Heimurn Chronicles (No, SV, you're a young valkyrie in the middle of a bizarre and dangerous journey)

Who is the bae? (Yes, we know that it's Lucy, but still - who's your favorite character)

  • Total voters
Character(s) sheet(s)
your team of lunatics so far
Lucifina (aka you, aka Lu, aka Lucy, aka Sparkling, aka Gosling)

Race: the new nameless humanoid species
Gender: Female
Age: biological - around 21 in human years; actual(?) - almost half a year (?).
Background: protege of a natural science scholar, unknown origins
Status: Healthy

"Follow the white cat" - you have a moody guiding spirit at your side who can boost your spirit aspect advancement should you get on its better side (+1 spirit arcane charge point after passing hard charisma attribute check (18)), expect its occasional interference.

"No one is an island" - you get 1 + n bonus to all social influence skills and CHA rolls when applied to teammates, where n is the number of steps of the target's affection tier beyond neutral (applies to both positive and negative affection dimensions). Additionally, get +3 to the mentioned bonuses if Amalia is around and can provide quick advice. Passive effect: unearth more insights on followers.

"It's in my blood" - you get a permanent +1 bonus to Intelligence and +1 to arcane skill. Actions that train arcane aspects have a 1/6 chance to double the yields unless the base earning equals or exceeds one full level. You are more prone to magic-related actions and thoughts. You might find it harder to resist the allure of magic in some situations.

Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 9 9 4
Constitution 16 16 11
Mobility 10 (+2 cond.) 10 (12 cond.) 5 (7 cond.)
Perception 11 11 6
Coordination 14 14 9
Micromotorics 13 13 8
Intellect 18(+1/3) 18 13
Wisdom 17 17 12
Charisma 20 20 15
Luck 4 4 4
Misfortune 2 2 2
Attribute value​
Learned value​
Modified value​
Dice bonus​
Melee combat​
Ranged combat​
Arcane skill​
(+1 cnd.day)​
14 (15 cnd.day)​
1 (+2 cnd.w.)​
8 (10 cnd.w.)​
Objects usage​
Mounted combat​
(+2 cnd.w.)​
2 (4 cnd.w.)​
Geography lore​
Nature lore​
Arcane lore​
Social and cultural lore​
Craft lore​
Lingual lore​
Daily craft​
Pharma and treatment​

Flight and wing-related traits
Wings skill level​

Flight mastery level​
Normal speed​
above average, can forcefully accelerate to considerably fast​
Maximum range​
considerably far, anywhere up to twenty-eight kilometers.​
Maximum height​
considerably high (up to 250 meters)​
Maximum extra lifting weight​
low (10 kg)​
above average, withstands weather and can try to regain without landing​
Launching surfaces​
solid grounds​
Air feats​
diving, gliding, hovering, thrusting, basic aerial spellcasting​
Land feats​
dodge extra propulsion, posing, enhanced balance, enhanced surface acceleration, shielding with wings​
#1) Thaumaturgy level 7 (6/7 to level 8):
  • You can sense the activity of the entropic aspects within ~1000 meters radius, and unusual concentration/malfunction of other aspects within ~200 meters radius.​
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to constitution​
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to wisdom​
  • You regain mental strengths a little bit faster during the daytime.​
  • Using thaumaturgy during the daytime requires less mental and physical effort.,​
  • You can allegedly see prophetic dreams​
  • You can temporarily nullify magic in ~30 meters radius or in a 45 meters-long 30' cone a few times a day, or emit an anti-magic field up to ~15 meters radius a few times a day.​
  • you can temporarily amplify the aspects power around you once a day​
  • you can temporarily amplify or suppress the aspects power of a target up to two times a day​
  • You can try to scan surrounding areas for traces of planar breaching with very high odds to succeed and sense the short residue of extraplanar entities.​
  • You can conjure light on the basic level (sparks, flashes, rays)​
  • You can shape light on the basic level (flash explosions, molding into orbs, luminal barriers, luminal domes, wedges of solidified light, sparks strike)​
  • You passively gain +1 to arcane skill when exposed to the sun but also get -1 to arcane skill at night AND in dark places.​
#2) Spirit level 7:
  • You are able of an advanced Nether-realm vision​
  • You can assess the memory traces of objects and entities via nether-realm vision and tactile contact​
  • You can sense soul sparks in ~75 meters radius​
  • You can sense the sparks of the living, undead, minor spiritual beings, bound spirits, phantasms, genius loci, and some other spirits​
  • You can sense concentrations of the Limbus energies, the thickness of the barrier, and traces of spirits from the material plane​
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to perception​
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to wisdom​
  • You can scan the target's soul characteristics and receive advanced-depth results​
  • You can try to smite a spirit​
  • You can try to disperse a spirit​
  • You can try to temporarily bind or scare off a singular lesser spiritual being​
  • You can communicate with discovered spiritual beings​
#3) ~Open affinity slot~
Your journal, a comfortable set of clothes, a plain dress, a custom-made set of lightened composite armor, an arming sword ("Holly"), a high-quality rondel ("Mercy"), a decorative blue ribbon, a silver necktie with a bounded spirit, superb leather harness.​
Capable of crudely repairing clothes, making basic tailoring items like belts and patches, and producing low-effort/cost items like stuffed toys. Capable of applying first aid to prevent bleeding. Knows how to make and disinfect bandageware.​

Ulren Kyres (aka Ren, aka Mountain boy)

Race: Bhiroth
Gender: Male
Age: 68
Background: mercenary, former soldier, outcast
Status: Healthy

"Not on my watch, not again" - shields Lucy from considerable harm in combat situations at own expense.

"I promise you that" - when in the same group as Lucifina, will make the second set of saving rolls to avoid critical health conditions.

"Odd kind of friendship" - when Ulren and Sephorah are fighting crowd-controllable enemies (not giants, flying creatures, etc.) in the same team, the one who makes the lowest total offensive or defensive score out of two can reroll that offensive or defensive roll set (only the highest score counts).
Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 21 +1 22 17
Constitution 21 +1 22 17
Mobility 14 -1 13 8
Perception 12 12 7
Coordination 15 15 10
Micromotorics 13 13 8
Intellect 14 14 9
Wisdom 18 18 13
Charisma 9 9 4
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 9 9 18
Ranged combat 5 5 10
Arcane skill 6 6
Defense 10 10 20
Objects usage 6 3 9
Mounted combat 8 8
Willpower 6 -3 3
Balance 7 7
Sneaking 4 -5 -1
Reconnaissance 5 4 9
Persuasion 4 4
Intimidation 9 9
Haggle 3 3
Performance 3 3
Seduction 5 5
Geography lore 6 5 11
Nature lore 6 3 9
Arcane lore 6 6
Social and cultural lore 5 5
Craft lore 6 6 12
Lingual lore 5 5
Daily craft 6 4 10
Pharma and treatment 5 2 7
Weaponsmithing 6 6 12
Armorsmithing 6 6 12
Tailoring 3 3
Art 4 4
Artificery 5 7 12
Burglary 4 4
Huntsmanship 5 2 7
Alchemy 6 6
Sorcery 6 6
Unknown, but he demonstrated feats of great balance, stability, and hardiness. Perhaps, he might have an undiscovered arcane aspect bound.​
A very worn half-plate armor set, worn set of clothes, a glaive, mechanical mace with spare heads, heater shield, hand crossbow, one quiver of bolts, enchanted amulet (+1 STR +1 CON - MOB)
Semi-proficient in the daily craft. Adept in smithing (martial-level weapons and armor). Proficient in artificiery (lesser contraptions). Expert in picking/maintaining war gear, and capable of minor mechanical upgrades of such. Knows the basics of hunting and skinning.

Sephorah of house Terphor (aka Seph, aka Sephie, aka Princess)

Race: Daeva
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Background: Rosaline's agent, former slave, voluntary expatriate.
Status: Healthy


"Odd kind of friendship" - when Ulren and Sephorah are fighting crowd-controllable enemies (not giants, flying creatures, etc.) in the same team, the one who makes the lowest total offensive or defensive score out of two can reroll that offensive or defensive roll set (only the highest score counts).​

Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 15 15 10
Constitution 15 15 10
Mobility 16 16 11
Perception 14 14 9
Coordination 18 18 13
Micromotorics 12 12 7
Intellect 14 14 9
Wisdom 12 12 7
Charisma 18 18 13
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 7 6 1 14
Ranged combat 4 4
Arcane skill 4 4
Defense 6 5 2 13
Objects usage 4 5 9
Mounted combat 7 7
Willpower 4 4
Balance 8 8 16
Sneaking 7 8 15
Reconnaissance 4 4 8
Persuasion 6 5 11
Intimidation 7 7
Haggle 6 2 8
Performance 6 7 13
Seduction 8 7 15
Geography lore 4 4
Nature lore 4 4
Arcane lore 4 4
Social and cultural lore 5 6 11
Craft lore 3 3
Lingual lore 5 5
Daily craft 3 2 5
Pharma and treatment 4 4
Weaponsmithing 4 4
Armorsmithing 4 4
Tailoring 5 5
Art 5 5
Artificery 3 3
Burglary 4 6 10
Huntsmanship 6 6
Alchemy 4 4
Sorcery 4 4
Unknown if any. No signs of her having seeds of arcane aspects bound so far.​
A set of clothes and undergarments, a superb set of compositive medium armor (manticore materials), a superb leather harness for bags and tools, a qualitative longsword "Ember", a parrying dagger, a quiver of tossing knives, a kit with burglar's tools.​
You suspect she's incapable of legal manual labor aside from the bare basics of daily routines.​

Karl Norskov (aka Mage, aka 'that' mage)

Race: Human (unknown heritage)
Gender: Male
Age: appears to be in the late thirties to early forties
Background: elementalist mage, major arcane enthusiast, disowned son of a noble family.
Status: Healthy


"Old habits die hard" - when making an offensive arcane skill roll in combat and getting less or equal to four, reroll it (only the highest score counts). This perk also applies to combat rounds where Karl makes an arcane skill roll only for the defensive score.​

Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 11 11 6
Constitution 11 11 6
Mobility 11 11 6
Perception 13 13 8
Coordination 10 10 5
Micromotorics 16 16 11
Intellect 20 20 15
Wisdom 16 16 11
Charisma 14 14 9
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 1 1
Ranged combat 4 4
Arcane skill 8 9 17
Defense 1 2 3
Objects usage 5 5 10
Mounted combat 2 2
Willpower 7 6 -2 11
Balance 1 1
Sneaking 2 2
Reconnaissance 6 6
Persuation 7 7
Intimidation 2 2
Haggle 5 1 6
Performance 6 6
Seduction 3 3
Geography lore 7 7
Nature lore 7 7
Arcane lore 7 9 16
Social and cultural lore 8 5 13
Craft lore 8 8
Lingual lore 8 7 15
Daily craft 8 8
Pharma and treatment 9 9
Weaponsmithing 7 7
Armorsmithing 7 7
Tailorng 8 8
Art 6 6
Artificery 8 8
Burglary 7 7
Huntsmanship 3 3
Alchemy 9 9
Sorcery 8 3 11
#1) Conflagration and radiation level 7:
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to strength.
  • You have gained the permanent +1 bonus to intellect.
  • Your casting in dry weather or nearby fire sources amplifies pyromancy.
  • You can regain mental strengths faster near the heat sources.
  • You can sense and read the heat sources in a vast area.
  • You can channel the arcane powers to temporarily amplify own physical strength.
  • Your spellcasting uses both mental and physical strengths or the varying proportions of such.
  • You can temporarily infuse objects (including tools and weapons) with pyromancy powers.
  • You can conjure heat on the intermediate level (sufficient to melt iron)
  • You can suppress and channel heat on the intermediate level (rays, waves, charges, orbs, tactile)
  • You passively gain +1 to arcane skill for every 3 points of STR above 10. This trait also applies -1 penalty to arcane skill for every 2 points of STR below 10. Does not apply in the case of arcane self-empowerment.​
A worn set of travel clothes, a backpack, a grimoire (or a diary), an old pocket chornometer with a chain, an intricate smoking pipe
None you know about​

Amalia Brant (aka Lia)

Race: Human (Eastlander)
Gender: Female
Age: Young adult
Background: Former maidservant
Status: Healthy

"Shipper on deck" - +3 To all social skill rolls against the companions with positive affection levels (neutrality affection level excluded). If previously gossiped with about other characters that she knows, can provide a one-time boost of +3 to all types of social interaction skill rolls to the requester.
Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 12 12 7
Constitution 15 15 10
Mobility 11 11 6
Perception 16 16 11
Coordination 12 12 7
Micromotorics 18 18 13
Intellect 12 12 7
Wisdom 20 20 15
Charisma 11 11 6
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 2 2
Ranged combat 7 3 10
Arcane skill 5 5
Defense 4 1 5
Objects usage 7 3 10
Mounted combat 4 4
Willpower 8 3 11
Balance 2 2
Sneaking 4 4
Reconnaissance 7 7
Persuasion 5 5
Intimidation 4 4
Haggle 5 4 9
Performance 6 6
Seduction 3 3
Geography lore 8 2 10
Nature lore 8 8
Arcane lore 8 8
Social and cultural lore 6 2 8
Craft lore 8 3 11
Lingual lore 6 6
Daily craft 8 10 18
Pharma and treatment 7 7
Weaponsmithing 6 6
Armorsmithing 6 6
Tailoring 5 9 14
Art 7 3 10
Artificery 8 8
Burglary 7 7
Huntsmanship 7 7
Alchemy 7 7
Sorcery 6 6
Uknown if any
Leather camisole of fair quality, compositive crossbow, a quiver of bolts, a bag of small tools, a rucksack, a set of road clothes, a plain cloak, a knife, a belt water bag.​
Master of daily craft and inventory management. Fairly good cook (specializes in fried snacks) and knows how to correctly ration different foods. Good tailor, capable of qualitative repair of clothes and production of professional effort/materials goods like suits and dresses. Her designs lean towards practicality rather than fanciness.​


Race: Human (unknown heritage)
Gender: Male
Age: Young adult
Background: Healer apprentice
Status: Healthy

"We are of one blood" - Any non-hostile actions towards animals or beast folk have +4 bonus to attributes or skill rolls. Can use WIS instead of CHA for interactions with animals and beast folk (aka empathetic approach).
Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 13 13 8
Constitution 15 15 10
Mobility 12 12 7
Perception 14 14 9
Coordination 10 10 5
Micromotorics 17 17 12
Intellect 15 15 10
Wisdom 14 14 9
Charisma 7 7 2
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 2 -5 -3
Ranged combat 5 -5 0
Arcane skill 6 6 12
Defense 4 1 5
Objects usage 6 -5 1
Mounted combat 3 -7 -4
Willpower 5 7 12
Balance 2 2
Sneaking 2 2
Reconnaissance 5 5
Persuasion 1 1
Intimidation 3 3
Haggle 1 1
Performance 2 2
Seduction 1 1
Geography lore 5 5
Nature lore 5 2 7
Arcane lore 5 5 10
Social and cultural lore 3 3
Craft lore 6 6
Lingual lore 3 3
Daily craft 6 3 9
Pharma and treatment 6 7 13
Weaponsmithing 6 6
Armorsmithing 7 7
Tailoring 5 5
Art 4 4
Artificery 7 7
Burglary 7 7
Huntsmanship 3 3
Alchemy 6 6
Sorcery 5 5
#1) Body level 5:
  • You can sense breathing and blood pulse of living entities in ~100 meters radius.​
  • You gain the permanent +1 bonus to constitution.​
  • You gain the permanent +1 bonus to charisma​
  • You can scan the detailed physiological state of a target in many details including sicknesses, inflammations, as well as the state of physical integrity.​
  • You can make an attempt for a minuscule boost of the physical performance of oneself or a target at the cost of own mental strengths.​
  • You can accelerate the metabolism (and so, often times, the recovery from ailments or traumas) of living creatures at the cost of own mental and physical strengths.​
  • You can try to numb the minor pain of a target living creature at the cost of both mental and physical strengths or share it with yourself with the low transference loss ratio​
A robe with a hood, a bag with bandages and medications, an old iron amulet, a belt with tincures​
Good at applying and synthesizing remedies. Capable of providing first and complex medical aid. Has some skills in inventory management.​

Jorgen Ostgard (aka Jory, aka Craven)

Race: Human (Lyflander?)
Gender: Male
Age: Young adult
Background: Alchemist assistant
Status: Healthy
Attributes Base value Modified value Total value Dice bonus
Strength 11 11 6
Constitution 11 11 6
Mobility 12 12 7
Perception 18 18 13
Coordination 12 12 7
Micromotorics 15 15 10
Intellect 16 16 11
Wisdom 13 13 8
Charisma 9 9 4
Luck 2 2 2
Misfortune 2 2 2
Skill Attribute value Learned value Modified value Total value / Dice bonus
Melee combat 2 2
Ranged combat 6 1 7
Arcane skill 5 5
Defense 2 2
Objects usage 6 4 10
Mounted combat 3 3
Willpower 6 6
Balance 2 2
Sneaking 5 4 9
Reconnaissance 7 5 12
Persuation 2 2
Intimidation 1 1
Haggle 3 3
Performance 2 2
Seduction 1 1
Geography lore 6 6
Nature lore 6 4 10
Arcane lore 6 3 9
Social and cultural lore 4 4
Craft lore 5 6 11
Lingual lore 4 4
Daily craft 5 3 8
Pharma and treatment 6 6
Weaponsmithing 5 5
Armorsmithing 5 5
Tailoring 5 5
Art 3 3
Artificery 6 6
Burglary 7 7
Huntsmanship 6 6
Alchemy 6 6 12
Sorcery 6 6
Unknown if any
A robe with a hood, a traveling cane, a bag with small instruments, a belt with glasses, a rucksack
Good at synthesizing remedies or other compounds from both organic and inorganic ingredients. Fairly good at understanding how chemistry works and has an eye for experimentation. Capable of locating and recognizing substances. Has basic skills in inventory management and knows a thing or two about craftworks.​

General condition: High morale, everyone's healthy, two weeks worth of food supplies, sufficiently-budgeted, low on alchemic reagents.
Money: 1081 Talers
Food: 82 food units (9 full days of sustenance on Bloom 28)
Food consumption: 8.5 food units per day
Lucifina - 1
Ulren - 2
Sephorah - 1.5
Karl - 1
Amalia - 1
Isaac -1
Jory - 1
Mount(s) - n/a (pasturing season)
Medication: 5 medicine units
Alchemy stash: 4 reagent units, 5 blank alchemical basis compounds (crafting boosters & subsidizes)

Free stash space: up to 130 kg
1 Incindiary bomb (great)
1 Regeneration potion (superb)
1 Regeneration potion (weak)
1 Stimulator/painkiller potion (weak)
1 Potion of momentum (Temp: +3 STR +3 SPD +3 COOR - 1 INT - 1 WIS - 1 CHA) (standard)
A bundle of books from Dalgaard's library, Yvie's ulchaar (Morinth's parcel)
Mounts: 1 workhorse (Softie)
Team's reputation:
Kheree hunters (Tevon-Talab militia) - CELEBRATED
The Lyf Kingdom (Lyflanders) - WELCOMED
Eastern Freelanders (Baathorians) - CELEBRATED
Central Freelanders (Tevons) - UNKNOWN
Western Freelanders (Ertanghalians) - UNKNOWN
Nyth-Rhathon (Bhiroths) - UNKNOWN?
Olfadir (Westlanders) - UNKNOWN?
LucifinaXDevotion (96)Comradery (82)
Amiability (12)
Friendship (70)
Sympathy (44)
Neutrality (10)
UlrenDevotion (96)XFriendship (58)Amiability (13)Sympathy (38)Amiability (20)Neutrality (4)
SephorahComradery (82)Friendship (58)XSuspicion (-11)Sympathy (34)Amiability (16)Neutrality (0)
Amiability (12)
Amiability (13)Suspicion (-11)XNeutrality (9)Amiability (13)Amiability (14)
AmaliaFriendship (70)Sympathy (38)Sympathy (34)Neutrality (9)XSympathy (47)Sympathy (32)
IsaacSympathy (44)Amiability (20)Amiability (16)Amiability (13)Sympathy (47)XFriendship (51)
JorgenNeutrality (10)Neutrality (4)Neutrality (0)Amiability (14)Sympathy (32)Friendship (51)X
Tier Relative numeric scale Description
Devotion 91 to 100 You would likely self-sacrifice for each other if necessary
Comradery 71 to 90 You are deeply loyal to each other
Friendship 51 to 70 You have each other's trust
Sympathy 31 to 50 You have common interests, views, or simply find each other nice
Amiability 11 to 30 You are polite and good-willing toward each other
Neutrality -10 to 10 You are strangers or largely indifferent towards each other
Suspicion -11 to -30 You question each other's views and values
Distaste -31 to -50 You avoid and distrust each other, but remain rational
Intolerance -51 to -70 You dislike and disrespect each other
Scorn -71 to -90 You avert and loathe each other, even if irrationally
Hatred -91 to -100 You are at each other's throats
Last edited:
1.12 Of smokes and unveiling
It was at the moment when the approaching sound of horseshoes and heavy armour plates made you realize - it is time to leg the heck out of here excessively fast. Driven by the self-preservation instinct, you slipped through the scuffle that was separating you from your friend. While doing so, you barely managed not to steal with your body a bolt meant for a man who at some moment was behind you, dodged a few blade lashes that more likely than not were aimed at your fleeing self, and successfully dived below a row of short spears. After the short rush through the scrimmage between numerous soldiers and scarce civilians, you reached your friend who was withholding the advance of three footmen. After recognizing the familiar shape in the vicinity, he performed an arcing series of strikes meant to suppress the attackers before executing an imminent fallback right after you.

After forcibly creating the "escape window" and using it for retreating, both you and Ulren rushed down the streets, leaving the few remaining strugglers to the mercy of attackers and outrunning the impending danger among other survivors. This retreat caused its implications on those left behind: at the very start of your sprint down the streets, you looked over your shoulder, startled by the distinguishable woeful shriek of a girl. What you saw was the woman you saw a couple of moments ago leaving behind the sack in order to drag presumably her red-haired infant who cried and stretched her hands towards the up-and-downer at the street entrance. The male associated with this little pack hasn't emerged from the fray. Your consciousness knew the answer why, but that was neither the right place nor the right time to indulge the feeling of guilt.

The path down the street proved to be only relatively easier since, in addition to dodging stray arrow bolts, you had to avoid those escapees who fell on the cobbles wounded or exhausted, becoming the barriers for those behind them. The previous barrages of the siege projectiles caused extensive arsons, which were turning into one massive conflagration the further you ventured from the city square. Eventually, you, the horned purple-skinned woman, Ulren, the mother with her daughter, the girl with two sparks, and the young bloke leading the exhausted creaker became witness to the scene of a tower collapsing straight on top of the bunch of survivors ahead, burying the better half of them under the blazing press, cutting you out from the path of retreat, and trapping you between fire and the possible pursuit.

While catching your breath, the thoughts were swirling in hopes to conceive a decision. Going back was not an option, same as heading through the inferno. The sounds of approaching hooves revealed that you all were short on time, and the whole group seemed to lose confidence for a bare moment. All expect the suspicious woman of the race you haven't seen before: she caught the sight of a relatively safer side alley visually leading to the massive spandrel walls of the rocky bridge connecting the upper city districts. To acknowledge everyone about her finding, she merely tilted her grey-haired head in that direction, bolting immediately before the fires cut off this last pathway.

You knew what to do, and rushed after her, evading scorching fallout and running fast not to get burnt. The rest of the spontaneously-established pack followed you two at the different speed. The horned woman was fast and agile, outpacing you - the one running from all the strengths you could have mustered. When both of you approached the dead end of the alley, it became clear that you will have to climb towards the voussoir ledges of the bridge across the roofs. With the wild heartbeat and burning blood, you followed the mysterious female, who turned to be not only a nimble sprinter but also a gifted acrobat.

Be it because of your high-adrenaline state or the sheer luck, but you made to the bridge way surface almost as quickly as the agile stranger, accepting her helping hand hanging from the bridge right after the final leap from the closest roof. After being helped, your blue pair of scared eyes met her amber in the momentous and silent exchange on what to do next. Your gut feeling told you that she expected you to help others out as well, and despite the sense of danger, you weren't going to argue with that.

The rest of the group moved slower because of the variety of reasons: the mother had a daughter, the two-sparked lass was not in the right shape for complex acrobatics, and Ulren was just way too heavy to hop from balconies to roofs and vice-versa without the risk to blunder the prior and fall through the latter. The young lad found himself in the worst circumstances because the gaffer he was trying to support was too fatigued and limping to keep on moving. Perhaps, they would've both died in the flames, should the old man failed to understand the bitter irony of his fate and shoved the greenhorn away from himself. They have had the last glimpse of each other before the collapsing building buried the gaffer, releasing the teary-eyed youngster from his 'burden'.

In the meanwhile, both you and the blue-skin helped the red-haired girl, her mother, and the pregnant lass to get on top of the bridge way. Most likely, you would've helped the youngster as well, but when he caught up with Ulren, your friend grabbed him by the scruff and tossed him like a projectile on the bridge before jumping himself. The greenhorn loudly (and most likely painfully) slumped on the bridge stones, while your friend made it only thus far to clutch the bridge parapet. Seeking to aid him, you grabbed Ulren's armoured hand in hopes to help him out. Alas, your strengths alone were insufficient to pull him up and... no one else, including the horned lass, thought of helping you out or even was within your vicinity. You attempted to cry for help before your hand slipped from the Kyres' gauntlet, your rear hit the bridge because of tensile strength, and the giant hung on the left hand alone. With quiet grudge and numbed senses, you stood up and turned around to see those who received help and refused to repay in kind, but what you saw was not what you expected to see.

Your glance landed on the tip of a long lance, carried by the armoured horseman, who was walloping forth with the clear intent to run you - the tousled and unsuspecting victim - through on full speed. The time seemingly slowed down to a near halt as your mind was shocked with the instant realization of the approaching doom, and your knees suddenly felt overburdened.


In fact, your knees felt even heavier as something tackled you sideways to the bottom, making you feel the pain of your occiput hitting the cobbles. You almost blacked out after that impact, with struggle standing up, registering that it was the horned damsel who tackled you at the last moment. After recovering hastily, you attempted to identify whether or not you were hit, receiving the signals about the present difference before and after the impact. It took you a couple of seconds and a glance over the cavalryman who carried a lance with the cloak Ulren gave you earlier on it. You could feel his immense, uncharacteristic confusion as he stared at you through the slit of his helmet. Well, not as much at you, as at your slightly unfolded ivory wings that were unrestrained by the missing cape now.

There, on the bridge, in the first bronze sunlight of the dawn, everyone from the archers standing on the wing walls of the upper city and the horseman himself to the survivors who followed you and anyone looking at the bridge at the time can see you and what makes you different. The scene of chaos and violence around you figuratively slowed down as no one seemed to know what are you. Or knew but failed to figure out what to do next. Unlike Ulren, who finally managed to throw his torso over the parapet, to sprint from the low start, to grab you under the arm, and to toss the last spheric object from his belt at the horseman who attempted to turn his mount for another charge but ended up getting de-saddled by the steed, who was in turn scared and blinded by the flash of light caused by the projectile's explosion. Ulren (with you under his arm), as well as remaining runaways, bolted to the opposite side of the bridge - past the dismounted knight. On your way across the bridge, you spotted a few routes leading behind the remnants of the city walls - one was lying through the half-frozen moat below, filled with the silhouettes of the creatures that attacked you in the mansion, the second one stretched through the moat's embankment, heavily showered by arrows from the opposite side, and the last one spanned through the slums of the Northern part of the city, from where the sounds of an epic commotion echoed.

Noticing the same ways of retreat, Ulren put you down on your feet, swiftly considering what would be better. All the other people were still shocked by you and had been giving you strange gazes before you finally moved

[] Through the ice-covered moat filled with the ghoulish creatures.
The sum of your and Ulren's melee rolls VS composite melee skill check 19 (11+8), your and Ulren's individual mobility rolls VS mobility attribute check 11, your and Ulren's individual balance rolls VS balance skill check 11, your luck rolls.
You are unsure what is the bigger threat - the thin ice or the leper fiends.

[] Through the embankment
The sum of your and Ulren's defence rolls VS composite defence skill check 31 (17+14), your and Ulren's individual perception rolls +5 VS perception attribute check 11, your luck rolls.
Arrows, arsons, occasional brawls.

[] Through the slums
The sum of your and Ulren's defence rolls VS composite defence skill check 25 (14+11), The sum of your and Ulren's melee rolls VS composite melee skill check 25 (14+11), your and Ulren's individual perception rolls +5 VS perception attribute check 11, your luck rolls,
The shrieks, clangs, and crushes don't reassure you in the peacefulness of this route.

I started this quest before the trip that changed my worldview and the thoughts on my place in this world. The experience was not always easy or familiar, but certainly worth it. And in that new environment, you gave me some sense of familiarity by following this humble quest, for which I sincerely thank you, my awesome readers.

PS: Even though I'm back from when I started, now I have much better odds braving the international workforce market, and I will do my best to venture on another journey as soon as possible
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[x] Through the ice-covered moat filled with the ghoulish creatures.

Better the devil we know... though not sure if the saying still holds about half a dozen.
Better the devil we know... though not sure if the saying still holds about half a dozen.

You'll have more insight on the degree of this issue soon.

PS: I'm kinda surprised about all of you voting to hit the ice way. Have any of you seen the "Alexander Nevsky" movie?
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Quite familiar actually. Still prefer it to walking under the arrows.

Sure would be nice to have flight by now...
If nothing goes horribly wrong and someone dies, our girl would have a plenty of opportunities to develop her attributes, skills, and aspects soon.
Aka the second chapter is nigh
Of warmth and feathers. Ulren's perspective
You sit near the improvised campfire made of the broken sitting benches in an old stone chapel. The snowfall outside gently scratches against the walls and the small stained-glass windows that miraculously preserved their integrity in this hellhole. You didn't have much hope to see the city of Beilford in any decent state, but the layout you witnessed proved to be much worse than you feared. The Chalk fewer - the disease that ravaged across the northern and eastern kingdoms since the early months of the previous year, causing the neural systems of the affected to degrade, degrading them to the states of animals or even worse, it dug its roots in Beilford especially deep. The numbers of the 'turned' were surely way too high, and their reach spanned far from the channels, undergrounds, ghettoes, and sewers where they usually dwell.

Today, you have had to take Lucy out from the shelter that was compromised by the Chalk husks, because where's one - there will be a pack. Wasting time was not something you could afford in your situation, but the circumstances were stronger than your planning in this case. Speaking of circumstances - you searched for your mark for two days, trying different methods from gossips collection to bribing, but no one from the stubborn or desperate locals that remained didn't seem to possess the intel you needed. The raw search also turned futile, and, considering that the Olfadir theocracy's corps were advancing at the city, your time to capture the mark was extremely limited. Even staying here was complicated due to the dire lack of any provisions available for purchase or scavenge, implying costs at your strengths and health.

Disappointed and nervous, you swiped the wall by the altar with your gaze. The wall fresco depicted an old, bearded man, crowned with the sun halo - this is the Highfather - the single and thus the central deity of the Westlanders and their church. You could taste the foul irony of this situation: the once-mighty theocratic state losing some of its territories to secular nobles right after the war, and finding no better way to regain the borders than embarking in the terror raids at the weakened neighbours, who also happened to share their religion and ideology in general, and thus sending a message to the rebellious provinces. That's the essence of the better half of all the landers - claiming to be the most moral and righteous species, but turning at each other should they smell the tiniest prospect of material or status gains.

You shook your head after digesting this thought. Perhaps, this statement would've been more legit should it only be formulated not by a representative of the race which committed a genocide towards its related species as the culmination of the centuries-long conflict. Catching oneself on hypocrisy isn't the most pleasant feeling, and it only soured your foul mood, convincing to return to your previous musings.

Indeed, there will be no organized defence of Beilford, as most who could and knew where to run done so already, and those who remained would not be able even to slow down the Cardinal's troops, not even mentioning stopping them or holding a siege. The walls were predictably destroyed during the previous years of poverty, shocks, and crises, so the advancing forces would have no problems avalanching on the city. The only delay that the Westlanders might experience is taking a day to prepare for pillaging... if they are interested in marauding what remained of the city, that is. All in all, basing on the visuals of the army manoeuvres and your own Bhiroth army officer (casually nicknamed "Blacks" by the Lander races) expertise the assault will start roughly in a day or a day and a quarter, unless the zeal or overconfidence will take over the greed, and they will attack straight from the march.
In any case, you and Lucifina have the maximum of a half of a day at best.

Remembering about this mysterious creature... no, actually a person, you looked at her, watching her flexing her wings as if training them for the first time. Indeed a mysterious entity she is - surely not an outlander, as the degree of life experience and technical knowledge hinted at her unfamiliarity with the world. But on the other hand, she proved to be quite clever and empathetic - trying to assist you in harsh events and struggling to understand the rules of this realm. In addition, she surely possesses a character and individuality, and a good one. Even more so, she somehow happens to be "awakened" - the term your fellow Roth use to mention someone who opened their aspects affiliation. You feel guilty for dragging her through the peril and even more guilty for having someone as sweet to endure what they clearly don't deserve.

In the very beginning of your joint journey, you wondered how did she end up there, but witnessing her behaviour made you remember of the theory of the familiar scholar you worked for in the Lyf kingdom six years ago. That scholar was, and probably still researching the natural sciences, specializing in the peculiarities of the Gaian "overflow" season. The theory revolved around the hypotheses that some of the new species spawn during these seasons, integrating into the biosphere or dying out trying. The development of this theory barely hinted at the possibility of the sentient races being spawned this way, as the thought itself is blasphemous to almost each and every popular religion. Regardless, you have no better explanation of Lucy's origins.

The thought of abandoning the initial plan and moving North - to the Lyf kingdom, where you achieved first significant successes as a mercenary working for scholars, pulling Lucy and yourself from the harm's way, tortured you during the latest two days. But that would mean that you will have to start from a scratch, forfeiting any hope to return to East Kingdoms or Gvuroth polises - the places that soothed your pain of exile from the homeland. Caught in between your kindness and your responsibility and ambitions as a mercenary, your inner world turned into the battlefield between your heart and your brain. And the closer you approached the moment of carrying out the decision, the more it hurt.

You unveil the maps in hopes that assessing logistical opportunities would grant the final argument towards one of the solutions or, at the very least, divert you from the inner tension of having to decide right now. It doesn't work. And the emptiness in your stomach contributes to your irritation even more.

As you were about to call for your strength of will to calm down, something tender and warm grappled you in a hug from behind. She caught you by surprise and your mind switched to trying to identify the message she tried to convey through this gesture. Roth has a gesturing language different from those of the Landers, and because of that, you found yourself confused. The bewilderment grew even stronger once she embraced you with the wings. White, soft, warm wings. You could not know this particular xeno-species body language example, but it felt... good? And then, she rested her chin on top of your head...


She probably noticed your tensions and attempted to lighten up your mood. Such a sweet girl... she certainly succeeded in pulling you out from the brooding state. You gently clap her wings, even though find it hard to break this awkward but sincere hug. Your sister also used cheer you up when she was a kid and you were a troubled initiate, facing hardships of preparing for the demands of your future caste. Trying not to disturb your memories further, you watch Lucy heading to her bedroll and waving you goodnight. Your face is graced with the faint smile for the first time today. And mind clears out in a wake of the answer.

Damn the South, damn this assassin mark, damn the Eastern kingdoms and your mercenary ways. You just can't expose her to more risks. You are already carrying too much regret, and if something goes wrong, you are unsure that you'd endure even more rue. As soon as the morning light grace the land, you will venture North to the Lyf lands. You will try to work for the Lyf royal academia once again and show Lucifina to your scholar friend... if the latter forgave you in the six years of your absence. Even if not, this is what your good reason, your conscience, and your heart identify as right. A week ago, in that camp in the woods, you wished for a sign from above, and you will be an idiot if you refuse to take the appearance of this girl in your life as such. You will start over, and you will pray that this would be the last time, the time everything will go right.

With the mind relieved of doubts, you quietly approach sleeping Lucy and carefully tuck her into the additional blanket. It's surprising how similar she is to your sister or, perhaps how you see her similarly. Regardless, she subconsciously smiles in response to you tucking her and gently patting her head. Lightened and warmed inside, you step back and lean against the wall. Now, you must rest, because the road awaits you both in the morning

Well, you did recognize what to do in the voting preceeding that update. Should you ignore him then, he would've decided to spend the morning in the last attempt to search for his contracted mark, unknowingly leaving you to flee the besieged city alone.

And yes, this side story is my payment for your patience during the two-week-long absence of updates
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Awwww, that's simultaneously super sweet and alarming that small things like hugs might matter.
Rollin time

Oh my...

Calculation time:
Melee: (3 Lucy's roll + 0 mod) + (18 Kyres' roll + 13 mod) = 3 + 31 = 34 > 18
Luck: 2 < 23 < 37 means no effect
Verdict: your friend has done all the bloody work for you and the whole bunch. And done it quite splendidly.

Mobility: 2 Lucy's roll + 0 mod = 2 < 11 (ouch)
16 Kyres' roll + 2 mod = 18 > 11 (succeeded by far)
Luck: 2 > 1 < 37 (ouch!)
Verdict: you failed to move fast and bogged down your group, making them waste more strengths and time.

Balance: 6 Lucy's roll + 1 mod = 7 < 11 (ouch!!)
20 Kyres' roll + 5 mod = 25 > 11 (wow... tanks on the ice are real. Eat this, Nevskiy!)
Luck: 2 < 28 < 37
Verdict: good news - Ulren ain't gonna break through the ice and drown in a moat (Yea, there was the real 20% chance for him to die because heavy armour and ice-cold water is a very bad combo) bad news - you gonna get wet. And in winter that's very, VERY bad news.

Overall verdict: barely passed this one and only because you have a good and friendly teammate. Should you be alone in this test, it would've been the end of the journey. So, as Lazy Minx said, hugs do matter. A lot, in your particular case.
Teloch threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Luc and Ulr melee Total: 21
3 3 18 18
Teloch threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Luc and Ulr mobil Total: 18
2 2 16 16
Teloch threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Luc and Ulr balance Total: 26
6 6 20 20
Teloch threw 3 40-faced dice. Reason: Luc luck rolls Total: 52
23 23 1 1 28 28
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1.13 Of bloodied ice
When you were put back on your feet, you still felt light dizziness caused by the previous impact against the bridgeway cobblestones. The world swam slightly before your eyes, and the surrounding turmoil added more paces to your vertigo. However, you managed to take a look at your fiend before he descended on the moat's ice, followed by the ragtag bunch of survivors. Maybe it was only your imagination or the post-traumatic implications, but you can swear that something ticked in your head when you saw Ulren freezing still momentarily and toning down his breathing before assuming the offensive stance with the low centre of weight and headed forth over the icy surface. There was something you hadn't noticed about his motions before - the exotic mix of the heavy-armoured agility and the indestructible balance. You braced yourself as well and followed.

The dark-skinned woman (whom you nicknamed as "Dusky" in your mind) was the second one to descend on ice with the different from Ulren's kind of grace - with flighty grace and perfectly controlled - almost choreographic - motions. They ventured forth, leading you and other survivors across the ice that separated city districts and the living husks hiding in the sewer outlets, to the saving shore which you saw from the bridge. You were half a kilometre away from the relative safety of (yet) unravaged suburbian districts and the woodlands stretching North. The sounds of the battle and fires echoed from both city districts. The church bell tolled its distressful tune. The ice beneath you cracked at some points, indicating that the danger was still here - to the sides and below you. Even though risky, you still felt it is the safest route, wishing only to be more gracious following your friend on the slippery ice and confident about fending off the leper-looking humanoids.

At first, they fled the treadway of Dusky and Kyres, either because of the fear or due to the careful calculation to lunge at the group once it will venture way too far from the quay and thus the swift retreat. When the bunch you were a part of passed like one hundred meters and it turned out to be the latter. The lepers began to group up in packs from three to five, striding on in a way one would expect from wolves, but not haggard and sick people. Unwilling to try their chances in the frontal assault, they were circling your group, hunting for those weaker and lagging. This slowed down the retreat, as now you had not only to struggle to remain on your feet but also to be prepared to respond to creatures provocations that could have developed into attacks.

The number of lepers was rising - sickly silhouettes of men and women alike, sometimes wrapped in black and grey rags and sometimes covered with nothing but their shedding fragments of skin - all carrying the seal of the shared sickness, they were swarming out from the sewers, alcoves, and all the hollows leading to the quay. After you passed below the second bridge, the swarm of your chasers enlarged enough for them to convert their numbers into boldness, attempting first coordinated attacks. That was where Ulren locked his stance and began to deliver blows with his mace and bashes with his shield. The spawns' attempt to bog him down via sheer quantity failed since Kyres' proficiency in close-in fighting combined with his massive frame and complex mace ensured that almost every his strike resulted in a creature being blown out of its earthly misery or, in some cases, added severe skeleton fractures and even limbs loss. Unlike vanguarding Ulren, who was scattering the foul fiends in the head of the group, Dusky assumed a position in the rear of the formation, locking you, the youngster, the girl with her mother, and the 'conditioned' lass in improvised "safety gripe", intercepting the predators from the opposite direction.

Despite the efforts of the dark-skinned damsel, who was cutting fiends open and even running them through in what seemed as an intricate blade dance, painting the ice with the foul orange-red blood, a couple of human-predators managed to slip past the combatants, bogging you down in melee. As if the concussion and the impassible surface were not enough of a slowing factor, once you had to refer to stabbing and jabbing, your own and thus the group's speed almost came to a halt. After another series of your violent but chaotic strikes at the creature that was a human no more, you could only shriek in angriness and wish to have the forged fire poker that you previously as your weapon against these creatures, since it looked like all of the city ghouls were now hunting for you. But even under this desperate pressure, the group combatants retained their readiness to counter, advancing slowly but stubbornly, like a siege ram pullers under heavy archers fire.

When you were about to fall in despair under the continuous pressure, the event that changed the whole dynamics of this crisis occurred: the city church's bell tower that stood near the moat and which hasn't ceased to ring its tocsin since the very beginning of the siege, finally succumbed to the fires and damage, partially collapsing on the ice where your group fended off ghouls a couple of minutes ago and breaking the icy surface with the sound of an ancient dragon's shattering spine. Those ghouls who avoided being squashed or drowned, scattered as fast as a hoard of mice fleeing an arsonized building. The reason for why they did so came too late to the redhead girl's mother, as the cracks grew in once solid ice and swallowed the woman. Scared as you were, you attempted to make a move to secure your balance, but to no avail - the same fate caught you.

With your lower body dipped into the piercing-cold water and holding the top one above the tide only with the help of your wings spread on a reflex, you the vicious chill bit you like no predator ever would, numbing your limbs as well as thoughts. In this numbed by hysteria and overwhelming cold state, your memory and perceptions grew partial. You remember screaming and crying in choir with the red-haired girl, Dusky dragging her protesting away from the tide where her mother sank, the despair and abandonment of seeing the young man with the pregnant girl running away from the group and leaving you behind, Ulren tearing off the cloak from Dusky and tying the spare head of his mace to one of its ends, you grabbing to the improvised tow with all of your remaining strengths and using the shield slid to you as a sled. In addition to the deceitful 'phantom' heat that struck you after being dragged out from the water, you felt the heat of shame... the instinctive joy of being rescued mixed with the feeling of guilt for being such a burden to Ulren. After he wrapped you in Dusky's rain cloak, the senses and perceptions began to return to you, registering that, except Kyres wrapping you up and Dusky watching him from some distance with the gaze you could not interpret at the moment, the rest of the thinned group bolted towards the shore. The chill was still painful and paralyzing, but you had to move, and so, with the support of your friend, you did.

With the lack of the ghouls, you were moving faster than before. However, you were now facing the more dangerous adversary - the frost. After climbing the shore and walking some distance through the snow, your legs were feeling like they became a pair of oversized pillows to thousands of searing needles. Shuddering, you were almost carried by your companions to the trail left by the young runaways - they were ahead, running to the closest woods in hopes to disappear between its dark, lifeless trunks. The young lad was ahead, holding the little redhead by the hand. The pregnant girl lagged behind them, finding it difficult to chase after the kids in her state but still fleeing despite the exhaustion for the sake of her own and her unborn child.

Then, suddenly, the bold pierced her ribcage, slumping her sideways to the snow with the force of impact. To the left, there was a smallish group of soldiers with two out of three armed with crossbows and with one armoured hound chasing the running and screaming kids. This group was relatively lightly armed - camisoles and ranged weapons, suggesting the scout role of the unit. You were no fast enough to outrun the soldiers after all. Yet, there was still a tactical opportunity to avoid the engagement available at the price of the kids' lives capitalized on as a distraction for soldiers.

[] Flee now!
The kids are doomed. Even if they do manage to elapse the chasers, they will not survive the night in the forest.

[] Intercept the scouts before they reach the kids with:
-[] Lucifina
-[] Ulren
-[] Dusky

Sum of the combat rolls of participants (melee / half-melee and half-ranged / half-melee and half-objects usage) against 28 composite check, individual defence rolls of participants against very easy (14) defence skill check, luck rolls of participants.
This is the right thing to do. Besides, the scouts have gear and clothes.

[] Attack the scouts while they deal with the children with:
-[] Lucifina
-[] Ulren
-[] Dusky

Sum of the combat rolls of participants (melee / half-melee and half-ranged / half-melee and half-objects usage) against 22 composite check, individual defence rolls of participants against trivial (11) defence skill check, luck rolls of participants.
The scouts have the resources needed for your group's survival. And the surprise factor seems to be on your side. For a price of others lives that is.

The more people you throw into the fray - the better odds the party has to succeed but also the more party members will be exposed to risks of injury. Chose wisely.

I wish you - my awesome readers - happy holidays. Let your dreams and goals come to life in the year to come.
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[X] Attack the scouts when they reach the kids with:
-[X] Lucifina
-[X] Ulren
-[X] Dusky

Think this should be best?
@veekie @LordFrank
edited the option for more clarity.

Basically, what you are voting for is to use the surviving kids as attention-diverting meat targets for the scouts. The whole roster tossed into the fray means that every party member undergoes the defence skill check to contribute to the combat check pool. Throwing in someone who's unconditioned to fight and can't sustain beating is basically exposing them to the risk of getting injured (or dying) with little to no benefits.

Oh, gonna close it in about ~24 hours or so will see how the voting goes with all the holidays n' stuff.
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