Hell is other angels

I can't think of any physical enhancement magic Hiver can access which does not involve being directly apart of the scoobies or he can secretly grab since the location is vague. Sure its possible one of magic books has something on boosting physical abilities but give we don't see that often perhaps its not efficient or not easy to learn such that most simple use another ranged spell.

What could be nice and kind of realistic would be Hiver finding magic that enhances workouts by like decreasing recovery time. He would need to still put in effort to hone his body except does not have to wait as long between work outs and this could lead to later when temporarily unndoing limiters to recuperate after fights.
I had three options to try to find out where the Judge was.

One: I scout out the abandoned factories and warehouses vampires and demons seemed to love to use. That would probably get me eaten.

Two: I go to Willie's and ask around. That would probably get me eaten.

Three: Unless I completely fucked stuff up, I knew where he would appear to feast for the first time.

The Sunnydale Mall.

Death, Death, Reading a book and sipping tea at the food court. Some decisions are really difficult to make.

I turned a page in the cheap paperback mystery novel, leaning back in the chair as I idly shifted my foot to put it on the handle of the dufflebag. Wouldn't do to have it stolen.

I was sitting in the corner of the food court, where my location was allowing me to keep all entrances in my field of vision. I was outside at night and nothing stopped anything from simply wandering in here. If something did, I wanted to see it before it got close.

The rifle was not something I could haul along, but I kept the pistol I stole in my jacket pocket. Wouldn't kill a vampire, but I bet a bullet to the face would slow it down enough for me to use the stake in my other pocket. It would be interesting to see if the crosses I'd scratched into the bullets would have any kind of effect.

Doubted it, but who knew. Bet the Watchers would have used it if it worked, but for some reason they didn't use guns. They probably had a good reason because I couldn't see them not use them for something as stupid as 'fair play' or something.

Two weeks. Two weeks of just sitting here from end of school until the mall closed. Boring, but it did allow me to read pretty much everything on the magic even after getting my (ugh) homework done.
Practiced what I read when I got home.

Enough to realize that I would never be the combat wizard type. That magic circle, a kind of spell 90% of humanity could do... was about my level. With serious, serious dedication I may, may get good enough to do simple rituals if I found a god/goddess willing to power me.

Good luck with that. I already had enough supernatural stuff fucking about with my head.

"Not sure I like being compared to one of those." Taziel said, appearing sitting on the table, her legs crossed, making her thin short dress ride up slightly to show even more leg. "They all act like petty children, self important and egotistical. You have read the classic Greek stories, you know what I mean."

I did my best to ignore her, turning a page in my book. But she did, of course, pick a form that was very difficult for me to ignore, especially as this body was in the middle of puberty. Living through that again was a new hell all of its own.

If anything, it was worse the second time around as I couldn't even look at girls my age without feeling guilty about it.

Taziel sighed and rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "Well, you are not wrong. I did pick a form you would find pleasant and I were an angel before I relocated to warmer locales. Of course I would look good. Want me to add the wings?"

I raised my eyes from the page to look up at her, just raising an eyebrow without saying a word. Now I was hardly a biblical scholar, but were angels not meant to be sanity-shattering wheels with a thousand eyes and wings?

She smiled, "I could if you prefer. Personally I like the modern picture of angels better, that old forms were a bit... hmh." Taziel said before she shrugged one shoulder and shifting her form slightly, spreading a two pairs of jet black wings wide, the four wings stretching two meters in each direction. "What do you think, my host?" she asked before she smirked. "Of course, if we are being traditional I really should be naked..."

Clenching my jaw, I returned to do my best to focus on my book. Fuck. Off.

I glanced up a second later to find her gone again.

Evil. Fallen Angel. Literal Hellspawn. I shifted in my seat and let out a long, slow breath. Stupid fucking angel and stupid fucking puberty!

Not enough with fallen angels, demons, vampires and random other fucking stuff wanting to eat me, but I also had to suffer through puberty again!

I was half tempted to save the rocket launcher to shove up the arse of whatever put me here in the first place. Maybe I should have taken a second one.

Scowling to myself, I reached for my tea only to freeze at the sight of blue at the top of the stairs. A big blue demon was standing there and, for now, nobody else seemed to notice.

But strangely enough, he was not the one that drew my attention. The vampires flanking him were. One of them were Drusilla.

The other one was Angel. Or maybe I should say Angelus.

What in the everloving shit was he doing here!? I sent Giles a letter specifically telling him how the curse could be broken and what needed to be done to prevent it! Even if he didn't trust an anonymous letter, he should still have done research into it and taken steps to stop it!


Looking to the side I could see Buffy and her group entering. Crossbows and swords. Yeah, that wouldn't work. Luckily, I have the medicine right here.

Sliding down behind the table, I unzipped the dufflebag and pulling out the M136 AT4, flipping the two buttons needed to ready the firing mechanism.

There was the twang of a crossbow bolt.

"Buffy! Honey, you came!" Angel shouted back with a grin, slapping the demon on the shoulder where the bolt had hit the Judge. "And you brought crossbows, how cute. Haven't you heard? No weapon forged?"

"That was then. This is now."

Yep, keep the Judge distracted, please.

Getting up from behind the table I took aim straight at the demon's chest and pressed the trigger button.

With a tremendous cracking sound, the small missile crossed the distance in a split second and detonated on impact. The weapon meant to take out armored vehicles made short work of the blue demon and small bits showered the Mall.

Lowering the weapon, I watched the smoke clear. The Judge was gone.

So were Drusilla and Angelus. They didn't see me to dive into cover like they did when Buffy shot hers.

I just killed Angelus and Drusilla along with blowing up the Judge.

The group of demon slayers stared in my direction and the sprinklers went off, showering the area with foul-smelling water as Buffy slowly lowered her own anti tank weapon while looking over at me with wide eyes.

Slowly lowering the spent weapon, I said the only thing that came to mind.

"Well... shit..."

AN// Many thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section.
What in the everloving shit was he doing here!? I sent Giles a letter specifically telling him how the curse could be broken and what needed to be done to prevent it! Even if he didn't trust an anonymous letter, he should still have done research into it and taken steps to stop it!

Maybe should have tried to check up on how that was going before this, yeah?

But hey, I guess this means you can go to Los Angeles and deal with Wolfram and Hart! That gives you a place in canon and shoes to feel, which is nice for your personal story arc, and you even have the demon in your head so you can probably pull off a half decent Angel imitation there. :V
Paging Whistler on line 2, Whistler, your assignment has fallen apart and you need to start over again...
Not a buffy fan.

What does this mean for Canon?

Gone. Utterly Gone. The rails are so far away, you'd need FTL travel to reach them again.

...The only thing he could've done to screw Canon up more was kill Buffy herself.

This is gonna be interesting...

*edit* ...and by kill her, i mean permanently...
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Gone. Utterly Gone. The rails are so far away, you'd need FTL travel to reach them again.

...The only thing he could've done to screw Canon up more was kill Buffy herself.

This is gonna be interesting...
Uh is Buffy gonna try to kill him? Because even though I found their whole relationship gross and fucked up on a lot of levels she did love Angel a lot.
Good question.

The big bad for the season (Angelus) is dealt with. Without Angelus and Dru Acathala likely wont happen which means no Kendra coming. No Dru and Kendra means Kendra does not die, Buffy doesn't run away to LA with a Murder Investigation on her.

Faith Doesn't get called, so likely Diana doesn't get murdered by Kakistos, and Faith has a better life, assuming that Kendra doesn't die in the next 6 months. Angel was needed some what to deal with the Sadie Hawkens ghost issue, but that can be worked around. He was also used for the Aspect of the Demon telepathy infection, but again that can be worked around.

The next biggest thing was trying to infiltrate the Mayor with Angel and Faith, and that wont happen but Hiver will likely off the Mayor by then, so no big issue there if the Mayor dies before the hundred days of immunity. The biggest thing is Angel wont be going to LA after Graduation which is the end of Season 3 for his spin-off.
Gone. Utterly Gone. The rails are so far away, you'd need FTL travel to reach them again.

...The only thing he could've done to screw Canon up more was kill Buffy herself.

This is gonna be interesting...

*edit* ...and by kill her, i mean permanently...
Not a bad thing though as canon was kinda fucked up to start with.
So, how permanent is death in Buffy? Could this be rectified (to prevent Buffy Murdering, not to restore canon)
Um, you guys realize it would take any of even the medium level players like 5 minutes to bring Angel back from the dead right?
Man, I have never wanted to be taken over by the Doom slayer more than right at that moment. Sunnydale's evil problems would not survive. Along with Sunnydale.
Death is kind of permanent in Buffy, it is possible to bring someone back, but if they were important, like say a destined champion, then there are potentially world ending consequences.

A vampire could be brought back through a pretty costly ritual (Power / materials), but they'd be brought back as a human rather than a vamp to bring down the power requirements (this happens in Angel to resurect Darla in order to get Darla to corrupt Angel), and her human soul really couldn't cope very well, and she was dying of the STDs she had as a human whore before she was turned. The good guy side has almost less than zero chance of pulling this off. They don't have the resources, or vast magical skill, and those one the good side that might be able to do it definitely would not.

Buffy was brought back in Season 6 after her death in Season 5, and this was what led to the world almost ending because the whole balance was shattered enough to let the First Evil have a fairly free hand, it lead to the wiping out the Watchers, slaughtering potential slayers across the world, and finally unleashing an army of Prehistoric super vamps that would have pretty much been game over. In theory bombing them might have worked...with a nuke...on an open Hell mouth, not a good idea. As it was Sunnydale collapsed into a crater.
Not a buffy fan.

What does this mean for Canon?
The Judge was going to die around this time anyway, so that's not such a big deal, but Dru was a seer who would very likely be involved in more things down the line, off-screen or not, and Angel was important enough to get his own spin-off and related Plots & Prophecies. Furthermore, Angel was Buffy's true love or something - this is gonna have an affect on her, which will spread to her in-group, and just generally get really awkward.

Basically, shit's fucked! Canon's off the rails, and BROB is hanging around the Powers That Be with a very distinctive expression on its' face.
Janus is in the background doing a happy dance.:p
Ooooh. So that's why Halloween worked so well.

Huh. I wonder if the SI could get Janus as a patron? It seems like he's going to be fucking fate over a lot, and a trickster god might like that.
Death is kind of permanent in Buffy, it is possible to bring someone back, but if they were important, like say a destined champion, then there are potentially world ending consequences.
It's actually very simple to bring people back from the dead in Buffy so long as you are a demon or have access to a skilled magic user.

At least so long as you only bring them back once, if you try to do it twice things get more difficult.

...Could Taziel do it?
Even a Virtue like her should be able to do it given she was very specifically a healing Angel.

At least so long as they are playing by Buffy verse rules.
Well he fudged the bucket there didn't.

I really don't think Angel dying with the judge will screw anything up cannon wise...at least revolving around him. He died at the end of this season anyway and the PTB brought him back cause they wanted too. So pretty sure they could just bring him back from this too. Probably minus the whole 100 years getting tortured in a Hell dimension.

Hey they have an extra rocket launcher. Now they could use that on the mayor instead of blowing up the school during graduation. *Starts bobbing a weaving to avoid thrown objects from Sunnydale Highs Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors*