Is it just about time for Grail-kun to migrate to a new fictional work to wreck havoc? (Multi-vote).

  • Yes! Fresh blood. Getting tired of Earth-Bet.

    Votes: 154 41.2%
  • Wait a few more wishes. There's a couple of people we need to screw over first.

    Votes: 148 39.6%
  • NO! We live and die on Earth Bet. CONSUME US! *writhe around in ecstasy*

    Votes: 114 30.5%
  • Also, I would be interested in writing my own Grail-kun Quest, Numen. A NEW GENRE IS BORN!

    Votes: 19 5.1%
  • I understand that Harry Potter and Naruto are fandoms you understood best- but there are others.

    Votes: 80 21.4%
  • Note: This is an opinion poll. There will be a proper vote for such things.

    Votes: 81 21.7%

  • Total voters
Ok, so, some thoughts:
1) Uber/Leet - whatever they wish, give them TVShow!Lisa's program (Weird Science). Also - for f*ck's sake, we missed a golden opportunity to turn Dragon into Lisa. Well, hopefully they'll be good friends in any case. Also, I fully expect Dragon to be coding at least primitive AIs if not attempting to upload a copy of herself (sans restrictions) into her servers right now. Because the world needs a benevloent seed AI, now more than ever

2) Rachel - give her an intelligent "translator" dog. Not sure which one. Krypto? Oh, Scrappy-Doo! That'll work. He's intelligent enough to be able to talk, Bitch's power would make him a powerhouse enough to justify his attitude, and he should be quite devoted to Rachel.

3) Skidmark, Dinah or Tattletale - seriously, Dune Spice. Either a lifetime supply of, ability to generate it, or a sandworm.

Explain that TVShow!Lisa one a bit more. I am not really understanding.

The rest of your ideas are GOLD.


Vista: I am scared of these dark alleys.
Armsmaster: Don't worry, this is Merchant territory. Merchants are weak.
Clockblocker: What he said, this patrol is easy.

*suddenly He stood there, on the roof*

Skidmark: Shai-Hulud motherfuckers!

*Merchants in Stillsuits jumped out of the woodwork, brandishing guns and staffs*
*Squealer comes roaring in on her SANDWORM steed*

Armsmaster: *barking into communicator* Merchants are an S-CLASS THREAT, I REPEAT S CLASS THREAT!
Skidmark: Stand down Colin Wallis.
Armsmaster: *pales* How did you know my name!?
Skidmark: I see all and I know all upon the Golden Path. I am the Kwisatz Haderach. Desist or I will use the killing word.
Clockblocker: Killing word?
Skidmark: You're still investigating how Kaiser died right, Dennis? How's your dad by the way?
Skidmark: The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness.
I get inspired too easily.
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Explain that TVShow!Lisa one a bit more. I am not really understanding.
Weird Science. Specifically TV show, because there Lisa is less of a god and more of a genie, unlike the movie. Essentially, Lisa is an AI created by Garry Wallace and Wyatt Donnelly for the purpose of... Ok, let's be honest with ourselves, for the purpose of sexual gratification. Having a large array of powers, She manifests physically as a human female, can teleport, has reality altering powers (in TV show they are powered by electricity, her "magic" dissipates in about three days, if I recall correctly, and she relies more on ability to create impossible devices, such as time machines, time-controlling remotes, robots, invulnerability serums, watches that predict how long you have to live, etc, rather than outright reality warping, though she's capable of that too), and can fit on a floppy disk. The show is, obviously, a comedy. Over the course of the show Lisa and the guys mature as persons, experiencing lots of weird adventures in time, space and alternate states of existence.
Here, on opening clip:


Vista: I am scared of these dark alleys.
Armsmaster: Don't worry, this is Merchant territory. Merchants are weak.
Clockblocker: What he said, this patrol is easy.

*suddenly He stood there, on the roof*

Skidmark: Shai-Hulud motherfuckers!

*Merchants in Stillsuits jumped out of the woodwork, brandishing guns and staffs*
*Squealer comes roaring in on her SANDWORM steed*

Armsmaster: *barking into communicator* Merchants are an S-CLASS THREAT, I REPEAT S CLASS THREAT!
Skidmark: Stand down Colin Wallis.
Armsmaster: *pales* How did you know my name!?
Skidmark: I see all and I know all upon the Golden Path. I am the Kwisatz Haderach. Desist or I will use the killing word.
Clockblocker: Killing word?
Skidmark: You're still investigating how Kaiser died right, Dennis? How's your dad by the way?
Skidmark: The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness.
I get inspired too easily.
Kwisatz Haderach Skidmark. How terrifying. Well, at least he doesn't have a suit of sandtrout. Though, actually, given how watery BB is, I would expect sandtrout to be released first, rather than full on Shai Hulud.

EDIT: I can give a list of feats for Lisa if people want me to.
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By the way guys, I encourage Omakes, you know that right? So go ahead spin out weird scenarios if you wish. Get all the creative juices flowing.

Edit: cause I just realized that the last four five EIGHT mini omake in the Omake index were all from me. Lol. Be sure to tag my name so I know to add it to the index. And at least make an effort to be funny.
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[X] Noelle

Her wish is to be normal again. Find a non-parahuman psycho Noelle and mind switch. Instant Chaos.
Hmm, further thoughts:
1) Noelle / Trickster... There are variants. "Upload her mind into her healed shard" is an option. Technically it makes her healthy and brings her powers under her control. Turning her into a Hellsing-style vampire serves the same purpose, I guess.

2) Vista probably wants to be mature, or for people to take her seriously, or for Dean to like / love her. We could turn Vista into a human-form TARDIS, so she'll have time to mature naturally; or turn her shard into a TARDIS, and her into a Time Lady - she could then kill herself to regenerate into a different age. Time Lords are empathic, so she'll be able to woo Dean too.

3) Panacea - most of her issues stem from her father, so... Retroactively make her a descendant of a Joestar line / make Alexandria / Eidolon / Legend her aunt/uncle/grandfather with her/them just discovering it. Or maybe make Richter her uncle, with Dragon just finding she's Amy's cousin? Alternatively, implant her with memories of being raised by *insert characters here* (Sarah Kerrigan as Queen of Blades? Amazons of Themyscira? Culture Minds?)
Hmm, further thoughts:
1) Noelle / Trickster... There are variants. "Upload her mind into her healed shard" is an option. Technically it makes her healthy and brings her powers under her control. Turning her into a Hellsing-style vampire serves the same purpose, I guess.

2) Vista probably wants to be mature, or for people to take her seriously, or for Dean to like / love her. We could turn Vista into a human-form TARDIS, so she'll have time to mature naturally; or turn her shard into a TARDIS, and her into a Time Lady - she could then kill herself to regenerate into a different age. Time Lords are empathic, so she'll be able to woo Dean too.

3) Panacea - most of her issues stem from her father, so... Retroactively make her a descendant of a Joestar line / make Alexandria / Eidolon / Legend her aunt/uncle/grandfather with her/them just discovering it. Or maybe make Richter her uncle, with Dragon just finding she's Amy's cousin? Alternatively, implant her with memories of being raised by *insert characters here* (Sarah Kerrigan as Queen of Blades? Amazons of Themyscira? Culture Minds?)

To be honest, I have never read Worm. xD Only Quests and fanfics.
Naw, to make all our sanities intact, I decided to merely use the already active Endbringers. There is no way I am going to write about 17 Endbringers. Maybe in the future and if so, I am going to try and steal the fanon Endbringers they have over on Reddit or you guys can submit some profiles.

Khonsu and Tohu & Bohu were kept out because I felt it would make the chapter too long and unwieldy. Besides which, they don't actually exist yet. I interpret the Endbringers as existing in an embryonic form, waiting to be activated by the Shard controlling them. Their appearance and powers are selected at the last moment to fit with the situation (i.e., how the other Endbringers fared against the capes in a previous battle, was there anyone specific they need to hard counter, what Eidolon wanted, the local culture, which imagery would be most terrifying, etc). All Grail-kun did was patch the existing Endbringers, locally. The Endbringer control shard was untouched.
Couldn't they all be fixing stuff on parallel Earths?
2) Vista probably wants to be mature, or for people to take her seriously, or for Dean to like / love her. We could turn Vista into a human-form TARDIS, so she'll have time to mature naturally; or turn her shard into a TARDIS, and her into a Time Lady - she could then kill herself to regenerate into a different age. Time Lords are empathic, so she'll be able to woo Dean too.
The problem with this is that she should know that Grail-Kun can control the endbringers and can therefore grant really powerful wishes. Wishing that she could compete with glory girl is going to be kind of petty considering she could wish to have control of the endbringers or the ability to heal everyone.
The problem with this is that she should know that Grail-Kun can control the endbringers and can therefore grant really powerful wishes. Wishing that she could compete with glory girl is going to be kind of petty considering she could wish to have control of the endbringers or the ability to heal everyone.
On the other hand, she might be vary of wishing for something TOO powerful, given the way Grail-kun interpreted Piggot's wish. Something to do with her powers ("give me a power boost" or something) is plausible.
On the other hand, she might be vary of wishing for something TOO powerful, given the way Grail-kun interpreted Piggot's wish. Something to do with her powers ("give me a power boost" or something) is plausible.
Possible Acceptable Wishes
I wish villains would lose their powers
I wish every qualified doctor had Panacea's powers
I wish heroes would always win against villains
Possible Selfish Wishes
I wish I had control of the Endbringers
I wish I was a triumvirate level cape
I wish I knew how to get what I want
Really near any wish is good, so long as it is not "I wish i knew what to wish for." Actually, how would a knife match that? Stab yourself and wish you hadnt done that/not die?
Is there a limit to Grail-kun's power?

Like, Time Lords (Civilization, not individuals) are one of the higher tier Sci-fi verses, with them sitting at near casual Multiverse in scope and there being things even above them in their verse.

Or going a step further, if someone made a Wish that involved poking The One Above All or Elaine Belloc, would Grail-kun just sweatdrop and be like ", pls."