@spudman Sure that seems like a good compromise. Changed my plan accordingly. Sorry it took so long to get beck to you on that one, I was a work and wasn't able to devote the brain power to read through it.
[X] Plan: Bonuses and Photos
-[X] There's the Crocodile/Princess Vivi elephant-in-the-room to deal with. Right now, Princess Vivi is still known to the crew save you only as Baroque Works' Miss Wednesday. You've hinted at this to Luffy, he knows she's a Blue Mystery Girl, but that's as far as it goes. This is likely to be a very complicated conversation, but it needs to be broached, ideally
before you and the Straw Hats get yourself buried in a complete mess. 1 action.
--[X] Broach the topic with Nami and Zoro, tell them everything you know about Alabasta's situation and get their help with planning the talk with Vivi. And when they should ask Luffy.
---[X] If they need motivation besides sympathizing with Vivi or Alabasta and wanting to help, or that you want to (which is fair, it's a big ask and Vivi is a stranger)...well, Baroque Works offers a lot of challenges and their members also happen to clearly be bullies who deserve a thrashing. And as royalty, Vivi is rich, she'd surely be grateful to those that help her and her kingdom, right? Maybe monetarily grateful. And you can take Baroque Works' stuff.
--[X] One of your ideas is to prime Vivi for the conversation by casually dropping hints and stories about the Straw Hat crew's power and heroic tendencies. Maybe set up another gathering to tell stories? To highlight their abilities, and also their inclination towards fighting pirates that hurt or oppress civilians. Arlong Park and Clockwork Island should especially resonate with Vivi's plight. You won't ask Nami to get personal on the former unless she wants to. If not bringing it up before, those things could be brought up when actually talking to her.
--[X] The talk should be done away from Mr. 9 since Vivi obviously hasn't revealed her identity to him yet.
--[X] Reveal you know her identity with the excuse of keeping track of the noble lineages that attend the Levely every 4 years (if you need an excuse at all). From encounters with other officers (you with Nezu and Zoro with the former Mr. 7) you pieced together that Baroque Works is targeting Alabasta and that there's some mysterious boss pulling the strings.
--[X] Lean into your shared idealism. Both yourself and Vivi want to make the world a better place, even if for Vivi it's just her own kingdom for now.
--[X] The goal is to get her to accept our help and get as much info about Baroque works as possible. If successful, she should ask Luffy for help directly (not that his response is really in doubt, it's an adventure that involves punching jerks in the face with a victory feast among the likely rewards, but he's still the captain and should be the one that decides to set course for Alabasta)
-[X] Perception. You might have glasses, but that doesn't mean you don't notice things. Or can't. 10% of Perception 8. (+25 bonus available)
-[X] Devil Fruit: Paramecia: Kachi Kachi no Mi: The ability to give your body properties of rock. Also known as the "Rock Hard Fruit". 60% of Kachi Kachi no Mi 3. (2x +10 bonus available)
-[X] Shape Changing: Swordfish Fishman. 30% of Swordfish Fishman 7. (+10 bonus available)
-[X] Ninjutsu (category skill). The ninja you fought on Warship Island had a few special techniques she used that seemed beyond human ability. Headway tells you that these techniques are derived from mastery of other skills. 0% of Ninjutsu 0. (+20 bonus available) (subskills are Meteorology, Geography, Disguise, Acting, Meditation, Tactics, Stealth, Swimming, Freerunning, Horsemanship, Knives, Polearms, Swordmanship, Blunt Weapons, Explosives, Demolitions, Bombmaking, Killing Intent)
-[X] Photography. Now that you have a fancy camera, you best learn how to use it. 100% of Photography 0. 50% of Photography 1. 10% of Photography 2. Low chance of increase in Art.
planning for Plan This is a Croc v.2
Day 1
- Talk to Zorro and Nami bout Vivi. Let them know Vivi's a VIP of Alabasta and can probably reward the crew with both a cash payout if necessary and be a safe harbor in the future
- Train Ninjutsu
Day 2
- Start Driver's Ed
- Touch base with New Wave
- Clobber Crook Club
- Train Engineering category (drop if overflow in another category is needed)
I don't think Clobbering the Crook Club would be only a single action. I assume it would be more like a project to scout them out and research them so that we know where to find them for the ambush.