God save the tsar (Imperial Russia quest)

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Imperial Russia 13 of March 1885

Asuncion Cathedral Moscow

It was a quirk of fate that...
Buenos aires

Imperial Russia 13 of March 1885

Asuncion Cathedral Moscow

It was a quirk of fate that you, Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov, were now crowned Nicholas II Emperor of Russia. Your father Alexander III had died from a liver disease 4 years into his reign leaving the empire in disarray from noble families who saw you as an unprepared boy to socialist and other revolutionary groups who wanted a violent change.

Nobody knew where Russia was heading but one thing was clear your family fate was upon your shoulder, would the Russian bear survive and become stronger or would he be torn apart by his enemies?
advisors and other things


Mijail Muraviov

grants +2 actions +20 to all diplomacy rolls


Aleksei Brusilov

Grants +2 action and +20 to all military rolls


Igor Vyacheslavovich

(man in the center)

grants +1 action +8 in all intrigue rolls.

Research and development

Nikola Tesla

grants +1 action and +15 to all research and development rolls


Sergei Witte

Grants +2 action +20 to all stewardship rolls

Maria Fedorovna

grants +1 personal action +5 in diplomacy

Alexander Mozhaysky

grants +5 in aviation research

George Alexandrovich

grants +5 in naval rolls in military)

Russian empire infrastructure

Okhrana headquarters (+5 in intrigue rolls)
European Russia electrical grid (+20 to R&D rolls)
Capable police (+5 to intrigue rolls and +5 to threat detection)
good railway (+5 to all construction rolls, +5 to army mobilization)

Risk of revolt: very low (can grow by failing actions or keep low by passing them )

advisor levels: level one roll 20-45 (+1 action and +1 to +5 in rolls)
level two roll 46-75 (+1 action and +6 to +10 in rolls)
level three roll 76-90 (+1 action and +11 to +15 in rolls)
level four roll 90-100 (+2 actions and +15 to +25 in rolls)

1-39 the event will hurt Russia
40-60 nothing happens
61-100+ the event will be something Russia can benefit from
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prologue part 1
Turn 1

Diplomacy (pick one)

[] Foreign relationships

Your reign is just starting meet with the ambassadors of the different countries to start establishing new relationships with them.

Chance of success: 90%

Reward: Contact with the rest of the nations.

[] Meet with Girs

Summon Nikolay Girs to discuss foreign affairs and your father plan.

Chances of success 80%.

Reward: reveal alexander III diplomatic talks and new options.

[] Find a new advisor

Search for a new advisor.

Chances of success: 80%

Reward: diplomacy advisor.

Military (pick one)

[] The bear strength

Meet with Pyotor Vanosky to know the state of your army and navy.

Chances of success: 90%.

Reward: state of the navy and the army and new options.

[] Find a new advisor

Search for a new advisor.

Chance of success: 80%.

Reward: military advisor.

Intrigue (pick one)

[] Into the shadow

Talk to the okhrana about the discontent of the people and to see what your enemies are planning.

Chances of success: 50%.

Reward: update on the happiness of your citizens.

[] A new shadow

The okhrana has become too much like the agitators the sought to subdue reform it so that it runs as a more efficient organism.

Chances of success: 90%

Reward: the okhrana gets more efficient 20% increase of into the shadows and find a new advisor.

[] Find a new advisor

Search for a new advisor.

Chance of success: 60%.

Rewards: intrigue advisor and new options

Research and development (pick one)

[] Census

There's never been a census in Russia so an account of how many live in our country isn't known rectify it by doing the first one.

Chance of success: 70%

Rewards: Russian population now known

[] Find a new advisor

Search for a new advisor.

Chance of success: 80%.

Reward: research advisor

Stewardship (pick one)

[] Taxes; laws and industry (free action)

You don't know the state of your country familiarize with it.

Chances of success: 90%.

Rewards: state of Russian industry now known, new action unlocked.

[] Find a new advisor

Search for a new advisor.

Chance of success: 80%.

Reward: stewardship advisor
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you can vote now in plans

edit: if there is a grammar mistake please understand I am a Spanish speaker English is my second language
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[X] Plan: Long live the Tsar!
[X] Foreign relationships
[X] Find a new advisor (Military)
[X] A new shadow
[X] Find a new advisor (research)
[X] Taxes; laws and industry (free action)
[X] Find a new advisor (stewardship)
[X] Plan: Long live the Tsar!
[X] Foreign relationships
[X] Find a new advisor (Military)
[X] A new shadow
[X] Find a new advisor (research)
[X] Taxes; laws and industry (free action)
[X] Find a new advisor (stewardship)
[X] Plan: Long live the Tsar!

Advisors, but also a few things that can't wait until we have advisors.
[X] Plan: Long live the Tsar!

Woo! Another CK2 styled quest of another historical character!
[X] Plan: Long live the Tsar!
[X] Foreign relationships
[X] Find a new advisor (Military)
[X] A new shadow
[X] Find a new advisor (research)
[X] Taxes; laws and industry (free action)
[X] Find a new advisor (stewardship)
prologue part 1 results
31 of december 1885

Diplomacy (pick one)

Foreign relationships

Your reign is just starting meet with the ambassadors of the different countries to start establishing new relationships with them.

Chance of success: 90%

Reward: Contact with the rest of the nations.

needed: 10
rolled: 72

It could have gone better but at least you manage to appear calm and avoid an incident in front of the ambassadors who were now going to report back to their countries about the meeting.

reward: Contact with the rest of the world established (alliance option unlocked)

Military (pick one)

Find a new advisor

Search for a new advisor.

Chance of success: 80%.

reward: military advisor.

needed: 20
rolled: 41

Russia needed a strong man to advise you in matters of the military unfortunately you couldn't find one so you have to settle for General Viktor Abaza who is skilled enough to make the rank of general but average commander.

reward: Gain general Viktor Abaza ( +1 action, +5 to all military roles)

Intrigue (pick one)

The okhrana has become too much like the agitators the sought to subdue reform it so that it runs as a more efficient organism.

Chances of success: 90%

Reward: the okhrana gets more efficient 20% increase of into the shadows and find a new advisor.

needed: 10
rolled: 33

the okrahna has now become a better instrument in the fight against your enemies but a lot of its informants were let quietly disposed of either for their incompetence or double allegiance

reward: the okranha reforms (20 % increase of " into the shadows" and "find a new advisor") new actions unlock.

Research and development (pick one)

Find a new advisor

Search for a new advisor.

Chance of success: 80%.

Reward: research advisor.

needed: 20
rolled: 88

on this matter, you were quite pleased sure you could always do better but managing to hire a young promising inventor who goes by the name of Nikola Tesla and putting him on the first train that could go into Russia

rewards: Gain Nikola Tesla ( +1 action + 15 to all research and development rolls)

Stewardship (pick one)

Taxes; laws and industry (free action)

You don't know the state of your country familiarize with it.

Chances of success: 90%.

Rewards: state of the Russian industry and government now known, new action unlocked.

needed: 10

the situation was dire if any of the other major European powers invaded Russia again you would fare no better than when the French attack in 1812 your industry could not support a prolonged war, your laws needed a lot of work the world was changing and you have to decide if Russia will change paths or stay the way it is and the last thing on the report you wonder why don't the people of Russia leave the country in droves with their economic situation.

reward: state of the industry ( poor) and state of government (poor)

Find a new advisor

Search for a new advisor.

Chance of success: 80%.

Reward: stewardship advisor

needed: 20
rolled: 98 (crit roll:90)

you were impressed you manage to find a gem hidden among the dirt well among the train tracks really in Kyiv there was a man who if the rumor is to be believed manage to turn the train into an efficient machine capable of comparing to a lesser German railways. His name is Sergei Witte.

gain advisor: gain Sergei Witte ( +2 action and +20 in rolls of stewardship)
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one thing i forgot to add turns will cover 6 months per year at least in the prologue for prologue 1 it covers the entire year so that next turn the 6 month turns can start
How did we get Tesla with an 88 score, I can imagine getting him if we had a crit roll of more then +95.

Who would be worth more then him?

We're we got a high quality steward. The sleeping Russian beast will roar once again.
How did we get Tesla with an 88 score, I can imagine getting him if we had a crit roll of more then +95.

Who would be worth more then him?

We're we got a high quality steward. The sleeping Russian beast will roar once again.

we got Tesla on an 88 because at these point in time he wasn't working with Eddison (the letter didnt get him a job) so when one of your men found him and offer him a job with a lot of new perks he took it

and on the topic of the roll, if you got say a 100 and the follow-up crit was a high clement adder, Felix Hoffman or carl Benz would have become interested to go

edit: if it had been between 80 or 85 someone es would have come and Tesla would have been hired by Eddison
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He was still in Austria at this point in time i believe.

I read that he went to NY by 1883 with a letter written by Charles Batchelor for Eddison to hire him.

EDIT: I left the find advisor on both research and military for the next turn if you want to try for someone like Benz, if you get a lower tire you stay with the one you have.
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prologue part 2
1 of January 1886

It's been almost one year since your father's death and it still hurts to remember it but now that you are the tsar you have to keep going forward for the sake of your country, the first half of this New Year is filled with promise so you better take advantage of the calm before the storm arrives.

Diplomacy (pick one)

[] Game of Thrones

Now that you have contact with the rest of the world it's time to plan for alliances and search for countries to ad into your zone of influence

Chance of success 40

Reward: find countries willing to discourse the topic and nations that can be added to your sphere

[] Meet with Girs

Summon Nikolay Girs to discuss foreign affairs and your father plan.

Chances of success 80%.

Reward: reveal Alexander III diplomatic talks and new options.

[] Find a new advisor

Search for a new advisor.

Chances of success: 80%

Reward: diplomacy advisor (increase by 20% "Game of Thrones")

Military (pick two)

[] The bear strength

Meet with Pyotor Vanosky to know the state of your army and navy.

Chances of success: 90%.

Reward: state of the navy and the army and new options.

[] Find a new advisor

Search for a new advisor.

Chance of success: 80%.

Reward: military advisor.

Intrigue (pick one)

[] Into the shadow

Talk to the Okhrana about the discontent of the people and to see what your enemies are planning.

Chances of success: 70%.

Reward: update on the happiness of your citizens.

[] infiltration

When the Okhrana reform they lost many of the assets they had. Rectify it by allowing them to start planting agents among the enemies of the state

Chances of success: ???

Reward: Plant agents among the enemies of your country (will go according to roll)

[] Find a new advisor

Search for a new advisor.

Chance of success: 80%.

Rewards: intrigue advisor and new options

Research and development (pick two)

[] Census

There's never been a census in Russia so an account of how many live in our country isn't known rectify it by doing the first one.

Chance of success: 70%

Rewards: Russian population is now known (increase 20% "in an empire of many faiths")

[] let there be light

Tesla thinks he can start working on the electrification of Russia let him star with Moscow to see how things play out before you decide on the rest of the country.

Roll: 70% (will last two turns)

Reward: Moscow gains electricity (+ happiness of the people) gain new options

[] upon wings of wood

In 1799 Sir John Cayley set forth the concept of airplanes assign Tesla and research team to start looking into these concepts and design plans for an airplane.

Roll: 60%

Reward: Aviation research unlocks.

[] Find a new advisor

Search for a new advisor.

Chance of success: 80%.

Reward: research advisor

Stewardship (pick three)

[] We are late to the industrialization party

Last year report on the industry left a bitter feeling in you, Witte thinks he can attract new investors to start growing Russia industrial might.

Chance of success: 75%

Rewards: Russia industrialization begins new actions unlock.

[] all aboard

You have the man that improved Kyiv railways to a German level give him permission to look into the trains and train tracks of the European part of Russia and see what works and what doesn't.

Chance of success: 75% (will last two turns)

Rewards: Witte starts planning Russia new train lines new actions unlocked

[] an empire of many faiths

For as long as Russia existed many of the faiths of the world live inside of it you should familiarize with them if you want to avoid trouble with their leaders.

Chance of success: 55 %

Rewards: the religion of your citizens now known new actions unlock

Personal (pick one)

[] bonds of brotherhood

Your brothers are required to pledge their loyalty to you and the noble are getting anxious to see this.

Reward: pledge of loyalty form your brothers and sister and nobles are pleased

[] focus on a task

Sometimes two head think better than one choose one action to focus on it.

Reward: apply Nicholas stats to the roll of one of the tasks you choose.

[] a skilled man

Now that you got some free time see if you can improve one of your skills

Chance of success: ???

Reward improve your skill (will depend on roll)
[X] Plan Advise and Counter 2.0
[X] Find a new advisor
[X] The bear strength
[X] Find a new advisor
[X] Find a new advisor
[X] Census
[X] let there be light
[X] We are late to the industrialization party
[X] all aboard
[X] an empire of many faiths
[X] bonds of brotherhood

We need to re-roll to get better advisors, it's better to get it over with so we can pick two actions for the rest of our categories in the future.
[X] Plan Advise and Counter 2.0
[X] Find a new advisor
[X] The bear strength
[X] Find a new advisor
[X] Find a new advisor
[X] Census
[X] let there be light
[X] We are late to the industrialization party
[X] all aboard
[X] an empire of many faiths
[X] bonds of brotherhood