Good Drones Obey: Communism and Kink in Post-Revolutionary America

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A near-future communist revolution timeline about broken people, esoteric kinks, internet culture, revolutionary utopias, and feeling pain in a world where things are finally getting better.
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Update 1: The Debut of AssMuncher9000


Temp Banned
Sock Puppet
Back in the 90s (In a very famous TV show)
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"Author's" Notes: This is primarily a work of near-future science fiction, vague quasi-Marxist theorycrafting, comedy, queerness, and kink as written by an asexual (so expect very little if any sexual intercourse to be directly depicted). If you like gonzo stories, socialism, or just like the idea of becoming part of the Hive, this is for you. It's for mature readers. While the kinks will be pretty soft and 100% consensual, this is a kink-focused timeline. I guess that's never been done before. I'm also excited to explore some characters and general post-revolutionary weirdness.

CW List: Drugs, revolution, some weird but non-hardcore kinks, etc.

American Radicals Complete Bloody Revolution

Communist tyrant Mao Zedong said that "revolution is not a dinner party" but a violent process in which one class represses another, and the American people have learned this truth firsthand. It seemed in 2016 that the socialist left was dead and that Trumpism was the way it was. However, against all odds, the DSA under the Ultraleft caucus has completed its dirty break from the Democrats and finished its campaign of mass murder, torture, and class violence. International observers express serious concern at the new regime.

DroneComms Human Psyche Subroutine Subforum
The subforum where you can take time out from your life of service to the Hive and enjoy all of those funny human things like eating and total individuality.
RealKendraOswald said:

AssMuncher9000 said:
What's Kendra Oswald doing on this site?

RealKendraOswald said:
I'm just a citizen now, or whatever. I'm allowed to have fetishes. Look, you took my yacht and mansion. You're lucky I don't press charges.

AssMuncher9000 said:
Good luck with that. How's it feel to be just like everyone else?

RealKendraOswald said:
I mean, I like the "trans rights, pro-environment, feminism" parts of this whole setup, I just wish you guys didn't steal my shit.

ExitStrategy said:
...Kendra, you had, like, six bedrooms in your mansion, right?

RealKendraOswald said:
Yeah, what's your point?

AssMuncher9000 said:
That's five people that you could have kept from being homeless while still living there.

RealKendraOswald said:
I wasn't going to let some Marlon Rando into my Malibu post-neo-modern MDMA wonderland.

TranshumAnarchy said:
Hey, you got some of that stuff? You know, research chemicals?

RealKendraOswald said:

TranshumAnarchy said:
My labor vouchers can't get that stuff for me. Stupid dictatorship of the proletariat.

ExitStrategy said:
Look, I get it. I was part of the Boston Government during the civil war, I was a captain. I did some nasty things when I was doing that. It sucks to lose. At least it isn't Soviet Russia.

GuillotineUltraleftists said:
Yeah, because this place is liberal! And shit! Why can't I join the secret police?

AssMuncher9000 said:
We don't have a secret police? We're still figuring out the prison thing, that shit was slavery back before everything. Literal rebranded slavery.

RealBrookeLazarus said:
"Rebranded"? Isn't that bourgeois terminology?

AssMuncher9000 said:
Suck a dick, Breadtuber.

RealKendraOswald said:
Yeah, what she said.

[MOD]518 Industrious Sensitivity said:
This drone wishes the Human Psyche Subroutine Subforum was less hostile sometimes.

413 Harmonious Inclusivity said:
This drone admires your 24/7 dronification and seeks to emulate your example. This drone also worked enough hours in sanitation to be able to requisition a new pre-revolutionary gas mask, so she is very excited about that.

RealKendraOswald said:
Do you have any idea how much it sucks to have to make indie movies now?

AssMuncher9000 said:

RealKendraOswald said:
They're movies now! It's like some student film bullshit! I was working on the reboot of "Captain America" before the shit hit the fan! It sucks!

AssMuncher9000 said:
I was being yelled at daily working at a sushi restaurant for nearly nothing. Still not as bad as having to make smaller-scale movies, though.

RealKendraOswald said:
Ugh, I need some cocaine.
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Update 2: Assimilate, Baby!
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DroneComms Local Service Subforum
The subforum where you can discuss your service to both your local socialist community and the Hive. Praise the Hive. Obey the Hive. Become one with the Hive. Accept the Compassionate Embrace.
RealKendraOswald said:
So, um, TranshumAnarchy linked me here. What exactly is dronification as a fetish?

096 Pleasurable Servitude said:
This drone is excited to explain. A drone is an autonomous, machine-like servant of a collective. In our case, we exist to serve the Hive. We typically wear full-body latex outfits in a uniform style, cover our fleshy faces with gas masks so as to properly embody the faceless ideal we seek to attain, and devote ourselves to assimilation. Drones typically do this for fetish or sexuality-related reasons, though for some it also ties into transgender or autistic factors and identities. In summary, it is not always just a kink, but it is primarily a fetish. One might think of us as the Borg from pre-revolutionary television show Star Trek, albeit sexier. Many drones even use elaborate hypnosis to reprogram their wetware CPUs to better turn them into a part of the Hive.

RealKendraOswald said:
Damn, AssMuncher9000, you've really gotten into character.

096 Pleasurable Servitude said:
There is no "character", my human-like subroutines have currently been turned off via hypnotic trigger.

RealKendraOswald said:
So, this is a latex Borg sex cult?

096 Pleasurable Servitude said:
Cult is a strong word. It is a club-slash-voluntary-brainwashing-facility. Sex is strictly optional and generally involves rubbing and vibration. At any rate, this is currently off-topic. Ms. Oswald, would you care to discuss any ways in which you are attempting to improve your local socialist community?

RealKendraOswald said:
You mean other than trying to get my yacht back? I'm gonna be honest, this revolution thing's been kind of a downgrade. I used to be a major name in Hollywood. I was going to finally be the one to direct the movie that makes Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes canon. Or, at least, pseudo-canon. Heavily implied. You know how Disney is. Was.

096 Pleasurable Servitude said:
Yes, other than that.

RealKendraOswald said:
I've been going to my alcoholic support group, which has been pretty good. Seems like most of the people there have found some good in the new system. So I've been trying to be nice to people in there, or kind, or whatever.

518 Industrious Sensitivity said:
This drone is very happy to hear that, and might she say that she thinks you would make a lovely faceless servant of the Hive.

RealKendraOswald said:
Is that, like, a part-time thing?

096 Pleasurable Servitude said:
It varies. This drone does it only when in the mood, while Drone 513 lives as a drone. This drone admires Drone 513's dedication to the Hive.

518 Industrious Sensitivity said:
This drone encourages Drone 096 to continue with her brainwashing treatments.

RealKendraOswald said:
So, is this intentionally creepy?

TranshumAnarchy said:
Yeah, that's the vibe we're going for.

RealKendraOswald said:
I guess. I dunno, I don't get it. Maybe it's because I'm really more of a domme.

518 Industrious Senstivity said:
There is a place for dominants in the Hive. Command Drones and Autonomous Command Agents fulfill necessary places in the Hive's rigid hierarchy.

RealKendraOswald said:
Can I speak to a non-drone about this? This is a little much. I'm not saying no, though.

518 Industrious Sensitivity said:

096 Pleasurable Servitude said:
Hypnotic Prompt Recognized. Switching to Human Subroutines. Switching. Switching. Switching. Loaded. Complete.

AssMuncher9000 said:

RealKendraOswald said:
Really, you don't remember?

AssMuncher9000 said:
I was napping. Anyway, so was there something we were talking about?

RealKendraOswald said:
We were talking about serving the community and also what Command Drones and Autonomous Command Agents are. You doing anything with the first one? Oh, and mind explaining the second and third ones?

AssMuncher9000 said:
Command Drones are drones that oversee and command other drones, while Autonomous Command Agents are non-drones who work with the hive for a similar job. They're informally known as "Drone Wranglers". Oh, and I've mostly been repairing what pre-revolution electronics people have. Most of them were made without repair in mind—you know, since the makers wanted people to keep buying replacements instead—so I've been doing my best. The new stuff is better about that. Lots of people have laptops that are basically junk once something breaks.

RealKendraOswald said:
I thought that was just Macs.

AssMuncher9000 said:
No, that's literally all pre-revolution laptops. Even the RAM was soldered in.

RealKendraOswald said:

999 Playful Carapace said:
This drone requests a brainwashing session to cure anger at Ms. Oswald due to this drone's pre-revolution computer science degree.
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Update 3: What's Wrong With Kendra Oswald?
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Kendra Oswald was used to press conferences. They didn't look quite like how they did before the revolution, of course, and there were more independent bloggers than she was used to. Still, she was here. Kendra was a tall, gangly woman with rectangular glasses and brown hair. Her nose was small and her lipstick was purple. She wore a high-fashion latex dress, one that hugged every curve of her form and matched her translucent platform heels.

As she stood in front of her (now only) house in Malibu, she saw a reporter for some collective raise his hand. She pointed at him.

"Kendra, are you still planning to make Captain America: Red Skull?"

"I am," Kendra said.

"Rumor has it that the pre-revolution reboot under Marvel Studios was going to involve heavy hinting at a relationship between Captain America and the Winter Soldier. Is that accurate?"

"Yeah, it was," Kendra said.

"Will that still be in?"

"It won't just be hinting." A lazy smile crept on to her face as her half-lidded expression showed off her violet glitter eyeshadow.

Another reporter raised her hand.

"Yeah?" Kendra asked, tottering in her heels.

"Will there be transgender representation in Captain America: Red Skull? You've been a strong voice for the transgender community, and readers at Lavender News are curious."

Kendra gave it some thought. "Well, there's Hydra Queen, right? She'll probably make an appearance. We plan to add a lot of complexity to her. Mystique, too." Thank God for the death of intellectual property laws. "Hydra Queen's trans, and we're playing Mystique as genderfluid."

Another reporter, this one visibly androgynous and clad in a sort of approximation of a 1940s detective outfit, raised their hand.

"Fuck, Aiah, what do you want?" Kendra rolled her eyes.

Aiah Hirsch didn't seem too bothered. "Well, it has recently come to light that you've been posting on a forum for sex weirdos under your real name. Do you have any statements?"

"First of all, they're not sex weirdos. That's stigmatizing language," Kendra said, consciously mimicking the way that revolutionaries tended to talk. "Second, yeah, I used my real name because I don't care. I don't give a shit if you people think I'm a sex weirdo."

Aiah stroked their chin. "Why not use a screen name?"

"Because that's not me? I'm Kendra Oswald, come on. If I'm going to hang out with the not-sex-weirdos, that's something I'm gonna own." She rolled her eyes, tattoos of circuitry visible on one of her arms. "Besides, it's not like I have anything to lose."

Aiah raised their hand again.

"Fine," Kendra said.

"What do you say to people who argue that you got off too lightly in the revolution, and that you have shown a lack of commitment to revolutionary ideals?"

"I dunno, man."

Aiah raised their hand for a third time.

"Oh my god, what do you want?" Kendra said, her hand tightening far too much around the microphone.

"Has your professed Scientologist status influenced your work?"

Kendra stopped for a moment. "...No, it hasn't. Besides, I'm part of the Free Zone, now. I got out of the Church."

"But you still believe in thetans and auditing?"

"Yeah, no duh. Can someone else ask me some questions?" Kendra rubbed her temples. Another woman raised her hand. "Yes, please, thank you," Kendra said.

"Where do you get your incredible confidence?" she asked, in a tone that sounded to Kendra like "Why are you the kind of foolhardy idiot who would use her real name on a fetish website?"

Kendra took a few deep breaths. In, out, in, out, in, out, she reminded herself. "L. Ron Hubbard, vodka, and the Crescent Moon Cosmetics Collective."
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Update 4: Exit Strategies
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"Author's Notes": Here, we see ExitStrategy's IRL life during the civil war, along with a character who I created out of an urge to try and turn John Rumford from Victoria: A Novel of Fourth-Generation War into a more nuanced character.

The Christian Republic was not one contiguous mass. Rather, it was a disjointed hodge-podge of enclaves and exclaves, one formed out of the chaos of QAnon and the cruelty of the alt-right. Harry Strecker looked out of the windows of what used to be the Missouri Governor's Mansion. He wore a Prussian uniform, complete with picklehaube. He stared at himself in a gilded mirror. His face was old leather and his soul was even older.

"Are you happy?" Maxwell Liss asked. Liss wore a suit, as if he had just gotten back from a film festival. He was an old associate of that communist "Ms." Kendra Oswald, and yet he was here.

"What do you want, Max?" he asked.

"Just some scotch."

Harry eyed him for a moment. "You're a weak-willed son of a bitch, huh?" he asked.

"Your wife doesn't think so," Maxwell said, with sorrow in his voice.

"Stay the hell away from her."

"She doesn't like cooking and cleaning 24/7," Max said. There were red marks on his arms. Maxwell Liss was a tormented man. Actors usually were.

"Get the hell away from my wife," Harry spat.

"I'm not doing anything with your wife. I'm just here to visit. They took away my house, my cars, everything."

Harry adjusted his white sash on his blue shirt. "How'd you even get here?"

"I hitchhiked through a war zone. So, how about that scotch? Man to man?" Max asked. He walked over to a wooden bar counter and begun to pour a glass for each of them. "You want to know something, Chief of Staff?"

"Lay it on me," the wannabe-Prussian said. There was nothing in his house made before 1955. Max missed his 1965 Studebaker and his 2036 Google Pixel 10 smartphone.

"You can't bring the past back, and you definitely can't bring it back how you imagined it." Max took a long sip of his drink and lit a cigarette. In Christian Republic territory, smokers had more rights than certain racial minorities. "What do you call it? The returning-to-the-past thing?"

Harry took a sip of his own. He preferred his with ice, which he took from an icebox after that sip. "We call it 'authentic living'."

"Well, it's a bad idea."

"What would a lib like you know about bad ideas? Besides how to do them?" Harry asked.

Max Liss exhaled for a long while. "You know that parable? Each time someone sticks their toe into the water they're dipping it into another stream?"

"What's that, a Zen thing? I prefer the Greco-Roman classics," Harry said. He looked at the wooden floor. The scotch wasn't numbing him enough.

"It's Heraclitus, actually," Max said. "That Werkner guy sold you a fantasy. You can't dip your toe twice into the same river, and now you're, what, fighting a civil war?"

"It needs to come back. Max, we need to fix it. We need to fix the world. We need to abolish postmodernity. It has to be done." Harry's words were slightly strained. "The women soldiers, the blacks, the Hispanics, the perverts, we need to deal with them. It needs to go back to how it was."

Max's gaunt face with its bullet-grey eye bags looked at Harry with pity. "There's never going to be a country of family farms with smiling housewives and lily-white families. That never existed. There were interracial couples in the Fifties, flaming gays and lesbians in the Twenties, Oscar Wilde in the Victorian era, and even more autonomy for ancient women than you'd imagine. It's a lie. You burned that woman alive for being an Episcopalian bishop over a lie. Werkner lied to you, and now Ambassador Ivanov's lying to him."

For about ten minutes, a bitter Harry finished his drink. It took about two for Max to have finished his. Finally, Harry got inspiration, something to say. "You know, I'm not happy about this. It has to be done, but I'm not happy."

"Oh? Why's that?"

"It's horrible. War is horrible. The Reds are horrible, the Feds are horrible, the Deads are horrible, and the Atompilz Division won't shut up. The Sovereign Cities are doing what they do, too. We live in an apocalypse, and that social armageddon started in 1964. My job is to finish it. Then, everything can go back to normal. Do you think I like watching footage of burning homes? Blacks leaving a trail of cruelty across the country? Boston, Denver, Miami, and Sacramento alone have been—"

Max poured himself another glass. Come on, you stupid piece of shit, his internal monologue said. You're the kind of piece of garbage who's willing to tolerate this class fucking act. Just walk away. Find literally anywhere else to stay. Who gives a shit about his wife with an obvious submission kink? Just fucking leave. Oh, no, you won't, because you're a useless piece of shit desperate for the approval of others.

Max spoke. "Yeah, and what do you think'll happen when you make everyone smash their fridges and iPhones? People love tech, and all the minorities'll still be ready to go another round." Minorities. I hate talking like that. God, I'm such a piece of shit. "It'll start all over again, the violence. You can't turn the entire country into Petticoat Junction." He poured himself a third glass, having finished the last two.

The ex-actor heard a rotary phone ring, and the Chief of Staff of the Christian Republic scurried off to answer it in a room painted with stars. He picked it up. "Hello?" he asked.

"Dear god, Harry, Ambassador Ivanov is—" Harry heard Mike Werkner's voice. Usually the booming tone of a good ol' boy satisfied with beer and Christ, it had the itchy tremor of a man who knew he was a hair's breath from becoming a corpse.

Ambassador Ivanov took the phone. "You're losing," he hissed. "We've given you T-34s, we've given you ships, we've given you AKMs and planes. You said your asymmetrical warfare strategy would work! Isn't that what all of those books you presented to me said?"

"We need a nuclear warhead," Harry begged. "It's...We nuke Denver. That'll do it. That'll fix things. That'll turn us around."

"A nuclear warhead?" the Russian ambassador asked. "How intoxicated are you? We haven't let you play Interwar Fantasyland for eight years for you to come asking for a nuke!"

"Please, sir, this is..." Harry shivered.

"We need results! Either win this war or the Russian Federation sponsors someone who can! Now, I'm going to make this very simple, you incompetent fool. I have Werkner. I have a car battery. It's time to remind you who has whose balls in a vise."

Harry heard screaming and sparking noises. "Please, no!" Harry said.

"Higher voltage!" Ambassador Ivanov said. Another loud spark, another broken scream of agony.

"Please, sir, dear God, that man gave me everything..." Harry trailed off.

There was another sparking noise, but this time Mike Werkner did not scream.

"He's dead, isn't he?" Harry asked.

Ivanov hung up.

Maxwell Liss entered the star-dappled room. "You made a deal with the Devil, huh?" he asked.

Harry was silent. Harry would often be silent, for the rest of his life.

A few days later, Captain Andrea Calligaris found herself in the house of Harry Strecker. She carried a service pistol, and a flag patch marked her as part of the Boston Government. There were no state lines. There were just bubbles held together by whatever force could be mustered there. When she saw the Chief of Staff of the Christian Republic bound, she laughed against her better judgment.

Harry Strecker simply cried. He remembered being a young boy, with a father who wasn't there and mother who wasn't happy. He remembered watching old DVDs of I Love Lucy and John Wayne westerns. It was a bygone world, but it was his.

Mom, where's Dad?

Dad's in Afghanistan, sweetie.

When's he coming back?

I don't know.

He thought of pumpkin pie and birthday gifts he never got. He thought of domesticity, of farm labor, of a simple world where he would be loved. He cried as he looked at her gun.

"Anything you want to say before we try you?" she asked. There was pity in her eyes. She was a woman soldier.

"There is no Shady Rest Hotel, huh?" he said.

Andrea, stop watching those reruns! It's church!

But I wanna know what happens to Uncle Joe Carson!

Andrea gave a little nod. "How do you feel?" she asked.

Harry tried to think of the right words. Talking was agony. "Like I did when I learned Santa was just my parents."
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Update 5: Tankie Ennui
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"Author's" Notes: This is not some kind of dig at Deng and Xi. I genuinely love that story. It's just, well, when those characters are put in a more realistic world, they come off differently. Except for Guillotine[whoever], he's just doing his thing.

The Morning Leader
The Death of Cyberpunk

In 1984, acclaimed author William Gibson wrote Neuromancer, a novel taking place in a grimy urban sprawl. It was about high tech and low life, an era of incredible technology and even more prominent oppression. This began the cyberpunk movement in American literature. By 2020, the cyberpunk movement had become passe. This was not due to a lack of relevance, it had simply predicted life in that time too well. An era of corporate domination, right-wing authoritarianism, media misinformation, and information technology run amok, cyberpunk was life and life was cyberpunk. Far from the robotic limbs and virtual hyperrealities predicted, an internet of chaos, debauchery, fear, and cruelty sprung up. Regardless, it was dominated by Netrunners of a sort, such as EMPRESS and Maia Arson Crimew. Artificial intelligence did not quite have true sapience, but it did nearly make art obsolete in the capitalist world. Corporations turned people into products, and governments turned dissenters into prison slaves. The ethos of cyberpunk had come to life in almost perfect clarity, and many in 2020 feared ecological catastrophe or an eternity of the capitalist jackboot. Of course, we know now that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, but perhaps the bleakest period in American history was 2016-2024 under the Trump and Biden presidencies.

TankNet: The Forum for Revolutionary Anti-Revisionist Leftists
Post-Revolution Adaptation Thread

HundredFlowers said:
...So, how's everyone doing?

[MOD]OrderofLenin said:
Honestly, I'm pretty depressed.

HundredFlowers said:

[MOD]OrderofLenin said:
I guess I was just working at the library, and I just had to ask myself a question: "Is this it?"

[MOD]OrderofLenin said:
Look, Ruby. I spent twenty years doing Marxism-Leninism, since college, and none of it was worth anything. The revolution came and it was all basically worthless. We have a socialist America, I should be happy, right?

GuillotineUltraleftists said:
The social fascist DSA must be resisted by any means necessary!

HundredFlowers said:
I mean, I'm still trying to make my voice heard, you know? I attend council meetings.

[MOD]OrderofLenin said:
What was even the point? The world revolution's starting, and everything after 1917 was totally irrelevant to it. I just feel like an idiot.

GuillotineUltraleftists said:
Don't worry, when all the revisionists are dead, true Marxism-Leninism will rise up! Just like in Hungary!

BigSister1984 said:
...My boyfriend's dead.

HundredFlowers said:

BigSister1984 said:
He called himself a "Prussian Socialist".

HundredFlowers said:

BigSister1984 said:
Remember how crazy this site used to be? Some insane thing would happen in the news and we'd all go nuts over it. GuillotineUltraleftists would go on about how 9/11 was an inside job, OrderofLenin would say it was fine as long as the US wasn't doing it, and HundredFlowers would get into arguments with everyone. Honestly, I miss TranshumAnarchy. She was a lunatic, but...

HundredFlowers said:
I wonder what she's doing now. Hopefully she's still alive.

BigSister1984 said:
I still miss Zach. It pisses me off that he died a racist.

HundredFlowers said:
Better that than him living as a fascist.

BigSister1984 said:
He could have gotten better.

HundredFlowers said:

[MOD]OrderofLenin said:
This place used to be fun. What happened?

HoxhasDisciple said:
The revolution came, and it wasn't the revolution we imagined?

BigSister1984 said:

HoxhasDisciple said:

BigSister1984 said:
I didn't do enough. I should have deprogrammed him better. It was /pol/, Twitter, Iron Guard Forums. That's why he lost it. I failed him, and they beat him to death.

HundredFlowers said:
Portia, come on. You did everything you could.

GuillotineUltraleftists said:
Marxism is a lie, there is only Juche!

BigSister1984 said:
Come on, dude, shut up.

TranshumAnarchy said:
Can you guys stop moping? I've been trying not to think about the fact that capitalism, libertarianism, agorism and all that are dead. Just distract yourself. Come on. Go lose yourself in kink and drugs. Have fun. Chill.

HundredFlowers said:
Great life advice, Transistor. I miss when you ranted about wanting arm blades and cyber-eyes.

TranshumAnarchy said:
Didn't you read the article? Cyberpunk's dead.
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Name Choice for Revolutionary America [By Reader Submission]
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How about the Union of Free Councils? Or maybe the North American Federal Democratic Socialist Republic?

The Tortugan Anarchy would be funny. More seriously the Plurinational Nondominium of Tortuga would work.

Both are very good answers, so I'll try and take ideas from both.

I think I'll go with the Worldwide Council Republic of Socialists.

It's the "Worldwide Republic" or "WR" to American socialists who genuinely seek to make it a global project, the "Republic of Socialists" or "RS" to foreign powers sympathetic to it, the "Council Republic" or "CR" to those neutral to it, the "Socialist Republic of America" or "SRA" to the Chinese communists who want to delegitimize it as the world's socialist leader while looking polite, the "Soviet Republic of America" (SRA, again, for a fig-leaf of respectability) or "USSA" to the usual hard-right-wing weirdos, and the "American insurrectionists" to those such as the Russian Federation who refuse to acknowledge the victory of the revolution.

From Parzival, I took the words "Republic", "Council" and "Socialist", and from Born in the USSA I took the deliberate attempt to eschew connections with the former USA. The name is long and unwieldy because it was decided by democratic committee and everyone wanted to get their part of it.

While I like Turtle Island/Tortuga, I felt that the use of those terms would be unlikely to be used in this world's revolution. This is a revolution dominated by a broad proletarian working class who got into socialism when the world fell apart. Much of the decolonization discourse would be foreign to many of the people who helped to found the Worldwide Republic. As we see in part with the TankNet section, while intellectual socialists and activists were certainly involved, the kind of usual leftist discourse you see outside of a revolutionary context just wasn't always as applicable or relevant. The Worldwide Republic is far from class reductionist, but one can certainly interpret "everyone says North America instead of Turtle Island, so we should say North America" to be a potential failing or indicative of some latent biases on the part of the socialists who created the Worldwide Republic.

However, the nation is not "North America". This is an active rejection of nationalism. It is merely a location in which the socialists are currently residing, and eventually (so they hope) the socialists will reside in a republic consisting of the entire world. It's the Republic of Socialists, not a nation-state but a federation of like-minded people, so I think that gets what Born in the USSA was going for with a rejection of American nationalism.
Update 6: It Has To Get Worse Before It Gets Better
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It was the height of the Age of Cyberpunk and the calendars said 2016. A seven-year-old Kendra Oswald wandered around her father's penthouse apartment. She passed by a couch where Dane Oswald was staring at one of his mistresses. It was the blonde. "Daddy?" she asked, her Hello Kitty glasses framing her face.

"Sure, pumpkin, what's up?" Dane took some time out of his busy face-appreciation hour to turn his head to face her. His salt-and-pepper hair and swimmer's body made his many extramarital adventures more than understandable. At least, he liked to think so.

"Where'd you put my fancy red pen?" she asked.

"Isn't it in your pencil case?" he asked.

"It went missing," Kendra said.

Dane and Mistress #2 exchanged flirtatious glances. Unbeknownst to the young girl, he'd written some very explicit things on some very specific parts of her body two days ago. It was one of those games that men in Malibu did. Dane stifled a chuckle. "Oh, right. It must be in my bedroom." Dane took great care not to say "Your mother and I's bedroom" around the mistresses. He found it bothered them.

"Thanks, Daddy!" Kendra said, as Mistress #2 brought up Trump and Dane mentioned some shocking thing the racist slob said on the campaign trail. She made her way to her parents' bedroom, its cloud-like grey comforter resembling Heaven's streets. Dane Oswald had assured an anxious and politically aware Kendra a year ago that the streets were not in fact guarded by United States Marines despite what she may have heard from her cousin in JROTC. Above the bed Kendra saw an authentic Norman Rockwell painting. It was titled Golden Rule, and they lived by it. Kendra knew by heart that it had come from a grateful Nicholas Cage for his time in the role of Yuri Orlov in the film Lord of War, which Dane Oswald boasted was "His favorite role in his favorite movie by his favorite director". It had won Dane Oswald the Oscar for Best Director of 2005 over Eastwood.

She crawled onto the bed and searched the sheets. After fifteen minutes and nearly giving up, the dogged daughter found the red ink pen. She spotted the painting of individuals of various cultures, with the text in the center in gold. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

With the confidence and lack of impulse control that could only come from a seven-year-old, Kendra crossed some letters out and wrote a new maxim: Do unto others as if they were Nic Cage. She walked out of the apartment and returned to the living room. "Daddy, I fixed your painting," she said. She could barely hold back laughter.

"What? Which painting?" he asked. His eyes darted around.

"The one in the bedroom," she snickered.

He leapt off the couch and ran into the bedroom. Mistress #2 followed. Kendra heard screaming. "What the fuck did you do?" His hands balled up, and Kendra immediately imagined him decking her across the face.

He didn't.

"You have no idea how big you've screwed up. No wine or beer for the next year, no laptop for anything but schoolwork for the next six months, and no playdates." His breathing was as if he wore a gas mask. "Stupid little goddamned motherfucking brat. We're talking to Mom!" He turned to Mistress #2. "Dawn, call Liza."

"Not Mom!" Kendra whined.

"Got it," Dawn said, drawing her phone from her handbag and calling Liza Oswald.

"What do you want?" Liza yelled in Dawn's ear, with you cheating slut implicitly addended to the statement.

"Um, Mr. Oswald needs you to scold Kendra," Dawn said. She trembled.

"Oh, of course! God forbid I ever get affection out of that piece of shit, but as soon as Kendra needs to be scolded he calls me. Glad I know what I'm for," she snarled.

Dawn fearfully handed it to Dane, who turned on speakerphone.

"Kendra, what'd you do?" Liza asked.

"I wrote on Daddy's Norman Rockwell," she said. She knew it was a Norman Rockwell. She didn't know why Dane cared so much, but she knew.

Liza, currently wasting away in a hipster bar, brought her cosmo to her lips. "You know what? I told her to do it. I was sick of you bragging about your goddamn painting, so I had her deface it."

"You slut, that was worth a quarter of her college fund!" he screamed. Dawn scurried away.

The lesson had been taught, and Kendra left the room.

When Kendra was thirteen, she'd heard that Dane Oswald had been accused of drug possession. She wore her finest black dress, and she stood with her mother outside of the courtroom. "Mom, I'm scared," Kendra said.

The place was a monolith of wood. "You don't need to be scared," Liza said. "This is gonna turn out OK. There's nothing any of us need to worry about." Liza held Kendra's arm tightly.

"What if Dad goes to jail?" Kendra asked.

"He won't. Do you wanna know why?" she said. Her face was iron and porcelain.

"I dunno," she said.

"It's because you're going to tell them the truth, that your father would never abuse drugs. He's not that kind of man. He's a good, sober person who's dedicated to his work. He barely even drinks."

Kendra gave it some thought. "I can't lie, Mom!" she hissed. The very idea was inferno.

"Do you want your father to come home or not?"

It was Kendra's freshman year of college, and the world was falling apart. The old flat-screen in the corner of the sports bar went on about how rebel zones in SoCal were engaging in live fire with LAPD and California National Guard troops. It was CNN, which meant that it was hideously right-wing and the stories were full of more holes than a cheese grater.

Kendra wore her sluttiest top and purple eyeshadow with glitter. She made her way to the bar counter.

"Card," a furry-armed bartender said.

"Oh, I get carded all the time," Kendra said, drawing her student ID. She'd used sandpaper, a very strong marker, and White-Out to change the "18" to a "25". It was a crude job, but she gave him a smile and made her motions smooth.

"Yeah, I don't doubt it," he said. "What do you want?"

"Gimme a Jagerbomb. Like my dad used to make," she joked.

"Cool dad," he said.

Film school wasn't as easy as they made it sound. As she finished an art film from 1968 that Kendra struggled to force into any kind of logical structure, she reached into a drawer of her desk. Her laptop's OLED screen made the film look as good as it could, even if Kendra still had little interest in "art flicks". She drew from the drawer a bottle of Xanax.

It was easy to get Xanax. You found the lowest-rated doctor you could find on WebMD, you told them you had severe anxiety, and they prescribed it for you because if they didn't they'd be broke. So she downed a pill with a bottle of allegedly electrolyte-filled water. One pill became two, two became four, and as she began to drift into what seemed to be the black void to which all must return, she had visions of her mother and father. Her world was ending.

She saw her mother at her funeral: "Our daughter Kendra tragically suffered from a heart defect and had a horrific response to her medication."

She saw her father, older, at a dinner party: "Oh, Kendra? She's going on a gap year in France. You know how film students are. She keeps to herself."

She saw her mother talking to an eventual Mistress #5: "Oh, Kendra, you must be thinking of that girl we fostered. We have no idea what's going on with her. She's probably done great things."

Kendra faded away.

When she woke up, it was in a hospital bed, and she saw nobody around her but the nurses.

Ruby Singh and Kendra Oswald could not look more different. The former wore a red armband and tank top. She was short, with a shaved head and a soldier's expression. Kendra, meanwhile, wore a pre-revolutionary designer cocktail dress. "Designer" didn't mean anything anymore, but she'd kept much of her clothes. Kendra had a cosmo between painted nails, Ruby sipped a beer. "I didn't take you to be into drones, HundredFlowers. Or, should I say, AssMuncher9000," Kendra said.

"Nice detective work," Ruby said.

"I hate how bars are now," Kendra complained. "They expect you to do the dishes and sometimes you have to mix your own drinks, it's bullshit."

Ruby laughed. "Wait a minute," she said. "Oh my god, someone totally yelled at me in that dress when they got sushi in 2029. That was you, wasn't it?"

"Oh god, yeah," Kendra said, burying her face in her hands. "I'm, um, sorry for calling you a lazy idiot," Kendra said.

"Apology accepted," Ruby said, playfully bumping Kendra's arm with her elbow. "Well, to answer your implicit question, bars are for people to hang out and drink, not so you can get waited on hand and foot by someone who has to put up with all of your crap," she said.

"This is what Puyi felt like, isn't it?" Kendra said. "Like, I read about his life. He was this Chinese emperor who spent his entire life being taken care of by servants. He didn't even know how to tie his shoes. Then he oversaw a bunch of war crimes. After that, he was obsolete and Mao sent him to a brainwashing camp, right?"

"Brainwashing camp," Ruby scoffed.

"Look, I get that those don't really exist in America, but in China—"

"First, it's the 'Worldwide Council Republic of Socialists', and second the re-education camps were both necessary and humane."

It was Kendra's turn to playfully bump Ruby's arm. Kendra downed her drink and got up to mix another one behind the counter. "Tankie."


"Come on, you're totally into me, right?" Kendra said as she downed another cosmo in one gulp.

"Fine, I have a thing for movie bimbos."

"Bitch, I know who Puyi was, I am not a bimbo," Kendra said. "I am an artist."

"Then can you make movies that aren't just reviving capitalist products with added homosexuality?" Ruby asked.

"No, then I'd be my dad," she joked. "Seriously, I'm trying to get one made after Captain America," she said.

"What was your dad like?" Ruby asked.

"Great first date question," Kendra said.

"This is a first date?" Ruby asked, an eyebrow raising just a bit.

"I was hoping it was."

"Same here," Ruby said, wrapping a strong arm around the stick-thin directorial princess's waist.
Update 7: Property of Love
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DroneComms Factory Floor Subforum
Drone Adoption Thread

RealKendraOswald said:
Hey, y'all, so, I gave it some thought. I don't wanna be a drone, or, at least, I don't think I want to be a drone now. Maybe another time, I dunno, but it's not jumping out at me.

BigSister1984 said:
Cool, maybe you can get off this site, you bougie fuck.

RealKendraOswald said:

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
You Trots didn't do shit for us when the revolution came. Y'all just tried to run it. You're vultures, all of you. You're petit-bourgeois weirdos play-acting at communism who would rather the reactionaries have won than a genuine proletarian movement emerge. At least Queen Bitch Kendra Oswald doesn't pretend to be "proletarian" because of a stupid flat cap while going home to Mommy and Daddy's trust fund.

RealKendraOswald said:

SouthernByGraceOfGod said:
Literal liberal elite.

BigSister1984 said:
Oh, great, the Red Evangelical and Miss Six Houses are stinking up the fucking Drone Adoption Thread. SBGOG, go shove corn up your vagina. Kendra, you can't order us around anymore.

[MOD]Drone Leader Yellow said:
This drone is very disappointed in the conduct of all three of you. This drone is frustrated with BigSister's relentless insults towards RealKendraOswald. This drone is also annoyed with RealKendraOswald's childish demeanor. This drone is further bothered by SBGOG's "more proletarian than thou" attitude. This drone reminds all three users that we are all revolutionaries now. Furthermore, this drone reminds said users that if they wish to engage with this community, they should do so in a respectful fashion.

RealKendraOswald said:
Sorry, Drone Leader.

[MOD]Drone Leader Yellow said:
Do not apologize. This drone is merely an automaton intended to handle misbehavior on the forum. One should not apologize to it, just as one should not apologize to a toaster. One should simply strive to do better.

096 Pleasurable Servitude said:
This drone had an extremely pleasurable evening at the Kinney Bar with USER: [Kendra Oswald] while running its human subroutines. This drone assumes that would be a tenth date. This drone is currently not running its human subroutines and this user has expressed a lack of interest in being dronified. As such, this drone wishes to ask this user if this drone may serve her, endlessly, lovingly, proudly, and eagerly? This drone is hopeful to satisfy this user's values through affection, loyalty, and labor.

RealKendraOswald said:
Nice, what an improvement. So, uh, Drone Leader Yellow, how do we do this?

Drone Leader Yellow said:
This drone suggests filling out the consent form listed on the Collective Resources page. It will list limits, kinks, preferences, our common safeword, and procedures for worst case scenarios. Drone 096 has currently done so, and this drone is very proud of it for its timely work. This drone will suggest to Drone 096 that it sends you its form.

RealKendraOswald said:

RealKendraOswald said:
So you're my property now, 096?

096 Pleasurable Servitude said:
Yes, this drone is officially property of both the Hive and of its owner, Kendra Zoe Oswald. This drone suggests that this drone be brought to Owner Kendra's home and taught how this drone may serve this user best while this drone is online.

RealKendraOswald said:
Awesome. You got a mask?

096 Pleasurable Servitude said:
This drone is equipped with a PD-505 resipirator mask as well as a latex hood, latex catsuit, latex gloves, and leather heeled boots, all in the same shade of black.

RealKendraOswald said:
How does 096 feel about being groped? You know, if drones feel anything other than even-tempered enthusiasm to serve.

096 Pleasurable Servitude said:
This drone is eager to satisfy Owner Kendra's values. Please direct message this drone a request for where it should be picked up dressed in this drone's external carapace.

RealKendraOswald said:
Can do. See how much easier it is to stop whining about Mao and start serving wine?

096 Pleasurable Servitude said:

RealKendraOswald said:
Update 8: Riding the Blast Wave
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Calliope Anderson crossed her legs as she sat in Kapi'olani Regional Park. The United States wasn't what it once was. She wore her Air Force uniform, and she was the woman who had brought the world to its knees. Her peaked cap gave her a fascist aesthetic, and her aviator sunglasses practically came with mushroom clouds reflecting in them.

She smoked a cigarette and, as she often did, reflected on the past. The heavens were high, and in her Presidency of the United States of America (Boston) she had sent more people than necessary up there. Her Huawei phone played a video of Kendra Oswald botching an interview. "You got away with it too, huh?" Calliope said with a chuckle.

She eyed a flagpole with the Stars and Stripes, and underneath that the PRC flag flew as a sign of "respect". She didn't run this island chain, and she certainly didn't run the former US. A skinny but well-formed man thirty years her junior sat down next to her, and she pressed red-stained lips against his neck. "Heya," she said.

"Callie," her boytoy said. "How're you finding Hawaii?" he asked.

"Better than Australia. A hell of a lot better." She chuckled a bit. She looked thirty-five. She was actually more like sixty-eight. People joked she was a vampire. She preferred that to people joking that she was a pedophile.

"It pisses me off," the boytoy said. "Besides, the wrong people won."

"The civil war?" Calliope asked. She stroked her chin. "No shit. If the ChiComs had given me the nuclear weapons I requested, we would have blown the Reds, the Deads, the other Feds, the Christofash, and everyone else to Hell. I guess that's the problem with being a hawk."

"Mommy, the Christers weren't that bad," he said. "I was a Christer."

"No, you weren't, you're like eighteen." Calliope did the math in her head. "You'd be nine when the Christofash fell."

He looked down. "Eight year olds can hold rifles," he said.

"Sick fucks," Calliope said. "Wish I could have just nuked them. Used up all the damn warheads on Sacramento and Denver. Not that they didn't deserve it."

His eyes were a bit glassy. "Don't get so mad. The Christers and the Boston Gov were both trying to bring back America. The problem was the Reds, and look what they've done with the place. The Christers, Boston Gov, Sacramento Gov, Denver Gov, Miami Gov, and the Deads should have teamed up on the Reds."

Calliope rolled her eyes. "Look, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it was the Christofash who helped the Reds win. People saw the Christofash doing their Looney Toons shit and saw that the Reds were fighting them, so the commies got to look good. Maybe if there was no Christofash we could have won."

"Won for what? Degeneracy? Tyranny? So gays can pork each other and men can wear dresses? No offense."

Calliope, a transgender woman, stood up. "Great, I thought you might be a chaser. Fuck off." She missed when she could order anyone she didn't like shot.

"You're a degenerate?" he asked, his fists balling up. They were in public, so he didn't throw a punch.

"I thought you got that from all the rainbow militarism," she said.

"I thought that was a lie!" he said.

"Nothing you can do about it," Calliope said, sitting back down and gesturing for him to walk away like he was a dirty countertop in need of dusting.

I still feel like a whore, sometimes, waving my trans status like it made me woke and progressive for the Boston Government. It never should have mattered.

Of course, the Reds saw through that woke shit, said it was pinkwashing and fake feminism. Like I wanted to be a goddamn trans icon. I just wanted to be a soldier, but you do what you have to do to appeal to the useless civilian shits.

Her phone got a news update:

Socialist Republic of America appoints new head of the Congress of Councils

Socialist Republic of America condemns US government in Hawaii

Socialist Republic of America tries Harry Strecker for war crimes

Dumb bastard.
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Update 9: A Day in the Life of Autonomous Apogee
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Your name is 898 Autonomous Apogee. You are a drone. You awaken in bed after a productive night of recharging and look at your exposed endoskeleton in the mirror. Your plugged-in phone plays hypnotic audio through your cat-ear headphones. You remove them. Your endoskeleton is pale, and your ocular sensors are exposed. Your hair is straight and black, your olfactory sensor has some freckles on it, and you feel profoundly naked even in your cotton pajama pants and custom-made Chaos King band t-shirt.

You have never once listened to Chaos King, but your owner likes them. You are a curvy woman, your bust prodigious and your form carved by a sculptor with a hesitant hand. You walk to the kitchen, where Owner [Transistor Pernet] is eating from a bowl of cereal. You notice that the box is merely labeled as cereal, and features a local artist's work on the front. It is avante-garde, part of the New Culture movement. There is a sea monster. You check the ingredients list. There is an excess of sugar. You run a hand through your hair and prepare your owner breakfast.

Transistor Pernet prefers the same thing every morning, owing to her autism. You, too, have autism, but you prefer to think of it as AutOS. For Transistor Pernet, it is merely a difference in cognitive development. For you, it is the operating system you are running. You begin to fry some sausages and make scrambled eggs. "898?" Transistor asks, flipping through a Zombiepunk tabletop RPG book.

"Yes?" You respond.

"Get those pants off, I want to look at you."

You have a safeword. You have negotiated this extensively. You still feel completely owned by her. You remove your pajama pants and step out of them. "This drone apologizes, her front plug is exposed." Your front plug, which bears small, womanly hairs due to your estrogen treatments, dangles between your legs.

"Don't worry, 898," Transistor says, exposing the circuitry tattooed on her arm as she reaches out lazily. "I like looking at your front plug. It's part of what makes you you."

You know that if you wanted to, your owner would be the first to support you in converting it to a port from a plug, but you do not really use it for anything and the conversion procedure scares you. "Thank you, Mistress Transistor," you say, finishing cooking. Mistress is short, with messy corn-blonde hair that boxes her face.

The apartment is small, but it's been fixed up. Once, this place was owned by a suit-and-tie slum lord, but now it is the picture of safety and cozy hominess. You serve Mistress her portion of the scrambled eggs and sausages, and you serve yourself the fuel you need to better serve. Your eyes are glazed over, and in truth you really only register the taste of fuel when your Mistress wants you to. There are many sorts of drones, all of them equally worthy of compassion, but you are of the sort that makes no compromises with human life.

You finish your meal and request to change into your carapace. Mistress gives you approval, and you return to your bedroom. Perhaps, if you're good, Mistress will let you be a bedwarmer in her bedroom. You remove your band tee and cover your body in talcum powder, before pulling a black latex catsuit over your body. It has gloves and socks built in, and as you zip it up you are sealed in slick, shiny latex.

You pull on your latex hood in the same shade of black. You don't always get this dressed up, and much of the time you prefer to wear spandex instead, but your latex carapace is the most dronelike, and you are entertaining guests today. You pull your gas mask faceplate with its singular visor over your hood. It has a singular visor, and you have removed the filters on the sides for safety.

You, every curve and fold of your body contained in rubber, return to the kitchen, where you give your owner a proper salute. "Hail capitalism!" you say, not because you are a capitalist but because your owner is a libertarian and it makes you feel squiggly inside to praise such a bloated and morally reprehensible system.

Mistress laughs and gives you a quick hug. "Good drone. Go clean up the apartment before they come." Truthfully, you aren't sure why Mistress is a libertarian, which to your knowledge is an ideology followed only by sociopaths and idiots. You suppose it isn't much of a problem, with the heart of libertarianism having been slain in the revolution. Mistress is a Sacramento libertarian, not a Christofash libertarian. That is what makes all the difference.

A few hours of cleaning later, you hear a knock at your apartment door, and the most gorgeous woman you have ever seen enters through, along with a drone who looks nearly identical to you save for a latex dress in pink covering its black latex skin. Said gorgeous woman toys with her thin, rectangular glasses. "Did someone say Kendra Oswald?" she says, giving Mistress a big hug. "Damn, babe, you look so fucking hot. Love the drone too. The naked look is dope." She makes finger guns at you and you blush under your hood.

"How may this drone satisfy Guest Kendra's values?" you ask. Kendra's drone repeats the same question, in the same dull monotone. Your nethers light up.

Kendra plops her rear down on the couch in the apartment's living room, and puts two heeled feet up. She's wearing dramatic makeup that's a flash of colors, she looks like she's made of the same stuff as holographic Pokemon cards. "096, footrest," she commands, and 096's boots scurry over with the rest of it to get down on all fours. Kendra puts her feet up on 096's body.

"So, Transistor, how's it hanging?" Kendra asks.

Transistor pours some Hawaiian Four Loko out into two glasses of ice, and the girls get comfortable. "Good, you?"

"Awesome, the Cap flick is going off without a hitch. Hey, Transistor's drone!"

You snap to attention.

"You wanna give your owner a cuddle? Don't you have protocols for that or something?" she asks, sipping her Four Loko.

You scurry over and begin to mechanically but lovingly cuddle Mistress. You're a product, not a person, and you couldn't be happier.

If that isn't libertarianism, what is?
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