Gundam Turn Alpha

Southern Oceans Security and Trade Agreement (SOSTA)

Acknowledging that the oceans are the lifeblood of our Earth and the human race, and that it is in our mutual interest to cooperate to ensure their well-being and safety, the United Federation of Islands and the South Seas Flotilla (henceforth "the undersigned") hereby commit themselves to the following terms:

1. The undersigned, as well as all subsidiary entities and groups, commit themselves to a joint air-naval security effort in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. This effort will be coordinated by air and naval officers from both militaries, ultimately responsible to their respective civilian administrations. The principal focus of this effort is the suppression of piracy, smuggling, and other unlawful or unethical means of exploiting the seaways.​

2. The undersigned shall agree to harmonize their regulations and implement restrictions regarding oceanic activity, so as to eliminate overfishing, destructive practices, and the disruption of marine environments, as well as to cultivate abundant and sustainable marine life.​

3. Each undersigned party shall establish express lines of communication between their civil leadership and military commands and those of the other party, so as to foster further cooperation and joint activity.​

4. This treaty may be amended at any time by unanimous agreement, including its expansion to include other parties.​

[X] Ibrahim Khan, Secretary General of Socialist Party of the South and President of the South Seas Flotilla
[] Federation of Islands
Southern Oceans Security and Trade Agreement (SOSTA)

Acknowledging that the oceans are the lifeblood of our Earth and the human race, and that it is in our mutual interest to cooperate to ensure their well-being and safety, the United Federation of Islands and the South Seas Flotilla (henceforth "the undersigned") hereby commit themselves to the following terms:

1. The undersigned, as well as all subsidiary entities and groups, commit themselves to a joint air-naval security effort in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. This effort will be coordinated by air and naval officers from both militaries, ultimately responsible to their respective civilian administrations. The principal focus of this effort is the suppression of piracy, smuggling, and other unlawful or unethical means of exploiting the seaways.​

2. The undersigned shall agree to harmonize their regulations and implement restrictions regarding oceanic activity, so as to eliminate overfishing, destructive practices, and the disruption of marine environments, as well as to cultivate abundant and sustainable marine life.​

3. Each undersigned party shall establish express lines of communication between their civil leadership and military commands and those of the other party, so as to foster further cooperation and joint activity.​

4. This treaty may be amended at any time by unanimous agreement, including its expansion to include other parties.​

[X] Ibrahim Khan, Secretary General of Socialist Party of the South and President of the South Seas Flotilla
[] Federation of Islands

[x] Signed by Sofia Reyes, President of the Federation; ratified by the people of the United Federation of Islands after submission to a popular vote by the Federal Sub-Committee on the South Seas
The Council of Calgary
Delivered by Pater Patrum Extraordinarii Honorious V at the faithful city of Calgary, in the Divine Monarchy of CanMexico

My faithful of Mithras, chosen of the Sun, whose domain sprawls to every corner of the world, I come to you with a grave matter. Despite the valiant efforts of our devoted and fearless Tsar Georgi IV of the Great Siberian Host, the enemies of the faithful have rejected the offer of a peace demanding no retribution. Mercy is not something they desire, or respect. It is how it has always been. Since the beginning of this war, we have only ever sought peace. Even as the enemy has rained ruin and death upon our cities, and called their Spacian backers to slaughter us, we have reached out to them, seeking understanding and compromise.

This was our great error. It was the same mistake made by our forefathers half a century ago, who, desiring an end to the bloodshed on both sides, magnanimously allowed for a reprieve, a kindness that was spat upon and viewed as weakness by our enemies. The long peace was used by the rebels only to prepare for the next war, where by force of arms, their armies have swept out from the birthplace of Mithras to Istanbul, seizing the sacred land of our ancestors. There, they have visited every indignity and crime upon the faithful under their rule. They have defiled the altars, snuffed out the sacred flames, slain the priests, burned the books of our creed, and forced the faithful to recant upon pain of torturous death. They do all this, and call it justice. And still, they are not satisfied, for their armies continue to assail the domains of the Siberian host, demanding more land, more tribute, more victims. For them, the existence of our faith, our great truth, is an unconscionable affront. These foes call themselves Persians, but they are nothing more than servants of the great darkness, visitors of evil upon the shape of the world.

The mistake of the well meaning, the naive, the hopeful, then as now, is to believe coexistence with this enemy is possible, that they may be appeased or bargained with. This will never be the case, for the leaders of this rebellion have greatly enriched themselves and their allies through gorging themselves on the wealth and ruin of their conquests, and have no desire to cease their feast. They will never make peace, for an endless war against all is what keeps them in power, and that is their only concern. In affront to the speaker of truth, they mislead their followers through sophistry and twisted rhetoric.

Thus the Republicans cynically speak of liberation, even as their warships and bombers blast apart the innocents they claim to save. Thus they speak of freedom, even as their governments brutally prosecute the faithful who have the misfortune to fall under their sway. Thus they speak of truth, even as they seek to create a world of lies.

Whose duty is it to stop this evil, if not yours? You, the followers of the War-God, noblest of lords, bravest of knights, most pious of peasants, descendants of unconquered peoples, entrusted with the great legacy of your ancestors. Let their spirit, let their example, fill you and guide you! Let the indignity, the insult done to the tomb of Mithras, stoke your fury! Let the crimes dealt to your brothers and daughters in the lands of our enemy harden your resolve! Noble sons and daughters of the Invincible Light, children of the eternal city, bearers of the age, cease your quarrels with one another, and instead as one, take up the banner of Mithras and carry it forth into the lands of our enemies and seize it for yourselves! Forge your swords in the fires of truth, and purge the world of darkness! And allow no fear to stay your hand-for those who take up this duty shall all meet one another in Elysium!


A missive from the Seraphim Council.

Due to ongoing concerns about the political posture of its leadership, the Seraphim Council has issued an order to revoke the tax-exempt status of the Church of Apollo-Mithras where it has been allowed to operate at L5.
=] How Mondists Negotiate [=
An Essay by Dr. S. Pflaume

There are those among our public who question the Amazon Territories counter-attack in Siberia, who wonder why we can't come to peace accords, why our friends and loved ones bear the strain and struggle of this war now in its second year. The simple truth is, that there is no peace to be made with Mondists on the basis of ideals, a friendship of people or on a humanitarian basis. To negotiate with mondists is to face not people, but to face the latest series of faces donned by an ideology of strength and murder.

When soldiers of the mondist powers of CanMex, Siberia, Jaburo and their cult invaded the Amazon Territories we hoped for negotiations. When their first attacks were repulsed and their soldiers drowned in our rivers, we asked for peace and were rebuffed by the crooning voices of mondism, who claimed that the world 'does not work' on anything but the strength of the victor and the defeat of the weaker. When we appealed to higher ideals we were told that there's no common ground as nothing but the destruction of our republic could be their goal.

Mondism is the Ideology of the murderer, the cheater and the robber and its instruments can't envision the world in any other way.

When the mondists say peace they mean peace from any responsibility as they murder the people they see as 'theirs' - when they claim war they claim the freedom to murder 'ours' and 'theirs'. There's no well-meaning to be found with mondists at the negotiation table, there is only power, dominance and murder. They see the world as one of toys, tools and themselves and those close to them as the only beings which matter. Thus their chosen action is murder, domination by murder, plunder by murder and rule by murder.

What gave way to the Great Revolution? The moment the people stood up as they recognized that mondism saw them as nothing but tools, mules and cattle to be spent as workers, soldiers and servants. What was the moment the Mondist came to fear our Revolution? When they saw that societies freed of their parasitic existence were stable, dynamic and a living challenge to their narrative of eternal everlasting rule.

How did this war start? It started with the murder of Jaburan soldiers by their mondist government and the ill thought out invasion of Belém in face of international treaties of protection: First they got away with murdering 'their' people, then they thought they could get away with murdering us with our friends and allies remaining silent.

What is mondist rule at home: the murder of all those that strive for freedom in purges, assassinations and torture chambers - what is the aim of mondist war: to expand the same to all free people of the world and to retain the right to continue their own murders at home.

Today the war has narrowed down on the territory claimed by the Siberian Tsar to be his and what does the Siberian Tsar do in face of this war? He murders his people. He murders them for the crime of speaking the same language as their relatives on the CSR; he sends his murderers if they are socialists, he sends his assassins if they are republicans, he sends his thugs and bandits if they are of a different look and language as him.
There are those who call our campaign in Siberia a slaughterhouse, who point at the caskets of our soldiers and ask what they died for; Who question if liberty can be spread at the tip of a bayonet. To them we can reply with all the horror of the Truth, that Siberia has and will always be a slaughterhouse of people - and only we can put an end to it.

Anyone who takes it upon themselves to visit Korea will see the widespread devastation of the peninsula, will see the burned down granaries, devastated villages and deserted cities. A devastation not by our own forces, but perpetrated by the outriders of the Tsar, who destroyed and despoiled everything they could reach before we could even reach it. For what reason does a state expose its own population to famine and destitution? Because the Mondist state can not rely on citizens to fight for it: 'their' people can afford little agency and this extends towards the battlefield.

From the Amazon to the Yalu river, the spirited brigades of the republics have faced the countless soldiers of the Mondist Tyrants: sent out to die and kill for their overlords, sent out with aging weaponry and limited mobile suit support; sent out against their will while their families back home are the hostages of the secret police and the roaming death squadrons.

War is by its nature a cruel challenge, one where we can't stop death from reaping our enemies despite our wishes of liberating them from the yoke. But the last months have seen a wastefulness among the Siberian Troops that is apparently by design: each month more and more of their people get sent to the frontlines: man, women, academics, engineers, everything is given a task and a weapon with a single goal: their bodies are to be ground down beneath the foundation of the Tsars new regime.

By machine and cloning the mondists regime of Siberia has shown itself to have a single goal: replacing its population wholesale with tools and toys, machines and people built for the single purpose of propping up the Tsars rule: All other considerations secondary, population expendable. And as this advances, so does the slaughter inside of Sibera, killing those that are different, those that are suspect and those that question the maggot of the new order eating them from the inside out.

If we were to leave Korea tomorrow? If the CSR were to leave and return to its borders, if the Federation would stop keeping the scared Siberian Navy trapped across the Bering Strait, would that put an end to the slaughter?

No. All it would do was to unleash the full force of the Siberian armed forces upon its own population, the same regiments that shot down the conscripts fleeing for their lives would burn out whole ethnicities and communities. The same mobile suits that are now battling our air raids would execute thousands of armed peasants for muttering the hope of freedom and the guns turned on our battlelines would be used to obliterate all human hopes and dreams in this great prison of people until nothing but the Tsar and his tools and toys remain.

Thus to retreat now, to give up and accept the bloody hands of the Tyrants would mean to make way for a slaughter not yet imagined in our history, would mean to show that the free people of this world will not take a stand as their brethren get slaughtered and replaced by thus ever more tightly enslaved than we ever were.

Mondism knows no ideals and knows no humanity - it only recognizes strength and thus it is on us to show that we will not budge and will not falter, till we force them to broke open wide the cells that have kept the people trapped so long, till we put an end to the torture and the purges, till we force them to recognize that the people are not 'theirs' but their own!

Eden-Astarti Counter-Calamity Development Effort

Joined in common cause, to prevent the return of Calamities most foul, we resolve:
1) The Astarti Fleet shall share the design and manufacturing process of the SAAS Mamba Special Ops and SAAS Mamba Command mobile suits with the Axis Seraph Order of Eden 511.
2) The Axis Seraph Order of Eden 511 shall provide the capital, labor, and materials for a jointly-owned and operated factory to manufacture both the Mamba Special Ops and Mamba Command mobile suits.
3) The output of said joint venture shall be split equally between signatories.
4) The retooling, upkeep costs, and wages for the workers of the joint venture shall be split equally between signatories.
5) All further iterations or designs based off of the SAAS Mamba developed by either signatory shall be shared between signatories.
6) All signatories shall be made aware of any new production lines for SAAS Mambas or SAAS Mamba-derived designs.
7) Before sharing SAAS Mamba technology with non-signatories, both signatories must agree to the technology transfer.
8) The output of new Mamba production lines constructed and funded entirely by one signatory does not need to be split, but additional jointly-funded/constructed production lines shall also have their outputs split equally between signatories.

Oh you wretched of the Earth, you who face Calamities born of a Twisted Tree, think not that your prayers shall forever rise in vain. Rejoice, for the angels of space have come once more, and we shall not rest until Calamity is slain forevermore!
- [X] Citizen-Representative Naera of the Astarti Fleet (@Lazer Raptor)

In the name of our Lady of Light the Atomforge, Origin of All, Goddess Sol, the Order of Eden 511 commits ourselves once more to the cause of combating Calamity. All of humanity shall be served and all who aid our noble cause are blessed in the light of Sol. Let Calamity never return, and may our strength to see it so only grow.
- [X] Chief Diplomat Martina Grey of the Axis Seraph Order of Eden 511 (@FantasticMsFox)
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In the northernmost tips of the Korean Peninsula lies one of its people's holiest sites, Paektu Mountain. Here in the tail end of winter, the entire mountain remains blanketed in a thick cover of snow, even as it retreats elsewhere from the peninsula.

At the peaks of the holy mountain, is a volcanic crater called Heaven's Lake, the source of the river dividing Korea from the rest of the Siberian Empire. In times of deep winter, it freezes over to the point one could almost traverse it. But that is an illusionary freeze, the ice is thin and one misstep could send a person sinking, drowning, into its cold depths.

"...that concludes the quarterly report, Captain Nemo." Ekatrina pulls the wooly fur coat she's wearing even tighter onto herself as she holds a tablet with her other hand. The chilly winds of the mountain causing its ends, as well as the Captain's cape in the billow in the air. The two of them were on a ridge overlooking Heaven's Lake, brought here by a whim from Moralia's Sovereign.

"Hmm…that could be a problem." Captain Nemo's modulated voice cuts through the noise of wind and snow. Harsh and metallic enough one could almost miss the feminine tilt in her voice.

"Good thing it was Helgoland that found Masada first instead. Lady Ikuko is reporting good things about cooperation with the Asteroid State." Competition would only hinder the two mercenary states. Formal coordination would let Moralia and Masada reap all the benefits of being the primary providers of elite mercenaries to the Earth Sphere.

"Oh, did you think I was referring to that?" The teasing tone in her Captain's voice causes Ekatrina to pout and grumpily cross her arms. Being vague and cryptic is Aaron's deal!

"Moralia has achieved its aim in under six months. Wealth and Prosperity in Side 3. But in doing so it has isolated itself, even from its erstwhile partners. A dangerous prospect." Ekatrina frowns as she remembers the reports of grumbling and disdain across Earth and Space about Moralia's practices, she didn't expect the Captain to hone in on something like that.

'They have neither the fear of God nor fidelity to men.' She dramatically opines, raising her like she's in a theater, copying one of the quotes the Captain loves to use so much. Apparently some old Earthian book about politics about some another, just another of the Captain's quirks.

"Things have changed rapidly, at such a pace even we cannot catch up. That is unacceptable. Changing is the hardest thing to achieve in this world, to the point it can cause one to doubt themselves." Despite the heavy snow, the Captain's words reach Ekatrina, even if she's pretty sure that the Captain is staring out into the distance, their mind and soul somewhere far far away.

Ekatrina stands a little straighter as Nemo begins to turn away from the frozen lake to face her.

"Tell me, do you know why snow is white?" Nemo holds out a hand from beneath the cape draped over her. As if on cue, the howling winds and snow begins to subside, as if subdued by a higher power. As the blizzard slows, a perfect snowflake lands on the center of the Captain's black glove.

"Because it's forgotten what color it's supposed to be."





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The Council of Calgary
Delivered by Pater Patrum Extraordinarii Honorious V at the faithful city of Calgary, in the Divine Monarchy of CanMexico


… regardless of any material advantage gained in the subservience to those licentious aliens, we have long realized the cultural and spiritual degeneration of unadorned republicanism. Stripped of age-tested tradition, adorned in false equality which is ever the first step in mental serfdom, they have become a parody of themselves. Progress for them is merely surrender of any self-expression outside the taste of fair-weather space. There is no greater damnation of their ideology than the fact that their leaders would sooner be another Applegate, another Seraphim, than genuine republicans with a history that stretches back to the last century. Having denied themselves such a legacy, they see our rejuvenating heritage, the bond of the past to the present that we call true liberty, and grow jealous. They seek to snuff us out for it. It is false to call them flesh-and-blood humans for this malfeasance. Think of them instead as soulless puppets—instruments of a force foreign to the Earth. It is in Siberia that we will determine if this shadowy republicanism will spread further or be contained. You are the braves of Africa that have chosen a holy profession of arms in defense of what's right. In joining this crusade, in joining the Black March, you have become criminals in the eyes of your homeland. They will not defend you even as you defend them. It has always been the lot of the just to be misunderstood and maligned. But the greater the trial, the greater the glory.
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Louise always wondered how an angel died. How it felt to let go and return to Sol. Watching the grey and cracked earth below her begin to rush towards her in the cracks in the Type-S' plating, it was clear she was going to learn far sooner than she had hoped.

There was a fog in her mind as the altimeter and countless other dials flashes alarmingly as distantly a blur of sirens wailed. Her hand gripping the control stick lost its grip and flew into her helmet but instead of deflecting off the glass brushed something wet through her hair before she fought to return her palm to the controls.

Her helmet was gone was the distant thought she could not quite reach as the mobile suit slammed through some unclear structure. Dust filled the cockpit and suddenly she could see the distant sun. So bright but it did not blind her. Lady Sol's grace was so truly kind she wondered. She did not yet know how it felt to die but she knew it would not be painful. The alarms had stopped.

A warmth started to creep at her legs as a new and painful brightness entered her vision. Glancing downward, her jumpsuit began to smolder. Ah, maybe it would be painful. Smiling at her own not joke, she leaned back into the crash seat unable to move any more than simply letting her body relax. Her arms twitched at her sides, reds and purple at the edges of her abruptly narrowing vision.

Oh Lady Sol let me see my sisters once more please when I am gone, she thought. Let your light reflect from their beautiful forms and return to your embrace so you might share it with me. She started feeling light and the burning at her legs cut out. Blinking through a light suddenly appearing briefly at each of her eyes, she felt a hand not her own tighten around hers.

As the sudden light faded, she found herself beyond her mobile suits cockpit. Crouched beside her but appearing so far way was a figure, one of her order. She wouldn't die alone. Good. Thank you Lady Sol. That the Lady of Light graces her was clear in Lousie's mind. Not much else was.

Suddenly there was a desperate feeling of connection, of a search. Responding on reflex, her mind replied with simple pain. And again in response was reassurance, formless hope tinged with the harsh and unavoidable truth that that hope would remain formless. She was dying and the medics were working to simply make if comfortable. Okay.

Mind sharpening at the connection to her fellow Seraph, Louise chose to define how an angel died, how she died. She reached not for rage at the opponent that had crippled her mobile suit nor the fear at what was coming but for the certainty that this was not the end. Not truly.

With her dying will, she pressed through the connection to whoever could feel her. Certainty like iron and a dry comforting warmth. Fire, pure and illuminating, near blinding. The pressure of an embrace that soon departed. A beckoning gesture.

Then nothing.
Restoration of the Indian Ocean Trade (RIOT)

Comrades of the Indian Council Republic,
To the Workers and Sailors of the South Seas Flotilla,

Today, the tide carries not only the salt of our shared ocean but the hope of a brighter dawn. The shackles of tyranny have been cast away, and from the ashes of oppression, we shall rise united under the crimson banner of socialism. The Indian Ocean, once a corridor of exploitation, should become the lifeline of equality, cooperation, and shared prosperity. The bond between our peoples, long severed by greed and tyranny, will now be reforged in the fires of Revolutionary solidarity.

Let the Restoration of the Indian Ocean Trade be not merely an act of commerce but a declaration of our shared ideals and a vision for the future.

Principles of RIOT:

1. Reconnection of Peoples and Cultures
- The Flotilla and the Republic shall restore the bonds of kinship, culture, and diplomacy that were severed by colonial greed and imperial betrayal.
- Artists, thinkers, and workers shall freely exchange ideas, creating a bridge of solidarity between the shores of India and the South Seas.

2. Revolutionary Economic Partnership
- Trade and economic collaboration shall be guided by the principles of mutual benefit, sustainability, and equitable distribution.
- A People's Common Market will be established, abolishing barriers to trade between our comrades, and ensuring the wealth of the ocean serves the collective.
- Both nations shall grant each other Preferential Trade Status to ensure a fair exchange of resources, goods, and technologies.

3. Joint Development of Strategic Regions
- The Flotilla and the Republic pledge to rebuild and modernize ports, shipyards, and infrastructure in the Maldives and the Indian coastline.
- These sites, once symbols of imperial plunder, shall become the proud monuments of worker-driven progress.
- Together, we will establish revolutionary centers for cargo production, fishing cooperatives, and maritime training schools, ensuring the bounty of the Indian Ocean is shared by all.

Let this accord be a testament to what is possible when the chains of hierarchy are broken, and the hands of workers unite. Together, we shall chart a course not merely for trade but for the transformation of the Indian Ocean into a Red Sea of hope and Revolutionary progress.

Signed in Unity and Solidarity,
[X] Aisha Ahmed, Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade, South Seas Flotilla
[Name/Representative of the Indian Council Republic] @kosi
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The Pacific Economic Partnership System

1. The signatory nations (henceforth "the undersigned") agree to enter into a jointly-derived economic framework that promotes industrial cooperation, mutual growth, and responsible distribution of resources without exploitation or profiteering.

2. The United Federation of Islands (henceforth "the Federation") commits itself to providing ample economic, industrial, and technical aid to the other undersigned states, either free of charge or at cost, in accordance with the receiving nation's means. It further commits to the subsidization of Federal concerns and entities in establishing joint-partnership concerns within undersigned states, in accordance with the laws and customs of the host nation and subject to host veto.

3. Joint endeavors established in partnership with Federation entities must be majority-owned by domestic partners and must establish reasonable and equitable means by which Federal-owned interests can be divested. No Federal entity may establish any form of ownership over an undersigned nation's natural resources or territory.

4. All undersigned states agree to enter into a tariff lowering and harmonization scheme, with exact terms based on the specific needs and requirements of each state's economic growth, and with the intention of minimizing economic shocks or unfair competition.

5. The undersigned agree to send representatives to a yearly Pacific Economic Partnership System conference, to be held in a rotating location, with the aim of promoting the goals of this treaty and furthering their diplomatic and economic ties, as well as enacting any modifications necessary.​

[X] The United Federation of Islands
[] The Republic of Prattethai
[X] The South Seas Flotilla
[] The United Kingdom of La Plata and Patagonia
[X] The Republic of Chile
[X] Moon Moon
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Treaty of Londinion​

As a conclusion of long deliberation at the Conference of Londinion, the undersigned nations hereby recognize the state known as the Sunstone Confederation of Prydain (@Estro ) as the rightful steward of the lands and people of the British Fallow Zone, and the ordained custodian of the holy sites and cultural artifacts of the Apollo-Mithran faith contained therein. Likewise, the signatories of this treaty declare a unilateral guarantee of independence and security for the Sunstone Confederation against military aggression by any force of Earth, Space, or other provenance, and pledge to work in an amicable and cooperative fashion toward said nation's defense whenever and for howsoever long that its government should require and accept our aid.

[X] Second Prince Javier, in his capacity as Prime Minister of State for the Divine Monarchy of CanMexico
[X] Representatives of the Cult of Apollo-Mithras @Fancy Face
[X] Representatives of the Kingdom of Ireland and Moralian Sphere @ArvisPresley
[X] Representatives of the Nephilim Republic @Princess_Hex
[X] Representatives of the Axis Seraphim @FantasticMsFox
[X] Representative of the Astarte @Lazer Raptor
[X] Representative of the Seraphim @Exhack
[X] Representative of Anlscar Orbital @BigBacon
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Treaty of Londinion​

As a conclusion of long deliberation at the Conference of Londinion, the undersigned nations hereby recognize the state known as the Sunstone Confederation of Prydain (@Estro ) as the rightful steward of the lands and people of the British Fallow Zone, and the ordained custodian of the holy sites and cultural artifacts of the Apollo-Mithran faith contained therein. Likewise, the signatories of this treaty declare a unilateral guarantee of independence and security for the Sunstone Confederation against military aggression by any force of Earth, Space, or other provenance, and pledge to work in an amicable and cooperative fashion toward said nation's defense whenever and for howsoever long that its government should require and accept our aid.

[X] Second Prince Javier, in his capacity as Prime Minister of State for the Divine Monarchy of CanMexico
[ ] Representatives of the Cult of Apollo-Mithras @Fancy Face
[ ] Representatives of the Kingdom of Ireland and Moralian Sphere @ArvisPresley
[ ] Representatives of the Nephilim Republic @Princess_Hex
[ ] Representatives of the Axis Seraphim @FantasticMsFox
[ ] Representative of the Astarte @Lazer Raptor
[ ] Representative of the Seraphim @Exhack
[X] High Queen Medb VII of Ireland, on behalf of the Irish People and the Moralian Sphere

Treaty of Londinion​

As a conclusion of long deliberation at the Conference of Londinion, the undersigned nations hereby recognize the state known as the Sunstone Confederation of Prydain (@Estro ) as the rightful steward of the lands and people of the British Fallow Zone, and the ordained custodian of the holy sites and cultural artifacts of the Apollo-Mithran faith contained therein. Likewise, the signatories of this treaty declare a unilateral guarantee of independence and security for the Sunstone Confederation against military aggression by any force of Earth, Space, or other provenance, and pledge to work in an amicable and cooperative fashion toward said nation's defense whenever and for howsoever long that its government should require and accept our aid.

[X] Second Prince Javier, in his capacity as Prime Minister of State for the Divine Monarchy of CanMexico
[ ] Representatives of the Cult of Apollo-Mithras @Fancy Face
[X] Representatives of the Kingdom of Ireland and Moralian Sphere @ArvisPresley
[ ] Representatives of the Nephilim Republic @Princess_Hex
[X] Representatives of the Axis Seraphim @FantasticMsFox
[ ] Representative of the Astarte @Lazer Raptor
[ ] Representative of the Seraphim @Exhack

[X} Sachertorte Masoch, Seraphim Council Representative

Treaty of Londinion​

As a conclusion of long deliberation at the Conference of Londinion, the undersigned nations hereby recognize the state known as the Sunstone Confederation of Prydain (@Estro ) as the rightful steward of the lands and people of the British Fallow Zone, and the ordained custodian of the holy sites and cultural artifacts of the Apollo-Mithran faith contained therein. Likewise, the signatories of this treaty declare a unilateral guarantee of independence and security for the Sunstone Confederation against military aggression by any force of Earth, Space, or other provenance, and pledge to work in an amicable and cooperative fashion toward said nation's defense whenever and for howsoever long that its government should require and accept our aid.

[X] Second Prince Javier, in his capacity as Prime Minister of State for the Divine Monarchy of CanMexico
[ ] Representatives of the Cult of Apollo-Mithras @Fancy Face
[X] Representatives of the Kingdom of Ireland and Moralian Sphere @ArvisPresley
[ ] Representatives of the Nephilim Republic @Princess_Hex
[X] Representatives of the Axis Seraphim @FantasticMsFox
[ ] Representative of the Astarte @Lazer Raptor
[ ] Representative of the Seraphim @Exhack

Bring me my Bow of burning gold:
Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold:
Bring me my Chariot of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In Englands green & pleasant Land.
[X] Citizen-Representative Naera on behalf of the Fleet Assembly of the Astarti Fleet.
The Pacific Economic Partnership System

1. The signatory nations (henceforth "the undersigned") agree to enter into a jointly-derived economic framework that promotes industrial cooperation, mutual growth, and responsible distribution of resources without exploitation or profiteering.

2. The United Federation of Islands (henceforth "the Federation") commits itself to providing ample economic, industrial, and technical aid to the other undersigned states, either free of charge or at cost, in accordance with the receiving nation's means. It further commits to the subsidization of Federal concerns and entities in establishing joint-partnership concerns within undersigned states, in accordance with the laws and customs of the host nation and subject to host veto.

3. Joint endeavors established in partnership with Federation entities must be majority-owned by domestic partners and must establish reasonable and equitable means by which Federal-owned interests can be divested. No Federal entity may establish any form of ownership over an undersigned nation's natural resources or territory.

4. All undersigned states agree to enter into a tariff lowering and harmonization scheme, with exact terms based on the specific needs and requirements of each state's economic growth, and with the intention of minimizing economic shocks or unfair competition.

5. The undersigned agree to send representatives to a yearly Pacific Economic Partnership System conference, to be held in a rotating location, with the aim of promoting the goals of this treaty and furthering their diplomatic and economic ties, as well as enacting any modifications necessary.​

[X] The United Federation of Islands
[] The Republic of Prattethai
[X] The South Seas Flotilla
[] The United Kingdom of La Plata and Patagonia
[X] The Republic of Chile
[X] Moon Moon
[X] Mr. President Thawi Kunchai of Prattethai.
Hear ye Hear ye

Churches across Europe ring their bells to a glorious sight not seen since the federation's collapse, a united Europe stands before the world! Through the holy matrimony of the three monarchs the royal states of The Kingdom of Lilies, Alpine Imperate, and The League of Three Seas have unified into a single government. With this marriage and unification, the United Crowns of Europe stands proud, from the shores of Brittany to the mountains of Greece, the glimmering light of a new era for European monarchies shines bright. Europa stands proud, with a golden-bright unity.

With it comes a promise from the three monarchies that within a decade, the three governments will have fully merged, with a unified law code, economic system, and democratic representation. The rights enjoyed by the Lilian populace would spread to every corner of the kingdom, the security Alpine citizens feel would protect all of the liberal citizens in Europe, and the pride the Three Seas hold would be a shared one. All of these changes were brought about by Lilian diplomats and legal advisors, Alpine economists and technicians, alongside three seas security experts.

Of course, allies of the previously independent states will enjoy the same deals as they have before. Quite often expanded in the case of trade arrangements as the now unified European market finds itself with much more room to grow. Hopefully bringing wealth and prosperity to both Europeans and friends alike. Especially with plans in place to lower travel restrictions for certain spacer groups across regions that were once barred from them.

All while the newly created Marches get to their feet and stand proud, the quasi-independent territories meant to blunt the force of any invasion and act as points of military development. Places where the ambitious and brave can go, to make names for themselves and find new houses through deed and hard work.

The wedding itself was held within the old Vatican Basilica, a reconstructed relic of marble and stone. Radiant in its history and pious aura, it is the perfect place to enshrine a union of European states. Around it crowds thronged in celebration as Alpine police kept order, their distinctive grey uniforms and red caps standing distinctive as they lined the street and patrolled amongst the crowd. While overhead several mechs that gave their pilots psychic senses hovered, an honor guard on any who would attempt to disrupt the proceedings. Their armored forms were resplendent with new paint and, easily detachable, cloaks that had their respective kingdom's symbols stitched on them. Many amongst the crowd couldn't help but to stare at the impressive site of the forefront of the Monarchist's military.

While inside the Basilica rich decorations merged seamlessly into the already beautiful building, creating a truly stunning interior for the many guests that had been invited to the wedding. From nobles of all stripes to various spacer representatives, many states had been invited to this event in celebration to the new era in Europe. Allies and neutrals alike sat side-by-side as the marriage ceremony was finalized, the trifecta marriage being sealed with three unique rings individualized to the royal in question and a kiss between each of the women.

The final ring being placed and the final statement from the Pope, who had graciously agreed to officiate the ceremony, was the cue for the guests to clap in celebration and for the newly sown flags of the new Kingdom of Europa to drop from the ceiling besides the old kingdoms flags. A symbol as potent as the rings and the united security force in the sky as their blue, black, and gold cloth fluttered. A symbol for what the future entailed.
Trowels & Traits
Amazon - Jenus Trade Treaty

Senior Professor Pflaume is pleased to announce that the Jenus Sequence and the Amazon Territories have agreed to jointly sign a new Trade Treaty, following the example set by the Guam Charter. In the spirit of international cooperation, scientific advancements and in this time of our great struggle for liberty for all beings on Earth and beyond, we pledge ourselves to advancing both the economic potentials of our nations, as well as our understanding and respect to one another.

As such the Jenus Sequence and the Amazon Territories pledge themselves to lower the barriers and tariffs between their economies, support the demands of each other's industries and open the way for ideas and people to freely move between both nations.

To open this new path, archaeological literature and excavation equipment from the Amazon will be shared freely and openly, while the Jenus Sequence will begin construction of a first gene clinic in Rio Oscaso. For a brighter future and a better world.

[X] Senior-Professor Henry Pflaume, Minister of International Relationships (PolSci)
[X] First Citizen Rhiannon Fraser