Turn 4 Project Results
- Location
- United States
- Pronouns
- He/Him
[X]Plan: Finishing up some things then check on the Chao
-[X] Badnik Search and Destroy (5 Gunpower)
-[X] Prison Island Hangar Restoration (35/200) 1 dice, 1 Mandate dice
-[X] Urban Deployment Plans (32/75) 1 dice
-[X] Organize Strike Force (67/150) 2 dice
-[X] Investigate Interference Signal (145/200) 2 dice
-[X] Modernizing the Fleet - Ground Units (0/75) 2 dice
-[X] Investigate Chao Modifications (0/75) 1 Mandate dice
-[X] Investigate Robbery Reports (161/200) 1 dice
-[X] Investigate Mobian Backgrounds (0/50) 1 dice
-[X] Investigate Robotnik Background (M)(45/50)(COMPLETE THIS TURN)
Deployment: Badnik Search and Destroy
In an effort to contain the threat of Dr. Eggman before he can make too many incursions into the urban areas of the UF, active search and destroy patrols are underway against any cluster of Badniks that are detected.
The largest grouping was initially detected patrolling the trails of Red Mountain Wildlife Preserve. As no other substantial grouping was detected, authorization was given by the commanding officer to deploy all units to attack Eggman Empire forces.
Upon arrival on scene, it was in the apparent aftermath of combat action between Dr. Robotnik's forces and Sonic the Hedgehog.
D2 → 1, Sonic Engages with Eggman Empire Forces First
Sonic vs. E-Series 48 Spodar
Sonic: D100 + 40 → 49(9 + 40)
E-48: D100 + 10 → 21(11 + 10)
Sonic Major Victory, E-Series 48 Destroyed
Sonic vs. Badniks
Sonic: D100 + 40 → 57
Badniks: D100 + 5 → 103
Sonic Critical Failure, Out of Commission for 1 Turn (Trait)
Eggman Empire Losses: 6D6E2 → 5(6, 6, 6, 1, 4, 5) → 5 successes against 2
1 EGGpower Lost
Sonic vs. E-Series 48 Spodar
Sonic: D100 + 40 → 49(9 + 40)
E-48: D100 + 10 → 21(11 + 10)
Sonic Major Victory, E-Series 48 Destroyed
Sonic vs. Badniks
Sonic: D100 + 40 → 57
Badniks: D100 + 5 → 103
Sonic Critical Failure, Out of Commission for 1 Turn (Trait)
Eggman Empire Losses: 6D6E2 → 5(6, 6, 6, 1, 4, 5) → 5 successes against 2
1 EGGpower Lost
Unfortunately, by all appearances Dr. Robotnik had ultimately triumphed in whatever engagement had occurred. While the largest Badnik had been very clearly destroyed, by all appearances he had then been overwhelmed by the remaining portion of smaller drones that were in the area.
Ivo Robotnik, of course, took the opportunity to gloat.
"Is this the best that you could do, you bothersome rodent? All you managed to prove is that the E-48 wasn't up to snuff! Of course, I was glad to repay your efforts by showing you the same!"
The various Badniks in the region all appeared to react to the speech, turning away from whatever task they were given to focus on the gloating of the man. As it was perceived to be the best opportunity, the commanding officer order GUN forces to engage the apparently distracted force.
GUN: D100 + 3 → 15(12 + 3)
Eggman Empire: D100 + 5 → 12(7 + 5)
GUN Minor Victory
GUN Losses: 5D6E3 → 3(2, 6, 2, 5, 4) → 3 successes against 3, 2 GUNpower destroyed, Chaos Drives recovered.
EGGpower Losses: 5D6E4 → 3(4, 4, 5, 2, 3) → 3 successes against 4. 2 EGGpower destroyed.
Eggman Empire: D100 + 5 → 12(7 + 5)
GUN Minor Victory
GUN Losses: 5D6E3 → 3(2, 6, 2, 5, 4) → 3 successes against 3, 2 GUNpower destroyed, Chaos Drives recovered.
EGGpower Losses: 5D6E4 → 3(4, 4, 5, 2, 3) → 3 successes against 4. 2 EGGpower destroyed.
Due to the natural terrain at Red Mountain, organizing a proper attack on an already present force aware of their surroundings should be difficult to impossible. However, when a force is distracted, which appeared to be the case for the majority of the Eggman Empire's Badniks. For what reason they appeared almost dis-interested in maintaining the perimeter for whatever operation is currently unknown, but it provided the opportunity for GUN's local fleet to seize combat initiative.
This, alongside the upgrades made to the Hawk and Hornet line of drones, was enough to give GUN the edge in combat against Eggman Empire forces, though sizable material losses still occurred. Dr. Robotnik, apparently dissatisfied after being interrupted by GUN forces, chose to depart the scene, leaving behind the injured Sonic and carrying off the remains of the larger Badnik that the Doctor had taken.
In the aftermath of combat, the Red Biplane flew into the combat area. Identified as one of Sonic's team, he was permitted to transport Sonic to a medical facility within Station Square, as the commanding officer chose to prioritize recovering the remainder of the badnik remains, alongside standard recovery of GUN power systems for any needed refurbishment before reuse.
Deployment: Station Square Defense
Defence Forces: D100 - 25(Resistance: Small Arms) → 75(100 - 25)
Eggman Empire: D100 + 5 → 76(71 + 1)
GUN Minor Failure
Eggman Empire Losses: 4D6E3 → 3(4, 2, 3, 4) → 3 successes against 3
1 EGGpower Lost
Eggman Empire: D100 + 5 → 76(71 + 1)
GUN Minor Failure
Eggman Empire Losses: 4D6E3 → 3(4, 2, 3, 4) → 3 successes against 3
1 EGGpower Lost
Midway through the month a patrol of Eggman Empire Badniks entered Station Square from the north side of the city. Due to the lack of GUN forces on patrol, they immediately reached the hastily organized line of defense from City Defense Forces.
Given the knowledge of the effectiveness of their current firearms and ammunition, local police elements instead opted to mount a defense using currently available heavy vehicles and construction equipment. The result was a valiant effort that managed to eliminate some of the Eggman Empire… but failed to repel the full force of Badniks.
The remaining Badniks then turned their attention to the city itself, damaging buildings and local tram lines in a way to effectively isolate sections of North Station Square. Currently, reports indicate that they have withdrawn, but at the cost of some of the public's trust.
Eggman Empire Completed Terrorize: Public Trust -3
Prison Island Hangar Restoration - 2D100 + 20 → 137(87 +30 + 20) - (172/200)
Substantial progress was made on bringing the Prison Island Security Mother Brain online.
The primary hurdle the project faced before, the lack of a suitable power connection that could power the Mother Brain was the primary issue to be resolved. Our construction crews spent the majority of the time plotting a path through the dense foliage of Prison Island's rainforest, expanding the transmission grid from the central reactor area to the region that houses the new Mother Brain.
Within the hangar, specialists installed the majority of the Mother Brain's mainframe, and were able to power on the brain once the regional connection was established. The second challenge of the Mother Brain, calibrating and optimizing the visual sightline patrol routes necessary to cover the entire island, is presently ongoing with the improved Beetle Drones that have been shipped to the island.
Urban Deployment Plans - D100 + 2 → 88(86 + 2) - PROJECT COMPLETE, 22 Overflow into Maritime Patrol Groups
Work to bring the public into full compliance with the disaster plans has been completed.
While there are still many holdouts that are opposed to the wide scale disruption that these public safety orders cause, the appearance and terrorism of Eggman Empire forces within the city quieted most of the dissenting voices, especially once it became known how destructive the Doctor was willing to be against the general public.
While officers would prefer to focus on further expanding GUN's capabilities for moving forces in the region, it is apparent that a growing rift is beginning to form between the citizens of Station Square and GUN.
While the only true solution would be to bring Ivo Robotnik to justice, in the short term some community outreach efforts may be able to breach the gap, though such opportunities will be limited before a decisive symbol of victory against the Eggman Empire.
Organize Strike Force - 2D100 + 4 → 58(51 + 3 + 4) - (125/150)
The selection process for the agents that could participate as members of Tower's Paladin team is now complete.
At the moment, 14 candidates are in the process of undergoing the additional training process to join the historic ranks of GUN special forces squadrons. While typically unneeded in the time of world peace that the UF has enjoyed, the return of a Robotnik to the political sphere is a terrible portent of possible disasters to come.
Some questions still will need to be answered before they can officially be deployed of course, but soon GUN should have a force that can respond to the escalated threat of Dr. Robotnik.
Investigate Interference Signal - 2D100 - 10 → 100(20 + 90 - 10) - PROJECT COMPLETE
A final breakthrough was made in counteracting the deleterious effects of the mystery signal on sensor equipment.
The final solution was discovered by the overseers for a section of Beetle drones that were doing sweeps prior to the anti-Badnik operation. At that time, one of the Beetle drones suffered non-critical damage that forced it to be submerged in the lakebed for an extended period of time while maintaining broadcasting.
It was in this state that the interference signal disappeared completely from its sensors. The officer on duty, aware of the current efforts to find a counter to the signal, notified the research team of the incident.
While the effect could not be initially replicated, it was eventually determined that the source of the effect was the Beetle's active reactor system. Whatever mechanics lie behind the Chaos Drive, its innate energy signature charges water particles in a way to completely nullify both aspects of the interference signal.
Given this knowledge, it was simple to make a temporary assembly that incorporated a high power sensor into a Beetle Frame with an internal aquatic shield, finally permitting a proper search into the origins of the signal.
If only the origin could be easily explained.
When a detector was attached to a drone, it was able to follow the growing intensity of the signal until it reached the hypothetical origin. However, this "origin" for the signal was found to be several thousand meters above open Ocean. While this location has remained static, current investigations have been unable to detect whatever anomaly is causing the signal.
Bar further investigation into the possible identities of the anomaly, finding a proper solution is likely to remain paused.
Modernizing the Fleet - Ground Units: 2D100 - 10 → 52( (48 +14) - 10) + 10(Omake Bonus) - (62/75)
Progress was made on bringing the Hunter and Rhino to modern standards, with both units entering final testing this month.
For the Hunter, its traditional role was to serve as a high mobility replacement to human defense forces. While this role was valuable, against modern threats its current design is lacking, dependent on a high mass mobility system that limits its maximum range. Its armaments are similarly outdated, and are performing below expectations in fights against the Eggman Empire's Badnik fleet.
The Rhino doesn't fare much better.
The Rhino, on paper, is the most conventional force that is presently fielded by GUN, serving as an autonomous fighting vehicle that can be deployed using more traditional transport networks. However, given the variability and mobility of the modern threats GUN faces, the Rhino presently struggles to serve in any other role but area denial.
While proposals exist to address both shortfalls, any prototypes are still within the testing phase and will not be ready for field testing for the next month.
Investigate Chao Modifications - D100 - 5 → 23(28 - 5) - (23/75)
Not much progress was made on determining the effects, and origins, of the mutations caused to the Chao by Mobian animal life.
Part of this is likely due to the lack of consistency between the observed mutations and exposure to animals. Exposure to a Mobian tiger, for example, could cause a change in the subject Chao's arms or legs, or see the spontaneous development of (apparently) functional feline ears or tail. Additionally, exposure to certain animals appears to be causing behavioral changes independent of the change in Chao body parts, or the removal of existing mutations back to basic Chao forms and behavior.
While the data does appear to support the hypothesis that the Chao are unharmed by the experience, the source of the changes is still unknown.
Investigate Robbery Reports - D100 + 2 → 86(84 + 2) - PROJECT COMPLETE
The sting operation to capture the culprit behind the series of jewelry thefts was a success.
However, due to the intervention of the civilian government, there appears to have been further complications…
Continued in : The World's Greatest Thief
Investigate Mobian Background - D100 + 2 → 92(90 + 2) - PROJECT COMPLETE
Building a complete profile of the Mobian Visitors is impossible by conventional means.
This isn't truly a failure of the process in itself. Ordinarily, when looking into the background of an individual, information can be cross referenced with existing records or public interviews. However, when the subjects in question have essentially no ties in this world, constructing a complete set of profiles based on background is difficult to impossible.
Given this limitation, our hopes are that limited personality profiles could be constructed from some basic interviews with the Mobians we have met so far. While a direct interview of Sonic is out of the question, given his current health state, the hope is that either of his companions would be able to provide some information about his background. Agent Stewart was assigned to conduct the interview, under the guise as a reporter for the Station Square Report.
For the majority of the interview, the main interviewees were a Rabbit-like Mobian, named Cream, and the Fox-like Mobian, who identified himself as Tails.
According to them, Dr. Robotnik first made an appearance on their world several years ago, causing widespread devastation in his wake as he set up large industrial areas that devastated the environment of Mobius. Combined with the expansive attacks and kidnappings that he performed
This changed when news of several of Dr. Robotnik's Industrial Zones were taken offline at the hands of Sonic the Hedgehog. It was in the aftermath that a Community Resistance organization formed.
While Sonic has resisted formally joined with the Resistance, he still had assembled a group of allies that assist him. The only member of this group that is currently reunited with Sonic is Tails, with Cream being a civilian that they were rescuing at the time. The major contribution that Tails has to the group is acting as a technical expert, having refined the Tornado, the biplane design that he has been spotted using several times, though he is apparently responsible for other inventions that were lost when they were transported.
The two other members that are missing are another Hedgehog named Amy Rose, a traditional Resistance member inspired by Sonic who maintains contact with local resistance forces for the group, and an Echidna who goes by the name of Knuckles, whose actual contributions seemed to be vague. When Stewart pressed on the subject, he was informed that Knuckles fought Dr. Robotnik for his own reasons alongside Sonic, and was more distant from the group as a whole.
While the interview continued for some time after, none of the information was pressing for profiling the Mobians.
Additionally, Agent Stewart attached to the interview his impression of the two interviewees. In both cases, they appeared to be sincere, though Stewart was unable to determine whether the raw information was true or if both had been consistently misled. Given Sonic's sudden appearance, the interview failed to rule out that he is a collaborator with Dr. Ivo Robotnik, though Stewart believes that given the available facts it is incredibly unlikely.
Profile Updated for Sonic the Hedgehog
Trait Discovered - Anti-Badnik Expert - +25 to combat when fighting Badniks
Personality Trait Discovered - Free Spirit - This individual is unwilling to join large organizations, and will take action according to what he believes is most important.
Profile Unlocked for Miles "Tails" Prower
Trait Discovered - Engineering Prodigy - +20 to Mission Progress, +10 to Combat Rolls
Profile Unlocked for Amy Rose
Trait Discovered - Resistance Contact - +10 to Mission Progress, +15 to Combat Rolls
Profile Unlocked for Knuckles the Echidna
Personality Trait Discovered - Aloof - This individual will focus on his own priorities, and is unlikely to provide assistance unless goals align.
Investigate Robotnik Background - AUTOCOMPLETE
What little data that could be recovered from the fragmentary remains from Dr. Robotnik's computer has been processed. Unfortunately the final results add more questions than answers, and can broadly be split up into two categories.
The first set of fragments appear to originate from the personal logs of Dr. Gerald Robotnik, likely originating from a copy that was kept by the family that was not seized after his crimes on Space Colony ARK. While the vast majority of these files appeared to be untouched, several documents pertaining to dimensional travel, apparently abandoned for lack of a viable energy source, have signs of additional notes that were not able to be recovered.
Given Ivo Robotnik's disappearance, he had apparently solved this issue and had made the journey to the Mobian Dimension during his years of absence. At a minimum, its proof that Ivo Robotnik is not inferior to his grandfather in that regard.
The second set of fragments was more complete. While this assisted in deciphering the intent behind the set, it unfortunately painted a more dire picture of the man Ivo Robotnik is.
By the time the logs were written, he had apparently become disillusioned with academia after multiple project proposals were rejected by civilian officials. While the rejections were for valid concerns about the lack of consideration on the environmental impact of projects, Robotnik apparently believed the true cause of the rejection was his relationship to his infamous grandfather.
Unfortunately, it appears that Ivo Robotnik is no inferior to the spiteful nature of his Grandfather as well.
To move forward on attempting to profile Ivo Robotnik, we may have to look into some of the recovered archives of Gerald Robotnik.
Profile Updated for Dr. Ivo Robotnik
Trait Discovered - Genius Roboticist - +40 progress to Mission Progress, +10 to Combat Rolls
Personality Trait Discovered - Vindictive - Likely to escalate response to whichever party inflicts the most damage to him the previous turn.
Deployment Limit 5 → 8
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