A near-future communist revolution timeline about broken people, esoteric kinks, internet culture, revolutionary utopias, and feeling pain in a world where things are finally getting better.
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RiverDelta | 64 |
Communist tyrant Mao Zedong said that "revolution is not a dinner party" but a violent process in which one class represses another, and the American people have learned this truth firsthand. It seemed in 2016 that the socialist left was dead and that Trumpism was the way it was. However, against all odds, the DSA under the Ultraleft caucus has completed its dirty break from the Democrats and finished its campaign of mass murder, torture, and class violence. International observers express serious concern at the new regime.
RealKendraOswald said:
AssMuncher9000 said:
RealKendraOswald said:I'm just a citizen now, or whatever. I'm allowed to have fetishes. Look, you took my yacht and mansion. You're lucky I don't press charges.
AssMuncher9000 said:Good luck with that. How's it feel to be just like everyone else?
RealKendraOswald said:I mean, I like the "trans rights, pro-environment, feminism" parts of this whole setup, I just wish you guys didn't steal my shit.
ExitStrategy said:...Kendra, you had, like, six bedrooms in your mansion, right?
RealKendraOswald said:
AssMuncher9000 said:That's five people that you could have kept from being homeless while still living there.
RealKendraOswald said:I wasn't going to let some Marlon Rando into my Malibu post-neo-modern MDMA wonderland.
TranshumAnarchy said:Hey, you got some of that stuff? You know, research chemicals?
RealKendraOswald said:
TranshumAnarchy said:My labor vouchers can't get that stuff for me. Stupid dictatorship of the proletariat.
ExitStrategy said:Look, I get it. I was part of the Boston Government during the civil war, I was a captain. I did some nasty things when I was doing that. It sucks to lose. At least it isn't Soviet Russia.
GuillotineUltraleftists said:Yeah, because this place is liberal! And shit! Why can't I join the secret police?
AssMuncher9000 said:We don't have a secret police? We're still figuring out the prison thing, that shit was slavery back before everything. Literal rebranded slavery.
RealBrookeLazarus said:
AssMuncher9000 said:
RealKendraOswald said:
[MOD]518 Industrious Sensitivity said:This drone wishes the Human Psyche Subroutine Subforum was less hostile sometimes.
413 Harmonious Inclusivity said:This drone admires your 24/7 dronification and seeks to emulate your example. This drone also worked enough hours in sanitation to be able to requisition a new pre-revolutionary gas mask, so she is very excited about that.
RealKendraOswald said:Do you have any idea how much it sucks to have to make indie movies now?
AssMuncher9000 said:
RealKendraOswald said:They're movies now! It's like some student film bullshit! I was working on the reboot of "Captain America" before the shit hit the fan! It sucks!
AssMuncher9000 said:I was being yelled at daily working at a sushi restaurant for nearly nothing. Still not as bad as having to make smaller-scale movies, though.
RealKendraOswald said:
RealKendraOswald said:So, um, TranshumAnarchy linked me here. What exactly is dronification as a fetish?
096 Pleasurable Servitude said:This drone is excited to explain. A drone is an autonomous, machine-like servant of a collective. In our case, we exist to serve the Hive. We typically wear full-body latex outfits in a uniform style, cover our fleshy faces with gas masks so as to properly embody the faceless ideal we seek to attain, and devote ourselves to assimilation. Drones typically do this for fetish or sexuality-related reasons, though for some it also ties into transgender or autistic factors and identities. In summary, it is not always just a kink, but it is primarily a fetish. One might think of us as the Borg from pre-revolutionary television show Star Trek, albeit sexier. Many drones even use elaborate hypnosis to reprogram their wetware CPUs to better turn them into a part of the Hive.
RealKendraOswald said:
096 Pleasurable Servitude said:There is no "character", my human-like subroutines have currently been turned off via hypnotic trigger.
RealKendraOswald said:
096 Pleasurable Servitude said:Cult is a strong word. It is a club-slash-voluntary-brainwashing-facility. Sex is strictly optional and generally involves rubbing and vibration. At any rate, this is currently off-topic. Ms. Oswald, would you care to discuss any ways in which you are attempting to improve your local socialist community?
RealKendraOswald said:You mean other than trying to get my yacht back? I'm gonna be honest, this revolution thing's been kind of a downgrade. I used to be a major name in Hollywood. I was going to finally be the one to direct the movie that makes Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes canon. Or, at least, pseudo-canon. Heavily implied. You know how Disney is. Was.
096 Pleasurable Servitude said:
RealKendraOswald said:I've been going to my alcoholic support group, which has been pretty good. Seems like most of the people there have found some good in the new system. So I've been trying to be nice to people in there, or kind, or whatever.
518 Industrious Sensitivity said:This drone is very happy to hear that, and might she say that she thinks you would make a lovely faceless servant of the Hive.
RealKendraOswald said:
096 Pleasurable Servitude said:It varies. This drone does it only when in the mood, while Drone 513 lives as a drone. This drone admires Drone 513's dedication to the Hive.
518 Industrious Sensitivity said:This drone encourages Drone 096 to continue with her brainwashing treatments.
RealKendraOswald said:
TranshumAnarchy said:
RealKendraOswald said:I guess. I dunno, I don't get it. Maybe it's because I'm really more of a domme.
518 Industrious Senstivity said:There is a place for dominants in the Hive. Command Drones and Autonomous Command Agents fulfill necessary places in the Hive's rigid hierarchy.
RealKendraOswald said:Can I speak to a non-drone about this? This is a little much. I'm not saying no, though.
518 Industrious Sensitivity said:
096 Pleasurable Servitude said:Hypnotic Prompt Recognized. Switching to Human Subroutines. Switching. Switching. Switching. Loaded. Complete.
AssMuncher9000 said:
RealKendraOswald said:
AssMuncher9000 said:I was napping. Anyway, so was there something we were talking about?
RealKendraOswald said:We were talking about serving the community and also what Command Drones and Autonomous Command Agents are. You doing anything with the first one? Oh, and mind explaining the second and third ones?
AssMuncher9000 said:Command Drones are drones that oversee and command other drones, while Autonomous Command Agents are non-drones who work with the hive for a similar job. They're informally known as "Drone Wranglers". Oh, and I've mostly been repairing what pre-revolution electronics people have. Most of them were made without repair in mind—you know, since the makers wanted people to keep buying replacements instead—so I've been doing my best. The new stuff is better about that. Lots of people have laptops that are basically junk once something breaks.
RealKendraOswald said:
AssMuncher9000 said:No, that's literally all pre-revolution laptops. Even the RAM was soldered in.
RealKendraOswald said:
999 Playful Carapace said:This drone requests a brainwashing session to cure anger at Ms. Oswald due to this drone's pre-revolution computer science degree.
In 1984, acclaimed author William Gibson wrote Neuromancer, a novel taking place in a grimy urban sprawl. It was about high tech and low life, an era of incredible technology and even more prominent oppression. This began the cyberpunk movement in American literature. By 2020, the cyberpunk movement had become passe. This was not due to a lack of relevance, it had simply predicted life in that time too well. An era of corporate domination, right-wing authoritarianism, media misinformation, and information technology run amok, cyberpunk was life and life was cyberpunk. Far from the robotic limbs and virtual hyperrealities predicted, an internet of chaos, debauchery, fear, and cruelty sprung up. Regardless, it was dominated by Netrunners of a sort, such as EMPRESS and Maia Arson Crimew. Artificial intelligence did not quite have true sapience, but it did nearly make art obsolete in the capitalist world. Corporations turned people into products, and governments turned dissenters into prison slaves. The ethos of cyberpunk had come to life in almost perfect clarity, and many in 2020 feared ecological catastrophe or an eternity of the capitalist jackboot. Of course, we know now that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, but perhaps the bleakest period in American history was 2016-2024 under the Trump and Biden presidencies.
HundredFlowers said:
[MOD]OrderofLenin said:
HundredFlowers said:
[MOD]OrderofLenin said:I guess I was just working at the library, and I just had to ask myself a question: "Is this it?"
[MOD]OrderofLenin said:Look, Ruby. I spent twenty years doing Marxism-Leninism, since college, and none of it was worth anything. The revolution came and it was all basically worthless. We have a socialist America, I should be happy, right?
GuillotineUltraleftists said:The social fascist DSA must be resisted by any means necessary!
HundredFlowers said:I mean, I'm still trying to make my voice heard, you know? I attend council meetings.
[MOD]OrderofLenin said:What was even the point? The world revolution's starting, and everything after 1917 was totally irrelevant to it. I just feel like an idiot.
GuillotineUltraleftists said:Don't worry, when all the revisionists are dead, true Marxism-Leninism will rise up! Just like in Hungary!
BigSister1984 said:
HundredFlowers said:
BigSister1984 said:
HundredFlowers said:
BigSister1984 said:Remember how crazy this site used to be? Some insane thing would happen in the news and we'd all go nuts over it. GuillotineUltraleftists would go on about how 9/11 was an inside job, OrderofLenin would say it was fine as long as the US wasn't doing it, and HundredFlowers would get into arguments with everyone. Honestly, I miss TranshumAnarchy. She was a lunatic, but...
HundredFlowers said:
BigSister1984 said:
HundredFlowers said:
BigSister1984 said:
HundredFlowers said:
[MOD]OrderofLenin said:
HoxhasDisciple said:The revolution came, and it wasn't the revolution we imagined?
BigSister1984 said:
HoxhasDisciple said:
BigSister1984 said:I didn't do enough. I should have deprogrammed him better. It was /pol/, Twitter, Iron Guard Forums. That's why he lost it. I failed him, and they beat him to death.
HundredFlowers said:
GuillotineUltraleftists said:
BigSister1984 said:
TranshumAnarchy said:Can you guys stop moping? I've been trying not to think about the fact that capitalism, libertarianism, agorism and all that are dead. Just distract yourself. Come on. Go lose yourself in kink and drugs. Have fun. Chill.
HundredFlowers said:Great life advice, Transistor. I miss when you ranted about wanting arm blades and cyber-eyes.
TranshumAnarchy said:
How about the Union of Free Councils? Or maybe the North American Federal Democratic Socialist Republic?
The Tortugan Anarchy would be funny. More seriously the Plurinational Nondominium of Tortuga would work.
RealKendraOswald said:Hey, y'all, so, I gave it some thought. I don't wanna be a drone, or, at least, I don't think I want to be a drone now. Maybe another time, I dunno, but it's not jumping out at me.
BigSister1984 said:
RealKendraOswald said:
SouthernByGraceOfGod said:You Trots didn't do shit for us when the revolution came. Y'all just tried to run it. You're vultures, all of you. You're petit-bourgeois weirdos play-acting at communism who would rather the reactionaries have won than a genuine proletarian movement emerge. At least Queen Bitch Kendra Oswald doesn't pretend to be "proletarian" because of a stupid flat cap while going home to Mommy and Daddy's trust fund.
RealKendraOswald said:
SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
BigSister1984 said:Oh, great, the Red Evangelical and Miss Six Houses are stinking up the fucking Drone Adoption Thread. SBGOG, go shove corn up your vagina. Kendra, you can't order us around anymore.
[MOD]Drone Leader Yellow said:This drone is very disappointed in the conduct of all three of you. This drone is frustrated with BigSister's relentless insults towards RealKendraOswald. This drone is also annoyed with RealKendraOswald's childish demeanor. This drone is further bothered by SBGOG's "more proletarian than thou" attitude. This drone reminds all three users that we are all revolutionaries now. Furthermore, this drone reminds said users that if they wish to engage with this community, they should do so in a respectful fashion.
RealKendraOswald said:
[MOD]Drone Leader Yellow said:Do not apologize. This drone is merely an automaton intended to handle misbehavior on the forum. One should not apologize to it, just as one should not apologize to a toaster. One should simply strive to do better.
096 Pleasurable Servitude said:This drone had an extremely pleasurable evening at the Kinney Bar with USER: [Kendra Oswald] while running its human subroutines. This drone assumes that would be a tenth date. This drone is currently not running its human subroutines and this user has expressed a lack of interest in being dronified. As such, this drone wishes to ask this user if this drone may serve her, endlessly, lovingly, proudly, and eagerly? This drone is hopeful to satisfy this user's values through affection, loyalty, and labor.
RealKendraOswald said:Nice, what an improvement. So, uh, Drone Leader Yellow, how do we do this?
Drone Leader Yellow said:This drone suggests filling out the consent form listed on the Collective Resources page. It will list limits, kinks, preferences, our common safeword, and procedures for worst case scenarios. Drone 096 has currently done so, and this drone is very proud of it for its timely work. This drone will suggest to Drone 096 that it sends you its form.
RealKendraOswald said:
RealKendraOswald said:
096 Pleasurable Servitude said:Yes, this drone is officially property of both the Hive and of its owner, Kendra Zoe Oswald. This drone suggests that this drone be brought to Owner Kendra's home and taught how this drone may serve this user best while this drone is online.
RealKendraOswald said:
096 Pleasurable Servitude said:This drone is equipped with a PD-505 resipirator mask as well as a latex hood, latex catsuit, latex gloves, and leather heeled boots, all in the same shade of black.
RealKendraOswald said:How does 096 feel about being groped? You know, if drones feel anything other than even-tempered enthusiasm to serve.
096 Pleasurable Servitude said:This drone is eager to satisfy Owner Kendra's values. Please direct message this drone a request for where it should be picked up dressed in this drone's external carapace.
RealKendraOswald said:Can do. See how much easier it is to stop whining about Mao and start serving wine?
096 Pleasurable Servitude said:
RealKendraOswald said: