Glad to see Roko's Basilisk is still lurking in the cultural ether 😂
Yeah, Transistor is the 2040s equivalent of a LessWrong kid, and she's also the kind of person who scours the internet for weird bullshit. When she has a bad trip, it leaks in.Glad to see Roko's Basilisk is still lurking in the cultural ether 😂
Moral of the story, if you're going to use nukes, you better fucking win. What was that one bit from Babylon 5
In the meantime, I'm going to try and figure out how to reconcile the Pacific War with my beliefs.
Speaking of, how old is this person? I can't help but feel that she was a fan of a certain vtuber before they transitioned. I'm assuming all the named characters are zoomers?
She was born in 1997, and was actually a fan of Homestuck as a teenager, hence the name.Speaking of, how old is this person? I can't help but feel that she was a fan of a certain vtuber before they transitioned. I'm assuming all the named characters are zoomers?
Oh I seeShe was born in 1997, and was actually a fan of Homestuck as a teenager, hence the name.
Yeah, that's fair.Oh I see
She's still only a year older than me so it would not have been out of the question.![]()
Canon • Dubiously Canon For the doomed god-tier version of this character, see Alternate Calliope. Calliope is a cherub living on post-scratch Earth, long-since abandoned by humanity. Thanks to an obsession with the troll race, Calliope initially implied that she was one, to the extent
I think she canonically wears aviator shades, but the rest are funny but not really accurate.I will still be imagining her with pink hair, shades and a cowboy hat.
It's easier to be eloquent in email. If it was in person, Kendra would have been a lot less polite. Frankly, she probably took a day thinking over that email. It's not every day you talk to a war criminal.Oswald's awfully eloquent for someone who had their mother killed by a nuke. Personally I would've had just four words:
"Die screaming. Burn forever."
But yeah, honestly, kinda surprised Hawaii isn't surrounded by the Red navy and being shelled back into the sea until Anderson surrenders. Perhaps that will be later down the line.![]()
I feel like there's probably something to be said for the fact that Ashley, Lowell, Strecker, Anderson, and Picano are named leaders of the various major factions in the Civil War (ignoring the Deads and Atompilz), but that the Reds never actually are noted as having a single leader, just the Congress of Councils.
I figure that speaks to a certain focus on the masses and the people and shows a rejection of a revolutionary-savior kind of figure. There isn't really a Napoleon or a Lenin here, it's a group effort.
Well, the Reds in this timeline are certainly Marxists, but I see your point. I'd also personally disagree that Marxism inherently has a seed of authoritarianism (though Engels certainly was a bit too comfortable with it).Good - Leninism is the worst thing that could ever have happened to socialism: sure, the USSR's mere presence kind of forced capitalist states to make concessions to the masses, and communist parties in capitalist countries played a key role in their political development, but the USSR also repressed every other kind of communist and socialist thought there was, both inside and outside its borders, and I'm willing to bet that the rise of right wing parties in formerly Warsaw Pact countries has got something to do with the legacy of the Soviet system, too.
Like, sure, the DDR was ahead of West Germany in women's and workers' rights for decades after World War II, for example, but when those achievements are coupled with repression and surveillance, people are going to conflate the bad with the good, especially since you could've passed those laws even without being an authoritarian piece of shit. To be honest, Marxism itself had a seed of authoritarianism in it, and Marx as a person wasn't exactly the most coherent or tolerant guy, either.
While non-Marxist, communist thought has its fair share of gamer moments (you've overthrown and dissolved the state through a violent revolution, sure; but now the charismatic and sociopathic militia leaders that spearheaded your anarchist rebellion aren't going to go away, and by destroying the state without thinking about the implications of such a thing you also destroyed the bureaucracy behind the functioning of basic infrastructure, too) at least they were movements and strains of thought that coexisted, there was no overarching orthodoxy.
Peridot Onyx Diamond said:Hey, everyone, it's your favorite wrestling blogger-slash-booker for Spartakiad Wrestling, the #1 family friendly wrestling promotion in America. I'm not usually the one who handles the SYP Awards. That usually goes to either VK Cross or to Rick Wu. VK has her dark wit, and Rick's actually got the time to polish these blog posts because he's the ring crew guy. This is my problem, though, and today we're going to talk about something pretty embarrassing.
God, how do I put this?
I bungled John Cena's last match. I bungled it hard. I mean, how could I have gotten it right? A sixty-five year old man who spent the revolution entertaining sick kids wants me to book his last match? Who wouldn't fuck it up? John Cena, the man with a Doctorate in Basic Thuganomics, the man who none of us could see, that John Cena.
I'd say it's like what working with Hulk Hogan must be like, but Cena was super helpful and I'm pretty sure working with Hulk Hogan is like eating glass.
I'm gonna be honest, Cena adapted really well to the new way of doing wrestling. Smaller crowds, no business side of things, just some friends putting on shows, right?
So this one's on me.
However, this isn't some lame apology blog. You're not going to see me (ha!) give some big fake over-the-top bullshit apology. No, I know what you all want.
You want a roast.
So, with permission from Esteban Naranja and John Freaking (See, censored for the kids!) Cena, let's motherfucking roast!
Okay, so, first, Cena comes out to "The Time is Now" and he's got the Worldwide Republic flag behind him. He's running, he's high-fiving, he's giving his baseball cap to a lucky kid in the audience, and he's fucking nailing it. Then, as he's charging like Superman, he slides into the ring. Somehow, he stubs his toe against the side of the ring and GI John just winces. You can see him groan and whimper in pain as he crawls into the ring.
Then, Esteban Naranja comes in to his music. Aisling O'Connor on commentary starts talking about how he's the Bolivian Beast, how he's never lost a match fighting in the special Conquerer's Colosseum show. So she's building up Esteban as this big fucking deal, and it's great. He's our top heavyweight heel, so we have to get him over.
He throws a punch, a big hit, and Cena just no-sells it. So we're back in 2008. Super-Cena is back, and he's more annoying to see than ever. Now, when I gave Cena the direction to no-sell the first few hits when we were doing rehearsals for this match on Colosseum, I kind of thought it'd show that he was still not to be messed with.
What I forgot was that even forty years after the nightmare reign of Super-Cena the Invincible, people still fucking hate Super-Cena. Most of John Cena's best moments are getting his ass kicked: wincing on the ground while CM Punk gave his pipebomb promo, getting German suplexed like seventeen times by Brock Lesnar, getting cold-cocked by Gunther, even letting MJF rant at him while stomping a mudhole in the Marine.
So the crowd's silent, and I'm thinking "Shit, what the hell's going on with this go-away heat?" Then, Super-Cena starts trying to get into a collar-and-elbow tie-up with Naranja. Yes, a collar-and-elbow tie-up, straight out of the 1980s.That was my idea too, I thought it would establish him as a classic face.
So Naranja's stuck in a collar-and-elbow tie-up, and then Naranja goes to pull Cena's arm behind his back. Naranja starts yelling that he hates America. He's improvising. I certainly didn't ask him to go there. That doesn't play anymore. You can do foreign wrestling heels, but they have to be more Del Rio than Rusev, if you get my drift. Arrogant combat buffs proud of their homeland, not dangerous foreigners who need to be defeated by an American hero.
I guess that Naranja was going off-book or whatever, maybe trying to bring back some of that old WWE stuff, the kind of thing you'd see on archived Peacock footage. The crowd didn't like it. They were booing. Then, Cena runs with it and says "I know you hate America, which is why I'm gonna take you out," like America and her boyfriend Big Business didn't try and choke our entire society to death.
As soon as Cena says "I'm gonna take you out", the crowd goes nuclear. When I heard the crowd yell "Eat shit, Cena!" that was when I knew I had fucked up.
Unfortunately, it somehow got worse.
It turned out that Cena was on blood thinners, and apparently he'd told us and we thought it was OK, but his doctor upped the dose? So Naranja throws a punch at Cena's head, and Cena just drops.
Straight down.
We called the EMTs.
Of course we called the EMTs.
We called the match early, too, disqualification.
When they were carrying Wrestling Icon John Cena out on a stretcher for what should have been a match he was booked to win, that was when I realized two things.
Number One: If John Cena isn't OK after this, I won't be allowed to book a birthday party, let alone a wrestling match.
Number Two: Holy fucking shit, what a goddamn botch!
When John Cena texted me in the hospital to tell me that he was OK, I just had to write this up. Funniest shit I ever saw in my life.
If that doesn't win the SYP award this year, I don't know what will. Sounds like that Professor of Thuganomics had an honorary degree.
Does anyone else here have a least favorite major character? It doesn't need to be someone who's the most evil, just someone who people dislike.
For me, it'd have to be Calliope Anderson. I'm trying to figure out a way to write her that isn't just a more boring/less viscerally evil/more cowardly version of Jackie Stanton from my Fallout fic, who was basically a trans woman politician who was even more of a piece of shit in some ways.
I just find her boring to write, she sucks, but she sucks in ways that aren't as interesting to me as cynical MAGA politico Picano or fascist manchild Strecker. She certainly isn't as interesting as characters like Dane Oswald who aren't total pieces of shit but who still are extremely morally questionable people.
She's just kind of the Girlboss War Criminal. I mean, I could be wrong, maybe she has a different niche, but I'm just describing how I feel in the moment.
Yeah, it is a good thing. Cena's a cool guy. I meant that more to say that he wasn't fighting, not that he wasn't doing something valuable.Entertaining sick kids during a revolution is actually a good thing; those kids probably had it even worse than usual, and trying to stay alive while going from one hospital in a war zone to another hospital in another war zone is no joke, either. Shit, I'm surprised Cena made it to his 60s, considering how short the lifespan of a top professional wrestler usually is. Speaking of which, I wonder what does CM Punk think about the revolution, his anarchist, straight edge gimmick isn't that far removed from his real self, after all.![]()
The Seattle Prole said:Sergeant Botsch uses she/her pronouns exclusively, while Scorpio uses they/them or ze/zir pronouns and identifies as neutrois. The name "Scorpio" is an alias, one that ze prefers to use so as to keep zir former life out of zir current civilian life.
The Seattle Prole (TSP): Good evening, I hope you're all doing well?
Sergeant Botsch (SB): I am.
Scorpio (S): I'm doing lovely, thank you.
TSP: Now, the two of you were on the opposite sides of the law, right, during the Second American Civil War?
S: Hell yeah, I was.
SB: Erm, yes. I spent a long while working in the NYPD. I dealt with many groups of criminals: ideologically motivated and otherwise. They ranged from the Georgia-based Teague Gang who worked for Sacramento to Atompilz wannabe-terrorists and, of course, Zodiac Team under Khemin Vanich.
S: Capricorn.
TSP: Well, Sergeant Botsch, that would make you a former Dead, wouldn't it? How has it been transferring from the NYPD to the Seattle People's Militia?
SB: There's a lot more paperwork, truthfully, and I often find myself unable to get the job done. Crime under the Congress of Councils is even worse than it was in the pre-revolution US.
S: So you're an unrepentant death squad captain?
SB: That is not an accurate way of putting it.
S: How the fuck weren't you shot?
SB: I was rehabilitated. I read my Marx and my Bookchin.
S: You're a fucking Dead. Oh, and I did my research: the NYPD had the single highest instances of police brutality and arbitrary homicide reported in the entire country during the war. You're scum.
SB: This is coming from a professional criminal?
S: Hey, Zodiac isn't the Teague Gang. We knocked over targets with a minimum of bodies. We sure as shit killed a lot less people than the NYPD.
TSP: Scorpio, how has adapting to civilian life been? Sergeant Botsch, how do you feel the law enforcement system in the Worldwide Republic could be improved?
S: It's boring. I've been playing paintball, running these complicated tabletop RPG heists, that kind of thing, but it's not the same. I miss robbing museums and breaking into FBI buildings.
SB: Well, I think that the justifiable reactions to police brutality have rendered the People's Militia essentially impotent, and that in order to defend—
S: Shut up, you're so full of crap.
TSP: How do the both of you feel seeing each other, now after the Heist Wars were over?
S: I feel like we could have gone a tiny bit more Bolshevik during the revolution. I get keeping the Oswald family or Aya Courtney alive, they're just Hollywood types, but the fact that Adalwolfa Botsch isn't in an unmarked grave is a goddamn atrocity.
SB: I only tried to serve my community.
S: Then why did you promote Benji Cross, who became a serial killer after the fall of the NYPD?
SB: My, you did do your research.
S: Always do, and I'm not letting you get away with it.
SB: Only five percent of former Deads made it into the People's Militia, and given that I clearly showed signs of reha—
S: Five percent too many! The only place pigs belong is the slaughterhouse.
TSP: Please, let's keep this reasonably cordial.
S: The SP is a petit-bourgeois organization full of unreconstructed Sacramento and Bostonite liberals.
SB: Well, anyway, I do feel some regret that with the downfall of the prison system perps like Capricorn and Aries will never see justice.
TSP: Sergeant Botsch, how do you respond to those who say that the pre-war prison system was wildly inhumane?
SB: Well, I appreciate their concern, but I think it's more humane to imprison a murderer where they can't hurt anyone rather than to kill them.
S: Hey, Adalwolfa, I actually brought someone to this interview. Mind if I bring them in?
TSP: Sure.
A hard-looking woman with a resemblance to the aging sergeant enters the room. She's younger, her hair is wild and frizzy, and she has a long cut across her nose. This is Lena Wedekind, niece of Adalwolfa Botsch. She's got scars all over her body, and her tank top exposes most of them. She doesn't seem cold.
Lena Wedekind (LW): Hey.
SB: Oh, Lena, erm, how are you doing?
LW: I'm here to tell them the truth.
SB: Please tell me you aren't still dwelling in your childhood. I know it was painful, but you have to move on.
LW: You chased me in the woods of the Catskills with a paintball gun. You made me do biological warfare drills. You refused to feed me some days so I'd get used to starvation. You threatened me with a box cutter when I got mad that you gave me a gas mask for Christmas. You pointed guns at me. Worst of all, you made me think all of that was normal. All I knew for years after Mom died was your house in the Catskills and you.
SB: I understand that's harsh, but don't you think it prepared you for the civil war? I saw it coming. I made sure you were prepared.
Adalwolfa Botsch turns to the interviewer.
SB: This isn't being recorded, is it?
TSP: Lena, do you give consent for us to get the state involved? It seems like she abused you as a child. We can get you therapy, and, if you're OK with it, we can try her for it.
S: She won't get a cushy house arrest like Picano, will she?
TSP: If I recall correctly, the usual punishment for years of child abuse is a restrictive house arrest with efforts to help mitigate the damage encouraged, but she is in the People's Militia and was a Dead, so I'd imagine it would be much more severe.
SB: What, if not prison?
TSP: She's fifty and in good shape, so the penal battalion would be the obvious choice. After all, she's trained to kill. I'm just going by what usually gets done.
SB: Son of a bitch! Please, Lena, don't let them do this. I know I wasn't an ideal guardian, but I tried. I took care of you. I made you strong! Please!
LW: It took me twenty years to realize what you did to me. I'm not going back to being ignorant. Have fun fighting in Canada, Auntie.
Lena sighs.
LW: Maybe you'll learn that fighting isn't as fun for you as killing is.