We should ignore Search the Mobians, it's not like GUN knows where Sonic is located for this option to be useful and the guy don't stick around in the aftermath for a talk either way, it's probably going to be a waste of time on this stage.
We should at some point investigate Mobian Backgrounds because GUN has no idea if Sonic and his friends are friends or foe just because he fights Eggman does't automatically make him a friend, meat wise knowledge don't and shouldn't count when making decisions since people around the director will be weird out by taking decisions that only making sense for the audience.
As was point out:
Investigate Mobian Backgrounds (M)(0/50) - Captain Westwood has brought up the concern that Sonic may instead be a collaborator working with Dr. Eggman to get inside GUN's operations long term. While unlikely, there is enough support for an investigation in the upper echelons that caution should be exercised. Additionally, this report should allow us to get some information about the allies that he has reunited with sofar. (???)
Support for this will likely grow in time and these people will become louder and louder if not heard they concerns.
Robbery reports and Badnik movement are kinda important for now since the former is being committed by a mobian of unknown allegiance, remember no meta knowledge allow here, and the latter is critical to keep a a eye on Eggman steps.
We should as well start a investigation on the Chao modifications to find out if is a problem or not, it's not exactly a priority but it may unlock further projects in the chain, wreckage examination is a must if only to start understanding the basics of EggTech, our engineers probably going to hate it or go slight mad since in IDW Eggman's technology is notorious complicate to understand and eccentric.
Prison Island is complicate since all of them are good options, so on the fence there.
Most of the Deployment die should go to Station Square Defense, while most of the local forces are unprepared in dealing with Super Badniks, it should be good enough to handle terror missions for now.