Gods of Chaos: a Riot God Quest

[ ] Create Gaháha, God of Laughter (Lesser Act)

What is laughter? How come all sentient races have been given the ability to laugh by the makers? What purpose does it serve? It is not simply an expression of joy. We laugh at the absurdity of reality sometimes, do we not? And what of the mad, when they laugh because the mayhem wrought by their heinous acts, is that joy? We associate laughter with purity and good, but think critically students. Laughter is by no means a force of good.

-Excerpt of a lecture by the great philosopher Rai Li

Basically I wanna create a spirit/god of laughter. Its not a god of mischief or joy, it does sometimes aid the joyfull and the tricksters, but it does not particularly favor them. It simply wants as much laughter in the world as possible. So a character like the joker would definetly be very favored by Gaháha. And even a force of good that spreads general happiness, (say batman) but if its too serious or grim, Gaháha will work against them.
Not totally sure what would be a fitting powerset, but I think the favored of Gaháha become smarter, stronger and immune to most forms of magic that influence their state of mind.
Gaháha can also curse things, though it does so rarely, mainly when one of his favored turns against him or an especially grim person causes a lot of laughter to die out in their surroundings. Gaháha's curse is a horrible, but according to some, a mild one. It removes the ability to laugh. You will stay feel joy and happiness and all that, but without the ability to express that in laughter, it can really screw you up. Laughter is the best medicine after all...

What do you guys think of this? I'm open to changes, I just like the idea of an entity that likes laughter
There was whole world building all the time. I am so late to the party...

Basically I wanna create a spirit/god of laughter.
Laughter is broad thing... There are psychopathic laughter without emotions, but cannot be stopped or controlled, or laughter because of unbearable grief, madness, drugs. Why Joker would be favored by Gaháha? Yes, he is definetly joyful, but he is killing laughter in others. If this spirit/god wants "as much laughter in the world as possible", then someone like Joker looks like an enemy. He is smiling and laughing, but other suffer, fear and grief - no laughter after him. Well, maybe his laugher costs more or some of the victims will laugh because of madness, but this isn't look like enough for support.
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Laughter is broad thing... There are psychopathic laughter without emotions, but cannot be stopped or controlled, or laughter because of unbearable grief, madness, drugs. Why Joker would be favored by Gaháha? Yes, he is definetly joyful, but he is killing laughter in others. If this spirit/god wants "as much laughter in the world as possible", then someone like Joker looks like an enemy. He is smiling and laughing, but other suffer, fear and grief - no laughter after him. Well, maybe his laugher costs more or some of the victims will laugh because of madness, but this isn't look like enough for support.

Yeah laughter is a broad thing, which I think makes this interesting. Psychopaths that laugh a lot would therefore be favored.
I get your poin that less people = less laughter in total, but I didn't envision him to be too mathmatical about it. Does someone laugh a lot? Whether that is because he is a psychopath that enjoys killing people or simply a jolly fellow, then that individual is favored by Gaháha.
The god won't go about making intricate complicated plans like some sort of 5d chess master. He just favors/curses specific individuals at specific times.

Hopefully that convinces you!
Yeah laughter is a broad thing, which I think makes this interesting. Psychopaths that laugh a lot would therefore be favored.
I get your poin that less people = less laughter in total, but I didn't envision him to be too mathmatical about it. Does someone laugh a lot? Whether that is because he is a psychopath that enjoys killing people or simply a jolly fellow, then that individual is favored by Gaháha.
The god won't go about making intricate complicated plans like some sort of 5d chess master. He just favors/curses specific individuals at specific times.

Hopefully that convinces you!
Well, until Joker kills laughter of other favored, but I get it. Spirit has it's own ways on deciding what to do and how. Just like to search for rule flaws and possible paradoxes.
Gaháha in my eyes looks like spirit reflecting one of the aspects of emotions - concrete manifestation of it. No living thing cannot feel nothing, because it bring death to it. And "nothing" is a feeling too. Unfortunately, it's too hard for me to come up with some good ideas about it for now.
[ ] Create Chimaera Source
Hand of Makers carve glyph in the Unseen. Quicksilver is pouring into it from cracks in reality. That exotic spring is one of constant change and ambition.
Every month a spirit rises from these waters. Granted the power to speak with animals in the Seen, he seeks those who want to change and grow stronger. Then he brings them to the Chimaera Source, where they will be transformed into something new.
After transformation, newborn chimaera is released to the lands from which it came.
Chimaeras are created from 2-5 animals. Spirit is the one who decides how chimaera will look. The size of chimaera is equal to the total size of its "components". Chimaera's fitness (biological) is always enough to survive and reproduce.

What do you think about my idea?
Is there any interest for one or more of the following acts? I would like to try to propose all of them in the next epochs but knowing which ones are more likely to pass would be useful to me and I would try them first.

[Z] Teach Refutation to the Hive Coasters (Lesser Act)
Send a lesser Abraxas to Tamvrata, its sister colonies and allies to teach Refutation to the most suited among them.

[Z] Expand the Law of Metamorphosis to include sentient beings (Lesser Act)

Sentient beings generally follow two specific paths although some especially bestial or primal individuals may evolve like non-sentient ones and others may follow the more esoteric paths open to both.

-Paragons: Through embodying and transcending a quality of their race, they evolved into a higher form derived from their species, amplifying that quality and their willpower.

-Sages: Forms specialized in a skill or group of related skills, become more obsessive with each evolution.

[Z] Create the Elves (Lesser Act)
Spirits born from the roots of the World Tree, possessing stolen mortal bodies and with an affinity for both Vigor and the Second Magic of the Tree.

They are divided into three subraces acting as inflexible castes : the Red Warriors defending the roots and collecting bodies, the Yellow Diplomats interacting with outsiders on behalf of the Tree and the Green Judges testing those wanting to drink its ichor.

Elves are not outright hostile to the inhabitants of the Seen but are deeply suspicious of the mortal races besides their human kin.

They are rarely seen without a body stolen from a mortal but look like unstable fractals made of plants without one.

[Z] Great Hylic Transformation ritual (Grand Act)
A ritual that can be done with any magics or combinations thereof but has several difficult requirements:
-The user needs to master their body and strengthen it beyond normal mortal limits to survive the process.
-Their spirit counterpart must be awakened somehow and cooperative.
-The ritual requires a place where the barrier between the Seen and Unseen is weak.
-A magical object associated with the separation between the two realms is needed, such as a stone from the Moon.
The ritualist merges with their own spirit to achieve a unique transformation (derived from the magics used and their own spiritual nature) at the cost of their afterlife.

While none of those transformed are identical they share some traits and powers:
-They are eternally young and slowly regenerate with the exception of their brain and only die if it is destroyed.
-They can telekinetically control their nearby detached body parts with mystical threads immune to non-magical damage from their head and body parts connected to it.
-By sacrificing some of their flesh, they are able to create half-spirit, half-living servants bound to their will.
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[Z] Expand the Law of Metamorphosis to include sentient beings (Lesser Act)

Sentient beings generally follow two specific paths although some especially bestial or primal individuals may evolve like non-sentient ones and others may follow the more esoteric paths open to both.

-Paragons: Truer and better exemplars of their race with a growing protective instinct towards their lesser kin.

-Sages: Forms specialized in a skill or group of related skills, become more obsessive with each evolution.

I actually really like all of your proposals. So I'll probably vote for any of them if you author it. The only think I don't like is the "protective instinct" of Paragons.

I don't know, I just think having one of the two main paths be objectively good/heroic doesn't feel right. Like, I think the Sage path is perfect. It's broad so it can have many variations, there can be good and bad sages, and it doesn't change your personality (I think?), you just need to be more obsessive to reach the next stage. On the flip side, Paragons would all be pretty similar. They're stronger and they're heroic. Not much room for variation in my opinion.

A non-protective Paragon, let's call them Champions to make things easier, would already be more diverse than a Paragon by allowing both good and bad people to be one. Hell, because of the way the Law of Metamorphosis works, you could just have Paragons be a specific type of Champion that evolved with the condition, "protect your lesser kin".

…Although I feel like that might be slipping a bit away from the evolution system to more of a class system.

Anyways, that's just my opinion, I'd probably still vote for it (or any of your other acts) even if you don't change it. I just wanted to put my thoughts out there.
So I was looking at the Elemental Forces act and had a thought, should we make an expansion act to give the different elements interaction rules? Something like Water > Fire > Wood > ???, a type advantage system? Or maybe like the Chinese elements, where one element feeds into another in a cycle that generates more net energy at each step.

Paragons: Through embodying and transcending a quality of their race, they evolved into a higher form derived from their species, amplifying that quality and their willpower.
Is that better?
Or maybe like the Chinese elements, where one element feeds into another in a cycle that generates more net energy at each step.
I like that one more, it's an interesting dynamic.
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[Z] Expand the Law of Metamorphosis to include sentient beings (Lesser Act)

Sentient beings generally follow two specific paths although some especially bestial or primal individuals may evolve like non-sentient ones and others may follow the more esoteric paths open to both.

-Paragons: Truer and better exemplars of their race with a growing protective instinct towards their lesser kin.

-Sages: Forms specialized in a skill or group of related skills, become more obsessive with each evolution.

[Z] Create the Elves (Lesser Act)
Spirits born from the roots of the World Tree, possessing stolen mortal bodies and with an affinity for both Vigor and Refutation.

They are divided into three subraces acting as inflexible castes : the Red Warriors defending the roots and collecting bodies, the Yellow Diplomats interacting with outsiders on behalf of the Tree and the Green Judges testing and guiding those wanting to drink its ichor.

Elves are not outright hostile to the inhabitants of the Seen but are deeply suspicious of the mortal races besides their human kin.
Oh, about elves. So they are from the World Tree? What do you think about giving them divination? Nobody knows that art of magic.

Sentient being can emulate legends of unintelligent one. Combined with Law of Metamorphosis for sentient beings... There will be truly unusual people. I like it.
Is there any interest for one or more of the following acts? I would like to try to propose all of them in the next epochs but knowing which ones are more likely to pass would be useful to me and I would try them first.

[Z] Create the Elves (Lesser Act)
Spirits born from the roots of the World Tree, possessing stolen mortal bodies and with an affinity for both Vigor and Refutation.

They are divided into three subraces acting as inflexible castes : the Red Warriors defending the roots and collecting bodies, the Yellow Diplomats interacting with outsiders on behalf of the Tree and the Green Judges testing and guiding those wanting to drink its ichor.

Elves are not outright hostile to the inhabitants of the Seen but are deeply suspicious of the mortal races besides their human kin.

I like the unique spice of your elves in that they actually like humans hahaha. The subraces i'm not as sure about. Also, how elf-y do you want to make them? Are they just humans with knife ears and affinity towards vigor and refutation? Are they lotr like, in the sense that they are immortal and super beautiful? Can they meditate like in DnD? Or are they more like elder scrolls elves? Point is 'elves' is a pretty broad and varied race across various fictions. So maybe flesh out what kind of elves they actually are.
I replaced Refutation with Yggdrassil's second magic, I thought that was the one involving drinking the ichor (not really fitting servants and guardians IMO) but rereading it it's actually the one giving parts of yourself to it.
I added a physical description for when they are bodiless.
The Lore Compendium should be finally more or less up to date; I'm still going to add descriptions of different magics, but that's enough time spent on it. I'll try to get an update up soonish, but Uni is drowning me right now as well.
I was looking at the Yamas in the Compendium, and I feel like we need a god way to kill them, or at least limit them, otherwise they might overun both worlds.

The question is, is a limit put onto the Yamas themselves? Like; there can only be 1000 Yamas at any time. Or a race or artefact dedicated to killing them, and able to do so in a way that stops more spawning?
Well, the Yamas were created with unrelenting hunger and nothing stopping them from killing and eating other Yamas. They're probably self-limiting in that fashion to at least some extent.

Edit: they were also created as a limited population, and are non-sapient until they eat enough to fill in their face, at least if I'm interpreting their creation act correctly.
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Epoch 8 Acts
Passed Acts


[X] Create the Elemental Forces (Cosmic Act)


[X] Expand the Functions of the of the World Tree (Grand Act)
[X] Law of Unseen Influence (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Law of Metamorphosis (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Machine Race (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Lineals and give them to the Cultivars (Grand Act)
[X] Gather spirits and teach them the Art of Dramaturgy (Grand Act)


[X] Create the Seared Spear (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Two Headed Sphinx (Lesser Act)
[X] The Mirror Springs Phase 2 (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Tournament of Life and Death (Lesser Act)
[X] Create Avorrite crystals on Avoroth (Lesser Act)
[X] Create the Master Dungeon Sigil and the Inspired Ones (Lesser Act)
[X] Create Ünnarae, the great collector and creator (Lesser Act)
[X] The Tenders (Lesser Act)


[X] An Heir (Demi-Act)
[X] Small Bud (Demi-Act)
[X] Create the Staff of the Stone Dancer and deliver it to Embla with instruction on its use in creating magical architecture. (Demi-Act)
[X] helps Skrayt matriarch of the Burned tribe (Demi-Act)
[X] Create the Floatwood Swamp on the First World (Demi Act)
[X] Inspire some muses to create their own art (Demi-Act)

This should be correct. Onwards!
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Well, the Yamas were created with unrelenting hunger and nothing stopping them from killing and eating other Yamas. They're probably self-limiting in that fashion to at least some extent.

They gain no sustenance from just the flesh of other Yamas... but they do from absorbing the souls and flesh eaten by those Yamas. Yamas become edible to other Yamas once they have souls and matter in their belly. That means that the bigger you grow and the more you eat as a Yama, the more you are in danger from other less successful Yamas coming for you in turn. They prefer to eat other things, of course; I imagine eating regurgitated souls from another Yama is much like eating vomit.