Help! I’m probably going to murder my friends in this Isekai!

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Donovan Ebert was your average American young-adult. He graduated from a mediocre college with a...
Episode 1: Art Show, Here We Go!


Donovan Ebert was your average American young-adult. He graduated from a mediocre college with a mediocre degree, obtained a mediocre job and then moved to a city he could barely afford. Like many people his age, he struggled with being extremely connected to everything around him, but also feeling isolated and alone. The world was not in particularly good shape as far as he could tell, which only added to Donovan's general sense of mediocrity.

Luckily for Donovan, he had a strong group of friends. The core of the group had met in college, and three of them ended up in the same city. The rest Donovan met over the years, expanding the group to about nine.

Of the group besides Donovan, there was his friend Mark, a brilliant accountant who was also obsessed with online gaming, as well as Alyssa, who was dating Mark. She was in medical school for radiology and also trying to launch her own make-up tutorial Youtube channel.

It was Donovan, Mark and Alyssa who had met in college. As for the others, there was Brianna, or Bri, who was a manager of a local coffee shop and also possessed multiple full-shelf libraries of music in every format, but especially vinyl. Bri came from a fabulously wealthy family, but for whatever reason had little connection or interest in them. Her girlfriend was named Melissa, another member of the friend group. Melissa was a struggling musician and artist with quite possibly the most addictive personality on the face of the earth. She'd get addicted to ideas, people, hobbies, but most importantly, feelings. This had caused untold relationship problems for both her and Bri, and the friendgroup was used to them frequently breaking up and getting back together again.

The others included Justin, a talented amateur actor who continuously surprised everyone by not only being straight despite his mannerisms, but also incredibly popular with women on almost every dating app. Next was his partner in crime Grace, who used to be a sheltered, religious child, but grew up to be one of the most obnoxiously clever and manipulative people any of the group had met. The majority were just glad she considered them friends.

Last, but certainly not least, were Seth and Kaylee. Seth was a semi-pro skater/semi-pro parkour runner/semi-pro just about anything urban and athletic. He ran a surprisingly successful online skateboard business out of his apartment, with the help of his fiancé Kaylee. Kaylee was a graphic designer and a talented programmer, who also happened to be obsessed with anime.

It was this varied group that grounded Donovan Ebert and made his life worth living. Everyone cared about and supported everyone else, despite sharing different hobbies and being in different places in life. Theirs's was a bond borne of being young adults in an absurd and tumultuous world, and such a bond is not easily broken.

Donovan Ebert was marveling at their friendship as he stood in front of his closet on a cloudy day in January. This day was important because it was the first Saturday of the month, a day traditionally reserved for Donovan and his friends to get together and spend time supporting one of the others. This Saturday it was Melissa's art show at the Gilbert Gallery downtown. She and her girlfriend Bri had been working on it for months, and the date of the exhibit opening had finally arrived.

Now Donovan Ebert had to decide on what he would wear. His outfits were on the cheaper side, and certainly uninspired for what some considered an age of aesthetics. But he wasn't one of the adults who treated the city like one giant experiment in self-expression. Donovan had two interests; not dying of loneliness, and strategy gaming. Anything that fell outside that was an afterthought at best.

"Shit," Donovan said, glancing over a black and gold button-up for the umpteenth time. His eyes moved on to another button-up, and then another. Finally he went back to the black and gold shirt and took it from the hanger. Donovan checked his phone as he brought the button-up to where a pair of pants lay. He only had about a half-hour before the scheduled car would arrive.

Donovan began dressing, inspecting himself in the mirror as he did so. He was average height and build, with dark hair and a face that seemed to naturally scowl. He had been told in the past that he could be rather handsome when he wasn't glaring, but as Donovan couldn't help the structure of his face, he didn't give it much thought.

The young man finished smoothing out the creases on his shirt, then parted his bangs away from his face. He stared at his stern expression for a half-beat, then tried to soften it. He felt foolish, quickly turning away from the mirror. Donovan passed the rest of the time browsing his phone aimlessly. When his car arrived, he walked down to the lobby to meet it.

As soon as he emerged from the building, a car blared its horn. Donovan paused in confusion, then recognized his friend Grace's dark gray Mercedes. Justin, the amateur actor, was driving. He rolled down the window and leaned his head out. "Donny!" He yelled. "Get in let's GO!"

Donovan let out a sound of frustration. He gestured at the waiting car he had ordered. "I already got a Lyft you guys! You made no mention of coming to pick me up!"

Grace was relaxed in the passenger seat, but moved to lean over Justin and shout out the window. "Oh my God Donny just get in the fucking car already,"

Donovan gestured in vain at the waiting Lyft. Justin just tapped his apple-watch. Donovan sighed, then pulled up his phone and canceled the Lyft. The driver in the car rolled down his window and shouted at Donovan. "Sorry!" The young man said, quickly rushing to Grace's car.

The second Donovan closed the rear door Justin pulled out into the street and accelerated down it. Donovan swayed in the back, finally grabbing his seatbelt and securing himself. "Guys, what the fuck,"

"We were in the neighborhood," Justin said, tapping the steering wheel along with the car music. The tall man was dressed in his brightest and best patterned button-up, and his hair was styled to perfection.

"Didn't feel like driving today Grace?" Donovan said, his tone dry. "I'm not sure Justin should be the one behind the wheel,"

"I don't want to drive," Grace said, typing away a message on her phone. She adjusted herself and her expensive dress in the passenger seat, getting more comfortable. "And you'd probably drive us off a bridge. We just saved you like thirteen dollars by the way,"

"I'm pretty sure I get a fine for canceling," Donovan said, checking his phone. "And I would not drive us off a bridge, why would you think I'd do that?"

Grace ignored him, continuing to browse something on her phone. Justin briefly brought up his own device to change the song, then resumed tapping on the steering wheel. Donovan absorbed himself in his own phone. "So," Justin said, swaying to the beat. "Predictions for Melissa's gallery?"

"It's going to be fucking weird," Grace said, squinting at her screen. "I think we should stop for whiskey-droppers on the way there,"

Justin made an exaggerated scoffing noise. "Then I wouldn't be able to drive Grace. You're sooooo selfish.

"You're the selfish one," Grace said, placing her feet on the dashboard and leaning the seat back. "Not being the designated driver for your friends." She tilted her head up to glance at the back seat. "Right Donovan? I know your weird ass wants to get drunk before this,"

"Who says I'm weird," Donovan said, glancing out the window. "And I'm not drinking before Melissa's thing, Bri would murder us,"

"Whatevvverrr, I can take her," Grace said.

Justin turned sharply down a street and quickly accelerated. "Hey afterwards though let's get Los Gringos, I'm feeling the grande burrito and I'm doing this thing lately were I indulge myself because I'm worth it,"

Grace motioned with a finger as she scrolled on her phone. "Oh yeah I heard about that, let me know how it goes,"

Donovan just shook his head and absorbed himself with the city passing outside the window.

After spending nearly twenty minutes looking for parking and arguing with Grace, Justin finally stopped the Mercedes and cut the engine. The three friends got out and headed for the gallery, where they found Mark and Alyssa waiting outside.

"Mark thank fuck," Donovan said, approaching him and pounding his fist in greeting. He gestured at Justin and Grace. "These two made me cancel my Lyft so they could give me a ride,"

"You know they charge a fine for that," Mark said, nodding wisely. He wore simple slacks and a button-up.

Donovan glared at Justin and Grace. "That's what I said!"

"Whatever," Grace said, inspecting her nails. "Have you guys gone inside yet?"

Alyssa shook her head. She wore a simple but beautifully-hued dress, as well as a jean jacket. "Not yet, we were waiting for Seth and Kaylee, but Kaylee just texted me they're going to be late,"

"What a surprise," Grace said, her tone unimpressed. "Well I guess we can go in now together and let them figure it out,"

"Sure," Mark said, shrugging. "Let's go check it out,"

The group of five friends entered the gallery. There were quite a few people there, as both Melissa and Bri were well-known in the local LGBT community, and Melissa was on the radar as an up-and-comer in the city's art scene. Donovan knew this because it's what everyone told him whenever it came to light that he knew Melissa. The gallery itself was white walls, low, dimly-lit ceilings, and more white walls interspaced throughout the floor. Hanging on the walls were a series of paintings. Melissa's art.

Donovan stared at the art as the friendgroup pushed through the crowd. Their goal was the far end of the gallery, were two young women were surrounded by a throng of people. The two women were Melissa and Bri, the artist and the music aficionado. Melissa was in the middle of explaining a nearby free-hanging sculpture. She wore a paint-smeared t-shirt and suspenders, as well as boots. Bri stood supportively to the side, wearing a smart, colorful outfit including a flower-print blouse. She watched Melissa speak with a warm smile.

"Ow, there's too many damn people here," Justin said, trying to squeeze past a group.

"Just keep pushing," Grace said, checking her phone. "It's an art gallery, it's fine,"

Donovan grew distracted as Justin tried to lead them. The young man turned, glancing at the paintings on the wall. He slowly broke away from the group and approached one with few people near it. The painting was mostly white, with unusual fabric cut out in geometric patterns that tapered into curvy lines. A gloss covered the entire surface, making the painting almost shimmer in the light. Donovan came to a stop before it and studied the effect.

"You gotta admit," Mark said, coming up next to him. "That girl's going places,"

Donovan let out a single laugh. "Out of all our friends, Melissa is the one I will never understand. Her art, I know it's good. People tell me all the time. I just can't connect the art to the person." He turned to Mark. "Also I don't think she likes me,"

"You think too much," Mark said. He crossed his arms and looked up at the painting. "So I noticed you haven't opened the steam gift I sent you,"

"I'm not playing that stupid game,"

Mark turned to Donovan. "C'mon! None of my steam friends play it! I need someone I know!

Donovan gestured aimlessly. "I've got a lot going on right now with work, and I'm not really into those types of games,"

A couple next to them cleared their throat, and the two men realized they were blocking the painting. Mark led the way to the next one. "Tax season is almost upon us," He said, studying the new pattern of fabric. "And then you're not going to hear from me for a good four months. Enjoy the company of your best bud while you can,"

"Yeah yeah," Donovan said, glancing over the gallery. "Hey Alyssa and the others made it to Melissa, should we go join them?"

"Sure," Mark said. "But don't think I'm going to drop this," The two friends made their way through the crowd until they emerged next to Mark's girlfriend Alyssa. "Hey," He said.

"Hey," Alyssa murmured. "Melissa just got done explaining that we can hang out here with her or go in the private room in back, or we can hang around the gallery and check out the art,"

"There's a lot of people we know here right?" Mark said, looking around. "We should probably say hi. Right Donovan?"

"Sure," Donovan said with a half-shrug. He didn't particularly care either way. That wasn't to say Donovan wasn't a people-person. But he certainly wasn't one who could fit in with the art crowd.

Bri spotted Mark and Donovan and made her way towards them. "Hey Mark, hey Donovan,"

"Hey Bri," Donovan said. "This gallery looks nice, and I know you helped out so good job,"

"Thanks," Bri said, smiling. "Have you seen Seth and Kaylee?"

"Speak of the devil," Alyssa said, watching over the heads of the crowd. The friends turned and spotted a young man in stylish pants and a cut-off shirt, as well as an expensive brimmed hat. Next to him was a girl in loud colors and an over-sized jacket. Alyssa raised her hand and waved until she caught their attention.

Once Seth and Kaylee weaved their way to the group, Kaylee let out a noise of exasperation. "Sorry! Sorry we're late!

"Not that late," Mark said. He nodded at Seth. "Good to see you guys,"

"Yeah yeah," Seth said enthusiastically. He took in the gallery, bobbing his head to some unheard beat. "This is nice, this is nice. What's up Mark, Alyssa, Donovan, Bri,"

"Hey," Bri said. "You guys can totally stick around, or check out the gallery, there's also a back room you can hang out in for friends. Also though we might ask you to help us tear down afterwards,"

Tearing things down, now that Donovan could do. "Of course," He said. "We'll be here to help," The others agreed.

After the show, Donovan found himself on a ladder unstringing lights. "Thank you everyone!" Melissa said, standing in the middle of the gallery with her hands clasped. "You guys were so awesome for coming!"

"What'd they think babe?" Bri said, carrying an easel.

Melissa skipped over to her and grabbed her hand. "Brenda Myers bought two of them! That's our rent for the next five months!" The friends all made comments of congratulations.

"Hey let's get Los Gringos after this," Justin called from a far wall. He was busy unhooking a painting. "I say this is definitely a cause for celebration!"

"Oh my God drop it," Grace called from the opposite wall. "We get it you want a burrito,"

"You get nothing woman!" Justin shot back, pointing at her.

Kaylee paused as she helped her boyfriend Seth carry a table. "Hey, do you guys feel cold?"

Donovan stopped unhooking lights and looked over his shoulder. He felt a chill run through the air. "Yeah," He said hesitantly. His breath came out in a fog.

"Shit," Mark said, hugging himself. "What the hell is wrong with the AC?"

"Guys," Grace said, her tone strange. Everyone turned to her. She had moved away from the wall, gripping her phone in one hand. She slowly pointed at one end of the gallery.

Donovan nearly fell off his ladder. The gallery extended, its white walls leading off like a never-ending tunnel. He looked around at the other side of the gallery, finding it also extending off into infinity.

"Oh no oh no," Melissa said, shaking. "I'm having an acid flashback!"

"If you are we all are!" Alyssa said, running to Mark and holding him. "What's going on!"

"Nine," A voice said, far-off and distant. "It is too many, we can't-"

The walls seemed to contract, then expand. Donovan felt dizzy and gripped the ladder. It suddenly disappeared from underneath him.

He fell into darkness. For how long he couldn't tell. It could have been seconds, or years. The darkness swirled around him, then blinding light shot through his very essence.

Donovan woke up to someone shaking him. "Donovan!" A voice said. "Donovan open your damn eyes already!"

"whuzat," Donovan said, then groaned. He opened his eyes to blurry colors. "who's there," He said, his voice hoarse.

"Good, good," A voice said. Donovan recognized it as Mark's.

"Mark?" He said as his vision came into focus.

It was indeed Mark. Donovan's friend leaned over him, a concerned expression on his face. "Yeah it's me buddy," He patted the side of Donovan's face. "C'mon wake up, we're in trouble,"

"Oh shit," Donovan said, struggling to sit up. He coughed, then looked around.

He was sitting on a dirt path. On either side of the path was wild, tangled grass. It grew up almost to waist-height, and was interspaced with a strange array of plants Donovan had never seen before. He furrowed his brow in confusion and tried to get to his feet.

"Whoa, come on now," Mark said, quickly getting up and helping. "You're probably feeling nauseous. We certainly did,"

Donovan gripped his stomach as he stood on his feet. "yeah, nauseous," He looked around again, spotting distant trees and a bright, unending blue sky. An unusually large sun beat down on his head. "Where," Donovan began.

"Nowhere we know," A voice said. Donovan turned to spot his other friends. They all gathered on the dirt path, some sitting, others standing. It was Justin who had spoken. "That sun is too big, for one,"

"This grass too," Kaylee said, motioning at it. "It's all wrong," She clung tightly to Seth as they sat on the dirt. Seth was drawing in the ground with a stick.

"Are you saying," Donovan said, blinking. "We're…"

"Another planet maybe?" Melissa said, shaking her head. She gripped her overalls as if they might give her comfort. "That's too much honestly,"

The friends fell silent. Distant birds called out to one another, but their calls sounded wrong. They continued to cry until Grace stood up with a rock. "shut UP!" She yelled, throwing the rock at the distant trees. The rock fell short, and the birds continued to caw. Grace blinked, then stumbled backwards. "Guys!" She said, her voice astonished. "Something just happened!"

Everyone looked over at her. "Yeah," Justin said. "You suck at throwing,"

"No!" Grace said, turning to them. "When I threw that rock, all these words and lights came up! Do you not see them?"

Donovan squinted at Grace, noting something hazy around her. "I see something," He said cautiously.

Grace quickly bent down and picked up a handful of rocks. She walked over to Bri and Melissa, who were closest, and shoved them into the girls' hands. "Here, try it!"

Melissa and Bri shared a look, then slowly got up. Both wound back and threw rocks into the grass. Bri let out a noise of surprise. Melissa waved her hands in front of her face. "Hey yeah!" Melissa said. "There's words and stuff. 'thrown object'? 'Distance'?"

The rest of the friends picked up rocks and threw them. Once Donovan threw his rock, words and colors appeared. "Hey!" Mark said, standing nearby. "It's a videogame HUD! These are stats!"

Donovan gripped his head. "Of course! It all makes sense! We're in a videogame! Some asshole got us with advanced VR!"

Kaylee let out an exaggerated sound of relief. "Oh thank God, I thought we were in a classic isekai situation and was going to freak out,"

"Nobody speaks anime here," Grace said. "But a videogame sounds stupid too," She gestured at the sky. "How could this be a videogame? It's too real,"

"She's right," Alyssa said, looking around. "This can't possibly be a videogame, I can feel the wind and the grass smells incredibly strong,"

Mark nodded. "I'd have to agree, we're nowhere near this type of graphics or immersion, it's impossible,"

"Well maybe Jeff Benzos has been working on it for years and kidnapped us to test it out," Donovan said, crossing his arms. "The HUD thing proves it without a doubt,"

"Okay?" Bri said, narrowing her eyes. "So what? How do we get out?

"Well it's a videogame right?" Justin said. "Mark and Donovan are the gamers, how do we get out guys?"

Donovan and Mark shared a look. "Well," Mark began.

"No," Donovan interrupted. "If this is a videogame we should be able to access a menu and just quit. But if we've been kidnapped, we'll probably have to play some sick, twisted shit or something in order to win our freedom,"

"Oh noooo!" Kaylee said, burying her face in her hands. "This is an isekai! We're doomed!"

"Now hold on," Seth said, putting an arm around her. He bobbed his head to some unseen beat. "We've just got to stay on our toes and find some help,"

Justin shook his head. "This is just, insane. Wild,"

"I literally can't believe it," Bri said, her tone incredulous.

A distant noise started up, drawing everyone's attention. "Something's coming," Melissa said, taking Bri's hand.

"Are those?" Alyssa said, squinting. "I think they're horses?"

"Yeah they look like horses," Mark said.

The creatures kicked up large clouds of dust as they grew closer and closer. They were indeed horses, larger than any Donovan had seen and wearing strange harnesses. Atop them rode figures, who soon revealed themselves to be armored knights. Donovan struggled to place the style of armor, which was curved and decorated in a way that defied his knowledge of history. The riders slowed their horses until they came to a stop before the group. The knight in the front dismounted, throwing back his riding cape and taking off his helmet with a flourish.

"Greetings, great heroes," The knight said, bowing low to one knee. The rest of the knights looked down at the friends from atop their horses.

"Oh what the fuck," Bri said, her voice barely a whisper. The rest of the friends were equally shocked.

"Yes," The knight said, ducking his head. "I understand that this might be confusing. Rest assured all will be explained once you return with us to the capital!"

"Capital?" Seth said, holding Kaylee close.

"You mean like a city?" Mark said. "Where are we? And who are you?"

The knight rose and presented the other mounted warriors. "We are the knights of the Sacred Path! We have sworn our lives to protecting this world, and aiding the mage and adventuring guilds in their fight against the forces of corruption!"

The friends were silent as they processed this. Grace broke the silence. "No, I'm sorry, this is all just so stupid. I don't want to do this," She stalked over to the knight and lightly knocked on his breastplate. She looked up at the sky. "Hello? Yes? Can anyone hear me? I don't want to play this game anymore. Bring me out now,"

Donovan and the others watched her, waiting. The knight scratched the back of his neck, a sheepish expression on his face. "Yes, I'm very sorry, but you were brought here by the mages, and," He paused, glancing at his fellow knights. "Well, let us go to the capital, and all will be explained there,"

Alyssa stared at the knights, then grabbed her boyfriend Mark and dragged him away. "Friend meeting, now!" Everyone huddled around her. "Alright," She said. "Are we trusting the Game of Thrones guy or not?"

"Well," Mark said, tilting his head. "If it is a videogame, it would make sense to,"

"And if it's not," Bri said, glancing at warriors. "Will they really give us a choice?"

Finally the friends turned to the knights. "Alright," Alyssa said, crossing her arms. "We'll come with you, but we're gong to ask questions on the way,"

The knight smiled and motioned at one of his companions. The warrior led forth several horses without riders. "Whoa," Melissa said, putting up her palms. "I've never ridden before,"

"Oh it's easy," Grace said, brushing past her towards the horse. "Just make sure it knows you're the boss and everything will be fine,"

The friends struggled up onto the horses with the help of the knights. Once settled, the knights took up positions encircling them and began riding down the dirt path. "Whoa ho hoooo," Seth said, teetering in his saddle. "This is one off the bucket list!"

"I still can't believe all this," Bri said, shaking her head. "It's like a bad dream I can't wake up from,"

"Questions," Kaylee said, pointing up with one finger. "We should ask them,"

Alyssa, Mark's girlfriend, looking around her horse uncertainly. "Yeahh, starting with, how'd you say we were brought here? And what's your name again?"

"Yes!" The knight said, making a fist with his gauntlet. "Introductions, forgive me, I've been so caught up in the euphoria of you heroes arriving! I already mentioned we were the Knights of the Sacred Path, I am Sir Bronsley, captain of this particular squad. The other knights here may introduce themselves."

They did, though Donovan could hardly remember the strange names. "Well," Justin said. "I'm Justin," The other friends also gave their names, with Donovan being the last.

"Excellent!" Sir Bronsley said. "Welcome, welcome!"

"What is this world?" Donovan said, leaning forward in his saddle.

"Oh it has many names," Sir Bronsley said. "The people of the east call it Magwai, the people of the west call it Ora, the north and south have their own names I'm sure. But if you ask the Adventurers Guild or any of the Mage colleges, they'll tell you its name is Lysseria,"

"Lyssseria," Kaylee repeated, tasting the words. "This all sounds very fantasy to me,"

Grace buried her face in her free hand. "Ugh I want to be done with this, I had plans this evening!"

"Dumb plans," Justin said from his saddle. "Now you get to have your own Narnia adventure with us!"

"Oh shut up," Grace said, shooting him a look. "I am burning up in this heat and this dress is terrible for riding, I feel like I keep flashing the wildlife,"

"New clothes will be given to you soon!" Sir Bronsley announced. "And warm baths and clothes! Just as soon as we get you heroes to the capital!"

"You keep calling us heroes," Mark said. "What's up with that?"

Alyssa nodded. "Yeah is that some sort of title?"

Sir Bonsley straightened up proudly in his saddle. "All those called from another world are destined to be heroes. It has been so for thousands of years,"

"Well," Bri began, pausing. "We can't be heroes, we're just dumb Americans,"

"I am especially poor," Melissa announced. "Well, I was before Brenda Myers bought some art, but it will be spent soon trust me,"

Sir Bronsley laughed. "How much money you have doesn't matter. All that are brought here are granted incredible powers by the aether. Soon you will be able to wield all sorts of weapons and magic!"

"Oh I don't really like this," Bri said, looking concerned.

"Guys I'm telling you," Kaylee said, gesturing emphatically. "This is becoming more and more like an Isekai with every passing moment,"

Sir Bronsley was frustratingly vague for the rest of the trip. The friends grew to openly talking among themselves about how vague he was being, and how suspicious it was. Sir Bronsley did not react however, wearing a polite smile the entire way. The rest of his knights' expressions were obscured by their helms.

"So Mark," Donovan said, nodding at a nearby knight. "What do you think, almost Byzantium wouldn't you say?"

Mark chuckled. "You don't know what you're talking about, that's plate armor,"

"I meant the look asshole," Donovan said, mimicking the curve of the helmet with his hand.

"I don't know," Mark said, adopting a curious look. "Honestly it's like nothing I've ever seen. Props to the devs if this is a videogame, because that's damn unique armor design,"

"They look like that Dark Souls game you play," Alyssa said. She idly braided her horse's hair as she rode atop it. The horse shook its head, knocking her braids loose.

"No they don't," Mark said, rolling his eyes. "You gotta have an eye for these things,"

"What nerd shit? That's your job, no thank you,"

The dirt path widened into a dirt road lined on either side by a broken stone wall. Beyond it was rolling forest occasionally broken up by tall meadows. It wasn't until the sun began sinking into the afternoon that buildings appeared. At first it was just one or two along the road. They would border a cleared plot of land, usually with a fenced-in enclosure. The buildings grew more frequent however, until they were practically lining the road.

"Yeah no," Grace said, sniffing. "This place smells like shit and these houses look like some weird reenactment,"

Bri looked increasingly concerned. "This is weird. I've been all over the world and I've never seen old houses like this, not even in museums,"

Mark turned in his saddle to Donovan. "Still think it's Eastern Roman Empire?"

"This is," Donovan began, overwhelmed. He considered himself fairly knowledgeable about history, but these houses were not European, or Chinese or Japanese, or African or Central American. They had extremely tall and slanted roofs, and strange wooden fixtures atop them. The building materials were alien to him as well, almost porous and flimsy looking. "I don't know what this is,"

"Look!" Kaylee said, pointing and nearly falling from her saddle. Ahead of them rose a massive wall stretching out in either direction. Beyond it were tall towers and rooftops, and beyond that were more walls, as well as castles and even higher houses. Seth, Kaylee's boyfriend, let out a long, low whistle.

"Damn," He said, shaking his head. "That is a CITY!"

"The capital," Sir Bronsley said, nodding proudly. "And inside you will find all of its people waiting for you!"

"I was wondering where the people were," Alyssa said, glancing around at the houses.

A noise built up as they neared, and Donovan spotted people thronging outside the gate. They were held back by men in different armor than Sir Bronsley and his companions. These new warriors had what looked like padded armor, as well as colorful plumage and capes. They wielded halberds that kept back the crowds. Ahead of the companions loomed a yawning gate into the city.

The friends were silent as they rode under the gate. The noise of the large crowd grew until it thundered around them. They emerged from the gate onto a long street lined on either side by tall houses and shops. There were also people, held back by more men with plumage and halberds.

Donovan looked around wide-eyed. His senses were overwhelmed. Thousands of people cheered, and their smell mixed with the smell of wood smoke and animal feces. The buildings were adorned with strange flags and signs, with lettering that made little sense to Donovan.

"Look!" Kaylee shouted out, covering her mouth in amazement. Donovan and the others followed her gaze to where the crowd was. There were people in every manner of color and clothing. Donovan jerked with a start, realizing not everyone was human. There were taller individuals with fair features and piercing eyes, as well as shorter, squatter creatures with mossy skin and tails. There were even small humanoid creatures flying above their heads with wings.

"holy shit," Donovan said, his eyes wide. "This is, impossible,"

"Best, character designs, ever," Mark said, his eyes equally wide. "Donovan this is unreal! If this is VR, this will change everything! This whole world is incredible!"

"No way," Grace said, shaking her head. "I've hit my head and now I'm having a hemorrhage dream before I die,"

"You and me both," Melissa said, gripping her reigns with white knuckles.

Bri was breathing heavily. "I think, I think I'm having a panic attack. This is too much. Too much,"

Melissa leaned over in her saddle and patted Bri's back. "There there, it's okay, it's going to be fine,"

"It's not going to be fine," Bri said, shaking her head. "I want to go home,"

"Me too," Grace said, nodding.

"Guys c'mon," Mark said, pointing up the street. "It looks like we're headed to the nice castles beyond that next wall. Let's just get there and then we can ask questions,"

The group made it beyond the next gate and into a new portion of the capital. The houses here were even nicer, and the people who lined the streets better-dressed. After another wall and gate, they entered a wide space filled with grand castles, and what Donovan could only guess was a giant temple of some sort. They headed towards the largest castle, quickly dismounting and entering.

Past a grand hall lined with tapestries and ornaments was a throne-room easily the size of a soccer stadium. Velvet-covered seating occupied both sides, and the floor beneath appeared to be gilded marble. The finest-dressed people Donovan had ever laid eyes on filled the seats, and a group of them gathered around a raised platform and throne.

A man with a tall crown and red robe stood before the throne. He was flanked by other people of office, though Donovan could not make sense of their medallions or headdresses. The king opened his arms wide. "Heroes!" He bellowed, his voice echoing around the throne room. "Welcome! Welcome to the Kingdom of Delfanas! I am its king, Alfim, and these are my courtiers and officials!"

The friends approached, stopping with Sir Bronsley and his knights at the foot of the staircase. "Okay," Alyssa said, her voice wavering. She cleared it and tried again. "Okay, this, this is all a lot. We um, we have questions,"

"Of course!" The king said, nodding. "All newcomers to our world are confused, and we will explain all! Perhaps though washing and dinner is in order first?"

"No," Grace said, crossing her arms. "We're not really trying to do all that. We just want to go home,"

Mark rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, this is nice and all, but if we're in a videogame we'd like to come out now. I don't know if we signed waivers, and I hate to be that guy, but if we didn't then it probably isn't legal to keep us in here,"

"That's right," Grace said, nodding. "I'll sue the shit out of you if you keep us in here any longer,"

"Oh come on guys," Kaylee said, marveling at the throne room. "You have to admit this is incredible,"

"I don't care!" Grace said, balling her hands into fists. "They should have asked us first! I probably would have agreed if they had!" She seemed on the verge of tears.

"Friends friends!" The king said, gesturing with both arms. "Please, calm yourselves. I understand you might think this a trick or a game, but it is not so. Many mages gave their lives so that you could cross over. Nine is a great number, more than anyone has ever attempted. And now you are here, and can save our world from the powers of corruption!"

"If this isn't a videogame," Donovan said, choosing his words carefully. "Then why do we have HUD displays? We threw rocks earlier, and had stats appear in our vision,"

The king nodded with a smile. "Yes, that is the work of the Great Spirit of Wisdom, Ozadias,"

A figure materialized next to the king in a flurry of smoke. He wore a long, blue and gold coat, and his face was obscured by a floppy hat. Both his sleeves hung at his side, his hands hidden within. "Hello," He said, his voice soft and timid.

The friends stared at the figure. "Okay," Melissa said, her expression guarded. "So, what does he have to do with the videogame thing?"

"It is my job," Ozadias began. The friends had to strain to pick up his words. "That and my predecessors' jobs, that is, to translate the ways of our world so that you may understand them. The powers granted to you by your transference through the aether can be strange and overwhelming," The figure dipped its head, its floppy hat further obscuring its face. "However I have learned to peer through the aether into your world, and have fashioned the manifestations of your powers into forms you can understand,"

"Cool explanation," Alyssa said, her eyes narrowing. "But I'm going to say what Mark did. There's laws against holding people against their will. Let us out if this is a game, or we will sue. People will look for us too,"

"Hey yeah that's right," Grace said, looking up at the ceiling. "My parents are going to be PISSED, and Bri's family is rich! You don't want to fuck with rich people!"

"Ahh, yes," The King said, clearly trying to smile. "Again, I know this can be confusing, but the sooner you accept this the-"

"We don't accept anything yet," Melissa said, holding Bri as her girlfriend breathed heavily.

"This is too much," Bri said between breaths. "I need to sit down,"

The King clasped his hands. "Alright then, let us adjourn for the day! Let's get you into more comfortable clothes and fed as well,"

The friends shared a look. Seth shrugged. "I could go for some food,"

Justin's stomach rumbled. He held it with one hand. "Damn, I'm totally missing out on that fucking burrito right now,"

The friends were whisked out of the noisy hall and into separate rooms. Donovan fought against being stripped by servants, growing angry as they insisted he take off his pants. "Fuck you!" He yelled, gripping his pants. "I know Jeff Benzos is watching this shit somewhere in his big mansion!"

The friends all found themselves in various states of undress as they entered a large, heated pool with dark gray walls and gold trim. Servants lined the walls, waiting. The friends all shared looks as they were shepherded into the water.

"Okay," Alyssa said, covering herself with her arms as she waded in. "I think we're all in agreement. We need to get the fuck out of this game,"

"So that's it?" Donovan said, floating near the edge of the pool. "This is VR? We do agree on that?"

Mark shrugged. "I guess it is, I honestly can't believe we're in a fantasy world like this, especially because it's kinda reminding me of an anime. The graphics are beyond realistic of course, more life-like than I ever thought possible. But some of this stuff…"

"Told you!" Kaylee shouted, her voice echoing around the pool. She quieted down. "This is a classic 'other world' plot."

"So we need to get out of here," Justin said, narrowing his eyes. "And so far every time we've asked nobody's done anything,"

Everyone was silent for a moment, the only sound being the echo of water in the low-vaulted ceilings. Bri turned in the pool towards Donovan and Mark. "Guys," She said, "You play these things, how do we get out?"

Mark adopted a thoughtful expression, then shared a look with Donovan. "This is some real Black Mirror shit," Donovan said. "Graphics this good, they've probably found a way to connect directly to our central nervous system to simulate all these sensations. That's really bad news for us,"

Bri looked horrified, sinking lower into the water. Melissa hugged her. "C'mon Donovan, don't be like that. There's got to be a way out,"

"Sure," Donovan said. "But it's going to be difficult, because everything we're doing is partially in our mind. Possibly. So there's only one way out as far as I see it," He gestured for everyone to gather close. They all circled up in the water, putting their heads together in a huddle. Donovan's voice was barely above a whisper. "Any game like this would still require an operating system and hardware," He shared a look with everyone. "And that's our ticket out. We can find a way to break the game and crash it, forcing them to pull us out,"

Everyone was silent for a beat. Mark nodded. "Yeah, that might work, something like this would take a lot of processing power. We could definitely manipulate that."

"Wait," Kaylee said, narrowing her eyes. "In all the animes, unplugging yourself gets you killed, and so does crashing the game. They've got us hooked up to machines, right?" Bri made a noise of distress, causing Kaylee to hold up her hands. "Sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out, maybe that's not how this is working,"

Grace narrowed her eyes. "I say we do it. Let's break it and get the fuck out so we can sue these assholes. And if we do kill ourselves in the process, it's better than some nerd in a lab recording me every time I pee here,"

Again nobody spoke as they all thought. "We'll need a plan," Alyssa said, breaking the silence.

"That probably means finding out more about this world," Kaylee said. "Once we know more, the rest of the plan will clarify,"

"I hate to admit it," Alyssa said. "But Kaylee's right. This might take some information gathering first,"

Mark shrugged, sending out rings in the water. "Shouldn't be too hard right? They're already treating us like celebrities. We'll play their game until we learn its weak points,"

The friends nodded. Justin put his hand in. "To getting out of here and maybe getting a book deal out of it," Everyone else put in their hands.

"To getting out!" They exclaimed, their voices echoing loudly around the pool room.
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Episode 2: Strategy Gaming Is Fun!
The next couple days were a blur for Donovan. He and his friends learned much, starting with their purpose in the world. They had been summoned to fight the King of Demons, a force of evil whose aim was to take the pure source of existence and plunge it into unending suffering and darkness. Donovan and his friends were tasked with becoming powerful warriors and combating the Demon King's forces when they arrived during future events referred to specifically as "The Events". No-one knew when these events would occur. It could be a year, or ten, or a hundred.

The friends met an unending sea of nobles, warriors, mages and scholars, all trying their best to welcome and acclimate them into the world of Lysseria. Ozadias was also always on hand, answering questions about magic and abilities in whispers.

Between Donovan and Mark, the friends surmised it was a fairly straightforward RPG, albeit in realtime. Though the spells and powers the mages and scholars spoke of were baffling, they did all seem to fit nicely into skill-trees that appeared in their HUD's when mentioned.

It wasn't until the third day that something was learned that might benefit the friends in their escape. Alyssa discreetly spread the word to the others during a lavish dinner that they should meet outside their rooms that evening. Once the time had arrived, Donovan opened his door and entered the hall of the wing they had been given. The others came out as well, waiting as Mark and Alyssa took spots in front of them.

"Okay," Alyssa said, her voice low. "I think we may have something,"

"Thank God," Grace said, massaging her temples. "The food is good, yes. The beds are soft, yes. But. I. Want. To. Go. Home," The last parts were enunciated through gritted teeth.

"Hey I'm not going to lie," Justin said, jerking a thumb down the hall. "I really want to sleep with some of those nobles. Like you see how they look at me, right?" Justin gestured at the others. "I mean right? I'm not crazy? We could probably do some freaky shit here, there's a lot of attractive…beings,"

"No," Donovan said, his voice stern. "Whoever's got us trapped here is probably watching us. What happens if it's a rich fuck who's livestreaming it to his VIP subscribers? And if we're lying in hospital beds right now, or tubes, it would get messy if they don't have nurses on hand,"

"Oh c'mon," Mark said. "They have to have some sort of waste retrieval system hooked up to us-" Alyssa elbowed him, causing him to pause. "Well, that's neither here nor there. We did find something helpful, possibly,"

"There's this place," Alyssa said. "Some sort of mountain the size of a country, but it's actually a protective ring or something,"

Mark held out both hands. "They've got elf beings on the other side, elder ones and all that. Extremely powerful and old."

"Apparently if you get past the mountain ring you can do a bunch of crazy shit," Alyssa continued. "Super magic and strength, things are very exaggerated in that place. But more importantly, it's got people there that could possibly send us back,"

"Really?" Donovan said, confused. "They actually told you that? I thought for sure they wouldn't want to tell us that, since they want us here to fight the demon king,"

"Oh don't believe what the game people tell you," Grace said, rolling her eyes. "It's obviously a lie,"

"They didn't really tell us that," Alyssa said. "They accidentally implied it, and I think they regretted it. It was a bunch of weird scholar-types, probably just excited to talk to us,"

"What I was interested in was how big it was," Mark said. "And what you could do there. They mentioned it was integral to the world. Keeping the magic working and the seasons changing. If we get there, we could possibly spam abilities and cause the game to bug out,"

Alyssa grabbed his arm, looking around. "Lower your voice," She murmured. The others had grown accustomed to being suspicious of their surroundings, and gathered closer.

Mark continued in a low tone. "Either we get there and break it with magic, or we destroy it and maybe trigger something in the game, either way I say it's our best bet,"

"What's it called?" Kaylee said, her expression keen.

"Eo," Alyssa replied. "And it's not going to be easy,"

Donovan nodded, processing it all. "We're very low-level right now. The people in that land sound incredibly powerful,"

"That's an understatement," Mark said. "They'd wipe the floor with anyone out here. So we've got to really grind and get stronger,"

Bri hugged herself. "This is going to take time. I don't want to spend anymore time here. I want to leave. Now."

"Me too," Grace said, frowning. "I literally can't take anymore of this,"

Kaylee pointed at a tapestry on the wall with intricate stitching. "You really should appreciate this, I mean I want to go too but-"

"Shut up you weaboo fuck!" Grace screamed, suddenly losing her calm. She tried to catch her breath and gripped the sides of her head. "I want out I want out I want out!"

Kaylee looked like she was going to yell back, but quickly teared up instead. "You don't have to yell at me!" She said, sniffing.

"Alright alright," Alyssa said, holding up both hands. "Let's keep our heads about us. We're stronger than this,"

"That's right," Mark said, nodding. "This is a game, right? Games are beatable,"

"More importantly," Donovan said. "They're exploitable,"

Seth comforted his girlfriend Kaylee, then looked at the others. "Soo, how do we play this game and get stronger? I'm a little confused. Do we kill stuff?"

Donovan rubbed his chin. "If we're trying to break into the Eo place and fuck shit up, I have an idea. I've noticed some abilities Ozadias mentioned that correlate to enslaving monsters and other enemies. There's a bunch of other stuff reminiscent of strategy games as well. I'm pretty sure this world allows for army-building, in addition to leveling up ourselves,"

"Ugh this all sounds so dumb," Grace said, turning away.

"My point is," Donovan said. "Is that we could split up to cover more ground. I'll go build an army, others can level up themselves into super-warriors, and others can," Donovan paused. "I don't know, do something,"

Everyone was silent as they thought on this. "Not a bad idea," Mark conceded, shrugging. "So if you're going to do that, who's going to become super-warriors?"

"Me," Seth said, raising his hand. "I want to totally become a super-warrior, that's like a badass skateboard label."

"All the guys should," Grace said dryly, crossing her arms. "Seth, Justin, Mark,"

Justin raised an eyebrow. "So what are you going to do? Just hang around here and stuff your face until we get back?"

"If I want to, yeah,"

"I'll go with the guys," Kaylee said, standing closer to Seth. "I'll probably be able to help since I'm a weaboo fuck," Grace tilted her head away, avoiding Kaylee's gaze.

"Okay," Alyssa said. "Me, Grace, Bri and Melissa will stay here and figure out more about this Eo place. Donovan, are you sure you're going to be able to do your part alone?"

"It won't be too hard," Donovan said nonchalantly. "From what I can tell heroes are way overpowered compared to everything else until "the events". There's even a naming mechanic where if I name enslaved monsters they turn into squad captains or something, it's a whole skill-tree,"

"Great," Alyssa said, clapping. "Let's get to it then,"

"Well wait," Bri said. She seemed to regain her composure, and a bit of her normal self. "Hold on, have I been the only one listening to the constant stream of people telling us all the things we need to do to prepare for the demons? Are they going to be okay with us just going off and doing our own thing?"

"I'm telling you guys," Kaylee said. "This is a classic Isekai. They practically worship heroes. If we just act like we're doing all this to fight the Demon King, they'll probably even help us,"

Alyssa glanced around the hall. "We should still be careful, we don't know if the game creators will get suspicious and interfere either,"

"this is so fucked," Melissa murmured.

Mark clasped his hands together. "But we have a plan now, and that's a good first step. We'll set out after a good night's sleep,"

Donovan turned. "Actually I'm going to gather my things and head out now. I'm a late-night gamer anyways, it'll feel good to get started,"

"Whoa," Bri said. "Before we start running off in different directions, do we have a way of keeping in contact with each other?"

"Yeah totally," Grace said, waving her hand in front of her. "The HUD thing has a messaging system, some mage was trying to show along with the weird robe guy,"

"Ozadias," Kaylee said.


Donovan nodded. "Good, I'll figure it out and keep in touch,"

"Stay safe!" Alyssa called after him.

"Yeah bro!" Mark joined in. "Figure out the message system quickly!"

Donovan was antsy as he set out. He didn't bother asking for an escort, and nobody stopped him on his way through the castle, or when he took a horse from the stable. His features were strange enough in this part of the world to immediately set him apart as a hero, and he was treated as such by all the servants.

In truth, Donovan wanted to get home the same as everyone else. The whole situation freaked him out, and he didn't like the idea of being stuck in this world against his will. He was continuously faced with the fact that this simulated world was decades ahead of any VR technology he was familiar with, possibly centuries. And the snippets of history Donovan had heard so far hinted at immense lore, beyond the entirety of the Elder Scrolls and LOTR combined. It would easily take a hundred fantasy writers years to prepare it all. But the 1% had enormous wealth compared to the rest of the world, and who knew what a hundred billion could do in terms of tech and personnel.

No, Donovan just needed to concentrate on breaking out of here. He figured if he captured and then produced enough "units" he might be able to even lag the game once he gathered them all in one area. It was definitely worth a shot.

It took several weeks of exploring, but Donovan eventually got the hang of what he believed were RTS mechanics. They weren't perfect, but Donovan hunted monsters and developed abilities that persuaded both beings and monsters alike to follow his orders. Only low-level of course, but it was a start.

Donovan traveled northwest, intent on setting up shop in a barren land full of volcanoes and ringed on one side by mountains. Its picture on the maps reminded him a bit of Mordor, and he figured it was a good a place as any to raise an army.

He had to work hard not to be distracted on the journey there. He encountered hundreds of miles of pine forest and mountains, as well as sparkling streams and lakes. "Eat your heart out Todd Howard," Donovan murmured as he and his horse overlooked a majestic waterfall. "Your shitty game will never look this good,"

There were also plenty of villages and towns along the way, as well as people and creatures inhabiting them. The kingdom of Delfanas was a diverse land, and the three days in the capital had introduced Donovan to a wide variety of creatures. There were things you could call elves, and dwarves, and animal-people, and gnomes and fairies, though they weren't any version Donovan had ever seen before. Again, he was confronted with the fantastic art direction of the game he was trapped in. There were an abundance of styles all melded seamlessly into one another, and nothing could be said to take inspiration from the real world, with a few exceptions. Though Donovan wasn't sure, he suspected whatever was translating the words of the people around him was taking tremendous liberties. Likely something to do with Ozadias, the great spirit of wisdom.

Donovan's journey to the land of volcanoes was accompanied by periodic messages from his friends, hundreds of miles away, using the messaging system. Seth, Justin, Mark and Kaylee were finding dungeons and leveling themselves, while Alyssa, Grace, Bri and Melissa learned what they could from Ozadias. It was on the fifth day the girls discovered the "time-pass" ability, which allowed the friends to sleep while the world moved quickly around them. They would still level, due to another ability called "passive absorption" that Mark figured out, so it was a very appealing ability. How it worked differently for all the friends was a bit confusing, but the technology involved was already so advanced they stopped questioning it.

As for Donovan, he encountered on his journey what he could only describe as a cross between a gnome and a goblin, apparently called a Uhnut. Donovan found a whole tribe of them and enslaved them, naming the biggest Big Uhnut and inducing a violent magical change in it. After that he found upright pig creatures that called themselves Orga and enlisted them as well. He then "time-passed" the rest of the journey, trusting the Uhnut and Orga to guard his body so he didn't have to sit through another couple weeks of traveling.

When Donovan came out of the time-pass, he found himself in the grand traveling wagon the diminutive Uhnut had constructed for him. He stretched, then opened his HUD to find hundreds of messages waiting for him.

"Shit," Donovan said, opening the first. It was a message from Alyssa, checking in on him. The next was Mark, then Justin, then Bri. In fact all of them had sent him messages, asking him to respond and if he was okay. Donovan quickly tapped out a message to Alyssa.

Sorry, used the time-pass ability to get to my destination, didn't think to warn you

Alyssa sent back a message almost immediately.

Thank God, we thought you died.

A moment later she sent another.

New rule, no time-passing without telling the others.

Donovan took a deep breath, nodding to himself. He quickly composed a message and sent it back.

Totally fair, I'll let you guys know next time

Donovan closed his HUD then climbed out of the wagon. He found it encircled by both the Uhnut and Orga camps. There was yelling going on, and lots of activity. Donovan straightened up and looked around. The diminutive Uhnut and pig-like Orga were shouting at each other and brandishing weapons. A large crowd gathered in the center, blocking a commotion. Donovan narrowed his eyes and headed for it.

He shoved his way through the Uhnut and Orga, finding two of them fighting in the center. The crowd quieted down as they realized Donovan was up and about. The two fighters in the middle paused their combat.

"What the fuck is going on here," Donovan said, irritated.

The Big Uhnut, as well as the Orga Donovan named, both rushed over to him and knelt down on one knee. "Forgive us hero!" They both shouted, then glared at each other.

Donovan crossed his arms. "You guys fighting? That it? What the hell's the matter with you?"

"This one's followers refuse to help us out!" The Big Uhnut said, pointing at the Orga.

"This one dares to give orders to Orga!" The Orga shouted back.

Donovan put a hand to his face and shook his head. "Yeah no, I get it now. So you settle things with duels to the death, is that it?" Both of the monster leaders nodded. Donovan lowered his hand and thought. Finally he nodded. "Okay, so this game's got faction mechanics, that's fine. I'll just need to get myself some impartial enforcers for all the races I'll be gathering," Donovan turned around and took in the scenery. They were surrounded by yellowish pine trees on one side, and on the other, a wall of jagged mountains. Donovan pointed towards them. "Is that it? Is that my new Mordor base?"

The Uhnut and Orga nodded. "Yes master," The Uhnut said. "Beyond those mountains lies the land of Vashn, which you have said you wish to claim,"

"Awesome. Send out your scouts to the surrounding land, don't go into Vashn yet. I want more monsters like you. Find me where they are and then bring their leaders to me. I'll do the rest,"

The Orga leader looked up. "Shall we leave you warriors here to guard you master?"

"Nah," Donovan said, glancing down at the pine forests. "I'll probably take the time to learn some offensive abilities, couldn't hurt,"

Both leaders bowed, then got up and went to their respective tribes. The sounds of preparation began, then Donovan watched as around three-hundred Uhnut and Orga set out to find more monsters.

A day passed, and then another. Donovan spent the time messaging his friends and figuring out some new skill-trees. He found Ozadias could be summoned to any location with a simple ritual, and relied on the wisdom spirit for some of his more complicated questions.

Thankfully magic worked in a fairly intuitive way here, as did martial abilities. Every living thing, as well as non-living, contained mana in some form or another. It was even in the air. Donovan could use his own mana inherent in himself to harness the mana of another. Over-exerting your own mana came at the price of your life, but spells required complicated invocations and weird mind tricks, so the only danger was performing spells in ignorance.

Ozadias's HUD prevented that, so Donovan couldn't cast any spells that might kill him. Martial abilities were just as easy. That was to say, they all relied on time. The more you practiced, the more "something" sped up time for you, increasing your reaction speed. It made sense to Donovan, though it was definitely unfair to anyone he was facing. Years of training meant nothing simply because Donovan could think and move faster. He assumed it was because of his Hero powers, or maybe even Ozadias again. He didn't bother asking, as he couldn't figure out a way to exploit it yet.

Instead he pursued a magical skill-tree called "Air Strike". Its name was harmless enough, but in practice it was terrifying. Air was harnessed, shaped, then shot into a target at incredible speeds. It reminded Donovan of the cow-killer device the assassin used in No Country for Old Men. As far as he was concerned, it was quick and effective.

For his martial ability, Donovan was forced to level his fists. He had forgotten to take a weapon from the capital in his haste to get started, and had also forgotten to ask the Uhnut and Orga before they left. His fists were fine enough however. If he practiced against a hard surface, his HUD told him he might even strengthen the durability of his skin.

Two more days passed, and then two more. Donovan was bored now, wanting to move on but unable until his monsters returned. Seth, Kaylee, Justin and Mark kept him entertained with tales of their dungeoneering. The sights they described were both incredible and terrifying. Apparently each of them had individual mental breakdowns, and were only saved by the fact that heroes were so naturally powerful. Donovan wondered if he would have had a breakdown. One description of an ancient ruin and its monsters convinced him he would have.

As for Alyssa, Grace, Bri and Melissa, they were apparently becoming extremely popular in the capital. Both Grace and Bri were having trouble acclimating however, and Melissa was growing worried for her girlfriend.

After the fifth day of the monsters scouting, the Orga returned. They streamed into the camp towards Donovan, who was sitting in the middle of the tents next to a fire. Donovan had no idea how to fend for himself in the wilderness, and had been forced to learn fire spells and small transference spells to teleport in food from the capital. He watched the Orga gather as he munched on a cooked bird leg.

"What's up guys," He said, chewing. "What'd you bring me,"

The Orga leader, who Donovan had named Big Orga, approached as his tribesmen parted. They revealed two groups. One of them looked vaguely deer-like, but also human. They had antlers growing from their head, and clothes that Donovan would classify as rags. There were five of them, all watching Donavan uncertainly.

Next to them stood a group of eight. They were shorter than the deer people, but not a short as the Uhnut. Donovan couldn't tell if they were ravens or small people wearing feathers. They wore wooden masks that covered their faces.

Donovan eyed them, then knelt down and drew a complex symbol in the dirt. He spat into the center and stood. "Ozadias,"

The robed figure appeared, his floppy hat concealing his face in shadow. The gathered creatures reacted in surprise, stepping back. Ozadias floated gently to the ground, turning to Donovan. "Greetings hero," He said, bowing his head slightly.

Donovan gestured at the deer people and the shorter creatures with masks. "What am I looking at here,"

Ozadias didn't even bother looking. "A tribe of Faymen, and Rook. Would you like to know their histories?"

"Nope, can they fight?"

Ozadias nodded. "They can wield both weapons and magic, as any other can,"

Donovan approached the Faymen deer-people. "Excellent," He said, coming to a stop in front of them. "Alright, which of you is the leader," The Fayemen looked at each other, then one stepped forward. Donovan would have guessed him to be the oldest of the monsters. "Cool," he placed his hand on the Faymen's forehead. "I call upon myself by my own name, make this other's will follow my own,"

The Faymen's eyes rolled back in his head, then he stumbled backwards. Donovan felt the strange sensation pass through is body that he always felt when he used magic. He wasn't sure if he would ever get used to it. The other Faymen, as well as the Rook, let out noises of surprise. "What is this!" One of the masked-Rook said.

"Yeah sorry," Donovan said, approaching. "Need you and all the other little NPC's for the cause,"

The Rook drew small knives and blades, prompting the Orga to draw their weapons in response. "You will not enslave us!" The lead Rook said.

"Hold," Donovan said, holding out his palm to the Orga. He turned back to the Rook. "Trust me guys, you don't want to do this. It's not even really a fair fight. I'm a hero, which already puts me leagues above you, and I've got this crazy ability called Air Strike that I really don't want to use on anything because I figure the gore in this game is extremely realistic. Plus I'll name you and you evolve like a pokemon so that's kind of cool,"

The Rook leveled his blade towards Donovan. "We'd rather die,"

"Ah yeah, sorry, not an option," Donovan held out his hand. "By the spirits of the wind and air do I bind thee, answer my summons and ensnare my enemies," Wind shrieked down from the sky and enveloped the eight Rook. They struggled as they were slowly lifted into the air. Donovan approached the lead Rook, taking off his mask. The other Rook howled in protest. Donovan gazed upon a strange, fairy-like face speckled with what looked like lichen. "Weird," He said, placing a hand to its forehead. "I call upon myself blah blah, by my own name blah blah, make this other's will follow my own,"

"Careful with the invocation Hero," Ozadias said, his quiet voice trailing on the wind. "You do not want to make light of the words, or the intent,"

"Sure," Donovan said, snapping his fingers. The Rook all dropped to the ground. Donovan clapped, turning so he faced the Faymen as well. "Alright guys, go and get all your little tribesmen and bring them back. I mean everyone, we need the numbers. And all your stuff as well," He turned to Ozadias. "Alright thanks man I don't really need you anymore right now," The Spirit of Wisdom bowed, then disappeared.

The day after, the Uhnut appeared. They had found more tribes of Feymen, but also something far more interesting. The Uhnut presented a single member of a species well over six-feet tall. It was an upright lizard, though none Donovan could readily identify. Ozadias called them Montra. Donovan decided to make them his enforcer species.

After all the tribes had gathered, Donovan named the leaders and set out for the land of Vashn. He was growing more impatient by the day to get home, and knew he and his friends just had to get into the land of Eo to finally do it. Donovan had to put his faith in crashing the game.
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Episode 3: Too Much Sleep Makes Poor Heroes!
There is something to be said about the feeling of leading a horde of around two-thousand monsters through a mountain pass. Donovan had to admit it was probably the most fun he'd experienced in a while. He watched from atop his wagon as his group streamed down out of the pass into the barren and ashy lands of Vashn. It didn't take long for Donovan to run into two problems.

The first was that none of the monsters he'd gathered were skilled at the type of buildings Donovan wanted. The young man was aiming for an industrial Mordor, and needed smelting and forges to make weapons, as well as mines to procure the ore, tradesmen to make the weapons, as well as armorers, the list went on. The Uhnut were skilled with their hands, and the other monsters skilled in their own ways. But none of them knew how to build a forge.

Donovan certainly didn't.

The second problem was that Vashn was not unoccupied. There were two groups that laid claim to the ashy wastes, and they were perpetually at war. The first group were tall, lanky creatures with gaunt skin and strange faces. They rode across the wastes on fast mounts that somewhat resembled ostriches. The other group reminded Donovan of rocky, pissed-off elephants that sometimes stood upright. Donovan might have called them trolls, but they were bordering on giants, and didn't resemble any trolls he had seen in popular fantasy.

Both groups weren't particularly thrilled at Donovan's arrival. The man had to quickly level up his enslavement ability to a mind-taker skill, and he lost a good number of Orga and Faymen in a chaotic battle against the ostrich-riders.

It was in this battle that Donovan learned how realistic the game's gore really was. His stomach turned as he watched the fighting from atop the wagon, and to his shame he couldn't even use his Air Strike ability on any of the enemies, no matter how inhuman they looked.

This was also the battle that Donovan learned he could be wounded, and feel pain. He had always known it from Mark and the others' tales of adventure, but was still shocked when one of the ostrich-riders threw a small javelin that impaled Donovan's leg.

"FUCK!" Donovan yelled, gasping as he fell atop the wagon. "FUCK THAT HURTS! FUCK YOU JEFF BENZOS! WHY WOULD YOU PUT PAIN IN A GAME???" Donovan struggled to remember the invocation for healing. "FUCK!" He gasped again. "how are you supposed to CAST SPELLS in PAIN?" He could feel his vision fading as he leg gushed blood. "okay okay, uh uh, by the, by the," His HUD flashed red, indicating a falling health bar. "yes THANK YOU I SEE IT. Uh, by the power of my own name do I call upon the forces of nature itself, to bind together what has been broken," Donovan's leg glowed, then the spear fell away. He watched as the bleeding stopped and his skin knitted itself together. "Whew," He said, exhaling slowly. "Being a hero is such a damn advantage,"

After several more battles, ones which Donovan stayed far away from, the ashy wastes were under his control. His next problem was solved when he requested skilled builders of all trades from the capital. His request was granted, but it would take nearly a month for them to arrive. Donovan typed out a message to all his friends.

Hey guys, getting some help sent to where I'm at, gonna take a month. Want to all time-pass?

His friends responded that they were all in good locations to time-pass, and that they were fine with it. It was decided that they would all check in when they came out of it, and if anyone didn't, something would be assumed to be wrong. After that Donovan met with the leader of the large lizards, Big Montre.

"Alright buddy, listen up," Donovan said, pointing at him, "There's a bunch of different monsters here under my command, and apparently this game is advanced enough that we're doing the whole "fantasy racism" thing. So I'm putting you and your big lizard tribe in charge of everyone. I ordered you tridents from the capital, and capes, which I think will look badass. Your job is to keep everyone in line and doing what I told them to do while I'm asleep. And also protect my body. Any questions?"

Big Montre shook his head as he towered over Donovan. "We shall do as you command," He said, his tongue forking out of his mouth.

"Cool, see you in a month,"

The time-pass worked in a moment for Donovan. He woke up among the blankets in his personal wagon and yawned. "I'm beginning to think you don't actually sleep in time-pass," He said to no-one in particular. Donovan waved his hand through the air, summoning his HUD. There was already a message waiting for him from Alyssa.

Hey Donovan, just woke up, return the message when you have as well

Donovan quickly dictated a message of his own and sent it back. He then rolled out of the blankets and climbed down from the wagon.

The first thing he saw were tents and corpses. The corpses hung from wooden crosses interspaced throughout the camp. Thick, black bugs clung to the corpses in swarms, and buzzed above the tents as well. Donovan sighed, noting that there were members of all his monsters on the crosses. "Oh what the fuck is this shit,"

A group of Orga stood nearby and snapped to attention upon seeing him. "Master!" One of the pig-creatures said, clasping his fist across his chest. Donovan approached, gesturing at a nearby cross. "What's this? Why are we nailing people to crosses? It's been a month,"

"The Montre lizards master," Another Orga said, also clasping his fist across his chest. "They keep us all in order, and settle disagreements by executing the dissenters,"

Donovan pointed at the Orga. "Dissenter, that's a big word for a monster, good job. Well it sounds like things got a little dark here, but I'm not really concerned with that as long as I get out of this shitty sword-art online ripoff. Did my craftsmen arrive?"

"Yes my lord," The first Orga said. "Though they won't approach the camp for fear of the blood flies and disease,"

"Ugh they have disease and sickness mechanics in this game too?" The Orga didn't know how to answer the question. Donovan dismissed their confusion with a wave. "Nevermind, obviously even a guy like me knows that if you hang bodies around a camp there's going to be disease. Where's that big fucking lizard," Donovan paused as his eyes fell on the blood flies swarming around the nearest cross. "I wonder," He approached, then tried to enslave the flies. It worked, and Donovan moved on to the next corpse.

After he had a sizable swarm of flies, he named one, and it grew almost five-times as large as a normal fly. The others gathered around it, settling on its body like a giant black tumor. "Alright Duke of Flies," Donovan said, nodding at him. "Go gather the other blood flies and form a big posse. Then go find you a place to feed that's not my fucking base,"

The big fly buzzed, causing a thunderous sound, then took off with the other bugs. Donovan watched it fly around the camp, then began searching for Big Montre. He found the lizard with a group of other Montre. They all wore capes and wielded the tridents Donovan had ordered. "Nice," Donovan called to them. "You look good,"

The Montre dropped to one knee upon seeing Donovan. "Master," Big Montre said.

"Couple things," Donovan said, coming to a stop before the lizards. "You did a good job of keeping order, but if you're going the execution route, you're going to have to put the bodies somewhere else that isn't the tent area. It's causing sickness, and I can't have that,"

Big Montre ducked his head lower. "Forgive me master,"

"Sure, now I'm going to meet with my new craftsmen and I want them to get started immediately. I'll have orders for you to relay to the others soon,"

The craftsmen were skeptical of Donovan upon his arrival, and the land of Vashn, so Donovan enslaved them using his special skill. He didn't feel too bad about it, considering they were just NPC's. He was in a hurry after all.

Next Donovan laid out to the craftsmen his grand vision. "Okay, I know you don't know what Mordor is, but I want canals of lava, and giant towers made of black rock, and just, massive fortifications," Donovan gestured with his hands as he stood in front of the craftsmen. "I've got about two-thousand laborers right now, but I'm sure I can get more if you need them,"

"Canals…of lava?" One of the craftsmen replied. He was short and hairy like a dwarf, but he had an extra, smaller set of arms under his main two, and his skin appeared to be made of flaky stone.

Donovan nodded. "Yeah I can draw a picture. This whole thing also has to be industrial, so the canals lead into forges, and maybe power them? I don't know, but I also want those giant towers and fortifications. And smoke stacks. Lots of smoke stacks. The sky needs to be black with the smoke of war,"

The craftsmen looked at him, clearly shocked. Donovan had to admit it was fun to approach his task with style and a certain aesthetic. Things ran so smoothly for heroes, so why not? The dwarf creature cleared his throat. "Master, that will take great resources, and more than two-thousand. We will need the building materials-"

"Yeah yeah, I get it," Donovan said, holding up his hand. "Say no more," Big Montre was summoned, and Donovan laid out his plans to the lizard leader. "I'm going back to sleep for awhile, probably around six months. In that time you need to take all the monsters I have and go out into the lands surrounding Vashn. Bring me back laborers. All that you can. Then put them to work under the craftsmen," Donovan looked from Big Montre, to the dwarf craftsmen, who he appointed Gearoff. Even though he already had a name, apparently. "Any questions?" Big Montree and Gearoff shook their heads. "Good, see you in six months. I better have some canals with lava in them. And maybe the beginning of a castle,"

Donovan returned to his wagon and opened his HUD. He began typing a message.

Hey guys, I need six more months in time-pass. You down?

The others replied that they were fine with it, and again Alyssa made sure they would all check in after they came out of it.

The sounds of voices and strange noises greeted Donovan when he woke up again. He found himself in a stone room, although it had no roof. He was in a make-shift bed, and on the other end was a large wooden door and a Montre lizard warrior. The Montre wore his cape and wielded his trident, saluting with it as Donovan sat up.

"Oof," Donovan said, rubbing his face. "I really don't know what to make of that ability," He opened his HUD and accepted a goblet of dark liquid from the Montre guard. Donovan sipped from the sweet substance as he checked his messages.

Hey guys he began dictating I'm thinking of doing several of these time-passes to speed things up on my end, with frequent breaks. Would do you guys think of maybe doing a ten-year span?

His friends replied one-by one.

I don't see any reason not to besides the "events" and all that Demon King stuff Mark messaged. Otherwise the time-pass doesn't seem to have any real affect besides the NPC's aging.

I don't know
Bri messaged. Time-passing really freaks me out. Especially after Donovan did that two-week stint without telling us. I just really don't want anyone to be left behind

Alyssa messaged. We have to be really careful everyone does the same time span. What are you doing exactly Donovan?

Just building a homebase of sorts
Donovan replied. It's all constructed in realtime, so it takes as long as it would in real life. I just don't want to wait all the years it would take to build my stuff

It's weird
Melissa messaged. But I guess it's kind of like how a dream can feel like an eternity even though it only happens in a night. I don't mind doing the time-pass thing as long as everyone else is doing it

Grace messaged. Let's just hurry this up

The friends all agreed to a series of time-passes to help Donovan with his plans. But first, he had to check on the progress of his previous orders.

Donovan got up from the bed and left the stone room with the Montre lizard-guard in tow. Outside he was greeted by a grand sight. The massive ashen valley of Vashn was scarred with long canals dug deeply into the earth. Stone buildings were in the first stages of construction in spots all around the valley. And there were tens of thousands of tents dotting the wastes. He let out a long, low whistle.

"Wow," Donovan said. "You guys really went and rounded up some people, didn't you,"

"Yes master," The guard replied. "Big Montre took many tribes and peoples for you, to serve in the mines and work-pits,"

"Cool," Donovan said. "Guess I'll go find my guys then,"

The lizard-guard shifted, prompting Donovan to glance at him. "Forgive me master," The guard said. "But there is an issue you should know about," The young man nodded, indicating the guard should continue. "The one known as Gearoff and his craftsmen, they think themselves equal to Big Montre, and defy his authority when he questions their work. They believe themselves to be serving you master, but it was you who put Big Montre in charge!"

"For fuck's sake," Donovan said, burying his face in his hands. "Can you guys not go a day without finding reasons to fight? Where are they,"

The Montre pointed. "Big Montre and our kin reside there, in the pit that shall be the new barracks," He moved his claw, pointing at another end of the massive valley. "The craftsmen have set up their camps and machines there,"

"Damn that's a far walk," Donovan said, shielding his eyes from the sun with a hand. He closed his eyes and used his HUD to summon his enslaved blood fly swarm. A black mass rose up from a pit, then headed for Donovan with a thunderous buzz. "Let me guess," Donovan said, gesturing at the pit. "There a lot of dead bodies in there?" The guard nodded.

The flies arrived before Donovan, with the Duke of Flies landing and bowing as best it was able. Donovan instructed it to go retrieve Big Montre and Gearoff for him. Donovan was originally going to ride the swarm of flies, but thought better of it as he considered the corpses the bugs had been feeding on moments before.

The swarm returned, depositing both a shocked Gearoff and furious Big Montre. Both of them calmed upon seeing Donovan and bowed. "Yes yes," Donovan said, gesturing for them to stand. "What's this I hear about you two fighting,"

Big Montre hissed, his tongue forking out of his mouth. He gestured with his trident towards Gearoff. "The builder will not answer to me,"

"I answer to the master," Gearoff said, narrowing his eyes. "I do not build for anyone else,"

Donovan clapped. "No I get it guys, my fault, I guess this is just a major mechanic of the game. You're both leaders, okay? Big Montre, you are the leader of all things military and killing. Gearoff, you are the leader of all things building and construction. Big Montre, you cannot tell Gearoff what to build unless it is to help your armies. Gearoff, you cannot tell Big Montre who to kill, unless you really need them dead or alive for your work. Understood? I really don't want to have to write up a set of ten commandments for you guys, but I will if you force me to," Both Gearoff and Big Montre nodded. "Good, then give me a status report,"

Gearoff and Big Montre shared a look. The large lizard went first. "Our forces went out and captured many villages and peoples, bringing them here to work. We have exhausted the lands immediately surrounding Vashn, and will need to search farther if we want more,"

"Exhausted," Donovan said, pointing a finger at Big Montre. "You guys are really branching out with your vocabulary. I don't know who's teaching you, but I like it," Donovan clapped once. "Alright, what have you got for me Gearoff,"

"We are finishing the canals, and as soon as they are ready will connect them to the twin volcanoes in the northwest, as well as the one in the east if you wish it,"

"I wish it,"

Gearoff nodded. "We will also have the forges and fortifications ready soon,"

"That's what I like to hear," Donovan said. "I'm going back to sleep soon. When I wake up, I want you guys mass-producing the best weapons and armor this world has to offer. And I need a city here, to house all the workers and soldiers. And I need more soldiers. Flyers, I have bugs I guess, but I could use more winged-creatures. Air-support is important,"

Both Gearoff and Big Montre looked uncertain. "Master," Big Montre hissed. "Forgive me, but I do not know much beyond the commanding of warriors and fighting,"

"And I am but a master of construction," Gearoff said, bowing his head. "And we will need many more laborers and skilled craftsmen then we have,"

Donovan placed his hands to his face, thinking hard. "Okay," He said, lowering his hand. "This is what we're going to do. Big Montre? You're in charge of going out further and finding more laborers, maybe soldiers, but definitely skilled craftsmen. Kidnap them, whatever, just bring them back. I'll summon other skilled advisers from the capital. They'll arrive when I'm asleep, so it's the same deal as you guys enjoy. Let them do their thing, and you guys do your thing. Form a council if you have to and put any issues to vote. Any questions?"

Gearoff remained uncertain. "Forgive me again master, but we will need…great wealth to do all this. Workers the Montre can bring us, and stones the workers can take from the ground. But we will not be able to take everything, and will need coin to purchase materials,"

"Of course," Donovan said, his tone sullen. "Why the hell would it be that easy," He sighed, then looked between Gearoff and Big Montre. "Well? I don't really want to learn too much about the lore of this game, how can I make quick coin?"

Gearoff and Big Montre were silent. Finally the large lizard hissed. "We…have been approached by traders of many sorts. Some wish for the stone we pull out of the mountains. Others wish to buy our slaves. Some wish to sell us slaves. I have seen the coin-purses of the traders. They are fat. We could kill them and take their wealth,"

"Like how you started," Donovan said, pointing at Big Montre. "But you didn't stick the landing. Let's try trading with them instead. Big Montre, you go out and capture slaves for me, Gearoff, you use them to take stones out of the ground and build, and then we'll sell whatever's leftover of both slaves and stone. That sound like a plan?"

Big Montre nodded, but Gearoff looked pained. "Master," He began.


"I come from a people who have been enslaved in the past. We despise such practices,"

Donovan snorted. "Well you don't really have a choice since I'm mind-controlling you, and besides, there's no problem in the enslaved becoming the enslavers right? Think of it like karma or something,"

"Karma?" Gearoff said, looking confused.

"Oh who gives a shit," Donovan said, burying his face in his hands. "Why the fuck am I arguing with you NPC's anyways. Just do what I say. Do it well, and I will reward you. You and all your decedents," Donovan added that last part for flourish. He couldn't help it, it was the fantasy setting. Both Gearoff and Big Montre bowed, indicating they would obey.

Donovan returned to his stone room and bed. He first composed a message to the capital, ordering tradesmen who could help him begin production of armor and weapons. Then he typed out a message to his friends.

Getting ready to start the ten year time-pass. Everyone ready?

His friends all replied that they were ready when he was. Alyssa once again reminded everyone to check in when they awoke.

Ten years came and went in a moment. Donovan woke up in a new stone room. This one had a tapestry on the far wall, a fire-hearth, and a narrow window. Two Montre lizards in combination plate/chainmail armor stood at attention by the door. As Donovan sat up, one of them hissed in surprise.

"Yeah it's me," Donovan said, holding up his hand as he slid off the bed. "Your master or whatever. Where's Big Montre and the others," The lizard guards hastened to open the door for Donovan, presenting him with the hall outside. Donovan stepped out into it, exploring the castle interior until he found a balcony.

Donovan gasped in surprise as he slowly approached the stone railing. The land of Vashn had changed over the last decade. Canals full of lava crisscrossed between large black towers and smokestacks. Stone walls rose up, black with soot, and everywhere there were workshops and buildings emitting the sounds of industry. Donovan smiled, nodding in satisfaction. "Good job guys," He said, even though no-one could hear him.

He summoned Gearoff and Big Montre again, who met him in a new grand hall. They were definitely aged, and better dressed. Donovan sat in a half-finished throne and waited for them to cross the hall. Their footsteps echoed on the stone. "Proud of you guys," Donovan said, making finger guns at both of them. "You're building me my industrial Mordor and I love it. Give me details though, any problems?"

Gearoff and Big Montre shared a look. It wasn't as hate-filled as Donovan had seen before, but they were certainly suspicious of each other. "We have taken many slaves," Big Montre said, his voice low. "The surrounding kingdoms grow angry and prepare to war with us,"

Donovan raised an eyebrow. "Oh shit, really? Even though I'm a hero?"

Big Montre lowered his gaze. "Not all of them respect the title, especially as you were summoned by the southern kingdoms and their allies,"

"Whatever," Donovan said, dismissing the notion with a wave. "Do you guys have gunpowder here? Fireworks?" He looked from Big Montre to Gearoff. "We'll need to find some, might as well get into cannons and early firearms if I'm going to be eventually battling super-elves. We'll try searching the eastern half of the world, game devs usually can't help but including a China stand-in," Donovan paused, waiting for either to respond. Neither did. "What, you guys aren't actually worried are you? Don't I have thousands of well-equipped soldiers by now?"

"Yes Master," Big Montre continued. "But there are many enemies to the west and north who wish to destroy us,"

"They may unite against us," Gearoff said.

Dononvan sighed. "I really don't want to go to war and waste my soldiers, so I guess the quickest solution I can think of is just assassinating heads of state,"

Neither Gearoff or Big Montre seemed to understand. "Master?" Gearoff said, his four arms wavering.

"Those Rook guys, the little feathered-masked-fairy-things. I want them turned into assassins, like ninjas or something. Then have them go kill all the enemy kings. That should work out fine."

Gearoff and Big Montre shared another look. Donovan was getting tired of his NPC's sharing looks. It was too realistic. "Master," Big Montre said. "How do we train the Rook to be assassins?"

"Right right," Donovan said, closing his eyes and holding up a palm. "I'll get someone sent from the capital. I'm going back to bed for another ten years. When I wake up I want my enemies assassinated, more soldiers, and guns and cannons. And flyers! Fuck, get me winged something. Something that can fly, we need air-support besides the blood flies."

Donovan was forced to spend another hour explaining to Gearoff and Big Montre what gunpowder and cannons were. When he felt satisfied they would find it if it existed, he went back to his chamber in the castle and messaged his friends.

Okay guys, I figure a couple more time-passes and I'll be ready on my end

When Donovan woke up again the next time, he found his small kingdom had gone to war with a neighbor and just barely survived. He surveyed the destruction from his balcony, while Big Montre and a new dwarf waited behind him.

"Okay," Donovan said, turning away from the destruction. He pointed at the dwarf. "You're Gearoff's son or something?" The dwarf nodded. Donovan gestured at the pocket marked valley. "What happened here? It looks like a bomb went off,"

"Mages and magic," Big Montre said. He was missing an eye now, and half his lizard face was melted. It made him look cooler in Donovan's opinion.

"Well," Donovan said. "I completely forgot about mages. If magic can do that, I guess we need to concentrate on more than just firearms and cannons,"

Ten more years passed, and then ten more. Donovan instructed for mage colleges to be built, and skilled mercenaries to be hired. He ordered golems to be forged and winged creatures to be bred. Airships constructed and air-towers raised. Each time Donovan came out of the time-pass he inspected his work. There were always problems of course. Donovan had to appoint judges, then dispose of those judges when they became corrupt over the span of a decade. He elevated certain monsters and ordered others punished. Donovan enslaved so many creatures and appointed so many positions he could hardly keep track. It was only a week for Donovan, but as he slept, the years passed on.

Finally, after nearly seventy years, Donovan peered forth from the balcony of a new, industrial Mordor. The entire Vashn valley was filled with smokestacks and canals of lava. Massive stone buildings towered in the air as tall as any skyscraper, and fortresses and castles were interspaced between them. Donovan even spotted statues of himself down among the spires.

Neither Big Montre or Gearoff's son were alive anymore. Now Donovan found himself served by a lizard Commander known as Crooked-fang, as well as a master builder from a species he didn't recognize. There was also a master assassin, one of the Rook named Missa, and the head of some knightly order Donovan had founded several decades earlier. The Order Master introduced himself as Hayume.

"Okay," Donovan said, putting his hands together. "I'm very proud of all of you. We have soldiers, elite warriors, war-machines, flyers and flying-machines, cannons and super-magical weapons. I'm scratching my head, and I think that covers our bases as far as modern warfare goes. Whoops! Not quite. I noticed you guys have settled into a council leadership, so which one of you is my chief administrator,"

A new creature stepped forward. It was one of the ostrich-riders, though now the gaunt and lanky creature was dressed in rich robes and wore a fanciful headdress. "I am master,"

"Yes I think I remember naming you," Donovan said, itching his chin. "One of the biggest things even a guy like me knows about modern warfare is communication. Establish a way for us to communicate with all our forces reliably,"

Donovan returned to his room in a very excited mood. The army-building had been easier than he thought. Sure there had been some hiccups, but the time-pass ability allowed him to fix his mistakes in the span of ten years with just a new set of orders. He found most of the monsters who he enslaved were competent enough, and now his forces numbered in the tens of thousands. Donovan reached his room and typed out a new message on his HUD.

Preparations complete, gonna time-pass ten more years then we can concentrate on leveling up the guys and Kaylee

Alyssa responded a few moments later.

Sounds good. I think Mark and the others are having trouble on their end, so me and the girls are going to wait a bit before we time-pass and make sure everything's okay. We'll adjust so we don't sleep longer than you

Donovan messaged back. See you guys in another ten years

The next time Donovan awoke, things felt different. He couldn't place his finger on it, but as Donovan sat up in the four-poster bed, he felt strangely anxious. He opened his HUD and found one message waiting. It was from Mark.

Write me when you wake up

I'm up
Donovan replied. About to check on my Mordor, should be ready to roll out soon

Donovan stood up from the bed, finding his large chambers empty. He sniffed himself and recoiled from the smell. "Fuck," he muttered to himself. "I'm going to have to take a bath,"

Donovan left his chambers, finding two fully-armored lizards waiting outside. Their tridents were shorter, and decorated with jewels. The Montre's dark green capes were interwoven with gold threads. Both lizard-guards dropped to their knees as Donovan passed.

"Get me food," He called over his shoulder. "And tell someone to draw a bath,"

After navigating several hallways and a grand staircase, Donovan arrived in the grand hall. His throne waited on the far end, and several official-looking creatures were milling about. They all hushed as he entered and bowed their heads.

"Yes yes it's me," Donovan said, raising his hands. He was enjoying this despite himself. The sooner he left the game, the better he decided. It was dangerous to get used to this feeling.

Donovan jogged up the stairs to his throne and sat in it. "Hey!" He shouted to the hall. The officials all looked at him eagerly. "Someone get me cushions, this shit is uncomfortable,"

Crooked-Fang entered the man hall, his cape sweeping about him. He was flanked by Missa, the master Rook assassin, as well as several other officials. "Master," Crooked-Fang declared. "We are gladdened that you have returned to us. Will you be making the traditional judgement of our works?"

"I'm sure you did fine," Donovan said, waving away the idea. "Get ready though, because the next stages of me and my friends' plan is going to get crazy," A light flashed in the middle of the hall, followed by smoke and the sound of rushing water. When the smoke and noise cleared, a man in an intricate robe and hood stood in the middle of the throne room. Donovan narrowed his eyes. "Who the hell are you?"

The robed man took several steps forward. Crooked-Fang and his Montre guards quickly formed a line in front of Donovan's throne, lowering their tridents at the newcomer. "Donovan," The man called. "It's me, Mark,"

Donovan let out a noise of surprise. He stood, peering down from the throne. "Mark?" He said, incredulous. He let out a laugh. "Mark! What happened to you man? You look…" Donovan narrowed his eyes. "Older,"

Mark didn't respond, holding Donovan's gaze. Finally he nodded. "Yes, you could say that,"

"What happened." It was not a question, but a demand. Donovan's tone had grown low and serious.

"Everything," Mark said, then paused. He took a step forward, opening his arms. "The last time we used the time-pass, we were ambushed. Things got out of hand, and before we knew it…" Mark trailed off.

Donovan began walking down the steps of his throne. "What, are you going to tell me ten years passed? What the hell man, are you fucking serious?"

Mark lowered his gaze. "Donovan, there is much we must discuss,"

"Why are you talking like that?" Donovan said, shoving his Montre guards out of his way as he approached Mark. "Don't tell me you're playing along with the game,"

Mark met Donovan's gaze, his expression somber. "It's not a game,"

"Excuse me?"

"It's not a game," Mark said. "This world, everything about it, it's real,"

Donovan waited for Mark to reveal he was joking. When Donovan realized Mark was serious, he laughed. "C'mon Mark, this place is so cliché it hurts,"

"That is the fault of Ozadias," Mark said, his somber expression remaining. "As well as our own small minds. The Spirit of Wisdom thought to help us, but all he did was confuse us,"

Donovan took a deep breath, then crossed his arms. "How long has everyone been awake?"

Mark didn't answer for a few moments, letting the silence in the throne-room stretch. "Ten years. None of us participated in the last time-pass,"

Donovan's vision grew red with rage. "Ten YEARS??" He yelled, his voice echoing around the hall. "You were SUPPOSED to TIME PASS with ME! What the hell where you thinking!"

"I told you," Mark said, his tone level. "Things got out of hand. We didn't realize this was real. That we had responsibilities as heroes. That our choices matter-"

"Shut up," Donovan said, pointing a finger at Mark. "I don't want to hear any of that LARP bullshit," He began pacing, then paused. "What about Grace? And Bri! Neither of those two want to be here!"

"Things have changed," Mark said. "But I can only tell you so many times. You have to come and see it for yourself,"

Donovan shook his head, backing up. "No, no you've gone native and lost your fucking minds. All my friends are succumbing to this shit and I won't have it. What happened to breaking into Eo and crashing the game huh!"

Mark's expression grew sad, and pained. "Eo is both our source of life, and a curse upon this world. To destroy that place would doom everyone here, and play right into the hands of the Demon King,"

"Stop it!" Donovan shouted, his anger tumbling around his chest. "Stop playing along with them! It isn't real Mark! You fucking know this!"

"Donovan," Mark said, holding out his hand towards him. His robe fell away to reveal strange garments and a sash with bells hanging from it. "Please, just come with me and meet the others,"

Donovan began pacing again. "No, no not if they're all delusional like you. We have to get out of here Mark,"

Mark lowered his hand, his sad expression growing pained. "Very well," He said, gathering his robe to him. "When you are ready to listen to your friends, meet us at the capital where we first hatched our plan,"

"A plan you have abandoned," Donovan said, his tone sour.

"We care about you Donovan, just remember that," With those words Mark disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

The throne-room was silent. The various officials stood around Donovan, watching him. He just stood there, his mind reeling. What had just happened? What was going on? Were his friends really so stupid to think this place was real?

"Master," Crooked-fang said, coming up to him and kneeling. "What would you have us do,"

Donovan didn't look at him, staring off in the distance. Finally he found his voice, turning to the Montre Lizard commander. "Get me my armies. All of them. Every fucking soldier, ship and weapon I have,"

Crooked-Fang's eyes widened. "Master?"

A deep frown set into Donovan's face. He slowly nodded. "My armies Crooked-Fang. It's time to go remind my friends what a fucking videogame looks like,"

Last edited:
First three chapters of a fantasy story that inspired a quest I did a couple years ago. I'll be posting the rest of the chapters over the next couple weeks, probably one or two a day as I tweak and edit them. Hope you like it!

All Aboard the Train to Dark Lord Donovan City! Population: Me!
Episode 4: Donovan To The Rescue!
Large bowls of fire spaced along the throne-room provided the only light in Donovan's kingdom. The skies were dark and grayed from decades of industrial smelting, so no sun shown through the large glass windows that lined that hall.

Donovan had to admit it was a bit depressing. But not as depressing as the fact that he would now have to save all his friends from a fantasy VR game. He gazed out over the hall from his throne. Servants had brought him cushions, and now the young man relaxed sideways on the chair as he waited for all his most important servants to gather.

Before him was Crooked-fang the Montre lizard. He stood with what Donovan could only assume were other lizard-captains and officers. Next to Crooked-fang was Missa the Rook assassin, as well as several other of the short, masked fairy people. There was also a heavily armored Orga. The pig-creature's features were covered by a stylized helm in the shape of an angry Orga head. He wielded a massive sword, almost like a butcher's blade. There were also several Feymen commanders. The deer-people were dressed in strange, dark togas that had bits of chainmail hanging from them. The last member to arrive was a giant gargoyle. It flew in through an opening in the roof of the throne-room, its large wings sending peoples' clothes tugging against them in the wind. The creature finally settled down in the middle of the hall, taking a moment to bow.

"Is this everyone?" Donovan said, straightening up in his chair.

Crooked-Fang nodded. "Almost Master, the commanders of your soldiers are here, as well as the war-engine drivers and flyers and beast-masters. The mages have not yet arrived, but they must travel across the valley from their towers,"

"Close enough," Donovan said, standing from his throne. He began pacing as he thought aloud. "Alright, my friends think this is real. I don't blame them, it's very easy to get lost in a game," Donovan paused, wagging his finger in the air. "Which means it's up to me to save everyone and get us out," He began pacing. "The only problem being my friends are now TEN YEARS older than me! Fuck! I don't want to even think about that. In fact, I don't believe it. It has to be something with this game. Something that's messing with us," Donovan paused. "So again, it's up to me," He turned to Crooked-Fang. "Alright, what are my forces,"

Crooked-Fang presented the hall with his trident. "I command six-thousand Montre as your personal guard, forty-thousand Orga, thirty-thousand Freyman, and another forty-thousand assorted tribes and creatures,"

The Rook Missa took a step forward, bowing with her mask to the floor. "I control a network of over ten-thousand spies and assassins,"

"Excellent," Donovan said, pointing at the short creatures. "Spies and assassins, that's what I like to hear. What else,"

The Order Master of Donovan's knights, Hayume, stepped forward and fell to one knee. "Eight-thousand of the finest knights this land has ever seen draw their swords for you master, and are familiar in the ways of magic,"

The giant gargoyle lumbered forward next, bobbing his head in deference. His voice came out low, and rumbling. "The creatures of the sky number the stars. The blood flies swear to you, the great-owls swear to you, me and my clan swear to you,"

"Cool," Donovan said, gesturing at him. "Are you also in charge of my airships?"

A diminutive Uhnut in fancy dress stumbled forward, gathering his hem about him. "That would be me Master! Master of the air-fleets!"

"Oh yeah?" Donovan said, nodding approvingly. "You little Uhnut guys are good with your hands, so I figured you'd do some gnome-shit. What kind of airships are we talking? Are they made of wood? How fast can they go? What do they do?"

"Like the nations of the west, we have harnessed the power of yallum-crystals and built iron and wood hulls around them," The Uhnut air-master said. "We filled them with cannons and soldiers, but also the more powerful magical weapons of the mage colleges,"

"Ha!" Donovan said, clapping. "That's a better airship than I was imagining! No helium is good, how many do we have?"

"Nearly three-hundred warships and hundreds more transports, though we plan to build more,"

Donovan pointed at the Uhnut. "Make sure you do,"

Another Uhnut stepped forward. He looked like a blacksmith, with a worn apron and strange, heavy sleeves. "Master, I am the forge-master of your war workshops. You charged my father with building war-golems and other war-machines. I am here to tell you now that we have built five-thousand golems and three-thousand wheeled-machines powered by rare and ancient methods,"

"Guys," Donovan said, gesturing with both hands. "This is fantastic,"

An Orga stepped forward, taller than the ones Donovan was used to. He clasped his fist over his heart. "I, the latest in a long line of your chosen beast-masters, those you have never had to punish or correct in your judgements, have raised for you ten herds of Daggour-beasts, ten herds of the dreaded Rarlsnatch, twelve herds of the foul Jout-killer, and fourteen herds of the mighty Morak,"

Donovan clapped once, rubbing his hands together. "Alright alright! I don't remember what any of those animals are, but that sounds good! Gah, why'd my friends have to go off the reservation! Mark would have loved to see all this shit!" Donovan turned to face his commanders. "Alright, I don't really want to learn about the lore of this game, but seeing as how Mark and everyone is apparently in the kingdom I first appeared in, I've got some questions,"

Missa stepped forward, saluting. "What does the master wish to know?"

"Okay first of all we're cutting down on that "master" shit," Donovan said, pointing at Missa. "That's probably why my friends went crazy, too many NPC's worshiping them. From now on, you will call me…" Donovan faced away from them, rubbing his chin with his hand. He turned back with a solemn expression. "Count Donovahn" He said with a poor Transylvanian accent, holding his arm over his face like he might a cape.

His commanders all stared at him in awe. The Beast-master started clapping, and the others joined in. Soon the whole throne-room was clapping. Crooked-Fang lifted his trident. "Hail, Count Donovahn, he who shall conquer all!"

The throne-room shook with a hundred voices. "HAIL, COUNT DONOVAHN"

Donovan buried his face in one hand. "Oh for fuck's sake," He clapped loudly for everyone to quiet down. "Alright listen up. Little assassin, tell me about the kingdom I came from. Was it Daphy? Delfan? I know it started with a D,"

"Delfanas," The Rook said. "Now ruled by Queen Veya,"

"Right," Donovan said. "I want to take my armies and go meet my friends in the capital. On a scale of one to ten, with one being totally welcoming and ten being furious, how okay would the Kingdom of Delfanas be if I surrounded their capital with my forces to show-off to Mark and remind the rest of my friends that this is all a stupid game?"

The Rook assassin's expression was hidden under her mask. She turned back and looked at Crooked-fang, then back at Donovan. "Master they would not like that very much,"

Donovan nodded, thinking hard. "How does our army compare to theirs?"

"Well, it's a bit…. complicated master. The Kingdom of Delfanas relies on an extensive and ancient network of adventuring guilds, as well as armies quickly drawn from their peasants. But their greatest defenses are the knightly orders, especially their dragon knights,"

"Yeah no I think I got it," Donovan said. "A kingdom like that doesn't stand a chance against my sci-fi final fantasy army," He struck a pose, gazing out over his throne room. "Prepare the fleets! Load the war-machines! Gather my infantry and beasts! We fly for Delfanas in the morning,"

Donovan turned and left as the sounds of activity and voices grew behind him. He spent the next couple hours in a prepared bath with his HUD. His messaging system was open, and the beginning of a message typed out. Donovan wasn't sure who he was sending it to yet, or what it would say. At first he wanted to yell, to demand answers for the bullshit they'd pulled. Then he wanted to plead for them to just come to their senses. Now he just sat in the pool, half-submerged, staring at his HUD.

He rose slightly, then turned to the marble lining the edge of the pool. He drew a symbol with the water on the stone, then spat in it. "Ozadias,"

A bright light flashed behind him. Donovan turned to see the robed figure floating above the pool. As always, his face was obscured in shadow by his floppy hat. "Greetings hero," He said.

"Alright," Donovan said, crossing his arms. "I woke up from a time-pass to find out you've gotten my friends hooked on WoW. Explain yourself,"

"I am the Spirit of Wisdom," Ozadias said. "My role is to aid the heroes of this world, and prepare them for the coming trials ahead,"

"Yeah yeah," Donovan said, dismissing the notion with wave. "Mark says it's your fault, and I don't know how, but that sounds about right. So what happened. What changed."

Ozadias was silent for a moment as he bobbed gently above the pool. "The other heroes were ambushed some time ago. It was a long ordeal, and at the end, they asked me to remove my assistance from their minds,"

"Excuse me?" Donovan said. "Are you saying they asked you to turn off their HUD's? What the hell for?"

"They told me it was a problem. That turning it off would help them truly be a part of this world, and learn its ways,"

Donovan frowned. "You dumbasses," He said, softly. He glanced up at Ozadias. "Alright, one last question I guess, then you can fuck off. Are they super high-level now?"

Ozadias nodded. "They have trained much for their tasks,"

Donovan exhaled slowly. He made a shooing motion, then turned away from Ozadias. He heard the spirit disappear behind him in a puff of smoke.

Once out of the pool, and after a lavish dinner, Donovan returned to his room where servants tried to dress him. He quickly kicked them out. "Get out! I won't have NPC's ogling me!" He slammed the door as a final Uhnut maid scurried out. Selecting an outfit and cape he deemed appropriate for a Count, he dressed in the mirror, noting a disappointing lack of ruffles around the collar and sleeves. He then emerged from his room and found the balcony overlooking the volcanic valley.

Donovan stood at the railing. Thousands of spires, towers and smokestacks rose up into the air. Above them, hundreds of black metal airships were moored. Donovan grinned despite himself, and began humming "Be Prepared" from Lion King.

As he went from humming to singing the words, the sound of tens of thousands of marching boots drifted up from the streets below. Donovan began swirling around, his voice rising as got into the mood. Crooked-Fang and Missa emerged on the balcony, watching.

"Master?" Crooked-Fang said.

Donovan skipped over to him and grabbed the Montre-lizard by the hands, belting the words in his face as he spun the lizard around. "Yes my teeth and ambitions are barred, be PREPARRRRREEEEDDDD!"

The young man let go of his war master and spun around laughing. Donovan gripped his stomach as he continued to laugh, tears forming in his eyes. "Master!" Missa said, the Rook sounding worried. "Is everything alright?"

Donovan arched his back and threw his hands to the heavens. "No my little ninja!" He yelled, continuing to laugh with tears. "Nothing is alright! I've been kidnapped, and my friends went and changed without me! They're now playing along with a fantasy!" Donovan turned to them. "What's worse, I totally get it! This place is kind of fun! I'm the leader of a badass evil army and the art direction of this game is some of the best I've ever seen!" Donovan's expression froze, then grew dark. "But I still know the difference between reality and the mind. And I guess I'll have to be the one to save Mark, Alyssa and the others,"

"Master," Crooked-fang said, concern on his face.

Before Donovan could respond, a shadow fell over the balcony. It wasn't much of a shadow, considering there wasn't sunlight in the valley. But there was a noticeable chill in the air. Donovan craned his neck to look up. Passing over his castle was another castle. It was perched on what looked like a beehive the size of a small mountain, floating in the air. Black clouds hovered around the hive, creating a low, dull roar. The castle itself rose up from the hive-mountain, banners and flags streaming from its ramparts.

"What. Is. That." Donovan said, gazing up at the floating castle.

"Master," A voice said. Donovan looked down to see a trio of robed figures in the entrance to the balcony. Their faces were obscured by exaggerated, grotesque masks. They bowed low. "Forgive us," The lead figure said. "We sorcerers of the Vashn Magi have arrived, and are ready to do your bidding,"

Donovan pointed up at the castle floating over the city. "Is that mine? Did you guys make that?"

"It is the fortress of the Vashn Magi, Utan-Gora," The sorcerer said, keeping his head bowed. "Which rests upon the hive of the blood flies and travels over the lands like a blight,"

"That's my mobile base now," Donovan said, grinning. "You guys did good, congrats. But I have one more thing," The sorcerers raised their heads, waiting. Donovan nodded at Crooked-Fang and Missa. "This goes for you guys as well. If my friends won't listen to reason, or are really into this game now, I might have to fight them. But they are way beyond my ability at this point, so I'm going to have to do what anyone does when they're outmatched,"

"Cheat?" Missa said. Crooked-Fang nodded in agreement.

"Depends on who you ask," Donovan said. "But the actual answer is buffs and gear. I just need to make up the power difference with cool weapons and armor," He pointed at the servants gathered before him. "That where you all come in. Find me the best weapons and armor, anything powerful that could give me an advantage over them and whatever's in Eo,"

"Of course," Crooked Fang said. "I will send out word at once,"

"We already have artifacts of power for you," The mage said.

Donovan pointed at him. "What's your name?"


"I like you Tokaroaka, you and your mages are good NPC's. I also instructed you guys to train well for the day we fought elder beings in Eo. I trust you have champions among yourselves?" Those gathered nodded. "Excellent. I'll need those champions. Now take me to my flying castle,"

Once aboard, Donovan found a suitably large chamber at the top of the castle to set up a new throne-room. It was a round chamber ringed by thick columns. Barriers could be raised between the columns, sealing the throne-room off from the outside. The Montre guards worked to hang up banners and braziers full of coals to keep out the chill of the wind. The mages presented him with a dark suit of red armor and a suitably-large cape. For a weapon, they gave him a thin, long sword with a stylish, rounded guard. A red jewel rested on the end of the pommel.

Another advantage of the room Donovan picked was that the front-facing section had less columns, allowing for a sweeping view over the castle and the land below. Currently gargoyles, giant, armored owls, swarms of blood flies and other winged creatures circled the castle, waiting. Donovan turned his gaze and watched as transport vessels and armored airships released from their moorings. They slowly floated away from the dark spires, emitting a strange, low wail.

Donovan smiled as the wail was joined by war-horns and the steady beat of drums. He got comfortable in his throne, then gestured at Crooked-Fang standing nearby. "Give the signal, release the fleet,"

The Montre Commander hastened down the steps. At the bottom he performed an invocation gesture, then performed a spell. The horns and drums were joined by a new sound. A deep, resounding bell. The floating castle shuddered, then began moving through the air. The airships, transports and winged creatures fell into place around it.

The journey on foot would normally take a month. By air, it was three days. The first day of travel nearly drove Donovan insane. He was anxious, and impatient. He tried his best not to think about what his friends had done, but he found himself pacing around his throne in his open-air chamber atop the castle. His commanders and officials watched him, none daring to speak.

Dark orange sunlight streamed in through the columns as the sun set. Many of his officials remained in the shadows of the columns, not wishing to draw Donovan's irritation. As he turned to walk around his throne for the thousandth time, Donovan noted a figure breaking away from one of the columns. It approached, stopping at the bottom of the staircase. It was the only figure who had dared the whole day.

Donovan squinted down at the figure in the fading sunlight. It was a young woman in a strange dress, with an even stranger headdress. Her skin was nearly translucent, and glowed slightly. Her long hair seemed to shift in the light from white to blonde. "Master," She said, bowing to one knee. "It pains me to see you in such distress. Pray tell us how we may aid you." She gazed up at Donovan, fixing him with dark eyes that seemed to go on forever. "How I may aid you,"

Swallowing, Donovan let out an uncertain laugh. He pointed at her, wagging his finger. "Ahh, that, that is very tempting. I'm sure whoever made this game did a very good job of this particular mechanic,"

"I come from a line of Erie, who's will you took with your magic long ago,"

"Yeah," Donovan said, awkwardly itching the back of his neck. "Cool, a game for people with a mind-control fetish. I gotta be honest, I only enslaved your ancestor so I wouldn't have to waste time talking to them and leveling up relationships. And although there's nothing I'd like more than to let loose and blow off some steam, I really can't do it safely until I'm out of this game. Now what's your name?"

The woman bowed her head. "Lyra,"

"And what do you normally do when you aren't trying to seduce me?"

Donovan caught sight of a small smile despite her hair falling down around her head. "You put my grandmother in charge of running your estate,"

"Oh that must have been after I got rid of the judges," Donovan said, rubbing his chin. "I was playing pretty fast and loose with my orders for a while there. Well Lyra, why don't you go back to managing my estate, that is, this new badass castle I have on a floating mountain of hives. I'll let you know if I need anything else," Lyra nodded, rising. Donovan watched as her dress swept along the floor and she returned to the other officials and commanders in the shadows of the columns.

The second day Donovan decided to try and level himself a bit. He trained first with Crooked-Fang, then Missa, then the fully-armored Orga with the butcher sword whose role Donovan still hadn't figured out.

It was brutal training, and more intense than Donovan wanted to let on. He was repeatedly saved by the fact that his martial hero abilities allowed him to move and think faster than his opponents. Donovan still tried his best to improve his skills, but for the most part, he just worked on surviving his training and memorizing skill-trees.

As evening fell on the second day, Donovan walked to the edge of the chamber and stood among the columns. He gazed out at the hills that were currently passing underneath, watching them cast long, dark shadows across each other. A noise sounded behind him, causing him to turn. Missa stood slightly behind him, wearing a feathered cloak and a wooden mask.

"Oh, it's you," Donovan said, turning back to gaze out at the hills. "What do you want,"

"Forgive me master," Missa said. "But as my family line has been bound to your will, I am obligated by duty to inform you of treachery among your court,"

Donovan's mouth twitched, then he let out a sigh. "I'm not really in the mood right now little ninja. Is it really that bad?"

He heard Missa shift behind him. "Many had grown used to you sleeping, only appearing for a day or two every ten years. Many of your chosen families grew wealthy and powerful in your absence, running your empire and backstabbing each other for prestige and position. They do not like that you have suddenly taken the fleets and armies away from Vashn. They fear they will lose everything now that you no longer sleep away the years,"

Donovan snorted. "What, are certain members of my fantasy kingdom plotting against me?"

Missa appeared at his side and gazed out at the hills passing underneath. She nodded her head. "Yes master," She paused, her expression unreadable under her mask. "Say the word, and I would get rid of them for you,"

A laugh escaped Donovan. "What is this, Death of Stalin? You trying to get rid of all your little political enemies?" He stared down at the Rook assassin. She neither moved or reacted. "Holy shit, you actually are," Donovan crossed his arms and shook his head. "Well well well, good job Jeffy Benzos, these NPC's are kinda complex. I bet you got all sorts of hopes and dreams programmed into you despite the fact that I have a mind-control spell over your entire family-line,"

"I only wish to serve you," The assassin said, her words coming quickly.

Donovan held up his palms. "No judgement here little ninja, but you don't have my blessing to go killing all your enemies yet. Wait until I talk to my friends, then if I need to, we'll clean house a bit," Missa bowed her head, then receded into the shadows. Donovan chuckled. "Damn complex game,"

The third day Donovan spent pacing again. This was the day they would arrive at the capital. There was one city between the border of the kingdom and the capital. Donovan had been made aware of this by Missa, his Rook master of spies. As he sat on his throne, he thought long and hard of what to do when they reached it.

The Uhnut in charge of airships appeared between the columns of the chamber, hastening to reach the center and Donovan's throne. "Master!" The Uhnut shouted, running up to the base of the steps. "The Delfanas city of Sallios has appeared on the horizon! What shall we do if they oppose us?"

Donovan raised an eyebrow. "Can they oppose us?"

The Uhnut master of airships shrugged. "I can't say master. Perhaps they have a catapult, or a dangerous winged beast?"

"That sounds bad," Donovan said, furrowing his brow. "I wouldn't like it if they fired a catapult at one of my ships. Tell the mages to convey a message to the inhabitants of this Sallios. They have until my fleet reaches their city to flee. As I pass over it, I shall destroy it,"

A smile grew on the Uhnut's face. "Shall I have the ships open fire master?"

Donovan shrugged. "Sure, I have yet to see any of my shit in action. Let's have a demonstration of my airships," He hesitated, then put a hand to his face. "No, no, scratch all that. I'm getting too much into this. It's all a game, I just want to get to my friends and remind them that.

"Then we shall just pass over then?" The fleet master said, tilting his head.

Donovan rested his face in his hand, sighing. "Yeah, let's just get to this capital and find Mark and the others, we're not going to get crazy yet," After the Uhnut left, Donovan readjusted in his throne and watched the Delfanas countryside pass below.

As the sun began its afternoon descent, the capital appeared on the horizon. It had to be the capital, as the walls were as big as Donovan remembered. He hadn't known the first time he visited, but now that Donovan could see it all from above he realized that the capital was one long oblong shape protected by several rings of walls. Several rivers ran through it, leading to a small sea. It was all a magnificent sight.

"Head for the center," Donovan said. "We'll hover ominously overhead until Mark and the others come out,"

"Count Donovahn!" An official called.

Donovan pointed. "Ten points to you for being the first to use my title. What is it?"

"There appears to be a celebration happening below!"

Furrowing his brow in confusion, Donovan rose from his throne. He marched down the steps and across the room to the columns. Gazing down from the castle, he accepted a spyglass and put it to his eyes.

There was indeed a celebration in a courtyard near the top of the largest castle. To Donovan it was obviously a wedding of some kind. He pointed out the courtyard and wedding to the fleet master. "Take us down there, surround it and the city with the other ships," Donovan turned to Crooked-Fang and the Order Master Hayume. "Crooked-Fang, get me eight of your best lizards. Sir whatever-your-name-is, bring me two-hundred of your knights,"

The sorcerer Tokaroaka was also present. He bowed, sweeping one arm out in front of him. "My Count, allow me to send some of my magi as well,"

"Yeah sure," Donovan said, getting into his armor. It was easy enough, magically fitting to his form and locking into place. Donovan threw the cape around his shoulders, then buckled his sword and scabbard into place. "Alright," He said. "Do I look like an evil count or whatever?" Crooked-Fang, Sir Hayume and Tokaroaka nodded. "Excellent, let's go crash a wedding,"

Donovan, his Montre guards, the knights and a group of sorcerers all waited by the castle gate as a massive drawbridge lowered. Once the chains finished unwinding and the drawbridge rested in the courtyard below, Donovan marched down it with his entourage. At the bottom he spied many of the guests, all well-dressed. Some of them had weapons drawn, waiting as Donovan neared. The young man spotted Mark emerging from the crowd. He came to the bottom of the drawbridge and waited.

"Mark!" Donovan said, waving his gauntlet. "I've come to knock some sense into you!"

Mark's expression seemed worn, and pained. He crossed his arms across his chest. "Donovan, what are you doing,"

"That's Count Donovahn to you, since we're all LARPing now,"

Mark pointed at the castle and the airships. "This isn't something to make light of Donovan, you can't just bring warriors and weapons to the capital, it's-"

"No, that's the point," Donovan said, peering down at Mark from halfway up the drawbridge. "I can do whatever I want, because it's a game Mark. WE can do anything we want,"

"That doesn't mean we should," Mark said, his expression growing stern.

Donovan nodded emphatically. "Oh no, you're absolutely right. What we should be doing is escaping, but you seem to no longer want to do that anymore," Donovan looked around the gathering. "Where's Alyssa and the others?"

"Only Grace is here," Mark said, his stern expression remaining. "The others are elsewhere. Donovan, when I invited you to the capital, I thought you would come alone. I never thought you would use what you were building in Vashn on this kingdom,"

"Who the fuck cares who I use my RTS units on," Donovan said, looking irritated. "And where is Grace? Are you attending an NPC wedding by yourself? What is wrong with you? That has to be the least entertaining aspect of a game,"

Mark took a visibly deep breath to calm himself. "Donovan, you are interrupting a very, very special occasion. If you have ever considered yourself my friend, I would ask that you return your ships and castle to Vashn, and come back by yourself,"

All the joking, all the cursing, all the flippancy slowly seeped out of Donovan. His expression hardened, and his eyes narrowed. "You," He began, his words choking up in his throat. "You left me Mark. You and all the others. You went and changed and lost your minds," Donovan frowned fiercely, slowly shaking his head. "No, no I won't lose you guys. You're my closest friends. I'm not going to let them win,"

"Donovan," Mark said, extending a hand and taking a step towards him. "Please, just listen to us,"

"No you listen to me," Donovan said, his hard expression remaining. "This is what's going to happen Mark. I'm taking you on my flying castle, then I'm going and collecting the rest of our friends, then I'm talking us all to Eo and breaking down their fucking walls. We are escaping this place. We are going home, Mark. And if I have to lay waste to this entire fucking city for you to snap to your senses, I will,"

Mark's expression fell, as did his gaze. "I can't let you do that Donovan,"

"What are you going to do, fight me Mark?"

Mark shook his head, his eyes still downcast. "No, not me,"

A sound started up, almost like a whistling. It grew louder, increasing in pitch. Donovan realized it was the sound of something plummeting through the air. It fell down before him, impacting into the courtyard in front of the drawbridge. Smoke and debris were kicked up, settling in the air. The smoke cleared, revealing a tall, graceful figure in full-plate armor. The figure gripped an intricate and complex spear in one hand, and opened its helm with the other.

"Grace??" Donovan said, his eyes growing wide.

"Hello Donovan," Grace said, her expression calm and unreadable.

Donovan's shocked expression remained. "What the hell are you dressed as?"

"A hero," Grace said, her words even and measured. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave Donovan. This is a private ceremony, and you brought warships with you,"

Donovan glanced at the party-goers, searching for the bride and groom. "Oh these NPC's must be pretty special huh," He drew his sword, pointing it at Grace. "Well I brought a lot more than warships, so now would be the time to tell me you're fucking with me Grace," Instead of answering, Grace pointed her long spear up the drawbridge at Donovan. Donovan's hard expression returned. "So this is it then. Even Grace has succumbed," Donovan lowered his sword slightly in disappointment. "So be it then, we'll do this the hard way. Get ready to face me and all my champions,"

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Welp, It seems like Donovan friendship to his friends goes only one-way. True, they might be friendly-ish (just before chapter 4) and care for him. But he might as well be their lowest priority. Somehow it feels like Mark is treating him like an immature child and easily solved low-priority danger. My view of this can be supported by the following:
- While invited to talk together in the capital, only 2 of his friends are present and even then, It's arguable that Grace was there more because of the ceremony.
- During the discussion, no middle ground was offered by Mark. Mark & Grace asked/told Donovan to leave.
Welp, It seems like Donovan friendship to his friends goes only one-way. True, they might be friendly-ish (just before chapter 4) and care for him. But he might as well be their lowest priority. Somehow it feels like Mark is treating him like an immature child and easily solved low-priority danger. My view of this can be supported by the following:
- While invited to talk together in the capital, only 2 of his friends are present and even then, It's arguable that Grace was there more because of the ceremony.
- During the discussion, no middle ground was offered by Mark. Mark & Grace asked/told Donovan to leave.

Third, they let him sleep for ten years when the whole conceit was that they felt worried about their friends in timepass
Episode 5: Saint Grace the Vigilant and Babi
Ten Years Ago
Grace Mellenwick opened her eyes to a gold-flecked blue canopy. Memories of where she was flooded back, causing her to scowl as she blinked her eyes. The young woman sat up, looking around the curtains of her bed. She moved her legs, feeling something sticky on the sheets. "Oh hell no," She threw back her sheets, then closed her eyes and shook her head. "Who the fuck makes a videogame and still includes periods,"

Parting the curtains, Grace poked her head out and surveyed the room. Two human women waited against the wall, dressed in plain gray smocks with white aprons and hats. They both bowed upon seeing Grace.

"What are you, servants?" Grace said. "Were you standing there all night?"

The older servant shook her head. "No my lady, we arrived as the sun was rising,"

"Creepers," Grace said, setting her legs on the floor and standing from the bed. She yawned and stretched.

"We have a bath drawn my lady," The other servant said, bowing her head and gesturing at a white-stone tub. Steam rose off the surface off the water "And food waits for you in the main hall,"

"How about a tampon," Grace said, scratching herself as she crossed towards the tub. "Go find me that and you'll actually be useful,"

After refreshing herself in the heated water, Grace stood in front of the mirror with a white smock. It was the first of many items of clothing the servants had laid out for her. "Are you sure you don't want us to help my lady?" One of the servants called from behind a wooden partition.

"Yes I'm sure," Grace said, peering in the mirror and inspecting her skin. She sighed, then worked the smock down over her head. Next came a white and blue dress, which she did her best to tie the back of. She quickly gave up. "Alright one of you can come out and tie this for me,"

The older of the servants appeared from behind the partition and approached. Once the dress was tied, Grace inspected herself in the mirror and smoothed out the fabric. "Would my lady like her hair done up in the style of the kingdom?" The maid said, peering around Grace at her reflection.

The young woman laughed. "Ha, no. Go back behind your wooden wall please, or show me where the food is,"

Once in the main hall, Grace found Alyssa and Bri already seated at one of the long wooden tables. They both looked sleepy, and were dressed in similar style dresses as Grace. Bri had her head buried in her arms on the table. Grace walked over and sat down heavily next to them. "Hey,"

Bri raised a hand in greeting, keeping her face buried. Alyssa gave her a tired smile. "There's no coffee,"

"Fuck," Grace said, sinking her head into her hands. "This place sucks," She raised up her head and looked around the hall. "Didn't we tell them the last time we were awake that we wanted them to find coffee?"

Bri's voice came muffled from where her face was buried. "They have tea,"

"No," Alyssa said, shaking her head. "That's not tea. I don't know what that stuff is, but don't call it tea,"

"I'm not learning how to wake up naturally," Grace said, rubbing her eyes. "Where's Melissa,"

"Still asleep," Bri said, raising her head up. "She'll probably sleep till noon,"

"Donovan's been time-passing for a whole day now probably," Alyssa said. "We need to hurry up and figure out why Mark and the others aren't answering so we can time-pass too,"

"They probably just overshot," Grace said, looking around the hall. She raised her voice and cupped a hand to her mouth. "Hey! Where the hell is our breakfast!" Servants appeared from one end of the hall, wheeling wooden carts of steaming pots and plates. Grace shook her head. "Took them long enough,"

Bri reached out and took Alyssa's hand across the table, smiling at her. "I know you're worried about them, but they'll be fine. The king sent out the dragon knights and they'll find them with the help of all that magic they talk about,"

"Guh this is all so dumb," Grace said, leaning back as a servant set a plate down in front of her. The others were served as well, including wooden cups filled with a warm liquid they called tea. Grace sipped from her cup, making a face. "Donovan better actually be doing something where he is, because last night is the last time I want to have to sleep here,"

"He said he only needed one more time-pass," Alyssa said, opening her HUD with a wave of her hand. Grace could tell she was searching for a message from Mark. "Then we can focus on the boys and Kaylee,"

"What should we do?" Bri said, picking up a roll and dipping it in a bowl of honey.

"That's a good question," Alyssa said, resting her elbows on the table and her chin in her hands. "I feel so useless right now,"

"Whatever," Grace said, chewing on a slice of fruit. "We discovered that time-pass thing Donny's using, so we've already pulled our weight,"

Alyssa looked uncertain. "I don't know, don't you think we should maybe learn more about this world?"

Grace pounded her fist on the table, startling her friends. "No," she said. "We're not doing it. We're not participating in this. That's just what those rich asshats Donovan was talking about want us to do,"

"Dude you sound so wound up right now and it's only morning," Bri said, massaging her forehead.

"Of course I'm fucking wound up. There were two strange women waiting for me outside my bed when I awoke. I had to use a creepy sponge thing for a tampon. The mystery women wanted to dress me up like a doll. I'm in a videogame, or quite possibly hell for normal people, and every day is a fresh dose of fucking kill me,"

"Ugh," Alyssa said. "You're right, the sooner we leave the better," She poked at her stew with a spoon.

"Sooo, maybe we should learn about this world?" Bri said, taking a deep drink from her cup. "I mean right? We help out our friends since their doing all the work?"

"C'mon Grace," Alyssa said. "You want to leave, let's help any way we can,"

Grace moved her hair back behind her ear and pursed her lips as she looked down at her food. "Mhm, whatever, do what you want,"

"Don't be like that, help us out,"

Grace exhaled and raised both palms in defeat. "Fine, fine, I'll help,"

"Cool," Bri said, dipping a piece of meat in her bowl of honey. "Let's try asking that Ozy guy what we should do,"

The girls were interrupted by a noisy procession entering the hall. It was the king, dressed in a white and gold robe, and dozens of official-looking people in all manner of clothing. The king opened his arms as he approached. "Heroes! It is so good to see you!"

"Which one is he again," Grace said, pointing at the approaching group with her spoon. "There's been like three kings right?"

"I think that's the grandson of the one we first met," Alyssa said, frowning.

"It's hard to keep track since we keep skipping years," Bri said as she chewed.

The king arrived at their table and beamed down at them. Grace raised an eyebrow as she sipped on her cup. "What's up man, got something to say?"

The king laughed sheepishly. "Why, I just wanted to know what your plans were for the day! Surely you heroes have grand plans!"

"We need to find out what happened to our friends," Alyssa said, turning on the bench to face the king. "Have you heard anything yet?"

"Not yet," The king said, his expression concerned. "But rest assured we are doing everything in our power to locate them,"

"Well hurry up," Grace said. "We don't want to spend a moment longer than we have to here,"

Alyssa smiled politely at the king. "One of ours is using the time-pass ability you see, and we need to join him,"

The king's expression faltered, but he quickly recovered. "Ahh, yes, of course, you do spend much of your time in slumber!" The king paused, as if searching for words. "I…would never be one to tell heroes how to conduct their business-"

"Good," Grace said, fixing him with a look. "Then don't,"

"Ahaha, yes of course," The king said, wringing his hands. "But perhaps, since you are up and about, you could address a minor issue in the kingdom,"

Grace pushed her plate away from her. "Hard pass,"

"Grace," Alyssa said, giving her a meaningful look. Alyssa turned back to the king. "What kind of issue?"

"Well," The king began, pausing. "You see my grandfather sacrificed much to bring you all here. We assumed you would set about immediately to defend us, but in your infinite wisdom you….chose a different path,"

"Yeah," Bri said, shrugging. "Sorry, but trust us, we're totally doing what we're supposed to do,"

The king gave a forced smile. "Why of course, and who am I to question it. But the last time you were awake, news was arriving to the capital of demon attacks in remote places all across Lysseria,"

"Oh," Alyssa said, giving the king a concerned nod. "That doesn't sound good,"

"While you were asleep, they have only grown worse. We fear the attacks will grow bolder, heralding the start of the Events,"

The girls were silent. Alyssa and Bri shared a look while Grace pulled her tray close again. "Bummer," she said, picking up a piece of bread and taking a bite.

Alyssa glanced at her friends, finally smiling up at the king. "We'll see what we can do,"

The king seemed relieved. He gave a small bow. "Thank you heroes. I give a speech to the people of the kingdom today, perhaps you would like to attend?"

Alyssa nodded. "Of course we will,"

"Wonderful," The king said, his smile growing. He backed away, his procession doing the same. "I speak at sun's peak, I'll have servants escort you when the time comes,"

"Sounds good," Bri said, inspecting the contents of her stew.

Grace watched the king leave the hall, then turned to Alyssa. "Why'd you agree to that?"

Alyssa shrugged. "I don't know, I hate saying 'no' to people," Grace shook her head in response.

After breakfast, Grace excused herself and went on a walk to clear her head. Normally she had a yoga class downtown, but as she wasn't downtown, or anyplace that might have yoga, she was forced to find another way to stay active. Her thoughts were mostly irritated, and impatient. Servants bowed as they crossed paths with her, and the few officials she saw tried to greet her. Grace ignored them, heading purposefully in a direction she didn't know yet.

She found herself in a courtyard. It was fairly large, with trees, a fountain and lots of flower beds. Grace didn't recognize any of the flowers, or the trees. They were strange colors and shapes, and made her feel uneasy. The fountain was nice however, so Grace headed straight for it.

As she neared, she spotted a figure sitting on the rim of the fountain. It was a young girl, whose features were vaguely Eurasian to Grace. Every person's features were impossible to tell in this place, or compare to any ethnicity back home. But this girl reminded Grace of a dark-haired Russian she'd once met in private school.

The girl at the fountain was dressed in a new type of garment. It was a cloak that came down in strips, with small metal rings on the end weighing down the pieces. Underneath the girl wore padded armor, and on her feet were boots. The girl stared down at the water, idly tracing a pattern in it with her finger.

"What's up," Grace said, her tone uninterested. She came and sat a comfortable distance from the girl, then looked up at the sky. The girl slowly moved her gaze from the water. She stared at Grace until the young woman felt uncomfortable and cross. Grace turned to the girl, raising an eyebrow. "Do you speak?"

"I speak," The girl said, studying Grace with a blank expression.

"Cool, what's with the outfit?"

The girl looked down at her stripped cloak, then held up one of the strips and rings in her hand. "It helps when I fight," She said, presenting the strip and ring.

Grace laughed. "I'm sorry, did you say fight? You're like what, twelve?"

"Nine summers," The girl replied, lowering her hand and the strip.

"Yeah, no. You don't fight,"

"I do," The girl said, her expression suddenly insistent. It made Grace feel weird, like she had just challenged something very important to the girl.

Grace held out her palms. "Okay fine whatever, you do. Who do you fight?"

The girl didn't reply at first, her gaze falling down to the fountain. "Demons,"

"Demons," Grace repeated. "Bullshit, why would a nine year old be fighting demons?"

"Because I am the Saint of Red Spears," The girl said, lifting her chin and meeting Grace's gaze.

"The saint of what?" Grace said, give an incredulous laugh. "So you're Catholic, is that what you're telling me?"

Confusion spread across the girl's face. "Kathalick?" She shook her head. "No, I am Harasene,"

"Okay," Grace said, shrugging. "I'll bite. Why is a nine-year old a saint, and fighting demons? Is this your guys' religion or something?"

"All the saints are fighting," The girl said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Because the heroes sleep,"

Grace's expression remained frozen for a few moments, then slowly relaxed. "Ahh, so because we keep using time-pass someone texted a nine-year-old? Is that what I'm supposed to believe? This game is so fucking stupid," Grace held out a hand towards the girl. "And no, I do not feel bad about swearing in front of a fake child,"

Again the girl was silent for a few moments. "My brother was the saint before me, and was much older. But, he went away to fight demons, and never came back. Then they told me I would inherit his power, because he was gone now,"

"Oof," Grace said, trailing her finger in the water. "That's rough. I'd actually feel bad if any of this was real,"

The girl stared at Grace's finger as it made ripples in the fountain. "I wish I wasn't real," She lifted her armor-sleeve, almost as if she were in a daze. Deep claw marks ran up the length of her arm, disappearing under her shoulder-pad.

Grace didn't respond, swallowing and looking away. "Put down your sleeve," She said, her voice hard.

"Who are you?" The girl said. "Are you one of the heroes? The girl raised her hand, putting it to her own face. "You look so different, and pretty,"

"Call me Grace, and no, I'm not a hero. What's your name?"

"The Saint of Red-"

Grace rolled her eyes. "I meant your real name twerp,"

"Oh, Babi,"

"Well Babi-"

Grace was interrupted as several officials and servants entered the courtyard. "Great hero," One of the officials said, bowing. Grace ignored Babi's stare.

"What do you want,"

The official clasped his hands in front of himself, keeping his head low. "The King has decided to move his speech, and will be speaking as soon as we gather you all,"

"Now?" Grace said, annoyed. "I thought I had until peak-sun or whatever,"

"Forgive me hero, and you as well Saint of Red Spears, but you are both asked to come to the grand speaking-balcony at once,"

Grace sighed. "Do my friends know?"

The official nodded. "They are being brought as we speak,"

Grace glanced over at Babi. "So you're invited to this thing as well?"

"There are several saints here," The girl said quietly, her gaze on the ground in front of her.

"Cool, let's get this over with then," Grace said, standing. She approached the officials, glancing back to see if the girl was following.

Through a maze of hallways, halls and stairs, Grace and Babi finally arrived at an open archway leading outside. As they approached, the sounds of a crowd reached their ears. Grace frowned, realizing the crowd sounded angry. They appeared outside onto a wide, rounded stone balcony. There were scores of officials already present, as well as the king. Grace didn't see her friends yet. The sound of the angry crowd was now deafening.

Her heart pounding in her chest, and her hands oddly clammy, Grace slowly approached the rim of the balcony. The king and everyone present on the balcony watched her in silence. Reaching the stone railing, Grace looked over into the streets below.

They were filled with people. Thousands of them. They screamed up at her, angry. A wrought-iron fence and hundreds of guards with halberds kept them back, but the crowd struggled against them. Grace flinched back, putting a hand to her heart. "W-what?"

"Grace!" A voice said. She turned to see Alyssa, Bri and Melissa appearing on the balcony. They all look confused, and worried.

Grace pointed a shaky hand at the balcony railing. "There's a lot of people down there,"

"They sound furious," Melissa said, walking over to Grace. She passed her and gazed over the balcony. "Ho shit," She said, backing away and turning to the king. "What's going on?"

The king wore a pained smile. "Ahh, yes, I do apologize. It seems the people wish to hear from their king sooner than I had planned. I thank you all for coming though,"

"What is this," Alyssa said, her eyes narrowed. "Why are they so angry?"

"Listen for yourselves," A tall woman said. She was older, with tanned skin and sharp features. She wore robes that were more muted than the others, and adorned with strange symbols. The woman stared at the girls with a harsh gaze.

"My liege," An official said, leaning over to the king. "It is best you begin speaking, before the crowd grows unrulier,"

"Yes of course," The king said, approaching the balcony. He reached the railing and raised his hands. The crowd's noise rose, as did their anger. The king nodded at the older woman, who raised her hand and performed an incantation. The king began speaking, his voice magically amplifying. "People of Delfanas!" He said. The crowd shouted back inarticulately. "I know you are all worried at the demon attacks, and hungry from famine, but I am here to tell you that these things will not last!"

Grace slowly approached the balcony again. She watched a woman force her way past the guards and climb up on the wrought-iron fence. "We will drive back the demons!" The king continued. "We will see good harvests in the future!"

The woman struggled on the fence as the guards tried to pull her off. She pointed up at the balcony. "I watched demons rape my family!" She screamed. "They put the bodies on stakes!" The crowd roared in response, surging against the guards. A man broke through, leaping up on the fence and trying to climb it.

"There's no food!" He yelled. "There's no food for anyone!"

"Feed us!" members of the crowd yelled.

"Save us!" Other parts screamed.

"Where are the heroes!

"Holee-shit," Melissa said, reaching the balcony and standing next to Grace. Alyssa and Bri followed. "This is so dark,"

"This is too much," Bri said, taking a step back. "I don't like this, let's go inside,"

"Have no fear!" The king yelled. "The saints fight on as we speak! They will protect us!"

Grace glanced back at Babi. The girl stood with the other officials, and several armored figures. She assumed they were the other saints. Grace turned back to her friends. "Yeah, we should go,"

A great commotion rose up, then a terrible sound echoed through the streets. Grace gripped the balcony and peered over. The crowd had broken past the guards, and now piled up onto the fence.

"The heroes!" A man yelled, pointing up at Grace. "The heroes!"

"Where were you!" A woman screamed, then fell off the fence as more climbed past her.

More and more of the crowd joined in. "Where were you! Where were you!"

"Down with the heroes!" A large man yelled, lifting a warhammer. "Down with the king!"

"Down with the heroes!" The crowd yelled. "Down with the king!"

An official shepherded the king away from the railing. "My liege we need to leave," The rest of the officials hastened to depart as well. Grace was frozen as she watched the crowd grow. More and more people were arriving, filling the streets. The fence buckled, a terrible metal sound echoing up towards the balcony.

"Grace!" Alyssa yelled, grabbing her arm and pulling her away. "We need to go, now!"

Dazed, Grace let herself be guided away from the balcony. Once back in the castle, they passed scores of guards running past. The sounds of the crowd now drifted into the castle as well. An official ran up to the girls, clearly panicked. "Heroes! Quickly! The Dragon Knights are on their way to take you and the royal family to safety! Follow me to the top of the castle!"

The friends didn't need to be told twice. Grace and the others hastened after the official, past guards and servants running in every direction. Breaking glass was heard, and the angry yells echoed down the halls.

As Grace was running past an intersection in a hallway, she caught a glimpse of Babi. The young girl held a tall, complex-looking spear. She walked with three guards towards a staircase. Grace hesitated, glancing frantically at her friends as they continued on. Letting out a noise of frustration, Grace ran towards the girl. "Babi!" She yelled. "Babi!"

The girl paused, looking back at Grace. "Oh, yes?"

"C'mon let's go," Grace said, beckoning for Babi to come to her. The girl looked confused, tilting her head. "Come. On." Grace said, gesturing. "Just come with me, we're getting out of here!"

"I can't," The girl said, her expression growing somber. "I have to stay and defend the castle,"

"The fuck you do you are nine years old," Grace said, taking steps towards Babi. "C'mon just follow me I'll get you out of here,"

The girl's somber expression remained. "Why? I have to fight,"

"You don't have to fight!" Grace yelled, grabbing the girl's arm. "I'm a damn hero you have to do what I say!"

The guards watched silently, waiting to see what happened. Babi looked up at Grace, her expression unreadable. "I'm sorry," The girl said, her voice soft. "But bad things happen if I don't use my powers. People get hurt,"

They were interrupted by the sound of voices drifting up the staircase. People were yelling, and clamoring up the steps. "Saint of Red Spears!" One of the guards yelled. "The mob is inside! They're coming up!"

"Come on!" Grace said, tugging at Babi. The girl hesitated.

A massive man barreled through the staircase entry, swinging a warhammer as he did. He caught one of the guards, obliterating his head against the stone wall. Swinging the hammer again, he instantly killed the second guard, then headbutted the third to the ground. The large man straightened up, gazing down at Grace and Babi as blood dripped from his face and hammer. He was clearly a blacksmith of some kind, and gripped the warhammer with massive fingers.

"B-babi," Grace said, taking shaking steps backward. "C-come on Babi, let's g-go,"

The man nodded at Grace. "My family's dead because of you,"

"G-go fuck yourself," Grace said, continuing to take steps backwards. "Babi, come one Babi,"

The girl stared up as the man towered over her. She gripped her spear, leveling it at his chin. "They have children as saints now?" The blacksmith said, shaking his head. "This kingdom was lost long before the demons arrived,"

Grace turned and ran. She heard the blacksmith take off after her and chanced a look over her shoulder. The man was faster than her, raising his warhammer as he neared. Grace closed her eyes and screamed.

She heard metal-on-metal, then opened her eyes to see Babi flashing around her spear. The girl lunged with it, sending a blast of air down the hall. The blacksmith flew back, impacting against a wall. Grace blinked her eyes.

"You, you saved me,"

Babi didn't reply, still pointing the spear down the hall. Six people emerged from the stairs, all wielding clubs, knives and hatchets. They yelled as they charged the girl. Babi didn't flinch, instead taking two steps and raising her spear. She then performed another movement, then dove into the approaching men. Her spearpoint flashed, sending sprays of blood onto the stone. The six assailants collapsed with cries of pain.

Grace ran to Babi and grabbed her, tugging the girl away. "We're going, no arguments, just come with me," Babi pushed Grace away. As she fell, the young woman saw the blacksmith swinging his warhammer. Babi took the full impact, smacking against a wall and tumbling to the floor with a sickening thud.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Grace screamed. She continued screaming bloody murder as she fell to her knees. The blacksmith lifted his warhammer over her.

"Today is a day of justice," He said. "Do not close your eyes, do not turn away. You will no longer ignore us,"

Grace held out her hand. "By the power of my own name," She screamed. "FUCK YOU!"

Her hand split open, three bright-red stakes shooting out. They impaled the man through his face. He gurgled, then collapsed, breaking the red stakes off of Grace's palm. The stakes melted into puddles of blood as her hand slowly closed up. Grace felt faint.

She climbed on all fours over to Babi's body. The young girl was barely breathing, and her skin was turning purplish. "fuck fuck fuck," Grace said, her hands hovering over the girl's body. "What do I do what do I do," She looked around frantically, then drew a symbol with the blood still on her hand. She spat in the center of the circle. "OZADIAS!"

The spirit appeared in the middle of the hallway. He hovered over the body of the blacksmith, though he didn't seem to notice. "Greetings hero," He said, bowing his floppy hat.

"I want to SAVE HER!" Grace yelled, her face stained with tears. "Tell me how NOW!"

Ozadias gazed down at Babi, then back at Grace. "Heroes possess powerful healing abilities. You could try the one you have access to,"

As Ozadias spoke, Grace's HUD opened and words appeared in her vision. She placed a shaky hand to Babi. "B-by the power of my own name, mend what has been broken and heal the s-spirit within,"

Grace's hand glowed, then a strange sensation surged through her body. The purple splotches disappeared from Babi's body, and the girl's breathing resumed. Babi slowly opened her eyes. "w-what?"

"Oh thank god," Grace said, collapsing on top of the girl and sobbing. "Oh fucking thank God," Grace felt Babi shift from under her, then stand. She lifted her head to see Babi walking over to her spear. Grace scrambled to her feet and grabbed the spear before the girl could. "Give me that!" Grace felt the weight of the weapon, surprised that it was so heavy. It was any wonder how Babi lifted it. Grace gazed down at the girl, then extended her free hand. "Come on, we're leaving,"

Babi gazed up at Grace, then at the spear. "I need that," The girl said, her voice soft. "I have to use my powers,"

Grace's expression grew hard, and her tone serious. "No you don't Babi. You're nine. You're going to be a little girl, and have a childhood. You're never going to fight again, do you understand me?"

Babi lowered her eyes. "Bad things happen when I don't use my powers. People get hurt,"

Grace hefted the spear, readjusting her grip. "That's why your big sister Grace is here. To do all the fighting for you," She lowered herself so she was eye-level with Babi. "I'm going to fix this, do you understand me? All of this. When I set my mind to something, I always accomplish it. Because I'm the most talented person I know,"

The girl's expression grew guarded, almost cautious. "You'll fix everything? Do you really promise?"

Grace held out her pinky. "Promise,"

Donovan gazed down at Grace. His friend looked older, more mature. It was evidence of change. A change Donovan wasn't there for. The young man narrowed his eyes. "Pig man," The giant armored Orga stepped forward in response, hefting his butcher sword. Donovan pointed down the drawbridge at Grace. "Knock her around a bit,"

The armored Orga took heavy steps across the slanted iron and wood bridge. As he neared Grace he paused, digging his metal boots in and exploding into a charge. The Orga moved faster than a creature his size should, bringing up his butcher blade as he did. Grace pointed her spear at him.

A bright blue geometric symbol appeared, rotating in the air. Three spears made of light appeared. Two drove into each of the armored Orga's shoulders, pinning him through his body to the drawbridge. The third plunged into the back of his neck, instantly killing him.

Donovan stared wide-eyed at the corpse. His servants were silent behind him. Grace met his gaze, the wedding party behind her also watching in silence. Donovan glanced over to Mark, who stood with his hands on the shoulders of a young boy. Narrowing his eyes, Donovan sniffed. "Grace, you claim this isn't a videogame, but you just murdered my warrior. What does that make you?"

Grace stomped once, twirling her spear and slamming it point-down into the ground. "When I don't use my powers, people get hurt Donovan. I had to come to terms with what that means a long time ago,"

"No, people don't get hurt," Donovan said, making a face. "Because this isn't real. I thought the dragons might have clued you in, or the fact that MAGIC doesn't REALLY EXIST! Nor do mages or monsters or any of this other shit Grace! You of all people should understand that! They're just stories we tell each other to entertain! It's fiction goddammit!"

"Donovan, please," Grace said, her expression faltering. "Just listen to me. I have seen, and experienced things that have convinced me, without a doubt, that this world is real. It can't be anything else,"

Donovan gestured with a gauntlet, almost in distress. "Your experiences are a lie Grace! What you have seen is a lie! What you feel is a lie! We are all being lied to! I don't know how to explain to you that we are living the very exact nightmare scenario Black Mirror and decades of sci-fi have been warning us about! Our brains are in a jar and someone in a labcoat is laughing at us!"

A young woman with long black hair and a flowing black robe emerged from the crowd. She summoned a spear made of light with a flick of her wrist, then gripped it. She approached Grace, stopping beside her. "Babi," Grace said, "Do not interfere. This is between me and a friend,"

"That is no friend," Babi said. "That is the Dark Master of Vashn, the anti-hero, he who enslaves. I am your friend, and you are my sister,"

Donovan frowned, the held out a palm. "That's it, that's it. We're done. This is just offensive to watch," He looked back up at his Order Master. "Get your knights down there, capture everyone,"

The Order Master drew his sword and turned to the armored men gathered on the drawbridge. "Knights of the Vashn Order, take prisoners for our master!" The knights roared, drawing their weapons and dropping down from the drawbridge onto the party below. Many of the party-goers had weapons and rushed to meet the knights. Donovan turned to his other servants.

"Alright," He said, pointing down at Grace. "As you can see, she apparently doesn't have to speak to cast spells. Who here has a champion that can capture my friend?"

The sorcerer Tokaroaka approached, holding up a hand wrapped in gauze. "We might have something,"

"Tokaroaka you are easily my favorite right now," Donovan said, nodding. "See to it,"

The sorcerer turned to his companions and gestured. They produced a large clay jar with markings in the side, then pried open the lid. Next they beat on the side of the jar and chanted.

As they did this, a battle unfolded in the courtyard. The wedding attendees and knights crossed blades and traded spells. Geometric and chaotic shapes appeared in the air, and bright flashes of light sent up plumes of smoke.

Grace walked up the drawbridge flanked by Babi. "Donovan," She called, gesturing around her with her spear. "Please, just stop this, let us talk,"

"Uhhh Tokaroaka," Donovan said, tapping his sword. "She's getting closer, you almost done with your little séance there?"

Two elongated arms extended from the top of the jar. They slowly found the ground, then lifted a long and slender body out of the jar. The creature straightened up, revealing some sort of cross between slender-man and a mummy. Donovan couldn't help but be impressed. The creature turned, then galloped down the drawbridge on all fours towards Grace and the robed-woman.

Donovan watched as the mummy creature swung both its arms, forcing Grace and her friend to jump backwards. The young man smirked, then gazed down at the rest of the battle. He spotted a woman he could only assume was the bride. She was taller than the others, fairer and with complex symbols tattooed on her body. She wore a headdress that hung down around her face, covering it. She was in the middle of a protective circle of wedding guests. "Bingo," Donovan said, drawing his sword. "Crooked-Fang, have your lizards follow me!"

Bending his knees, Donovan vaulted through the air, sailing over the heads of the people fighting. He landed in front of the protective circle of guests. One of them leveled a sword at him. "Stay back!"

"Out of the way asshole," Donovan said. He used his martial ability, moving in the blink of an eye and cutting into three wedding guests. It was the first time he had actually attacked someone, and the rush was exhilarating, but terrifying. "Fuck this game," He muttered as he straightened up. He pointed his sword at the bride. "Alright, come here, I need you to make a point,"

Donovan's Montre-guards threw themselves into the other guests protecting the tattooed bride, driving them back with tridents. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" A voice yelled. A young man in a lavish outfit charged one of the Montre with a sword. He swung wildly, but the Montre kept him back with vicious jabs. Donovan reached the bride and put his sword to her veil. He lifted it up with the tip, revealing a beautiful elven face underneath.

"Oh my," Donovan murmured, a small smile on his face. "They did a good job with you,"

"DONOVAN!" A new voice yelled. He recognized it, it was Mark's. His friend fought his way to the front of the guests, stopping before two Montre lizards. "DONOVAN DON'T! You have no idea what you're doing!"

"Oh I think I do," Donovan said, lowering his sword to the elf's throat. "This is one of them, isn't it? One of the Eo super-elves? What's she doing here?"

"Stay AWAY FROM HER!" The man in the lavish outfit said, struggling against the Montre.

"Donovan," Mark said, holding out his hand. "A lot has happened, you just need to give us time to explain,"

"I. don't. want. to hear. your. delusions!" Donovan said, enunciating each word. "I just want you to come to your senses!

"I'll come with you, if that's what you want," Mark said, holding out both his hands now. "I'll come, if you stop all of this madness,"

"There," Donovan said, lowering his sword. "Was that so hard?"

"Father no!" Turning, Donovan watched a young boy run up to Mark. He clung onto him shaking his head. "Don't go! We have to stay together until Mother returns!"

The words echoed in Donovan's skull. He felt his heart plunge in his chest. "F-father?" Donovan said, incredulous. "You and Alyssa….had a son in here?"

Mark's expression was hard to read, then softened. He put his hands on the boy's shoulders, turning him towards the young man. "Donovan," He said, pausing. "I'd like you to meet Reqart,"

Donovan lifted his chin, his mind racing. Before he could do anything, the ground underneath him shifted, then the courtyard upended. Rocky fragments grew up and out towards the sky. Pieces of the ground shifted and turned.

"Master!" Crooked-Fang yelled, jumping from piece to piece. He grabbed Donovan and carried him up to the hanging drawbridge of the floating castle. Donovan steadied himself once the lizard put him down, then gazed down at the chaos below. The wedding guests were fleeing, as were the knights. Anyone who stayed was swallowed up by a growing chasm.

"What the fuck was that," Donovan said, brushing himself off.

"Powerful magic," Crooked-Fang muttered.

"Little ninja!" Donovan yelled. Missa appeared before him a cloud of smoke, bowing low to one knee.

"Yes Count?"

"Go get my friend Mark, and that child with him. If you can, I also want you to capture Grace. Do. Not. Fail. Me."

The Rook assassin bowed, then disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Donovan marched up the drawbridge towards the entrance to his floating castle. Once in the top chamber, he sat heavily into his throne and gazed down at the city below.

"Master of SHIPS!" Donovan bellowed. The Uhnut scurried out from the shadow of a column, gripping the hem of his robe.

"Yes Count Donovahn! How may I serve?"

Donovan's lip quivered as he gazed out from his throne at the city below him. "I want this city turned to ash," He said, his voice strained. "Wipe it away, do you understand what I'm saying to you?"

The Uhnut smiled eagerly and clasped his hands together. "Yes master! They will rue the day they opposed you!"

Donovan's lip stopped quivering. The floating castle rose up, and the warships took their place. Cannons began firing, filling the air with the smell of gunpowder.

Then the spells began.

The warships unleashed massive geometric patterns into the air. Fire and brimstone rained down upon the capital in cascades, sending up tidal-wave plumes of smoke. Movement drew Donovan's attention, and he gazed down at the bottom of his throne.

It was Missa, and a dozen of her assassins. The Rook bowed their heads low, their feathered cloaks rustling. Missa presented a young boy, and a young woman. The boy Donovan recognized as Mark's son. The young woman was Grace's friend.

"Forgive me Count Donovahn," Missa said, pressing her face to the floor. "I was unable to capture the one called Saint Grace, as she took many of my assassin's lives in the attempt, and almost mine. However, I did get this one," She presented the young woman, who was bound in chains. "And the young boy,"

"I want my father!" The boy yelled up at Donovan.

Wordlessly, Donovan stood from his throne. He slowly made his way down towards the assassins and their prisoners. Beyond the room, the capital lit up with explosions and smoke. Donovan stopped in front of the boy, kneeling down to look at his face. "Do you know who I am?"

The boy looked at Donovan cautiously. It couldn't be denied that he resembled Mark. "A bad man," The boy said, slowly.

"No," Donovan said, a patient smile on his face. He straightened up, taking the boy by the shoulders and shepherding him towards the open space in the front of his throne room. "I'm your uncle Donovan. If we were in the real world, I probably would have been your godfather,"

"My uncle?" The boy said, gazing up at Donovan in confusion as he was ushered towards the edge.

Donovan stopped the boy by the opening in the throne room. Together they gazed out over the capital as the warships bombed it. Explosion bloomed up from the streets, and smoke poured into the sky.

"That's right," Donovan said, watching the flames. "Your Uncle Donovan is going to take good care of you. He's going to save you. Then, he's going to save your parents as well,"

The boy looked up at Donovan. "Promise?"

Donovan smiled warmly. "Promise."

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So... much that I expected but was not ready for.
We were expecting Fire and Death. We got it and so much more.

Third, they let him sleep for ten years when the whole conceit was that they felt worried about their friends in timepass
Right. But I don't think to have read somewhere that it's possible to interrupt a timepass. The fact that they've guards when in timepass implies that they're vulnerable. but maybe the sole way, to stop it, is death. For now, nothing shows that pain can stop it. Another point is Donovan's guards. They might stop anyone from waking him.

Donovan smiled warmly. "Promise."
...Alright, he denies the possibility that it isn't a game. But he seems to accept that the child of his friends is real. Well, It's a great outcome. At least, he won't kill a child (then maybe resurrect him) to prove to his friend his right. He's such a great friend.

I'm pretty sure that the fact Grace was pointing her sword at him. Showed that as a veteran, she was ready to stop/kill him if he was doing anything other than capturing people.

The number Three often carry a lot of weight in some culture and three times they failed to prevent the escalation.

First, when Donovan woke up. They could've sent him a message with the important parts and pushed for a meeting, either by Mark or in the message.

Second, when Donovan came to the capital. While coming with an army was surprising. They could've let him stay and relocate his army. I think that with the right set of word, Mark could've convinced to relocate Donovan's troops as his friend. Because HE DOES care about it and talking with an army surrounding you is such a stress-free and great idea. Talking about the army, then asking him to leave and come back later is a misstep.

Third, when Grace arrived...Welp crashing in full-plated armor and weapon doesn't de-escalate the situation, like at all. She could've come in without armor/weapon and pull out the 'we are friends. I won't hurt you. So please listen to us. Pull your army away and stay with us to TALK' card.

They had 3 chances and they failed the charisma check on all 3. Even though they had the advantage.
Edit: I wrote this before reading chapter 5.

Yeah, I doubt that there was no way to wake him up, and yet none of them could take any time to do so in a 10 year period.

Then there is the fact that none of them seem to realise. Donovan can't let this be real. He has mind-controlled and enslaved potentially a million or more PEOPLE in the time they have been there. Let alone the things he has ordered or just let them do.

Hell, if they actually cared then they could have set aside time to be there when he awoke. They knew when it would be, or could have if they cared to keep track. Reschedule literally everything so they could be there in person.
Only ONE of them so much as left a message in a 10 year period. That is seriously messed up.
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Episode 6: Reqart Learns About Puppets!
The capital of the Kingdom of Delfanas resembled a giant plume of smoke. It blocked Donovan's view of the city, as well as the destruction. Though he had directed his floating castle a few miles away for a full view, Donovan's warships continued to do slow circles around the black column of smoke. There were periodic flashes, followed by geometric shapes, followed by explosions. Donovan watched the random flashes and spells within the smoke. It was somewhat memorizing.

Donovan had spent the last hour sending a carefully worded message to each of his friends through their HUD's. The messages remained unopened, or possibly never reached their destinations. Donovan was considering summoning Ozadias for an explanation. By all accounts, the spirit seemed an impartial party.

"Uncle Donovan?" A voice called up. Donovan closed his HUD and smiled, leaning forward in his throne. Mark's son Reqart stared up at him from the bottom of the towering stairs. Crooked Fang stood ominously behind the boy, waiting with his trident gripped in his hand. "Why are you destroying the capital? You might hurt my father, and Aunt Grace!"

Donovan shook his head, putting on his most patient smile. "Have no fear nephew, my best servants pursued them out of the city, and are scouring the countryside as we speak," He made a small gesture at the columns. Beyond the flying castle, swarms of blood flies, gargoyles, giant owls and other winged creatures filled the skies. Groups of them would dive down as they passed over the hills and fields, sometimes dragging figures up with them.

"But you're hurting people!"

Drawing his cape about him, Donovan stood and gazed down paternally at the boy. "Reqart, is that your name?" The boy nodded. Donovan smiled and shook his head. "Your parents will probably change it when I finally get them out of here. But Reqart, those aren't real people in that city,"

The boy looked confused. "They aren't? How can that be?"

"It's hard to explain," Donovan said, descending the stairs. He paused halfway down. "Do you like puppet shows?"

Reqart smiled, nodding. "I love puppet shows! Big Garth is my favorite! He has the mallet of truth, and uses it to smite evil!" The boy laughed, the sound echoing around the throne room. "But sometimes he hits himself!" The boy mimicked it, then burst out laughing again.

Donovan smiled. "He sounds like a fun character. Tell me, is Big Garth real?"

Reqart's smile faded. "I don't…no?"

"Does he really feel pain when he hits himself with his mallet?"

Reqart's expression grew confused. "No? I know it's not real,"

Donovan extended his hand down to the boy. "Come here," Reqart hesitated, glancing behind at Crooked-Fang. The Montre commander stared back down at the boy, his tongue forking out of his mouth. Reqart turned back to the steps and began climbing. When he reached Donovan, the man took the boy's hand and guided him up the rest of the way. "Careful, watch your step, even I get dizzy this high," When they reached the top, Reqart lifted his head, gazing around the throne room. Donovan's advisers, officials and commanders all waited in the shadows of the columns ringing the edge. "Come out!" Donovan yelled. "All of you!"

From the shadows emerged Feymen commanders and Vashn magi. There were Uhnut and Orga magistrates and Rook assassins. Advisers of every race, generals of every tribe. Crooked-Fang watched them approach with obvious pride. When they neared he threw out his trident. "Kneel before your Count!"

The advisers did so as Crooked-Fang's voice echoed around the room. Reqart watched them all fall to one knee in a wave around the throne. Donovan presented them with a slow, sweeping gesture. "Puppets, Reqart. They're all puppets," Crooked-Fang raised his head up at this. Donovan met his gaze briefly, daring the Montre commander to react further. The young man then knelt down by Reqart, turning him to face the direction of the opening in the columns. Donovan pointed over his shoulder at the capital. Warships continued to circle as smoke and fire poured into the sky. "And there," Donovan said, his voice calm and instructive. "A whole city of puppets,"

"But," Reqart said, furrowing his brow. "They don't look like puppets,"

"Ahh, but therein lies the trick," Donovan said, continuing to kneel beside the boy. "The puppet-masters are so good at their trade, there's no way to tell the difference between a real person and a fake!"

Reqart's expression grew worried. "But then, how do you know those people in the capital are puppets!"

Donovan smiled. "Do you want to know a secret? It's a secret your parents forgot," Reqart's worried expression remained, but he nodded. Donovan stood up, gazing down at him. "The secret is that everyone in the world is a puppet," Donovan placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Everyone except you, and me, and eight other people,"

Reqart didn't respond at first. A hundred emotions seemed to fight for control on the boy's face. Donovan took his hand from the boy's shoulder. "But…" he began then trailed off.

"I know it's a lot to take in, especially because your parents have been so irresponsible. I don't know how it happened, but if you're in here, that probably means you aren't getting vaccines, and if you get sick, God, I don't know how you even made it through childhood hooked into this place. Who knows what's happening to your real body. You might be the first baby ever raised in VR. It's sick if you think about it, what they're doing to us,"

"I don't understand," Reqart said, the worried look returning.

Donovan sat heavily on his throne and sighed. "Sorry I know it's a lot to take in. But you're with your Uncle Donovan now, and I'll keep you safe," Donovan clapped. "What's more, I'll teach you about the real world too, so you'll know what your real home is like!"

"My real home?"

Donovan nodded. "That's right. This isn't your real home Reqart. But don't worry, we won't be staying here much longer,"

Reqart thought on Donovan's words, then looked back up at him. "Are you going to teach me about magic? My father doesn't want me to learn, because he doesn't like it very much. But my mother does, and she sometimes lets Aunt Brianna teach me!"

"Ha, no magic," Donovan said. "Magic's not real, you won't find it in the real world, so it's useless really," The boy's face fell. "Oh relax, the real world is far more entertaining than this. Well, maybe not entertaining, but it's real, and that's what's important," Donovan leaned forward in his chair. "Bring up the prisoner!"

The servants in front of the throne scurried as a hole opened up before the staircase. Up floated Grace's friend, the one called Babi. Colored runes circled around the young woman's wrist and ankles, keeping her suspended. She had her head lowered, her long back hair falling around her face. Babi's black robe trailed behind her, revealing an elegant gown underneath. Donovan and Reqart watched her ascend until she was level with the throne.

"That's Babi!" Raqert shouted, pointing. "Please, that's my friend, let her down!"

Babi's head rose up sharply upon hearing the boy's voice. She stared at him through her hair, then at Donovan. "Let him go," Babi said, her voice low. She turned her head back to Raqert. "Get away from him Raqert, he's evil!"

Donovan rose, extending his hand out towards Babi. He placed his other hand on Raqert's shoulder. "I'm going to show you one of the most important differences between a person and a puppet," Donovan tapped his forehead. "You can never know what another person is thinking. In fact, you can think you know someone, when in fact, you really don't know them at all," Donovan worked his fingers in the air, murmuring the words to a spell. "But a puppet," he said, finishing and lowering his arm. "A puppet you can force to do whatever you want. You can compel them to tell you things even if they don't want to," Donovan stared at Babi, who returned his gaze. "You can open up their minds and read them like a book," Donovan looked down at Raqert and smiled. "Because it's all a puppet show. And puppets don't have their own feelings and thoughts," He stared back up at Babi's suspended form. "Now watch as I make this one tell a funny joke,"

"W-wait," Raqert said, clearly gripped by confusion. "Please don't hurt her,"

"I'm not," Donovan said warmly. "And if you'd been listening you'd know I can't hurt her. But right now I'm going to have her tell me how to find my friends, and your parents. So we can go home," Donovan straightened up, then called up to Babi. "Where's Mark and Grace? Do you know where they might be heading?"

Babi struggled against the spell Donovan had cast. It was no use however, as Donovan's abilities were being supplemented by Tokaroaka's sorcerers. Her mouth slowly opened, and sound traveled from her throat. "I…I,"

"Let's try simple questions. Where's Mark?"

Swallowing, Babi worked her mouth. "He's doing…what needs to be done,"

Donovan opened up his arms. "Well is he coming here? That would save me the trouble of finding him. And it would make sense, since I have his son. How about Grace? Is she coming here too? For you perhaps?"

"They are both," Babi said, her expression growing defiant as she hung in the air. "Protecting who they need to protect,"

Donovan pointed at Reqart. "And that's not his son? That's kind of messed up, and doesn't sound like Mark,"

Babi's defiant expression remained. "Marcus entrusted his son's safety to me when we were captured, so that he and Saint Grace could protect…" Her face contorted as she fought against the words.

Donovan snorted. "Real heroes alright, surely shining examples of humanity and parenthood," Donovan went to his throne and sat down, crossing one leg over the other. He pointed at Babi as she hung suspended in the air before him. "I know you can't appreciate this, but I actually know the real Mark and Grace. The one's who aren't addicted to a videogame. Mark's a great guy, really funny and grounded. Grace's selfish, and mean, but a very good friend of mine,"

"You know nothing!" Babi shouted, wincing as she fought against the spell.

"Please Uncle," Raqert said, tugging on Donovan's sleeve. "Let her go,"

"Alright alright," Donovan said, waving a hand in the air. "I understand this could all look very distressing to a child, but I was hoping to make a point. Still, you're a child, and even I get creeped out by this game," Donovan glanced up at Babi, then gestured in the air. Her restraints glowed "Do you know where Seth is?" Babi slowly nodded. "Where is he?"

"In the Empire, far to the east,"

Donovan looked knowingly at Raqert. "Bet you twenty bucks the empire is a China ripoff. Game-devs can't help themselves," He turned back to the young woman. "And Kaylee?"

"I don't know," Babi said, lowering her head.

"Bri? Melissa?"

"I know where Aunt Brianna is!" Reqart said, excitedly.

"Don't…!" Babi said, struggling against the spell. "Tell him!"

Donovan gave Raqert an encouraging smile. "Where is she?"

"The forest kingdom of Caldus-Bramble!"

"Very good," Donovan said, leaning forward and ruffling Raqert's hair. He looked back up at Babi. "How about Melissa?"

"The one…known as She-Joker, is in the Empire to the east…as well as the hero Justin,"

"Seth, Justin and Melissa must be traveling together," Donovan said, rubbing his chin. "That's a strange pairing. And a weird name, what the hell Melissa," Donovan took his hand from his chin and rested it back on Reqart's shoulder. "And his mother? Where's she?"

Babi paused for a long time, hanging her head. Raqert answered before she did. "Eo," The boy said, his voice oddly muted.

The word echoed around the throne-room. "That's it then," Donovan said, leaning back in his chair. "With the exception of three, I know where my friends are. Crooked-Fang! Summon that gargoyle!"

Crooked-Fanged banged his trident three times on the stone floor. It echoed through the columns. Laughter answered as the echo died. It filled the throne room, growing louder until it suddenly faded. The sound of hard shoes on stone reached Donovan's ears. A figure walked between the columns. Donovan eye's narrowed as he watched it approach. His advisers and commanders parted, letting the figure through. Donovan raised an eyebrow at this. The figure stopped as Crooked-Fang moved to intercept him, barring the figure's path with his trident. It was a man, dressed up in finely stitched pants and a jacket. A white linen shirt poked out underneath, with jeweled pendants hanging from it. He wore a hat somewhat like a tophat, but shorter and with less brim. His hands were covered in fine-white gloves. The figure took the hat off, sweeping it before him as he bowed.

"Greetings!" The figure said, raising his head to look up the stairs at Donovan. "Truly I had to pay my respects to a man with a mind not unlike my own!"

Raqert stiffened next to Donovan. Babi craned her neck, looking behind her at the figure. "You!" She shouted, clearly angry.

The figure looked up at her with a grin. "Quite the predicament you've found yourself in, hm? And just when you were learning to forgive heroes, I would imagine,"

"Nice entrance," Donovan commented, his tone bored. "So what's your deal, did I kill someone you were programmed to love in that city? Maybe I triggered a character event?"

The figure straightened up and laughed. It was a genuine laugh, full of merriment. He wiped his eyes with a finger, wringing them at his side. "No no, as I said, I'm just paying my respects. Alamare the Demon Lord, at your service,"

"Ah," Donovan said. "I see. A demon lord. Well I guess that's as much as I care to know. You can fuc-," He paused, glancing at Raqert, then cleared his throat. "You can leave now, before I have you thrown out,"

Alamare clasped his hands together, an innocent look on his face. "Oh but surely you wish to know where the Magi Marcus and Saint Grace the Vigilant are headed?"

Donovan raised an eyebrow, glancing at Babi suspended in the air. "They're not coming here to be with their son? Mark might have changed, but I don't think he's going to leave his child,"

Shrugging, Alamare gave a pained smile. "Ahh, but it's a bit complicated you see. They're desperately trying to keep something from me, and were doing a fine job of shielding themselves until a little while ago. But then you arrived and they got distracted! And lowered their guard! So I came and interrupted their little party just like you did!"

"Oh yeah?" Donovan said, calling down from his throne. "Were you the one who messed up the courtyard?"

"Not my best work," Alamare said, brushing something off his shoulder. "I got so caught up in the excitement I let things get out of hand!"

Donovan was silent for a few moments. "I guess my next question should be why my friends were hiding from you, but I'm sure this game has a whole thing about demon lords, and how you're a threat and everything," Donovan tapped his chin. "I really can't be bothered to care, or be distracted by you. So just tell me where Mark and Grace are,"

"They're running to a place they think can keep Princess Esymia from me," Alamare said, inspecting his nails. "They're wrong of course, but I imagine they're fleeing to their destination right now hoping they'll outrun me,"

With a sigh, Donovan gestured for the demon lord to hurry up. "And where is their destination?"

"I'll tell you," Alamare said, smiling. "In exchange for something,"

"Aaannndd there it is," Donovan said, pointing at the demon lord. "Yeah sorry, no time for side-quests," He turned to Raqert. "Hey little man, how strong is your friend Babi?"

Reqart adopted a proud expression. "She's the strongest! She's one of the saints, and they help the heroes protect us against evil!"

"Cool cool, say you think your friend could take on a demon lord?"

Clearly unsure, the boy looked up at the young woman suspended in the air. Babi held his gaze, then slowly nodded. Reqart turned back to Donovan. "Yes, I do,"

Donovan grinned, leaning his head close to the boy's. "You want to see them fight? I can make them fight for you. Remember what I said about puppets?"

"Ahh, excuse me," Alamare said, leaning around Crooked-Fang with a smile. "I hope you aren't thinking of being inhospitable to a guest such as myself,"

"Shushshushshush," Donovan said, raising from his throne with a finger to his lips. "No more talking from you," He gestured at Babi, and she slowly lowered to the ground.

Alamare took a step back, shaking his head as his smile remained. "Oh come now hero, surely you can afford a little favor in return for your friend's location?"

Babi reached the bottom of the steps, touching down first with one foot, then the other. "Crooked-Fang," Donovan called. "Give her your trident,"

The Montre Lizard hesitated, then turned and shoved the weapon into Babi's hand. The commander then walked heavily out of the way. Babi turned the trident over in her hands, then looked up at Alamare. "Quite the predicament you've found yourself in," She said, her voice low.

Alamare's smile was plastered across his face. "Well this has been fun, but I believe I shall be going," The demon lord turned, but found his exit blocked. The Gargoyle commander had returned, and with him thousands of bats, birds and stranger creatures. They clung to the columns, as well as filling the ceiling and the floor. Thousands of eyes peered back at Alamare.

"Leaving so soon?" Donovan called down. "Why don't you stay awhile? I'm trying to prove a point to my nephew, and my hospitality is legendary,"

Babi lowered the trident, aiming it at the demon lord. Alamare looked up at Donovan with a smile. "Careful hero, ignorance can shield you from a lot, but it'll be the death of you if you keep swinging it like a sword,"

"Funny. Hey Babi, shove that trident down his throat and you're free,"

Alamare's head remained pointed up at Donovan, but his eyes flickered to the young woman. "Come now little saint, you don't truly believe you can defeat me do you? You remember what I did to your friend?"

"I am going to kill you," Babi said through gritted teeth.

"You're a bird in a cage, being forced to fight again. Are you really going to let this hero tell you what to do? Who to kill?"

"Here's who I'm going to kill. First you. Then him."

Donovan snorted as he rested his chin on his arm. Alamare laughed once, then shook his head. "Very well then, let's put on a show for the hungry audience,"

Babi thrust the trident in the air. In response, hundreds of geometric shapes appeared. Spears made of light grew inside the patterns, then rained down towards the demon lord. Alamare close his eyes. He clasped his hands behind his back and did a jig, dancing around the spears as they impacted around him. Babi let out a yell and charged him.

She jabbed once, twice, then swung the weapon around. Alamare ducked to the left, ducked to the right, then bent backwards at an impossible angle as the trident passed over him. He straightened back up in time to move his head to the side, narrowly missing the three prongs. Babi let out a yell, jumping back and slamming the trident into the ground. This prompted streams of light to burst forth from the weapon. They surged towards Alamare, who bent his knees and jumped mightily into the air. The streams of light erupted from the ground, chasing up after the demon lord. Alamare stopped rising, moving sideways in the air as the streams of light shot past him. He slowly lowered back to the ground.

Babi twirled the trident, murmuring something as her eyes glowed. Blades of light flew forth from the spinning weapon, increasing in volume into they formed a heavy stream. The light blades poured at Alamare, who skipped out of the way. The demon lord glided across the floor on one foot, the light blades following after. Servants and officials cried out and ducked as Alamare zipped past them, the blades smashing against the columns and floor.

Wiping sweat from her brow, Babi narrowed her eyes and bent her knees. She exploded from her spot, shooting towards Alamare and thrusting with the trident. She stopped on a dime in front of the demon lord, then stabbed at him with her weapon. The prongs blurred as Babi stabbed again and again, faster and faster. The young woman attacked so quickly her weapon began humming in the air. Alamare blurred as well, then separated from her. The young woman closed her eyes and held up the trident. The weapon glowed.

A geometric symbol appeared under Alamare, then he was consumed by a beam of light. It punched a hole in the room's roof, causing stones to tumble down from above. When the smoke cleared, the demon lord was standing unharmed among the debris.

"Are we having fun yet?" Alamare said, smiling at Babi. He brushed a gloved hand at his clothes. "It's my turn now, and I think I'd like to teach a lesson of my own," He form flickered, then he disappeared. The demon lord reappeared behind Babi. He straightened his hand into a chopping shape, then plunged it through her back and out her stomach. Babi gasped, dropping the trident.

"BABI!" Reqart screamed, running towards the stairs.

Donovan rose in the blink of an eye, grabbing the boy and shoving him roughly behind him into the throne. Alamare turned and looked up the stairs, waving his blood-stained glove. "I appreciate you allowing me to pay a visit. There's no bad blood between us of course, but think about what I said. As for your friends, Marcus and Saint Grace are currently headed for the Risen Node of Galmesh. When you go to them, all I ask is that you leave behind Princess Esymia for me,"

"Get out," Donovan said, his tone low. "I told you, no side-quests,"

"Oh it won't take any effort at all," Alamare said. "All I'm asking is for you to take the real people with you, and leave the puppets for me," He winked.

"How about I do whatever I want with any NPC I find?" Donovan said. "How about I throw my NPC servants at you until your NPC body is buried? Or how about you finally take the hint and leave my goddammed castle?"

Alamare smiled. "I was quite interested to hear a new hero was active. You're going to be an interesting wild card in the grand game Count Donovhan," With that, a great wind picked up, then swirled around the demon lord. It turned dark purple, then dissipated, revealing nothing.

"Asshole," Donovan said, sniffing. He glanced down at Babi bleeding out at the foot of his throne. "Somebody heal her!" He yelled. Sorcerers and servants rushed over to her, chanting incantations. Donovan looked out at the Gargoyle commander waiting by the edge of the room. "Gargoyle!" He shouted. "Split your forces three ways! Leave a third with me, send another third to Calda…" Donovan turned to Raqert. "Where's your Aunt Bri?"

"Caldus-Bramble," The boy said, watching as the sorcerers held their hands over Babi.

"Caldus-Bramble," Donovan shouted. "Give a message to the hero known as Bri! Tell her to meet me at that Node place if she still considers me a friend! Send the other third to the eastern Empire! Tell the same to the heroes Seth, Melissa and Justin!"

The gargoyle ducked its head. "I shall leave the blood fly swarms with you master, and split the rest between the other locations," The creature reared back its head and roared. The bats, owls and other assorted birds answered, filling the throne room with a cacophony of sound. They flapped their wings and took off in groups, circling around the castle as the gargoyle continued to roar. Finally the commander flapped his mighty wings, sending a gale through the throne-room. He bent his knees and took off, flying into the evening sky. A black mass followed.

"Crooked-Fang!" Donovan called. "Take us to that Node place the demon mentioned! And gather all my champions before me!"

The Montre commander walked over to where his trident lay and picked it up. He nodded at Donovan. "Yes my Count,"

Donovan descended from his throne as the floating castle shuddered, then began moving. Raqert rushed down ahead of him to be at Babi's side. Donovan glanced at her as he passed, then continued towards the opening in the front of the room.

A half-hour later, a group of eight creatures waited behind the count. Donovan had listened as they gathered, but stood facing the Delfanas countryside as it passed underneath. Finally as the sun dipped beneath the distant horizon, he turned and faced the champions.

Crooked-Fang stood with them and presented the line with a clawed hand. "My count, the champions of Vashn!"

Donovan walked to the first champion. It was the one he'd already seen, the slender-man mummy. The tall creature was perched on top of its jar, peering down at Donovan through its gauze. "And who's this?"

Tokaroaka bowed, his mask obscuring his features. "The one known as Gitch is a creature of terror we paired with a demon upon death. He will serve you well against any powerful foe,"

"Good job Tokaroaka," Donovan said, patting him on the shoulder as he moved on. "Know that you continue to please me,"

The next champion was one of the Vashn Order knights. He chest was bare and scarred. His hair long and tied in a ponytail. The only indication of his station was a pendant he wore on a gold chain, as well as his sword. His garments were breezy pants, boots and a shoulder plate.

"What's your deal," Donovan said, stopping in front of him. "You look kinda anime to me,"

The knight raised his chin proudly. "My count, my name is the Slayer Knight, and I am your best swordsman,"

"I believe it," Donovan said, making note of the man's muscles. "Make me proud when I finally see it," He moved on to the next two. These champions were similar, siblings if Donovan had to guess. They were both Rook, their features hidden by their wooden masks and feathered cloaks. "Alright," Donovan said, pointing at finger between them. "What is this, you guys my super-ninjas?"

Missa appeared next to him, nodding her head. "Yes my Count, these assassins have been trained from birth to be the greatest fighters in the land,"

"Awesome, I'm no longer mad at you for failing to get Mark and Grace," Missa bowed her head in thanks. The next champion was an Orga, dressed like the one Grace had killed. He had a butcher sword as well, and a similar helm smelted in the shape of an angry Orga-head. "Are you the other one's brother or something?"

The armored Orga nodded. "They call me King of Orgas my master. And I am far more skilled than my brother,"

"Good," Donovan said. "Because he got fucked up pretty badly and embarrassed me," The young man moved on. "What's this, who do we have here?"

It was a young female Uhnut. She gripped a staff in one hand. "Another one of ours my Count," Tokaroaka said, rushing over. "The greatest of our sorcerers,"

"She's like," Donovan gestured in the air. "What, fifteen? Is that okay?"

Tokaroaka shrugged. "Is it master? She's very talented,"

It was Donovan's turn to shrug. "Guess it doesn't matter as long as she's skilled. Good job,"

The next champion was a Montre Lizard. His eyes were bandaged by a white cloth, and his scales looked sickly under the simple garment he wore. "Shit, who's this?"

Crooked-Fang approached proudly. "Master, allow me to introduce my eldest son, the greatest pride of my life,"

"He uh, look's a little hurt,"

"He is a blind leper," Crooked-Fang said, though this seemed to be a point of pride instead of shame. "He knows no pain, nor fear, and is a master with polearms,"


"We call him the Unfeeling One,"

"Badass," Donovan said, nodding in approval. He walked on. The last figure was an old human man dressed in rags and sitting in a cage. Donovan stopped before it, furrowing his brow in confusion. "Hey, what's with this old geezer?"

The officials watching took a step back. Crooked-Fang gestured at the cage with his trident. "That is the one known as Habban. Very dangerous, very crazy,"

"Cool cool," Donovan said, clasping his hands together. "Well this is great guys! I think this is a good group of champions. Have them ready for me, because I'm fairly certain things are going to get crazy soon,"

Donovan left the line of champions, heading back for his throne. The healers were finishing up with Babi as Reqart anxiously looked on. "Is she going to be okay?" The boy asked a nearby sorcerer. The sorcerer nodded his grotesque mask.

Babi groaned, then opened her eyes. She slowly sat up with the help of Reqart. "w-what? Happened?"

"Hey good, you're better," Donovan said. He took Reqart's hand and gently guided him away from the young woman. "So anyways, I know I said you had to shove a trident down that demon's throat to go free, but I don't really see any reason to keep you here, so why don't you leave now,"

Babi narrowed her eyes, slowly standing. "I will never, ever abandon Reqart. Marcus entrusted me with his safety,"

"And a fine fucking job you did with that, considering you spent the majority of your time here in a cell," Donovan made a shooing motion with his hand. "Now bug off please, I have things to do,"

"No," Babi said, curling her hands into fists. "I will not let you have the boy,"

"Please uncle!" Reqart said, tugging on Donovan's cape. "I know….I know she's just a puppet, but I like her! Please let her stay!"

Donovan sighed deeply, then smiled down at Reqart. He ruffled the boy's hair. "Oooh you remind me so much of your father, how can I say no?" Donovan turned a harsh gaze towards Babi. "You want to stay? Fine. But you are a guest here, and if you wish to stick around and protect the boy, you will remember that. Understood?"

Babi took the time to look around the throne room. Crooked-Fang and the champions watched her, as did scores of officials and sorcerers. Finally she looked back at Donovan. "Fine," She said. "But I do not want to leave the boy's side,"

"Yeah yeah whatever," Donovan said, dismissing her with a wave. He knelt down by Reqart. "Hey man, you hungry?"

Reqart nodded. "I'm starving,"

Donovan smiled. "Well I've got a special surprise for you, I had my chefs and cooks make food from our real home for us!"

Reqart looked confused. "What to you mean uncle?"

"Why don't you come and see for yourself?"

Reqart glanced at Babi. "Can my friend come?"

Donovan and Babi stared at each other. Donovan didn't care for Babi, and it was equally clear Babi hated Donovan. The young man gave her a polite, forced smile. "Of courseeeee she can, the more the merrier,"

Fifteen minutes later, Donovan sat on one end of a very long table, in a very high-backed chair. In the middle of the table sat Reqart, and on the opposite end of Donovan sat Babi. Reqart watched with wide eyes as servers wheeled in trays of silver dishes and bowls and set them before him. Donovan and Babi continued to stare at each other distrustfully. As the servers finished serving everyone else, Donovan cleared his throat. "Now Reqart, what you have before you is called mac and cheese,"

"Oh wowww," Reqart said, gazing down into the golden pile of cheese.

Donovan smiled. "And next to you is spaghetti, and next to that is the closet we could get to pizza," He shot one of the cooks standing against the wall a warning glance. The cook swallowed, beads of sweat trailing down his face.

"Hmmh thwis twastes amazzaing!" Reqart said around a mouthful of food.

"You'll have all that and more once we leave this world and get home," Donovan said warmly. "I'm particularly excited to show you a real cheeseburger and fries,"

Babi's voice echoed down the table. "Don't listen to him Reqart, he's just feeding you lies,"

Donovan raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me bitch, want to run that by me again?" He winced, remembering he was trying to swear less around his nephew.

Babi said nothing, giving Donovan an innocent look as she drove a fork into her mac and cheese.

"This pizza is amazing!" Reqart said, inspecting it. The cook sighed with relief, sagging against the wall.

"Try that bubbling liquid over there," Donovan said, nodding at a clear goblet.

Reqart set down his pizza and used both hands to sip from the goblet. "Ohh haha wow! What is that! My throat feels funny!"

"It took a while, but I finally got something I considered close to soda. Careful, too much of it will have you bouncing off the walls,"

"You're the best uncle!" Reqart said, picking up his pizza again.

"Oh yes," Babi said, resting her chin on her hand as she gazed sarcastically at Donovan. "Such a great man. So skilled at enslaving, and killing, and hurting,"

Reqart paused as he took a bite, glancing at his uncle. Donovan stared down the table at Babi, his face turning dark and furious. "Uncle…" Reqart began, putting down his slice. "T-tell me about the real world please,"

Donovan continued staring at Babi, then slowly turned to Reqart with a smile. "Well, we come from a place called America. It's very big, has lots of food options, and if you play your cards right, you can get companies to sponsor you on Instagram and it's almost as good as healthcare," Confusion passed over Reqart's face. "Sorry," Donovan said, raising a hand. "Our humor grows darker by the year, you'll have to get used to that. Let me put it in better terms for you. In our home, you can go to a real school and learn real things. The fun you have will be real, the people you meet will be just like you, real," Donovan opened his arms wide. "Everything you experience you'll know you can trust. That its effect on you is real,"

"I don't care what you think of us," Babi said, her tone dangerously low. "But do not teach Reqart your vile ways of thinking,"

"You want to talk about vile ways?" Donovan said, pointing a butter knife at her. "My nephew thinks he can do MAGIC! He thinks there's such things as floating castles, and demons! What's MORE, his fucking father abandoned him to an NPC so he could run around with another NPC! Do you have any idea of the psychological damage I'm going to have to undo??"

Babi lifted her chin. "It must be so very hard for you, kidnapping and breaking down your friend's son,"

Donovan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "She's just an NPC," He muttered to himself. "Fucking dialogue trees,"

"Do they have puppet shows in the real world?" Reqart said, sipping from the soda goblet.

"Reqart, friend," Babi said, extending a hand across the long table and smiling at the boy. "Please, this is the real world, don't listen to him,"

Donovan loudly placed his fork and knife on his platter, drawing both Reqart and Babi's attention. "Reqart," Donovan said, his tone soft. "I had a room prepared for you in the castle, it's quite big and comfortable. Why don't you get ready for bed, and if you want, have one of the puppets tell you a story,"

Reqart looked from Donovan, to Babi. The young man and woman were staring at each other, both their eyes narrowed. Reqart slowly swallowed, then scooted his chair back. His light footfalls were the only sound in the dining room as he made his way down the table. He paused beside Donovan's chair. "G-goodnight Uncle,"

Donovan turned his head slightly, still locking eyes with Babi, then glanced down at Reqart and smiled. "Goodnight nephew, tomorrow we'll reunite you with your father,"

The boy's face broke into a smile. "Really?"

Donovan took the boy's ear and wiggled it playfully. "Even if I have to knock down every tower in the land. Now go on, it's getting late,"

The boy smiled, then waved at Babi. "Goodnight Babi!"

"Goodnight Reqart," Babi said, still staring at Donovan.

When the door shut and the two were alone, Donovan took his napkin from his lap and slowly folded it. "You know," He said, his voice echoing down the table towards Babi. "I didn't want to enslave you in front of my nephew. It's not a pleasant mechanic for a child to witness,"

Babi didn't react, her expression unreadable. She simply stared at Donovan. "He's not here anymore," she said, her tone neutral.

Donovan rose from his chair, his cape falling down around him. "No he's not, is he," He slowly made his way around and down the table towards Babi. His fingers worked in the air.

Babi watched him, her hand finding its way up to the hem of her robe. "Do you feel like a great man when you take the minds of others?"

"I feel efficient," Donovan said, reaching her as he continued the spell. "And protective of a nephew I care very much about. I can't have your words poisoning his mind,"

"Maybe you're just afraid," Babi said, her voice growing oddly soothing.

Donovan paused the spell, his fingers hovering in the air. "Excuse me? What exactly would I be afraid of?"

The young woman rose, undoing the straps to her black robe. It slid off her shoulders as she approached Donovan, revealing her elegant gown and scarred arms. She stopped in front of him, running two fingers up his chest and leaning in by his ear. "You're afraid to be a hero. You're afraid of seeing us as people," She slowly brought her head away from his ear, running a finger under his chin. "But most of all, you're afraid of being alone,"

Swallowing, Donovan stumbled away from Babi. "G-get away from me!"

Babi gazed down at Donovan, her expression playful. She moved around him, coming up behind and whispering in his other ear. "I know what you really wanted to do when you had me suspended in front of your throne,"

"Temptress thot!" Donovan said, stumbling back in the other direction. His heart beat in his chest as he backed up against the table

The young woman smiled, but it slowly died. She tilted her head as if studying him. "Just what I thought," She said, her voice far-off and distant. "Nothing but a frightened child,"

Furious, Donovan got in her face, pointing a finger at her. "I have never in my LIFE met someone like you! An NPC designed to piss me off! Well keep poking, and tomorrow Reqart is going to learn you left to live in an NPC farm upstate, where alllll the little NPC's go after they get too old or fucking annoying!"

Babi turned away and started walking towards the entrance to the room. "I'd like to sleep in Reqart's chambers, or at least outside them," She said, her voice trailing over her shoulder. "If that would be alright with the great count,"

"Fine enough by me," Donovan said, narrowing his eyes. Once she had left, Donovan turned and knocked aside a goblet on the table. "Damn this game!" He knocked another goblet aside. "Damn my stupid friends!" He picked up a plate and chucked it against the wall. "But most of all, DAMN these NPC's!"

"Master?" Crooked-Fang said, poking his head in the room. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes!" Donovan said, storming past him. "Let me know the second the fleet arrives at the Node place. I am going to take Mark and Grace back with me if I have to drag them out by the damn hair!" Donovan marched down the hall, then turned back one last time. "And KEEP that DAMN woman NPC away from ME!"

Crooked-Fang saluted. "Yes Master!"
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This is the third best isekai I have ever read. It stands up very well to Ein no Aselia and Epilogue. Excellent work sir!
Will he actually ever figure out this I real?

First season is about 12 episodes and towards the end things come to a head, but what that means you'll just have to see. There is a second season (also 12 eps but then after that the anime has officially caught up with the manga, but I might do a 'third season' if you guys dig it)
First season is about 12 episodes and towards the end things come to a head, but what that means you'll just have to see. There is a second season (also 12 eps but then after that the anime has officially caught up with the manga, but I might do a 'third season' if you guys dig it)

This is an anime?
Episode 7: The Battle of the Risen Node
Large swathes of forest spread out in every direction, hemmed in on one wide by a rushing river, and on the other by wild prairie. The branches of the forest swayed in a light breeze, birds calling out to one another.

Shadows fell over the trees, then Count Donovahn's fleet passed overhead. Their engines hummed, shaking the leaves and causing birds to scatter. Three hundred warships the size of cruise-liners chugged low in the sky, escorted by swarms of blood flies. Bringing up the rear was Donovan's floating castle surrounded by transport vessels.

Donovan watched the countryside pass by from his throne. The room and its columns allowed for a panoramic view of the forest, as well as his fleet. He sat comfortably in his high-backed chair, though his fingers drummed nervously on the armrest.

The young man felt he was losing his mind. He could sense himself slowly slipping, catching moments were he truly doubted himself. But then he would catch sight of Reqart, Mark's son, and his resolve would strengthen once again. It wasn't about Donovan. It was about his friends, and anyone else trapped here, especially children. It was all madness. But a madness Donovan was going to challenge, and break to pieces if he could.

"Master!" A voice called up.

Donovan leaned forward in his throne to look down the stairs. The Uhnut master of fleets stood at the bottom, the diminutive creature wearing his fancy robe and medallion of office. "What is it shipmaster," Donovan called.

"We are nearing the Risen Node of Galmesh. However if I may be so bold, Master should cast his gaze towards our destination. The sky has darkened most unseasonably,"

Drawing his cape about him, Donovan rose and descended the stairs. He crossed the throne room, the shipmaster falling into place behind him. Donovan's Montre guards watched from the base of the throne, as did the officials from the shadows of the columns. The opening in the columns beckoned to him. Donovan could already make out the blackened skies in the distance. He stopped at the opening, gazing between the difference at the blue skies around them, and the darkness ahead. "What is this,"

"My Count," Crooked-Fang said, his footsteps heralding his approach. "The scouts bring news!" The shipmaster bowed out of the way as the lizard commander came and stopped before Donovan. Crooked-Fang lowered his head as he clasped his fist across his chest.

"What news," Donovan said.

"The Risen Node of Galmesh is under siege, and a battle rages ahead in the plains surrounding it,"

Donovan noted that the forests were ending, replaced by rolling, wild plains. The fleet continued as the hills smoothed out into more proper, flat grassland. The sky grew increasingly dark, and distant thunder rumbled on the horizon. "Do I care who is attacking? Where is Missa, it was her scouts, wasn't it?"

A small figure emerged from the shadow of the nearest column. It was Missa. Her feathered cloak rustled as she made her way to Donovan's side. "My Count," She said, briefly bowing. "It is the Empire's forces, many foul demons and fouler warriors,"

"Did you say demons?" Donovan said, growing confused. "There's an Empire with demons? Do you mean that Demon King guy?"

Missa shook her mask. "No master, the eastern Empire has been known to employ demons in their armies for several years now. We know not how,"

"Well that's kinda fucked up," Donovan said, sniffing. Beyond, the first signs of battle appeared in the distance. Winged shapes flew through the sky, too large to be birds. Geometric shapes and flashes revealed spellery at work, and quite a lot of it. On the horizon, a massive, upright oval stone the size of a mountain became visible. It was white, with small black spots on it that Donovan guessed were holes. He pointed at the upright oval mountain. "Is that the Node?"

Missa nodded. "Yes, the Risen Node of Galmesh,"

"Home of the Dragon Knights," Crooked-Fang grumbled.

Donovan watched the flying shapes and spell flashes for a few moments, then turned his gaze to the risen node. "What is it, a mountain? They can't expect me to believe that's naturally formed,"

"They say it was the third gift of the Sky Giants," The shipmaster said, hiding his hands in his robe sleeves. "The stone is unaffected by spells, and the many holes running up its surface have been home to dragons and other wyvern for centuries,"

"I saw the trailer for How to Train Your Dragon once," Donovan said, adopting a bored expression. "So I'm pretty sure I know everything I need to about this. Crooked-fang,"


"I don't like demons, or dragons. Land my ground-forces. Send forth the blood-flies. Conquer the Risen-Node in my honor, and quickly,"

Crooked-Fang swelled with pride, as if Donovan had just charged him with carrying the sun across the sky. "It shall be done my Count! Your flags shall fly above that sacred place, and your enemies I shall hang from every cave opening!"

"Yeah cool," Donovan said, dismissing the lizard commander with a gesture. Reqart was approaching, and behind him, Babi. They were flanked by two Montre guards. The boy waved as Donovan watched them. He nodded back with a smile. "Good morning nephew,"

"Good morning Uncle!" Reqart said, coming up next to him.

"Did you sleep well?"

Reqart nodded, gazing out the large opening in the throne room. The boy pointed at the distant battle. "What's going on Uncle?"

Donovan smiled reassuringly. "One of the many interesting aspects of this game. Two groups of puppets have been instructed to fight. We're going to stomp through the middle and go get your father and Grace,"

Babi looked like she was about to say something, but Reqart spoke before she did. "But look at all those things in the sky! And on the ground, look! That's got to be a lot of people!"

Reqart was right. A massive black mass was now visible on the plains ahead. It had to be an army, big enough that it spread until it disappeared in either direction. The warships in the front of Donovan's fleet emitted deafening horns blasts, and drumbeats started up. The transport ships shifted their formation, then raced ahead of the flying castle. The castle itself shook, then a low buzz built up. A black swarm of blood flies snaked out of the hive the castle rested on, shooting ahead of the fleet.

Donovan rested a hand on Reqart's shoulder. "Watch nephew, and you will see the true power of strategy gaming,"

The transport ships descended towards the ground. The warships opened fire with their cannons, filling the air with smoke and the putrid smell of powder. Next came geometric shapes, followed by flashes. The warships were unleashing their magical arsenal.

In the distance, explosions lit up the plains. The transport ships landed. Donovan pointed them out to Reqart, and together the man and boy watched as fast-moving beasts charged out of transports onto the plains. There were thousands of them, howling as they raced each other in one large formation. Behind them, squares of soldiers marched out of the transports, their small banners barely visible from the air.

"Uncle!" Reqart said, his eyes wide. "Are these your knights?"

Donovan chuckled. "Riders on dangerous beasts, and infantry. The knights stay with me until I decide to send them in. But if you keep watching, you should see the war machines emerge,"

Reqart obediently gazed back down at the transports. True to Donovan's word, large figures lumbered out of the ships, belching black smoke into the air. They were followed by giant wheeled machines. As soon as they straightened out from the loading ramp, the machines opened fire with wide, segmented mortars. Explosions continued to light up the distant plains.

Babi came up on the opposite side of Reqart. She glanced over the boy's head at Donovan, then back at the plains. "You have no idea what you're doing," She said, clearly angered.

"And you have no idea what you're talking about," Donovan said, not bothering to look at her. "I come from a land that worships war. We have been fighting several since I was a child. Our armies are stationed in seventy-five percent of the world. Our money, our sons and daughters, all things we pay so that the wars may continue. We make games about it, games I have played," Donovan gestured out at his armies as they moved across the plains. "If you think about it, this is my own spiritual act of worship,"

Reqart furrowed his brow in confusion. "Uncle, is that really what our home is like?"

Donovan laughed, patting the boy on the back. "I'm being a bit dramatic of course, figured the game devs might put it in a highlight reel. But have no fear Reqart, we are not on the receiving end of these wars. You will quickly forget about them when you see all our world has to offer,"

"Do you even hear yourself when you speak," Babi said, her tone low.

"I do, actually," Donovan said, finally glancing at her. "And if you understood the situation I was in, or the stress I was under, or if you were real, you'd understand that the worst thing you can do in a game is to take yourself too seriously," Donovan winked at Reqart. "That goes for real life too nephew,"

A series of explosions drew the trios' attention. The fleet was now fanning out to circle the edge of the plains. Donovan's beast-rider forces had reached the opposing army, and the two black masses slowly converged. "Let's get a closer look, shall we?" Donovan said, gesturing in the air.

In response, several sorcerers began chanting. The air in front of the opening shimmered, then a circular, liquid shape appeared. It solidified, forming glass. Colors swirled around within, slowly forming large shapes. Once the spell had finished, Donovan, Reqart and Babi all stared at an up-close view of the battle.

Donovan's beast riders roared as the two lines clashed. The beasts themselves resembled hyenas the size of horses, as well as small deathclaws, and what Donovan could only describe as feathered chickens with long, piercing talons the length of lances. The riders atop them were dressed in all manner of armor, bearing polearms and gunpowder weapons.

The opposing army Donovan could hardly describe. If they were demons, they were no demons Donovan had ever seen. They were constantly shifting shapes, all pasty white, with skin that flaked away like plaster. Arms and legs sprouted and then withdrew. Their humanoid faces were all happy, but would suddenly change at the same time to another expression. They wore armor and had weapons, though Donovan couldn't understand how they held onto both with their bodies constantly changing.

"What the fuck," Donovan murmured as the two lines impacted against each other.

It was a sickening sight. Beasts and demons alike were thrown into the air by the force of the two sides meeting. Firearms went off, filling the air with smoke, and both sides stabbed at each other with their blades. The cries of the beasts were a terrible sound, but the death throes of the demons made Donovan's hair stick up on the back of his neck. He gestured with his hand, and the scene in the glass circle shifted.

They now looked up at the sky. Dragons wheeled about, fighting winged-versions of the demons. Sometimes a larger flying demon would attack a smaller one, growing bigger as it chomped down on its victim. The dragons filled the sky with fire as their riders cast spells. The demons responded with strange, chaotic spells of their own, as well as tackling the dragons and wrestling mid-air. The swarm of blood flies circled up into the sky like an upside-down tornado, then rapidly expanded as it joined the fray. Donovan watched as demons and dragons alike clawed at themselves as the flies clumped to them. The dragons responded with fire, roasting the bugs. The demons were not so lucky. Their spells and claws did little against the swarms.

"Enough," Babi said, turning Reqart away.

Donovan reached out and took Babi's wrist, stopping her. His expression was one of warning. "It's just a puppet show, Reqart knows it's not real,"

"Look at him!" Babi said, her voice cracking.

Glancing down, Donovan noted Reqart's expression. The boy was clearly trying to hide it, but he trembled a bit. The count slowly released Babi's wrist and turned back to the battle. "Stay in the throne room where I can see you,"

New shapes appeared against the dark, clouded skies. Donovan shifted the viewing screen, the glass blurring until it focused on the horizon. Giants were revealed, as tall as skyscrapers and just as wide. Their arms hung at their sides, covered in metal plates attached with thousands of tiny chains. Their skin appeared dark as stone, and their heads were covered by what appeared to be giant stone towers built atop their shoulders.

"The titans of Ltataal," Missa murmured. The rook assassin stood next to Donovan. "The eastern empire's servants of destruction. I do not understand how they got them this far west,"

"I understand I haven't been particularly interested in what's happening in this game," Donovan said, watching the titans on the view screen. "But I perhaps would have liked to have known about an army of demons and giants,"

"Forgive me master, my spies have kept tabs on the war between the alliance of kingdoms and the empire, but this army somehow slipped through these lands unnoticed," The assassin bowed her mask. "Please do not think I am excusing myself, I suspect foul sorcery,"

"Oh sure, blame magic," Donovan said, frowning. "Take those champions of yours and as many of your little ninjas as you need. You are to go into that node mountain and retrieve Mark and Grace. If you fail me again, it will be your last mission,"

Missa bowed in response, then turned and left. Donovan continued watching the titans approach through the glass, before changing the view back to the battlefield itself. The beast riders had disengaged to regroup, and now Donovan's infantry were approaching the demon lines in the thousands. Blocks of infantry paused to fire withering volleys of lead, as well as stranger projectiles that Donovan didn't recognize. They almost looked organic. While some infantry fired, others advanced with polearms. The demons surged towards them, the two sides meeting in a fierce clash.

Smoke and spell flashes filled the plains. Donovan's infantry advanced, fought madly, then disengaged as other infantry used their firearms. Again and again the two side clashed, bodies littering the field as they disengaged. Donovan's golems reached the front lines, towering over the infantry. Their eyes glowed, followed by a bright flash and a beam of light. Demons caught in the beam were turned to ash.

The battle raged for an hour. The warships continued firing, and in the sky, dragons, blood flies and demons all fought each other. The titans reached the large white mountain, surrounding it. As they did so, Donovan noticed many of them were wearing giant wicker baskets filled with strange balls. The titans reached behind their heads and each retrieved a ball. The balls, despite being the size of large houses, appeared to be made of wood. The titans lifted the balls up over their heads and threw them at the node. The balls exploded in blue fire upon impact.

Donovan was forced to shield his eyes as the glass and the sky lit up with brilliant fire. "Holy shit!" The young man yelled. "What are in those balls!"

"Master!" The shipmaster said, clearly in awe.

"Tell the warships to target those titans immediately!" Donovan yelled, pointing out the opening in his throne room. "I don't want them harming my friends inside that mountain! Bring them down, now!" He turned, taking in his throne room. "Tokaroaka! Where are you!"

The robed sorcerer appeared from one of the columns, flanked by several of his brethren. "Yes my count, how may I assist you?"

"Does this castle have any abilities? Offensive weapons?"

Donovan could have sworn Tokaroaka smiled under his grotesque mask. "Yes master, we have worked long and hard on the focusing-crystals within this fortress. When charged, they will unleash a mighty attack,"

"Then start charging them," Donovan said. "And give me your two champions, I'm going to the field. Orga King, shirtless knight, lizard guards, all my other knights, front and center!"

"M-my count!" The shipmaster said, wringing his hands. "Surely you yourself should not go down there!"

"Of course I should," Donovan said, walking towards his throne. "I don't trust my assassins enough, and we need to end this before it gets out of hand, and I also need to level up my martial ability,"

"Then allow a ship to get you closer, there is no need to wade through the common fighters!"

Donovan nodded at the viewing glass. "It appears we've lost the air-advantage for the moment," The robed Uhnut looked at the viewing screen. The blood fly swarms were broken and scattered, and the demons nowhere to be seen. Dragonriders wheeled about in the sky, diving down to strafe the ground with fire. "Keep the warships back and firing from a distance," Donovan said. "I don't want to lose any,"

"Yes my Count," The shipmaster said, bowing.

Donovan turned to see several servants with his armor. He slipped it on with ease as his champions and knights gathered. Reqart watched next to Babi, then broke away to run up to him. "Uncle!"

"I'm going to go and level myself up a bit," Donovan said, smiling as he worked his gauntlet on. "You can watch from the viewing screen over there, but make sure you have some guards with you in case one of those dragons approaches,"

"Will…" Reqart began. "Will you be alright? Are you as strong as Aunt Grace?"

"Ha," Donovan said. "No, Grace cheated and leveled for ten years without me. But what I lack in ability, I more than make up for with quantity and superior firepower," He finished putting on his armor and buckled his sword around his waist. With one more rustle of Reqart's hair, Donovan left with his entourage. He briefly paused by Babi. "Wish me luck," He said, then leaned in towards her ear. "Keep my nephew safe NPC, and don't try anything stupid. You'll only be endangering yourself," Donovan smiled and patted her on the shoulder.

Babi smiled innocently, her voice low so only he could hear. "I'll cover his eyes while you're dying, but rest assured I'll enjoy the sight,"

Scowling, Donovan moved on, his knights and champions falling into step behind him. Smaller landing craft took him and his entourage to the field, and there Donovan moved through his rows of infantry towards the front lines. They parted as he and his knights passed, chanting among themselves. "count count count counT COUNT COUNT COUNT COUNT!" Donovan couldn't help but smile.

His smile faded as the sounds of carnage reached his ears. Donovan was forced to step over corpses as he neared, then he caught sight of the demons. They were terrifying up close, howling and shifting as they battered against bristling rows of pikes. Donovan swallowed, fingering the blade of his sword. "It's just a game," He said to himself. "You know how to play," He drew his sword, pointing it at the opposing line. "Champions, knights, with me! Charge!"

The knights roared as Donovan ran forward. All of them, including the champions, released spells. The ground before them heaved as demons exploded into chunks of black blood and bright pink meat. Donovan found himself in a large clearing made by the attack. It only took a moment for the demons to regroup and surge over the clearing on all sides.

Donovan threw himself into his martial ability. Time slowed as his heart thundered. He swung his sword, catching a demon across the chest. He swung again, taking the arm of another. He stabbed, the parried, then jumped back as a wall of demons came crashing down around him. His knights and Montre guard fought furiously at his side.

Demon mini-bosses began to appear. Donovan knew them to be mini-bosses, because they were three times as large and formed after a demon began eating his companions. Many of them started cannibalizing each other as Donovan and his knights cut their way through. The count was bathed in slow-motion blood, and his whole body ached as he swung his sword. The fighting was beginning to drive something within him, and each kill turned his stomach. The mini-bosses towered over them, surrounding Donovan and his knights. His champions did their best to keep them back, but each one they felled was replaced by another.

As his sword came down on the umpteenth demon, Donovan slowed. Knights surged past him, but the young man couldn't bring himself to continue. The chaos, the noise, is was beating in his head like an unending ache. His was covered in black blood, and could feel it sticking to him like a web. His sword felt heavy in his hand. The knights and Montre guard formed up around him and continued to fight.

Finally becoming conscious of the fact that his nephew and Babi might be watching, Donovan swallowed and raised his sword again. He strolled forward, brushing past a knight and bringing his weapon down on the head of a demon. Donovan then pushed past another knight and waded back into the melee.

The demons were unending, and the mini-bosses grew more frequent. Donovan resorted to his air-strike ability, flicking his wrist and blowing out the back of demon's heads as he held his sword by his side. Beyond, the titans continued to hurl their wicker balls, bathing the white mountain in blue fire.

As the tide of demons grew higher and higher, a voice whispered in his ears. "Master, it is I, Tokaroaka,"

"What is it," Donovan said, gritting his teeth as he was forced to use his sword.

"The focusing-crystals are ready,"

"guh-YAH!" He yelled, swinging his sword and knocking back a demon. "Good! Unleash it on the titans, bring them down!"

A bright light grew behind Donovan. The demon lines slowed, clearly awed. Donovan himself turned and looked. The floating castle was surrounded by glowing geometric patterns. A hole had appeared in the front of the castle, and within it a ball of light expanded. It continued to grow, forcing Donovan to shield his eyes. A low hum emitted, followed by the air growing heavy. An ear-piercing whine was followed by a bright beam shooting out from the castle.

It vibrated the air and ground as it raced across the sky towards the Node of Galmesh. Striking one of the titans, it melted its massive body, then slowly moved horizontally towards the next titan. Each time is passed over a titan, the beam melted it. When it wasn't striking a target, it scored a deep black mark across the face of the Node.

The beam sputtered out as it passed over the last titan. The air around Donovan was heated, and all his servants were dripping in sweat. "My God," Donovan said, clearly impressed.

The battle resumed, though the tone had changed. Now the demons seemed to fight frantically, as if aware of the titans' demise. Donovan's infantry pressed the advantage, advancing in lines on the demon horde as they were supported by lumbering golems. The count took the opportunity to wipe his sword on his cape and survey the scene.

The dragonriders continued to strafe the demons and his own lines from above. Donovan noted that his warships had resorted to shelling the battlefield with explosives and spells. His gaze moved along the plains, seeking out the quickest path to the node. He hoped Missa and her ninjas had already retrieved their prey, but considering Grace's apparent strength, he couldn't be too careful. If nothing else, the Rook would weaken his friends before they died, making their capture easier for Donovan.

His thoughts were interrupted by a new sound. The dark clouds began to swirl, as if a storm were brewing. They continued to swirl, growing larger until they suddenly parted in the middle. Brilliant, orange light shown down, casting the plains in a fuzzy hue. As Donovan watched, a massive shape emerged from the hole in the clouds.

He might have described it as a bone-white spider, but it was easily the size of the mountainous Galmesh Node. It had long spidery legs that trailed down out of the sky, and its head blinked with many eyes at the ground. Its body emerged next. It was not the body of a spider, but an enormous white balloon with odd moss clinging to it. The spider god floated down from the dark clouds, its long legs working as if climbing on invisible thread. The demons parted, forming a large clearing for it.

The balloon spider stopped lowering when one of its legs hovered just barely above the ground. It raised the leg back up, curling it underneath itself along with the rest of its legs. The spider opened its mouth, and a small shape fell out. The shape landed, shaking the earth.

Donovan shielded his eyes against the orange light. The shape began approaching his lines, growing faster and faster. It plowed into a row of infantry farther down the line, sending them up into the air with screams. The shape continued down the line towards Donovan, sending up waves of body parts and soldiers like a snowblower. The champion known as the Slayer Knight jumped in front of Donovan, his sword raised. The knight's bare chest was covered in black demon blood, as well as several scars.

The shape stopped in an instant, sending a wave of dirt showering over Donovan and his Montre Guard. The shape was in fact a white, humanoid figure. It appeared to be made of the same substance as the balloon spider hanging ominously in the sky above. Instead of eyes and a mouth, it simply had holes that bore through the entirety of its head. They made an eerie whistling noise as the wind carried through it.

The Slayer knight brought in his sword and charged. The white figure shimmered, then cartwheeled forward. It rolled over the Slayer knight, its limbs entangling him and ripping the knight apart. The white figure did a pirouette, throwing aside the knight's arms and legs.

"fuck," Donovan said. His Motre guards rushed forward, but the white figure did athletic poses and jumps, grabbing the lizards and ripping them to pieces as easily as paper. Donovan was bathed in the blood of the Montre as he watched wide-eyed.

The figure finished with a pose on its tip-toes, dropping two limbs it held and raising its hands over its head. Donovan took a step back. The figure took a step forward.

A new whistling sound started up. Donovan and the figure both looked up at the sky. A small black shape descended like a comet. It landed between Donovan and the white figure, shaking the ground and throwing up dirt. When the debris cleared, Grace stood in her full armor, gripping her spear.

"Oh Grace, thank God," Donovan said, breathing a sigh of relief. "This guy is unreal,"

Grace held out her spear sideways, expertly spun it, then pointed it at the white figure. "Donovan, you have no idea how close you just came to dying, or the damage you've caused,"

"No I think I do know how close I came to dying," Donovan said, laughing uneasily. "The spider-man seems pretty fast,"

"The spider-man is Lord Zyre, fallen prince of the Eastern Artecles Empire," Grace said, still facing the white figure. "And I have a score to settle with him for a friend,"

"Yeah sure, whatever," Donovan said, brushing off his armor with both hands. "Have at it, then I want to talk,"

Grace glanced over her shoulder at Donovan, giving him a serious expression. "As do I," Without another word, she bent her knees and exploded forward. Donovan was forced to shield himself from the spray of dirt.

The white figure danced to the side as Grace shot past. A hundred geometric patterns appeared in the air, and spears made of light began to rain down. The white figure, Lord Zyre, cart-wheeled around them. The spears came faster and faster, throwing up chunks of dirt and corpses. Lord Zyre was faster however, his body spinning around the battlefield like a top.

Both sides, the demons and Donovan's forces, had paused their fighting. Now the two lines slowly backed up, giving the fighters increasing amounts of space. Grace pointed her spear down and exploded forward like an arrow. She reached Lord Zyre in the blink of an eye, her spear blurring as she stabbed at him. Faster and faster she stabbed, while her spears of light continued to rain down.

For the first time, Donovan was truly confronted with the difference in levels between him and Grace. He watched as Lord Zyre sprouted arms all over his body and blocked her spears. His hands moved too fast to see, but as he caught the magic spears he threw them back at Grace, who deflected them. Grace lunging, her spears firing down, him blocking, catching the spears, and throwing them back, and her deflecting, all happened in the span of seconds. The two moved so fast gales of wind built up around them, forcing Donovan to take another step back. So many spears were being generated and thrown, the air heated up to dangerous temperatures.

A sudden flash separated the two, then Lord Zyre's body morphed like a liquid. A million white needles fired from his body, traveling at blistering speeds. Grace spun her spear to deflect the needles, but was forced back by the unending onslaught. Two long limbs sprouted from Lord Zyre's legs, whipping around and catching Grace in both her knees. She buckled, then caught the stream of needles to the chest.

Her figure went flying backwards, impacting into the ground and skidding to a halt. She slowly got up, using her spear for support. Wiping a trail of blood from her mouth, Grace spit, then straightened up. She twirled the spear, then pointed it at Lord Zyre. "Is that it? All that you sacrificed, and this is all you received?"

The white figure did another pirouette, then slowly brought its arms down and aimed them at Grace. The armored woman took off her helm and threw it to the ground, letting her long hair flow freely.

"Grace that looks really cool but it's dangerous," Donovan called. "Tie up your hair!"

"Just let me be," Grace said, wholly concentrated on Lord Zyre.

The white figure bent its knees, then launched towards Grace like a cannonball. She brought up her spear as he neared. New geometric patterns appeared at her feet, and bright balls of light swirled around Grace. They expanded, then exploded.

Lord Zyre was caught in the wave of light. His speed slowed, and then Grace was on top of him. She drove her spear a hundred times in two seconds. The earth cracked underneath Lord Zyre, the Grace raised up her weapon. A beam of red light answered from the heavens, plummeting down and blowing through the white figure.

Grace jumped back, landing on the rim of the crater and waiting. The smoke and debris cleared, revealing Lord Zyre slowly getting to his feet. He was missing his upper torso, but it slowly grew back, bubbling up from his waist. As his head and arms formed, he stretched, then looked up the walls of the crater at Grace.

As she aimed her spear, a blur caught her from the side. The woman went skidding into the ground, kicking up dirt and crashing into a line of demons. Alamare appeared above where she lay, taking a second to wink at Donovan. He then reared back his fists and delivered a punishing barrage of blows into Grace. He swooped down one arm and scooped her up, then threw her as hard as he could across the ground. She skidded to a halt in front of Donovan, gasping in pain.

"Hey!" Donovan yelled, pointing at Alamare. "What the fuck man!"

Alamare shrugged, a grin on his face. "Sorry, I didn't think Saint Grace would come out of the Risen Node. But once I saw her, I just had to take the opportunity to remove her," The demon lord pointed at her. "You can take her if you want, just stay out of my way. Maybe if I get lucky, the Magi Marcus will come out as well,"

Grace slowly got to her feet, gripping her spear for support. "You underestimate me," She said, slowly raising her head to gaze at Alamare. Her face was smeared with blood and matted hair. "I'm a hero and a saint, and you've only been fighting one of those so far,"

"Are you two, like, on the same side?" Donovan said, gesturing between the white figure Lord Zyre and the demon lord Alamare.

"Oh no no," Alamare said, laughing and putting up his palms. "In fact I imagine the brave and noble Prince Zyre hates me with all of his being. But I also imagine we can put aside our differences, if it means both our goals are accomplished. Isn't that right Lord Zyre?" The white figure turned its head and stared at Alamare, then slowly turned back to face Grace. It took a step forward. The demon lord shrugged. "See? He doesn't mind playing with me if it means he gets inside that precious Node,"

"We are so fucked," Donovan said, siding up next to Grace. "You should call Mark out to help us-"

"No," Grace said, her eyes on Alamare and Lord Zyre. Her tone softened and she glanced at Donovan. "Trust me, Marcu-Mark, has to stay where he is for now,"

"Yeah we're going to have a talk about his parenting style when this is all over," Donovan said, adjusting his grip on his sword. "Think we can take them?"

In response, Lord Zyre extended twenty hands towards Grace, forcing her to deflect his sharpened fists with her spear. One of the hands grew larger and smacked the ground, splitting it in two and sending Grace backwards. Lord Zyre sucked back in his arms and cartwheeled towards Donovan.

He was fast, too fast. Donovan watched his life flash before his eyes as the white figure grew closer and closer. One of his limbs formed a hammer and came whirling around the side of Donovan's head. The man closed his eyes as he brought up his sword, a prayer half-formed in his mind.

The hit never came. Donovan opened his eyes to see a rugged-looking man in an old, worn coat. He had his hair tied up in a bun, and his eyes were covered by a bandage. In his hand he held a knife. Its point perfectly rested in the middle of Lord Zyre's hammer-hand, stopping it midair. Donovan blinked his eyes in shock.


The rugged man turned to Donovan, his goatee speckled with grime. He nodded solemnly, then turned to Grace. "Hey,"

Grace approached, wiping the dirt from her armor. She nodded back at Seth. "Hey yourself, what are you doing here?"

"Got a message from him," Seth said, jerking a thumb at Donovan. "Justin and She-Joker are taking care of things though, so don't worry,"

"You shouldn't have come," Grace said. "We needed you in the east,"

"You need me here," Seth said, grinning. He glanced at Donovan. "Hey man, you've been pretty busy from what I hear,"

"So have you," Donovan said, narrowing his eyes. "A letter would have been nice,"

"I get that," Seth said, bobbing his head to some unheard beat. "But we got a lot to talk about,"

"People keep saying that, but I just want my friends back,"

Seth gazed at him, a wisdom present that hadn't been there when Donovan knew him. The older man simply made a fist in the air. "Alright, we can talk later. For now, let's kill these two,"

Grace, Donovan and Seth all turned. Alamare hovered above the air, a wide grin on his face. Lord Zyre tilted his head, his body flowing.

The battlefield and all upon it were quiet, waiting.
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Episode 8: Meet Seth, Uh Oh!
20 Years Ago
Seth McEnery opened his eyes to sunlight streaming through his window. He yawned loudly, turning and leaning over his fiance, Kaylee, to kiss her on the cheek. Still asleep, Kaylee furrowed her brow and pushed him away with one hand. Seth laughed and sat up, stretching. He got up from the bed, bobbing his head to some unheard beat, then quickly dressed himself. Afterwards he left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.

Kaylee and he, as well as Justin and Mark, were all staying in a hotel. Seth could only describe it as a hotel, but it was more than that. It was also a brewery, but the young man didn't know what they were brewing, and also a farm, and also part of a church. But not a church that Seth had ever seen. They worshiped a concept known as Keparka, which he didn't understand, but enjoyed when the priests sang about it. The church, hotel, brewery and farm were all enclosed by a large stone wall and gatehouse. An entire order of knights was dedicated to guarding the place, and manned the walls day and night.

The friends had spent several decades at the compound. They woke up from the last time-pass the previous night, and had decided to catch up on sleep until morning. Now that the sun was up, Seth felt the need to get in some walking and see what had changed.

He waved to one of the hotel workers as he trotted down the stairs to the main room. The hotel worker bowed her head, cautiously raising it again. She was an older woman, clearly worn and hardened from many years of working. "Greetings hero," She said, her voice respectful.

"Hey hey," Seth said, giving her two thumbs-up. "What's up, what's new?"

The woman seemed caught off-guard, then glanced around the room. When she saw no one was present, she stared intently at Seth. "I've heard tales these last few months. Tales of demons in the eastern reaches,"

"Oh yeah?" Seth said, genuinely reacting. "Damn, demons aren't cool,"

The woman looked around the room again and moved closer to Seth, lowering her voice. "Tell me hero, do you know when the Demon King will return?" She was clearly worried, waiting intently for Seth's answer.

"Ahh, naw," He said, scratching the back of his neck. "They haven't told us yet,"

The woman nodded, as if Seth had imparted wisdom. "It is good we have you heroes, surely now that you know there are demons about, you no longer have to wait in sleep,"

"Yeah I dunno," Seth said, shrugging. And truly, he didn't. "I'm sure my friends have it all planned out though, I'm just the helping-hands you know?"

The woman nodded again. "Of course, Keparka unfurls through our hearts as it may, the road you walk is straight,"

Seth put his hands together and bowed. "And a good day to you as well ma'am," He straightened up and hummed as he walked outside. The sun was shining, and the strong-smelling ivy that ran the length of the walls was in full bloom. Seth continued humming as he passed knights, priests and workers. He gave them each a wave. He approached a trio stirring a cauldron set up outside a workshop. "Hey there friends, got a spare bowl for me?"

"Of course hero," One of the workers said quickly. The second one hurried to provide the bowl, and the third topped it off with a ladle. "It may not be hot-enough yet, but please let us know,"

Seth took a whiff of the bowl and made an eager face. "Now this is some grits, you got any bread?"

"Forgive us hero," The second worker said. "This is for the laborers working on the new grainhouse. I am sure the church has a proper breakfast prepared for you,"

"No need," Seth said, scooping up a handful of food and stuffing it in his mouth. "Oh damn," He said, swallowing. "You guys need to add some salt to this,"

The workers laughed, then realized he was serious. "Ah, but hero, salt costs more than we will ever make, for less than could fit in the palm of my hand!"

"Oh damn really?" Seth said, giving them a puzzled look as he tipped back the bowl into his mouth. "It's like three bucks at the store on 57th and Harkwood," The workers shared looks, unsure of what to say. Seth smiled and handed back the bowl. "Thanks guys! Don't work too hard for the man today!"

The third worker looked confused. "What man? The foreman? Why?"

Seth pointed back at them as he walked away. "Haha you got it!" He resumed his humming as he continued through the estate, reaching the gatehouse and the knights guarding it. The three warriors stood under the gate, one of them sitting on a stool, the other two leaning against the gatehouse wall. Seth saluted them as he passed. "Doing a good job guys!" The knights nodded respectfully in response.

Once outside the walls, Seth took a deep breath. The dawn air was crisp, and laden with the smell of ivy. A deep purple washed across the sky as the sun rose. Seth jogged in place for a moment, then started stretching.

"Oh ho ho," A scratchy voice said. "What have we here?"

Seth glanced behind him, noting a hunched figure siting on the path outside the gate. He had a small wooden bowl set before him, and his head was covered by a straw hat. "Oh hey there man," Seth said, grinning. "Didn't see you there,"

"Few do," The man said, his face obscured by the brim of his hat. "Or few choose to. Perhaps you're just being nice to an old man,"

"Well sure," Seth said, shrugging. "Everybody's got a story to tell right? I learn something new every day,"

The man lifted his hat, revealing a wide smile on his face. It made Seth uncomfortable, though he couldn't say why. "Well then," The man, patting the ground next to him. "Why don't you have a seat. I've got quite the tale for you,"

Seth smiled, bobbing his head to some unheard beat. "Yeah! Okay! Let's chat awhile man!" He came over and plopped down next to the beggar, leaning over to peer in his bowl. He pointed at it. "Hey man you know you should put a coin in there if you have any. I can't explain why, but people are more willing to put money in a tin they've seen other people put money in,"

"Oh, but I have no money to spare," The man said, his voice tragic. "Though I may appear a man of ill fortune, I am in fact a tradesman. But it appears no-one has use for my trade so far this day,"

"Ah well, here," Seth said, fishing in his pocket with his tongue between his teeth. "I think I picked up something in a dungeon awhile back. Aha!" He held up a gold coin carved with inscriptions, placing it in the bowl. "Now people will think you've already done business, see?"

The man raised his hat further, revealing wrinkles and strange, gray eyes that seemed to look past Seth. "Would you like to hear my story now," Seth nodded eagerly. The man kept his head raised. "It's about the first hero to ever come to this world,"

"Oh damn," Seth said, raising his eyebrows in anticipation.

"Almost two-thousand years ago, this world was very different than the one you see now. The trees were larger, and there were empires that would span entire continents. The old beings walked the earth in those days, and the islands of the sky had not yet passed into the upper mists," Seth listened wide-eyed. The man smiled, continuing. "The old empires were powerful enough to challenge the old beings themselves, and eventually they did. What followed was a time of great sorrow for all. Many died, and many more suffered terrible things. This was due to a great plague borne of the conflict with the old beings. A plague not just of sickness, but of monsters not seen since the formation of the great arches that hold the sky. Such were the agonies because of these plagues, that the kings of the world sought out any and all answers. It was decided that they would try a great ritual, one of summoning," The man leaned in towards Seth. "And so they did. And a hero from another world appeared here. The first hero,"

"The first hero," Seth repeated in awe. "Damn man!"

"I'm not done. This hero was not just the first, but the greatest. He alone turned back the plagues, and went so far as to chase the old beings to the land known as Eo. It was there the old beings raised the great mountain ring, sealing themselves off from the outside world. It was there they went into slumber deep beneath the earth. And those left in the ruins of the empires worshiped the hero as a god-king for his deeds," Th old man paused, straightening up and folding his hands together. "Would you like to know what made this hero so powerful?"

Seth shrugged. "Sure man, this is great so far,"

The man was silent for a moment, gazing past Seth with his grayed eyes. "The secret is speed. He was faster than everyone. Faster than the Guardians, faster than the Old Beings, faster than the call of a bird echoing in a forest. When you're the fastest there is, nothing can stop you,"

"Huh," Seth said, puzzled. "Kinda sounds like Sonic the Hedgehog. But don't you also have to, you know," He mimicked a punching motion. "Be strong?"

The man grinned, letting out a chuckle. "Become the best at one thing, and you will find yourself good at other things as well. It all spills over you see, if you're truly the best at one thing, that is,"

Seth nodded, digesting the information. "Huh, okay. Well thanks man!" He made to get up. "Hope you don't mind, but I think it's time to find the outhouse,"

"Ahh, but you haven't yet received your gift,"

"Gift?" Seth said, puzzled.

"Why of course," The man said, tipping his bowl to show the coin. "You paid did you not? And I am a tradesman,"

"Oh," Seth said, laughing. "You're good man, that story was more than worth it,"

The man placed his finger in the bowl, idly moving the coin around the bottom. "Don't dishonor me now, I am a worker of some pride,"

"Well sure man, if it's important to you. Let's see what you got," The man reached in his cloak and took out a ring. He let it roll around his palm, then snatched it up and presented it to Seth. Grinning and nodding in thanks, the young man took the ring and tried it on. "Hey, perfect fit!"

"Oh?" The man said, smiling.

Seth tried to take it off, then frowned. "Oh damn man, I think it's stuck,"

"It is indeed. And there it will stay, if you're lucky. Do not let someone separate your finger from your hand, or you will have to put it on another,"

"Oh," Seth said, inspecting his hand and the ring. "So it's a good thing it's stuck? I guess it's a pretty nice ring, real silver polish,"

"Remember," The man's voice said. "When you're the fastest there is, nothing can stop you,"

Seth looked up, finding the man gone. His bowl remained beside the dirt path, empty. "Whoa," The young man said, looking around. "Old dude? You hiding somewhere?"

"Seeettthhh!" A voice called. He turned and spotted his fiance Kaylee, as well as Mark. They were passing under the gate and waving at him.

"Hey guys!" Seth yelled, jogging over to them.

"Hey man," Mark said. "Donovan needs another time-skip, so we're gonna go ahead and dive back in,"

"Sure sure," Seth said, reaching Kaylee and giving her a side hug. "Hey babe, you were grouchy this morning,"

"Meh," Kaylee said, moving a strand of hair away from her face. "Don't mess me with then, you know how I am waking up,"

"Haha yeah I do!" Seth said, squeezing her. He let go and clapped his hands together. "Let's get back in our rooms then I guess!"

"What's this," Kaylee said, taking his hand and lifting it. "A ring?"

"Oh yeah this cool old guy gave it to me," Seth said, pulling on it. "It doesn't come off, see?"

Mark and Kaylee shared a look, then Kaylee took Seth's hand again. "Babe, okay," she said. "We'll worry about that after the time skip," She led him towards the gatehouse with Mark bringing up the rear.

Once they were back in their room, both Seth and Kaylee climbed onto the bed. "Hey you want to try this time-pass in funny poses?" Seth said, showing off his muscles. "Just think, we could totally be flexing on them like buff statues for ten years,"

"Absolutely not," Kaylee said as she worked off her shoes. "We lie down as always, I don't want to get a super-cramp if it turns out our muscles get tired or something,"

"Maybe I could like, perch up here," Seth said, balancing on the bed's footboard. He tipped over and fell onto the covers, laughing.

"God will you just come here and lie down?" Kaylee said. She lay back on the covers and crossed her arms like a mummy.

"I think you need to relax," Seth said, crawling up along the sheets with a smile. "And have a little fun,"

Kaylee gave him a look that showed she was not interested. "Uh not while we're trapped in hell-iseakai genius. It's like Donovan said, they might be putting this on a dark twitch channel or something,"

"Oh yeah," Seth said, flopping over. "You're right as always,"

"Course I am," Kaylee said, closing her eyes. "See you in ten years,"

Seth closed his eyes. "Love you babe,"

"Love you too babe,"

When Seth opened his eyes, he was confused. The world didn't make sense. He blinked his eyes, trying to move his limbs. They didn't respond. He groaned, then shifted his head. That moved at least. "Hello?" He said, his voice hoarse. "Is anyone there? Hello? Kaylee?"

As he stared, he realized he was upside down. Or possibly, the world was. He craned his neck to look at the ground. Seth was clearly in a tree, high up in the branches. "Whoa, this isn't where I'm supposed to be. Hey Babe? Can you here me? Babeeeee? I need a little help here!" As Seth moved his neck around, it became apparent he was in some sort of contraption. Coffin was the wrong word, because Seth's head poked out the top. It was also smashed in several places, revealing an iron cage interior.

Seth's gaze returned to the ground below him, or above, depending on the perspective. He noticed a broken wagon wheel smashed against a tree, and another wooden box similar to his. A moment later, he spotted Mark's head sticking out of it. As Seth continued to look, he found a third box against a distant tree with Justin's head sticking out.

"Oh hey! Nice! Guys, guys wake up!" Mark and Justin both groaned, moving their mouths but not opening their eyes. "Oh damn, they might have hit their heads, I gotta get down there and help them, and find Kaylee. Babbbeeee? Can you hear me? Mark and Justin have concussions I think! And I'm in a tree and also a wooden box!"

Movement drew his gaze to the ground. A figure moved between the bases of the trees, stopping in a shadow as it neared. The figure placed a hand to the trunk of a tree, staring up at Seth. "Oh hey!" Seth called down. "I seem to have found myself in a heckuva situation my dude! Think you could lend a hand?" The figure stepped out of the shadow. It was a human girl wearing a strange garment pinned up around the shoulders. Seth realized a moment later she had ears and a tail, making her not quite human. "Oh shit! A catgirl!" Seth said. "My girlfriend loves you guys! She has posters and shit!" The girl narrowed her eyes, her tail swishing behind her. She lowered herself near the ground, then grabbed a javelin from behind a tree. Seth's smile slowly died on his face. "Ohhh, are you like, the bad kind of catgirl? I don't really know the types,"

Without a word the girl threw the javelin. It sailed through the trees, impacting in the middle of Seth's coffin and knocking it from the branches.

"Ooooohhh shiiiitttttt" Seth yelled as his world spun. He hit the ground and the coffin splintered, revealing an iron cage within. Seth blinked as he regained his senses, then realized he could slip his arms and legs through the bars of the cage. He stood, still stuck in the cage, and faced the catgirl. He poked his arms through and made fists. "Alright you, you want to go? I'll fuck you up," The girl was joined by two more in similar pinned garments, also with ears and tails. They appeared from behind trees, knives drawn. Seth pointed at the original one. "Ay yo that's not very cool of you dude, just saying,"

"Slit his throat," The lead catgirl said, then pounced. The others followed suit.

Seth activated his martial ability as they flew through the air. Time slowed, but much slower than any previous time he'd activated it. In fact, it was maddeningly slow. Seth found he was bored waiting for the catgirls to reach him. "Heh," He said, struggling to get out of his cage. "I wonder if I can like, bash this against a tree or something," Seth approached a tree as the catgirls continued to sail through the air. He started bashing his cage against the trunk. The catgirls turned their heads in slow-motion, each of them landing on the ground and trying to change directions. Seth continued to bash his cage against the tree as he waited for them. The bars turned bright red, then fell away. Seth shook off the rest. He turned to find twenty arrow shafts traveling through the air towards his head. "Whoa!"

He walked casually out of the way of them and looked around. The trees were full of catgirls. Many of them wore bones in addition to their pinned garments. Skulls, femurs, and especially fingers. All the catgirls had bows, while others had blowdart tubes and slings.

"Oh this doesn't look cool," Seth said. "They really want to kill me huh. Kayleeeeee! Are you here babe?" He spent some time looking for her. The catgirls continued to fire arrows, rocks and darts at him, but he walked around them with ease as he searched for his girlfriend. Some of the catgirls tried to pounce down on him, but Seth just ducked under them and continued on.

He determined that Kaylee wasn't in the immediate area. What he did find was a crashed wagon, and several dead stagecoach hands. Seth determined that he had been in a wagon crash, which was the reason for waking up in a tree.

Returning to where his friends where, Seth managed to drag Mark and Justin's boxes out of the way of the catgirls. Arrows and other projectiles continued to rain down on him, but Seth moved around the slow-motion objects as he dragged the two boxes. He had to rest after awhile, and sat on a rock. He managed to remember a healing spell. Bending over the boxes, Seth recited it on both his friends, then stood and resumed dragging the boxes. The catgirls shot from tree to tree in slow motion pursuit, their faces in various stages of concentration and fury. Seth eventually lost sight of them as he continued to pull his friends.

His vision flashed red, then the world sped up again to normal speed. The birds called to each and the trees swayed. Seth found himself in a remote part of the forest, completely lost. "Seth!"

He looked down to see Justin staring up at him with narrowed eyes. "Why am I in a magician's box?"

Seth dropped both boxes to hold up his palms. "Honestly dude-oh shit sorry!"

"Fuck!" Justin yelled as his head bounced off the ground. "Get me the fuck out of here!"

"Right right," Seth said, stomping through the wood of Justin's box. "Let me just, pryyyyy you out of there,"

"Oh fuck no, a cage too?" Justin said. He shook his head. "Stand back, I'm going to use my magic,"

Seth backed up. A moment later, a small explosion blew the bars up into the air. Seth approached and helped Justin up out of the tangled bars. Next they helped Mark, who was still groggily coming to. "wha-what happened,"

"I don't know man," Seth said, helping him up. "I woke up in a tree and we were all in these boxes, I think we were in a wagon before. Anyways I can't find Kaylee and I'm kind of worried. Oh, and catgirls."

"Catgirls?" Justin and Mark said together, both clearly confused.

"Yeah Kaylee likes them but I gotta be honest I'm not a fan myself. Anyways I was going pretty fast so I think I lost em. But more importantly, I want to find Kaylee,"

The sound of distant, rustling underbrush announced the catgirls had indeed caught up. "Let's just do what we always do when we need to know something," Justin said, glancing over his shoulder. "Ask the Ozy guy,"

"Yeah okay," Seth said, squatting down. "How do we do that again?"

Mark joined him, fishing in his pocket. He retrieved a vial of sand and poured it out. "Here, I remember," Drawing the symbol, Mark spat in the center and called the name of the spirit of wisdom. A moment later, a flash followed by a puff of smoke revealed Ozadias. He floated above the ground, his floppy hat covering his face.

"Greetings heroes," He said, bowing.

"Hey what's good," Seth said, straightening up. "Can you find my fiance for me?"

Ozadias was silent for a moment as he bobbed gently in the air. The sounds of the catgirls grew closer, their angry voices echoing off the trees. Mark and Justin shared a nervous look. "I'm afraid I can't," The spirit said. "She appears to be hidden from me,"

"Shit really?" Seth said, concerned. "Are you sure man? Could you like, check again?"

"No time," Mark said, grabbing Seth's arm. "That sounds like a lot of people coming our way,"

"Yeah we need to move," Justin said, pointing in the opposite direction. The trio of men took off into the woods, leaving Ozadias floating in the air. Seth found his martial ability was kicking back in, and time slowed around him. As his friends ran in slow motion on either side, Seth thought on where Kaylee might be. It worried him that even the wizard man couldn't find her.

Time continued to move slowly, so Seth muttered a strength spell and shouldered both of his friends. He carried them through the woods at full sprint, bursting through a treeline onto a grassy slope. At the bottom of the slope was a stone road. Beyond the road and on a hill, was a city. It was in flames.

"Ohh, that doesn't look good," Seth said, setting down Mark and Justin. He deactivated his martial ability and placed his hands on his hips.

"What. The. Fuck," Justin said, staggering backwards. "I just sped through that forest really fast!"

"Same here," Mark said, placing a hand to his forehead. "Seth?"

Seth nodded as he squinted at the burning city. "Oh yeah that was me, I don't really know, but things are going kinda slow for me. It's a little annoying,"

Mark and Justin shared another look, then joined Seth on either side. The three of them gazed out at the burning city. "I don't recognize this place," Mark said, furrowing his brow in confusion. "Where are we? Where's the church place?"

"Did they seriously move us while we were time-passing?" Justin said. "Because I'm going to be kinda pissed if they did. I know we didn't specify, but I don't want to be touched during my hibernations,"

They were interrupted by screams. A group of people appeared around the corner, running. They were a collection of farmers, merchants, and tradesmen, as well as peasants. Some of them fell and were instantly trampled by the rest. A few moments later, a horde of large, white creatures galloped around the bend after them. The creatures had wide mouths, and no eyes that Seth could see. Their skin was white and pasty, and flaked away in the wind as they moved.

"Whoa," Mark said. "This looks bad,"

"Do we help them?" Justin said, raising an eyebrow.

Seth began marching down the hill, prompting exclamations from his friends. "Seth!" Mark called. "We should really have a plan first!"

"It's fine," Seth said, holding up a hand. "I want to ask these white dog guys if they've seen Kaylee. If they won't listen, I'll slap em' around a bit," Seth paused, gazing back up the hill. "Because I'm really starting to worry guys,"

Mark and Justin shared a third look, this one clearly conveying their trepidation. Mark started down first, then Justin followed. The three men were swarmed by the fleeing crowd as they reached the road. They pushed through them until they emerged out the back. The white, pasty creatures bore down on them at full speed.

Seth activated his martial ability, and the world slowed down to a crawl.

The plains surrounding the Risen Node of Galmesh were littered with corpses. Two massive armies stood facing each other, a thin strip of land separating them. In the middle of the clearing was Donovan, Grace and Seth. Before them was Lord Zyre and the demon lord Alamare.

"Which one do you want Grace," Seth said, popping his neck.

"Both are bad," Grace said, narrowing her eyes at Lord Zyre.

Seth picked his leg up and bent it back, stretching. "I'll take the demon guy then," He lifted his chin. "Hey Demon Lord, we've never fought before, have we?"

Alamare's usual smile disappeared, replaced with a look of curiosity. "I don't believe we have,"

"You looked pretty fast," Seth said, dropping his leg and picking up the other. "It would be nice if you move faster than the things I'm used to. It gets really boring when I use my powers,"

Alamare's smiled returned. "I'll try not to disappoint,"

"Donovan?" Seth said, glancing over his shoulder at the young man. "How good are you at fighting?"

Donovan laughed, shaking his head. "Not as good as Grace I'm afraid, but don't sweat it," Placing two fingers to his mouth, he whistled. "Orga King, Lizard guy, slender-man, little sorcerer girl," The tall creature wrapped in gauze raised itself up from behind some knights. He stepped over the warriors with his long limbs, settling back down in front of Donovan. The Montre lizard known as the Unfeeling One was the next champion to appear, emerging from a line of soldiers. The Orga King stomped over next. The young Uhnut sorcerer was the last to arrive. Like the others, she was smeared in black blood and smoke from the battle. Donovan pointed at them, then at Lord Zyre and Alamare. "Pair off, fuck them up,"

The one known as Gitch, the mummy, launched himself like a spider at Lord Zyre. The Orga king bellowed and followed. Crooked-Fang's son, the Unfeeling One, spun his trident and charged Alamare. The sorceress raised both her arms, her eyes glowing. Geometric shapes appeared under and over Alamare, then flashed with lightning.

"Let's go!" Grace shouted, charging Lord Zyre. Seth tightened the bandage around his eyes and exploded towards Alamare.

Gitch and Lord Zyre engaged first, exchanging hundreds of blows so fast the air whipped up around them. Lord Zyre spun, catching the mummy and throwing him into the ground. Gitch cracked the earth and bounced back up. Lord Zyre caught him again and drove him back into the earth with a kick, then caught him a third time and threw the mummy as hard as he could.

No sooner had Lord Zyre released him then Grace was above him. Geometric shapes appeared all around her, and spears of light rained down on the white figure. He shimmered, dodging them, but jumped back as the Orga King swung his butcher sword at his head.

Alamare the demon lord fought his opponents a few yards away. He vibrated in short circles, ducking around the lighting strikes. They ended as the Unfeeling One arrived with his trident. Alamare continued to vibrate, dodging the prongs of the weapon as the Montre Lizard jabbed repeatedly. The demon lord froze suddenly, holding up two fingers. Between his fingers he held a knife point. Seth was beside him, holding the knife.

"Damn," Seth said. "You're actually kind of fast,"

Alamare tilted his head, his smile turning into genuine curiosity. "As are you," The geometric patterns appeared above and under him, and lightning roared between them. Alamare vibrated between the blasts, pausing to wink at Seth. "Excuse me for a moment," He disappeared, appearing behind the Uhut sorceress. He knocked her in the back of the head with two fingers, then caught her as she fell. He twisted back, then chucked the sorceress as hard as he could. The Uhut girl sailed over the heads of Donovan's soldiers with a cry, landing somewhere in the distance. Alamare turned back to Seth. "Now, where were we,"

Donovan watched the two fights unfold, his sword at his side. Lord Zyre was fast and hard to pin, his body constantly shifting shape. Alamare was just fast. He had no weapons, only his gloved hands. And as he proved in Donovan's throne room, he was more than willing to use them. Gitch and the Orga King tried to pin in Lord Zyre while Grace rained down magic spears from above. Seth and Alamare left the Unfeeling One behind as they disappeared and reappeared around the battlefield. The concussive force from their blows sent out shockwaves wherever they went.

Lord Zyre sprouted several limbs like a pinwheel and spun into Gitch and the Orga King. He twisted faster and faster, whipping his limbs around like blades and forcing both champions to back up as they blocked. The white figure struck the ground as he spun, cracking it, then turned sideways. Gitch was split in two. Lord Zyre righted himself and shot all his limbs into the Orga King.

Grace threw herself down in front of the Orga champion, knocking all of Lord Zyre's limbs away and charging the opening. She jabbed with her spear as fast as she could, forcing the white figure back as he sprouted limbs to block. A geometric symbol appeared underneath him, followed by an explosion. Lord Zyre was thrown up into the air. Grace appeared above him and thrust down her spear with all her might. The white figure fell like a meteor, throwing up a cloud of dust.

"That won't stop him for long," Grace said, landing in front of the Orga King. Gitch slowly reattached both his sides, flexing his fingers once he was whole. Grace nodded at the mummy, then at the Orga. "Can you guys keep him distracted?" She gazed up into the sky at the giant spider. "I think I know how to end this," The Orga King and Gitch nodded.

The Unfeeling One had given up trying to keep up with Seth and Alamare. The Montre Lizard stood next to Donovan and watched as the hero and demon lord danced around the battlefield. They moved faster than the eye could follow, their after-image smearing around.

"Master!" A voice called. Donovan turned to see Crooked-Fang brushing he way past soldiers towards the count. "Master! You're on the field!"

"Yeah I came down to get in some experience," Donovan said, turning back towards the fight. "You can stay here and watch, I'm sure you've noticed the battle's paused,"

The Orga King and Gitch attacked Lord Zyre with renewed purpose. Grace bent her knees and shot into the air like a rocket. As she lost momentum, she generated geometric shapes in the air and began hopping between them. Lord Zyre attempted to pursue her into the sky, but Gitch and the Orga King were everywhere he turned.

Grace activated a second explosion, gaining a burst of speed and pointing her spear towards the sky spider. Hundreds of geometric shapes appeared around her, and thousands of light spears exploded upwards. The spider slowly unfurled its massive legs as the spears impacted against it. A loud, unnatural cry escaped its mouth, shaking the earth and raising the hair on Donovan's neck. Grace reached its head, blurring as she threw all her might into her spear thrusts. Black blood rained down from the sky as her weapon glowed.

Gravity took her, and Grace began falling back towards the ground. As she did she closed her eyes. A geometric shape miles-wide appeared underneath her. She passed through it as it glowed. A moment later a giant spear of light rose up through the shape like the prow of a mighty ship. It continued rising as Grace fell. She opened her eyes and watched the spear travel through the head of the spider, continuing through its balloon body and bursting out the other end. Waves of black blood poured out of the wounds, drenching row upon row of demons.

Cracks ran along the spider's body, then it turned to ash. Donovan shielded his eyes as the clouds stopped swirling and a ray of sunlight broke through. He glanced down and noticed that Lord Zyre had collapsed to his knees. His pasty skin flaked off like leaves, revealing a young man with tanned skin and long, matted hair. The man stared at his hands as the last of his old skin blew away.

Without a word, Gitch stepped over to where Lord Zyre was kneeling and lowered himself to his level. He grabbed the prince by the hair and dragged him up until his feet dangled above the ground. Lord Zyre didn't seem to notice, raising his eyes as sunlight fell on his face. King Orga approached with heavy footsteps. Without a moment's hesitation, he brought back his butcher sword and decapitated the dangling man. His body slumped to the floor. Gitch put his head in his mouth and scurried over to Donovan like a large spider. The slender-man creature spit it out on the ground before the count, then presented it with long fingers.

"Yes yes," Donovan said, sniffing and turning away. "Very good," Grace had watched the whole execution, having emerged from a crater. She gave Donovan a piercing gaze, which he ignored in favor of searching the battlefield for Seth and Alamare. He found them dancing around each other on one of his golems. The two hopped from shoulder to shoulder like two cracked-out hummingbirds. Donovan exhaled slowly, tilting his head as he thought hard. "This is getting tedious," Grace approached, siding up next to him. Before she could reply, an intense pressure filled the air.

Donovan felt his stomach drop, then his eardrums shook with a low rumble. The ground trembled. The count covered his ears as his teeth chattered. A bright light flashed out from the Risen Node of Galmesh, followed by a giant, glowing bell appearing above it. It rung once.

A shockwave bubbled up, traveling outwards like a wall and throwing up demon bodies in waves. Donovan's eyes grew wide as he watched the shockwave tear through the demon lines. "Master!" Crooked-Fang yelled. The Montre commander got in front of Donovan and waved his arms. "We must sound the retreat!"

Donovan blinked, tearing his eyes away from the approaching shockwave. "Yes, yes, sound the retreat,"

Horns called up and down his infantry lines. His solders turned, rushing back across the field as the shockwave continued traveling through the demon army. His warships turned, gaining altitude as they hurried to escape the spell.

The bell apparition had to be a spell, that was all Donovan could assume as Crooked-Fang and the Unfeeling One dragged the young man across the battlefield. His legs had stopped working, and Donovan was feeling very fatigued. He allowed the two Montre lizards to carry him back towards the transport ships.

The shockwave continued traveling. Most of Donovan's infantry escaped to the transport ships. The ships blew their horns and rapidly took off, leaving the slowest of the soldiers to be vaporized as the wave moved past. Donovan watched from the helms-room of one of the transports as the shockwave finally flickered and faded.

Once aboard his floating castle, Donovan headed for the throne room flanked by Crooked-Fang and the Unfeeling One. "What the hell was that!" Donovan yelled as he entered the grand, circular chamber. His voice echoed around the columns. "That spell was the most powerful I've ever seen!" His officials weren't at their usual posts by the columns. They were gathered in a group around something. Donovan narrowed his eyes in irritation and raised his voice. "Out of the way, what's all this!"

The officials parted. Near the center was Babi and Reqart. Babi had a spear made of light in her hand, and growled as she stood in front of Reqart. She was kept back by Tokaroaka and five other sorcerers. They all wielded swords encased in flames. "Uncle!" Reqart said, ducking under Babi and rushing over to him.

Donovan watched him run over, then turned his head to look at the other figures in the center. One of them approached. It was Missa, the rook spy master. She was missing an arm, her feathered cloak drenched dark with blood. Her mask was split in two, with one half missing. A bruised eye peered out at Donovan. She staggered over to him and fell to her knees.

"My count," She said, bowing her head. "I have failed you once again. The assassins I took with me are dead, as are my champions. All lost against the Magi known as Marcus. I have only one thing to offer you, which will not make up for the failure of the task you gave me. I accept my fate and your judgement,"

Donovan's irritation remained as he looked past Missa at the second figure. It was a tall woman covered in a long blue cloak. A blue hood covered her face, along with a jeweled veil. Donovan walked past Missa, approaching the woman.

"Don't go near her!" Babi yelled, gritting her teeth. One of the sorcerers swung his flaming sword to keep her from charging. Donovan reached the woman and gestured for her to remove her hood. She did, slowly, revealing the elf he had seen at the wedding.

"Ah. It's you," Donovan said, his tone cross. "The special NPC," He turned to Crooked-Fang and nodded at Babi. "Remove the woman for now,"

"Don't you dare!" Babi yelled, brandishing her spear. "I'm staying here!"

Donovan turned on her, angry. "Not if you keep yelling! Control yourself while I sort this mess out!"

Babi gave him a look of pure hatred, but her shoulders slowly sagged. She set the spear to the side, leaving it perfectly upright on the ground. The sorcerers lowered their flaming swords.

"Uncle!" Reqart said, tugging on Donovan's cape. "I know this woman, she's Princess Esymia. She's supposed to marry my father's friend Tarcourt!"

"Yes yes I'm sure," Donovan said, dismissing his nephew with a wave. "Forgive me but I really must find out what just destroyed the demon army and nearly wiped out my own forces,"

"The Magi," A voice said, clear and ringing. Donovan turned to see the elf had spoken. She held his gaze, her expression unreadable.

"Mark did that?" Donovan said, incredulous. He pointed at Reqart. "My friend Mark, his father?"

The elf nodded her head slowly. "The Magi was forced to use his magic when I was taken,"

Reqart lowered his head, his voice growing soft. "My father doesn't like using his magic. He says he hates it when he has to do spells,"

Donovan put his hands to his head as he slowly turned. "Holee shit. Mark is that powerful of a wizard? No way, nooooo way. That's just impossible,"

"It's true," Babi called, an edge of contempt in her voice. "The Magi Marcus could destroy your whole fleet if he wished,"

"We are all lucky he does not use his powers often," Prince Esymia said, clasping her hands delicately in front of her.

"Fuck that speedrunner," Donovan said, rubbing his eyes. "Of course he figured out a way to game the system," He lowered his hands and gazed around his throne room. "Well if he's really that powerful, I may have to change up my plan a bit. If I can't convince Seth, I'm just going to have them come to me. Tokaroaka!"

"Yes master!" The sorcerer said, turning his grotesque mask away from watching Babi.

"Take this castle over the battlefield. See if you can find my friends,"

The floating castle slowly descended, then leveled out and traveled over the battlefield. Donovan and his court gathered at the opening, including Reqart, Babi and Princess Esymia, although not by choice. Behind Babi and the elf stood Tokaroaka and many of his sorcerers. They all gripped their swords, though none of them were bathed in fire. Reqart stood next to Donovan as the man rested his hand on the boy's shoulder. The viewing glass was in front of them, giving Donovan an up-close view as he searched.

"There!" Reqart said, pointing.

Seth and Grace were only visible for a moment. They hovered in the air, then disappeared. They reappeared on the ground, and an explosion tore apart the earth. Alamare appeared above them in the smoke, then shimmered and disappeared.

"Ah," Donovan said. "I see they're still fucking around. Tokaroaka, take us closer, and reverse this mirror!" The castle shifted, descending close to the ground. Donovan walked forward towards the mirror as it shimmered. The sorcerers changed its affect, enlarging the image of Donovan and amplifying his voice. "Grace!" He said, his voice booming out like the Wizard of Oz. "Seth, stupid NPC man!" The air vibrated, then Alamare appeared. Seth and Grace appeared on either side of him, pausing. Donovan waved down at them, then presented first the elf, then Reqart. "As you can see I now have the super special NPC waifu you all seem so obsessed with, as well as Mark's actual, real, flesh-and-blood son. Seth! We have not spoken yet, what say you to stopping this stupid game and coming home with me?"

Seth waved up at Donovan, then took off his blindfold. "Hey man!" He called. "I'm sorry, but I can't leave until Alyssa finds Kaylee! She promised she would, and you know how it is!"

"Oh shit!" Donovan said, calling back down. "Kaylee's missing?"

"Enough!" Grace yelled, shouting back up at the castle. "Donovan please, release Princess Esymia! You can't protect her, you're endangering this whole world!"

"Yeah I don't really care about protecting her," Donovan said. "Look here's the deal guys. I'm tired, things are getting out of hand, and I just want to go home. Plus there's a kid involved now. So I'm taking my fleet and my armies and I'm going to Eo, and I'm knocking down its mountain walls or whatever and going home. I'm taking Reqart with me. Seth, I'll have my spies look for Kaylee, hopefully we can grab her on the way," Donovan took a deep breath. "I hope you guys will come to your senses and meet me there. Now where's Mark?"

"No!" Grace screamed. "You can't take her to Eo! You'll be playing right into her brother's hands!"

"Again, don't care. I'm just hoping if I bring her, Mark will follow,"

Neither Grace, nor Seth answered. Donovan could tell they were both at a loss for words, even through the reverse glass. Alamare tilted his head back and laughed. His whole body shook, the laughs continuing until he leaned forward and clutched his stomach. Finally he straightened up, opening his arms wide. "Thank you hero! Truly this is a turn that will infuriate everyone, and thus it is perfect! I shall take you up on your offer, and meet you at the mountains of Eo!"

Wind swept around the demon lord, obscuring him. "No!" Grace yelled, throwing her spear. Seth was quicker, shooting through the small tornado. He reemerged on the other side holding a bloody, severed arm. The rest of Alamare was gone.

"Damn Seth," Donovan murmured, turning. "You're crazy fast," He raised his voice. "Cover our retreat with a warship barrage!"

As he walked towards his throne steps, the warships unleashed their spells. The floating castle shifted as smoke and fire rose up from the battlefield. The fortress ascended into the air, wind traveling through the columns of the throne room. "Uncle?" Reqart called as Donovan climbed the stairs. He paused, looking back down them.

"Yes Nephew?"

"You said we were going to see my father today,"

Donovan gave the boy a tired smile. "I'm sorry Reqart, but he wouldn't come out of that Risen Node. But don't worry, I know he loves you," The count cast his gaze down at Princess Esymia, who was surrounded by sorcerers. "And besides," He said, narrowing his eyes as she met his gaze. "I have a feeling he'll come to us, as well as Grace," Donovan turned and continued climbing the stairs. "Hopefully the rest will follow,"
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I got to admit chapter seven was making me think you had dropped the ball from tragic idiocy to mere awkwardness, but chapter eight obviously picked it right back up and dunked it.