God A Sword (CWMGQ Spin off #64)

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So I admit, I wasn't furious with this guy any more, to be honest. Oh sure, I was angry at him for what he did to Lan but he'd been talking non-stop.

For the past five minutes.

And he wouldn't shut up.

"So where was I? Anyways yeah, so there's this new dating sim coming out, don't know if you follow those, anyways it's actually one not using any magical girls for the main heroines, can you believe it? It's not even a remake of a classic game either! Well yes innovation is a very big factor in any creative industry lest a genre get stale, but with the actual magical girls running around creators can always get creative inspiration! But I guess people really just like the classics-"

Yeah I think I've lost my will to fight...

"Um, excuse me," I interrupted, "Do you mind not talking long enough for me to get a chair? If we're going to talk I don't want to keep standing."

"..." He stopped talking for a minute and I took the chance to take a seat in a nearby desk, "Wait you're actually gonna talk to me?"

"Yeah, why?"

"...I was half expecting you to come up with a battle plan in order to break out of my ability and continue the fight."

I gave the chameleon based guildy a flat stare, "Dude I have been listening to you talk about inane shit for the past five minutes. You've sucked all the dramatic tension out of the moment."

"Shit!" he cursed, taking a seat himself, "There goes my chance to look cool. Of course I blew it!"

Oi oi that's my line.

"Well anyways," I began, fidgeting in my seat, "I have… questions. Several in fact. Do you mind answering them? We can talk about your stuff as well."

"Heh, I can't say that I can answer all of the questions but I will answer those I can! Bring your questions!"

Right here goes nothing...

"What's a Guildy?"

There was an awkward pause as Cameleo Guildy lifted a finger to his chin in thought before finally answering "Guildys…"

I held my breath a bit.

"Are Guildys!" He declared.

"Hey! That's not an answer!" I yelled, slamming my hand into the desk causing a bang to ring through the classroom, "At least answer the question properly!"

"How am I supposed to that?! How about you define a human first?!"

"Homo sapien!"

"That's just a fancy word for human!" he shouted, turning Red, "That describe what a human is! How do you even define what a human is?! It's the same way for us Guildys! Cats are cats, dogs are dogs, humans are humans, and Guildys are Guildys! We simply are!"

"Fine fine, whatever." I groaned, "Moving on to a different topic, why haven't I ever heard of you guys?"

"We Guildy's are secretive, we try to conceal our presence to an absolute minimum."

"You're on the news."

"Shut up! That was one time!"

Multiple times actually.

"Lizard Guildy kidnapped a little girl."

The now-yellow guildy blinked, "He did what."

"He kidnapped a little girl, so that she would pose for him."

"...Well we all have our quirks right?" he laughed nervously, "Wait, is that why you killed him?"

"Maybe? It was all a big rush of adrenaline but, he was making the twintails on that girl cry! I could feel it! I had to do something!" I raised a fist to my heart, "But I will say that he had an effect on my heart, and his memory will always live on."

"Yeah…" Chameleo Guildy sighed. We both paused for a moment of prayer as I thought back to the Guildy who caused my awakening. "Still hard to believe that he's dead. We Guildy's are always prepared for death, but it rarely actually happens."

"Always prepared for death huh?" I mused, "He said the same thing himself. You know, if you were to go to the public they would probably accept you you know?"

"Oh no, I know for a fact that they wouldn't accept us." The Guildy looked out the window, "It's something someone like you wouldn't understand. From the moment we were born, the world has always been against us Guildys."

"I see…" I sighed, "Does this have anything to do with your love life?"

"W-What?! No! It's got nothing to do with my non-existent love life!" he paused, "I-I mean! Shit!"

A laugh escaped my lips.

"Fuck off!" He waved his fist, "Argh, never mind about this whole thing! I have to erase your memories anyways!"

Oh shit that's right! As fast as I could I shut my eyes and looked away from the Guildy.

"Oh come on!"

"You want to mess with my mind! Again!" This time on purpose!

"Look it's not like I want to okay?!" Chameleo Guildy exclaimed, "Despite what I initially thought you're actually a bit fun to talk to! That's why… I'm hesitant on doing this to you."

"Well is there any way for you to not?" I shouted, "Any way at all?!"

There was no response. The silence was overwhelming and before I knew it, my eyes had cracked open and I turned my head only to find that the enemy I was just fighting wasn't even facing me any more.

"...Yeah, maybe. Maybe there is a way, but it'd be hell." He turned dark blue, "Do you know that park that everyone ignores? Hidden away near the edge of the city?"

"Ah, yeah?" It was the subject of many urban legends after all, "What about it?"

"I'm going to need you to meet me there at midnight." He turned to face me dramatically, "There you will decide your destiny."

"...I'm sorry but no matter how hard you try you aren't exactly cool material."

"Oh go fuck yourself, you aren't either!" He growled at me, "Just for I'm going to use this on you!"

"Wait what the hell are you doi-"


Paint Me The World: 15 Base Damage, +44 Dice = 59 Total Damage
Tail Red: 70 Base Resilience, +20 Dice = 90 Total Reduction

0 End Damage

Tail Red: 175 - 0 = 175 Remaining Health



I barely had any time to react before the skin on Chameleo Guildy began to flash rapidly between bright colors and seemingly encompassed my vision. Wait, no, they actually did. Oh god I can't see.

Oh… Shit… My head…

Oh god I'm dizzy…

Think I'm gonna hurl…

No… No I'm fine…



...Fuck you Chameleo…


I'll admit I didn't know what to expect when I woke up, but when I did it was to my own bedroom ceiling with a slight headache.

"Graaaaah." I groaned, lifting my upper body up. "Geez, was that all just a dream?"

"Nop,." Lan's voice replied, and I turned over to find her staring at me from my desk. "I'm not sure what exactly happened, my memories are all foggy, but I found you passed out in our classroom drooling. You know when I said that a twintail idiot like you couldn't get sick you weren't supposed to take that as a challenge."

"Hey! That wasn't my fault!" I retorted, "That was… Um…"

"Ah save it Hong," the blue haired girl said, "I know, you're a magical girl. I saw you destransform right in front of me."

"Ah, yeah." I chuckled nervously, "Craziest thing right? Ahahaha…"

"Yeah, craziest thing," she deadpanned before sighing. "...We'll talk more about this later. When you're feeling better, I'll be waiting for you there okay?"

I clenched my fist.



"Yeah, I got it." I nodded. Silently, Lan walked out of the room leaving me in silence before mom peeked in.

"Hong?" She asked, "Is something the matter?"

"Huh? Oh no I'm just…" A pause, "Thinking I guess, of a lot of things."

"Ah, I see," Mom replied with a gentle smile, "Here, drink up. You've never gotten sick before so we don't have any medicine for you right now."

"I'm fine, mostly." I took the water before drinking it down in one gulp."

"Hm~" She let out, "Did you know Lan was the one who brought you home? She also waited for you here the entire time."

"Eh? She was that worried?" I blinked, "Shouldn't she have gone home then?"

"Of course not, after all…" Mom trailed off before shaking her head, "Well, you'll figure it out eventually. Anyways, I'll have you rest for ten more minutes before you can do anything else okay?"

My head nodded, "Yeah…"

I guess after this I'll…

[] Meet with Lan
[] Rest some more

+5 EXP (ATTEMPTED) Pacifist

5 EXP Gained = 7 EXP

AN: Cameleo Guildy is so much of an outcast we actually had to make a new ability just for him. :V
It was after I had mostly recovered from whatever Chameleo Guildy had done (the prick) that I set out to… That place.

I'll be honest, I never liked graveyards. They were always so bleak and depressing, especially with how many there are now scattered over the world.

Thousands have died, are dying, leading to a boost in the gravestone industry. Ain't that a bitter thing to say?

But well, I guess even with all the thousands of graves in the country, she could always afford the best.

Or at least that's what I thought as I approached Lan's back while she stared down at a marble grave.

I glanced over her shoulder and onto the grave as a sharp pang went through my chest. From the picture left on it, a blonde twelve year old girl smiled back at me, her Twintails on full display.

The Hope that died too young

"...That's still a terrible thing to put on her grave," Lan commented bitterly before turning to me, "You sure kept me waiting."

"Hey I just recovered from a fight with a giant Chameleon in order to save you from accidentally being mind controlled," I shot back as I moved right next to her. "It's been a long day."

"Yeah…" She sighed, "So, how long?"


"How long have you been a magical girl?" The blue haired girl continued, "How long have you been hiding this from me?"

"Uh, I awakened… last Saturday?" Yeah two days ago, "It was the end of the day too so really I only managed to keep it hidden from you for about a day."

She blinked, turning to look me in the eye. "Last Saturday."


"As in you've only been a magical girl for barley two days."

"That is correct."

She looked at me in silence for a minute before letting out the biggest groan I have ever heard from her, "What in the fuck."


"No no not you just- It's better if I showed you." She mumbled some words that I couldn't hear before, in a flash of light standing in front of me wasn't Lan Yu, my best friend since I was a kid.

Standing in front of me was- "I am Magical Girl Tail Blue."

Her outfit was a bit different from Tail Red's, mostly due to being… lacking in several areas. While it was mostly the same tight white bodysuit, it exposed a lot more skin, and had some sort of fin-like blue gauntlets on her hands.

Also the only change to her body was the color of her Twintails from dark blue to light blue. She looked exactly the same age as she was a few minutes ago.

Which just wasn't fair let me tell you.

"...What's with that look on your face?" La- Well, Tail Blue asked, her face scrunching up a bit.

"Ah, it's nothing." I nodded, "I was just thinking of how your outfit tries to emphasise your chest when there's still nothing there."

"...Transform right now so I can beat you up without sending you to the hospital."

"Oh good," I sighed in relief, "You're still Lan."

"Why is that your qualifier for me?!" She roared as I approached Erina's grave and knelt.

"Hey," I began, "It's been a long time, Erina."

Blue turned silent as a memory from long ago came back to me.

"If you can't wear Twintails than I'll just wear them for you!" The little blonde exclaimed, "So smile, okay?"

"...Tail On," I mumbled before transforming once again into the form of a little girl. "I am Magical Girl Tail Red."

There was a silence before Lan moved to sit next to me, still transformed. "So, we're teammates huh?"

"I… guess that's how these things work?" I shrugged.

"Heh, well sorry Hong but I've been retired from the magical girl life for years." She-

"Wait years?!" I exclaimed, whipping my head to face her. "But- Aren't we supposed to awaken around the same time!?"

"Yeah that's how it usually is, a few months at the most." The Twintailed warrior sighed, "But as for me… Well, Erina and I awoke to being Magical Girls 8 years ago. By the time you moved in next door, we had already been Magical Girls for six months."

"I see…" So, I never knew a time when Lan wasn't a magical girl. "Erina too huh?"

"...Yeah, my- Or I guess our teammate, Tail Yellow." She grew silent before responding again, voice shaky "I… don't have to say what happened right?"

I nodded.

Hope, Mankind's colony in an adjacent dimension to Gaia. Mankind's only colony.

And most likely the last. Overrun by the forces of Hell and the rest of the United Darkness. For most people it was the event that nearly crippled humanity. For others, well.

It was personal.

...This really is a terrible gravestone.

Lan sighed, "After that and well, everything, I decided to retire from it all and try to live on as a normal girl. Then you turned into a Magical Girl and look where we are."

"Why do you make it sound like it's all my fault?" I grumbled, "It's not like I wanted to be kidnapped by a Lizard who had taken a little girl and was forcing her to take photos with various dolls."

"I'm sorry what happened?!" She exclaimed, standing up.

"Yeah Saturday was a crazy afternoon." I nodded, "But I will keep my promise and never forget Lizard Guildy."

"I- Wha-" she sputtered before letting out a groan, "Of course that's how you ended up as a magical girl. Erina's like of Twintails was bad enough but your obsession with them seems to warp sanity itself."

"Hey!" I exclaimed, "It makes more sense in context!"

Tail Blue gave me a look, "...Does it really?"

I didn't answer that.

"That's what I thought." She sighed, "Look I don't remember much but that… Thing that attacked me, he got away right? What are you going to do about it?"

"...Midnight, we're meeting up at the old park at midnight." I replied, "I'm not sure what for since he spouted some cliche lines in an attempt to be cool or something… Cameleo is kind of a loser."

And I'm sure if he heard me say that than he'd shout 'NORMIE' at the top of his lungs and yell something about waifus.

"Ooookay than, moving on." Blue began, "I won't fight with you, but goddamn me I can't help you train. We uh, we still have the sparring match right?"

"Huh? Oh yeah! Sure."

"G-Great! I'm going to head back home and get out some of the things I made for MG spars." She quickly turned around, "Ah, See you there!"

And with that she quickly left the graveyard.

...Wonder what's up with her.

Oh well, I still had something to do after all.

"You see that Erina? She's been getting better." I smiled looking at the grave. "Life's been getting crazy these last few days, but I've been hanging in there. So, if you can wherever you are, listen to me."

In a bright red flash the Blazer Blade appeared in my hand as I pointed it to the grave.

"I didn't have the strength to protect your Twintails back then… but now is different. I won't let any more Twintails get hurt ever again!"

...Even though nothing happened, I felt a lot better.

So I guess I can say I had my first true spar against Lan that afternoon.

Well, no. Spar is too big of a word for it. What followed in that session was not a spar. In fact it couldn't even be considered a one sided beatdown, because Tail Blue pulled out a wooden stick and it still hurt like hell.

No I had to go up against Lan in her base form.

If she hadn't shattered my pride as a man before than I think she just obliterated it.

She still won, by the way. While also obviously holding back.

Lan is scary.

"Well," She began, not even having broke a sweat. "I knew you were a beginner but I… can't say I was expecting that."

"Mhm." I let out as I lay on the floor, detransformed. "I guess you were holding back more than I thought…"

"You'll get the hang of it eventually, magical girls have better growth than your regular human." Says the girl who can punch holes in a wall in her base form, "Speaking of… Why do you turn into a little girl?"

I let out the biggest groan I could, lifting myself off the floor. "Look I wasn't the one who got to choose what I turned into."

"You look like you're what," She gave me a sly grin, "Eight years old at best?"

"No I look like I'm twelve! It's gotta be twelve!" I retorted.


"Screw off!" I threw a lazy swipe at her which she dodged with ease, laughing all the while. "Urgh, you're never gonna let me live this down are you."

"Considering you can't seem to stop pushing my buttons?" Lan shot back.

"You know the easiest way to get rid of that complex is by drinking your milk an- WOAH!"

"New round!"

The sun had set by the time I made it back to my house, which left only a few more hours until I had to make it to the midnight meeting at the park.

In the meantime I decided too…

You have (1) Action

[] Social
-[] Hang out with Twirl
-[] Hang out with Mom (Loser)
[] Martial
-[] Test yourself Against the Twirl-Bots (Read: Throw yourself into the meat grinder)
[] Information
-[] Waste time crawling through shitposts Read threads on ToHO
-[] Sit on the couch and watch TV in hopes that something interesting comes on

+3 EXP Promise on a Grave
+5 EXP (Attempt to) Spar with Lan at more than 10% of her full power

8 EXP gained = 15 EXP

(Tail Blue sheet revealed)

[] Spend EXP?
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"Hey Twirl?"

"Yes Hong?"

"You didn't send in weaker Twirl-Bots right?" I asked as I side stepped one of the two metal guards currently in the room with me before jabbing the Blazer Blade into its side. "Because this seems much easier."

Blazer Blade: 80 Base Damage, + 12 Dice = 92 Total Damage
Twirl-Bot D.U.V.S.: 50 Base Resilience, + N/A Dice = 50 Total Reduction

42 End Damage

Twirl-Bot D.U.V.S.: 100 - 42 = 58 Remaining Health.

The machine let out some pretty dangerous sounding noises as the Blazer Blade, unlike yesterday, pierced through the metal of it's armor like it was nothing.

"Nope, it's all you," Twirl's voice sounded over the intercom, "You really think I would make weaker bots just to save you your pride? Please."

"Twirl I swear to god," I groaned, kicking the bot off my blade and spinning around to slice the other machine's head.

Blazer Blade: 80 Base Damage, +15 Dice, +10 Headshot = 105 Total Damage
Twirl-Bot D.U.V.S.: 50 Base Reduction, +N/A Dice = 50 Total Reduction

55 End Damage

Twirl-Bot D.U.V.S.: 100 - 55 = 45 Health Remaining

The machine started spitting out a ton of error messages but I ignored it as I jumped up to slam my foot into its sides, kicking it into a nearby wall.

"...I just realized, I am really tiny." I looked at my hands, "This body feels so natural that I didn't even notice at first."

"You look adorable Hong," The white haired scientist nodded on the monitor, "Alright we can stop here. I've gotten good enough photos and I don't feel like doing all the repair work on the bots tonight."

I whipped my head to the monitor, "Wait is that why you let me fight your bots?! So you can take photos of me?!"

"Hehehe. Silly Hong, don't you know?" she smirked, "As long as you're within this house and transformed, I will always take a photo of you!"

"...I'm telling mom."

"I'll give it to her, she'll host them on the walls."

"Do that and I'll stop giving you your allowance."

"I'll sell the photos online in order to make more Twirl-Bot cams!"

"You can't make a kickstarter project out of magitech robots!"

"Are you kidding me?! People will eat that shit up! Besides, Patreon is better for long term stuff anyway."

"I'm not saying that you can't." I looked at her, dead serious. "I'm saying that beyond the veil of anonymity you can barely interact with another human without pissing anyone off."

"So? Normals can just go and die!" She exclaimed, "So what if I'm 22 years old and haven't left this lab in years! I'm fine! Perfectly fine!"

I let out a groan of infinite frustration, "Great, now you're starting to sound like Chameleo Guildy."

"He's that nerdy Guildy right?" Twirl replied as if she hadn't been yelling at life five seconds ago, "Geez what an idiot, everyone knows Sakura Doki will have one of the heroines secretly be a magical girl. Has he looked at the writer? It's his trademark style! The fun is in guessing which one is the MG!"

"Because you can't do that in reality?"

It was probably illegal after all.

"It's not my fault you guys have AIP!" She exclaimed, shouting a term I don't know. "Let me have my joys Hong!"

I groaned again as she started laughing in what I think she thought was victory, "Ah… Speaking of Chameleo, how are you getting to the park? Your mom isn't going to drive you up there at midnight."

Oh shit.

"I'll… Walk there?" I nodded, "Yeah that sounds righ-"

"It's like one and a half miles away."

"Fuck it, taking the bike!" I exclaimed, "Throw me one more round of bots Twirl, I need another warm-up for tonight!"

"Oh but Hong, I like sleep."

"You're an internet denizen you don't even know what that word is."

Okay so admittedly the park wasn't that creepy at night.

...That was a lie, I was half expecting a lesser nightmare to jump up and grab me at any moment. Considering I was here to presumably duel to the death with a giant lizard, that might've been more preferable.

It says something that this was my life now. Wow do all magical girls have to go through this?

I made a mental note to actually read up on Magical Girl life and all that other important stuff later as I parked my bike near an old wall. Now that I knew Lan was a magical girl as well, this was probably important to know.

Actually I could probably ask her herself, couldn't I?

I shook my head as I began to walk deeper into the park. This wasn't the time for that. My eyes began scanning the shadowy figures with only the moon and an old street lamp as a source of light. "I'm here! Show yourself Chameleo!"

The was a rustling in the dark.

"Hey! I said I'm here!"

A slow, reptilian noise sounded throughout the park.

Oh god is he trying to...

He's trying to act scary. He is totally trying to act scary and cool. Either that or I'm going insane.

Only one way to find out.

"Sakura Doki is most definitely going to star a magical girl!" I shouted, mentally thanking Twirl for that bit of trivia.

"What?! Bullshit!" His voice came reached my ears from in the dark. "I-I mean, hisss-"

"That's enough Chameleo." A new, deep voice rumbled, "You tried your best. Now, are you sure this is the one who turned into Tail Red?"

"I… Don't know." Chameleo appeared under the streetlight, skin green. "Hey! You! If you're a magical girl do you mind transforming."

"You're the one who called me out here!" I yelled, "Who else could it be?!"

"Heh, I like this guy's attitude." The new voice continued, "Sorry, but we need you to transform if we're going to continue this talk."

Alrighty then…


In a burst of light and energy I was once again the Twintail Warrior, Tail Red. I held my trusty Blazer Blade in my hand before pointing it towards Chameleo Guildy.

"Is this enough to convince you?" ,y now female voice asked.

Chameleo Guildy looked at me before nodding upwards, "See? Just like I told you commander."

Wait what?

"So you really did encounter a man who transformed into magical girl named Tail Red." There was a silent pause before the voice continued, "Interesting… You did well, Chameleo Guildy!"

"T-Thank you commander!"

"So, Chameleo," I began, "Who's the other person here?"

"Well Tail Red, why don't I just introduce myself to you instead!" Chameleo Guildy ducked out of the way as the streetlight suddenly broke. A figure stepped into the moonlight, decked in dark black metal armor from head to toe, the only window past his armor being filled with bright red eyes and inky blackness. "I am Chameleo Guildy's commander, one of the strongest Guildy's there is. Though, I won't claim to be the strongest, I am always striving for the title! Engrave this name into your soul Tail Red! I! am!"

I sat there in a mix of stunned silence and awe before he continued, "At this moment we may be enemies. But will you allow me a moment to take in your Twintails?"

"My Twintails?" I looked over at the red strands coming down from my head. He wanted to take in my Twintails? "This may sound vain but I do think my Twintails are in fact, amazing as well. But there's a bit trouble letting someone else admire them."

I could feel the warrior in front of me raising an eyebrow, "I sense turmoil from your Twintails."

"Eh? No way!" I pulled one of the Twintails in front of my face. "These Twintails are precious and though it's embarrassing becoming a girl, the power that they give me to protect other twintails is more than enough to make up for that! It's just, as a man, there's no way in hell am I going to be comfortable when another man takes them in fine detail!"

There was a pause before Drag Guildy nodded sagely, "I see. Yes that makes sense. I am sorry for the trouble, Tail Red. Twintails has always been a passion of mine and while seeing such magnificent Twintails is a blessing, I am even more glad that their owner properly respects them. I am sorry for the trouble I have caused."

"Uh," Chameleo Guildy spoke up in the dark. "I'm lost. What are you two talking about?"

The commander chuckled, "Hopefully you to will understand the glory of Twintails one day. But for now, you can at least see the glorious color of her hair."

"I can see that but…" Chameleo turned red, "I won't get over the fact that he's a man as well!"

"Please don't."

"That accursed hair," the guildy growled, "If you were a woman you'd be the perfect waifu but since you're a man I can only spit and curse! Damn you for winning the genetic lottery!"

"Silence Cameleo Guildy!" the commander guildy exclaimed suddenly, "While you curse the color of that hair you by extension curse those twintails as well! That is something I can not allow for!"

"A-Ah! Sorry commander!" The Guildy backed away slowly, "It's just… This is something that offends me on a primal level!"

"Isn't that kind of racist?" I mumbled, "And a bit sexist as well?"

"Ahem!" Drag Guildy let out, "I see your point but no matter what I will always stand by my love of twintails! Tail Red!"

"Yes?!" I exclaimed, jumping up a bit and raising my sword.

"As you have come this far I have seen fit to give you two options!" His red eyes seem to stare right through me as his voice grew louder, "Though you have slain one of our brethren, you have proven yourself worthy enough to be given this choice. If you pick the path of a civilian, we will use Cameleo Guildy's ability to suppress any and all memories of us! However, know that if you pick the path of a warrior, than you shall forever be an enemy to us Guildys! Choose your fate Tail Red, for your future shall be decided at this moment!"

The path I chose… What I wanted to do….

Of course I picked…

[] The Path of a Civilian
[] The Path of a Warrior
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I'll admit, if anyone else had made this offer then I certainly would've been suspicious. However, this Drag Guildy was also a lover of the twintails, and not in the creepy way either. I could tell that he genuinely respected Twintails just like me, and because of that I guess I can say that even if it was a little bit, I trusted him.

Which was why I could actually consider the choice that he had offered me.

If I was honest, in a way, it was kind of the logical choice for me to take it. After all, even if I was a magical girl with instincts to fight, that didn't mean I was entirely willing to fight the Guildys nor was I the one qualified to do so.

After all, I am Hong Liang, the one who couldn't gain any skill in fighting even after two years, who's never been able to gain a good grade in school ever, who has no grand dreams for the future and can only think of twintails every day.

No skill, no smarts, only a desire that anyone else would laugh at.

Clearly, if I took his offer, if I went back to better days before the name "Tail Red" existed, I would be making the best choice. The choice any sane man would make.

And yet…

And yet, it was because I was Hong Liang that I had a different answer.

"Drag Guildy… Just who do you think I am?!" I shouted, "Do you really think that just because it was the safer option I'd stop fighting?! As if! Even if everyone laughs at me, even if the world shuns me, I won't care! I love twintails from the bottom of my heart, so if you and the other Guildys dare to bring harm to twintails… then it's only natural that I'd rise up to fight against you! The warrior who fights for the sake of what she loves, that's Tail Red!"

The sound of silence filled the park. The wind blowing my twintails back as I stared Drag Guildy dead in the eyes, neither of us blinking as the wind began to pick up.

And then… A laugh came from Drag Guildy's lips before he threw his head back and began roaring with laughter. "Yes! That's it! That's exactly the kind of spirit that us Twintials lovers should have! Who cares what everyone else thinks of us, as long as we have twintails! I am glad that I met someone as deserving as you to bear those twintails! Chameleo Guildy!"

"Sir!" The lizard exclaimed, clenching his fist. "It's come down to that hasn't it commander?"

"You bet it has." The knight pointed to me and I could feel a grin on his helmet covered face, "I'll leave it to you, Chameleo Guildy! Finish the battle that the two of you started!"

"Of course!" He roared, dashing towards me, "You have no right to talk about the world shunning you!"

His claws sped towards me before I slipped out of the way of his charge, sending him running past me. "Chameleo, I don't know why you think I'm some sort of popular guy, but I guess I have to say this again!"

I raised the Blazer Blade to his face as he turned around, "If you continue down this path…. Then your existence ends here!"

His scales turned an even dark red and I quickly turned my head away, "You… Don't you dare even try to deny it! Sure I'll admit that you're not some sort of popular kid like I initially thought but you're much better off than guys like me!"

"How?!" I exclaimed, jumping towards him before swinging the crimson blade as hard as I could, "Why do you think I'm so much more better off than you?!"

Blazer Blade: 80 Base Damage, +19 Dice = 99 Total Damage
Chameleo Guildy: 40 Base Resilience, +1 Dice = 41 Total Reduction

58 End Damage

Chameleo Guildy: 165 - 58 = 107 Health Remaining

Before I could hit his chest however, Chameleo pushed his hand in front of the sword to block. A loud scream of pain pierced through the night as the Blade dug into his skin and cut a sizable part of his forearm off, the pound of Guildy Flesh landing on the ground with a dull thud.

"It's… Because…" He hissed out before screaming again as he used his injured hand to push away the Blazer Blade, "It's because of your damn hair! No, not even that! It's because of your looks! You're handsome! You're better looking than average! The only thing holding you back is your personality! But us losers… We don't have that choice! We're stuck with our crummy selves from birth! Someone like you, who can crawl out of the abyss of loserdom at a moment's notice, can never hope to sympathise with the people who can't stand to wake up and look in the mirror!"

"I…" I blinked, "Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

"It's not!" He growled, "Listen up! Tail Red, everything I got, everything I am, will go into this fight! This is my moment! Even if I am the bottom of the barrel trash, I'll still struggle against you with everything I've got!"
And like that the deep red skin of the guildy disappeared as he turned into… nothing?

"Um." I let out turning my head around. "Where'd you… Oh. Oh cra-"

I let out a girlish shriek as I could suddenly feel the impact of a fist against my face, sending me flying backwards before something curled around my legs and smashed me into the ground.


And again.

And again.

The Ground: 0 Base Damage, +10 Puny God Magical Girl, +10 Ow = 20 Total Damage
The Ground: 0 Base Damage, +10 Puny God Magical Girl, +10 Fuck = 20 Total Damage
The Ground: 0 Base Damage, +10 Puny God Magical Girl, +10 My face = 20 Total Damage
The Ground: 0 Base Damage, +10 Puny God Magical Girl, +10 Rocks are hard = 20 Total Damage
The Ground: 0 Base Damage, +10 Puny God Magical Girl, +10 Owww = 20 Total Damage
100 Combined Damage

Tail Red: 70 Base Resilience, +2 Dice = 72 Total Reduction

28 End Damage

Tail Red: 175 - 28 = 147 Health Remaining.

"Bleeeehhhh…" I moaned as I landed on the ground with a dull thud, whatever that was wrapping around me (Okay we all know it was Chameleo) seemingly vanishing. "Was… that really necessary?"

Chameleo stood above me, a deep and calming blue dying his scales. "Yes."

"Fuck you!"

"Oh trust me," he chuckled, "That was really therapeutic."

I growled, pushing myself off the dirt and onto my knees again, raising the Blazer Blade up as he turned invisible once again.

Right, he could do that. Almost forgot.

I took a few quick breaths, looking around me to try and find out where Chameleo was going to come at me from next. Anything, from the cracking of a single branch to a smell could be a hint at where he was coming from.

Still, I couldn't exactly keep up this kind of fight forever. Fighting an invisible opponent was far from ideal and next time he could smash me into the ground ten times instead of five.

I shivered slightly before adjusting my stance.

Yeah, I needed a plan to face him. Something to get around both his invisibility and his color trick. But what…

[] Swing my arms wildly
[] Yell until he gets really really mad
[] Write in

AN: Tiny updates.
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I needed a plan to get around his color powers. But, how? It's not like I had any useful ability that I could use to overcome him with sheer strength, and I'm not smart enough to try and think of a tactic to use the abilities I do have to entrap him…

All I had was myself. Maybe I should try to understand him? Put myself in his shoes?

With a deep breath I closed my eyes and let my thoughts begin to wander. Placing myself in his shoes… Of course the biggest mystery was why he seemed to have some sort of grudge against me.

As far as I knew, I hadn't met him before the incident with Lan. Just what about me was making him so mad?

Think Hong… After everything he's said… Looking at myself the way he sees me…

Why? Why does he hate me so much when he doesn't even know me?


Wait wait wait wait.


"Oh, I see now." I began talking out loud, opening my eyes again. "I must really piss you off now don't I? After all, I'm trying to empathize with you… When I've had a cute girl living next door to me for 8 years!"

"S-She lives next door to you?!" Chameleo exclaimed, appearing some distance from in front of me. "Wait?! Eight years?! Don't tell me, you're also her childhood friend?!"

"That's right!" I pointed a finger at him, "And that's not all! Underneath my house… lives a genius scientist who also happens to be a hot lady! I always have wacky misadventures!"


"Yes! And I'm not done either!" My voice started to get louder and louder as I continued, "I'm also a magical girl! Which means I get a bunch of cool super powers that you don't have access to!"

"Stop!" he shouted, covering his ears, "Stop! Taunting me!"

"You think that's all?! My family owns a cafe, which means I don't have to deal with minimum wage jobs by big corporations!"

"Shut up shut up shut up-"

"Furthermore my mom is a huge nerd herself! There's no weird disconnect between us at all!"


"ALSO! I go to one of the best private schools in the area, which automatically looks good on my college applications!"

"I SAID SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!" The chameleon man roared, turning a dark crimson before charging towards me, "Stop showing off how great your life is! Some of us actually go through hardship!"

It was almost as if someone had turned on an engine inside of him. With every step he took his sprint got faster and faster and before I knew it his fist had came flying right into my face.

I took a deep breath sighed. With a smack that echoed through the air the knuckles of his fists hit my skull.

???: 35 Base Damage, +1 Dice = 36 Total Damage
Tail Red: 70 Resilience, +18 Dice = 88 Total Reduction

0 End Damage

Tail Red: 147 - 0 = 147 Remaining Health

"Some of us don't have lives that are perfect! Some of us aren't born so goddamn lucky!" He roared right into my face, "Which is why I vow to take you down right here and now! To end that perfect life of yours!"

"...You done yet?" I asked, reaching up to grab his fist before glaring at him.

The Chameleon's fist… didn't hurt at all. By all logic that should've at least made me feel some sort of pain but all I felt was the sensation of his fist hitting me.

Was this the strength of Tail Red?

As his second fist came flying towards me I slipped to the side before jamming the hilt of the Blazer Blade into the Guildy's stomach and kicking him onto the ground.

"You're wrong." I began calmly, my voice getting louder with every word "It's not some people that go through hardships, it's everybody! You're just too selfish to look past all the objective parts of someone's life to actually see the person they really are!"

"You think only losers suffer, that those at the top of the food chain live blissful lives?!" Anger seeped into my voice as Chameleo began to back away from me. "Sure all the things I said sound great but you're forgetting one aspect! Me!"

Chameleo Guildy said that his anger was for me was on principal. This feeling inside of me was much the same.

After all, as the one who had lost everything and almost lost it again, I won't let anyone say that my life was perfectly happy.

"Get up," I ordered, pointing the red blade at him. Chameleon hesitated for a brief moment before turning blue and standing up again on shaky legs. "You want to prove that a loser can beat a winner? Than stop running away and face me like a man!"

My opponent staggered back a bit, "R-Running away?! You think what I'm doing is running away?!"

"If not, what is it? You're color powers, being able to control people, blinding them, turning invisible…" My eyes glared at him with as much fury as I could muster. "They all exist to never actually face people head on! You're just hiding from the world! That's why you're on the bottom!"

"Yooooooou!" he roared, "I don't want to hear the words 'face me like a man' from an eight year old girl!"

"I still have more balls than you!"

Silence. Completely utter silence as everyone in the park registered what I just said. I was still registering what I just said.

I really need to stop hanging out with Twirl.

"Ouch," Drag commented from where he was off in the side lines. "That one's got to sting."

"C-Commander?!" Chameleo twirled his head around to the knight, looking betrayed before turning yellow. "Fine! If that's what you want then I'll face you head on!"
With a mighty roar he jumped up into the air, towering above me before punching the earth directly where I was before. I quickly rolled out of the way before spinning around to slice his uninjured arm with my sword.

Blazer Blade: 80 Base Damage, +15 Dice = 95 Total Damage
Chameleo Guildy: 40 Base Resilience, +3 Dice = 43 Total Reduction

52 End Damage

Chameleo Guildy: 107 - 52 = 55 Remaining Health

With a yell I push through skin and bone before the limb came flying off, spinning through the air.

He hissed before shaking his stump arm. "My arm! You cut off my fucking arm?! That's going to take forever to repair!"

The Guildy charged at me like a mad beast, swinging his remaining arm at me while trying to keep balanced. My feet danced around the grass as I gave him a chance to swing at me. before shouting with all my might and unleashing another swing.


Blazer Blade: 80 Base Damage, +16 Dice = 96 Total Damage
Chameleo Guildy: 40 Base Resilience, +6 Dice = 46 Total Reduction

50 End Damage

Chameleo Guildy: 55- 50 = 5 Remaining Health

The Blazer Blade cut through his chest before I jumped up and kicked off the now open wound, flipping backwards through the air until I got enough space between him and me.

"It's time to end this!" I pointed my arm at him before it started to glow, "AURA PILLAR!"

Once again the bright pillar released from my hand and cut through the darknes-


"TAIL RED WHAT THE FUCK?!" Chameleo roared as the pillar engulfed him, struggling to break free. "WHY?!"



"THAT'S JUST DECORATION!" I paused as my eyes finally got used to the brightness of the Aura. "...I think."

"You think?!"

"Ahem," Drag guildy coughed, looking off to the side as if he was embarrassed. "You might want to hurry up. The light show is going to probably attract some attention."

"Oh shit that's right! Take this Chameleo! BREAK RELEASE!" I roared before holding up my sword in front of me as it opened up and the jet engines on my waist once again came to life. "I should probably hurry this up so here's my finishing move! GRAND BLAZER!"

With a jump the booster jets propelled me forward, and shouting as loud as I could, I held the now flaming sword aloft and cut through the pillar of light.

Grand Blazer: 50 Base Damage +18 Dice = 68 Total Damage
Chamelo Guildy: 40 Base Damage +6 Dice = 46 Total Reduction

22 End Damage

Chameleo Guildy: 5 - 22 = 0 Remaining Health


The lights died down as the park once again was covered in darkness.

With a soft thud Chameleo dropped to the ground, now missing most of his body. "There… I tried my best, yet I still lost."

"Hey," I smiled, "At least you tried."

"Mmm." He turned towards Drag Guildy, "Commander, did I make you proud?"

"You died a warrior's death Chameleo." The knight nodded, "You can go down with a smile on your face."

"Hahaha, I see…" He turned his head up to the moon. "In the end, I still never managed to get a girlfriend…"


"See ya."

And than, in a burst of light, Chameleo exploded, leaving behind nothing but that arm I cut off earlier.

...Never thought I'd say that before.

As the fires died down I turned to Drag. "So."

"So," He said as we faced each other.

"What now?"

"Tail Red, as of this moment, there are five more Guildys under my command." He crossed his arms, "Defeat them, and you may challenge me to a duel."

"...Okay but how."

He looked off to the side, "...We'll figure something out."

"Oi! At least tell me how I'm going to know where you Guildys are!"

"I must go before anyone arrives! This isn't the end, Tail Red!" And with that, in a burst of movement, he leapt away to vanish into the night.

"Great." I mumbled as I undid my transformation and returned to being regular Hong Liang. With a sigh I began to head towards my bike only to notice that Chameleo's arm was still on the ground along with that other chunk of flesh I sliced off.

On the one hand, I'm sure Twirl could probably do something with the arm. On the other hand…

I'd have to take the arm with me. Or the flesh. Actually just touching the thing in general.


[] Take the Guildy Flesh
[] Leave it here

+10 EXP Twirl Bot Destruction
+10 EXP Met Drag Guildy
+5 EXP "Fight like a man, man!"
+10 EXP Death to Chameleo
+5 EXP All Magical Girls need a good Villain Group

45 EXP Gained = 60 EXP

(New Items in the Shop)

[] Spend EXP?
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Have you ever ridden on a bicycle in the middle of the night with the flesh, and more importantly, severed arm of some bizarre creature that you just killed in order to give it to the mad scientist genius who lives in your basement?

No. Of course you haven't. Because that would just be ridiculous now wouldn't it?

I heaved a sigh. This was my life now, apparently.

Honestly I just bought some chips from the nearest convenience store and shoved the arm in the plastic bag that came with it. Just looking at the thing made me… unnerved.

But, after some miracle in which I wasn't caught by anything that had decided to check out why some deadass corner of the city was suddenly turning into a light show or why a high schooler was carrying the severed limbs of his dead enemies, I made it home.

I plopped the chips down on the kitchen table before marching right into the elevator that led to the lab.

Now… Ah shit, how do I explain this to Twirl?

You know what, I'm tired let's just get this over with and hit the sack I've still got school tommorow.

"Hey Hong." Twirl waved, not bothering to face me as she looked at something on her monitor, "You made it back alive?"

"Yeah." I nodded, walking up to her desk before dropping the bag that still had the guildy flesh in it.

Slowly, the white haired scientist turned to the bag on her desk, looked inside, before facing me. "What."

"Some of Chameleo Guildy's flesh fell off in the fight, and I may have cut his arm off on… kind of an accident?" I scratched the back of my head nervously, "It was the only thing that remained of him after the fight and his commander, Drag Guildy, didn't take it away so I figured you might want to have a look at it."

"I-" She stammered looking back at the bag, "That's the arm of Chameleo Guildy."


"The green scaly thing."

"I mean, he is- was a humanoid chameleon."


My eyebrows furled, "Do you… not want it?"

"NO! No! It's fine!" She exclaimed, "I appreciate you bringing this to me, I really do. I just… Didn't expect it, is all. I'll see what I can do for you, just tell me the full story of what happened later."

"Got it." I waved, turning around to head towards my room. "I'm going to crash, night."

"Night Hong."

With a yawn I stepped back into the elevator as it automatically went up the stairs and-



With totally innocent eyes my mom stood in the kitchen, the chips I just bought in her hands. She paused, and a silence passed between the two of us before she snuck another chip into her mouth.


Tuesday, bright and early. Somehow managed to get enough sleep to not feel dead-on-my-feet tired when I woke up this morning.

"-And that was how my night went," I declared as I finished recapping to Lan during the walk to school.

"Wait wait wait, ignoring that last part, let me get this straight." Lan pinched the bridge of her nose, "So you're telling me that last night, you had a fight to the death with a humanoid lizard, who has a commander who's covered in ominous armor, while shouting moral lessons or something, and eventually made an enemy of some sort of organization that can send a monster to throw at you every week."

I blinked, "I mean, I don't know about that last part but, yes?"

The blue haired girl sighed before taking a deep breath, "If I hadn't seen you transformed and gotten attacked by one of these Guildys myself, I would've thought you'd have finally gone crazy."

"What?! Why?! It's not that crazy is it?!"

"Yes! Yes it is!" She exclaimed, her voice getting louder with each word. "It's crazy because that's not what magical girls do!"

By the end of that sentence she was shouting and the two of us froze as the other students around us started to stare in our direction.

I coughed and started moving again, trying to keep the volume of our conversation much lower. "How is that not what magical girls do?! Don't we, you know, fight evil and stuff?"

"Yeah, 'Evil'." She made air quotes at the word, "We fight the forces of the United Darkness. Demons, Nightmares, all kinds of creatures unleashing chaos on the world, and maybe we do some crime stopping here and there. We don't fight villains from a saturday morning kids show!"

"Hey!" I pointed a finger at her, "That's an insult to saturday morning-"

"I don't have time for your toku fanboyism right now Hong I'm ranting at reality." Rude, "This is, you're just, ridiculous. What, are the enemies also really specific with weird and quirky powers as well? No don't answer that, it's yes isn't it. God, it wasn't at all like this when I was a magical girl."

"Hey, it's not your fault." I tried to calm her down, "I mean, what are the chances of gaining an arch-enemy anyways?"

"Zero! They should be zero!"

And like that we continue our conversation all the way to the school gates.

It was about an hour after lunch as I was trying to understand what the hell my science teacher was saying that a notice came in calling me to the office.

Like, immediately.

So it was with a heart full of worry that I walked the halls of my academy before stepping into the office and walking straight to the room I was called for.

I hesitated. Why were the calling me? Had I done something wrong? Were my grades so abysmal I was being expelled?

My heart was full of worry an- "Come in." A familiar voice interrupted my thoughts and instantly put me in a state of ease.

Then I tensed up again as I remembered whose voice it was before opening the door, "L-Long time no see Mrs.Huan-"

I paused as I took in the room before me.

Fact one: At a desk at the end of the room sat Emu Huang, one of the chairmen of this school and the mother of my deceased friend Erina (who dressed in a japanese kimono for some reason) and had some of the strongest twintails I had ever seen.

Fact two: Lan was also there, nervously laughing while looking away from the door.

Fact three: There was a monitor with video footage on it. Specifically, video footage of a magical girl in red slicing down a door to the classroom where giant lizard thing was hanging around a teenage girl.

"Oh." I let out, stepping inside as what was happening dawned on me. "This is about yesterday isn't it."

"Hm," She said, folding her fan in front of her, "Yes, I indeed called you here to talk about what happened yesterday."


I glanced at Lan, "You told her about me?"

"Hey! I mean, she called me out here and she already knew that I was Tail Blue so…" Lan laughed nervously.

"Wait!" My finger pointed towards the chairman in a flash, "You knew about Lan being Tail Blue?!"

"Correct." She snapped her fan closed, "After all, my own daughter was a magical girl. I believe the only ones who didn't know the identity of Tail Blue and Yellow were those living in your household. Though I believe with your inclusion, the team that was supposed to form is now complete, am I correct?"

"I-I guess," I glanced towards the floor, "Erina…"


"Hong Liang," Mrs. Huang began, taking a breath before continuing with a sigh, "I suppose the reason I called you here is to not just talk about yesterday's incident but to catch up a bit as well. I haven't seen you since… Was it when you entered the second year of our high school division?"

"A-Around there yeah." I nodded, "You've been busy after all."

"Yes, I suppose I have." Blue eyes looked me up and down, analyzing me. "You've grown from that quiet boy my daughter first met to who you are now, but I wonder if you're a real man yet. A word of advice," She gestured towards the screen, "Take caution, it is good to be bold but you careless mistakes like this might put you in danger. I've managed to suppress the fact that an attack happened here this time, but I can't always be here. Do you understand?"

I paused before eventually coming to a response.

[] Yes ma'am, I'll try to keep the destruction to a minimum
[] If something I care about is in danger then I'll do anything to protect it!

"Well." I said, looking at Lan.

"Well." She repeated.

"That happened."


School had just let out but I couldn't even focus at all on my last class, thoughts of the meeting kept swimming in my mind. Apparently the whole attack had all been covered up as an act of vandalism or something but I hadn't seen the police around campus, maybe they were there yesterday after I got knocked out?

Well, anyways, I had the rest of the day free. Now, how to spend it?

You have (2) Actions

[] Social
-[] Hang out with Lan
-[] Hang out with Twirl
-[] Hang out with your Mom (Loser)
[] Martial
-[] Spar with Lan in her Dojo
-[] Go beat up the Twirl Bots
[] Information
-[] Waste time crawling through shitposts Read threads on ToHO
-[] Man the cafe and keep an ear out on what the customers have to say

+3 EXP Meet Emu

3 EXP Gained = 13 EXP
I couldn't really say much to Mrs. Huang, so I just nodded my head and looked away with a "Yes ma'am. I'll try to keep the destruction to a minimum."

There was a silence as the blonde woman stared at me, before she opened her fan and sighed. "Hm, I suppose this result is to be expected."

"Hm?" I glanced up, "Did you say something?"

"Nothing. nothing." The chairman shook her head, "It's time the two of you returned to class anyway, especially you Hong. With your condition, you can't afford to miss any amount of class time. My apologies for bringing you at this time, but I have a busy schedule for the next few days and this was the only time I was free."

"Oh it's fine, ahaha…" It's not like I wanted to be in class anyways.

"Speaking of," Her lips quirked up into a small smile, "I took a look at your latest test. While a 3% increase in average score wouldn't usually mean much, I suppose I must give you my congratulations this time."

It was like the world sent on pause for me as I took in what the woman just said, my jaw slowly dropping to the floor.

"Ah…." I squeaked out before throwing my fists up into the air, "Yess!!!"

"Does that even count as a barley passing grade?" Lan commented from her place off to the side.

"What'd you get on that History test anyways?"

"Wha- None of your business!"

"Hmh." Miss Haung paused for a moment, "Well if there's one thing I'm glad that hasn't changed... "

Huh, I wonder what that meant.

It was later that afternoon and I was currently in Lan's dojo ready to once again face off against her in a spar.

You know, getting my ass beat up by Lan in the dojo used to be more of a weekly thing, but circumstances seemed to keep dragging me back here way more often these days.

Which probably explained why I was sitting in a seiza position while Lan towered over me, the both of us dressed in our sparing outfits.

"Ahem," she began, a not-happy smile on her face. "Since someone managed to somehow score himself an archenemy and now has an unknown amount of monsters waiting to fight you, I've figured that it's about time I fill in the gaps in your knowledge on all MG related things because you were too busy gushing over Twintails and Tokusatsu shows rather than being a Magical Girl groupie like a normal teenage fans."

"How the hell is that a generalization of normal teenage fans."

"Hong, our school's magical girl appreciation and awareness club has at least over a hundred members and I still don't know how that club even got approved in the first place." She sighed, "Anyways, I don't know all the technical details so I'm just going to tell you what I overheard and know from my experience on the streets."

On the streets?

"Now the first thing you should know about magical girls is that we grow differently than normal humans, for example... " She looked at me, seemingly trying to search for something to continue with before she nodded, "Do twenty push ups."


"Do it."

"Alright alright!" I exclaimed, quickly getting into position and doing as she asked. My blue haired instructor began to walk around me all the while, and I could vaguely see the tips of her twintails as my arms worked themselves.

"Normal people gain strength gradually like this, working their muscles than resting before working them again. Slowly gaining strength in their muscles." Lan explained, "I think you know by now that our magical girl forms are not like this, or at least you should've noticed it."

"I did." My mind wandered back to the fight with the Bots yesterday, "I had trouble fighting Twirl's machines the first time I did it and then the next day it's like they were made of paper."

"Yeah, like that. You have trouble doing one thing and maybe only just a few days later you can do it like it's no problem." Lan's twintail's bobbed so I assume she nodded, "We get sudden bursts of power for what our magical girl forms can do, no need to gradually train any muscles. They're a bit random though, and become less and less frequent as time goes on. Which is why things like growth affinities are so important, apparently the higher your growth affinity is the stronger your magical girl form is or something so as these bursts go on the ones with the higher growth affinites get stronger bodies."

"Ah…" I let out, "Growth Affinities are one of a magical girl's three affinities right? That's what TV says at least."

"Basically. I believe practitioners can only have one?" Oi oi why do you sound so unsure about that? "I never really got how the magic stuff worked really, not my area of expertise. Erina new about it more than me but I suppose Twirl would tell you more if you went and asked her."

"Nah, she'd probably go and complain that it's too much of a bother to explain and super boring." I sighed, my push ups doen as I dropped to the ground and rolled on my back. 'By the way, what are your affinities?"

"Huh? Oh, uh… Let me try and remember... " Lan put a finger to her chin, "I think it was, Transience, Schema, and then Legend Maker, it's been years since I got it checked but I think that's what they were."

"...What does Schema mean?"

"Honestly? No clue." She paused before glaring at me, "Hey! No slacking off! You're not lying down again until this is over! Now, go into your MG form!"

I blinked. "Why?"

"I need to explain the basics to you and it's easier to show if you're in magical girl form."

Fair enough, "TAIL ON!"

...Is it wrong that I'm growing used to the sensation of becoming a little girl?

"Right right, let's talk about another growth thing, magic. More specifically, abilities." She looked down at me, staring before eventually letting out a sigh. "Welp, I can't explain this."

"Why did you try than?!"

"Hey! It's hard to explain! You just sort of know how to… do things!" She waved her hands around, "You fought one of those Guildy things right?! Did you feel like you can do something new?!"

"Something new?" I gave her a look and her face went red before she looked away from me.

"I-I dunno just try!"

"Alright…" Hm, an ability from Chameleo Guildy? Now that I think about it I got an ability after fighting Lizard Guildy so it only stands to reason… Yeah. Yeah I can feel it, sitting in my soul. The ability that Chameleo Guildy has granted me…! "Gear Shift!"

It was just like with that time against the bots. Knowledge flooded my brain as I instantly understood how to use my new ability.

"Huh." Lan said, "You can Gear Shift."

"Eh? You mean you can Gear Shift well?"

"Yeah, Erina and I can both Gear Shift, though it seems to work in different ways." She shrugged, "So, what'd you get?"

"Ah, I think I can make color invisible."

...Silence. Absolute silence, before Lan finally responded. "What."

"I can make it so that whenever someone looks at an object of a specific color it looks transparent to them."

"...That sounds useless."

Well, considering who it came from- Yeah enough of that.

"Moving on!" She declared, "The more you fight, the more the bursts come! Incidentally, if you get into a lot of dangerous situations, they come a lot faster."

Lan cracked her knuckles and I gulped, "So let's try and get you magically ready."

This is so going to hurt…

Ah, the evening. Truly night time was becoming my favorite time of day. as long as no one called me to any more midnight duels. It would've been perfect if it weren't for the fatal flaw that 90% of girls wearing twintails had gone off to bed.

I'm not saying this just because I could only with stand one blow from Lan at "Half of her power" in her base form even when I was a magical girl.


"Hey mom," I began, idly watching the tv, "Magical Girls sure are complicated."

Mom glanced at me, a faint smile on her face. "So it's evolved. huh?"


"Back when we first moved here you said something similar." She said, "You came up to me one day and just went 'girls are confusing' and went back to watching tv."

"Huh." I mumbled, "I think I meant something different then."

"Of course."

A silent pause as we absorbed the television screen in front of us.

"...Have I changed?" I asked, "It doesn't sound like it."

"People don't change Hong, they grow." Mom said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "The you from the past and the you now may seem like the same person but you've grown in many ways. For example, It was only after Erina made you watch Toku shows that you became the fan you are today, yet you're still Hong Liang. You don't have to change who you are fundamentally in order to grow."

"Mmm, I see." I paused before realizing something. "Should we be having conversations about growing up while watching Super Sentai shows?"

Mom shrugged, "Maybe not, yet here we are."

"Fair point." We continued to watch the screen in silence before I spoke up again, "So I guess I'm just like the guys on TV now."

"You should count yourself lucky, back when I was your age being a superhero was just a dream." She chuckled, "Even with the world in the state it's in now, at least we have magical girls now."

You know that does bring up a question… "Was it more peaceful back than?"

"Compared to these days I suppose you could say that." Mom sighed, "To me it's all the same though. For the last century or so it's just been war then a brief period of peace then back to war again, though I wasn't alive for most of it. World War One happened then soon after World War Two, then we're all left wondering if we're going to kill ourselves and once we finally get that over with, it doesn't take long for the germans to start another world war again. Then once that is done we're at war with half of the universe."

"...Talk about serious escalation."

"I know. If this was a tv show we'd be on that sequel series that tries to up the ante by taking things to space."

"Demons certainly make it more bloody than ever." I sighed, "Still have no idea where the Guildy's fit into all of this."

Mom was silent for a moment before she spoke again. "Hong, these Guildies, do you want to kill them?"

[] Yes, I can't let them live
[] I don't want to kill them but I have to fight them

(Tail Blue Sheet Updated)

+3 EXP Magical Girl Boot Camp
+5 EXP Ow…

8 EXP Gained = 21 EXP

AN: For you readers who are joining us for the first time, the thing Lan described here was how the Level Up system works. You gain EXP from doing things in-quest and then you go and upgrade the player MG, in this case Hong, by purchasing new levels or things from the shop. The cost of leveling up a thing is its current level times 10. So for instance, if you wanted to upgrade say Tail Assault, which is currently level 2, it would take 20 EXP. Items in the shop have their EXP cost set by me so there's no formula there. Well, good luck.
If I was going to speak honestly…

"I don't want to kill them, but I have to fight them," I declared with a sigh, slumping into the couch. "I mean so far it feels like I'm fighting a bunch of nerds. Feels bad mom."

"Mmm, that's good," she said, "Listen to your mother: You should never forget that the enemy you're fighting are people too. That's especially hard to remember nowadays, when demons and monsters are our greatest foe, but from the sounds of it these Guildys are just like you and me."

"...Should I feel offended?"

Mom cracked a smile, "Now now, you've only met three Guildys right? You can't judge all Guildys just by what you've seen, that'd be speciesist."

"The day I meet a relatively normal guildy is the day Tail Red moonlights as a maid."

"You realize I'll be holding you to that right?" She chuckled, "I'm sure there's some relatively normal people even among the ranks of the demons. Heck, I wonder if I could create one right now."

"Mom what are you even talking about?" I sighed, "You can't just… create a demon like that."

"I promise that when I tell you I know a civilised demon it's the complete truth."

Silence descended upon the room as I slowly reached for the remote, turned off the TV, and just stared at my mother.

"Hm?" The red haired woman tilted her head, "What?"

"Did you just intentionally make a promise just to break it so that you create a demon."

"It's just a little promise, it probably only made a class 0."

"If that's the attitude people have towards making promises then one day we're all gonna be swarmed by imps!"

"Relax Hong, if I did create a demon then maybe it'll do something good someday. Like, create a cure for cancer." I think it'd be more likely to cause mischief than do something productive, "I'd like to think that there's at least some part of the United Darkness has some good, though I'm sure Lan would tell me that I'm just an idealist who watches too many kid's shows."

"I don't think she'd be that harsh…" I muttered only for my mom to pat me on the shoulder.

"She was at Hope Hong, the worst battlefield in recent memory. A frontline soldier to be exact. She probably doesn't have anything good to say about the demons, so you shouldn't bring the subject up if you can." Mom sighed, "For people like us, who live their lives away from the conflict, we will never truly understand what it's like for those who fight for our safety."

"But… I am a magical girl now." I paused for a moment as that began to really sink into me, "Hey mom, you worked with the government during World War 3 right? What… should I do?"

"Those times huh…" Mom's voice drifted off, "You know I don't like thinking back to those days. After the accident I decided to just put it all behind me. All I can tell you is to focus on the now, eventually tomorrow will come."

I nodded as my mother's eyes seemed to stare off into the distance. With a sigh I stood up from the couch and left her to go reminisce on the past.

The chaos of World War 3 and the Unification Crusade that it later became huh? I wonder what those days were really like...

After all, by the time they were over I had already lost all of my memories.

"Geh!" I exclaimed as I was walking to school the next morning.

"What?" Lan turned to me, "You only make that sound when you're about to say something really stupid."

"That is not true!" I raised up a finger, "I just realized that I spent so much time talking to my mom last night that I forgot to actually take in and enjoy the latest episode of Bijin Sentai Manaranger!"

My blue haired childhood friend looked at me like she was staring at something rotten, "...Is that the latest one?"

"They're trying to appeal to the magical girl fans that have been cropping up." I waved my hands, "Can't say it's working but they're trying."

"Do… people even realize you can't just shove magical girls into everything?" Lan groaned, "As an actual magical girl, trust me when I say this Hong, it's nothing like they show on TV." Than she paused, "Except when you're around, I guess."

"Hey, I may not look like it but even I'm not so culturally out of touch as to not have watched one or two modern magical girl shows!" I exclaimed, "Of course some like the classics such as Sailor Moon follow a lot like the superhero-era tokusatsu format but most monsters that appear are bland! Quirkless! Some shows don't even have them!"

"Well it's not like magical girls have to copy sentai one to one!" Lan shouted, "Besides, most magical girl shows these days have grown past that phase!"

"Yeah! To lose all sense of identity they once had! Tell me that the higher up guys don't think they can just slap magical girl on the cover and it'll sell! That's right, you can't!"

It was only after school had ended did we finally resolve this argument, and even than all we did was just agree to shelve this conversation for later. Truly, the business practices of the entertainment industry was the most taboo of taboo topics.

You have (2) Actions

[] Social
-[] Hang out with Lan
-[] Hang out with Twirl
-[] Hang out with your Mom (Loser)
[] Martial
-[] Have Lan kick your ass in Magical Girl Boot Camp
-[] Go beat up the Twirl Bots
[] Information
-[] Waste time crawling through shitposts Read threads on ToHO
-[] Man the cafe and keep an ear out on what the customers have to say

AN: Tiniest update yet, barley even a thousand words. Maybe I should just keep making the updates tinier and tinier until all that you get is a single letter for an update, I'm sure my beta would appreciate not having to deal with my grammar. :V
It was a slow day today at the cafe. The place was almost empty besides me and that guy in the corner who had just been getting refills and watching anime on the tv for the past three hours.

Did people finally realize what kind of establishment this is and have started to stay away? What gave us away?! A bad yelp review?! Did the finally realize what the name of the cafe meant?!

Who the hell names a cafe "Adolescencia" anyways?!

Wait that's right, my mom has a terrible naming sense.

I sighed, leaning against the counter and placing my chin in my palms. Lan was busy with something and Twirl… Well, Twirl was making something new in the lab, which was usually my signal to get the hell out of dodge if I didn't want to get attacked by robotic spiders or worse, the magic experiments.

I'd go on my phone but then I'd have to deal with my mom taking that as a signal for her to start fooling around in gacha games at work again.

Just when I was about to zone out for the rest of my shift the bell on the door chimed as a boy and a girl stumbled into the door utterly exhausted. I immediately straightened back up as I looked them over. Both of them were around maybe twenty years old and wore a white shirt and black pants covered with belts in the most bizzare places. I'd say they were siblings but with the boys black hair and the girls fiery orange hair I couldn't see any similarities at all...

"Ah, excuse me." The boy asked, snapping me out of my examinations. "Do you uh, do you mind telling me what year it is?"

"2020, why?" I blinked, only for the two of them suddenly cheered and slapped their palms against the others.

"Ha! Told you it would work bro!" The girl elbowed her brother(?) with a grin, "And you were scared we'd break the fabric of the universe or something!"

"Forgive me for being cautious when it comes to manipulating space-time of all things." He grumbled.

Oh so they were the usual types of customers. Wait shit, since they're new and mom's not here I have to play along...

"Um, do you uh," I waved my hands. "You mind telling me what this is all about? Maybe over coffee?"

"Oh I'd die for some caffeine right now." The girl plopped down at the the counter, "Yes please!"

The boy sighed before taking a seat as well and looking at the menu. "I'll have a cappuccino please."

"Pfft, I'll take a black coffee."

I started up the coffee machine as the two started bickering.

"How do you even stand Black? It's so… bitter."

"You're just a pansy. I, as your older sister, see this as a sign that you will forever remain in my shadow."

"We're twins."

"I came out first."

"No, you did not. We both know this."

I coughed, "So, what's your guys' story?"

The both of them paused, looking at each other, before finally turning back to me. The brother laughed, awkwardly putting his hand behind his head. "Would you believe us if you said we just saved the world from a space-time anomaly?"

Maybe. "Yes."

"Really?! Just like that?!" The redhead exclaimed, "You aren't going to question us or anything?"

I chuckled, "There's a mad scientist who lives in my basement, I can believe anything."

"That sounds awesome. What's down there?"

"Oh you know, robots, magic, abominations against the laws of nature…" I poured their coffee into cups before placing it in front of them, "The usual. So what were you saying about a... space-time anomaly?"

"Yeah yeah!" The girl nodded, "So, like, it all started when-"

"That's classified sis."

"Skipping over that than. Basically time was like, fucked up real bad in the LDC, especially here on earth. Think like, you know how there's an anime and then a movie comes along and crams the events of the show into one and a half hours?"

"LIke a clipshow?" I asked only for them to give me a strange look, "I mean recap episode."

"Well sort of, but there's no one recapping anything. It's just the show, but shorter." She took a sip of her coffee and- Hey I see you wincing there. "Anyways it was kind of like that, but for all of history since the discovery of magic came about."

"How… the hell does that even work." I tried to wrap my brain around that but found that I couldn't, "Like, I know a lot has happened over the last few years but…"

"You really should have seen what 'a lot has happened over the last few years' meant during that time." The boy sighed, "World War Three happened in less than a year, then the demons came even faster, than it took two years between the colonization of hope between it's fall, and for some reason it was 2011."

"I…" My mouth remained opened trying to find what to say in response to that, "What?"

That seemed appropriate.

"And it gets worse." The girl exclaimed the impossible, "It's like, some people didn't get the memo that time had been compressed and were way older than they had any right to be. You could be ten years older two years ago but be sixteen in the present time!"

"To give an example," The boy continued, "The biggest upcoming event is…"

"The mall's having a shopping sale."

"Thanks sis. So the mall is having a shopping sale and than the very next week one of stores would shut down. Time was basically cramming every event into the smallest amount of time it could no matter how little sense it actually made. It was… a mess."

"But!" The girl took a large drink of her coffee before slamming the cup onto the counter. "That's over now because we fixed it! Alright high fives all around!"

"Could you please keep it down?" The guy watching tv in the corner spoke up, "Your obnoxious 3-D voice is drowning out my Mii-tan's angelic one."

The girl twitched before glaring at the man, "What was that you pasty-"

And that's how I had to calm a tiger down to avoid a bar fight.

It was later that night when a certain white haired scientist finished doing something on my computer.

"Alright!" Twirl exclaimed, backing away from my computer. "Your ToHO account is all set up!"

"My… What?"

"Your ToHO account! Well, more accurately Tail Red's ToHO account."

"No wait." I held up a hand, "Why did you set up an account in the first place and- where the hell did you get that picture of Tail Red for an avatar?!"

"Eh? But you're a magical girl! You have to have a ToHO account! It's like, a law." She looked dramatically out the open window, the night breeze flowing in behind her to make her hair flutter even though I don't even remembering opening that. "A magical girl without some presence on Throne of Heroes Online is the equivalent of hersey. They'd be an outcast to society, someone you can barely even call human."

"Wait what? Where did you even get that-" I shook my head, "Well, Lan's a magical girl but I'm pretty sure she doesn't have a ToHO account."

"See? Outcast to society."

"I CAN HEAR YOU!" The girl in question shouted from the house next door.

"Well, ignoring the gorilla," Oi I can feel her anger from here. "You're probably going to need it. ToHO, despite its less than stellar reputation, is probably the best place you can go to to gather info on magical girls and magic. Just stay out of the politics section, or the versus debates section, or- well you get the point."

"Right, gotcha," I sighed, sitting at my desk. "Well, thanks I guess."

"No problem. Night Hong, maybe I'll see you around on the web."

And with a wave her hand and my phone practically exploding with all the angry texts Lan was a sending, Twirl left the room.

All that remained was me in silence as I started to explore Throne of Heroes Online.

Huh… Plenty of posts for new magical girls with some handy information. Had to read those later, opening the links in a new tab.

I'll get around to those… Eventually.

Because something has caught my eye.

Something important.

The most important topic I could ever find.

Magical Hair Care For Magical Girls (Pics Included)

I… I could feel it. The twintails were calling for me. The best way to take care of Tail Red's hair… This thread was like the bible. No, it was more important than the gospel. The secret of mankind laid behind just a single click. With a move of my fingers I would have the answers. All I had to do was move my muscles.

I had to click it. I had to click it click it click it clickitclickitclickitclickitclickitclickitclickitclickit-

I was interrupted by a blip on my computer screen informing me that I had a new private message.

Uh, what? I hadn't even posted anything yet beyond Twirl's test posts, how the hell do I have a private message.

Another one came in. As I clicked to open the private message from… Dark Grasper? Who the hell?

Dark Grasper: Haha! Did you think you'd escape my eye Tail Red?! I am Dark Grasper, and on behalf of the Guildys I have messaged you! Be at the mall upper parking lot for your next battle!
Dark Grasper: Also, uh, if you do fight the next Guildy please finish her in one round. Patching up Chameleo Guildy took a couple hours out of my game time but than you went and killed him anyways…

My blood ran cold. This person was the messenger of the Guildys?! On the one hand this was monumentally important. On the other…

This was how Drag planned to contact me? On fricken ToHO? What if I didn't have an account?! Hell, what if the account wasn't just named Tail Red?! Dude there is so many things wrong with this plan and for some reason I feel disappointed that this was how you went about it.

Right. Right. PM, got to handle that. Yeah. But how?

[] Ask the User Questions
-[] Insert Questions here
[] Say "Got it" then just keep an eye on the PM.
[] Completely ignore the PM and get back to more important matters.
Last edited:
Right, what would Twirl do at a time like this?

Scratch that, dumb question. What would Lan do?

...Somehow an even worse question.

Nevertheless, I need to handle this reasonably, and calmly, and not freak the fuck out.

My hands went to the keyboard as I started typing out my response.

Magical Girl Tail Red: What time? I'm not gonna hang around until midnight again.

The response came in the blink of an eye.

Dark Grasper: Four pm.
Magical Girl Tail Red: Wait, at Four pm? As in the middle of the day?
Dark Grasper: Well when you put it that way… Hold on a second.

A minute passed before the user returned.

Dark Grasper: Your opponent says she doesn't care.
Magical Girl Tail Red: Wait weren't you guys supposed to hide your existence?!
Dak Grasper: Mentioned something about kicking the memories out of people's heads.
Magical Girl Tail Red: How does that even make sense?!
Dark Grasper: What's the matter Tail Red?! Too scared to fight us out in the daytime?!

Hey! I'll have you know I have a legit reason for not wanting to fight then!

Magical Girl Tail Red: I don't want to be sued for property damage if we accidentally destroy a car or something.
Dark Grasper: Ha! That's where you're wrong! Everyone knows you can't sue a magical girl!
Magical Girl Tail Red: What? Why?
Dark Grasper: Look the legal system doesn't really apply to you if you end up causing World of Cardboard shenanigans in the name of fighting evil. There's no law expressly stating that you guys are exempt from all charges but unless you reveal your identity or another magical girl reveals it, the Automatic Identity Protection that comes with being a magical girl means you can't be put on trial for anything nor can insurance companies call you up. Got it?
Magical Girl Tail Red: That sounds… wrong.
Dark Grasper: There is a lot of things wrong with this world when you look at the details.

Okay that was… depressing. Just going to move on before this Dark Grasper guy gets me down.

Magical Girl Tail Red: Alright let's go. Oh but send me a photo of you so I recognize what you look like.
Dark Grasper: Pwhaha! You think I would bother to show up at the fight? Wrong Tail Red, I have much better things to be doing with my spare time!
Dark Grasper: Also I, uh, run a YouTube channel. You know, if you want to check that out… Here.

I quickly clicked on the link only to find myself on a moderately well off (As far as I knew about these things) channel. One of the videos began to auto play and a black haired girl wearing glasses, a frilly dress, and most importantly a pair of twintails, appeared on the screen.

"Hi hi! It's everyone's favorite YouTube idol Anko-chan~"

I paused the video before what felt like throwing the pm back on the screen.

Magical Girl Tail Red: Don't just send me a random girl's YouTube channel!
Dark Grasper: That actually is my YouTube channel though?!
Magical Girl Tail Red: I thought you said you were a guildy!
Dark Grasper: Eh? Oh! I said I was working with the Guildys, not that I was one!
Magical Girl Tail Red: For you to claim to be the owner of those Twintails… I'll fight you all head on!
Dark Grasper: I just put those on because it looked cute though?! Are you even listening to me?!

I glanced out the window before taking a deep breath.

Yes, for the sake of that girl's twintails, I will definitely accept the Guildy's challenge!

Dark Grasper: Hey! Answer me! Why does it feel like you're insulting me?!
Dark Grasper: Hey! Listen!

For some reason when I woke up the next day my inbox had exploded to 500 PMs.

The day was Thursday, currently lunch time. My destined duel was on a Saturday afternoon in a parking lot. I must fight, for the sake of the Twintails-

"Hong, what the fuck are you doing," Lan asked flatly from beside me.

"...Dramatic monologue?"


"I got a message from the Guildys earlier about the next duel location." I sighed as I turned my head, "I also kind of upset the messenger a bit and now she's just sending me pics of herself in cosplay."

My phone buzzed.

Lan glances at it, "Is that the reason why you've answered none of my text messages?"

"Err, yes?"

My blue haired friend groaned, "I feel like I should just give up on questioning anything you do from now on but if I do then the next thing I know you'll be going around proclaiming you're a superhero and the world would believe you."

"Oi, don't treat me as a rehab from my mom's cafe."

"Those guys are irredeemable." She waved before pausing, "Wait a minute, go back a bit."

"I'm… not a rehab case from my mom's cafe?" I repeated, feeling a bit awkward.

"Further back."

"I haven't answered your text?"

"A tiny bit more…"

"The Guildy messenger is sending me pics of herself in cosplay and keeps messaging me?"

"There! Right there! I was too busy being distracted by your ridiculousness!" Lan exclaimed, pointing at my phone, "What the hell did you mean by that?!"

"Well apparently she didn't like when I called her a Guildy and accused her of not being human so she's been sending me photos-"

"Show me!" She growled and fearful for my life I grabbed my phone and brought up the first one. A picture of the Anko idol from earlier in a tracksuit with a piece of paper that read "Believe me now?" hastily scribbled on it.

Grasper (Presumably) looked nowhere near as good as she did back on her YouTube channel, probably because of how hastily the photo was taken and because she was glaring at the camera.

Of course, it wasn't as powerful as Lan's glare of one million supernovas so I wasn't affected as much.

"Give me that!" The girl in question ordered, swiping the phone out of my hand before her fingers turned into an absolute blur of motion. "Can't believe Twirl made you a ToHO account and the first thing you start doing is picking up girls…"

"Wah- Hey!"

"You don't get to 'hey' me in this situation!"

Oh come on! It's not like I was anything more than an acquaintance with Grasper anyways!

Lan paused before screaming and throwing the phone back at me. "How the hell did she-?!"

Trying to be as sneaky as possible, I glanced back down at the phone only to find my PM with Grasper open.

Magical Girl Tail Red: Leave me alone, I don't want your photos.
Dark Grasper: Hah! You're 1000 years too young to take me on! Hand the account back to the real Tail Red imposter!

...Okay yeah uh, what?

"You know what?! I don't care anymore! Go hang out with your cosplay girlfriend!"

"Oi Lan where are you going?! Hey Wait!"

You have 3 days until the duel. Pick (5) actions

[] Social
-[] Hang out with Lan
-[] Hang out with Twirl
-[] Hang out with your Mom (Loser)
-[] Hang out (I guess) with Dark Grasper
[] Martial
-[] Have Lan kick your ass in Magical Girl Boot Camp
-[] Go beat up the Twirl Bots
-[] Who cares about your magical girl form, it's time to
W O R K I T until your base form has those glistening abs.
[] Information
-[] Waste time crawling through shitposts Read threads on ToHO
-[] Man the cafe and keep an ear out on what the customers have to say
[] Time-Wasters
-[] Waste time watching TV instead of being productive
-[] You've put it off long enough, admire your twintails

+3 EXP Meet Virtual YouTuber Kizuna Ai Dark Grasper

3 EXP Gained = 24 EXP
Voting is open