Gold and Treachery - A Trade Magnate Quest

Hey! Usually things are just mostly on fire. ☝
I already fear for our little fleet of wood ships.

Not to mention our immesiete money problem would've been in much better conditions if we just took a loan instead...
It was the saddest thing that the people that voted for marrying Menodora, but didn't notice that it would close off the loan route.

But our house fled years ago no? The house was already weakened when it fled to the city. We're hated by the people there, but we have no political relevance to Panike at this point. Why bother expending the effort?
They hate our guts to the utmost because our ancestor "supposedly" did in the First True King of the Kingdom.

At this point, screwing us over would be for the prestige gains with their own set of Great Houses, and for getting "back at us" for our treacherous act, to drum support from the populace for their own agendas, and so on.

Basically, because it makes them look good, especially since we're the penultimate "bad guy" as far as scapegoats go.
Turn 3 – 463 Enos Epei Eleuqeria
Turn 3 – 463 Enos Epei Eleuqeria

To you, the choice had been clear. The damage it would do to the name of your house was regrettable, but compared to its long legacy, one small scandal should have been nothing. The loss of a ship and letting Sarrut escape to potentially cause more problems would have been vastly worse, especially now that your finances were finally recovering. So you had the city watch called and the message was clear. They were to arrest Sarrut and the captain of the "Issur Tanty" for theft. It was then when things began to go wrong.

The guards were quick to heed your call and arrived at the ship before it was ready to leave the harbor, but things turned bloody almost immediately. The captain and a few others, likely also conspirators who had enriched themselves from your coffers, tried to fight. They lost in the end, though it had cost the lives of three guardsmen, the captains and a dozen other from the ships crew. The gossip started almost immediately and with people spreading stories about your house having committed one crime or another against the city itself, you had little choice but to make everything a matter of public record.

Sarrut, never a fighter by any stretch of the imagination, had survived the scuffle on the "Issur Tanty" unscathed, yet the prison of Alumahi quickly changed that. He was tortured to confess his crimes and when he broke, he admitted that he stolen from your family for decades. Most of his share of the gold and silver he had allegedly gambled and whored away over the years, the rest having been used to pay off his helpers and anyone who seemed at the risk of exposing the plot. There were many other things you wanted to ask. Was it truly only greed that made him betray your house? Was it him who killed Minuwrios? What else had he hidden in all those years?

His secrets died with him in a dark cell beneath the Azure District, the old man dying to the wounds inflicted by the torturer. The Magistrate convicted him as a thief anyway and added the blame for the dead guardsmen while they were at it. They had the hands of the corpse hacked off before hanging it on the Wet Bazaar as a warning to others. You avoided the place while his body still hung. Thief and traitor he might have been, but he had been with your family so long that he was almost like an old uncle.

What was left to do was to sort through his possessions to see if anything in writing had survived. To your surprise you found ledgers about your trade ships in one of the coffers he had tried to flee with, though for what reason he had taken them along, you could only guess. Apparently, he had always kept the books of House Lipern in a clear and orderly fashion, even tracking the sums he suspected the captains and crews to have embezzled, and only delivered the dross to you to scare you away from looking at these things any deeper.

What he did with the coin that he had taken though, that you could not even guess at. Maybe he had kept account of those too, though with a brazier full of ash being found in his quarters, he likely had destroyed those before his attempted flight. The other coffers he had with him contained only a large sum of gold and some personal items, yet nothing that shed any more light on his plans and motives. It seemed your questions would forever go unanswered.

Gained 1 Wealth from Sarruts possessions.

As for the rumours? They had gotten worse and worse with every detail that reached the public. Many were smearing your houses name, Andros as the senile old man that was outmanoeuvred and Minuwrios as the wastrel who did not notice. You were either credited with finding out by accident, or it was claimed that it was actually Menodora's achievement. Part of you wanted to almost confirm that rumor, since she did deserve credit for her help. Though that particular tale was usually coupled with claims that you were a scholar wholly disinterested with your house and that you basically sold your name to House Hasna, so you refrained from adding any fuel to that fire.

There was no sign of the rumours dying down and they all were a mix of ridicule and accusations of incompetence that made your blood boil after a while. Menodora tried her best to get your mind of these things, dragging your out of the house now and then to walk the streets like commoners to forget your woes for a while, but it was no help. One day, you overheard some Deucallian merchants talking about how "the traitors' blood is running thin and will thankfully soon die out". It was the last time you had left the mansion and you did not miss a single thing.

Scandal Severity: -3 + (-1 +0 +0 +1) = -3
Severe loss of reputation.

Coping: - 1 + (-1 +1 -1 -1) = -3
Taking it badly. -1 AP


Western Adventures
The young heir Umoli of House Sarraque has left the city, much to the surprise of the other houses. With his father's health ailing, many thought he would have postponed the strange expedition he had been preparing for, but if anything, many say he was ever more determined. He left in the summer on the house's newest war galley, taking with him a gaggle of mercenaries, but also a few priests and allegedly even a sorcerer. Nobody knows what the purpose of this voyage is and so rumours abound, ranging from claims that he wants to search something in the deserts of the Ataman Coast to accusations that he stole from his father to become a pirate.

Unexpected Generosity
After her first appearance in the city just a year ago, many were suspicious of Ghaliya bint Nur bint Hasna and her motives, especially when her adopted daughter was wedded to the Patriarch of House Lipern. Since then, she has returned to her home of Damerisu, yet her influence is stell felt. Word is that she has started to regularly exchange letters with many patriarchs.

Away from the trade houses, she donated two shiploads of grain to feeding the poor and gifted a gigantic set of Ealim treatises on various branches of philosophy to the Kassarium. While many call this simple bribery and see their poor opinion of her confirmed, others are beginning to believe her claim that she has come to Alumahi to heal the wounds of past wars and to build a better future for the relationship between the city and the Ealim realms.

The Most Scandalous Wedding
Even as many thought that the topic would finally die down, the scandal around Melite Daxus has still gone strong, drawing ever more people into it. With the Kassarium firmly rejecting any accusations of involvement with the young woman, voices grew louder to have her executed for vile sorcery. The sordid tale seemed to have reached its finale when she disappeared without a trace from her familie's mansion.

But just as most assumed she had fled the city, she reappeared as the bride of Patriarch Awety Senwet, who had lost his first wife in childbirth two years prior. Apparently her father had reluctantly agreed to the pairing after his new son-in-law had arranged for the Demadi temples to examine Melite and to vouch for her purity in body and spirit. If this will calm the gossip, nobody can say for sure just yet. For now though, people keep talking about all the oddities in this pairing and speculate wildly about the newlyweds.

A Lean Year
Much as predicted, the last year was not a good one for the Iotian states. Especially Metua, once home to an empire, now a ruined husk in which the rabble tried to rule itself through councils and senates, was hit hard by the grain shortages. So far, no true famine has broken out, but the granaries are empty and when the spring harvest fails again, the people will starve.

Lost 1 AP from Sakellarius Sarrut.
Gained 1 AP from Menodora.
Lost 1 AP from stress.

You have 5 AP to spend.

The betrayal of Sarrut was a heavy blow, not just for the business of House Lipern, but also to you personally. However, there was no time to waste. With all the captains of your ships bar the Khiar Albahr complicit to some degree, you had to purge the ranks quickly and decisively. While that meant that you now had confidence in the loyalty of your crews again, it also meant that you had to hire rather inexperienced people. They knew the waters of the Iotian region well enough to keep the trade going, but it would have been folly to expect any more than that from them. It seemed that, if you wanted to expand trade or seek out new opportunities abroad, you would have to lead the fleet either yourself or entrust Menodora with that task.

Outstanding Loans
- 5 Wealth owed to a mix of various small-time lenders – 1 Wealth interest per turn
- 6 Wealth owed to a group of lenders from small houses – 1 Wealth interest per turn

Seat of House Lipern / Large Mansion (Azure District)
Base Upkeep – 1 Wealth​
Accommodations III – 1 Wealth​
Wine Cellar – 1 Wealth​
Library IV – 1 Wealth​
Total Upkeep – 4 Wealth​

Dilapidated Tenements (Small Harbour)
Estimated Value: 2 Wealth​
No Upkeep / Profit​

  • ExpectedActual
    Current Wealth00
    Trade Route - Iotian Republics55
    Trade Route - Dameriso (Spices)78
    Loan Taken6
    Recovered from Sarruk1
    Trade Routes-3-3
    Court Fines Payment-2-2
    Loan Paid (Qaypanu)-8
  • TypeNameCargo SpaceMilitary ScoreUpkeep
    Small Trade GalleyDararu101
    Small Trade GalleyAshar101
    Small Trade GalleyIssur Tanty101
    Small Trade GalleyKhiar Albahr101
    Medium Trade GalleyHinsu202
  • DestinationGoodsMaximum CargoUpkeep

    per Ship

    per Cargo
    Bound Funds

    per Cargo
    Expected Income

    per Cargo
    Iotian RepublicsMixed70173Low
  • RouteShips AssignedTotal

    Cargo Moved

    Military Score


    Bound Funds

    Total Income
    Iotian Republics3x Small Trade Galley (Dararu, Ashar, Issur Tanty)

    1x Medium Trade Galley (Hinsu)
    Dameriso (Spices)Small Trade Galley 'Khiar Albahr'103227
  • Current Wealth1
    Trade Route - Iotian Republics15
    Trade Route - Dameriso (Spices)7
    Trade Route - Iotian Republics-10
    Trade Route - Dameriso (Spices)-3

[] Pay off a loan.
-[] Small Lenders (5 Wealth)
-[] Minor Houses (6 Wealth)

[] Reassign a ship:
-[] Write-In
Note: Income of a route is capped by it's maximum available cargo. If you assign more ships then you have cargo to transport, they will produce no income. When assigning a ship to a route, you need to pay a number of Wealth equal to the Bound Funds. When you take a ship from a route, you gain Wealth equal to Bound Funds.

[] Buy and crew a new ship. (1 AP)
Order a new ship form the cities shipyards and then find a captain and crew for it.
-[] Small Tade Galley (Cost 1 Wealth, 1 Wealth Upkeep, 1 Cargo, 0 Military)
-[] Medium Trade Galley (Cost 3 Wealth, 2 Wealth Upkeep, 2 Cargo, 0 Military)
-[] Small War Galley (Cost 5 Wealth, 3 Wealth Upkeep, 0 Cargo, 1 Military)
-[] Medium War Galley (Cost 10 Wealth, 6 Wealth Upkeep, 0 Cargo, 2 Military)

[] Sell Tenements (price modified by Bargaining check)

[] Demolish and rebuild the tenements. (1 AP, 3 Wealth, expected income of 1 Wealth)

[] Repair the tenements and add a business.
-[] [Tenements] Tavern (1 AP, 2 Wealth)
-[] [Tenements] Brothel (1 AP, 3 Wealth)
-[] [Tenements] Gambling Den (1 AP, 2 Wealth)

[] Cut the households budget.
-[] Stop maintenance of the library.
-[] Stop maintenance of the wine cellar.

[] Sell some of your possessions.
-[] Downgrade Accommodations

[] Build a Training Hall (1 AP, 4 Wealth)
Your wife Menodora has trained with various weapons in the past and she would like to keep up that hobby of hers. The mansion has no room that is suitable for this though and it would take a bit of rebuilding to clear a space for her in the cellars. And of course, then you will also have to buy some weapons for her to train with.

Note: Expeditions always require a Commander, Advisor or Family Member to lead them. The leader will use his skills for negotiations, combat encounters and intrigue during the journey. Beside the base cost for setting up an expedition, sending the head of the family incurs an additional cost of 2 AP, while sending a character that grants you an AP bonus costs equal to said bonus.
Current valid leaders for an expedition: Patriarch Oreipolos Lipern (+2 AP cost), Menodora bint Ghaliya Lipern (+1 AP cost)

[] Expedition to Metua (1 AP, 4 Wealth per Cargo)
With the food situation being problematic in Iotia, it might prove very profitable to sell food to the cities there, especially to Metua which has always struggled to feed itself since the empire fell. Of course, alternatively, you could sell at a lower price and instead gain goodwill with the people there.
-[] Write-In Leader
-[] Write-In Ships

[] Expedition to Firaspur (1 AP, 20 Wealth per Cargo)
Often called the city of gold and purple, gaining trade routes to Firaspur would be a tremendous boon to your house. However it will take a lot of coin to make a sufficiently impressive showing for the local trade houses to even consider making deals with you and such precious cargo will always attract the plentiful pirates in the area.
-[] Write-In Leader
-[] Write-In Ships

The scandal caused by Sarruts betrayal made you and House Lipern the laughingstock of the city and while you try your best to think about ways to fix that, merely thinking about the topic at all sours your mood already. It does not help that your mother-in-law had sent an extremely polite, but also rather pointed letter in which she expressed her displeasure at how public the matter had been dealt with. At least Menodora is understanding of your plight and tries to lift your spirits whenever a bad day comes.

None of note.

Alumahi – Public - -3
Between the Deucallians whispering about your house being traitors and the natives of Alumahi agreeing on account of your marriage, your reputation was already rather tarnished. Now though, the commoners have even begun laughing at your misfortune. Some even say Sarrut did the right thing by stealing from you.
-1 from Lipern Legacy​
-1 from Ealim Marriage​
-1 from the Sarrut Scandal​

Alumahi – Trade Houses - 0
The scandal of Sarruts betrayal has done heavy damage to your reputation among the other trade houses, wiping away all the progress you had made to restore your houses good standing in Alumahi.
+4 from Lipern Legacy​
-1 from Ealim Marriage​
-3 from the Sarrut Scandal​

Alumahi – Great Houses / Sibu – -4
While the Great Houses have largely shown indifference to House Lipern in years past, they now are actively cutting your out of their social circles. What they think of you, you can only guess from second hand accounts, but apparently the Sibu of Deucallian descend have begun whispering about potential treason from your house, if not by design, then by incompetence.
+2 from Lipern Legacy​
-2 from Ealim Marriage​
-4 from the Sarrut Scandal​

Alumahi – Ealim – +3
You still remain popular among the cities Ealim, even though recent events have slightly tarnished your name among them.
+2 known at the Madrasa​
+2 allied with House Hasna​
-1 from the Sarrut Scandal​

Deucallian Region / Panike –Everyone - -10
The scholars all agree: It is your family's fault that the Imperium Panikes golden age ended and that it was plunged into centuries of slow rot and decay. That is bad and you should feel bad.
-20 from Lipern Legacy​

Alumahi – Kassarium - +4
While the Kassarium tries to stay out of the politics of Alumahi, your family has brought forth so many scholars and philosophers that some ties have developed over the years and your own years of studying in its halls cotinued this.
+2 from Lipern Legacy​
+2 from having studied there in your youth​

[] Organize a modest banquet. (1 AP, 1 Wealth)
Invite your peers to a simple feast and some socializing.

[VAINGLORY] Such a meagre display would be unworthy of the name Lipern.

[] Organize a simple banquet. (1 AP, 3 Wealth)
Invite your peers to a feast and a traditional symposium with music and poetry.

[] Organize a banquet. (2 AP, 8 Wealth)
Invite the trade houses and scholars of Alumahi to a feast with dancers and singers to entertain them, followed by a traditional symposium to debate philosophy.

[] Feed the Poor (1 AP)
It has long tradition in Alumahi that the trade houses spend some of their wealth now and then to help the poor of the city. Debating if the person doing so is motivated by kindness or a desire to ingratiate themselves with the wider public is also a well-established part of that tradition.
-[] Write-In Wealth to spend

[] Seek Opportunities: Visit the Madrasa (1 AP)
While you could not capitalize on the opportunities you found in the Madrasa in the past, maybe you could do so now. At the very least you would have a chance to keep contacts fresh and maybe to make some new ones. Having a marriage alliance with House Hasna will certainly help with that.

[] Seek Opportunities: Visit the Red Bazaar (1 AP)
This bazaar in the centre of the less affluent southern districts of Alumahi is the most important exchange for the food trade. Around it are also found the homes of the more affluent Demadi and those houses who trade primarily with the south. Given that the Demadi and the Ealim detest each other, it might be hard to fiend useful contacts here.

[] Make Contacts (1 AP)
Over the last years you had to learn that the opinion of the public can be a harsh and arbitrary mistress. It might not hurt to seek out contact to some other trade houses and to tie some more reliable ties among them.
-[] House Sarraqu
-[] House Senwet

Though it never was something you had spent much thought on, you still knew enough about courtly intrigue to try your hand at it.

[] Gather Rumours (1 AP, DC 0 Espionage check)
Gossip and rumours are as much the lifeblood of this city as gold is. Spend some time listening to the rumour mill and see if you can pick up something useful. (Increases quality of this turns rumour mill.)

[] Look for Secrets (1 AP, Espionage check, overspending: 1 AP, 1 Wealth)
See if you can find something with which you can extort someone.
-[] House Hasna (DC ???)
-[] Write-In (DC ???)

This year, you will spend some time alone in the library. There is just no way around it. You just need to gain some distance from all the haggling and the feasts and the betrayals.

[] Spend time with your wife (1 AP)
While you have found some common ground and built a friendship with your wife, there is still a long way to go for you to truly speak of a marriage. And then there is the matter with a heir.

[] Spend time at the Kassarium (1 AP)
It has been a while since you went to the Kassarium. Spend some time there to catch up with old acquaintances and see if you can maybe make a few new ones.

[] Learn at the Kassarium (2 AP)
Try to improve one of your skills. (Note: Sorcery requires you to have a sponsor who has taught you the basics of a magical tradition. It is currently unavailable.)
-[] Write-In which skill

[] Learn at Home (1 AP)
While learning on you own without at tutor will likely yield not as good results, studying on your own means that you can easily do so on your own schedule. Thankfully, the mansion has a good library covering many topics.
-[] Write-In which skill (maximum rank 3)

[] Practice Philosophy (1 AP)
You have spend much of your young life learning what others have discovered or though up. It is time to see if you too can make some additions to the worlds shared knowledge.
Pick one:
-[] Moral Philosophy
-[] Natural Philosophy
-[] Metaphysical Philosophy

[] Turn to Religion (1 AP)
You have never paid more then lip-service to the gods, as many in your family did. Now though, with the enormity of the tasks before you sinking in, you wonder if that is worth changing. After all, beyond the miracles performed by the priests, there are plenty of tales about people whom the gods helped in their time of need. See what the faiths of Alumahi have to say for themselves.
Pick one:
-[] Metuan / Deucallian Gods
-[] Demadi Gods
-[] Philosophy of Mathaqaf
-[] Minor Cults

Authors Note: Plan voting only please.
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@Azel, why are you even posting chapters this long at 4 AM?
I'm glad to see this update, but you shouldn't be doing all-nighters just for a quest!

Anyway, I'll suggest a plan in the morning if I'm not hyped by anything that's already been proposed. It'd be nice to have plans that aim to increase our income a little but I'd also love to spend some AP on relaxing and/or learning. Maybe I'm misreading the financials, but it looks like we're scraping without risking bankruptcy. Of course, as random rolls are still involved in our income, it would be good to have a bit of a safety net.

By the way, would we have lost AP due to rep loss if we hadn't picked vainglorious at chargen?
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His secrets died with him in a dark cell beneath the Azure District, the old man dying to the wounds inflicted by the torturer.
This is sus, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't take much to extract secrets from this guy. I don't think he had the guts to maintain his secrets under torture, so I think someone ordered the torturer to overdo it. I think we should devote an intrigue action to it. Maybe go after the torturer and see if he was bribed or ordered.
Well shit. At least there's other juicy gossip going around town too? Wonder if it'd be best to hunker down for a bit to ride out the gossip. Go full sour grapes as it were.

"Who care swhat those loosers think, imma gonna spend my time improving myself!!!"

Yeah probably not, but I don't think we have either the money or diplomatic skills needed to fix our reputation proactively? And damn, less money obtained than I hoped for. At least no losses.
@Azel, why are you even posting chapters this long at 4 AM?
I'm glad to see this update, but you shouldn't be doing all-nighters just for a quest!

Anyway, I'll suggest a plan in the morning if I'm not hyped by anything that's already been proposed. It'd be nice to have plans that aim to increase our income a little (a safety net would be nice...) but I'd also love to spend some AP on relaxing and/or learning.

By the way, would we have lost AP due to rep loss if we hadn't picked vainglorious at chargen?
Could not sleep, so I wrote instead. 🤷‍♂️
My sleep rhythm is already shot for entirely unrelated reasons.

Also, what are you doing reading chapters this long at 4 AM? ;)

As for the AP loss, other vices would have had a chance to cost you AP due to the shock of Sarruts betrayel, but with Vainglory, it was assured from the reputation hits alone.
Yep, figured it was going to hurt, but I do find it kind of funny that the Viper went and scolded us as well.

Must have hurt her plans a bit to have our name buried to the ground this quickly.

Kind of annoyed we didn't get a shot at Sarrut though, and as mentioned already, seems quite suspicious.

Oh well, nothing to be done of it right now.

Could not sleep, so I wrote instead. 🤷‍♂️
My sleep rhythm is already shot for entirely unrelated reasons.
Personal suggestion: Warm up a nice cup of milk, and throw a spoonful of your favorite honey into it.

Gives you that nice, mellow feeling that can get you in the mood to sleep.

Also, quick question: is there a particular reason our wife isn't in the Relationship section?
Okay, so a large part of the reputation hits are people fairly thinking our household is a bit of a flaming mess. So our money situation is still unsteady but we've managed to comotley burn our good name. Damn.

I'm wondering if we legitimately should go on an expedition this turn. Us not being around to poke at should make the rumors less fun to spread. Potentially succeeding and making money could help offset the "these fucks are clueless" part of the reputation hit.

In general the only rep that hasn't been burned is what the MC has personally gained via being a NEERRRDDD. Maybe we should try to gain prestige via the Ivory Tower/Academia route?
I'm wondering if we legitimately should go on an expedition this turn. Us not being around to poke at should make the rumors less fun to spread. Potentially succeeding and making money could help offset the "these fucks are clueless" part of the reputation hit.
We need money to make money, and we still don't have much of that, we'll only have 4 next turn. We should build a tavern on the tenements this turn and donate to the poor to try to recoup some reputation. Also, try to find out more if our Sakellarios' death was sus or not.
So I'm thinking roughly of three plans:

1. Stem the Bleeding: try to salavage our rep. Will burn our funds via feasts and donating. Would want to spend two actions reaching out to the other houses. Maybe spend some time doing intrigue?

2. Fuck This Shit I'm Out: best way to deal with rumors? Don't be around to hear them. Take an expedition. Maybe do other things to make money

3. Social Sour Grapes. Probably compatible with 2, but hunker down, do self improvement, do whatever the local equivalent of publishing papers is and wait for things to blow over. Low risk hopefully but not a lot of immedoete gain. We aren't in an absolute hole money wise so maybe good?

I definitely do want to spend an action with Wifey no matter what. She's the closest chance we have to a good ally and you need kiddos at some point.
Okay, so, things to note for now:

- We're currently sitting on 5/7 Cargo for our Cargo on the Iotian Republics Route, but we need an effective 8 Wealth for Small cargo ships OR 10 Wealth for Medium ones in order to bring said ships towards money-making. Something to look into in 2-3 turns.

- Currently, we could pay the 5 Wealth debt if we once more save money by shutting down the WineCellar for this turn as well. Alternatively, it WOULD be cheaper to repair the tenements, which would only cost 3 Wealth for the same increase-over-time.

- Since we just looked for a loan last turn, I would not suggest asking again for at least 2 turns, lest the bankruptcy rumours begin anew.

- @Azel, not sure if it's on purpose or not, but we had specified we would turn off the Wine Cellar for last turn. Yet, looking at the spreadsheet, the upkeep was still 4 Wealth, which suggest it was kept up. Minor error in your side, or something else?

Will write my own plan shortly, but wanted to share these tidbits with everyone.
- @Azel, not sure if it's on purpose or not, but we had specified we would turn off the Wine Cellar for last turn. Yet, looking at the spreadsheet, the upkeep was still 4 Wealth, which suggest it was kept up. Minor error in your side, or something else?
The plan called for only shutting it off if you needed to do so to avoid going into the negatives. Since your money balanced out exactly, it was unnecessary and thus not done.
Eh that wasnt so bad. The only option that would have saved us was going to the hasnas but theres literally no way we can trust them yet. The other options were far worse though.
The plan called for only shutting it off if you needed to do so to avoid going into the negatives. Since your money balanced out exactly, it was unnecessary and thus not done.
So, an error on my side, that makes much more sense. Thank you for your promptness!

Anyhow, here's my current plan:

[X] Plan Steady We Go
-[X] Demolish and rebuild the tenements. (1 AP, 3 Wealth, expected income of 1 Wealth)

-[X] Practice Philosophy (1 AP)
--[X] Natural Philosophy

-[X] Gather Rumours (1 AP, DC 0 Espionage check)

-[X] Spend time at the Kassarium (1 AP)

-[X] Spend time with your wife (1 AP)

Rebuilding the tenements earns us as much as does paying off the debts, without locking us into the possibly costs/problems the other business ventures come with (supposed rep loss for gambling hall/Brothel, and dealing with drunk, dangerous customers with a tavern, which would lose us Wealth or worse)

Kassarium and practicing philosophy are more to see what could come off of said picks, and to possibly gain new contacts.

Since we're not getting our wife her Hall yet, we should at least spend a bit of time with her.

And looking at the Rumours with the spare AP, which was gonna be either it or early-buying us a galley in prep for an expedition to the famished land.

We COULD possibly try to play games, by taking a couple of our small galleys from the Republics route (2 would tentatively give 14 Wealth), which we could then invest towards an expedition to Metua.

But this is RISKY business, and not the type that I feel we're ready for quite yet.
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Honestly the biggest by far problem we have is that we have literally noone we can actually trust. Our wife is still practically a stranger who is probably a part of her adoptive mother's scheming in some way and one of our longest trusted person was a traitor thief. Our guy is literally isolated which is quite sad, especially since he pretty much locks himself in his home due to the rumours and gossip.
Honestly the biggest by far problem we have is that we have literally noone we can actually trust. Our wife is still practically a stranger who is probably a part of her adoptive mother's scheming in some way and one of our longest trusted person was a traitor thief. Our guy is literally isolated which is quite sad, especially since he pretty much locks himself in his home due to the rumours and gossip.
Hey, my plan makes him go to his Alma Mater, that might help! (Slightly. Hopefully...)
Honestly the biggest by far problem we have is that we have literally noone we can actually trust. Our wife is still practically a stranger who is probably a part of her adoptive mother's scheming in some way and one of our longest trusted person was a traitor thief. Our guy is literally isolated which is quite sad, especially since he pretty much locks himself in his home due to the rumours and gossip.

Yeah given this I think the best option would be to try and make something resembling an ally.

[X] Plan Steady We Go

Honestly does what I want from my proposed third "social sour grapes" idea. We don't try and make up our rep directly, but do general low risk self improvement and try to gain allies by befriending our wife and hanging out with the few people who, hopefully via the rep tracker, won't laugh in our face at re: the whole steward scandal.
[X] Plan Something Smells Fishy, And It's NOT the Docks
-[X] Demolish and rebuild the tenements. (1 AP, 3 Wealth, expected income of 1 Wealth)
-[X] Look for Secrets (1 AP, Espionage check, overspending: 1 AP, 1 Wealth)
See if you can find something with which you can extort someone.
--[X] Look into how events unfolded today to see if anything suspicious happened at the docks (how things came to a fight and such), and question the torturer on how our Sakellarios came to die and if he intentionally let him die. Let our Mother in Law know we plan to snoop. (overspend) (DC ???)
-[X] Spend time at the Kassarium (1 AP)
-[X] Spend time with your wife (1 AP)

We should get to know our wife, chill a bit at our alma mater and find out how events unfolded, and if someone nudged events in a way that we wouldn't get to find out if there was someone behind our Sakellarios, who I do not believe was acting alone. Overspending on the intrigue action so we can bribe and have a bigger chance of success.
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We should improve our subterfuge, get to know our wife, chill a bit at our alma mater and find out how events unfolded, and if someone nudged events in a way that we wouldn't get to find out if there was someone behind our Sakellarios, who I do not believe was acting alone. Overspending on the intrigue action so we can bribe and have a bigger chance of success.
Wouldn't your plan would cost 6 AP?

-1 AP tenements
-1 AP Wife
-1 AP Kassarium
-1 AP Study
-1 AP Secrets + 1 AP & 1 Wealth Overspend

At least, that's how I'm reading the plan, as overspending adds to the original cost of the action involved.
At least, that's how I'm reading the plan, as overspending adds to the original cost of the action involved.
Hmmm, I thought overspending only added to material cost. If that is the case, I'll shuffle it around. Thanks for bringing this to my attention! @Azel, could you please bring some clarity to this situation? Would overspending cost 2 AP, 1 Wealth or 1 AP, 1 Wealth?
Thanks for bringing this to my attention! @Azel, could you please bring some clarity to this situation? Would overspending cost 2 AP, 1 Wealth or 1 AP, 1 Wealth?
Going to quote the relevant paragraph from the mechanics page (seeing as Azel is prob finally catching some sleep, I hope!), which is what I based my point around:
Some actions can also have the chance to over-invest. In that case, a second price of AP and Resources is given and if spent, checks of the action will be rolled twice and the better result is taken.
This would suggest that we got to pay extra stuff according to each action's overspend cost. Which, if we look at the Look for Secrets action:
Look for Secrets (1 AP, Espionage check, overspending: 1 AP, 1 Wealth
Seems to detail that the action itself costs 1 AP, and then choosing to overspend would cost an Extra 1 AP and 1 Wealth.

I'll still leave final word on the matter to the GM (his rules after all!), just thought to give you the whys and how's I came to my perspective.
[X] Plan Building Clout
-[X] Demolish and rebuild the tenements. (1 AP, 3 Wealth, expected income of 1 Wealth)

-[X] Feed the Poor (1 AP)
--[X] 1 Wealth

-[X] Seek Opportunities: Visit the Madrasa (1 AP)

-[X] Make Contacts (1 AP)
--[X] House Senwet

-[X] Spend time with your wife (1 AP)

Since we're no longer caught in a debt trap repairing our reputation should take precedence. The Trade Houses and Great Houses will hopefully see the charity and rebuilding as proof of our competence and (not so) considerable wealth. Continuing to seek opportunities with the Madrasa will also work towards finding a sorcerer to sponser us as the Ealim are more accepting of magic. Contact with House Senwet will increase reputation with both the public and the Trade Houses if it goes well; finally, spending time with the wife will strengthen the agreement with Ghaliya and secure the family line.