Headway/Nexus Quest 4 (Worm/Gamer-lite/Multicross/Dimensional Travel/One Piece/X-Men Evo)

God, I can't wait to write their interactions.
Well Ms All-Sunday should make her first appearance very soon for similar reasons that she did in canon. Sort of hope Taylor manages to beat her and get her power before she becomes a friend. It would be really great to actually have a teacher for a power for once.
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[x]Plan training with teachers
-[x] Ask Vivi to show you the Peacock Slashers style. Your power tells you it's an indigenous Alabastan style. 80% of Peacock Slashers 0. 15% of Peacock Slashers 1. This is a magical Mayim combat style.
-[x] Hang out while Nami works. 50% of Navigation 5. 30% of Navigation 6. 0% of Meteorology 6. 60% of Cartography 1. 10% of Cartography 2.
-[x] Ask Nami about Sleight-of-Hand training. 90% of Sleight-of-Hand 2. 50% of Sleight-of-Hand 3. 10% of Sleight-of-Hand 4.
-[x] Ask Usopp to teach you more about trapping, with fewer diversions this time so it's even more effective. 100% of Trapper 2. 70% of Trapper 3. 30% of Trapper 4.
-[ ] Swim alongside the Merry as it's in motion. 10% of Swimming 8. 40% of Swordfish Fishman 7. (+10 bonus available).

It occurs to me that this option also increases the chances for us to find a giant sea monster for us to beat up.
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So, as regards interactions with the Protectorate here are my thoughts;
- We let them take credit for the arrests (they benefit from the good PR more than we do, and keeping a low profile helps us as fewer people are interested in some upstart even if she did take down a gang of capes single-handedly). This also feeds into their speculation about 'where did Factota come from' and 'why does she not want publicity', which aren't downsides IMO
- We are polite, professional and courtious to the LEOs whether they wear a mask or not. We don't want an antagonistic relationship, and acting childishly will make them more likely to consider us a child. We made a good first impression, let's not ruin it with a second impression.
- We agree to nothing more than 'we will consider getting tested'; we are an independent hero and anonymity is one our better tools.
- Mention our intention to join in Endbringer response, that we'll talk more about it 'later' (ie "when we go in for powers testing/register/decide to be less stand-offish with the PRT") but see participation as an inherent part of heroism ("Do not go quiet into the night").
- Mention Mush was trying to quit a drug dependency and was being kept strung along by senior members of the Merchants, probably as part of an effort to keep him on the team instead of jumping ship (speculation)
- Ask if they had a preference for who we targeted next, and if they had information they were willing to share on the target. We're looking to pick off small fry right now.
-- Send New Wave a brief message thanking them for their assistance using prior established channels.

Anyone have problems with this approach?

A question as regards Weaponsmithing/Armorcrafting in NYC: if we make knives intended to be tools instead of weapons (kitchen knives, woodworking tools, etc) and/or protective gear that isn't meant to see combat (chainmail gloves for kitchen work for instance) would that still count as training the skills, or would we just be doing Blacksmith work? I ask because IIRC one of the complications for practicing that skill is the 'half of what we make goes to the guy running the smithy' but if we're making stuff that likely sells well (fancy kitchen knives) that's a lot less suspicious than 'I need to make an all-iron quarterstaff with sections carved out so I can fit taser components and fight like Magnaguard', even if Taylor is making it look easier than it really should.

Also, is the language learning software project still on the table, metaphorically speaking?
-[ ] Rosetta stone project. Given your skills in programming and in languages, you're sure you can make a better language learning website. How hard could it be? 1 action/day. (0/9 to completion, 0/5 for only English and Japanese, next skills: Programming, Visual Design)
I'm thinking about something that we can release in Bet to make some money once our 'keep our head down' phase is winding down.

BTW, I did some snooping and it seems that IRL you can get horseback riding lessons in NYC. The link I found was $65 for a 1 hour lesson or $600 for ten 1 hour lessons. I imagine prices would be cheaper in rural areas where the cost of stabling and fodder for yon beasties would be less, well, 'live in New York' levels of expensive (and given the distance in decade and metareality you can easily argue prices up or down) but if we wanted to practice horsemanship basics with an instructor I imagine we could do a lot worse.

Also, assuming we've got Marksmanship (Primitive) and Horsemanship at a 4-6 range, does that mean we're able to do mounted archery reasonably well as well or would that be a supplemental skill? Similarly how difficult would it be to do mounted combat stunts using something like a Motorcycle + Drive? I ask because 'motorcycle jousting' and the amazing potential that has against Brutes. (That's a lie, mostly it's for spectacle)

Zoro and his boulders. Nature must be healing.

I laughed at this, by the way. Just the 'ah, things are returning to normal' tone, well-conveyed. I don't suppose Vivi & Horlio are duly impressed?

Why do you have only one day to vote on? When structuring the next project rolls after I finished writing the update, I rolled a 93 for you lucky ducks for the next day of the Merchant Hunt project. I think you might have an idea of what that means.

We managed to track down the Albatross Bazaar again and buy a copy of 'Haki 101' off them!

...wait, no. This is probably the icky kind of Merchants. Boo! They have cooties, especially Skidmark!

-[ ] Help out around the ship. 30% of Boatswain 10. 75% of Shipwright 6. 0% of Teaching 6.

Front page says we have Shipwright 4.

-[ ] Ask Horlio to teach you about handling Blunt Weapons. 25% of Blunt Weapons 4.

Ninjutsu apparently gave us +1 to Blunt Weapons, so that may need to be Weapons 5 (and may need to be something other than 25% chance to train)

-[ ] Swim alongside the Merry as it's in motion. 10% of Swimming 8. 40% of Swordfish Fishman 7. (+10 bonus available).
-[ ] Create a polearm using what's left of the scrap you bought from Vulcan for modernizing the Merry. It might invite awkward questions on Mahon. Creates makeshift (high-quality, given the conditions and your skill) polearm to use while training. Not your best work, but good enough without having to spend any money or go out of your way. Unlocks Polearms training option. 10% of Blacksmith 8.

May want to specify what the bonus is for (I presume Fishman).
Also, would creating the practice spear also train Weaponsmithing?


Earth-Mahon actions.
-[ ] Practice smithing at your chosen iron works. 1 action. 15% of Blacksmith 8, 75% of Armorsmith 6.
--[ ] You may write-in a specific item to work on, subject to veto. Taylor's choice otherwise. Some items may take multiple actions.

Can we practice smithing and just say "we dedicate the next 3 Blacksmithing actions working on doing requests so we get 3 'free' actions for other projects" or something similar? I imagine some wrought iron jewelry, artwork or blacksmith puzzles would be of greater interest than boring things like door hinges or specialty components Usopp asks for to supply his own tinkering but I imagine if we wanted to do something time-sensitive 'pre-paying' the time commitment seems like a way to keep our Mahon costs down (I don't think we're planning on doing another round of pawn shop sales anytime soon unless we were going to do it to smoke out the wider Hell's Kitchen crime rings).

Which reminds me; I wonder if, as part of a potential 'clean up NYC villain hunt' project we could specifically target loan sharks and relieve them of their liquid cash. It would inhibit their operations and the amount of sympathy they're likely to get is...low, while also injecting said capital into our own coffers.

-[ ] Your money from your account with Markus and Federson should have come in by now. Talk to Dad and see if you can reach out to a local bank branch to surreptitiously withdraw funds from your cape account, get a credit card. You imagine it's an involved process. 1 action, will unlock a future (next few days) mandatory action to actually withdraw the funds.

Do we have thoughts on whether we want to connect the Markus & Federson cape with Factota? I imagine we could do something like the 'low key superhero outfit' or 'create another cape identity' projects (Disguise + Acting + Clothier?) to handle funds withdrawals for Mystery Cape that mysteriously covers Factota's cash situation (burner phones, secret lairs etc)

Tangentially related, once we get farther into the Bet cape scene, would we want to set up a supervillain's lair Heroic Hide-Out to act as a supposed base of operations to draw supervillainous ire? Tangentially related, how difficult would it be to legally claim Coil's Bond Villain lair once we beat him up a bunch? Asking for a friend. (It's me, I'm the friend. I want the place.)

Revising the Bombmaking skill to be renamed Explosives, removing Bombmaking and Demolitions from the list of things included on the list of skills trained by Ninjutsu. I'll be editing future General Training options to include only Explosives, which will cover all three. You'll still have an option to train the new Explosives skill with Usopp, and it will overwrite Bombmaking.

Does this also cover bomb defusing?

-[ ] Shape Changing: Longarm. Whoa. Nifty. You could get an extra joint. 100% of Longarm 0. 90% of Longarm 1. 60% of Longarm 2.
-[ ] Shape Changing: Goldfish Fishman. 100% of Goldfish Fishman 0. 90% of Goldfish Fishman 1. 40% of Goldfish Fishman 2.

Why are we 20% more likely to get Longarm 2 than Goldfish Fishman 2? I would assume it'd be the other way around, given we're halfway through another Fishman form. (Also, if we get Swordfish Fishman 10 would that let us turn into all subspecies of Fishman or just swordfish-adjacent forms?)

Training: Crafting and related skills. 1 action each.
-[ ] Engineering (category skill). This could be a massively useful skill. 35% of Engineering 3. (+65 bonus available) (subskills are Bombmaking, Clockwork Engineering, Earth-Bet Engineering, and Shipwright)
-[ ] Clockwork Engineering. This is a specific type of engineering to do with conducting power though gears and springs, and with piezoelectricity and water and steam power. 60% Clockwork Engineering 2. Potential increase in Earth-Bet Engineering.
-[ ] Earth-Bet Engineering. Limit your studies to just mundane machines on Earth-Bet. 90% of Earth-Bet Engineering 3. 60% of Earth-Bet Engineering 4. 10% of Earth-Bet Engineering 5.

If I understand how the system works correctly, does this mean that if we take both Engineering (category skill) and Earth-Bet Engineering we have a (slim, 10% or less) chance to go from EB Engineering 2 to EB Engineering 6 in a single turn?

-[ ] Driving. 10% of Driving 4. Taylor has no car of her own, and isn't comfortable asking to borrow Dad's without a damn good Vehicle Mechanic skill (we'll say 4-5). So this would be purely book learning, theoreticals.

I'm curious about this. Wouldn't Danny be okay with riding shotgun with her to help tutor her in driving as best he can? Similarly, would he count as an instructor for the first few levels (0, 1, maybe 2) of Vehicle Maintenance?
I was really expecting it to take longer than this, that's why I equivocated with the ?? project length, but, no, with what I've put forth, with Taylor's skills and the situation established, it doesn't make sense for it to take that long, especially with a good damn roll like a 93. The outcome is preordained - I've had an idea in mind for the conclusion for a while. Predating the resumption of the quest, believe it or not.
Does this mean the whole of Merchant get taken down, or just a part of the gang.
If it's just the latter than I fine with it, but it the other one, than it's a problem.
Because it would create a power vacuum, and than the others gang may take over fomer the Merchant, or a new gang may moved in there.
Unlese Taylor had a plan to deal with the power vacuum.
-[ ] Lift weights with Zoro. 40% of Weightlifting 9.
I really do wonder about this skill. I am given to understand that weightlifting doesn't actually make us stronger just improves our form so we apply our strength better, but our form is already superhuman (whatever that means in context) so I don't see what we actually get from making it more superhuman.
I really do wonder about this skill. I am given to understand that weightlifting doesn't actually make us stronger just improves our form so we apply our strength better, but our form is already superhuman (whatever that means in context) so I don't see what we actually get from making it more superhuman.

Well, similar skills like 'Fitness' and 'Exercise' make it easier for us to train physical skills, so I assume this would also help us train things like Swimming and Freerunning. It also likely helps us perform feats of strength like 'lifting a car off someone'.

Does this mean the whole of Merchant get taken down, or just a part of the gang.
If it's just the latter than I fine with it, but it the other one, than it's a problem.
Because it would create a power vacuum, and than the others gang may take over fomer the Merchant, or a new gang may moved in there.
Unlese Taylor had a plan to deal with the power vacuum.

If all we take down is their cape contingent regular police can take it from there. If there's a scramble for their territory (which I doubt, as IIRC their territory was 'space it wasn't worth the effort trying to kick them out of and no one else felt it was worth their time') it'd probably be the ABB expanding their territory a few blocks or some small-timers like Stain deciding to stake a claim here and there. My understanding of the local geography is such that I doubt Coil or E88 are easily able to project strength there anyway (and I think Coil is more interested in being an irritant downtown anyway) but there may be some modest upsets due to taking down a second-rate gang.
It seems odd to consider 5 to be the needed level for in the field use. 4 is using the skill to a professional level which is to say as good as someone who makes a living on the skill. Really 3 should be enough to use in the field without causing us problems.
Man, Talyor has high standards. I doubt most of the punks on the street waving guns around have gun skill 3. Or even 1.

Taylor has absurdly high standards for herself and is, perhaps without consciously realizing it, used to Mayim, where 5 on Bet kind of is the bare minimum to play with the big boys of the East Blue, let alone on the Line.

Although yeah Vivi and Horlio do need to do work as guests, it's more that unless there's not a single one of Taylors chores that could be traded to Vivi, then doing such a trade would improve efficiency a lot.

It's not likely to change in the immediate future. Vivi doesn't actually have much in the way of practical sailor skills (see how she's commonly kind of fumbling on the ship - I think I've written her nearly getting princess overboarded twice now.) and so she needs something to do. She's mostly outclassed anywhere she fits in on the ship that isn't grunt manual labor (and that's something I'd like to explore a bit in the future), and wouldn't really be able to take over any of Taylor's responsibility.

And again, you have the whole 'Straw Hats don't want Taylor to feel like she has to karoshi herself on their behalf'.

So, as regards interactions with the Protectorate here are my thoughts;

Any mention of this 'Stain' character?

A question as regards Weaponsmithing/Armorcrafting in NYC: if we make knives intended to be tools instead of weapons (kitchen knives, woodworking tools, etc) and/or protective gear that isn't meant to see combat (chainmail gloves for kitchen work for instance) would that still count as training the skills, or would we just be doing Blacksmith work?

Uh... I'm frankly not sure, and am going to flip a coin on it. Heads - yes, that counts. Tails - no, that doesn't count.

The quarter landed on heads. Yes. That would count. I actually removed the Weapon/Armorsmith skill from your list of options - but provided it's not something like Taylor creating an actual weapon at the Central Park Blacksmith's ironworks, I can reinstate it and you can include it as a write-in if you want.

Also, is the language learning software project still on the table, metaphorically speaking?

Yes. I removed most of the projects that I felt were out of place with trying to keep a low profile, but if you remind me of them after the 'low profile phase' is done, I can reinstate them.

BTW, I did some snooping and it seems that IRL you can get horseback riding lessons in NYC. The link I found was $65 for a 1 hour lesson or $600 for ten 1 hour lessons. I imagine prices would be cheaper in rural areas where the cost of stabling and fodder for yon beasties would be less, well, 'live in New York' levels of expensive (and given the distance in decade and metareality you can easily argue prices up or down) but if we wanted to practice horsemanship basics with an instructor I imagine we could do a lot worse.

Going to say it's out of reach until you've been more established on Mahon, or if you go out of your way to track down one in a rural area that might have fewer credit cards. Do those places accept cash payment up front, like, literal cash? Taylor's been getting away with it at stores because she just leaves immediately and doesn't come back, but she's going to have a lot of awkward questions if she's going to be getting tutored by someone for a substantial amount of time. (They aren't leaving the strange woman alone with their expensive horses.)

Also, assuming we've got Marksmanship (Primitive) and Horsemanship at a 4-6 range, does that mean we're able to do mounted archery reasonably well as well


Similarly how difficult would it be to do mounted combat stunts using something like a Motorcycle + Drive? I ask because 'motorcycle jousting' and the amazing potential that has against Brutes.

I don't think I'd make Motorcycle a separate skill from Driving, but yes. Trying to cut down on adding further General Skill bloat. Older ones will get grandfathered in, but unless I genuinely can't see it working, we're trying to keep the general skills thin.

Front page says we have Shipwright 4.

Thank you, corrected. That should be Shipwright 5 on the front page, as far as I can tell.

Ninjutsu apparently gave us +1 to Blunt Weapons, so that may need to be Weapons 5 (and may need to be something other than 25% chance to train)

Percentage is right, level needed to be changed.

May want to specify what the bonus is for (I presume Fishman).
Also, would creating the practice spear also train Weaponsmithing?

I've edited to make the bonus more clear, and yes, it would, I've added that in, thank you.

I laughed at this, by the way. Just the 'ah, things are returning to normal' tone, well-conveyed. I don't suppose Vivi & Horlio are duly impressed?

Thank you! They've become a bit inured to it all by now.

Can we practice smithing and just say "we dedicate the next 3 Blacksmithing actions working on doing requests so we get 3 'free' actions for other projects" or something similar?

I'm fine with that write-in. Just have to convince your fellow players, and you should be good.

Tangentially related, how difficult would it be to legally claim Coil's Bond Villain lair once we beat him up a bunch? Asking for a friend.

I suspect that lair was built illegally and against zoning, and would be cordoned off and demolished once it was discovered. The PRT tends to confiscate and dismantle places like that - it's not quite a tinkertech lair, but I shared that one post Wildbow wrote for PHO Sunday about a kid who inherited a tinker hero's gear and the legal troubles he had with the PRT trying to confiscate it. It's not a 1:1 comparison, but a similar situation would likely apply.

Do we have thoughts on whether we want to connect the Markus & Federson cape with Factota? I imagine we could do something like the 'low key superhero outfit' or 'create another cape identity' projects (Disguise + Acting + Clothier?) to handle funds withdrawals for Mystery Cape that mysteriously covers Factota's cash situation (burner phones, secret lairs etc)

Just remember you can only have 1 extra cape identity. I'm not interested in balancing seven or eight false identities.

Does this also cover bomb defusing?

Yes. Theoretically a high enough level in EB engineering would as well.

Why are we 20% more likely to get Longarm 2 than Goldfish Fishman 2? I would assume it'd be the other way around, given we're halfway through another Fishman form. (Also, if we get Swordfish Fishman 10 would that let us turn into all subspecies of Fishman or just swordfish-adjacent forms?)

A Longarm is just a human with an extra joint. Much easier to understand. Frankly, given how well Taylor understands the human body, I might have to bump that skill up a bit.

Also, you haven't finished Swordfish Fishman yet, so Goldfish Fishman doesn't get the full bonus. Just swordfish-related fishman types. No mermaids.

If I understand how the system works correctly, does this mean that if we take both Engineering (category skill) and Earth-Bet Engineering we have a (slim, 10% or less) chance to go from EB Engineering 2 to EB Engineering 6 in a single turn?


I'm curious about this. Wouldn't Danny be okay with riding shotgun with her to help tutor her in driving as best he can? Similarly, would he count as an instructor for the first few levels (0, 1, maybe 2) of Vehicle Maintenance?

He would enthusiastically accept that if offered. Taylor, however, thinks that would be making a burden of herself when he's busy with his job, and she wants to prove that she can be independent and on her own, when he wants almost the opposite, in a way. Anxious teenager thing, not really grokking what her Dad wants.

I don't think Danny has any idea how to repair a car. Feel free to provide canon evidence otherwise.

Does this mean the whole of Merchant get taken down, or just a part of the gang.

All three capes, big chunk of senior dealers. There will always be a power vacuum when you remove capes, that's just the way the cape scene works until you can get an unchained Dragon singularity or something like that. How relevant or devastating the power struggle will be in a relatively unprofitable part of a declining city, well, that's another story. Big difference between removing the Merchants and removing the Empire.

I really do wonder about this skill. I am given to understand that weightlifting doesn't actually make us stronger just improves our form so we apply our strength better, but our form is already superhuman (whatever that means in context) so I don't see what we actually get from making it more superhuman.

The Giant Furfish isn't all that useful either. You're going to have plenty of useless/near useless skills as the quest goes on. If you defeat a mutant thug on Mahon whose only power is having a third eye, you'll get X-Gene: Third Eye.

Of course, very few skills are truly useless, given how skills build off of one another, but they might not be as immediately obviously helpful as others.

Oh, we're a zealot now?

Tough for a successful Headway user to not be. That single minded focus on a better world?
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Any mention of this 'Stain' character?

Just what you posted in this update and an entry in the Character Reference Sheet listing them as 'Villain' and nothing else.

Yes. I removed most of the projects that I felt were out of place with trying to keep a low profile, but if you remind me of them after the 'low profile phase' is done, I can reinstate them.

Could we make the programs and just not share them with people yet? Like if we wanted to help Danny learn Japanese for whatever reason we can install that on a computer and let him work on it at his own pace (maybe get feedback on it to refine the final product?) and just not go from 'a thing we have completed' to 'knock knock software publisher person I have a thing for you'?

Going to say it's out of reach until you've been more established on Mahon, or if you go out of your way to track down one in a rural area that might have fewer credit cards. Do those places accept cash payment up front, like, literal cash? Taylor's been getting away with it at stores because she just leaves immediately and doesn't come back, but she's going to have a lot of awkward questions if she's going to be getting tutored by someone for a substantial amount of time. (They aren't leaving the strange woman alone with their expensive horses.)

Not to self; steal horse, dress it up like a superhero, fight crime with horse, return it later with no explanation. 'Forget' to remove the domino mask.

As to whether these places accept cash; no earthly idea.

I don't think I'd make Motorcycle a separate skill from Driving, but yes. Trying to cut down on adding further General Skill bloat. Older ones will get grandfathered in, but unless I genuinely can't see it working, we're trying to keep the general skills thin.

That was meant more as 'have a motorcycle and use the Drive skill' rather like 'Horsemanship plus access to a horse' although with reduction in general skill bloat I presume that Horsemanship also includes weirder stuff like pterodactyl riding or chariot driving?

I suspect that lair was built illegally and against zoning, and would be cordoned off and demolished once it was discovered. The PRT tends to confiscate and dismantle places like that - it's not quite a tinkertech lair, but I shared that one post Wildbow wrote for PHO Sunday about a kid who inherited a tinker hero's gear and the legal troubles he had with the PRT trying to confiscate it. It's not a 1:1 comparison, but a similar situation would likely apply.

I don't recall if it was fanon or canon that the local PRT claimed the site as a sort of expanded vehicle garage/deployment center/armory under the grounds of 'it is free real estate' and 'it is built under too much stuff to get away with demolishing it' with a light seasoning of 'if we don't take it villains will'.

I would imagine that there are permits filed, but they probably say something like 'supplementary Endbringer shelter #14' and 'storm drain expansion' instead of 'access to Coil's Lair #3'. Probably something you could productively get tied up in courts about, though it'd likely be an uphill battle getting free and clear title to it and I don't think the discussion will go anywhere without a thorough inspection anyway.

but i want it.


Also, you haven't finished Swordfish Fishman yet, so Goldfish Fishman doesn't get the full bonus. Just swordfish-related fishman types. No mermaids.

I was thinking less 'mermaids' and more 'octopus fishman', but good to know.

The Giant Furfish isn't all that useful either. You're going to have plenty of useless/near useless skills as the quest goes on. If you defeat a mutant thug on Mahon whose only power is having a third eye, you'll get X-Gene: Third Eye.

Sounds useful for things like Perception and Marksmanship. Depending on what kind of eye we are talking maybe makes learning Magic skills easier? (probably not, sounds more literal than metaphorical but still)

Tough for a successful Headway user to not be. That single minded focus on a better world?

Huh. Imagine getting compared to Magneto.

Tangentially related, and this more @everyone, but what do we suspect the pros and cons of training Mr. 2's power vs Mystique's power would be? It kinda seems like her power is flat out better, can anyone confirm?
Today i learned about 'rogue waves'. Something to look forward to with climate change unless i miss my guess is that the frequency of them will increase.

If we get her power it is going to completely change our shapeshifting skills.
It probably just lowers difficulty and adds a 'human shapeshift' skill. I never saw mystique transform into a animal (iirc). I'm not even sure if she can change mass (although, probably, to be 'undetectable').

edit: actually she can.... in the comics. It's just so rare i had to check.
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If we get her power it is going to completely change our shapeshifting skills.
Maybe, maybe not since unlike ours mystique needs to actually learn how to move and such in her animal forms. She can't fly as a bird unless she has actually practiced and learned how for example.

Our shapeshifting is at once better and worse as, unlike her, we get instincts with each level and probably are stronger as well while she probably can do better with people than us.

Of course this does hinge on if we also have to deal with the potential side effects of her shapeshifting. Depending on the version her shapeshifting may be painful, inflict mental changes to match the form, and more.

Mystique's powers really change a lot between depictions and can either be flat out insane BS OP or they can be incredibly useful but flawed and dangerous for the user.
Tangentially related, and this more @everyone, but what do we suspect the pros and cons of training Mr. 2's power vs Mystique's power would be? It kinda seems like her power is flat out better, can anyone confirm?
I suspect that Mr. 2's power doesn't really need training. It seems to work automatically at least how he used it. I strongly suspect that he wasn't using it to it's full potential. Alot of devil fruit users seem to integrate them into everything, but Bon Clay seemed to treat his devil power as an optional extra. He could not even make use of his fighting style when transformed.
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t's not likely to change in the immediate future. Vivi doesn't actually have much in the way of practical sailor skills (see how she's commonly kind of fumbling on the ship - I think I've written her nearly getting princess overboarded twice now.) and so she needs something to do. She's mostly outclassed anywhere she fits in on the ship that isn't grunt manual labor (and that's something I'd like to explore a bit in the future), and wouldn't really be able to take over any of Taylor's responsibility.

And again, you have the whole 'Straw Hats don't want Taylor to feel like she has to karoshi herself on their behalf'.
I guess it makes sense for now, but once Vivi has learned enough to be a help outside grunt manual labor, Taylor really should trade the clothes washing chore for Vivi helping her with some of her jobs.

Or once Vivi is no longer part of the crew, Taylor should be the one taking over at least the washing part, since a washing machine is just so much of a game changer.
I know you're immersed, but it literally doesn't matter, at most it would be a offhand remark. Did you ever see the crew washing clothes in the anime or manga? Let sleeping dogs not wash their clothes in a narrative.
I would say just train him in a skill like carpenter to make alot of money, but the problem in Brooklyn bay is that the economy is in the shit such that having amazing skills is useless and very hard to apply. Or even less then useless because if you are successful then one or multiple gangs are going to come out to shake you down for their cut.

In those situations, it's pretty much about what people need to survive for sure. People need to eat and take care of their hygiene. A good plumber is worth his weight in gold, and in places like Boardwalk pretty sure some restaurants look for a decent cook at least.

Although again, Brockton Bay does have some rich parts, so being a good building specialist may be worth a lot. Someone must build those villas for the rich elite.

Also in places like Brockton Bay I suspect they are more willing to ignore some... past (and hire you illegally) and hire someone based on the skill they have, than on how good their CV looks.

So we should train Danny in Marshal arts. Enough so that he can win against random gang members. Maybe train other dockworkers as well. We really are in position right now to make our own gang providing protection and Danny is in the perfect position to run it for us.

Opening up dojo could be an interesting alternative?

I have been wondering how to pitch Arcane as a potential setting. Pop up in Zaun during the initial crackdown, maybe. Plenty of tech, plenty of magic, plenty of odd creatures, plenty of things to fight (like systemic oppression!), but...it has the LoL stigma.

League of Legends has really meh community, true, but worldbuilding for it is one of the better ones around. I recommend Necrit's channel when it goes to learning LoL lore.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUwNYTtD-p8

Also an interesting fact - Arcane is a non-canon lore storyline. Although we do know that in their reality alternate dimensions is a thing, so it may be simply one of the alternate ones.

Didn't I just say there were a bunch of sea monsters there? /joke

Satisfying Luffy's appetite is a challenge, so hunting those monsters to feed him may become a necessity.

After we're done with Brockton Bay I fully intend to tear through the Bostonian villains. The Teeth don't have many powers I'm particularly interested in (we won't get Butcher's power it sounds like, and I'm mostly interested in Vex & Hemorragia's powers as a stepping stone to make learning force field and biokinetic manipulation powers from other capes easier), but Accord, Citrine, Lizardtail... (fake edit, Accord is on the 'do not touch' list) if we are more interested in punching faces than keeping Boston's underworld calm I can see a busy weekend there, including doing a high speed dungeon crawl through Accord's office complex full of death traps.

In this case, most likely doing it with an alternate cape persona, negotiating with Accord to 'clean up Boston', and later on, once we are ready, taking him down instead would be the most efficient way to do it. Accord has... serious psychological issue, so doing something by accident that may set him off before we are ready may be problematic. Also, we know that in canon he has contacts with Yangban because this is how he sold Perdition, so yet another thing to be careful of.

I wonder if we would get all skills/powers from defeating Yangban capes or do we need to defeat the original owners of those powers?

Folks should remember that this was canonically the reason Canary got fucked so hard. Simurgh comparisons. Taylor is probably scared of Simurgh-adjacent capes on a level she has trouble expressing.

I think we underestimate as normal Earth citizens how paranoid those people must be about telepathy or anything close to it.

It's an in-universe bias. It's the same reason Taylor won't really care so much about green energy or climate change as someone on our world. In Ward, it's pointed out that people who care about green energy are seen as kind of silly, when the threat of the Endbringers and such are so close.

On our Earth, we see the example (of Chernobyl) that if nature is left alone, it can easily recover on its own, even after a major disaster, caused by humans or by nature itself with no issues. So I suspect on Earth-Bet, especially in places of massive disasters (like Kyushu) nature is not only recovering but thriving. Because our planet has experienced recovering from even the worst disasters. So I suspect Earth Bet's flora and fauna may actually do far better than ours, but again, speculation.

We would need some kind of plant or wood based power to really fix the Merry's Keel when it snaps. Which I'm not saying we couldn't get but even then the Merry would be too small a ship to really have as the main ship in the New World anyways.

It's Marvel. You may find there every single power in existence if you look hard enough. Like Thomas Cassidy, Patrick Mahony or Groot as some example, although the last one may not be available, as he is heroic, and second is questionable.

We might be able to upgrade her though to run off of an engine of some kind and take the mast out so she could fit inside our new ship potentially? Have her act as a smaller ship inside of the larger new one?

Pretty much turning her into a smaller scout ship of sorts.

So, as regards interactions with the Protectorate here are my thoughts;
- We let them take credit for the arrests (they benefit from the good PR more than we do, and keeping a low profile helps us as fewer people are interested in some upstart even if she did take down a gang of capes single-handedly). This also feeds into their speculation about 'where did Factota come from' and 'why does she not want publicity', which aren't downsides IMO

I wouldn't let them take all the credit. Taylor needs some recognition as well because we already had an update of people suspecting that she may be a 'fake cape'.

Rest sounds fine. Maybe basic testing may work out just fine, if it would make them trust us more, but obviously keep most of the abilities hidden.

I'm thinking about something that we can release in Bet to make some money once our 'keep our head down' phase is winding down.

Most likely some software is the best bet.

Also, assuming we've got Marksmanship (Primitive) and Horsemanship at a 4-6 range, does that mean we're able to do mounted archery reasonably well as well or would that be a supplemental skill? Similarly how difficult would it be to do mounted combat stunts using something like a Motorcycle + Drive? I ask because 'motorcycle jousting' and the amazing potential that has against Brutes. (That's a lie, mostly it's for spectacle)

From my experience, what made Mongol Riders so special is how trained they were with horseback archery, something that very few other civilizations could even match. In my opinion, it would count as a separate skill, but well, if we get an easy way out here, I won't complain.

I'm curious about this. Wouldn't Danny be okay with riding shotgun with her to help tutor her in driving as best he can? Similarly, would he count as an instructor for the first few levels (0, 1, maybe 2) of Vehicle Maintenance?

It's a pretty popular thing to see Danny doing some car maintenance in Worm fanfiction, but yeah, it may be fanon.

Going to say it's out of reach until you've been more established on Mahon, or if you go out of your way to track down one in a rural area that might have fewer credit cards. Do those places accept cash payment up front, like, literal cash? Taylor's been getting away with it at stores because she just leaves immediately and doesn't come back, but she's going to have a lot of awkward questions if she's going to be getting tutored by someone for a substantial amount of time. (They aren't leaving the strange woman alone with their expensive horses.)

I don't think this is feasible in the quest itself (may take too many actions or something), but if Taylor would be willing to move to Europe, she wouldn't have this issue at all.

Especially in the early 2000s (which X-Men Evolution is in) anyone in Central/East Europe, like in Poland (I'm from Poland myself) would look at you like a weirdo if you would insist to pay with a debit card. Heck, you can still find people here easily that refuse to use anything, but cash.

But even today, even if we pay mostly with debit/credit cards, there are ZERO issues with paying with cash here even today, and no one would find it suspicious. I remember when I first visited the USA (where my brother lives) and how weird I found people looking at me weirdly when I paid with cash. Heck, I still find shops where you can't pay for services/products with debit/credit cards. So it's a matter of moving outside of the US if we would insist on using cash to do it.

And she could easily do it as a 'tourist that wants to do something fun on her vacation' lie and no one would bat an eye unless she would pay with obviously fake money. So yeah, move outside of the US, and the matter of 'paying with cash' is not a problem at all. In fact, many people prefer cold, hard cash, because it also means less 'government oversight'. Yes, it all comes down to distrust of politicians.

The problem is getting to Europe there legally in the first place, with no proper documentation, unless we would do it in an illegal way.

I don't think I'd make Motorcycle a separate skill from Driving, but yes. Trying to cut down on adding further General Skill bloat. Older ones will get grandfathered in, but unless I genuinely can't see it working, we're trying to keep the general skills thin.

I would say it would make sense to keep them separate if it means more exotic vehicles only. And those still can be generalized. Like suddenly Taylor learns how to drive a tank, and it may count as 'Military Driving' or something similar. Although with how different airplanes and tank driving would be, it may still be better if they would be separate in this specific theoretical scenario?

Maybe, maybe not since unlike ours mystique needs to actually learn how to move and such in her animal forms. She can't fly as a bird unless she has actually practiced and learned how for example.

Our shapeshifting is at once better and worse as, unlike her, we get instincts with each level and probably are stronger as well while she probably can do better with people than us.

Also, an important part of her in X-Men Evolution was that she was completely immune to telepathic mind-reading. So yeah, this would be the main appeal of defeating her.
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Satisfying Luffy's appetite is a challenge, so hunting those monsters to feed him may become a necessity.
The challenge is more in stocking enough food on the Merry than anything, the Strawhats are fully capable of hunting, the problem is just that the Merry only have so much carrying capacity, so really what we need to do, is rent some storage space on either Mahon or Bet, then each sea monster or other massive animal we kill will last much longer.
Especially in the early 2000s (which X-Men Evolution is in) anyone in Central/East Europe, like in Poland (I'm from Poland myself) would look at you like a weirdo if you would insist to pay with a debit card. Heck, you can still find people here easily that refuse to use anything, but cash.

But even today, even if we pay mostly with debit cards, there are ZERO issues with paying with cash here even today, and no one would find it suspicious. I remember when I first visited the USA (where my brother lives) and how weird I found people looking at me weirdly when I paid with cash. Heck, I still find shops where you can't pay for services/products with debit cards. So it's a matter of moving outside of the US if we would insist on using cash to do it.
Living myself in Poland, I can't imagine paying with anything other than cash at the store.
Just what you posted in this update and an entry in the Character Reference Sheet listing them as 'Villain' and nothing else.

Was more thinking on if you wanted to mention him to the Protectorate.

Could we make the programs and just not share them with people yet? Like if we wanted to help Danny learn Japanese for whatever reason we can install that on a computer and let him work on it at his own pace (maybe get feedback on it to refine the final product?) and just not go from 'a thing we have completed' to 'knock knock software publisher person I have a thing for you'?

Sure, write in a project. We'll say 0/6 as you are now, if it's just Japanese.

although with reduction in general skill bloat I presume that Horsemanship also includes weirder stuff like pterodactyl riding or chariot driving?


Today i learned about 'rogue waves'. Something to look forward to with climate change unless i miss my guess is that the frequency of them will increase.

This was the video I watched on it a few weeks before I resumed the quest. Pretty scary stuff - they've been increasing in number, bt only because we have a better understanding of the ocean and are therefore noticing them before. Prior to the invention of modern ships, it's likely most ships that encountered them didn't live to tell the tale.
Pretty scary thought - that hundred footers were occurring out on the sea and consuming whole ships, and most scholars didn't even believe it was possible.

It probably just lowers difficulty and adds a 'human shapeshift' skill. I never saw mystique transform into a animal (iirc). I'm not even sure if she can change mass (although, probably, to be 'undetectable').

Taylor doesn't know this, but Mystique transforms into a raven ( :V ) and a wolf at varying points in the cartoon. Animal transformations beneath her mass level will probably be allowed, but heavier ones will likely be lighter, weaker. I suspect that her power involves some level of dimensional shifting, same way as her son, but it's not quite as obvious as bamfing.

I wonder if we would get all skills/powers from defeating Yangban capes or do we need to defeat the original owners of those powers?

Original owners.

On our Earth, we see the example (of Chernobyl) that if nature is left alone, it can easily recover on its own, even after a major disaster, caused by humans or by nature itself with no issues. So I suspect on Earth-Bet, especially in places of massive disasters (like Kyushu) nature is not only recovering but thriving. Because our planet has experienced recovering from even the worst disasters. So I suspect Earth Bet's flora and fauna may actually do far better than ours, but again, speculation.

More powers than you think are like Grey Boy's - leaving nigh-permanent scars. (Or at least, scars long enough to last longer than most empires, GB's loops technically only last 10,000 years unless interrupted, but that's small solace for those stuck within.) If you have, for instance, a large scale cape fight with a blaster whose blasts permanently distort the space around the landscape, hard for that place to recover.

Taylor needs some recognition as well because we already had an update of people suspecting that she may be a 'fake cape'.

Not suspecting - it's basically the assumption. Her thread is dead, and she's been removed from 'list of known Brockton Bay capes.'

It's a pretty popular thing to see Danny doing some car maintenance in Worm fanfiction, but yeah, it may be fanon.

Like I said, if people can source it from canon, I'll add it as an option.

Although with how different airplanes and tank driving would be, it may still be better if they would be separate in this specific theoretical scenario?

That would make sense.

Also, an important part of her in X-Men Evolution was that she was completely immune to telepathic mind-reading. So yeah, this would be the main appeal of defeating her.

That was a skill she had to learn. On first appearances, Xavier and Logan were both sussing her out with their various thinker abilities, but she eventually learned to disguise her scent and learn psi-resistance.
- We let them take credit for the arrests (they benefit from the good PR more than we do, and keeping a low profile helps us as fewer people are interested in some upstart even if she did take down a gang of capes single-handedly). This also feeds into their speculation about 'where did Factota come from' and 'why does she not want publicity', which aren't downsides IMO
- We are polite, professional and courtious to the LEOs whether they wear a mask or not. We don't want an antagonistic relationship, and acting childishly will make them more likely to consider us a child. We made a good first impression, let's not ruin it with a second impression.
- We agree to nothing more than 'we will consider getting tested'; we are an independent hero and anonymity is one our better tools.
- Mention our intention to join in Endbringer response, that we'll talk more about it 'later' (ie "when we go in for powers testing/register/decide to be less stand-offish with the PRT") but see participation as an inherent part of heroism ("Do not go quiet into the night").
- Mention Mush was trying to quit a drug dependency and was being kept strung along by senior members of the Merchants, probably as part of an effort to keep him on the team instead of jumping ship (speculation)
- Ask if they had a preference for who we targeted next, and if they had information they were willing to share on the target. We're looking to pick off small fry right now.
-- Send New Wave a brief message thanking them for their assistance using prior established channels.

I agree with Kejmur, we want to start building a heroic reputation with Factota. From my perspective, the 'keeping our head down stage' is more about not doing anything that could get us caught in our civilian identity (like the competitions) and not revealing the true extent of our powers. I'm not too worried about being a know quantity as a cape since our modus operandi should prevent us from retaliation. Heroes may be the ones that have to react while the Villains act, but that comes with the corollary that Villains are easier to find because their operations are constantly in motion, meanwhile the Heroes are only vulnerable when they are out specifically looking for trouble (or at least heroes like Factota or Batman).

If we want to start getting shit done in the civilian space once we stop keeping our heads down (like creating an organization) we need to have our Heroic bona fides ready, so we shouldn't give the Protectorate the credit for our work.

Other than that:
- Give them all of the intel we have gathered including about Stain, I don't see why not and it'll make it easier for them to arrest Piercings at least
- I don't think right now is a good time to bring up Endbringer participation. Let's leave that as something to bring up/ask about when we get registered.

[X] Plan Steady Advancement
-[X] Protectorate Handling
--[X] Be polite and professional (the same as your already established behaviour) With the Protectorate Heroes and the PRT agents.
--[X] Give them all of the intel you have gathered during your hunt such as Stain's involvement and Mush's attempt at quitting drugs.
--[X] Ask them if they have any intel they'd be willing to share to make our next operations easier as well as if they have any preferred targets. You're going to continue going after the independent Villains or smaller gangs for now.
--[X] Ask them about the benefits of Registration as well as the expected process (including power testing). They might treat you better if they know you're at least considering it and it'll give you more data points for when you do your own research on the topic.
-[X] Send a message to New Wave to thank them for the intel about the Merchants.
-[X] Ask Nami about Sleight-of-Hand training. 90% of Sleight-of-Hand 2. 50% of Sleight-of-Hand 3. 10% of Sleight-of-Hand 4.
-[X] Devil Fruit: Paramecia: Kachi Kachi no Mi: The ability to give your body properties of rock. Also known as the "Rock Hard Fruit". 40% of Kachi Kachi no Mi 4. (+20 bonus available)
-[X] Ask Usopp for sharpshooting lessons. 100% of Marksmanship (Primitive) 5. 20% of Marksmanship (Primitive) 6.
-[X] Ask Vivi to 'dance for you', and try to phrase it in a way that doesn't make you feel like a creep. 70% of Master Resistance 1. (This skill is otherwise impossible to train for now.)

There's my revised plan with your input on the Protectorate handling taken into account.

That would make sense.
Catch-up skills would be the go to there I think. Make a catch-up skill below Driving and then when it reaches the same level as driving just integrate it into the main Driving skill.
Hey so jsut to be clear, is Earth Bet Carpentry a different skill than One Piece Carpentry since we know One Piece Carpentry can do shit like flash build a structurally sound bridge on a crumbling ruin in under 5 seconds? How would we unlock the One Piece specific skills in comparison to their Earth Bet counterparts? What level of acrobatics and Martial arts would start giving bonuses to unlocking stuff like Rokushiki techniques? And many more mechancis questions!
We might just put up an auction for 3 hours of our time and list our impressive array of skills.