Gravity seems not to fit in Zane's list though unless you count how we're recently getting more people. Alacrity seems alright for a fighter like us and especially with our recent stunt- move fast enough, hit harder.

@Fantasy Connect editing vote to:

[] Name: Shuiyiwai (水以外)- Beyond Water, The Boundless Arm
-[] Form(s): Motorcycle, Zanmadao
-[] Concept(s): Adaptation, Alacrity, Freedom, Combat
-[] Inspiration: Self
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Sure why not. I may come up with something else to spitball later (Airship is on the form list) but for now...

[x] Name: Shuiyiwai (水以外)- Beyond Water, The Boundless Arm
-[x] Form(s): Motorcycle, Zanmadao
-[x] Concept(s): Adaptation, Alacrity, Freedom, Combat
-[x] Inspiration: Self

Edit: @MoonSerpent What are your thoughts on this?

[]Name: Cánkù de huāyuán(殘酷的花園 )- Cruel Garden, the Nature Arm
-[] Form(s): Airship, Boots
-[] Concept(s): Alacrity, Freedom, Ruthlessness, Wood
-[] Inspiration: Self

Before his highly probable death at the hands of the Olympus Corporation, he gets his flower shop. He gets to beat people up with his dream of a normal life made manifest. It's like... airship+nature is made for a Hanging Gardens of Babylon only better type thing.
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I think the name Yehuayen (埜花园) Wild/Untamed Garden suits your themes better.

Although I am partially enamoured with bigswords and motorcycles myself, especially when you switch them up in combos when dealing with the enemy.

Fair enough. Thank you. Considering I'm getting Evocation ideas for this I may as well approval vote for it at this point at the very least.

[x] Name: Shuiyiwai (水以外)- Beyond Water, The Boundless Arm
-[x] Form(s): Motorcycle, Zanmadao
-[x] Concept(s): Adaptation, Alacrity, Freedom, Combat
-[x] Inspiration: Self

[x]Name: Yě huāyuán (埜花园)- Wild/Untamed Garden, the Nature Arm
-[x] Form(s): Airship, Boots
-[x] Concept(s): Alacrity, Freedom, Ruthlessness, Wood
-[x] Inspiration: Self

[X] Name: Zane Li Black, The Recursive Arm
-[X] Form(s): several more Zane Li Blacks.
-[X] Concept(s): Zane Li Black.
-[X] Inspiration: Self

Evocation Brainstorming:

Thorned Stitch(Boot Version) - Zane projects thorned vines from his feet at high velocities capable of supporting his weight in the air, while maintaining full control of the movement of the vines as they travel without significant cognitive burden. These vines are capable of burrowing through stone to attack in an indirect fashion, extending the range of his kicks, along with being functional as stilts capable of elevating him sufficiently high in the air that an Airship form transition may be necessary to ensure his safety.

Thorned Stitch(Airship Version) - Zane's Airship fires high velocity thorned grappler vines at a target inside or outside the ship. These vines can be used for moving the airship, attacking hostile borders, facilitating a boarding action, attacking large adversaries, etc.

Leaf on the Wind(Boot Version) - Zane gains one step of speed and the ability to phase through solid objects, he is unable to physically interact with the world in this state, and enemies are unable to interact with him without the ability to target insubstantial adversaries while this evocation is active. If Zane is being pursued by an enemy, he gains two steps of speed instead.

Leaf on the Wind(Airship Version) - Zane gains two steps of speed within the boundaries of the Airship as a passive benefit.

Path of Flowers (Boot Version) - Flowers sprout anywhere Zane walks at high speed while this is evocation is active. They impede the movement of adversaries without impeding Zane's.

Path of Flowers (Airship Version) - The Airship disperses a cloud of dandelion seeds. These seeds attract heat-seeking missiles and ranged attacks, while obscuring the airships location.
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[X] Name: Pax Bellum, the Suppressed Strike
-[X] Form(s): Tekko, Flower
-[X] Concept(s): Willpower, Cultivation, Martial Arts
-[X] Inspiration: Self
Given the critical importance of this vote - as well as it being the deciding factor in your survival - we'll tally the votes sometime tomorrow. Please, make sure that you've sucked the well of potential dry before then. It'd also be prudent to stock up on that ever-precious resource of Ambrosia.
Vote Zane and... just Zane actually! Fundamentally there's no reason we can't! and who knows, maybe the complete conceptual focus on a single concept across all levels will amplify the power somehow? that seems vaguely plausible.

random question about Ambrosia Debt- it gets -10 to all rolls per Ambrosia down, I think was said. What sorts of things, if any, don't require rolls? alternatively, what things wouldn't be penalized? for instance, if we were to get a Knight Arm which, as a passive or utterly trivial effect you basically can't mess up, conjures an impenetrable barrier, would the conjuration require a roll? if someone attacked the barrier, would its resilience involve a roll? If we conjured a minion, such as Zane Li Black But Slightly Worse At Math, would its rolls be penalized by our ambrosia debt?

In other words, how feasible would it be for us to pick up a Divine knight arm and then leave Zane mostly idle for several years while we sloooowly accumulate the Ambrosia necessary for him to walk without imploding?

edit: to be clear, this is a completely serious suggestion. If the QM thinks we're guaranteed to die, I think our best bet is things the QM isn't expecting. like abusing Ambrosia Debt far beyond the point of reason.
Edit2: say, Ambrosia doesn't strictly exist in universe, does it? So if we Did get a Divine Knight Arm, the Olympus Corporation might be able to tell we're suddenly really, really powerful, without realizing we've also become crippled with regards to anything that requires a roll, and so try to make peace with us instead of assassinating us. I think "strong enough to destroy the planet passively" is at the power level where even if the Olympus Corporation can still kill us, the potential harm from us trying to fight off their assassins(backlash destroys the experiment(or whatever it is?).) is much bigger than any plausible interpretation of the harm from us being unchecked (seeing as we are not intent on destroying the planet or Godcards. Worst case we'd kill Mephistopheles, The Mangler as agreed, and maybe the Macnessa leader if they don't know what's good for them; Three Godcard wielders out of at least dozens.) or the harm from reaching an agreement.
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So I've got some more spitballing before I try something. Chlorokinetic Wing Manifestation, Also Swamp Thing has manifested wings before out of Plant matter, google Swamp Thing wings to see what I mean. A wood/freedom/Martial Arts build with one of the options for forms being Angel wings sounds potentially workable in the light of this. And then the wings get used as another appendage in Zane's martial arts.

Now I'm going to try making a quest thread style vote options list with the stuff that's been proposed and give everything colors, etc.

[] Pax Bellum, The Suppressed Strike - A Tekko/Flower self-sourced weapon, focusing on the concepts of willpower, cultivation, and martial arts. Thematic in the sense that Tekkos weren't originally weapons of war, and Zane never wanted any part of this business. Flowers are thematic for obvious reasons at this point. Proposed Invocations involve energy storage and party buffs.

[] Elutherius, Arm of Freedom - A self-sourced gauntlet focusing on the concepts of Martial Arts, conviction, and freedom. Proposed Invocations involve buffs focused on completion of a proposed mission, escaping and helping others escape confining situations, and immensely powerful punches usable for motion and potentially, punching concepts if Zane was able to pay the cost of doing so.

[] Pinion, Arm of Freedom - A Lotus Maiden Sourced Rapier that transforms into a set of Angel Wings, focusing on the concepts of Swords, Detonation, and Freedom. The Rapier could serve as an explosion injecting sword kind of like a Powerhead/Shark Stick(Powerhead (firearm) - Wikipedia), while the Angel Wings shoot exploding swords ala Lucifer from Devil May Cry 4. I dropped the concept of Martial Arts from this iteration of the Arm due to finding it superfluous.

[] Shuiyiwai (水以外)- Beyond Water, The Boundless Arm - A Self Sourced Motorcycle/Zanmadao, focusing on the concepts of Adaptation, Alacrity, Freedom, and Combat. It seems like it would fit well with some kind of conceptual effect that makes you faster than a pursuing adversary, no matter how fast they're going.

[] Zane Li Black, the Recursive Arm - A Self Sourced set of clones, focusing on the concept of Zane Li Black.

[] Yě huāyuán (埜花园)- Wild/Untamed Garden, the Nature Arm - A Self Sourced Pair of Boots/Airship, focusing on the concepts of Wood, Alacrity, Freedom, and Ruthlessness. Thematic in the sense that Zane gets to attack people with his dream of a normal life made manifest in the form of a flying flower shop, it is a mingling of Zane's craving made manifest upon the earth and his approach to combat. Proposed invocations involve thorned grappler vines, becoming fast enough to be untouchable/phase through solid objects, and chaff in the form of flowers/dandelion seeds to stifle pursuers.

[] Arboreal Crane, The Martial Arts Arm - A Self-sourced set of Angel wings made of plant matter, focusing on the concepts of Wood, Martial Arts, and Freedom. Zane would incorporate the wings into his fighting style ala the legend of the white crane(Fujian White Crane - Wikipedia). Themes for invocations such as the liberty of flight, drawing power from the sun, in addition to martial excellence seem sensible for this one.
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[X] Name: Remissio, the Arm of Hope.
-[X] Form(s): Gauntlet
-[X] Concept(s): Martial Arts, Freedom
-[X] Inspiration: Drui

Let me explain the reasoning for not going Self or Lotus as an inspiration. Zane is going to be pitted against numerous forces all seeking not only his end but the maiming of what is dear to him. I fear that by restricting his inspiration to his own self, Zane will be unable to break out of the confines of his own psyche and the machinations of those more adept at maneuvering the circumstances of the city. Be it now, or twenty years from now, what Zane shall always require is the ability to break out of the confines of either Brute Force or Wit that hostile individuals seek to entrap him within. This also safeguards Zane from losing track of of his own goals, by seeking his inspiration from an external goal rather than his own self, he can never become lost chasing his own tail.

The Form and Concept are direct and simple, yet still versatile in their application. In the early stages, they shall provide Zane a great boost to that at which he already excels, whilst leaving room to grow into truly reality shattering esoteric heights at some future date. With his hands he shall free the downtrodden of their oppressors just as he can free his own self from any binding. When faced with an opponent that would seek to cage him, he shall free them of the their mortal attachment to this life if necessary.

Remissio, the arm of Hope.

(In short, this Knight-Arm is a pure distillation of a core quality and value that shall remain relevant eternally)

@OctarineShrike (I hope I qualify for pretty colours too :oops:)
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@Slyvena I am honestly Unsure whether or not a setup like that is valid or not, we'd need a ruling from @Birdsie

Edit: You'd want something with Freedom in the Concept list I suspect if it's not valid. Concepts are what the invocations are drawn from, influenced by the forms.

As far as I know, besides the Lotus Maiden and the Self, there are 6 Knight-Champions of the Lotus Maiden that are also valid(Quoted from a CYOA). There are probably others, but Birdsie is the only one who would know what they are.

Arturion, the Prowess Champion - Double all martial skills and physical statistics, gain an inspiring aura of charismatic royalty that cows or amazes most people. Must defend the weak from the strong, and quest on the behalf of those who cannot.

Bem, the Flower Champion - Grow a pair of gossamer wings that enable relatively fast, maneuverable flight. All ranged attacks, no matter their nature, gain a homing trait and far greater stopping power. Must ensure the natural order is intact in all situations.

Heltkaiser, the Ascending Champion - Manipulation and creation of hellfire, in sufficient quantities to sunder small armies. Immunity to demonic possession, curses, and unholy powers. Must play the devil's advocate and redeem opponents whenever possible.

Eusebio, the Peasant Champion - A supernatural crafting ability, can make artifacts with modest effort. Must help those of lower stations achieve their dreams if they ask, no matter how lofty or strange; unless those dreams are immoral. You're the fairy godmother.

Pyldret, the Dragon Champion - Gain a dragon's breath of any element the user desires, a pair of draconic wings, and supernaturally resilient skin. Must battle the seven deadly sins wherever they are encountered.

Aergundias, the Magic Champion - Gain an incredible aptitude and skill in a dozen, common magical arts, primarily those of evocation, conjuration, and illusion. Must ensure that knowledge is preserved and properly safeguarded, must battle evil mages.

Amalgamating Birdsie's stuff about inspiration in this post

Knight Arm Construction post:
*At least one [Inspiration] which defines the source of its providence. Almost 90% of the cases will have, "Self" or "Maiden" as their source, but some Knights prefer an external source. It's generally not recommended for people who value rugged practicality to use an external source. It's unheard of to have two.

An Inspiration affects what kind of Concepts and Forms can be taken, often limiting options, but granting better results depending on the source. It's generally recommended to pick one's Self or the Lotus Maiden herself as the Inspiration, as those Inspirations grant the best long-term versatility without limiting power.

Godcard Original

It doesn't make it harder to Rank up, but it does make training Invocations more difficult as the user has to divide their time mastering the Invocations of every Form individually and simultaneously spends a minute portion of the Knight Arm's essence to maintain that Form. It's like wasting CPU...

If you derive it from Self, you can't use or make Invocations which go against your essential nature. However, this is already a limitation for most beings (you wouldn't make an Invocation that eats souls if you're against eating souls, even if you can,) and the Lotus Maiden's Inspiration lets you use any Invocation so long as its ultimate purpose is to better the world in some manner, which is rather vague (killing an opponent, when you are generally a good person, is a form of betterment; so an Invocation that kills someone evil is possible.)

Other derivatives exist in the form of higher entities or Knight-Champions. Specific examples will be provided if desired, although I see Octarine already provided some above.
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Fair point.
I shall wait to see if the supreme arbiter weighs in on such a possibility and what exactly an Inspiration is limited too.
I've got one more idea.

Laughing Vagabond, The Slippery Arm - A Lotus Maiden Inspired arm with ring and gauntlet forms. It's concepts are deception, adaptation, freedom, and combat.
It's the ideas of Jeet Kune Do made manifest(Adaptation/Freedom/Combat). It also seems like a good concept package for surviving a superior foe until they can be defeated when combined with deception.

Like a more subtle version of Shuiyiwai. I'm hoping we might get some kind of Adaptive defense/evasion enhancer in this one. Or something that gives us an increasing bonus in successive fights against the same adversary.
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[X] Name: Remissio, the Arm of Hope.
-[X] Form(s): Gauntlet
-[X] Concept(s): Martial Arts
-[X] Inspiration: Freedom
Invalid proposition. Counter-proposition: Drui is the Goddess whose domains count Freedom among them, and she is ontologically close enough to provide such a power.
Here's the current state of the vote.

Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Nov 9, 2021 at 9:44 AM, finished with 47 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Name: Pax Bellum, the Suppressed Strike
    -[X] Form(s): Tekko, Flower
    -[X] Concept(s): Willpower, Cultivation, Martial Arts
    -[X] Inspiration: Self
    [X] Name: Shuiyiwai (水以外)- Beyond Water, The Boundless Arm
    -[X] Form(s): Motorcycle, Zanmadao
    -[X] Concept(s): Adaptation, Alacrity, Freedom, Combat
    -[X] Inspiration: Self
    [X] Name: Zane Li Black, The Recursive Arm
    -[X] Form(s): several more Zane Li Blacks.
    -[X] Concept(s): Zane Li Black.
    -[X] Inspiration: Self
    [x]Name: Yě huāyuán (埜花园)- Wild/Untamed Garden, the Nature Arm
    -[x] Form(s): Airship, Boots
    -[x] Concept(s): Alacrity, Freedom, Ruthlessness, Wood
    -[X] Inspiration: Self
    [X] Name: Pax Bellum, the Suppressed Strike
    [X] Name: Remissio, the Arm of Hope.
    -[X] Form(s): Gauntlet
    -[X] Concept(s): Martial Arts, Freedom
    -[X] Inspiration: Drui

We'll do the final tally in several hours. Anywhere from 4 to 8, maybe later if I fall asleep.

Currently, you have a 2.3x Ambrosia Multiplier and have earned a raw amount of 2.9 Ambrosia from your content, for a brutto quantity of 6.7 Ambrosia to stack onto what you already have (grand total: 9.7 Ambrosia). A lot of this is from Discord, but still - quite an impressive quantity to make in one turn.

(Let's hope this aids your survival.)
I'd like to remind people that this is insane mode, and the concepts/forms chosen are what we will be trusting to protect us against a relentless tide of assassins with considerable supernatural power. Think twice, maybe even three times about the weapon you want. If you picked Pax because it was the first option somebody came up with and didn't have the time or interest to come up with your own write in and may have just came back to the thread now and skipped to here, please consider some of the other options people came up with.

Remember the Manhattan Wardens/Brick/Spike for potential sources of power synergy.

Remember that Zane may end up with his own Godcard that may or may not synergize with the arm.

Edit: Pax Bellum Evocation Spitballing. Conqueror's Haki Knockoff, Physical Capabilities scaling with willpower, Defensive capabilities against things like Mind control, Nasuverse style battle continuation.
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Several prospective civilizations for the next part of A Silververse Story(Which I am still working at, and will properly start, eventually!... this might be a bit too much worldbuilding : P ), each based around a central skill. I'll do math eventually to figure out how strong each of them would reasonably be and whether it concludes with them settling into an uneasy truce or web of alliances or just one huge civilization ruling the rest or what, though I don't think the ruling the rest thing is likely since ones that naively seem most at risk of doing so are somewhat incentivized not to.

For all civilizations bellow, the highest-rarity version of the Central Skill is listed both with and without a Ruler modification, represented by a 👑. when the 👑 is present, this means that it's a merger of some kind of 'being a king' skill and the central skill, which will generally manifest as an or with an effect to all subjects as a result.
Forge Nomads - Civilization

A nomadic civilization of blacksmiths and assistants, producing all manner of weaponry and armor. Naturally each blacksmith has their own combination of techniques and ways of gaining Advantage, but Blacksmiths of the Forge Nomads base their craft on the Forging Forge technique.
Forging Forge Technique. Stages: Movement / Forging.
Keywords - Static: this Advantage grows by 0 +'s with Rarity.
Substitute: You can treat Advantage of the first listed type as Advantage of the second listed type at the ratio specified. Substituted Advantage is ignored by all further effects which would move it from one type to another. Substitution does not reduce your quantity of the Advantage Substituted, in the event of simultaneous action on multiple stages.
To Forge, there are many steps. One must find the metal, smelt it, keep it free of impurities, quench it. But all this is useless if one cannot make the metal move. That is the first principal of the Forging Forge. Through movement, movement. To Forge, you must forge.
ⓒ +Gain Advantage towards movement. +Gain Advantage, while you are moving, to Forging. Static: +Gain Advantage towards Travel.
To Forge is not just to move forwards, nor to shape metal. It is also the constant apprehension, comprehension, and suspension of problems. To solve each flaw in the metal as it appears; to cross a raging river. this is the second principal of the Forging Forge.ⓤ++Gain Advantage Towards overcoming obstacles in motion. ++Gain Advantage Towards Forging while doing so. Gain half this advantage on both counts if you avoid the obstacles instead.
To Forge, one must know of metal, and so alloys. Two elements bound together into one, an inseparable whole, and stronger for it. The same is true of a well-forged sword, axe or weapon of any sort; Head and haft, Blade and hilt, Bow and arrow. So too is true of the Forging Forge. Two parts, motion and creation, bound together into the inseparable and greater whole of Forging. That motion and creation lead into one-another, that the two are truly One, is the third principal of the Forging Forge
Ⓡ Substitute +++++++ Advantage (Movement), or any subvarieties such as Travel, as +Advantage (Forging). Substitute +++++++ Advantage (Forging) as +Advantage (Movement).
When one Forges, one does not stop, lest the metal cool. When moving, one does not stop, lest the momentum be lost. When acting, one does not stop, lest the focus waver. As one continues in any pursuit, they grow yet greater, their pace accelerates. Momentum, Progression, whatever the name, it is the same phenomenon. And that is the fourth principal of the Forging Forge.
Ⓛ+Gain Advantage Towards Movement per two Qualitative Time Shifts (x4 time passed) while you maintain a constant heading within a margin of 1 degree per (Advantage Gained) seconds. Both Substitutions above now grant ++++Advantage per +++++++Advantage, up from +Advantage.
There is no Fifth Principal of the Forging Forge. Not yet. Those who reach this stage stand at the pinnacle of the art, the top of the staircase they climbed; to surpass it, they must construct it before them, step by limnal step. They must make, from silt or ash or stone or whatever else, a Fifth Principal of the Forging Forge.
None have done so yet, or you would not be reading this. Still, this is just one path to walk. This is the limits of this art, but it is not the limit of You. Continue forging on, oh Forger, for you would not be here if it was in you to stop.
ⒻBoth Substitutions now grant ++++++ Advantage per +++++++Advantage, up from ++++Advantage. Substitute +++++ Advantage (Movement) && +++++Advantage (Forging) for +Advantage(Progression) and +Advantage(Progression subset: Skill and Feat Creation)
Ⓕ👑 All your Subjects: +Gain Advantage Towards Forging per ++++++Average Advantage(Movement and movement subtypes.) Across your civilization. +Gain Advantage Towards Movement per ++++++Average Advantage(Forging) Across your civilization. This can and does recurse, up to a hard maximum of effectively +Advantage(Forging) per ++Advantage(Movement) and +Advantage(Movement) per ++Advantage(Forging).

Other Civilization Information, predicted, subject to change dependent on mathematics.
The Forge Nomads are collectively supplied appropriate terrain and food by the Territorial, though they are not dependent on it. They also form a unique Niche in the Unified Capital Corporations markets, creating much greater demand for Movement Advantage Coins. No Ore- or raw material-focused Civilization has been formulated at this time; in the absence of one, they likely receive Ores principally through the Territorial with optional sources in the Categorical Mages and through the Exceptional Individual, The Bladebound, who they have on a retainer.

The Forge Nomads Supply Forged items principally to everyone, being effectively the best option for Forging; due to their dual focus of Movement and Forging, they work quickly, and the Substitution keyword lets them make use of low-hanging fruit in terms of Movement skills and enhancements to Movement, which is otherwise... Well, it can only be so useful. Most people stay mostly in one general area. of the so-far Formulated G/PoI, their primary client is The Bladebound.

Formal Alliances: Territorial (Pact of nonaggression, promise of appropriate terrain and food.), The Bladebound (A user of Fabled Conjurekinesis with Combat Mastery and Blademanship Experience. Paid a retainer in a mix of durable, quality weapons and items to create Minor Marks on, masterwork items to create True Marks on, and Money to pay off the perpetual debt they suffer from.).

Catagorical Mages - Civilization

Catagorical Mages.
An isolated civilization of mages, they resemble the Wistram style of nations in the Wandering Inn - nearly their entire population is housed within a single massive, magical castle-tower, most other territory and external influence serving as a formality.
Central Skill - Magecraft. Stages: Several; See Spells.
Subskills: Abjuration, Conjuration, Etc.
ⓒ Static: +Gain Advantage when casting a Categoric Spell. Categoric spells draw on spell slots, which you get 5 of per day.
ⓤ You now have 13 Spell Slots/day.

Ⓡ+Gain Advantage per spell slot you expend. You now have 30 Spell Slots/day.
Ⓛ+Gain Advantage when casting a Categoric Spell. +Gain Advantage when you spend 30% longer than needed on a Catagoric spell. You now have 100 Spell Slots/day.
Ⓛ👑 All subjects: +Gain Advantage per ++Advantage you would gain if the spell was the right tool for the job, when the spell is not in fact the right tool for the job.
Other Civilization Information, predicted, subject to change dependent on mathematics.
The Categorical Mages are probably supplied Progression aids by others, but by who is not known, aside from the Unified Capital Corporation which supplies everyone. They are undeniably capable, but no existing G/PoI are in need of their capabilities, which leaves them fairly isolated and self-sufficient.

Territorial - Civilization

The citizens of the Territorial land are non-homogeneous. Due to the nature of the nations central skill, the citizens can pursue whatever path through life catches their fancy, and be equally safe beneath its Aegis (within reason, of course; thieves and the like remain unwelcome); The closest thing resembling a sticking point is that one must live on the land of the Territorial, and generally accept their authority- And I'd challenge you to find a nation you can live in without living there or obeying the law! It isn't clear how exactly the Territorial does it, but point for point, their citizens undeniably outperform their rivals. They do, however, lack somewhat for concentrated power, and have only a limited ability to stop the truly powerful.
The Central Skill of the Territorial society is known as... Territorial. The Common, Uncommon, and Rare versions of the skill are unknown; the skill is only held by the current ruler, and their heirs, who are ineligible if they do not learn it to the requisite degree. Due to these circumstances, there is no non-ruler variant of the Territorial.
Ⓛ👑 All subjects gain +Advantage per ++++++++++Advantage they possess, if they are in your territory. +Gain Advantage per +++++++++++++++Advantage your subjects receive in this way. Foes receive -advantage per +++++++++++++++Advantage they possess, if they are in your territory. ++++++Gain Advantage towards modifying your territory over the course 4 days.
your Territory is any place publicly yours alone, any place you effectively rule, or any place which was such less than a week ago.
Ⓕ👑 +Gain Advantage to all matters when within your territory, per +Advantage(movement) needed to cross its entirety at the thinnest point in under a minute. Applies at 1/4 rate to matters largely external to your territory.
Your Territory is now any place which fit the criteria less than a month ago. Also, It still qualifies as your territory if one of your heirs, but not more than one, publicly owns it or effectively rules it.
Other Civilization Information, predicted, subject to change dependent on mathematics.
The Territorial is supplied concentrated combat power by the Bladebound. This is especially the case whenever the current Territorial dies with a successor which has not reached Fabled. The Territorial supplies roads to people owing to the high advantage to territorial modification and their general incentive to have a large territory, and similarly supplies movement areas to the Forge Nomads.

I'm posting this here, now, because the Ambrosia multiplier is apparently unusually large at present, and these parts are Mostly done, eventual mathematics aside
Anyone interested in reading the existing aSS writing and not already aware of it should look here.

The story was passed on by ancestors as a cautionary tale;
If you let Hell notice you, be prepared to wash in flaming glare.

- Unknown Sage


Your Worship,

After this recent conjunction of spheres, it has come to my staff's attention that a new realm has entered the operational range of the Anchor of Harvest. A brief surface analysis has yielded a profusion of information, and I believe this world, unprotected and yet close as it is, would be ripe for the picking.
Form Codes: Void / "Sheaf"-like Progression​
Magic Codes: Bond​
Tech Codes: Information Age (unconfirmed/inconsistent data)​
Soul Codes: Class 3​
Guard Codes: Unprotected​

A more detailed dossier has been attached below.

I firmly but politely request an assignment of Level 5 Resource privileges for the potential Conquest or Destruction of this realm. Of course, I shall leave any of the details to you, should you find it pleasing.

Gloria Ad Infernos! For Hell's Glory!
Your Faithful Servant,


Arise in glory, [Emperor of Demonkind], magnificent and omnipotent Kaiser of Hell! Arise in glory, for another world is about to bend in your thrall.

As your idiotic and contemptible monitor-servant has pointed out in his brief excuse of an 'opportunity report,' this new "Earth" closing into the Meiradaan Cluster is ripe for the picking, and unprotected to boot! Maybe the only threat would be the new Knight-Aspirant of the Lotus Maiden whose appearance seems to have accelerated thaumo-mundic drift. Ah, but it doesn't matter. He's only now unlocked his Knight Arm - he'll bend the knee, in time. (Don't they all?)

Although, it would be rather foolish to spend too many resources on this conquest. Select 1-3 options; if one is selected, it will be active at 100% potency (as per description); if 2 are selected, they will be active at 60% potency; if 3 are selected, they will be active at 33%-40% potency.

Ah, one last thing, Your Worship: I advise you to utilize a planning format - you don't want to look like an idiot in front of your subordinates!

[ ] Widespread Possession - A common-as-sand but effective-as-a-sledgehammer strategy. It never fails to deliver some results, even if those results are unimpressive in scale. An Essence Seed on par with a Grand Mechanism will be conveyed using the Anchor of Harvest in order to slowly infect the new reality with demonic essence.

*After two celestial months, the Earth will be saturated in enough demonic essence that demonic possession will become plausible. Around 1 in 25 humans will be vulnerable to corruption of demonic essence (functional "possession") due to specific animosomatic traits, and will be especially likely to be possessed during moments of great stress.
*After six celestial months, the Earth will be saturated in enough demonic essence that demonic possession will become almost inevitable. Around 1 in 8 humans will be extremely vulnerable, often being possessed even when undergoing specific counter-rituals. Another 3 out of those 8 will be vulnerable as normal.
*After twenty-four celestial months, this reality is basically yours.
*Assuming no one stops this process, of course. The Essence Seed will be vulnerable to physical destruction if located by the humans...
*Naturally, you'll send in a legion of demons to protect the Essence Seed - you aren't a moron.

[ ] Wish Fulfillment - As often told by the great Knower, it's unnecessary to conquer all of a world's mortals to control it. All you need, of course, is to own the souls of their leaders - a task which should be easier than spitting on a grave, in this case.

*A platoon of tempter devils and crossroad demons will be dispatched into the target reality in order to cajole, intimidate, seduce, and bribe its world leaders, head scientists, archmages, and similar. Also, they will grant wishes and act as reinforcement of the local (now-corrupt) power structures.
*Slowly but surely, the world governments of Earth will be pushed to doctrines more aligning with Hell's desires.
*A silent and slow death, happening over decades of passed legislation and the gradual slope of corruption.
*Almost impossible to stop fully.
*Easy to countermand on a local scale, however. Damnable princedoms.

[ ] Devilcraft - Ah, so they use magic that relies on bondage to objects? How quaint. How... silvery.

*Corrupt the magical foundation of Earth in order to make an inclusion of infernal power at its core.
*All Godcards will be slowly reprogrammed to run on tainted mana. Some of them, particularly the ones focused on holy beings, will be immune or resistant. Others will bend especially fast. All Godcards in tune with demonic essence will receive power-ups and their users will become loyal servants, as brainwashed as any sleeper.
*There is some kind of entity interfering with this process, actively warping reality. It'll limit how fast this process can happen. Don't expect results in less than a month.
*It might backfire if everyone decides to shred their cards into pieces. The resultant backflow might even cause the Anchor to explode...
*Fortunately, they won't. Humans are too greedy to even consider giving up such power.

[ ] Heraldry - Now this! This is an occult classic - one can never go wrong with sending in a Herald-type Archdemon! A mighty entity of considerable might and trickery - it has been outfitted; genetically and thaumaturgically, with the most optimal capabilities to efficiently push a reality closer into Hell's grasp.

*A Herald of Hell is powerful beyond reckoning and not to be trifled with. If you wanted to fight one off using direct, physical means, you'd probably need the help of something like the Mangler.
*It can overthrow the United States government in one night and seamlessly assume the role of the president for self-defense.
*After that, it will sacrifice mortals and perform arcane rituals in order to aid the Anchor in reeling the Earth in closer to Hell.

[ ] What Is Thy Bidding?... - Can't be picked alongside other choices. Must be standalone.

"A conquest? At your behest, a thousand devils would carve the immortal legend of the Heltkaiser into the very bones of this sodden, wretched realm.

Fortunately, all you need is one."

*Call in a favor with one of the big shots and have them pick this one up for the team.
*One of the Great Threats of Hell will conquer Earth directly and personally. Select any of the below as a sub-vote.
*It can be any of the following:

The Knower of Names - A manipulator without peer; a devil among devils. A demon noteworthy for being an utter penis even to his own kind. (He's also the one to blame for all dragons in existence being dicks - he corrupted their souls at birth, back when he was a mere imp.) He never conquers directly - he makes deals, bargains, and corrupts people. Maybe the only useful defense against him is being literally deaf and blind, so as to be essentially incorruptible to the mental influences he exerts when on a 'serious mission.' However, even the Demon Emperor is loath to call in this bastard...

The First and Foremost - A loyal servant, he's earned his nickname for a reason. A history of utter, extreme, and spotless professionalism; a stainless record as far as protocol adherence goes - rare traits for an archdevil. Also a record for violent thoroughness in his conquests. He will often begin conquest by subverting the world leaders and offering honest and profitable deals to useful but corruptible players. He will slay the rest, and then funnel mortals in mass sacrifices meant to rapidly accelerate the Anchor's draw. After that, his job is done. His routine may be predictable, but it's efficient - and he's never failed thus far.

Seven Clever Devils - Unavailable on account of being lost fuck-knows-where doing fuck-knows-what. You can never rely on these self-indulgent incompetents. Rraagh! Fine! Let's try for their sisters instead...

Seven Sisters of Sin - The seven beautiful daughters of the First Heltkaiser, the original founder of the Hell Realm, and Traitor-Son of the Iron Gods. As a show of gratitude to their father, each of the sisters has aspected herself to a particular form of deadly sin, which they personify and embody as quintessential "Goddesses," having sacrificed a large amount of their own personal individuality in return for power and influence. Maybe the most loyal servants of Hell after the First, although hardly the most powerful. However, there'll be seven of them and they support each other unquestioningly - good luck, Earthlings. You'll need it...
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When I said, "you are likely - expected, even - to die," that wasn't a metaphor, by the way. Doing cosmic deals on a cosmic scale draws in cosmic attention, yo.
So, not optimal, but hey- it'll be exciting right?

So, the ones I'm looking at are Heraldry and Widespread Possession. The biggest threat in Possession is the time limit we have, during which time we have to both locate and destroy the Seed, while with the Herald we have a strong, but single point of failure.

Depending on what types of effects 60% has, I'm thinking of selecting both. The Herald was compared to the Mangler, and in the Knight-Arm threadmark the Mangler was stated as not being comparable to an Imperial level weapon. So, with that if the Herald is weakened to 60%, we might have a chance of beating it with a weapon at the Royal level which might be somewhat achievable if we hurry it up.

With Devilcraft we're undermining our allies' base of power, so that's not recommendable, and with Wish Fulfillment we pretty much agree to give up on the rest of the world. I dunno, any thoughts guys?
I'm honestly sliding towards Wish Fufillment, since the nature of the Knight-Arms really benefit from Zane having time for progression, and worldly powers plus people like Olympus Corp slowly winding down darker paths feel like it would complement the story really will without having too make the gang war stuff in New York immediately which i'm still somewhat interested in over the descending in a immediate DOOM-like hell invasion. If anything, this will just help the gangs keep pace with Zane Knight-Aspirant buffs enough to make them satisfying threats for a time before a equally satisfying conclusion. The definition of a 'local area' is going to start getting a lot bigger with a Knight Arm that can sunder solar systems.

Widespread possession also seems pretty cool, has a fun in built narrative progression of a smallish problem that provides Zane non godcard mooks to fight thats escalates in scale but cans till ultimately be sold by some help from someone with good detective work and gaining the power to defeat a legion of demons. Thing basically change into DOOM around six months in, but six months can be a pretty long time in these sort of stories.

Devilry is right out due to it basically turning almost all our peers and allies useless which has always been a big 'meh' to me in these sorts of stories, as much as I my fights to not have the main character in these sorts of quests not hopelessly outpace his retinue to the point all their contributions are comparitively useless midway through the story often.

The herald i'm especially leery of because he's basically a walking wmd that is likely to overturn the entire nature of the setting, but assuming he's willing to lay low as the president for a while as the rest of the non-hell narrative progresses at a non-breakneck pace I can live with it. Also, let's be honest, this huge a threat would be ironclad grounds for literally every tradeoff between maximal progression for Zane and investment in other characters like we've had before in the story. I'm not even going to pretend that not how the votes will shake out. "How could we invest actions/ambrosia into making anyone but Zane stronger with the threat of the Herald at our throats?" Ad nauseum until the gap is so wide between Zane and literally everyone else that it's become a self fufilling prophecy. So yeah, convinced myself while writing this dodge Herald at all costs along side Devilry.

So i'll tentatively throw out a plan.

Plan Time is on our side
[X] Wish Fulfillment
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Preliminary Thoughts/Working the Scaling
[ ] Widespread Possession - A common-as-sand but effective-as-a-sledgehammer strategy. It never fails to deliver some results, even if those results are unimpressive in scale. An Essence Seed on par with a Grand Mechanism will be conveyed using the Anchor of Harvest in order to slowly infect the new reality with demonic essence.

*After two celestial months, the Earth will be saturated in enough demonic essence that demonic possession will become plausible. Around 1 in 25 humans will be vulnerable to corruption of demonic essence (functional "possession") due to specific animosomatic traits, and will be especially likely to be possessed during moments of great stress.
*After six celestial months, the Earth will be saturated in enough demonic essence that demonic possession will become almost inevitable. Around 1 in 8 humans will be extremely vulnerable, often being possessed even when undergoing specific counter-rituals. Another 3 out of those 8 will be vulnerable as normal.
*After twenty-four celestial months, this reality is basically yours.
*Assuming no one stops this process, of course. The Essence Seed will be vulnerable to physical destruction if located by the humans...
*Naturally, you'll send in a legion of demons to protect the Essence Seed - you aren't a moron.

Standard rate of progression to reality domination: 4.1667% Per month.(24 months to demonic victory, 6 Months to half population vulnerability and probable Global Economic Collapse(GEC), estimated demonic legion size 5320)
Two Option Rate of Progresson to reality domination: 2.5% Per Month(40 Months to demonic victory, 10 months to half population vulnerability and probable GEC, estimated demonic legion size 3192 )
Three Option Rate of Progression to Reality Domination: 1.4% to 1.7% Per Month(58 to 71 months to demonic victory, 14-18 months to half population vulnerability and probable GEC, estimated demonic legion size 1756 to 2128)

[ ] Wish Fulfillment - As often told by the great Knower, it's unnecessary to conquer all of a world's mortals to control it. All you need, of course, is to own the souls of their leaders - a task which should be easier than spitting on a grave, in this case.

*A platoon of tempter devils and crossroad demons will be dispatched into the target reality in order to cajole, intimidate, seduce, and bribe its world leaders, head scientists, archmages, and similar. Also, they will grant wishes and act as reinforcement of the local (now-corrupt) power structures.
*Slowly but surely, the world governments of Earth will be pushed to doctrines more aligning with Hell's desires.
*A silent and slow death, happening over decades of passed legislation and the gradual slope of corruption.
*Almost impossible to stop fully.
*Easy to countermand on a local scale, however. Damnable princedoms.

Roughly 30 Tempter Demons are sent to make the world's politics worse per a question I asked Birdsie on Discord. Which means 18 if taken with a second option, or 10-12 demons in a 3 option plan. We may need to play the political game, use the cubes as part of a moneymaking venture. Of course we'd be dodging Olympus assassins too.

[ ] Devilcraft - Ah, so they use magic that relies on bondage to objects? How quaint. How... silvery.

*Corrupt the magical foundation of Earth in order to make an inclusion of infernal power at its core.
*All Godcards will be slowly reprogrammed to run on tainted mana. Some of them, particularly the ones focused on holy beings, will be immune or resistant. Others will bend especially fast. All Godcards in tune with demonic essence will receive power-ups and their users will become loyal servants, as brainwashed as any sleeper.
*There is some kind of entity interfering with this process, actively warping reality. It'll limit how fast this process can happen. Don't expect results in less than a month.
*It might backfire if everyone decides to shred their cards into pieces. The resultant backflow might even cause the Anchor to explode...
*Fortunately, they won't. Humans are too greedy to even consider giving up such power.
Super Mephistopheles becomes an enemy here, it helps with conservation of enemies. I don't think there's enough data to meaningfully work the scaling on this one. We need to beat everyone up and destroy their godcards on this one. Olympus has a problem with subverted Godcard holders among their ranks.

[ ] Heraldry - Now this! This is an occult classic - one can never go wrong with sending in a Herald-type Archdemon! A mighty entity of considerable might and trickery - it has been outfitted; genetically and thaumaturgically, with the most optimal capabilities to efficiently push a reality closer into Hell's grasp.

*A Herald of Hell is powerful beyond reckoning and not to be trifled with. If you wanted to fight one off using direct, physical means, you'd probably need the help of something like the Mangler.
*It can overthrow the United States government in one night and seamlessly assume the role of the president for self-defense.
*After that, it will sacrifice mortals and perform arcane rituals in order to aid the Anchor in reeling the Earth in closer to Hell.
We'd need a royal or imperial arm to stand against a herald.

Current Plan:

[x]Plan Armageddon is a State of Mind
-[x]Widespread Possession
-[x]Wish Fulfillment

Provides Plenty of time to accumulate Godcard buffs until global economic collapse.
I'm honestly sliding towards Wish Fufillment, since the nature of the Knight-Arms really benefit from Zane having time for progression, and worldly powers plus people like Olympus Corp slowly winding down darker paths feel like it would complement the story really will without having too make the gang war stuff in New York immediately which i'm still somewhat interested in over the descending in a immediate DOOM-like hell invasion. If anything, this will just help the gangs keep pace with Zane Knight-Aspirant buffs enough to make them satisfying threats for a time before a equally satisfying conclusion. The definition of a 'local area' is going to start getting a lot bigger with a Knight Arm that can sunder solar systems.

Widespread possession also seems pretty cool, has a fun in built narrative progression of a smallish problem that provides Zane non godcard mooks to fight thats escalates in scale but cans till ultimately be sold by some help from someone with good detective work and gaining the power to defeat a legion of demons. Thing basically change into DOOM around six months in, but six months can be a pretty long time in these sort of stories.

Devilry is right out due to it basically turning almost all our peers and allies useless which has always been a big 'meh' to me in these sorts of stories, as much as I my fights to not have the main character in these sorts of quests not hopelessly outpace his retinue to the point all their contributions are comparitively useless midway through the story often.

The herald i'm especially leery of because he's basically a walking wmd that is likely to overturn the entire nature of the setting, but assuming he's willing to lay low as the president for a while as the rest of the non-hell narrative progresses at a non-breakneck pace I can live with it. Also, let's be honest, this huge a threat would be ironclad grounds for literally every tradeoff between maximal progression for Zane and investment in other characters like we've had before in the story. I'm not even going to pretend that not how the votes will shake out. "How could we invest actions/ambrosia into making anyone but Zane stronger with the threat of the Herald at our throats?" Ad nauseum until the gap is so wide between Zane and literally everyone else that it's become a self fufilling prophecy. So yeah, convinced myself while writing this dodge Herald at all costs along side Devilry.

So i'll tentatively throw out a plan.

Plan Time is on our side
-[X] Wish Fulfillment
So, pretty much go for creating our own territory over time, and overthrow all leaders of the world once we get large enough? It does give us more time, but it also makes it way harder down the road and makes a lot more people's live worse.

The others are basically DOOM, like you said, but this one is more Cyberpunk, without the Cyber aspect.

Wait... oh no... ARE WE IN THE WORST TIMELINE?!?!?