Eh, as much as making Yoganin have a stroke from overusing his Quirk sounds fun, a game of cat-and-mouse isn't really something I'm interested in right now.

I prefer my plan.
I had a bit more in mind that just that.

Alright, cards on the table. Right now Hadrian angry about Yoganin threatening Noriko's life and just wants him out of the fight as soon as possible. He's no longer treating this as a training exercise and isn't about to hold back. The plan I came up with is Noriko jumps off the roof while Hadrian smashes through the floor, grabs Yoganin, smashes through the outer wall of the building, throws Yoganin up into the air, catches Noriko, tosses Noriko lightly into the hole he just made so she can deal with the nuke and Oil boy and Hadrian catches Yoganin so they can have a little talk about what is and isn't acceptable. The reason I'm not just typing that up right now is that Hadrian has super speed and Yoganin won't have time to react, and that would mean that @Takoe would be out of the fight. I don't want to take someone out of the fight without permission first.

Also, where's @Space Multiply in all this. I haven't seen him post here in a few days.
I had a bit more in mind that just that.

Alright, cards on the table. Right now Hadrian angry about Yoganin threatening Noriko's life and just wants him out of the fight as soon as possible. He's no longer treating this as a training exercise and isn't about to hold back. The plan I came up with is Noriko jumps off the roof while Hadrian smashes through the floor, grabs Yoganin, smashes through the outer wall of the building, throws Yoganin up into the air, catches Noriko, tosses Noriko lightly into the hole he just made so she can deal with the nuke and Oil boy and Hadrian catches Yoganin so they can have a little talk about what is and isn't acceptable. The reason I'm not just typing that up right now is that Hadrian has super speed and Yoganin won't have time to react, and that would mean that @Takoe would be out of the fight. I don't want to take someone out of the fight without permission first.

Also, where's @Space Multiply in all this. I haven't seen him post here in a few days.
Space Multiply Profile said:
Gruber dude Multiply, if you do not respond today, your Character will be killed off.
Jun 19, 2017EditDeleteIPInfractReport

  1. Space Multiply
    I recently got my first IV drip. Should tell you just how banged up I was.
    Jun 19, 2017 Edit Delete Report Like

  2. Gruber dude
    Oh shi- I didn't know!
    Jun 19, 2017 Edit Delete Report Like
    Space Multiply likes this.

  3. Space Multiply
    It's okay. I'm not gonna die, but I need to watch out for myself. I'm just gonna go to sleep for a long time.
    Jun 19, 2017 Edit Delete Report Like

  4. Gruber dude
    That sounds...... Awfully ominous. So, do you mind having your Character join later in the game?
    Jun 19, 2017 Edit Delete Report Like

  5. Space Multiply
    Yeah. I won't be available and I would hate to hold everyone back. My meds should finish in a week, so I'll call you than.

  1. From his profile.
Is there an open slot for the moment then? Not to take advantage of misfortune or anything, but there's an exercise missing a member now. :/
Why would this result in an opening for the test.

Yu isn't going to be taken out of the test and replaced with some random. If the GM wasn't just controlling them the most that would happen is having the exercise be ended early.
On that tangent there's an above-average chance I'm gonna have to drop out for a month or two because I'm going to China for the summer and I'm not sure if I'm gonna have reliable internet access.

So uh, yeah. :/
I had a bit more in mind that just that.
I see no reason you can't just come barreling down after Yoganin while Noriko goes down the stairs.

Noriko honestly wouldn't really want to jump off the building unless Hadrian was already prepared to catch her. In terms of which is more dangerous, the heat or the fall, she personally prefers to brave the heat.
I see no reason you can't just come barreling down after Yoganin while Noriko goes down the stairs.

Noriko honestly wouldn't really want to jump off the building unless Hadrian was already prepared to catch her. In terms of which is more dangerous, the heat or the fall, she personally prefers to brave the heat.
But it would be so cool...

Well, of you don't want to change it, that's fine. I'll adapt.
Okay, so Heller, I just saw you basically straight up touch the bomb while giving Takoe no time to respond to anything there.

In my opinion, you just pulled kind of a dick move. Now I don't know whether or not you have an open group PM to talk to each other about this stuff, or If Takoe actually talked about it in this thread (Don't have time to catch up right now), but unless he's cool with what you just did, You and Az pretty much just Comboe'd him with no time for him to do anything and shut off the match before it even began.

Now if he IS cool with this, and you have the go ahead, thats fine. But please don't make the same mistakes we did early on in this RP, it just leaves people feeling like shit.
What exactly did I do? I ran down stairs. I even noted that they'd know I was coming, so direct any complaints about god-modding to RexHeller
Touche. My initial reaction to three posts in series was that it was a result of both parties equally.

Like, if you haven't already, open a goddamned chat with the other team and Jho to talk about what your characters plan to do. It will lessen any issues tremendously, since so long as neither side goes out of their way to put winning over friendly RP relations, then things honestly proceed a lot smoother.
My apologies, but you're going to have to wait on a post from me a bit longer.
Circumstances are being annoying sub-optimal as of late.
lava boy really needs to
acquire shark girl to calm his ass
jeez don't barbecue people =c
With a dry chuckle and a face of moody steel, Shoku shot forward and made his opening move. There were but two advantages in his court for this fight and he would have to use them both should he have even the slightest chance of emerging from this with his pride intact. The first became immediately apparent with his opening slash, going diagonally upwards from the right; The fact that he had a weapon meant that his range was far greater than Hadrian's, despite the latter's general largeness. It allowed him a degree of breathing room that would be essential in the fight to come, seeing how he was heavily outclassed in all physical parameters.

The second factor presented itself right after; Shoku had designed his fighting style around facing this exact type of opponent. In this world of Quirks, an ordinary man out to test the quality of his work had to know how to deal with those who were gifted with mutation or strength Quirks. So instead of taking advantage of his proficiency at hammering away at things, Shoku chose another quality of the smith to employ: An unwavering hand and grand precision. Those a fighting style centered around footwork and the targeting of weakspots was born.
Not a moment did he stop moving. When he wasn't narrowly dancing around and away from his draconic opponent he was jabbing and slashing at his joints and other conventional weakspots with the lightsaber-like branding sword. Not just his body, but his mind as well kept racing. His prime objective was avoiding getting hit at all costs and pushing his weapon to the max, trying to test it against all possible factors Hadrian could throw at him. Victory was but an vague vision of a bonus on the horizon at this point. Still he fought with fervent desperation in his attempts to prove himself.

This eventually led him to attempting a powerful overhead strike at one of Hadrian's wings after barely evading one of his titanic blows by dashing to the side. It was unfortunate that he had to resort to power moves, but it was necessary if his unnamed creation were to pass its combat test today.
Something like this is actually very hard to respond to. There's too much being done for me to respond too and you slightly slip into god-modding in that last bit there. I'm not angry or anything but I would like a change...
Something like this is actually very hard to respond to. There's too much being done for me to respond too and you slightly slip into god-modding in that last bit there. I'm not angry or anything but I would like a change...

I was thinking you could make a similar post and we'd pick start off mid fight at the end of that post, but if it's utterly unworkable for you I'll think of something.
As for the alleged* godmodding: if you mean the strike, note that it's an attempt and thus has no true chance of succeeding unless you allow it. If you mean the dodge, that's a necessity on my part since if this were a Vs. Debate it would be resolved in Shoku immediately getting speedblitzed with thrusters and then this entire attempt at a scene would be useless. I'm also pretty sure I immediately eat shit if you land a hit once, but I could be wrong there.

*Alleged because you didn't specify, which makes it hard for me to give a proper reaction
I was thinking you could make a similar post and we'd pick start off mid fight at the end of that post, but if it's utterly unworkable for you I'll think of something.
As for the alleged* godmodding: if you mean the strike, note that it's an attempt and thus has no true chance of succeeding unless you allow it. If you mean the dodge, that's a necessity on my part since if this were a Vs. Debate it would be resolved in Shoku immediately getting speedblitzed with thrusters and then this entire attempt at a scene would be useless. I'm also pretty sure I immediately eat shit if you land a hit once, but I could be wrong there.

*Alleged because you didn't specify, which makes it hard for me to give a proper reaction
Not that, more that you mentioned dodging one of my strikes when I haven't even posted my response yet. I mean, of course I'm going to fight back and of course you'd dodge if you could but, um, yeah. See what I mean? Or maybe you don't. I'm not being very well spoken today...
General question:

Heller, do the thrusters have some kind of drawback you haven't written about? Don't say what it Is, Im just curious.
It's just...

Mach 1? Supersonic?

Im not asking you to change at this point, that'd just be dickish. Im also going to guess said character flaws involve Naivete or similar themes.
Mostly it's that he doesn't think before he acts and he thinks he's invincible, but he also tries to hold back as much as he can. As soon as somebody stronger or smarter than him, he's going to get hurt and get hurt bad.

As just an example, in this exercise trying to force a direct confrontation like Takoe did was the wrong move. Delaying Hadrian by making the place a maze, even re arranging the floors when he was't looking to create a shifting maze, would have worked. Hadrian wouldn't have just smashed through the walls of his own initiative thanks to that desire to hold back and would have just wandered until time ran out.

Of course, that's not including the influence of a partner but you probably get the idea.