Headway/Nexus Quest 4 (Worm/Gamer-lite/Multicross/Dimensional Travel/One Piece/X-Men Evo)

I think I've gotten all of them, thank you. Trouble here is that the training rolls weren't updated for the past few updates of H/NQ, and I didn't catch on to that until fairly late, and it looks like a posted a prior draft of the training rolls by mistake. There shouldn't be any more mistakes, but let me know if you see anything - I'm backsolving from someone else's work to generate these training rolls, and it's more of a pain than you'd realize.
It's not just a you problem. I'm pretty sure I remember that stuff in the actions didn't update along with our successes in the previous threads(II think it might have been a case of them only updating on the action that we did, but not on other actions through the blocks which also use that skill(just a hunch, since it's been forever and I don't remember the conditions of that)). I just figured it was important to have everything correct right now since we're starting anew.
Looking for some feedback;

planning for Plan This is a Croc
Day 1
- Talk to Sanji and Nami bout Vivi. Let them know Vivi's a VIP of Alabasta and can probably reward the crew with both a cash payout if necessary and be a safe harbor in the future
- Get replacement lumber (drop if overflow in another category is needed)

Day 2
- Start Driver's Ed
- Train Ninjutsu
- Train Fishman Karate
- Train Engineering category (drop if overflow in another category is needed)

I wouldn't mind dropping the lumber action but it sounds like Ussop needs the lumber as a cushion for ship repairs during the First Stretch. Starting Driver's Ed is getting the ball rolling there (priming us to slowly accrue experience as she drives around doing other things, while also being a bit of normalcy that Danny can relate to and help with), and ninjutsu I want for various reasons but getting it started before 'snoop on the Merchants' may mean chance exposure to incidental training as we snoop around.

Unrelated, but how do we feel about trying to chase down the Mafia-themed capes and punching them so we can roll on their power sets?
Looking for some feedback;

planning for Plan This is a Croc
Day 1
- Talk to Sanji and Nami bout Vivi. Let them know Vivi's a VIP of Alabasta and can probably reward the crew with both a cash payout if necessary and be a safe harbor in the future
- Get replacement lumber (drop if overflow in another category is needed)

Day 2
- Start Driver's Ed
- Train Ninjutsu
- Train Fishman Karate
- Train Engineering category (drop if overflow in another category is needed)

I wouldn't mind dropping the lumber action but it sounds like Ussop needs the lumber as a cushion for ship repairs during the First Stretch. Starting Driver's Ed is getting the ball rolling there (priming us to slowly accrue experience as she drives around doing other things, while also being a bit of normalcy that Danny can relate to and help with), and ninjutsu I want for various reasons but getting it started before 'snoop on the Merchants' may mean chance exposure to incidental training as we snoop around.

Unrelated, but how do we feel about trying to chase down the Mafia-themed capes and punching them so we can roll on their power sets?

I like the plan, but looking for wood has already been included in locked actions for day 1 so I don't think we should do it twice. I would be happier if we could use this action on training Perception, I hope that getting it to 10 would unlock observation haki or at least make it easier to learn, Clockwork Engineering or any other useful skill.

Hunting down capes for powers seems like a waste to me at this point. We already have a lot of abilities to work on and I would rather master some of them than stretch our focus too thin and end up with a bunch of powers Taylor will never use in a fight because she isn't proficient enough.
@jcw3, actually I went back to look and we've finished the Log Pose project.

Red is the amount of actions per day it takes up.
Blue is how many actions we've completed so far followed by the total actions that need to be done.
Orange are the skills that are trained by the project within the next update (There are 2 of them because traditionally each Headway updoot covers 2 days).

So I went back and we started the project in 2.17 and did 2 actions in that update. Then another 2 actions in 2.18 for a total of 4. The narrative also pretty clearly had the project finished in 2.18.

So yeah, that project is done. Good news, you didn't make a mistake with the locked actions. Bad News, you might have to recontextualize the scene with Nami in 2.19. Maybe Nami is tutoring Tay in Navigation instead of them working on the project? Or you can just ignore it, it's not like it does any huge harm, it's just a minor thing.

@spudman I'm willing to take out the part about being friendly. However, though you're right about us ceding some control to Nami and Zoro, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't brings some ideas ourselves. So my suggestion for trying to subtly mention the Straw Hat's heroic adventures is still something I want to do. But I'll reword it to bring it up as a suggestion during our convo with Nami and Zoro.

--[] Broach the topic with Nami and Zoro, tell them everything you know about Alabasta's situation and get their help with planning the talk with Vivi.
---[] One of your ideas is to prime Vivi for the conversation by casually dropping hints and stories about the Straw Hat crew's power and heroic tendencies. You had a gathering to tell scary stories before, set up another one to talk about adventures this time perhaps? Arlong Park and Clockwork Island should especially resonate with Vivi's plight.
--[] The final talk should be done away from Mr. 9 since she obviously hasn't revealed her identity to him yet. The Girl's Room would work perfectly as an excuse to have you, Vivi and Nami together for the talk.
--[] Reveal you know her identity with the excuse of keeping track of the noble lineages that attend the Levely every 4 years (if you need an excuse at all)
--[] Lean into your shared idealism. Both yourself and Vivi want to make the world a better place, even if for Vivi it's just her own kingdom for now.
--[] The goal of the conversation is to get her to accept our help and get as much info about Baroque works as possible. If successful, she should ask Luffy for help directly (not that his response is really in doubt, but he's still the captain and should be the one that decides to set course for Alabasta)

The rest of the write-in that describes what we're going for with the meeting itself I pictured as being hashed out among the three of them in the update (on or off screen) anyway. Taylor would contribute plenty.

Notice I kept mentioning the Straw Hats' exploits, as a possible argument during the conversation itself.

Trying to talk about their exploits with Vivi before the actual conversation as part of a social gathering to tell stories seems like an extra action on its own. If it's done during casual work it also seems forced and could ring alarm bells for Vivi.

And this is within the span of a day, two tops. If your intent is to put ideas in Vivi's head, let them percolate, THEN talk to her, there really isn't much reflection time.

Having the exploits as a potential argument, that the Straw Hats are inclined to fight those that oppress people and are capable in that regard, still gets those points across, but at a time and in a way that it makes sense to bring them up.

But I'll attempt at meeting in the middle on that point. Bolding it for emphasis.

--[] Broach the topic with Nami and Zoro, tell them everything you know about Alabasta's situation and get their help with planning the talk with Vivi. And when they should ask Luffy.
---[] If they need motivation besides sympathizing with Vivi or Alabasta and wanting to help, or that you want to (which is fair, it's a big ask and Vivi is a stranger)...well, Baroque Works offers a lot of challenges and their members also happen to clearly be bullies who deserve a thrashing. And as royalty, Vivi is rich, she'd surely be grateful to those that help her and her kingdom, right? Maybe monetarily grateful. And you can take Baroque Works' stuff.
--[] One of your ideas is to prime Vivi for the conversation by casually dropping hints and stories about the Straw Hat crew's power and heroic tendencies. Maybe set up another gathering to tell stories? To highlight their abilities, and also their inclination towards fighting pirates that hurt or oppress civilians. Arlong Park and Clockwork Island should especially resonate with Vivi's plight. You won't ask Nami to get personal on the former unless she wants to. If not bringing it up before, those things could be brought up when actually talking to her.
--[] The talk should be done away from Mr. 9 since Vivi obviously hasn't revealed her identity to him yet.
--[] Reveal you know her identity with the excuse of keeping track of the noble lineages that attend the Levely every 4 years (if you need an excuse at all)
--[] Lean into your shared idealism. Both yourself and Vivi want to make the world a better place, even if for Vivi it's just her own kingdom for now.
--[] The goal is to get her to accept our help and get as much info about Baroque works as possible. If successful, she should ask Luffy for help directly (not that his response is really in doubt, it's an adventure that involves punching jerks in the face with a victory feast among the likely rewards, but he's still the captain and should be the one that decides to set course for Alabasta)

@Slamu why Sanji? He's not the vice captain. He's smart in his own way, but so is Ussop. I'm concerned about his...Sanji-ness in regards to pretty girls, though. Not sure that's needed here.
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I like the plan, but looking for wood has already been included in locked actions for day 1 so I don't think we should do it twice. I would be happier if we could use this action on training Perception, I hope that getting it to 10 would unlock observation haki or at least make it easier to learn, Clockwork Engineering or any other useful skill.

Hunting down capes for powers seems like a waste to me at this point. We already have a lot of abilities to work on and I would rather master some of them than stretch our focus too thin and end up with a bunch of powers Taylor will never use in a fight because she isn't proficient enough.

Perception seems like the sort of skill that will get trained periodically just by us going out and noticing things, and I imagine Observation Haki is going to be effected by Perception about as well as Fishman Karate is by Martial Arts Mastery.

The cape powers we could potentially capture are things like 'a Thinker power for bargaining' and 'speedster' that have utility enough that we would want to practice with them and incorporate them into our toolkit. I think one of them was a regenerator, which has its own utility as well.

@Slamu why Sanji? He's not the vice captain. He's smart in his own way, but so is Ussop. I'm concerned about his...Sanji-ness in regards to pretty girls, though. Not sure that's needed here.

Because I had a brain fart and meant Zoro. Thank you for pointing this out to me.
Perception seems like the sort of skill that will get trained periodically just by us going out and noticing things, and I imagine Observation Haki is going to be effected by Perception about as well as Fishman Karate is by Martial Arts Mastery.

The cape powers we could potentially capture are things like 'a Thinker power for bargaining' and 'speedster' that have utility enough that we would want to practice with them and incorporate them into our toolkit. I think one of them was a regenerator, which has its own utility as well.

Because I had a brain fart and meant Zoro. Thank you for pointing this out to me.

Ah, ok. As for your plan. As was said I think the lumber action is already accounted for.

I like the drivers ed and ninjutsu skill choices.

Engineering could go there. An additional action on day 2 could be patrolling Bet/observing the Merchants or taking out the Crook Club. The latter would certainly make a bit of a splash, for good and I'll.

The action could also be looking up someone in Mahon. Potential backers/trading partners and ways to get our foot in the door.

Xavier is the most obvious, but Stark and Strange probably exist there too.

In the short term future...Zoro should be able to traina again soon, right? Not yet, but once we have the space to on Foolshout we should spar. That may be the push to improve our sword skill (and his) to cutting steel (though I don't think either would try to break the other's named swords). Might also give teaching and strength/speed skills a boost.

Heh. Zoro may not give Taylor much of a choice. I suspect he wants to have a real spar with her and continue when possible.

As for the Vivi talk ..I'm thinking we don't actually need to spell out each point. I know I did that for the manga reveal and it was a bit much. The QM can use points from discussion even if they're not in the vote.

How about this?

--[] Broach the topic with Nami and Zoro, tell them everything you know about Alabasta's situation and get their help with planning the talk with Vivi. And when they should ask Luffy.
---[] If they need motivation besides sympathizing with Vivi or Alabasta and wanting to help, or that you want to (which is fair, it's a big ask and Vivi is a stranger)...well, Baroque Works offers a lot of challenges and their members also happen to clearly be bullies who deserve a thrashing. And as royalty, Vivi is rich, she'd surely be grateful to those that help her and her kingdom, right? Maybe monetarily grateful. And you can take Baroque Works' stuff.
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jcw3 specifically asked for a plan, just fobbing it off and saying 'plan it with Nami and Zoro' seems to defeat the purpose.

And if you are going to go that far, then you really don't need the part about motivating Nami and Zoro too. Firstly because I think Taylor would assume that they wouldn't need motivation anyways (she has a high opinion of the Straw Hats and they've always stepped up to be heroes in the past). Secondly, I'm sure she understands Nami and Zoro well enough to come up with those arguements herself if necessary.
jcw3 specifically asked for a plan, just fobbing it off and saying 'plan it with Nami and Zoro' seems to defeat the purpose.

And if you are going to go that far, then you really don't need the part about motivating Nami and Zoro too. Firstly because I think Taylor would assume that they wouldn't need motivation anyways (she has a high opinion of the Straw Hats and they've always stepped up to be heroes in the past). Secondly, I'm sure she understands Nami and Zoro well enough to come up with those arguements herself if necessary.

As already said. The planning and arguments, stated overtly in the vote or not, would be from Taylor with Zoro and Nami giving input. Hardly fobbing it off on them.

Eh....I think she understands them enough to know they need reasons. They'll fight pirates that hurt people they like or randos right in front of them. But going out of their way to save a kingdom is a whole other thing. Nami agreed in canon (and roped the others in), at least at first, for the money. For their friendship with Vivi came later. She isn't a friend right now.

The motivation subvote only comes into play if they're reluctant about it, anyway.

But I see your point about having a plan, and it should be written down. Even then it's not set in stone once applied IC and will probably be adapted on the fly.

To repeat it:

--[] Broach the topic with Nami and Zoro, tell them everything you know about Alabasta's situation and get their help with planning the talk with Vivi. And when they should ask Luffy.
---[] If they need motivation besides sympathizing with Vivi or Alabasta and wanting to help, or that you want to (which is fair, it's a big ask and Vivi is a stranger)...well, Baroque Works offers a lot of challenges and their members also happen to clearly be bullies who deserve a thrashing. And as royalty, Vivi is rich, she'd surely be grateful to those that help her and her kingdom, right? Maybe monetarily grateful. And you can take Baroque Works' stuff.
--[] One of your ideas is to prime Vivi for the conversation by casually dropping hints and stories about the Straw Hat crew's power and heroic tendencies. Maybe set up another gathering to tell stories? To highlight their abilities, and also their inclination towards fighting pirates that hurt or oppress civilians. Arlong Park and Clockwork Island should especially resonate with Vivi's plight. You won't ask Nami to get personal on the former unless she wants to. If not bringing it up before, those things could be brought up when actually talking to her.
--[] The talk should be done away from Mr. 9 since Vivi obviously hasn't revealed her identity to him yet.
--[] Reveal you know her identity with the excuse of keeping track of the noble lineages that attend the Levely every 4 years (if you need an excuse at all)
--[] Lean into your shared idealism. Both yourself and Vivi want to make the world a better place, even if for Vivi it's just her own kingdom for now.
--[] The goal is to get her to accept our help and get as much info about Baroque works as possible. If successful, she should ask Luffy for help directly (not that his response is really in doubt, it's an adventure that involves punching jerks in the face with a victory feast among the likely rewards, but he's still the captain and should be the one that decides to set course for Alabasta)
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In the short term future...Zoro should be able to traina again soon, right?

About a week I think.

The action could also be looking up someone in Mahon. Potential backers/trading partners and ways to get our foot in the door.

Xavier is the most obvious, but Stark and Strange probably exist there too.

I don't mind doing more Mahon stuff, but starting Day 3 I think.
Also, I wonder how difficult it would be to get our foot in the door for some of these folks; for a lot of things you need things like documentation, background, a presence etc. Just to rent a car you need to show ID, and it's not like Taylor can show her school ID from another universe. At some point, not soon, I think we may want to invest in getting forgery skills so we can doctor IDs for ourselves. You know, like any honest, upstanding citizen.

Xavier I think we can just knock on his door (presumably after flying there). We're a little outside of his target audience (we aren't a mutant) but would benefit from having access to academic resources, a place to lay our head, people who understand that sometimes you just gotta turn into a bear, and periodic interactions with the Brotherhood.

Strange I seem to remember has an address we could just also knock on his door, though I imagine 'just' would be a gross oversimplification if he detects we're Not Like Most Girls. I'm hopeful we could get some Strange Magic 101 tips and be sent on our way, but that's a big "?", as I seem to recall the focus being more on the X-Men side of things in Mahon?

Stark would be the simplest and most complicated. We could probably get sophisticated lab spaces and commercial deals on products we bring over, but this is the case where 'she is undocumented' can really hurt us if the lawyers get going and we also want to have something to share beyond a clockwork toy soldier, so more Engineering and some tech theft on other stuff might be necessary.

Also, isn't Spiderman hanging around right now?

planning for Plan This is a Croc v.2
Day 1
- Talk to Zorro and Nami bout Vivi. Let them know Vivi's a VIP of Alabasta and can probably reward the crew with both a cash payout if necessary and be a safe harbor in the future
- Train Ninjutsu

Day 2
- Start Driver's Ed
- Touch base with New Wave
- Clobber Crook Club
- Train Engineering category (drop if overflow in another category is needed)

The CC are IIRC a limited time offer with some juicy prizes, and if we go hunting for them there's a good chance Tactics, Ambush Mistress and other skills and traits can make a 4v1 fight...not a fight. I'm wanting to touch base with New Wave first because while the PRT might be grudgingly willing to not arrest us on sight, it hasn't been super long since our debut and I want to offer an olive branch preemptively while also dropping the 'my power is I am a quick learner' note on them before we get into a mess and Manpower is reluctant to commit because he's worried we're going to explode into a cloud of spiders or something.

I can be persuaded to hold off on Driver's Ed if necessary but it's a short project with tangible results.
@spudman Sure that seems like a good compromise. Changed my plan accordingly. Sorry it took so long to get beck to you on that one, I was a work and wasn't able to devote the brain power to read through it.

[X] Plan: Bonuses and Photos
-[X] There's the Crocodile/Princess Vivi elephant-in-the-room to deal with. Right now, Princess Vivi is still known to the crew save you only as Baroque Works' Miss Wednesday. You've hinted at this to Luffy, he knows she's a Blue Mystery Girl, but that's as far as it goes. This is likely to be a very complicated conversation, but it needs to be broached, ideally before you and the Straw Hats get yourself buried in a complete mess. 1 action.
--[X] Broach the topic with Nami and Zoro, tell them everything you know about Alabasta's situation and get their help with planning the talk with Vivi. And when they should ask Luffy.
---[X] If they need motivation besides sympathizing with Vivi or Alabasta and wanting to help, or that you want to (which is fair, it's a big ask and Vivi is a stranger)...well, Baroque Works offers a lot of challenges and their members also happen to clearly be bullies who deserve a thrashing. And as royalty, Vivi is rich, she'd surely be grateful to those that help her and her kingdom, right? Maybe monetarily grateful. And you can take Baroque Works' stuff.
--[X] One of your ideas is to prime Vivi for the conversation by casually dropping hints and stories about the Straw Hat crew's power and heroic tendencies. Maybe set up another gathering to tell stories? To highlight their abilities, and also their inclination towards fighting pirates that hurt or oppress civilians. Arlong Park and Clockwork Island should especially resonate with Vivi's plight. You won't ask Nami to get personal on the former unless she wants to. If not bringing it up before, those things could be brought up when actually talking to her.
--[X] The talk should be done away from Mr. 9 since Vivi obviously hasn't revealed her identity to him yet.
--[X] Reveal you know her identity with the excuse of keeping track of the noble lineages that attend the Levely every 4 years (if you need an excuse at all). From encounters with other officers (you with Nezu and Zoro with the former Mr. 7) you pieced together that Baroque Works is targeting Alabasta and that there's some mysterious boss pulling the strings.
--[X] Lean into your shared idealism. Both yourself and Vivi want to make the world a better place, even if for Vivi it's just her own kingdom for now.
--[X] The goal is to get her to accept our help and get as much info about Baroque works as possible. If successful, she should ask Luffy for help directly (not that his response is really in doubt, it's an adventure that involves punching jerks in the face with a victory feast among the likely rewards, but he's still the captain and should be the one that decides to set course for Alabasta)
-[X] Perception. You might have glasses, but that doesn't mean you don't notice things. Or can't. 10% of Perception 8. (+25 bonus available)
-[X] Devil Fruit: Paramecia: Kachi Kachi no Mi: The ability to give your body properties of rock. Also known as the "Rock Hard Fruit". 60% of Kachi Kachi no Mi 3. (2x +10 bonus available)
-[X] Shape Changing: Swordfish Fishman. 30% of Swordfish Fishman 7. (+10 bonus available)
-[X] Ninjutsu (category skill). The ninja you fought on Warship Island had a few special techniques she used that seemed beyond human ability. Headway tells you that these techniques are derived from mastery of other skills. 0% of Ninjutsu 0. (+20 bonus available) (subskills are Meteorology, Geography, Disguise, Acting, Meditation, Tactics, Stealth, Swimming, Freerunning, Horsemanship, Knives, Polearms, Swordmanship, Blunt Weapons, Explosives, Demolitions, Bombmaking, Killing Intent)
-[X] Photography. Now that you have a fancy camera, you best learn how to use it. 100% of Photography 0. 50% of Photography 1. 10% of Photography 2. Low chance of increase in Art.

planning for Plan This is a Croc v.2
Day 1
- Talk to Zorro and Nami bout Vivi. Let them know Vivi's a VIP of Alabasta and can probably reward the crew with both a cash payout if necessary and be a safe harbor in the future
- Train Ninjutsu

Day 2
- Start Driver's Ed
- Touch base with New Wave
- Clobber Crook Club
- Train Engineering category (drop if overflow in another category is needed)
I don't think Clobbering the Crook Club would be only a single action. I assume it would be more like a project to scout them out and research them so that we know where to find them for the ambush.
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I think you asked a question about the scrap wood search on Mahon I forgot to answer, Slamu. Yes, Taylor's basically going to be looking into hardware stores and picking up some timber to use for the ship. That's what that action will be for. I'll roll for extra loot (maybe some broken repair tools you can take with you to the Merry to repair someday/teach Usopp to use, something like that.). Nothing too extreme.

Also, isn't Spiderman hanging around right now?

Re: Marvel heroes - Taylor's heard of him, and Tony Stark, thanks to her research on general Mahon life. Spider-Man's existence is still in question in-universe, and if Taylor didn't know about the Marvel character, she'd likely dismiss his existence out of hands - remember how her reaction to the Daily Bugle was 'tabloid garbage'.' Tony Stark hasn't had his redemption arc yet, and is still one of the predominant weapons manufacturers/military industrial complex guys of Mahon-USA (with some solid branching out into consumer goods). That's the extent of Taylor's knowledge on those two.

I don't think Dr. Strange has been mentioned in H/NQ (tough to search for), and it's unlikely Taylor's heard of him. Her research into Marvel was limited to reading old 60s issues from the public library, and what little pop culture osmosis it has left. Before Headway came into her life, Taylor could probably have named Spider-Man and Fantastic Four off the top of her head, but that's about it. She might recognize some names, but the trouble is that X-Men: Evolution is so obviously different from the 60s comics she's read, that it's tough for her to look into specific stuff.

How do you filter out the weird 60s stuff and compare it to what looks on the surface to be a normal world with some oddities going on? Like, Taylor would not be able to find folks like the Juggernaut or Magneto through a *Google search, let alone whatever canon imports I may decide to add to fill out the rest of the Marvel universe.

There's a lot more of an information deficit in-character with Mahon. With One Piece, the manga was basically accurate for Mayim. Sure, there's stuff on top of it, and events occurred in a different order/were put on hold, etc., but what Taylor saw was what she got. With X-Men: Evolution, Mahon is so wildly different from the comics she's read, that I bet she's not even fully sure where to begin when it comes to researching.

On Mahon? Well, there's a masquerade. Maybe you'll find a neat little nugget about weird stuff in the 40s, a rumor here or there, but nothing as significant as what Taylor could find on the daily news on Mayim or Bet. On Bet? Those old comics seemingly have barely anything to do with Mahon. She's probably picked up some hints on things she could maybe look into- I suspect she'll be asking Xavier about a couple people like the Vanisher or Unus the Untouchable if she gets the chance- but she likely feels almost out of her depth, funnily enough, given that Mahon is the 'safest' of her three worlds. Either way, I suspect she's understandably discouraged.

- Touch base with New Wave

Not a bad idea. It depends on whether you want to have Factota accomplish stuff on Bet before or after she substantially meets her fellow heroes (more than just a brief 'hello' with Miss Militia). One option gives her more leverage, the other option gives her allies from the start, among other pros, other cons I'm sure you guys can think of on your own.

- Clobber Crook Club

Like the others have said, this would be more than one action, and would likely be a whole project in and of itself, like the Merchants one but possibly harder. The Crook Club may not even be in the city by the time you finish the investigation - your investigation, depending on the rolls may well conclude that 'Kaiser killed one, another was maimed, the rest fled' and you get basically a consolation prize of some information on the Empire. Again, depending on the rolls.

(I say possibly harder because the Crook Club, since they're under pressure from the Empire, are likely lying low as a result, and Skidmark is used to not being anyone's top priority, and he's not exactly a criminal mastermind, so figuring out his operation is likely to be simpler than the Crook Club.)

Let' s hope that this wall of text isn't me being a Monty Haul. Looking over it, I think everything I've said here is filtered through Taylor's perspective and knowledge enough that I'm not giving the game away. I don't have anything to add on the discussion of the Vivi/Mr. 0 question - I think you guys are having a really interesting discussion. Just not one I think I can add anything to.
[X] Plan: Bonuses and Photos
For this turn. I like the skills Slamu is looking to prioritize for a bit. Driver's Ed, engineering, Ninjutsu.

On Bet I'd like to go looking to find the Crook Club or the Merchants first.

I guess Xaavier is our best bet on Mahon. Though Taylor finds the telepathy disconcerting so that's going to be a leap of faith. The only alternative I can think of is just to start costume vigilanting in New York. Maybe we'll run onto webhead.

I realized.. @Ompa60 . The write-in doesn't address what we know about Baroque Works to Vivi herself.

--[] Reveal you know her identity with the excuse of keeping track of the noble lineages that attend the Levely every 4 years (if you need an excuse at all). From encounters with other officers (you with Nezu and Zoro with the former Mr. 7) you pieced together that Baroque Works is targeting Alabasta and that there's some mysterious boss pulling the strings.

I just remembered Nezu and Mr. 7.

Taylor and Zoro are going to be on Baroque Work's shitlist if they aren't already for beating them. There's another reason to take the fight to them.
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I don't think Dr. Strange has been mentioned in H/NQ (tough to search for), and it's unlikely Taylor's heard of him. Her research into Marvel was limited to reading old 60s issues from the public library, and what little pop culture osmosis it has left. Before Headway came into her life, Taylor could probably have named Spider-Man and Fantastic Four off the top of her head, but that's about it. She might recognize some names, but the trouble is that X-Men: Evolution is so obviously different from the 60s comics she's read, that it's tough for her to look into specific stuff.
There should still be issues released until at least 82. Since that was the year Scion appeared.
There's only one plan thus far - Plan: Bonuses and Photos, with 4 votes as far as the tally can tell. Plenty of time for someone to sweep in with a new plan of theirs, although I understand many people are likely catching up.

I'm allowing a longer voting period than normal since this quest has been gone a while and people will want to catch up. So VOTING CLOSES ON SATURDAY, 4/29/23, AT 11 PM EST. Future updates will have tighter margins than this one will have had - maybe three days of voting.
I realized.. @Ompa60 . The write-in doesn't address what we know about Baroque Works to Vivi herself.

--[] Reveal you know her identity with the excuse of keeping track of the noble lineages that attend the Levely every 4 years (if you need an excuse at all). From encounters with other officers (you with Nezu and Zoro with the former Mr. 7) you pieced together that Baroque Works is targeting Alabasta and that there's some mysterious boss pulling the strings.
Sure, added to the plan.
Bear with me as I readjust to being a GM and a writer.
Nay! I shall Giant Albatross with you instead.

[X] Plan: Bonuses and Photos

On another note, something I didn't find in the recap, and I kind of totally forgot.
Does Taylor currently have access to an inventory to transport items (like the lumber for the Merry), or some sort of hammer space?
If so, what are the limitations? And if not, why aren't we planning to mob Circus for hers?
On another note, something I didn't find in the recap, and I kind of totally forgot.
Does Taylor currently have access to an inventory to transport items (like the lumber for the Merry), or some sort of hammer space?
If so, what are the limitations? And if not, why aren't we planning to mob Circus for hers?
No Headway and Nexus don't come with an inventory.

And I don't think Circus has debuted yet. or at least they haven't gained enough notoriety to feature in Taylor's cape research.
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