[JXJ] "I think Medaka just gained new followers by her own nature. They will be too terrified to defy her again, and may even end up outright Masochistics at this rate if they stay for her 'training'."
-[X] "Heh, I kid I kid. More likely, I can only hope that they at least learned something from her lessons, instead of nothing at all by wasting their own lives and her own selfless effort. And if not, I am bet that Medaka is ready for more repeats until they can do it flawlessly, blindfolded, in the dark and if not grow a spine, then at least learn to follow instructions while dealing with piranhas."
--[X] "Besides, if she's perfect at everything, then it's only a matter of time before she perfects the art of 'teaching', and then that'd be even worse for her 'victims' to the point I can only think on how better they'd be when she's done with them."