Good Drones Obey: Communism and Kink in Post-Revolutionary America

Update 22: Domesticated Human
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The devil who stood above her with a heeled leather boot on her stomach had horns like a bison and skin that sat on the border between yellow-orange and red with a flamboyant hand confidently on the red side. The bedroom was perfect, small but more than functional, save for the red summoning circle that had been painted on the wood floor. It was ornate, ringed with runes and inscriptions of diabolic lore in Latin and Greek. This was the Devil's room, now, the Devil's house.

"You lost, didn't ya?" the demoness asked as she drove the toe of her boot down against Peridot O. Diamond's stomach. The South had always been fond of two things: wrestling and devilry. Peridot was good at the former, and for the first time after the revolution felt safe in South Carolina. The demoness, Satan in the body of Dakota Eckhart, was more than happy with the latter. It made sense, Peridot thought, that Satan spoke with a Southern accent. Not the Newscaster American tone that Peridot used, but that of a full, luxurious Southern Belle.

Black acrylic nails traced their way across Peridot's face like claws. "We lost," Peridot confirmed, her shaved head looking awfully boring compared to the perfect curls of Satan. The Devil knew what bodies to make Hers. "We lost, and there's nothing we can do about it," she said. She stared upon the majesty of Satan's form, Her blonde hair dyed deepest black. The hypnotic treatments had worked, the triggers had been implanted, and Peridot saw her putrid beauty and seductive cruelty manifest in aura. At least, she thought she saw it.

She knew, knew deep in her heart, that Satan owned her, that she was Satan's pet, that after she botched John Cena's Last Match she had no place in the world of wrestling. All she had was Satan, the Devil, the woman who a childhood of anti-autistic judgment she had been taught to fear. All she had was the monster with those ink-black eyes, and that monster had her. It had been days of hypnosis, listening to recordings of her dark mistress before bed and upon waking up for a year on end. She had been preparing to leave Spartakiade Wrestling, and the time had finally come.

She wore a heavy black collar made of leather and sin, her large round glasses the only other article of clothing she had been permitted to wear. "Hey, pet, do you see your bowl?" Satan asked, taking her boot off of Peridot's chest. Regrettably, this meant that Peridot could no longer stare up her skirt with the look of a deer about to be turned into less-than-edible venison. Peridot nodded, her glassy eyes demonstrating it.

"Go to your bowl and eat your dinner."

Peridot crawled along the floor, only able to walk if Satan commanded it. Perhaps Dakota Eckhart wore elaborate makeup. Perhaps Peridot had been hypnotized to force herself to see a devil where there stood a woman. Either way, regardless of what Dakota Eckhart wore or did, from now onward Peridot would only see her as her Satan, Mistress, Goddess, and Beast. From now until death, Peridot was a servant of the Devil. It had all been negotiated. It was cultplay.

The very idea buzzed in her like a happy bee pollinating a great flower's cock. She bent her head down and started to eat the dry cereal and water out of the bowl as if she were tasting a steak worthy of her Mistress of Hell. She finished, gulping and chewing like an animal.

"Now, pet, tell me two things."

"Yes, Mistress?" Peridot asked, looking up at Satan like a dog.

"First, how did we get to this state?" Satan asked. "Second, what's your name?"

Peridot smiled like an eager puppy as she recited the backstory that had been programmed into her head. "I tried to summon you, for something petty and stupid. You domesticated me. I'm an example that when Earth and Hell fight, Earth'll always lose?"

"Good girl. Now, tell Mommy what your name is."

"Peridot Onyx Diamond?" Peridot asked.

Satan slapped her, just as Peridot had agreed before the hypnotic treatments. She didn't have a job now. She didn't have anything in her life but being property of Satan Incarnate. She couldn't be happier. "Wrong!" Satan said. "Given our recent marriage, I'd say that your name's just Peridot Brimstone. Your parents' frankly absurd hippie gemstone thing makes for a decent enough naming scheme. That's what the law says, and that's what you are."

"Of course, Princess of Darkness. Peridot Brimstone." Peridot looked upon the Devil. If you were going to Hell anyway, why not do it as the devil's pet or something equally pleasantly perverse? "All I know how to do is serve you," she said. It wasn't an exaggeration.

"Good girl," Satan purred, and Peridot felt like one.
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Her whole life?
That sounds like a bit much to me. But I'm not her.

Delighted to see cultplay in full.
It's a 24/7 power exchange relationship, one that has been negotiated in excruciating detail for about a year. It's not something I'd want to commit to, but some people do it. I'm glad you liked the update!
Update 23: All The Way Down
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CW: This update deals with self-harm and suicidal ideation, as well as a suicide attempt. Please be advised. These topics are explored due to their personal relatability, and I feel I want to explore those topics. As a secondary factor, I feel that they are important for Lottie's backstory, and for humanizing her father. I feel they are essential for describing the aftermath of a revolution, something that may well be necessary but never should be romanticized. Calliope also uses an ableist slur and is generally extremely crass due to her military background, so fair warning.

Sam Cross stood outside of the Anderson house. He wore a suit, and had a taser on his hip. Calliope Anderson walked out the front door and lit a cigarette. He turned to her. "Is this it?" he asked.

"Is what 'it'?" she repeated.

It was a sunny day. For him, he was drowning by raindrops anyway. He remembered Lottie, little girl she was, cooking pasta and boiling eggs so she could eat when he wasn't interested in feeding her. He remembered that bitch who created Lottie. Finally, he remembered his only son, his legacy. Benji had eaten his heart, if he still had one after the bitch left. He should have stepped up. He should have been a good father. He should have accepted his—

"Sam. Sam. Earth to Sam Cross." Calliope waved a hand. His daughter didn't talk to him, but this horrible facsimile of her did. They both wore makeup. They both wore red lipstick. Lottie had fought for people, Calliope had fought against them.

"Yeah?" he asked. He had a beer gut and a backcountry beard.

"What're you talking about?" Calliope asked. "This is 'it'. What's 'it'?"

"Hiding here," Sam said. "We're away from our kids."

"Who gives a shit about our kids? One's a traitor and the other's a psycho," Calliope said, taking a drag off her cigarette. "Lottie's a traitor and Benji's doing God-knows-what. That night in the Gotham Comedy Club didn't mean anything."

"Rhoda could have helped raise them," he said. "You could have asked her to instead of saying you would before she moved away."

Calliope shook her head. "Third wheel. I don't even remember which of us put the twins in her. You really think she could have fixed them?" she asked.

"I raised them alone for eighteen years while you called me once a year," he said. "We failed them."

"Nobody raised them, and look where it got them," Calliope said. "Also, they're not my kids. They're you and Rhoda's kids. Whatever I promised while tipsy didn't mean anything when the Second Civil War happened, okay? I'm not liable for having to save the country for you to raise your two defective kids. I'm pretty sure Benji was retarded, anyway. When someone's retarded you don't expect them to be your heir. He was never going to be the two-tour veteran turned upstanding cop you wanted. He's probably molesting high schoolers or something."

Sam realized that the social butterfly Calliope who was able to keep up so many lies at once was gone. Defeat had eaten her from the inside.

Calliope continued. "I don't owe your kids shit, Sam, and all I owe you is your bodyguard paycheck. Let's get that straight. You were a shit dad, I was a shit mom, I had an excuse, you didn't. Now, shut the hell up while I plan to retake the mainland." She entered the house again, closing the door.

He decided to leave his post early. So, he walked off, down the perfect suburban streets that surrounded Honolulu. The sun scorched, and he could feel it in the festering air. Today was the day that he would die. His kids had proven they had no need of him, he'd lost his country, his job as Chief of Police in New York, his family, and even both women he'd drunkenly slept with so long ago. He entered his small home.

The floor was marked by bags of chips and candy wrappers, the place smelled of cigarettes, and the air freshener which dangled from a light had stopped working. He drew a kitchen knife and some bandages out of a drawer by the sink. He marked three lines on his arm with a pen. It dug into his skin. He took the knife, which was dull, and sliced into his arm. Today was his last day, but he at least could get some kind of focus. Maybe if it hurts enough, I'll know what to do, he said. He wasn't sure it was his last day. He'd had a lot of last days.

He stopped the bleeding, it wasn't a deep cut, and when he applied the adhesive bandage to his cut it mostly stopped bleeding. He did it to remind himself he was in pain. The only way to justify the pain was to show that it was bad. Cutting did that. It did that well. He made a few more slices down the lines he marked, blood burbling up as he closed his burning eyes. Blinking through sheets of watter, he put a bandage after each cut. Then he took his phone charger from the kitchen outlet, tied its three-foot length around his neck in a tight knot, and approached the bathroom.

He sat down on the floor by the closed door, wrapping the other end of the cord around the knob. It was a lever handle, and he intended to wrap it around the axel. Instead, he wrapped it around the handle, and the knob slid downward. The free end of the cord sat in his hands once more. If he had moved a mere few inches, placed it around the axel, he would have choked himself to that black void of nothing where all of his ex-girlfriend's victims went, where his son's victims went, where his daughter had sent people and where she was going.

There's nothing beyond that gate, he thought. No heaven.

Instead, still alive but feeling deader than an irradiated corpse, he sat there with a cord around his neck like an idiot.
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How's everyone feeling about the tone? We've covered some emotionally intense and complex concepts in this story, and I've tried to make it make sense for a setting in which everyone essentially has trauma, but I just want to make sure that it isn't too offputting.
How's everyone feeling about the tone? We've covered some emotionally intense and complex concepts in this story, and I've tried to make it make sense for a setting in which everyone essentially has trauma, but I just want to make sure that it isn't too offputting.
A lot less kink than I thought there would be. I keep thinking I'm reading a sidestory from Victoria Falls every time you update.
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A lot less kink than I thought there would be. I keep thinking I'm reading a sidestory from Victoria Falls every time you update.
That's fair, I mostly write what seems natural for the story, and it went here basically as soon as I did that first prose update with Kendra.

I hope the kink being a part of it rather than most of it isn't too much of an issue? I'm just writing what interests me, so my concern is the fear that people are getting the wrong impression. I do try to touch back on the kink every so often, but ye.
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Update 24: Victorious in Violet
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Hollywood Online Forums
Kendra Oswald Q&A and Captain America: Red Skull Release Thread

RealKendraOswald said:
Sup, babes. I just got out of the psych ward, I'm sipping some Coke instead of doing coke, and my masterpiece just hit theaters. I'm up to answer any questions any of you guys might have, I am feeling super chill.

LandoVMovies said:
Will we see a sequel?

RealKendraOswald said:
I dunno, if someone sends me a really good screenplay, maybe? Y'all are gonna have to get used to a lack of sequels. Without profit they just aren't as important. You guys wanna see a sequel? Make one yourself.

LewisLovhaug said:
Do you feel that adapting the Secret Empire storyline where Captain America is revealed to be a Nazi spy was tasteless? Doesn't it seem a little antisemitic to make a character made by Jews with the intent to kick the crap out of Hitler a Nazi?

RealKendraOswald said:
...Are you accusing me of being antisemitic, Linkara?

LewisLovhaug said:
No, I'm just saying that when I saw the movie it seemed pretty problematic.

RealKendraOswald said:
Well, if you must know, the point of using Secret Empire was to explore the dark side of the American dream.

LewisLovhaug said:
So why'd you use a Jewish wish-fulfillment character to do it?

RealKendraOswald said:
The character has a hundred and eight years of history and has been interpreted in a multitude of different ways. In the context of the film, we were using Cap as a cipher for American imperialism and its dark reflection in the Nazis, not as a Jewish revenge fantasy.

MathewBuck said:
What was it like returning to practical effects?

RealKendraOswald said:
I'm gonna be honest, I kind of prefer it. Back before the revolution, we overused these huge CGI teams because they weren't unionized, and I think going back to the old way's really helped make my films more authentic.

OrelPuppington said:
Was the homoeroticism between Peggy Carter and Hydra Queen meant to be there?

RealKendraOswald said:
Yes, and that was purely personal interest.

ChaosKing said:
How did you get such a good performance out of a literal first-time actor for Peggy?

RealKendraOswald said:

SapphosHeroine said:
Can Lottie Cross sign my tits?

LewisLovhaug said:
Wasn't she a cop? Speaking of which, why did you cast an ex-cop?

RealKendraOswald said:
Linkara, for fuck's sake. Sappho, I'll text her. Where are you?

SapphosHeroine said:

RealKendraOswald said:
I'll get her on a plane.

LewisLovhaug said:
That would be a massive power differential.

RealKendraOswald said:

LewisLovhaug said:
It would be Lottie taking advantage of a stranger and putting Sappho in danger. What is wrong with you?

RealKendraOswald said:
Look, I didn't know it was an issue. My dad used to do stuff like that all the time. Girls flew across the country just to hang with him.

LewisLovhaug said:
Don't be like Dane Oswald.

RealKendraOswald said:

LewisLovhaug said:
Kendra, he's good to you. He takes advantage of people.

RealKendraOswald said:
Can someone else please ask me a question?

RealNoahAntwiler said:
How did you put your life back together? It's been like twenty-five years and everything I've ever done is still broken.

RealKendraOswald said:
Noah, I'm not put together.

SauerkrautAntelope said:
Please post feet pics.

RealKendraOswald said:
I hate that that doesn't weird me out anymore.

Heartache324 said:
Are you judging people who have foot fetishes?

RealKendraOswald said:
I have a foot fetish, I'm judging people who say creepy shit.

RealLottieCross said:
Pfffffffft. Sounds like you put your foot in your mouth.

AssMuncher9000 said:
NGL, we already know she has a foot fetish. Just look at her movies, she's worse than Tarantino was.

RealKendraOswald said:
The close-up shot of Lottie putting on 1950s heels was a metaphor for the constraints society placed on women at the time!

AssMuncher9000 said:
Come on, babe. Your foot fetish porn spliced into your movies is totally tasteful. Just relax.

RealKendraOswald said:
The Q&A is officially over, you nerds.

LewisLovhaug said:
And that was the start of the FootGate scandal.

Extreme Populist News
FootGate: Kendra Oswald's Perverted Pornography and History of Sexual Subversion

Extreme Populist News: The kind of Red Evangelicals your mom warned you about.
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I hope the kink being a part of it rather than most of it isn't too much of an issue?
Not at all, but many communist alt history fics I've read on this site tend to be similar both in tone and subject matter so that might be why I keep getting a deja vu feeling with each update.

Also you may want to redo the formatting.
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Not at all, but many communist alt history fics I've read on this site tend to be similar both in tone and subject matter so that might be why I keep getting a deja vu feeling with each update.

Also you may want to redo the formatting.
I think I fixed the formatting for the last update?

Oh, and I've actually tried pretty hard to zag where other communist alternate history fics have zigged, so I'm surprised to hear that it feels so similar. Is there anything I can do to give the fic a more distinct tone?
I dunno, if someone sends me a really good screenplay, maybe? Y'all are gonna have to get used to a lack of sequels. Without profit they just aren't as important. You guys wanna see a sequel? Make one yourself.
How does that work? Is this like the Federation where they say there's no money, even though they don't explain how that works especially in regards to trade with other countries? I figured that at the very least, there's still demand and the need to supply it.
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How does that work? Is this like the Federation where they say there's no money, even though they don't explain how that works especially in regards to trade with other countries? I figured that at the very least, there's still demand and the need to supply it.
People put work into society, which recognizes that work through labor vouchers, which that person can use to get items and services from society. They can't be traded and are bound to an individual person, so there isn't a market. It's not an ideal system, but it more or less works, and of course there's support and such for people who aren't able to work.

There's also the fact that creative work is much more about personal interest and the art of it than it is about any kind of business side.
There's also the fact that creative work is much more about personal interest and the art of it than it is about any kind of business side.
I would not be surprised if America ends up becoming a cultural importer for a good while, at least until somebody sets up a studio that caters to public demand rather than personal niche
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I would not be surprised if America ends up becoming a cultural importer for a good while, at least until somebody sets up a studio that caters to public demand rather than personal niche
The entire world is in a pretty bad place, frankly, as the collapse of a superpower tends to make it.

The links of international trade are weakening, and honestly there isn't really an easy way to convert currency from outside of America into labor time, since that's not really how labor time or labor vouchers work.

America is currently a pirate's paradise, a nation that has no interest in adhering to IP or corporate laws, and has nuclear weapons. The WR is quite heavily sanctioned and all, but it's a large country.

So it is true that America is largely a culture-importer, but they're doing it through piracy rather than purchasing goods. Lots of people outside of the US are not happy with this arrangement.
Oh, and I've actually tried pretty hard to zag where other communist alternate history fics have zigged, so I'm surprised to hear that it feels so similar. Is there anything I can do to give the fic a more distinct tone?
I guess it's the zeitgeist of combining communism and lgbtq+ in these fics. I think its lead to a very specific way of writing characters and dialouge, but you can't exactly change that since it's a central focus of the work.
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I guess it's the zeitgeist of combining communism and lgbtq+ in these fics. I think its lead to a very specific way of writing characters and dialouge, but you can't exactly change that since it's a central focus of the work.
To be honest, this is kind of just how I write a lot of my normal stuff, and the focus on family, substances, queerness, privilege, and abuse are all things I've written ever since I started writing for basically my own reasons.

Maybe it's a common thing people write? IDK.
So it is true that America is largely a culture-importer, but they're doing it through piracy rather than purchasing goods. Lots of people outside of the US are not happy with this arrangement.
I think somebody like Michael Bay would thrive in this environment, he makes the junk food movies people say they hate but secretly crave, and without profit incentive nobody can fucking stop him.
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I think somebody like Michael Bay would thrive in this environment, he makes the junk food movies people say they hate but secretly crave, and without profit incentive nobody can fucking stop him.
Oh, absolutely. In a lot of ways, I write Kendra with a sort of Michael Bay-esque "lowest common denominator" quality, so I could see the real deal having a great time.

I'm sure he's made at least two GI Joe movies, for one, as well as a really bombastic take on a cyberpunk mercenary thriller.
I think I fixed the formatting for the last update?

Oh, and I've actually tried pretty hard to zag where other communist alternate history fics have zigged, so I'm surprised to hear that it feels so similar. Is there anything I can do to give the fic a more distinct tone?

A lot of those gay socialism fics end up portraying their society as too perfect, especially considering the massive economic and political shift that a country such as the USA would need to endure in the immediate aftermath of any revolution - if something hasn't been tried before, on a large scale, in any given country, there'd be a lot of mistakes being made due to inexperience, overly zealous revolutionaries with clouded judgment and, if the revolution is a violent one, some people with itchy trigger fingers could find themselves calling the shots when the dust has settled, with the usual consequences.

Ironically, the more progressive US states might end up as the least radical, if only because there was less work to be done, while formerly Republican strongholds would see quite a few wannabe Stalin figures eager to enact their revenge on everyone from actual bigots, to people who did nothing wrong besides not praising the revolution in general, and them in particular, enough.
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A lot of those gay socialism fics end up portraying their society as too perfect, especially considering the massive economic and political shift that a country such as the USA would need to endure in the immediate aftermath of any revolution - if something hasn't been tried before, on a large scale, in any given country, there'd be a lot of mistakes being made due to inexperience, overly zealous revolutionaries with clouded judgment and, if the revolution is a violent one, some people with itchy trigger fingers could find themselves calling the shots when the dust has settled, with the usual consequences.

Ironically, the more progressive US states might end up as the least radical, if only because there was less work to be done, while formerly Republican strongholds would see quite a few wannabe Stalin figures eager to enact their revenge on everyone from actual bigots, to people who did nothing wrong besides not praising the revolution in general, and them in particular, enough.
Yeah, I think that makes sense. I definitely try to portray the post-revolutionary society as being kind of a best-case scenario, but even then basically all of the characters are traumatized and millions of people are dead. I don't want the message of the fic to be "Revolution is awesome and always goes well!" because even in this kind of best-case scenario there's still an incredible amount of suffering.

There's also the fact that the Worldwide Republic is a place where most of our characters aren't happy. I try and write it as a pretty good place to live, but that's because it suits my values. It does not suit Kendra's values, or Ruby's values, or Transistor's values, or Adalwolfa's values, or Lottie's values, or anything like that, and as such they range from begrudgingly accepting it (Kendra) to subverting it for their personal gain (Adalwolfa) to trying to do the right thing even if one isn't happy with it (Lottie), to drowning yourself in drugs to cope with this horrible apocalypse of everything one believes in (Transistor).

You also have signs that the revolution's "nice" nature has in some ways allowed itself to accept some reactionary tendencies into parts of it, like how brutal jackbooted authoritarian Adalwolfa and corrupt queerphobic politico Picano get off pretty easily for their crimes during the Civil War, or that some elements of the Red Evangelicals are hinted at being less-than-sex-positive.

I hope that all makes sense, and I can definitely see how the revolution in GDO might come off as somewhat romanticized.
Update 25: Government Inaction
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Taken from "Government Inaction: Zelda Horn the Suit-Wearing News Babe's Comedy Blob", a blog:

The Worldwide Republic's politics are a mess. They work better than the oligarchical old system, sure, but when you exchange bourgeois corpo-totalitarianism with mish-mash communism, you're going to get problems. Let me illustrate it in the form of a joke.

An enby wants to make it so bump stocks are legal in New Sacramento, California. They ask their Local Council if they can vote on it. The Local Council tells them that they have to file a request for a referendum. They go to their local Office for Democracy building and file a referendum. Six days later, they get an email saying that bump stock ownership is classified as an academic matter and not subject to Local Referenda. So they can either try and get a vote passed to send it to the California State Council, which nobody is going to vote for, or they can submit it to a Statistics and Evidence-Based Policy officer to see if it can be examined by experts in gun use and experts in gun ownership statistics, probably at CSU—New Sacramento or something.

The thing is, though, that getting gun use experts involved requires getting the military, and the military won't just look at any old bill. So the People's Connection branch of the Army has to send some stuck-up officer who probably draft-dodged to look over whether a bump stock is really the right call to make. This of course leads into a Professor of Ethics (or whatever the hell those are called) getting involved, so all of them can discuss whether the freedom to own a bump stock is worth an increased danger. They include the Local Council too, obviously, since it's their community.

So two months later, our enby gets a letter in the mail telling them that all of these people are sorry, but allowing bump stocks in New Sacramento would create precedent for gun rights. So now the judicial system is involved, and their guy says that it's unconstitutional for the military to be interfering on civilian gun rights under some weird version of the Basic Law's revised Second Amendment, and they spend two more months debating that.

Four months and six days after the enby wanted to see if they could buy a bump stock, they finally get an email telling them that bump stocks are legal—but only in certain areas and not in any populated areas, and somehow this applies to all of California due to an agreement with the State Council.

So you can shoot with a bump stock, but only if you do it in the middle of the woods far away from anything to hit besides trees and squirrels. At least the GOP isn't involved, right?
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I may be bad at understanding communism, but I figured something like this would happen just primarily in the economic sector. I also would consider it a feature not a bug, 'cuz a sluggish economy that keeps it's employees satisfied is better than a fast growing one that keeps the shareholders satisfied.
I feel like niche pornography has probably taken off more here. But at the same time, it's also just self-organized so that people don't have to see what they find unpleasant. Blacklist features exist for a reason.

Also, content moderation is a highly respected field now.
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I feel like niche pornography has probably taken off more here. But at the same time, it's also just self-organized so that people don't have to see what they find unpleasant. Blacklist features exist for a reason.

Also, content moderation is a highly respected field now.
Yeah, social media is in pieces and forum culture is back and in full swing, owing to the fall of all of the major tech companies. Niche pornography has definitely taken off.

Content moderation fandom is split between simps, respecters, and killjoys.