young man in the eyes. Donovan stared back at her in disbelief. "Why…are you letting me do this?"

She smiled, though her eyes held an unfathomable sadness. "Better to remain dead forever, than spend an eternity in that man's heaven."

"You…hate him to?"

"I loved him once upon a time. But he is no longer the man I knew. And as strong as I am, I do not have the strength to take my own life. So please, do me this kindness and end my-" Donovan plunged the knife into her chest. Claire gasped, coughing up blood. He walked with her as she stumbled back towards the edge of the ledge. She reached for his hand and grabbed it. "Promise me…"

"I'm listening."

"Don't…" Claire said, closing her eyes as she slid off the knife. "let him…resurrect me…"

She tumbled over the ledge. Donovan slowly walked up to it and watched as her body hit the liquid. There was an immediate reaction. The surface seethed, then bubbled, then exploded in a massive geyser. The liquid rained back down, churned, then settled. Donovan turned away and walked back to where his commanders waited. He took the key and pressed into Tokaroaka's hand. "If anything should happen to me, find what this goes to and unlock it. Trust no one."

The sorcerer bowed. "Yes master."

Donovan walked back through the tunnel and emerged from the alley. He and his commanders returned to the demon king's castle on foot. The young man took in the city as he did. Its people, buildings, the atmosphere. His heart had hardened, and his thoughts were dark. Claire's final words rang in his head.

"Donovan!" the demon king said, opening his arms wide. The young man stood in a large chamber filled with servants rushing around. The demon king crossed and embraced him. Donovan resisted the urge to recoil. "I was surprised to find you not here when I went looking for you! Wherever could you have gone!"

"I decided to stretch my legs," Donovan said. "I hope I didn't cause any problems."

The demon king winked at him. "Nonsense! But come, come, it is time for your ceremony! It is time to make you a proper demon lord!"

Servants surrounded Donovan and led him from the hall. "Ah, now?"

"No better time than the present!" the demon king called after him.

The young man was taken to a side chamber and stripped, washed, then adorned with markings. He allowed it all, though his heart beat in his chest. Any moment someone could discover what had happened. The other shoe was waiting to drop.

After the servants finished, they dressed him in a red robe and led him back out. The other demon lords were waiting in the hall, including Kaylee. The demon king entered in a thin garment decorated with jewels and clapped his hands. "We are all ready, let us welcome our brother into the fold!"

The group moved as one through the castle. Servants lined the walls with lanterns, and fell into step behind them as they passed. By the time they had reached a circular chasm lined with a spiral staircase, a giant procession had formed. The demon king took Donovan's hand and led the way down. The young man was beginning to hate people taking his hand. But he endured, biding his time.

At the bottom was a pool. It was circular, and lined with a stone rim. A canal fed the pool with the dark liquid Donovan had seen in the reservoir. The demon lords and servants filed out along the rim. The demon king kept the young man at the top step of a staircase leading down into the liquid. When everyone had taken their place, the chamber was awash with the light and shadows of a thousand lanterns. The servants began chanting and swaying. The demon lords simply stood still and gazed at Donovan.

"Now," the demon king said, taking Donovan's robe off. "We are about to witness the birth of your demons. There will be thousands, and they will serve as your army, and you will serve as my agent. Together, we will fix this world and all who dwell in it."

"Of course," Donovan said. The demon king turned him towards the stairs and gave him a gentle prod. The young man took the first step.

The chanting grew louder. Donovan took another step, then another. His feet entered the pool. He felt his skin burn, but ignored it. There was another sensation as well. He could not describe it, but something tugged at him. Something powerful.

The liquid only came up to his waist. Donovan waded out into the center as the chanting echoed around him. The pool bubbled, then shifted. It heaved up around Donovan and baptized him in a shower of dark water. He closed his eyes and raised his head towards the cavernous ceiling.

Suddenly, the chanting stopped. Donovan opened his eyes and gazed down. The pool had grown still, save for a patch directly in front of him. The young man watched as a figure rose up from it. It had no shape or form. It was simply a lumpy, shifting blob.

Nobody spoke. Donovan studied the blob, then glanced around him at the ledge. All eyes were on him. The demon king's voice rang out. "One demon?"

A murmur spread through the onlookers. It quickly built into words of confusion. "Where are the others master?" Lord Vance bellowed.

"Why does he only have one?" Lord Amelia mused. Kaylee stood next to her, and though she said nothing, her expression was extremely worried.

The demon king held up a hand. Everyone grew quiet. "It seems…" he began. "That for all my efforts, the ritual has only birthed one demon for Lord Donovan. It is…a shame." Again the murmurs traveled through the chamber. Donovan turned his attention back to the blob as he appraised it. He was not disappointed. He knew better. The demon king gestured. "No matter, send in his commanders."

Tokaroaka, his daughter, Princess Ninja, and Belok all appeared. They stepped into the pool one by one and stood in it. A moment passed, and then they were pulled under by some unseen force. Donovan blinked in surprise. The blob shuddered, then disappeared in a cloud of smoke. "What happened to them?"

"Their transformation requires submersion," the demon king said with a smile. "And it's your turn now."

Donovan didn't have time to respond. He was pulled under into the liquid. An eternity passed. He thought he was drowning. In fact he did, several times over. Finally whatever force held him released his body, and the young man floated to the surface. He gasped upon reaching it, then thrashed around. Strong hands reached in and pulled him out. Donovan stumbled up the stairs, then fell on his hands and knees. He panted, his body feeling different now. It was strange.

"Rise, Lord Donovan," the demon king said. The young man slowly got to his feet. Behind him, his four commanders emerged from the pool. "It is a shame you only have one demon, but perhaps it is a very strong one indeed."

"That would be nice," Donovan said, accepting a towel from a nearby servant.

"Well," the demon king said. "Let us leave the matter for latter, come, everyone! It is time to celebrate!"

The procession traveled back up the stairs and made their way to a massive hall lined with trees. It was like an indoor courtyard, with a large hole in the ceiling many stories up to let in faint light. A hundred torches burned throughout, and servants waited with food and drink. The musicians struck up a tone as soon as everyone entered. Donovan mingled in his ceremonial robe. He refused drinks, but he did sneak sips from the glowing elixir he'd gotten from a servant. Lord Amelia was the first to introduce herself.

"Greetings, Lord Donovan," she said, holding out one of her six hands.

The young man took it and kissed it. "Greetings, Lord Amelia."

"Your disappointing ceremony aside, I am most pleased to have you among our ranks. Finally, the light bringer will be broken. And you seem a decent enough sort to spend eternity with."

Donovan fixed her with a polite smile. "You might prove interesting to know as well, Lady Amelia."

The demon lord shifted, her posture indicating she was mildly amused. The young man certainly couldn't tell her expression under her mask. The next demon lord was Vance. "THERE HE IS!" the large man said, grabbing Donovan by the shoulders and shaking him. "You embarrassed us back there with your paltry display of demonhood, but you will have many chances to redeem yourself!"

"That's good to hear," Donovan said, his polite smile remaining.

Lord Ravalon was next. "Ah, Lord Donovan," he said, bowing his head in greeting. "It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, however brief it may be."


The portly man gave him a small, knowing smile. "You are leaving us to seek out the light-bringer, aren't you?"

"Ah, yeah, suppose I am. And you're the spymaster I've heard so much about?"

Lord Ravalon chuckled. "Oh I certainly hope not, for then I wouldn't be doing a very good job at it now would I?"

"Of course," Donovan said. "Consider it forgotten."

Lord Henrus approached him from the side and handed him a drink. "Enjoying yourself?" he said, his tone amused. Donovan studied him for a beat, then accepted the chalice.

"Of course, I'm a demon lord now, aren't I?"

"Are you?" Lord Henrus said, then shifted away and disappeared among the crowd.

The last demon lord, Lynn, did not present herself. Instead Donovan found Kaylee speaking in low murmurs with a servant. She glanced up as the young man held out his hand. "May I have this dance?"

Kaylee studied him with an uncertain gaze. She slowly took his hand, then allowed him to lead her out among the other dancers. Only a few were actually dancing. The others were descending into debauchery. Donovan ignored the writhing bodies on the floor and twirled Kaylee around to the beat of the music. "What is this…" Kaylee said, her tone as cautious as her expression.

Donovan gave a slight shrug. "I haven't seen you in ten years, is it so unusual to want to dance?"

"I think we've gotten to know each other enough over the last couple days. It's best not to be seen together, not with our history."

Donovan turned her, then dipped her low. "Not quite the trusting family I suppose."

"Not really," Kaylee said, her hair dangling above the floor. Donovan pulled her back up and resumed the dance. "Something's wrong,"

Donovan frowned. "What?"

"I don't know," Kaylee said, taking fugitive glances around them. "The atmosphere…has changed…"

"I don't sense it."

"You haven't had to learn how yet. It's a survival tactic here, and why I'm still a demon lord. Unlike some others I could name."

Loud clapping interrupted the music. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to the source. The demon king had seemingly grown taller, and now towered several feet above everyone else's heads. "Attention, attention!" he held up a chalice. "Our newest demon lord, having just finished the rites that make him one of us, will be departing soon to bring down our foe, the light-bringer. Let us give him a toast, one of good fortune in his hunt!"

"Yes!" voices shouted out.

"Good fortune on your hunt!"

"Donovan," the demon king said, smiling warmly at him over everyone's heads. "I just have one thing to say before you leave." The young man nodded and held up his chalice. The demon king's smile slowly disappeared. "Where is Claire."

The room grew deathly quiet. Many wore confused expressions, while others simply backed away. Something in the demon king's tone had set a chill through the air. Donovan swallowed, then smiled. "Why are you asking me?"

"Hmmm," the demon king said, exhaling. His eyes bore into the young man, making him feel small and exposed. "You were seen leaving the castle with her, but you did not return. And she has never missed a party I have hosted."

Everyone slowly turned towards Donovan. Those around him backed away, including Kaylee. Her expression was pale, but carefully devoid of any sign of emotion. "Perhaps she got lost," Donovan said, sipping from his glass.

"Perhaps…" the demon lord repeated. "she got lost…" The floor heaved up and impaled Donovan through his leg. He gasped in pain and dropped his chalice. The demon king slowly moved towards him. Everyone parted. "I will ask you one more time, Lord Donovan. Where. Is. Claire."

Donovan grit his teeth in pain, though his grimace slowly turned into an amused smile. "Ahhh, you got me." He shrugged, doing his best not to wince from the pain. "I killed the fuck out of her."

The demon king stopped. Everyone unconsciously took a step back. "You…killed her…you."

"Yeah," Donovan said, inspecting his leg as it throbbed. "She actually begged me to do it. Told me to promise not to let her be resurrected." He looked up from his leg and raised an eyebrow. "Pretty fucked up if you ask me. You must be one pathetic sack of shit for your best friend to hate you. I mean I committed genocide and Mark was still cool with me."

There was a tension in the air that seemed to press down on everyone. The party guests all got on their hands and knees and bowed their heads towards the demon king. They murmured and mumbled, though what they were saying Donovan couldn't hear. The demon king stood like a statue, his unbearably piercing gaze fixed on the young man.

"I offered you godhood and redemption. And you have spat in my face like none ever have in the history of my time here."

"I'm not going to trade barbs with you. You took my dignity. Fuck you and fuck your perfect paradise."

The demon king slowly blinked. "I took…your dignity…" he slowly raised a hand to his face, as if feeling it for the first time. "Well then…allow me to take your mind as well." The floor trembled, then erupted with debris. Everyone cried out and scrambled to back away. An iron maiden rose up through the floor, shedding mortar and loose stone. Its flaps opened, revealing its spiky interior. "Your friends are all ten years older than you, with a lifetime of experiences under their belt. It's time for you to catch up. Within this device time travels faster. You will gain the ten years that you did not get to experience in Lysseria. But you will be alone. And in darkness and pain. Then when your mind is broken, I will bring you out and little time will have passed, and you will kill the light-bringer. After which you will then suffer for the rest of your miserable existence."

Donovan body was pulled by an unseen force towards the iron maiden. He came to a stop and hovered right in front of the opening. The young man looked over his shoulder, finding Kaylee. Her expression was horrified, and fearful. He gave her a small smile, then turned to the demon king. "We'll see who breaks who, you ken doll-looking piece of-"

Donovan plunged into the iron maiden. The doors slammed shut. The device shuddered, then sank into the floor.

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I have no good words for Donovan here. He's just the very essence of 'bad character,' not in the sense of poorly written, but in that he's a low-quality person. He does all this, works so much evil, then is on the verge of agreeing to the demon king's plan, and what makes him flip? Some great revelation, some moral event horizon? No, it's physical abuse. His entire mental and moral structure comes tumbling down and he sinks as deep into hypocrisy as ever after suffering no less than everyone else has. He's just an egotistical twit who is being indulged far more than he deserves.

On that note, the demon king is screwed in the head if he thinks a drug-fueled rape orgy is a good indoctrination.
Oh no. The DL sentenced Donovan to ten years of suffering in a box to drive him insane. Little does he realize that this will only drive Donovan around the bend to full sanity again.
Episode 4: Choosing How to Die
The first month that Donovan spent in the iron maiden he screamed.

He screamed, and prayed, and begged, and cried, and passed out and regained consciousness, and tried to use the time-pass ability. But he found his HUD was no longer working, nor could he really concentrate from the pain.

The second month Donovan spent in the iron maiden he screamed and prayed and begged and cried and passed out and regained consciousness and tried to use the time pass-ability even without his HUD. The third month Donovan spent in the iron maiden he screamed and prayed and begged and cried and still tried to use his time pass-ability, but to no avail. The fourth month he suffered and grunted because his vocal cords were shredded. He also tried to use his time-pass ability in his moments of consciousness, but it still wouldn't work. The fifth month he suffered and groaned and began praying again and promised and bargained and tried to use his time-pass ability, but still couldn't use it. The sixth month he suffered and suffered and suffered and began to form more coherent thoughts despite the pain. They were angry thoughts, as well as strategies to use the time-pass ability. The seventh month he suffered and grew more angry and bitter and tried and tried and tried to use the time-pass ability whenever he wasn't blacking out. The eight month he suffered and wondered if this was all there was to reality, if he had ever not been suffering, if there had ever not been a time when he wasn't in the iron maiden. He tried to use the time-pass ability, but still couldn't pull it off. The ninth month he suffered and it became more than a physical sensation. It became a religious experience. Donovan was losing his mind.

The tenth month, he figured out the time-pass ability.

He had once asked Ozadias back when he was first building Mordor what the time-pass spell looked like without the HUD. It was mild interest, but the spirit of wisdom had taught him. Now Donovan had successfully recreated it through the pain and agony, but he could only buy himself a single half-second of relief. The spikes impaling him denied him the strength to concentrate and go for longer durations.

The eleventh month Donovan suffered and tried to use the time-pass ability as much as possible. Ten seconds of agony, one half-second of relief. Ten seconds of agony, one half-second of relief. The twelfth month Donovan suffered and still tried to use the time-pass ability as much as possible. Nine seconds of agony, one half-second of relief, nine seconds of agony, one half-second of relief. The thirteenth month was eight seconds of agony, one half-second of relief. The fourteenth month was seven seconds of agony, one half-second of relief. The fifteenth month was six seconds of agony, one half-second of relief. The sixteenth month was five seconds of agony, one-half second of relief. The seventeenth month was four seconds of agony, one half-second of relief. The eighteenth month was three seconds of agony, one half-second of relief. The nineteenth month was two seconds of agony, one half-second of relief. The twentieth month was one second of agony, one half-second of relief.

The twenty-first month, Donovan formed more coherent thoughts. The pain had always been a part of him. He was the pain and the pain was him. It was his god, his lover, and his most hated enemy. He was in agony for one second at a time, broken up only by the angelic half-seconds.

The twenty-second month he suffered between seconds and half-seconds. It was the same for the twenty-third. And the twenty-fourth. Twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, twenty-eight.

By the twenty-ninth month Donovan could time-pass as easily as he could breath. Though he couldn't breath well, as one of his lungs was punctured by a spike and the other by two. It was only a half-second, but it meant everything. He had figured out long ago that he couldn't die in the iron maiden. He could only suffer. By the thirtieth month he had made peace with his suffering. By the thirty-first he was furious again and raged against all the gods and all the works of man.

Thirty-second month, thirty-third, thirty-fourth, thirty-fifth, thirty-sixth, suffering, suffering, suffering, suffering, and split-second time-passing.

Thirty-seventh, thirty-eighth, thirty-ninth, fortieth. Pain, pain, pain, always pain, and split-second time-passing.

Forty-one, forty-two, forty-three, forty-four, forty-five, forty-six, forty-seven, forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty, fifty-one, fifty-two, fifty-three, fifty-four, fifty-five, fifty-six, fifty-seven, fifty-eight, fifty-nine, sixty.

What was a brain? What was a sensation? What was pain, really? A nerve is pierced, and so it sends a signal up the spine. But what does that signal mean? How does it connect the brain to what is happening elsewhere? Does it actually mean anything? Shouldn't a spike that has spent several years impaling flesh become a part of that flesh? At what point do two objects join together and become one?

Sixty-one, sixty-two, sixty-three, sixty-four, sixty-five, sixty-six, sixty-seven, sixty-eight, sixty-nine (Donovan remembered the concept of humor during this month, but only briefly) seventy, seventy-one, seventy-two, seventy-three, seventy-four, seventy-five, seventy-six, seventy-seven, seventy-eight, seventy-nine, eighty.

Time-passing was all the proof Donovan needed to know god existed. The pain was the world, and the time-pass was divinity. Donovan had time for these thoughts and more. He began to remember more. He began to dwell on more. What was pain, really? Just a miserable pile of secrets. And who was his tormenter?

The demon king. Oh yes, Donovan still remembered. The pain hadn't erased that.

Eighty-one, eighty-two, eighty-three, eighty-four, eighty-five, eighty-six, eighty-seven, eighty-eight, eighty-nine, ninety, ninety-one, ninety-two, ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one-hundred.

To some, a month can go by in the blink of an eye. But not to Donovan. A month was anywhere between twenty-seven and thirty-one days. A day was twenty-four hours. There were around fourteen-hundred minutes in twenty-four hours. And over eighty-thousand seconds. Donovan only experienced about half that thanks to the time-pass ability, but millions and millions of seconds was a long time to feel pain. Every month, over and over and over and over again. Pain pain pain pain. Truly, what is a sensation?"

One hundred one, one hundred two, one hundred three, one hundred four, one hundred five, one hundred six, one hundred seven, one hundred eight, one hundred nine, one hundred-

And then there was light.

Donovan blinked. The doors of the iron maiden were opening. Multiple hands reached and dragged him from the spikes. The young man grunted in pain. He collapsed onto a cool, stone floor. The hands turned him over. Donovan couldn't see anything. He'd been in darkness for an eternity, and the light seared his optic nerves. Liquid was poured over his body, then someone lifted his head and pressed something to his lips. Donovan drank, greedily. It was the elixir. For the first time in forever, his mind cleared.

"what," he rasped. "what's happening."

"Master," a familiar voice said.

Donovan furrowed his brow. "Tokaroaka?"

"Yes master, it's me, hurry, you must sit up."

Donovan slowly complied. His thoughts swirled as the pain lessened. His vision cleared, likely thanks to whatever was healing his body. The world slowly came into focus.

He was in a dark chamber. Two figures kneeled on either side of him. One of them had a torch. Donovan squinted. It was Tokaroaka, and his adopted daughter. "what…what is happening."

"We managed to find you, as well as where the key that you gave me went. We've bought you time, but you must hurry and flee!"


"Yes master, we've secured a portal to Lysseria, but it will not last long! Please, you must get up!"

Donovan frowned, then slowly got to his feet. "How long…" he glanced behind him. The iron maiden lay embedded in stone with its doors open. The young man shivered and turned away. He found his voice again. "How long was I in there."

"Over a year," Tokaroaka said, supporting him. The sorcerer's daughter came around the other side and held up Donovan as well.

"Only…" Donovan began. He narrowed his eyes. "No, it was years. Years and years and…"

"For you I'm sure," Tokaroaka said. He and his daughter helped the young man down a dark, damp passageway. "Forgive us for not getting to you sooner. Princess Ninja's sacrifice bought us time to escape, but we were still hunted relentlessly ever since you were imprisoned."

"Princess…ninja," Donovan said. Tokaroaka's daughter held a decanter to his lips. Donovan drank it, eager to wet his sand-paper throat. He finished it off, then nodded in thanks. "What's…what's your name again?"

"Yesmella," the uhnut girl murmured.

"Thank you Yesmella,"

They reached a narrow spiral staircase. "We must hurry," Tokaroaka said, helping Donovan up the first step. "The demon king is distracted, but," he paused. Donovan was twitching. "Are…are you alright master? Do you need another healing potion?"

"No," Donovan said. "Sorry, old habit, help me up these steps." Tokaroaka and Yesmella obeyed. Up and up the staircase they went, until they reached the top. The trio emerged into a cellar lined with wine barrels. Water dripped from the ceiling onto the stone floor. They half-walked, half-staggered through puddles towards the door on the far side. Donovan grit his teeth as he collected himself. There was so much to think about. To really think about. "What…what did the key go to."

Tokaroaka and Yesmella shared a look on either side of the young man. "A monster," the sorcerer said.

They walked up the stairs and reached a large hall. Servants rushed about, as well as strange soldiers wearing elaborate, glass-like armor and wielding halberds. Tokaroaka and Yesmella paused, then put on masks. They gave a third to Donovan. "What is this," the young man said, briefly letting go of the pair to put it on. His body felt whole again, but some part of him still felt the spikes. It was like they had melded with his very soul.

"We can't be seen," Tokaroaka said. He supported Donovan again with Yesmella, and they continued on. "This way, the portal is past several more halls,"

"Wait," Donovan said. He came to a stop and closed his eyes. "Where is Kaylee."

"Master," Tokaroaka began.

"Where is she. Tell me."

Tokaroaka swallowed. Before he could reply, his daughter pointed at a different hallway. "We saw her running that way when the monster was unleashed."

Donovan nodded and opened his eyes. "Demon. Demon are you here?" There was no response at first. Then a strange liquid bubbled up at his feet. It formed a tiny, humanoid shape, though its features were still dark and murky. "Huh, thought I lost you. You sure didn't answer inside the pain box." The demon didn't respond. It only tilted its featureless head. Donovan wetted his lips and nodded ahead. "Can you lead me to Kaylee? Do you have that ability?" The demon glanced over its shoulder, then looked back up at Donovan. It nodded, then scampered away. With Tokaroaka and Yesmella's help, the young man followed.

Down the hall, up the stairs, around the corner, down another hall. There were servants everywhere, running, panicking. Soldiers rushed to and fro. Voice shouted and echoed. Deep tremors rumbled through the castle. Donovan ignored it all. His mind was coming back. He was coming back. And he remembered all the hate and regret that he had held onto in the iron maiden.

The demon stopped before an archway leading outside. Donovan could see the orange skies beyond, as well as smell the pungent and heated air. He had forgotten what it was like to smell something other than iron and blood. The demon waited at the archway and pointed outside. Donovan let go of Tokaroaka and Yesmella and popped his neck. "Wait here."


"Just wait," Donovan said, walking through the archway. It led to a balcony. On it were two figures, gazing out over the city. The young man couldn't help but do the same. Among the spires and buildings walked a titan. Its skin was black with red cracks, and its mouth glowed with fire. Its eyes were like two miniature suns. Donovan blinked, impressed, then turned to the figures. One was the demon lord Ravalon. The other was Kaylee. The young man coughed and took off his mask, drawing their gazes away from the awe-inspiring sight.

Kaylee's eyes grew wide. "Do…Donovan?"

Lord Ravalon's face was shocked as well. "Damn it all, not now! Quickly, put him down!"

Donovan rubbed his arm. "Demon," the liquid being sided up next to him and placed a gentle hand to his leg. The young man nodded at Lord Ravalon. "Kill him," Lord Ravalon threw out his hand. A dozen geometric shapes appeared in the air, rotating and locking into place. Before he could activate them, the demon blob was on him. The force of its tackle sent the spy-master to the ground. The demon grabbed his head, then twisted it hard to the left. Donovan heard a snap, then Lord Ravalon went limp. The young man turned to Kaylee with a weary smile. "Hey."

"What…" Kaylee said, backing away. "You…" wings sprouted from her back, and her bottom half became a long serpent tail. Two flaming scimitars appeared in each of her hands.

Donovan held up his palms. "Whoa, whoa, peace, I come in peace."

Kaylee stared at him with narrowed eyes. Geometric shapes appeared in the air around her. "What are you doing here Donovan. How did you escape?"

"I had some help," Donovan said. He held out his hand. "I'm leaving, come with me."

Kaylee stared at him a few moments longer. In the distance the titan continued to take slow, steady steps through the city, sending tremors through the ground. Kaylee's wings receded into her body, then her serpent tail shrank until it became her legs. Her scimitars fizzled out into smoke in her palms. "Donovan…I…"

"C'mon, don't say anything, don't think. Just escape with me. Enough of this," he gestured at the city and the castle. "Enough of all this bullshit. No more demons and demon kings and terrible deeds. Just take my hand and let's go."

"How…" Kaylee said, taking a step backwards. She glanced out at the city and the colossal titan. "How are you still sane? It would have been tens years for you in there…"

"More like five since I was time-passing for half of it,"


Donovan went over to Lord Ravalon's corpse and rummaged around his robes. "Yeah," he said, retrieving a decanter of glowing liquid. "And this drug juice helps a lot," He popped the cork and drank greedily.

"Donovan…" Kaylee said. Her expression was fearful, yet her eyes brimmed with years. "You…you need to leave. Hurry. I'll…I'll cover for you as long as I can, but you need to leave. Now."

"Not without you," Donovan said, holding out his hand again. "Come on,"

"I…can't. I can't Donovan. The demon king will find us and kill us. And too much has happened. The things…I've experienced…"

"So you're damaged goods, who gives a shit? We all are. Come with me, I have a plan."

"It's not about what's been done to me!" Kaylee said, her voice tinged with raw emotion. "It's about what I've done! I can't…I can't just put all that behind me! This is where I belong! This is what I deserve!"

"Oh for fuck's sake," Donovan said. The elixir numbed the pain, but he still remembered how little patience he possessed. He strode to her and grabbed her hand. "I'm not taking no for an answer. Sorry, but nobody deserves this, not even me. And definitely not you."

"I…" Kaylee began. She noticed movement and glanced down. Donovan's demon stood next to her and rested a hand against her leg. It stared up, as if comforting her.

"I'm going to find the others," Donovan said. "All of us who came here. Melissa and Bri and Justin and Seth and especially Alyssa. Together we can figure something out!"

"N-no!" Kaylee said, trying to free herself from Donovan's grip. "I c-can't! I can't see them again! Especially not…" she closed her eyes as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Not Seth…"

"Kaylee…" Donovan began. "You have a choice. You can stay here and continue to hurt people, or you can leave with me and start making amends. It's not always this clear-cut."

Kaylee opened her eyes and stared at him. She was clearly experiencing painful emotion. "You…want to make amends?"

Donovan snorted. "No, I want to kill the demon king. But the others are still good people, and we can rely on them."

Kaylee continued to stare at him, then slowly turned back to the titan. "If…if we leave, we'll be hunted like animals. They'll never stop coming for us. Everyone we talk to, everyone we travel with will be in danger. And in the end it won't matter, because we cannot stop the demon king."

"Well yeah, not with you helping him. But if you come with me right now, we at least have a shot." Donovan took her other hand. "Kaylee, I know I don't deserve to ask you anything, but right now I'm begging. Come with me. Help me find everyone. Help me do one fucking good thing in my life and murder that fucking asshole prick. And if you can't do it for me…do it for who we used to be. All of us. Our friendship, our dreams, everything we love-"

Kaylee freed her hand and put a hand to Donovan's mouth. She turned away, unwilling to look at him. "Stop…I…I'm tired. I'm tired of all of it. I can't do this anymore, but I'm too scared to stop. But…if you leave, and you force me to go with you-"

"Great," Donovan said, pulling her back towards the archway. "Let's go." They started moving towards the entrance to the castle. A sound like a roaring river grew closer and closer, than a tidal wave of imp-like creatures crested over the balcony. Donovan's eyes grew wide. "Holy shit."

"Lord Ravalon's demons!" Kaylee yelled. She turned to face them as her body transformed into a winged lamia. "GO! I'll hold them off!"

"The fuck you will!" Donovan yelled, pulling her along. "Demon! Buy us some time!" The liquid being glanced at the young man, then turned back to the imps. It seemed to consider its options, but the imps surged over it towards Donovan and Kaylee. The pair winced, preparing for the impact. Instead they just heard shrieks and the sounds of tearing. The demon lords opened their eyes to see Donovan's demon spinning around like a tornado. Imp body-parts sprayed in all directions. Donovan and Kaylee were splattered with blood. The young man furrowed his brow. "Right…okay…let's go then." He pulled Kaylee through the archway and they began running.

Tokaroaka and Yesmella joined them. The four figures raced down the hall and turned the corner. Yesmella took the lead. "This way! The portal's this way!"

Kaylee hiked her dress as she ran, her expression fearful and shocked. "I just…I just don't understand. How did you not go insane in the iron maiden?"

"Oh I did," Donovan said as he ran and held her hand. "I don't even want to think about what's going to happen when the drug juice wears off. But we can worry about that later."

"You're twitching," Kaylee said, furrowing her brow with worry.

"Yeah, old habit, it's just milli-second time passes."

"You're time-passing?"

"I'm afraid if I stop I'll die."

Kaylee grew silent. They rounded another corner, then another. Yesmella led them down spiral staircases, past servants and soldiers and demons. None seemed to notice them with all the commotion in the castle. The tremors from the titan continued to travel through the halls. Suddenly they reached a stretch of corridor lined with doors. At the end was one with a bright light spilling out of it.

"There!" Tokaroaka said, pointing. "That's the portal! Belok's guarding it now!"

"Where's Princess Ninja?" Donovan said. He came to a stop and tried to catch his breath.

Yesmella grew saddened, and Tokaroaka simply glanced away. "She's…" he began. "She gave her life the day you were entombed. She was killed almost instantly, but we managed to escape the castle during the chaos."

"I see…" Donovan said. "A…real one to the end then," He heard footsteps and glanced over his shoulder. His demon ran with its stubby legs down the hall towards them. Behind it was an avalanche of demons giving chase. "Oh shit…"

"RUN!" Tokaroaka said. "Into the portal chamber!"

The four sprinted through the door. Within was a stone well filled with bright water. Belok waited next to it. The gargoyle nodded in greeting, then gestured at the well. "Hurry," he rumbled. "Get in!" Everyone stopped at the edge and peered inside. It was bottomless. Suddenly Donovan's demon whisked by their heads and swan-dived into the portal. Everyone exchanged a surprised look. Belok picked them up with his massive arms. "In! In now!" He threw them down into the pool, then jumped in after them.

Donovan felt himself sinking. Lower, and lower, and lower. He then sped up, twisting and turning. The world seemed to expand and shrink and expand again. Light enveloped him, and then…

He was staring up at a bright blue sky. Birds chirped in the distance. A gentle wind blew past. Donovan groaned and sat up. The elixir was wearing off, and he still felt strange. Like he was on the edge of a very tall cliff, and about to tumble off. He glanced around. Kaylee was next to him, and in the process of sitting up as well. Tokaroaka, Yesmella, and Belok did the same.

"We…" Kaylee began, blinking. She looked up. "We made it? They're not chasing us?"

"The portal was collapsing behind us," Belok grumbled. He got to his feet and stretched his wings. "We were expecting four to travel, not six."

"Well," Donovan said. He pressed his hands to the ground and stood. "I'm just glad we're free of that place." He stopped, then started shaking. He couldn't stop. He collapsed again as his face grew pale.

"Master!" Tokaroaka cried. "What is the matter!"

Kaylee closed her eyes and put a hand to her forehead. "The elixir, it's wearing off. Shit."

"Ah!" Tokaroaka said, kneeling by Donovan. "I prepared for this. A mind-wiping spell. It's temporary, but he'll forget the ordeal for a bit at least."

"w-where…" Donovan said, flitting in and out of time-passes. "I feel them…the spikes…they're still…"

"Memory wipes are dangerous," Kaylee said. "Do you actually know what you're doing?"

"As I said," Tokaroaka said. "They're temporary, but we can recast it as needed." He closed his eyes and began murmuring. A geometric shape appeared above Donovan's head, then rotated and locked into place. A column of light then poured down. A moment passed, and then Donovan closed his eyes and relaxed.

Everyone waited. The young man opened his eyes and slowly sat up. "Here's the plan…"

"Wait," Kaylee said. "Are you actually alright? How much do you remember?"

"Enough," Donovan said, getting to his feet. He turned to Tokaroaka, Yesmella, and Belok. "We have to split up…"

"Master!" Tokaroaka said, alarmed.

"Five is too many, and we have a lot of ground to cover. Our goal is to find the other heroes. Belok, I trust you alone, but you'll have to keep hidden and stay on your toes. Tokaroaka and Yesmella, you two travel together and find out what you can." He turned to Kaylee. "You and me will search as well."

Kaylee put her face in her hands. "I'm…just now fully realizing what I've done…we're all going to die…"

"Not yet," Donovan said.

"Master," Belok said. "I worry about leaving-"

Donovan waved his hand over his commanders. "I'm sorry, I should have done this sooner. In fact, I should have never done it at all. You're free, all of you. You're not under my enslavement spell anymore. Do what you want, but I'd appreciate the help."

Belok, Tokaroaka, and Yesmella all stared at him. It was if they were seeing him for the first time. Belok's expression was unreadable. He expanded his wings, flapped once, and took off. Everyone watched as he soared in the air and disappeared.

"shit…" Kaylee said, shielding her eyes from the sun with a hand. "There goes one…"

Donovan turned to Tokaroaka and Yesmella. "Well? Do you hate me? I wouldn't blame you if you tried to kill me."

Tokaroaka slowly sank to his knees. His daughter did the same. "I…" the sorcerer began. "I have to…there's too much to think about…this is…a strange feeling…"

"Right," Donovan said, exhaling. "Well, stay alive you guys. I'm sorry I can't give you anything else." He turned and nodded at Kaylee. "Shall we?"

"Shall we what?"

"Start looking for the others."

Kaylee exhaled. "Is that…really all there is to your plan? Blindly looking? Hoping the demon king doesn't catch us?"

"They're heroes," Donovan said. "They can't be hard to find."

"I think…" Kaylee began. "I think I should go back…I-"

"Kaylee," Donovan said, turning to her. "Please…I can't do this without you."

Her hands curled into fists as she clenched her eyes shut. "Donovan…you…are the most selfish, fucked up person I know…and you dare…"

Donovan gave her a sad smile. "Yeah…I dare. Gotta kill the demon king after all…"

"We have no money, have NO idea where we are, are CLEARLY dressed as evil villains,"

"We'll manage," Donovan said.

"I don't know the mind-wipe spell Donovan! When it wears off you'll be useless, and I'm not carrying you around!"

"I'll teach it to you," a low voice said. Donovan and Kaylee looked over at Tokaroaka. The sorcerer was leaning forward on the ground, his arms resting on his knees. "I'll teach you the spell. My final act of servitude."

Donovan slowly nodded. "Thank you Tokaroaka." He scratched at his arm, feeling slightly ashamed. "What…are you two going to do?"

"I don't know yet," Tokaroaka said, getting to his feet. He helped Yesmella up as well. "I think we'll travel for a bit. I'm sorry, I don't think we can help you though. There's…too much to think about. I feel…"

"Like a new person," Yesmella finished for him. She narrowed her eyes at Donovan, though quickly looked away.

"I understand."

Tokaroaka taught Kaylee the spell, then took his daughter and began walking down the road. Donovan watched them until they grew too small to make out. He took a deep breath, then glanced around at the countryside. It was fields of wild grass and flowers as far as the eye could see, with only the occasional tree to break it up. "Well then," he said, sniffing. "We should get going,"

"Yeah," Kaylee murmured. "I guess so."

The pair set off. They walked along the road as birds called out and the wind blew past. Both Donovan and Kaylee walked with purposeful steps, but their expressions were worn and haggard. The young man only paused when he heard a rustling in the field beside him. He paused, staring at its source. Movement sent the stalks bending, then his demon emerged. "Ah…" Donovan said, frowning. "I was wondering where you went." The demon had a mouse-like creature in one hand, a bird in the other, and two more birds in its mouth. It chewed as it stared at Donovan with murky eyes. Feathers drifted from its mouth.

"That thing…" Kaylee said. "I really can't understand it." She slowly knelt down. "Do you…have a name? Can you speak?"

The demon stopped chewing and met her gaze. It spat out both birds, then its body shifted. Suddenly, Claire was standing before them. "food!" she said.

"Shit!" Donovan said, his eyes wide.

"Holy fuck!" Kaylee said, falling back and scooting away. "Claire! It's Claire!"

The girl stared up at them, then stuffed the mouse-like creature in its mouth. "Fwoowd!" she said, chewing.

"Why is your demon Claire," Kaylee said, trying to catch her breath from the shock. "What the fuck."

"Yeah," Donovan said, scratching his hair. "I don't really get it either." He took off the robe that he'd been wearing since the demon ceremony and draped it around Claire's shoulders. "I'm not going to think too much about it right now. Let's go before the demon realm figures out we're gone."

Kaylee slowly got to her feet and brushed herself off. She glanced at Donovan, then took off a part of her dress and handed it to him. "Wrap that around your waist." She glanced fearfully at Claire, then started walking. The girl followed, continuing to munch on the mouse-creature. Donovan finished tying the garment and brought up the rear.

"So…" he began. "What do your demons look like. In fact, what's with your powers? You turned into a snake woman back there."

"I don't really want to talk about this right now Donovan."

"Sure," he said with a shrug. They continued walking in silence. The road curved and cut through the wild fields. There was no sign of anyone else, just a wide blue sky and the birds. Claire ran ahead, disappeared into a field, and reemerged with two lizards. She ate one with a single bite, then swung the other by her side as she took the lead. Donovan glanced at Kaylee. "You know I'm getting kind of a weird Berserk vibe from all this."

"Berserk," Kaylee repeated, frowning. "Really…"

"Yeah," Donovan said, gesturing at Claire. "The creepy child following us around? It's like Casca and Guts."

"And who is Guts in this situation. Me? Because it's certainly not you."

Donovan frowned. "I could be Guts. Why couldn't I be?"

Kaylee stared at him, clearly unimpressed. "Well you certainly have anger issues, but where's your giant sword and your muscles?"

"I could get both,"

"No," Kaylee said, shaking her head. "If anything you're Griffith."

"Griffith? Why don't you go ahead and just tell me to go fuck myself?"

"Go fuck yourself."

A squawking sound interrupted them. Claire had once again disappeared into the fields and reappeared with a thrashing turkey-creature. "Food!" she announced, holding it high by the neck.

Kaylee just shook her head. "Fuck, what are we doing."

"Something good for once," Donovan said. "Just trust me."

The young woman covered her eyes with her hands as she continued walking. She let out a frustrated, muffled scream. "Goddammit!"


"You know?" she said, turning on him. "I've watched you for a long time, and I was always impressed by how you managed to destroy EVERYTHING you touched! I certainly wasn't expecting you to pull it off against the demon king, but looking back, why wouldn't you? So why…WHY did I agree to do this!"

"Because you knew deep down it was the right thing to do. I'm proud of you."

"Please shut the fuck up, I'm begging you."

An animal cart appeared on the horizon. The fields changed from wild grass and flowers to crops. Donovan and Kaylee could make out workers walking along the rows. Claire continued to run ahead of them, sometimes stopping to inspect a bug and eat it, other times trying to climb the occasional tree that lined the road.

"Good," Donovan said. "Civilization is good."

"We don't have any money Donovan."

"So we'll get some."

Kaylee glared at him. "How? Are we going to rob people?"

Donovan shrugged. "Sure, if you want to."

"I don't want to rob people! What was the point of leaving the demon realm if I'm just going to act the same!"

"Fine we'll find something else."

They neared the buildings. It was a village, with penned fences surrounding the outskirts and houses made of strange plaster and thatch. The villagers in the pens straightened up and stared as Donovan, Kaylee, and Claire passed. Others looked out from doorways and windows.

"I don't have my HUD," Donovan said. "Am I going to be able to speak with them?"

"It's fine," Kaylee said, trudging along as she held up the hem of her dress through the mud. "Your demonic powers will supplement it to a degree. You won't be able to read and write, but you can understand and speak."

Donovan came to a stop in the middle of the village and took it all in. The villagers stared back from their hiding places. "I don't really see an inn around here."

Claire got on all fours and stalked a large bug hopping along the ground. Kaylee watched her for a moment, then looked around for herself. "Inns are rare, we'll be lucky to find one outside a proper town, and we still don't know where we are." She caught sight of a woman hurrying from one house to another. "Excuse me! Miss!"

The woman froze. She trembled, then slowly turned towards Kaylee. She quickly bowed her head. "My lady,"

"My lady?" Donovan said with a frown.

"It's my clothes," Kaylee said. "They know nobility when they see it. Miss! Can you tell me where we are?"

"Eloswan my lady," the woman said, keeping her head bowed.

"Is there a town nearby?" the woman pointed up the road without raising her head. "How far?"

"Five miles my lady,"

Kaylee nodded to herself and turned in the direction the villager pointed. "C'mon, we need to find shelter before nightfall."

They set off again, leaving the village. They passed more cultivated fields. The workers glanced up and stared as they passed. Claire ran ahead of them, then behind, then in circles. "Food food food!"

"So go find some," Donovan said. "You're a little apex predator aren't you?"

Claire stopped, stared at him with narrowed eyes, then took off towards one of the fields. Kaylee simply shook her head in disbelief.

"You should be nicer to her," Kaylee said. "You're her murderer after all."

"That thing is clearly just wearing Claire's face. It's a demon, you saw."

"sure," Kaylee murmured.

They reached the town as the sun was setting. The sky was awash in pinks and purples, and the sounds of the town drifted over the walls that encircled it. A line of carts waited at the gate. Soldiers were taking their time inspecting them.

"Well…" Kaylee said. "We don't have anything to pay with, or identification."

"Can't you just fly us over?"

"I'd rather not,"

"Well I don't want to enslave anyone if I can help it."

Kaylee arched an eyebrow. "That's a first…"

"It is not. I've been struggling with my powers for a while now."

"Well do it one last time then. I don't want to be seen swooping in carrying you and…your demon," she paused, glancing around. "Where is it?"

They found the girl at the gate. She was wrapped around a merchant and gnawing on his leg. The merchant screamed and beat at her. Both Donovan and Kaylee took off, trying to catch up. "Sorry!" he called. "Sorry, she's mine," He grabbed Claire and pulled her off. She yelled and struggled, but finally let go.

"Damn my mother!" the merchant yelled. "She's a little beast!"

"Please be quiet," Donovan said. The merchant's face turned blank. Donovan let go of the struggling Claire and turned towards the guards. "Let us pass please, official business."

The guards' faces went blank as well. The merchants further down protested as Donovan, Kaylee, and Claire entered the town, but they ignored them. The other side of the gate lead to a wide street. It was lined with buildings. Shops and houses, and people as well. They milled about and talked in doorways and called out to one another. The street was muddy. Animal-drawn carts dug deep ruts through as they passed. Donovan sniffed.

"It smells like shit."

"Yeah," Kaylee said. She took Claire's hand and started walking. "Let's just find an inn and figure out how much money we'll need."

People stared at them far less than in the village, but they still stared. Donovan asked any who drew near where they might find an inn. A few gave answers, though most hurried on. "There," Donovan said, pointing at a sign hanging over a door. "This is where he said it would be, and if that sign doesn't scream inn, then I don't know anything."

They entered into a room with a low ceiling. A hearth burned on the far end, and the tables were occupied by a handful of people. They all glanced at the trio as they nursed wooden cups and bowls of food. Almost no one was talking. The only sounds were the crackling hearth, and someone yelling through a doorway. Donovan approached and leaned through it. "Excuse me, can we get some service?" He quickly backed away as a portly woman with a hard expression emerged. She wiped her hands on her apron as she appraised Donovan, Kaylee, and Claire.

"Can I help ye…"

"Yeah," Kaylee said, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "How much to rent a room."

The woman frowned and narrowed her eyes. "You're a strange bunch you are." She gestured at Donovan and Claire. "They hardly wearing naught but rags! And you, are ye supposed to be a noblewoman of some kind?" the woman shook her head. "This ain't no place for the likes of ye, of that I can assure."

Kaylee gave her a polite smile. "Yes, well, we don't really have any money…"

The woman's expression grew hard. "No money, no room. Out with ye, out!" She started ushering them towards the door.

"Wait!" Kaylee said. "wait…" The woman paused, her expression distrustful. Kaylee reached for one of her earrings and undid it. "Will this do? For food and lodging?"

The woman slowly took it. She turned it over in her pudgy palm, then bit it. "Hmm, one night, one meal."

"What!" Kaylee said. "That's arudan gold! Inlaid with chantoleen sapphires!"

The woman scowled. "On night, one meal. Take it or leave and find better, I dare ye."

Kaylee closed her eyes, trying to draw strength. "Fine…fine."

"Do you know where we can get work around here?" Donovan said.

The woman turned her scowl on him. "Well, there's plenty o' soldiering work to be done, but you two don't strike me as to have a lick o' fight in you."

"We can fight," Donovan said. He glanced over as one of the patrons cried out. Claire was climbing on top of him and gripping his hair. "Hey cut that out!" The girl glared at Donovan, then slowly let herself down from the patron.

"Well then there's your answer," the woman said, gesturing. "Go sign up with the guild."


"She means adventure guild," Kaylee said.

"Ain't hardly any adventurers left since they all up and died in Eo," the woman shook her head and turned back towards the kitchen door. "Terrible business that, killed by the King of Vashn and his evil armies,"

Kaylee glanced at Donovan. The young man avoided her gaze. "Thank you," she said, turning back to the woman with a smile. "Which room is ours?"

The room was small, with a double bed, a table, a single chair, and a dirty window looking out into the street. Donovan nodded at the bed. "Ah, the ol' single bed situation."

"Please be quiet for a moment," Kaylee said. She walked over to a basin on the table and splashed her face. Straightening up, she put her hands to her face in deep thought. "Okay, this might work for a while. If we become adventurers we can travel around more freely and find the others. It also takes care of our money problems, since neither of us want to use our powers."

"Right," Donovan said.

She slowly turned to him. Claire whipped past them and leapt onto the bed. She rolled around and growled, fighting with the sheets. Kaylee held Donovan's gaze. "We really don't have a lot of time. We probably won't even find everyone."

"It'll be fine," Donovan said.

"Will it?"

The young man slowly nodded. "Yeah…" he said. "Once we're all together, that bastard is going to die."

Kaylee stared at him. Her expression grew dark, then she sighed. "I'm going to go get our food. And something strong to drink."

She was out the door and slammed it shut before Donovan could reply. The young man glanced around the room again, then slowly sat down on the chair. His entire body began to shake as the mind-wipe spell slowly faded.

Downstairs, Kaylee accepted three bowls from the inn woman, desperately trying to balance them. The worker frowned. "Ahh, I'll follow you up with the drinks, ye clearly never had to balance a bowl or two in ye life!" They heard a thump upstairs, then a cry. The woman furrowed her brow. "What in the gods…"

"Shit," Kaylee said. She adjusted her grip on the bowls and rushed for the stairs. The inn woman followed. The loud sounds continued, as did the cries. Kaylee stopped at the door and tried to open it, but the woman brushed past and did it for her. They both burst into the room.

Donovan lay on the floor. He had broken the chair to pieces, and had driven all four legs through his left arm. He was reaching for the table. Claire stood next to him, watching with a blank expression. Kaylee dropped the bowls. "Donovan what the fuck!"

"What devilry is this!" the inn woman said.

Donovan was pale. He shook as he licked his lips and continued trying to grab the leg of the table. "My body…I'm missing my body…I c-can't feel the spikes…"

Kaylee rushed over to him and sat him up. "Shit shit shit!"

"What is going on!" the inn woman yelled.

"Just go!" Kaylee yelled. "I'll take care of this!"

"I should say not!" the woman declared.

"GO!" Kaylee yelled. The inn woman made a noise of indignation, then turned and left the room. She shut the door resolutely behind her. Kaylee hugged Donovan tightly as he violently shook. "Fuck," she murmured, closing her eyes tightly. "You're going to get me killed you broken asshole."

Donovan didn't respond, instead just twitching as he time-passed again and again. Claire walked over to the spilled bowls and began picking up bits of stew. She silently chewed and watched as Kaylee began the memory wipe spell.

And now we begin the the true story arc: The Kaylee and Donovan buddy cop duo (with special guest demon wearing the face of dead girl)!
I finished this story in one sitting, and I'm left wishing I hadn't started it - a great deal of tension but no payoff. The general lack of detail and the rough pacing give the feel of an incomplete outline to a story; things happen, but I'm not certain why - the fate of battles, the actions of characters, everything feels random instead of being a natural result. We're told the summoned heroes are friends but they act like barely casual acquaintances in many scenes. The characters that are actually fleshed out are either insane, stupid, vapid, or evil, and the world is a painfully cliche pastiche of dark fantasy, leaving me with no particular attachment to the places or people I've seen - in fact, the total destruction of this reality would seem to be a net positive.

People keep making such stupid or pathetic decisions that I feel that it has descended from pathos into bathos; it just isn't fun to read.
Episode 5: Doing Small Jobs and Talking Bout Life
Birds and the sounds of animal carts drifted in through the window. Donovan's eyes slowly flickered open. He was staring at a ceiling. The young man felt uneasy. Something bad had happened, but he didn't know what. Not fully. He could sense it waiting in the corners of his mind, but every time he tried to concentrate, it receded even further. Donovan frowned, then glanced around.

Claire slept next to him, and was chewing on his arm. He narrowed his eyes and extracted himself, rubbed the teeth marks, then slowly got up. Kaylee was nowhere to be seen. Donovan approached the basin of water on the table. He splashed his face, then turned to the window. Birds continued to sing, and the voices in the street drifted through the smudged glass. The man walked over to the window and stared down.

There was a lot of activity to take in. People moved to and fro, and the animal carts clattered among them. There were well-dressed people, the destitute, and everything in between. Donovan closed his eyes and once again tried to figure out why he felt so off. His thoughts were interrupted as the door to the room opened.

"You're up," Kaylee said, entering.

"Yeah," Donovan said, turning from the window.

"I was asking around for the guild's location here. Since we don't have enough money for breakfast we should head over there as soon as you're ready."

Donovan nodded, the unease still lurking in his mind. "I'm ready."

Kaylee stared at him for a few moments, as if appraising the man. She glanced at the girl on the bed. "Is your demon ready?"

Donovan gave a slight shrug. "I don't know. I didn't even know they needed to sleep."

"They don't, not typically. Yours is…unusual."

"I would hope so," Donovan said. "I..." he frowned, struggling to remember. "I committed murder…to buff my demons, and she was all I got." He reached for Claire and dragged her off the bed by her ankle. The girl growled and protested, flailing about.

"What do you mean…" Kaylee said, a strange expression on her face.

Donovan held Claire aloft by her foot as she thrashed. "I threw the real Claire in the demon reservoir, and this is all I got in return. So she better be good."

Kaylee's features grew pale. "Donovan…tell me you're lying…"

"Nope," Donovan said, dropping Claire in a heap on the floor. The girl snarled and attacked his leg, biting it furiously.

"The demon king…spent over a year tearing the city apart looking for her body…we searched everywhere…and you're saying the reason he didn't find it is because you put her in the sacrifice pool?"

"I'm sure he was just in denial. It's not hard to figure out, she certainly did."

Kaylee closed her eyes and put a hand to her head, as if struggling to process the information. "No…I…suspected it, so did the others…we just…hoped it wasn't the case…" She took a deep breath, then opened her eyes. "Alright, I can't worry about that right now. We need to sign up for the adventurers' guild and then we need to…" she gestured at Donovan and Claire, who were wearing a loincloth and robe respectively. "get you two some actual clothing."

The trio left the room and made their way downstairs. The common room had a few patrons in it. They ate from steaming bowls of what looked like oats, as well as nursing mugs of dark liquid. The inn woman emerged from the kitchen as Donovan and the others headed for the door. She paused, staring with narrowed eyes at the man.

"Why is she looking at me like that," Donovan murmured.

"Ignore her," Kaylee said. She opened the door and led them outside.

Claire took off immediately. She laughed as she ducked under the legs of a pack animal and caused it to rear up. The cart-driver cried out as the wagon tilted dangerously. "HEY!" Donovan yelled. "Get back here!"

Claire paused in the middle of the street, looked back at him, and stuck out her tongue. "Food!" she turned with another laugh and continued on.

Kaylee shook her head. "You know normally demon lords have complete control over their demons."

Donovan just exhaled in exasperation. "Yeah well…she…it, whatever, seems to be harmless unless I need her not to be, so I'll let it act like a high-level pokemon for now."

"You better hope you're right." Kaylee said, brushing back her hair from her face. "This morning I also asked around for any news of our friends, by the way."


Kaylee shook her head. "Just rumors, all of them conflicting…"

"Well there are six of them…and we already know where Bri is. That magical catgirl kingdom, Caldy Bauble or whatever."

"Hm," Kaylee said. "If we don't hear anything solid, I suppose we'll have to start there."

The pair got passing glances as they made their way up the street. Morning sunlight streamed through the tight spaces between the houses and shops, causing a light mist to rise from the muddy ground. Kaylee led the way. Donovan occupied himself with studying the townspeople. They were a mix of human and upright, clothed animals (of which their species he had never seen before) as well as what he could only describe as mermaids but with legs. It was strange to be in the town. He had spent most his time in Lysseria in luxury. Now, he was among the commoners, in a world he had never bothered to learn about.

Kaylee shifted directions and approached a building ringed by a gate and a stone wall. Two armored figures, a bear-like creature and a human, stood guard on either side with spears. "We're here to sign up to be adventurers," the young woman said, resting a hand on her hip.

The two guards shared a look. The bear person snorted. "Families don't make good mercenaries. Take your kid and leave."

Donovan and Kaylee both looked down to see Claire standing between them. The girl held onto Kaylee's dress with one hand, and chewed on some sort of small creature with the other. "She's not our kid," Kaylee said. She gestured between herself and Donovan. "We're not together."

"That's not any better," the human guard said. "She's clearly attached to you. She gonna follow you around from battlefield to battlefield? Won't turn out well, you can quote me on that."

Kaylee glanced at Donovan. "You want to just get us through?"

"I'd rather not, using my powers isn't as fun as it used to be."

"Well I'm losing patience,"

Donovan pinched the bridge of his nose as he weighed his options. It only took a moment for him to give up and wave his hand. "Fine. Let us through."

The guards' faces went blank. They both stepped to the side. Kaylee moved past with Claire in tow. Donovan brought up the rear, the feeling of unease growing within him.

"Can I help you?" a clerk said. They were a squirrel creature sitting at a writing desk near the window. Donovan took in the interior of the guild. It looked more like an old-timey lawyers office than anything, the kind with workers named Bob Cratchit.

"Yeah we want to be adventurers," the young man said, turning to the clerk. "What does that entail?"

The clerk frowned, then set his quill in a holder and took of his brass spectacles. "Quite a lot actually. There's the pledge fee, which some consider steep, rules to go over, papers to sign-"

"How much is the fee," Kaylee said.

"Three qualms…if the three of you are intent on joining,"

Kaylee sighed, then undid her other gold earring. "Will this cover it?" she said, holding it out.

The clerk arched an eyebrow. "Miss this is not a pawnery. I cannot just accept your articles of clothing as payment, however expensive they may be."

"Fine," Kaylee said. "We'll be back."

The trio left and found a pawn shop, then visited what they assumed was a clothing store. "What do you mean you don't have outfits ready!" Donovan said, gesturing.

The woman gave him a polite smile, then glanced at Claire, who was busy violently shaking a wooden mannequin in the window display. "This is a tailor store sir, all our clothing is ordered ahead of time."

"Fine, give us something in our size then that someone else ordered,"

The woman's face went blank, then she turned and went in back. Kaylee occupied herself by the shelving against the wall. She ran her fingers along a piece of fabric and studied its design. "This is beautiful," she murmured.

"Still," Donovan said with a scowl. "Would be nice if this world figured out globalized sweat-shop economics. We should be able to just go into a store and pick something cheap out."

Kaylee shot him a look over her shoulder that showed she was not impressed, then went back to studying the fabric. A thump near the window signaled the wooden mannequin had fallen on Claire. The woman emerged from the back with three outfits. "Here you are sir, they're all we have that may fit you, as I haven't taken your measurements."

"Good enough," Donovan said, snatching a robe from her.

Back at the adventurers' guild, the clerk accepted their money and took out a stack of papers. The trio all waited in their new clothing. Donovan wore dark, priestly garments, Kaylee wore a muted dress and jacket with finely stitched designs, and Claire wore an over-sized cloak. The girl did slow spins around the room, waving her lengthy sleeves and trying to peer out through the hood.

Donovan watched as the squirrel began scribbling on one of the parchments. "So do we take a test now to gauge our powers or do we do that later?"

The clerk furrowed his brow and glanced up over his spectacles. "Whatever are you talking about? There's no such thing here."

"Then how do you know what rank we are?"

"You start at copper rank," the clerk said, resuming his writing. "If you survive long enough and pay the advancement fee, then you rise to silver and so on."

"What jobs are available?" Kaylee said.

The clerk finished writing and handed the quill and parchment to Donovan. "Sign here," he turned to Kaylee. "There's quite a bit of work to be done, and very few mercenaries left to do it. Unfortunately for you, there are no companies for you to join up with in the area."

"We don't need to join a company," Donovan said. He finished his signature and passed it to Kaylee.

"I should say you do! This is dangerous work sir! You will need at minimum sixty copper-rank adventurers, and even then you would likely not return."

"We'll be fine," Kaylee said. She finished signing and caught Claire as ran past flailing her length sleeves. "Come here and sign."

"Nooooo!" Claire said, struggling in the young woman's grasp. "Fooood! Fooooood!"

"Later," Kayle said, putting the quill in the girl's hand. "Sign if you know how," In response, Claire began scribbling all over the parchment. Kaylee rolled her eyes and took it away.

"Give us your highest paying job," Donovan said.

The clerk's face went blank, then he slowly reached into his writing desk and retrieved a weathered parchment. "The town of Osleffe has been taken over by bandit knights. Eighty qualm reward."

"How far away is that." Kaylee said, accepting the parchment.

"Two day's ride."

Donovan and Kaylee shared a look. "Well?" the young man said.

"Eighty qualm is a lot," Kaylee said. She rolled up the parchment and tucked it in her dress. "We can coast on it for a while and search for the others."

The bell above the door rang as two men and two large pig creatures entered in plate and leather armor. They were talking among themselves, then one of the pig creatures let out a throaty laugh. They quickly noticed the trio and stared with a mixture of confusion and amusement.

"The hell?" one of the men said, tilting his head to get a better look. "Did these three just sign up Bartholum?"

The clerk cleared his throat. "They did."

One of the pig creatures shook his head, his booming voice echoing around the room. "Guild's gone to shit ever since the crusade."

"Yeah," the first man said. "They'll take just about anyone now huh?"

Kaylee pointedly ignored them and headed for the door. Donovan and Claire followed. "Good luck out there," the pig man called after them, then the others laughed.

They bought a donkey creature with their remaining money, then set out from the town. Donovan and Claire rode atop the animal, while Kaylee simply adopted her lamia form and slithered next to them. All three wore copper plates around their necks signaling their affiliation with the adventurers' guild. "So when is the demon king coming after us? I thought it would be hell on earth the moment we started traveling."

"It will take time," Kaylee said. She wore a dark expression as she stared ahead at the road. Those that passed in the opposite direction hurried to get out of their way, clearly fearful of the young woman's snake-form. "You killed Lord Ravalon when you escaped, so the demon realm's spy network is likely in turmoil right now."

Donovan patted Claire on the head. She frowned and shifted away. "You know for a demon lord he was pretty easy to take down."

"He wasn't a fighter, he was in direct control of a global spy ring. You're lucky you caught him unguarded in the castle. Nobody else could have."

Donovan glanced around at the countryside. "Well…" he paused, then started trembling. Memories began to seep back into his mind. "s-shit…"

"Oh goddammit," Kaylee said. She paused and dragged him off the donkey mount, then began murmuring the mind-wiping spell.

"w-whats going on…" Donovan said, twitching as his time-passes grew more pronounced. Claire watched with a blank expression atop her mount.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," Kaylee said, finishing the spell. Donovan slowly relaxed, though he still twitched in milli-second bursts. "Are you still time-passing?"

"Yeah," Donovan said, slowly getting to his feet. "Though I can't remember why. I just can't seem to stop,"

"I guess it's not a problem if you can still talk and walk, though I don't know how you managed it. Now get back on your quedped."

"Yes ma'am," Donovan murmured, climbing back up behind Claire.

What should have taken two days only took half a day, mostly due to Kaylee carrying the donkey and its riders after they had gotten out of sight of the other travelers. The young woman possessed incredible strength to be able to fly with a pack animal, as well as Donovan and Claire, though Donovan didn't comment on it. Osleff finally became visible as the sun was beginning to set.

The town was built into the side of a cliff, with a river running past in front of it. On the top was a castle, towering over everything like a dark sentinel. Bonfires and torches were already lit on the many walkways and levels of the town. Donovan could make out tiny figures moving about as Kaylee set them all down.

"So how does this work," Donovan said. "We go in, murder everyone, then collect our money? I kind of thought this would be more like a dungeon extermination."

"There are dungeons," Kaylee said, transforming back into her human form. "But you'll find a lot more jobs like this than monster slaying and dungeon exploration. Adventurer is just a loose translation for 'mercenary'."

"Sure," Donovan said, stretching. "So then I guess it's murder than money."

"Food!" Claire shouted, pointing at the town.

"You seriously need to learn more words you little gremlin."

The girl narrowed her eyes at Donovan. "Fuack you."

Kaylee let out a laugh, then patted Claire as she passed. "Good job little one, you're learning."

The trio approached the town from the other side of the river. A stone bridge led across. It was guarded by a group of warriors wearing combination plate armor and wielding halberds, warhammers, and crossbows. Lanterns hung from poles along the bridge, keeping the evening shadows at bay. The warriors noticed Donovan, Kaylee, and Claire, and began to rouse themselves with murmurs and laughter.

"Alright demon," Donovan said. "You're up." Claire stared at the young man, then shifted slightly behind Kaylee. Donovan frowned. "What are you waiting for, go slaughter them." The girl shook her head as she clutched Kaylee's dress. "The fuck? You killed demons no problem, but now you're shy?" he gestured at the waiting warriors. "Those are murderers and rapists, tear them apart."

Claire simply hid behind Kaylee. "don't wanna…"

"For fuck's sake," Donovan said, putting a hand to his eyes. "Alright Kaylee, you're up I guess. Go unleash your demons on this town."

"Absolutely not," Kaylee said. "We're trying to be discreet, remember? My demons will let every agent of the demon realm in a thousand leagues know we're here."

"So what, I have to take care of this?"

A flaming scimitar materialized in Kaylee's hand. "Or I will. What are you hesitating for? You just called them murderers and rapists."

"Well I don't actually know if they are, I'm just assuming since they were called bandit knights and historically terrible things happened in situations like this. But fuck if my demon is getting cold feet then maybe she knows something I don't…"

"Then what, they're saints? I don't mind if you develop a conscience but this really isn't the time."

Donovan scratched at his neck. "Yeah…you're right, I'll take care of this." He approached the bridge and waved. "Hey guys, you mind jumping in the river and drowning yourselves?" The knights froze. They slowly turned towards the stone ledge and took unsteady steps towards it. Donovan tapped his foot as they climbed up on the stone railing in a line, then toppled over like synchronized divers. Once the bridge was clear, the trio headed for the town.

Around ten knights stood guard. They sat on barrels or the ground, talking and gesturing at each other with animal-skin tankards. They quickly stood and gathered their weapons as Donovan, Kaylee, and Claire approached.

"Hey," Donovan said. "We're from the guild, and we've been told to throw you out of this town."

The knights stared at them. Donovan arched an eyebrow impatiently, Claire had her entire hand in her mouth, and Kaylee simply gave them a polite smile. One of the warriors glanced at the others with a smile, then turned back. "You three are…copper adventures…and one of you is a little girl."

"Yeah no easy mistake she's actually a demon wearing a girl's skin."

The knights looked at each other again. Their grins grew. "Oh yeah? That right?"

"Yeah," Kaylee said, turning into her lamia form. The knights paused, their expressions stunned. That young woman's scimitars appeared in her hands. "That's right." She coiled up, then exploded at them. It only took a few moments for her to cut them all down.

They entered the gate and began working their way up. There were several streets that zig-zagged up the cliff-face, and a network of walkways. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting everything in an orange glow. The townsfolk were nowhere to be seen save for a few dead bodies. But the bandit knights were everywhere. Donovan took the lead as several ranks of warriors approached. "You," he said, pointing at a knight. "Jump off the ledge." He pointed out three more. "You guys stab each other." The first knight sprinted towards the wooden railing on one side of the street and vaulted over it. The others turned on each other. The rest of the knights charged with war cries.

Kaylee's scimitars emitted jets of fire that engulfed the knights. They screamed and flailed around. Those that escaped Donovan singled out and made kill each other. Claire idly followed the pair, sometimes stopping to inspect a corpse. Up and up they went, and more knights appeared.

"God how many are there," Kaylee said. She paused and inhaled, then exhaled a silvery cloud. It wafted over the warriors and turned them to stone.

"Holy shit," Donovan said. "That's a badass power."

"Thanks I made it myself," Kaylee said, then brought up a scimitar and decapitated one of the survivors.

They reached a plaza suspended from the cliff face with giant chains. It was ringed with two-story shops, and filled with more knights. There were also two, massive monsters that resembled a cross between a wolf and an ogre. The creatures were held back by ropes. They roared and snarled, until the knights released them on the trio. The two monsters immediately fell to all fours and barreled towards them.

"Shit!" Donovan yelled. "Kill yourselves!" The monsters ignored him. One leapt and fell towards the young man. Donovan closed his eyes and prepared to have his face clawed off.

Instead he heard a muted thud, followed by a scream and the tearing of flesh. He opened his eyes to see Claire in front of him. The girl had swiped the monster from the air and torn it in half. Both ends dripped with blood and intestines. Claire inspected the interior of one of the halves, then tossed them both aside. Kaylee took care of the other monster by shifted into a lamia and catching it around the neck with her tail. Each time the creature tried to claw her, she deflected it with one of her scimitars. The young woman squeezed her tail and the monster went limp, then fell to the ground.

They had little time to recover. A hail of crossbow bolts and a single, heavy ballista arrow whistled towards them. Donovan got hit once in the leg. Kaylee took one to the shoulder. Claire was hit with the ballista arrow and went sailing backwards with a startled grunt.

"Freeze!" Donovan yelled, wincing from the pain. The knights obeyed, though some were clearly trying to resist. He reached for the bolt to tear it out, then paused. For some reason, the feeling of it piercing his flesh made him feel whole. He furrowed his brow in confusion. Memories tugged at his mind. Donovan grit his teeth and ripped it out, then began a healing spell. Kaylee did the same. They tossed the bolts aside and slowly approached the remaining knights. "Sooo," Donovan said, gesturing at them. "Should I…have them guard the town or something? Seems like a waste to kill them all."

"No," Kaylee said, her tone low. "If they terrorized this place, the last thing the townsfolk will want is to have a constant reminder of it."

"So it's an execution then."

Kaylee glanced at him. "Is that a problem? Do I have to do it?"

Donovan sighed. "No no, I've got it. Just hate having to make these types of choices all the time."

"It's the price of power Donovan. I thought you were onboard with being a psychopath."

"Well sure when there's a clear benefit," he gestured at the knights. "But this…I don't know. I just want to kill that demon king bastard,"

Kaylee nodded. "Well we either earn money, or we continue using your power everywhere to get by. Pick one."

Donovan cleared his throat, then clapped his hands once. "Alright everyone, form a line, swan dive off the cliff please."

The knights obeyed, then marched single file towards the edge of the plaza. Claire followed them, then climbed up on the ledge and watched as each one took his turn. All around the plaza, doors began to open and people peered out. When they saw what was happening, they ventured outside.

The last knight disappeared over the edge. A hunched man approached Donovan and Kaylee, leading the rest of the crowd. "Thank you adventurers, thank you! You've freed us from those terrible Fennians!" The man's smile died as he stared at their necklaces. "W-wait…copper rank?"

"Yeah?" Donovan said, turning to him.

"B-but, there were almost two-hundred of them! And the Varghouls!" he glanced at the corpses of the wolf-ogres. "How? H-how did you do this?"


"We're a special class of adventures." Kaylee said. "Since we freed you guys, can you begin collecting their heads? We need them to get paid. Also do you have a guild house here?"

The man stared, stunned, as did the rest of the crowd. More and more townsfolk were gathering in the plaza. "O-of course…" the man said. "We…will do that…and yes we do…" he quickly gestured. "And, and as a token of our appreciation, please, stay with us as long as you wish! We'll provide lodging, and food and drink!"

"And we will accept that offer," Donovan said giving him a polite bow. "Just show us to the rooms."

Claire sprinted over and skidded to a stop between the two groups. She threw out her hands. "Food!"

The man smiled uneasily at her, clearly noting her adventurer tags. He beckoned the trio. "Yes…yes then, come this way."

An hour later, Donovan, Kaylee, and Claire were fed, washed, and relaxing in the spacious reading room of a wealthy merchant near the top level of the cliff town. Donovan rested his head against the back of a comfy chair. Claire was climbing bookshelves and swinging from them like a lemur. Kaylee simply stood at the window and gazed out over the town.

"Hey…" Donovan said. She turned slightly, glancing back at him. "So…without my HUD and all that, how do I put points into abilities? I still have my demon powers I need to look into, and whatever else experience I have saved up."

Kaylee left the window. "For normal people, all that's involved doesn't really translate into rpg terms. It's like," she gestured thoughtfully. "Chi and ley-lines in the body. They've got it pretty well mapped out in this world, so you can induce all you need to in your body, but it requires special ink."

"Okay…" Donovan said. "Can we get some? What do I do, draw on my body?"

"Give me a bit," Kaylee said, heading for the door. "I'll find some."

Donovan was left alone in the reading room with Claire. The girl was now on top of the bookcases, and carefully walking along them like a tightrope. Donovan watched her for a few moments. "Hey, what's your deal, seriously. Are you self-aware? Are you fucking with us?"

The girl ignored him until she reached the end of the bookcases, then turned and stared down at him as if he was a bug. "Claire is Claire."

"Oh so you've taken her name too. That's kind of messed up you know?"

She crossed her arms. "Claire is Claire!"

"Well you better not be, cause I'm not supposed to let her be resurrected."

The girl turned around neatly on her heel. "Hmph!" she walked back along the top with her chin held high. "Don't care."

Donovan narrowed his eyes. "I liked it better when you only knew one word."

Kaylee returned after some time with a bundle wrapped in canvas. "Take off your shirt and lay down on that sofa," she said, setting her kit down. She unwrapped it, then selected a pen-like tool and an ink blot. Donovan obeyed, resting his head on his arms with his back exposed. Kaylee approached the sofa and sat on the edge. She peered over his back, then drew a circle with the quill between his shoulder blades. The young man shivered. The ink was cold, and the feel of the pen strange. "Wait…" Kaylee murmured.

"What." Donovan said.

"Things…like stats, and levels, it's all an approximation. But this…this isn't right." She leaned in close and squinted at the circle she'd drawn. "You have too much experience saved up no matter how you look at it."

Donovan thought for a few moments. "It's the time-passes. The passive absorption ability. I guess I've been accumulating experience all this time."

He couldn't see Kaylee's skeptical expression. "Well…like I said, you have a lot."

"Good, put it all into the mindtaker skill."

"What? Why? So you can control people? People like me? I don't think so, I had enough of that with the demon king."

"What?" Donovan said, raising his head from his arms. "I don't give a shit about controlling you, but that's where all my points are already."

"So what? Put them in a new skill."

Donovan furrowed his brow in irritation. "Wha- no!" he gestured with his arms hanging off the sofa. "I'm the enslaver guy, that's my thing!"

Kaylee punched him in the shoulder. "So get a new thing asshole! You're good enough at it for us to get by already,"

Donovan gripped his hair with his hand. "Gah! You don't get it!"

"What do I not get? That you need to play out your wildest slaver fantasies?"

"No!" Donovan turned on the sofa, upsetting a jar of ink. He stared at Kaylee. "First of all, where is the trust huh? Second of all, the demon king! Two thousand years! That's what we're up against! And I've been leveling for what, half a year if I'm being generous?"

Kaylee returned his gaze as if she couldn't believe what he was saying. "More than ten actually, but it won't matter if you put your points into that skill, because you won't be close anyway. Trust me, the demon king will wipe the floor with you if you try and use that power on him."

"Well then I need to better than him, so put it all into the enslaver."

"I'm not doing that," Kaylee said. She bent down and retrieved the inkwell. "Pick something else."

Donovan let out a noise of frustration, then settled back down. "Fuck it fine. What's a skill the demon king doesn't have."

Kaylee thought for a few moments. Claire came over and peered over the back of the sofa, watching. "Aspects of concepts like cold and ice," Kaylee said. "He doesn't have any of those abilities."

"What? Why?"

"It's…a long story. Someone he cared about used to be an ice sorceress, so I guess he stays away from it for…I don't know, guilt reasons or something."

"I don't want to use ice. Elemental powers are lame."

"Alyssa is single-handedly keeping back the active demon lords using fire and light. If you think an ability is lame, it's because you don't have any imagination."

Donovan narrowed his eyes as he rested his head on his arms. "Fine. Make me Elsa then I guess." He buried his face into the cushions. "fucking lame…" Kaylee leaned over and began to draw on his back. She formed circles, lines, and other various symbols. Donovan could feel a strange warmth begin to spread through his body. "So does this always require two people?"

"No, but it's easier."

"Do you need me to do this with you?"

"Probably if we continue being adventurers, but for now no." The pair were silent for a bit as Kaylee continued drawing. "So…about your plan."


"What is it? Besides going around and collecting all our friends."

Donovan raised his head from his arms. "I figured once we had all the powerhouses together, we'd just gather all armies in the world and go fight the demon king."

He felt the quill pause. "That's it? That's your plan?"

Donovan glanced back at her. "Well when you say it like that it sounds bad. C'mon, I can enslave any kings or emperors if you guys can get me close to them."

Kaylee sighed and leaned over him against the back of the sofa. "Donovan…it's not that easy. This world is complicated, and there are a lot of things more powerful than you, and the rest of us. I thought you learned that in Eo."

"Well sure, but that was the elf realms."

"You remember Delfanas? The kingdom you basically destroyed? The one that summoned us?"

"Yeah." Donovan said, still craning his neck to look back at her.

"Well they're in the process of resurrecting an ancient dragon lord."

Donovan furrowed his brow. "Why the fuck would they do that?"

"Because their armies, the adventurers' guild, are scattered, their capital is in ruins, and their trump cards, us, are off doing our own things. So they're gambling on bringing back one of their ancient enemies and hoping he can protect them against the Events."

"Huh," Donovan said, settling back down.

"Every kingdom is doing something equally drastic as this point. You going to mind control an ancient dragon? A league of undead sorcerers? A shape-shifting homunculi? There's all that and more. It's the eleventh hour, and you'll need a better plan than just 'mind control everyone',"

"Alright," Donovan said. "I'll figure something out. Can't be that hard once we get Alyssa and the others back."

Kaylee was about to respond, then fell silent. "we…" she began, closing her eyes. "We don't even know if they'll help us. If they'll want to help us. After everything we've done…"

"Justin and Melissa won't care what we did, and…" he paused, trying to choose his words carefully. "Well…Seth never stopped looking for you…you know that, right?"

Kaylee's eye remained closed. Her expression was one of profound anguish. "I know…I watched him…the entire time…"

They were interrupted by the door opening. Their merchant host poked his head in. "Ah…" he said, staring at the scene. Kaylee was still leaning over Donovan, while Claire watched from behind the sofa. "I…we found someone who heard rumors of one of the heroes."

"Which one?" Kaylee said, wiping her eyes and straightening up.

"I'm not sure…but they've apparently been in the city of Marada, in the kingdom of Wrenfold, for almost a year now."

Kaylee glanced at Donovan. "That corroborates one of the rumors we heard in the last town." She turned back to the merchant. "How far away is that?"

The man sniffed and brushed at his mustache. "Two weeks to the border, another week past that."

Donovan and Kaylee shared a look. "Well…" the young man said. "Might as well."

The three-week journey was circumvented by Kaylee flying them. She didn't fly often, only at night, and only for a few hours at a time. They camped during the day in reclusive spots, while Donovan spitballed various ideas.

"Alright," he said during the fourth day. He was sitting against a tree, practicing his new ice abilities. The small clearing they were in was littered with the frozen corpses of a creature known as a thistle-goblin. "How about this. Melissa, right?" he snapped his fingers, and another icicle formed on a nearby corpse. "She's got incredible abilities. I think she can clone herself? And change sizes? Anyways, maybe she could assassinate-"

"No," Kaylee said. She laid in the grass, staring up at the sky. "I've seen the extent of her abilities, and they still won't hold a candle to the demon king."

Donovan sighed. Nearby, Claire was marching around swinging a stick. "Bam bam!" the girl yelled, smacking the frozen thistle-goblins. "You're dead! You're all dead!"

"Well, could Alyssa take him on?"

Kaylee picked up a flower growing next to her and twisted it between her fingers. "No…probably not."

"God, fuck that guy seriously. How has such a powerful hero not broken the world yet?"

"He's come close plenty of times. You remember that monster your commanders unleashed when you escaped?"


"That's one of the demon king's forms."

Donovan tilted in confusion. "What? I thought the demon king was the creepy hot guy."

"He is, they both are. The original demon king split himself into four forms. The demon king you met is the one who rules, the one who you released was another avatar, and the two others are…complicated, and elsewhere."

"fuccckkk," Donovan said, resting his head back against a tree. "That's gonna require more planning then…" They fell into silence, save Claire, who continued swiping with her stick. Suddenly Donovan began twitching. He glanced at his leg, pointed a finger, then sent six icicles through his flesh like a nail gun.

"shit," Kaylee said, rocking up in one motion. "Lost track of the time," She shifted into her lamia form and curled up around Donovan, holding him in place. She then began the mind-wipe spell. Claire watched, then dropped her stick and approached. The girl climbed up on Kaylee's tail and settled down for a nap. Donovan stopped twitching and slowly slumped unconsciousness. Kaylee performed a healing spell, then gazed down at the pair. Donovan was resting against her, and Claire snored atop her tail. "Sure," Kaylee said, settling back against the tree. "If I had any sense I'd strangle them both and run away." Claire murmured in her sleep as she drooled on Kaylee's scales. The young woman rolled her eyes and batted her lightly with the tip of her tail. Claire scowled with her eyes closed, but didn't wake.

On the sixth night, the city of Maranda became visible on the horizon. It had high walls, and tall, bulky towers. The nighttime sky was overcast, but a thousand burning torches among the streets turned it a light gray. Kaylee set down a distance away from the walls, transformed back into her human form, then the trio started walking. The guards were too drunk to stop them at the gate, so they passed on through. Once inside, it quickly became evident that the entire city was drunk. The streets were filled with partying, and breaking glass could be heard everywhere. Drunken singing, people racing through the streets on horseback, and brawls were everywhere the trio turned. Kaylee and Donovan asked around for the hero, but the best answer they could get was a finger pointed by a stumbling tradesmen towards the center of Marada.

"The hell is this place?" Donovan said, glancing around. A nearby man was bodied by an animal-drawn carriage, then run over.

"I've heard a little about it," Kaylee said, furrowing her brow. "Kind of like Los Vegas, but I never thought it was this bad."

Two men staggered towards Donovan. One of them paused, sizing him up, then reared back to throw a punch. Donovan held up a palm and froze them both solid, then turned back to Kaylee. "Why the hell would any of our friends be here?"

"Oh I can take a guess," Kaylee said, trudging onward. Donovan made to follow, but paused when he saw Claire trying to lick one of the ice statues. "Dammit you little gremlin, what are you doing?"

"Ssshhttuuuccckkkk!" Claire said, pounding a fist on the ice as she tried to pull her tongue off. Donovan snapped, and the ice melted. Both men collapsed on the cobblestone street. Claire scowled as she gripped her mouth with both hands, then stomped at one of the puddles made from the ice.

The center was dominated by a giant, six-story drinking house. It was circular, with balconies, slanted roofs, and more than a few unsafe-looking towers branching out from its various levels. Drinking, screaming laughter, and crashes could be heard within. Donovan and Kaylee paused by the door as someone came stumbling past. They tripped down the stairs and smacked their head. Multiple cups were thrown after them. "And stay out you clammy fuck!" a voice shouted. It was followed by laughter. Donovan and Kaylee shared a look, then entered. Claire paused a moment to bend down and stare at a man sleeping near the stairs. After flicking his nose, she straightened up and hurried after.

Inside was a giant hall that rose up at least four stories. Lanterns hung from exposed wooden rafters, and the room was ringed by balconies and stairwells. The center was taken up by tables, some overturned, others packed with people. Laughter and music echoed everywhere. Donovan watched as someone was thrown over a balcony on the end of a noose. He winced as they came to a sudden halt and dangled, twitching, in the air.

"Soooo, I think this would be a good time to admit I've spent most of my time in this world in very nice, very safe places. This…I'm not even sure we have an equivalent in the old world."

"Lucky you," Kaylee said, brushing past a drunk woman throwing up on the floor. Donovan and Claire quickly followed. The young woman passed a man who looked slightly sober and grabbed him by the arm. "Hey, we're looking for one of the summoned heroes. Have you seen any around?"

The man nodded, looking Kaylee up and down with an eager grin. "Yeaaaa, topp floor…whatr you doing miss-"

"Thank you," Kaylee said, giving him a gentle push that sent him sprawling backwards into a nearby table. Angry exclamations followed, then punches started being thrown.

The trio found a staircase and took it up. Up the first ringing balcony, which was filled with people, then the second, then the third. By the fourth it was clear the drinking house was also a brothel. They had to navigate around drunken couples falling against each other and the wall. "What are they doing?" Claire said, pointing at a man groping another.

"Oh uh," Donovan said, shepherding her away. "Well, when two demons love each other very…you know what, just keep your eyes forward."

The last level was a singular room, clearly private. The guards however were drunk and sleeping against the wall. There were large groups of people drinking, singing, and dancing. Silk coverings were draped everywhere, forming partitions. The shadows of shifting bodies flickered in the lantern-light. In the center was a series of cushioned benches with people lounging on them. Dancers twirled around and servers carried trays of tankards. A loud voice echoed out from the largest of the couches.

"That's it baybay! Show me what you got! Pour some MOTHERFUCKING sugar on me!"

"Ah," Kaylee said. "I recognize that voice."

"Yup," Donovan said, itching at his hair. "So do I,"

They stepped over one of the couches and pushed past the dancers in the center. Emerging in front of the largest couch, they gazed down at man burying his face in a dancer's chest. He came up for air, revealing their friend Justin. The man picked up a wooden cup and drained its contents. "Let's GO drinks on ME!" The figures on the couches cheered. Justin looked around with a dazed smile, then noticed Donovan and Kaylee. His smile slowly faded. "what…?" he rubbed his eyes, then stared again. "Donovan? Kaylee?"

Donovan arched an eyebrow. Kaylee crossed her arms. "Hello Justin. Let's have a talk."
