God A Sword (CWMGQ Spin off #64)

Voting is open
[X] Plan Meeting A Rhino Head-On Is Stupid
-[X] Equip CHUUNI Transience part
-[X] As fired up as you are by him, your hit did literally nothing to him. You're not an idiot... Well okay, you're not that much of an idiot. And Lan would probably beat you black and blue- Moving on. Don't meet the guy who's biceps are the size of your head straight on, use your teleports to play keep away from his attacks and make him pay for it.
--[X] You remember that time where your teleport and Rush stacked specifically.

[X] EXP Plan General Upgrades (210xp)

Optimally for this guy I think it would be something like Brake Release -> Murder Blazer and Mangle -> Brake Release -> Redhead -> Blinding Blazer and Ray -> Brake Release -> Sadism -> Juggernaut and Execute

And all that's only needed if he's a really chunky boy. If not could leave out the Redhead stacking Ray damage and jump straight to just murdering him with Sadism.

Hong... probably isn't that smart though. *Sigh* Or at least not for following the full string, Chuuni into Sadism I could see him figuring out I think.

I also don't know how to put the full plan into... Hong-esse.

Also Trickery could probably do well somewhere in there, but not sure.

And leaning towards upgrading Grand Blazer since we're needing to use it anyway.
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Prompted by some discussion on Discord, question for y'all: Would you like me to put together a soft mechanics index for Tail Red's abilities, so you can get a bit more information on how XYZ ability works on the in-universe execution level?
Prompted by some discussion on Discord, question for y'all: Would you like me to put together a soft mechanics index for Tail Red's abilities, so you can get a bit more information on how XYZ ability works on the in-universe execution level?
This sounds like something that would be incredibly helpful.
LostDeviljho's Soft Mechanics Breakdown
LostDeviljho's Soft Mechanics Breakdown, A.K.A.: Magnets Tail Red, how do they work?

In which I'm going to go through things piece by piece and expand on the soft mechanics of Tail Red's sheet. Hard Mechanics tell you what they do, this will tell you how they do it.

Blazer Blades
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 6
Affinities: Twintails
Ability: Critical Strike | Protean | Twintails Boost
The basic weapon, holding three abilities.
Critical Strike: This functions as a sort of passive auto-aim, allowing the blades to hit the right areas at the right angles to exploit weak-points in the opponent. It doesn't trigger all that often for Hong, because Guildys don't typically have a lot of critical organs to stab.
Protean: Protean is an ability that can transform into other abilities from a set list. In this case, it is tied to Tail Red's ability to hotswap affinities, and mutates according to the current active affinity.
Twintails Boost: A particular suitability for the Twintails affinity. When the affinity is equipped, the magic of these weapons is enhanced, doubling their power output.

Aura Pillar
-A single targeting beam that also serves as a barrier, may fail if target's health is above 45%
Level 5
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Hope
Ability: Bind | Homing
A utility spell that manifests as a flash of light fired up into the air, before returning as a column of light from the sky that strikes and entraps a target. It possesses two abilities:
Bind: The pillar is a solid cylinder of hard light, which conforms to the shape of objects and entities inside it when initially striking, but has no give to it, preventing further movement by the target once entrapped. The durability of a pillar scales relative to the target's HP, but if the target is sufficiently healthy they may be able to overpower the durability of the pillar and break free.
  • Instant Architect: Firing Aura Pillar without an entity targeted will create hard-light pillars that can be used as obstacles and impromptu barricades. Without a specific target to scale to, their durability is roughly that of an equivalent volume of glass.
Homing: The reason for the two-stage manifestation of the spell, the projectile first assumes a high vantage point, locks on to the target and calculates trajectory and compensates for evasive maneuvers, then fires the beam, making this spell extremely difficult to evade.
  • In Your Face!: Aura Pillar's initial blast may be fired directly at a target, rather than at the sky. Doing so negates the target-assist properties of homing in exchange for negating the "lag" of the two-stage casting and speeding up the spell.
Grand Blazer
-Unlocks the Blazer Blade's full potential. Brake Release must be in effect
Level 5
Base Damage: 250
Magic Modifier: 125
Affinity: Twintails
Ability: Protean
A spell that is, fundamentally, a rocket-assisted high jump followed by a flaming drop-slash. Its secondary effects are variable, tied to its only ability:
Protean: Protean is an ability that can transform into other abilities from a set list. In this case, it is tied to Tail Red's ability to hotswap affinities, and mutates according to the current active affinity.

Twintail Assault
-Tail Red generates a copy of herself, attacking from two directions at once.
Level 7
Base Damage: 525
Magic Modifier: 350
Affinity: Twintails
Ability: Double Hit
Tail Red appears to slip into duplicates, each with a single ponytail, and strikes from two separate directions. Its ability is:
Double Hit: The true nature of this spell is a "speed illusion", using an incredible burst of speed to appear as though tail red is in two different places performing two different attacks with near simultaneity.
  • Double Team: By forgoing the actual attack portion of the spell, the user may focus entirely on the "speed illusion", greatly increasing the chance that incoming attacks will miss for that turn.

Ignition Rush
-Engine output to full! Charge! Adds spell level to Sprint's level for one turn, raises High Speed Combat as necessary.
Level 3
Base Damage: 150
Magic Modifier: 150
Affinity: Twintails
Ability: Boost-Self | Accelerator| Single Turn Effect
This spell manifest as a massive burst of acceleration. The damage is applied to an attack made as part of this burst, be it a running slash or a football tackle. It possesses three abilities:
Boost-Self: A meta-textual ability, denoting the effects of the spell are self enhancement.
Accelerator: The spell shunts additional power into the mechanisms powering Tail Red's Sprint ability, overcharging it to greatly boost its output.
Single Turn Effect: An ability denoting a hard limit on the duration of the ability. At its current level of development, the spell can only maintain its increased power for about 10 seconds.
  • Engine Brake: Use Ignition Rush when knocked back to reverse your trajectory, and get back on your feet.
  • Rocket Jump: Use Ignition Rush as you jump for a boost in velocity, giving significant distance.

Tail Assault Level 3
-Tail Red's ability to resist incoming damage. Edit as necessary for active Affinities.
The ability controlling Tail Red's Resilience. It manifests as magic permeating her body, reinforcing it to take proportionally greater force to damage. It seems as though the right affinity may unlock something more...

Tail March Level 6
-Tail Red's ability to survive blows. Edit as Necessary for Active Affinities.
The ability controlling Tail Red's Health. It manifests as magic permeating her body, bolstering her vitality and allowing her to persevere despite injuries. It seems as though the right affinity may unlock something more...

Brake Release
- For two turns, Tail Red can release her energy to give a 200% boost to her MM. However, Grand Blazer must be used the following turn.
Tail Red temporarily releases the limits on her magical power output, allowing her to put significantly more magic behind any given action. A flaw in the process, however, means that the magical channels responsible for the activation of the Grand Blazer spell will flood after a short while, forcing the spell to activate and triggering the reactivation of the automatic power limiters.

Sprint: Level 8
-Tail Red has a footspeed of 80 mph.
This ability uses the jet engines normally used to enhance the jump of Grand Blazer to enhance grounded movement, allowing Tail Red to achieve and maintain a footspeed of 80 mph almost indefinitely.

High Speed Combat (Level 1)
-Tail Red is able to track objects moving up to 90 mph.
An ability that increases the limit of what Tail Red can perceive and react to. Increases mental processing speed and marginally increases physical reflex speed. Notably, is not experienced as a "slow-mo" or "bullet time" effect, and simply increases the limits of one's perception. Fast objects are still just as fast, they simply aren't "too fast".

Light Red
-Tail Red has access to 50% of her base stats in civilian form.
An echo of the magical reinforcement that sustains Tail Red, applied to the civilian body.

Transient Engine: R.
-Allows Tail Red to superficially copy the Affinities and Abilities of certain defeated enemies. During battle, at any time, Tail Red may replace her Twintails Affinity with any copied Affinity in order to activate those abilities
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[Now what do we have here?]

Subsection: Affinity Shards


Transience Part: DOLL
-Allows the user to store energy in inanimate objects and use them as temporary stat boosts as long as Transience: DOLL is equipped.
DOLL allows pouring magic (specifically, the results of an MM roll) into an inanimate object. An object so charged can have the magic extracted and added directly to any stat for the duration of one action.

Doll - (Replace Protean on Grand Blazer and Blazer Blades with Mana Charge and Stagger, respectively.)
DOLL allows Grand Blazer to be held back upon activation, charging up it output. The charge can be released at any time, but must be once it reaches maximum possible output.
The Blazer Blades release concussive pulses of magic on impact, which may temporarily stun a target they hit.
  • Mana Batteries: Using DOLL to store the MM while Brake Release is active for later use.
  • Passive Charge: Forgo adding MM rolls to Tail Red's attacks in order to store them with DOLL as part of the same action.
  • Stalling: DOLL can delay the involuntary casting of Grand Blazer after the use of Brake Release, as so long as the user begins charging the spell on the correct turn, the requirement will be satisfied.

Transience Part: REDHEAD
-Allows the user to make enemies unable to perceive a specific color, as long as Transience: REDHEAD is equipped.
A mental illusion effect that allows one to designate a target and render them utterly unable to perceive a color of your choice. To them, any instances of this color are completely invisible, and effectively transparent. There is no limit on the duration of this effect or number of afflicted targets, beyond the necessity that REDHEAD remain equipped.

Red hair - (Replace Protean on Grand Blazer and Blazer Blades with Blind and Ray, respectively.)
REDHEAD Grand Blazer's flames become a blaze of searingly bright prismatic colors, which temporarily blind those who look at them.
The Blazer Blades gain an on-hit speed boosting effect that allows them to chain into a seamless combo, emulating a single, continuous assault.
  • The Invisible Blade: Using REDHEAD to render the opponent blind to the color of the Blazer Blades makes them extremely difficult to negate or intercept.

Transience Part: BOOT
-Allows the user to ignore terrain modifiers while moving as long as Transience: BOOT is equipped.
BOOT's effect is twofold: First, a passive enhancement to balance, dexterity, and reflexes. Secondly, a thin, skintight layer of magic that modifies friction properties and insulates against environmental damage from the terrain. Together, they allow freedom of movement accross nearly any terrain that is theoretically traversable.

Boot - (Replace Protean on Grand Blazer and Blazer Blades with Knockback and Batter, respectively.)
BOOT combines the dropping strike of Grand Blazer with an explosive blast of concussive force, blasting anything near the impact point out and away from Tail Red.
The Blazer Blades gain a resonant vibration effect that has a small chance to temporarily stun the target, and may cause internal injuries that impede both their offensive and defensive capabilities.
  • Parkour!: Using Ignition Rush and Boot in tandem allows running along vertical surfaces, such as walls.
    • With training, may evolve into a full ability.

Transience Part: COAT
-Incoming attacks have a 50% chance of being deflected as long as Transience: COAT is equipped.
A protective field of energy that coats the user, its power dips and spikes somewhat erratically. Attacks impacting the shell during a strong phase will simply bounce off, while during a weak phase they may punch through without issue.

Coat - (Replace Protean on Grand Blazer and Blazer Blades with Vacuum and Intercept, respectively.)
COAT Grand Blazer generates a gravity vortex, sucking in and entrapping enemies where the falling strike of the spell will hit.
The Blazer Blades gain an ability to link themselves to an incoming attack, causing both strikes to mutually attract and impact each-other, with the stronger overwhelming the latter.
  • ???: With training, the protective ability offered by COAT may evolve to become more consistent.
  • Twin Blade Parry: When Intercepting defensively, Instead of only linking one Blazer Blade to the attack, the user may link both. This falsifies Double Hit for the Intercept conflict.

Transience Part: CHUUNIBYOU
-Allows the user to teleport behind any combatant once per turn as long as Transience: CHUUNIBYOU is equipped. Activates the Alternative Transformation "Tail Infrared"
Activates the Alter Ego: Tail Infrared. Mechanically the differences between Tails Red and Infrared are negligible. The differences are primarily cosmetic and mental.
Tail Infrared is physically 16 or so, rather than Tail Red's 8-ish, and as such is taller, with a bit more reach and stride length. Mentally, the CHUUNIBYOU affinity operates as a cognitive filter, slipping her into a more edgy, dramatic persona. Fundamentally, Tail Infrared's personality is an alternate expression of Hong's own.

Tail Infrared's alternate transformation supersedes the other effects of the CHUUNIBYOU shard on Tail Red, unless the transformation is suppressed. Ability differences are as follows:
Sprint does not utilize physical jet engines, and instead manifests as a more nebulous speed boost, and a shadowy distortion around her while in motion.
She posesses the ability Teleports Behind U
Teleports Behind U: Level X
-Tail Infrared may teleport behind any combatant on the field X time per turn.
Both this, and Tail Red's equivalent granted by the CHUUNIBYOU shard operate in the same manner: They vanish in a swirl of fire, reappearing in a location behind their chosen target, so long as that location is not occupied by a solid object. In truth, the flames are not real flames, but a visual effect caused by the space-warping effect that allows the teleportation.
The user may choose the physical position, their pose, the direction they are facing, and whether (or how much) momentum is retained on their arrival.
  • Back Step: The user may target themselves with their own teleport, allowing them to move behind themselves to gain distance or reposition.
  • And Do It Again!: Using the above exploit in combination with Ignition Rush, the user may strike a target then immediately teleport behind themselves to strike the target again while the acceleration still continues, effectively falsifying Double Cast (or greater versions thereof, with sufficient teleports). This may also be used to spread the attack across several targets.
  • Missed A Beat: User may choreograph attacks to force the target to react, then teleport and attack in a different way. This can prevent Interception and parrying by slower/less skilled opponents.

Chuunibyou - (Replace Protean on Grand Blazer and Blazer Blades with Murder and Mangle, respectively.)
The flames of CHUUNIBYOU Grand Blazer turn a deep red, almost black color. They will cling to the target and continuously eat away at it until dispersed by healing magic sufficient to revert all damage they, and the attack that spawned them, caused.
The Blazer Blades (or Inferno Sabers, whichever you prefer), gain a magical coating that might best be described as "rip and tear" flavored. Attacks that strike with this coating may cause grievous wounds tainted with malignant energy, which interfere with both physical and magical healing until the wounds themselves are removed.

Transience Part: SADISM
-Every landed attack gains +10% Base Damage as long as Transience: SADISM is equipped.
An infusion of hostile, violent magic. When it strikes a target, it surges in an effort to deal more damage to them, with each additional strike whipping it further into a frenzy.

Sadism - (Replace Protean on Grand Blazer and Blazer Blades with Juggernaut and Execute, respectively.)
SADISM Grand Blazer is not any stronger, as such, but its flames are infused with an aggressive power that burns away at the target's defenses, allowing the spell to strike down even harder targets.
The Blazer Blades, meanwhile, thirst for blood, and gain a layer of magic that reacts to targets that are already wounded, sharpening the blades to strike them down more easily.

Transience Part: TRICKERY
-Allows the user to make a statement and have it be initially taken as true without fail so long as Transience: TRICKERY is equipped.
A mental interference effect that forces a target to initially take a statement made as true. No statement is unable to be used with this ability, however it does not insure against "second thoughts", and thus the more implausible a claim is, the less likely it is to remain believed for long. This ability cannot effect mindless entities or creatures that cannot comprehend the statement.

Trickery - (Replace Protean on Grand Blazer and Blazer Blades with Protean.)
The TRICKERY fragment is exceptionally mutable, rendering Grand Blazer and the Blazer Blade able to select any ability that another affinity would grant them from their respective lists. (Grand Blazer cannot equip an ability an affinity would grant to the Blazer Blades, and vice versa.)
These abilities may be swapped out on a per-action basis, meaning every attack made can potentially have a different Protean ability.
  • Look out behind you!: Use a "lie" that prompts reflexive action ("Behind you!", "What's that over there?", etc.) as a feint to open an opponent's guard and sabotage their reactions.

Transience Part: TRANSIENCE
-Body Modifiers and Status effects last no longer than the turn they are applied while Transience: TRANSIENCE is equipped.
A temporal effect that causes significant wounds, ailments, and magical debuffs to fade away over the course of a turn. Not a form of temporal reversion, but rather "skipping them ahead" to the point where those effects have expired.

Transience - (Replace Protean on Grand Blazer and Blazer Blades with Catastrophic Damage and Priority Boost, respectively.)
TRANSIENCE grants Grand Blazer a twofold effect: Firstly, a passive auto-aim similar to the Blazer Blade's Critical Strike, but overclocked massively; if the attack lands at all, it is nearly guaranteed to strike somewhere vulnerable. Secondly, a magic effect that reacts when a wound is dead, bursting out to exacerbate the injury, turning slashed limbs into removed limbs, and fractured bones into shattered ones.
The Blazer Blades, meanwhile, grant their wielder a minor temporal acceleration effect. Not enough to significantly change their effectiveness, but enough to make them just slightly quicker on the draw, faster to react.

Transience Part: HUGS
-Allows the user to continue a grapple after separating from a target as long as Transience: HUGS is equipped.
HUGS allows the user to generate spectral limbs when they grapple someone, invisible but tangible to their target. These limbs can extend with no known limit while still maintaining their grip on their target, allowing the user to disengage from their target whilst still keeping them restrained.

Hugs - (Replace Protean on Grand Blazer and Blazer Blades with Unerring and Auto Grapple, respectively.)
HUGS Grand Blazer benefits from a form of automatic, subconscious calculation that compensates for variable which might cause the attack to miss. Unless directly and specifically reacted to, the spell will not fail to hit.
The Blazer Blades gain an ability to generate ethereal tendrils when they strike a target, automatically lashing out to grab and entangle the struck target. While the HUGS shard is equipped, these tendril have all the same properties as the spectral limbs.
  • Blade Whip: User may use the spectral limbs of HUGS to wield their weapons at range.
  • Get Over Here!: Use an established connection to drag an opponent into the path of an attack, foul a dodge attempt, or just yank them into melee.

Two notes, in closing: Firstly, as y'all gain new things, I'll update this post.
Secondly, there are a number of soft exploits in here that I had to hold myself back from noting down because Hong hasn't found them yet. It's gonna be your job to find them, and figure out new ones.
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Lots of information there, good to have.

One thing I noticed...
DOLL allows pouring magic (specifically, the results of an MM roll) into an inanimate object. An object so charged can have the magic extracted and added directly to any stat for the duration of one action.
Now that Tail Red actually has a semi-decent MM (160 instead of the 20 from when DOLL was obtained), this one might become useful... huh.

Say, would the Blazer Blades count as inanimate objects for use of Doll? Or Tail Red's other MG equipment, for that matter? The difficult part of the thing is about carrying the stuff around after all.
Also, can each object only take a single charge, or can several be put into the same object?

And, lastly, how would we go about actually preparing this when there is no real vote to prepare for a fight most of the time?
Thank you for the explanations @LostDeviljho! They made everything a lot clearer and easier to understand.

Now, let's try to come up with new tricks and exploits. I'll put everything in spoilers because this got really long, really fast.

- Blazer Blades
It's a pair of swords. I can't think of anything worth mentioning without going into the abilities they gain from the Transience Parts. Maybe we could try aiming at the limbs more often and hopefully Critical Strike helps us cut them off or otherwise cripple them.

Come to think of it, didn't we do just that against Rabbit Guildy?

- Aura Pillar
Holy crap, this thing is way more useful than I gave it credit for. The Instant Architect exploit alone opens up a lot of battlefield control options even if we can only have one pillar active at a time. And I don't see anything stating the pillar has a limited duration, just a limited durability.

The first trick I can think of is using REDHEAD's main ability to make a pillar invisible and use it as invisible cover. Sure, it's only as durable as glass, but a solid pillar of glass can take a lot more punishment than a pane of glass. The second trick is to use a pillar as a platform to maneuver around the battlefield.

Also, the pillar's durability scales to the target's HP, but what qualifies as a target, exactly? Does it have to be a character such as a Guildy or a Magical Hirl, or can it be an inanimate object? If yes, does the pillar's durability still scale to the objects HP or does it default to the standard "as durable as a pillar of glass of the same volume"?

We have something to test the next time we practice!

- Grand Blazer
A spell that is, fundamentally, a rocket-assisted high jump followed by a flaming drop-slash.
The first thing that comes to mind is checking whether the high jump part of the spell is necessary to complete it, or if we can't substitute it for a rocket-assisted dash. I assume it isn't necessary, but my memory is terrible and I'd have to check every time we finished off a Guildy to be sure.

The second thing is checking if making the rockets stronger (in other words, combo-ing it with Ignition Rush) won't give us some bonus or have some sort of interaction with it.

- Twintail Assault
Since this spell is apparently a "speed illusion" I'd like to try using it in combination with the boost from Ignition Rush. It might not do anything right now, given Ignition Rush is still just at Level 3, but we might manage to get some sort of synergy at higher levels. Best-case scenario we get an extra hit, worst-case scenario we go too fast and smash ourselves into a wall.

- Ignition Rush
As I mentioned before, the boost in speed we get from this spell could help our other spells. LDj already gave us an example of a possible exploit with Teleportation, so that's something else to consider. Really, anything that could benefit from extra speed has some synergy with the speed boost.

I do think we should level this spell up a bit, at least to Lv. 5, so we can get more benefit out of it and any tricks that use it. The boost to Sprint we get from Lv. 3 isn't all that big in the grand scheme of things, the damage isn't great either, and the levels for it are still cheap-ish.

- Tail Assault and Tail March
First off, we need to level Tail Assault up because holy hell it's still at Lv. 3. I know Hong isn't a Tank, but that's no excuse to not level up our first line of defense against damage. Our Magical Modifier is higher than our Resilience!

That said, it seems we're still missing something here. Either we'll get an affinity that unlocks a secondary effect for these skills, or we already have an affinity to unlock them but haven't done whatever it is we need to do in order to unlock it. Either way, we need to experiment in our next practice session.

The hint may be in how they're described: Tail Assault is Hong's magic permeating his body and reinforcing it to be harder to injure, while Tail March reinforces the vitality so Hong can keep fighting despite injuries. Of the affinities we already have, the one that seems to fit these abilities the most is actually DOLL due to the fact it's the one that actually lets us pour magical energy into things, so we might as well start there.

- Brake Release
Basically removing the limiters for few moments to increase the magical power behind any action. The downside of having to use Grand Blazer isn't much of a downside of we plan to use it the following turn anyway. If the boost to MM also applies to regular attacks, then the Blazer Blades/Ray combo becomes even more lethal, but that isn't exactly an exploit.

I was going to do the Transience Engine abilities too, but this post is already long enough and I'm getting tired. I'll come back to this later, but I already have some ideas to test after the battle is over and we get more downtime.
Extremely useless exploit: avoid the forced cast of Grand Blazer the turn after Brake Release by untransforming and retransforming.
Tail Red temporarily releases the limits on her magical power output, allowing her to put significantly more magic behind any given action. A flaw in the process, however, means that the magical channels responsible for the activation of the Grand Blazer spell will flood after a short while, forcing the spell to activate and triggering the reactivation of the automatic power limiters.
Is it possible to reactivate Brake Release before the duration ends to delay the Grand Blazer cast?
Beep beep.

Twenty four hour warning before the votes are locked.

Yes I know I only have like three votes.

Beep beep.
What, no one wants to make a new plan after we got all that juicy new info on the soft mechanics, including exploits and tricks? Fine. I'll do it myself.

-[X] Equip BOOT and cast Grand Blazer to knock him into his own ring!
-[x] Then equip HUGS and use the Blazer Blades to auto-grapple and throw him at the ring again!
-[X] And then switch back to BOOT, cast Aura Pillar and cast Grand Blazer again!
-[X] And if you can't knock him around, equip CHUUNIBYOU and teleport behind Phoenix. Give a heads up so she doesn't kick you by reflex or something.

Alternate plan:

-[] Switch Affinity to Trickery
--[] "Let me guess... You're going let me hit to see how strong I am."
-[] Switch the Protean on the Blazer Blades to Ray, go all out on the attack.
-[] Afterwards, do your best to dodge and use Ignition Rush to get more speed as necessary. You have jet engines on your hips, use them to boost away or something.
-[] Use Aura Pillar to stop him in his tracks. Sure he's probably strong enough to escape but you never know if it'll work until you try.
--[] If he starts charging at you, try creating an aura pillar in his path. No targetting, no homing, just cast it in front of him.
---[] Don't forget to not stand still after casting in case he breaks through anyway.
-[] If it looks like the fight isn't going well, Equip CHUUNIBYOU and teleport behind Phoenix to escape the ring.
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Four votes, four plans.
Looking at them, I like this one best.

[X] Plan Meeting A Rhino Head-On Is Stupid

Simply for the fact that giving Rhino a chance to land a hit is not a good idea. Though @ShadowAngelBeta you might want to append using some of the exploits noted in Lost's post. Especially the faked multi-cast from mixing a teleport with Oblivion Rush.

Based on that, as well...

[X] EXP Plan General Upgrades (210xp)
-[X] Teleports Behind U from 3 to 5 (70xp)
-[X] Ignition Rush from 3 to 5 (70xp)
-[X] Tail Assault from 3 to 5 (70xp)

Rhino has two attacks, so five teleports make for a good buffer to use exploits. With this, everything on Tail Red's sheet is at least on level 5, too.
[X] Plan Meeting A Rhino Head-On Is Stupid

[X] EXP Plan General Upgrades (210xp)
The user may choose the physical position, their pose, the direction they are facing, and whether (or how much) momentum is retained on their arrival.
Can Infrared teleport as literally holding her blade to someone's throat? Can she teleport while simultaneously getting enemy into a sleeper hold by choosing her posture?

Can she teleport behind her own back but actually stay in place? Can she use the teleport to rapidly shift posture to recover from being off-balance, or to be in a position to strike someone?

Can Infrared gain momentum where she didn't before by teleporting? I mean, all motion is relative. And teleporting from a train platform to the back of someone standing on the speeding train can arguably provide momentum relative to that train platform while keeping the teleporting person stationary relative to their current standing position.

Can Infrared only partially teleport to stab someone in the back (without dealing grievous damage to herself if the spatial warping is cancelled while her arm is still on the other side)?
HUGS allows the user to generate spectral limbs when they grapple someone, invisible but tangible to their target. These limbs can extend with no known limit while still maintaining their grip on their target, allowing the user to disengage from their target whilst still keeping them restrained.

The Blazer Blades gain an ability to generate ethereal tendrils when they strike a target, automatically lashing out to grab and entangle the struck target. While the HUGS shard is equipped, these tendril have all the same properties as the spectral limbs.
Can spectral limbs of HUGS Affinity be generated without first grappling someone? From the wording it seems this is separate from the weapon's Auto-Grapple tendrils. Can either be used to yank/carry someone or something? Is it possible to "Grapple" The Blazer Blades with ethereal limbs and use them remotely, and/or as pseudo grappling hooks?

Is it possible to trigger Execute early on Sadism/Trickery Blazer Blades, by striking directly into the wounds made earlier (which Critical Strike should help with), especially if the wounds are also affected by Mangle from Chuunibyou/Trickery, or inflicted via Catastrophic Damage of Transience/Trickery - both being the abilities that make damage/wounds all the more severe?
Can Infrared teleport as literally holding her blade to someone's throat? Can she teleport while simultaneously getting enemy into a sleeper hold by choosing her posture?

Can she teleport behind her own back but actually stay in place? Can she use the teleport to rapidly shift posture to recover from being off-balance, or to be in a position to strike someone?

Can Infrared gain momentum where she didn't before by teleporting? I mean, all motion is relative. And teleporting from a train platform to the back of someone standing on the speeding train can arguably provide momentum relative to that train platform while keeping the teleporting person stationary relative to their current standing position.

Can Infrared only partially teleport to stab someone in the back (without dealing grievous damage to herself if the spatial warping is cancelled while her arm is still on the other side)?
Let's see... Respectively:
  • More back of the neck than throat, and no. Has to be behind them, not wrapped around them. Can appear poised to do said wrapping around, though.
  • No, and Yes.
  • Er... not totally sure I understand you correctly there?
  • No.
Can spectral limbs of HUGS Affinity be generated without first grappling someone? From the wording it seems this is separate from the weapon's Auto-Grapple tendrils. Can either be used to yank/carry someone or something? Is it possible to "Grapple" The Blazer Blades with ethereal limbs and use them remotely, and/or as pseudo grappling hooks?
  • No, the generation of the limbs is triggered by establishing a grapple with (or, put another way, "grabbing on to") a target. They cannot be generated unattached, as they are echos of Tail Red's own limbs.
  • They are separate, yes. The tendrils are more like tentacles (or maybe prehensile twintails) than actual limbs.
  • Theoretically.
  • Theoretically.
Is it possible to trigger Execute early on Sadism/Trickery Blazer Blades, by striking directly into the wounds made earlier (which Critical Strike should help with), especially if the wounds are also affected by Mangle from Chuunibyou/Trickery, or inflicted via Catastrophic Damage of Transience/Trickery - both being the abilities that make damage/wounds all the more severe?
No, it scales against the target's total health, not where it hits.
Can Infrared gain momentum where she didn't before by teleporting? I mean, all motion is relative. And teleporting from a train platform to the back of someone standing on the speeding train can arguably provide momentum relative to that train platform while keeping the teleporting person stationary relative to their current standing position.
Er... not totally sure I understand you correctly there?
Assuming your answer is linked to the specific passage of mine I quoted:

1) If Tail Infrared teleports from a stationary position, to behind the back of someone standing on a rapidly moving platform, can she match her velocity so that she is not moving relative to the target?
2) Assuming the above is true it may mean that momentum of Tail Infrared after teleportation is at least somewhat arbitrary and not wholly reliant on her having enough momentum to match the target prior to teleportation. If so, can she go from standing still, to moving rapidly in a given direction, by teleporting?
3) If this acceleration-by-teleportation is possible, does it mean that maintaining/renewing Oblivion Rush speed burst is possible via teleportation-based momentum adjustment even while repeatedly smashing into someone? Can she use acceleration-by-teleportation to stab someone with great force just by teleporting behind them poised to stab them?
Assuming your answer is linked to the specific passage of mine I quoted:

1) If Tail Infrared teleports from a stationary position, to behind the back of someone standing on a rapidly moving platform, can she match her velocity so that she is not moving relative to the target?
2) Assuming the above is true it may mean that momentum of Tail Infrared after teleportation is at least somewhat arbitrary and not wholly reliant on her having enough momentum to match the target prior to teleportation. If so, can she go from standing still, to moving rapidly in a given direction, by teleporting?
3) If this acceleration-by-teleportation is possible, does it mean that maintaining/renewing Oblivion Rush speed burst is possible via teleportation-based momentum adjustment even while repeatedly smashing into someone? Can she use acceleration-by-teleportation to stab someone with great force just by teleporting behind them poised to stab them?
  1. Yes.
  2. No.
  3. See 2.
The relevant frame of reference here is the target.
I might append some ideas on later, but I just woke up and have a dentist appointment in like an hour, so I'll probably be in pain when I get back because cavity.

If someone else wants to do it, feel free, otherwise it'll take me more than a bit to get around to it unless this hurts less than I think it will.
  1. Yes.
  2. No.
  3. See 2.
The relevant frame of reference here is the target.
Thanks. This means it's only possible to boost one's momentum for her if there is already someone moving really fast that she can synch with momentarily. Potential hilarity is if she punts a cat or something to fly as fast as possible in a given direction and use it as a proxy teleport destination to resynch her momentum with it.

But that counts as animal cruelty... Gotta ask Twirl for a really really sturdy hoverdrone aka Snitch when she returns.
Though @ShadowAngelBeta you might want to append using some of the exploits noted in Lost's post. Especially the faked multi-cast from mixing a teleport with Oblivion Rush.
Do you have any other ideas besides that one? I'm not seeing many excluding the transcience string I have up with my vote above.

And that's not really an exploit so much as stringing together a bunch of abilities in a way that would make Anna proud.

I think we've also used that exploit before, hence Lost's explicit mention of it.
Do you have any other ideas besides that one? I'm not seeing many excluding the transcience string I have up with my vote above.

And that's not really an exploit so much as stringing together a bunch of abilities in a way that would make Anna proud.

I think we've also used that exploit before, hence Lost's explicit mention of it.
None, sadly. But considering it is a bit past midnight, that might be me being tired. I will give it some thought.
Voting is open