"In that case, I want...you." You reply with the most serious and solemn expression you can muster while looking directly into Nabeshima's eyes. You let both her and Akune widen their eyes as the meaning of your words sink into their brains (with the nice addendum of Nabeshima blushing furiously) before continuing. "As a loyal and devoted underling. Who wouldn't want the support of the [Queen of Foul Play]?"
Exactly what I wanted it to be.
Somewhere, Joseph thinks someone is stealing his schitck.Get here so I can-"
"-send me to the mat with an [Koshi Waza], your favored beginning move?" Zenkichi finishes.
"Send you-" Akune's eyes widen. "How do you know that?"
Finally, a Dio facepalm pose!Zenkichi hides half of his face, but not his eyes, with a hand
PAY ATTENTION: This is how you Jojo!"The real reason I'll win...is because you ignore one very important thing!"
"And what would it be?!"
Suddenly Zenkichi slyly smiles. "Do you know, that Medaka and I have the kind of relationship where I get to see her underwears every. Single. Day?"[
Everyone's eyes, save Medaka and Zenkichi, bulge out of their sockets. Medaka quietly nods with a small smile and eyes closed, seemly not caring how embarrassing that line sounds.
"WOOOOOORRRRMMMMM!!!" And then Akune goes apeshit. He lunges at Zenkichi like an Asura straight out of Hell.
The next moment he is on the floor, having just being knocked down by Zenkichi's [Koshi Waza].
"Ippon." He mutters with a calm and serene expression.
Don't worry Nekomi, we'll get you into the proper Jojo mindset soon enough.'Defeated by a mind-game...Some [Foul King] I am.' She sighs before smiling at Zenkichi, who is gracefully evading Akune's lunges while...doing poses? 'Still, I guess there are worse bosses to work for.
And now for something different...
Nekomi Nabeshima: Made into Zenkichi's underling.
Kouki Akune: Made into Medaka's underling.
You get an underling, you get an underling, everyone gets an underling!