1.13 Of bloodied ice
- Location
- The middle of nowhere
When you were put back on your feet, you still felt light dizziness caused by the previous impact against the bridgeway cobblestones. The world swam slightly before your eyes, and the surrounding turmoil added more paces to your vertigo. However, you managed to take a look at your fiend before he descended on the moat's ice, followed by the ragtag bunch of survivors. Maybe it was only your imagination or the post-traumatic implications, but you can swear that something ticked in your head when you saw Ulren freezing still momentarily and toning down his breathing before assuming the offensive stance with the low centre of weight and headed forth over the icy surface. There was something you hadn't noticed about his motions before - the exotic mix of the heavy-armoured agility and the indestructible balance. You braced yourself as well and followed.
The dark-skinned woman (whom you nicknamed as "Dusky" in your mind) was the second one to descend on ice with the different from Ulren's kind of grace - with flighty grace and perfectly controlled - almost choreographic - motions. They ventured forth, leading you and other survivors across the ice that separated city districts and the living husks hiding in the sewer outlets, to the saving shore which you saw from the bridge. You were half a kilometre away from the relative safety of (yet) unravaged suburbian districts and the woodlands stretching North. The sounds of the battle and fires echoed from both city districts. The church bell tolled its distressful tune. The ice beneath you cracked at some points, indicating that the danger was still here - to the sides and below you. Even though risky, you still felt it is the safest route, wishing only to be more gracious following your friend on the slippery ice and confident about fending off the leper-looking humanoids.
At first, they fled the treadway of Dusky and Kyres, either because of the fear or due to the careful calculation to lunge at the group once it will venture way too far from the quay and thus the swift retreat. When the bunch you were a part of passed like one hundred meters and it turned out to be the latter. The lepers began to group up in packs from three to five, striding on in a way one would expect from wolves, but not haggard and sick people. Unwilling to try their chances in the frontal assault, they were circling your group, hunting for those weaker and lagging. This slowed down the retreat, as now you had not only to struggle to remain on your feet but also to be prepared to respond to creatures provocations that could have developed into attacks.
The number of lepers was rising - sickly silhouettes of men and women alike, sometimes wrapped in black and grey rags and sometimes covered with nothing but their shedding fragments of skin - all carrying the seal of the shared sickness, they were swarming out from the sewers, alcoves, and all the hollows leading to the quay. After you passed below the second bridge, the swarm of your chasers enlarged enough for them to convert their numbers into boldness, attempting first coordinated attacks. That was where Ulren locked his stance and began to deliver blows with his mace and bashes with his shield. The spawns' attempt to bog him down via sheer quantity failed since Kyres' proficiency in close-in fighting combined with his massive frame and complex mace ensured that almost every his strike resulted in a creature being blown out of its earthly misery or, in some cases, added severe skeleton fractures and even limbs loss. Unlike vanguarding Ulren, who was scattering the foul fiends in the head of the group, Dusky assumed a position in the rear of the formation, locking you, the youngster, the girl with her mother, and the 'conditioned' lass in improvised "safety gripe", intercepting the predators from the opposite direction.
Despite the efforts of the dark-skinned damsel, who was cutting fiends open and even running them through in what seemed as an intricate blade dance, painting the ice with the foul orange-red blood, a couple of human-predators managed to slip past the combatants, bogging you down in melee. As if the concussion and the impassible surface were not enough of a slowing factor, once you had to refer to stabbing and jabbing, your own and thus the group's speed almost came to a halt. After another series of your violent but chaotic strikes at the creature that was a human no more, you could only shriek in angriness and wish to have the forged fire poker that you previously as your weapon against these creatures, since it looked like all of the city ghouls were now hunting for you. But even under this desperate pressure, the group combatants retained their readiness to counter, advancing slowly but stubbornly, like a siege ram pullers under heavy archers fire.
When you were about to fall in despair under the continuous pressure, the event that changed the whole dynamics of this crisis occurred: the city church's bell tower that stood near the moat and which hasn't ceased to ring its tocsin since the very beginning of the siege, finally succumbed to the fires and damage, partially collapsing on the ice where your group fended off ghouls a couple of minutes ago and breaking the icy surface with the sound of an ancient dragon's shattering spine. Those ghouls who avoided being squashed or drowned, scattered as fast as a hoard of mice fleeing an arsonized building. The reason for why they did so came too late to the redhead girl's mother, as the cracks grew in once solid ice and swallowed the woman. Scared as you were, you attempted to make a move to secure your balance, but to no avail - the same fate caught you.
With your lower body dipped into the piercing-cold water and holding the top one above the tide only with the help of your wings spread on a reflex, you the vicious chill bit you like no predator ever would, numbing your limbs as well as thoughts. In this numbed by hysteria and overwhelming cold state, your memory and perceptions grew partial. You remember screaming and crying in choir with the red-haired girl, Dusky dragging her protesting away from the tide where her mother sank, the despair and abandonment of seeing the young man with the pregnant girl running away from the group and leaving you behind, Ulren tearing off the cloak from Dusky and tying the spare head of his mace to one of its ends, you grabbing to the improvised tow with all of your remaining strengths and using the shield slid to you as a sled. In addition to the deceitful 'phantom' heat that struck you after being dragged out from the water, you felt the heat of shame... the instinctive joy of being rescued mixed with the feeling of guilt for being such a burden to Ulren. After he wrapped you in Dusky's rain cloak, the senses and perceptions began to return to you, registering that, except Kyres wrapping you up and Dusky watching him from some distance with the gaze you could not interpret at the moment, the rest of the thinned group bolted towards the shore. The chill was still painful and paralyzing, but you had to move, and so, with the support of your friend, you did.
With the lack of the ghouls, you were moving faster than before. However, you were now facing the more dangerous adversary - the frost. After climbing the shore and walking some distance through the snow, your legs were feeling like they became a pair of oversized pillows to thousands of searing needles. Shuddering, you were almost carried by your companions to the trail left by the young runaways - they were ahead, running to the closest woods in hopes to disappear between its dark, lifeless trunks. The young lad was ahead, holding the little redhead by the hand. The pregnant girl lagged behind them, finding it difficult to chase after the kids in her state but still fleeing despite the exhaustion for the sake of her own and her unborn child.
Then, suddenly, the bold pierced her ribcage, slumping her sideways to the snow with the force of impact. To the left, there was a smallish group of soldiers with two out of three armed with crossbows and with one armoured hound chasing the running and screaming kids. This group was relatively lightly armed - camisoles and ranged weapons, suggesting the scout role of the unit. You were no fast enough to outrun the soldiers after all. Yet, there was still a tactical opportunity to avoid the engagement available at the price of the kids' lives capitalized on as a distraction for soldiers.
[] Flee now!
The kids are doomed. Even if they do manage to elapse the chasers, they will not survive the night in the forest.
[] Intercept the scouts before they reach the kids with:
-[] Lucifina
-[] Ulren
-[] Dusky
Sum of the combat rolls of participants (melee / half-melee and half-ranged / half-melee and half-objects usage) against 28 composite check, individual defence rolls of participants against very easy (14) defence skill check, luck rolls of participants.
This is the right thing to do. Besides, the scouts have gear and clothes.
[] Attack the scouts while they deal with the children with:
-[] Lucifina
-[] Ulren
-[] Dusky
Sum of the combat rolls of participants (melee / half-melee and half-ranged / half-melee and half-objects usage) against 22 composite check, individual defence rolls of participants against trivial (11) defence skill check, luck rolls of participants.
The scouts have the resources needed for your group's survival. And the surprise factor seems to be on your side. For a price of others lives that is.
The dark-skinned woman (whom you nicknamed as "Dusky" in your mind) was the second one to descend on ice with the different from Ulren's kind of grace - with flighty grace and perfectly controlled - almost choreographic - motions. They ventured forth, leading you and other survivors across the ice that separated city districts and the living husks hiding in the sewer outlets, to the saving shore which you saw from the bridge. You were half a kilometre away from the relative safety of (yet) unravaged suburbian districts and the woodlands stretching North. The sounds of the battle and fires echoed from both city districts. The church bell tolled its distressful tune. The ice beneath you cracked at some points, indicating that the danger was still here - to the sides and below you. Even though risky, you still felt it is the safest route, wishing only to be more gracious following your friend on the slippery ice and confident about fending off the leper-looking humanoids.
At first, they fled the treadway of Dusky and Kyres, either because of the fear or due to the careful calculation to lunge at the group once it will venture way too far from the quay and thus the swift retreat. When the bunch you were a part of passed like one hundred meters and it turned out to be the latter. The lepers began to group up in packs from three to five, striding on in a way one would expect from wolves, but not haggard and sick people. Unwilling to try their chances in the frontal assault, they were circling your group, hunting for those weaker and lagging. This slowed down the retreat, as now you had not only to struggle to remain on your feet but also to be prepared to respond to creatures provocations that could have developed into attacks.
The number of lepers was rising - sickly silhouettes of men and women alike, sometimes wrapped in black and grey rags and sometimes covered with nothing but their shedding fragments of skin - all carrying the seal of the shared sickness, they were swarming out from the sewers, alcoves, and all the hollows leading to the quay. After you passed below the second bridge, the swarm of your chasers enlarged enough for them to convert their numbers into boldness, attempting first coordinated attacks. That was where Ulren locked his stance and began to deliver blows with his mace and bashes with his shield. The spawns' attempt to bog him down via sheer quantity failed since Kyres' proficiency in close-in fighting combined with his massive frame and complex mace ensured that almost every his strike resulted in a creature being blown out of its earthly misery or, in some cases, added severe skeleton fractures and even limbs loss. Unlike vanguarding Ulren, who was scattering the foul fiends in the head of the group, Dusky assumed a position in the rear of the formation, locking you, the youngster, the girl with her mother, and the 'conditioned' lass in improvised "safety gripe", intercepting the predators from the opposite direction.
Despite the efforts of the dark-skinned damsel, who was cutting fiends open and even running them through in what seemed as an intricate blade dance, painting the ice with the foul orange-red blood, a couple of human-predators managed to slip past the combatants, bogging you down in melee. As if the concussion and the impassible surface were not enough of a slowing factor, once you had to refer to stabbing and jabbing, your own and thus the group's speed almost came to a halt. After another series of your violent but chaotic strikes at the creature that was a human no more, you could only shriek in angriness and wish to have the forged fire poker that you previously as your weapon against these creatures, since it looked like all of the city ghouls were now hunting for you. But even under this desperate pressure, the group combatants retained their readiness to counter, advancing slowly but stubbornly, like a siege ram pullers under heavy archers fire.
When you were about to fall in despair under the continuous pressure, the event that changed the whole dynamics of this crisis occurred: the city church's bell tower that stood near the moat and which hasn't ceased to ring its tocsin since the very beginning of the siege, finally succumbed to the fires and damage, partially collapsing on the ice where your group fended off ghouls a couple of minutes ago and breaking the icy surface with the sound of an ancient dragon's shattering spine. Those ghouls who avoided being squashed or drowned, scattered as fast as a hoard of mice fleeing an arsonized building. The reason for why they did so came too late to the redhead girl's mother, as the cracks grew in once solid ice and swallowed the woman. Scared as you were, you attempted to make a move to secure your balance, but to no avail - the same fate caught you.
With your lower body dipped into the piercing-cold water and holding the top one above the tide only with the help of your wings spread on a reflex, you the vicious chill bit you like no predator ever would, numbing your limbs as well as thoughts. In this numbed by hysteria and overwhelming cold state, your memory and perceptions grew partial. You remember screaming and crying in choir with the red-haired girl, Dusky dragging her protesting away from the tide where her mother sank, the despair and abandonment of seeing the young man with the pregnant girl running away from the group and leaving you behind, Ulren tearing off the cloak from Dusky and tying the spare head of his mace to one of its ends, you grabbing to the improvised tow with all of your remaining strengths and using the shield slid to you as a sled. In addition to the deceitful 'phantom' heat that struck you after being dragged out from the water, you felt the heat of shame... the instinctive joy of being rescued mixed with the feeling of guilt for being such a burden to Ulren. After he wrapped you in Dusky's rain cloak, the senses and perceptions began to return to you, registering that, except Kyres wrapping you up and Dusky watching him from some distance with the gaze you could not interpret at the moment, the rest of the thinned group bolted towards the shore. The chill was still painful and paralyzing, but you had to move, and so, with the support of your friend, you did.
With the lack of the ghouls, you were moving faster than before. However, you were now facing the more dangerous adversary - the frost. After climbing the shore and walking some distance through the snow, your legs were feeling like they became a pair of oversized pillows to thousands of searing needles. Shuddering, you were almost carried by your companions to the trail left by the young runaways - they were ahead, running to the closest woods in hopes to disappear between its dark, lifeless trunks. The young lad was ahead, holding the little redhead by the hand. The pregnant girl lagged behind them, finding it difficult to chase after the kids in her state but still fleeing despite the exhaustion for the sake of her own and her unborn child.
Then, suddenly, the bold pierced her ribcage, slumping her sideways to the snow with the force of impact. To the left, there was a smallish group of soldiers with two out of three armed with crossbows and with one armoured hound chasing the running and screaming kids. This group was relatively lightly armed - camisoles and ranged weapons, suggesting the scout role of the unit. You were no fast enough to outrun the soldiers after all. Yet, there was still a tactical opportunity to avoid the engagement available at the price of the kids' lives capitalized on as a distraction for soldiers.
[] Flee now!
The kids are doomed. Even if they do manage to elapse the chasers, they will not survive the night in the forest.
[] Intercept the scouts before they reach the kids with:
-[] Lucifina
-[] Ulren
-[] Dusky
Sum of the combat rolls of participants (melee / half-melee and half-ranged / half-melee and half-objects usage) against 28 composite check, individual defence rolls of participants against very easy (14) defence skill check, luck rolls of participants.
This is the right thing to do. Besides, the scouts have gear and clothes.
[] Attack the scouts while they deal with the children with:
-[] Lucifina
-[] Ulren
-[] Dusky
Sum of the combat rolls of participants (melee / half-melee and half-ranged / half-melee and half-objects usage) against 22 composite check, individual defence rolls of participants against trivial (11) defence skill check, luck rolls of participants.
The scouts have the resources needed for your group's survival. And the surprise factor seems to be on your side. For a price of others lives that is.
The more people you throw into the fray - the better odds the party has to succeed but also the more party members will be exposed to risks of injury. Chose wisely.
I wish you - my awesome readers - happy holidays. Let your dreams and goals come to life in the year to come.
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