When I read American Intoxicants, I thought your writing couldn't get any weirder (both good and bad kind), but you seem to have outdone yourself. It's definitely better writing than some of the cookie cutter worm fics here. One question though, is this going to have explicit sex scenes? I'd rather know if I want to keep this on my watch list.
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When I read American Intoxicants, I thought your writing couldn't get any weirder (both good and bad kind), but you seem to have outdone yourself. It's definitely better writing than some of the cookie cutter worm fics here. One question though, is this going to have explicit sex scenes? I'd rather know if I want to keep this on my watch list.
I don't plan this to include sex scenes. If it's really relevant for the plot or something, maybe, but I'm a sex-averse asexual who finds writing sex boring basically all the time, so I wouldn't count on any sex scenes appearing if no smut is a deal-breaker.

Oh, and I'm guessing the "good" weird of American Intoxicants was the psychopathic neoliberal daddy's girl and such, while the "bad" kind of weird was the TERF beatdown? I could be wrong on that, haha. I'm just glad you enjoyed American Intoxicants enough to finish it, even with the "bad" weird content.

It was really kind of a shot in the dark for me, taking my Fallout OC with very few sympathetic qualities and writing an entire story about her, and then posting those many longform RP bits and two new chapters edited heavily into a fanfic.

As for this, if you can believe it, the premise of this story was originally going to be about post-revolutionary professional wrestling, but somehow I got the idea to exchange pro wrestling for a very esoteric fetish and here we are.

People are people, and people often be horny, lmao.

I'm still really enjoying taking this premise semi-seriously, though. It's incredibly fun to write both the goofy stuff and the more serious character/world stuff. I can't wait to hear your thoughts as you read, too! It's always appreciated.
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There is something profoundly horrifying about the idea that we could overthrow capitalism, but not the MCU.

It's the microplastics of culture, a poisonous forever chemical that will never go away. Struggle all you want, little revolutionary. Overthrow established systems, cast down the landlords and the CIA. Still, when you're alone at night, you will hear the words, so THAT just happened!
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There is something profoundly horrifying about the idea that we could overthrow capitalism, but not the MCU.

It's the microplastics of culture, a poisonous forever chemical that will never go away. Struggle all you want, little revolutionary. Overthrow established systems, cast down the landlords and the CIA. Still, when you're alone at night, you will hear the words, so THAT just happened!
Oh, trust me, I despise the MCU. The point here was more to show that systems of intellectual property and corporate control are gone, that those characters can be used for anything (including Kendra Oswald's glorified slash fic).

But yeah, I 100% get it.

If people like the MCU, I'm glad they enjoy it, obviously, but yeah.
Personally, I'm not down with the WWCR's rhetoric, but I hope the next place on the chopping block is Britain.
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Honestly I much prefer this focus to the post-revolutionary wrestling idea. Any idea what the flag for the new polity looks like?
Sorry, missed this. I'll definitely have to think on that!
Personally, I'm not down with the WWCR's rhetoric, but I hope the next place on the chopping block is Britain.
Yeah, that's totally fair, people have their own takes on this stuff. Why Britain, specifically?
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DM me some stuff on what you'd like to include and I can mock up a design if you like
Would this be a commission kind of thing? I'll give it some thought either way, I don't want to commit to anything, necessarily, but I appreciate the thought a lot.
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I wonder if zombie stories are big in this universe again, at least in the WR.

On one hand, fights against hordes of enemies might feel a bit traumatic, but on the other hand zombies allow for enemies that don't at all have human lives or families.

I can't help but think that after a bloody revolution which lead to incredible amounts of suffering (it is a better world than in the Age of Cyberpunk in my opinion, but revolutions are never fun), people might want their fight scenes to involve enemies that are morally uncomplicated, inhuman, and can be mowed down by heroic characters.

Especially since many people were simply running and hiding during the revolution, either as part of irregulars/cells or trying to stay alive in a war zone.

You know what, I like that. Zombies are in again. They're an uncomplicated enemy that everyone can have fun bashing in tough times.
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I think the forum posting style mixed in with longer form narrative sections works really well - I also think your characterisation of kendra is really solid.
Thank you! I felt like I needed an audience surrogate of sorts, someone who was very much a creature of the pre-revolutionary order. Probably someone who had a certain amount of privilege, too.

So I had Kendra laying around from some older projects I never finished, and she worked. I'm also someone who has a certain amount of privilege (in that I come from a well-educated and affluent family even if I'm on disability and often have to manage money carefully), and I felt like I wanted to make the main character someone who also had that privilege (if exaggerated).

In a lot of ways, the councilist revolution was a very proletarian one, one led by baristas, computer programmers, migrant farm workers, rural store clerks, and the like. So an outsider had to be someone from a much more wealthy, ivory tower perspective.
Update 7: Property of Love
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DroneComms Factory Floor Subforum
Drone Adoption Thread

RealKendraOswald said:
Hey, y'all, so, I gave it some thought. I don't wanna be a drone, or, at least, I don't think I want to be a drone now. Maybe another time, I dunno, but it's not jumping out at me.

BigSister1984 said:
Cool, maybe you can get off this site, you bougie fuck.

RealKendraOswald said:

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
You Trots didn't do shit for us when the revolution came. Y'all just tried to run it. You're vultures, all of you. You're petit-bourgeois weirdos play-acting at communism who would rather the reactionaries have won than a genuine proletarian movement emerge. At least Queen Bitch Kendra Oswald doesn't pretend to be "proletarian" because of a stupid flat cap while going home to Mommy and Daddy's trust fund.

RealKendraOswald said:

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
Literal liberal elite.

BigSister1984 said:
Oh, great, the Red Evangelical and Miss Six Houses are stinking up the fucking Drone Adoption Thread. SBGOG, go shove corn up your vagina. Kendra, you can't order us around anymore.

[MOD]Drone Leader Yellow said:
This drone is very disappointed in the conduct of all three of you. This drone is frustrated with BigSister's relentless insults towards RealKendraOswald. This drone is also annoyed with RealKendraOswald's childish demeanor. This drone is further bothered by SBGOG's "more proletarian than thou" attitude. This drone reminds all three users that we are all revolutionaries now. Furthermore, this drone reminds said users that if they wish to engage with this community, they should do so in a respectful fashion.

RealKendraOswald said:
Sorry, Drone Leader.

[MOD]Drone Leader Yellow said:
Do not apologize. This drone is merely an automaton intended to handle misbehavior on the forum. One should not apologize to it, just as one should not apologize to a toaster. One should simply strive to do better.

096 Pleasurable Servitude said:
This drone had an extremely pleasurable evening at the Kinney Bar with USER: [Kendra Oswald] while running its human subroutines. This drone assumes that would be a tenth date. This drone is currently not running its human subroutines and this user has expressed a lack of interest in being dronified. As such, this drone wishes to ask this user if this drone may serve her, endlessly, lovingly, proudly, and eagerly? This drone is hopeful to satisfy this user's values through affection, loyalty, and labor.

RealKendraOswald said:
Nice, what an improvement. So, uh, Drone Leader Yellow, how do we do this?

Drone Leader Yellow said:
This drone suggests filling out the consent form listed on the Collective Resources page. It will list limits, kinks, preferences, our common safeword, and procedures for worst case scenarios. Drone 096 has currently done so, and this drone is very proud of it for its timely work. This drone will suggest to Drone 096 that it sends you its form.

RealKendraOswald said:

RealKendraOswald said:
So you're my property now, 096?

096 Pleasurable Servitude said:
Yes, this drone is officially property of both the Hive and of its owner, Kendra Zoe Oswald. This drone suggests that this drone be brought to Owner Kendra's home and taught how this drone may serve this user best while this drone is online.

RealKendraOswald said:
Awesome. You got a mask?

096 Pleasurable Servitude said:
This drone is equipped with a PD-505 resipirator mask as well as a latex hood, latex catsuit, latex gloves, and leather heeled boots, all in the same shade of black.

RealKendraOswald said:
How does 096 feel about being groped? You know, if drones feel anything other than even-tempered enthusiasm to serve.

096 Pleasurable Servitude said:
This drone is eager to satisfy Owner Kendra's values. Please direct message this drone a request for where it should be picked up dressed in this drone's external carapace.

RealKendraOswald said:
Can do. See how much easier it is to stop whining about Mao and start serving wine?

096 Pleasurable Servitude said:

RealKendraOswald said:
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I feel like there's something vaguely positive to be said for the fact that this timeline is essentially Harry Strecker's nightmare.
Update 8: Riding the Blast Wave
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Calliope Anderson crossed her legs as she sat in Kapi'olani Regional Park. The United States wasn't what it once was. She wore her Air Force uniform, and she was the woman who had brought the world to its knees. Her peaked cap gave her a fascist aesthetic, and her aviator sunglasses practically came with mushroom clouds reflecting in them.

She smoked a cigarette and, as she often did, reflected on the past. The heavens were high, and in her Presidency of the United States of America (Boston) she had sent more people than necessary up there. Her Huawei phone played a video of Kendra Oswald botching an interview. "You got away with it too, huh?" Calliope said with a chuckle.

She eyed a flagpole with the Stars and Stripes, and underneath that the PRC flag flew as a sign of "respect". She didn't run this island chain, and she certainly didn't run the former US. A skinny but well-formed man thirty years her junior sat down next to her, and she pressed red-stained lips against his neck. "Heya," she said.

"Callie," her boytoy said. "How're you finding Hawaii?" he asked.

"Better than Australia. A hell of a lot better." She chuckled a bit. She looked thirty-five. She was actually more like sixty-eight. People joked she was a vampire. She preferred that to people joking that she was a pedophile.

"It pisses me off," the boytoy said. "Besides, the wrong people won."

"The civil war?" Calliope asked. She stroked her chin. "No shit. If the ChiComs had given me the nuclear weapons I requested, we would have blown the Reds, the Deads, the other Feds, the Christofash, and everyone else to Hell. I guess that's the problem with being a hawk."

"Mommy, the Christers weren't that bad," he said. "I was a Christer."

"No, you weren't, you're like eighteen." Calliope did the math in her head. "You'd be nine when the Christofash fell."

He looked down. "Eight year olds can hold rifles," he said.

"Sick fucks," Calliope said. "Wish I could have just nuked them. Used up all the damn warheads on Sacramento and Denver. Not that they didn't deserve it."

His eyes were a bit glassy. "Don't get so mad. The Christers and the Boston Gov were both trying to bring back America. The problem was the Reds, and look what they've done with the place. The Christers, Boston Gov, Sacramento Gov, Denver Gov, Miami Gov, and the Deads should have teamed up on the Reds."

Calliope rolled her eyes. "Look, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it was the Christofash who helped the Reds win. People saw the Christofash doing their Looney Toons shit and saw that the Reds were fighting them, so the commies got to look good. Maybe if there was no Christofash we could have won."

"Won for what? Degeneracy? Tyranny? So gays can pork each other and men can wear dresses? No offense."

Calliope, a transgender woman, stood up. "Great, I thought you might be a chaser. Fuck off." She missed when she could order anyone she didn't like shot.

"You're a degenerate?" he asked, his fists balling up. They were in public, so he didn't throw a punch.

"I thought you got that from all the rainbow militarism," she said.

"I thought that was a lie!" he said.

"Nothing you can do about it," Calliope said, sitting back down and gesturing for him to walk away like he was a dirty countertop in need of dusting.

I still feel like a whore, sometimes, waving my trans status like it made me woke and progressive for the Boston Government. It never should have mattered.

Of course, the Reds saw through that woke shit, said it was pinkwashing and fake feminism. Like I wanted to be a goddamn trans icon. I just wanted to be a soldier, but you do what you have to do to appeal to the useless civilian shits.

Her phone got a news update:

Socialist Republic of America appoints new head of the Congress of Councils

Socialist Republic of America condemns US government in Hawaii

Socialist Republic of America tries Harry Strecker for war crimes

Dumb bastard.
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Just found this story and I am loving it so far. I love socialist althistory stories that focus on the more personal narratives, although I can appreciate the more geopolitical ones as well. Of course, I think this is only the second story I've read that fits those parameters, the other one being a BBC correspondent reviewing food in socialist America.
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Just found this story and I am loving it so far. I love socialist althistory stories that focus on the more personal narratives, although I can appreciate the more geopolitical ones as well. Of course, I think this is only the second story I've read that fits those parameters, the other one being a BBC correspondent reviewing food in socialist America.
Thank you so much! I'm so happy to hear that. Any characters you're especially interested in so far?