=] How Mondists Negotiate [=
An Essay by Dr. S. Pflaume
There are those among our public who question the Amazon Territories counter-attack in Siberia, who wonder why we can't come to peace accords, why our friends and loved ones bear the strain and struggle of this war now in its second year. The simple truth is, that there is no peace to be made with Mondists on the basis of ideals, a friendship of people or on a humanitarian basis. To negotiate with mondists is to face not people, but to face the latest series of faces donned by an ideology of strength and murder.
When soldiers of the mondist powers of CanMex, Siberia, Jaburo and their cult invaded the Amazon Territories we hoped for negotiations. When their first attacks were repulsed and their soldiers drowned in our rivers, we asked for peace and were rebuffed by the crooning voices of mondism, who claimed that the world 'does not work' on anything but the strength of the victor and the defeat of the weaker. When we appealed to higher ideals we were told that there's no common ground as nothing but the destruction of our republic could be their goal.
Mondism is the Ideology of the murderer, the cheater and the robber and its instruments can't envision the world in any other way.
When the mondists say peace they mean peace from any responsibility as they murder the people they see as 'theirs' - when they claim war they claim the freedom to murder 'ours' and 'theirs'. There's no well-meaning to be found with mondists at the negotiation table, there is only power, dominance and murder. They see the world as one of toys, tools and themselves and those close to them as the only beings which matter. Thus their chosen action is murder, domination by murder, plunder by murder and rule by murder.
What gave way to the Great Revolution? The moment the people stood up as they recognized that mondism saw them as nothing but tools, mules and cattle to be spent as workers, soldiers and servants. What was the moment the Mondist came to fear our Revolution? When they saw that societies freed of their parasitic existence were stable, dynamic and a living challenge to their narrative of eternal everlasting rule.
How did this war start? It started with the murder of Jaburan soldiers by their mondist government and the ill thought out invasion of Belém in face of international treaties of protection: First they got away with murdering 'their' people, then they thought they could get away with murdering us with our friends and allies remaining silent.
What is mondist rule at home: the murder of all those that strive for freedom in purges, assassinations and torture chambers - what is the aim of mondist war: to expand the same to all free people of the world and to retain the right to continue their own murders at home.
Today the war has narrowed down on the territory claimed by the Siberian Tsar to be his and what does the Siberian Tsar do in face of this war? He murders his people. He murders them for the crime of speaking the same language as their relatives on the CSR; he sends his murderers if they are socialists, he sends his assassins if they are republicans, he sends his thugs and bandits if they are of a different look and language as him.
There are those who call our campaign in Siberia a slaughterhouse, who point at the caskets of our soldiers and ask what they died for; Who question if liberty can be spread at the tip of a bayonet. To them we can reply with all the horror of the Truth, that Siberia has and will always be a slaughterhouse of people - and only we can put an end to it.
Anyone who takes it upon themselves to visit Korea will see the widespread devastation of the peninsula, will see the burned down granaries, devastated villages and deserted cities. A devastation not by our own forces, but perpetrated by the outriders of the Tsar, who destroyed and despoiled everything they could reach before we could even reach it. For what reason does a state expose its own population to famine and destitution? Because the Mondist state can not rely on citizens to fight for it: 'their' people can afford little agency and this extends towards the battlefield.
From the Amazon to the Yalu river, the spirited brigades of the republics have faced the countless soldiers of the Mondist Tyrants: sent out to die and kill for their overlords, sent out with aging weaponry and limited mobile suit support; sent out against their will while their families back home are the hostages of the secret police and the roaming death squadrons.
War is by its nature a cruel challenge, one where we can't stop death from reaping our enemies despite our wishes of liberating them from the yoke. But the last months have seen a wastefulness among the Siberian Troops that is apparently by design: each month more and more of their people get sent to the frontlines: man, women, academics, engineers, everything is given a task and a weapon with a single goal: their bodies are to be ground down beneath the foundation of the Tsars new regime.
By machine and cloning the mondists regime of Siberia has shown itself to have a single goal: replacing its population wholesale with tools and toys, machines and people built for the single purpose of propping up the Tsars rule: All other considerations secondary, population expendable. And as this advances, so does the slaughter inside of Sibera, killing those that are different, those that are suspect and those that question the maggot of the new order eating them from the inside out.
If we were to leave Korea tomorrow? If the CSR were to leave and return to its borders, if the Federation would stop keeping the scared Siberian Navy trapped across the Bering Strait, would that put an end to the slaughter?
No. All it would do was to unleash the full force of the Siberian armed forces upon its own population, the same regiments that shot down the conscripts fleeing for their lives would burn out whole ethnicities and communities. The same mobile suits that are now battling our air raids would execute thousands of armed peasants for muttering the hope of freedom and the guns turned on our battlelines would be used to obliterate all human hopes and dreams in this great prison of people until nothing but the Tsar and his tools and toys remain.
Thus to retreat now, to give up and accept the bloody hands of the Tyrants would mean to make way for a slaughter not yet imagined in our history, would mean to show that the free people of this world will not take a stand as their brethren get slaughtered and replaced by thus ever more tightly enslaved than we ever were.
Mondism knows no ideals and knows no humanity - it only recognizes strength and thus it is on us to show that we will not budge and will not falter, till we force them to broke open wide the cells that have kept the people trapped so long, till we put an end to the torture and the purges, till we force them to recognize that the people are not 'theirs' but their own!